7 Home Governments Facilitate Cleaner Operations of Outward Foreign Direct Investment a Case Study of a Cleaner Production Partnership Programme 2020

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Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121914

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Home governments facilitate cleaner operations of outward foreign

direct investment: A case study of a cleaner production partnership
Yuanqi Jiao a, Chuanwei Ji a, Shuyan Yang b, Guojun Yang a, Meirong Su c, *, Hongbo Fan a
Dongguan Cleaner Production Center, School of Environment and Civil Engineering, Dongguan University of Technology, Dongguan, 523808, PR China
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Dongguan University of Technology, Dongguan, 523808, PR China
Research Center for Eco-Environmental Engineering, Dongguan University of Technology, Dongguan, 523808, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Whether foreign direct investment (FDI) damages the environment in host regions is an important
Received 29 June 2019 question for both scholars and policy-makers. To examine the impact of FDI on a host region, Hong Kong-
Received in revised form owned factories were selected as the providers of FDI and Guangdong was selected as the host region.
9 April 2020
The background, incentives, detailed implementation, and outcomes of the Hong Kong Guangdong
Accepted 25 April 2020
Available online 30 April 2020
Cleaner Production Partnership Programme (CP3), a positive intervention by the home government
(Hong Kong) using FDI to disseminate cleaner technologies for abating pollution in the host region
Handling Editor: Charbel Jose Chiappetta (Guangdong), were comprehensively analyzed in this study. The successful implementation of the Hong
Jabbour Kong Guangdong CP3 indicates that home governments can positively improve the environmental
performance of FDI and make it cleaner. The spillover effects of cleaner technology dissemination from
Keywords: Hong Kong-owned factories benefit locally owned factories in related industries via different approaches.
Foreign direct investment More importantly, the Hong Kong Guangdong CP3 aims to achieve cleaner production in various in-
Hong Kong Guangdong cleaner production dustries, thereby creating a cleaner supply chain. Hence, a cleaner operations mechanism was gradually
partnership programme
formed through the combined efforts of Hong Kong and Guangdong. Moreover, the reasons for the
Hong Kong-Owned factories
success of the Hong Kong Guangdong CP3 were identified, and can be referred to by other regions. This
Technology dissemination
Cleaner supply chain study provides direct evidence to support pollution halo hypothesis that FDI from developed regions can
Cleaner operations mechanism promote cleaner development of host regions (developing regions) via a cleaner operations mechanism
rather than heavily pollute host regions.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction opportunity to gain access to a different business environment

including factors such as large markets, a ready supply of resources,
In the era of globalization, foreign direct investment (FDI) is cheap labor, and tax concessions (Padilla-Perez and Nogueira,
important for both developing and developed countries. For host 2016). FDI provides firms with a quick and low-risk means of en-
countries, FDI is a valuable source of tax revenues, which can be try to emerging markets by better combining their existing ad-
used to improve infrastructure and create job opportunities. More vantages (e.g., advanced technology and/or management skills and
importantly, FDI is a key means of absorbing advanced technologies low-cost production) with local advantages offered by the host
and management experience, thereby enhancing productivity country (e.g., cheap labor, and abundant energy or raw materials).
(Glass and Saggi, 2010). FDI brings these benefits to host countries Meanwhile, host countries can benefit from an improved balance of
through resource-transfer effects, employment effects, balance-of- payments, increased employment opportunities, and transfer of
payments effects, and effects on competition and economic growth valuable skills (Hill and Hult, 2016).
(Hill and Hult, 2016). For home countries, FDI provides an However, FDI can also facilitate the transfer of old and inefficient
equipment and perpetuate heavy polluting industries that damage
the environment in the host countries (Kinoshita and Campos,
2003). This form of FDI has been found to be a response to
* Corresponding author. various institutional constraints of the home country (Witt and
E-mail address: sumr@dgut.edu.cn (M. Su).

0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 Y. Jiao et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121914

Lewin, 2007), with a lot of FDI focused more on the interests of the 2019), and income level (Baek and Choi, 2017; Holtz-Eakin and
home country than on the environmental quality of the host Selden, 1995).
country (Walter and Ugelow, 1979). Several host countries have At the national scale, the FDIeenvironmental quality nexus
found that economic growth has come at the expense of severe also remains inconclusive. For example, the impact of FDI on
environmental pollution, such as enormous amounts of waste- environmental quality has been found to be very small (He, 2006;
water, dust, air pollution, and solid waste, and some of these Sun et al., 2017), strongly negative (Wang and Chen, 2014; Baek and
countries have attributed the deterioration of the environment to Koo, 2009), weakly negative (Zomorrodi and Zhou, 2017), statisti-
“dirty” FDI (He, 2006). Traditionally, home countries prefer to target cally significantly negative (Cole et al., 2011), positive (Hao and Liu,
countries with lax environmental policies when considering FDI. 2015), or dependent on the level of human capital (Lan et al., 2012)
Thus, these host countries have become pollution havens for home or pollutants (Liu et al., 2018). However, other studies have found
countries in terms of FDI (Cole and Elliott, 2005; Rubashkina et al., evidence that FDI reduces pollution (Zhang and Zhou, 2016;
2015). However, other studies have found evidence that FDI can Kirkulak et al., 2011), improves air quality (Jiang et al., 2018; Liang,
improve environmental quality (Zhang and Zhou, 2016) and pro- 2006), induces energy intensity convergence (Li et al., 2019; Zhao
mote sustainable development (Aust et al., 2020) in a host country. et al., 2019), and stimulates innovation (Jaffe et al., 1995). In
To empirically examine this important issue (Millimet and List, terms of regional heterogeneity, foreign investment curbs carbon
2004; Shapiro, 2014), we use Guangdong and Hong Kong as the emissions in the eastern and central regions but causes the oppo-
host and home regions, respectively, to analyze the impact of FDI on site effect on the western regions of China (Zhang et al., 2020). In
environmental quality in Guangdong. Although FDI from Hong India, FDI was found to increase CO2 emissions (Acharyya, 2009)
Kong is classified in a distinctive category as non-foreign invest- and have a detrimental effect on environmental quality in both the
ment (China Plus, 2019), Hong Kong-owned factories were still short term (Jungho and Koo, 2009; Baek and Koo, 2009) and the
selected as the proxy of FDI because FDI from Hong Kong are long term (Jungho and Koo, 2009), while bidirectional causality
managed in reference to foreign investment, collected as foreign between FDI and CO2 emissions was identified in Vietnam (Tang
investment in the Statistical Yearbook, and constituted the largest and Tan, 2015).
proportion of FDI in Guangdong. Guangdong was selected as the At the industry scale, numerous industry characteristics are not
host region because it attracts the most FDI among all of the controlled for in empirical analyses, producing biased results
provinces in China. The Hong Kong Guangdong Cleaner Produc- (Levinson and Taylor, 2008). Heavy polluting industries (Yang et al.,
tion Partnership Programme (CP3), which was introduced in 2018), such as chemical industries (Xing and Kolstad, 2002;
response to the influx of FDI into Guangdong, is analyzed, the Castelein, 2018), and industries with high pollution abatement
reasons for the success of the CP3 are identified, and the theoretical costs (Spatareanu, 2007) show a positive correlation between FDI
and empirical implications of the CP3 are discussed. and pollution (Waldkirch and Gopinath, 2008). Meanwhile, the
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews correlation is not very strong (Castelein, 2018) in less-polluting
the literature regarding the correlation between FDI and environ- industries (Xing and Kolstad, 2002).
mental quality in host countries at different scales. Section 3 de- At the firm scale, the effect of FDI on environmental quality of
scribes the methodology. Section 4 introduces the background, host countries tend to be positive. In the coal-fired power gener-
detailed implementation, and outcomes of the CP3. Section 5 pre- ating sector, foreign ownership promotes the cleaner production
sents the results and discussion, and Section 6 presents concluding (Huang et al., 2019). Cross-border environment management of
comments. parent company can more obviously benefit the environment than
local environmental regulation (Jin et al., 2019) and generates
2. Literature review positive spillovers (Melane-Lavado et al., 2018).
In summary, the unclear relationship between FDI and envi-
In environmental economics, the correlation between FDI and ronmental quality in host countries at three different scales has led
environmental quality in the host country has been a controversial to confusion among policy-makers and scholars. While robust
topic since the 1990s (Birdsall and Wheeler, 1993; Copeland and proofs have been presented in the literature, this does not mean
Taylor, 1994), and remains ambiguous (Millimet and List, 2004) that the impact of FDI on environmental quality in host countries is
and inconclusive (Shapiro, 2014) as a result of unobserved het- conclusive because of problems with unobserved heterogeneity
erogeneity and endogeneity when the issue is examined at various and endogeneity. Many studies deduced their results from the
scales. theoretical model, such as ordered probit model (Aust et al., 2020),
At the international scale, the high level of unobserved cross- Generalized method of moments (Shahbaz et al., 2019), regression
country heterogeneity has meant that the FDIeenvironmental model (Xie et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020), differences-in-
quality nexus is unable to be determined (Lundh, 2017). Various differences (Huang et al., 2019), structural equation model (Jin
studies have found the relationship between FDI and pollution et al., 2019), a binary logit model (Melane-Lavado et al., 2018),
emissions in host countries to be both positive (Zakarya et al., 2015) Markov Chain approach (Li et al., 2019), b convergence model (Zhao
and negative (Lo  pez et al., 2018; Shahbaz et al., 2019; Xie et al., et al., 2019). Previous studies have neglected the role of home
2020), to exhibit either bidirectional causality (Omri et al., 2014; governments in regulating, controlling, and supervising the envi-
Pao and Tsai, 2011) or unidirectional causality (Abdouli and ronmental effects of FDI in the host regions. Thus, we analyze the
Hammami, 2017), or to remain undetermined (Blanco et al., effect of FDI on environmental quality in the host region from an
2013). The impact of FDI on environmental quality is not easily empirical perspective, including the involvement of the home
isolated (Aliyu, 2005) from the numerous factors that cause envi- government, by studying the impact of Hong Kong-owned factories
ronmental degradation, such as the host country’s energy con- on Guangdong under the CP3.
sumption (Zakarya et al., 2015), degree of urbanization, trade
openness, and industrial development (Zakarya et al., 2015; 3. Research methodology
Tamazian et al., 2009), political stability (Al-Mulali and Ozturk,
2015), corruptibility (Cole et al., 2006), institutional quality The case study method is widely used in the environmental
(Tamazian and Rao, 2010), development level (Hoffmann et al., sciences (Testa et al., 2012). This method helps to inform practice by
2005), population density (Chang and Huang, 2015; Chang and Li, illustrating what has worked well and what has been achieved. It is
Y. Jiao et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121914 3

common for multiple sources of evidence to be used (Yin, 2009). collaborated with the Economic & Information Technology Com-
Numerous scholars have attempted to identify the correlation be- mission of Guangdong and the major trade and industry associations
tween FDI and environmental quality from a theoretical perspec- in the HKSAR to launch a five-year CP3 in 2008. The funding for the
tive (Aliyu, 2005), and various hypotheses have been proposed, CP3 is outlined in Fig. 1, and the associated Hong Kong Guangdong
such as the pollution haven hypothesis (Aliyu, 2005). However, the CP Partners Recognition Scheme is shown in Fig. 2. Under this pro-
correlation remains ambiguous, and findings are often contradic- gram, professional advice and technical support are provided to
tory (Birdsall and Wheeler, 1993; Copeland and Taylor, 1994). The encourage Hong Kong-owned factories in the PRDR to adopt CP
main reasons for the complex and uncertain impacts of FDI on host technologies and practices, thereby contributing to improved air
regions are unobserved heterogeneity at the international, national, quality and the overall quality of the regional environment.
and industry scales, and the endogenous impacts of environmental
regulations, FDI, and environmental performance, as discussed in 4.2.2. Target industry sectors and objectives
the literature review. It is difficult to identify the contribution of a The CP3 targets the majority of industry sectors, which includes
single factor affecting environmental quality, and thus to confirm most firms in the PRDR that use production processes resulting in
the net impact of FDI. Under this context, it is really valuable to substantial emissions of air pollutants and/or large quantities of
provide some empirical experiences to uncover the complex rela- potentially environmentally damaging chemicals or materials, or
tionship because an inductive case may refresh the theory building consume large quantities of fuel and energy (see Fig. 3).
research (Perry, 1998). The CP3 is focused on the reduction of pollution generated by
industrial facilities in the PRDR. It aims to encourage Hong Kong-
4. Implementation and outcomes of the Hong owned factories in Hong Kong or Guangdong to adopt CP tech-
Kong¡Guangdong CP3 nologies and practices, thereby contributing to a cleaner environ-
ment by reducing pollutant emissions, improving energy efficiency,
4.1. Background to implementing the CP3 reducing and controlling effluent discharges, and reducing pro-
duction costs.
4.1.1. Transboundary air pollution in Hong Kong and Guangdong
High emission levels from a wide range of anthropogenic and 4.2.3. Technology supply
natural sources have caused severe air pollution in the Pearl River The technology provided to Hong Kong-owned factories, which
Delta Region (PRDR). This air pollution is compounded by the high corresponds with set objectives, is shown in Fig. 4. This technology
oxidation potential of the atmosphere, creating high concentrations is embedded in CP3-supported projects including on-site
of primary and secondary pollutants including SO2, nitrogen oxides improvement assessment projects, demonstration projects, and
(NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ozone (O3), and partic- organizational support initiatives. In the new phase of CP3, VOCs-
ulate matter (PM). In 1997, total air pollution reached a critical level. and NOx-reduction technologies are encouraged, and the program
Table 1 shows the total pollutants in the Hong Kong Special has been extended to cover the entire province of Guangdong.
Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the PRDR in 1997. Although the
pollution emissions in the PRDR were much greater than those in 4.2.4. The Hong KongeGuangdong CP Partners Recognition Scheme
the HKSAR, the HKSAR experienced more environmental pollution To further galvanize efforts to promote CP, the Hong Kong and
than Guangdong because of its smaller physical and ecological area. Guangdong governments jointly launched the Hong Konge
It can be seen that power plants and industrial facilities in the Pearl Guangdong CP Partners Recognition Scheme in 2009 to award com-
River Delta economic zone (PRDEZ) and power plants in the HKSAR mendations to those Hong Kong-owned enterprises that had
were the main sources of air pollution. Because of the high levels of demonstrated their active participation in CP. The Hong
emissions and transboundary air pollution, the HKSAR experienced KongeGuangdong CP Partners Recognition Scheme is summarized in
fewer than 50 days annually between 1997 and 2003 when the air Fig. 5.
quality was rated as good.

4.1.2. Pressure from pollution reduction plans

In 2002, emissions reduction targets were set, i.e., the annual
average concentrations of SO2, NOx, respirable suspended particles
(RSP) and VOCs in the PRDR in 2010 dropped by 40 per cent, 20 per
cent, 55 per cent and 55 per cent, respectively, compared with that
in 1997.

4.2. CP3 framework

4.2.1. Funding
After the successful implementation of a clean production (CP)
technical support pilot project, the Environment Bureau of Hong Kong

Table 1
Regional distribution of pollutants in 1997 (tons).

Pollutants SO2 NOx PM10 VOCs

HKSAR 65.9 123.3 11.4 68.9

PRDR 732.5 632.9 519.5 400.9

Data source: The Special Panel of the PRDR Air Quality Management, available at
pdf Fig. 1. Hong Kong Guangdong CP3 funding.
4 Y. Jiao et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121914

Fig. 2. Funding for the Hong KongeGuangdong CP partners recognition scheme.

Fig. 3. Industries targeted by the CP3.

Fig. 4. Technology supply in the CP3.

4.3. Achievements of the CP3 solvent borne lamination, can save 281thousand USD per year and
reduce VOCs emission 66 ton per year (Hong Kong Productivity
4.3.1. Completed projects Council, 2019). The results of emission reduction were presented
Table 2 shows the projects funded by the CP3. It can be seen that in Table 3. There was a significant decrease of emission in both
more than half of the projects focused on on-site improvement PRDRZ and HKSAR. We admit that the achievement is a mixture of
assessments. Additionally, 435 technique-extension and technique- multiple efforts of Hong Kong and Guangdong Province. Anyway, a
transfer activities were organized, and 37,353 people attended part of emission reduction achievement can be attributed to CP3.
these CP-promoting and CP-adopting activities, which facilitated
the dissemination of new technology to local factories. These 4.3.2. Cleaner technology acquisition and rewards for Hong Kong-
completed projects help factories to conserve much energy and owned factories
material, and reduce pollution emission. For example, in a Many energy-saving technologies, air pollution-reduction
demonstration project (No.08D0024) implemented in C & C Joint technologies, and effluent discharge-reduction technologies have
Printing Co., (Guangdong) Ltd, waterborne lamination replaced been adopted by Hong Kong-owned enterprises in the PRDR (see
Y. Jiao et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121914 5

Fig. 5. The Hong KongeGuangdong CP partners recognition scheme.

Table 2
Projects funded under the CP3.

Funding projects Approved

On-site improvement assessments 1567

Demonstrations 309
Verification 849
Total 2725
Technique-extension and -transfer events 435 and 37,353 attended the events

Table 3
Emission reduction target and achievement in 2010a (as compared with 1997).

Pollutant Area 2010 emission reduction targets 2010 emission reduction


SO2 HKSAR 40% 57%

PRDEZ 40% 45%
NOx HKSAR 20% 30%
PRDEZ 20% 20%
RSP HKSAR 55% 59%
PRDEZ 55% 59%
VOCs HKSAR 55% 59%
PRDEZ 55% 26%
Sources: Special Panel of the PRDR Air Quality Management and Monitoring, Report of the PRDR Air Quality Management Plan (2002e2010), 2012

Fig. 6). Half of the projects were focused on energy saving because
enterprises can reap significant financial rewards from these pro-
jects. More importantly, energy saving alleviates pressure on power
plants, thereby reducing pollution. After completing the approved
projects, many Hong Kong-owned factories were rewarded for their
CP partners/excellent partners/supply chain efforts based on their
environmental performance. Since 2009, 31 factories have been
rewarded for their efforts in achieving cleaner supply chain

4.3.3. The CP3 popularization in Guangdong

As a means of disseminating CP technologies as widely as
possible, the CP3 offered a CP technology toolbox for both Hong
Kong-owned and locally owned firms that were interested in
pollution reduction. The CP toolbox includes air pollutant
emissions-reduction and energy-saving technologies. Air pollutant
emissions-reduction technologies include VOCs-, SOx-, and NOx-
reduction technologies, while energy-saving technologies are
categorized into eight major manufacturing industries (see Fig. 3).
Fig. 6. The distribution of technology in the CP3. CP toolbox users can easily search for and select suitable CP
6 Y. Jiao et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121914

technologies after considering their industry and operations to The third type of dissemination involves building a cleaner supply
obtain an initial understanding of the effects of these technologies, chain. Under the Hong KongeGuangdong CP Partners Recognition
with preliminary ballpark figures regarding their costs and benefits. Scheme, enterprises that actively encourage their Hong Kong-
The CP toolbox is easy to use, as outlined in Fig. 7. owned factory suppliers to adopt CP are awarded a “Hong
Kong Guangdong CP Partner (Supply Chain)” commendation
5. Discussion (Hong Kong Productivity Council, 2019). These three types of CP
dissemination served to transfer advanced CP technologies and
The implementation of the CP3 significantly improved the management experience from Hong Kong-owned firms to locally
environmental performance of FDI from Hong Kong in Guangdong, owned firms, generating significant spillover effects.
and the CP of Hong Kong-owned factories was enhanced. Energy The spillover effect from technology transfer, diffusion, and
efficiency increased with the utilization of energy-saving technol- transformation serves to narrow the technology gap between Hong
ogies proposed by demonstration projects and the CP technology Kong-owned factories and locally owned factories in Guangdong.
toolbox. Therefore, numerous Hong Kong-owned factories were Thus, FDI benefits domestic firms through both technology
evaluated as provincial or municipal CP enterprises. In addition to (Buckley et al., 2002) and knowledge spillovers (Branstetter, 2000;
this obvious achievement by Hong Kong-owned factories, there are Blomstro €m and Sjo€holm, 1998), such as reverse engineering, skilled
other more important empirical and theoretical implications of the labor turnover (Glass and Saggi, 2010), demonstration effects,
CP3 for both Hong Kong-owned and locally owned factories. supplierecustomer relationships, and external design patents
(Cheung and Lin, 2004). In the CP3, the demonstration project was
5.1. Effect of the CP3 the most direct means of disseminating pollution-reduction and
energy-saving technology to locally owned factories because the
5.1.1. Technology dissemination and spillover effects Hong Kong Productivity Council arranged for the managers of
Many CP technologies have been disseminated from Hong locally owned factories to attend demonstrations after establishing
Kong-owned enterprises to locally owned enterprises in Guang- their environmental and economic interests. Moreover, technology
dong. The first type of dissemination is “quiet leakage,” such as the diffusion-generating spillover effects stimulate the entry of addi-
migration of managers, skilled labor, and business practices. The tional firms (Blalock and Gertler, 2008) and increase the labor
second type is proactive dissemination, such as publicity aimed at productivity (Djankov and Hoekman, 2000; Liu, 2002) and effi-
promoting the adoption of CP technologies by organization- ciency of domestic factories (Blomstro € m and Persson, 1983;
supported initiatives, for example, the CP toolbox contains many Buckley et al., 2002), which ensures sustainable development
demonstration/verification case reports, which can be used by (Chuang and Lin, 1999).
firms in related industries. Further, the Hong Kong Productivity The diffusion of cleaner technology enhances the CP capability
Council published guidelines for the adaptation of general CP of locally owned factories in Guangdong. Under the Hong
technologies to specific industries or processes, such as spray- KongeGuangdong CP Partners Recognition Scheme, many Hong
painting, printing, and plastic bag manufacturing. In addition, the Kong-owned factories were recognized as CP factories by either the
Hong Kong Productivity Council organized technique-extension Guangdong government or the relevant municipal government.
and technique-transfer events, such as the “Greening the Supply The diffusion of clean (Taylor, 2004), low-carbon technologies
Chain CP Seminar.” Numerous managers and directors of firms (Lema and Lema, 2013), the transfer of eco-friendly products and
attended demonstrations of processes, such as the use of an auto- production processes (Zhang and Zhou, 2016), and the transfer of
transformer to stabilize voltage and save energy (plastics and high-technology industries (Letchumanan and Kodama, 2000) re-
rubber industry) and the combination of zeolite and bags to filter duces pollution (Shapiro, 2014) and improves the host country’s
waste air and reduce emissions of VOCs (printed circuit boards). environmental welfare (Jiang et al., 2018). On a larger scale, the
clean development mechanism (CDM) has promoted technology
transfer by financing thousands of emissions reduction projects
using cleaner technologies developed in high-income countries
(Dechezlepre ^tre et al., 2008; Zhang and Wang, 2011). Similarly, the
cleaner technologies used in the CP3 were developed in Hong Kong,
which has a much higher average income level than Guangdong.
Both the CP3 and the CDM aim to reduce pollution and improve
environmental welfare. However, the CP3 is more precisely tar-
geted than the CDM because the former is focused on Hong Kong-
owned factories located in Guangdong. Although the subsidies by a
single project received from CP3 is much smaller than from CDM,
CP3 sowed many more seeds on Hong Kong-owned factories
through on-site improvement assessments, demonstrations, and
verification (see Table 2). Further, the technique-extension and
technique-transfer events inspired numerous enterprises to
embrace the generation of cleaner technologies and processes.
Furthermore, the CP3 set an important example to the world,
namely, taxpayers’ money can be applied through FDI to address
environmental problems beyond the home country’s border,
enabling the home country to reap numerous benefits.

5.1.2. Cleaner supply chain management

Cleaner supply chain management is an important instrument
for the promotion of the CP3. A cleaner supply chain includes the
Fig. 7. CP technology toolbox. use of cleaner technology, processes, and products that have less
Y. Jiao et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121914 7

impact on the environment. It involves cleaner practices at various quality when air pollution in Hong Kong reached unprecedented
stages of the supply chain, including strategic planning, product levels in 1997. The business sector voiced its concerns at meetings
and service design and development, purchasing, production, and of the Sustainable Development Subgroup of the Greater Pearl
distribution, and in relation to information technology/information River Delta Business Council, which is a government-appointed
systems and human resources (Subramanian and Gunasekaran, body created in March 2004 to advise the HKSAR chief executive
2015). Cleaner supply chain management not only improves the on business issues. In 2005, another business group, the Federation
performance of the focal firm, but also improves the performance of of Hong Kong Industries, launched the “One-Factory-One-Year-
firms that are both upstream and downstream in the supply chain. One-Environment Project” to raise awareness and encourage en-
For example, cleaner supply chain practices for cassava starch terprises operating in the PRDR to adopt good environmental
production using improved technology and management processes practices. After 2005, the partially government-funded Hong Kong
resulted in a reduction in resource consumption and reduced Productivity Council also devoted more resources to helping com-
emissions (Pingmuanglek et al., 2017). Two key issues need to be panies operating on the mainland to improve their environmental
addressed in promoting cleaner supply chains: Financial assistance performance. In practice, cooperation in addressing pollution is
and collaboration. First, local governments can play a positive role affected by current emissions levels (Breton et al., 2010) and the
in the design of a sustainable supply chain network by offering political interests of governments (Wishnick, 2009). Public con-
subsidies (Chalmardi and Camacho-Vallejo, 2019; Hou et al., 2019) cerns and social movements in relation to environmental pollution
and tax incentives (Shi et al., 2019), and by encouraging manage- are important drivers helping to shape policy interventions
ment to use cleaner technologies (Chalmardi and Camacho-Vallejo, (Forsyth, 2014), and can determine the level of adoption and
2019). From this point of view, Guangdong should offer special diffusion of environmental policies (Massey et al., 2014). Therefore,
funding and tax incentives to Hong Kong-owned factories to having become concerned about the high levels of pollution
encourage them to improve the supply chain network. Collabora- emissions, as shown in Tables 1 and 2, and the need to achieve the
tion is also effective in improving environmental performance. 2010 emissions reduction targets, Hong Kong and Guangdong
Thus, supply chain managers must extend their efforts to improve agreed to implement the CP3.
environmental practices by fostering collaboration among local
governments, sources of FDI, and local firms. Investment by firms in 5.2.2. The importance of solid institutional arrangements
environmental technologies cannot be made independently of A solid institutional arrangement is one of the main reasons why
other organizations in the supply chain (Vachon and Klassen, the CP3 has been successfully implemented in Guangdong. The
2007). Thus, the Guangdong government should encourage basic institutional framework of the CP3 is outlined in Fig. 9.
collaboration among supply chain partners. Collaboration with To address the transboundary environmental problems in the
suppliers has been shown to have a positive effect on R&D in PRDR, Hong Kong initiated cross-border discussions with Guang-
relation to pollution reduction technologies, unlike collaboration dong that eventually led to the creation of the Hong
with customers (Vachon, 2007; Vachon and Klassen, 2007). Thus, KongeGuangdong Environmental Protection Liaison Group
the construction of cleaner supply chains requires further close (HKGEPLG) in 1990. In June 2000, the HKGEPLG was renamed the
collaboration among locally owned factories, local governments, Joint Working Group on Sustainable Development and Environ-
Hong Kong-owned factories, and the Hong Kong government. mental Protection. The first Hong KongeGuangdong Cooperation
Joint Conference was held in 2001 and was attended by both the
5.1.3. Cleaner operations mechanism HKSAR chief executive and the Guangdong provincial governor.
The CP3 was originally designed to improve the environmental The HK Guangdong Energy Efficiency and CP Special Panel was
performance of Hong Kong-owned factories in Guangdong. upgraded in 2015 to become the HK Guangdong Joint Working
Continued efforts on the part of both Hong Kong-owned and locally Group on CP, which reports directly to the HK Guangdong Coop-
owned factories have seen the CP3 contribute to cleaner technology eration Joint Conference. The panel leaders for Hong Kong and
transfer through the financing of emissions-reduction and energy- Guangdong are the Environmental Protection Department of Hong
conservation projects. Indirect and direct technology spillovers Kong and the Economic and Information Commission of Guang-
have expanded the benefits to all factories located in Guangdong, dong Province, respectively. The panel focuses on jointly studying
thereby creating a cleaner operations mechanism. The key ele- and formulating policies those are conducive to the promotion of
ments of a cleaner operations mechanism are outlined in Fig. 8. energy efficiency and CP by both sides, encouraging enterprises in
The success of the cleaner operations mechanism relies on a Hong Kong and Guangdong to practice energy efficiency and CP.
combination of sufficient funding and efficient implementation and The Environmental Protection Department of Hong Kong and the
management. Both Hong Kong and Guangdong have provided Economic and Information Commission of Guangdong Province
special funding to support the adoption of cleaner technology. In provide financial assistance and develop supporting policies. The
addition to this funding, efficient implementation and manage- Hong Kong Productivity Council and the CP Center of Guangdong
ment is vitally important. Significant knowledge and technology are jointly responsible for the daily operation of the CP3. Their
spillovers will not be generated if the characteristics of the locally multilevel institutional arrangement is advantageous for imple-
owned factories are markedly different from those of the Hong menting the CP3. To overcome barriers to diffusion of cleaner
Kong-owned factories. Additionally, CP3, as green awareness and technologies, technological innovation has been integrated with
demonstration programs, can improve awareness among the gen- environmental policy regimes, an efficient approach (Foxon and
eral customers for widening cleaner production in the host country Pearson, 2008) that needs significant institutional capacity, which
(Zameer et al., 2020). Thus, the CP3 has targeted the eight industry is an important factor in the development and management of
sectors that produce the most pollution. industrial symbiosis (Spekkink, 2013; Wang et al., 2017). Devel-
oping institutional capacity often requires pilot projects to stimu-
5.2. Reasons for the success of the CP3 late learning processes (McCormick and Kåberger, 2007) and
enable the absorption of international expertise (Wang et al., 2017).
5.2.1. Bottom-up pressure to reduce air pollution The Hong Kong Productivity Council finances numerous demon-
The CP3 initiative had its roots in bottom-up pressure. Re- stration projects of cleaner technologies developed in Hong Kong-
searchers and activists pressured the government to improve air owned factories and organizes several technique-extension and
8 Y. Jiao et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121914

Fig. 8. The elements of a cleaner operations mechanism.

5.2.3. Burden-sharing scheme

A rational burden-sharing scheme has been a key factor in
sustaining the CP3 over the last decade. The main financial assis-
tance is provided by Hong Kong (see Fig. 1), while the Guangdong
government provides additional subsidies via special funds for
energy conservation and CP. The current burden-sharing scheme
for the CP3 is based on the polluter-pays rule. In designing a
burden-sharing scheme, efficiency and equity are two important
aspects that need to be considered (Marklunda and Samakovlis,
2007), while three basic principles for evaluating a burden-
sharing scheme are responsibility, need, and capacity (Torvanger
and Ringius, 2002). In practice, historical emissions, income level,
emissions per capita, and current emissions are the four main in-
dicators that are considered in designing a burden-sharing scheme
(Carlsson et al., 2013). Previous studies have shown that there is no
burden-sharing rule that is compatible with all three evaluation
principles (Ringius et al., 2002; Heitmann and Khalilian, 2011). The
burden-sharing scheme used in the CP3 is based on responsibility
and capacity to pay, which is similar to the “common but differ-
entiated responsibilities and respective capabilities” (Dellink et al.,
2009). Hong Kong-owned factories are responsible for a significant
proportion of the environmental damage in Guangdong because
Hong Kong reaps much of the benefits of the production in
Guangdong. Considering the economic inequality (Cardenas et al.,
2002) and differences in income levels (Goodland et al., 1994) be-
tween Hong Kong and Guangdong, Hong Kong, which enjoys a
much higher level of income, has more capacity to provide financial
assistance in support of the dissemination of clean technologies.
The burden-sharing scheme has been sustained for ten years
Fig. 9. The institutional arrangement underlying the implementation of the CP3. because in 1998 the HKSAR government provided an interest-free
loan to Guangdong to build a closed aqueduct to improve the
quality of water supplied to Hong Kong. This interest-free loan
created a precedent whereby the HKSAR government could use
technique-transfer events involving both Hong Kong-owned fac- taxpayers’ money to fund activities outside Hong Kong that would
tories and locally owned factories every year. These demonstration benefit the HKSAR (Loh, 2011).
projects and technique-extension and technique-transfer events
stimulate local governments to provide support. However, to
further improve the implementation of the CP3, Guangdong’s 6. Conclusions and policy implications
institutional arrangements and institutional capacity need be
updated and strengthened to facilitate better collaboration with The Hong Kong Guangdong CP3 is the first scheme that in-
Hong Kong. volves a home government (Hong Kong) improving environmental
Y. Jiao et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 265 (2020) 121914 9

performance through FDI by introducing and disseminating cleaner and materials consumption, decreases the pollution emissions of a
technology among locally owned factories in the host region single firm, but also promotes that of many firms through limited
(Guangdong). The CP3 was used to empirically examine the impact investment at regional scale.
of FDI on environmental quality in the host region. The detailed In theory, the success of CP3 provides direct evidence to support
implementation of CP3 is examined from the perspectives of the pollution halo hypothesis that FDI from developed regions can
funding, targets and objectives, technology supply, and commen- promote cleaner development of host developing regions via the
dations from the Hong KongeGuangdong CP Partners Recognition positive intervention of home government rather than heavily
Scheme. pollute host regions. Developing countries can benefit from tech-
By participating in the CP3, Hong Kong-owned factories ac- nology dissemination and spillover effects to green supply chain
quired much cleaner technology and financial support, thereby and form cleaner development.
transforming their industries and improving their environmental
performance. Meanwhile, the cleaner technology was disseminated Declaration of competing interest
to locally owned factories through quiet leakage, proactive
dissemination, and supply chain management. The diffusion of The authors declare that they have no known competing
cleaner technologies and management experience from Hong financial interests or personal relationships that could have
Kong-owned firms to locally owned firms in Guangdong generated appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
significant spillover effects and narrowed the technology gap,
thereby enhancing the CP of factories located in Guangdong. CRediT authorship contribution statement
Cleaner supply chain management that aims to improve both up-
stream and downstream firms is an effective approach, but needs Yuanqi Jiao: Investigation, Data curation, Methodology, Writing
further support from the governments of both Hong Kong and - original draft. Chuanwei Ji: Investigation, Data curation, Valida-
Guangdong. Under the CP3, Hong Kong-owned factories have tion. Shuyan Yang: Investigation, Data curation, Formal analysis.
evolved to become a source of strength in achieving cleaner oper- Guojun Yang: Investigation, Data curation. Meirong Su: Writing -
ations. Several reasons for the successful implementation of the review & editing, Supervision, Project administration. Hongbo Fan:
CP3 were identified. The CP3 initiative was driven by trans- Resources, Supervision.
boundary air pollution in Hong Kong and Guangdong Province and
subsequent pressure to achieve reductions in pollution emissions. Acknowledgments
This bottom-up driver, a solid institutional arrangement, and a
rational burden-sharing scheme are the main reasons for the suc- This work was financially supported by the National Key
cessful implementation of the CP3. Research Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFC0502800), the Na-
The success of the CP3 provides a vivid picture to policymakers tional Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71673027), the
of both home government and host government of FDI on how to Natural Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of
cooperatively improve the environmental performance of FDI and Guangdong Province (No. 2017A030306032). We thank Geoff
decrease the damage to the host countries. It clearly tells home Whyte, MBA, from Liwen Bianji, Edanz Group China (www.
governments of FDI what they can do, how they can do, and liwenbianji.cn/ac), for editing the English text of a draft of this
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