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Basic Calculus

DIRECTION: Read each question carefully. Write your answer on the given answer sheet. Show your solution on
the space provided in the answer sheets.

I. MDAT QUESTIONS. Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate ANSWER SHEET. (30 points)
1. What is Antiderivative?
a. A function F is an antiderivative of a function f on an interval I if F’ (x) = f(x) for all x in I.
b. A function F is an antiderivative of a function f on an interval I if F’ (x) = f’(x) for all x in I.
c. A function F is an antiderivative of a relation f on an interval I if F’ (x) = f(x) for all x in I.
d. A function F is an antiderivative of a function f on an interval I if f’ (x) = F(x) for all x in I.
2. Antidifferentiation is the process of finding all the antiderivatives of function. The antiderivative of a function
f(x) is denoted by:
a. ∫ f ( x ) dx=F ( x )+C
b. ∫ f ' ( x ) dx
c. ∫ f ( x ) g' ( x ) dx
d. ∫ f ( x ) dx = F(a) – F(b) = c
3. The derivative of a constant is always 0.
a. Always True
b. Sometimes True
c. Sometimes False
d. False

4. What is the antidifferentiation of ?

a. b. c. d.

5. What is the antidifferentiation of ?

a. b. c. d.
6. Which of the following is NOT a differential Equation (DE)?

a. b. c. d.

7. What is Integration through substitution rule:

a. ∫ '
∫ '
f ( g ( x ) ) g ( x ) dx= f ( u ) du=F ( u ) +C where u=g ( x )∧du=¿ g ( x ) . ¿
b. ∫ f ( g ( x ) ) g ( x ) dx=∫ f ( u ) du=F ( u ) +C where u=g ' ( x )∧du=¿ g ( x ) .¿

c. ∫ g ( f ( x ) ) f ' ( x ) dx=∫ g ( u ) du=G ( u ) +C whereu=f ( x )∧du=¿ f ' ( x ) . ¿

d. ∫ g' ( x ) f ( g ( x ) ) dx=∫ f ( u ) du=F ( u ) +C where u=g ( x )∧du=¿ g' ( x ) . ¿
8. Find the definite Integral of using the limit of Reimann Sum.

a. b. c. d. 2
9. Let f be a positive continuous function on a closed and bounded interval I containing distinct numbers
a, b, and c, then ______________.
b c c
a. ∫ f ( x ) dx +∫ f ( x ) dx=∫ f ( x ) dx , no matter how a , b∧c are ordered onthe Interval I .
a b a
y z z
b. ∫ a ( s ) ds+∫ a ( s ) ds=∫ a ( s ) ds , no matter how x , y∧z are ordered on the Interval I .
x y x
b c c
c. ∫ f ' ( x ) dx +∫ f ' ( x ) dx=∫ f ( x ) dx , no matter how a , b∧c are ordered on the Interval I .
a b a
2 3 3
d. ∫ f ( x ) dx +∫ f ( x ) dx=∫ f ( x ) dx , no matter how 1 , 2∧3 are ordered on the Interval I .
1 2 1

10. Evaluate the integral using FTOC or Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

a. b. 15 c. 16 d. ( 25 – 10 )

II. Matching Type. Match the functions in Column A with their corresponding antiderivatives in Column B and with
their corresponding Theorem of Antiderivatives. (10 points)

COLUMN A COLUMN B Choose from the above
11. f(x) = 3x2 +2x +1 b 12. e a. F(x) = 3x3 – x a. (a), (b) and (d)

13. f(x) = 9x2 -1 a 14. b b. F (x) = x3 + x2 + x b. (a), (b), (c) and (d)
15. f(x) = x2-2 e 16. C 1 2 c. (a) and (b)
c. F(x) =x −4 x
17. F(X) = X – 4 c 18. D 3 2 d. (c)
d. F(x) = x
19. f(x) = 3x d 20. A 1 3 e. (a), (b), (c), (d)
e. F(x) = x −2 x (subtraction),

III. Fill in the Blank . Prove the Exponential Growth and Decay formula. Choose your answer in the box. (10 points)


22. E




IV. 26 -30 . Problem Solving. Choose the correct answer and show your solution on the space provided ( 10 points)
A. Consider a population of a indigenous people in the Philippines that is observed to grow exponentially.
Based on the available record, there were 8000 people at the start after 10 years, it increased to 14,000. If
the increase in number is constant, what is the estimated number of people in that country after 100 years?
a. 2,155,115 people
b. 2,551,155 people
c. 2.515.555 people
d. 2,115,155 people

B. In 1990, Bangkok’s population was about 13 million. If the city’s population has grown about 1.7 % each
year, what is the population of Bangkok in year 1995?
a. 154,581,410 population
b. 164,581,410 population
c. 184,581,410 population
d. 148, 581,410 population

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