2024 Purple Notes in Political Law

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Table of Contents

I. 1987 PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION ................................................................................ 1

A. Definition, Nature, and Concepts of the Constitution ......................................................... 1
1. Declaration of Principles ............................................................................................... 3
a. Democracy and Republicanism ............................................................................ 3
b. Renunciation of War ........................................................................................... 4
c. Supremacy of Civilian Authority over Military ........................................................ 5
2. State Policies ............................................................................................................... 6
a. Independent Foreign Policy ................................................................................. 6
b. Social Justice ...................................................................................................... 6
c. Sanctity of Family and Vital Role of Youth in Nation-Building ................................. 6
B. Amendment and Revision ................................................................................................ 7
C. National Territory ...........................................................................................................11
D. Separation of Powers, and Checks and Balances..............................................................14
E. State Immunity ..............................................................................................................17
F. Delegation of Powers ......................................................................................................23
G. Fundamental Powers of the State – Police Power, Eminent Domain and Taxation..............24

II. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT ....................................................................................... 35

A. Congress: Senate and House of Representatives .............................................................35
1. Compositions and Qualifications ..................................................................................35
2. Privileges and Inhibitions ............................................................................................46
3. Quorum and Voting Majorities, and Discipline of Members ............................................50
B. Law-Making Process .......................................................................................................54
C. Appropriation .................................................................................................................58
D. Legislative Inquiries and Oversight Functions ..................................................................62
E. Declaration of Existence of State of War ..........................................................................67
F. Power to Revoke/Extend the Suspension of the Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus and
Declaration of Martial Law ..................................................................................................67
G. Power of Impeachment ..................................................................................................69
H. Electoral Tribunals .........................................................................................................73
I. Commission on Appointments ..........................................................................................76



III. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT ......................................................................................... 79

A. President and Vice President ...........................................................................................79
1. Term, Qualifications, and Election................................................................................79
2. Privileges, Inhibitions, and Disqualifications .................................................................81
B. Executive and Administrative Powers ..............................................................................86
C. Power of Appointment ....................................................................................................89
1. Regular and Ad Interim ...............................................................................................91
2. With or without COA Confirmation ...............................................................................92
3. Midnight Appointments ...............................................................................................93
4. Removal from Office ...................................................................................................95
D. Power of Control and Supervision ...................................................................................96
1. Executive Departments and Offices; Doctrine of Qualified Political Agency .....................97
2. Local Government Units ..............................................................................................99
E. Military Powers...............................................................................................................99
F. Pardoning Power and Executive Clemency ..................................................................... 103
G. Diplomatic Power ......................................................................................................... 106
H. Power relative to Appropriation Measures...................................................................... 108
I. Veto Power ................................................................................................................... 111
J. Residual Power ............................................................................................................. 112
K. Removal from Office..................................................................................................... 113
L. Rules of Succession ...................................................................................................... 114

IV. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT ........................................................................................... 116

A. Definition of Judicial Power ........................................................................................... 116
B. Judicial Review............................................................................................................. 118
1. Requisites ................................................................................................................ 118
a. Actual Case or Controversy ....................................................................... 118
b. Proper Party ............................................................................................. 118
c. Raised at the Earliest Possible Opportunity ................................................. 120
d. Necessary to the Determination of the Case Itself ...................................... 121
2. Exceptions................................................................................................................ 121
a. Political Questions ..................................................................................... 121
b. Moot Questions ........................................................................................ 122
c. Advisory Opinions ..................................................................................... 123
3. Operative Fact Doctrine ............................................................................................ 124
C. Fiscal Autonomy ........................................................................................................... 125



D. Appointments to the Judiciary ...................................................................................... 126

1. Qualifications............................................................................................................ 126
2. Judicial and Bar Council ............................................................................................ 127
E. Supreme Court of the Philippines .................................................................................. 128
1. Composition ............................................................................................................. 128
2. Procedural Rule-Making Power .................................................................................. 128
3. Disciplinary Powers ................................................................................................... 129
4. Administrative Supervision ........................................................................................ 130
5. Jurisdiction ............................................................................................................... 130

V. CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS............................................................................ 133

A. Powers, Functions, and Jurisdiction ............................................................................... 133
B. Composition and Qualifications of Members ................................................................... 138
C. Prohibited Offices and Interests .................................................................................... 139
D. Review of Final Orders, Resolutions and Decisions ......................................................... 139
1. Rendered in the Exercise of Quasi-Judicial Functions .................................................. 139
2. Rendered in the Exercise of Administrative Functions ................................................. 139

VI. BILL OF RIGHTS ........................................................................................................ 141

A. Due Process Clause; Procedural and Substantive Requirements ...................................... 141
1. Void-for-Vagueness Rule ........................................................................................... 145
2. Judicial and Administrative Due Process ..................................................................... 146
B. Equal Protection Clause ................................................................................................ 148
1. Requisites for Valid Classification ............................................................................... 148
2. Standards of Review ................................................................................................. 148
C. Arrest, Search and Seizure; Requisites; Exclusionary Rule .............................................. 149
D. Privacy of Communication and Correspondence; Exclusionary Rule ................................ 158
E. Freedom of Speech and Expression ............................................................................... 164
1. Prior Restraint and Subsequent Punishment ............................................................... 165
2. Content-Based and Content-Neutral Regulations ........................................................ 166
3. Facial Challenges and Overbreadth Doctrine .............................................................. 167
4. Tests for Valid Government Interference.................................................................... 168
5. Doctrine of Privileged Communication ........................................................................ 171
F. Freedom of Religion ..................................................................................................... 173
1. Non-Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses ............................................................ 173
2. Tests for Valid Government Interference.................................................................... 174



3. Separation of Church and State ................................................................................. 176

G. Liberty of Abode and Right to Travel; Limitations .......................................................... 176
H. Right to Information; Limitations .................................................................................. 178
I. Right to Association ...................................................................................................... 180
J. Non-Impairment of Contracts ........................................................................................ 181
K. Free Access to Courts and Adequate Legal Assistance .................................................... 184
L. Rights under Custodial Investigation.............................................................................. 185
1. Requisites of a Valid Waiver ...................................................................................... 186
2. Exclusionary Rule ..................................................................................................... 187
M. Rights of the Accused .................................................................................................. 187
N. Right against Involuntary Servitude .............................................................................. 196
O. Right against Excessive Fines, and Cruel and Inhumane Punishments ............................ 197
P. Non-imprisonment for Debts ......................................................................................... 199

VII. CITIZENSHIP ........................................................................................................... 200

A. Filipino Citizens ............................................................................................................ 200
B. Acquisition and Loss of Citizenship ................................................................................ 203
C. Retention and Re-acquisition of Citizenship ................................................................... 204
D. Naturalization .............................................................................................................. 206

VIII. LAW ON PUBLIC OFFICERS................................................................................... 210

A. Public Officers; De Facto and De Jure............................................................................ 210
B. Civil Service; Scope, Appointments, Personnel Actions, and Removal .............................. 214
1. Preventive Suspension and Dismissal from Service ..................................................... 220
2. Illegal Dismissal, Reinstatement, and Back Salaries .................................................... 222
C. Accountability of Public Officers; Ombudsman ............................................................... 222

IX. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW ............................................................................................ 231

A. General Principles......................................................................................................... 231
B. Administrative Agencies; Definition, Types, and Manner of Creation ............................... 232
C. Powers of Administrative Agencies ................................................................................ 234
D. Primary Administrative Jurisdiction ................................................................................ 240
E. Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies ......................................................................... 241

X. ELECTION LAW ........................................................................................................... 242

A. Suffrage; Qualification and Disqualification of Voters ..................................................... 242



B. Registration of Voters; Inclusion and Exclusion Proceedings ........................................... 246

1. Overseas Absentee Voting......................................................................................... 249
2. Local Absentee Voting............................................................................................... 252
3. Persons Deprived of Liberty Voting ............................................................................ 253
C. Political Parties and the Party-List System of Representation .......................................... 254
1. Registration .............................................................................................................. 255
a. Grounds for Refusal or Cancellation of Registration .................................... 257
D. Candidacy.................................................................................................................... 257
1. Certificate of Candidacy ............................................................................................ 257
2. Ministerial Duty of Comelec to Receive Certificates of Candidacy ................................. 258
3. Effect of Filing of Certificate of Candidacy .................................................................. 259
4. Eligibility and Material Misrepresentation .................................................................... 259
5. Withdrawal of Certificates of Candidacy ..................................................................... 263
6. Effects of Denial and Cancellation of Certificate of Candidacy due to Material
Misrepresentation ......................................................................................................... 263
7. Substitution of Candidates ........................................................................................ 263
8. Nuisance Candidates and Effects of Declaration of Nuisance Candidacy ....................... 264
9. Disqualification of Candidates; Effects........................................................................ 266
E. Campaign .................................................................................................................... 267
1. Limitations on Expenses and Prohibited Contributions ................................................ 267
2. Lawful Election Propaganda ...................................................................................... 269
3. Statement of Contributions and Expenses .................................................................. 270
F. Remedies ..................................................................................................................... 271
1. Pre-election .............................................................................................................. 271
a. Petition for Disqualification ........................................................................ 271
b. Petition Not to Give Due Course or Cancel Certificates of Candidacy ............ 272
c. Petition to Declare a Nuisance Candidate ................................................... 273
2. During election ......................................................................................................... 274
a. Petition to Postpone Elections.................................................................... 274
b. Petition to Declare Failure of Elections ....................................................... 274
3. Pre-Proclamation Controversy ................................................................................... 275
4. Post-Proclamation ..................................................................................................... 277
a. Election Contest ........................................................................................ 277
i. Election Protest .............................................................................. 277
ii. Quo warranto ................................................................................ 278
iii. Jurisdiction ................................................................................... 279
G. Prosecution of Election Offenses ................................................................................... 280



XI. LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ............................................................................................. 285

A. Principles of Local Autonomy ........................................................................................ 285
B. Local Government Units................................................................................................ 287
1. Powers of Local Government Units ............................................................................ 287
a. Police Power and General Welfare Clause................................................... 287
b. Eminent Domain and Taxation................................................................... 289
c. Requisites of a Valid Ordinance; Local Initiative and Referendum ................ 291
d. Corporate Powers ..................................................................................... 293
2. Local Elective and Appointive Officials........................................................................ 295
3. Rules of Succession .................................................................................................. 300
4. Term Limitations and Recall ...................................................................................... 303

XII. PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW............................................................................... 308

A. Doctrine of Incorporation and Transformation ............................................................... 308
B. Sources of Obligations in International Law ................................................................... 309
C. Subjects of International Law ....................................................................................... 313
D. Diplomatic and Consular Law ........................................................................................ 317
E. Treaties; Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties ....................................................... 324
F. Nationality and Statelessness ........................................................................................ 327
G. Jurisdiction of States .................................................................................................... 332
1. Territoriality Principle ................................................................................................ 332
2. Nationality Principle .................................................................................................. 333
3. Protective Principle ................................................................................................... 334
4. Universality Principle ................................................................................................. 335
5. Passive Personality Principle ...................................................................................... 335
6. Conflicts of Jurisdiction ............................................................................................. 336
H. Treatment of Aliens; Extradition and Deportation .......................................................... 337
I. International Human Rights Law .................................................................................... 344
J. International Humanitarian Law..................................................................................... 345
1. War Crimes, Genocide, and Other Crimes against Humanity ....................................... 345
2. Jurisdiction and Double Jeopardy .............................................................................. 347
3. Irrelevance of Official Capacity .................................................................................. 347
4. Responsibility of Superiors ........................................................................................ 348
5. Nonprescription ........................................................................................................ 348



I. 1987 PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION Purpose or Function of a Constitution:

To prescribe the permanent framework of a
A. Definition, Nature, and Concepts of system of government; to assign to the
the Constitution several departments of the government their
responsibilities, powers and duties, and to
NATURE OF A CONSTITUTION establish certain fixed principles on which the
government is founded. (Manila Prince Hotel
POLITICAL LAW – the branch of public law vs. GSIS, G.R. No. 122156, February 3, 1997)
which deals with the organization and
operations of the governmental organs of the Classifications of a Constitution:
State and defines the relations of the State
with the inhabitants of its territory. (People v. 1. Written vs. Unwritten
Perfecto, G.R. No. L-18463, Oct. 4, 1922)
A written constitution’s precepts are
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW – that branch of embodied in one document or set of
law which treats the nature of constitutions, documents. An unwritten constitution
their establishment, construction and consists of rules which have not been
interpretation and of the validity of legal integrated into a single, concrete form but
enactments as tested by the criterion of are scattered in various sources, such as
conformity to the fundamental law. (Black, statutes of fundamental character, judicial
Constitutional Law, 1969) decisions, commentaries of publicists,
customs and traditions. (Cruz, Constitutional
CONSTITUTION – a body of rules and Law, 1981)
maxims in accordance with which the powers
of sovereignty are habitually exercised. 2. Enacted (Conventional) vs. Evolved
(Cooley, Constitutional Limitations, 1868 p. (Cumulative)
A conventional constitution is enacted
CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF formally at a definite time and place following
THE PHILIPPINES – the document which a conscious or deliberate effort taken by a
serves as the fundamental law of the state; constituent body or ruler while cumulative
that written instrument enacted by direct body is the result of political evolution, not
action of the people by which the inaugurated at any specific time but changing
fundamental powers of the government are by accretion rather than by any systematic
established, limited and defined, and by method. (Cruz, Constitutional Law, 1981)
which those powers are distributed among
the several departments for their safe and 3. Rigid and Flexible
useful exercise, for the benefit of the body
politic. (Malcolm, Philippine Constitutional A rigid constitution is when it may not be
Law, 1926) amended except through a special process
distinct from and more involved than the
Date of Effectivity of the 1987 method of changing ordinary laws while a
Constitution: February 2, 1987, the date of flexible constitution is when it may be
the plebiscite, and not on the date its changed in the same manner and through
ratification was proclaimed. (De Leon vs the same body that enacts ordinary
Esguerra, G.R. No. 78059, August 31, 1987) legislation. The Philippine Constitution is



written, enacted and rigid. (Cruz, (Civil Liberties Union vs. Executive Secretary,
Constitutional Law, 1981) G.R. No. 83896, February 22, 1991)

1. PARTS The proceedings of the Convention are less

conclusive in the proper construction of the
Constitution of Liberty (Bill of Rights) – a fundamental law than are legislative
series of prescriptions setting forth the proceedings of the proper construction of a
fundamental civil and political rights of the statute, for in the latter case, it is the intent
citizens and imposing certain limitations on of the legislature the courts seek, while in the
the power of the government as a means of former, courts seek to arrive at the intent of
securing the employment of these rights, e.g. the people through deliberations of their
Art. III. representatives. (Integrated Bar of the
Philippines vs. Hon. Ronaldo Zamora, G.R.
Constitution of Government No. 141254, August 15, 2000, Puno, C.J.
(Governmental Organization and Functions) separate opinion)
– relates to a series of prescriptions outlining
the framework or organization of the 3. Ut magis valeat quam pereat – the
government, enumerating its powers, laying Constitution should be interpreted as a
down certain rules relative to administration whole. (Francisco vs. House of
and defining the electorate, e.g. Arts. VI, VII, Representatives, G.R. No. 160261, November
VIII, IX. 10, 2003)

Constitution of Sovereignty (Method of SELF-EXECUTING AND NON-SELF

Amendment) – provisions pointing out the EXECUTING PROVISIONS
mode of procedure by which formal changes
in the fundamental law may be brought SELF-EXECUTING PROVISION – A
about, e.g. Art. XVII. (Nachura, Outline provision which is complete in itself and
Review on Political Law, 2016) becomes operative without the aid of
supplementary or enabling legislation, or that
2. MANNER OF INTERPRETATION which supplies a sufficient rule by means of
which the right it grants may be enjoyed or
1. Verba legis – whenever possible, the protected. (Manila Prince Hotel vs.
words used in the Constitution must be given Government Service Insurance System, G.R.
their ordinary meaning except where No. 122156, February 3, 1997)
technical terms are employed;
GENERAL RULE: All provisions of the
2. Ratio legis est anima – words of the constitution are presumed to be self-
Constitution should be interpreted in executing. (Manila Prince Hotel vs.
accordance with the intent of the framers; Government Service Insurance System, G.R.
No. 122156, February 3, 1997)
NOTE: While it is permissible to consult the
debates and proceedings of the constitutional EXCEPTION: Statements of general
convention in order to arrive at the reason principles, such as those in Art. II, are usually
and purpose of the resulting Constitution, not self-executing. Other examples in
resort thereto may be had only when other jurisprudence: constitutional provisions on
guides fail as . . . when the meaning is clear. personal dignity, sanctity of family life, vital



role of the youth in nation-building, values of The Philippines is a democratic and

education, social justice and human rights, republican State. Sovereignty resides in the
promotion of general welfare, vital role of the people and all government authority
youth in nation-building, promotion of total emanates from them. (Sec. 1, Art. II, 1987
human liberation and development are Constitution)
merely guidelines for legislation.
The people are possessors of sovereign
EXCEPTION TO THE EXCEPTION: The power, and the source of all government
right to a balanced and healthful ecology is authority. This does not mean, however, that
self-executing. (Oposa vs. Factoran, G.R. No. the new constitution allows direct or pure
101083, July 30, 1993) democracy where the people directly manage
their affairs. The people should not exercise
🕮 Sec. 10, second par., Art. XII of the the powers of government directly. They can
1987 Constitution is also a mandatory, do it only through the medium of duly elected
positive command which is complete in and appointed public officials. (Nachura,
itself and which needs no further Outline Reviewer in Political Law, 2016, p. 5)
guidelines or implementing laws or
rules for its enforcement. From its very Manifestations of Republicanism:
words the provision does not require any (ORABLS)
legislation to put it in operation. It is per se 1. Ours is a government of laws and not
judicially enforceable When our Constitution of men (Villavicencio vs. Lukban, G.R.
mandates that in the grant of rights, No. L-14639, March 25, 1919)
privileges, and concessions covering national 2. Rule of majority;
economy and patrimony, the State shall give 3. Accountability of public officials;
preference to qualified Filipinos, it means just 4. Bill of rights;
that — qualified Filipinos shall be preferred. 5. Legislature cannot pass irrepealable
(Manila Prince Hotel vs. GSIS, G.R. No. laws; and
122156 February 3, 1997) 6. Separation of powers. (Nachura,
Outline Reviewer in Political Law,
Not judicially enforceable constitutional
rights, and can only provide guidelines for Rule of Law
legislation. (Tondo Medical Center Employees Ours is a government of laws and not of men.
Association vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. It is meant that no man in this country is so
167324, July 17, 2007) These provisions high that he is above the law, that no officer
merely lay down general principles. of the law may set the law at defiance with
(Manila Prince Hotel vs. Government Service impunity, and that all officers of the
Insurance System, G.R. No. 122156, government are creatures of the law and are
February 3, 1997) bound to obey it. (Villavicencio vs. Lukban,
G.R. No. L-14639, March 25, 1919);
STATE POLICIES Rule of the Majority
In elections, majority is plurality. All that a
1. DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES candidate has to get is the highest number of
votes in order to be declared the winner
a. Democracy and Republicanism without necessarily getting more than 50%



of the votes cast. Consequently, the will of of the land and adheres to the policy of
the majority may not be thwarted directly or peace, cooperation, and amity with all
indirectly. (Nachura, Outline Reviewer in nations. (Bayan Muna vs. Romulo, G.R. No.
Political Law, 2016) 159618, February 11, 2001)

Kinds of Majority The doctrine of incorporation dictates that

the rule of international law is given equal
standing with, and is not superior, to national
legislative enactment. Accordingly, the
principle of lex posterior derogat priori takes
effect. Nevertheless, following the doctrine of
b. Renunciation of War Constitutional supremacy, both statutes
and treaties may be invalidated if they are in
The Philippines renounces war as an conflict with the Constitution. (Secretary of
instrument of national policy, adopts the Justice vs. Lantion, G.R. No. 111088, June
generally accepted principles of international 13, 1997)
law as part of the law of the land, and
adheres to the policy of peace, equality, Doctrine Of Auto-Limitation – This
justice, freedom, cooperation, and amity with doctrine provides for the “property of a state-
all nations. (Sec. 2, Art. II, 1987 Constitution) force due to which it has the exclusive
capacity of legal self-determination and
As a signatory to the United Nations Charter, self-restriction."
the Philippines adheres to Article 2(4) of the
U.N. Charter which says: "All Members shall Accordingly, any state may, by its consent,
refrain in their international relations from express or implied, submit to a restriction of
the threat or use of force against the its sovereign rights. There may thus be a
territorial integrity or political independence curtailment of what otherwise is a power
of any state, or in any other manner plenary in character. A state then, if it
inconsistent with the Purposes of the United chooses to, may refrain from the exercise of
Nations." The kind of war renounced is the what otherwise is illimitable competence.
war of aggression normally for territorial (Raegan vs. Commissioner of Internal
aggrandizement. Revenue, G.R. No. L-26379, December 27,
EXCEPTION: A war, however, where the
country has to defend its honor and integrity Conflict between International and
is allowed. The United Nations allows the use Municipal law: If there is conflict between
of arms in cases of individual and collective Philippine law and international law, efforts
self-defense. (Bernas, The 1987 Constitution must be made to harmonize the
of the Philippines A Commentary, 2009, p. conflicting provisions. If the conflict is
60) irreconcilable, and a choice has to be made
between the two, Philippine Law must be
Adoption Of International Law upheld as police power cannot be bargained
away by the medium of a treaty. (Ichong vs
Doctrine Of Incorporation – The Hernandez, G.R. No. L-7995, May 31, 1957)
Philippines adopts the generally accepted
principles of international law and
international jurisprudence as part of the law



c. Supremacy of Civilian Authority over PNP. (Integrated Bar of the Philippines vs.
Military Zamora, G.R. No. 141284, August 15, 2000)

Civilian Authority Rationale: The provision was primarily

intended for the people to develop
Civilian authority is, at all times, confidence in running the affairs of the
supreme over the military. The Armed government. Likewise, it was meant to allay
Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is the fears of military takeover of the civilian
protector of the people of the State. Its goal government. The military is the sword of the
is to secure the sovereignty of the State. Republic. It is an instrument for the
(Sec. 3, Art. II, 1987 Constitution) preservation of its own existence and the
enforcement of authority. It should not be
Civilian supremacy is not a guaranteed used in any form or manner that may coerce
supremacy of civilian officers who are in the consent of the people. Thus, the military
power but of supremacy of the sovereign must be under the control at all times by the
people. The Armed Forces, in this sense, "is elected representatives of the people. (Black,
the protector of the people and the State." Constitutional Law, 3rd edition, pp.115-116)
(Bernas, The 1987 Constitution of the
Philippines A Commentary, 2009, p. 66) The following provisions also ensure
supremacy of the civilian rule over the
The intent of the phrase "protector of the military:
people" was to make it act as corrective to
military abuses experienced during martial 1. The installation of the President, the
rule. There are two thoughts in the highest civilian authority, as the
constitutional provision: disapproval of commander-in-chief of all the armed
military abuses and guardianship of state forces of the Philippines. (Sec. 18,
sovereignty, which of course means Art. VII, 1987 Constitution);
sovereignty of the people. The military 2. The requirement that members of the
exercise of political power can be justified as AFP swear to uphold and defend the
a last resort — when civilian authority has Constitution which is the
lost its legitimacy. (Bernas, The 1987 fundamental law of the civil
Constitution of the Philippines A government. (Sec. 5[1], Art. XVI,
Commentary, 2009, p. 65) 1987 Constitution);
3. The requirement that members of the
The deployment of the Marines does not AFP shall have respect for people’s
constitute a breach of the civilian supremacy rights in the performance of their
clause nor does it infringe the civilian duty. (Sec. 5[2], Art. XVI, 1987
character of the police force. The calling of Constitution);
the Marines in this case constitutes 4. Professionalism in the armed forces.
permissible use of military assets for civilian (Sec. 5[3], Art. XVI, 1987
law enforcement. The participation of the Constitution);
Marines in the conduct of joint visibility 5. Insulation of the AFP from partisan
patrols is appropriately circumscribed. It is politics. (Sec. 5[3], Art. XVI, 1987
noteworthy that the local police forces are Constitution);
the ones in charge of the visibility patrols at 6. Prohibition against the appointment
all times, the real authority belonging to the of an AFP member in the active



service to a civilian position. (Sec. SOCIAL JUSTICE – It is neither

5[4], Art. XVI, 1987 Constitution); communism, nor despotism, nor atomism,
7. Compulsory retirement of officers nor anarchy, but the humanization of laws
without extension of service. (Sec. and the equalization of social and economic
5[5], Art. XVI, 1987 Constitution); forces by the State so that justice in its
8. Requirement of proportional rational and objectively secular conception
recruitment from all provinces and may at least be approximated.
cities, so as to avoid any regional
clique from forming within the AFP. Social justice means the promotion of the
(Sec. 5[6], Art. XVI, 1987 welfare of all the people, the adoption by the
Constitution); Government of measures calculated to
9. A 3-year limitation on the tour of duty ensure economic stability of all the
of the Chief of Staff, which although competent elements of society, through the
extendible in case of emergency by maintenance of a proper economic and social
the President, depends on equilibrium in the interrelations of the
Congressional declaration of members of the community, constitutionally,
emergency. through the adoption of measures legally
10. The establishment of a police force justifiable, or extra- constitutionally, through
that is not only civilian in character the exercise of powers underlying the
but also under the local executives. existence of all governments on the time-
(Sec. 6, Art. XVI, 1987 Constitution) honored principles of salus populi est
suprema lex. (Calalang vs. Williams, G.R. No.
Composition of the AFP 47800, December 02, 1940)

The Armed Forces of the Philippines shall be c. Sanctity of Family and Vital Role of
composed of a citizen armed force which Youth in Nation Building
shall undergo military training and serve, as
may be provided by law. It shall keep a The Family As Basic Autonomous Social
regular force necessary for the security of the Institution
State. (Sec. 4, Art. XVI, 1987 Constitution)
The State recognizes the sanctity of family
2. STATE POLICIES life and shall protect and strengthen the
family as a basic autonomous social
a. Independent Foreign Policy institution. It shall equally protect the life of
The State shall pursue an independent the mother and the life of the unborn from
foreign policy. In its relations with other conception. The natural and primary right
states the paramount consideration shall be and duty of parents in the rearing of the
national sovereignty, territorial integrity, youth for civic efficiency and the
national interest, and the right to self- development of moral character shall receive
determination. (Sec. 7, Art. II, 1987 the support of the Government. (Sec. 12, Art.
Constitution) II, 1987 Constitution)

b. Promotion Of Social Justice Vital Role of Youth

The state shall promote social justice in all
phases of national development. (Sec. 10, The State recognizes the vital role of the
Art. II, 1987 Constitution) youth in nation-building and shall promote



and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, earlier than sixty days nor later than ninety
intellectual, and social well-being. It shall days after the approval of such amendment
inculcate in the youth patriotism and or revision.
nationalism, and encourage their
involvement in public and civic affairs. (Sec. Any amendment under Section 2 hereof shall
13, Art. II, 1987 Constitution) be valid when ratified by a majority of the
votes cast in a plebiscite which shall be held
B. AMENDMENT AND REVISION (1987 not earlier than sixty days nor later than
CONST., Art. XVII, secs. 1-4; R.A. No. 6735) ninety days after the certification by the
Commission on Elections of the sufficiency of
Salient Provisions the petition. (Sec. 4, Art. XVII, 1987
Any amendment to, or revision of, this
Constitution may be proposed by: Distinction between Amendment and
(1) The Congress, upon a vote of three- Revision
fourths of all its Members; or
(2) A constitutional convention. (Sec. 1,
Art. XVII, 1987 Constitution)

Amendments to this Constitution may An addition or A change that

likewise be directly proposed by the people change within the alters a basic
through initiative upon a petition of at least lines of the principle in the
twelve per centum of the total number of original constitution, like
registered voters, of which every legislative constitution that altering the principle
district must be represented by at least three will affect an of separation of
per centum of the registered voters therein. improvement, or powers or the
No amendment under this section shall be better carry out the system of checks-
authorized within five years following the purpose for which it and-balances;
ratification of this Constitution nor oftener was framed; a alters the
than once every five years thereafter. change that adds, substantial
reduces or deletes entirety of the
The Congress shall provide for the without altering constitution, as
implementation of the exercise of this right. the basic when the change
(Sec. 2, Art. XVII, 1987 Constitution) principles affects substantial
involved; affects provisions of the
The Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of only the specific constitution.
all its Members, call a constitutional provision being (Lambino vs.
convention, or by a majority vote of all its amended. Commission on
Members, submit to the electorate the Elections, G.R. No.
question of calling such a convention. (Sec. 174153, October 25,
3, Art. XVII, 1987 Constitution) 2006)

Any amendment to, or revision of, this 🕮 The framers of the Constitution intended
Constitution under Section 1 hereof shall be and wrote a clear distinction between
valid when ratified by a majority of the votes “amendment” and “revision” of the
cast in a plebiscite which shall be held not Constitution by setting that only Congress or



a constitutional convention may propose amendments to or revision of the

revisions to the Constitution. On the other Constitution and to ratify such proposal. The
hand, a people’s initiative may propose only power is exercised by Congress, by
amendments to the Constitution. Where the Constitutional Convention or Commission, by
intent and language of the Constitution the people through initiative and referendum,
clearly withhold from the people the power to and ultimately by the sovereign electorate.
propose revisions to the Constitution, the This also does not need the approval of the
people cannot propose revisions even Chief Executive. (Sanidad vs. Commission on
as they are empowered to propose Elections, G.R. L-44640, October 12, 1976)
amendments. (Lambino vs. Commission on
Elections, G.R. No. 174153, October 25, Procedure To Amend Or Revise The
2006) Constitution

Legal Tests Steps in Amendatory Process

Quantitative Test – The Court examines PROPOSAL (Secs. 1-3, Art. XVII, 1987
only the number of provisions affected Constitution) – The adoption of the
and does not consider the degree of the suggested change in the Constitution. A
change. The quantitative test asks whether proposed amendment may come from:
the proposed change is so extensive in its
provisions as to change directly the a. Congress, acting as a Constituent
‘substantial entirety’ of the constitution by Assembly, by a vote of 3⁄4 of ALL its
the deletion or alteration of numerous members. (Sec. 1, Art. XVII, 1987
existing provisions. (Lambino vs. Commission Constitution
on Elections, G.R. No. 174153, October 25,
2006) 🕮 Although Section 1, Article XVII of the
Constitution did not expressly provide that
Qualitative Test – The Court inquired into the Senate and the House of Representatives
the qualitative effects of the proposed must vote separately, when the Legislature
change in the Constitution. The main inquiry consists of two (2) houses, the determination
is whether or not the change will of one house is to be submitted to the
“accomplish such far reaching changes separate determination of the other house.
in the nature of our basic governmental (Miller vs. Mardo, G.R. No. L-15138, July 31,
plan as to amount to a revision.” The 1961)
changes include those to the “fundamental
framework or the fundamental powers of its In other words, what is needed in a
branches,” and those that “jeopardize the Constituent Assembly is a 3⁄4 vote of ALL
traditional form of government and the members of the House of Representatives
system of checks and balances.” Whether and ALL members of the Senate, voting
there is an alteration in the structure of separately.
government is a proper subject of inquiry.
(Lambino vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. General Rule: A constituent assembly may
No. 174153, October 25, 2006) propose any change in the constitution.

🕮 CONSTITUENT POWER – power to Exception: A constituent assembly may not

formulate a Constitution or to propose propose anything that is inconsistent with



what is known, particularly in international DOCTRINE OF PROPER SUBMISSION –

law, as jus cogens. (Planas vs. Commission The entire Constitution must be submitted for
on Elections, G.R. No. L-35925, January 22, ratification at one plebiscite only. The people
1973) must have a proper “frame of reference.” No
“piecemeal submission,” e.g. submission of
b. Constitutional Convention, called into age requirement ahead of other proposed
existence by (a) 2/3 of all members of the amendments (Tolentino vs. Commission on
Congress, or (b) the electorate, in a Elections, G.R. No. L-34150, October 16,
referendum called for by a majority of all 1971).
members of Congress. (Sec. 1, Art. XVII,
1987 Constitution) 🕮 The process of revision is the same in all
respects, except that it cannot be proposed
🕮 The Constitutional Convention is via a People’s Initiative. (Lambino vs.
independent and co-equal to other Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 174153,
departments. (Mabanag vs. Lopez Vito, G.R. October 25, 2006)
No. L-1123, March 5, 1947)
Matters which may be reviewed by the
c. People (through People’s Initiative) – A court:
petition of at least 12% of the total number
of registered voters, of which every 1. Whether or not a proposal was
legislative district must be represented by at approved by the required number of
least 3% of the registered voters therein. votes of Congress;
(Sec. 5[b], Republic Act No. 6735) 2. Whether or not the approved
proposals were properly submitted to
Limitation on Initiative: No amendment the people for ratification. (Tolentino
shall be authorized within 5 years following vs. Commission on Elections, G.R.
the ratification of the 1987 Constitution nor No. L-34150, October 16, 1971)
more often than once every 5 years
thereafter. (Sec. 5[b], Republic Act No. 6735)

🕮 Constitutional provision on amendments

via People’s Initiative not self-executory.
(Santiago vs Commission on Elections, G.R.
No. 127325, March 19, 1997)

RATIFICATION – The proposed

amendment shall be submitted to the people
and shall be deemed ratified by the majority
of the votes cast in the plebiscite, held not Initiative and Referendum
earlier than 60 days nor later than 90 days The power of initiative and referendum may
(a) after approval of the proposal by be exercised by all registered voters of the
Congress of Constitutional Convention; or (b) country, autonomous regions, provinces,
after certification of the COMELEC of cities, municipalities and barangays. (Sec. 4,
sufficiency of petition of the people. (Sec. 4, Republic Act No. 6735)
Art. XVII, 1987 Constitution)



Plebiscite (b) Initiative shall extend only to subjects

“Plebiscite” is the electoral process by which or matters which are within the legal
an initiative on the Constitution is approved powers of the local legislative bodies
or rejected by the people. (Sec. 3[e], to enact.
Republic Act No. 6735) (c) If at any time before the initiative is
held, the local legislative body shall
Initiative adopt in toto the proposition
“Initiative” is the power of the people to presented, the initiative shall be
propose amendments to the Constitution or cancelled. However, those against
to propose and enact legislations through an such action may, if they so desire,
election called for the purpose. (Sec. 3[a], apply for initiative in the manner
Republic Act No. 6735) herein provided. (Sec. 15, Republic
Act No. 6735)
3 Systems of Initiative
1. Initiative on the Constitution Limitation on Local Legislative Body
which refers to a petition proposing vis-à-vis Local Initiative
amendments to the Constitution;
2. Initiative on statutes which refers Any proposition or ordinance approved
to a petition proposing to enact a through the system of initiative and
national legislation; and referendum as herein provided shall not be
3. Initiative on local legislation repealed, modified, or amended by the
which refers to a petition proposing sanggunian concerned within six (6) months
to enact a regional, provincial, city, from the date of the approval thereof, and
municipal, or barangay law, may be amended, modified or repealed by
resolution or ordinance. (Sec. 3[a.1- the sanggunian within three (3) years
a.3], Republic Act No. 6735) thereafter by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of
all its members: In case of barangays, the
Local Initiative period shall be eighteen (18) months after
the approval thereof. (Sec. 125, Republic Act
Not less than two thousand (2,000) No. 7160)
registered voters in case of autonomous
regions, one thousand (1,000) in case of Referendum
provinces and cities, one hundred (100) in
case of municipalities, and fifty (50) in case “Referendum” is the power of the
of barangays, may file a petition with the electorate to approve or reject a legislation
Regional Assembly or local legislative body, through an election called for the purpose. It
respectively, proposing the adoption, may be of two classes, namely:
enactment, repeal, or amendment, of any 1. Referendum on statutes which refers
law, ordinance or resolution. (Sec. 13, to a petition to approve or reject an
Republic Act No. 6735) act or law, or part thereof, passed by
Congress; and
Limitations on Local Initiative 2. Referendum on local law which refers
to a petition to approve or reject a
(a) The power of local initiative shall not law, resolution or ordinance enacted
be exercised more than once a year. by regional assemblies and local



legislative bodies. (Sec. 3[c], C. NATIONAL TERRITORY (1987 CONST.,

Republic Act No. 6735) art. I; UNCLOS, arts 1, 3-8, 33, 46-48, 50 and
The Power to Hold A Referendum is Not
The national territory comprises the
The following cannot be the subject of an Philippine archipelago, with all the islands
initiative or referendum petition: and waters embraced therein, and all the
(a) No petition embracing more than one other territories over which the Philippines
(1) subject shall be submitted to the has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of
electorate; and its terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains,
(b) Statutes involving emergency including its territorial sea, the seabed, the
measures, the enactment of which subsoil, the insular shelves, and other
are specifically vested in Congress by submarine areas. The waters around,
the Constitution, cannot be subject to between and connecting the islands of the
referendum until ninety (90) days archipelago, regardless of their breadth and
after its effectivity. (Sec. 10, Republic dimensions, form part of the internal waters
Act No. 6735) of the Philippines. (Art. I, 1987 Constitution)

Initiative vs Referendum Territory

The territory of a State includes not only the
land over which its jurisdiction extends, but
also the rivers, lakes, bays and airspace
above it. The domain of a State therefore
may be described as terrestrial, fluvial or
maritime. (Magsalin, Philippine Political Law,
2017, p. 52)

1. SCOPE (Terrestrial, Aerial, and Fluvial

(SBMA vs Comelec, G.R. 125416, September
26, 1996)
The territorial domain includes properties
of public dominion as well as properties of
In initiative and referendum, the Comelec
private ownership. Properties of public
exercises administration and supervision of
dominion include those for public use, those
the process itself, akin to its powers over the
for public service, and those for the
conduct of elections. These law-making
development of the national wealth. (Paras,
powers belong to the people, hence the
International law and world politics, 1994, p.
Comelec cannot control or change the
substance or the content of legislation. In the
exercise of its authority, it may (in fact it
The aerial domain of the Philippines
should have done so already) issue relevant
includes the air directly above its terrestrial
and adequate guidelines and rules for the
and fluvial domains. All the air that lies above
orderly exercise of these "people-power"
our land territory and our water territory
features of our Constitution. (SBMA vs
belongs to us, all the way up to outer space
Comelec, G.R. 125416, September 26, 1996)
where there is no more air. The aerial domain



extends up to where outer space begins, on large-scale charts officially recognized by

directly over our land and water territories. the coastal State. (Art. 5, United Nations
(Bernas, The 1987 Constitution of the Convention on the Law of the Sea)
Philippines A Commentary, 2009, p. 32)
The maritime or fluvial domain consists In the case of islands situated on atolls or of
of rivers, lakes, bays, gulfs, straits and islands having fringing reefs, the baseline for
canals. Theoretically, there are two (2) kinds measuring the breadth of the territorial sea is
of waters: the seaward low-water line of the reef, as
1. The internal or inland national waters shown by the appropriate symbol on charts
(these are completely within the officially recognized by the coastal State.
territory); and (Art. 6, United Nations Convention on the
2. The external or territorial or maritime Law of the Sea)
waters (those found within the
maritime or territorial zone, along the STRAIGHT BASELINE METHOD
coastline). (Paras, International law Consists of drawing straight lines connecting
and world politics, 1994, p. 258) appropriate points on the coast without
departing to any appreciable extent from the
TERRITORIAL SEA general direction of the coast, in order to
The territorial sea is a belt of sea outwards delineate the internal waters from the
from the baseline and up to 12 nautical miles territorial waters of an archipelago. (Art.
beyond. The width of this territorial belt of 7[3], United Nations Convention on the Law
water has been the subject of much of the Sea)
disagreement. The original rule was the
“cannon shot” rule, that is, the width of water INTERNAL WATERS
was measured in terms of the range of shore- 1. Except as provided in Part IV, waters
based artillery. Later this became the three- on the landward side of the baseline
mile rule. The three-mile rule has now been of the territorial sea form part of the
discarded in favor of the twelve-mile rule now internal waters of the State.
found in Article 3 of the 1982 Law of the Sea. 2. Where the establishment of a straight
(Art. 3, United Nations Convention on the baseline in accordance with the
Law of the Sea) method set forth in Article 7 has the
effect of enclosing as internal waters
OUTER LIMIT OF THE TERRITORIAL areas which had not previously been
SEA considered as such, a right of
The outer limit of the territorial sea is the line innocent passage as provided in this
every point of which is at a distance from the Convention shall exist in those
nearest point of the baseline equal to the waters. (Art. 8, United Nations
breadth of the territorial sea. (Art. 4, United Convention on the Law of the Sea)
Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea)
NORMAL BASELINE METHOD The contiguous zone is an area of water not
Except where otherwise provided in this exceeding 24 nautical miles from the
Convention, the normal baseline for baseline. It thus extends 12 nautical miles
measuring the breadth of the territorial sea is from the edge of the territorial sea. The
the low-water line along the coast as marked coastal state exercises authority over that



area to the extent necessary to prevent made publicly available and deposited with
infringement of its customs, fiscal, the United Nations Secretary-General. (Art.
immigration or sanitation authority over its 47, United Nations Convention on the Law of
territorial waters or territory and to punish the Sea)
such infringement. (Art. 33, United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea) EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE
ARCHIPELAGO AND ARCHIPELAGIC The exclusive economic zone is an area
STATES beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea,
(a) "archipelagic State" means a State subject to the specific legal regime
constituted wholly by one or more established in this Part, under which the
archipelagos and may include other rights and jurisdiction of the coastal State
islands; and the rights and freedoms of other States
(b) "archipelago" means a group of are governed by the relevant provisions of
islands, including parts of islands, this Convention. (Art. 55, United Nations
interconnecting waters and other Convention on the Law of the Sea)
natural features which are so closely
interrelated that such islands, waters RIGHTS, JURISDICTION AND DUTIES
and other natural features form an OF THE COASTAL STATE IN THE
intrinsic geographical, economic and EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE
political entity, or which historically 1. In the exclusive economic zone, the
have been regarded as such. (Art. 46, coastal State has:
United Nations Convention on the (a) sovereign rights for the purpose of
Law of the Sea) exploring and exploiting,
conserving and managing the
ARCHIPELAGIC BASELINE natural resources, whether living
An archipelagic State can establish straight or non-living, of the waters
baselines by connecting the outermost points superjacent to the seabed and of the
of its islands and drying reefs, as long as seabed and its subsoil, and with
these baselines enclose the main islands and regard to other activities for the
an area with a specific ratio of water to land. economic exploitation and
The length of these baselines is generally exploration of the zone, such as the
limited to 100 nautical miles, with exceptions production of energy from the water,
for a small percentage that can extend up to currents and winds;
125 nautical miles. The configuration of the (b) jurisdiction with regard to: (i) the
baselines should reflect the overall shape of establishment and use of artificial
the archipelago and should not cut off islands, installations and structures;
another state's territorial sea. If an (ii) marine scientific research; (iii) the
archipelagic state's waters lie between two protection and preservation of the
neighboring states, the rights and interests of marine environment;
those states in those waters should be (c) other rights and duties provided for
respected. The ratio of water to land includes in this Convention.
areas within fringing reefs and enclosed
oceanic plateaus. These baselines must be 2. In exercising its rights and performing its
accurately depicted on charts or lists of duties under this Convention in the exclusive
geographical coordinates, which must be economic zone, the coastal State shall have



due regard to the rights and duties of other this Part. (Art. 58, United Nations
States and shall act in a manner compatible Convention on the Law of the Sea)
with the provisions of this Convention. (Art.
56, United Nations Convention on the Law of CONTINENTAL (ARCHIPELAGIC) SHELF
the Sea) The continental shelf, archipelagic or insular
shelf for archipelagos, refers to:
BREADTH OF THE EXCLUSIVE (a) the seabed and subsoil of the
ECONOMIC ZONE submarine areas adjacent to the
The exclusive economic zone shall not extend coastal state but outside the
beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines territorial sea, to a depth of two
from which the breadth of the territorial sea hundred meters or, beyond that limit,
is measured. (Art. 57, United Nations to where the depth allows
Convention on the Law of the Sea) exploitation; and
(b) the seabed and subsoil of areas
RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF OTHER STATES adjacent to islands. (Art. 76, United
IN THE EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE Nations Convention on the Law of the
1. In the exclusive economic zone, all Sea)
States, whether coastal or land-
locked, enjoy the freedoms referred Note: The coastal state has the right to
to in article 87 of navigation and explore and exploit its natural resources, to
overflight and of the laying of erect installations needed, and to erect a
submarine cables and pipelines, and safety zone over its installations with a radius
other internationally lawful uses of of 500 meters. The right does not affect the
the sea related to these freedoms, right of navigation of others. Moreover, the
such as those associated with the right does not extend to non-resource
operation of ships, aircraft and material in the shelf area such as wrecked
submarine cables and pipelines, and ship and their cargoes. (Art. 77, United
compatible with the other provisions Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea)
of this Convention.
2. Articles 88 to 115 and other pertinent D. SEPARATION OF POWERS, AND
rules of international law apply to the CHECKS AND BALANCES
exclusive economic zone in so far as
they are not incompatible with this SEPARATION OF POWERS
Part. The separation of powers is a fundamental
3. In exercising their rights and principle in our system of government. It
performing their duties under this obtains not through express provision
Convention in the exclusive economic but by actual division in our
zone, States shall have due regard to Constitution. Each department of the
the rights and duties of the coastal government has exclusive cognizance of
State and shall comply with the laws matters within its jurisdiction, and is supreme
and regulations adopted by the within its own sphere. But it does not follow
coastal State in accordance with the from the fact that the three powers are to be
provisions of this Convention and kept separate and distinct that the
other rules of international law in so Constitution intended them to be absolutely
far as they are not incompatible with unrestrained and independent of each other.”



(Angara vs. Electoral Commission, G.R. No. Constitution are apt to be forgotten or
L-45081, July 15, 1936) marred, if not entirely obliterated.

The 3 co-equal part branches of government In cases of conflict, the judicial

are each supreme and independent within department is the only constitutional
the limits of its own sphere. Neither one can organ which can be called upon to
interfere with the performance of the duties determine the proper allocation of
of the other. (Forbes vs. Chuoco, G.R. No. L- powers between the several departments
6157, July 30, 1979) and among the integral or constituent units
thereof. (Angara vs. Electoral Commission,
The legislative power shall be vested in the G.R. No. L-45081, July 15, 1936)
Congress of the Philippines which shall
consist of a Senate and a House of Violation of the Doctrine of Separation
Representatives, except to the extent of Powers by the Congressional Pork
reserved to the people by the provision on Barrel System
initiative and referendum. (Sec. 1, Art. VI,
1987 Constitution) The defining feature of all forms of
Congressional Pork Barrel would be the
The executive power shall be vested in the authority of legislators to participate in the
President of the Philippines. (Sec. 1, Art. VII, post enactment phases of project
1987 Constitution) implementation. At its core, legislators – may
it be through project lists, prior consultations
The judicial power shall be vested in one or program menus – have been consistently
Supreme Court and in such lower courts as accorded post- enactment authority to
may be established by law. (Sec. 1, Art. VIII, identify the projects they desire to be funded
1987 Constitution) through various Congressional Pork Barrel
Purpose: To prevent concentration of
authority in one person or group of persons Aside from the area of project identification,
that might lead to an irreversible error or legislators have also been accorded post
abuse in its exercise to the detriment of the enactment authority in the areas of fund
republican institutions. (Bernas, The 1987 release and realignment. Clearly, these
Constitution of the Republic of the post- enactment measures which
Philippines: A Commentary, 2009, p.668) govern the areas of project
identification, fund release and fund
The Constitution has blocked out with realignment are not related to
deft strokes and in bold lines, allotment functions of congressional oversight.
of power to the executive, the
legislative and the judicial departments These constitute impermissible
of the government. The overlapping and intervention and/or assumption of
interlacing of functions and duties between duties that properly belong to the
the several departments, however, sphere of budget execution. (Belgica vs.
sometimes makes it hard to say just where Ochoa, Jr., G.R. No. 208566, November 19,
the one leaves off and the other begins. In 2013)
times of social disquietude or political
excitement, the great landmarks of the



Violation of the Doctrine of Separation CHECKS AND BALANCES IN RELATION

of Powers by the Disbursement TO SEPARATION OF POWERS
Acceleration Program
In essence, separation of powers means that
In the funding of current activities, projects, legislation belongs to Congress, execution to
and programs, the general rule should still be the executive, settlement of legal
that the budgetary amount contained in the controversies to the judiciary. Each is
appropriations bill is the extent Congress will prevented from invading the domain of the
determine as sufficient for the budgetary others. But the separation is not total. The
allocation for the proponent agency. The only system allows for "checks and balances" - the
exception is found in Section 25 (5), Article net effect of which being that, in general, no
VI of the Constitution, by which the one department is able to act without
President, the President of the Senate, the the cooperation of at least one of the
Speaker of the House of Representatives, the other departments. The purpose of
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the separation of powers and "checks and
heads of Constitutional Commissions are balances" is to prevent concentration of
authorized to transfer appropriations to powers in one department and thereby to
augment any item in the General avoid tyranny. (Bernas, The 1987
Appropriations Act (GAA) for their respective Constitution of the Republic of the
offices from the savings in other items of Philippines: A Commentary, 2009, p.678)
their respective appropriations.
By means of the check and balances, the
The Disbursement Acceleration Program officers of the several departments are kept
violated the doctrine of separation of powers within their jurisdiction, and if they are
through the following acts and practices: disregarded in any case, and power is
a. The withdrawal of unobligated usurped or abused, the remedy is by
allotments from the implementing impeachment, and not by another
agencies, and the declaration of the department of the government attempting to
withdrawn unobligated allotments correct the wrong by asserting a superior
and unreleased appropriations as authority over that which by the constitution
savings prior to the end of the fiscal is its equal. (Alejandrino vs. Quezon, G.R. No.
year and without complying with the 22041, September 11, 1924)
statutory definition of savings
contained in the General But it does not follow from the fact that the
Appropriations Acts; three powers are to be kept separate and
b. The cross-border transfers of the distinct that the Constitution intended them
savings of the Executive to augment to be absolutely unrestrained and
the appropriations of other offices independent of each other. The Constitution
outside the Executive; and has provided for an elaborate system of
c. programs that were not covered by checks and balances to secure coordination
any appropriation in the GAA. in the workings of the various departments of
(Araullo vs. Aquino, G.R. No. 209287, the government.” (Angara vs. Electoral
July 1, 2014) Commission, G.R. No. L-45081, July 15,



Congressional oversight is not per se Section 8(2) of RA No. 6770, providing that
violative, but is integral, to separation of the President may remove a Deputy
powers. (Abakada Guro Partylist vs. Purisima, Ombudsman, is unconstitutional. Subjecting
G.R. No. 166715, August 14, 2008) the Deputy Ombudsman to discipline and
removal by the President, whose own alter
A legislative veto, i.e. statutory provision egos and officials in the Executive
(which may take the form of a congressional department are subject to the Ombudsman’s
oversight committee) that requires the disciplinary authority, cannot but seriously
President or an agency to submit the place at risk the independence of the Office
proposed implementing rules and regulations of the Ombudsman itself. Section 8(2) of R.A.
of a law to Congress for approval, is No. 6770 intruded upon the constitutionally-
unconstitutional. It encroaches on: (1) The granted independence of the Office of the
executive - it allows Congress to take a direct Ombudsman. By so doing, the law directly
role in the enforcement of its laws; (2) The collided not only with the independence that
judiciary - administrative issuances enjoy a the Constitution guarantees to the Office of
presumption of validity, and only the courts the Ombudsman, but inevitably with the
may decide whether or not they conform to principle of checks and balances that the
statutes or the Constitution. (Abakada Guro creation of an Ombudsman office seeks to
Partylist vs. Purisima, G.R. No. 166715, revitalize. What is true for the Ombudsman
August 14, 2008) must equally and necessarily be true for her
Deputies who act as agents of the
In the final analysis, the Court must strike Ombudsman in the performance of their
down the Pork Barrel System as duties. The Ombudsman can hardly be
unconstitutional in view of the inherent expected to place her complete trust in her
defects in the rules within which it operates. subordinate officials who are not as
To recount, insofar as it has allowed independent as she is, if only because they
legislators to wield, in varying gradations, are subject to pressures and controls external
non-oversight, post-enactment authority in to her Office. (Gonzales III vs. Office of the
vital areas of budget execution, the system President, G.R. No. 196231, January 28,
has violated the principle of separation of 2014)
powers; insofar as it has conferred unto
legislators the power of appropriation by E. STATE IMMUNITY (1987 CONSTI., art.
giving them personal, discretionary funds XVI, sec. 3; P.D. No. 1445)
from which they are able to fund specific
projects which they themselves determine, it STATE – A community of persons, more or
has similarly violated the principle of non- less numerous, permanently occupying a
delegability of legislative power; insofar as it definite portion of territory, independent of
has created a system of budgeting wherein external control, and possessing an
items are not textualized into the organized government to which a great body
appropriations bill, it has flouted the of the inhabitants render habitual obedience;
prescribed procedure of presentment and, in a politically organized sovereign community
the process, denied the President the power independent of outside control bound by ties
to veto items. (Belgica vs. Executive of nationhood, legally supreme within its
Secretary, G.R. Nos. 208566, 208493, territory, acting through a government
209251, November 19, 2013) functioning under a regime of law.
(Commission on Internal Revenue vs.



Campos Rueda, G.R. No. L-13250, October Another justification is the practical
29, 1971) consideration that demands and
inconveniences of litigation will divert the
DOCTRINE OF ROYAL PREROGATIVE OF time and resources of the State from the
DISHONESTY – There can be no legal right more pressing matters, demanding its
against the authority that makes the law on attention, to the prejudice of the public
which the rights depend. (Republic of the welfare (Cruz and Cruz, Philippine Political
Philippines vs. Villasor, G.R. No. L-30671, Law, p. 48).
November 28, 1973)
All states are sovereign equals and cannot
Constitutional Basis: The State may not assert jurisdiction over one another,
be sued without its consent. (Sec. 3, Art. XVI, consonant with the public international law
1987 Constitution) principle of par in parem non habet
imperium. A contrary disposition would
International Law Basis: Immunity from "unduly vex the peace of nations" (Arigo vs.
jurisdiction is enjoyed by both the head of Swift, G.R. No. 206510, September 16,
state and by the state itself. (Bernas, 2014).
Introduction to Public International Law,
2009, p. 192) The following are immune from suit
under international law:
Jurisprudential Basis: 1. The Head of State, who is the
personification of the State;
Positivist Theory – There can be no legal 2. The State’s diplomatic agents,
right as against the authority that makes the including consuls, to a certain extent;
laws on which the right depends. and
(Kawananakoa vs. Polybank, 205 U.S. 349, 3. A foreign agent, operating within a
1907) territory, as long as it can be
established that he is acting within
Sociological theory – If the State is the directives of the sending state.
amenable to suits, all its time would be spent (Minucher vs. Court of Appeals, G.R.
defending itself from suits and this would No. 142396, February 11, 2003);
prevent it from performing its other 4. The United Nations, as well as its
functions. (Republic vs. Villasor, G.R. No. L- organs and specialized agencies; and
3067, November 28, 1973) 5. Other international organizations or
international agencies may be
Ratio of the Doctrine of State immune from the jurisdiction of local
Immunity: It is obvious that indiscriminate courts and local administrative
suits against the state will result in the tribunals. (SEAFDEC vs. National
impairment of its dignity, besides being a Labor Relations Commission, G.R.
challenge to its supposed infallibility. To No. 86773, February 14, 1992)
Justice Holmes, however, the doctrine of
non-suability is based not on “any formal Test if suit is against the State: Whether
conception or obsolete theory but on the the enforcement of a decision, rendered
logical and practical ground that there can be against the public officer or the agency
no legal right against the authority which impleaded requires an affirmative act from
makes the law on which the right depends.” the State, such as the appropriation of the



needed amount to satisfy the judgment. filed with the Commission on Audit which
(Sanders vs. Veridiano, G.R. No. L-46930, must act upon it within sixty days. Rejection
June 10, 1988) of the claim will authorize the claimant to
elevate the matter to the Supreme Court on
certiorari and in effect, sue the State thereby
(P.D. 1445, Sections 49-50). (UP vs. Dizon,
G.R. No. 171182, August 23, 2012)

Special Law: Specific consent is given when

a law is enacted authorizing a particular
person to bring a specified suit against the
government in respect to a particular claim or

By virtue of P.D. No. 1620, the grant of

immunity to International Rice Research
Institute is clear and unequivocal, and the
express waiver by its Director General is the
HOW STATE’S CONSENT IS GIVEN only way by which it may relinquish this
immunity. (Callado vs. IRRI, G.R.No. 106483,
A. Express Consent: Effected only by will May 22, 1995)
of the legislature through the medium of a
duly enacted statute; may be embodied B. Implied Consent
either in a general law or a specific law. a. When the State enters into a business
(Republic vs. Feliciano, G.R. No. 70853, contract or itself commences litigation;
March 12, 1987) b. If the government files a complaint,
defendant may file a counterclaim
General Law: Authorizes any person who against it;
meets the conditions stated in the law to sue c. When the State files complaint,
the government in accordance with the suability will result only where the
procedure in law. government is claiming affirmative
relief from the defendant;
An example of a general law granting consent d. When it would be inequitable for the
is C.A. No. 327, as amended by P.D. No. State to invoke its immunity;
1445, which requires that all money claims e. In instances when the State takes
against the government must first be filed private property for public use or
with the Commission on Audit before suit is purpose. (DOTC vs Spouses Abecina,
instituted in court. G.R. No. 206484, June 29, 2016)

The primary jurisdiction to examine, audit 🕮 When the State enters into a business
and settle all claims of any sort due from the contract, a distinction must be made between
Government or any of its subdivisions, contracts entered into by the State in jure
agencies and instrumentalities pertains to the imperii (sovereign acts) and in jure gestionis
Commission on Audit (COA) pursuant to (commercial or proprietary acts). (U.S. vs
Presidential Decree No. 1445 (Government Ruiz, G.R. No. L-35645, May 22, 1985)
Auditing Code of the Philippines). All money
claims against the Government must first be



🕮 Where the contract is in pursuit of a a. Incorporated: If the charter provides

sovereign activity, there is no waiver of that the agency can sue and be sued, then
immunity, and no implied consent may be the suit will prosper, including one for tort.
derived therefrom. In U. S. v. Ruiz, it was The provision in the charter constitutes
held that the contract for the repair of express consent on the part of the State to
wharves was a contract in jus imperii, be sued. (Metropolitan Transportation
because the wharves were to be used in Service vs. Paredes, G.R. No. L-1232
national defense, a governmental function. January 12, 1948)
(U.S. vs Ruiz, G.R. No. L-35645, May 22,
1985) There should be no question on this score
considering that the SSS is a juridical entity
In Republic (PCGG) v. Sandiganbayan, 227 with a personality of its own. It has corporate
shares in Negros Occidental Golf and Country powers separate and distinct from the
Club, Inc. owned and registered in the name Government. SSS' own organic act
of Benedicto were sequestered and taken specifically provides that it can sue and be
over by PCGG fiscal agents. In a suit for sued in Court.
payment of dues of the sequestered shares,
the Supreme Court held that by entering into The words "sue and be sued" embrace all civil
a Compromise Agreement with Benedicto, process incident to a legal action. So that,
the Republic thereby stripped itself of its even assuming that the SSS, as it claims,
immunity from suit and placed itself in the enjoys immunity from suit as an entity
same level of its adversary. When the State performing governmental functions, by virtue
enters into contract, through its officers or of the explicit provision of the enabling law,
agents, in furtherance of a legitimate aim and the Government must be deemed to have
purpose and pursuant to constitutional waived immunity in respect of the SSS,
legislative authority, whereby mutual or although it does not thereby concede its
reciprocal benefits accrue and rights and liability. (SSS vs CA, G.R. No. L-41299,
obligations arise therefrom, the State may be February 21, 1983)
sued even without its express consent,
precisely because by entering into a contract Municipal corporations are agencies of the
the sovereign descends to the level of the State when they are engaged in
citizen. Its consent to be sued is implied from governmental functions and therefore should
the very act of entering into such contract, enjoy the sovereign immunity from suit.
breach of which on its part gives the Nevertheless, they are subject to suit even in
corresponding right to the other party to the the performance of such functions because
agreement. (Republic v. Sandiganbayan, their charter provided that they can sue and
G.R. No. 129406, March 6, 2006) be sued. (Municipality Of San Fernando, La
Union vs. Firme, G.R. No. L-52179, April 8,
Specific Rules 1991)

Suits against government agencies b. Unincorporated: Inquire into the

Immunity from suits is determined by the principal functions of the agency:
character of the objects for which the entity i. If governmental, NO suit without consent;
was organized. (Malong vs. Philippine ii. If proprietary, suit will prosper because
National Railways, G.R. No. L-49930, August when the State engages in principally
7, 1985) proprietary functions, then it descends to the



level of a private individual. (Department of In as much as the State authorizes only legal
Health vs. Phil Pharma Wealth, Inc., G.R. No. acts by its officers, unauthorized acts of
182358, February 20, 2013) government officials or officers are not acts
of the State, and an action against the
Suits against Local Government Units officials or officers by one whose rights have
been invaded or violated by such acts, for the
Every local government unit shall have the protection of his rights, is not a suit against
power to sue and be sued. (Sec. 22, Local the State within the rule of immunity of the
Government Code) State from suit. (Director of the Bureau of
Telecommunications vs Aligaen, G.R. No. L-
Municipal corporations are agencies of the 31135, May 29, 1980)
State when they are engaged in
governmental functions and, therefore, Suits against Foreign States
should enjoy the sovereign immunity from
suit. However, they are subject to suit even In international law, "immunity" is commonly
in the performance of such functions because understood as an exemption of the state and
their respective charters provide that they its organs from the judicial jurisdiction of
can sue and be sued. (San Fernando La another state. This is anchored on the
Union vs Judge Firme, G.R. No. 52179, April principle of the sovereign equality of states
8, 1991) under which one state cannot assert
jurisdiction over another in violation of the
Suits against Public Officers maxim par in parem non habet imperium.
(Jusmag PHL vs NLRC, G.R. No. 108813,
The doctrine of state immunity extends its December 15, 1994)
protective mantle also to complaints filed
against state officials for acts done in the Under the Principle of Sovereign Equality of
discharge and performance of their duties. States, one state cannot assert its jurisdiction
(United States of America vs. Judge Guinto, over the other; thus, “a state cannot be sued
G.R. No. 76607, February 26, 1990) in the courts of another state” as this would
unduly vex the peace of nations. (United
An action at law or suit in equity against a States of America vs. Judge Guinto, G.R. No.
State officer or the director of a State 76607, February 26, 1990)
department on the ground that, while
claiming to act for the State, he violates or Submission by a foreign state to local
invades the personal and property rights of jurisdiction must be clear and unequivocal. It
the plaintiff, under an unconstitutional act or must be given explicitly or by necessary
under an assumption of authority which he implication. (The Republic of Indonesia vs
does not have, is not a suit against the State Vinzon, G.R. No. 154705, June 26, 2003)
within the constitutional provision that the
State may not be sued without its consent. Suits against international agencies
The rationale for this ruling is that the and their officials
doctrine of state immunity cannot be used as
an instrument for perpetrating an injustice. International agencies and their agents enjoy
(Shauf vs CA, G.R. No. 90314, November 27, immunity from suit in the Philippines.
1990) (Convention on the Privileges and Immunities



of the Specialized Agencies of the United Scope of Consent (Suability vs.

Nations) Liability)

2. Exception to the Principle of State Consent to be sued is NOT a concession

Immunity: The restrictive application of of liability: Suability depends on the
State immunity is proper only when the consent of the State to be sued, and liability
proceedings arise out of commercial on the applicable law and the established
transactions of the foreign sovereign, its facts. The circumstance that a state is suable
commercial activities or economic affairs. does not necessarily mean that it is liable; on
(Arigo vs. Swift, G.R. No. 206510 the other hand, it can never be held liable if
September 16, 2014) it does not first consent to be sued. When the
state does waive its sovereign immunity, it is
Stated differently, a State may be said to only giving the plaintiff the chance to prove,
have descended to the level of an individual if it can, that the defendant is liable. (United
and can thus be deemed to have tacitly given States of America vs. Judge Guinto, G.R. No.
its consent to be sued only when it enters into 76607, February 26, 1990)
business contracts. It does not apply where
the contract relates to the exercise of its When the State gives its consent to be sued,
sovereign functions. (U.S. vs. Ruiz, G.R. No. it does not thereby necessarily consent to an
L-35645, May 22, 1985) unrestrained execution against it. Tersely
put, when the State waives its immunity, all
Distinction between acts jure imperii it does, in effect, is to give the other party an
and jure gestionis opportunity to prove, if it can, that the State
has a liability. (Department of Agriculture vs.
The National Labor Relations Commission,
G.R. No. 104269, November 11, 1993)

The universal rule that where the State gives

its consent to be sued by private parties
either by general law or special law, it may
limit claimant's action "only up to the
completion of proceedings anterior to the
stage of execution" and that the power of the
Courts ends when the judgment is rendered,
since government funds and properties may
🕮 In exercising the right of eminent domain, not be seized under writs of execution or
the Court explained, the State exercised its garnishment to satisfy such judgments, is
jus imperii, as distinguished from its based on obvious considerations of public
proprietary rights, or jus gestionis; yet, even policy. Disbursements of public funds must
in that area, where private property had been be covered by the correspondent
taken in expropriation without just appropriation as required by law. The
compensation being paid, the defense of functions and public services rendered by the
immunity from suit could not be set up by the State cannot be allowed to be paralyzed or
State against an action for payment by the disrupted by the diversion of public funds
owners. (Air Transportation Office vs. Sps. from their legitimate and specific objects, as
David, G.R. No. 159402, February 23, 2011)



appropriated by law. (Republic vs NLRC, G.R. performed by the delegate through the
No. 120385 October 17, 1996) instrumentality of his own judgment and not
through the intervening mind of another.
However, funds of government corporations (The United States vs. Barrias, G.R. No. 4349,
which can sue or be sued are not exempt September 24, 1908)
from garnishment. (Philippine National Bank
vs. Pabalan, G.R. No. L-33112, June 15, GENERAL RULE: The legislature cannot
1978) delegate its power to make a law, but it can
make a law to delegate a power to determine
F. DELEGATION OF POWERS (1987 some fact or state of things upon which the
CONST., art. VI, secs. 1, 23(2) and 28(2)) law makes, or intends to make, its own action
to depend. (The United States vs. Ang Tang
The legislative power shall be vested in the Ho, G.R. No. 17122, February 27, 1922)
Congress of the Philippines which shall
consist of a Senate and a House of EXCEPTIONS:
Representatives, except to the extent 1. Subordinate legislation made by
reserved to the people by the provision on administrative agencies. –
initiative and referendum. (Sec. 1, Art. VI, Administrative agencies have the
1987 Constitution) power to “fill-up the details” of a
statute passed by Congress in the
In times of war or other national emergency, course of its implementation.
the Congress may, by law, authorize the (ABAKADA Guro Partylist vs.
President, for a limited period and subject to Purisima, G.R. No. 166715, August
such restrictions as it may prescribe, to 14, 2008)
exercise powers necessary and proper to 2. Delegated legislative power to local
carry out a declared national policy. Unless governments – Local governments
sooner withdrawn by resolution of the may be allowed to legislate on purely
Congress, such powers shall cease upon the local matters (Sec. 9, Art. IX, 1987
next adjournment thereof. (Sec. 23[2], Art. Constitution)
VI, 1987 Constitution) 3. Legislative power reserved to the
people by the provision on initiative
The Congress may, by law, authorize the and referendum (Sec. 1, Art. VI, 1987
President to fix within specified limits, and Constitution)
subject to such limitations and restrictions as 4. Emergency power delegated to the
it may impose, tariff rates, import and export Executive during State of War or
quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and National Emergency (Sec. 23[2], Art.
other duties or imposts within the framework VI, 1987 Constitution)
of the national development program of the 5. Certain taxing powers of the
Government. (Sec. 28[2], Art. VI, 1987 President (Sec. 28[2], Art. VI, 1987
Constitution) Constitution)

Rationale: Potestas delegata non potest Permissible delegation

delegare (what has been delegated cannot 1. By direct constitutional grant
be further delegated). It is based on the a. Delegation of tariff powers to the
ethical principle that delegated power President (Sec. 28[2], Art. VI, 1987
constitutes not only a right, but a duty to be Constitution);



b. Delegation of emergency powers to delegate, announce the legislative policy and

the President (Sec. 23[2], Art. VI, identify the condition under which it is to be
1987 Constitution); implemented (Abakada Guro Party List vs.
c. Delegation to local government units Ermita, G.R. No. 168056, October 18, 2005)
(Sec.5, Art. X, 1987 Constitution);
d. Rule-making power of the Supreme G. FUNDAMENTAL POWERS OF THE
Court (Sec. 5[5], Art. VIII, 1987 STATE – POLICE POWER, EMINENT
e. Rule-making power of Constitutional APPLICATION, AND LIMITATIONS
Commissions. (Sec. 6, Art. IX-A; Sec. (1987 CONST., art. III, sec. 9; art. VI, sec.
3, Art. IX-C; Sec. 2[2], Art. IX-D, 28; art. XIV, sec. 4(3))
1987 Constitution)
Similarities and Differences
2. By legislative grant: Delegation of
powers to administrative bodies (also Similarities (Cruz, Constitutional Law,
called Subordinate Legislation). 2015, p.84)
a. Inherent in the State;
Tests for Valid Delegation (Pelaez vs. b. Necessary and indispensable;
Auditor General, G.R. No. L – 23825, c. Methods by which State interferes
December 24, 1965) with private property;
d. Presuppose equivalent
1. Completeness Test: The law must be compensation; and
complete in all its essential terms and e. Exercised primarily by the
conditions when it leaves the legislature so Legislature.
that there will be nothing left for the delegate
to do when it reaches him except to enforce Differences (Cruz, Constitutional Law,
it The “completeness test” means that the 2015, p.84)
law sets forth the policy to be executed,
carried out or implemented by the delegate.
(Abakada Guro Party List vs. Ermita, G.R. No.
168056, October 18, 2005)

2. Sufficiency of Standard Test: A

sufficient standard is intended to map out the
boundaries of the delegate’s authority by
defining the legislative policy and indicating
the circumstances under which it is to be
pursued and effected; intended to prevent a
total transference of legislative power from
the legislature to the delegate.
The “sufficient standard test” means that the
law lays down adequate guidelines or
limitations to map out the boundaries of the
authority of the delegate and prevent the
delegate from running riot. The standard
must specify the limits of the authority of the



Requisites for Valid Exercise of the (2) Law-making bodies of the local
Fundamental Powers of the State government units, public
(3) Quasi-public corporations, and
(4) Administrative bodies

NOTE: The grant of the power of

eminent domain to local government
units under Republic Act No. 7160
cannot be understood as equal to the
pervasive and all- encompassing
power vested in the legislative branch
of the government. (City of Cebu vs.
Sps. Apolonio, G.R. No. 142971, May
7, 2002)

c. Power of Taxation: to the

(1) Law-making bodies of the local
government units (Sec. 5, Art. X,
1987 Constitution), and
(2) President (Sec. 28[2], Art. VI, 1987
Limitations on the exercise: Generally, it
is limited by the Bill of Rights. Although in
some cases, the exercise of the power
The exercise of Police Power involves the
prevails over specific constitutional
state authority to enact legislation that may
guarantees. Subject at all times to the
interfere with personal liberty or property in
limitations and requirements of the
order to promote the general welfare, health,
Constitution and may in proper cases be
morals, and good order. This includes:
annulled by the courts, i.e. when there is
(1) Imposition of restraint on liberty or
grave abuse of discretion. (Nachura, Outline
Reviewer in Political Law, 2016)
(2) In order to foster the common good
(Zabal vs. Duterte, G.R. No. 238467,
February 12, 2019)
GENERAL RULE: Exercised by the
power promoting public welfare by
restraining and regulating the use of liberty
EXCEPTION: When validly delegated:
and property. (Southern Luzon Drug
a. Police Power: to the
Corporation vs DSWD, G.R. No. 199669, April
(1) President,
25, 2017)
(2) administrative bodies, or
(3) law-making bodies of the
government units
1. Salus populi est suprema lex (The
b. Power of Eminent Domain: to the
welfare of the people is the supreme
(1) President,



2. Sic utere tuo ut alienum non Scope

laedas (So use your property as not to The police power of the State, one court has
injure the property of others). said, is a power co-extensive with self-
protection, and is not inaptly termed the law
Power vested by the Constitution in the of overruling necessity. (Rubi vs. Provincial
legislature to make, ordain and establish all Board, G.R. No. L-14078 March 7, 1919)
manner of wholesome and reasonable laws,
statutes and ordinances, either with penalties A law enacted in the exercise of police power
or without, not repugnant to the Constitution, to regulate or govern certain activities or
as they shall judge to be for the good and transactions could be given retroactive effect
welfare of the commonwealth, and for the and may reasonably impair vested rights or
subject of the same. (MMDA vs. Bel-Air contracts. (Ortigas and Co. vs. Court of
Village Association, Inc. G.R. No. 135962, Appeals, G.R. No. 126102, December 4,
March 27, 2000) 2000)

Characteristics Police power prevails over contracts.

a. Most essential, insistent and the least (Philippine National Bank vs. Office of the
limitable of powers, extending as it President G.R. No. 104528, January 18,
does to all the great public needs. 1996)
(Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel
Operators Association, Inc. vs. City Non-impairment of contracts or vested rights
Mayor of Manila, No. L-24693, July clauses will have to yield to the superior and
31, 1967) legitimate exercise by the State of the police
b. Plenary; and its scope vast and power. (Ortigas and Co. vs. Court of Appeals,
pervasive, reaching and justifying G.R. No. 126102, December 4, 2000)
measures for public health, public
safety, public morals, and the general Exercise of Police Power
welfare. (People of the Philippines vs.
Siton, G.R. No. 169364, September Lodged primarily in the Legislature
18, 2009)
c. May not be bargained away through May be validly delegated by the legislature to
the medium of a contract or treaty the:
(Ichong vs. Hernandez, G.R. No. L- a. President;
7995, May 31, 1957) b. Administrative Board; and
d. Dynamic, not static, and must move c. Law-Making Bodies on all Municipal
with the moving society it is Boards
supposed to regulate (Osmena vs.
COMELEC, G.R. No. 132231 March NOTE: Mandamus cannot be availed of to
31, 1998) coerce the exercise of police power.
e. Eminent domain may be used as an
implement for the attainment of a Under existing laws, insofar as illegal
legitimate police objective. constructions are concerned, the mayor can,
(Association of Small Landowners in after satisfying the requirement of due notice
the Philippines, Inc. vs. Secretary of and hearing, order their closure and
Agrarian Reform, G.R. No. 78742, demolition. The Office of the Mayor is given
July 14, 1989) powers not only relative to its function as the



executive official of the town; it has also been GENERAL RULE: Within the
endowed with authority to hear issues territorial limits (for local government
involving property rights of individuals and to units)
come out with an effective order or resolution
therein. (Aquino v. Municipality of Malay, EXCEPTION: When exercised to
Aklan, G.R. No. 211356, September 29, protect water supply. (Wilson vs. City
2014) of Mountain Lake Terraces, 417 P.2d
632, August 18, 1966)
Requisites of Valid Exercise
(Limitations) b. Must not be contrary to law
Municipal governments are only
a. Lawful Subject – the interest of the agents of the national government.
public generally, as distinguished Local councils exercise only
from that of a particular class, delegated legislative powers
requires its exercise; and (Planters conferred on them by Congress as
Products Inc, vs. Fertiphil the national lawmaking body. The
Corporation, G.R. No. 166006, March delegate cannot be superior to the
14, 2008) principal or exercise powers higher
b. Lawful Means/Method – the than those of the latter. (Magtajas vs.
means employed are reasonably Pryce Properties, G.R. No. 111097,
necessary for the accomplishment July 20, 1994)
of the purpose and not unduly
oppressive upon individuals. (Lucena By virtue of a valid delegation, the
Grand Central Terminal, Inc. vs. JAC power may be exercised by the
Liner, Inc., G.R.No.148339, February President and administrative boards
23, 2005; see also United States vs. as well as by the lawmaking bodies of
Toribio, G.R. No. L-5060, January 26, municipal corporations or local
1910) governments under an express
delegation by the Local Government
Sec. 2 of COMELEC Resolution No. 2772, Code of 1991. (MMDA vs. Viron
which mandates newspapers of general Transport Co., Inc., G.R. No. 170656,
circulation in every province or city to provide August 15, 2007)
free print space of not less than 1⁄2 page as
COMELEC space, was held to be an invalid Law is a Legitimate Exercise of Police
exercise of the police power there being no Power (When) it has General Welfare
showing of the existence of a national for its Object
emergency or imperious public necessity for The State, in promoting the health and
the taking of the print space, nor that the welfare of a special group of citizens, can
resolution was the only reasonable and impose upon private establishments the
calibrated response to such necessity. burden of partly subsidizing a government
(Philippine Press Institute vs. COMELEC, 244 program. The Senior Citizens Act was
SCRA 272, May 22, 1995) enacted primarily to maximize the
contribution of senior citizens to nation-
Additional limitations (when exercised by building, and to grant benefits and privileges
a delegate) to them for their improvement and well-being
a. Expressly granted by law as the State considers them an integral part



of our society. (Southern Luzon Drug Corp v. 2. EMINENT DOMAIN

DSWD, G.R. No. 199669, April 25, 2017)
Private property shall not be taken for public
Constitutional Limitations against use without just compensation (Sec. 9, Art
Police Power III, 1987 Constitution)

a. Due Process Clause It is the power of the State that enables it to

b. Equal Protection Clause forcibly acquire private lands intended for
public use upon payment of just
The conflict, therefore, between police power compensation to the owner. (Association of
and the guarantees of due process and equal Small Landowners in the Philippines, Inc. vs.
protection of the laws is more apparent than Secretary of Agrarian Reform, G.R. No.
real. Properly related, the power and the 78742, July 14, 1989)
guarantees are supposed to coexist. The
balancing is the essence or, shall it be said, Police Power vs. Power of Eminent
the indispensable means for the attainment Domain
of legitimate aspirations of any democratic
society. There can be no absolute power, Police power: a property right is impaired
whoever exercises it, for that would be by regulation, or the use of property is merely
tyranny. (Ichong vs. Hernandez, G.R. No. L- prohibited, regulated or restricted to promote
7995, May 31, 1957) public welfare. In such cases, there is no
compensable taking, hence, payment of just
Requisites of a Valid Ordinance (Tatel vs. compensation is not required. Although the
Municipality of Virac, G.R. No. 40243, March regulation affects the right of ownership,
11, 1992) none of the bundle of rights which constitute
ownership is appropriated for use by or for
1. Procedural Requirements the benefit of the public. (Equitable PCI Bank
a. Must be within the corporate powers vs. South Rich Acres, Inc., G.R. No. 202384,
of the local government to enact; and May 04, 2021)
b. Must be passed according to the
procedure prescribed by law. Power of eminent domain: property
interests are appropriated and applied to
2. Substantive Requirements (CUP- some public purpose which necessitates the
PUG) payment of just compensation therefor.
a. Must not contravene the constitution Normally, the title to and possession of the
or any statute. property are transferred to the expropriating
b. Must not be unfair or oppressive. authority. However, the acquisition of title or
c. Must not be partial or discriminatory. total destruction of the property is not
d. Must not prohibit, but may regulate essential for "taking" under the power of
trade. eminent domain to be present. In these
e. Must not be unreasonable. cases, although the private property owner is
f. Must be general in application and not divested of ownership or possession,
consistent with public policy. (City of payment of just compensation is warranted
Manila vs. Laguio, Jr., G.R. No. because of the burden placed on the property
118127, April 12, 2005) for the use or benefit of the public. (Manila



Memorial Park vs. DSWD, G.R. No. 175356, (Lagcao vs. Labra, G.R. No. 155746, October
December 3, 2013) 13, 2004)

Who May Exercise (CELPQ) The taking to be valid must be for public use.
(a) Generally, Congress As long as the purpose of the taking is public,
(b) Delegated Executive, pursuant to then the power of eminent domain comes
legislation enacted by Congress into play. That only a few would actually
(c) Local government units, pursuant benefit from the expropriation of property
to an ordinance enacted by their does not necessarily diminish the essence
respective legislative bodies (under and character of public use. (Manosca vs CA,
LGC) G.R. No. 106440, January 29, 1996)
(d) Public corporations, as may be
delegated by law JUST COMPENSATION – the full and fair
(e) Quasi-public corporations e.g. equivalent of the property taken; it is the fair
PNR, PLDT, MERALCO market value of the property, that is that sum
of money which a person, desirous but not
NOTE: An expropriation suit is compelled to buy, and an owner, willing, but
incapable of pecuniary estimation. It not compelled to sell, would agree on as a
falls within the jurisdiction of the price to be given and received therefor.
Regional Trial Courts, regardless of (Republic of the Philippines vs. Asia Pacific
the value of the subject property. Integrated Steel Corporation, G.R. No.
(Brgy. San Roque, Talisay, Cebu v. 192100, March 12, 2014)
Heirs of Francisco)
The aforementioned rule is modified where
Requisites for a valid exercise: only a part of a certain property is
(TaPuComPriD) expropriated. In such a case the owner is not
A. There is Taking restricted to compensation for the portion
B. Taking is for Public Use actually taken. In addition to the market
C. There must be just Compensation value of the portion taken, he is also entitled
D. Subject property must be Private to recover for the consequential damage, if
property any, to the remaining part of the property. At
E. Due process must be observed the same time, from the total compensation
must be deducted the value of the
PUBLIC USE – the general concept of consequential benefits. (Napocor vs Sps.
meeting public need or public exigency. The Chiong, G.R. No. 152436, June 20, 2003)
term public use has now been held to be
synonymous with public interest, public Purpose: not to reward the owner for the
benefit, public welfare and public property taken, but to compensate him for
convenience. (Reyes vs. National Housing the loss thereof. As such, the true measure
Authority, G.R. No. 147511, January 20, of the property is the market value at the
2003) time of the taking, when the loss resulted.
Indeed, the State is not obliged to pay
The foundation of the right to exercise premium to the property owner for
eminent domain is genuine necessity and appropriating the latter's property; it is only
that necessity must be of public character. bound to make good the loss sustained by
the landowner, with due consideration to the



circumstances availing at the time the Rule 67 of the Rules of Court provides,
property was taken. (Republic vs. among others, that just compensation is "to
Macabagdal, G.R. No. 227215, January 30, be determined as of the date of the taking of
2018) the property or the filing of the complaint,
whichever came first. (Republic of the
Determination of Just Compensation Philippines vs. Villao, G.R. No. 216723, March
The determination of "just 9, 2022)
compensation" in eminent domain
cases is a judicial function. The executive Delay in payment
department or the legislature may make the Just compensation in expropriation cases has
initial determinations but when a party claims been held to contemplate just and timely
a violation of the guarantee in the Bill of payment, and prompt payment is the
Rights that private property may not be taken payment in full of the just
for public use without just compensation, no compensation as finally determined by
statute, decree, or executive order can the courts. (Land Bank of the Philippines v.
mandate that its own determination shall Santos, G.R. No. 213863, January 27, 2016)
prevail over the court's findings. Much less
can the courts be precluded from looking into Thus, when property is taken, full
the "justness" of the decreed compensation. compensation of its value must
(EPZA vs. Dulay, G.R. No. L-59603, April 29 immediately be paid to achieve a fair
1987) exchange for the property and the potential
income lost. (National Power Corporation vs.
The final determination of just compensation Manalastas, G.R. No. 196140, January 27,
is vested in courts. Courts may deviate from 2016)
the basic formula provided by administrative
agencies if it finds, in its discretion, that other Verily, on top of the interest computed to the
factors must be taken into account in the market value of the property at the time of
determination of just compensation. taking, additional compensation by way of
Deviation, however, must be grounded on a exemplary damages and attorney's fees is
reasoned explanation based on the warranted in view of the government's taking
evidence on record. Absent this, the without the benefit of expropriation
deviation will be considered grave abuse of proceedings. (Sec. of DPWH and Engr.
discretion. (Land Bank of the Philippines v. Contreras vs. Sps Tecson, G.R. No. 179334,
Franco, G.R. No. 203424, March 12, 2019) April 21, 2015)

Measure of just compensation Right to Recover

The measure is not the taker’s gain, but the While the prevailing doctrine is that "the non-
owner’s loss. (Association of Small payment of just compensation does not
Landowners in the Philippines, Inc. v. entitle the private landowner to recover
Secretary of Agrarian Reform, G.R. No. possession of the expropriated lots, however,
78742, July 14, 1989) in cases where the government failed to
pay just compensation within five (5)
The value should be taken from the time of years from the finality of the judgment
the taking. (City of Cebu vs. Sps. Dedamo, in the expropriation proceedings, the
G.R. No. 142971, May 7, 2002) owners concerned shall have the right
to recover possession of their property.



Trial with Commissioners process of law. (Napocor vs. Heirs of

Sangkay, G.R. No. 165828, August 24, 2011)
In an expropriation case where the principal
issue is the determination of just ACTION TO RECOVER JUST
compensation, a trial before the COMPENSATION v. ACTION FOR
Commissioners is indispensable to allow the DAMAGES - the former has the objective to
parties to present evidence on the issue of recover the value of the property taken in
just compensation. The appointment of at fact by the governmental defendant. The
least three (3) competent persons as latter seeks to vindicate a legal wrong
commissioners to ascertain just through damages, which may be actual,
compensation for the property sought to be moral, nominal, temperate, liquidated or
taken is a mandatory requirement in exemplary. (Heirs of Sps. Mariano vs. City of
expropriation cases. While it is true that the Naga, G.R. No. 197743, October 18, 2022)
findings of commissioners may be
disregarded and the court may substitute its In view of the discontinuance of the
own estimate of the value, the latter may proceedings and the eventual return of the
only do so for valid reasons, i.e., where the property to the respondents, there is no need
Commissioners have applied illegal principles to pay "just compensation" to them because
to the evidence submitted to them or where their property would not be taken by
they have disregarded a clear preponderance NAPOCOR. Instead of full market value of the
of evidence, or where the amount allowed is property, therefore, NAPOCOR should
either grossly inadequate or excessive. compensate the respondents for the
(Meralco vs. Pineda, G.R. No. L-59791, disturbance of their property rights from the
February 13 1992) time of entry in March 1993 until the time of
restoration of the possession by paying to
Inverse Condemnation (action to them actual or other compensatory damages.
recover just compensation from the (Republic v. Heirs of Bourbon, G.R. No.
State) – objective is to recover the value of 165354, January 12, 2015)
property taken in fact by the governmental
defendant, when no formal exercise of PRIVATE PROPERTY – property of private
the power of eminent domain has been ownership, besides the patrimonial property
attempted by the taking agency. NPC of the State, provinces, cities, and
could have, at any time, validly exercised the municipalities, consists of all property
power of eminent domain to acquire the belonging to private persons, either
easement over respondents’ property as this individually or collectively. (Art. 425, New
power encompasses not only the taking or Civil Code [NCC])
appropriation of title to and possession of the
expropriated property but likewise covers REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7160 (The Local
even the imposition of a mere burden upon Government Code) required the City to pass
the owner of the condemned property. an Ordinance, not adopt a resolution, for the
Significantly, though, landowners cannot be purpose of initiating an expropriation
deprived of their right over their land until proceeding. These are the requisites
expropriation proceedings are instituted in before an LGU can exercise eminent
court. The court must then see to it that the domain:
taking is for public use, that there is payment 1. An Ordinance enacted by the local
of just compensation and that there is due legislative council authorizing the



local chief executive, in behalf of and supervision of one agency with a view to
LGU, to exercise the power of promoting their efficient management. There
eminent domain. is no confiscation because NAWASA is
2. For Public Use, Purpose, or Welfare directed to pay the districts with an equal
or for the benefit of the poor and value of the assets of NAWASA.
3. Payment of Just Compensation The Baguio Waterworks System,
4. Valid and Definite Offer has been however, is a property owned by Baguio
previously made, but said offer is not in its proprietary character. A waterworks
accepted. system is patrimonial property of the city that
established it. Hence, waterworks cannot be
Property owned by an LGU can be taken away without observing the safeguards
considered as private property set by our Constitution for the protection of
private property. Baguio cannot thus be
1. The City of Baguio (Baguio) maintained the deprived of its property even if NAWASA
Baguio Waterworks System under a desires to take over the administration of the
certificate of public convenience, and waterworks in accordance with RA 1383. RA
financed by the Baguio general fund and by 1383, insofar as it expropriates waterworks
the national government. The National without providing for an effective payment of
Waterworks and Sewerage Authority just compensation, violates the Constitution.
(NAWASA) was created by Republic Act No. (City of Baguio vs NAWASA, G.R. No. L-
1383 for the purpose of consolidating and 12032, August 31, 1959)
centralizing all waterworks, sewerage and
one control, direction and general 2. The classification of properties under Art.
supervision. 424 is without prejudice to the provisions of
special laws. For the purpose of the aforesaid
Baguio filed a complaint for declaratory relief article, the principles obtaining under the Law
against NAWASA. Baguio asserted that RA on Municipal Corporations can be considered
1383 does not cover the Baguio Waterworks as special laws. Hence, the classification of
System. In the event that it does, RA 1383 is municipal property devoted for distinctly
unconstitutional as it deprives Baguio of the governmental purposes as public should
ownership, control and operation of the prevail over the Civil Code classification.
waterworks system without compensation
and due process of law. NAWASA asserted Art. 424. Property for public use, in the
that RA 1383 is a proper exercise of police provinces, cities, and municipalities, consist
power. In the event that RA 1383 is an act of of the provincial roads, city streets,
expropriation, it is a constitutional exercise of municipal streets, the squares, fountains,
the power of eminent domain. Further, public waters, promenades, and public works
Baguio Waterworks System is not private for public service paid for by said provinces,
property, but public works for public service. cities, or municipalities.

The Court held that RA 1383 merely directs All other property possessed by any of them
that all waterworks belonging to cities, is patrimonial and shall be governed by this
municipalities and municipal districts in the Code, without prejudice to the provisions of
Philippines be transferred to NAWASA for the special laws. (Province of Zamboanga del
purpose of placing them under the control



Norte vs. City of Zamboanga, G.R. No. L- 2. Regulatory taking – government’s

24440, March 28, 1968) regulation leaves no reasonable economically
viable use of the property. (City of Manila vs.
Elements Of A Valid Taking (BEAPP) Laguio, G.R. No. 118127, April 12, 2005)
A. Utilization of the property must be in
such a way as to oust the owner and When the owner of real property has been
deprive him of Beneficial enjoyment called upon to sacrifice all economically
of the property. beneficial uses in the name of the common
B. Expropriator must Enter a private good, that is, to leave his property
property; economically idle, he has suffered a taking.
C. Entry must be under a warrant or color (Ibid.)
of Authority;
D. Property must be devoted to public Examples of taking
use or otherwise informally
appropriated or injuriously affected; ● Expropriation is not limited to the
and acquisition of real property with a
E. Entrance must be Permanent corresponding transfer of title or
(Republic of the Philippines vs. Vda. de possession. The right-of-way easement
Castellvi, G.R. No. L-20620, August 15, 1974) resulting in the restriction or limitation on
property rights over the land traversed by
No deprival of beneficial use transmission lines also falls within the
ambit of the term expropriation. The
In the instant case, the entry of the Republic ownership of the land extends to the
into the property and its utilization of the surface as well as to the subsoil under it.
same for public use did not oust Castellvi Underground tunnels impose limitations
and deprive her of all beneficial on the owner’s use of the property for an
enjoyment of the property. Castellvi indefinite period and deprive them of its
remained as owner, and was continuously ordinary use. (NPC v. Lucman Ibrahim,
recognized as owner by the Republic, as G.R. No. 168732, June 29, 2007)
shown by the renewal of the lease contract
from year to year, and by the provision in the ● There was a full taking of the NPC,
lease contract whereby the Republic notwithstanding that the owners were
undertook to return the property to Castellvi not completely and actually
when the lease was terminated. Neither dispossessed. It is settled that the taking
was Castellvi deprived of all the of private property for public use, to be
beneficial enjoyment of the property, compensable, need not be an actual
because the Republic was bound to pay, physical taking or appropriation.
and had been paying, Castellvi the (NAPOCOR v. Heirs of Macabangkit
agreed monthly rentals until the time Sangkay, G.R. No. 165828, Aug. 24,
when it filed the complaint for eminent 2011)
domain. (Republic v. Castellvi, G.R. No. L-
20620, August 15, 1974) ● A regulation that deprives any person of
Two types of taking: the profitable use of his property
1. Possessory taking – government constitutes a taking and entitles him to
confiscates or physically occupies property. compensation, unless the invasion of
rights is so slight as to permit the



regulation to be justified under police Government Code of 1991; Sec. 5,

power. Similarly, a police regulation that Art. X, 1987 Constitution)
unreasonably restricts the right to use c. To a limited extent, the President
business property for business purposes when granted delegated tariff powers
amounts to a taking of private property, (Sec. 28[2], Art. VI, 1987
and the owner may recover therefor. Constitution)
(OSG v. Ayala, G.R. No. 177056, Sept.
3. TAXATION (1) Must be for a Public Purpose
(2) Must be Uniform and equitable
Taxation is the power by which the State (3) The person or property taxed is
raises revenue to defray the necessary within the Jurisdiction of the taxing
expenses of the Government; the most authority
effective instrument to raise needed (4) Complies with Due process
revenues to finance and support myriad (5) Does not infringe any constitutional
activities for the delivery of basic services or inherent limitations
essential to the promotion of the general
welfare and the enhancement of peace, Constitutional Exemption Principles
progress, and prosperity of the people.
(National Power Corporation vs. City of 1. Charitable institutions, churches and
Cabanatuan, G.R. No. 149110, April 9, 2003) parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto,
mosques, non- profit cemeteries, and all
Scope: Covers persons, property or lands, buildings, and improvements,
profession or business within the taxing actually, directly, and exclusively used
jurisdiction. The power of taxation is the for religious, charitable, or educational
most absolute of all powers of the purposes shall be exempt from taxation.
government. It has the broadest scope of all (Sec. 28[3], Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)
powers of the government because in the
absence of limitations, it is considered as The exemption in favor of property used
unlimited, plenary, comprehensive and exclusively for charitable or educational
supreme. (Sison, Jr. vs. Ancheta, G.R. No. L- purposes is ‘not limited to property actually
59431, July 25, 1984) indispensable’ therefor (Cooley on Taxation,
Vol. 2, p. 1430), but extends to facilities
Basis: Lifeblood Theory which are incidental to and reasonably
necessary for the accomplishment of said
Taxes are the lifeblood of the government, purposes, such as in the case of hospitals, ‘a
for without taxes, the government can school for training nurses, a nurses’ home,
neither exist nor endure. (NPC vs. City of property use to provide housing facilities for
Cabanatuan, G.R. No. 149110, April 9, 2003) interns, resident doctors, superintendents,
and other members of the hospital staff, and
Who may exercise: recreational facilities for student nurses,
a. Primarily, the legislature interns, and residents’ (84 CJS 6621), such as
b. Local legislative bodies through ‘athletic fields’ including ‘a firm used for the
local taxation (Sec. 19, Local inmates of the institution.’ (Abra Valley



College, Inc. vs. Aquino, 162 SCRA 106, No. direct and exclusive for educational
L-39086, June 15, 1988) purposes. Where the Constitution does not
distinguish with respect to source or origin,
2. Non-stock, non-profit educational the NIRC should not make distinctions.
institutions used actually, directly and (Mamalateo, Reviewer in taxation, 2008)
(Sec. 4[3], Art. XIV, 1987 Constitution) DOUBLE TAXATION - happens when
additional taxes are laid: (STaTpPTjK)
NOTE: However, they shall be subject to 1. On the same Subject
internal revenue taxes on income from trade, 2. By the same Taxing Authority
business or other activity, the conduct of 3. During the same Taxing Period
which is not related to the exercise or 4. For the same Purpose
performance of their educational 5. Within the same Taxing Jurisdiction
purposes or functions. (Dimaampao, Tax 6. Of the same Kind or character
Principles and Remedies, 5th edition, 2015)
Double Taxation becomes obnoxious only
3. Donor’s Tax – Art. XIV, Sec. 4(4) which where the taxpayer is taxed twice for the
provides that “all grants, endowments, benefit of the same governmental entity or
donations, or contributions used actually, by the same jurisdiction for the same
directly and exclusively for educational purpose, but not in a case where one tax is
purposes shall be exempt from tax” is not imposed by the State and the other by the
self-executing as it requires legislative city or municipality. (Pepsi-Cola Bottling
enactment providing certain conditions for Company v. Municipality of Tanauan, G.R.
exemption. However, since Sec. 101(a)(3) of No. L-31156, February 27, 1976)
NIRC under donor’s tax declared its
exemption, then these donations are tax Under the Local Government Code, a
exempt. (Dimaampao, Tax Principles and MUNICIPALITY is bereft of authority to levy
Remedies, 5th edition, 2015) and impose franchise tax of franchise holders
within its territorial jurisdiction. That
Actual, direct, and exclusive use authority belongs to provinces and cities
What is meant by actual, direct and exclusive only. A franchise tax levied by a municipality
use of the property for charitable purposes is is thus, null and void. The nullity is not cured
the direct and immediate and actual by the subsequent conversion of the
application of the property itself to the municipality into a city. (City of Pasig v.
purposes for which the charitable institution MERALCO, G.R. No. 181710, March 7, 2018)
is organized. It is not the use of the income
from the real property that is determinative II. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT
of whether the property is used for tax-
exempt purposes. (Angeles University A. CONGRESS: SENATE AND HOUSE OF
Foundation vs. City of Angeles, G.R. No. REPRESENTATIVES
189999, June 27, 2012)
NOTE: The 1987 Constitution does not QUALIFICATIONS – 1987 CONST., art.
distinguish with respect to the source or VI, secs. 2-14
origin of the income. The distinction is with
respect to the use which should be actual, SENATE



COMPOSITION: The Senate shall be the full term for which he was elected. (Sec.
composed of twenty-four (24) senators who 4, par 2, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)
shall be elected at large by the qualified
voters of the Philippines, as may be provided SENATE AS A CONTINUING BODY:
by law. (Sec. 2, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution) Unlike the House of Representatives, the
QUALIFICATIONS: No person shall be Senate shall not be at any time be completely
Senator UNLESS he is: dissolved. One-half of the membership is
a. a natural-born citizen of the retained as the other half is replaced or
Philippines; reelected every three years. (Cruz, Political
b. On the day of the election, is at least Law, p. 222)
thirty-five (35) years of age;
c. able to read and write; The Senate is not dissolved as an entity with
d. a registered voter and; each national election or change in the
e. a resident of the Philippines for not composition of its members. However, in the
less than two years immediately conduct of its day-to-day business, the
preceding the day of the election. Senate of each Congress acts separately and
(Sec. 3, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution) independently of the Senate of the Congress
before it. (Garcillano vs. House of
TERM OF OFFICE: The term of office of the Representatives, G.R. No. 170338, December
Senators shall be six (6) years and shall 23, 2008)
commence, unless otherwise provided by
law, at noon on the 30th day of June next HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
following their election. (Sec. 4, par 1, Art.
VI, 1987 Constitution) COMPOSITION: The House of
Representatives shall be composed of not
RESTRICTIONS: more than 250 members, unless
a. They must be possessed during the otherwise fixed by law, who shall be
officer’s entire incumbency; elected from legislative districts apportioned
b. The qualifications prescribed by the among the provinces, cities, and the
Constitution are exclusive and the Metropolitan Manila in accordance with the
legislature may not make additional number of their respective inhabitants, and
qualifications; on the basis of a uniform and progressive
c. Property qualifications are not allowed as ratio, and those who, as provided by law,
no person may be denied a chance to be shall be elected through a party-list system
elected to public office by reason of of registered national, regional, and sectoral
poverty (Maquera vs. Borra, G.R. No. L- parties or organizations. (Sec. 5, par 1, Art.
24761, September 7, 1965); and VI, 1987 Constitution)
d. No religious test shall be required for the
exercise of civil and political rights. (Sec. District Representatives - entitled to 80%
5, Art. III, 1987 Constitution) of the seats to be elected from legislative
LIMITATION: No Senator shall serve for
more than two (2) consecutive terms. Party-list Representatives – entitled to
Voluntary renunciation of the office for any 20% of the total number of representatives,
length of time shall not be considered as an who are elected through a party-list system
interruption in the continuity of his service for



of registered national, regional, and sectoral Domicile of choice, on the other hand, is the
parties or organizations. place which the person has elected and
chosen for himself to displace his previous
QUALIFICATIONS: No person shall be a domicile; it has for its true basis or foundation
Member of the House of Representatives the intention of the person. (Ong Huan Tin v.
unless he is: Republic, G.R. No. L-20997, April 27, 1967)
1. a natural born citizen of the
Philippines and; Elements of Domicile of Choice
2. on the day of the election, is at least 1. residence or bodily presence in the
twenty-five years of age; new locality;
3. able to read and write and, 2. an intention to remain there; and
4. except the party-list representatives, 3. an intention to abandon the odd
a registered voter in the district in domicile. (Gallego vs. Vera, G.R. No.
which he shall be elected, and; L-48641, November 24, 1941)
5. a resident thereof for a period of not
less than 1 year immediately Without clear and positive proof of the
preceding the day of election. (Sec. concurrence of the three requirements, the
6, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution) domicile of origin continues. (Pundaodaya vs.
COMELEC, G.R. No. 179313, September 17,
Domicile: Domicile has been defined as that 2009)
place in which a person's habitation is fixed,
without any present intention of removing Domiciliary Requirement
therefrom, and that place is properly the If a person retains his domicile of origin for
domicile of a person in which he has purposes of the residence requirement for
voluntarily fixed his abode, or habitation, not representatives, the one-year period is
for a mere special or temporary purpose, but irrelevant because by legal fiction, wherever
with a present intention of making it his he may be, he is a resident of his domicile of
permanent home. It denotes a fixed origin. Domicile imports not only intention to
permanent residence to which when absent reside in a fixed place but also personal
for business, or pleasure, or for like reasons presence in that place coupled with conduct
one intends to return, and depends on facts indicative of that intention.
and circumstances, in the sense that they
disclose intent. (Ong Huan Tin v. Republic, If a person re-establishes a previously
G.R. No. L-20997, April 27, 1967) abandoned domicile or acquires a new one,
the one-year requirement must be satisfied.
Domicile of choice, and of origin (Marcos vs. Commission on Elections, G.R.
No. 119976, September 18, 1995)
Domicile is classified into domicile of origin
and domicile of choice. The law attributes to Special rules on domicile
every individual a domicile of origin, which is ● A minor follows the domicile of his
the domicile of his parents, or of the head of parents. (Romualdez-Marcos vs.
his family, or of the person on whom he is Commission on Elections, G.R. No.
legally dependent at the time of his birth. 119976, September 18, 1995)
While the domicile of origin is generally the ● The wife does not automatically gain the
place where one is born or reared, it maybe husband’s domicile because the term
elsewhere. “residence” in Civil Law does not mean



the same in Political Law. (Romualdez- renunciation of the office for any length of
Marcos vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. time shall not be considered as an
No. 119976, September 18, 1995) interruption in the continuity of his service for
● Immigration to the US by virtue of the the full term for which he was elected. (Sec.
acquisition of a “green card” constitutes 7, par 2, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)
abandonment of domicile in the
Philippines. (Caasi vs. Commission on No involuntary interruption of term in
Elections, G.R. No. 88831, November 8, the following cases
● When a permanent vacancy occurs in an
Residence: It is the place where one elective position and the official merely
habitually resides and to which, when he is assumed the position pursuant to the
absent, he has the intention of returning. rules on succession under the LGC, then
(Romualdez-Marcos vs. COMELEC, G.R. no. his service for the unexpired portion of
119976, September 18, 1995) the term of the replaced official cannot
be treated as one full term as
RESIDENCE vs. DOMICILE: The essential contemplated under the subject
distinction between Residence and Domicile constitutional and statutory provision
in law is that residence involves the intent to that service cannot be counted in the
leave when the purpose for which the application of any term limit. (Borja, Jr.
resident has taken up his abode ends. One vs. COMELEC, G.R No. 133495,
may seek a place for purposes such as September 3, 1998)
pleasure, business, or health. If a person's ● An elective official, who has served for
intent be to remain, it becomes his domicile; three consecutive terms and who did not
if his intent is to leave as soon as his purpose seek the elective position for what could
is established it is residence. It is thus, quite be his fourth term, but later won in a
perfectly normal for an individual to have recall election, had an interruption in the
different residences in various places. continuity of the official’s service. For, he
However, a person can only have a single had become in the interim, ie., from the
domicile, unless, for various reasons, he end of the 3rd term up to recall election,
successfully abandons his domicile in favor of a private citizen. (Adormeo vs. COMELEC,
another domicile of choice. (Romualdez- G.R No. 147927, February 4, 2002)
Marcos vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 119976, ● The abolition of an elective local office
September 18, 1995) due to the conversion of a municipality to
a city does not, by itself, work to interrupt
TERM OF OFFICE: The Members of the the incumbent official’s continuity of
House of Representatives shall be elected for service. (Latasa vs. COMELEC, G.R. No.
a term of three years which shall begin, 154829, December 10, 2003)
unless otherwise provided by law, at noon on ● Preventive suspension is not a term-
the thirtieth day of June next following their interrupting event as the elective officer’s
election. (Sec. 7, par 1, Art. VI, 1987 continued stay and entitlement to the
Constitution) office remain unaffected during the
period of suspension, although he is
LIMITATIONS: No member of the House of barred from exercising the functions of
Representatives shall serve for more than his office during this period. (Aldovino vs.
three consecutive terms. Voluntary



COMELEC, G.R. No. 184836, December fourth time is the same one which brought
23, 2009) him to office in 2004 and 2007. (Naval vs
COMELEC, GR. No. 207851, July 8, 2014)
● When a candidate is proclaimed as
winner for an elective position and DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES AND
assumes office, his term is interrupted QUESTIONS OF APPORTIONMENT
when he loses in an election protest and Apportionment of Legislative Districts
is ousted from office, thus disenabling Each legislative district shall compromise, as
him from serving what would otherwise far as practicable, contiguous, compact, and
be the unexpired portion of his term of adjacent territory. Each city with a population
office had the protest been dismissed. of at least 250,000, or each province, shall
(Lonzanida vs. COMELEC, G.R No. have at least one representative. (Sec. 5. par
135150, July 28, 1990) 3, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)

● When an official is defeated in an election The 250,000 minimum population

protest and said decision becomes final requirement for the establishment of
after said official had served the full term legislative districts under Sec. 5(3), Art. VI
for said office, then his loss in the election applies only to cities. (Aquino III vs
contest does not constitute an COMELEC, G.R. No. 189793, April 7, 2010)
interruption since he has managed to
serve the term from start to finish. his full Reappointment of Legislative Districts
service, despite the defeat, should be Within 3 years following the return of every
counted in the application of term limits census, the Congress shall make a
because the nullification of his reapportionment of legislative district based
proclamation came after the expiration of on the standards provided in this section.
the term. (Ong vs. Alegre, G.R No. (Sec. 5, par 4, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)
163295 & 163354, January 23, 2006)
Reapportionment of legislative districts may
Application of the three-term limit rule be made through a special law. To hold that
upon local elective officials in renamed reapportionment can be made only through
and/or reapportioned districts: a general law would create an inequitable
situation where a new city or province
Lawmakers intended for the old Second created by Congress will be denied legislative
District to be merely renamed to the representation for an indeterminate period of
current new Third District. It likewise time, which would deprive the people in the
bears noting that the actual difference in the new city of province a particle of their
population of the old Second District from sovereignty. There would be no need for
that of the current Third District amounts to such plebiscite where no new territory or no
less than 10% of the population of the latter. change in an existing territory is made under
This numerical fact renders the new Third a law, and only a reapportionment or the
District as essentially, although not literally, creation of an additional legislative district is
the same as the old Second District. Hence, done. (Tobias vs Abalos, G.R. No. L-114783,
while petitioner is correct in his argument December 8, 1994)
that Sanggunian members are elected by
district, it does not alter the fact that the Legislative districts are created or
district which elected him for the third and reapportioned only by an act of Congress.



Nothing in Section 20, Article X of the PARTY-LIST SYSTEM

Constitution authorized autonomous regions,
expressly or impliedly, to create or The party-list representatives shall constitute
reapportion legislative districts for Congress. 20% of the total number of representatives
The office of a legislative district including those under the party-list.
representative to Congress is a national
office, and its occupant, a Member of the For three consecutive terms after the
House of Representatives, is a national ratification of this Constitution, one-half of
official. It would be incongruous for a the seats allocated to a party-list
regional legislative body like the ARMM representatives shall be filled, as provided by
Regional Assembly to create a national office law, by selection or election from the labor,
when its legislative powers extend only to its peasant, urban poor, indigenous cultural
regional territory. The office of a district communities, women, youth, and such other
representative is maintained by national sectors as may be provided by law, except
funds and the salary of its occupant is paid the religious sector. (Sec. 5, par 2, Art. VI,
out of national funds. (Sema vs COMELEC, 1987 Constitution)
G.R. No. 177597, July 16, 2008)
RA 7941: The State shall promote
Gerrymandering - The arrangement of proportional representation in the election of
districts in such a way as to favor the election representatives to the House of
of preferred candidates (usually re- Representatives through a party-list system
electionists) through the inclusion therein of registered national, regional and sectoral
only of those areas where they expect to win, parties or organizations or coalitions thereof,
regardless of the resultant shape of such which will enable Filipino citizens belonging
districts. to marginalized and under- represented
sectors, organizations and parties, and who
The Constitution prohibits Gerrymandering, it lack well-defined political constituencies but
has been described as “an apportionment of who could contribute to the formulation and
representative districts so contrived as to enactment of appropriate legislation that will
give an unfair advantage to the party in benefit the nation as a whole, to become
power. (Navaro vs. Ermita, GR No. 180050, members of the House of Representatives.
February 10, 2010)
Towards this end, the State shall develop and
Apportionment vs. Reapportionment guarantee a full, free and open party system
in order to attain the broadcast possible
representation of party, sectoral or group
interests in the House of Representatives by
enhancing their chances to compete for and
win seats in the legislature, and shall provide
the simplest scheme possible. (Sec. 2, R.A.

NOTE: This provision mandates the state

policy of promoting proportional
(Bagabuyo vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 176970, representation by means of Filipino-style,
December 8, 2008)



party-list system. Those Filipino Citizens are: underrepresented constituencies mentioned

in Section 5. Concurrently, the persons
1. Who belong to the marginalized and nominated by the party-list candidate
underrepresented sectors, organizations organization must be "Filipino citizens
and parties; and belonging to marginalized and
2. Who lack well-defined constituencies; but underrepresented sectors, organizations and
3. Who could contribute to the formulation parties. (Ang Bagong Bayani vs. Comelec,
and enactment of appropriate legislation G.R. No. 147598, June 26, 2001)
that will benefit the nation as a whole.
(Ang Bagong Bayani vs. Comelec, GR no. Lack of Well-Defined Constituency:
147598, June 26, 2001) refers to the absence of a traditionally
identifiable electoral group, like voters of a
The Party-List System: it is a mechanism congressional district or territorial unit of
of proportional representation in the election government. Rather, it points again to those
of representatives to the House of with disparate interests identified with the
Representatives from national, regional and "marginalized or underrepresented. (Ang
sectoral parties or organizations or coalitions Bagong Bayani vs. Comelec, G.R. No.
thereof registered with the COMELEC. 147598, June 26, 2001)
Component parties or organizations of a
coalition may participate independently, Political Party vs. National Party vs.
provided the coalition of which they form part Regional Party
does not participate in the party-list system.
(Sec. 3(a), R.A. 7941)

Party: means either a political party or a

sectoral party or coalition of parties. (Sec.
3[b], RA 7941)

Proportional Representation: refers to

the representation of the "marginalized and
underrepresented" as exemplified by the
enumeration in Section 5 of the law; namely,
"labor, peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor,
indigenous cultural communities, elderly,
handicapped, women, youth, veterans,
overseas workers, and professionals. (Ang
Bagong Bayani vs. Comelec, GR no. 147598,
June 26, 2001)
(Sec. 3(c), RA 7941)
Marginalized and Underrepresented: It
is not enough for the candidate to claim Sectoral Party: refers to an organized
representation of the marginalized and group of citizens whose principal advocacy
underrepresented, because representation is pertains to the special interest and concerns
easy to claim and to feign. The party-list of their sector, which belongs to any of the
organization or party must factually and truly following sectors:
represent the marginalized and a. Labor;



b. Peasant; proportion to their total number of votes

c. Fisherfolk; until all the additional seats are allocated.
d. Urban poor; 4. Each party, organization, or coalition
e. Indigenous cultural communities; shall be entitled to not more than three
f. Elderly; (3) seats. (Sec. 11, R.A. 7941)
g. Handicapped;
h. Women; Additional seats and the 2% Threshold:
i. Youth; In BANAT vs. COMELEC, the Supreme Court
j. Veterans; struck down the two percent threshold only
k. Overseas workers; and in relation to the distribution of the additional
l. Professionals (Sec. 3[d], RA 7941) seats as found in the second clause of Section
11 (b) of R.A. No. 7941. Thus, the additional
Sectoral Organization: refers to a group of seats shall now be determined in (3) above,
citizens or a coalition of groups of citizens i.e., it shall be based on the ranking in (1)
who share similar physical attributes or regardless if the party, organization, or
characteristics, employment, interest or coalition garnered at least two percent (2%)
concerns. (Sec. 3[e], RA 7941) of the total votes cast for the party- list
Coalition: refers to an aggrupation of duly
registered national, regional, sectoral, parties Grounds for refusal and/or cancellation
or organizations for political and/or election of registration of political parties:
purposes. (Sec. 3[f], RA 7491) 1. Ceased to exist for at least one (1) year;
2. Advocates violence or unlawful means to
Number of Party-List Representatives: seek its goal;
20% of the total number of the members of 3. Religious sect or denomination,
the House of Representatives including those organization or association, organized for
under the party-list. (Sec. 5, Art. VI, 1987 religious purposes;
Constitution) 4. Receives support from any foreign
government, foreign political party,
Allocation of Seats: In determining the foundation, organization, whether
allocation of seats for party-list directly or through any of its officers or
representatives under Section 11 of R.A. No. members or indirectly through third
7941, the following procedure shall be parties for partisan election purposes;
observed: 5. Violates or fails to comply with laws, rules
1. The parties, organizations, and coalitions or regulations relating to elections;
shall be ranked from the highest to the 6. Untruthful statements in its petition;
lowest based on the number of votes 7. Foreign party or organization;
they garnered during the elections. 8. Fails to participate in the last two (2)
2. The parties, organizations, and coalitions preceding election;
receiving at least two percent (2%) of the 9. Fails to obtain at least two per centum
total votes cast for the party-list system (2%) of the votes cast under the party-
shall be entitled to one guaranteed seat list system in the two (2) preceding
each. elections for the constituency in which it
3. Those garnering sufficient number of has registered. (Sec. 6, RA 7491)
votes, according to the ranking in (1),
shall be entitled to additional seats in



Parameters in Determining Who are 5. A majority of the members of sectoral

Qualified to Participate in Party-list parties or organizations that represent
Election: the "marginalized and underrepresented"
1. Three different groups may participate in must belong to the "marginalized and
the party- list system: (1) national parties underrepresented" sector they represent.
or organizations, (2) regional parties or Similarly, a majority of the members of
organizations, and (3) sectoral parties or sectoral parties or organizations that lack
organizations; (Sec. 5, RA 7491) "well- defined political constituencies"
2. National parties or organizations and must belong to the sector they represent.
regional parties or organizations do not The nominees of sectoral parties or
need to organize along sectoral lines and organizations that represent the
do not need to represent any "marginalized and underrepresented," or
"marginalized and underrepresented" that represent those who lack "well-
sector; (Abang Lingkod Party-list Abang defined political constituencies," either
Lingkod vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 206952, must belong to their respective sectors,
October 22, 2013) or must have a track record of advocacy
3. Political parties can participate in party- for their respective sectors. The
list elections provided they register under nominees of national and regional parties
the party-list system and do not field or organizations must be bona-fide
candidates in legislative district elections. members of such parties or
A political party, whether major or not, organizations; (Atong Paglaum vs.
that fields candidates in legislative district COMELEC, G.R. No. 203766, April 2,
elections can participate in party-list 2013)
elections only through its sectoral wing 6. National, regional, and sectoral parties or
that can separately register under the organizations shall not be disqualified if
party-list system. The sectoral wing is by some of their nominees are disqualified,
itself an independent sectoral party, and provided that they have at least one
is linked to a political party through a nominee who remains qualified. (Atong
coalition; (Atong Paglaum vs. COMELEC, Paglaum vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 203766,
G.R. No. 203766, April 2, 2013) April 2, 2013)
4. Sectoral parties or organizations may 7. Moral disapproval, without more, is not a
either be "marginalized and sufficient governmental interest to justify
underrepresented" or lacking in "well- exclusion of homosexuals from
defined political constituencies." It is participation in the party-list system. The
enough that their principal advocacy denial of an LGBT party’s registration on
pertains to the special interest and purely moral grounds amounts more to a
concerns of their sector. The sectors that statement of dislike and disapproval of
are "marginalized and underrepresented" homosexuals, rather than a tool to
include labor, peasant, fisherfolk, urban further any substantial public interest.
poor, indigenous cultural communities, Respondent COMELEC’s blanket
handicapped, veterans, and overseas justifications give rise to the inevitable
workers. The sectors that lack "well- conclusion that it targets homosexuals
defined political constituencies" include themselves as a class, not because of any
professionals, the elderly, women, and particular morally reprehensible act. It is
the youth; (Atong Paglaum vs. COMELEC, this selective targeting that implicates the
G.R. No. 203766, April 2, 2013) equal protection clause. (Ang Ladlad




190582, April 8, 2010) Step One: There is no dispute among the
petitioners, the public and the private
ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS MADE respondents, as well as the members of this
BY CONGRESS: Regardless of the power of Court, that the initial step is to rank all the
Congress to prescribe the mechanics of the participating parties, organizations and
party-list system and to provide for coalitions from the highest to the lowest
qualifications of party-list representatives by based on the number of votes they each
law, the Congress must still yield to the received.
general limitations on legislation and the
specific limitations on party-list organizations Then the ratio for each party is computed by
under the Constitution, particularly the equal dividing its votes by the total votes cast for
protection clause. (Albano vs COMELEC, G.R. all the parties participating in the system. All
No. 257610, January 24, 2023) parties with at least two percent of the total
votes are guaranteed one seat each. Only
Formula for seat allocation: these parties shall be considered in the
● 20% allocation for total House of computation of additional seats. The party
Representatives seats for Party-list receiving the highest number of votes shall
Representatives henceforth be referred to as the "first" party.
● 2% threshold
● Three-seat limit (Veterans Federation Step Two: The next step is to determine the
Party vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. number of seats the first party is entitled to,
No. 136781, October 6, 2010) in order to be able to compute that for the
other parties. Since the distribution is based
Computation of Additional Seats: In on proportional representation, the number
computing the additional seats, the of seats to be allotted to the other parties
guaranteed seats shall no longer be included cannot possibly exceed that to which the first
because they have already been allocated, at party is entitled by virtue of obtaining the
one seat each, to every two-percenter. Thus, most number of votes.
the remaining available seats for allocation as
“additional seats” are the maximum seats Formula for determining additional
reserved under the Party- List System less seats for other qualified party-list:
the guaranteed seats. Fractional seats are - Proportionally, if the first party were to
disregarded in the absence of a provision in receive twice the number of votes of the
RA 7941 allowing for a rounding off of second party, it should be entitled to
fractional seats. twice the latter's number of seats and so
on. The formula, therefore, for
MATHEMATICAL COMPUTATION OF computing the number of seats to which
VOTES GARNERED BY PARTY-LIST the first party is entitled is as follows:

a. Veteran Federation Party vs.

● If the proportion of votes received by the
first party without rounding it off is equal



to at least six percent of the total valid b. BANAT vs. COMELEC

votes cast for all the party list groups, ● In computing the allocation of additional
then the first party shall be entitled to seats, the continued operation of the two
two additional seats or a total of three percent threshold for the distribution of
seats overall. If the proportion of votes the additional seats as found in the
without a rounding off is equal to or second clause of Section 11(b) of R.A.
greater than four percent, but less than No. 7941 is unconstitutional. This Court
six percent, then the first party shall have finds that the two percent threshold
one additional or a total of two seats. And makes it mathematically impossible to
if the proportion is less than four percent, achieve the maximum number of
then the first party shall not be entitled available party list seats when the
to any additional seat. number of available party list seats
exceeds 50. The continued operation of
● The Supreme Court adopted this six the two percent threshold in the
percent bench mark, because the first distribution of the additional seats
party is not always entitled to the frustrates the attainment of the
maximum number of additional seats. permissive ceiling that 20% of the
Likewise, it would prevent the allotment members of the House of
of more than the total number of Representatives shall consist of party-list
available seats, such as in an extreme representatives.
case wherein 18 or more parties tie for
the highest rank and are thus entitled to ● In computing the additional seats, the
three seats each. In such scenario, the guaranteed seats shall no longer be
number of seats to which all the parties included because they have already been
are entitled may exceed the maximum allocated, at one seat each, to every two-
number of party-list seats reserved in the percenter. Thus, the remaining available
House of Representatives. seats for allocation as "additional seats"
are the maximum seats reserved under
Step Three: The next step is to solve for the the Party List System less the guaranteed
number of additional seats that the other seats. Fractional seats are disregarded in
qualified parties are entitled to, based on the absence of a provision in R.A. No.
proportional representation. The formula is 7941 allowing for a rounding off of
encompassed by the following complex fractional seats. (Barangay Association
fraction: for National Advancement and
Formula for determining additional Transparency (BANAT) vs. Commission
seats for the first party-list: on Elections, G.R. No. 179271, April 21,

Nominations of Party-List
● Each registered party, organization or
(Veterans Federation Party vs. Commission coalition shall submit to the COMELEC a
on Elections, G.R. No. 136781, October 6, list of names, not less than five (5) from
2010) which party-list representatives shall be
chosen in case it obtains the required
number of votes.



● A person may be nominated in one (1) TERM OF OFFICE:

list only. ● Party-list representatives shall be elected
● Only persons who have given their for a term of 3 years;
consent in writing may be named in the ● No party-list representative shall serve
list. for more than three (3) consecutive
● The list shall not include any: terms; and
● candidate for any elective office or ● Voluntary renunciation of the office for
● person who has lost his bid for an elective any length of time shall not be considered
office in the immediately preceding as an interruption in the continuity of his
election. (Sec. 8, RA 7941) service for the full term for which he was
NOTE: The Supreme Court declared this elected. (Sec. 14, R.A. No. 7941)
qualification to be invalid and
unconstitutional. The prohibition placed VACANCY:
on losing candidates violates the ● The vacancy shall be automatically filled
constitutional guaranty of substantive by the next representative from the list
due process as it effectively intrudes on nominees in the order submitted to the
the right of losing candidates in the COMELEC by the same party,
immediately preceding elections from organization, or coalition, who shall serve
participating in the present elections. for the unexpired term. If the list is
(Albano vs COMELEC, G.R. No. 257610, exhausted, the party, organization
January 24, 2023) coalition concerned shall submit
● No change of names or alteration of the additional nominees (Sec. 16, R.A. No.
order of nominees shall be allowed after 7941).
the same shall have been submitted to ● In case of vacancy in the Senate or House
the COMELEC except in cases where the of Representatives, a special election
nominee: may be called to fill such vacancy in the
a. dies, or manner prescribed by law, but the
b. withdraws in writing, his nomination, Senator or Member of the House of
c. becomes incapacitated in which case Representatives thus elected shall serve
the name of the substitute’s nominee only for the unexpired term. (Sec. 9, Art.
shall be placed last in the list. (Sec. 8, VI, 1987 Constitution)
RA 7941)
● Incumbent sectoral representatives in SALARIES AND EMOLUMENTS: Party-List
the House of Representatives who are Representatives shall be entitled to the same
nominated in the party-list system shall salaries and emoluments as regular members
not be considered resigned. (Sec. 8, R.A. of the House of Representatives (Sec. 17,
No. 7941). R.A. 7941).
● In case of a nominee of the youth sector,
he must at least be twenty-five (25) but ELECTION: Unless otherwise provided by
not more than thirty (30) years of age on law, the regular election of the Senators and
the day of the election. Any youth the Members of the House of Representatives
sectoral representative who attains the shall be held on the Second Monday of May.
age of thirty (30) during his term shall be (Sec. 8, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)
allowed to continue in office until the
expiration of his term. (Sec. 9, R.A. No. 2. PRIVILEGES AND INHIBITIONS –
7941) 1987 CONST., art. VI, secs. 10, 11 and 13-14



LEGISLATIVE PRIVILEGES prevent any member of either House of the

Legislature from attending the meetings
SALARIES thereof, from expressing his opinions or
The salaries of Senators and Members of the casting his vote; and the penalty of prisión
House of Representatives shall be correccional shall be imposed upon any
determined by law. No increase in said public officer or employee who shall, while
compensation shall take effect until after the the Legislature is in session, knowingly arrest
expiration of the full term of all the Members or search any member thereof, except in case
of the Senate and the House of such member has committed a crime
Representatives approving such increase. punishable under this Code by a penalty
(Sec. 10, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution) higher than prisión mayor. (Art.145 of the
Revised Penal Code)
In establishing a waiting period before the
increased compensation for legislators The members of Congress cannot compel
becomes fully effective, the constitutional absent members to attend sessions if the
provision refers to "all the members of the reason for the absence is a legitimate one.
Senate and of the House of The confinement of a Congressman charged
Representatives" in the same sentence, as with a crime punishable by imprisonment of
a single unit, without distinction or separation more than six years is not merely authorized
between them. The fundamental by law, it has constitutional foundations.
consideration is that the terms of office of all (People vs. Jalosjos, G.R. Nos. 132875-76
members of the Legislature that enacted the Feb. 03, 2000)
measure (whether Senators or
Representatives) must have expired before Applicability:
the increase in compensation can become The immunity applies only while the
operative. (Philconsa vs. Mathay, G.R. No. L- Congress is in session. The term “Session”
25554, Oct. 1966) referred under this section (Sec.10, Art. VI)
refers to the entire period of the Congress
PARLIAMENTARY IMMUNITIES from its initial convening until its final
A Senator or Member of the House of
Representatives shall, in all offenses The provision granting an exemption as a
punishable by not more than 6 years special privilege cannot be extended beyond
imprisonment, be privileged from arrest while the ordinary meaning of its terms. It may not
the Congress is in session. (Sec. 11, Art. VI, be extended by intendment, implication or
1987 Constitution) equitable considerations. For offenses
punishable by more than six years
Ratio: Intended to ensure representation of imprisonment, there was no immunity from
the constituents of the member of the arrest. (Bernas, 1987 Constitution of the
Congress by preventing attempts to keep him Philippines, p. 727, 2009)
from attending its sessions.
When Arrested: Membership in Congress
Violation of Parliamentary Immunity. — does not exempt an accused from statutes
The penalty of prisión mayor shall be and rules which apply to validly incarcerated
imposed upon any person who shall use persons. It would amount to the creation of
force, intimidation, threats, or fraud to a privileged class, without justification in



reason, if notwithstanding their liability for a next session, otherwise such privilege shall
criminal offense, they would be considered cease upon its failure to do so.
immune from arrest during their attendance
in Congress and in going to and returning The present Constitution adheres to the same
from the same. Moreover, the accused restrictive rules minus the obligation of
appellant is provided with an office at the Congress to surrender the subject
House of Representatives with a full Congressman to the custody of the law. The
complement of staff, as well as an office at requirement that he should be attending
the Administration Building, New Bilibid sessions or committee meetings has also
Prison, where he attends to his constituents; been removed. For relatively minor offenses,
he has, therefore, been discharging his it is enough that Congress is in session.
mandate as member of the House of (People of the Philippines vs. Jalosjos, G.R.
Representatives. (People vs. Jalosjos, G.R. No. 132875, February 3, 2000)
Nos. 132875-76 Febuary 3, 2000)
Restrictive Construction of the No Member shall be questioned nor be held
Constitutional Provision of “Immunity liable in any other place for any speech or
from Arrest and Detention” debate in the Congress or in any committee
thereof. (Sec. 11, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)
The immunity from arrest or detention of
Senators and members of the House of Ratio: The parliamentary non-accountability
Representatives is a special privilege which granted to members of Congress is not to
cannot be extended beyond the ordinary protect them against prosecutions for their
meaning of its terms. It may not be extended own benefit, but to enable them, as the
by intendment, implication, or equitable people’s representatives, to perform the
considerations. The 1973 Constitution – Sec. functions of their office without fear of being
9, Art. VIII – broadened the privilege of made responsible before the courts or other
immunity as follows: forums outside the congressional hall. (Pobre
v. Sen. Santiago, A.C No. 7399, August 25,
A Member of the Batasang Pambansa shall, 2009)
in all offenses punishable by not more than
six years imprisonment, be privileged from Requirements:
arrest during his attendance at its sessions 1.) the remarks must be made while the
and in going to and returning from the same. legislative committee is functioning, that
- For offenses punishable by more than six is, in session; and
years imprisonment, there was no immunity 2.) that they must be made in connection
from arrest. The restrictive interpretation of with the discharge of official duties.
immunity and the intent to confine it within
carefully defined parameters is illustrated by A lawmaker’s participation in media
the concluding portion of the provision, to interviews is not a legislative act, but is
wit: “political in nature,” outside the ambit of the
- xxx but the Batasang Pambansa shall immunity conferred under the Speech or
surrender the member involved to the Debate Clause in the 1987 Constitution. The
custody of the law within twenty-four hours privilege arises not because the statement is
after its adjournment for a recess or for its made by a lawmaker, but because it is
uttered in furtherance of legislation.



(Trillanes IV vs. Castillo-Marigomen, G.R. No. government office in an ex officio

223451, March 14, 2018) capacity
● The purpose of the prohibition is to
Scope: While parliamentary immunity prevent him from owing loyalty to
guarantees the legislator complete freedom another branch of the government to the
of expression without fear of being made detriment of the independence of the
responsible in criminal or civil actions before legislature and the impairment of the
the courts or any other forum outside of the doctrine of separation of powers
Congressional Hall, however, it does not ● Exempted from this provision is the
protect him from responsibility before the holding of a second office which is an
legislative body itself whenever his words and extension of his legislative duties or is in
conduct are considered by the latter aid of his legislative position. (Liban vs.
disorderly or unbecoming a member thereof. Gordon, G.R. No. 175352, January 18,
For unparliamentary conduct, members of 2011)
Congress can be censured, committed to ● The office of the Chairman of the Phil.
prison, suspended, and even expelled by the National Red Cross (PNRC), despite its
votes of their colleagues. Bernas, 1987 having been created by a special law, is
Constitution of the Philippines, p. 728, 2009) not to be considered a government office
or a GOCC office for purposes of the
INCOMPATIBLE AND FORBIDDEN prohibition under Sec. 13. The
OFFICES structure of the PNRC is sui generis,
being neither strictly private nor
INCOMPATIBLE OFFICE public in nature. (Liban vs. Gordon, GR
No Senator or Member of the House of no. 175352, July 15, 2009)
Representatives may hold any other office or
employment in the Government, or any FORBIDDEN OFFICE
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality A member of the Congress shall not be
thereof, including government-owned or appointed to any office which may have been
controlled corporations or their subsidiaries, created or the emoluments thereof increased
during his term without forfeiting his seat. during the term for which he was elected.
(Sec. 13, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution) (Sec. 13, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)

RATIO: To prevent such member from The appointment of the member of the
owing loyalty to another branch of Congress to the forbidden office is not
government, to the detriment of the allowed only during the term for which he
independence of the legislature and the was elected, when such office was created or
doctrine of separation of powers its emoluments were increased. After such
term, and even if the legislator is re- elected,
EXCEPTION: the disqualification no longer applies and he
● Forfeiture of the seat in Congress or may, therefore, be appointed to the office.
cessation of his tenure shall be automatic
upon the member’s assumption of such RATIO: To prevent public trafficking in
other office deemed incompatible with public office. Some public legislators who do
his seat in Congress. not opt out to run again in the public office
● However, no forfeiture shall take place if might create or improve lucrative
the member of Congress holds the other



government positions, all at the expense of

public good. Therefore, a lawyer-legislator may still
engage in the practice of his profession
INHIBITIONS AND except that when it comes to trials and
DISQUALIFICATIONS hearings before the bodies above-mentioned,
No Senator or Member of the House of appearance may be made not by him but by
Representatives may personally appear as some other member of his law office.
counsel before any court of justice or before
the Electoral Tribunals, or quasi-judicial and 3. QUORUM AND VOTING MAJORITIES,
other administrative bodies. Neither shall he, AND DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS – 1987
directly or indirectly, be interested financially CONST., art. VI, sec. 16
in any contract with, or in any franchise or
special privilege granted by the Government, QUORUM AND VOTING MAJORITIES
or any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality
thereof, including any government-owned or
controlled corporation, or its subsidiary,
during his term of office. He shall not
intervene in any matter before any office of
the Government for his pecuniary benefit or
where he may be called upon to act on
account of his office. (Sec. 14, Art. VI, 1987

Upon assumption of office, legislators must

make a full disclosure of financial and
business interests. They must notify the
House concerned of a potential conflict of
interest that may arise from the filing of a
proposed legislation of which they are
authors. (Sec. 12, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)

RATIO: To prevent the legislator from

exerting undue influence, deliberately or not,
upon the body where he is appearing.

Appearance as a counsel before an

administrative body is a circumvention of the
Constitutional prohibition. A ruling upholding
the “intervention” would make the
constitutional provision ineffective. All an
Assemblyman need do, if he wants to
influence an administrative body is to acquire
a minimal participation in the “interest” of the
client and then “intervene” in the
proceedings. (Puyat vs. De Guzman Jr, G.R.
No. L-5112, March 25, 1982)




A majority of each House shall constitute a quorum had been established at the
quorum to do business, but a smaller number beginning of the session, certain procedural
may adjourn from day to day and may barriers must be overcome before any
compel the attendance of absent Members in declaration that the same had been "lost"
such manner, and under such penalties, as during the proceedings may be made. Such
such House may provide. (Sec. 14[2], Art. VI, state of quorum thenceforth persists unless
1987 Constitution) properly challenged, and quorum is
recounted via a roll call.
The quorum required to conduct business is
a majority (1/2 + 1) of all the members. Any question relating to quorum, which was
raised in the middle of a valid and regular
SENATE: The basis in determining the session, therefore, should be properly
existence of a quorum in the Senate shall be characterized as an internal issue that
the total number of Senators who are in the must be addressed exclusively by the
country and within the coercive jurisdiction of House. This is due to the fact that its
the Senate. (Avelino vs. Cuenco, G.R. No. L- resolution is entirely dependent upon the
2821, March 4, 1949) parameters of its own Internal Rules and
historical practices.
HOUSE: It is within the powers of the House
to employ its own particular method of Clearly, the physical absences of these
determining the presence of a continuing Members do not militate against their
quorum to be able to conduct its affairs, attendance in a particular session and do not
including the power to resolve any issues automatically translate to the fact of quorum
arising therefrom. By virtue of such authority, being "lost," especially so when they have
it may implement a system whereby once a had their presence recorded during the initial



roll call. (ACT Teachers Party-List vs. Duterte, review such determination, the same
G.R. No. 236118, January 24, 2023) being apolitical question. (Osmena vs.
Pendatun, G.R. No. L- 17144, October 28,
Parliamentary rules are merely procedural, 1960)
and with their observance, the courts have ● The order of suspension prescribed by
no concern. They may be waived or Republic Act No. 3019 is distinct from the
disregarded by the legislative body. power of Congress to discipline its own
Consequently, “mere failure to conform to ranks. The situation contemplated in the
parliamentary usage will not invalidate the Constitution is a punitive measure that is
action (taken by a deliberative body) when imposed upon determination by the
the requisite number of members have Senate of the House of Representatives,
agreed to a particular measure.” (Arroyo vs. as the case may be, upon an erring
De Venecia, G.R. No. 127255, August 14, Member. The doctrine of separation of
1997) powers by itself may not be deemed to
have effectively excluded members of
The exercise of the power of each house to Congress from Republic Act No. 3019 nor
determine the rules of its proceedings is from its sanctions. (Defensor-Santiago
generally exempt from judicial supervision vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 126055,
and interference, except on a clear showing April 19, 2001)
of such arbitrary and improvident use of the ● A disciplinary action, including
power as will constitute a denial of due suspension or dismissal, is the exclusive
process. (Spouses Dela Paz vs. Senate power of the House of Representatives,
Committee, G.R. No. 184849, February 13, to which the courts have no jurisdiction
2009) to interfere. (Osmeña v. Pendatun, G.R.
No. L-17144, October 28, 1960)
Each House may determine the rules of its Journal and Congressional Records
proceedings, punish its members for
disorderly behavior, and with the Each House shall keep a Journal of its
concurrence of two-thirds of all its proceedings, and from time to time publish
Members, suspend or expel a Member. A the same, excepting such parts as may, in its
penalty of suspension, when imposed, shall judgment, affect national security; and the
not exceed sixty days. (Sec. 16[3], Art. VI, yeas and nays on any question shall, at the
1987 Constitution) request of one-fifth of the Members present,
● The power to punish and expel a member be entered in the Journal. Each House shall
of Congress is a necessary and incidental also keep a Record of its proceedings.”
power of the legislative body to enable it (Sec.16[4], Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)
to perform its high functions and is
necessary to the safety of the State. It is JOURNAL: This is a record of what is done
a power of protection. (Cooley, and passed in a legislative assembly. They
Constitutional Limitations, 7th ed. Vol. I, are useful not only for authenticating the
1868) proceedings but also for the interpretation of
● The determination of the acts which laws through a study of the debates held
constitute disorderly behavior is within thereon and for informing the people of the
the full discretionary authority of the official conduct of their respective legislators.
House concerned, and the Court will not



Matters Required to be Entered in the Note however the case of Astorga v Villegas
Journal (G.R. No. L23475, April 30, 1974), upon
a. Yeas and nays on third and final being informed that the enrolled bill did not
reading of a bill (Sec. 26[2], Art. VI, contain the amendment proposed by Senator
1987 Constitution); Tolentino (regarding the powers of the Vice-
b. Veto Message of the President (Sec. Mayor of Manila) when the house bill was
27[1], Art. VI, 1987 Constitution); raised to the Senate, the Senate President,
c. Yeas and nays on the repassing of a withdrew his signature and notified the
bill vetoed by the President (Sec. President of the mistake, who then likewise
27[1], Art.VI, 1987 Constitution); and withdrew his signature. In short because of
d. Yeas and nays on any question at the the withdrawal, there was no occasion, then,
request of 1/5 of members present to apply the enrolled bill theory.
(Sec. 16[4], Art.VI, 1987
Constitution) The SC emphasized that “Our cases manifest
form adherence to the rule that an enrolled
RECORD: A record, on the other hand, copy of a bill is conclusive not only of its
contains the verbatim transcript of all provisions but also its due enactment. Not
proceedings of the house or its committees. even claims that a proposed constitutional
The Constitution is silent as to what the amendment was invalid because the requisite
record must contain. Note however, in Sec. votes for its approval had not been obtained
3(3) of Art. XI, the Constitution speaks of the or that certain provisions of a statute had
vote of each member of the House either been “smuggled” in the printing of the bill
affirming a favorable or overriding its have moved or persuaded us to look behind
contrary resolution of the impeachment the proceedings of a co-equal branch of the
complaint to be "recorded." government” (Tolentino vs. Secretary of
Finance, G.R. No. 115455, August 25, 1994)
Enrolled Bill Theory
Once a Bill has been approved by both The enrolled bill will prevail if there is a
houses, the Bill is enrolled, and this Enrolled discrepancy between the enrolled bill and any
Copy of the Bill bears the certification of the other copy of the bill. (Mabanag v Lopez Vito,
Presiding Officer of the house (either Senate G.R. No. L-1123, March 5, 1947)
President or Speaker of the House) that this
Bill as enrolled is the version passed by each Journal Entry Rule vs. Enrolled Bill
house. The purpose of the certification is to Theory
prevent attempts at smuggling in “riders”. In Astorga vs. Villegas, by way of obiter
The enrolled copy is then sent to the dictum, the Supreme Court indicated that the
President for his action. journal might really prevail over the enrolled
bill, since a journal is required by the
The Supreme Court, in upholding the enrolled Constitution, while the enrollment of a bill is
bill, explained that its basis is the separation just a legislative practice that is not even
of powers, so that the remedy of an mentioned in the Constitution.
aggrieved party is not a judicial decree but a
legislative amendment or curative legislation. Further, enrollment does not add to the
(Morales vs. Subido, G.R. No. L-29658, validity of the bill, for what makes it valid are
November 29, 1968) the votes of the members. This ruling
however seems to contradict the ruling in



Morales v Subido that the enrolled copy session. (Sec. 15, Art. VI, 1987
prevails over the journal. Reconciling these Constitution)
two decisions, as to matters required by the
Constitution to be placed in the journal, the c. Special Sessions Called by Congress
journal is conclusive. But aside from these without Need of Call
matters, any other matter does not enjoy ● To pass a bill calling for the holding
such conclusiveness. of a special election when there is a
vacancy in the office of the President
Sessions and Vice President. (Sec. 10, Art. VII,
The Congress shall convene once every year 1987 Constitution)
in the fourth Monday of July for its regular ● To determine by 2/3 vote whether
session, unless a different date is fixed by the President is unable to discharge
law, and shall continue to be in session for the powers and duties of his office.
such number of days as it may determine (Sec. 11, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution)
until thirty (30) days before the opening of its ● To canvass the Presidential elections
next regular session, exclusive of Saturdays, (Sec. 4, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution)
Sundays and legal holidays. The President ● To exercise the power of
may call a special session at any time. (Sec. impeachment (Sec. 3, Art. XII, 1987
15, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution) Constitution)
● To extend or revoke the proclamation
Neither House during the sessions of the of martial law or suspension of the
Congress shall, without consent of the other, Writ of Habeas Corpus. (Sec. 18[2],
adjourn for more than three (3) days, nor to Art.VII, 1987 Constitution).
any other place than that in which the two
Houses shall be sitting. (Sec. 16[5], Article B. LAW-MAKING PROCESS (1987
VI, 1987 Constitution) CONST., art. VI, secs. 26-27
Every bill passed by the Congress shall
a. Regular Sessions embrace only one subject which shall be
● Congress shall convene every fourth expressed in the title thereof.
(4th) Monday of July for its regular
session unless a different date is fixed No bill passed by either House shall become
by law, and shall continue to be in a law unless it has passed three readings on
session for such number of days as it separate days, and printed copies thereof in
may determine until thirty (30) days its final form have been distributed to its
before the opening of its next regular Members three days before its passage,
session. (Sec. 15, Art. VI, 1987 except when the President certifies to the
Constitution) necessity of its immediate enactment to meet
a public calamity or emergency. Upon the last
b. Special Sessions Called by the reading of a bill, no amendment thereto shall
President be allowed, and the vote thereon shall be
● May be called at any time by the taken immediately thereafter, and the yeas
President, at his absolute discretion, and nays entered in the Journal (Sec. 26, Art.
to consider such subjects as he may VI, 1987 Constitution)
● Congress, however, determines the Every bill passed by the Congress shall,
number of days it needs for such before it becomes a law, be presented to the



President. If he approves the same he shall They should not, however, perform functions
sign it; otherwise, he shall veto it and return that the Congress itself may not do.
the same with his objections to the House Moreover, their proposals need confirmation
where it originated, which shall enter the by both Houses of Congress. (Ibid.)
objections at large in its Journal and proceed
to reconsider it. Following the US practice, amendments
germane to the purpose of the bill could be
If, after such reconsideration, two-thirds of introduced even if these were not in either
all the Members of such House shall agree to original bill. (Tolentino vs. Sec. of Finance,
pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with supra).
the objections, to the other House by which
it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if The Bicameral Conference Committee is not
approved by two-thirds of all the Members of required to comply with the ―three (3)
that House, it shall become a law. In all such readings on three (3) separate days
cases, the votes of each House shall be requirement, and with the “limitation on no-
determined by yeas or nays, and the names amendment on third reading” rule.
of the Members voting for or against shall be (ABAKADA Guro Party List vs. Ermita, G.R.
entered in its Journal. No. 168056, September 1, 2005)

The President shall communicate his veto of

any bill to the House where it originated
within thirty days after the date of receipt
thereof, otherwise, it shall become a law as if
he had signed it.

The President shall have the power to veto

any particular item or items in an
appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but the
veto shall not affect the item or items to
which he does not object. (Sec. 27, Art. VI,
1987 Constitution)



In a bicameral system, bills are

independently processed by both houses of
Congress. The Conference Committee
consisting of members nominated for both
Houses is an extraconstitutional creation of
Congress whose function is to propose to
Congress ways of reconciling conflicting
provisions found in the Senate version and
House version of the bill. (Bernas,
Commentary, supra at 789).




No bill passed by either House shall become
a law unless it has passed three readings on
separate days, and printed copies thereof in
its final form have been distributed to its
Members three days before its passage,
except when the President certifies to the
necessity of its immediate enactment to meet
a public calamity or emergency. Upon the last
reading of a bill, no amendment thereto shall
be allowed, and the vote thereon shall be
taken immediately thereafter, and the yeas
and nays entered in the Journal. (Sec. 26(2),
Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)

A bill can be passed jointly or separately. The

former is done by a joint session, while the
latter is passed simultaneously (when a bill is
taken up by both Houses separately but at
the same time), or sequentially (when a bill
originates from one house and goes to the
A.) Origin of Bills other house). If passed separately, the bill
All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills approved by one house goes to the other
authorizing increase of the public debt, bills House, which can amend such bill. Once the
of local application, and private bills shall other House approves the bill, this is called
originate exclusively in the House of the other House’s version of the bill.
Representatives, but the Senate may propose
or concur with amendments. (Sec. 24, Art. D.) Conference Committee
VI, 1987 Constitution) A Conference Committee is then organized,
composed of an equal number of members
B.) Title of Bills from the Senate and the House, to make
Every bill passed by the Congress shall recommendations of the bill. The respective
embrace only one subject which shall be members are usually granted blanket
expressed in the title thereof. (Sec. 26(1), authority to negotiate and reconcile the bills.
Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)
Under the congressional rules of procedure,
The SC reiterated its earlier pronouncement conference committees are not expected to
that the rule should be given “a practical make any material change in the measure at
rather than a technical construction” and said issue, either by deleting provisions to which
it should suffice if “the title expresses the both houses have already agreed or by
general subject and all the provisions are inserting new provisions. But this is a difficult
germane to that general subject.” (Tobias vs. provision to enforce. Note the problem when
Abalos, G.R. No. 114783, December one house amends a proposal originating in
08,1994) either house by striking out everything
following the enacting clause and
substituting provisions which make it an



entirely new bill. The versions are now the bill, it shall be sent, together with the
altogether different, permitting a conference objections, to the other House by which it
committee to draft essentially a new bill. shall likewise be reconsidered, and if
approved by two-thirds of all the Members of
At the end of the process, the Committee that House, it shall become a law. In all such
comes up with a “Conference Committee cases, the votes of each House shall be
Report” which is then submitted to the determined by yeas or nays, and the names
respective Houses for approval. of the Members voting for or against shall be
entered in its Journal.
A conference committee may deal generally
with the subject matter, or it may be limited The President shall communicate his veto of
to resolving the precise differences between any bill to the House where it originated
the two houses. Even where the conference within thirty days after the date of receipt
committee is not by rule limited in its thereof, otherwise, it shall become a law as if
jurisdiction, legislative custom severely limits he had signed it. (Sec. 27, Art. VI, 1987
the freedom with which new subject matter Constitution)
can be inserted into the conference bill. But
occasionally a conference committee Three Methods by which a Bill may
produces unexpected results, results beyond become a Law:
its mandate. These excursions occur even 1.) When the President signs it;
where the rules impose strict limitations on 2.) When the President vetoes it but the
conference committee jurisdiction. This is veto is overridden by ⅔ vote of all the
symptomatic of the authoritarian power of members of each House; and
the conference committee.” (Philippine 3.) When the President does not act
Judges Association vs. Prado, GR No. upon the measure within 30 days
105371, November 11, 1993) after it shall have been presented to
him. (Sec. 27, Art. VI, 1987
The result is a third version, which is Constitution)
considered an “amendment in the nature of
a substitute,” the only requirement for which F.) Presidential Veto and Congressional
being that the third version be germane to Override
the subject of the House and Senate bills The President shall have the power to veto
(Tolentino vs. Secretary of Finance, G.R. No. any particular item or items in an
1154545, August 25, 1994) appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but the
veto shall not affect the item or items to
E.) Approval of Bills which he does not object. (Sec. 27, Art. VI,
Every bill passed by the Congress shall, 1987 Constitution)
before it becomes a law, be presented to the
President. If he approves the same he shall The President may disapprove or veto a
sign it; otherwise, he shall veto it and return measure upon any ground sufficient for him,
the same with his objections to the House as where he considers it unconstitutional or
where it originated, which shall enter the merely inefficacious or unwise. In every case,
objections at large in its Journal and proceed he should indicate his objections thereto
to reconsider it. If, after such known as a “veto message” so that the same
reconsideration, two-thirds of all the can be studied by the members for possible
Members of such House shall agree to pass overriding of his veto. (Sec. 27[1], Art. VI,
1987 Constitution)



Two-thirds of each House will be 3. The procedure in approving

sufficient to invalidate the veto and convert appropriations for the Congress shall
the bill into law over the President’s strictly follow the procedure for
objections. On the other hand, the Congress approving appropriations for other
may agree with the President’s objections departments and agencies.
and decide to revise the measure as he 4. A special appropriations bill shall
suggests. (Section 27 [2], Article VI, 1987 specify the purpose for which it is
Constitution) intended, and shall be supported by
funds actually available as certified by
Partial Veto the National Treasurer, or to be raised
by a corresponding revenue proposed
General Rule: The President must approve therein.
entirely or disapprove in toto. 5. No law shall be passed authorizing any
Exception: Appropriation, revenue and tariff transfer of appropriations; however,
bills, any particular item or items of which the President, the President of the
may be disapproved without affecting the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
item or items to which he does not object. Representatives, the Chief Justice of
(Sec. 27, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution); (Cruz, the Supreme Court, and the heads of
Political Law, p. 288) Constitutional Commissions may, by
law, be authorized to augment any item
C. APPROPRIATION (1987 CONST., art. in the general appropriations law for
VI, secs. 24-25 and 29) their respective offices from savings in
other items of their respective
All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, bills appropriations.
authorizing increase of the public debt, bills 6. Discretionary funds appropriated for
of local application, and private bills shall particular officials shall be disbursed
originate exclusively in the House of only for public purposes to be
Representatives, but the Senate may propose supported by appropriate vouchers and
or concur with amendments. (Sec. 24, Art. subject to such guidelines as may be
VI, 1987 Constitution) prescribed by law.
7. If, by the end of any fiscal year, the
1. The Congress may not increase the Congress shall have failed to pass the
appropriations recommended by the general appropriations bill for the
President for the operation of the ensuing fiscal year, the general
Government as specified in the budget. appropriations law for the preceding
The form, content, and manner of fiscal year shall be deemed reenacted
preparation of the budget shall be and shall remain in force and effect
prescribed by law. until the general appropriations bill is
2. No provision or enactment shall be passed by the Congress. (Sec. 25, Art.
embraced in the general appropriations VI, 1987 Constitution)
bill unless it relates specifically to some
particular appropriation therein. Any
such provision or enactment shall be (1) No money shall be paid out of the
limited in its operation to the Treasury except in pursuance of an
appropriation to which it relates. appropriation made by law.



(2) No public money or property shall be of appropriation as described in Bengzon

appropriated, applied, paid, or employed, and given that the 2013 PDAF Article
directly or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or authorizes individual legislators to
support of any sect, church, denomination, perform the same, undoubtedly, said
sectarian institution, or system of religion, or legislators have been conferred the
of any priest, preacher, minister, or other power to legislate which the Constitution
religious teacher, or dignitary as such, except does not, however, allow. (Bengzon vs.
when such priest, preacher, minister, or Secretary of Justice and Insular Auditor,
dignitary is assigned to the armed forces, or G.R. No. L-42821, January 18, 1936)
to any penal institution, or government
orphanage or leprosarium. ● In keeping with the principle of non-
(3) All money collected on any tax levied for delegability of legislative power, the
a special purpose shall be treated as a special Supreme Court hereby declares the 2013
fund and paid out for such purpose only. If PDAF Article, as well as all other forms of
the purpose for which a special fund was Congressional Pork Barrel which contain
created has been fulfilled or abandoned, the the similar legislative identification
balance, if any, shall be transferred to the feature as herein discussed, as
general funds of the Government. (Sec. 29, unconstitutional. The power to determine
Art. VI, 1987 Constitution) what kind of infrastructure to prioritize
and fund is a power to determine the
APPROPRIATION: A statute the primary purpose of the appropriation and is an
and specific purpose of which is to authorize undue delegation of the power to
the release of public funds from the treasury. appropriate. (Belgica vs. Ochoa, Jr., G.R.
(Nachura, Political Law Outline Reviewer, No. 208566, November 19, 2013)
2014, p.278)
No money shall be paid out of the Treasury a. General Appropriations Law
except in pursuance of an appropriation passed annually, intended to provide for the
made by law. (Sec. 29[1], Art. VI, 1987 financial operations of the entire government
Constitution) during one fiscal period. (Nachura, Political
Outline Reviewer, 2014, p. 278)
NOTE: The power to appropriate must be
exercised only through legislation. The President shall submit to the Congress,
within thirty (30) days from the opening of
● The power of appropriation involves the every regular session, as the basis of the
setting apart by law of a certain sum from general appropriations bill, a budget of
the public revenue for a specified expenditures and sources of financing,
purpose. Essentially, under the 2013 including receipts from existing and proposed
PDAF Article, individual legislators are revenue measures. (Section 22, Article VII,
given a personal lump-sum fund from 1987 Constitution)
which they are able to dictate (a) how
much from such fund would go to (b) a b. Special Appropriations Law -
specific project or beneficiary that they Designed for a specific purpose
themselves also determine. As these two
acts comprise the exercise of the power



A special appropriations bills shall specify the no funds were available. (Cruz, Political Law,
purpose for which it is intended, and shall be p. 358)
supported by funds actually available as
certified by the National Treasurer, or to be C. On Discretionary Funds
raised by a corresponding revenue proposal “Discretionary funds appropriated for
therein. (Section 25(4), Article VI, 1987 particular officials shall be disbursed only for
Constitution) public purposes to be supported by
appropriate vouchers and subject to such
CONSTITUTIONAL LIMITATIONS: guidelines as may be prescribed by law. (Sec.
A. On General Appropriations 25(6), Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)

a. The Congress may not increase the TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS:

appropriations recommended by the No law shall be passed authorizing any
President for the operation of the transfer of appropriations; however, the
Government as specified in the budget. President, the President of the Senate, the
b. The form, content, and manner of Speaker of the House of Representatives, the
preparation of the budget shall be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the
prescribed by law.” (Sec. 25(1), Art. VI, heads of Constitutional Commissions may, by
1987 Constitution) law, be authorized to augment any item in
c. No provision or enactment shall be the general appropriations law for their
embraced unless it relates specifically to respective offices from savings in other items
some particular appropriation therein. of their respective appropriations. (Sec.
Any such provision or enactment shall be 25[5], Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)
limited in its operation to the
appropriation to which it relates. REASON: This provision prohibits one
(Reason: Intended to prevent riders, or department from transferring some of its
irrelevant provisions included in the bill to funds to another department and thereby
ensure its approval). make it beholden to the former to the
d. Procedure for approving appropriations detriment of the doctrine of separation of
for Congress shall strictly follow the powers. Such transfers are also unsystematic
procedure for approving appropriations and disregard the will of legislature that
for other departments and agencies. enacted the appropriations measure. (Cruz,
Political Law, p. 361)
B. On Special Appropriations
“A special appropriation bill shall specify the Requisites for a valid transfer of funds
purpose for which it is intended, and shall be 1. There must be a law authorizing the
supported by funds actually available as President, the President of the
certified by the National Treasurer, or to be Senate, the Speaker of the House of
raised by a corresponding revenue proposal Representatives, the Chief Justice of
therein. (Sec. 25[4], Art. VI, 1987 the Supreme Court, and the heads of
Constitution) the Constitutional Commissions to
transfer funds within their respective
Rationale: To discontinue the practice of offices;
fictitious appropriations that were frequently 2. The funds to be transferred are
enacted by the Congress even if it knew that savings generated from the



appropriations for their respective the general appropriations law for the
offices; and preceding fiscal year shall be deemed
3. The purpose of the transfer is to reenacted and shall remain in force and
augment an existing item in the effect until the general appropriations bill is
general appropriations law for their passed by the Congress. (Sec. 25 [7], Art. VI,
respective offices (Araullo vs. Aquino, 1987 Constitution)
G.R. No. 209287, July 1, 2014;
263590, June 27, 2023) PURPOSES:
No public money or property shall be
Relevant Jurisprudence: appropriated, applied, paid, or employed,
a. The intended transfer of COMELEC funds directly or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or
by the legislature — no matter how support of any sect, church, denomination,
well-intentioned it might have been — sectarian institution, or system of religion, or
constitutes an arbitrary and of any priest, preacher, minister, or other
unconstitutional consideration that religious teacher, or dignitary as such, except
renders RA 11935 unconstitutional. The when such priest, preacher, minister, or
COMELEC allocation can only be dignitary is assigned to the armed forces, or
constitutionally transferred by the to any penal institution, or government
COMELEC's chairperson, and only orphanage or leprosarium. (Sec. 29[2], Art.
with respect to the COMELEC's VI, 1987 Constitution)
"item, project, or activity with an
appropriation." It cannot be ● The above prohibition is applicable only
transferred to another branch or where the appropriation is intended
constitutional body. (Macalintal vs purposely to benefit a religious
COMELEC, G.R. No. 263590, June 27, institution. (Re: Letter Of Tony Q.
2023) Valenciano, Holding Of Religious Rituals
b. The provisions of the 2011 and 2012 At The Hall Of Justice Building In Quezon
GAAs were textually unfaithful to the City, A.M. No. 10-4-19-SC, March 07,
Constitution for not carrying the phrase 2017)
“for their respective offices”; the impact ● When the Philippine Government
of said phrase was to authorize only authorized a special stamp issue on the
transfers of funds within their offices. occasion of the 33rd International
The provisions carried a different Eucharistic Congress under the
phrase, and the effect was that the sponsorship of the Catholic Church which
GAAs thereby literally allowed the was opposed by the Philippine
transfer of funds from savings to Independent Church, the SC held the
augment any item in the GAA even if validity of the aforesaid stamps because
the item belonged to an office the purpose of the stamp issue was
outside the Executive. (Araullo vs. evidently focus attention not o the
Aquino, G.R. No. 209287, July 1, 2014) Eucharistic Congress but on its site, the
idea being to attract tourists to our
AUTOMATIC RE-APPROPRIATION: country and not primarily to publicize the
If, by the end of any fiscal year, the Congress religious event. (Aglipay vs. Ruiz, 64 Phil.
shall have failed to pass the general 201)
appropriations bill for the ensuing fiscal year,



● The purchase of a religious image by the in, or affected by, such inquiries shall be
barangay council with private funds respected. (Sec. 21, Art. VI, 1987
raised from voluntary contributions did Constitution)
not violate Sec. 29(2), Art. VI of the
Constitution. (Garces vs. Estenzo, 105 Legislative inquiry does not encroach
SCRA 510) upon judicial powers vested in courts
The mere filing of a criminal or an
SPECIAL FUNDS: administrative complaint before a court or a
All money collected on any tax levied for a quasi-judicial body, should not automatically
special purpose shall be treated as a special bar the conduct of legislative investigation.
fund and paid out for such purpose only. If Otherwise, it would be extremely easy to
the purpose for which a special fund was subvert any intended inquiry by Congress
created has been fulfilled or abandoned, the through the convenient ploy of instituting a
balance, if any, shall be transferred to the criminal or an administrative complaint.
general funds of the Government. (Sec. Surely, the exercise of sovereign legislative
29[3], Art. VI, 1987 Constitution) authority, of which the power of legislative
inquiry is an essential component, cannot be
Appropriation reserves (Sec. 37, made subordinate to a criminal or an
Administrative Code) administrative investigation. (Standard
The Budget Secretary is authorized to Charter Bank vs. Senate Committee on
establish reserves against appropriations to Banks, GR no. 167173, December 27, 2007)
provide for contingencies and emergencies
which may arise during the year. The power of legislative inquiry does
not violate the right to privacy
This is merely expenditure deferral, not With respect to the right of privacy which
suspension since the agencies concerned can petitioners claim respondent has violated,
still draw on the reserves if the fiscal outlook suffice it to state that privacy is not an
improves. absolute right. While it is true that Section 21,
Article VI of the Constitution, guarantees
IMPOUNDMENT – the refusal by the respect for the rights of persons affected by
President for whatever reason to spend funds the legislative investigation, not every
made available by Congress. It is the failure invocation of the right to privacy should be
to spend or obligate budget authority of any allowed to thwart a legitimate congressional
type. (Philippine Constitution Association vs. inquiry.
Enriquez, G.R. No. 113105, August 19, 1994)
In Sabio v. Gordon, the Supreme Court held
D. LEGISLATIVE INQUIRIES AND that the right of the people to access
OVERSIGHT FUNCTIONS (1987 CONST., information on matters of public concern
ART. VI, SECS. 21-22) generally prevails over the right to privacy of
ordinary financial transactions. In that case,
THE POWER OF LEGISLATIVE INQUIRY we declared that the right to privacy is not
The Senate or the House of Representatives absolute where there is an overriding
or any of its respective committees may compelling state interest. Employing the
conduct inquiries in aid of legislation in rational basis relationship test, as laid down
accordance with its duly published rules of in Morfe v. Mutuc, there is no infringement of
procedure. The rights of persons appearing the individual’s right to privacy as the



requirement to disclosure information is for a rights of persons appearing in or affected by

valid purpose, in this case, to ensure that the such inquiries shall be respected. " Also,
government agencies involved in regulating where there is factual basis for the contempt,
banking transactions adequately protect the the resource person's detention should only
public who invest in foreign securities. Suffice last until the termination of the legislative
it to state that this purpose constitutes a inquiry. (Ong v. Senate, G.R. No. 257401,
reason compelling enough to proceed with March 28, 2023)
the assailed legislative investigation.
(Standard Charter Bank vs. Senate REQUIREMENTS FOR VALID CONTEMPT
Committee on Banks, GR No. 167173, POWER AND ARREST POWER
December 27, 2007) A. In aid of legislation
The inquiry, to be within the jurisdiction
The president may prevent a member of of the legislative body to make, must be
the Armed Forces from testifying before material or necessary to the exercise of a
a legislative inquiry power in it vested by the Constitution,
The President, as Commander-in-Chief, may such as to legislate or to expel a member
validly prohibit a general from appearing in a (Arnault v. Nazareno, G.R. No. L-3820,
legislative inquiry, although the legislature July 18, 1950)
would not be “precluded from seeking judicial
relief to compel his attendance. (Gudani vs. B. In accordance with duly published
Senga, GR no. 170165, August 15, 2006) rules of procedure
The Senate cannot be allowed to
CONTEMPT AND ARREST POWERS continue with the conduct of the
As the grant of legislative power which questioned legislative inquiry without
includes the power to conduct inquiries in aid duly published rules of procedure, in clear
of legislation is intended to be complete, i.e., derogation of the constitutional
without need to resort to judicial process in requirement.
order that the Legislature may be able to
perform its function, it follows that the Publication of the Senate Rules through
Legislature likewise has the power to resort the internet cannot be considered as
to mechanisms to obey its processes. Indeed, compliance with this constitutional
depriving the Senate of this inherent and requirement. (Garcillano vs. House of
necessary power to compel a witness to Representatives, G.R. No. 170338,
appear, give a truthful testimony and December 23, 2008)
produce documents before it will amount to
a serious handicap to its Constitutional C. Rights of persons appearing in shall
function to gather information relevant and be respected
material to its legislative inquiries. (Arnault v. Refers to the rights enshrined under the
Balagtas, G.R. No. L-6749, July 30, 1955) Bill of Rights, more particularly to the
As provided in Section 21, Article VI of the right to due process and the right against
1987 Constitution, however, the power of unreasonable seizures under Sections 1
legislative investigation is subject to three and 2, Article III of the 1987 Constitution.
limitations: (1) the inquiry must be "in aid of
legislation;" (2) the inquiry must be The purpose of the Committee's
conducted in accordance with its duly proceedings is to conduct an inquiry or
published rules of procedure; and (3) "[t]he investigation to aid the Senate in crafting



relevant legislation, and not to conduct a permitted to exercise. (Lopez vs. Delos
trial or make an adjudication. Legislative Reyes, GR no. L-34361, November 5, 1930)
inquiries do not share the same goals as
the criminal trial process, and "cannot be Period of imprisonment for contempt
punitive in the sense that they cannot during inquiries in aid of legislation
result in legally binding deprivation of a conducted by the Senate
person's life, liberty or property." Thus, The period of imprisonment under the
punishment for legislative contempt, inherent power of contempt by the Senate
albeit sui generis in character, must during inquiries in aid of legislation should
similarly observe the minimum only last until the termination of the
requirements of due process. legislative inquiry under which the said
power is invoked. (Balag vs. Senate of the
Witnesses who are charged by Congress Philippines, G.R. No. 234608, July 3, 2018)
with "giving false or evasive testimony"
must be accorded stricter due process Two instances when legislative inquiry
requirements, such as the opportunity to of the Senate is deemed terminated:
explain one's side before being penalized, a. Upon the approval or disapproval of
consistent with the due process the Committee Report:
safeguards used in criminal proceedings. 1. The Senate Committee must begin the
Considering the broad definition of consideration of the Committee
"giving false or evasive testimony," the Report within fifteen (15) days from
witness must, at the very least, given a the conclusion of the inquiry.
chance to explain why his or her 2. The Report shall then be approved by
testimony is not false or evasive. (Ong v. a majority vote of all the Committee
Senate, G.R. No. 257401, March 28, members; otherwise, it is disapproved
2023) 3. The Report shall be the subject matter
of the next order of business, and it
Period of imprisonment for contempt shall be acted upon by the Senate.
during inquiries in aid of legislation
conducted by the House of Evidently, the Committee Report is the
Representatives culmination of the legislative inquiry.
Where imprisonment is imposed for Its approval or disapproval signifies
contempt of a legislative body in the United the end of such legislative inquiry and
States, it terminates with the adjournment of it is now up to the Senate whether or
the session of the body in which the not to act upon the said Committee
contempt occurred. We emphasize again the Report in the succeeding order of
absolute absence of any judicial precedent business. At that point, the power of
which acknowledges the right of a legislative contempt simultaneously ceases and
body to extend punishment for contempt the detained witness should be
beyond the adjournment of the session, and released. As the legislative inquiry
that to go against the unanimous authority to ends, the basis for the detention of the
the contrary, would be to sanction a power recalcitrant witness likewise ends.
for the Houses of the Philippine Legislature (Balag vs. Senate of the Philippines,
greater than that which any legislative body G.R. No. 234608, July 3, 2018)
in the United States, including the Houses of
the Congress of the United States, is



b. Upon the expiration of one (1) heads in the question hour is discretionary on
Congress: their part. Sec. 1, cannot be applied to
- All pending matters and proceedings, appearances of department heads in
such as unpassed bills and even inquiries in aid of legislation. Congress is not
legislative investigations, of the Senate bound in such instances to respect the refusal
are considered terminated upon the of the department head to appear in such
expiration of that Congress and it is inquiry, unless a valid claim of privilege is
merely optional on the Senate of the subsequently made by the President or by
succeeding Congress to take up such the Executive Secretary. On the other hand,
unfinished matters, not in the same other executive officials cannot properly
status, but as if presented for the first refuse to testify before congressional
time. Again, while the Senate is a inquiries in aid of legislation. (Senate of the
continuing institution, its proceedings are Philippines, et al., vs. Eduardo Ermita, G.R.
terminated upon the expiration of that No. 169777, April 20, 2006)
Congress at the final adjournment of its
last session. Hence, as the legislative INQUIRY IN AID OF LEGISLATION vs
inquiry ends upon that expiration, the QUESTION HOUR
imprisonment of the detained witnesses
likewise ends. (Balag vs. Senate of the
Philippines, GR no. 234608, July 3, 2018)


The heads of departments may, upon their
own initiative, with the consent of the
President, or upon the request of either
House, as the rules of each House shall
provide, appear before and be heard by such
House on any matter pertaining to their
departments. Written questions shall be
submitted to the President of the Senate or
the Speaker of the House of Representatives NOTE: Secs. 21 and 22, therefore, while
at least three days before their scheduled closely related and complementary to each
appearance. Interpellations shall not be other, should not be considered as pertaining
limited to written questions, but may cover to the same power of Congress. (Senate of
matters related thereto. When the security of the Philippines, et al., vs. Eduardo Ermita,
the State or the public interest so requires G.R. No. 169777, April 20, 2006)
and the President so states in writ conducted
in executive session. (Sec. 22, Art. VI, 1987 THE POWER OF CONGRESSIONAL
Constitution) OVERSIGHT:
Broadly defined as the power of oversight
NOTE: The requirement for cabinet embraces all activities undertaken by
members to secure presidential consent Congress to enhance its understanding of
under Sec. 1 of E.O. 464, which is limited only and influence over the implementation of
to appearances in the question hour, is valid legislation it has enacted. (Abakada Guro
on its face. Under Sec. 22, Art. VI of the Party List vs. Purisima, G.R. No. 166715,
Constitution, the appearance of department August 14, 2008)



Purpose of Congressional Oversight: making authority, and permits Congress to

1. To monitor bureaucratic compliance with retain part of that delegated authority.
program objectives; (Abakada Guro Party List vs. Purisima, G.R.
2. To determine whether agencies are No. 166715, August 14, 2008)
properly administered;
3. To eliminate executive waste and Legislative Veto:
dishonesty; It is a statutory provision requiring the
4. To prevent executive usurpation of President or an administrative agency to
legislative authority; and present the proposed implementing rules and
5. To assess executive conformity with the regulations of a law to Congress which, by
congressional perception of public itself or through a committee formed by it,
interest. (Abakada Guro Party List vs. retains a “right” or “power” to approve or
Purisima, G.R. No. 166715, August 14, disapprove such regulations before they take
2008) effect.

Three Categories of Oversight Powers Legislative Veto in the form of a

of Congress: congressional oversight committee is in the
a. Scrutiny form of an inward turning delegation
Congressional scrutiny implies a lesser designed to attach a congressional leash.
intensity and continuity of attention to (Abakada Guro Party List vs. Purisima, G.R.
administrative operations. No. 166715, August 14, 2008)
Its primary purpose is to determine the
economy and efficiency of the operation of Constitutionality Of Legislative Veto
government activities. Congressional oversight is not
In the exercise of legislative scrutiny, unconstitutional per se, rather, it is an
Congress may request information and report integral to the checks and balances inherent
from other branches of government. It can in a democratic system of government.
give recommendations or pass resolutions for However, to forestall the danger of
consideration of the agency involved. congressional encroachment ‘beyond the
(Abakada Guro Party List vs. Purisima, G.R. legislative sphere,” the Constitution imposes
No. 166715, August 14, 2008) two (2) basic and related constraints on
b. Investigation 1. Congress may not vest itself, any of its
Congress investigation involves a more committees or its members with either
intense digging of facts. executive and judicial power; and
The power of Congress to conduct 2. When it exercises its legislative powers, it
investigation is recognized by the 1987 must follow the ‘single, finely wrought
Constitution under Sec. 21, Art. VI. and exhaustively considered procedures’
specified under the Constitution,
c. Supervision including the procedure for enactment of
Supervision connotes a continuing and laws and presentment.
informed awareness on the part of a
congressional committee regarding executive Therefore, any post-enactment congressional
operations in a given administrative area. measure should be limited to scrutiny and
Congressional supervision allows Congress to investigation. Any action or step beyond that
scrutinize the exercise of delegated law- will undermine the separation of powers



guaranteed by the Constitution. Legislative through the intervening mind of another.

Vetoes fall in this class. (Abakada Guro Party (Gerochi vs. Department of Energy, G.R. No.
List vs. Purisima, GR no. 166715, August 14, 159796, July 17, 2007)
Presidential Power In Times Of War And
LEGISLATIVE INQUIRIES vs National Emergency, Including Martial
OVERSIGHT FUNCTIONS Law And In A Revolutionary Context
Only the congress, by a vote of two-thirds of
both Houses in a joint session assembled,
voting separately, has the sole power to
declare the existence of a state of war.

In times of war or other national emergency,

the Congress may, by law, authorize the
President to exercise powers necessary and
proper to carry out a declared national policy.
(Sec. 23[2], Article VI, 1987 Constitution
(Nachura, Outline Reviewer in Political Law,
2014 pp. 278-279)
1. Period set and restrictions set by
STATE OF WAR (1987 CONST., art. VI, sec.
2. Until withdrawn by congress; or
3. Upon the next adjournment of the
next congress.
The Congress, by a vote of two-thirds of both
Houses in joint session assembled, voting
The President did not proclaim a national
separately, shall have the sole power to
emergency, only a state of emergency in the
declare the existence of a state of war.
three places in ARMM. And she did not act
In times of war or other national emergency,
pursuant to any law enacted by Congress
the Congress may, by law, authorize the
that authorized her to exercise extraordinary
President, for a limited period and subject to
powers. The calling out of the armed forces
such restrictions as it may prescribe, to
to prevent or suppress lawless violence in
exercise powers necessary and proper to
such places is a power that the Constitution
carry out a declared national policy. Unless
directly vests in the President. She did not
sooner withdrawn by resolution of the
need a congressional authority to exercise
Congress, such powers shall cease upon the
the same. (Ampatuan v. Puno, G.R. No.
next adjournment thereof. (Sec. 23, Art. VI,
190259, June 7, 2011)
1987 Constitution)


Exceptions to Non-Delegability
The rule is delegata potestas non potest
delagari or what has been delegated cannot
be delegated. The doctrine rests on the
CONST., art. VII, sec. 18)
ethical principle that a delegated power
constitutes not only a right but duty to be
The President shall be the Commander-in-
performed by the delegate by the
Chief of all armed forces of the Philippines
instrumentality of his own judgment and not



and whenever it becomes necessary, he may necessary,” the President may call the armed
call out such armed forces to prevent or forces “to prevent or suppress lawless
suppress lawless violence, invasion or violence, invasion or rebellion.” (Integrated
rebellion. In case of invasion or rebellion, Bar of the Philippines v. Zamora, G.R. No.
when the public safety requires it, he may, 141284, August 15, 2000)
for a period not exceeding sixty days,
suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas Generally, Congress is the repository of
corpus or place the Philippines or any part emergency powers. Certainly, a body cannot
thereof under martial law. delegate a power not reposed upon it.
However, knowing that during grave
Within forty-eight hours from the emergencies, it may not be possible or
proclamation of martial law or the suspension practicable for Congress to meet and exercise
of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, its powers, the Framers of our Constitution
the President shall submit a report in person deemed it wise to allow Congress to grant
or in writing to the Congress. The Congress, emergency powers to the President, subject
voting jointly, by a vote of at least a majority to certain conditions, thus:
of all its Members in regular or special (1) There must be a war or other
session, may revoke such proclamation or emergency.
suspension, which revocation shall not be set (2) The delegation must be for a limited
aside by the President. Upon the initiative of period only.
the President, the Congress may, in the same (3) The delegation must be subject to
manner, extend such proclamation or such restrictions as the Congress may
suspension for a period to be determined by prescribe.
the Congress, if the invasion or rebellion shall (4) The emergency powers must be
persist and public safety requires it. (Sec. 18 exercised to carry out a national
[1], Article VII, 1987 Constitution). policy declared by Congress. (David
vs. Arroyo, G.R. No. 171396, May 3,
Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus 2006)
The right to have an immediate
determination of the legality of the Role of Congress when the President
deprivation of physical liberty. (Bernas, The declares martial law or suspends the
1987 Constitution of the Republic of the privilege of the writ:
Philippines, 2009) a. When the President proclaims martial
law or suspends the privilege of the
Requisites writ, such proclamation or
In the exercise of the power to suspend the suspension shall be effective for a
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or to period of 60 days, unless sooner
impose martial law, two conditions must revoked by the Congress.
concur: b. Upon such proclamation or
(1) there must be an actual invasion or suspension, Congress shall convene
rebellion and, at once. If it is not in session, it shall
(2) public safety must require it. convene in accordance with its rules
without need of a call within 24 hours
These conditions are not required in the case following the proclamation or
of the power to call out the armed forces. The suspension.
only criterion is that “whenever it becomes



c. Within 48 hours from the the demands of public safety; and that it is
proclamation or the suspension, the subject to the Court's review of the
President shall submit a report, in sufficiency of its factual basis upon the
person or in writing, to the Congress petition of any citizen. (Lagman vs Pimentel,
(meeting in joint session of the action G.R. No. 235935, February 06, 2018)
he has taken).
d. The Congress shall then vote jointly, Congress is not constitutionally mandated to
by an absolute majority. Either: convene in joint session except to vote jointly
Revoke such proclamation or to revoke the President's declaration or
suspension. (Sec. 18, Art. VII, 1987 suspension. (Padilla vs Congress, G.R. No.
Constitution) 231671, July 25, 2017)

NOTE: When the Congress revokes, the G. POWER OF IMPEACHMENT (1987

President cannot set aside (or veto) the CONST., art. XI, secs. 2-3)
revocation as he normally would do in the
case of bills. If Congress does not do Public office is a public trust. Public officers
anything, the measure will expire anyway in and employees must, at all times, be
60 days. So, the revocation must be made accountable to the people, serve them with
before the lapse of 60 days from the date the utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and
measure was taken. (Sec. 18, Art. VII, 1987 efficiency; act with patriotism and justice,
Constitution) and lead modest lives. (Sec. 1, Art. XI, 1987
Extension beyond the 60-day period of
its validity. IMPEACHMENT
It is defined as a method of national inquest
NOTE: Congress can only so extend the into the conduct of public men. (Cruz,
proclamation or suspension upon the Philippine Political Law, p. 730, 2014)
initiative of the President. The period need
not be 60 days; it could be more, as Congress It is the power of Congress to remove a
would determine, based on the persistence of public official for serious crimes or
the emergency. If Congress fails to act before misconduct as provided in the Constitution.
the measure expires, it can no longer extend (Corona vs. Senate, G.R No. 200242, July 17,
it until the President again re-declares the 2012)
While the Constitution does not specify the 1. The President;
number of times that the Congress is allowed 2. The Vice President;
to approve an extension of martial law or the 3. Members of the Supreme Court;
suspension of the privilege of the writ of 4. Members of the Constitutional
habeas corpus, Section 18, Article VII is clear Commissions; and
that the only limitations to the exercise of the 5. The Ombudsman. (Section 2, Article
congressional authority to extend such IX, 1987 Constitution)
proclamation or suspension are that the
extension should be upon the President's NOTE: The enumeration in the Constitution
initiative; that it should be grounded on the of the impeachable officers is exclusive. The
persistence of the invasion or rebellion and Ombudsman is only one man, not including



his Deputies. (Office of the Ombudsman vs. any penalty service of which would amount
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 146486, March 4, to removal from office.
It is important to make clear that the Court is
FOR AN IMPEACHABLE OFFICER WHO not here saying that its Members or the other
IS A MEMBER OF THE BAR: constitutional officers we referred to above
An impeachable officer who is a member of are entitled to immunity from liability for
the Bar cannot be disbarred without first possibly criminal acts or for alleged violation
being impeached. Complainant’s availment of of the Canons of Judicial Ethics or other
Section 1 (1) of Article IX-C of the supposed misbehavior. What the Court is
Constitution to skirt this rule is specious. saying is that there are fundamental
procedural requirements that must be
It bears emphasis that the provision that observed before such liability may be
majority of Comelec members should be determined and enforced. A Member of the
lawyers pertains to the desired composition Supreme Court must first be removed from
of the Comelec. While the appointing office via the constitutional route of
authority may follow such constitutional impeachment under Sections 2 and 3 of
mandate, the appointment of a full Article XI of the 1987 Constitution. Should
complement of lawyers in the Comelec the tenure of the Supreme Court Justice be
membership is not precluded. At the time the thus terminated by impeachment, he may
complaint was filed, respondents and three then be held to answer either criminally or
other commissioners were all lawyers. administratively (by disbarment proceedings)
for any wrong or misbehavior that may be
As an impeachable officer who is at the same proven against him in appropriate
time a member of the Bar, respondent Borra proceedings. (In Re: Gonzales, A.M. No.
must first be removed from office via the 8845433, April 15, 1998)
constitutional route of impeachment before
he may be held to answer administratively for GROUNDS FOR IMPEACHMENT:
his supposed errant resolutions and actions. 1. Culpable violation of the
(Marcoleta vs Borra, A.C. No. 7732, March Constitution - wrongful, intentional or
09, 2009) willful disregard or flouting of the
fundamental law. This act must be
FOR A PUBLIC OFFICER TO BE deliberate and motivated by bad faith to
IMPEACHED: constitute as a ground for impeachment.
A public officer who under the Constitution is 2. Treason - committed by any person
required to be a Member of the Philippine Bar who, owing allegiance to the government
as a qualification for the office held by him of the Republic of the Philippines, levies
and who may be removed from office only by war against it or adheres to its enemies,
impeachment, cannot be charged with giving them aid and comfort. (Art. 114,
disbarment during the incumbency of such Revised Penal Code)
public officer. Further, such public officer, 3. Bribery - committed by any public officer
during his incumbency, cannot be charged who shall agree to perform an act,
criminally before the Sandiganbayan or any whether or not constituting a crime, or
other court with any offence which carries refrain from doing an act which he is
with it the penalty of removal from office, or officially required to do in connection with
the performance of his official duties, in



consideration of any offer, promise, gift of the impeachment complaint to the

or present received by him personally or House Committee on Justice or, by
through the mediation of another, or who the filing by at least one-third of the
shall accept gifts offered to him by reason members of the House of
of his office. (Arts. 210- 211, Revised Representatives with the Secretary-
Penal code) General of the House (Gutierrez vs.
4. Other high crimes - refers to those House Committee on Justice, G.R.
offenses which, like treason and bribery, No. 193459, February 15, 2011)
are of so serious and enormous a nature 2. Referral to the proper
as to strike at the very life or the orderly Committee
workings of the government. (Bernas, - A verified complaint for impeachment
The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines, may be filed by any Member of the
2003 ed., p.1112; Record of the House of Representatives or by any
Constitutional Convention of 1934, pp. citizen upon a resolution or
854-855) endorsement by any Member
5. Graft and corruption - those prohibited thereof, which shall be included in
acts under the Anti-Graft and Corrupt the Order of Business within ten
Practices Act. (Bernas, The 1987 session days and referred to the
Constitution of the Philippines, 2003 ed., proper Committee within three
p.1113) session days thereafter. (Sec. 3[2],
6. Betrayal of Public Trust - a catch-all Art. XI, 1987 Constitution)
ground to cover all manner of offenses 3. Hearing by Committee
unbecoming a public functionary but not - The Committee, after hearing, and by
punishable by the criminal statutes, like a majority vote of all its Members,
inexcusable negligence of duty, shall submit its report to the House
tyrannical abuse of authority, breach of within sixty session days from such
official duty by malfeasance or, referral, together with the
misfeasance, cronyism, favoritism, corresponding resolution. The
obstruction of justice. (Record of the resolution shall be calendared for
Constitutional Commission of 1986, p. consideration by the House within ten
272) session days from receipt thereof.
(Sec. 3[2], Art. XI, 1987 Constitution)
PROCEDURE FOR IMPEACHMENT: 4. Submission of Report by the
1. Initiation: Committee to the House with the
- The House of Representatives shall Resolution
have the exclusive power to initiate - The Committee, after hearing, and by
all cases of impeachment. (Sec. 3(1), a majority vote of all its Members,
Art. XI, 1987 Constitution) shall submit its report to the House
- The term “to initiate” refers to the within sixty session days from such
filing of the impeachment complaint referral, together with the
coupled with Congress’ taking initial corresponding resolution. The
action of said complaint. (Francisco resolution shall be calendared for
vs House of Representatives, G.R. consideration by the House within ten
No. 160261, November 10, 2003) session days from receipt thereof.
- The ‘initiation’ takes place by the act (Sec. 3[2], Art. XI, 1987 Constitution)
of filing and referral or endorsement



5. Consideration of the the punishment, according to law. (Sec.

Resolution by the House 3[7], Art. XI, 1987 Constitution)
- The Committee, after hearing, and by - However, the Courts may annul the
a majority vote of all its Members, proceedings if there is a showing of a
shall submit its report to the House grave abuse of discretion committed
within sixty session days from such by the Congress or of noncompliance
referral, together with the with the procedural requirements of
corresponding resolution. The the Constitutions, as where the
resolution shall be calendared for charges are instituted without a
consideration by the House within ten verified complaint, or by less than
session days from receipt thereof. one-third of all the members of the
(Sec. 3[2], Art. XI, 1987 Constitution) House of Representatives, or where
6. Voting by all the Members of the the judgment of conviction is
House supported by less than two-thirds
- A vote of at least one-third of all vote in Senate. (Francisco vs House
the Members of the House shall of Representatives, G.R. No. 160261,
be necessary either to affirm a November 10, 2003)
favorable resolution with the Articles
of Impeachment of the Committee, RULES ON IMPEACHMENT:
or override its contrary resolution. - The Congress shall promulgate its
The vote of each Member shall be rules on impeachment to effectively
recorded. (Sec. 3[3], Art. XI, 1987 carry out the purpose of this section.
Constitution) (Sec. 3[8], Art. XI, 1987 Constitution)
7. Trial by the Senate
- The Senate shall have the sole power NOTE: Since the Constitutional Commission
to try and decide all cases of did not restrict "promulgation" to
impeachment. When sitting for that "publication," the former should be
purpose, the Senators shall be on understood to have been used in its general
oath or affirmation. When the sense. It is within the discretion of Congress
President of the Philippines is on trial, to determine on how to promulgate its
the Chief Justice of the Supreme Impeachment Rules, in much the same way
Court shall preside, but shall not that the Judiciary is permitted to determine
vote. No person shall be convicted that to promulgate a decision means to
without the concurrence of two- deliver the decision to the clerk of court for
thirds of all the Members of the filing and publication. It is not for this Court
Senate. (Sec. 3[6], Art. XI, 1987 to tell a co-equal branch of government how
Constitution) to promulgate when the Constitution itself
8. Judgment has not prescribed a specific method of
- Judgment in cases of impeachment promulgation. The Court is in no position to
shall not extend further than removal dictate a mode of promulgation beyond the
from office and disqualification to dictates of the Constitution. (Gutierrez vs
hold any office under the Republic of House of Representatives, G.R. No. 193459,
the Philippines, but the party February 15, 2011)
convicted shall nevertheless be liable
and subject to prosecution, trial, and - Section 3 (8) of Article XI provides that
"The Congress shall promulgate its rules



on impeachment to effectively carry out on the Legislative Department, it is not

the purpose of this section." Clearly, its correct to say that they are mere adjuncts of
power to promulgate its rules on the Congress of the Philippines. In fact, in the
impeachment is limited by the phrase "to discharge of their constitutional duties, they
effectively carry out the purpose of this are independent of the legislature, and also
section." Hence, these rules cannot of the other departments for that matter.
contravene the very purpose of the (Cruz, Philippine Political Law, 2014)
Constitution which said rules were
intended to effectively carry out. Composition
Moreover, Section 3 of Article XI clearly 1. Three (3) Justices of the Supreme
provides for other specific limitations on Court designated by the Chief
its power to make rules. (Francisco vs Justice;
House of Representatives, G.R. No. 2. The Senior Justice shall be its
160261, November 10, 2003) Chairman; and
3. Six (6) members of the Senate (SET)
H. ELECTORAL TRIBUNALS (1987 or House of Representatives (HRET)
CONST., art. VI, sec. 17) (Sec. 17, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)

The Senate and the House of Representatives Reason for Mixed Membership
shall each have an Electoral Tribunal, which The presence of the three Justices is meant
shall be the sole judge of all contests relating to tone down the political nature of the cases
to the election, returns, and qualifications of involved and do away with the impression
their respective Members. Each Electoral that party interests play a part in the
Tribunal shall be composed of nine Members, decision-making process.
three of whom shall be Justices of the
Supreme Court to be designated by the Chief Rule 6(a) of the 2015 HRET Rules requires
Justice, and the remaining six shall be the presence of at least one Justice and four
Members of the Senate or the House of members of the Tribunal to constitute a
Representatives, as the case may be, who quorum. This means that even when all the
shall be chosen on the basis of proportional Justices are present, at least two members of
representation from the political parties and the House of Representatives need to be
the parties or organizations registered under present to constitute a quorum. Without this
the party-list system represented therein. rule, it would be possible for five members of
The senior Justice in the Electoral Tribunal the House of Representatives to convene and
shall be its Chairman. (Sec. 17, Art. VI, 1987 have a quorum even when no Justice is
Constitution) present. (Ongsiako Reyes v HRET, G.R. No.
221103, October 16, 2018)
Two Types
a. Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET) Basis: Proportional representation from
b. House Electoral Tribunal (HRET) the Political Parties and Party-Lists
(Sec. 17, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution) Only if the House fails to comply with the
directive of the Constitution on proportional
Nature representation of political parties in the HRET
Although the Electoral Tribunals are and Commission on Appointments can the
predominantly legislative in membership and party-list representatives seek recourse from
the provision creating them is found in Art. VI the Court through judicial review. Under the



Doctrine of Primary Administrative Inherent Powers:

Jurisdiction, prior recourse to the House is a. Preserve and enforce order in its
necessary before the case may be brought to immediate presence;
Court. (Pimentel vs. House of b. Enforce order in proceedings before
Representatives Electoral Tribunal, G.R. No. it or before any of its officials acting
141489, November 29, 2002) under its authority;
c. Compel obedience to its judgments,
The HRET was created as a non-partisan orders, resolutions and processes;
court. It must be independent of Congress d. Compel the attendance of witnesses
and devoid of partisan influence and and the production of evidence in any
consideration. Hence, “disloyalty to the case or proceeding before it;
party” and “breach of party discipline” are not e. Administer or cause to be
valid grounds for the expulsion of a member.” administered oaths in any case or
(Bondoc vs. Pineda, G.R. No. 97710, proceeding before it, and in all other
September 26, 1991) cases where it may be necessary in
the exercise of its powers;
Independence of the Electoral f. Control its processes and amend its
Tribunals resolutions or orders to make them
conform with law and justice;
Although six members of the Electoral g. Authorize a copy of a lost or
Tribunals are members of Congress, the destroyed pleading or other paper to
Tribunals themselves are not part of either be filed and used in lieu of the
House of Congress. They are independent original, and restore and supply
constitutional creations which have power to deficiencies in its records and
create their own rules and are not under the proceedings;
supervision or control of Congress. (Bernas, h. Promulgate its own rules of
The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines: A procedure and amend or revise the
Commentary, p. 755, 2009) same; and
i. Exercise such other powers as may
Similarly, the Electoral Tribunals are be necessary in the performance of
independent of the Commission on Elections. its duties under the Constitution and
Hence, cases before the Electoral Tribunal existing laws. (Rule 10, 2015 HRET
are governed not by the rules of procedure Rules)
for election controversies prescribed by the
Commission on Elections but by the Jurisdiction
Tribunal's own rules. (Bernas, The 1987
Constitution of the Philippines: A The Electoral Tribunals of the Houses of
Commentary, p. 756, 2009) Congress shall be the sole judge of all
contests relating to the election, returns and
Powers qualifications of their members. (Sec. 17, Art.
The tribunal has the power to promulgate VI, 1987 Constitution)
rules relating to matters within its
jurisdiction, including a period for filing Their decisions on such controversies are not
election protests. (Lazatin vs. HET, G.R. No. subject to appeal to the Supreme Court.
84297, December 8, 1988) (Bernas, The 1987 Constitution of the
Philippines: A Commentary, p. 756, 2009)



Exception: Under Article VIII, Section 1, ● The HRET has no jurisdiction over a
judicial power includes the authority "to proclaimed district representative winner
determine whether or not there has been a unless the following requisites concur:
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack 1. a valid proclamation,
or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any 2. a proper oath, and
branch or instrumentality of the 3. assumption of office.
government." ● Consequently, before there is a valid
or official taking of the oath it must
Judicial review of decisions or final be made —
resolutions of the HRET is possible only in the 1. before the Speaker of the House
exercise of this Court's so-called "extra- of Representatives, and
ordinary jurisdiction" upon a determination 2. in an open session. (Reyes v.
that the tribunal's decision or resolution was COMELEC, G.R. No. 207264, June
rendered without or in excess of its 25, 2013)
jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion
or upon a clear showing of such arbitrary and ● The HRET may assume jurisdiction only
improvident use by the Tribunal of its power after the winning candidate (who is a
as constitutes a denial of due process of law, party to the election controversy) shall
or upon a demonstration of a very clear have been duly proclaimed, has taken his
unmitigated error, manifestly constituting oath of office, and has assumed the
such a grave abuse of discretion that there functions of the office, because it is only
has to be a remedy for such abuse. (Morrero then that he is said to be a member of
vs. Bocar, 66 Phil. 429, 431; Lazatin vs. the House.” (Aquino vs. Commission on
House of Electoral Tribunal, supra; Robles vs. Elections, G.R. No. 120265, September
HRET, supra) Then only where such grave 18, 1995)
abuse of discretion is clearly shown that the ● The proclamation divests the Commission
Court interferes with the HRET's judgment or on Elections of jurisdiction over the
decision. (Lerias vs. House Electoral Tribunal, question of disqualifications pending
202 SCRA 808, 1991) before it at the time of the proclamation.
Any case pertaining to questions over the
The jurisdiction of Electoral Tribunals is over qualifications of a winning candidate
"election contests" in the statutory sense; should be raised before the House of
they do not have jurisdiction over pre- Representative Electoral Tribunal.
proclamation controversies which come (Jalosjos, Jr. vs. Commission on
under the jurisdiction of the Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 192474, June 26,
Elections. (Bernas, The 1987 Constitution of 2012)
the Philippines: A Commentary, p. 756, 2009) ● The power granted to the HRET by Sec.
17, Art XI of the 1987 Constitution is
● The HRET has no jurisdiction over a intended to be as complete and
proclaimed winner who has not yet taken unimpaired as if it had remained
a proper oath and assumed office. originally in the legislature. Thus, the
● The HRET's jurisdiction is limited to the HRET, as the sole judge of all contests
election, returns, and qualification of the relating to the election, returns and
"Members" of the House of qualifications of members of the House of
Representatives. Representatives, may annul election
results if in its determination, fraud,



terrorism or other electoral irregularities conclusions in a manner in keeping with

existed to warrant the annulment. the degree of proof required in
Because in doing so, it is merely proceedings before a quasi-judicial body:
exercising its constitutional duty to not absolute certainty, not proof beyond
ascertain who among the candidates reasonable doubt or preponderance of
received the majority of the valid votes evidence, but “substantial evidence, or
cast. (Abayon vs. HRET GR No. 22236, that amount of relevant evidence which a
May 3, 2016) reasonable mind might accept as
● The power of HRET does not carry with it adequate to justify a conclusion.” (David
the authority to delve into the legality of vs. Senate Electoral Tribunal, G.R. No.
the judgment of the naturalization of 221538, September 20, 2016)
respondent’s father, in the pursuit of
disqualifying Rep. Lim Kaichong. To rule I. COMMISSION ON APPOINTMENTS
otherwise would be an impermissible (1987 CONST., art. VI, sec. 18; art. VII, sec.
attack on the citizenship of the 16; art. VIII, sec. 8)
respondent's father. (Vilando vs. House
of Representatives Electoral Tribunal, There shall be a Commission on
G.R. No. 192147, August 23, 2011) Appointments consisting of the President of
● Party-list nominees are "elected the Senate, as ex officio Chairman, twelve
members" of the House of Senators and twelve Members of the House
Representatives no less than the district of Representatives, elected by each House on
representatives are, the HRET has the basis of proportional representation from
jurisdiction to hear and pass upon their the political parties and parties or
qualifications. organizations registered under the party-list
○ By analogy with the cases of system represented therein. The Chairman of
district representatives, once the the Commission shall not vote, except in case
party or organization of the of a tie. The Commission shall act on all
party-list nominee has been appointments submitted to it within thirty
proclaimed and the nominee has session days of the Congress from their
taken his oath and assumed submission. The Commission shall rule by a
office as member of the House of majority vote of all the Members. (Sec. 18,
Representatives, the COMELEC’s Art. VI, 1987 Constitution)
jurisdiction over election contests
relating to his qualifications ends The function of the Commission on
and the HRET’s own jurisdiction Appointments is to consent to or confirm
begins (Abayon vs. HRET, G.R. nominations or appointments submitted to it
No. 189466, February 11, 2010) by the President pursuant to Article VII,
● Exclusive, original jurisdiction over Section 16 which enumerates the
contests relating to the election, returns, appointments which need action by the
and qualifications of the elective officials Commission on Appointments. The
falling within the scope of their powers is Commission is thus intended to serve as an
vested in electoral tribunals. The review administrative check on the appointing
of these judgments is limited to a authority of the President. (Bernas, The 1987
determination of whether there has been Constitution of the Philippines: A
an error in jurisdiction, not an error in Commentary, p. 760, 2009)
judgment. Here, the SET arrived at



The Commission’s function forms part of the required under the Constitution. This power
very delicate mechanism of checks and shall be discharged with impartiality, without
balances established by the Constitution to partisan consideration, and with only one
ensure that the coordinate departments of impelling motive, which is the harmonious
the government will function in a way that and efficient functioning of the government.
will be most conducive to the public welfare. a. The Commission shall act on all
appointments submitted to it within
Nature: Revived in the 1987 Constitution to 30 session days of Congress from
limit, once again, the President’s appointing their submission.
power. (Sec. 18, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution) b. The Commission shall rule by
majority vote of its members.
Composition: c. The Commission shall meet only
a. Senate President as ex-officio while Congress is in session, at the
chairman call of its Chairman or a majority of
b. 12 Senators all its members.
c. 12 Members of the House of d. The Commission on Appointments is
Representatives independent of the two Houses of
● The 12 Senators and 12 members of the Congress. Its employees are not,
House of Representatives are elected by technically, employees of Congress.
each house on the basis of proportional It has the power to promulgate its
representation. own rules of proceedings.
● The Senate President shall not vote e. The powers of the Commission do not
except in case of a tie (Sec. 18, Art. VI, come from Congress, but emanate
1987 Constitution). directly from the Constitution. Hence,
it is not an agent of Congress. In fact,
A political party must have at least two (2) the functions of the Commissioner
elected senators for every seat in the are purely executive in nature.
Commission on Appointments. It is not (Cunanan vs. Tan, G.R. No. L-19721,
mandatory to elect 12 Senators to the May 10, 1962)
Commission. What the Constitution requires
is that there must be at least a majority of REGULAR APPOINTMENTS – takes place
the entire membership. (Guingona vs. when the President appoints an officer whose
Gonzales, G.R. No. 106971, October 20, appointment requires confirmation by the
1992) Commission, while Congress is in session.
(Nachura, Outline Reviewer in Political Law,
Commission on Appointments ruling 2014 pp. 297)
Majority vote of all the members. (Sec. 18,
Art. VI, 1987 Constitution) AD INTERIM or RECESS APPOINTMENT
– happens when Congress is not in session.
Powers of the Commission Unlike regular appointments, an ad-interim
appointment made by the President is
The Commission on Appointments (CA) is complete in itself and effective at once, even
vested by the 1987 Philippine Constitution without confirmation. (Id.)
with the power to approve or disapprove
appointments made by the President of the
Philippines, the confirmation of which is



The Presidential Appointments subject professor of law, a retired Member of the

to consent of Commission on Supreme Court, and a representative of the
Appointments private sector.
The President shall nominate and, with the
consent of the Commission on Appointments, (2) The regular Members of the Council shall
appoint the be appointed by the President for a term of
a. heads of the executive departments, four years with the consent of the
b. ambassadors, Commission on Appointments. Of the
c. other public ministers and Members first appointed, the representative
d. consuls, or of the Integrated Bar shall serve for four
e. officers of the armed forces from the years, the professor of law for three years,
rank of colonel or the retired Justice for two years, and the
f. naval captain, and representative of the private sector for one
g. other officers whose appointments year.
are vested in him in this constitution.
(3) The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall be
He shall also appoint all other officers of the the Secretary ex officio of the Council and
Government whose appointments are not shall keep a record of its proceedings.
otherwise provided for by the law, and those
whom he may be authorized by law to (4) The regular Members of the Council shall
appoint. receive such emoluments as may be
The Congress may, by law, vest the determined by the Supreme Court. The
appointment of other officers lower in rank in Supreme Court shall provide in its annual
the President alone, in the courts, or in the budget the appropriations for the Council.
heads of departments, agencies,
commissions, or boards. (5) The Council shall have the principal
function of recommending appointees to the
The President shall have the power to make Judiciary. It may exercise such other
appointments during the recess of Congress, functions and duties as the Supreme Court
whether voluntary or compulsory, but such may assign to it. (Sec. 8, Art. VIII, 1987
appointments shall be effective only until Constitution)
disapproval by the Commission on
Appointments or until the next adjournment Composition of the JBC
of the Congress. (Sec. 16, Art. VII. 1987 Ex-Officio Members:
Philippine Constitution) 1. The Chief Justice (ex-officio
ROLE OF THE CONGRESS: JUDICIAL 2. The Secretary of Justice
BAR AND COUNCIL 3. A representative of the Congress

(1) A Judicial and Bar Council is hereby Regular Members:

created under the supervision of the 1. A representative of the Integrated
Supreme Court composed of the Chief Justice Bar
as ex officio Chairman, the Secretary of 2. A Professor of Law
Justice, and a representative of the 3. A retired Member of the Supreme
Congress as ex officio Members, a Court
representative of the Integrated Bar, a 4. A representative of the Private Sector



ONLY 1 REPRESENTATIVE FROM same date six years thereafter. (Sec. 4, Art.
The President shall not be eligible for any
The use of the singular letter "a" preceding reelection. (Sec. 4, Art. VII, 1987
"representative of Congress" is unequivocal Constitution)
and leaves no room for any other
construction. It is indicative of what the No person who has succeeded as President
members of the Constitutional Commission and has served as such for more than four
had in mind, that is, Congress may designate years shall be qualified for election to the
only one (1) representative to the JBC. Had it same office at any time. (Sec. 4, Art. VII,
been the intention that more than one (1) 1987 Constitution)
representative from the legislature would sit
in the JBC, the Framers could have, in no No Vice-President shall serve for more than 2
uncertain terms, so provided. consecutive terms. (Sec. 3, par. (2), Art. VII,
1987 Constitution)
It is clear, therefore, that the Constitution
mandates that the JBC be composed of seven QUALIFICATIONS OF THE PRESIDENT
(7) members only. Thus, any inclusion of AND THE VICE-PRESIDENT
another member, whether with one whole
vote or half (1/2) of it, goes against that No person may be elected President unless:
mandate. Section 8(1), Article VIII of the
Constitution, providing Congress with an a. Natural-born citizen of the
equal voice with other members of the JBC in Philippines;
recommending appointees to the Judiciary is b. At least 40 years of age on the day of
explicit. Any circumvention of the the election
constitutional mandate should not be c. Able to read and write
countenanced for the Constitution is the d. Registered voter; and
supreme law of the land. (Chavez vs. JBC, e. Resident of the Philippines for at least
G.R. No. 202242, July 17, 2012) 10 years immediately preceding such
election. (Sec. 2, Art. VII, 1987


The President and the Vice-President shall be
1. Term, Qualifications, and elected by direct vote of the people.
Election – 1987 CONST., Art. VII,
secs. 2-4 Voluntary renunciation of the office for any
length of time shall not be considered as an
TERM interruption in the continuity of the service
for the full term for which he was elected.
The President and the Vice-President shall be
elected by direct vote of the people for a term Unless otherwise provided by law, the regular
of six years which shall begin at noon on the election for President and Vice-President shall
thirtieth day of June next following the day of be held on the second Monday of May.
the election and shall end at noon of the



The returns of every election for President the offices of the President and Vice-
and Vice-President, duly certified by the President occurs, convene in accordance with
board of canvassers of each province or city, its rule without need of a call and within
shall be transmitted to the Congress, directed seven days enact a law calling for a special
to the President of the Senate. Upon receipt election to elect a President and a Vice-
of the certificates of canvass, the President of President to be held not earlier than forty-
the Senate shall, not later than thirty days five days nor later than sixty days from the
after the day of the election, open all time of such call.
certificates in the presence of the Senate and
the House of Representatives in joint public The bill calling such special paragraph 2,
session, and the Congress, upon Section 26, Article VI of this Constitution
determination of the authenticity and due and shall become law upon its approval on
execution thereof in the manner provided by third reading by the Congress.
law, canvass the votes. Appropriations for the special election shall
be charged against any current
The person having the highest number of appropriations and shall be exempt from the
votes shall be proclaimed elected, but in case requirements of paragraph 4, Section 25,
two or more shall have an equal and highest Article VI of this Constitution.
number of votes, one of them shall forthwith
be chosen by the vote of a majority of all the The convening of the Congress cannot be
Members of both Houses of the Congress, suspended nor the special election
voting separately. postponed. No special election shall be called
if the vacancy occurs within eighteen months
The Congress shall promulgate its rules for before the date of the next
the canvassing of the certificates. presidential election. (Sec. 10, Art. VII, 1987
The Supreme Court, sitting en banc, shall be
the sole judge of all contests relating to the Reasons:
election, returns, and qualifications of the
President or Vice- President, and may a. Death, permanent disability, removal
promulgate its rules for the purpose. from office, or resignation of both the
(Sec. 4, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution) President and the Vice-President. (Sec. 7,
Art. VII, 1987 Constitution)
Means: b. If the vacancies occur more than 18
months before the next regular
Elected by direct vote of the people. (Sec. 4, presidential election; and (Sec. 10, Art.
Art. VII, 1987 Constitution) VII, 1987 Constitution)
c. A law passed by Congress calling for a
Types: special election to elect a President and
1. Regular Election: Vice-President to be held earlier than 45
2nd Monday of May, every 6 years (Sec. 4, days not later than 60 days from the time
Art. VII, 1987 Constitution) of such call. (Sec. 10, Art. VII, 1987
2. Special Election:
The Congress shall, at ten o’clock in the
morning of the third day after the vacancy in



Oath of Office Government or any other source. (Sec. 6, Art.

Before they enter on the execution of their VII, 1987 Constitution)
office, the President, Vice-President or the
Acting President shall take oath or PRIVILEGES AND SALARY
affirmation. (Sec. 5, Art. VII, 1987 1. Official residence – Malacañang
Constitution) Palace
2. The salaries of the President and
Before they enter on the execution of their Vice-President shall be determined by
office, the President, the Vice-President, or law and shall not be decreased during
the Acting President shall take an oath or their tenure.
affirmation. (Sec. 5, Art. VII, 1987 NOTE: This rule is to ensure that the
Constitution) Legislature would not exercise the
power of the purse to pressure the
Oath - An outward pledge made under an Executive Department. (Bernas, The
immediate sense of responsibility to God. 1987 Constitution of the Republic of
(Cruz, Philippine Political Law, 2014). the Philippines, p.611, 2009)
3. No increase in said compensation
The oath is not a source of substantive power shall take effect until after the
but is merely intended to deepen the sense expiration of the term of the
of responsibility of the President and ensure incumbent during which such
a mere conscientious discharge of his office. increase was approved.
(Cruz, Philippine Political Law, 2014) 4. They shall not receive during their
tenure any other emolument from
Affirmation the Government or any other source.
(Sec. 6, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution)
A solemn declaration in place of an oath, if
the President, Vice-President or Acting UNEXPLAINED WEALTH FROM OTHER
President does not believe in God. (De Leon, EMOLUMENT IS SUBJECT TO
Textbook on the Philippine Constitution, FORFEITURE
Under the 1973 Constitution, Ferdinand E.
2. Privileges, Inhibitions, and Marcos as President could “not receive during
Disqualifications – 1987 CONST., art. his tenure any other emolument from the
VII, secs. 6 and 13 Government or any other source.” Their only
known lawful income of $304,372.43 can
EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGES therefore legally and fairly serve as basis for
The President shall have an official residence. determining the existence of a prima facie
The salaries of the President and Vice- case of forfeiture of the Swiss funds. The
President shall be determined by law and Republic did not fail to establish a prima facie
shall not be decreased during their tenure. case for the forfeiture of the Swiss deposits.
No increase in said compensation shall take
effect until after the expiration of the term of Section 9 of the PCGG Rules and Regulations
the incumbent during which such increase provides that, in determining prima facie
was approved. They shall not receive during evidence of ill-gotten wealth, the value of the
their tenure any other emolument from the accumulated assets, properties and other
material possessions of those covered by



Executive Order Nos. 1 and 2 must be out of office. (Estrada v. Desierto, G.R. Nos.
proportion to the known lawful income of 146710-15, 02 March 2001)
such persons. The respondent Marcos couple
did not file any Statement of Assets and Rationale
Liabilities (SAL) from which their net worth
could be determined. Their failure to file their It is to assure exercise of presidential duties
SAL was in itself a violation of law and to and functions free from any hindrance or
allow them to successfully assail the Republic distraction considering that it is a job that
for not presenting their SAL would reward requires the Chief Executive’s time as well as
them for their violation of the law. (Republic undivided attention. (Soliven vs. Makasiar,
vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 152154, July 15, G.R. No. 82585, November 14, 1988)
Ill-gotten wealth also encompasses those
derived indirectly from government funds or Settled is the doctrine that the President,
properties through the use of power, during his tenure of office or actual
influence, or relationship resulting in unjust incumbency, may not be sued in any civil or
enrichment and causing grave damage and criminal case, and there is no need to provide
prejudice to the Filipino people and the for it in the Constitution or law. It will
Republic. degrade the dignity of the high office of the
President, the head of State, if he can be
The alleged subject commissions may not dragged into court litigations while serving as
have been sourced directly from the public such. Furthermore, it is important that he be
funds but it is beyond cavil that Disini would freed from any form of harassment,
not have amassed these commissions had he hindrance or distraction to enable him to fully
not exerted undue influence on President attend to the performance of his official
Marcos. (Disini v. Republic, G.R. No. 205172, duties and functions. (David v. Arroyo, GR.
June 15, 2021, J. Hernando) No. 171396, May 3, 2006; De Lima vs.
Duterte GR 227635, October 2019)

The President, during the period of his 1. Though immune from suit, an
incumbency and tenure, is immune from suit. impeachment complaint may be filed against
However, the privilege of immunity can only him during his tenure. (Art. XI, 1987
be invoked by the President by virtue of the Constitution)
office, not by any other person on behalf of
the President. (De Lima vs Duterte, G.R. No. 2. He may also not be prevented from
227635, 15 Oct. 2019) instituting suit; (Soliven v. Makasiar, G.R. No.
82585, 14 Nov. 1988).
Once out of office, even before the end of the
6- year term, immunity for non-official acts is 3. There is no law preventing the President
lost. Immunity cannot be claimed to shield a from waiving the privilege.
non-sitting President from prosecution for
alleged criminal acts done while sitting in 4. A non-sitting President cannot enjoy
immunity from suit for criminal acts



committed during his incumbency. (Estrada Elements:

vs. Desierto, G.R. Nos. 146710-15, March 2,
2001) ● The existence of a superior-subordinate
relationship between the accused as
5. Heads of departments, by themselves superior and the perpetrator of the crime
alone, cannot invoke the President’s as his subordinate;
immunity. (Gloria v. CA, G.R. No. 119903, 15 ● The superior knew or had reason to know
Aug. 2000) that the crime was about to be or had
been committed; and,
The immunity of the President from suit is
personal to the President. It may be invoked ● The superior failed to take the necessary
only by the President and not by any other and reasonable measures to prevent the
person. criminal acts or punish the perpetrators
thereof. (Rodriguez v. GMA, G.R. Nos.
Such privilege pertains to the President by 191805 & 193160, 15 Nov. 2011)
the virtue of the office and may be invoked
only by the holder of that office, and not by NOTE: Immunity is coextensive with tenure
any other person on his behalf. (Soliven v. and covers only official duties.
Unlawful acts of public officials are not acts
Presidential decisions may be questioned of State and the officer who acts illegally is
before the courts where there is a grave not acting as such but stands on the same
abuse of discretion or that the President footing as any other trespasser.
acted without or in excess of jurisdiction.
(Gloria vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. CONCEPT OF EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE
119903, August 15, 2000)
Principle of Command Responsibility
Schwartz defines executive privilege as "the
It is “an omission mode of individual criminal power of the Government to withhold
liability,” whereby the superior is made information from the public, the courts, and
responsible for crimes committed by his the Congress.” Similarly, Rozell defines it as
subordinates for failing to prevent or punish "the right of the President and high-level
the perpetrators (as opposed to crimes he executive branch officers to withhold
ordered). (Rubrico v. GMA, G.R. No. 183871, information from Congress, the courts, and
18 Feb. 2010) ultimately the public." (Senate vs Ermita GR
169777, April 20, 2006)
A head of department or a superior officer
shall not be civilly liable for the wrongful acts, The rule of confidentiality based on executive
omissions of duty, negligence or misfeasance privilege is fundamental to the operation of
of his subordinates, unless he has actually government and rooted in the separation of
authorized by written order the specific act or powers under the Constitution. (Almonte vs.
misconduct complained of. (Sec. 38[3], Vasquez, G.R. No. 95367, 23 May 1995)
Chapter 9, Book 1, Administrative Code of



Executive privilege is properly invoked in covered by this executive order ( Almonte vs.
relation to specific categories of information Vasquez, G.R. No. 95367, May 23, 1995;
and not to categories of persons. Chavez vs. Public Estates Authority, G.R. No.
133250, July 9, 2002);
Requisites for Validity of Claim of
Executive Privilege ● Military, diplomatic and other national
security matters which in the interest of
1. Quintessential and non-delegable national security should not be divulged
presidential power: (Almonte vs. Vasquez, G.R. No. 95367, May
23, 1995; (Chavez vs. Presidential
power subject of the legislative inquiry must Commission on Good Government, G.R. No.
be expressly granted by the Constitution to 130716, December 9, 1998);
the President, e.g. commander-in-chief,
appointing, pardoning, and diplomatic ● Information between inter-government
powers. agencies prior to the conclusion of treaties
and executive agreements (Chavez vs.
2. Operational Proximity Test: Presidential Commission on Good
Government, G.R. No. 130716, December 9,
It must be authored, solicited, and received 1998);
by a close advisor of the President or the
President himself. The judicial test is that an ● Discussion in close-door Cabinet meetings
advisor must be in “operational proximity” (Chavez vs. Presidential Commission on Good
with the President (i.e. officials who stand Government, G.R. No. 130716, December 9,
proximate to the President, not only by 1998);
reason of their function but also by reason of
their positions in the Executive’s ● Matters affecting national security and
organizational structure). public order (Chavez vs. Public Estates
Authority, G.R. No. 133250, July 9, 2002)
3. No adequate need:
The privilege may be overcome by a showing
of adequate need, such that the information In light of this highly exceptional nature of
sought “likely contains important evidence,” the privilege, the Court finds it essential to
and by the unavailability of the information limit to the President the power to invoke the
elsewhere by an appropriate investigating privilege. She may of course authorize the
authority. (Neri vs. Senate, G.R. No. 180643, Executive Secretary to invoke the privilege on
September 4, 2008) her behalf, in which case the Executive
Secretary must state that the authority is "By
TYPES order of the President," which means that he
personally consulted with her. The privilege
Executive privilege covers all confidential or being an extraordinary power, it must be
classified information between the President wielded only by the highest official in the
and the public officers covered by this executive hierarchy. xxx
executive order, including:
Congress must not require the executive to
● Conversations and correspondence state the reasons for the claim with such
between the President and the public official particularity as to compel disclosure of the



information which the privilege is meant to On the President, Vice President,

protect. This is a matter of respect to a Members of the Cabinet, their Deputies
coordinate and co-equal department. and Assistants:
(Senate vs. Ermita GR 169777, April 20, 1. They cannot, unless otherwise
2006) provided in this Constitution, hold
any other office or employment
For the claim to be properly invoked, there during their tenure.
must be a formal claim of privilege, lodged by 2. They shall not directly or indirectly
the head of the department which has control practice any other profession,
over the matter." A formal and proper claim participate in any business, or be
of executive privilege requires a "precise and financially interested in any contract
certain reason" for preserving their with, or in any franchise, or special
confidentiality. (Neri vs Senate Committee on privilege granted by the government
Accountability GR 180643, March 25, 2008) or any of its subdivisions, agencies or
EXECUTIVE PROHIBITIONS 3. They shall strictly avoid conflict of
The President, Vice-President, the Members interest in the conduct of their office.
of the Cabinet, and their deputies or (Sec. 6 par. 1, Art. VII, 1987
assistants shall not, unless otherwise Constitution)
provided in this Constitution, hold any other
office or employment during their tenure. On the Spouses and Relatives of the
They shall not, during said tenure, directly or President
indirectly, practice any other profession,
participate in any business, or be financially They shall not, during the President’s tenure,
interested in any contract with, or in any be appointed as Members of the
franchise, or special privilege granted by the Constitutional Commissions, or the Office of
Government or any subdivision, agency, or the Ombudsman, or as Secretaries,
instrumentality thereof, including Undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of
government-owned or controlled bureaus or offices, including government-
corporations or their subsidiaries. They shall owned or controlled corporations and their
strictly avoid conflict of interest in the subsidiaries. (Sec. 6 par. 2, Art. VII, 1987
conduct of their office. Constitution)

The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or CABINET MEMBER PROHIBITIONS

affinity within the fourth civil degree of the
President shall not during his tenure be No elective official shall be eligible for
appointed as members of the Constitutional appointment or designation in any capacity to
Commissions, or the Office of the any public office or position during his tenure.
Ombudsman, or as Secretaries,
Undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of Unless otherwise allowed by law or by the
bureaus or offices, including government- primary functions of his position, no
owned or controlled corporations and their appointive official shall hold any other office
subsidiaries. (Sec. 6, Art. VII, 1987 or employment in the Government or any
Constitution) subdivision, agency or instrumentality
thereof, including Government-owned or



controlled corporations or their subsidiaries. 7. the power to contract or guarantee

(Sec. 7, Art. IX(B), 1987 Constitution) foreign loans;
8. the power to enter into treaties or
Exceptions to Prohibition vs. Other international agreements;
Positions 9. the power to submit the budget to
1. The Vice-President may be appointed Congress;
as a Member of the Cabinet. Such 10. the power to address Congress. (Sec. 14-
appointment requires no 23, Art VII, 1987 Constitution)
confirmation. (Sec. 3 par. 2, Art. VII, (Marcos vs. Manglapus, G.R. No. 88211,
1987 Constitution) Sept. 15, 1989)
2. A Judicial and Bar Council is hereby NOTE: The President's powers are not
created under the supervision of the limited to those specifically enumerated in
Supreme Court composed of the the 1987 Constitution. e.g. residual powers
Chief Justice as ex officio Chairman, (Biraogo vs. PTC, G.R. No. 192935, Dec. 07,
the Secretary of Justice, and a 2010)
representative of the Congress as ex
officio Members, a representative of EXPRESS POWERS
the Integrated Bar, a professor of
law, a retired Member of the The “Faithful Execution”/ Take Care”
Supreme Court, and a representative Clause
of the private sector. (Sec. 8[1], Art. The President shall have control of all the
VIII, 1987 Constitution) executive departments, bureaus, and offices.
He shall ensure that the laws be faithfully
B. EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE executed. (Sec. 17, Art. VII, 1987
POWERS - 1987 CONST., art. VII, secs. 1 Constitution)
and 17
1. Nature of Executive Power The power to take care that the laws be
faithfully executed makes the President a
The executive power shall be vested in the dominant figure in the administration of the
President of the Philippines. (Sec. 1, Art. VII, government. Until and unless a law is
1987 Constitution) declared unconstitutional, the President has
However, it does not define what is meant by a duty to execute it regardless of his doubts
executive power although in the same article on its validity. (Cruz, Philippine Political Law,
it touches on the exercise of certain powers p. 419, 2009)
by the President:
1. the power of control over all executive Delegated Powers of the President:
departments, bureaus and offices; Emergency Powers
2. the power to execute the laws; In times of war or other national
3. the appointing power; emergencies, the Congress may, by law,
4. the powers under the commander-in- authorize the President, for a limited period
chief clause; and subject to such restrictions as it may
5. the power to grant reprieves, prescribe, to exercise powers necessary and
commutations and pardons; proper to carry out a declared national policy.
6. the power to grant amnesty with the Unless sooner withdrawn by resolution of the
concurrence of Congress; Congress, such powers shall cease upon the



next adjournment thereof. (Sec. 23[2], Art. (1) There must be a war or other
VI, 1987 Constitution) emergency.
(2) The delegation must be for a limited
The Congress may, by law, authorize the period only.
President to fix within specified limits, and (3) The delegation must be subject to
subject to such limitations and restrictions as such restrictions as the Congress may
it may impose, tariff rates, import and export prescribe.
quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and (4) The emergency powers must be
other duties or imposts within the framework exercised to carry out a national
of the national development program of the policy declared by Congress. (David
Government. (Sec. 28[2], Art. VI, 1987 vs. Arroyo, G.R. No. 171396, May 3,
Constitution of the Philippines) 2006)

In times of national emergency, when the Section 17, Article XII must be understood as
public interest so requires, the State may, an aspect of the emergency powers clause.
during the emergency and under reasonable The taking over of private business affected
terms prescribed by it, temporarily take over with public interest is just another facet of
or direct the operation of any privately owned the emergency powers generally reposed
public utility or business affected with public upon Congress. Thus, whether or not the
interest. (Sec. 17, Art. XII, 1987 Constitution) President may exercise such power is
dependent on whether Congress may
The rationale behind such broad emergency delegate it to him pursuant to a law
powers of the Executive is the release of the prescribing the reasonable terms thereof.
government from “the paralysis of (David vs. Arroyo, supra.)
constitutional 75 restrains” so that the crisis
may be ended and normal times restored. Can an Executive Department exercise
(Sanidad vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. L-44640 delegated Emergency Powers?
October 12, 1976)
The doctrine of qualified political agency
Emergency powers are self-liquidating unless entails that a cabinet secretary may only
sooner withdrawn. They will automatically exercise the authority acting as the
cease upon the end of the emergency that president's alter ego. As such, their actions
justified their delegation. related to their official duties and
responsibilities are presumed to be the
Generally, Congress is the repository of president's. These acts are valid and binding
emergency powers. Certainly, a body cannot unless the president disapproves or
delegate a power not reposed upon it. repudiates them. In addition, their acts are
However, knowing that during grave subject to the subsequent ratification or
emergencies, it may not be possible or rejection of the president; any exercise
practicable for Congress to meet and exercise contrary to the president's intent or
its powers, the Framers of our Constitution instructions shall be deemed ultra vires and
deemed it wise to allow Congress to grant an unconstitutional usurpation of executive
emergency powers to the President, subject power.
to certain conditions, thus:
If, in the exercise of its delegated authority,
the energy secretary acts in contrast with the



president’s intent or instructions, the act will NOTE: Corollarily, the powers of the
be deemed ultra vires and an President cannot be said to be limited only to
unconstitutional usurpation of executive the specific powers enumerated in the
power. Constitution. In other words, executive
power is more than the sum of specific
Moreover, it must first be demonstrated that powers so enumerated. (Biraogo vs. PTC,
the president withheld approval or G.R. No. 192935, December 7, 2010)
repudiated the delegation or the actions of
the delegated authority. (Executive Secretary Power Over Officials
Mendoza v. Pilipinas Shell, G.R. No. 209216, The President shall have control of all the
February 21, 2023) executive departments, bureaus, and offices.
He shall ensure that the laws be faithfully
Examples of other national executed. (Sec. 17, Art. VII, 1987
emergencies Constitution)
1. Rebellion
2. Economic crisis The President of the Philippines shall exercise
3. Pestilence or epidemic general supervision over local governments.
4. Typhoon
Provinces with respect to component cities
5. Flood
6. Other similar catastrophes of nation-wide and municipalities, and cities and
proportions. (Cruz, Philippine Political municipalities with respect to component
Law, p. 163, 2009) barangays shall ensure that the acts of their
component units are within the scope of their
prescribed powers and functions. (Sec. 4, Art.
X, 1987 Constitution)

As the administrative head of the

government, the President is vested with the
power to execute, administer, and carry out
laws into practical operation. xxx While
Congress is vested with the power to enact
laws, the President executes the laws. The
executive power is vested in the President. It
Foreign Relations Power
is generally defined as the power to enforce
● Chief Architect of Foreign Policy;
and administer the laws. It is the power of
● Initiates, maintains, and develops carrying out the laws into practical operation
diplomatic relations with other states
and enforcing their due observance.
and governments;
(National Electrification Administration vs.
● Negotiates and enters into Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 143481, February
international agreements;
15, 2002)
● Promotes trade, investments,
tourism, and other economic
● Settles international disputes with
The Vice President shall have the same
other states; and,
qualifications and term of office as the
● Defense (Commander-in-Chief)
President. He may be removed from office in



the same manner as the President. (Sec. 3, indirectly, practice any other profession,
Art. VII, 1987 Constitution) participate in any business, or be financially
interested in any contract with, or in any
The Vice President has essentially no franchise, or special privilege granted by the
executive function except as a reserved Government or any subdivision, agency, or
President unless he is appointed as a Cabinet instrumentality thereof, including
member or given an executive function. His government-owned or controlled
appointment as Department Head does not corporations or their subsidiaries. They shall
need the consent of the Commission on strictly avoid conflict of interest in the
Appointments in deference to his office. conduct of their office.

In case of vacancy, the President shall The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or
nominate a Vice President from among the affinity within the fourth civil degree of the
members of the Senate and the House of President shall not during his tenure be
Representatives who shall assume office appointed as members of the Constitutional
upon confirmation by a majority vote of all Commissions, or the Office of the
the Members of both House of Congress Ombudsman, or as Secretaries,
voting separately. (Sec. 9, Art. VII, 1987 Undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of
Constitution). bureaus or offices, including government-
owned or controlled corporations and their
The appointment of the Vice President subsidiaries. (Sec. 13, Art. VII, 1987
as Chairman of the Presidential Anti- Constitution)
Crime Commission was not an
appointment to a Cabinet 81 position Two months immediately before the next
nor to a position constituting an presidential elections and up to the end of his
intimate element of his duties as Vice – term, a President or Acting President shall not
president. But the appointment’s validity make appointments, except temporary
was never challenged. The only possible appointments to executive positions when
explanation for the tolerance of the situation continued vacancies therein will prejudice
must be the assumption that the prohibition public service or endanger public safety.
is meant to prevent the enhancement of the (Sec. 15, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution)
powers of one who is already powerful or
busy with other duties. The Vice President, The President shall nominate and, with the
by nature of his office, is neither powerful nor consent of the Commission on Appointments,
busy. (Bernas, The 1987 Constitution of the appoint the heads of the executive
Philippines: A Commentary, 2009) departments, ambassadors, other public
ministers and consuls, or officers of the
C. POWER OF APPOINTMENT (1987 armed forces from the rank of colonel or
CONST., art. VII, secs. 13, 15 and 16) naval captain, and other officers whose
appointments are vested in him in this
The President, Vice-President, the Members Constitution. He shall also appoint all other
of the Cabinet, and their deputies or officers of the Government whose
assistants shall not, unless otherwise appointments are not otherwise provided for
provided in this Constitution, hold any o ther by law, and those whom he may be
office or employment during their tenure. authorized by law to appoint. The Congress
They shall not, during said tenure, directly or may, by law, vest the appointment of other



officers lower in rank in the President alone, qualifications and none of the
in the courts, or in the heads of departments, disqualifications.
agencies, commissions, or boards.
NOTE: At any time, before all four steps have
The President shall have the power to make been complied with, the President can
appointments during the recess of the withdraw the nomination and appointment.
Congress, whether voluntary or compulsory, (Lacson vs. Romero, G.R. No. L-3081,
but such appointments shall be effective only October 14, 1949)
until after disapproval by the Commission on
Appointments or until the next adjournment Appointments made solely by the
of the Congress. (Sec. 16, Art. VII, 1987 President:
Constitution) 1. Those vested by the Constitution on
the President alone;
NATURE 2. Those whose appointments are not
Appointment is the unequivocal act of otherwise provided by law;
designating or selecting by one having the 3. Those whom he may be authorized
authority therefore of an individual to by law to appoint; and,
discharge and perform the duties and 4. Those other officers lower in rank
functions of an office or trust. (Bermudez vs. whose appointment is vested by law
Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 131429, in the President alone. (Sec. 16, Art.
August 4, 1999) VII, 1987 Constitution)

The appointing power of the President is NOTE: So long as the appointee satisfies the
executive in nature. While Congress and the minimum requirements prescribed by law for
Constitution in certain cases may prescribe the position, the appointment may not be
the qualifications for particular offices, the subject to judicial review. (Angel Abad vs.
determination of who among those who are Herminio dela Cruz, G.R. No. 207422, March
qualified will be appointed is the President’s 18, 2015)
prerogative. (Pimentel vs. Ermita, G.R. No.
164978, October 13, 2005) Designation

Elements in Making a Valid, Complete, The imposition of additional duties on a

and Effective Presidential person already in the public service. It is
Appointment: considered only as an acting or temporary
appointment, which does not confer security
1. Authority to appoint and evidence of the of tenure on the person named and may be
exercise of the authority; terminated anytime.
2. Transmittal of the appointment paper
signed by the President and evidence of the It is said that appointment is essentially
transmittal; executive while designation is legislative in
3. A Vacant position at the time of nature. (Binamira vs. Garrucho, G.R. No.
appointment; and, 92008, July 30, 1990)
4. Receipt of the appointment paper and
Acceptance of the appointment by the
appointee who possesses all the



Temporary Designation appointment made by the President is

complete in itself and effective at once, even
The President has the power to temporarily without confirmation. (Id.)
designate an officer already in government
service or any other competent person to It is made by the President while Congress is
perform the functions of an office in the not in session, which takes effect
executive branch. immediately, but ceases to be valid if:
(General vs. Urro, G.R. No. 191560, March
Temporary designation cannot exceed one 29, 2011)
year. (Sec. 17(3), Chapter 5, Title I, Book III, a. Disapproved by the CA; or,
Administrative Code of 1987) b. Upon the next adjournment of
Congress, either in regular or special
1. REGULAR APPOINTMENT V. AD session, the CA has not acted upon it.
INTERIM APPOINTMENT (Aytona vs. Castillo, et. al., G.R. No.
L-19313, January 19, 1962)
Regular Appointment – takes place when
the President appoints an officer whose Limitations
appointment requires confirmation by the
Commission, while Congress is in session. ● The President may not appoint his spouse
(Nachura, Outline Reviewer in Political Law, and relatives by consanguinity or affinity
p. 297, 2014) within the fourth civil degree Members of
the Constitutional Commissions, or the
It is made by the President while Congress is Office of the Ombudsman, or as
in session; takes effect only after Secretaries, Undersecretaries, chairmen
confirmation by the CA and, once approved, or heads of bureaus or offices, including
continues until the end of the term of the government-owned or controlled
appointee. (General vs. Urro, G.R. No. corporations and their subsidiaries. (Sec.
191560, March 29, 2011) 13, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution.)

Process ● Appointments extended by an Acting

1. nomination by the President; President shall remain effective, unless
2. confirmation by the Commission on revoked by the elected President, within
Appointments; ninety days from his assumption or
3. issuance of the commission; and reassumption of office. (Sec.14, Art. VII,
4. the subsequent acceptance by the 1987 Constitution.)
nominee or appointee.
● Two months immediately before the next
NOTE: A regular appointment takes effect presidential elections and up to the end
only after the confirmation by the of his term, a President or Acting
Commission on Appointments. Once President shall not make appointments,
approved, such appointment continues until except temporary appointments to
the end of the term of the appointee executive positions when continued
vacancies therein will prejudice public
Ad Interim/Recess Appointment – service or endanger public safety. (Sec.
happens when Congress is not in session. 15, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution.)
Unlike regular appointments, an ad-interim



2. WITH OR WITHOUT COA suspension of the consideration of the

CONFIRMATION appointment in this regard. (Sec. 25, The
New Rules of the Commission on
Appointments subject to the Appointments 2017 as Amended)
Commission on Appointment’s
confirmation (exclusive): For appointments which do not require
● Heads of the Executive departments, confirmations:
except the Vice-President who is
appointed to the post; ● Appointment by the appointing authority;
● Ambassadors, other public ministers, or ● Issuance of the Commission;
consuls; ● Acceptance by the Appointee (Javier vs.
● Officers of the AFP from the rank of Reyes, G.R. No. L-39451, February 20,
Colonel or naval Captain; and, 1989);
● Other Officers whose appointments are
vested in him by the Constitution. ● Directors and chief superintendents of
○ Chairman and members of 3 the PNP ; and,
Constitutional Commissions; ● Respondent officers of the PCG, or any
○ Regular members of the Judicial PCG officer from the rank of captain and
and Bar Council; and, higher for that matter.
○ Members of the Regional ● The Members of the Supreme Court and
Consultative Council) (Sec. 16, judges of lower courts shall be appointed
Art. VII, 1987 Constitution.) by the President from a list of at least
three nominees prepared by the Judicial
One that has not been finally acted upon on and Bar Council for every vacancy. Such
the merits by the Commission on appointments need no confirmation.
Appointments at the close of the session of (Sec. 9, Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution)
Congress. There is no final decision by the
Commission on Appointments to give or NOTE: Acceptance of the appointee is an
withhold its consent to the appointment as indispensable requirement for an
required by the Constitution. Absent such appointment to be valid.
decision, the President is free to renew the
ad interim appointment of a by-passed The Philippine National Police is separate and
appointee. (Matibag vs. Benipayo, G.R. No. distinct from the Armed Forces of the
149036, April 2, 2002) Philippines. The Constitution, no less, sets
forth the distinction (Sec. 4, Art. XVI; Sec. 6,
Limitation as to the number of times the Art. XVI, 1987 Constitution).
Commission on Appointments can
review the Presidents re-appointment To so distinguish the police force from the
of By-passed Appointee armed forces, Congress enacted Republic Act
6975 which provides that “No element of the
A nomination or appointment which has been police force shall be military nor shall any
bypassed three (3) times shall be reported position thereof be occupied by active
out by the standing committee concerned to members of the Armed Forces of the
the commission for its appropriate action in Philippines”. Therefore, the police force is
the next plenary session, provided that no different from and independent of the armed
member shall be allowed to invoke the forces and the ranks in the military are not



similar to those in the Philippine National Scope

Police. Thus, directors and chief During the period stated in Sec. 15, Art. VII
superintendents of the PNP, such as the of the Constitution, which is two months
herein respondent police officers, do not fall immediately before the next presidential
under the first category of presidential elections and up to the end of his term, the
appointees requiring the confirmation by the President is neither required to make
Commission on Appointments. (Id.) appointments to the courts nor allowed to do
so. (A.M. No. 98-5-01-SC, November 9,
Now that the PCG is under the DOTC and no 1998)
longer part of the Philippine Navy or the
Armed Forces of the Philippines, the General Rule: Midnight appointments are
promotions and appointments of respondent prohibited.
officers of the PCG, or any PCG officer from
the rank of captain and higher for that Exceptions:
matter, do not require confirmation by the ● They are temporary appointments to
CA. (Soriano vs. Lista, G.R. No. 153881, executive positions:
March 24, 2003) ● The continued vacancies will
prejudice public service or endanger
public safety.

The President may appoint to fill vacancies in

the Supreme Court even during appointment
ban, as he is mandated to fill such vacancy
within 90 days from the occurrence. For the
lower courts, the President shall issue the
appointments within 90 days from the
submission of the list. (De Castro vs JBC, G.R.
No. 191002, March 17 2010)

NOTE: the Acting Secretary of Justice as

being concurrently designated as Acting
Solicitor General; therefore, he could not
validly hold any other office or employment
during his tenure as the Acting Solicitor
General, because the Constitution has not
otherwise so provided. (Funa vs. Agra, G.R.
No. 191644, February 19, 2013)

3. MIDNIGHT APPOINTMENTS Comparing Sec. 7, Art. IX-B versus Sec.

13, Art. VII
It is to prevent a President, whose term is No elective official shall be eligible for
about to end, from preempting his successor appointment or designation in any capacity to
by appointing his own people to sensitive any public office or position during his tenure.
positions. (Velicaria-Garafil vs. Office of the
President, G.R. No. 203372, June 16, 2015)



Unless otherwise allowed by law or by the The phrase "unless otherwise provided in this
primary functions of his position, no Constitution" must be given a literal
appointive official shall hold any other office interpretation to refer only to those instances
or employment in the Government or any cited in the Constitution itself, to wit:
subdivision, agency or instrumentality
thereof, including Government-owned or ● The Vice-President being appointed as a
controlled corporations or their subsidiaries. member of the Cabinet under Sec. 3(2),
(Sec. 7, Art. IX-B, 1987 Constitution) Art. VII, 1987 Constitution; or acting as
President in those instances provided
The President, Vice-President, the Members under Sec. 7(2) & (3), Art. VII, 1987
of the Cabinet, and their deputies or Constitution; and,
assistants shall not, unless otherwise ● The Secretary of Justice being ex-officio
provided in this Constitution, hold any other member of the Judicial and Bar Council
office or employment during their tenure. by virtue of Sec. 8(1), Art. VIII, 1987
They shall not, during said tenure, directly or Constitution. (Funa vs. Agra, G.R. No.
indirectly, practice any other profession, 191644, February 19, 2013)
participate in any business, or be financially
interested in any contract with, or in any The prohibition on Midnight
franchise, or special privilege granted by the appointments does not apply to local
Government or any subdivision, agency, or chief executives
instrumentality thereof, including
government-owned or controlled The prohibition on midnight appointments
corporations or their subsidiaries. They shall only applies to presidential appointments. It
strictly avoid conflict of interest in the does not apply to appointments made by
conduct of their office. local chief executives. Nevertheless, the Civil
Service Commission has the power to
The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or promulgate rules and regulations to
affinity within the fourth civil degree of the professionalize the civil service. It may issue
President shall not during his tenure be rules and regulations prohibiting local chief
appointed as members of the Constitutional executives from making appointments during
Commissions, or the Office of the the last days of their tenure.
Ombudsman, or as Secretaries,
Undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of Appointments of local chief executives must
bureaus or offices, including government- conform to these civil service rules and
owned or controlled corporations and their regulations in order to be valid. (Provincial
subsidiaries. (Sec. 13, Art. VII, 1987 Government of Aurora vs. Marco, G.R. No.
Constitution) 202331, April 22, 2015)

Sec. 7, Art. IX-B, 1987 Constitution is meant The prohibition on Midnight

to lay down the general rule applicable to all appointments does not apply to
elective and appointive public officials and members of the Supreme Court
employees, while Sec. 13, Art. VII, 1987
Constitution is meant to be the exception That such specification was not done only
applicable only to the President, the Vice- reveals that the prohibition against the
President, and Members of the Cabinet, their President or Acting President making
deputies and assistants. appointments within two months before the



next presidential elections and up to the end (Ingles vs. Mutuc, G.R. No. L-20390,
of the President’s or Acting President’s term November 29 1968)
does not refer to the Members of the
Supreme Court. (De Castro v. JBC, G.R. No. Security of Tenure
191002, April 20, 2010).
No officer or employee of the civil service
4. REMOVAL FROM OFFICE shall be removed or suspended except for
cause provided by law. (Sec. 2[3], Art. IX-B,
a. Removal - Refers to the forcible and 1987 Constitution)
permanent separation of the incumbent from
office before the expiration of his term. NOTE: Demotions and transfers without just
(Ingles vs. Mutuc, G.R. No. L-20390, cause are tantamount to removal.Removal
November 29, 1968) not for a just cause, or non-compliance with
the prescribed procedure constitutes a
Removal from office may be express or reversible error and entitles the officer or
implied employee to reinstatement with back salaries
and without loss of seniority rights.
Appointment of another officer in the place of
the incumbent operates as a removal in the On the other hand, removal or resignation
latter was notified. from office is not a bar to a finding of
administrative liability. (Office of the
● While a temporary transfer or assignment President vs. Cataquiz, G.R. No. 183445,
of personnel is permissible even without September 14, 2011)
the employee’s prior consent, it cannot
be done when the transfer is a Extent of President’s Removal Power
preliminary step toward his removal, or is
a scheme to lure him away from his With respect to non-career officers exercising
permanent position, or designed to purely executive functions whose tenure is
indirectly terminate his service, or force not fixed by law (i.e. members of the
his resignation. Such a transfer would in Cabinet), the President may remove them
effect circumvent the provision which with or without cause and Congress may not
safeguards the tenure of office of those restrict such power. (Sec. 17, Art. VII, 1987
who are in the Civil Service (Gloria vs. Constitution)
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 119903. With respect to officers exercising quasi-
August 15, 2000) legislative or quasi-judicial functions (i.e.
members of the SEC), they may be removed
● Demotion to a lower position with a lower only on grounds provided for by law to
rate of compensation is also equivalent to protect their independence. (Sec. 2 [3] , Art.
removal if no cause is shown for it. (De IX-B, 1987 Constitution)
Guzman vs. Civil Service Commission,
G.R. No. 101105, March 11, 1994) With respect to constitutional officers
removable only by means of impeachment,
● It is the forcible and permanent and judges of lower courts, they are not
separation of the incumbent from the subject to the removal of the President. (Sec.
office before the expiration of his term 2, Art. XI, 1987 Constitution)



The President cannot remove officials NOTE: The President’s power over GOCCs
appointed by him where the Constitution comes from statute, so it may be taken away
prescribes certain methods for the separation by the same.
of such officers from public service (i.e.
Constitutional Commissioners). Members of Discretion of the officer
the Cabinet and such officers whose The officer in control may, in his discretion,
continuity in office depends upon the order the act undone or redone by his
pleasure of the President may be replaced at subordinate or he may even decide to do it
any time, but legally speaking, their himself. (Drilon vs. Lim, G.R. No. 112497
separation is effected not by removal but by August 4, 1994)
expiration of term. (Alba vs. Evangelista, G.R.
No. L-10360 & L-10433, January 17, 1957) The Power of Supervision
In administrative law, supervision means
D. POWER OF CONTROL AND overseeing or the power or authority of an
SUPERVISION (1987 CONST., art. VII, sec. officer to see that subordinate officers
17) perform their duties. If the latter fail or
neglect to fulfill the former may take such
The President shall have control of all the action or step as prescribed by law to make
executive departments, bureaus, and offices. them perform their duties. (Office of the
He shall ensure that the laws be faithfully Ombudsman vs. Fetalvero, Jr., G.R. No.
executed. (Sec. 17, Art. VII, 1987 211450, July 23, 2018).
Essentially, the power of supervision means
The Power of Control no more than the power of ensuring that laws
are faithfully executed, or that subordinate
The power of an officer to alter or modify or officers act within the law. The supervisor of
nullify or to set aside what a subordinate has superintendent merely sees to it that the
done in the performance of his duties and to rules are followed, but he does not lay down
substitute one’s own judgment for that of a the rules, nor does he have discretion to
subordinate. (Province Of Camarines Sur vs. modify or replace them. (Ambil, Jr., vs
The Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 227926, Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 175457, July 6,
March 10, 2020) 2011)

Limitations Power of the officer

It is not absolute. It may be effectively limited
by the Constitution, by law, or by judicial The supervisor does not have the discretion
decisions. (Moran vs. Office of the President, to modify or replace them. If the rules are not
G.R. No. 192957, September 29, 2014) observed, he may order the work done or
redone but only to conform to the prescribed
It is exercisable by the President only over rules. (Drilon vs. Lim, G.R. No. 112497
the acts of his subordinates and not August 4, 1994)
necessarily over the subordinate himself.
(Ang-Angco vs. Castillo, G.R. No. L-17169, The sitting President CAN NOT issue an
November 30, 1963) executive order creating a special body
to investigate reported cases of graft



and corruption allegedly committed provides otherwise, Cabinet members have

during the last administration the president's imprimatur to exercise control
over the offices and departments under their
The President has no power to create a public respective jurisdictions, whose authority
office. It is not shared by Congress with the nonetheless remains subject to the
President, until and unless Congress enacts president's disapproval or reversal.
legislation that delegates a part of the power (Philippine Institute for Development Studies
to the President, or any other officer or vs. Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 212022,
agency. It is a settled rule that the President’s August 20, 2019)
power of control can only mean the power of
an officer to alter, modify, or set aside what The acts of the secretaries of the Executive
a subordinate officer had done in the departments performed and promulgated in
performance of his duties, and to substitute the regular course of business are
the judgment of the former for that of the presumptively the acts of the Chief Executive.
latter. (Villena vs. Sec. of the Interior, G.R. No. L-
46570, April 21, 1939)
As such, the creation by the President of a
public office like the Truth Commission, It declares that, save in matters on which the
without either a provision of the Constitution Constitution or the circumstances require the
or a proper law enacted by Congress President to act personally, executive and
authorizing such creation, is not an act that administrative functions are exercised
the power of control includes. (Biraogo vs. through executive departments headed by
The Philippine Truth Commission, G.R. No. cabinet secretaries, whose acts are
192935, December 7, 2010, Bersamin, J. presumptively the acts of the President
separate opinion) unless disapproved by the latter. (Risa
Hontiveros-Baraquel vs. Toll Regulatory
1. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND Board, G.R. No. 181293, February 23, 2015)
POLITICAL AGENCY All executive and administrative
organizations are adjuncts of the Executive
Department Heads Department, the heads of the various
Department Heads may exercise Power of executive departments are assistants and
Control on behalf of the President including agents of the Chief Executive, and, except in
the power to reverse the Judgment of an cases where the Chief Executive is required
Inferior Officer. (Rufino vs. Rufino, G.R. No. by the Constitution or law to act in person on
139554, July 21, 2006) the exigencies of the situation demand that
he act personally, the multifarious executive
Doctrine of Qualified Political and administrative functions of the Chief
Agency/Alter Ego Principle Executive are performed by and through the
executive departments, and the acts of the
The doctrine of qualified political agency Secretaries of such departments, performed
acknowledges the multifarious executive and promulgated in the regular course of
responsibilities that demand a president's business, are, unless disapproved or
attention, such that the delegation of control reprobated by the Chief Executive
power to his or her Cabinet becomes a presumptively the acts of the Chief Executive.
necessity. Unless the Constitution or law (Ibid.)



This power is limited to the President's ● If the President is required to act in

executive secretary and other Cabinet person by law or by the Constitution. e.g.
secretaries. It does not extend to deputy executive clemency; and,
executive secretaries or assistant deputy
secretaries. (Ibid.) ● Acts of cabinet secretaries done in their
capacity as ex-officio board directors of a
These acts are valid and binding unless the GOCC of which they become a member
president disapproves or repudiates them. In not by appointment of the President but
addition, their acts are subject to the by authority of law. (Manalang-Demigillo
subsequent ratification or rejection of the vs. Trade and Investment Development
president; any exercise contrary to the Corporation of the Philippines, G.R. No.
president's intent or instructions shall be 168613, March 5, 2013)
deemed ultra vires and an unconstitutional
usurpation of executive power. (Executive Principle of Blending of Powers
Secretary Mendoza vs. Pilipinas Shell, G.R. A mingling of powers among the three
No. 209216, February 21, 2023) branches of government which has become
necessary to properly address the
Examples complexities brought about by a rapidly
● The power of the President to reorganize developing society and which the traditional
the National Government may be validly branches of government have difficulty
delegated to his Cabinet Members coping with. (Ople vs. Torres, G.R. No.
exercising control over a particular 127685, July 23, 1998)
executive department. (DENR vs. DENR
Region XII Employees, G.R. No. 149724, Examples
August 19, 2003) ● Power of appointment which can be
exercised by each department and be
● Department Heads, like the Executive rightfully exercised by each department
Secretary when acting “by authority of over its own administrative personnel;
the President”, may reverse the decision (Concurring and Dissenting Opinion of
of another department secretary. Justice Puno, Macalintal vs. COMELEC,
(Lacson Magallanes vs. Paño, G.R. No. L- G.R. No. 157013, July 10, 2003)
27811 November 17, 1967)
● General Appropriations Law in which the
● The Department of Energy can exercise President prepares the budget which
emergency takeover power properly serves as the basis of the bill adopted by
delegated by the Congress by virtue of Congress; (supra.)
the Doctrine of Qualified Political Agency
(Executive Secretary Mendoza vs. ● Amnesty granted by the President
Pilipinas Shell, G.R. No. 209216, February requires the concurrence of the majority
21, 2023) of all the members of the Congress; and
● If the acts are disapproved or reprobated ● Power of the COMELEC to deputize law
by the President; enforcement agencies and
instrumentalities of the government for
the purpose of ensuring free, orderly,



honest, peaceful, and credible elections E. MILITARY POWERS (1987 CONST., art.
in accordance with the power granted to VII, sec. 18)
it by the Constitution to enforce and
administer all laws and regulations The President shall be the Commander-in-
relative to the conduct of elections. (Sec. Chief of all armed forces of the Philippines
2[1], Art. IX-C, 1987 Constitution; and whenever it becomes necessary, he may
supra.) call out such armed forces to prevent or
suppress lawless violence, invasion or
2. LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS (1987 rebellion. In case of invasion or rebellion,
CONST., art. X, sec. 4) when the public safety requires it, he may,
for a period not exceeding sixty days,
The President of the Philippines shall exercise suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas
general supervision over local governments. corpus or place the Philippines or any part
Provinces with respect to component cities thereof under martial law. Within forty-eight
and municipalities, and cities and hours from the proclamation of martial law or
municipalities with respect to component the suspension of the privilege of the writ of
barangays shall ensure that the acts of their habeas corpus, the President shall submit a
component units are within the scope of their report in person or in writing to the Congress.
prescribed powers and functions. (Sec. 4, Art. The Congress, voting jointly, by a vote of at
X, 1987 Constitution) least a majority of all its Members in regular
or special session, may revoke such
NOTE: The President shall exercise general proclamation or suspension, which
supervision over autonomous regions to revocation shall not be set aside by the
ensure that the laws are faithfully executed President. Upon the initiative of the
(Sec. 16, Art. X, 1987 Constitution) President, the Congress may, in the same
manner, extend such proclamation or
The President or any of his alter egos cannot suspension for a period to be determined by
interfere in local affairs as long as the the Congress, if the invasion or rebellion shall
concerned LGU acts within the parameters of persist and public safety requires it.
the law and the Constitution. Any directive,
therefore, by the President or any of his alter The Congress, if not in session, shall, within
egos seeking to alter the wisdom of a law- twenty-four hours following such
conforming judgment on local affairs of a proclamation or suspension, convene in
LGU is a patent nullity, because it violates accordance with its rules without any need of
the principle of local autonomy, as well a call.
as the doctrine of separation of powers of the
executive and the legislative departments in The Supreme Court may review, in an
governing municipal corporations. Thus, the appropriate proceeding filed by any citizen,
President or any of his alter egos, cannot the sufficiency of the factual basis of the
interfere in local affairs as long as the proclamation of martial law or the suspension
concerned local government units acts within of the privilege of the writ or the extension
the parameters of the law and Constitution. thereof, and must promulgate its decision
(Dadole v. COA, G.R. No. 125350, December thereon within thirty days from its filing.
3, 2002)
A state of martial law does not suspend the
operation of the Constitution, nor supplant



the functioning of the civil courts or to prevent or suppress lawless

legislative assemblies, nor authorize the violence, invasion or rebellion.
conferment of jurisdiction on military courts
and agencies over civilians where civil courts 2. The grounds for the suspension of
are able to function, nor automatically the privilege of the writ of habeas
suspend the privilege of the writ. corpus and the proclamation of
martial law are limited only to
The suspension of the privilege of the writ invasion or rebellion when the public
shall apply only to persons judicially charged safety requires it.
for rebellion or offenses inherent in or directly 3. The duration of such suspension or
connected with the invasion. proclamation shall not exceed 60
days following which it shall be
During the suspension of the privilege of the automatically lifted.
writ, any person thus arrested or detained
shall be judicially charged within three days, 4. Within 48 hours after such
otherwise he shall be released. (Sec. 18, Art. suspension or proclamation, the
VII, 1987 Constitution) President shall personally or in
writing, report his action to Congress.
Powers granted If not in session, Congress must
a. Calling-Out Power convene within 24 hours without
b. Declaration of Martial Law and the need of a call.
Suspension of the Privilege of the
Writ of Habeas Corpus 5. The Congress may then, by majority
c. Extension of Period of Martial Law vote of all its members voting jointly,
and the Suspension of the Writ of revoke the action of the President;
Habeas Corpus (Sec. 18, Art. VII,
1987 Constitution) 6. The revocation may not be set aside
by the President;
The framers of the 1987 Constitution
reformulated the powers of the Commander- 7. By majority vote of all its members
in-Chief by revising the “grounds for the voting jointly, the Congress may,
activation of emergency powers, the manner upon initiative of the President,
of activating them, the scope of the powers, extend his suspension of
and review of presidential action.” proclamation for a period to be
determined by Congress in the
Therefore, these powers cannot be resorted invasion or rebellion shall continue
to without complying with the specified and public safety requires the
conditions. (Lagman vs. Medialdea, G.R. No. extension;
231658, July 04, 2017).
8. The action of the President and the
Limitations on the Military Powers of Congress shall be subject to review
the President by the Supreme Court which shall
have the authority to determine the
1. He may call out the armed forces only sufficiency of the factual basis of such
in cases when it becomes necessary action (proclamation of martial law,
suspension of the privilege of the



writ, or extension thereof). This suspend the writ or to declare martial law,
matter is no longer considered a there is no provision in the Constitution which
political question and may be raised allows Congress to revoke or the Supreme
in an appropriate proceeding by any Court to review the sufficient of the factual
citizen. Moreover, the Supreme Court basis thereof. (Integrated Bar of the
must decide the challenge within 30 Philippines vs. Zamora, G.R. No. 141284,
days from the time it is filed; August 15, 2000)

9. Martial law does not automatically Declaration of Martial Law and the
suspend the privilege of the writ of Suspension of the Privilege of the Writ
habeas corpus or the operation of the of Habeas Corpus (Including Extension
Constitution. The civil courts and the of Period)
legislative bodies shall remain open;
Military courts and agencies are not In case of invasion or rebellion, when the
conferred jurisdiction over civilians. public safety requires it, he may, for a period
not exceeding sixty days, suspend the
10. The suspension of the privilege of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or place
writ of habeas corpus shall apply only the Philippines or any part thereof under
to persons facing charges of rebellion martial law. Within forty eight hours from the
or offenses inherent in or directly proclamation of martial law or the suspension
connected with invasion; and, of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus,
the President shall submit a report in person
11. Any person arrested for such or in writing to the Congress. The Congress,
offenses must be judicially charged voting jointly, by a vote of at least a majority
within 3 days. Otherwise, he shall be of all its Members in regular or special
released. (Sec. 18, Art. VII, 1987 session, may revoke such proclamation or
Constitution) suspension, which revocation shall not be set
aside by the President. Upon the initiative of
Calling-Out Power the President, the Congress may, in the same
The calling-out power refers to the power of manner, extend such proclamation or
the president to call out the Armed Forces of suspension for a period to be determined by
the Philippines to prevent and suppress the Congress if the invasion or rebellion shall
lawless violence, invasion, or rebellion. Every persist and public safety requires it. (Sec. 18,
act that goes beyond this power is considered Art. VII, 1987 Constitution).
as ultra vires and illegal. For this reason, the
President must be careful in the exercise of NOTE: Applies only to persons “judicially
this power. The president cannot invoke a charged” for rebellion or offenses inherent in
greater power when he/she wishes to act or directly connected with the invasion or
under a lesser power. (David vs. Macapagal- rebellion. (Sec. 18, Art. VII, 1987
Arroyo, G.R. No.171396, May 03, 2006) Constitution)

It is the most benign of all powers and is Requisites

solely discretionary on the part of the In the exercise of the power to suspend the
President. Courts may only examine whether privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or to
it is exercised within permissible impose martial law, two conditions must
constitutional limits. Unlike in the powers to concur:



(1) there must be an actual invasion the revocation as he normally

or rebellion and, would do in the case of bills. If
Congress does not do anything, the
(2) public safety must require it. measure will expire anyway in 60
days. So the revocation must be
These conditions are not required in the case made before the lapse of 60 days
of the power to call out the armed forces. The from the date the measure was
only criterion is that “whenever it becomes taken.
necessary,” the President may call the armed
forces “to prevent or suppress lawless ii. Extend it beyond the 60-day
violence, invasion or rebellion.” (Integrated period of its validity.
Bar of the Philippines vs. Zamora, G.R. No.
141284, August 15, 2000) NOTE: Congress can only so
extend the proclamation or
Role of Congress when the President suspension upon the initiative of
declares martial law or suspends the the President. The period need not
privilege of the writ: be 60 days; it 91 could be more, as
Congress would determine, based
a. When the President proclaims martial on the persistence of the
law or suspends the privilege of the emergency. If Congress fails to act
writ, such proclamation or before the measure expires, it can
suspension shall be effective for a no longer extend it until the
period of 60 days, unless sooner President again re-declares the
revoked by the Congress. measure.
(Sec. 18, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution)
b. Upon such proclamation or
suspension, Congress shall convene While the Constitution does not specify the
at once. If it is not in session, it shall number of times that the Congress is allowed
convene in accordance with its rules to approve an extension of martial law or the
without need of a call within 24 hours suspension of the privilege of the writ of
following the proclamation or habeas corpus, Section 18, Article VII is clear
suspension. that the only limitations to the exercise of the
congressional authority to extend such
c. Within 48 hours from the proclamation or suspension are that the
proclamation or the suspension, the extension should be upon the President's
President shall submit a report, in initiative; that it should be grounded on the
person or in writing, to the Congress persistence of the invasion or rebellion and
(meeting in joint session of the action the demands of public safety; and that it is
he has taken). subject to the Court's review of the
d. The Congress shall then vote jointly, sufficiency of its factual basis upon the
by an absolute majority. Either: petition of any citizen. (Lagman vs. Pimentel,
i. Revoke such proclamation or G.R. No. 235935, February 06, 2018)
Congress is not constitutionally mandated to
NOTE: When it revokes, the convene in a joint session except to vote
President cannot set aside (or veto) jointly to revoke the President's declaration



or suspension. (Padilla vs. Congress, G.R. No. In reviewing the sufficiency of the factual
231671, July 25, 2017) basis of the proclamation or suspension, the
Court considers only the information and
Role of the Supreme Court in data available to the President prior to or at
declaration of martial law or the time of the declaration; it is not allowed
suspension of writ of habeas corpus to “undertake an independent investigation
beyond the pleading” because the nature of
The Supreme Court may review, in an Judicial power: can only resolve if there is a
appropriate proceeding filled by any citizen, case of actual controversy; can only look at
the sufficiency of the factual basis of (a) the what is brought before them.
proclamation of martial law or the suspension
of the privilege of the writ, or (b) the In addition, the Court’s review power is
extension thereof. It must promulgate its passive; it is only initiated by the filing of a
decision thereon within 30 days from its petition “in an appropriate proceeding” by a
filing. (Sec. 18 par. 3, Art. VII, 1987 citizen. (In The Issuance Of The Writ Of
Constitution) Habeas Corpus For Dr. Aurora Parong vs.
Enrile, G.R. No. L-61388 April 20, 1983)
The constitutional validity of the President's
proclamation of martial law or suspension of F. PARDONING POWER AND
the writ of habeas corpus is first a political EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY (1987 CONST.,
question in the hands of Congress before it art. VII, sec. 19)
becomes a justiciable one in the hands of the
Court. Only when Congress defaults in its Except in cases of impeachment, or as
express duty to defend the Constitution otherwise provided in this Constitution, the
through such review should the Supreme President may grant reprieves, commutations
Court step in as its final rampart. and pardons, and remit fines and forfeitures,
However, the Court can simultaneously after conviction by final judgment.
exercise its power of review with, and
independently from, the power to revoke by He shall also have the power to grant
Congress. Corollary, any perceived inaction, amnesty with the concurrence of a majority
or default on the part of Congress does not of all the Members of the Congress. (Sec. 19,
deprive or deny the Court of its power to Art. VII, 1987 Constitution)
review. (Lagman vs. Medialdea, G.R. No.
231658, July 4, 2017) Scope and Limitations

Lansang Doctrine There are certain presidential powers which

The 1987 Constitution constitutionalized and arise out of exceptional circumstances, and if
reverted to Lansang doctrine. exercised, would involve the suspension of
fundamental freedoms, or at least call for the
1971 case of Lansang: the factual basis of the supersedence of executive prerogatives over
declaration of Martial Law and the suspension those exercised by co-equal branches of
of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus government. The declaration of martial law,
is not a political question and is within the the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus,
ambit of judicial review. and the exercise of the pardoning power,
notwithstanding the judicial determination of
guilt of the accused, all fall within this special



class that demands the exclusive exercise by cannot be interpreted as denying the
the President of the constitutionally vested power of courts to control the
power. The list is by no means exclusive, but enforcement of their decisions after their
there must be a showing that the executive finality. For instance, a convict who
power in question is of similar gravitas and becomes insane after his final conviction
exceptional import. (Angeles vs. Gaite, G.R. cannot be executed while in a state of
No. 176596 March 23, 2011) insanity. The suspension of such a death
sentence is an exercise of judicial power.
The matter of executive clemency is non-
delegable power and must be exercised by ● The “conviction by final judgment”
the President personally. (Villena vs. limitation under Sec. 19, Art. VII of the
Secretary of the Interior, G.R. No. L-46570, Constitution prohibits the grant of pardon
April 21, 1939) whether full or conditional, to an accused
during the pendency of his appeal from
Limitations on the Exercise of the his conviction by the trial court. Any
Power of Executive Clemency application therefor, if one is made,
should not be acted upon or the process
a. No pardon, amnesty, parole, or toward its grant should not be begun
suspension of sentence for violation unless the appeal is withdrawn.
of election laws, rules and Accordingly, the agencies or
regulations, shall be granted by the instrumentalities of the Government
President without the favorable concerned must require proof from the
recommendation of the COMELEC. accused that he has not appealed from
(Sec. 5 Art. IX-C, 1987 Constitution) his conviction or that he has withdrawn
b. Cannot be granted in cases of his appeal. (People of the Philippines vs.
impeachment. (Sec. 19 Art. VII, 1987 Casido, G.R. No. 116512, March 7, 1997)
c. Can be granted only after conviction Doctrine of Non-Diminution or Non-
by final judgment. (Sec. 19 Art. VII, Impairment of the President’s Power of
1987 Constitution) Pardon
d. Cannot be granted in case of
legislative contempt, or civil Any act of Congress by way of statute cannot
contempt. (Cruz, supra at 445) operate to delimit the pardoning power of the
e. Cannot absolve the convict of civil President. (Risos-Vidal vs. COMELEC, G.R.
liability. (Id.) No. 206666, January 21, 2015)
f. Cannot restore public office forfeited.
(Monsanto vs. Factoran, Jr., G.R. No. Forms of Executive Clemency
78239, February 9, 1989)
1. Commutation – reduction or
g. A grant of amnesty must be made mitigation of the penalty; remission
with the concurrence of a majority of of a part of the punishment;
all the Members of Congress (Sec. substitution of less penalty than the
19, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution) one imposed. (People vs. Vera, G.R.
No. 45685 November 16, 1937)
● The constitutional provision granting the
President the power to grant reprieves



2. Amnesty – commonly denotes a Pardon v. Amnesty

general pardon to rebels for their
treason or other high political
offenses, or the forgiveness which
one sovereign grants to the subjects
of another, who have offended, by
some breach, the law of nations.
Amnesty looks backward, and
abolishes and puts into oblivion, the
offense itself; it so overlooks and
obliterates the offense with which he
is charged, that the person released
by amnesty stands before the law
precisely as though he had
committed no offense. (Magdalo vs.
Comelec, G.R. No. 190793, June 19,
3. Reprieves – withholding of a
sentence for an interval of time; a
postponement of the execution.
(People vs. Vera, G.R. No. 45685,
November 16, 1937)

4. Remission of fines and

forfeitures– prevents the collection
of fines or the confiscation of
forfeited property and it cannot have
the effect of returning properly which
has been vested in third parties or
money in the public treasury.

5. Pardon – an act of grace, Kinds of Pardon

proceeding from the power entrusted a. Absolute – one extended without
with the execution of the laws, which any strings attached. This may not be
exempts the individual on whom it is rejected by the pardonee.
bestowed from the punishment the
law inflicts for a crime he has b. Conditional – one under which the
committed.” (Tiu vs. Dizon, G.R. No. convict is required to comply with
211269, June 15, 2016) certain requirements. The offender
has the right to reject it since the
conditions imposed may be more
onerous than the penalty sought to
be remitted.



c. Plenary – extinguished all the least two-thirds (2/3) of all the Members of
penalties imposed upon the offender, the Senate. (Sec. 21, Art. VII, 1987
including accessory disabilities. Constitution)

d. Partial – does not extinguish all the In the field of external affairs, the President
penalties. Note: Jurisprudence must be given a larger measure of authority
provides that reclusion perpetua and wider discretion, subject only to the least
entails imprisonment for at least 30 amount of checks and restrictions under the
years after which the convict Constitution. (Saguisag vs. Ochoa, G.R. No.
becomes eligible for pardon. (Miguel 212426, January 12, 2016).
vs. Director of the Bureau of Prisons,
UDK-15368, September 21, 2021, J. FOREIGN AFFAIRS POWERS OF THE
As the sole organ of our foreign relations and
G. DIPLOMATIC POWER (1987 CONST., the constitutionally assigned chief architect of
art. VII, secs. 16 and 21) our foreign policy, the President is vested
with the exclusive power to conduct and
The President shall nominate and, with the manage the country's interface with other
consent of the Commission on Appointments, states and governments. Being the principal
appoint the heads of the executive representative of the Philippines, the Chief
departments, ambassadors, other public Executive:
ministers and consuls, or officers of the 1. speaks and listens for the nation;
armed forces from the rank of colonel or 2. initiates, maintains, and develops
naval captain, and other officers whose diplomatic relations with other states
appointments are vested in his in his and governments;
Constitution. (Sec. 16, Art. VII, 1987 3. negotiates and enters into
Constitution) international agreements;
4. promotes trade, investments,
The President may contract or guarantee tourism and other economic
foreign loans on behalf of the Republic of the relations;
Philippines with the prior concurrence of the 5. settles international disputes with
Monetary Board, and subject to such other states;
limitations as may be provided by law. The 6. treaty-making
Monetary Board shall, within thirty days from 7. power to appoint ambassadors, other
the end of every quarter of the calendar year, public ministers, and consuls;
submit to the Congress a complete report of 8. receive ambassadors and other
its decisions on applications for loans to be public ministers duly accredited to
contracted or guaranteed by the Government the Philippines; and
or government-owned and controlled 9. deport aliens.
corporations which would have the effect of (Esmero vs. Duterte, G.R. No.
increasing the foreign debt, and containing 256288, June 29, 2021)
other matters as may be provided by law.
(Sec. 20, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution)

No treaty or international agreement shall be

valid and effective unless concurred in by at



CONSTITUTIONAL RESTRICTIONS TO other matters as may be provided by law.

THE PRESIDENT'S FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Sec. 20, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution)
a. The policy of freedom from nuclear Entry into Treaties or International
weapons within Philippine territory; Agreements
b. The fixing of tariff rates, import and
export quotas, tonnage and The President can enter into an
wharfage dues, and other duties or executive agreement without the
imposts, which must be pursuant to concurrence of the Senate.
the authority granted by Congress;
c. The grant of any tax exemption, The right of the Executive to enter into
which must be pursuant to a law binding agreements without the necessity of
concurred in by a majority of all the subsequent Congressional approval has been
Members of Congress; confirmed by long usage. From the earliest
d. The contracting or guaranteeing, on days of our history, we have entered
behalf of the Philippines, of foreign executive agreements covering such subjects
loans that must be previously as commercial and consular relations, most
concurred in by the Monetary Board; favored-nation rights, patent rights,
e. The authorization of the presence of trademark and copyright protection, postal
foreign military bases, troops, or and navigation arrangements and the
facilities in the country must be in the settlement of claims. The validity of these has
form of a treaty duly concurred in by never been seriously questioned by our
the Senate; and courts. (Bayan-Muna Partylist vs. Romulo,
f. For agreements that do not fall under G.R. No. 159618, February 1, 2011)
paragraph 5, the concurrence of the
Senate is required, should the form of The President only executes contracts on
the government chosen be a treaty. behalf of the Republic of the Philippines.
(Esmero vs. Duterte, G.R. No. Those contracts on behalf of corporate
256288, June 29, 2021) agencies and instrumentalities, such as the
JMSU, are executed by their respective
To Contract or Guarantee Foreign Loans executive heads. The JMSU was not signed
SECTION 20. The President may contract or by the President. The JMSU cannot be a
guarantee foreign loans on behalf of the foreign relations instrument if the chief
Republic of the Philippines with the prior architect of the country’s foreign policy has
concurrence of the Monetary Board, and no hand in its execution. (Bayan-Muna Party
subject to such limitations as may be List vs. GMA, G.R. No. 182734, June 27,
provided by law. The Monetary Board shall, 2023)
within thirty days from the end of every
quarter of the calendar year, submit to the Condition
Congress a complete report of its decisions No treaty or international agreement shall be
on applications for loans to be contracted or valid and effective unless concurred in by at
guaranteed by the Government or least two-thirds (2/3) of all the Members of
government-owned and controlled the Senate. (Sec. 21, Art. VII, 1987
corporations which would have the effect of Constitution)
increasing the foreign debt, and containing



It is limited only to giving or withholding its laid out the parameters and underlying
consent, or concurrence, to the ratification. principles of relevant foreign concepts, and
Hence, it is within the authority of the considering our own historical experience
President to refuse to submit a treaty to the and prevailing legal system, this Court adopts
Senate or, having secured its consent for its the following guidelines as the modality for
ratification, refuse to ratify it. Although the evaluating cases concerning the president's
refusal of a state to ratify a treaty which has withdrawal from international agreements
been signed in its behalf is a serious step that
should not be taken lightly, such decision is 1. The president enjoys some leeway in
within the competence of the President withdrawing from agreements which
alone, which cannot be encroached by this he or she determines to be contrary
Court via a writ of mandamus. to the Constitution or statutes

This Court has no jurisdiction over 2. the president cannot unilaterally

actions seeking to enjoin the President withdraw from agreements which
in the performance of his official duties. were entered into pursuant to
The Court, therefore, cannot issue the writ of congressional imprimatur.
mandamus prayed for by the petitioners as it
is beyond its jurisdiction to compel the 3. the President cannot unilaterally
executive branch of the government to withdraw from international
transmit the signed text of Rome Statute to agreements where the Senate
the Senate. (Pimentel vs. Office of the concurred and expressly declared
Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 158088, July 6, that any withdrawal must also be
2005) made with its concurrence.
(Pangilinan vs. Cayetano, G.R. Nos.
The Supreme Court treated the Visiting 238875, 239483, 240954, March 16,
Forces Agreement (VFA), an agreement 2021)
which defines the treatment of United States
troops and personnel visiting in the H. Power relative to Appropriation
Philippines, as a treaty which required the Measures (1987 CONST., art. VI, secs.
concurrence of the Senate. In this respect, as 25(5) and 27(2); art. VII, sec. 20)
a treaty, the Philippines was bound to comply
with it in keeping with the principles of The President shall submit to the Congress
international law. (Bagong Alyansang within thirty days from the opening of every
Makabayan vs. Zamora, G.R. No. 138570, regular session, as the basis of the general
October 10, 2000) appropriations bill, a budget of expenditures
and sources of financing, including receipts
Withdrawal from existing and proposed revenue
While Senate concurrence is expressly measures. (Sec. 22, Art. VII, 1987
required to make treaties valid and effective, Constitution)
no similar express mechanism concerning
withdrawal from treaties or international The President may propose the budget, but
agreements is provided in the Constitution or still the final say on the matter of
any statute. Similarly, no constitutional or appropriations is lodged in the Congress.
statutory provision grants the president the (Philippine Constitution Association vs.
unilateral power to terminate treaties. Having Enriquez, G.R. No. 113105, August 19, 1994)



No law shall be passed authorizing any respective offices (Araullo vs. Aquino,
transfer of appropriations; however, the G.R. No. 209287, July 1, 2014)
President, the President of the Senate, the
Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Prohibited Cross-Border Augmentation
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the
heads of Constitutional Commissions may, by The GAAs of 2011 and 2012 lacked valid
law, be authorized to augment any item provisions to authorize fund transfer. The
in the general appropriations law for aforementioned provisions of the 2011 and
their respective offices from savings in 2012 GAAs were textually unfaithful to the
other items of their respective Constitution for not carrying the phrase “for
appropriations. (Sec. 25 [5], Art. VI, 1987 their respective offices” ; the impact of said
Constitution) phrase was to authorize only transfers of
funds within their offices. The provisions
Power of Augmentation carried a different phrase, and the effect was
The President, President of the Senate, that the GAAs of 2011 and 2012 thereby
Speaker of the House, Chief Justice of the literally allowed the transfer of funds from
Supreme Court, heads of Constitutional savings to augment any item in the GAA even
Commissions may by law, be authorized to if the item belonged to an office outside the
augment any item in the general Executive. The 2011 and 201 GAAs
appropriations law for their respective offices contravene to the Constitution to that extent.
from savings in other items of their respective (Araullo vs. Aquino, G.R. No. 209287, July 1,
appropriation. (Art. VI, Sec. 25, par. (5), 2014)
1987 Constitution)
The President Has Power to Veto Items
Under the doctrine of qualified political in Appropriation, Revenue, or Tariff
agencies, power of augmentation could be Bills (ARF)
well extended to the Cabinet Secretaries as (2) The President shall have the power to
alter egos. (Nazareth vs. Villar, G.R. No. veto any particular item or items in an
188635, January 29, 2013) appropriation, revenue or tariff bill but the
veto shall not affect the item or items which
Requisites for a valid transfer of funds he does not object. (Section 27 (2), Article
1. There must be a law authorizing the VI, 1987 Constitution)
President, the President of the
Senate, the Speaker of the House of Doctrine of Inappropriate Provisions
Representatives, the Chief Justice of The Court reiterated its view that the
the Supreme Court, and the heads of President possesses the power to veto
the Constitutional Commissions to a provision in an appropriation bill even
transfer funds within their respective if it is not an item. This time, however, the
offices; Court argued not from the omitted 1935
2. The funds to be transferred are provision on item veto but from what it called
savings generated from the "the doctrine of 'inappropriate provisions.'"
appropriations for their respective
offices; and As the Constitution is explicit that the
3. The purpose of the transfer is to provision which Congress can include in an
augment an existing item in the appropriations bill must "relate specifically to
general appropriations law for their some particular appropriation therein" and



"be limited in its operation to the implementation of the provision would be

appropriation to which it relates," it follows subject to his prior approval taking into
that any provision which does not relate to consideration the peace and order situation
any particular item, or which extends in its in the affected localities.
operation beyond an item of appropriation, is
considered "an inappropriate provision" The President on the other hand justified his
which can be vetoed separately from an item. impoundment of the provision on the basis of
Also to be included in the category of his Commander-in-Chief power’s and on
"inappropriate provisions" are the dangerous argument that the duty
unconstitutional provisions and provisions to implement the law includes the duty
which are intended to amend other laws, to desist from implementing it when
because clearly these kinds of laws have no implementation would prejudice public
place in an appropriation bill. These are interest.
matters of general legislation more
appropriately dealt with in separate The Supreme Court said “We do not find
enactments. (Philippine Constitution anything in the language used in the
Association vs. Enriquez, G.R. No. 113105 challenged Special Provision that would imply
August 19, 1994) that Congress intended to deny to the
President the right to defer or reduce
Ratio for doctrine of inappropriate spending, much to deactivate 11,000 CAFGU
provisions: to prevent the legislature from members all at once in 1994. But even if such
forcing the President to veto an entire is the intention, the appropriation law is not
appropriation law thereby paralyzing the the proper vehicle for such purpose. Such
government. (Henry vs. Edwards, La., 346 intention must be embodied and manifested
So. 2d 153, 1977) in another law considering that it abrades the
powers of the Commander-in-Chief and there
Executive Impoundment are existing laws on the creation of the
Another way of exercising executive veto is CAFGU to be amended. Again we state: a
through what is called "impoundment." provision in an appropriation act cannot be
Impoundment simply means refusal of the used to repeal or amend other laws.”
President to spend funds already allocated by Philippine Constitution Association vs.
Congress for a specific purpose. (Bernas, The Enriquez, G.R. No. 113105 August 19, 1994)
1987 Constitution: A Commentary, p.798,
2009) The President Has Power to Contract or
Guarantee Foreign Loans
To illustrate executive impoundment: The President may contract or guarantee
To the amount appropriated by Congress for foreign loans on behalf of the Republic of the
the compensation and separation benefits of Philippines with the prior concurrence of the
members of CAFGU was attached a provision Monetary Board, and subject to such
that "it shall be used for the compensation of limitations as may be provided by law. The
CAFGUs including the payment of their Monetary Board shall, within thirty days from
separation benefit not exceeding one (1) year the end of every quarter of the calendar year,
subsistence allowance for the 11,000 submit to the Congress a complete report of
members who will be deactivated in 1994." its decision on applications for loans to be
The President did not veto the provision but contracted or guaranteed by the Government
said instead in his veto message that the or government-owned and controlled



corporations which would have the effect of Journal and proceed to reconsider it. If,
increasing the foreign debt, and containing after such reconsideration, two-thirds of
other matters as may be provided by law. all the Members of such House shall
(Sec. 20, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution) agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent,
together with the objections, to the other
Limitation of the power to contract or House by which it shall likewise be
guarantee foreign loans reconsidered, and if approved by two-
The president can no longer contract or thirds of all the Members of that House,
guarantee foreign loans without the it shall become a law. In all such cases,
concurrence of the Monetary Board. In the votes of each House shall be
addition, both the President and the determined by yeas or nays, and the
Monetary Board themselves are subject to names of the Members voting for or
such limitations as may be provided by law. against shall be entered in its Journal.
Finally, Article XII, Section 21 says: "Foreign The President shall communicate his veto
loans may only be incurred in accordance of any bill to the House where it
with law and the regulation of the monetary originated within thirty days after the
authority. Information on foreign loans date of receipt thereof; otherwise, it shall
obtained or guaranteed by the become a law as if he had signed it.
Government shall be made available to
the public.” (Bernas, The 1987 Constitution: 2. The President shall have the power to
A Commentary, p.934, 2009) veto any particular item or items in an
appropriation, revenue or tariff bill but
The issuance of bonds and buybacks to the veto shall not affect the item or items
restructure the existing Philippine loans with which he does not object. (Section 27,
foreign creditors are within the power of the Article VI, 1987 Constitution)
President to contract and guarantee loans.
Prior concurrence of the Monetary Board is Paragraph (1) refers to the general veto
required. Moreover, the doctrine of qualified power of the President and if exercised would
political agency, which allows the President result in the veto of the entire bill, as a
to delegate certain powers to his alter ego, in general rule. Paragraph (2) is what is referred
this case, the Secretary of Finance. (Spouses to as the item veto power or the line-veto
Constantino vs. Cuisia, G.R. No. 106064, power. It allows the exercise of the veto over
October 13, 2005) a particular item or items in an appropriation,
revenue, or tariff bill. As specified, the
I. Veto Power (1987 CONST., art. VI, sec. President may not veto less than all of an
27) item of an Appropriations Bill. In other words,
the power given the executive to disapprove
President’s Veto Power on any item or items in an Appropriations Bill
Appropriation, Revenue or Tariff Bills does not grant the authority to veto a part of
1. Every bill passed by the Congress shall, an item and to approve the remaining portion
before it becomes a law, be presented to of the same item. (Gonzales vs. Hon.
the President. If he approves the same, Macaraig, G.R. No. 87636. November 19,
he shall sign it; otherwise, he shall veto it 1990)
and return the same with his objections
to the House where it originated, which
shall enter the objections at large in its



How the President Approves Bills The powers of the President are not limited
The bill must be approved by the President. to those specific powers under the
Approval by the President may be by positive Constitution - one of the recognized powers
act or by inaction. (Bernas, The 1987 of the President granted pursuant to this
Constitution: A Commentary, p.788, 2009) constitutionally-mandated duty is the power
to create ad hoc committees, a power
Positive Act which flows from the obvious need to
The President is required to communicate his ascertain facts and determine if laws have
veto to the House where the bill originated. been faithfully executed. (Biraogo v. Phil.
"The President shall communicate his veto of Truth Commission of 2010, G.R. Nos.
any bill to the House where it originated 192935, 193036, December 7, 2010)
within thirty days after the date of receipt
thereof; otherwise, it shall become a law as In the exercise of this power, the President
if he had signed it." From the discussions of of the Philippines assumes a plenitude of
this provision it is clear that "otherwise" authority, and the corresponding awesome
means "if the President fails to make such responsibility, that makes him, indeed, the
communication within the specified period." most influential person in the land. (Biraogo
(Bernas, The 1987 Constitution: A vs. The Philippine Truth Commission, G.R.
Commentary, p.789, 2009) No. 192935, December 7, 2010)

Effect of President’s Inaction It must be treated as a matter that is

If the President does not act on the bill within appropriately addressed to those residual
thirty days after the receipt of the bill, the bill unstated powers of the President which are
automatically becomes law. (Bernas, The implicit in and correlative to the paramount
1987 Constitution: A Commentary, p.788, duty residing in that office to safeguard and
2009) protect general welfare. To the President, the
problem is one of balancing the general
President’s Veto Can Be Overridden welfare and the common good against the
At least 2/3 of all the members of each house exercise of rights of certain individuals. The
must agree to pass the bill. Under this power involved is the President's residual
circumstance, the bill becomes a law even power to protect the general welfare of the
without approval by the president. (Section people. It is founded on the duty of the
27 (1), Art VII, 1987 Constitution.) President, as steward of the people. (Marcos
v. Manglapus, G.R. No. 88211, Sept. 15,
J. RESIDUAL POWER (E.O. No. 292, Book 1989)
III, Title I, Chapter 7, sec. 20)
To illustrate the President’s Residual
Unless Congress provides otherwise, the Powers:
President shall exercise such other powers 1. The President’s power to deport
and functions vested in the President which undesirable aliens which may be
are provided for under the laws and which exercised independently of
are not specifically enumerated above, or constitutional or statutory authority
which are not delegated by the President in because it is an “act of state.”
accordance with law. (Sec. 20, Chapter 7,
Title I, Book III, Administrative Code of 1987) The President has determined that
the destabilization caused by the



return of the Marcoses would wipe The President, the Vice-President, the
away the gains achieved during the Members of the Supreme Court, the Members
past few years and lead to total of the Constitutional Commissions, and the
economic collapse. Given what is Ombudsman may be removed from office
within our individual and common on impeachment for, and conviction of,
knowledge of the state of the culpable violation of the Constitution,
economy, we cannot argue with that treason, bribery, graft and corruption, other
determination. (Marcos vs. high crimes, or betrayal of public trust. All
Manglapus, G.R. No. 88211, other public officers and employees may be
September 15, 1989) removed from office as provided by law, but
not by impeachment. (Sec. 2, Art. XI, 1987
2. The President has the authority to Constitution)
carry out a reorganization of the
Executive Branch under the Removal and disqualification are the only
Constitution and statutes. punishments that can be imposed upon
conviction on impeachment. Criminal and
The President shall have control of all civil liability can follow after the officer has
the executive departments, bureaus, been removed by impeachment. Prosecution
and offices. He shall ensure that the after impeachment does not constitute
laws be faithfully executed. (Sec. 17, prohibited double jeopardy. (Bernas, The
Art. VII, 1987 Constitution of the 1987 Constitution: A Commentary, p.1150,
Philippines) 2009)

Presidential Decree No. 1772 which The right to be removed only by

amended Presidential Decree No. impeachment is the Constitution's strongest
1416 expressly grant the President of guarantee of security of tenure. The
the Philippines the continuing guarantee effectively blocks the use of other
authority to reorganize the national legal ways of ousting an officer. (Bernas, The
government, which includes the 1987 Constitution: A Commentary, p.1151,
power to group, consolidate bureaus 2009)
and agencies, to abolish offices, to
transfer functions, to create and It should also be noted that resignation of an
classify functions, services and impeachable officer does not place him
activities and to standardize salaries beyond the reach of impeachment for
and materials. The validity of these offenses committed during his tenure. This is
two decrees are unquestionable. because one of the two penalties which may
(Malaria Employees and Workers be imposed by Congress includes
Association of the Philippines, Inc. vs. "disqualification to hold any office under the
Honorable Executive Secretary Republic of the Philippines." Hence, it may be
Alberto Romulo, G.R. No. 160093, inferred that when a person has committed
July 31, 2007) an offense warranting impeachment it may
be to the public interest that such person be
K. REMOVAL FROM OFFICE (1987 forever banned from holding public office.
CONST., art. XI, sec. 2) (Bernas, The 1987 Constitution: A
Commentary, p.1152, 2009)



Grounds for impeachment qualified. (Sec. 7, Art. VII, 1987

Conviction of, culpable violation of the Constitution)
Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and ● In the event of inability of the official
corruption, other high crimes, or betrayal of mentioned, Congress shall, by law,
public trust. (Sec. 2, Art. XI, 1987 provide for the manner in which one
Constitution) who is to act as President shall be
selected until a President or a Vice
Constructive Dismissal President shall have qualified. (Sec. 7,
There is no form of resignation required. As Art. VII, 1987 Constitution)
long as there is an intent to resign and acts
of relinquishment, the resignation should be 2. Vacancy During the Term
given effect. (Estrada vs. Arroyo, G.R. No.
146738, March 2, 2001) Instances on Presidential Succession
(where the President is not merely
L. RULES OF SUCCESSION (1987 CONST., Acting President)
art. VII, secs. 7-12)
a. Death
1. Vacancy at the beginning of the b. Permanent Disability
term c. Removal from office
d. Resignation
In case of death or permanent disability
of the President-elect: The Vice President Elements of Resignation
elect shall become President. (Sec. 8, Art.
VII, 1987 Constitution) a. There must be intent to resign; and,
b. It must be coupled with acts of
If the President-elect fails to qualify: relinquishment (Estrada vs. Desierto,
The Vice President-elect shall act as President G.R. Nos. 146710-15, March 2, 2001)
until a President shall have been chosen and
qualified. (Sec. 7, Art. VII, 1987 NOTE: The President can only be removed
Constitution) by means of impeachment (Section 2, Article
XI, 1987 Constitution)
If a President shall not have been
chosen: The Vice-President-elect shall act as TOTALITY OF CIRCUMSTANCES TEST
President until a President shall have been AND CONSTRUCTIVE RESIGNATION
chosen and qualified. (Sec. 7, Art. VII, 1987 (Estrada vs. Desierto, G.R. Nos. 146710-15,
Constitution) March 2, 2001)

● If no President and Vice President were Estrada did not write any formal letter of
chosen nor shall have qualified, or both resignation before leaving Malacañang. His
shall have died or become permanently resignation has to be determined from his
disabled: The President of the Senate or, acts and omissions, before, during and after
in case of his inability, the Speaker of the January 20, 2001, or by the totality of prior
House of Representatives shall act as contemporaneous and posterior facts and
President until a President or Vice circumstantial evidence bearing a material
President shall have been chosen or relevance on the issue. And using the totality
test, the President resigned. It was confirmed



by his leaving Malacañang. In the press a. By a written declaration made by the

release containing his final statement: President himself as to his inability.
(Sec. 11 par. 1, Art. VII, 1987
A. He acknowledged the oath-taking of the Constitution)
respondent as President of the Republic b. By a written declaration by the
albeit with reservation about its legality; Cabinet that the President is
unable to discharge the
B. He emphasized he was leaving the Palace functions of his office. (Sec. 11 par.
the seat of the presidency for the sake of 2, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution)
peace and in order to begin the healing c. In the event of disagreement
process of our nation. He did not say he between the President and the
was leaving the Palace due to any kind Cabinet, by a finding of Congress by
inability and that he was going to re- 2/3 vote that the President is
assume the presidency as soon as the disabled. (Sec. 11 par. 4, Art. VII,
disability disappears; 1987 Constitution)
C. He expressed his gratitude to the people
for the opportunity to serve them. NOTE: In all these cases, the President takes
Without doubt, he was referring to the a “leave of absence” and the Vice-President
past opportunity given him to serve the temporarily acts as the President.
people as President;
Despite receipt of the letter from the
D. He assured that he will not shirk from any President that he is merely “on leave”, the
future challenge that may come ahead in House of Representatives passed, on January
the same service of our country. 24, 2001, House Resolution No. 176 which
Petitioner’s reference is to a future expresses support for the assumption into
challenge after occupying the office of office of President Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo.
the President which he has given up; Later both Houses confirmed the nomination
and, of Teofisto Guingona as Vice- President. Bills
were then sent to the President by Congress
E. He called on his supporters to join him in which she had signed. Congress, as a co-
the promotion of a constructive national equal branch of government, has recognized
spirit of reconciliation and solidarity. Arroyo as de jure President and not merely
Certainly, the national spirit of as Acting President. (Estrada vs. Desierto,
conciliation and solidarity could not be G.R. Nos. 146710-15, March 2, 2001)
attained if he did not give up the
presidency. Serious Illness of the President

The press release was petitioner’s In case of serious illness of the President, the
valedictory, his final act of farewell. His public shall be informed of the state of his
presidency is now in the past tense. health. The members of the Cabinet in
charge of national security and foreign
Temporary Disability relations and the Chief of Staff of the AFP
shall not be denied access to the President
Ways by which the inability of the President during such illness. (Sec. 12, Art. VII, 1987
to discharge functions may be made known Constitution)
or determined:



NOTE: Section 12 presumably deals with established by law. (Sec. 1, Art. VIII, 1987
serious illness that is not incapacitating Constitution)
because access to him is kept open for
Cabinet members in charge of the national Jurisdiction
security and foreign relations. The obvious
purpose of such access is to allow the Jurisdiction is defined as the power and
President to make the important decisions in authority of a court to hear, try, and decide a
those areas of government; which suggests case. (Mitsubishi Motors Philippines
that this contemplates a situation where the Corporations vs. Bureau of Customs, G.R. No.
President is still able. (Bernas, The 1987 209830, June 17, 2015)
Constitution: A Commentary, p.862, 2009) a. Congress shall have the power to define,
prescribe and apportion the jurisdiction
VACANCY in the OFFICE OF THE VICE- of the various courts, but may not
PRESIDENT deprive the Supreme Court of its
jurisdiction over cases enumerated in
Whenever there is a vacancy in the Office of Section 5, Article VIII. No law shall be
the Vice-President during the term for which passed reorganizing the Judiciary when it
he was elected, the President shall nominate undermines the security of tenure of its
a Vice-President from among the Members of Members. (Sec. 2, Art. VIII, 1987
the Senate and the House of Representatives Constitution).
who shall assume office upon confirmation by b. No law shall be passed increasing the
a majority vote of all the Members of both appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme
Houses of the Congress, voting separately. Court as provided in the Constitution
(Sec. 9, Art. VII, 1987 Constitution) without its advice and concurrence (Sec.
30, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution).
Thus, Sec 27, R.A 6770, which authorizes an
A. DEFINITION OF JUDICIAL POWER appeal to the Supreme Court from decisions
of the Ombudsman in administrative
The judicial power shall be vested in one disciplinary cases, was declared
Supreme Court and in such lower courts as unconstitutional, because the provision was
may be established by law. passed without the advice and consent of the
Supreme Court (Fabian v. Desierto, G.R. No
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts 129742, September 16, 1998; Villavert v.
of justice to settle actual controversies Desierto, G.R. No. 133715, February 13,
involving rights which are legally demandable 2000). (Nachura, 2015)
and enforceable, and to determine whether
or not there has been a grave abuse of Scope of Judicial Power
discretion amounting to lack or excess of
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or a. Adjudicatory Powers – To settle actual
instrumentality of the Government. (Sec. 1, controversies involving rights which are
Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution) legally demandable and enforceable.
(Sec. 1[2], Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution)
Body vested with Judicial Power
Judicial power is vested in one Supreme b. Expanded Power of Judicial Review
Court and in such lower courts as may be – To determine whether or not there has



been a grave abuse of discretion conduct its business unhampered by

amounting to lack or excess of publications which tends to impair the
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or impartiality of its decisions or otherwise
instrumentality of the Government. (Sec. obstruct the administration of justice, the
1[2], Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution) court will not hesitate to exercise it regardless
● This second paragraph effectively of who is affected. For, "as important as is
limits the “Political Question” area the maintenance of unmuzzled press and the
that, heretofore, was forbidden free exercise of the rights of the citizen is the
territory for the courts. This is an maintenance of the independence of the
added provision in the 1987 judiciary. The reason for this is that respect
Constitution which broadens the for the courts guarantees the stability of their
scope of judicial power. (Ocampo institution. Without such said institution
vs. Enriquez, G.R. No. 225973, would be resting on a very shaky
November 08, 2016) foundation.”

c. Incidental Powers – those which are No less important is the ruling on the power
necessary to the effective discharge of of the court to punish for contempt in relation
the judicial functions such as: power to to the freedom of speech and press. We
punish persons adjudged in contempt quote;
and power to issue restraining orders or
prohibition and injunction in aid of power Freedom of speech and press should not be
of judicial review. impaired through the exercise of the
However, it should be made clear punishment for contempt of court unless
that any conduct of the media, or any there is no doubt that the utterances in
other party for that matter, which question are a serious and imminent threat
tends to, directly or indirectly, to the administration of justice. A judge may
impede, obstruct or degrade the hold in contempt one who ventures to publish
administration of justice, is subject to anything that tends to make him unpopular
the contempt powers of the courts. or to belittle him. The vehemence of the
The courts should and will not language used in newspaper publications
hesitate to use this power when acts concerning a judge's decision is not alone the
inimical to the speedy and impartial measure of the power to punish for
dispensation of justice are contempt. The fires which it kindles must
committed. (People vs. Flores, G.R. constitute an imminent, not merely a likely
Nos. 111009-12, December 8, 1994) threat to the administration of justice.
(Cabansag vs. Fernandez, G.R. No. L-8974,
Basis of the Court’s Contempt Power October 18, 1957)

We agree that that courts have the power to Constitutional Safeguards to Ensure the
preserve their integrity and maintain their independence of the Judiciary
dignity without which their administration of 1. The Supreme Court is a constitutional
justice is bound to falter or fail. This is the body; it may not be abolished by the
preservative power to punish for contempt legislature.
(Rule 64, Rules of Court). This power is 2. The members of the Supreme Court are
inherent in all courts and essential to their removable only by impeachment.
right of self-preservation. In order that it may



3. The Supreme Court may not be deprived must ever remain supreme. All must bow to
of its minimum original and appellate the mandate of this law. Expediency must not
jurisdiction; appellate jurisdiction may be allowed to sap its strength nor greed for
not be increased without its advice and power debase its rectitude. (Biraogo vs.
concurrence. Truth Commission, G.R. No. 192935,
4. The Supreme Court has administrative December 7, 2010)
supervision over all inferior courts and
personnel. 1. REQUISITES
5. The Supreme Court has the exclusive a. Actual case or controversy;
power to discipline judges/justices of b. Locus standi;
inferior courts. c. The question of constitutionality must
6. The members of the Judiciary have be raised at the Earliest opportunity;
security of tenure. and
7. The members of the Judiciary may not be d. The question of constitutionality must
designated to any agency performing be the lis Mota of the case
quasi-judicial or administrative functions.
8. Salaries of judges may not be reduced; THERE MUST BE AN ACTUAL CASE OR
the Judiciary enjoys fiscal autonomy. CONTROVERSY CALLING FOR THE
(Nachura, Outline Reviewer in Political EXERCISE OF JUDICIAL POWER
Law, 2015) It involves a conflict of legal rights, assertion
of opposite legal claims susceptible of legal
B. JUDICIAL REVIEW resolution. It must be both ripe for resolution
and susceptible of judicial determination, and
It is the power of the courts, ultimately the that which is not conjectural or anticipatory,
Supreme Court, to interpret the Constitution or that which seeks to resolve hypothetical or
and to declare any legislative or executive act feigned constitutional problems.
invalid because it is in conflict with the
fundamental law. (Biraogo vs. Truth 🕮 There can be no justiciable
Commission, G.R. Nos. 192935 and 193036, controversy involving the
December 7, 2010) constitutionality of a proposed bill.
The Court can exercise its power of
Thus, the Court, in exercising its power of judicial review only after a law is
judicial review, is not imposing its own will enacted, not before. (In the Matter
upon a co-equal body but rather simply Of: Save The Supreme Court Judicial
making sure that any act of government is Independence And Fiscal Autonomy
done in consonance with the authorities and Movement vs Abolition Of Judiciary
rights allocated to it by the Constitution. And, Development Fund And Reduction Of
if after said review, the Court finds no Fiscal Autonomy, UDK-15143,
constitutional violations of any sort, then, it January 21, 2015)
has no more authority of proscribing the
actions under review. Otherwise, the Court Direct Injury Test: The person
will not be deterred to pronounce said act as challenging the act must have the
void and unconstitutional. The Court cannot standing to question the validity of the
just turn a blind eye and simply let it pass. It subject act or issuance. There must be a
will continue to uphold the Constitution and proper party who is one who has sustained
its enshrined principles. The Constitution or is in immediate danger of sustaining an



injury as a result of the act complained of. which must be settled early;
(People vs. Vera, G.R. No. 45685, November (David vs. Arroyo, G.R. No.
16, 1937) 171396, May 3, 2006)
● Legislative Standing - there must be a
LOCUS STANDI (LEGAL STANDING) – a claim that the official action complained
personal and substantial interest in a case of infringes upon their prerogatives as
such that the party has sustained or will legislators. (David vs. Arroyo, G.R. No.
sustain direct injury as a result of the 171396, May 3, 2006)
governmental act that is being challenged.
(Galicto vs. Aquino, et. al., G.R. No, 193978, As-Applied Challenge – a party can
February 28, 2012) question the validity of a statute only if, as
applied to him, it is unconstitutional. (Sps.
Elements Romualdez vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 167011,
● Petitioner must have suffered some April 30, 2008)
actual or threatened injury which can be
legal, economic, or environmental; Facial Challenge – permits a party to
● The injury is fairly traceable to the challenge the validity of a statute even
challenged action; and though, as applied to him, it is not
● The injury is likely to be redressed by a unconstitutional, but it might be if applied to
favorable action (Telecommunications others not before the court whose activities
and Broadcast Attorneys of the are constitutionally protected. Invalidation of
Philippines vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. the statute “on its face,” rather than “as
132922, April 21, 1998) applied,” is permitted in the interest of
preventing a “chilling effect” on freedom of
Rules on the Liberal Approach on Locus expression. (Romualdez vs. Sandiganbayan,
Standi G.R. No. 152259, July 29, 2004)

● Taxpayer Standing – there must be a Void-For-Vagueness Doctrine – a statute

claim of illegal disbursement of public or act suffers from the defect of vagueness
funds or that the tax measure is when it lacks comprehensible standards that
unconstitutional. (Villafuerte vs. SEC, men of common intelligence must necessarily
G.R. No. 208379, March 29, 2022) guess at its meaning and differ as to its
● Citizen Standing – the interest must be application. It is repugnant to the
direct and personal. The person Constitution in two respects: (1) it violates
complaining must show that he has been due process for failure to accord persons,
or is about to be denied of some right or especially the parties targeted by it, fair
privilege to which he is lawfully entitled. notice of the conduct to avoid; and (2) it
However, when the proceeding involves leaves law enforcers unbridled discretion in
the assertion of a public right, the mere carrying out its provisions and becomes an
fact that he is a citizen satisfies the arbitrary flexing of the Government muscle.
requirement of personal interest. (Samahan Ng Mga Progresibong Kabataan
(Gonzales vs. Narvasa, G.R. No. 140835, vs. Quezon City, G.R. No. 225442, August 08,
August 14, 2000) 2017)
○ there must be a showing that
the issues raised are of Overbreadth Doctrine – decrees that a
transcendental importance governmental purpose to control or prevent



activities constitutionally subject to state Management, G.R. No. 164987, April 24,
regulations may not be achieved by means 2012)
which sweep unnecessarily broadly and
thereby invade the area of protected ● The controversy must be justiciable,
freedoms. As distinguished from the definite and concrete, touching on
vagueness doctrine, the overbreadth doctrine the legal relations of parties having
assumes that individuals will understand adverse legal interests. In other
what a statute prohibits and will accordingly words, the pleadings must show an
refrain from that behavior, even though some active antagonistic assertion of a
of it is protected. (Disini vs. Secretary of legal right, on the one hand, and a
Justice, G.R. No. 203335, February 11, 2014) denial thereof on the other hand; that
is, it must concern a real and not
Legal Personality merely a theoretical question or
issue. There ought to be an actual
GENERAL RULE: If there is no actual or and substantial controversy
potential injury, the complainant has no legal admitting of specific relief through a
personality to raise constitutional questions. decree conclusive in nature, as
distinguished from an opinion
EXCEPTION: If the question is of advising what the law would be upon
transcendental importance. a hypothetical state of facts.
(Information Technology Foundation
a. The question of constitutionality of the Philippines vs. Commission on
must be raised at the earliest Elections, G.R. No. 159139, June 15,
opportunity. The earliest opportunity to 2005).
raise a constitutional issue is to raise it in
the pleadings before a competent court JUDICIAL RESTRAINT
that can resolve the same, such that, if
not raised in the pleadings, it cannot be ISSUE RAISED AT THE EARLIEST
considered in trial and, if not considered OPPORTUNITY: Constitutional question
in trial, it cannot be considered on should be raised at the earliest opportunity,
appeal. such that if not raised in pleadings, it may not
● The Ombudsman has no jurisdiction be raised at the trial, if not raised in trial
to entertain questions regarding court, it will not be considered on appeal.
constitutionality of laws. Thus, when (Garcia vs. Drilon, G.R. No. 179267, June 25,
the issue of constitutionality of a law 2013)
was raised before the Court of
Appeals, which is the competent GENERAL RULE: The question must be
court, the constitutional question was raised at the earliest opportunity.
raised at the earliest opportune time.
(Estarija vs. Ranada, G.R. No. EXCEPTIONS:
159314, June 26, 2006) a. In criminal cases, the question can be
raised at any time at the discretion of the
b. The issue of constitutionality must court.
be the very lis mota of the case. b. In civil cases, the question can be raised
(LAMP vs. Secretary of Budget and at any stage of the proceedings if



necessary for the determination of the Cuenco, G.R. No. L-10520, February 28,
case itself. 1957)
c. In every case, except where there is an
estoppel, it can be raised at any stage if Distinction between Justiciable and
it involves the jurisdiction of the court. Political Questions
(People of the Philippines vs. Vera, G.R.
No. L-45685, November 16, 1937)


Courts will not touch the issue of
constitutionality unless it is truly unavoidable
and is very lis mota or crux of controversy.
(Francisco vs. HOR, G.R. No. 160261,
November 10, 2003)

● The courts indulge the presumption of

constitutionality and go by the maxim
that “to doubt is to sustain.” The theory
is that, as the joint act of the legislative
and executive authorities, a law
supposed to have been carefully studied
Test whether the question is political or
and determined to be constitutional
justiciable: In our jurisdiction, the
before it was finally enacted. (Cordillera
determination of a truly political question
Board Coalition vs. Commission on Audit,
from a non-justiciable political question lies in
G.R. No. 79956, January 29, 1990)
the answer to the question “whether there
● Courts will not pass upon a question of
are constitutionality-imposed limits on
constitutionality, although properly
powers or functions conferred upon political
presented, if the case can be disposed of
bodies.” If there are, then our courts are
on some other ground, such as the
duty-bound to examine whether the branch
application of the statute or the general
or instrumentality of the government
law. (Ty vs. Trampe, G.R. No. 117577,
properly acted within limits. (Francisco Jr. vs.
December 1, 1995)
House of Representatives, G.R. No. 160261,
November 10, 2003)

The intrinsic constitutionality of the "Pork

Barrel System" is not an issue dependent
upon the wisdom of the political branches of
Those questions which, under the
government but rather a legal one which the
Constitution, are to be decided by the people
Constitution itself has commanded the Court
in their sovereign capacity, or in regard to
to act upon. Scrutinizing the contours of the
which full discretionary authority has been
system along constitutional lines is a task that
delegated to the legislative or executive
the political branches of government are
branch of the government. (Tañada vs.
incapable of rendering precisely because it is
an exercise of judicial power. More



importantly, the present Constitution has not A moot and academic case is one that ceases
only vested the Judiciary the right to exercise to present a justiciable controversy by virtue
judicial power but essentially makes it a duty of supervening events so that a declaration
to proceed therewith. Section 1, Article VIII thereon would be of no practical use or value.
of the 1987 Constitution cannot be any (Province of Batangas vs. Romulo, G.R. No.
clearer. (Belgica et al. vs. Executive 152774, May 27, 2004)
Secretary, G.R. Nos. 208566, 208493, and
209251, November 19, 2013) Generally, courts may decline jurisdiction
over such case or dismiss it on ground of
It must also be borne in mind that when the mootness (Royal Cargo Corporation vs. Civil
judiciary mediates to allocate Aeronautics Board, G.R. No. 10305556,
constitutional boundaries, it does not January 26, 2004; Lacson vs. Perez, G.R. No.
assert any superiority over the other 147780, May 10, 2001).
departments; does not in reality nullify or
invalidate an act of the legislature or the GENERAL RULE: The issues raised in the
executive, but only asserts the solemn and case must not be moot and academic, or
sacred obligation assigned to it by the because of subsequent developments, have
Constitution." But it is by constitutional force become moot and academic. (Oclarino vs.
that the Court must faithfully perform its Navarro, G.R. No. 220514, September 25,
duty. Ultimately, it is the Court’s avowed 2019)
intention that a resolution of these cases
would not arrest or in any manner impede the EXCEPTIONS:
endeavors of the two other branches but, in a. There is grave violation of the
fact, help ensure that the pillars of change Constitution.
are erected on firm constitutional grounds. b. The exceptional character of the
(Belgica et al. vs. Executive Secretary, G.R. situation and paramount public
Nos. 208566, 208493, and 209251, interest are involved.
November 19, 2013) c. Symbolic Function: When
constitutional issue raised requires
MOOT QUESTIONS formulation of controlling principles
A case becomes moot and academic when to guide the bench, the bar, and the
there is no more actual controversy between public.
the parties or no useful purposes can be d. The question is capable of repetition
served in passing upon the merits. (Ocampo and evasive of review (David vs.
vs. House of Representatives Electoral Macapagal-Arroyo, G.R. No. 171396,
Tribunal, et al., GR No. 158466, June 15, May 3, 2006)
A case is moot when its purpose has become case may seemingly present some of the
stale. It is unnecessary to indulge in exceptions, the Court may decline to rule on
academic discussion of a case presenting a the substantive issues not only as an exercise
moot question as a judgment thereon cannot of judicial restraint, but also because there
have any practical legal effect or, in the are a number of factual questions which
nature of things, cannot be enforced. would prevent the Court from rendering an
(Garcillano vs. House of Representatives, instructive ruling.
G.R. No. 170338, December 23, 2008)



Given the various interlocking and those collusively arranged by parties without
overlapping issues that the Court will have to real adverse interests. If the Court were to do
resolve in order to rule on the substantive otherwise and jump headlong into ruling on
issues, a good number of which would every matter brought before us, the Court
require findings of fact to wholly and may close off avenues for opportune, future
satisfactorily address, the Court considers litigation. The Court may forestall proper
that the interests of the public will not be adjudication for when there are actual,
adequately served, and neither will the role concrete, adversarial positions, rather than
of the Court as an institution be exercised mere conjectural posturing.
properly by an attempt to rule on the
substantive issues, particularly in a moot case As the Court makes "final and binding
where no actual relief will be afforded to the constructions of law,” their opinions cannot
petitioners. (Ranada vs. Office of the be mere counsel for unreal conflicts conjured
President, G.R. No. 246126, June 27, 2023) by enterprising minds. Judicial decisions, as
part of the legal system, bind actual persons,
ADVISORY OPINIONS places, and things. Rulings based on
hypothetical situations weaken the immense
The expanded jurisdiction of the Supreme power of judicial review. (Falcis III v. Civil
Court under Article VIII, Section 1 does not Registrar General, G.R. No. 217910,
provide license to provide advisory opinions. September 3, 2019)
An advisory opinion is one where the factual
setting is conjectural or hypothetical. In such The power of judicial review is limited to
cases, the conflict will not have sufficient actual cases or controversies. Courts
concreteness or adversariness so as to decline to issue advisory opinions or to
constrain the discretion of this Court. resolve hypothetical or feigned
problems, or mere academic questions.
After all, legal arguments from concretely The limitation of the power of judicial review
lived facts are chosen narrowly by the to actual cases and controversies defines the
parties. Those who bring theoretical cases role assigned to the judiciary in a tripartite
will have no such limits. They can argue up allocation of power, to assure that the courts
to the level of absurdity. They will bind the will not intrude into areas committed to the
future parties who may have more motives to other branches of government. (Province of
choose specific legal arguments. In other North Cotabato vs. Government of the
words, for there to be a real conflict between Republic of the Philippines Peace Panel on
the parties, there must exist actual facts from Ancestral Domain (GRP), 568 SCRA 402, G.R.
which courts can properly determine whether No. 183591 October 14, 2008)
there has been a breach of constitutional
text. (Provincial Bus Operators Association of The nature of judicial power is also the
the Philippines vs. DOLE, G.R. No. 202275, foundation of the principle, as old as the
July 17, 2018) American republic, that it is not the
function of the judiciary to give
The Supreme Court does not issue advisory advisory opinions. Not to be confused with
opinions. The Court does not act to satisfy advisory opinions is what is known as a
academic questions or dabble in thought declaratory relief or judgment. (Bernas, The
experiments. The Court does not decide 1987 Constitution: A Commentary, p.954,
hypothetical, feigned, or abstract disputes, or 2009)



the determination of its unconstitutionality as

an operative fact that produced
consequences that cannot always be erased,
ignored or disregarded. In short, it nullifies
the void law or executive act but sustains its

It provides an exception to the general

rule that a void or unconstitutional law
produces no effect. But its use must be
subjected to great scrutiny and
circumspection, and it cannot be invoked to
validate an unconstitutional law or executive
act, but is resorted to only as a matter of
3. OPERATIVE FACT DOCTRINE equity and fair play. It applies only to cases
where extraordinary circumstances exist, and
The law is recognized as unconstitutional but only when the extraordinary circumstances
the effects of the unconstitutional law, prior have met the stringent conditions that will
to its declaration of nullity, may be left permit its application. (Araullo vs. Aquino III,
undisturbed as a matter of equity and fair G.R. No. 209287, July 1, 2014)
play. This is a rule of equity. As such, it must
be applied as an exception to the general rule EXAMPLES:
that an unconstitutional law produces no a. To declare the implementation of the
effects. It can never be invoked to validate as DAP unconstitutional without
constitutional an unconstitutional act. It recognizing that its prior
affects or modifies only the effects of the implementation constituted an
unconstitutional law, not the unconstitutional operative fact that produced
law itself. (League of Cities of the Philippines consequences in the real as well as
vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. No. juristic worlds of the Government and
176951, 177499, and 178056, August 24, the Nation is to be impractical and
2010) unfair. Unless the doctrine is held to
apply, the Executive as the disburser
The actual existence of a statute, prior to and the offices under it and
such a determination [of unconstitutionality], elsewhere as the recipients could be
is an operative fact and may have required to undo everything that they
consequences which cannot justly be had implemented in good faith under
ignored. The past cannot always be erased the DAP. That scenario would be
by a new judicial declaration. The effect of enormously burdensome for the
the subsequent ruling as to invalidity may Government. (Araullo vs. Aquino III,
have to be considered in various aspects, G.R. No. 209287, July 1, 2014)
with respect to particular relations, individual
and corporate, and particular conduct, b. A refusal to recognize the
private and official. consequences and effects of the
existence of RA 11935 prior to its
The doctrine of operative fact recognizes the nullity — and absolutely demand a
existence of the law or executive act prior to return to the status quo as if the law



had never existed — will lead to an released. (Sec. 3, Art. VIII, 1987
unnecessary and unwarranted Constitution)
application of the provisions of RA
11462 beyond the legislative intent. The salary of the Chief Justice and of the
Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, and
The previous law explicitly set the of judges of lower courts shall be fixed by
schedule of the BSKE on December 5, law. During their continuance in office, their
2022 — which date had already salary shall not be decreased. (Sec. 10, Art.
lapsed. Therefore, to strictly adhere VIII, 1987 Constitution)
to the provisions of RA 11462 will
lead to an incongruent situation The power of the purse is given to the
where the next BSKE will have to be Congress. Thus, to avoid a situation where
held in December 2025 or close to the Congress can control the Supreme Court,
seven years from the date of the last the Constitution granted the latter fiscal
BSKE (held in May 2018) — a period autonomy. (Belgica vs. Ochoa, G.R. No.
unnecessarily longer than "every 208566, November 19, 2013)
three [3]-year period' intended by the
legislature. Fiscal autonomy is the freedom from outside
control. Pursuant to the Constitutional
Such refusal will result in an mandate, the Judiciary must enjoy freedom
unwarranted infringement on the in the disposition of the funds allocated to it
right of suffrage. A strict adherence in the appropriations law. It knows its
to the rule will deprive the electorate priorities just as it is aware of the fiscal
of their right to choose a new restraints. The Chief Justice must be given a
representative for an unreasonably free hand on how to augment appropriations
longer period beyond the term which where augmentation is needed. (Bengzon vs
they agreed under RA 11462 that the Drilon, G.R. No. 103524, April 15, 1992)
representative will serve. So also, the
electorate's freedom to choose their The fiscal autonomy of the Judiciary
representative and to consent to guaranteed by the Constitution recognized
temporarily surrender a portion of the authority of the Supreme Court to levy,
their sovereignty is effectively forcibly assess, and collect fees. Congress cannot
wrested in favor of individuals who amend the rules promulgated by the
may no longer truly represent their Supreme Court for the payment of legal fees
interests. (Macalintal vs. COMELEC, by granting exemptions (In Re: Exemption
G.R. No. 263590, June 27, 2023) from Payment of Court and Sheriff’s Fees of
Duly Registered Cooperatives, A.M. No. 12-2-
C. FISCAL AUTONOMY (1987 CONST., 03-0, March 12, 2012)
art. VIII, secs. 3 and 10)
Under the guarantees of the Judiciary’s fiscal
FISCAL AUTONOMY autonomy and its independence, the Chief
Appropriations for the Judiciary may not be Justice and the Court En Banc determine and
reduced by the legislature below the amount decide the who, what, where, when and how
appropriated for the previous year and, after of the privileges and benefits they extend to
approval, shall be automatically and regularly justices, judges, court officials and court
personnel within the parameters of the



Court’s granted power; they determine the

terms, conditions and restrictions of the grant
as grantor. xxx The properties were being
sold to retiring justices and not just to
ordinary citizens – the Supreme Court
considered such sale as benefits. Thus, the
COA cannot interfere. (Re: COA Opinion On
The Computation Of The Appraised Value Of
The Properties Purchased By The Retired
Chief/Associate Justices Of The Supreme
Court, A.M. No. 11-7-10-SC, July 31, 2012)

The subject provision – which requires Tenure of the members of the SC and
retiring government employees to secure a judges
prior clearance of pendency/non-pendency of Members of the SC and judges of lower
administrative case/s from, among others, courts can hold office during good behavior
the CSC – should not be made to apply to until:
employees of the Judiciary. xxx To deem it 1. The age of seventy (70) years old;
otherwise would disregard the Court's or (Sec. 11, Art. VIII, 1987
constitutionally-enshrined power of Constitution)
administrative supervision over its personnel. 2. They become incapacitated to
(Re: Request For Guidance/Clarification On discharge their duties. (Sec. 11, Art.
Section 7, Rule Iii Of Republic Act No. 10154 VIII, 1987 Constitution)
Requiring Retiring Government Employees 3. In the case of Supreme Court
To Secure A Clearance Of Pendency/Non- Justices, by way of impeachment.
Pendency Of Case/S From The Civil Service (Sec. 2, Art. XI, 1987
Commission, A.M. No. 13-09-08-SC, October Constitution)
01, 2013)
Procedure for Appointment
D. APPOINTMENTS TO THE JUDICIARY ● Appointed by the President of the
Philippines from among a list of at least
1. QUALIFICATIONS OF MEMBERS three nominees prepared by the Judicial
and Bar Council for every vacancy.
A member of the Judiciary must be a person NOTE: the appointment shall need
of proven competence, integrity, probity, and no confirmation from the commission
independence (Section 7 (3), Art VIII, 1987 on appointments. (Sec. 9, Art. VIII,
Constitution). 1987 Constitution)
● For lower courts, the President shall issue
the appointment within ninety days from
submission of the list. (Sec. 9, Art.
VIII, 1987 Constitution)



Prohibition on Midnight Appointments 2. JUDICIAL AND BAR COUNCIL

not Applicable to the Judiciary
The SC held that the prohibition in Sec. 15, i. Chief Justice as ex officio Chairman
Art. VII which states that “two months (2) ii. Secretary of Justice
immediately before the next presidential iii. Representative of the Congress as ex
elections and up to the end of his term, a officio Member
President or Acting President shall not make iv. Representative of the Integrated Bar
appointments, except temporary v. Professor of law
appointments to executive positions when vi. Retired Member of the Supreme Court
continued vacancies therein will prejudice vii. Representative of the private sector
public service or endanger public safety”, is (Sec. 8 [1], Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution)
confined to appointments made in the
Executive Department. Staggered Terms of JBC Members

The framers did not need to extend the The regular members of the Council shall be
prohibition to appointments in the Judiciary, appointed by the President for a term of
because their establishment of the JBC and four years with the consent of the
their subjecting the nomination and Commission on Appointments. Of the
screening of candidates for judicial positions Members first appointed, the representative
to the unhurried and deliberate prior process of the Integrated Bar shall serve for four
of the JBC ensured that there would no years, the professor of law for three years,
longer be midnight appointments to the the retired Justice for two years, and the
Judiciary. representative of the private sector for one
year. (Sec. 8 [2], Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution)
Also, the intervention of the JBC eliminates
the danger that appointments to the Judiciary Regular Members:
can be made for the purpose of buying votes 1. Chief Justice
in a coming presidential election, or of 2. Secretary of Justice
satisfying partisan considerations. The 3. Representative of Congress
experience from the time of the
establishment of the JBC shows that even Other Members: (4-year term)
candidates for judicial positions at any level 4. Representative of the Integrated Bar
backed by people influential with the 5. Professor of law
President could not always be assured of 6. Retired member of the SC
being recommended for the consideration of 7. Representative of private sector
the President, because they first had to
undergo the vetting of the JBC and pass The Constitution mandates that the JBC be
muster there. Indeed, the creation of the JBC composed of 7 members only. Thus, any
was precisely intended to de-politicize the inclusion of another member, whether with
Judiciary by doing away with the intervention one whole vote or 1⁄2 of it, goes against that
of the Commission on Appointments. (De mandate. Section 8(1), Art. VIII of the
Castro vs. Judicial Bar Council, G. R. No. Constitution, providing Congress with an
191002, March 17, 2010) equal voice with other members of the JBC in
recommending appointees to the Judiciary is
explicit. Any circumvention of the



constitutional mandate should not be applicant’s qualifications is raised, the

countenance for the Constitution is the observance of due process neither negates
supreme law of the land. (Chaves v. JBC GR nor renders illusory the fulfillment of the duty
No 202242, April 16, 2013) of JBC to recommend. (Jardeleza vs. Sereno,
G.R. No. 213181, August 19, 2014)
B. Powers and Functions
The supervisory role of the SC over JBC
The JBC shall have the principal function of ensures that the laws and the rules governing
recommending appointees to the Judiciary. It the conduct of a government entity are
may exercise such other functions and duties observed and complied with. Supervising
as the Supreme Court may assign to it. (Sec. officials see to it that rules are followed, but
8 [5], Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution) they themselves do not lay down such rules,
nor do they have the discretion to modify or
The function of the JBC to select and replace them. If the rules are not observed,
recommend nominees for vacant judicial they may order the work done or redone, but
positions is discretionary, not ministerial. only to conform to such rules. They may not
Moreso, the petitioner cannot claim any legal prescribe their own manner of execution of
right to be included in the list of nominees for the act. They have no discretion on this
judicial vacancies. Possession of the matter except to see to it that the rules are
constitutional and statutory qualifications for followed. (Villanueva v. JBC, G.R. No.
appointment to the judiciary may not be used 211833, April 07, 2015)
to legally demand that one's name be
included in the list of candidates for a judicial E. SUPREME COURT OF THE
vacancy. One's inclusion in the list of the PHILIPPINES
candidates depends on the discretion of the
JBC (Villanueva vs. JBC, G.R. No. 211833 1. COMPOSITION – 1987 CONST., art.
April 7, 2015) VIII, sec. 4

In JBC proceedings, an aspiring judge or The Supreme Court shall be composed of a

justice justifies his qualifications for the office Chief Justice and fourteen Associate Justices.
when he presents proof of his scholastic It may sit en banc or in its discretion, in
records, work experience and laudable divisions of three, five, or seven Members.
citations. The JBC then takes every possible Any vacancy shall be filled within ninety days
step to verify an applicant's track record for from the occurrence thereof. (Sec. 4[1], Art.
the purpose of determining whether or not VIII, 1987 Constitution)
he is qualified for nomination. It ascertains
the factors which entitle an applicant to 2. PROCEDURAL RULEMAKING – 1987
become a part of the roster from which the CONST., art. VIII, sec. 5
President appoints.
RULE-MAKING POWER – promulgates
The fact that a proceeding is sui generis rules concerning (1) Protection and
and is impressed with discretion, enforcement of constitutional rights, (2)
however, does not automatically Pleading, practice and procedure in all courts,
denigrate an applicant’s entitlement to (3) Admissions to the practice of law, (4) The
due process. The Court subscribes to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines, and (5)
view that in cases where an objection to an



Legal assistance to the underprivileged. (Sec. disciplinary authority over attorneys. The
5(5), Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution) authority to discipline lawyers stems from the
Court's constitutional mandate to regulate
For the Court's power is not merely to admission to the practice of law, which
compile, revise or codify the rules of includes as well authority to regulate the
procedure existing at the time of the practice itself of law. Quite apart from this
Constitution's approval. This power is "to constitutional mandate, the disciplinary
promulgate rules concerning pleading, authority of the Supreme Court over
practice, and procedure in all courts," which members of the Bar is an inherent power
is a power to adopt a general, complete and incidental to the proper administration of
comprehensive system of procedure, adding justice and essential to an orderly discharge
new and different rules without regard to of judicial functions.
their source and discarding old ones. (People
vs. Teng Moner, G.R. No. 202206, March 5, Moreover, the Supreme Court has inherent
2018) power to punish for contempt, to control in
the furtherance of justice the conduct of
Limitations on rule making power ministerial officers of the Court including
lawyers and all other persons connected in
a. Provide a simplified and inexpensive any manner with a case before the
procedure for speedy disposition of Court. The power to punish for contempt is
cases "necessary for its own protection against an
b. Uniform for all courts in the same improper interference with the due
grade administration of justice," "(it) is not
c. Shall not diminish, increase or modify dependent upon the complaint of any of the
substantive rights (Estipona, Jr. vs. parties litigant. (Zaldivar vs. Sandiganbayan,
Lobrigo, G.R. No. 226679, August 15, G.R. Nos. 79690-707, October 7, 1988)
In People v. Judge Gacott, 246 SCRA 52, it
3. DISCIPLINARY POWERS – 1987 was held that the first clause in the said
CONST., art. VIII, sec. 11 section is a declaration of the grant of the
disciplinary power to, and the determination
The Members of the Supreme Court and of the procedure in the exercise thereof by,
judges of lower courts shall hold office during the Court en banc. It did not intend that all
good behavior until they reach the age of administrative disciplinary cases should be
seventy years or become incapacitated to heard and decided by the whole Court. The
discharge the duties of their office. The second clause, intentionally separated from
Supreme Court en banc shall have the the first by a comma, declares that the Court
power to discipline judges of lower courts, en banc may “order their dismissal by a vote
or order their dismissal by a vote of a of a majority”. Thus, only cases involving
majority of the Members who actually took dismissal of judges of lower courts are
part in the deliberations on the issues in the specifically required to be decided by the
case and voted thereon. (Sec. 11, Art. VIII, Court en banc. (Nachura, Outline Reviewer in
1987 Constitution) Political Law, 2016)

The Supreme Court, as regulator and The Supreme Court does not have
guardian of the legal profession, has plenary jurisdiction to impose proper disciplinary



action against members of judiciary acting as of the doctrine of separation of

civil registrars. While respondent is powers. (Maceda vs. Vasquez, G.R.
undoubtedly a member of the Judiciary as No. 102781, April 22, 1993)
Clerk of Court of the Shari'a Circuit Court, a
review of the subject complaint reveals that 5. JURISDICTION – 1987 CONST., art.
respondent is being held liable for registering VI, sec. 30; art. VIII, sec. 5
the divorce and issuing the CRD pursuant to
his duties as Circuit Registrar of Muslim No law shall be passed increasing the
divorces. It has been said that the test of appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court as
jurisdiction is the nature of the offense and provided in this Constitution without its
not the personality of the offender. The fact advice and concurrence. (Sec. 30, Art. VI,
that the complaint charges against 1987 Constitution)
respondent for "conduct unbecoming of a
court employee" is of no moment. Well- EN BANC AND DIVISION CASES
settled is the rule that what controls is not Cases that are heard En Banc (all SC
the designation of the offense, but the actual Justices must sit and hear):
facts recited in the complaint (Mamiscal vs. a. Cases involving the constitutionality of a
Abdullah, A.M. No. SCC-13-18-J, July 1, treaty, international or executive
2015) agreement, executive orders,
presidential decrees, proclamations,
4. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISION – orders, instructions, ordinances, and
1987 CONST., art. VIII, sec. 6 other regulations (Sec. 4[2], Art. VIII,
1987 Constitution).
Administrative Supervision – The b. Criminal cases in which the appealed
Supreme Court shall have administrative decision imposes the death penalty.
supervision over all courts and the personnel (A.M. No. 10-4-20-SC)
thereof. (Sec. 6, Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution) c. Cases raising novel questions of law
(Firestone Ceramics vs. Court of Appeals,
🕮 The Ombudsman may not initiate or G.R. No. 27022, June 28, 2000).
investigate a criminal or d. Cases involving ambassadors, other
administrative complaint before his public ministers and consuls (Firestone
office against a judge, he must first Ceramics v s. Court of Appeals, supra.)
indorse the case to the Supreme e. Cases or matters heard by a division
Court for appropriate action. where the required number of votes to
(Fuentes vs. Office of the decide or resolve is not met (Sec. 4[3],
Ombudsman-Mindanao, G.R. No. Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution).
124295, October 23, 2001) f. Cases intended to modify or reverse a
🕮 In the absence of any administrative doctrine or principle of law laid down by
action taken against the RTC Judge the court in a decision rendered en banc
by the Supreme Court with regard to or in division (Sec. 4[3], Art. VIII, 1987
the former’s certificate of service, the Constitution).
investigation conducted by the g. Administrative disciplinary cases
Ombudsman encroaches upon the involving dismissal or judges of lower
Supreme Court’s power of courts, officer or employee of the
administrative supervision over all judiciary, disbarment of a lawyer, or
courts and its personnel, in violation order the suspension of them for a period



of more than one (1) year or a fine ii. All cases involving the legality of
exceeding P 10,000 or both (Sec. 11, Art. any tax, impost, assessment, or
VIII, 1987 Constitution). toll, or any penalty imposed in
h. Actions instituted by citizens to test the relation thereto.
validity of a proclamation of martial law iii. All cases in which the jurisdiction
or suspension of the privilege of the writ of any lower court is in issue.
(Sec. 18, Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution). iv. All criminal cases in which the
i. Election contests for President or Vice penalty imposed is reclusion
President. (Sec. 4[7], Art. VII, 1987 perpetua or higher.
Constitution). v. All cases in which only an error
j. Cases assigned to a division which in the or question of law is involved.
opinion of at least three (3) members c. Assign temporarily judges of lower
thereof merit the attention of the court courts to other stations as public
sitting en banc and are acceptable to a interest may require. Such temporary
majority of the actual membership of the assignment shall not exceed six
court sitting en banc (Firestone Ceramics months without the consent of the
vs. Court of Appeals, supra.) judge concerned.
k. All other cases as the court en banc by a d. Order a change of venue or place of
majority of its actual membership may trial to avoid a miscarriage of justice.
deem of sufficient importance to merit its e. Promulgate rules concerning the
attention. (Memorandum Circular No. 10 protection and enforcement of
March 6, 1984) constitutional rights, pleading,
practice, and procedure in all courts,
Powers of the Supreme Court the admission to the practice of law,
the integrated bar, and legal
The Supreme Court shall have the following assistance to the under-privileged.
powers: Such rules shall provide a simplified
a. Exercise original jurisdiction over and inexpensive procedure for the
cases affecting ambassadors, public speedy disposition of cases, shall be
ministers and consuls, petitions for uniform for all courts of the same
certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, grade, and shall not diminish,
quo warranto, and habeas corpus increase, or modify substantive
b. Review, revise, reverse, modify, or rights. Rules of procedure of special
affirm on appeal or certiorari, as the courts and quasi-judicial bodies shall
law or the Rules of Court may remain effective unless disapproved
provide, final judgments and orders by the Supreme Court.
of lower courts in: f. Appoint all officials and employees of
i. All cases in which the the Judiciary in accordance with the
constitutionality or validity of Civil Service Law. (Sec. 5, Art. VIII,
any treaty, international or 1987 Constitution).
executive agreement, law,
presidential decree, Exclusive Original Jurisdiction (Sec. 5
proclamation, order, instruction, par. 1, Art. VIII of the 1987 Constitution)
ordinance, or regulation is in a. CIVIL: Petitions for issuance of writs
question. of certiorari, prohibition and
mandamus against the following:



1. Court of Appeals imprisonment and those involving other

2. Commission on Elections En offenses, which although not so punished
Banc arose out of the same occurrence or which
3. Commission on Audit may have been committed by the accused on
4. Sandiganbayan the same occasion.
b. CRIMINAL: Petitions for issuance of
writs of certiorari, prohibition and NOTE: In criminal cases, when the penalty
mandamus against the following: imposed is life imprisonment or reclusion
1. Court of Appeals perpetua, appeal is automatic to the CA.
2. Sandiganbayan (A.M. No. 04-9-05-SC; People vs. Mateo y
Garcia, G.R. No. 147678-87, July 7, 2004)
Appellate Jurisdiction (Sec. 5 par. 2, Art. a. Criminal cases in which the death
VIII of the 1987 Constitution) penalty is imposed by the
A. CIVIL: b. Appeals from the CA
1. Appeal by petition for review on c. Appeals from the Sandiganbayan
certiorari: d. Appeals from RTC in which only
a. Appeals from the CA; errors or questions of law are
b. Appeals from the CTA; involved
c. Appeals from RTC exercising
original jurisdiction NOTE: Relate this to the Constitutional
2. If no question of fact is involved and Prohibition on increasing the appellate
the case involves: jurisdiction of the SC without its advice and
a. Constitutionality or validity of concurrence.
treaty, international or 🕮 Sec. 27 of Republic Act No. 6770
executive agreement, law, (Ombudsman Act of 1989) which
presidential decree, authorizes appeal via a petition for
proclamation, order, certiorari from decisions of the Office
instruction, ordinance or of the Ombudsman in administrative
regulation disciplinary cases to the Supreme
b. Legality of tax, impost, Court was held to be unconstitutional
assessments, or toll, or for being violative of Section 30,
penalty in relation thereto Article VI of the Constitution which
c. Cases in which jurisdiction of provides that no law shall be passed
lower court is in issue increasing the appellate jurisdiction
3. All cases in which only errors or of the Supreme Court as provided in
questions of law are involved. this Constitution without its advice
4. Special civil action of certiorari – filed and concurrence. (Fabian vs.
within 30 days against the Desierto, G.R. No. 129742,
Commission on Elections or September 16, 1998)
Commission on Audit. 🕮 The second paragraph of Sec. 14, RA
6770 which provides that no appeal
B. CRIMINAL: or application for remedy may be
heard against the decision or findings
All criminal cases involving offenses from of the Ombudsman, with the
which the penalty is reclusion perpetua or life exception of the Supreme Court on



pure questions of law was also held d. The Chairmen and members cannot
to be unconstitutional. Congress be removed except by impeachment.
cannot interfere with matters of e. The Chairmen and members are
procedure; hence, it cannot alter the given a fairly long term of office of
scope of a Rule 45 appeal so as to seven years.
apply to interlocutory "findings" f. The Chairmen and members may not
issued by the Ombudsman. Since the be reappointed or appointed in an
second paragraph of Section 14, RA acting capacity.
6770 limits the remedy against g. The salaries of the Chairmen and
"decision or findings" of the members are relatively high and may
Ombudsman to a Rule 45 appeal and not be decreased during continuance
thus - similar to the fourth paragraph in office.
of Section 27, RA 6770 - attempts to h. The Commission enjoys fiscal
effectively increase the Supreme autonomy.
Court's appellate jurisdiction without i. Its approved annual appropriations
its advice and concurrence, it is shall be automatically and regularly
therefore concluded that the former released. The Secretary of Budget
provision is also unconstitutional and and Management cannot make the
perforce, invalid. (Morales vs. Court release of the appropriations subject
of Appeals, G.R. Nos. 217126-27, to the submission of reports. (Sec. 5,
November 10, 2015). Art. IX-A, 1987 Constitution; Civil
Service Commission vs. Department
V. CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS of Budget and Management, G.R. No.
(1987 CONST., art. IX) 158791, July 22, 2005)
(COMELEC, COA, CSC) j. Each Commission may promulgate its
1. Civil Service Commission (CSC) own procedural rules, provided they
2. Commission on Elections (COMELEC) do not diminish, increase or modify
3. Commission on Audit (CoA) substantive rights (though subject to
disapproval by the Supreme Court).
The CSC, COMELEC, and COA are equally k. The Chairmen and members are
preeminent in their respective spheres. subject to certain disqualifications
Neither one may claim dominance over the calculated to strengthen their
others. In case of conflicting rulings, the integrity.
judiciary interprets the meaning of the law l. The Commissions may appoint their
and ascertains which view shall prevail. (CSC own officials and employees in
vs. Pobre, G.R. No. 160508, September 15, accordance with the Civil Service
2004) Law.


a. They are constitutionally created and JURISDICTION
may not be abolished by statute.
b. Each is expressly described as COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS
“independent.” a. Enforce and administer all laws and
c. Each is conferred certain powers and regulations relative to the conduct of
functions which cannot be reduced an election, plebiscite, initiative,
by statute. referendum, and recall.



b. Decide, save those involving the right Pre-proclamation controversies

to vote, all questions affecting include:
elections, including determination of The following shall be proper issues that may
the number and location of polling be raised in a pre-proclamation controversy:
places, appointment of election a. Illegal composition or proceedings of
officials and inspectors, and the board of canvassers;
registration of voters. b. The canvassed election returns are
c. Deputize, with the concurrence of the incomplete, contain material defects,
President, law enforcement agencies appear to be tampered with or
and instrumentalities for the falsified, or contain discrepancies in
exclusive purpose of ensuring free, the same returns or in other
orderly, honest, peaceful and credible authentic copies thereof as
elections. mentioned in Section 233, 234, 235
d. Register, after sufficient publication, and 236 of this Code;
political parties, organizations or c. The election returns were prepared
coalitions which must present their under duress, threats, coercion, or
platform or program of government intimidation, or they are obviously
and accredit citizens’ arms. manufactured or not authentic; and
e. File, upon a verified complaint, or on d. When substitute or fraudulent
its own initiative, petitions in court for returns in controverted polling places
the inclusion or exclusion of voters, were canvassed, the results of which
investigate and, where appropriate, materially affected the standing of
prosecute cases of violations of the aggrieved candidate or
election laws. candidates. (Sec. 243, Omnibus
f. Recommend to Congress effective Election Code Of The Philippines)
measures to minimize election
spending, including limitation of Cases that must first be heard and
places where propaganda materials decided in division:
shall be posted, and to prevent and a. All election cases, including pre-
penalize all forms of election frauds, proclamation contest under its
offenses, malpractice, and nuisance original jurisdiction;
candidates. b. Petition to cancel a certificate of
g. Recommend to the President the candidacy;
removal of any officer or employee it c. Cases appealed from the RTC or
has deputized, or the imposition of MTC; d. Petition for certiorari filed
any other disciplinary action, for before the commission from decision
violation or disregard of, or of the RTC or MTC before the same
disobedience to, its directive, order, may be heard en banc. (AM. No. 07-
or decision. 4-15-SC)
h. Submit to the President and Congress
a comprehensive report on the EXCEPTIONS:
conduct of each election, plebiscite, a. Petitions for corrections of manifest
initiative, referendum or recall. (Sec. error in the tabulation or tallying of
2, Art. IX-C, 1987 Constitution) votes; and (Mentang vs. COMELEC,
G.R. No. 110347, February 4, 1994)



b. Cases of violation of election laws its general audit power is among the
involving the exercise of constitutional mechanisms that give life to
administrative functions. (People vs. the check and balance system inherent in our
Delgado, G.R. Nos. 93419-32, form of government. (Dela Llana vs. COA,
September 18, 1990) G.R. No. 180989, February 7, 2012)

JURISDICTION: However, in the case of its flawed

a. Original jurisdiction over all contests procurement transaction, the Supreme Court
relating to the elections, returns, and said: It is remarkably ironic that COA, the
qualifications of all elective regional, constitutional watchdog, signed its
provincial, and city officials, and imprimatur to a transaction which resulted
appellate jurisdiction over all contests from an irreparably flawed bidding process.
involving elective municipal officials The Commission, in this case, has displayed
decided by trial courts of general a lamentable disregard of its mandate as the
jurisdiction, or involving elective sentinel of government resources. It is,
barangay officials decided by trial however, paramount that COA be reminded
courts of limited jurisdiction. of its most important role, seemingly
b. Exclusive original jurisdiction over all forgotten in this case, in the promotion of
contests relating to the election transparency and accountability in public
returns and qualifications of all financial transactions.
elective regional, provincial and city a. Examine, audit and settle all accounts
officials. pertaining to the revenue and
c. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over receipts of, and expenditures or uses
all contests involving elective of funds and property owned or held
municipal officials decided by the in trust or pertaining to, the
RTC, or involving elective barangay Government. The COA conducts
officials decided by the MTC. examination or postaudit basis with
d. Decisions, final orders, or rulings of regard to Constitutional Commissions
the COMELEC on election contests and bodies or offices granted fiscal
involving elective municipal and autonomy under the Constitution;
barangay offices shall be final, autonomous state colleges and
executory, and not appealable. (Sec. universities; other government-
2[2], Art. IX-C, 1987 Constitution) owned and controlled corporations
and their subsidiaries; and not
COMMISSION ON AUDIT governmental entities receiving
subsidy or equity, directly or
The 1987 Constitution has made the COA the indirectly, from or through the
guardian of public funds, vesting it with Government.
broad powers over all accounts pertaining to b. Keep the general accounts of
government revenues and expenditures and Government, and preserve vouchers
the use of public funds and property, and supporting papers for such
including the exclusive authority to define the periods as provided by law.
scope of its audit and examination; to c. Authority to define the scope of its
establish the techniques and methods for the audit and examination, establish
review; and to promulgate accounting and techniques and methods required
auditing rules and regulations. Its exercise of therefore. (Commission on Audit vs.



Link Worth International, Inc., G.R. No law shall be passed exempting any entity
No. 182559, March 13, 2009) of the government, or any investment of
public funds, from the jurisdiction of the
The power of the Commission to Commission on Audit (Sec. 3, Art. IX-D, 1987
define the scope of its audit and to Constitution)
promulgate auditing rules and
regulations and the power to disallow The COA’s audit jurisdiction extends to the
unnecessary expenditures, is government, or any of its subdivisions,
exclusive, but its power to examine agencies, or instrumentalities, including
and audit is not exclusive. government owned or controlled
(Development Bank of the Philippine corporations with original charters. Its
vs. Commission on Audit, G.R. No. jurisdiction likewise covers, albeit on a post-
88435, January 15, 2002) audit basis, the constitutional bodies,
commissions and offices that have been
d. Promulgate account and auditing granted fiscal autonomy, autonomous state
rules and regulations, including those colleges and controlled corporations and their
for the prevention and disallowance subsidiaries, and such non-governmental
of irregular, unnecessary, expensive, entities receiving subsidy or equity from or
extravagant or unconscionable through the government. The power of the
expenditures or uses of government COA to examine and audit government
funds or property. agencies cannot be taken away from it as
Section 3, Article IX-D of the Constitution
Under our Constitution, the authority of the mandates that “no law shall be passed
Auditor General, in connection with exempting any entity of the Government or
expenditures of the Government is limited to its subsidiary in any guise whatever, or any
the auditing of expenditures of funds or investment of public funds, from the
property pertaining to, or held in trust by the jurisdiction of the COA. (Veloso vs.
Government or the provinces or Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 193677,
municipalities thereof. (Sec. 2, Art. XI, 1987 September 6, 2011)
The central personnel agency of the
The Commission shall have exclusive Government:
authority, subject to the limitations, to define Establish a career service and adopt
the scope of its audit and examination, measures to promote morale, efficiency,
establish the techniques and methods integrity, responsiveness and courtesy in the
required therefor, and promulgate civil service.
accounting and auditing rules and
regulations, including those for the Strengthen the merit and rewards system.
prevention and disallowance of irregular, Integrate all human resources development
unnecessary, excessive, extravagant, or programs for all levels and ranks.
unconscionable expenditures or uses of
government funds and properties. (Sec. 2[2], Institutionalize a management climate
Art. IX-D, 1987 Philippine Constitution) conducive to public accountability (Sec. 3,
Art. IX-B, 1987 Constitution).



The Civil Service Commission has the power Career vs. Non-Career Service
to hear and decide administrative cases
instituted before it directly or on appeal, CAREER SERVICE – The Career Service shall
including contested appointments be characterized by (1) entrance based on
(Administrative Code of 1987). merit and fitness to be determined as far as
practicable by competitive examinations, or
The power of the Civil Service Commission based on highly technical qualifications; (2)
includes the authority to recall an opportunity for advancement to higher
appointment initially approved in disregard of career positions; and (3) security of tenure.
applicable provisions of the Civil Service rules (Sec. 5, Art. IV, Presidential Decree No. 807)
and regulations. (Mathay vs. Civil Service
Commission, G.R. No. 130214, August 9, EXCEPTION:
1999) a. Policy determining
b. Primarily Confidential
The CSC has the authority and jurisdiction to c. Highly Technical
investigate anomalies and irregularities in the
civil service examinations and to impose the CAREER EXECUTIVE SERVICE (CES)
necessary and appropriate sanctions. The To be a member of the CES and be entitled
Constitution grants to the CSC administration to Security of tenure, the following must
over the entire civil service. As defined, the concur:
civil service embraces every branch, agency, a. Pass the Career Executive Service
subdivision, and instrumentality of the Examination
government, including every government- b. Be conferred CES eligibility
owned or controlled corporation. c. Comply with the other requirements
prescribed by the CES Board
Despite the fact that the CSC had no d. Be appointed to a CES rank by the
authority to administer entrance and President (Revised Rules On The
promotional examinations for police officers, Career Executive Service (CES)
it cannot deprive the CSC to investigate the Eligibility)
facts by a civil servant. As a central personnel
agency, the CSC has the original disciplinary Criteria to determine whether a
jurisdiction in order to protect the integrity of position belongs to the CES:
the civil service system as an integral part of a. The position belongs to the career
the CSC’s duty, authority and power provided service of the Civil Service
for by the 1987 Constitution. (Melvin G. San b. The position is above division chief
Felix v. Civil Service Commission, G.R. no. c. The position entails performance of
198404, October 14, 2019, J. Hernando) executive or managerial functions.
(Revised Rules On The Career
Security of Tenure: No officer or employee Executive Service (CES) Eligibility)
of the civil service shall be removed or
suspended, except for cause provided by law. NON-CAREER SERVICE – characterized by
(Sec, 2[3], Art. IX-B, 1987 Constitution) entrance others by usual tests and their
tenure is limited by law or coterminous to the
appointing authority or subject to his
pleasure (Presidential Decree No. 807)



NOTE: The CSC is empowered under the B. COMPOSITION AND

Administrative Code of 1987 to declare QUALIFICATIONS OF MEMBERS
positions in the civil service as confidential
thus the enumeration of the inclusion in the
non-career service is not an exclusive list.
(Montecilio vs. Civil Service Commission, GR
No. 131954, June 28, 2001)

The civil service embraces all branches,
subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies
of the Government, including government-
owned or controlled corporations with
original charters. (Sec. 2[1], Art. IX-B, 1987

The Commission has original jurisdiction to

hear and decide a complaint for cheating in
the Civil Service Examinations committed by
government employees. The fact that the
complaint was filed by the Civil Service
The Chairman and Commissioners shall be
Commission itself does not mean that it
appointed by the President with the consent
cannot be an impartial judge. (Cruz vs. Civil
of the Commission on Appointments for a
Service Commission, G.R. No. 144464,
term of seven years without reappointment.
November 22, 2001)
a. CSC and COA - Of those first
appointed, the Chairman shall hold
The test in determining whether a
office for seven years, a
government-owned or controlled corporation
Commissioner for five years, and
is subject to the creation, such that
another Commissioner for three
government corporations created by special
years, without reappointment. (Sec.
charter(s) are subject to its provisions while
1 [2]. Art. IX-B and Sec. 1 [2]. Art.
those incorporated under the General
IX-B, 1987 Constitution)
Corporation Law are not within its coverage.
b. COMELEC - Of those first appointed,
(Gamogamo vs PNOC Shipping, G.R. No.
three Members shall hold office for
141707, May 7, 2002)
seven years, two Members for five
years, and the last Members for three
years, without reappointment. (Sec.
1 [2]. Art. IX-C, 1987 Constitution)

Appointment to any vacancy shall be only for

the unexpired portion of the term of the
predecessor. In no case shall any Member be
appointed or designated in a temporary or
acting capacity. (Common provisions among
the three)




INTERESTS In the case of decisions of the CSC,
No member of a Constitutional Commission Administrative Circular 1-95538 which took
shall, during his tenure: effect on June 1, 1995, provides that final
1. Hold any other office or employment; resolutions of the CSC shall be appealable by
2. Engage in the practice of any certiorari to the CA within 15 days from
profession. receipt of a copy thereof. From the decision
3. Engage in the active management of the CA, the party adversely affected
and control of any business which in thereby shall file a petition for review on
any way may be affected by the certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
function of his office.
4. Be financially interested, directly or COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS
indirectly, in any contract with, or in Only decisions of COMELEC en banc may be
any franchise or privilege granted by brought to the Court by certiorari since Art.
the Government, any of its IX-C provides that motions for
subdivisions, agencies or reconsideration of decisions shall be decided
instrumentalities, including GOCCs or by the Commission en banc. (Reyes vs.
their subsidiaries (Sec. 2, Art. IX 1987 Mindoro, G.R. No. 108886, May 5, 1995)
D. REVIEW OF FINAL ORDERS, Judgments or final orders of the Commission
RESOLUTIONS, AND DECISIONS on Audit may be brought by an aggrieved
party to the Supreme Court on certiorari
1. RENDERED IN THE EXERCISE OF under Rule 65. Only when COA acts without
QUASI-JUDICIAL FUNCTIONS or in excess of jurisdiction, or with grave
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
Each Commission shall decide by a majority excess of jurisdiction, may the SC entertain a
vote of all its Members any case or matter petition for certiorari under Rule 65. (Madera
brought before it within sixty days from the vs. COA, G.R. No. 244128, September 08,
date of its submission for decision or 2020)
resolution. A case or matter is deemed
submitted for decision or resolution upon the 2. RENDERED IN THE EXERCISE OF
filing of the last pleading, brief, or ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS
memorandum required by the rules of the
Commission or by the Commission itself. The Constitutional Commissions shall appoint
Unless otherwise provided by this their officials and employees in accordance
Constitution or by law, any decision, order, or with law. (Sec. 4, Art. IX-A, 1987
ruling of each Commission may be brought to Constitution)
the Supreme Court on certiorari by the
aggrieved party within thirty days from Each Commission en banc may promulgate
receipt of a copy thereof. (Sec. 7, Art. IX-A, its own rules concerning pleadings and
1987 Constitution) practice before it or before any of its offices.
Such rules however shall not diminish,
increase, or modify substantive rights. (Sec.
6, Art. IX-A, 1987 Constitution)



Under the Administrative Code of 1987, the of such functions. Each of the Constitutional
CSC has the power to hear and decide Commissions conducts its own proceedings
administrative cases instituted before it under the applicable laws and its own rules
directly or on appeal, including contested and in the exercise of its own discretion. Its
appointments. decisions, orders and rulings are subject only
to review on certiorari by the Court as
Certiorari jurisdiction of SC over the provided by Section 7, Article IX-A of the
Constitutional Commissions is limited 1987 Constitution.
to issues involving grave abuse of
discretion resulting in lack or excess of To safeguard the independence of these
jurisdiction and do not ordinarily empower Commissions, the 1987 Constitution, among
the Court to review the factual findings of the others, imposes under Section 2, Article IX-A
Commissions. (Aratuc vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. of the Constitution certain inhibitions and
L-49705-09, February 8, 1979) disqualifications upon the Chairmen and
members to strengthen their integrity, to wit:
Where the Constitution or, for that matter, a 1. Holding any other office or employment
statute, has fixed the term of office of a during their tenure;
public official, the appointing authority is 2. Engaging in the practice of any
without authority to specify in the profession;
appointment a term shorter or longer than 3. Engaging in the active management or
what the law provides—if the vacancy calls control of any business which in any
for a full seven-year appointment, the way may be affected by the functions
President is without discretion to extend a of his office; and
promotional appointment for more or for less 4. Being financially interested, directly or
than seven (7) years. There is no in between. indirectly, in any contract with, or in
He or she cannot split terms. any franchise or privilege granted by
It is not within the power of the appointing the Government, any of its
authority to override the positive provision of subdivisions, agencies or
the Constitution which dictates that the term instrumentalities, including
of office of members of constitutional bodies government-owned or controlled
shall be seven (7) years. A contrary reasoning corporations or their subsidiaries.
“would make the term of office to depend (Funa vs. Duque III, G.R. No. 191672
upon the pleasure or caprice of the November 25, 2014)
[appointing authority] and not upon the will
[of the framers of the Constitution] of the Circular No. 89-299 was promulgated by the
legislature as expressed in plain and COA under its quasi-legislative or rule-
undoubted language in the law.” (Funa vs. making powers. Hence, Circular No. 89-299
Villar, G.R. No. 192791, April 24, 2012) is not reviewable by certiorari. Neither is a
petition for prohibition appropriate in this
Section 1, Article IX-A of the 1987 case. The conduct of a pre-audit is not a
Constitution expressly describes all the mandatory duty that this Court may compel
Constitutional Commissions as the COA to perform. This discretion on its
“independent.” Although their respective part is in line with the constitutional
functions are essentially executive in nature, pronouncement that the COA has the
they are not under the control of the exclusive authority to define the scope of its
President of the Philippines in the discharge audit and examination. (Dela Llana vs. The



Chairperson, Commission on Audit, G.R. No. Private Acts and the Bill of Rights
180989 February 7, 2012)
The Bill of Rights governs the relationship
The appellate power of the CSC will only between the individual and the state. Its
apply when the subject of the administrative concern is not the relation between
cases filed against erring employees is in individuals, between a private individual and
connection with the duties and functions of other individuals. What the Bill of Rights does
their office, and not in cases where the acts is to declare some forbidden zones in the
of the complainant arose from cheating in the private sphere inaccessible to any power
civil service examinations. Thus: Petitioner’s holder. (People of the Philippines vs. Marti,
invocation of the law is misplaced. The G.R. No. 81561, January 18, 1991)
provision is applicable to instances where
administrative cases are filed against erring The Bill of Rights guarantees the people’s
employees in connection with their duties right to privacy and protects them against the
and functions of the office. This is, however, State’s abuse of power. In this regard, the
not the scenario contemplated in the case at State recognizes the right of the people to be
bar. It must be noted that the acts secure in their houses. No one, not even the
complained of arose from cheating caused by State, except "in case of overriding social
the petitioners in the Civil Service need and then only under the stringent
(Subprofessional) examination. The procedural safeguards," can disturb them in
examinations were under the direct control the privacy of their homes. (Spouses Hing vs.
and supervision of the Civil Service Choachuy, G.R. No. 179736, June 26, 2013)
Commission. The culprits are government
employees over whom the Civil Service The Bill of Rights does not govern
Commission undeniably has jurisdiction. relationships between individuals; it cannot
(Capablanca vs. Civil Service Commission, be invoked against the acts of private
G.R. No. 179370 November 18, 2009) individuals. (Libo-on Dela Cruz vs. People of
the Philippines, G.R. No. 209387, January 11,

Purpose The Bill of Rights guarantees citizens the

freedom to act on their individual beliefs and
The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to proscribes government intervention unless
withdraw certain subjects from the necessary to protect its citizens from injury or
vicissitudes of political controversy, to place when public safety, peace, comfort, or
them beyond the reach of majorities and convenience requires it. (Almores vs.
officials, and to establish them as legal Achacoso, G.R. No. 217453, July 19, 2017)
principles to be applied by the courts.
One's right to life, liberty, and property, to PROCEDURAL AND SUBSTANTIVE
free speech, a free press, freedom of worship REQUIREMENTS (1987 CONST.,
and assembly, and other fundamental rights art. III, sec. 1; art. XIII, sec. 1)
may not be submitted to vote; they depend
on the outcome of no elections. (West Hierarchy of Rights
Virginia State Board of Education vs. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or
Barnette, 319 U.S. 624, 638, June 14, 1943) property without due process of law, nor



shall any person be denied the equal standard to which governmental action
protection of the laws. (Sec. 1, Art. III, 1987 should conform in order that deprivation of
Constitution) life, liberty or property, in each appropriate
case, be valid." (Flores-Concepcion vs.
The Congress shall give highest priority to the Judge Castaneda, A.M. No. RTJ-15-2438,
enactment of measures that protect and September 02, 2020)
enhance the right of all the people to human
dignity, reduce social, economic, and political 🕮 Due process is thus hostile to any
inequalities, and remove cultural inequities official action marred by lack of
by equitably diffusing wealth and political reasonableness.
power for the common good. (Sec. 1, Art. 🕮 Correctly has it been identified as
XIII, 1987 Constitution) freedom from arbitrariness.
🕮 It is the embodiment of the sporting
While the Bill of Rights also protects property idea of fair play.
rights, the primacy of human rights over 🕮 It exacts fealty "to those strivings for
property rights is recognized. Because these justice" and judges the act of
freedoms are "delicate and vulnerable, as officialdom of whatever branch "in
well as supremely precious in our society" x the light of reason drawn from
xx considerations of fairness that reflect
[democratic] traditions of legal and
Property and property rights can be lost thru political thought."
prescription; but human rights are 🕮 It is not a narrow or "technical
imprescriptible. conception with fixed content
unrelated to time, place and
The superiority of these freedoms over circumstances," decisions based on
property rights is underscored by the fact such a clause requiring a "close and
that a mere reasonable or rational relation perceptive inquiry into fundamental
between the means employed by the law and principles of our society." (Ermita-
its object or purpose — that the law is neither Malate Hotel and Motel Operators
arbitrary nor discriminatory nor oppressive — Association, Inc. vs. City Mayor of
would suffice to validate a law which restricts Manila, G.R. No. L-24693, July 31,
or impairs property rights. (Philippine 1967)
Blooming Mills Employment Organization vs.
Philippine Blooming Mills Co., Inc., G.R. No. CONCEPT OF RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERTY,
L-31195, June 5, 1973) AND PROPERTY

DUE PROCESS CLAUSE a. Right to Life - While the right to life

under Article III, Section 1
Due Process is a guaranty against any guarantees essentially the right to be
arbitrariness on the part of the government, alive - upon which the enjoyment of
whether committed by the legislature, all other rights is preconditioned -
executive or judiciary. (Cruz, Constitutional the right to security of person is a
Law, 2007) guarantee of the secure quality of
this life, viz:
In this jurisdiction, due process has "no
controlling and precise definition" but is "a "The life to which each person has a



right is not a life lived in fear that his free men. (Rubi vs. Provincial Board
person and property may be of Mindoro, G.R. No. L 14078, March
unreasonably violated by a powerful 7, 1919)
ruler. Rather, it is a life lived with the
assurance that the government he c. Right to Property - Includes all
established and consented to, will kinds of property found in the Civil
protect the security of his person Code.
and property. The ideal of security in
life and property... pervades the A profession, trade or calling is a
whole history of man. It touches property right within the meaning of
every aspect of man's existence." our constitutional guarantees. One
cannot be deprived of the right to
In a broad sense, the right to work and the right to make a living
security of person "emanates in a because these rights are property
person's legal and uninterrupted rights, the arbitrary and
enjoyment of his life, his limbs, his unwarranted deprivation of which
body, his health, and his reputation. normally constitutes an actionable
It includes the right to exist, and the wrong. (Executive Secretary vs. CA
right to enjoyment of life while and ARCO-PHIL, G.R. No. 131719,
existing, and it is invaded not only by May 25, 2004
a deprivation of life but also of those
things which are necessary to the 🕮 Indeed, no right is absolute, and the
enjoyment of life according to the proper regulation of a profession,
nature, temperament, and lawful calling, business or trade has always
desires of the individual." (Secretary been upheld as a legitimate subject
of National Defense vs. Manalo, G.R. of a valid exercise of the police
No. 180906, October 7, 2008) power of the State particularly when
their conduct affects the execution
b. Right to Liberty - The right to of legitimate governmental
liberty guaranteed by the functions, the preservation of the
Constitution includes the right to State, public health and welfare and
exist and the right to be free from public morals. (Remman Enterprises,
arbitrary personal restraint or Inc. vs. Professional Regulatory
servitude. The term cannot be Board Of Real Estate Service, G.R.
dwarfed into mere freedom from No. 197676, February 4, 2014)
physical restraint of the person of
the citizen, but is deemed to 🕮 Property and property rights can be
embrace the right of man to enjoy lost thru prescription; but human
the faculties with which he has been rights are imprescriptible. (Philippine
endowed by his Creator, subject only Blooming Mills Employment
to such restraints as are necessary Organization vs. Philippine Blooming
for the common welfare. Mills Co., Inc., G.R. No. L-31195,
June 5, 1973)
In general, it may be said that liberty
means the opportunity to do those
things which are ordinarily done by




(1) Presence of compelling,
Due process of law has two aspects: rather than substantial,
substantive and procedural. governmental interest.
(2) The absence of less
In order that a particular act may not be restrictive means for
impugned as violative of the due process achieving that interest.
clause, there must be compliance with both (White Light Corporation vs.
the substantive and the procedural City of Manila, G.R. No.
requirements thereof. (Alliance for the 122846, January 20, 2009)
Family Foundation, Philippines, Inc. vs.
Garin, G.R. No. 217872, 26 April 2017) 2. Rational Basis Test - for economic
Courts often apply rational basis test
Substantive due process asks whether the mainly in analysis of equal protection
government has an adequate reason for challenges. Using the rational basis
taking away a person’s life, liberty, or examination, laws or ordinances are
property. In other words, substantive due upheld if they rationally further a
process looks to whether there is sufficient legitimate governmental interest.
justification for the government’s action.
(Legaspi vs. City of Cebu, G.R. No. 159110, A reasonable relation must exist
December 10, 2013) between the purposes of the
measure and the means
Substantive due process completes the employed for its
protection envisioned by the due process accomplishment, for even under
clause. It inquires whether the government the guise of protecting the public
has sufficient justification for depriving a interest, personal rights and those
person of life, liberty, or property. (White pertaining to private property will
Light Corporation vs. City of Manila, G.R. No. not be permitted to be arbitrarily
122846, January 20, 2009) invaded.

Tests of the validity of a law, statute or Requisites:

ordinance on substantive due process (1) Lawful Subject - A
grounds (Standards of Review): legitimate governmental
1. Strict Scrutiny Test - for laws (2) Lawful Means - The means
dealing with freedom of the mind or employed are reasonably
restricting the political process. necessary for the
accomplishment of the
Strict scrutiny is used today to test purpose and not unduly
the validity of laws dealing with the oppressive on individuals.
regulation of speech, gender, or race (White Light Corporation vs.
as well as other fundamental rights City of Manila, G.R. No.
as expansion from its earlier 122846, January 20, 2009)
applications to equal protection.



3. Intermediate Scrutiny Test- A to be present before the tribunal which

third standard, denominated as pronounces judgment upon the
heightened or immediate scrutiny, question of life, liberty, and property in
was later adopted by the U.S. its most comprehensive sense; to be heard,
Supreme Court for evaluating by testimony or otherwise, and to have
classifications based on gender the right of controverting, by proof, every
and legitimacy. Immediate material fact which bears on the question of
scrutiny was adopted by the U.S. the right in the matter involved.” (Medenilla
Supreme Court in Craig, after the vs. Civil Service Commission, G.R. No. 93868,
Court declined to do so in Reed v. February 19, 1991)
Reed. While the test may have first
been articulated in equal protection 1. Void-for-Vagueness Rule
analysis, it has in the United States
since been applied in all substantive A statute which either forbids or requires the
due process cases as well. (White doing of an act in terms so vague that men
Light Corporation vs. City of Manila, of common intelligence must
G.R. No. 122846, January 20, 2009) necessarily guess at its meaning and
differ as to its application, violates the
The intermediate scrutiny test first essential of due process of law."
applies when a classification does (Estrada vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No.
not involve suspect classes or 148560, November 19, 2001)
fundamental rights, but requires
heightened scrutiny, such as in A vague statute is repugnant to the
classifications based on gender constitution in two (2) respects:
and legitimacy. (1) It violates due process for failure to
accord persons, especially the
Requisites: parties targeted by it, fair notice of
(1) Important government what conduct to avoid.
interest; (2) It leaves law enforces unbridled
(2) Availability of less restrictive discretion in carrying out its
means (Samahan Ng Mga provisions and becomes an arbitrary
Progresibong Kabataan flexing of the Government muscle.
(SPARK) vs. Quezon City, (Romualdez vs. Sandiganbayan,
G.R. No. 225442, August 8, G.R. No. 152259, July 29, 2004)
The due process clause, which guarantees
PROCEDURAL DUE PROCESS that no person shall be deprived of life,
Procedural due process consists of the two liberty or property without due process of
basic rights of notice and hearing, as well as law, requires that citizens are given
the guarantee of being heard by an impartial sufficient notice or warning of what is lawful
and competent tribunal. (Secretary of Justice and unlawful conduct under a penal statute.
vs. Lantion, G.R. No. 139465, January 18, To enforce this guarantee, courts have
2000, citing Cruz, Constitutional Law, 1993 developed the void for vagueness doctrine.
Ed., pp. 102-106)
The void for vagueness doctrine
It is the right of the person affected thereby expresses the rule that for an act to



constitute a crime, the law must verbal arguments in court; one may be
expressly and clearly declare such act heard also through pleadings. Where
a crime. A related doctrine is that penal opportunity to be heard, either through oral
statutes are construed strictly against the arguments or pleadings, is accorded, there is
state and liberally in favor of the accused. no denial of procedural due process.
(Dissenting Opinion of Carpio, J. in Spouses (Casimiro vs. Tandog, G.R. No. 146137, June
Romualdez vs. Commission on Election and 08, 2005)
Garay, G.R. NO. 16701, April 30, 2008)
Defects in procedural due process may be
2. Judicial and Administrative Due cured when the party has been afforded the
Process opportunity to appeal or to seek
reconsideration of the action or ruling
The requirements of procedural due process complained of. (Nestle Philippines, Inc. vs.
depend on the nature of the action involved. Puedan, G.R. No. 220617, January 30, 2017)
(Flores-Concepcion vs. Judge Castaneda,
A.M. No. RTJ-15-2438, September 2, 2020) Seven cardinal primary rights be
present for the requirements of due
a. JUDICIAL DUE PROCESS process to be satisfied in administrative
For judicial proceedings, the following trials and investigations:
conditions must be present: (1) The right to a hearing, which includes
(1) There must be a court or tribunal the right to present one’s case and
clothed with judicial power to hear submit evidence in support thereof;
and determine the matter before it; (2) The tribunal must consider the
(2) Jurisdiction must be lawfully acquired evidence presented;
over the person of the defendant or (3) The decision must have something to
over the property which is the subject support itself;
of the proceeding; (4) The evidence must be substantial;
(3) The defendant must be given an (5) The decision must be rendered on
opportunity to be heard; and the evidence presented at the
(4) Judgment must be rendered upon hearing, or at least contained in the
lawful hearing. (Lorenzana vs. record and disclosed to the parties;
Cayetano, G.R. No. L-37051 August (6) The tribunal or any of its judges must
3l, 1977) act on his own independent
consideration of the facts and the law
b. ADMINISTRATIVE DUE of the controversy and not simply
PROCESS accept the views of a subordinate in
arriving at a decision;
In administrative proceedings, procedural (7) The board or body should, in all
due process simply means the opportunity to controversial questions, render its
explain one's side or the opportunity to seek decision in such a manner that all the
a reconsideration of the action or ruling parties to the proceeding will know
complained of. (Flores-Concepcion vs. Judge the various issues involved, and the
Castaneda, A.M. No. RTJ-15-2438, reasons for the decision. (Ang Tibay
September 2, 2020) vs. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, G.R. No. 46496, February
"To be heard" does not mean only 27, 1940)



Nonetheless, this Court clarified in Gas Disciplinary Tribunal, G.R. No.

Corporation of the Philippines v. Inciong that 227911, March 14, 2022)
the failure to strictly apply the
regulations required by Ang Tibay will Due Process in labor cases
not necessarily result in the denial of
due process, as long as the elements of Two-fold due process
fairness are not ignored. (Flores- Substantive due process means that the
Concepcion vs. Judge Castaneda, A.M. No. dismissal must be for any of the:
RTJ-15-2438, September 02, 2020) (1) just causes provided under Article
GENERAL RULE: Notice and hearing, as the 297 of the Labor Code or the
fundamental requirements of procedural due company rules and regulations
process, are essential only when an promulgated by the employer; or
administrative body exercises its quasi- (2) authorized causes under Article 298
judicial function. and 299 thereof.
Procedural due process requires the
EXCEPTION: In the performance of its employer to furnish the worker sought to be
executive or legislative functions, such as dismissed with two written notices before
issuing rules and regulations, an termination of employment can be legally
administrative body need not comply with effected:
the requirements of notice and hearing. (1) notice which apprises the employee
(Corona vs. United Harbor Pilots Association of the particular acts or omissions for
of the Philippines, G.R. No. 111953, which his dismissal is sought; and
December 12, 1997) (2) the subsequent notice which informs
the employee of the employer's
Due process in disciplinary cases decision to dismiss him.
involving students This “procedural due process” requirement is
not constitutional but merely statutory,
There are withal minimum standards which hence, a violation of such requirement does
must be met to satisfy the demands of not render the dismissal void. the employer
procedural due process; and these are, that: must be sanctioned for non-compliance with
(1) The students must be informed in the requirements of, or for failure to observe,
writing of the nature and cause of due process (Serrano v. NLRC, G.R. No.
accusation against them; 117040, January 27, 2000)
(2) They shall have the right to answer
the charges against them, with the Mass Media And Due Process
assistance of counsel, if desired;
(3) They shall be informed of the Due process requires that the accused
evidence against them; receive a trial by an impartial jury free from
(4) They shall have the right to adduce outside influences. Given the pervasiveness
evidence in their own behalf; and of modern communications and the difficulty
(5) The evidence must be duly of effacing prejudicial publicity from the
considered by the investigating minds of the jurors, the trial courts must take
committee or official designated by strong measures to ensure that the balance
the school authorities to hear and is never weighed against the accused. And
decide the case. (Ante vs. University appellate tribunals have the duty to make an
of The Philippines Student independent evaluation of the circumstances.



(Sheppard vs. Maxwell 384 U.S. 333, June 6, the problem sought to be corrected
1966) continues to exist.
d. It must apply equally to all
🕮 We recognize that pervasive and members of the class: The
prejudicial publicity under certain classification would be regarded as
circumstances can deprive an invalid if all the members of the
accused of his due process right to class are not treated similarly, both
fair trial. Thus, we held that to as to rights conferred and
warrant the finding of prejudicial obligations imposed. (Garcia vs.
publicity, there must be allegation Drilon, G.R. No. 179267, June 25,
and proof that the judges have 2013)
been unduly influenced, not
simply that they might be, by the STANDARDS OF JUDICIAL REVIEW
barrage of publicity. (Hubert Webb
vs. Hon. De Leon, G.R. No. 121234, a. Rational Basis Test – the
August 23, 1995) challenged classification needs only
be shown to be rationally related to
B. EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE (1987 serving a legitimate state interest.
CONST., art. III, sec. 1)
b. Strict Scrutiny Test – requires the
All persons or things similarly situated should government to show that the
be treated alike, both as to rights conferred challenged classification serves a
and responsibilities imposed. (Ichong vs. compelling state interest and that
Hernandez, G.R. No. L-7995, May 31, 1957) the classification is necessary to
serve that interest.
Substantive equality is not enough. It is also
required that the law be enforced and applied Thus the test is applied when the
equally. Equal protection clause does not challenged statute either:
require universal application of the law. (a) classifies on the basis of an
What the Constitution requires is inherently suspect
equality among equals. (Villanueva vs. characteristic, or
JBC, G.R. No. 211833, April 07, 2015) (b) infringes on fundamental
constitutional rights.
CLASSIFICATION In these situations, the usual
a. It must be based upon presumption of constitutionality is
substantial distinctions: There reversed, and it falls upon the
must be real and substantial government to demonstrate that its
differences between the classes classification has been narrowly
treated differently. tailored to further compelling
b. It must be germane to the governmental interests; otherwise,
purpose of the law. the law shall be declared
c. It must not be limited to unconstitutional for violating the
existing conditions only: The equal protection clause.
classification must be enforced not c. Intermediate Scrutiny Test – the
only for the present, but as long as government must show that the



challenged classification serves an invocable only by those whose rights have

important state interest and that the been infringed or threatened to be infringed.
classification is at least substantially (Valmonte vs. De Villa, G.R. No. 83988,
related to serving that interest. The September 29, 1989)
standard is satisfied if the
classification or distinction is based The legality of a seizure can be contested
on a reasonable foundation or only by the party whose rights have been
rational basis and is not palpably impaired thereby. The objection to an
arbitrary. (Garcia vs. Drilon, G.R. unlawful search is purely personal and cannot
No. 179267, June 25, 2013) be availed of by third parties. (Stonehill vs.
Diokno, G.R. No. L-19550, June 19, 1967)
REQUISITES; EXCLUSIONARY RULE Tests of Unreasonableness of Searches
(1987 CONST., art. III, sec. 2) and Seizures

ARREST, SEARCH AND SEIZURE It is purely a judicial question, determinable

from a consideration of the circumstances
The right of the people to be secure in their involved. Petitioner’s general allegation that
persons, houses, papers, and effects against he had been stopped and searched without a
unreasonable searches and seizures of search warrant by the military manning the
whatever nature and for any purpose shall be checkpoints, without more, i.e., without
inviolable, and no search warrant or warrant stating the details of the incidents which
of arrest shall issue except upon probable amount to a violation of his right against
cause to be determined personally by the unlawful search and seizure, is not sufficient
judge after examination under oath or to enable the Court to determine whether
affirmation of the complainant and the there was a violation of his right against
witnesses he may produce, and particularly unlawful search and seizure. A reasonable
describing the place to be searched and the search is not to be determined by any fixed
persons or things to be seized. (Sec. 2, Art. formula but is to be resolved according to the
II, 1987 Constitution) facts of each case. Where, for example, the
officer merely draws aside the curtain of a
Concept and Purpose vacant vehicle which is parked on the public
The provision is not only a circumscription of fair grounds, or simply looks into a vehicle, or
the power of the state over a person’s home flashes a light therein, these do not constitute
and possessions, it protects the privacy and unreasonable search. (Valmonte vs. De Villa,
sanctity of the personal himself. . to be G.R. No. 83988, September 29, 1989)
secure in their “persons against unreasonable
searches and seizures . . . a guarantee The Constitution provides that no warrant
against unlawful arrests and other forms of shall issue except upon probable cause, to be
restraint on the physical liberty of a person. determined by the judge, and that the
(Bernas, The 1987 Constitution of the warrant shall particularly describe the things
Philippines: A Commentary, pp. 167-168, to be seized. (Stonehill vs. Diokno, No. L-
2009). 19550, June 19, 1967)

The constitutional right against unreasonable

searches and seizures is a personal right




1. Existence of Probable Cause facts and circumstances which would lead a
2. Probable cause must be personally reasonably discreet and prudent man to
determined by the Judge believe that an offense has been committed
3. After personal examination under by the person sought to be arrested. (Viudez
oath or affirmation of the II vs. CA, G.R. No. 152889, June 05, 2009)
complainant and the witnesses he
4. Based on their personal knowledge of means such facts and circumstances which
the facts they are testifying to would lead a reasonably discreet and prudent
5. There must be particular description man to believe that an offense has been
of the places to be searched and the committed and that the objects sought in
persons or things to be seized connection with the offense are in the place
6. The warrant must refer to one sought to be searched. (Webb vs. De Leon,
specific offense (People vs. Castillo, G.R. No. 121234, August 23, 1995)
Sr., G.R. No. 204419, November 07,
2016) It presupposes the introduction of competent
proof that the party against whom it is sought
a. Determination of Probable Cause has performed particular acts, committed
The determination of probable cause needs specific omissions, violating a given provision
only to rest on evidence showing that more of our criminal laws. (Stonehill vs. Diokno,
likely than not, a crime has been committed No. L-19550, June 19, 1967)
and there is enough reason to believe that it
was committed by the accused. It need not b. Personal Determination by the
be based on clear and convincing evidence of Judge
guilt, neither on evidence establishing What the Constitution underscores is the
absolute certainty of guilt. What is merely exclusive and personal responsibility of the
required is “probability of guilt.” Its issuing judge to satisfy himself of the
determination, too, does not call for the existence of probable cause. But the judge is
application of rules or standards of proof that not required to personally examine the
a judgment of conviction requires after trial complainant and his witnesses. Following
on the merits. Thus, in concluding that there established doctrine and procedure, he shall:
is probable cause, it suffices that it is believed (1) personally evaluate the report and
that the act or omission complained of the supporting documents submitted
constitutes the very offense charged. [sic] by the prosecutor regarding the
existence of probable cause, and on
It is also important to stress that the the basis thereof, he may already
determination of probable cause does not make a personal determination of the
depend on the validity or merits of a party’s existence of probable cause; and
accusation or defense or on the admissibility (2) if he is not satisfied that probable
or veracity of testimonies presented. cause exists, he may disregard the
(Relampagos vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. prosecutor's report and require the
235480, January 27, 2021) submission of supporting affidavits of
witnesses to aid him in arriving at a
conclusion as to the existence of



probable cause. (Leviste vs. These provisions are mandatory and must be
Alameda, G.R. No. 182677, August 3, strictly complied with, subject to the
2010) exception that where, by the nature of the
goods to be seized', their description must be
c. Personal Examination Under Oath of rather general, it is not required that a
Affirmation of Complainant and technical description be given, as this would
Witnesses mean that no warrant could issue. (Id.)
In its broadest sense, an oath includes any
form of attestation by which a party signifies The evident purpose and intent of this
that he is bound in conscience to perform an requirement is to limit the things to be seized
act faithfully and truthfully; and it is to those, and only those, particularly
sometimes defined as an outward pledge described in the search warrant – to leave the
given by the person taking it that his officers of the law with no discretion
attestation or promise is made under an regarding what articles they shall seize, to
immediate sense of his responsibility to God the end that unreasonable searches may not
(Alvarez vs. Court of First Instance of be made, - that abuses may not be
Tayabas, No. 45358, January 29, 1937) committed. (Bernas, The 1987 Constitution:
A Commentary, p. 182, 2009)
The true test of sufficiency of an affidavit to
warrant issuance of a search warrant is f. One-specific-offense rule
whether it has been drawn in such a manner A search warrant shall not issue except upon
that perjury could be charged thereon and probable cause in connection with one
affiant be held liable for damages caused. specific offense to be determined personally
(Id.) by the judge after examination under oath or
affirmation of the complainant and the
d. Based on Personal Knowledge of witness he may produce, and particularly
Facts describing the place to be searched and the
The oath required must refer to the truth of things to be seized which may be anywhere
the facts within the personal knowledge of in the Philippines. (Sec. 4, Rule 126, Rules of
the petitioner or his witnesses, because the Court)
purpose thereof is to convince the
committing magistrate, not the individual One of the constitutional requirements for
making the affidavit and seeking the issuance the validity of a search warrant is that it must
of the warrant, of the existence of probable be issued based on probable cause which,
cause. (Id.) under the Rules, must be in connection with
one specific offense to prevent the
e. Description of Places or Persons or issuance of a scatter-shot warrant. The
Things only way to determine whether a warrant
The affidavit to be presented, which shall should issue in connection with one specific
serve as the basis for determining whether offense is to juxtapose the facts and
probable cause exists and whether the circumstances presented by the applicant
warrant should be issued, must contain a with the elements of the offense that are
particular description of the place to be alleged to support the search warrant.
searched and the person or thing to be (People of the Philippines vs. Pastrana, G.R.
seized. No. 196045, February 21, 2018)



2. WARRANTLESS SEARCHES The purpose of the exception is two-

In Webb, probable cause in warrantless (1) to protect the arresting office against
searches must be based on facts and physical harm from the person being
circumstances which would give rise to a arrested who might be armed with a
reasonable belief that an offense has been weapon; and
committed and that the objects sought in (2) to prevent the person arrested from
connection with the offense are in the place destroying evidence within his reach.
sought to be searched. (Id) (Bernas, The 1987 Constitution: A
Commentary, p. 192, 2009)
A search under the strength of a warrant is
required to be witnessed by the lawful The lawful arrest being the sole justification
occupant of the premises sought to be for the validity of the warrantless search
searched. It must be stressed that it is only under the exception, the same must be
upon their absence that their presence may limited to and circumscribed by the subject,
be replaced by two (2) persons of sufficient time and place of the arrest. As to subject,
age and discretion residing in the same the warrantless search is sanctioned only
locality. x x x a departure from the said with respect to the person of the suspect, and
mandatory rule — by preventing the lawful things that may be seized from him are
occupant or a member of his family from limited to "dangerous weapons" or
actually witnessing the search and choosing ''anything which may be used as proof
two (2) other witnesses observe the search of the commission of the offense."
— violates the spirit and letter of the law, and
thus, taints the search with the vice of With respect to the time and place of the
unreasonableness, rendering the seized warrantless search, it must be
articles inadmissible due to the application of contemporaneous with the lawful arrest.
the exclusionary rule. (Tabingo vs. People of Stated otherwise, to be valid, the search
the Philippines, G.R. No. 241610, February 1, must have been conducted at about the time
2021) of the arrest or immediately thereafter and
only at the place where the suspect was
3. EXCEPTIONS TO THE REQUIREMENT arrested, or the premises or
OF WARRANT OR VALID surroundings under his immediate
WARRANTLESS SEARCHES control. (People of the Philippines vs. Che
Chun Ting, G.R. Nos. 130568-69, March 21,
a. Search incidental to a lawful arrest 2000)
An officer making an arrest may take from
the person arrested any money or property b. Plain View Doctrine
found upon his person which was used in the The subject of seizure must be within the
commission of the crime or was the fruit of view of an officer (People of the Philippines
the crime or which might furnish the prisoner vs. Tabar, G.R. No. 101124, May 17, 1993)
with the means of committing violence or and the discovery of which must be
escaping, or which may be used in evidence “inadvertent. (People of the Philippines vs.
in the trial of of case. (Manebali vs. People, Musa, G.R. No. 96177, 1993)
G.R. No. 233777, March 20, 2019)



Requisites: In this particular type of search, the

1. Prior valid intrusion based on valid vehicle is the target and not a specific
warrantless arrest in which the police person.
are legally present in the pursuit of
their official duties; As explained in Comprado, "to extend to such
2. Evidence was inadvertently breadth the scope of searches on moving
discovered by the police who had the vehicles would open the floodgates to
right to be where they are; unbridled warrantless searches which can be
3. Evidence must be immediately conducted by the mere expedient of waiting
apparent; for the target person to ride a motor vehicle,
4. “Plain view” justified mere seizure of setting up a checkpoint along the route of
evidence without further search that vehicle, and then stopping such vehicle
(People vs. Aruta, G.R. No. 120915, when it arrives at the checkpoint in order to
April 3, 1998) search the target person." (Id.)

🕮 When in pursuing an illegal action or CHECKPOINTS - A variant of searching

in the commission of a criminal moving vehicles without a warrant may entail
offense, the . . . police officers should the setup of military or police checkpoints
happen to discover a criminal offense which, based on jurisprudence, are not
being committed by any person, they illegal per se for as long as its necessity
are not precluded from performing is justified by the exigencies of public
their duties as police officers for the order and conducted in a way least
apprehension of the guilty person intrusive to motorists. (People vs.
and the taking of the, corpus delicti. Espiridion, G.R. No. 239480, September 28,
Objects whose possession are 2022)
prohibited by law inadvertently found
in plain view are subject to seizure Case law further states that routine
even without a warrant. (Padilla vs. inspections in checkpoints are not regarded
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 121917 as violative of an individual's right against
March 12, 1997) unreasonable searches, and thus,
permissible, if limited to the following:
c. Search of a moving vehicle (a) where the officer merely draws aside
The guaranty of freedom from unreasonable the curtain of a vacant vehicle which
searches and seizures is construed as is parked on the public fair grounds;
recognizing a necessary difference between (b) simply looks into a vehicle;
a search of a dwelling house or other (c) flashes a light therein without
structure in respect of which a search opening the car's doors;
warrant may readily be obtained and a search (d) where the occupants are not
of a ship, motorboat, wagon, or automobile subjected to a physical or body
for contraband goods, where it is not search;
practicable to secure a warrant, because the (e) where the inspection of the Vehicles
vehicle can be quickly moved out of the is limited to a visual search or visual
locality or jurisdiction in which the warrant inspection; and
must be sought. (Papa vs. Mago, No. L- (f) where the routine check is conducted
27360, February 28, 1968) in a fixed area.



It is well to clarify, however, that routine (2) whether he was in a public or

inspections do not give police officers carte secluded location;
blanche discretion to conduct warrantless (3) whether he objected to the search or
searches in the absence of probable cause. passively looked on;
When a vehicle is stopped and subjected to (4) the education and intelligence of the
an extensive search—as opposed to a mere defendant;
routine inspection—such a warrantless (5) the presence of coercive police
search has been held to be valid only as long procedures;
as the officers conducting the search have (6) the defendant's belief that no
reasonable or probable cause to believe incriminating evidence will be found;
before the search that they will find the (7) the nature of the police questioning;
instrumentality or evidence pertaining to a (8) the environment in which the
crime, in the vehicle to be searched. (People questioning took place; and
of the Philippines vs. Manago, G.R. No. (9) the possibly vulnerable subjective
212340. August 17, 2016) state of the person consenting.
(People vs. Garcia, G.R. No. 170233
d. Consented warrantless search February 22, 2007)
Consent or waiver to warrantless search may
be made either expressly or impliedly (People It is the State which has the burden of
vs. Kagui, G.R. No. L-44335, July 30, 1936) proving, by clear and positive testimony, that
and can be shown by failure to make any the necessary consent was obtained and that
objection or even mutter a bit of protest. (De it was freely and voluntarily given. (Ong vs.
Garcia vs. Locsin, G.R. No. L-45950, June 20, People, G.R. No. 197788 February
1938) 29, 2012)

The consent must be voluntary in order to Requisites of a valid waiver

validate an otherwise illegal detention and In case of consented searches or waiver of
search, i.e., the consent is unequivocal, the constitutional guarantee against
specific, and intelligently given, obtrusive searches, it is fundamental that to
uncontaminated by any duress or constitute a waiver, it must first appear that:
coercion. (1) the right exists;
(2) that the person involved had
Hence, consent to a search is not to be lightly knowledge, either actual or
inferred, but must be shown by clear and constructive, of the existence of such
convincing evidence. The question whether a right; and
consent to a search was in fact voluntary is a (3) the said person had an actual
question of fact to be determined from the intention to relinquish the right.
totality of all the circumstances. (Valdez vs.
People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 170180, The implied acquiescence to the search, if
November 23, 2007) there was any, could not have been more
than mere passive conformity given under
Characteristics of the person giving consent intimidating or coercive circumstances and is
and the environment in which consent is thus considered no consent at all within the
given which must be considered by the purview of the constitutional guarantee.
courts: (People of the Philippines vs. Cogaed, G.R.
(1) the age of the defendant; No. 200334, July 30, 2014)



e. Enforcement of Customs, 73, February 7, 1997)

Immigration and Fishing laws
Customs or border officers may search f. Stop and Frisk
incoming persons and goods to look for either This rule was taken from the US Supreme
goods concealed to avoid duties or other Court decision of Terry vs. Ohio and
illegal materials. (Papa vs. Mago, G.R. No. L- adopted in Posadas vs. CA.
27360, February 28, 1968)
"A police officer may in appropriate
Search and seizure without search warrant of circumstances and in an appropriate manner
vessels and aircrafts for violations of customs approach a person for the purpose of
laws have been the traditional exception to investigating possible criminal behavior even
the constitutional requirement of a search though there is no probable cause to make
warrant. It is rooted on the recognition that an arrest." In such a situation, it is
a vessel and an aircraft, like motor vehicles, reasonable for an officer rather than simply
can be quickly moved out of the locality or to shrug his shoulder and allow a crime to
jurisdiction in which the search warrant must occur, to stop a suspicious individual briefly
be sought and secured. Yielding to this in order to determine his identity or maintain
reality, judicial authorities have not required the status quo while obtaining more
a search warrant of vessels and aircrafts information.” (Posadas vs. CA, G.R. No.
before their search and seizure can be 89139, August 2, 1990)
constitutionally effected.
The ”Stop-and-Frisk” Rule serves a
The same exception ought to apply to two-fold interest:
seizures of fishing vessels and boats (1) the general interest of effective crime
breaching our fishery laws. These vessels are prevention and detection; and
normally powered by high-speed motors that (2) the more pressing interest of safety
enable them to elude arresting ships of the and self-preservation which permit
Philippine Navy, the Coast Guard and other the police officer to take steps to
government authorities enforcing our fishery assure himself that the person with
laws. (Hizon vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. whom he deals is not armed with a
119619, December 13, 1996) deadly weapon that could
unexpectedly and fatally be used
While no search warrant had been obtained against the police officer. (Bernas,
for that purpose, when appellant checked in The 1987 Constitution: A
his bag as his personal luggage as a Commentary, p. 202, 2009)
passenger of KLM Flight No. 806 he thereby
agreed to the inspection thereof in While probable cause is not required to
accordance with customs rules and conduct a "stop and frisk," it nevertheless
regulations, an international practice of strict holds that mere suspicion or a hunch will
observance, and waived any objection to a not validate a "stop and frisk.” A genuine
warrantless search. His subsequent arrest, reason must exist, in light of the police
although likewise without a warrant, was officer's experience and surrounding
justified since it was effected upon the conditions, to warrant the belief that the
discovery and recovery of the heroin in his person detained has weapons concealed
bag, or in flagrante delicto. (People of the about him. (Telen vs. People of the
Philippines vs. Gatward, G.R. Nos. 119772- Philippines, G.R. No. 228107, October 09,



2019) a. In flagrante delicto

A stop and frisk search is allowed only The validity of this warrantless arrest requires
under specific and limited compliance with the overt act test and “two
circumstances: elements must concur:
(1) it should be allowed only on the basis (1) the person to be arrested must
of the police officer's reasonable execute an overt act indicating that
suspicion, in light of his or her he [or she] has just committed, is
experience, that criminal activity actually committing, or is attempting
may be afoot and that the persons to commit a crime; and
with whom he/she is dealing may be (2) such overt act is done in the presence
armed and presently dangerous; or within the view of the arresting
(2) the search must only be a carefully officer.” (Veridiano vs. People, G.R.
limited search of the outer clothing; No. 200370, June 7, 2017)
(3) it must be conducted for the purpose In another case, in holding that the
of discovering weapons which might warrantless search was invalid, this Court
be used to assault him/her or other observed that Racho was not “committing a
persons in the area. (Clemente vs. crime in the presence of the police officers”
People of the Philippines, G.R. No. at the time he was apprehended. Moreover,
243159, February 13, 2023) Racho’s arrest was solely based on a tip.
Although there are cases stating that reliable
g. Emergency Circumstances information is sufficient to justify a
The acts of the NARCOM officers in requiring warrantless search incidental to a lawful
the accused to open his pouch bag and in arrest, they were covered under the other
opening one of the wrapped objects found exceptions to the rule on warrantless
inside said bag (which was discovered to searches. (Id.)
contain hashish) as well as the two teddy
bears with hashish stuffed inside them, were 🕮 When a police officer sees the
prompted by accused's own attempt to hide offense, although at a distance, or
his identity by refusing to present his hears the disturbances created
passport, and by the information received by thereby, and proceeds at once to the
the NARCOM that a Caucasian coming from scene thereof, he may effect an
Sagada had prohibited drugs in his arrest without a warrant. The offense
possession. To deprive the NARCOM agents is deemed committed in the presence
of the ability and facility to act accordingly, of or within the view of the officer.
including, to search even without warrant, in (People of the Philippines vs. Sucro,
the light of such circumstances, would be to G.R. No. 93239, March 18,1991)
sanction impotence and ineffectiveness in
law enforcement, to the detriment of society. BUY-BUST OPERATION – a form of
(People vs. De Gracia, G.R. No. 102009-10, entrapment where an officer poses as a
July 6, 1994) buyer. He, however, neither instigates nor
induces the accused to commit a crime.
4. WARRANTLESS ARRESTS AND (People vs. Bohol, G.R. No. 171729, July 28,
DETENTIONS (Rule 113, Sec. 5, Revised 2008)
Rules on Criminal Procedure)



🕮 Any objection involving a warrant of has committed it. (Sec. 5[b], Rule 113,
arrest or procedure in the acquisition Revised Rules of Court)
by the court of jurisdiction over the
person of the accused: must be made It connotes “immediacy in point of time.”
before he enters his plea, otherwise That a crime was in fact committed does not
the objection is deemed waived. automatically bring the case under this rule.
(Mahipus vs. People of the An arrest under this rule entails a time
Philippines, G.R. No. 210731, element from the moment the crime is
February 13, 2019) committed up to the point of arrest. Law
enforcers need not personally witness the
🕮 An accused is estopped from commission of a crime. However, they must
assailing the illegality of his arrest if have personal knowledge of facts and
he fails to move for the quashing of circumstances indicating that the person
the Information against him before sought to be arrested committed it. (Sapi vs.
his arraignment. (People of the People, G.R. No. 200370, June 7, 2017)
Philippines vs. Torres, G.R. No.
241012, August 28, 2019) c. Escaped Prisoner

Tests on Entrapment Case (People vs. Section 5(c), Rule 113 of the Revised Rules
Cortez, G.R. No. 183819, July 23, 2009) on Criminal Procedure provides, “when the
person to be arrested is a prisoner who has
i. Objective test - the primary focus is escaped from a penal establishment or place
on the particular conduct of law where he is serving final judgment or is
enforcement officials or their agents temporarily confined while his case is
and the accused’s predisposition pending, or has escaped while being
become irrelevant. Whether or not transferred from one confinement to
the conduct of the police officer was another.”
likely to induce a normally law-
abiding person, other than the one Exceptions: (Continuing crimes)
who is ready and willing, to commit 1. Rebellion;
the offense. 2. Subversion;
3. Conspiracy or proposal to commit
ii. Subjective test (Predisposition such crimes; and
Test) - The focus is on the intent or 4. Crimes or offenses committed in
predisposition of the accused to furtherance thereof or in connection
commit a crime. It emphasizes the therewith.
accused’s propensity to commit the
offense rather than the officer’s 🕮 Rebellion is a continuing offense.
misconduct. Accordingly, a rebel may be arrested
at any time, with or without a
b. Hot Pursuit warrant, as he is deemed to be in the
act of committing the offense at any
When an offense has just been committed time of the day or night. (Umil vs.
and he has probable cause to believe, based Ramos, G.R. No. 81567 October 3,
on his personal knowledge of facts or 1991)
circumstances, that the person to be arrested



d. Abscond Rule Chain of Custody for Evidence

The chain of custody means the duly
An accused released on bail may be re- recorded authorized movements and custody
arrested without the necessity of a warrant if of seized drugs or controlled chemicals from
he attempts to depart from the Philippines the time of seizure, to receipt in the forensic
without permission of the court where the laboratory, to safekeeping, to presentation in
case is pending. (Sec. 23[2], Rule 114, Rules court.
of Court)
An unbroken chain of custody is necessary in
EXCLUSIONARY RULE – THE FRUIT OF order to establish before the court that the
THE POISONOUS TREE; Effects prohibited drug confiscated or recovered
The "fruit of the poisonous tree" principle, from the suspect is the very same substance
which states that once the primary source offered in court as exhibit; and that the
(the "tree") is shown to have been unlawfully identity of said drug is established with the
obtained, any secondary or derivative same unwavering exactitude as that required
evidence (the "fruit") derived from it is also to make a finding of guilt. (Tañamor vs.
inadmissible. (Ejercito vs. Sandiganbayan, People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 228132,
G.R. Nos. 157294-95, November 30, 2006) March 11, 2020)
Evidence obtained from unreasonable
searches and seizures shall be inadmissible in Section 21 of RA 9165 requires the
evidence for any purpose in any proceeding. apprehending officers to immediately
In other words, evidence obtained and conduct the marking, physical inventory and
confiscated on the occasion of such photograph of the seized drugs. Moreover,
unreasonable searches and seizures are the physical inventory and taking of
deemed tainted and should be excluded for photographs shall be conducted in the
being the proverbial fruit of a poisonous tree. presence of:
(People vs. Acosta, G.R. No. 238865, January (a) the accused or the persons from
28, 2019) whom such items were confiscated
and/or seized, or his/her
This rule prohibits the issuance of general representative or counsel;
warrants that encourage law enforcers to go (b) a representative from the media;
on fishing expeditions. (People of the (c) a representative from the
Philippines vs. Cogaed, G.R. No. 200334, Department of Justice (DOJ); and
July 30, 2014) (d) an elected public official, after seizure
and confiscation (Uy vs. People of the
🕮 It is also the burden of the Philippines, G.R. No. 217097,
prosecution to show that the February 23, 2022)
evidence derived from confession is
not tainted as “fruit of the poisonous D. PRIVACY OF COMMUNICATION AND
tree”. The burden has to be CORRESPONDENCE; EXCLUSIONARY
discharged by clear and convincing RULE (1987 CONST., art. III, sec. 3; R.A.
evidence. (People of the Philippines No. 4200); Informational, Decisional,
vs. Alicando, G.R. No. 117487, Locational Privacy
December 12, 1995)
(1) The privacy of communication and
correspondence shall be inviolable except



upon lawful order of the court, or when TESTS OF REASONABLE EXPECTATION

public safety or order requires otherwise as OF PRIVACY:
prescribed by law. a. Whether by his conduct, an
individual has exhibited an
(2) Any evidence obtained in violation of this expectation of privacy;
or the preceding section shall be b. Whether such expectation is one that
inadmissible for any purpose in any society recognizes as reasonable.
proceeding. (Sec. 3, Art. III, 1987 (Ople vs. Torres, G.R. No. 127685,
Constitution) July 23, 1998)

PRIVACY OF COMMUNICATIONS AND Government employees have no expectation

CORRESPONDENCE of privacy in anything they create, store,
send or receive on the office computers, and
Communication: The expression or CSC may monitor the use of the computer
exchange of information by speech, writing, resources. (Pollo vs. Constantino-David, G.R.
gestures, or conduct; it is the process of No. 181881, October 18, 2011)
bringing an idea to another’s perception
(Black’s Law Dictionary, 8th edition) VALIDITY OF A REGULATION ON
Correspondence: It is the interchange of OF DETAINEE: It is valid. As long as the
written communications. The letters written letters are not confidential communication
by a person and the answers written by the between the detainee and his lawyer, the
one to whom they are addressed. (Black’s detention officials may read them. But if the
Law Dictionary, 2nd edition) letters are marked confidential
communication between detainee and
GENERAL RULE: Privacy of lawyer, the officer must not read them but
communications and correspondences shall only inspect them in the presence of the
be inviolable. (Sec. 3, Art. III, 1987 detainees. By the very fact of their detention,
Constitution) they have diminished expectation of the
privacy rights (Alejano vs. Cabuay, G.R. No.
EXCEPTIONS: 160792, 468 SCRA 188, August 25, 2005)
(a) Lawful order of the court; or
(b) When public safety or order requires Three strands of the right to privacy
otherwise as may be provided by
law. (Sec. 3, Art. III, 1987 1. INFORMATIONAL PRIVACY
Informational privacy refers to one's right to
Forms of Correspondence and control "the processing—i.e., acquisition,
Communication Covered: disclosure and use—of personal information.
1. Letters It is further explained that it is to a certain
2. Messages extent requires "limitation on inspection,
3. Telephone Calls observation, and knowledge by others.".
4. Telegrams Thus, it has the following aspects:
5. Other analogous to the foregoing
(Bernas, Reviewer, p. 59, 2011) a. To keep inalienable information to
themselves - a person has the right



not to be exposed on the internet in which the petitioner considers as fruit of the
matters involving one's private life, poisonous tree, were not obtained through
such as acts having no relation to the efforts of the police officers or any agent
public interest or concern. of the State. Rather, by a private individual.
b. To prevent first disclosure - allowing
individuals to regulate the extent, Indeed, the rule governing the admissibility
time, and manner of disclosure, if at of an evidence under Article III of the
all, of their information. Constitution must affect only those pieces of
c. To prevent further dissemination in evidence obtained by the State through its
case the information has already agents. It is these individuals who can flex
been disclosed - a person does not government muscles and use government
lose protection since they have the resources for a possible abuse. However,
right to prevent their further where private individuals are involved, for
dissemination. which their relationship is governed by the
d. The right to be forgotten, or the right New Civil Code, the admissibility of an
to prevent the storage of data - also evidence cannot be determined by the
known as "forced omission" or the provisions of the Bill of Rights (Cabias vs.
process of making the information People, G.R. No. 247348, November 16,
difficult to find on the internet 2021)
(Cabias vs. People, G.R. No. 247348,
November 16, 2021). The right to privacy of communication
is not diminished by reason of marriage
2. DECISIONAL PRIVACY A person, by contracting marriage, does not
Decisional privacy is regarded as the most shed his/her integrity or his right to privacy
controversial among the three, refers to one's as an individual and the constitutional
right "to make certain kinds of fundamental protection is ever available to him or to her.
choices with respect to their personal and The law insures absolute freedom of
reproductive autonomy (Cabias vs. People, communication between the spouses by
G.R. No. 247348, November 16, 2021). making it privileged. Neither husband nor
wife may testify for or against the other
3. LOCATIONAL PRIVACY without the consent of the affected spouse
Locational privacy, also known as situational while the marriage subsists. Neither may be
privacy, pertains to privacy that is felt in a examined without the consent of the other as
physical space. It may be violated through an to any communication received in confidence
act of trespass or through an unlawful by one from the other during the marriage,
search. (Cabias vs. People, G.R. No. 247348, save for specified exceptions (Zulueta vs.
November 16, 2021). Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 107383, 20
February 1996).
Messages sent through Facebook
messenger are admissible in evidence ANTI-WIRE TAPPING LAW (Republic
as they are not violation of one's right Act No. 4200): Provides penalties for
to privacy specific violations of private communication.
It shall be unlawful for any person, not being
The photographs and conversations in the authorized by all the parties to any private
Facebook Messenger account were obtained communication or spoken word, to tap any
and used as evidence against petitioner, wire or cable, or by using any other device or



arrangement, to secretly overhear, intercept, the manner prohibited by this law;

or record such communication or spoken 3. To replay the same for any other
word by using a device commonly known as person or persons;
a dictaphone or dictagraph or detect a phone 4. To communicate the contents
or walkie-talkie or tape recorder, or however thereof, either verbally or in writing;
otherwise described. or
5. To furnish transcriptions thereof,
🕮 R.A. 4200 clearly and unequivocally whether complete or partial, to any
makes it illegal for any person, not other person (Sec. 1, Republic Act
authorized by all the parties to any No. 4200)
private communication, to secretly
record such communications by Exceptions under RA No. 4200
means of a tape recorder. The law A peace officer, who is authorized by a
does not make any distinction. written order of the Court, may execute any
(Ramirez vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. of the acts declared to be unlawful in cases
No. 93833, September 28, 1995) involving the crimes of:
1. Treason;
🕮 An extension telephone cannot be 2. Espionage;
placed in the same category as a 3. Provoking war and disloyalty in case
dictaphone, dictagraph or the other of war;
devices enumerated in Sec. 1 of RA 4. Piracy and mutiny in the high seas;
No. 4200 as the use thereof cannot 5. Rebellion (including conspiracy and
be considered as “tapping” the wire proposal and inciting to commit);
or cable of a telephone line. (Gaanan 6. Sedition (including conspiracy and
vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, inciting to commit);
G.R. No. L-68909, October 16, 1986) 7. Kidnapping; and
8. Violations of CA 616 or Acts Punishing
Prohibited Acts under RA No. 4200 Espionage and Other Offenses
1. To tap any wire or cable, or by using Against National Security (Sec. 3,
any other device or arrangement, to Republic Act No. 4200)
secretly overhear, intercept, or
record such communication or Effect of violation
spoken word by using a device Communication shall not be admissible in
commonly known as a dictaphone or evidence in any judicial, quasi-judicial,
dictagraph or walkie-talkie or tape legislative or administrative hearing or
recorder, or however otherwise investigation (Sec. 4, Republic Act No. 4200)
described by any person, not being
authorized by all parties to any PRIVATE AND PUBLIC
private communication or spoken COMMUNICATIONS
word; In Navarro vs. Court of Appeals (G.R. No.
2. To knowingly possess any tape 121087, August 26, 1999), the Court said
record, wire record, disc record, or that what the law prohibits under the Anti-
any other such record, or copies Wiretapping Law is the overhearing,
thereof, of any communication or intercepting, or recording of private
spoken word secured either before or communications. Thus, a tape recording of
after the effective date of this Act in an altercation or verbal exchange between a



policeman and a radio reporter at a police keep certain posts private, through the
station is admissible in evidence. In Ramirez employment of measures to prevent
vs. Court of Appeals, the Court held that the access thereto or to limit its visibility.
phrase “private communication in Section 1 And this intention can materialize in
of R.A. 4200, or the Anti-Wiretapping Law, is cyberspace through the utilization of
deemed to include “private conversations.” the OSN’s privacy tools.
(Gorospe, Constitutional Law Volume 1,
2006) In other words, utilization of these
privacy tools is the manifestation, in
🕮 The right may be invoked against the cyber world, of the user's invocation
wife who went to the clinic of her of his or her right to informational
husband and took documents privacy. Considering that the default
consisting of private communication as setting for Facebook posts is “Public,”
between her husband and her alleged it can be surmised that the
paramour. (Zulueta vs. Court of photographs in question were
Appeals, G.R. No. 107383 February 20, viewable to everyone on Facebook,
1996) absent any proof that petitioners’
children positively limited the
🕮 An individual’s right to privacy under disclosure of the photograph. If such
Article 26 (1) of the Civil Code should were the case, they cannot invoke
not be confined to his house or the protection attached to the right to
residence as it may extend to places informational privacy. (Vivares vs. St.
where he has the right to exclude the Theresa’s College, G.R. No. 202666,
public or deny them access. The phrase September 29, 2014)
“prying into the privacy of another ‘s
residence,” therefore, covers places, Private Communication vs. Private
locations, or even situations which an Conversations
individual considers as private,
including a business office. Simply put, The word “communicate” comes from the
a person has a "reasonable expectation Latin word communicatus, meaning “to share
of privacy" in his property, whether he or to impart.” In its ordinary signification,
uses it as a business office or as a communication connotes the act of sharing
residence and that the installation of or imparting as in conversation, or signifies
video surveillance cameras directly the “process by which meanings or thoughts
facing his property or covering a are shared between individuals through a
significant portion thereof, without his common system of symbols (as language
consent, is a clear violation of their signs or gestures)” hence, definitions are
right to privacy. (Spouses Hing vs. broad enough to include verbal or non-
Choachuy SR., G.R. No. 179736, June verbal, written or expressive communications
26, 2013) of “meanings or thoughts” which are likely to
include the emotionally-charged exchange,
🕮 Before one can have an expectation of on February 22, 1988, between petitioner
privacy in his or her Online Social and private respondent, in the privacy of the
Network activity, it is first necessary latter’s office. Any doubts about the
that said user, in this case the children legislative body’s meaning of the phrase
of petitioners, manifest the intention to “private communication” are, furthermore,



put to rest by the fact that the terms public character. Succinctly put, the right of
“conversation” and “communication” were privacy cannot be invoked to resist
interchangeably used by Senator Tañada in publication and dissemination of
his Explanatory Note. matters of public interest. The interest
sought to be protected by the right of privacy
It has been said that innocent people have is the right to be free from unwarranted
nothing to fear from their conversations publicity, from the wrongful publicizing of the
being overheard. But this statement ignores private affairs and activities of an individual
the usual nature of conversations as well the which are outside the realm of legitimate
undeniable fact that most, if not all, civilized public concern. (Ayer vs. Capulong, G.R. No.
people have some aspects of their lives they 82380, April 29, 1988)
do not wish to expose. Free conversations
are often characterized by exaggerations, EXCLUSIONARY RULE
obscenity, agreeable falsehoods, and the
expression of anti-social desires of views not a. Any evidence obtained in violation of
intended to be taken seriously. The right to Article III, Section 3 (right to privacy of
the privacy of communication, among others, communications and correspondence)
has expressly been assured by our or Section 2 (right against unlawful
Constitution. Needless to state here, the search and seizures) shall be
framers of our Constitution must have inadmissible for any purpose in any
recognized the nature of conversations proceeding. This applies not only to
between individuals and the significance of testimonial evidence but also to documentary
man’s spiritual nature, of his feelings and of and object evidence. (Cabias vs. People, G.R.
his intellect. They must have known that part No. 247348, November 16, 2021)
of the pleasures and satisfactions of life are
to be found in the unaudited and free b. Fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine
exchange of communication between – according to this rule, once the primary
individuals – free from every unjustifiable source (“the tree”) is shown to have been
intrusion by whatever means.” (Ramirez vs. unlawfully obtained, any secondary or
CA, G.R. No. 93833 September 28, 1995) . derivative evidence (“the fruit”) derived from
it is also inadmissible. The rule is based on
WHEN INTRUSION IS ALLOWED the principle that evidence illegally obtained
a. By lawful order of the court; or by the State should not be used to gain other
b. When public safety or public order evidence, because the original illegally
requires otherwise, as may be obtained evidence taints all evidence
provided by law (Sec. 3, Art. III, 1987 subsequently obtained. (People vs. Alecarte,
Constitution) G.R. No. 218805, November 7, 2018)

The right of privacy or “the right to be let 🕮 The exclusionary rule presupposes a
alone,” like the right of free expression, is not violation of law on the part of the
an absolute right. A limited intrusion into agents of the Government, and bars
a person’s privacy has long been the admission of evidence obtained in
regarded as permissible where that violation of it. The subjects of the
person is a public figure and the present inquiry were the messages
information sought to be elicited from him or sent by her to Judge San Gaspar-
to be published about him constitute of a Gito. Regardless of the mode of their



transmission, the ownership of the liberties.

messages pertained to the latter as In the Philippines, the primacy and high
the recipient. Considering that it was esteem accorded freedom of expression is a
the latter who granted access to such fundamental postulate of our constitutional
messages, there was no violation of system. (Chavez vs. Gonzales, G.R. No.
Judge Yu’s right to privacy. (Office of 168338, February 15, 2008)
the Court Administrator vs. Yu, 809
SCRA 399, A.M. No. MTJ-12-1813, Scope
A.M. No. 12-1-09-METC, A.M. No. 1. Freedom of Speech
MTJ-13-1836, A.M. No. MTJ-12-1815, 2. Freedom of the Press
OCA I.P.I. No. 11-2398-MTJ, OCA 3. Right to Assembly and to Petition the
I.P.I. No. 11-2399-MTJ, OCA I.P.I. Government for Redress of
No. 11- 2378-MTJ, OCA I.P.I. No. 12- Grievances
2456-MTJ November 22, 2016) 4. Right to form Associations or
Societies not contrary to law
Waiver of Exclusionary Rule 5. Freedom of Religion
6. Right to Access to Information on
Failure of the accused to seasonably Matters of Public Concern (Sec. 4,
object to the offered evidence, the Art. III, 1987 Constitution)
uncounseled confession may be admitted in
evidence (People vs. Tomas, G.R. No. The constitutional protection assures the
205412, September 9, 2015) broadest possible exercise of free speech and
free press for religious, political, economic,
E. FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND scientific, news, or informational ends,
EXPRESSION (1987 CONST., art. III, inasmuch as the Constitution's basic
secs. 4 and 18(1)) guarantee of freedom to advocate ideas is
FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND not confined to the expression of ideas that
EXPRESSION are conventional or shared by a majority.
No law shall be passed abridging the freedom (Chavez vs. Gonzales, G.R. No. 168338,
of speech, of expression, or of the press, or February 15, 2008)
the right of the people peaceably to assemble
and petition the government for redress of The constitutional protection is not limited to
grievances. (Sec. 4, Art. III, 1987 the exposition of ideas. The protection
Constitution) afforded free speech extends to speech or
publications that are entertaining as well as
No person shall be detained solely by reason instructive or informative. (Chavez vs.
of his political beliefs and aspirations. (Sec. Gonzales, G.R. No. 168338, February 15,
18(1), Art. III, 1987 Constitution) 2008)

Importance of Freedom of Speech and Specifically, in Eastern Broadcasting

Expression Corporation (DYRE) v. Dans, this Court stated
Freedom of expression has gained that all forms of media, whether print or
recognition as a fundamental principle of broadcast, are entitled to the broad
every democratic government, and given a protection of the clause on freedom of
preferred right that stands on a higher level speech and of expression.
than substantive economic freedom or other



While all forms of communication are entitled 🕮 Thus, it precludes governmental acts
to the broad protection of freedom of that required:
expression clause, the freedom of film, (i) approval of a proposal to publish;
television and radio broadcasting is (ii) licensing or permits as
somewhat lesser in scope than the freedom prerequisites to publication including
accorded to newspapers and other print the payment of license taxes for the
media, as will be subsequently discussed. privilege to publish;
(Chavez vs. Gonzales, G.R. No. 168338, (iii) and even injunctions against
February 15, 2008) publication. (Id.)

Limitations and Restraints 🕮 Even the closure of the business and

printing offices of certain
Freedom of expression is not an newspapers, resulting in the
absolute, nor is it an "unbridled license that discontinuation of their printing and
gives immunity for every possible use of publication, are deemed as previous
language and prevents the punishment of restraint or censorship. (Id.)
those who abuse this freedom."
Thus, all speech are not treated the Any law or official that requires some form
same. Some types of speech may be of permission to be had before publication
subjected to some regulation by the State can be made, commits an infringement of
under its pervasive police power, in order the constitutional right, and remedy can be
that it may not be injurious to the equal right had at the courts.
of others or those of the community or Generally, thus, prior restraint is understood
society. (Chavez vs. Gonzalez, et al., G.R. No. to be any form of governmental restriction
168338, February 15, 2008) on, or interference to any form of expression
in advance of actual expression, or exercise
1. Prior Restraint and Subsequent of the right. (Tordesillas vs. Puno, G.R. No.
Punishment 210088. October 01, 2018)

a. Prior restraint Because of the preferred status of the

constitutional rights of speech, expression,
“Prior restraint” refers to official and the press, such a measure is vitiated by
governmental restrictions on the press or a weighty presumption of invalidity.
other forms of expression in advance of Indeed, ‘any system of prior restraints of
actual publication or dissemination. (Chavez expression comes to this Court bearing a
vs. Gonzalez, et al., G.R. No. 168338, heavy presumption against its constitutional
February 15, 2008) validity. . . The Government thus carries a
heavy burden of showing justification for the
🕮 Freedom from prior restraint is enforcement of such restraint.’ There is thus
largely freedom from government a reversal of the normal presumption of
censorship of publications, whatever validity that inheres in every legislation.
the form of censorship, and (Social Weather Stations, Inc. vs. COMELEC,
regardless of whether it is wielded by G.R. No. 147571, May 5, 2001)
the executive, legislative or judicial
branch of the government. (Id.)



Burden of proof the four types of expression that may be

Any form of prior restraint bears a subject to prior restraint. Thus, the following
presumption against its constitutional are all punishable under the law:
validity. (1) Acts of pornography,
(2) False or misleading advertisement,
The burden is on the censor to justify any (3) Advocacy of imminent lawless
imposition of prior restraint, not on the action, and
censored to put up a defense against it. (4) Endangering national security.
In the case of print media, it has been held
that just because press freedom may The two other exceptions are:
sometimes be abused does not mean that the (5) Defamation, which includes libel and
press does not deserve immunity from prior slander, and
restraint. The settled rule is that any such (6) Tortious speech.
abuse may be remedied by subsequent
punishment. (Dissenting Opinion of Carpio, J Defamatory and tortious speech, per se, are
in Soriano vs. Laguardia, G.R. No. 164785, not subject to prior restraint because by
March 15, 2010, citing Social Weather definition they do not constitute a clear and
Stations, Inc. v. Commission on Elections, present danger to the State that is grave and
409 Phil. 571 (2001); Iglesiani Cristo v. Court imminent.
of Appeals, G.R. No. 119673, 26 July 1996,
259 SCRA 529 citing Near v. Minnesota, 283 Once defamatory or tortuous speech rises to
U.S. 697, 1931) the level of advocacy of imminent lawless
action, then it may be subject to prior
b. Subsequent Punishment restraint because it is seditious but not
because it is defamatory or tortious.
Freedom of speech includes freedom after
the speech. Nevertheless, freedom of Defamation and tortious conduct, however,
expression is not absolute. It is subject to may be subject to subsequent punishment,
police power and may be properly regulated civilly or criminally.
in the interest of the public. (Cruz,
Constitutional Law, 2015, p.543) Fighting words are not subject to
subsequent punishment unless they are
Subsequent punishment is the act of defamatory or tortious. (Soriano vs.
punishing the purveyor of illegal speech after Laguardia, G.R. No. 164785, April 29, 2009)
it is published.
2. Content-Based and Content-
If a certain expression is subject to prior Neutral Regulations
restraint, its utterance or publication in
violation of the lawful restraint naturally
subjects the person responsible to
subsequent punishment.

GENERAL RULE: Expression cannot be

subject to subsequent punishment.

EXCEPTIONS: The exceptions start with (Chavez vs. Gonzalez, et al., G.R. No.



168338, February 15, 2008) of the Government;

(2) if it furthers an important or
Overview substantial governmental interest;
The nature of the restraint on protected (3) if the governmental interest is
speech is whether it is (1) content-based or unrelated to the suppression of free
otherwise, (2) content-neutral. expression; and
(4) if the incident restriction on alleged
As explained in Chavez, a content-based (freedom of speech & expression] is
regulation is evaluated using the clear and no greater than is essential to the
present danger rule, while courts will subject furtherance of that interest. (Diocese
content-neutral restraints to intermediate of Bacolod vs. COMELEC, G.R. No.
scrutiny. (Nicolas-Lewis vs. Commission on 205728, January 21, 2015)
Elections, G.R. No. 223705. August 14,
2019.) 3. Facial Challenges and
Overbreadth Doctrine
a. Content-Based Regulations
The restriction is based on the subject FACIAL CHALLENGE
matter of the utterance or speech. (Chavez It is a mode of challenging the
vs. Gonzalez, et al., G.R. No. 168338, constitutionality of a statute, not a
February 15, 2008) ground. A facial challenge is allowed to be
made to a vague statute and to one which is
Test of validity overbroad because of possible "chilling
The government must also show the type of effect" upon protected speech. (Romualdez
harm the speech sought to be restrained vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 152259, July
would bring about- especially the gravity and 29, 2004)
the imminence of the threatened harm -
otherwise the prior restraint will be invalid. Chilling effect:
Prior restraint on speech based on its There is chilling effect when the right to
content cannot be justified by hypothetical freedom of expression is suppressed by fear
fears, "but only by showing a substantive of punishment. By all means, violations of
and imminent evil that has taken the life of law should be vigorously prosecuted by the
a reality already on ground." (Nicolas-Lewis State for they breed their own evil
vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 223705, August 14, consequence. But to repeat, the need to
2019) prevent their violation cannot per se trump
the exercise of free speech and free press, a
b. Content-Neutral Regulations preferred right whose breach can lead to
It is merely concerned with the incidents of greater evils. (Chavez v. Gonzales, G.R. No.
the speech, or one that merely controls the 168338, February 15, 2008)
time, place or manner, and under well
defined standards. (1-UTAK vs. COMELEC, GENERAL RULE: Facial invalidation of
G.R. No. 206020, April 14, 2015) laws is generally disfavored as it results
in entirely striking down the challenged law
Test of validity or statute on the ground that they may be
A content-neutral government regulation is applied to parties not before the Court
sufficiently justified: whose activities are constitutionally
(1) if it is within the constitutional power protected. It disregards the case and



controversy requirement of the Constitution the ground of overbreadth or vagueness is

in judicial review, and permits decisions to acceptable in our jurisdiction.
be made without concrete factual settings Under the overbreadth doctrine, a proper
and in sterile abstract contexts, deviating, governmental purpose,
thus, from the traditional rules governing constitutionally subject to state
constitutional adjudication. regulation, may not be achieved by
means that unnecessarily sweep its
Hence, an on-its-face invalidation of the law subject broadly, thereby invading the
has consistently been considered as a area of protected freedoms.
"manifestly strong medicine" to be used
"sparingly and only as a last resort." Put differently, an overbroad law or statute
(Nicolas-Lewis vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. needlessly restricts even constitutionally-
223705, August 14, 2019) protected rights. On the other hand, a law or
statute suffers from vagueness when it lacks
EXCEPTION: The allowance of a review of a comprehensible standards that men of
law or statute on its face in free speech cases common intelligence must necessarily guess
is justified, however, by the aim to avert at its meaning and differ as to its application.
the "chilling effect" on protected (Id.)
speech, the exercise of which should
not at all times be abridged. Limitations:
a. The only time a facial challenge to a
🕮 The theory is that "[w]hen statutes statute is allowed is when it operates
regulate or proscribe speech and no in the area of freedom of expression.
readily apparent construction b. It is not allowed in penal statutes; if
suggests itself as a vehicle for allowed, the State may well be
rehabilitating the statutes in a single prevented from enacting laws
prosecution, the transcendent against socially harmful conduct.
value to all society of (Estrada vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R.
constitutionally protected No. 148560, November 19, 2001)
expression is deemed to justify
allowing attacks on overly broad 4. Tests for Valid Government
statutes with no requirement Interference
that the person making the
attack demonstrate that his own Generally, restraints on freedom of speech
conduct could not be regulated and expression are evaluated by either or a
by a statute drawn with narrow combination of three tests:
specificity." (Nicolas-Lewis vs.
COMELEC, G.R. No. 223705. August a. Clear and Present Danger Rule
14, 2019; Southern Hemisphere This clear and present danger rule requires
Engagement Network, Inc. vs. Anti- that the evil consequences of the comment
Terrorism Council, G.R. No. 178552, or utterance must be "extremely serious and
October 5, 2010) the degree of imminence extremely high"
before the utterance can be punished.
Foremost, a facial review of a law or statute 223705, August 14, 2019)
encroaching upon the freedom of speech on



The danger to be guarded against is the individual interests, and requires a conscious
"substantive evil" sought to be prevented. and detailed consideration of the interplay of
Under this rule, the advocacy of ideas cannot interests observable in a given situation.
constitutionally be abridged unless there is a (Chavez vs. Gonzalez, et al., G.R. No.
clear and present danger that such advocacy 168338, February 15, 2008)
will harm the administration of justice.
(Cabansag vs. Fernandez, G.R. No. L-8974, STATE REGULATION OF DIFFERENT
October 18, 1957) TYPES OF MEDIA

Clear – causal connection with the danger Movie Censorship

of the substantive evil arising from the 🕮 Motion pictures are important both
utterance questioned; and (Social Weather as a medium for communication of
Stations, Inc. vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. ideas and the expression of the
147571, May 05, 2001) artistic impulse. Their effect on the
perception by our people of issues
Present – time element, identified with and public officials or public figures
imminent and immediate danger; the danger as well as the prevailing cultural
must not only be probable, but very likely traits is considerable. There is no
inevitable (Gonzales v. COMELEC, No. L- clear dividing line between what
27833, April 18, 1969). involves knowledge and what affords
pleasure. (Gonzales vs. Kalaw-
b. Dangerous Tendency Rule Katigbak, GR No. L-69500, July 22,
The dangerous tendency rule permits 1985)
limitations on speech once a rational
connection has been established between 🕮 The Court upholds the primary of
the speech restrained and the danger freedom of expression over Sen.
contemplated (Chavez vs. Gonzalez, et al., Enrile’s “right to privacy” because
G.R. No. 168338, February 15, 2008) Enrile is a “public figure”, and a
public figure’s right to privacy is
A person could be punished for words narrower than that of an ordinary
uttered or for ideas expressed which create citizen. Besides, the movie “A
a dangerous tendency, or which will cause Dangerous Life” would not have
or bring about a substantive evil which the been historically faithful without
State has a right to prevent (Suarez, including the participation of Enrile in
Constitutional Law Reviewer, 2011 ed., p. the EDSA Revolution. (Ayer
249). Productions vs. Capulong and Enrile,
G.R. No. 92380 April 29, 1988)
c. Balancing of Interests Rule
A principle which requires a Court to Television
consider the circumstances in each particular 🕮 Where television is concerned, a less
case and thereafter, it shall settle the issue liberal approach calls for
of which right demands greater protection observance. This is so because
(Cruz, Constitutional Law, 2007, p.220) unlike motion pictures where the
patrons have to pay their way,
It is used as a standard when courts need to television reaches every home where
balance conflicting social values and there is a set. Children then will likely



be among the avid viewers of the Radio Broadcast

programs there shown. It is hardly 🕮 The test for limitations on freedom
the concern of the law to deal with of expression continues to be the
the sexual fantasies of the adult clear and present danger rule – that
population. It cannot be denied words are used in such
though that the State as parens circumstances and are of such a
patriae is called upon to manifest an nature as to create a clear and
attitude of caring for the welfare of present danger that they will bring
the young. (Gonzales vs. Kalaw- about the substantive evils that the
Katigbak, G.R. No. L 69500, July 22, lawmaker has a right to prevent.
1985) (Chavez vs. Gonzalez, et al., G.R. No.
168338, February 15, 2008)
🕮 The only exceptions from the
MTRCB’s power of review are those 🕮 Broadcasting has to be licensed.
expressly mentioned in Section 7 of Airwave frequencies have to be
P. D. No. 1986, such as (1) television allocated among qualified users. A
programs imprinted or exhibited by broadcast corporation cannot simply
the Philippine Government and/or its appropriate a certain frequency
departments and agencies, and (2) without regard for government
newsreels. (MTRCB vs. ABS-CBN, regulation or for the rights of others.
G.R. No. 155282, January 17, 2005) All forms of communication are
entitled to the broad protection of
Newspaper the freedom of expression clause.
🕮 When the use of irritating language Necessarily, however, the freedom
centers not on persuading the of television and radio broadcasting
readers but on creating disturbance, is somewhat lesser in scope than the
the rationale of free speech cannot freedom accorded to newspaper and
apply and the speaker or writer is print media. (Id.)
removed from the protection of the
constitutional guaranty. (Espuelas 🕮 The government has a right to be
vs. People of the Philippines, G.R. protected against broadcasts, which
No. L-2990, December 17, 1951) incite the listeners to violently
overthrow it, Radio, and television
🕮 Writings which tend to overthrow or may not be used to organize a
undermine the security of the rebellion or to signal the start of
government or to weaken the widespread uprising. (Eastern
confidence of the people in the Broadcasting Corp. vs. Dans, Jr.
government are against public et.al, G.R. No. L-50329, July 19,
peace, and are criminal not only 1985)
because they tend to incite to a
breach of the peace but because COMMERCIAL SPEECH
they are conducive to the Communication whose sole purpose is to
destruction of the very government propose a commercial transaction.
itself. (Espuelas vs. People of the Advertisement of goods or of services is an
Philippines, G.R. No. L-2990, example. (Diocese of Bacolod vs. COMELEC,
December 17, 1951) G.R. No. 205728, January 21, 2015)



Requirements for the protection of that it was false or with reckless disregard as
commercial speech: to the truth or falsity thereof. (Philippine
Daily Inquirer, Inc. vs. Enrile, G.R. No.
a. Speech must not be false or 229440, July 14, 2021)
misleading or proposing an illegal
activity; GENERAL RULE: Every defamatory
b. The governmental interest sought to imputation is presumed to be malicious.
be served by the regulation must be 🕮 This is malice in law; a presumption
substantial; of law. It dispenses with the proof of
c. The regulation must directly advance malice when words that raise the
the governmental interest; and presumption are shown to have been
d. The regulation must not be uttered. It is also known as
overboard (Central Hudson Gas vs. constructive malice, legal malice, or
Public Service Commission, 447 U.S. implied malice. (Yuchengco vs. The
557, 1980) Manila Chronicle Publishing
Corporation, G.R. No. 184315,
5. Doctrine of Privileged November 25, 2009)
EXCEPTION: The presumption of malice,
Requirement for publicity however, does not exist in the following
Every defamatory imputation is presumed to instances (QUALIFIED PRIVILEGED
be malicious, even if it be true, if no good COMMUNICATIONS):
intention and justifiable motive for making it 1. A private communication made by
is shown, except in the following cases: any person to another in the
1. A private communication made by performance of any legal, moral, or
any person to another in the social duty; and
performance of any legal, moral or 2. A fair and true report, made in good
social duty; and faith, without any comments or
2. A fair and true report, made in good remarks, of any judicial, legislative, or
faith, without any comments or other official proceedings which are
remarks, of any judicial, legislative or not of confidential nature, or of any
other official proceedings which are statement, report, or speech delivered
not of confidential nature, or of any in said proceedings, or of any other
statement, report or speech delivered act performed by public officers in the
in said proceedings, or of any other exercise of their functions. (Manila
act performed by public officers in the Bulletin Publishing Corporation vs.
exercise of their functions. (Art. 354, Domingo, G.R. No. 170341, July 5,
Revised Penal Code) 2017)

“Malice” — connotes ill will or spite and A privileged communication may be

speaks not in response to duty but merely to either:
injure the reputation of the person defamed, a. Absolutely privileged
and implies an intention to do ulterior and communication
unjustifiable harm. It is present when it is Absolutely privileged
shown that the author of the libelous communications are those which are
remarks made such remarks with knowledge not actionable even if the author has



acted in bad faith. (Borjal vs. CA, recognition in the statute punishing
G.R. No. 126466 January 14, 1999) libels. (Borjal vs. CA, G.R. No. 126466
e. g. Sec. 11, Art. VI, of the 1987 January 14, 1999)
Constitution which exempts a
member of Congress from liability for 🕮 It needs to be clarified, however, that
any speech or debate in the Congress qualifiedly privileged communications
or in any Committee thereof. are merely exceptions to the general
b. Qualifiedly privileged rule requiring proof of actual malice
communication in order that a defamatory imputation
Qualifiedly privileged may be held actionable. (Philippine
communications containing Daily Inquirer, Inc. vs. Enrile, G.R.
defamatory imputations are not No. 229440, July 14, 2021)
actionable unless found to have been
made without good intention or 🕮 Thus, defamatory imputations
justifiable motive. (Nova written or uttered during any of
Communications Inc. vs. Canoy, G.R. the qualifiedly privileged
No. 193276, June 26, 2019) communications may still be
considered actionable if actual
🕮 The enumeration under Art. 354 is malice—-or malice in fact—is
not an exclusive list of qualifiedly proven. Stated differently, being
privileged communications since fair considered as qualifiedly privileged
commentaries on matters of public communication "merely prevents the
interest are likewise privileged. Like presumption of malice from attaching
"fair commentaries on matters of in a defamatory imputation." (Id.)
public interest," fair reports on
matters of public interest are also Doctrine of Fair Comment
included in the list of qualifiedly
privileged communications, and are To reiterate, fair commentaries on matters
thus included under the protective of public interest are privileged and
mantle of privileged communications. constitute a valid defense in an action
(Id.) for libel or slander.

🕮 The rule on privileged The doctrine of fair comment means that

communications had its genesis not while in general every discreditable
in the nation's penal code but in the imputation publicly made is deemed false,
Bill of Rights of the Constitution because every man is presumed innocent
guaranteeing freedom of speech and until his guilt is judicially proved, and every
of the press. As early as 1918, in false imputation is deemed malicious,
United States v. Cañete, this Court nevertheless, when the discreditable
ruled that publications which are imputation is directed against a public
privileged for reasons of public policy person in his public capacity, it is not
are protected by the constitutional necessarily actionable. In order that such
guaranty of freedom of speech. This discreditable imputation to a public official
constitutional right cannot be may be actionable, it must either be a false
abolished by the mere failure of the allegation of fact or a comment based on a
legislature to give it express false supposition.



If the comment is an expression of opinion, Religious freedom, however, as a

based on established facts, then it is constitutional mandate is not inhibition of
immaterial that the opinion happens to be profound reverence for religion and is not
mistaken, as long as it might reasonably be denial of its influence in human affairs.
inferred from the facts. (Borjal vs. Court of Religion as a profession of faith to an active
Appeals, G.R. No. 126466, January 14, 1999 power that binds and elevates man to his
Creator is recognized. And, in so far as it
In this case, the defamatory words imputed instills into the minds the purest principles of
to Atty. Canoy cannot be said to be fair morality, its influence is deeply felt and
commentaries on matters of public interest. highly appreciated.
To be sure, informing the public as to the
rebellion of Col. Noble is a matter of public The government should not be precluded
interest. However, calling Atty. Canoy as a from pursuing valid objectives secular in
veritable mental asylum patient, a madman character even if the incidental result would
and a lunatic is not in furtherance of the be favorable to a religion or sect. It has
public interest. The defamatory words are likewise been held that the statute, in order
irrelevant to the alleged participation of Atty. to withstand the strictures of constitutional
Canoy in the rebellion staged by Col. Noble. prohibition, must have a secular legislative
(Nova Communications, Inc., vs. Canoy, purpose and a primary effect that neither
G.R. No. 193276, June 26, 2019 advances nor inhibits religion. (Aglipay vs.
Ruiz, G.R. No. L-45459 March 13,
CONST., art. III, sec. 5)

FREEDOM OF RELIGION 1. Non-Establishment and Free

Exercise Clauses
Religious freedom, as a concept.
No law shall be made respecting an NON-ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE
establishment of religion or prohibiting the The non-establishment clause reinforces a
free exercise thereof. The free exercise and state policy enshrined in our Constitution
enjoyment of religious worship without with regard to the separation of the Church
discrimination or preference shall forever be and the state. (In Re: Letter Of Tony Q.
allowed. No religious test shall be required Valenciano, A.M. No. 10-4-19-SC, March 07,
for the exercise of civil and political rights. 2017)
(Sec. 5, Art.III, 1987 Constitution)
The rationale behind this separation was
Religious freedom is a fundamental right pronounced by J. Isagani Cruz:
which is entitled to the highest priority and
the amplest protection among human rights, "Strong fences make good
for it involves the relationship of man to his neighbors." The idea is to delineate
Creator. (Ebralinag vs. The Division the boundaries between the two
Superintendent of Schools of Cebu, G.R. No. institutions and, thus, avoid
95770, March 1, 1993, citing Chief Justice encroachments by one against the
Enrique M. Fernando's separate opinion in other because of a
German vs. Barangan, 135 SCRA 514, 530- misunderstanding of the limits of
531) their respective exclusive



jurisdictions. The demarcation line actions, accommodation of religion may be

calls on the entities to "render allowed, not to promote the government’s
therefore unto Caesar the things that favored form of religion, but to allow
are Caesar's and unto God the things individuals and groups to exercise their
that are God's. (Peralta vs. Philippine religion without hindrance.
Postal Corporation, G.R. No.
223395, December 04, 2018) The purpose of accommodations is to
remove a burden on, or facilitate the
FREE EXERCISE CLAUSE exercise of, a person’s or institution’s
Two-fold aspects of the free exercise
clause. As Justice Brennan explained, the
a. Freedom to believe: is absolute as "government [may] take religion into
long as the belief is confined within account…to exempt, when possible, from
the realm of thought. generally applicable governmental
regulation individuals whose religious beliefs
b. Freedom to act according to and practices would otherwise thereby be
one’s belief: is subject to infringed, or to create without state
regulation where the belief is involvement an atmosphere in which
translated into external acts that voluntary religious exercise may flourish."
affect the public welfare. (J. Cruz,
Constitutional Law, 1991 ed., pp. In the ideal world, the legislature would
176-177) recognize the religions and their practices
and would consider them, when practical, in
Freedom of religion means more than just enacting laws of general application. But
the freedom to believe. It also means the when the legislature fails to do so, religions
freedom to act or not to act according to that are threatened and burdened may turn
what one believes. And this freedom is to the courts for protection.
violated when one is compelled to act
against one's belief or is prevented from This doctrine believes that with respect to
acting according to one's belief. (Imbong vs. governmental actions, accommodation of
Ochoa, G.R. No. 204819, April 8, 2014) religion may be allowed, not to promote the
government’s favored form of religion, but to
The constitutional guarantee of free exercise allow individuals and groups to exercise their
of religious freedom and worship carries with religion without hindrance. (Estrada vs.
it the right to disseminate religious Escritor, A.M. No. P-02-1651, June 22, 2006)
information, and any restraint of such right
can be justified only on the ground that 2. Tests to determine validity of
there is a clear and present danger of an evil the government regulation /
which the State has the right to prevent. interference
(Iglesia ni Cristo vs. Court of Appels, G.R.
No. 119673 July 26, 1996) a. Compelling state interest test
The "compelling state interest" test is proper
Benevolent Neutrality where conduct is involved for the whole
The benevolent neutrality theory believes gamut of human conduct has different
that with respect to these governmental effects on the state's interests: some effects



may be immediate and short-term while of Cebu, G.R. No. 95770, March 1, 1993)
others delayed and far-reaching. A test that (German vs. Barangan, 135 SCRA 514, 517)
would protect the interests of the state in
preventing a substantive evil, whether b. Clear and present danger test
immediate or delayed, is therefore Only the prevention of an immediate and
necessary. grave danger to the security and welfare of
the community can justify the infringement
However, not any interest of the state would of religious freedom.
suffice to prevail over the right to religious
freedom as this is a fundamental right that If the government fails to show the
enjoys a preferred position in the hierarchy seriousness and immediacy of the threat,
of rights - "the most inalienable and sacred State intrusion is constitutionally
of all human rights" (In Re: Letter of Tony unacceptable.
Valenciano, A.M. No. 10-4-19-SC, March 07,
2017) In a society with a democratic framework
like ours, the State must minimize its
We hold that a similar exemption may be interference with the affairs of its citizens
accorded to the Jehovah's Witnesses with and instead allow them to exercise
regard to the observance of the flag reasonable freedom of personal and
ceremony out of respect for their religious religious activity. (Islamic Da'wah Council of
beliefs, however "bizarre" those beliefs may the Philippines, Inc., G.R. No. 153888, July
seem to others. Nevertheless, their right not 9, 2003)
to participate in the flag ceremony does not
give them a right to disrupt such patriotic c. Lemon test.
exercises. Paraphrasing the warning cited by The "Lemon test", which has been
this Court in Non vs. Dames II, 185 SCRA extensively applied by the U. S. Supreme
523, 535, while the highest regard must be Court in issues involving the determination
afforded their right to the free exercise of of non-establishment of religion clause
their religion, "this should not be taken to originated from the case of Lemon vs.
mean that school authorities are powerless Kurtzman.
to discipline them" if they should commit
breaches of the peace by actions that offend In that case, the Court used a three-pronged
the sensibilities, both religious and patriotic, test to adjudge whether the assailed
of other persons. If they quietly stand at governmental act violated the First
attention during the flag ceremony Amendment, as follows:
while their classmates and teachers 1. The statute must have a secular
salute the flag, sing the national legislative purpose;
anthem and recite the patriotic pledge, 2. Its principal or primary effect must
we do not see how such conduct may be one that neither advances nor
possibly disturb the peace, or pose "a inhibits religion; and,
grave and present danger of a serious 3. The statute must not foster "an
evil to public safety, public morals, excessive government entanglement
public health or any other legitimate with religion. (Peralta vs. Philippine
public interest that the State has a Postal Corporation, G.R. No.
right (and duty) to prevent. (Ebralinag 223395, December 04, 2018)
vs. The Division Superintendent of Schools



3. Separation of Church and State LIBERTY OF ABODE AND RIGHT TO

🕮 Means that the State cannot set up TRAVEL
a Church; nor pass laws which aid The liberty of abode and of changing the
one religion, aid all religion, or prefer same within the limits prescribed by law shall
one religion over another, nor force, not be impaired except upon lawful order of
nor influence a person to go to or the court. Neither shall the right to travel be
remain away from Church against his impaired except in the interest of national
will or force him to profess a belief security, public safety or public health, as
or disbelief in any religion. (Everson may be provided by law. (Sec. 6, Art. III,
vs. Board of Education, 330 US 1 1987 Constitution)
Liberty of Abode and Travel Includes
🕮 The Roman Catholic Church can the Rights to:
neither impose its beliefs and a. Choose one’s residence;
convictions on the State and the rest b. Leave it as he pleases; and
of the citizenry nor can it demand c. Travel wherever he wills
that the nation follow its beliefs, (Genuino vs. De Lima, G.R. No. 197930, April
even if it sincerely believes that they 17, 2018)
are for the good of the country.
(Republic vs. Manalo, G.R. No. 1. LIBERTY OF ABODE
221029, April 24, 2018)
🕮 Any legislation whose effect or Pertains to the right of a person to have his
purpose is to impede the observance home or to maintain or change his home,
of one or all religions, or to dwelling, residence, or habitation in whatever
discriminate invidiously between the place he has chosen, within the limits
religions, is invalid, even though the prescribed by law. (Sec. 6, Art. III, 1987
burden may be characterized as Constitution)
being only indirect. But if the stage
regulates conduct by enacting, The executive of a municipality does not have
within its power, a general law which the right to force citizens of the Philippines to
has for its purpose and effect to change their domicile from one locality to
advance the state's secular goals, another. (Villavicencio vs. Lukban, G.R. No.
the statute is valid despite its indirect L- 14639, March 25, 1919).
burden on religious observance,
unless the state can accomplish its Limitations
purpose without imposing such May be impaired only upon:
burden. (Victoriano vs. Elizalde Rope 1. Upon lawful order of the court and;
Workers' Union, G.R. No. L-25246 2. Within the limits prescribed by law
September 12, 1974) such as public safety and security.
(Sec. 6, Art. III, 1987 Constitution)
art. III, sec. 6) a. Relocation of persons in the
danger zone areas in case of
danger and emergency;



b. Person suffering from While liberty of travel may be impaired even

insanity may be committed to without Court order, executive officials or
the National Mental hospital administrative authorities are not armed with
for appropriate treatment. arbitrary discretion to impose limitations.
Such limits may only be imposed on the basis
This right, pursuant to the Constitution, may of “national security, public safety, or public
only be impaired by lawful order of the court. health” and “as may be provided by law,” a
Unless there be important societal limitive phrase which did not exist in the 1973
considerations and interests that are text. (Silverio v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
implicated by a person’s decision to stay 94284, April 08, 1991, citing Bernas)
anywhere, he should be given complete
freedom of choice as to where he may want Restraint on right to travel of accused on bail
to dwell and set up his abode. (Genuino vs. is allowed to avoid the possibility of losing
De Lima, G.R. No. 197930, April 17, 2019) jurisdiction if accused travels abroad.
(Manotoc vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-
2. RIGHT TO TRAVEL 62100, May 30, 1986)

Definition Laws that impair on the right to travel:

Pertains to the right of a person to go where 🕮 The Human Security Act of 2010
he pleases without interference from anyone. or R.A. No. 9372: The law restricts
the right to travel of an individual
It does not mean the right to choose any charged with the crime of terrorism
vehicle in traversing a toll way. The mode by even though such person is out on
which one wishes to travel pertains to the bail.
manner of using the tollway, a subject that
can be validly limited by regulation. There 🕮 The Philippine Passport Act of
was no absolute right to drive; on the 1996 or R.A. No. 8239: Pursuant
contrary, this privilege was heavily regulated. to said law, the Secretary of Foreign
(Mirasol vs. DPWH, G.R. No. 158793, June Affairs or his authorized consular
08, 2006) officer may refuse the issuance of,
restrict the use of, or withdraw, a
A person’s right to travel is subject to usual passport of a Filipino citizen.
constraints imposed by the very necessity of
safeguarding the system of justice. (Marcos 🕮 The Anti-Trafficking in Persons
vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 115132-34, Act of 2003 or R.A. No. 9208: The
August 09, 1995) Bureau of Immigration, in order to
manage migration and curb
Limitations trafficking in persons, issued
May be impaired only upon: Memorandum Order No. 2011-011,
1. Public safety allowing its Travel Control and
2. In the interest if national security Enforcement Unit to 'offload
3. Public health (Sec. 6, Art. III, 1987 passengers with fraudulent travel
Constitution) documents, doubtful purpose of
travel, including possible victims of
Liberty of Travel may be impaired even human trafficking' from our ports.
without a lawful order of the court.



🕮 The Migrant Workers and G.R. No. 197930, April 17, 2018)
Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995 or
R.A. No. 8042, as amended by Precautionary Hold Departure Order
R.A. No. 10022: The Philippine (PHDO) as per OCA CIRCULAR NO. 198-
Overseas Employment Administration 2018
(POEA) may refuse to issue
deployment permit[s] to a specific It is an order in writing issued by a court,
country that effectively prevents our commanding the Bureau of Immigration to
migrant workers to enter such prevent any attempt by a person suspected
country. of a crime to depart from the Philippines
which shall be issued ex-parte in cases
🕮 The Act on Violence Against involving crimes where the minimum of the
Women and Children or R.A. No. penalty prescribed by law is at least six years
9262: The law restricts movement of and one day, or when the offender is a
an individual against whom the foreigner regardless of the imposable
protection order is intended. penalty. (Sec. 1, Rule on Precautionary Hold
Departure Order)
🕮 Inter-Country Adoption Act of
1995 or R.A. No. 8043: The Inter- Filed by: Prosecutor
Country Adoption Board may issue
rules restrictive of an adoptee's right Where to file
to travel 'to protect the Filipino child
from abuse, exploitation, trafficking General Rule: A PHDO is filed with any RTC
and/or sale or any other practice in within whose jurisdiction the alleged crime
connection with adoption which is was committed.
harmful, detrimental, or prejudicial to
the child.’ Exception: For compelling reasons, it can be
filed with ANY RTC within the judicial region
WATCH-LIST AND HOLD DEPARTURE where the crime was committed if the place
ORDERS of the commission of the crime is known.

Right to travel is not impaired by a hold Conditions for the issuance of a PHDO
departure order. The basic reason for the rule
is that in as much as the jurisdiction of the 1. Probable cause exists as determined by the
courts from which orders and processes were judge in whose court the application is filed,
issued does not extend beyond that of the and
Philippines, they would have no binding force
outside of said jurisdiction. (People of the 2. There is a high probability that the
Philippines vs. Uy Tuising, G.R. Nos. 42118- respondent will depart from the Philippines to
42120, April 25, 1935) evade arrest and prosecution of crime
against him or her.
WATCH-LIST ORDER – issued against
accused in criminal cases (irrespective of H. RIGHT TO INFORMATION;
nationality in Regional Trial Court or below) LIMITATIONS (1987 CONST., art. II,
any person with pending case in the sec. 28; art. III, sec. 7; art.
Department of Justice. (Genuino vs. De Lima, XVI, sec. 10)



RIGHT TO INFORMATION with the people's right to know as the

Subject to reasonable conditions prescribed centerpiece. It is a mandate of the State to
by law, the State adopts and implements a be accountable by following such policy.
policy of full public disclosure of all its
transactions involving public interest. (Sec. These provisions are vital to the exercise of
28, Art. II, 1987 Constitution) the freedom of expression and essential to
hold public officials at all times accountable
The right of the people to information on to the people. (Province of North Cotabato
matters of public concern shall be vs. GRP Peace Panel, G.R. No. 18359,
recognized. Access to official records, and to October 14, 2008)
documents and papers pertaining to official
acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to 🕮 The right to information
government research data used as basis for "contemplates inclusion of
policy development, shall be afforded the negotiations leading to the
citizen, subject to such limitations as may be consummation of the transaction."
provided by law. (Sec. 7, Art. III, 1987 Certainly, a consummated contract is
Constitution) not a requirement for the exercise of
the right to information. Otherwise,
The State shall provide the policy the people can never exercise the
environment for the full development of right if no contract is consummated,
Filipino capability and the emergence of and if one is consummated, it may be
communication structures suitable to the too late for the public to expose its
needs and aspirations of the nation and the defects.
balanced flow of information into, out of, and
across the country, in accordance with a Requiring a consummated contract
policy that respects the freedom of speech will keep the public in the dark until
and of the press. (Sec. 10, Art. XVI, 1987 the contract, which may be grossly
Constitution) disadvantageous to the government
or even illegal, becomes fait
Scope accompli. This negates the State
Intended as a "splendid symmetry" to the policy of full transparency on matters
right to information under the Bill of Rights is of public concern, a situation which
the policy of public disclosure under Section the framers of the Constitution could
28, Article II of the Constitution not have intended. Such a
. requirement will prevent the citizenry
The policy of full public disclosure enunciated from participating in the public
in above-quoted Section 28 complements the discussion of any proposed contract,
right of access to information on matters of effectively truncating a basic right
public concern found in the Bill of Rights. The enshrined in the Bill of Rights. We can
right to information guarantees the right of allow neither an emasculation of a
the people to demand information, while constitutional right, nor a retreat by
Section 28 recognizes the duty of officialdom the State of its avowed "policy of full
to give information even if nobody demands. disclosure of all its transactions
The policy of public disclosure establishes a involving public interest." (Province
concrete ethical principle for the conduct of of North Cotabato vs. GRP Peace
public affairs in a genuinely open democracy, Panel, G.R. No. 18359, October 14,



2008) d. Other confidential information:

🕮 While public officers in the custody or 🕮 Ethical Safety Act (R.A. 6713)
control of public records have the prohibits public officials or
discretion to regulate the manner in employees from divulging classified
which records may be inspected, or confidential information officially
examined or copied by interested known to them by reason of their
persons, such discretion does not office and not made available to the
carry with it the authority to prohibit public. (Chavez vs. PCGG, G.R. No.
access, inspection, examination, or 130716 May 19, 1998)
copying of the records. (Re: Request
For Copy Of 2008 Statement Of I. RIGHT TO ASSOCIATION (1987
Assets, Liabilities And Networth CONST., art. III, sec. 8; art. XIII, sec.
[Saln] And Personal Data Sheet Or 3; art. IX-B, sec.
Curriculum Vitae Of The Justices Of 2(5))
The Supreme Court And Officers And
Employees Of The Judiciary, A.M. No. RIGHT TO ASSOCIATION
09-8-6-SC, June 13, 2012) The right of the people, including those
employed in the public and private sectors, to
Limitations form unions, associations, or societies for
a. National security matters: Involves purposes not contrary to law shall not be
government privilege against public abridged. (Sec. 8, Article III, 1987
disclosure on military, diplomatic and other Constitution)
national security matters. It covers inter-
government exchanges prior to the Scope
conclusion of treaties and executive Article III, Section 8 not only guarantees the
agreement as may be reasonable safeguard freedom to associate; it also protects the
to national interest. (Akbayan v. Aquino, freedom not to associate. The provision is not
G.R. No. 170516, July 16, 2008) a basis to compel others to form or join an
association. (PROGUN vs. Philippine National
Trade or industrial secrets and other Police, G.R. No. 211567, October 15, 2019)
banking transactions:
b. Trade or industrial secrets and other BAR
banking transactions: Pursuant to An “Integrated Bar” is a State-organized Bar,
Intellectual Property Code and Secrecy of to which every lawyer must belong,as
Banks Deposit Act. distinguished from bar associations
organized by individual lawyers themselves,
c. Criminal matters: Relating to membership in which is voluntary. (Letter of
apprehension, the prosecution and Atty. Cecilio Y. Arevalo, Jr., B.M. No. 1370,
detention of criminals which the court may May 9, 2005)
not inquire prior to arrest, prosecution and
detention. (Balag vs. Senate, G.R. No. Lawyers are, therefore, subject to all the
234608, July 3, 2018) rules prescribed for the governance of the
Bar, including the requirement of payment of
a reasonable annual fee for the effective



discharge of the purposes of the Bar. Thus, Memorandum Circular No. 6 of 1987 of the
when the respondent Edillon entered upon Civil Service Commission and as implied in
the legal profession, his practice of law and E.O. No. 180.
his exercise of the said profession, which
affect the society at large, were (and are) The Court rejected the claim that the right to
subject to the power of the body politic to strike is not part of the freedom of expression
require him to conform to such regulations as and the right to peacefully assemble and
might be established by the proper petition the government for redress of
authorities for the common good, even to the grievances, and should thus, be recognized
extent of interfering with some of his even in the case of government employees.
liberties. (In re Atty. Marcial Edillon, AC-1928, (GSIS vs. Kapisanan ng mga Manggagawa ng
August 3, 1978) GSIS, G.R. No. 170132, December 6, 2006)


A CBA Art. 245 of the Labor Code which makes
The rationale for upholding the validity of managerial employees ineligible to join,
union shop clauses in a CBA, even if they assist or form a labor union does not violate
impinge upon the individual employee’s right Sec. 8, Art III of the Constitution. Those who
or freedom of association, is not to protect qualify as top or middle managers are
the union for the union‘s sake. executives who receive from their employer’s
Laws and jurisprudence promote unionism information that is not only confidential but
and afford certain protections to the certified also not generally available to the public, or
bargaining agent in a unionized company to their competitor, or to other employees.
because a strong and effective union (United Pepsi Cola Supervisory Union vs.
presumably benefits all employees in the Laguesma, G.R. No. 122226, March 25,
bargaining unit since such a union would be 1998)
in a better position to demand improved
benefits and conditions of work from the J. NON-IMPAIRMENT OF CONTRACTS
employer. (BPI vs. BPI Union Employees – (1987 CONST., art. III, sec. 10)
Davao Chapter, G.R. No. 164301, August 10,

RIGHT TO STRIKE IN THE PUBLIC Concept and Limitations

The ability to strike is not essential to the Non-impairment of contracts or vested rights
right of association. The right of the clauses will have to yield to the superior and
sovereign to prohibit strike or work legitimate exercise by the State of the police
stoppages by public employees was clearly power. (Bank of the Philippine Islands vs.
recognized at common law. (Bangalisan vs. Securities and Exchange Commission, G.R.
CA, G.R. No. 124678 July 31, 1997) No. 164641, December 20, 2007)

GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES Although Section 10, Article III of the present

While the Constitution and the Labor Code Constitution prohibits Congress from
are silent as to whether or not government enacting laws that impair the obligation of
employees may strike, they are prohibited contracts, such provision is limited by the
from striking, by express provision of exercise of the police power of the State —



in the interest of public health, safety, morals ones are withdrawn. (Id.)
and general welfare (Shuley Mine, Inc. vs.
Department of Environment and Natural The purpose of the non-impairment clause is
Resources, G.R. No. 214923 August 28, to safeguard the integrity of contracts against
2019) unwarranted interference by the State. As a
rule, contracts should not be tampered with
Contract Clause by subsequent laws which would change or
No law impairing the obligation of contracts modify the rights and obligations of the
shall be passed. (Sec. 10, Art. III, 1987 parties. There is impairment if a subsequent
Constitution) law changes the terms of a contract between
the parties, imposes new conditions,
This refers to the non-impairment clause, dispenses with those agreed upon or
which ensures that the integrity of contracts withdraws remedies for the enforcement of
is protected from any unwarranted State the rights of the parties. (Id.)
inference. It ensures that the terms of a
contract mutually agreed upon by the parties 🕮 To fall within the prohibition, the
are not tampered with or modified by a change must not only impair the
subsequent law (Goldenway Merchandising obligation of the existing contract,
Corporation vs. Equitable PCI Bank, GR No. but the impairment must be
195540, March 13, 2013) substantial. Moreover, the law must
effect a change in the rights of the
However, the non-impairment clause yields parties with reference to each other,
to the State's police power. Further property and not with respect to non-parties.
and contractual rights are not absolute and (Philippine Rural Electric
may be limited by the exercise of police Cooperatives Association vs.
power of the State for the common good of Secretary, DILG, GR No. 143078,
the general public. As contracts, partake of June 10, 2003)
the nature of property rights (Id.)
IMPAIRMENT – anything that diminishes
the efficacy of the contract. Degree of a. Police Power: If the law is a proper
diminution is immaterial. As long as the exercise of police power, it will prevail over a
original rights of either party are changed to contract. Public welfare is superior to private
their prejudice, there is already impairment rights.
of the obligation of contract. (Id.)
🕮 In every contract, there is an implied
🕮 To impair, law must retroact so as to reservation that it is subject to the
affect existing contracts concluded police power of the State. (Ortigas &
before its enactment. (Cruz, Co. vs. Feati Bank and Trust Co., GR
Constitutional Law, 2013, p. 258) No. L-24670, December 14, 1979)

🕮 However, there is no impairment as The freedom to contract is not

long as substantial and efficacious absolute; all contracts and all
remedy remains, holds true even if rights are subject to the police
there’s remedy remaining but it is the power of the State and not only
most difficult to employ, the easy may regulations which affect



them be established by the disposition of forest resources to the

State, but all such regulations end that public welfare is promoted.
must be subject to change from They merely evidence a privilege
time to time, as the general well- granted by the State to qualified
being of the community may entities, and do not vest in the latter
require, or as the circumstances a permanent irrevocable right to the
may change, or as experience particular concession area and the
may demonstrate the necessity. forest products therein. They may be
Settled is the rule that the non- validly amended, modified, replaced,
impairment clause of the Constitution or rescinded by the Chief Executive
must yield to the loftier purposes when national interest so requires.
targeted by the Government. The They are not contracts within the
right granted by this provision must purview of the due process clause. (C
submit to the demands and & M Timber Corporation vs. Alcala,
necessities of the State's power of G.R. No. 111088, June 13, 1997)
regulation (Id.)
Contracts which relate to rights not
🕮 The POEA resolution and considered property, such as a franchise or
memorandum circular increasing and permit, are also not protected by the non-
adjusting rates of compensation and impairment clause. The reason is that the
other benefits in the POEA Standard public right or franchise is always subject to
Employment Contracts for Seafarers, amendment or repeal by the State, the grant
being a valid implementation of being a mere privilege. In other words, there
PD957 which was enacted under the can be no vested right in the continued grant
police power of the State, prevail of a franchise. Additional conditions for the
over the non-impairment clause. grant of the franchise may be made and the
(Conference of Maritime Manning grantee cannot claim impairment (Provincial
Agencies vs. POEA, G.R. No. 114714, Bus Operators Association of the Philippines
April 21, 1995) vs. DOLE, G.R. No. 202275 July 17, 2018).

b. Congenital infirmity – susceptibility to Contemporary application of the

change by the legislature as a postulate of Contract Clause
legal order. Franchises, privileges, licenses,
etc., do not come within the context of the CONTRACT – any lawful agreement on the
provision. Sec.11, Art. XII provides that property rights, whether real or personal
“Neither shall any such franchise or right be tangible or intangible but does not cover
granted except under the condition that it licenses, marriage contract and public office.
shall be subject to amendment, alteration or
repeal by the Congress when the common 🕮 There is impairment when there is a
good so requires.” (Roy III vs. Herbosa, G.R. change in the terms of a legal
No. 207246, November 22, 2016) contract between parties, either in
the time or mode of performance, or
🕮 Timber licenses, permits and license imposes new conditions, or dispenses
agreements are the principal with those expressed or authorizes
instruments by which the State for its satisfaction something
regulates the utilization and different from that provided in its



terms. (Clemons vs. Nolting, G.R. No. Hierarchies

17959, January 24, 1922) 1. With respect to private contracts, the
question about the power to tax is
EXCEPTIONS irrelevant because a tax law does not
1. Police Power – public welfare is alter the relation between the parties.
superior to private rights (Philippine 2. With respect to public contracts, the
National Bank vs. Remigio, G.R. No. answer is NO because just as the
78508, March 21, 1994). state cannot contract away its police
2. Power of Eminent Domain power so also it cannot contract away
3. Power of Taxation its power to tax.
3. As to freedom of religion, the Court
In every contract, there is an implied ruled that the free exercise of religion
reservation that it is subject to the police is superior to contract rights.
power of the State (Ortigas & Co. vs. Feati
Bank and Trust Co., G.R. No. L-24670, 🕮 A mere change in procedural
December 14, 1979) remedies which does not change the
substance of a contract and which at
The autonomy of the will of the parties in the same time still leaves an
contracts is subject to a limitation provided in efficacious remedy for enforcement
Article 1306 of the Civil Code, which provides, does not impair the obligation of
"The contracting parties may establish such contracts. (Manila Trading vs. Reyes,
stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions as G.R. No. L-43263, October 31, 1935)
they may deem convenient, provided they
are not contrary to law, morals, good K. FREE ACCESS TO COURTS AND
customs, public order, or public policy" ADEQUATE LEGAL ASSISTANCE (1987
(Light Rail Transit Authority vs. Joy Mart CONST., art. III, sec. 11; R.A. No. 9999)
Consolidated Inc., G.R. No. 211281, February
which changes the terms of a legal contract Free Access to Courts
between parties, either in the time or mode Free access to the courts and quasi-judicial
of performance, or imposes new conditions, bodies and adequate legal assistance shall
or dispenses with those expressed, or not be denied to any person by reason of
authorizes for its satisfaction something poverty. (Sec. 11, Art. III, 1987
different from that provided in its terms; Constitution)
hence, it is null and void. (Clemons vs.
Nolting, G.R. No. L-17959, January 24, 1922) Further, the Court in another decision
explained the importance of this right and
This limitation is addressed to the exercise of pronounced:
legislative or quasi-legislative power and not
on the exercise of judicial or quasi-judicial The importance of the right to free access to
power. (BOCEA vs. Biazon, G.R. No. 205836, the courts and quasi judicial bodies and to
July 12, 2022) adequate legal assistance cannot be denied.
A move to remove the provision on free
access from the Constitution on the ground



that it was already covered by the equal not earn a gross income above mentioned,
protection clause was defeated by the desire and they do not own any real property with
to give constitutional stature to such specific the fair value aforementioned, supported by
protection of the poor. (In RE Exemption an affidavit of a disinterested person
from Legal and Filing Fees of the Good attesting to the truth of the litigant’s
Shepherd Foundation, Inc., A.M. No. 09-6-9- affidavit. The current tax declaration, if any,
SC, August 19, 2009) shall be attached to the litigant’s affidavit.

Rule 141, Section 18, Rules of Court. Sec. 21. Indigent party. — A party may be
Indigent litigants exempts from authorized to litigate his action, claim or
payment of legal fees. — Indigent defense as an indigent if the court, upon an
litigants (a) whose gross income and that of ex parte application and hearing, is satisfied
their immediate family do not exceed four that the party is one who has no money or
thousand (P4,000.00) pesos a month if property sufficient and available for food,
residing in Metro Manila, and three thousand shelter and basic necessities for himself and
(P3,000.00) pesos a month if residing his family. (In RE Exemption from Legal and
outside Metro Manila, and (b) who do not Filing Fees of the Good Shepherd Foundation
own real property with an assessed value of Inc.,A. M. No. 09-6-9-SC, August 19, 2009)
more than fifty thousand (P50,000.00) pesos
shall be exempt from the payment of legal RA 9999 (Free Legal Assistance Act of
fees. 2010) Section 4. Requirements for
Availment. – For purposes of availing of
Suppletorily, the Rules of Court the benefits and services as envisioned in
provides who can be a pauper litigant this Act, a lawyer or professional partnership
and the exemptions they can avail of: shall secure a certification from the Public
Attorney’s Office (PAO), the Department of
Sec. 19. Indigent litigants exempt from Justice (DOJ) or accredited association of
payment of legal fees.– Indigent litigants (a) the Supreme Court indicating that the said
whose gross income and that of their legal services to be provided are within the
immediate family do not exceed an amount services defined by the Supreme Court, and
double the monthly minimum wage of an that the agencies cannot provide the legal
employee and (b) who do not own real services to be provided by the private
property with a fair market value as stated counsel.
in the current tax declaration of more than
three hundred thousand (P300,000.00) For purpose of determining the number of
pesos shall be exempt from payment of legal hours actually provided by the lawyer and/or
fees. professional firm in the provision of legal
services, the association and/or organization
The legal fees shall be a lien on any duly accredited by the Supreme Court shall
judgment rendered in the case favorable to issue the necessary certification that said
the indigent litigant unless the court legal services were actually undertaken.
otherwise provides.
To be entitled to the exemption herein INVESTIGATION (1987 CONST., art.
provided, the litigant shall execute an III, sec. 12; R.A. No. 7438)
affidavit that he and his immediate family do



RIGHTS UNDER CUSTODIAL under investigation and the police officers

INVESTIGATION begin to ask questions on the suspect's
participation therein and which tend to elicit
Any person under investigation for the an admission. (Lopez vs. People of the
commission of an offense shall have the right Philippines, G.R. No. 212186, June 29, 2019)
to be informed of his right to remain silent
and to have competent and independent Rights of a Person under Custodial
counsel preferably of his own choice. If the Investigation
person cannot afford the services of counsel, 1. Right to remain silent;
he must be provided with one. These rights 2. Right to competent and independent
cannot be waived except in writing and in the counsel, preferably of his own choice;
presence of counsel. 3. Right to be reminded that if he
cannot afford the services of counsel,
No torture, force, violence, threat, he would be provided with one
intimidation, or any other means which 4. Right to be informed of his rights;
vitiate the free will shall be used against him. 5. Right against torture, force, violence,
Secret detention places, solitary, threat, intimidation or any other
incommunicado, or other similar forms of means which vitiate the free will;
detention are prohibited. 6. Right against secret detention places,
solitary, incommunicado, or similar
Any confession or admission obtained in forms of detention;
violation of this or Section 17 hereof shall be 7. Right to have confessions or
inadmissible in evidence against him. admissions obtained in violation of
these rights considered inadmissible
The law shall provide for penal and civil in evidence.(Sec. 12, Art. III, 1987
sanctions for violations of this section as well Constitution)
as compensation to the rehabilitation of
victims of torture or similar practices, and 1. Right of a valid waiver
their families. (Sec. 12, Art. III, 1987
Constitution) What may be waived
a. The right to remain silent and
Definition b. The right to counsel.
When the investigation is no longer a general
inquiry unto an unsolved crime but has begun What may not be waived
to focus on a particular suspect, as when the The right to be given the Miranda warnings.
suspect has been taken into police custody
and the police carries out a process of Requisites for Valid Waiver
interrogation that lends itself to eliciting 1. Made voluntarily, knowingly and
incriminating statements (People of the intelligently;
Philippines vs. Marra, G.R. No. 108494, 2. In writing; and
September 20, 1994) 3. With the presence of counsel.
(People of the Philippines vs. Galit,
Commencement G.R. No. L-51770, March 20 1985)
Custodial investigation commences when a
person is taken into custody and is singled
out as a suspect in the commission of a crime



Burden of Proving Voluntariness of investigation. The admissibility of other

Waiver evidence is not affected even if obtained or
taken in the course of the custodial
The presumption is against the waiver. Thus, investigation (People vs. Malimit, G.R. No.
the burden of proof lies with the prosecution. 109775, November 14, 1996)

The prosecution must prove with strongly Extrajudicial Confession by a person

convincing evidence to the satisfaction of the arrested, detained or under custodial
Court that indeed the accused: investigation:
a. Willingly and voluntarily submitted 1. Shall be in writing; and
his confession, and; 2. Signed in the presence of this
b. Knowingly and deliberately counsel, or in the latter’s absence:
manifested that he was not a. Upon a valid waiver; and
interested in having a lawyer assist b. In the presence of any of the
him during the taking of such following:
confession. (People of the Philippines i. Any of the parents
vs. Jara, G.R. No. L-61356-57, ii. Older brother and sisters
September 30, 1986) iii. Spouse
iv. Municipal mayor
2. Exclusionary Rule v. Municipal judge
vi. District school supervisor
Definition vii. Priest or minister of the
According to this rule, once the primary gospel as chosen by him.
source (the tree) is shown to have been
unlawfully obtained, any secondary or Otherwise, such extrajudicial confession shall
derivative evidence (the fruit) derived from it be inadmissible as evidence in any
is also inadmissible. The fruit of the proceeding. (Sec. 2[d], R.A. No. 7438)
poisonous tree is at least once removed from
the illegally seized evidence, but it is equally In the absence of a valid waiver, any
inadmissible. The rule is based on the confession obtained from the appellant
principle that evidence illegally obtained by during the police custodial investigation
the State should not be used to gain other relative to the crime, including any other
evidence because the originally illegally evidence secured by virtue of the said
obtained evidence taints all evidence confession is inadmissible in evidence even if
subsequently obtained (People of the the same was not objected to during the trial
Philippines vs. Samontañez, G.R. No. 134530, by the counsel of the appellant. (People of
December 4, 2000) the Philippines vs. Samontañez, supraG.R.
No. 134530, December 4, 2000)
Any evidence obtained in violation of this or
the preceding section shall be inadmissible M. RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED (1987
for any purpose in any proceeding. (Sec. CONST., art. III, secs. 13-17, 21 and
3(2), Art. III, 1987 Constitution) 22)

Violations of the Miranda rights render RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED

inadmissible only the extrajudicial confession
or admission made during the custodial 1. Due process; (Sec. 14[1], Art. III,



1987 Constitution) the orderly process of law;

2. Be presumed innocent; (Sec. 14[2], c. Accused is given notice and
Art. III, 1987 Constitution) opportunity to be heard; and
3. Be heard by himself and counsel; d. Judgment rendered is within the
(Sec. 14[2], Art. III, 1987 authority of a constitutional law
Constitution) (Pacificar vs. CA, G.R. No. L-33277
4. Be informed of the nature and cause November 25, 1983)
of the accusation against him; (Sec.
14[2], Art. III, 1987 Constitution) 2. Bail
5. A speedy, impartial and public Bail is the security required by the court and
trial;(Sec. 14[2], Art. III, 1987 given by the accused to ensure that the
Constitution) accused appears before the proper court at
6. Have compulsory process to secure the scheduled time and place to answer the
the attendance of witnesses and charges brought against him. It is awarded
production of evidence on his behalf; to the accused to honor the presumption of
(Sec. 14[2], Art. III, 1987 innocence until his guilt is proven beyond
Constitution) reasonable doubt, and to enable him to
7. Meet the witnesses face to face;(Sec. prepare his defense without being subject to
14[2], Art. III, 1987 Constitution) punishment prior to conviction. (Cortes vs.
8. Against double jeopardy; and (Sec. Catral, A.M. No. RTJ-99-1508, 15 Dec. 1999)
21, Art. III, 1987 Constitution)
9. Bail. (Sec. 13, Art. III, 1987 Who may avail
Constitution) All persons under custody of law may avail of
bail. (Sec. 13, Art. III, 1987 Constitution)
1. Criminal Due Process
No person shall be held to answer for a Exceptions
criminal offense without due process of law. 1. Those charged with a capital offense,
(Sec. 14[1], Art. III, 1987 Constitution) or an offense punishable by reclusion
perpetua or life imprisonment when
Due process in criminal proceedings is evidence of guilt is strong, regardless
satisfied if the accused is “informed as to why of the stage of the criminal
he is proceeded against, and what charge he prosecution (Rule 114, Sec. 7, Rules
shall meet, with his conviction being made to of Court)
rest on evidence that is not tainted with 2. Military men who participated in
falsity after full opportunity for him to rebut failed coup d’état because of their
it and the sentence being implied in threat to national security
accordance with a valid law. It is assumed, of (Comendador vs. De Villa, G.R. No.
course, that the court that rendered the 93177, August 2, 1991)
decision is one of competent jurisdiction
(Mejia vs. Pamaran, G.R. No. L-56741-42, When to avail
April 15, 1988) From the very moment of arrest (which may
be before or after the filing of formal charges
Requisites in court) up to the time of conviction by final
a. Accused is heard by a court of judgment (which means after appeal).
competent jurisdiction;
b. Accused is proceeded against under Arraignment of the accused is not essential



to the approval of the bail bond. When bail is Courts; (Rule 114, Sec. 4, Rules of
authorized, it should be granted before Court)
arraignment. Otherwise the accused may be 🕮 Before conviction by the RTC of an
precluded from filing a motion to quash. Also, offense not punishable by death,
the court will be assured of the presence of reclusion perpetua or life
the accused at the arraignment precisely by imprisonment; and (Rule 114, Sec. 4,
granting bail and ordering his presence at Rules of Court)
any stage of the proceeding. (Lavides vs. 🕮 Before final conviction by all children
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 129670, February in conflict with the law for an offense
1, 2000) not punishable by reclusion perpetua
or life imprisonment. (Sec. 27, A.M.
Purpose No. 02-1-18-SC or Rule on Juveniles
To guarantee the appearance of the accused in Conflict with the Law)
at the trial, or whenever so required by the
Court. The amount should be high enough to The right to bail shall not be impaired even
assure the presence of the accused when when the privilege of the writ of habeas
required but no higher than is reasonably corpus is suspended. (Sec. 13, Art. III, 1987
calculated to fulfill this purpose. To fix bail at Constitution)
an amount equivalent to the civil liability of
which petitioner is charged is to permit the Bail as a Matter of Discretion
impression that the amount paid as bail is an When the accused has been convicted in the
exaction of the civil liability that accused is RTC of an offense not punishable by death,
charged of; this we cannot allow because bail reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, the
is not intended as a punishment, nor as a admission to bail becomes discretionary.
satisfaction of civil liability which should (Rule 114, Sec. 5, Rules of Court)
necessarily await the judgment of the
appellate court. (Yap vs. Court of Appeals, To summarize:
G.R. No. 141529, June 6, 2001) 🕮 Upon conviction by the RTC of an
offense not punishable by death,
Basis of this right reclusion perpetua or life
imprisonment; (Rule 114, Sec. 5,
Presumption of Innocence (Sec. 14[2], Art. Rules of Court)
III, 1987 Constitution) 🕮 Regardless of the stage of the
criminal prosecution, a person
Bail as a Matter of Right charged with a capital offense, or an
All persons, except those charged with offense punishable by reclusion
offenses punishable by reclusion perpetua perpetua or life imprisonment, when
when evidence of guilt is strong, shall, before evidence of guilt is not strong; and
conviction, be bailable by sufficient sureties, ○ The court’s discretion to
or be released on recognizance as may be grant bail must be exercised
provided by law. (Sec. 13, Art. III, 1987 in the light of a summary of
Constitution) the evidence presented by
the prosecution. Bail must
To summarize: not then be granted to the
🕮 Before or after conviction by the accused during the pendency
Metropolitan or Municipal Trial of his appeal from the



judgment of conviction. indicate the probability of flight if

(People vs. Nitcha, G.R. No. released on bail; or
113517, January 19, 1995) 5. That there is undue risk that he may
🕮 A child in conflict with the law commit another crime during the
charged with an offense punishable pendency of the appeal.
by death, reclusion perpetua or life
imprisonment when evidence of guilt The appellate court may, motu proprio or on
is strong. (Sec. 28, A.M. No. 02-1-18- motion of any party, review the resolution of
SC or Rule on Juveniles in Conflict the RTC after notice to the adverse party in
with the Law) either case. (Rule 114, Sec. 5, Rules of Court)

In the cases where the grant of bail is Forms of bail:

discretionary, due process requires that the a. Corporate Surety
prosecution must be given an opportunity to b. Property Bond
present, within a reasonable time, all the c. Cash deposit; and
evidence that it may desire to introduce d. Recognizance (Rule 114, Sec. 1,
before the court should resolve the motion Rules of Court)
for bail. (People of the Philippines vs. Judge
Donato, G.R. No. 79269, June 5, 1991) Duties of a trial judge in case an
application for bail is filed (Cortes vs.
The prosecution cannot adduce evidence for Catral, A.M. No. RTJ-97-1387, September 10,
the denial of bail where it is a matter of right. 1997)
However, where the grant of bail is 1. In all cases, whether bail is a matter
discretionary, the prosecution may show of right or of discretion, notify the
proof to deny the bail. (Basco vs. Rapatalo, prosecutor of the hearing of the
A.M. No. RTJ-96-1335, March 05, 1997) application for bail or require him to
submit his recommendation (Rule
Grounds for denial of bail 114, Sec. 18, Rules of Court);
If the penalty imposed by the trial court is 2. Where bail is a matter of discretion,
imprisonment exceeding six (6) years, the conduct a hearing of the application
accused shall be denied bail, or his bail shall for bail regardless of whether or not
be cancelled upon a showing by the the prosecution refuses to present
prosecution, with notice to the accused, of evidence to show that the guilt of the
the following or other similar circumstances: accused is strong for the purpose of
1. That he is a recidivist, quasi- enabling the court to exercise its
recidivist, or habitual delinquent, or sound discretion (Rule 114, Secs. 7 &
has committed the crime aggravated 8, Rules of Court);
by the circumstance of reiteration; 3. Decide whether the guilt of the
2. That he has previously escaped from accused is strong based on the
legal confinement, evaded sentence, summary of evidence of the
or violated the conditions of his bail prosecution; and
without valid justification; 4. If the guilt of the accused is not
3. That he committed the offense while strong, discharge the accused upon
under probation, parole, or approval of the bail bond (Rule 114,
conditional pardon; Sec. 19, Rules of Court).
4. That the circumstances of his case



3. Presumption of Innocence Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall Proof beyond reasonable doubt does not
be presumed innocent until the contrary is mean such a degree of proof, excluding
proved. (Sec. 14[2], Art. III, 1987 possibility of error, produces absolute
Constitution) certainty. Moral certainty only is required, or
that degree of proof which produces
After conviction by the trial court, the conviction in an unprejudiced mind (Sec. 2,
presumption of innocence terminates and, Rule 133, Rules of Court).
accordingly, the constitutional right to bail
ends. (Leviste vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 4. Right to Counsel
189122, March 17, 2010; Qui vs. People of The right to counsel proceeds from the
the Philippines, G.R. No. 196161, September fundamental principle of due process which
26, 2012) basically means that a person must be heard
before being condemned. The due process
Juridical person requirement is part of a person’s basic rights;
A corporate entity has no personality to it is not a mere formality that may be
invoke the right to be presumed innocent dispensed with or performed perfunctorily.
which right is available only to an individual (People of the Philippines vs. Bermas, G.R.
who is an accused in a criminal case. (Feeder No. 120420, April 21, 1999)
International vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
94262, May 31, 1991) If he opts to be silent where he has a right to
speak, he cannot later be heard to complain
Burden of proof that he was unduly silenced. (Stronghold Ins.
The prosecution has the burden to prove the Co. vs. CA, G.R. No. 89020, May 5, 1992)
guilt of the accused beyond reasonable
doubt; (People of the Philippines vs. Colcol., The right to counsel is absolute and may be
Jr., G.R. No. 94554, February 19, 1993) invoked at all times. In an ongoing litigation,
it is a right that must be exercised at every
The requirement of proof beyond reasonable step of the way, with the lawyer faithfully
doubt is a necessary corollary of the keeping his client company. Unless the
constitutional right to be presumed innocent. accused is represented by a lawyer, there is
(People of the Philippines vs. Dramayo, G.R. great danger that any defense presented in
No. L-21325, October 29, 1971) his behalf will be inadequate considering the
legal perquisites and skills needed in the
The prosecution bears the burden to court proceedings. This would certainly be a
overcome such presumption. If the denial of due process. (Inacay vs People,
prosecution fails to discharge this burden, the G.R. No. 223506, November 28, 2016)
accused deserves a judgment of acquittal;
and (Delarivav vs. People of the Philippines, To be present and defend in person and by
G.R. No. 212940, September 16, 2015) counsel at every stage of the proceedings,
from arraignment to promulgation of the
Conviction of an accused must be based on judgment. (Rule 115, Sec. 1[c])
the strength of the prosecution evidence and
not on the weakness or absence of evidence Upon motion, the accused may be allowed to
of the defense. (People of the Philippines vs. defend himself in person when it sufficiently
Mirondo, G.R. No. 210841, October 14, 2015) appears to the court that he can properly



protect his right without the assistance of Void for Vagueness Rule: The accused is
counsel. (Ibid.) denied the right to be informed of the charge
against him, and to due process as well,
5. Right to be Informed of the where the statute itself is couched in such
Nature and Cause of Accusation indefinite language that it is not possible for
Due process in criminal prosecutions requires men of ordinary intelligence to determine
that an accused be "informed of the what acts or omissions are punished. In such
nature and cause of the accusation case, the law is deemed void.
against him," a right enshrined in our very
Constitution. This constitutional mandate is Waiver: The right to be informed of the
reinforced in the procedural rules instated to nature and cause of accusation against him
safeguard the rights of the accused. (Villarba may not be waived, but the defense may
vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 227777, June waive the right to enter a plea and allow the
15, 2020) court to enter the plea of “not guilty” for the
An accused cannot be convicted in the courts
of any offense, unless it is charged in the The right cannot be waived by reasons of
complaint or information on which he is tried, public policy. However, if the accused himself
or necessarily included therein. He has the refused to be informed of the nature and
right to be informed as to the nature of the cause of accusation against him, there is
offense with which he is charged before he is substantive compliance when the counsel of
put on trial, and to convict him of an offense the accused received the copy of the
higher than that charged in the complaint or Prosecutor’s resolution sustaining the charge.
information on which he is tried would be an
unauthorized denial of that right. (Canceran Failure to object to the multiple offenses
vs. People, G.R. No. 206442, July 01, 2015) alleged in the criminal information during
arraignment is deemed a waiver of the right.
Requisites of valid information (Abalos vs. People of the Philippines, G.R. No.
a. States the name of the accused; 136994, September 17, 2002)
b. The designation of the offense given
c. The acts or omissions complained of as Political crimes are those directly aimed
constituting the offence; against the political order, as well as such
d. The name of the offended party; common crimes as may be committed to
e. The proximate date of the commission achieve a political purpose. The decisive
of the offense; factor is the intent or motive. If a crime
f. The place where the offense was usually regarded as common like homicide, is
committed (Sec. 6, Rule 110, Revised perpetrated for the purpose of removing from
Rules of Court). the allegiance “to the Government the
territory of the Philippines Islands or any part
It is not necessary for the information to thereof,” then said offense becomes stripped
allege the date and time of the commission of its “common” complexion, inasmuch as,
of the crime with exactitude unless such date being part and parcel of the crime of
and time are essential ingredients of the rebellion, the former acquires the political
offenses charged. (People of the Philippines character of the latter. (People of the
vs. Nuyok, G.R. No. 195424, June 15, 2015) Philippines vs. Hernandez, G.R. No. L-6025



July 18, 1956) 2022, J. MV Lopez)

But when the political offense doctrine is The Court has emphasized that "'speedy trial'
asserted as a defense in the trial court, it is a relative term and necessarily a flexible
becomes crucial for the court to determine concept." Mere mathematical reckoning of
whether the act of killing was done in the time involved would not suffice as the
furtherance of a political end, and for the realities of everyday life must be regarded in
political motive of the act to be conclusively judicial proceedings. (Saldariega vs.
demonstrated. (Nachura, Outline Reviewer in Panganiban, G.R. Nos. 211933 & 211960,
Political Law, 2016) April 15, 2015)

6. Right to Speedy, Impartial and IMPARTIAL TRIAL: Accused is entitled to

Public Trial “cold neutrality of an impartial judge”. Judge
The right to speedy trial particularly refers to must not only be impartial but must also
criminal prosecutions which are at the trial appear to be impartial.
stage while the right to speedy disposition of
applies to all cases before judicial, quasi- PUBLIC TRIAL: To ensure that the accused
judicial or administrative bodies trial. (Sec. is fairly dealt with and would not be unjustly
14[2], Art. III, 1987 Constitution; cases Sec. condemned and that his rights are not
16, Art. III, 1987 Constitution) compromised in secret conclaves of long ago.
(In Re: Request for Live TV Coverage of the
Dismissal based on the denial of the right to Trial of Former 181President Joseph Estrada,
speedy trial amounts to an acquittal. A.M. No. 01-4-03-SC, June 29, 2001)
(Acebedo vs. Sarmiento, G.R. No. L-28025,
December 16, 1970) GENERAL RULE: Publicity of the trial is
necessary to prevent abuses that may be
When disallowed committed by the court to the prejudice of
The right to speedy trial cannot be invoked the Defendant.
where to sustain the same would result in a
clear denial of due process to the EXCEPTION: The judge may, motu proprio,
prosecution. (Spouses Uy vs. Hon. Adriano, exclude the public from the courtroom if the
G.R. NO. 159098, October 27, 2006) evidence to be produced during the trial is
offensive to decency or public morals. He
When violated may also, on motion of the accused, exclude
In determining whether the accused's right to the public from the trial, except court
speedy trial was violated, the delay should be personnel and the counsel of the parties.
considered in view of the entirety of the (Rule 119, Sec. 21)
proceedings. The factors to balance are the
following: The right to a public trial belongs first and
(a) length of delay; foremost to accused. Said right require that
(b) reason for the delay; proceedings be open to the public to ensure
(c) assertion of the right or failure to that the accused is fairly dealt with and not
assert it; and unjustly condemn. The openness of a trial
(d) prejudice caused by such safeguards against attempts to employ the
delay(Figueroa vs. Sandiganbayan, courts as instruments of prosecution since it
G.R. No. 235965-66, February 15, induces all the participants therein, e.g.



judge, lawyers, witness, to perform their guard against accusations of violating the
duties conscientiously, and provides the right of the accused to meet the witnesses
public with an opportunity to observe the against him face to face. Great care must be
events therein. However, a public trial is not observed in the taking and use of depositions
to be equated with “publicized trial”, one of prosecution witnesses to the end that no
characterized by pervasive adverse publicity conviction of an accused will rely on ex parte
that violates the accused’ constitutional right affidavits and deposition. (Ibid.)
to due process. (In Re: Request for Live TV
Coverage of the Trial of Former President Exceptions to the right of confrontation
Joseph Estrada, A.M. No. 01-4-03-SC, June 1. Dying declarations and all exceptions
29, 2001) to the hearsay rule; (Talino vs.
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 75511-14,
The SC held that there should be an March 16, 1987) and
audiovisual recording of the proceedings. The 2. Trial in absentia (Sec. 14[2], Art.III,
recordings will not be for live or real time 1987 Constitution).
broadcast but for documentary purposes.
Only later will they be available for public Denying an accused the right to cross-
showing, after the Sandiganbayan shall have examine will render the testimony of the
promulgated its decision in every case to witness incomplete and inadmissible in
which the recording pertains. The master film evidence. When cross-examination is not and
shall be deposited in the National Museum cannot be done or completed due to causes
and the Records Management and Archives attributable to the party offering the witness,
Office for historical preservation and the uncompleted testimony is thereby
exhibition pursuant to law. (Ibid.) rendered incompetent. (Kim Liong vs.
People, G.R. No. 200630, June 04, 2018)
7. Right to Confrontation
Purpose: The right of confrontation, on the 8. Right to Compulsory Process
other hand, is held to apply specifically to The right to compulsory process may be
criminal proceedings and to have a twofold invoked by the accused to secure the
purpose: attendance of witnesses and the production
a. To afford the accused an opportunity of witnesses on his behalf. This is a
to test the testimony of the witness constitutional right embodied in Section
by cross-examination. 14(2), Article III of the Bill of Rights.
b. To allow the judge to observe the
deportment of the witness. (Go et. al. Various means
vs. People of the Philippines and 1. Subpoena ad testificandum (to
Highdone Company, Ltd., G.R. No. compel a person to testify) and
185527, July 18, 2012) subpoena duces tecum (to compel
the production of books, records,
While the prosecution must provide the things or documents therein
accused every opportunity to take the specified)
deposition of witnesses that are material to 2. Depositions and other modes of
his defense in order to avoid charges of discovery
violating the right of the accused to 3. Perpetuation of testimonies
compulsory process, the State itself must
resort to deposition-taking sparingly if it is to Well settled is the rule that before a



subpoena duces may issue, the court must arraigned;

first be satisfied that the following requisites 2. He has been duly notified of the trial;
are present: and
3. His failure to appear is unjustifiable.
1. The books, documents or other (Bernardo vs. People of the
things requested must appear prima Philippines, G.R. No. 166980, April 3,
facie relevant to the issued subject of 2007)
the controversy (test of relevance);
2. Such books must be reasonably Consequences of the Accused’s Failure
described by the parties to be readily to Appear for Trial
identified (test of definiteness). The absence of the accused without any
(Roco vs. Contreras, GR 158275, justifiable cause at the trial on a particular
June 28, 2005) date of which he had notice shall be
considered a waiver of his right to be present
Requirements for the exercise of the during that trial. When an accused under
right to secure attendance of witness custody had been notified of the date of the
trial and escapes, he shall be deemed to have
1. The witness is really material; waived his right to be present on said date
2. The attendance of the witness was and on all subsequent trial dates until
previously obtained; custody is regained. (Gimenez vs. Nazareno,
3. The witness will be available at the G.R. No. L-37933, April 15, 1988)
time desired; and
4. No similar evidence could be Presence of the accused is a duty
a. Arraignment and Plea
Effect of failure to obey the processes The accused must be present at the
a. Punishable as contempt of court arraignment and must personally enter his
b. Witnesses may be arrested so they can plea. (Rule 116, Sec. 1[b])
give the needed evidence
b. During Trial for Identification
In case of the unjustified failure of the Common reason suggests that the
witness to comply, the court or judge issuing prosecution must be afforded the right to
the subpoena, upon proof of the service of identify the accused as the perpetrator of the
such subpoena and proof of his failure to offense and the very person named or
attend, may issue a warrant for his arrest. described in the complaint or information
(Rule 21, Sec. 8) because rights during the trial are not
designed to be for the accused alone.
9. Trial in Absentia
After arraignment, trial may proceed To be present and defend in person and by
notwithstanding the absence of the accused counsel at every stage of the proceedings,
provided that he has been duly notified and from arraignment to promulgation of the
his failure to appear is unjustifiable. (Sec. judgment. The accused may, however, waive
14[2], Art. III, 1987 Constitution) his presence at the trial pursuant to the
stipulations set forth in his bail, unless his
Requisites of a valid trial in absentia: presence is specifically ordered by the court
1. The accused has already been for purposes of identification. (Rule 115, Sec.




of one who is compelled by force, coercion,
c. Promulgation of Sentence, or imprisonment and against his will to labor
unless for a light offense for another, whether or not he is paid.
The sentence imposed by the trial court
cannot be served in the absence of the GENERAL RULE: Involuntary servitude is
accused. Hence, all means of notification prohibited.
must be done to let the absent accused know
of the judgment of the court. EXCEPTIONS:
a. Punishment for a crime for which the
Notice to the accused party has been duly convicted (Sec.
a. By giving notice to all persons or the 18[2], Art. III, 1987 Constitution)
act of recording or registering the
judgment in the criminal docket b. Personal military or civil service in
(which Section 6 incidentally the interest of national defense (Sec.
mentions first showing its 4, Art. II, 1987 Constitution)
importance); and
c. Naval (mercantile marine)
b. Service of copy thereof upon the enlistment (165 U.S. 275 [1987])
accused at his last known address or
his counsel. d. Posse comitatus (Power or Force of
the Country) for the apprehension of
In a scenario where the whereabouts of the criminals (U.S. vs. Pompaya, G.R.
accused are unknown (as when he is at No. L-10255, August 6, 1915): In the
large), the recording satisfies the pursuit of persons who violated the
requirement of notifying the accused of the law, such as brigands, the
decision wherever he may be. (Estrada vs. authorities may command all the
People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 162371, male inhabitants of a certain age to
August 25, 2005) assist them in the arrest.

N. RIGHT AGAINST INVOLUNTARY e. Striking workers – return to work

SERVITUDE (1987 CONST., art. III, order issued by the DOLE Secretary
sec. 18) or the President in industries
affected with public interest (45 O.G.
f. Minors under patria potestas are
No person shall be detained solely by reason obliged to obey their parents (Art.
of his political beliefs or aspirations. No 211, Family Code)
involuntary servitude in any form shall exist
except as punishment for a crime whereof DOMESTIC SERVICES
the party shall have been duly convicted. Domestic services are always to be
(Sec. 18 Art. III, The 1987 Philippine remunerated, and no agreement may
Constitution) subsist in law in which it is stipulated that
any domestic service shall be absolutely
gratuitous. (De los Reyes vs. Alojado, G.R.



No. L-5671, August 24, 1910) exempt from this provision as long
as their religious beliefs and
POLITICAL PRISONERS convictions do not allow them to
If the petitioners are political prisoners render reproductive health service,
subject to the civil jurisdiction of ordinary pro bono or otherwise. (Imbong vs.
courts of justice if they are to be prosecuted Ochoa, G.R. 204819, April 8, 2014)
at all, the army has no jurisdiction, nor
power, nor authority, from all legal O. RIGHT AGAINST EXCESSIVE FINES,
standpoints, to continue holding them in AND CRUEL AND INHUMANE
restraint. They are entitled, as a matter of PUNISHMENTS (1987 CONST., ART.
fundamental right, to be immediately III, SEC. 19)
released, any allegation as to whether the
war was ended or not. (Raquiz vs. Bradford, RIGHTS AGAINST EXCESSIVE FINES,
G.R. No. L-44 September 13, 1945) AND CRUEL AND INHUMANE
Examples Excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor
cruel, degrading, or inhuman punishment
a. A former court stenographer may be inflicted. Neither shall death penalty be
compelled under pain of contempt to imposed, unless, for compelling reasons
transcribe stenographic notes he involving heinous crimes, the Congress
had failed to attend to while in hereafter provides for it. Any death penalty
service. (Adoracion vs. Gatamaitan, already imposed shall be reduced to reclusion
G.R. No. L- 3911, May 26, 1975) perpetua.

b. The requirement under Sec 17 of the The employment of physical, psychological,

Responsible Parenthood and or degrading punishment against any
Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (RH prisoner or detainee or the use of
Law) for private and non- substandard or inadequate penal facilities
government health care service under subhuman conditions shall be dealt
providers to render 48 hrs. of pro with by law. (Sec. 19, Art. III, 1987
bono RH services does not amount Constitution)
to involuntary servitude.
A punishment authorized by statute is not
The law only encourages private and cruel, degrading or disproportionate to the
non-government RH service nature of the offense unless it is flagrantly
providers to render pro bono service. and plainly oppressive and wholly
The notion of involuntary servitude disproportionate to the nature of the offense
connotes the presence of force, as to shock the moral sense of the
threats, intimidation or other similar community. It takes more than merely
means of coercion and compulsion. being harsh, excessive, out of
Except for Philhealth accreditation, proportion or severe for a penalty to be
no penalty is imposed should they do obnoxious to the Constitution. (Maturan
otherwise. vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. No.
227155, March 28, 2017)
However, it should be emphasized
that conscientious objectors are The prohibition against cruel and unusual



punishment is generally aimed at the form degree of his culpability. The accused must
or character of the punishment rather than also be asked if he desires to present
its severity in respect of its duration or evidence, and in the affirmative, allow him to
amount, and applies to punishments which do so. (People of the Philippines vs. Sta.
never existed in America or which public Teresa, G.R. No. 130633, March 20, 2001)
sentiment regards as cruel or obsolete.
(Fuertes vs. Senate of the Philippines, G.R. Automatic review in death penalty cases shall
No. 208162, January 7, 2020) proceed even in the absence of the accused,
considering that “nothing less than life is at
Cruel, degrading, or inhuman stake and any court decision must be as
punishment; excessive fines error-free as possible.” (People of the
Death penalty is neither cruel nor unusual Philippines vs. Esparas, G.R. No. 120034,
punishment. It is an exercise of the State’s August 20, 1996)
power to secure society against the
threatened or actual evil. (People of the In the absence of the accused, a decision can
Philippines vs. Echegaray, G.R. No. 117472, be rendered affirming a death sentence
February 7, 1997) imposed by the trial court. Consequently, if
such review shows that accused-appellant is
The issue of whether the death penalty guilty, his conviction must be affirmed either
should remain in our penal laws is a question in toto or with modification, just as his
which should be addressed to the legislature, acquittal must be declared if a review shows
because the courts are not the proper venue he is innocent. There is no sense in holding
for a protracted debate on the morality and that the automatic review of the decision
propriety of capital punishment. (People of must proceed even if the accused has
the Philippines vs. Baway, G.R. No. 130406, absconded short of pronouncing his guilt in
January 22, 2001) the event the evidence warrants affirmation
That the penalty is grossly disproportionate of the decision of the trial court. Accordingly,
to the crime is an insufficient basis to declare we shall proceed with the disposition of this
the law unconstitutional on the ground that it appeal. (People of the Philippines vs.
is cruel and unusual. The fact that the Palabrica, G.R. No. 129285, August 20, 1996)
punishment authorized by the statute is
severe does not make it cruel or unusual. Capital punishment restored, reviewed,
(People vs. Judge Dacuycuy, G.R. No. L- stopped
45127, May 5, 1989) In the case of Echegaray, the Court ruled that
the import of the grant of powers to Congress
Automatic review for capital to restore the death penalty requires:
punishment a. That Congress define or describe what
When an accused pleads guilty to a capital is meant by heinous crimes;
offense, the stringent constitutional b. That Congress specify and penalize by
standards of due process require that the trial death, only crimes that qualify as
court must conduct a searching inquiry into heinous in accordance with the
the voluntariness of the plea, and the definition or description set in the death
accused full comprehension of the penalty bill and/or designate crimes
consequences thereof. It shall also require punishable by reclusion perpetua to
the prosecution to present evidence to prove death in which latter case, death can
the guilt of the accused and the precise only be imposed upon the attendance



of circumstances duly proven in court said rights, which include the detained
that characterize the crime to be person’s right to be assisted by counsel. In
heinous crimes in accordance with the addition, R.A. 9745, otherwise known as the
definition or description set in the death “Anti-Torture Act of 2009” outlaws, foremost,
penalty bill; any act that subjects people held in custody
c. That Congress, in enacting this death to any form of physical, psychological or
penalty bill, be singularly motivated by mental harm, force, violence, threat or
“compelling reasons involving heinous intimidation or any other act which degrades
crimes. (Bernas, 1987 Constitution of human dignity. Finally, Article 32 of the New
the Republic of the Philippines: A Civil Code enumerates the rights and liberties
Commentary, 2009 edition, p. 578) of all persons, several of which pertain to the
rights of the accused and includes the
Abolition of death penalty freedom from excessive fines or cruel and
The constitutional abolition of the death unusual punishment. Article 32 further
penalty immediately took effect upon the provides that the impeding or impairment of
ratification of the Constitution but does not these rights shall be under pains of damages.
prevent the legislature from reimposing it at (Ibid.)
some future time, subject to the
qualifications cited below. (Bernas, 1987 P. NON-IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBTS
Constitution of the RP: A Commentary, 2009 (1987 CONST., art. III, sec. 20)
edition, p. 576)
Custodial cruelties and inadequate
penal facilities No person shall be imprisoned for debt or
While persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) do non-payment of a poll tax. (Sec. 20, Art. III,
not enjoy the same latitude of rights as 1987 Constitution)
certain restrictions on their liberty and
property are imposed as a consequence of Debt
their detention or imprisonment, the The cases touching on the subject reveal that
foregoing international covenants and our the constitutional prohibition, stated in full,
own Constitution prove that PDLs do not shed means this: No person may be imprisoned for
their human rights once they are arrested, debt in virtue of an order in a civil proceeding,
charged, placed under the custody of law, either as a substitute for satisfaction of a debt
and subsequently convicted and or as a means of compelling satisfaction; but
incarcerated. (Almonte vs. People, G.R. No. a person may be imprisoned as a penalty for
252117, July 28, 2020) a crime arising from a contractual debt and
imposed in a proper criminal proceeding.
R.A. 7438, otherwise known as the “Custodial (Bernas, The 1987 Philippine Constitution: A
Investigation Law of 1992,” was created Comprehensive Reviewer, 2011 edition, p.
pursuant to the State policy of valuing the 159)
“dignity of every human being” and
guaranteeing “full respect for human rights.” While the debtor cannot be imprisoned
It defines the positive rights of all persons for failure to pay his debt, he can be
under custodial investigation, and outlines validly punished in a criminal action if
the concomitant duties of arresting, he contracted his debt through fraud, as
detaining, or investigating officers to secure his responsibility arises not from the contract



of loan, but from the commission of a crime. as minority. Reciprocally, it imposes the duty
(Lozano vs. Martinez, G.R. No. L-63419, of allegiance to the political community
December 18, 1986) (Bernas, 1987 Constitution of the Republic of
the Philippines: A Commentary, 2009 edition,
Violation of a trust receipt agreement is p.629)
punishable as estafa which is not an offense
against property, but against public order. CITIZEN – one, who, as a member of the
(People of the Philippines vs. Judge Nitafan, body politic of state, owes allegiance to, and
G.R. No. 75952, October 22, 1992) may claim reciprocal protection from the
government. (Magsalin, Philippine Political
Subsidiary Imprisonment Law, 2007, p. 80)

It is not violative because it is part of the

penalty imposed upon the accused for the
crime committed.

A person may be imprisoned as a penalty for

a crime arising from contractual debt and
imposed in a proper criminal proceeding.
Thus, the conversion of a criminal fine into a A. FILIPINO CITIZENS
prison term does not violate the provision a. Those who are citizens of the Philippines
because in such a case, imprisonment is at the time of the adoption of this
imposed for a monetary obligation arising Constitution;
from crime. (Makapagal vs. Santamaria, G.R. b. Those whose fathers or mothers are
No. L-34616, December 15, 1930) citizens of the Philippines;
c. Those born before January 17, 1973, of
GENERAL RULE: Taxes are not considered Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine
debt. It arises from the obligation to citizenship upon reaching the age of
contribute to the maintenance of the majority; and
government. Hence, failure to pay the same d. Those who are naturalized in accordance
can be validly punished with imprisonment. with law. (Sec. 1, Art. IV, 1987
EXCEPTION: Poll Tax, which is the specific
fixed sum levied upon every person Citizens under the 1935 Constitution
belonging to a certain class without regard to a. Inhabitants as of the adoption of the
his property or occupation. (Cruz, Philippine Treaty of Paris who continued to reside in
Political Law, 2014, p.610) the Philippines as well as their children
born subsequent thereto. (Sec. 4, The
VII. CITIZENSHIP Philippine Bill of 1902)
b. Caram Rule – those born in the
CITIZENSHIP - It pertains to a membership Philippines of foreign parents who, before
in a political community, which is personal the adoption of the Constitution had been
and more or less permanent in character. It elected to public office. (Sec. 1(2), Art.
denotes possession within that particular IV, 1935 Constitution)
political community of full civil and political
rights subject to special disqualifications such



Citizens under the 1973 Constitution continuous was already rejected in Bengson
a. Those who are citizens of the III vs. HRET where the phrase "from birth"
Philippines at the time of the was clarified to mean at the time of birth: "A
adoption of this Constitution. person who at the time of his birth, is a
b. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizen of a particular country, is a natural-
citizens of the Philippines born citizen thereof." Neither is
c. Those born before January 17, 1973 "repatriation" an act to "acquire or
of Filipino mothers, who elect perfect" one's citizenship.
Philippine citizenship upon reaching
the age of majority. There are only two types of citizens under the
d. Those who are naturalized in 1987 Constitution: natural-born citizens and
accordance with law. (Sec. 1, Art III, naturalized citizens; there is no third category
1973 Constitution) for repatriated citizens. (Poe-Llamanzares vs.
Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 221697,
NATURAL BORN CITIZENS – those who March 8, 2016)
are citizens of the Philippines from birth
without having to perform any act to NATURALIZED CITIZENS – citizens who
acquire or perfect their Philippine are not natural-born citizens but those which
citizenship. Those who elect Philippine become such in accordance with law. (Art.
citizenship in accordance with paragraph (3), IV, Sec. 1 [4], 197 Constitution)
Section 1 hereof shall be deemed natural
born citizens (Sec. 2, Article IV, 1987 Purpose of distinguishing citizenship
Constitution). It includes:
Only natural born citizens are qualified to
a. Those whose fathers or mothers are assume the following positions:
citizens of the Philippines. Under the a. President (Sec 2, Art. VII, 1987
jus sanguinis principle, the fact of Constitution)
being born to a Filipino father or b. Vice-President (Sec 3, Art. VII, 1987
mother confers natural born status. Constitution)
(Sec. 1[2], Art. IV, 1987 Constitution) c. Members of Congress (Secs. 3 & 6, Art.
b. Those who elect Philippine citizenship VI, 1987 Constitution)
upon reaching majority age. Under d. Justices of the Supreme Court and the
the 1987 Constitution, those born Court of Appeals (Sec 7[1], Art. VIII,
before January 17, 1973 of Filipino 1987 Constitution)
mothers may elect Philippine e. Ombudsman and Deputies (Sec 8, Art.
citizenship upon reaching the age of XI, 1987 Constitution)
majority. (Sec. 1[3], Art. IV, 1987 f. Members of the Constitutional
Constitution) Commissions (Sec. 1[1]; Art. IX-B, Art.
c. Those former natural born citizens IX-C, Art. IX-D, 1987 Constitution)
who reacquire Philippine citizenship g. Members of the Central Monetary
through repatriation. (Sec. 1, Authority (Sec. 20, Art. XII, 1987
Republic Act No. 8171) Constitution)
h. Members of the Commission on Human
Natural-born citizenship can be reacquired rights (Sec. 17[2], Art. XIII, 1987
even if it had been once lost. COMELEC's Constitution)
position that natural-born status must be



The 1935 Constitution, during which regime FOUNDLING - shall be a deserted or

respondent FPJ was born, confers citizenship abandoned child or infant with unknown facts
to all persons whose fathers are Filipino of birth and parentage. This shall also include
citizens regardless of whether such children those who have been duly registered as a
are legitimate or illegitimate. (Tecson, et. al foundling during her or his infant childhood,
vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. No. but have reached the age of majority without
161434, March 3, 2004) benefitting from adoption procedures upon
the passage of this law. (Sec. 3, RA No.
Dual Citizenship and Dual Allegiance 11767)
Private respondent’s declaration in his
certificate of candidacy that he is a Filipino 1. THE FOUNDLING RECOGNITION AND
citizen, that he is not a permanent resident PROTECTION ACT (REPUBLIC ACT NO.
of another country and that he will defend 11767)
and support the Constitution effectively
repudiated his American citizenship. His Enacted on May 6, 2022. This law recognizes
oath of allegiance to the Philippines when the status of foundlings found in the
considered with the fact that he has spent his Philippines and/or in Philippine embassies,
youth and adulthood, received his education, consulates, and territories abroad as natural-
practiced his profession and taken part in born citizens of the Philippines. As a matter
past elections in this country leaves no doubt of right, they are entitled to government
of his election of Philippine citizenship. The programs and services, including registration,
mere filing of a certificate of candidacy facilitation of documents for adoption,
resulted in the renunciation of his American education, legal and police protection, proper
citizenship effectively removing any nourishment and medical care for survival
disqualification he may have as a dual citizen. and development, and admission to safe and
(Mercado vs. Manzano, G.R. No. 135083. secure child centers.
May 26, 1999)
Foundlings as natural-born citizens:
As a matter of law, foundlings are, as a class,
natural-born citizens. When the names of the
parents of a foundling cannot be discovered
despite a diligent search, but sufficient
evidence is presented to sustain a reasonable
inference that satisfies the quantum of proof
required to conclude that at least one or both
of his or her parents is Filipino, then this
should be sufficient to establish that he or
she is a natural-born citizen.

While the 1935 Constitution’s enumeration is

silent as to foundlings, there is no restrictive
language which would definitely exclude
foundlings either. No such intent or language
permits discrimination against foundlings. On
(Cordora vs COMELEC, G.R. No.176947, the contrary, all three Constitutions (1935,
February 19, 2009) 1973, 1987) guarantee the basic right to



equal protection of the laws. All exhort the

State to render social justice (Poe b. Jus Soli (place of birth): This principle
Llamanzares v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 221697, was never applied in the Philippines. (Roa
March 08, 2016). vs. Collector of Customs, G.R. No. L-
7011, October 30, 1912)
The assumption should be that foundlings
are natural-born unless there is substantial The Philippines adheres to the principle of Jus
evidence to the contrary. This is necessarily Sanguinis as applied in Art. IV, Sec. 2(1) of
engendered by a complete consideration of the 1987 Constitution which declares as
the whole Constitution, not just its provisions Filipino citizens “Those whose fathers or
on citizenship. This includes its mandate of mothers are citizens of the Philippines”.
defending the wellbeing of children, (Valles vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. No.
guaranteeing equal protection of the law, 137000, August 9, 2000)
equal access to opportunities for public
service, and respecting human rights, as well 2. By Naturalization
as its reasons for requiring natural-born
status for select public offices. Moreover, this NATURALIZATION - the legal act of
is a reading validated by contemporaneous adopting an alien and clothing him with the
construction that considers related legislative rights that belong to a natural born citizen,
enactments, executive and administrative except those rights that are specifically
actions, and international instruments. reserved by the Constitution to the latter.
(David vs. Senate Electoral Tribunal, G.R. No. (Villegas vs. Commission on Elections, G.R.
221538, September 20, 2016) No. 257453, August 9, 2022)

B. ACQUISITION AND LOSS OF It is also the process by which a foreigner

CITIZENSHIP acquires, voluntarily or by operation of law,
the citizenship of a State (Cruz & Cruz,
Modes of Acquiring Citizenship Constitutional Law, 2015).
1. By birth
3. By Marriage
a. Jus Sanguinis (blood relationship): All Any woman who is now or may hereafter be
inhabitants of the island who were married to a citizen of the Philippines, and
Spanish subjects on April 11, 1899, and who might herself be lawfully naturalized
residing in the islands who did not shall be deemed a citizen of the Philippines.
declare their intention of preserving Minor children of persons naturalized under
Spanish nationality between said date this law who have been born in the
and October 11, 1900, were declared Philippines shall be considered citizens
citizens of the Philippines (Sec. 4, thereof. (Sec. 15, Commonwealth Act No.
Philippine Bill of 1902). 473 of 1939)

Illegitimate children generally are under the Loss of Citizenship (NEOS-CD)

parental authority of one [Filipino] mother a. Naturalization in a foreign country.
and follow her nationality, not one of the (Frivaldo vs. Commission on Elections,
illegitimate [alien] fathers. (Serra vs. G.R. No. 120295. June 28, 1996)
Republic of the Philippines, G.R. No. L-4223, b. Express renunciation or expatriation.
May 12, 1952)



c. Taking an oath of allegiance to another Retention of Philippine Citizenship

country upon reaching the age of Natural-born citizens, by reason of their
majority. naturalization as citizens of a foreign country
d. Accepting a commission and Serving in are deemed to have reacquired Philippine
the armed forces of another country, citizenship upon taking an oath of allegiance
unless there is an offensive or defensive to the Republic. Natural born citizens of the
pact with the country, or it maintains Philippines, who, after the effectivity of the
armed forces in RP with RP’s consent. Act, become citizens of a foreign country,
e. By Cancellation of the certificate of shall retain their Philippine citizenship upon
naturalization. taking the oath. (Sec. 3, Republic act No.
f. Being found by final judgment to be a 9225)
Deserter of the AFP (Sec. 1,
Commonwealth Act No. 63, as amended) Re-acquisition of Citizenship

Immigration to the United States by virtue of a) By naturalization: This mode of

a “green card,” (immigrant visa) which naturalization is governed by
entitles one to reside permanently in that Commonwealth Act No. 63 wherein the
country, constitutes abandonment of applicant must have the following
domicile in the Philippines. With more reason qualifications:
then does naturalization in a foreign country
result in an abandonment of domicile in the 1. The applicant must have lost his
Philippines. (Coquilla vs. Commission on original Philippine citizenship by
Elections, G.R. No. 151914, July 31, 2002) naturalization in a foreign country or
by express renunciation of his
Possession of alien registration certificate citizenship.
unaccompanied by proof of performance of 2. He must be at least 21 years of age
acts whereby Philippine citizenship had been and shall have resided in the
lost is not adequate proof of loss of Philippines at least 6 months before
citizenship. (Aznar vs. Commission on he applies for naturalization.
Elections, G.R. No. 83820, May 25, 1990) 3. He must have conducted himself in a
proper and irreproachable manner
EXPATRIATION – the voluntary during the entire period of his
renunciation or abandonment of nationality residence, in his relations with the
and allegiance. (Go Julian vs. The government and with the community
Government of the Philippine Islands, G.R. in which he is living.
No. L-20809, October 22, 1923) 4. He subscribes to an oath declaring his
intention to renounce all faith and
C. RETENTION AND RE-ACQUISITION allegiance to the foreign authority,
OF CITIZENSHIP state or sovereignty of which he was
a citizen or subject. (Sec. 3,
Philippine citizenship may be lost or Commonwealth Act No. 63)
reacquired in the manner provided by law
(Sec. 3, Art. IV, 1987 Constitution). b. By repatriation due to
1. Desertion of the armed forces (Sec.
4, C.A. 63).



2. Service in the armed forces of the c. By direct act of Congress

Allied Forces in World War II (Sec. 1,
R.A. 965) Derivative Citizenship: The unmarried
3. Service in the Armed Forces of the child, whether legitimate, illegitimate or
United States at any other time (Sec adopted, below 18 years of age, of those who
1, R.A. 2630). re-acquire Philippine citizenship upon
4. Marriage of a Filipino woman to an effectivity of the Act shall be deemed citizens
alien (Sec. 1, RA 8171). of the Philippines. (Sec. 4, Republic act No.
5. Political and economic necessity. 9225)
(Sec. 1, Republic Act No. 8171)
Civil and Political Rights and Liabilities:
REPATRIATION – recovery of nationality Those who retain or re-acquire Philippine
by individuals who were natural-born citizens citizenship shall enjoy full civil and political
of a state but who had lost their nationality. rights and be subject to all attendant
(Bengson III vs. House of Representatives liabilities and responsibilities under existing
Electoral Tribunal, G.R. No. 142840 May 7, laws of the Philippines, subject to the
2001) following conditions:

Repatriation results in the recovery of the a. Those intending to exercise their right of
original nationality. Therefore, if he is a suffrage must meet the requirements
natural-born citizen before he lost his under Section 1, Article V of the
citizenship, he will be restored to his former Constitution, RA No. 9189 (The
status as a natural-born Filipino. (Bengson III Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003)
vs. House of Representatives Electoral and other existing laws; Those seeking
Tribunal, G.R. No. 142840 May 7, 2001) elective public office in the Philippines
shall meet the qualification for holding
In the absence of any official action or such public office as required by the
approval by proper authorities, a mere Constitution and existing laws and, at
application for repatriation does not, and the time of the filing of the certificate of
cannot, amount to an automatic reacquisition candidacy, make a personal and sworn
of the applicant’s Philippine citizenship. (Labo renunciation of any and all foreign
vs. Commission on Elections, GR 86564, citizenship before any public officers
August 1, 1989) authorized to administer an oath.
Even those who retained their Philippine
A foundling, considered as a natural-born citizenship by birth and acquired foreign
Filipino citizen, re-acquired natural-born citizenship by virtue of marriage to a
Filipino citizenship when, following her foreign spouse are required to renounce
naturalization as a citizen of the United their foreign citizenship (Sobejana-
States, she complied with the requisites of Condon vs. Commission on Elections,
Republic Act No. 9225. (David vs. Senate G.R. No. 198742, August 10, 2012)
Electoral Tribunal, G.R. No. 221538,
September 20, 2016) b. Those seeking elective public in the
Philippines shall meet the qualification
for holding such public office as required
by the Constitution and existing laws
and, at the time of the filing of the



certificate of candidacy, make a the requirements of the naturalization law;

personal and sworn renunciation of any otherwise, his petition for naturalization will
and all foreign citizenship before any be denied. This ponente has likewise held
public officer authorized to administer that "[t]he courts must always be mindful
an oath; that naturalization proceedings are imbued
with the highest public interest.
c. Those appointed to any public office Naturalization laws should be rigidly enforced
shall subscribe and swear to an oath of and strictly construed in favor of the
allegiance to the Republic of the government and against the applicant. The
Philippines and its duly constituted burden of proof rests upon the applicant to
authorities prior to their assumption of show full and complete compliance with the
office: Provided that, they renounce requirements of law." (Republic of the
their oath of allegiance to the country Philippines vs. Huang Te Fu, G.R. No.
where they took that oath. 200983, March 18, 2015)

d. Those intending to practice their When an Alien May Acquire Filipino

profession in the Philippines shall apply Citizenship (JAL)
with the proper authority for a license or
permit to engage in such practice. a. Administrative naturalization
pursuant to R.A. No. 9139 (another
e. That right to vote or be elected or mode of acquiring Philippine
appointed to any public office in the citizenship which may be availed of
Philippines cannot be exercised by, or by native born aliens. The only
extended to those who: implication is that, a native-born alien
has the choice to apply for judicial or
i. Are candidates for or are occupying administrative naturalization, subject
any public office in the country of to the prescribed qualifications and
which they are naturalized citizens; disqualification);
ii. Are in active service as commissioned b. Judicial naturalization pursuant to
or non-commissioned officers in the C.A. No. 473, as amended (covers
armed forces of the country in which native-born aliens who lived here in
they are naturalized citizens. (Sec. 5, the Philippines all their lives, who
Republic act No. 9225) never saw any other country and all
along thought that they were
d. Marriage to an alien spouse Filipinos; who have demonstrated
love and loyalty to the Philippines and
Citizens of the Philippines who marry aliens affinity to the customs and
shall retain their citizenship, unless by their traditions); and
act or omission they are deemed, under the
law, to have renounced it. (Sec. 4, Art. IV, c. Legislative naturalization in the
1987 Constitution) form of a law enacted by Congress
bestowing Philippine citizenship to an
D. NATURALIZATION alien. (So vs. Republic of the
In essence, an applicant for naturalization Philippines, G.R. No. 170603, January
must show full and complete compliance with 29, 2007)



A naturalization proceeding is not a judicial d. Owns Real estate in the Philippines worth
adversary proceeding, and the decision P5,000.00 or more, or has a LUcrative
rendered therein does not constitute res trade, profession or occupation.
judicata. A certificate of naturalization may e. Must be Able to speak and write Filipino
be cancelled if it is subsequently discovered or English and a principal dialect (as
that the applicant obtained it by misleading modified by the 1987 Constitution).
the court upon any material fact. Law and f. He must have enrolled his Minor children
jurisprudence even authorize the cancellation in a recognized school in the Philippines
of a certificate of naturalization upon grounds that teaches Philippine History, civics and
or conditions arising subsequent to the government. (Sections 2 and 3,
granting of the certificate. If the government Commonwealth Act No. 473)
can challenge a final grant of citizenship, with
more reason can it appeal the decision of the Disqualifications
RTC within the reglementary period despite a. Being opposed to organized government.
its failure to oppose the petition before the b. Believing in violence as a means to
lower court. (So vs. Republic of the espouse an idea.
Philippines, G.R. No. 170603, January 29, c. A polygamist or believing in such.
2007) d. Convicted of a crime involving moral
Requirements for Naturalization by e. Suffering from an incurable contagious
Judicial Proceeding (G-R-A-M-A-RLu) disease or from mental anguish.
a. Not be less than eighteen (18) years of f. Not mingling socially with Filipinos, nor
Age on the date of hearing of petition (as embracing Filipino culture, ideas and.
amended by R.A. No. 6809) customs.
b. Must have Resided in the Philippines for g. Being the citizen of a country with which
at least 10 years. This can be reduced to the Philippines is at war, during the time
5 years in any of the following cases: of such war.
i. Honorably held office in the h. No reciprocity, that is, his own country
Philippines; does not grant the same naturalization to
ii. Established new industry or Filipinos. (Sec. 4, Commonwealth Act No.
introduced a useful invention; 473)
iii. Married to a Filipino woman;
iv. Engaged as teacher in Philippine Effects of Naturalization
public or private school not a) Minor children of persons naturalized
established for exclusive under this law who have been born in the
instruction to a particular Philippines shall be considered citizens
nationality or race, or in any thereof.
branches of education or industry b) A foreign-born minor child, if dwelling in
for a period of not less than two the Philippines at the time of the
(2) years; and naturalization of the parent, shall
v. Born in the Philippines automatically become a Philippine citizen,
c. Possesses Good moral character, and a foreign-born minor child, who is
believes in the Constitution and has not in the Philippines at the time the
conducted himself in an irreproachable parent is naturalized, shall be deemed a
manner during his stay in the Philippines. Philippine citizen only during his minority,
unless he begins to reside permanently in



the Philippines when still a minor, in f. Must also have a known trade, business,
which case, he will continue to be a profession or lawful occupation from
Philippine citizen even after becoming of which he derives income enough for him
age. and his family.
c) A child born outside of the Philippines g. Must be able to read, write and speak
after the naturalization of his parent shall Filipino or any local dialect.
be considered a Philippine citizen, unless h. Must have mingled with Filipinos and
within one year after reaching the age of shown a sincere desire to embrace their
majority, he fails to register himself as a customs, traditions and ideals. (Sec. 3,
Philippine citizen at the American Republic Act No. 9139; So vs. Republic of
Consulate of the country where he the Philippines, G.R. No. 170603, January
resides, and to take the necessary oath 29, 2007)
of allegiance. (Sec. 15, Commonwealth
Act No. 473) Not all aliens may avail of this.

Grounds for Cancellation of Disqualifications

Naturalization Certificate Issued The following are not qualified to be
a) Naturalization certificate is obtained naturalized as Filipino citizens under this Act:
b) If within 5 years he returns to his native a. Those opposed to organized government
country and establishes a permanent or affiliated with any association or group
residence there. of persons who uphold and teach
c) Petition was made on an invalid doctrines opposing all organized
declaration of intention. governments;
d) Minor children failed to graduate by the b. Those defending or teaching the
fault of the parent by neglecting them or necessity of or propriety of violence,
transferring them to another school. personal assault or assassination for the
e) Applicant is guilty of violating success or predominance of their ideas;
naturalization laws and the anti-dummy c. Polygamists or believers in the practice of
law in availing privileges available only to polygamy;
Filipinos. (Sec. 18, Commonwealth Act d. Those convicted of crimes involving
No. 473) moral turpitude;
e. Those suffering from mental alienation or
Naturalization by Administrative incurable contagious diseases;
Proceeding Requirements: f. Those who, during the period of their
residence in the Philippines, have not
a. Aliens who were born in the Philippines mingled socially with Filipinos, or who
and have resided here since birth are have not evinced a sincere desire to learn
qualified to acquire Philippine citizenship. and embrace the customs, traditions and
b. Must at least by 18 years of age. ideals of the Filipinos;
c. Must be of good moral character. g. Citizens or subjects with whom the
d. Must believe in the principles underlying Philippines is at war, during the period of
the Constitution. such war; and
e. Must have received his primary and h. Citizens or subjects of a foreign country
secondary education in a public or private whose laws do not grant Filipinos the
school recognized by the DECS.



right to be naturalized citizens or subjects Section 12 of the Rule states: “If the
thereof. (Sec. 4, Republic Act No. 9139) court is satisfied that the petition is
sufficient in form and substance, it shall
Availment of tax amnesty does not obliterate direct the clerk of court to cause the
lack of good moral character which is a publication of the petition, excluding its
ground for denaturalization. Decision annexes, for three (3) consecutive weeks
granting citizenship may be cancelled in the Official Gazette or its website and
anytime. (Republic of the Philippines vs. Mo in one (1) newspaper of general
Ya Lim Yao, G.R. No. L- 21289, October 4, circulation or its website in the place
1971) where the petitioner resides, OR the
official website of the Supreme Court.”
A foreign man who marries a Filipino citizen (A.M. No. 21-07-22-SC, effective
does not acquire Philippine citizenship but the February 15, 2022)
residence requirement for naturalization will
be reduced to 5 years. (Sec. 3, 2. It allows an unaccompanied child to file a
Commonwealth Act No. 473) petition for naturalization.

Types of Naturalization Under this Rule, “A petition, in behalf of

the unaccompanied child or a joint
a. Direct Naturalization petition involving related unaccompanied
b. Derivative Naturalization children, may be filed by the Department
of Social Welfare and Development
A child benefits from the naturalization if the (DSWD), the appropriate Local Social
mother will be a Filipino citizen, either by Welfare and Development Office
birth or naturalization, at the time of her (LSWDO) where the unaccompanied
marriage to her alien spouse. Assuming that child resides, or the child-caring agency
the mother lost her Philippine citizenship by having care and custody of the child.”
marriage but subsequently reacquired during This is in accordance with the Philippines’
the minority of the child, it is still necessary obligation under international
for the child to elect Philippine citizenship. instruments to ensure the right of a child
(Villahermoso vs. Commissioner of to acquire a nationality, with the courts
Immigration, G.R. No. L-1663, March 31, guided by the “best interests of the child”
1948) principle. (A.M. No. 21-07-22-SC,
effective effective February 15, 2022)
Salient feature of A.M. No. 21-07-22-SC
1. This is with due regard to the special and This Rule shall apply to petitions for
vulnerable circumstances of refugees and naturalization under relevant laws filed by
stateless persons, such that the refugees and stateless persons recognized by
alternative modes of publication would the Philippine Government. (Sec. 2, A.M. No.
reduce the necessary fees and be less 21-07-22-SC, effective effective February 15,
burdensome for them. Additionally, the 2022)
provision on electronic publication is a
step towards the goal of the Supreme Rationale: This expedited procedure shall
Court to have a technology-driven simplify and reduce legal and procedural
Judiciary that is capable of providing hurdles in obtaining Philippine citizenship to
equal access to justice in real time. facilitate the assimilation and naturalization



of refugees and stateless persons into a. Individual petitioners who are recognized
Philippine society, in accordance with the as refugees or stateless persons;
international obligations of the Philippines b. Immediate family members, related
under Article 34 of the 1951 Convention either by consanguinity or affinity
Relating to the Status of Refugees and its through a joint petition;
1967 Protocol, Article 32 of the 1954 c. The Department of Social Welfare and
Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Development(DSWD), the appropriate
Persons, and other applicable and relevant Local Social Welfare and Development
international legal instruments, and United Office (LSWDO) where the
Nations (UN) treaties or conventions to which unaccompanied child resides, or the
the Philippines is a State Party. (Sec. 3, A.M. child-caring agency having care and
No. 21-07-22-SC, effective effective February custody of the child in behalf of the
15, 2022) unaccompanied child through a petition
or a joint petition involving related
REFUGEES - any person who, owing to a unaccompanied child. (Sec. 6, A.M. No.
well-founded fear of being persecuted for 21-07-22-SC, effective effective February
reasons of race, religion, nationality, 15, 2022)
membership of a particular social group or
political opinion, is outside the country of his The Regional Trial Court (RTC) of the locality
or her nationality and is unable, or owing to in which the petitioner has resided at least
such fear, is unwilling to avail himself or one (1) year immediately preceding the filing
herself of the protection of that country; or of the petition shall have exclusive original
who, not having a nationality and being jurisdiction to hear the petition. (Sec. 7, A.M.
outside the country of his or her former No. 21-07-22-SC, effective effective February
habitual residence as a result of such events, 15, 2022)
is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling
to return to it. (Sec. 5[a], A.M. No. 21-07-22- VIII. LAW ON PUBLIC OFFICERS
SC, effective effective February 15, 2022)
A. Public Officers; De Facto and De Jure
STATELESS PERSON - a person who is not
considered as a national by any State under PUBLIC OFFICE – the right, authority or
the operation of its law. (Sec. 5[b], A.M. No. duty, created and conferred by law, by which
21-07-22-SC, effective effective February 15, for a given period, either fixed by law or
2022) enduring at the pleasure of the creating
power, an individual is invested with some
UNACCOMPANIED CHILD - a child who is sovereign power of government to be
separated from both parents and other exercised by him for the benefit of the public.
relatives and is not being cared for by an (Sec. 32, Chapter 9, Revised Administrative
adult who, by law or custom, has Code 1987)
responsibility to do so. (Sec. 5[d], A.M. No.
21-07-22-SC, effective effective February 15, Public office is a public trust. Public
2022) officers and employees must at all times be
accountable to the people, serve them with
The petition for naturalization may be filed by utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and
the following: (IDI) efficiency, act with patriotism and justice,



and lead modest lives.” (Sec. 1, Art. XI, 1987 This requires that all government officials and
Constitution) employees must at all times be accountable
to the people, serve them with utmost
Note: The Court ruled that the nature of responsibility, integrity, loyalty and
Beray's position requires that he should be efficiency, act with patriotism and justice,
meticulous in the approval of disbursement and lead modest lives. (Lim vs Arce, A.M. No.
of public funds and to be more circumspect P-89-312, January 9, 1992)
in examining the documents for his approval.
While the amount involved is not humongous As the Constitution expressly states, a public
compared to other government transactions, office is a public trust. (Sec 1, Art. XI, 1987
the fact still remains that taxpayers' money Constitution)
was spent and at the expense of the
government. Indeed, a "public office is a In Cornejo vs. Gabriel, (GR. No. L-16887
public trust and public officers and employees November 17, 1920) the Court already ruled:
must at all times be accountable to the a public office is not property within the
people." Beray was found to be guilty of constitutional guarantees of due
gross negligence and was dismissed. (CSC v. process. It is a public trust or agency.
Beray, G.R. Nos. 191946 & 191974, Public officers are mere agents and not rulers
December 10, 2019) of the people, no man has a proprietary or
contractual right to an office. (Commission on
Elements of a Public Office Elections vs. Cruz, G.R. No. 186616,
1. Enabling law: Created by the November 20, 2009)
Constitution, a law, or an ordinance
authorized by law. There is no such thing as vested
2. Possess sovereign functions of interest or an estate in an office or even
government to be exercised for the public an absolute right to hold it. Likewise,
interest. there is no such thing as a vested interest or
3. Functions are defined expressly or an estate in an office, or even an absolute
implied by law. right to hold office. Except for constitutional
4. Functions are to be exercised by an offices which provide for special immunity as
officer directly under the control of law, regards salary and tenure, no one can be said
not under that of a superior officer, to have any vested right in an office or its
UNLESS they are functions conferred by salary. The position which private respondent
law upon inferior officers who by law, are Garcia would like to occupy anew was
under control of a superior. abolished pursuant to a valid reorganization
5. Permanent or continuous, not temporary measure. There is no vested property right to
or occasional. (State Ex Rel. Barney vs. be reemployed in a reorganized office.
Hawkins, 257 P. 411, Mont. 1927) (National Land Titles and Deeds Registration
Administration vs. CSC, G.R. No. 84301, April

Public office is a public trust created in Public Office is not a property.

the interest and for the benefit of the
public. Public office is personal to the incumbent or
appointee thereto. Hence, it is NOT
TRANSMISSIBLE to his heirs upon his death.



(De Castro vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. c. By authority of law (i.e. Sangguniang
No. 125249, February 7, 1997) Panglungsod by the Local Government Code
of 1991)
GENERAL RULE: Applying the doctrine of
actio personalis moritur cum persona (a Public officer is an individual vested
personal right of action dies with the person), with public office
upon the death of the incumbent, no heir of
his may be allowed to continue holding his A person who holds public office.
office in his place. (De Castro vs. Commission Any person who, by direct provision of law,
on Elections G.R. No. 125249, February 7, popular election or appointment by
1997) competent authority, shall take part in the
performance of public functions in the
EXCEPTIONS: When public office is Government of the Philippine Islands, or shall
property: In quo warranto proceedings perform in said Government or in any of its
relating to the question as to which of the two branches, public duties as an employee,
persons is entitled to a public office; When agent or subordinate official, of any rank or
the dispute concerns one’s constitutional class shall be deemed to be a public officer.
right to security of tenure, public office is (Art. 203, Revised Penal Code)
deemed analogous to property in a limited
sense. (Lumiqued vs. Exevea, G.R. No. Includes elective and appointive officials and
117565, November 18, 1997) employees, permanent or temporary,
whether in the classified, unclassified or
While the right to a public office is personal exempt service, receiving, compensation,
and exclusive to the public officer, an election even nominal, from the government (Sec. 2,
protest is not purely personal and exclusive R.A. 3019, Anti-graft and Corrupt Practices
to the protestant or to the protestee such Act, 1960)
that the death of either would oust the court
of all authority to continue the protest The most important characteristic which
proceedings. Vice Mayor elect has the status distinguishes an office from an employment
of a real party in interest in the continuation is that the creation and conferring of an office
of the proceedings (Which involves the involves a delegation to the individual of
Mayor) and is entitled to intervene therein. some of the sovereign functions of the
For if the protest succeeds and the protestee government, to be exercised by him for the
is unseated, the Vice-Mayor succeeds to the benefit of the public, and that the same
office of Mayor that becomes vacant if the portion of the sovereignty of the country,
one duly elected cannot assume the post.” either legislative, executive or judicial,
(De Castro vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. attaches, for the time being, to be exercised
No. 125249, February 7, 1997) for the public benefit. Unless the powers so
conferred are of this nature, the individual is
Creation of Public Office not a public officer. (Laurel vs. Desierto, G.R.
a. By the Constitution (i.e. Office of the No. 145368, April 12, 2002)
President, the Legislature, the Supreme
Court, the Constitutional Commissions); Classification of Public Officers
b. By a valid statutory enactment (i.e.
Securities and Exchange Commission); a. Executive, legislative, and judicial officer
b. Discretionary or ministerial officers



c. Civil or military officers (Republic of the This principle was born of necessity, as the
Philippines vs. Sereno, G.R. No. 237428, May public cannot be expected to investigate the
11, 2018) right of a public official to an office before
transacting with them. Thus, on the basis of
GENERAL RULE: A person cannot be public policy and convenience, the public may
compelled to accept public office. assume that officials are legally qualified and
in office. (Arroyo v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
EXCEPTIONS: No. 202860 April 10, 2019)
a. When citizens are required, under
conditions provided by law, to render Elements of De Facto Officership
personal military or civil service (Sec. 4, (Tuanda v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 110544,
Art. II, 1987 Constitution); October 17, 1995)
b. When a person who, having been elected
by popular election to a public office, 1. There must be a validly existing (de
refuses without legal motive to be sworn jure) office: The office occupied by the de
in or to discharge the duties of said office facto officer must be legitimate, except that
(Art. 234, Revised Penal Code; Note: the there is some defect in the title of the officer
penalty shall be either arresto mayor, or holding it.
a fine not exceeding P1,000.00, or both)
NOTE: There is no such thing as a de facto
DE JURE OFFICER is one who is deemed, office under Constitutional law. There may be
in all respects, legally appointed and qualified a de facto officer in a de jure office, but there
and whose term of office has not expired cannot be a de facto officer in a de facto
(Topacio v. Ong, G.R. No. 179895, December office. If what is defective is not the title to
28, 2008) the office but the office itself, then the
possessor thereof is not a de facto officer.
DE FACTO OFFICER – One who has the
reputation of being the officer that he 2. Actual and physical possession of the
assumes to be, and yet is not a good officer office in good faith: The office must be
in point of law. (Torres v. Ribo, G.R. No. L- actually held by the de facto officer if his acts
2051, May 21, 1948) are to affect the public and third persons.
NOTE: The Court held that good faith is no
De Facto Doctrine longer necessary. The primordial concern
This doctrine confers validity to the actions of that the doctrine seeks to address remains to
an officer having illegitimate title to the be the protection of the public, who rely on
office, as if he or she was acting as a de jure the acts of a person performing the duties of
officer. Its effect is similar to the ratification an office pursuant to an irregular or defective
of acts done outside the scope of one's authority. Precluding its application to cases
authority. But the same validity conferred on where there was no good faith possession of
the official actions of the de facto officer is the office, despite having a color of authority
not accorded to the individual holding the or right to the office, would render the
office under a color of right or authority, such doctrine's purpose nugatory. (Arroyo v. Court
that he or she may recover the salaries and of Appeals, G.R. No. 202860 April 10, 2019)
emoluments emanating from the office.
3. Color of title to the office or general
acquiescence by the public



COLOR OF AUTHORITY – an authority EXCEPTION: When there is no de jure

derived from appointment, however irregular public officer, de facto officer who is in good
or informal, so that the incumbent be not a faith has had the possession of the office and
mere volunteer. (Almeda vs. Commission on has discharged the duties pertaining thereto,
Audit, G.R. No. 254394, April 5, 2022) is legally entitled to the emoluments of the
office, and may, in an appropriate action,
There is color or title to the office in any recover the salary, fees, and other
of the following cases: compensation attached to the office (Monroy
vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-23258, July
a. Without a known appointment or election, 1, 1967)
but under such circumstances of reputation
or acquiescence as were calculated to induce Acts of de facto officers are valid insofar as
people, without inquiry, to submit to or third parties are concerned. (Luna vs
invoke his action, supposing him to be the Rodriguez, G.R. No. L-12647, November 26,
officer he assumes to be; 1917)

b. Under color of a known or valid De Jure v. De Facto Officers

appointment or election, where the officer
has failed to conform to some precedent
requirement or conditions, for example, a
failure to take the oath of give a bond or
similar defect;

c. Under color of a known election or

appointment, void because the officer was
not eligible, or because there was a want of
power in the electing or appointing body, or
by reason of some defect or irregularity in its
exercise, such ineligibility, want of power or
defect being unknown to the public; and

d. Under color of an election, or appointment,

by or pursuant to a public unconstitutional
law, before the same is adjudged to be such.
(Almeda vs. Commission on Audit, G.R. No.
254394, April 5, 2022)

Entitlement to Salaries

GENERAL RULE: Rightful incumbent may

recover from de facto officer salary received
by latter during time of wrongful tenure even B. Civil Service; Scope, Appointments,
though latter is in good faith and under color Personnel Actions, and Removal
of title. (The General Manager, Philippine
Ports Authority vs. Montserrat, G.R. No. 1. SCOPE
129616, April 17, 2002) The Civil Service embraces all branches,
subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies



of the government, including GOCCs with b. The Civil Service Commission cannot co-
original charters. (Sec 2[1], Art. IX-B, 1987 manage or be a surrogate administrator of
Constitution) government offices and agencies. (Chang vs.
Civil Service Commission, G.R. No. 86791,
The Civil Service embraces all branches, November 26, 1990)
subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies c. It cannot change the nature of the
of the Government, including GOCCs with appointment extended by the appointing
original charters (Laya, Jr., vs. Philippine officer (Luego vs. Civil Service Commission,
Veterans Bank, G.R. No. 205813, January 10, G.R. No. L-69137, August 5, 1986).
Note: The only function of the Civil Service SERVICE
Commission is to review the appointment in GENERAL RULE: Appointments in the civil
the light of the requirements of the Civil service shall be made ONLY according to
Service Law, and when it finds the appointee merit and fitness. (Sec. 2, Art. IX-B, 1987
to be qualified and all other legal Constitution)
requirements have been otherwise satisfied,
it has no choice but to attest to the EXCEPTIONS: Appointment to the following
appointment (Lapinid vs. Civil Service positions:
Commission, G.R. No. 96298, May 14, 1991). a. Policy Determining Position – one
vested with the power of formulating a
The Court clarified that the Civil Service method of action for the government or any
Commission’s rulemaking power, albeit of its subdivisions.
constitutionally granted, is still limited to the
implementation and interpretation of the b. Highly Confidential Position– an office
laws it is tasked to enforce. As an where the duties are not merely clerical. The
administrative agency, the Civil Service performance of which requires skill,
Commission’s quasi-legislative power is judgment, trust, and confidence; and
subject to the same limitations applicable to involves the responsibility of the other which
other administrative bodies. The rules that he represents.
the Civil Service Commission formulates must
not override, but must be in harmony with, c. Highly Technical Office – an office
the law it seeks to apply and implement. which requires skills or training in the highest
(Trade and Investment Development degree. (Quiason, Jr and Agpalo, The Civil
Corporation of the Philippines vs. Civil Service Service Law)
Commission, G.R. No. 182249, March 5, NOTE: Entrance to any of these 3 offices DO
2013) NOT REQUIRE competitive examination or
civil service eligibility. (Agpalo, Law on Public
Limitations on the Civil Service Officers, 2005 Edition)
Commission’s Powers
a. It cannot order the replacement of the CLASSIFICATIONS OF POSITIONS IN
appointee simply because it considers THE CIVIL SERVICE
another employee to be better qualified a. Career Service - shall be characterized
(Lapinid vs. Civil Service Commission, G.R. by the following:
No. 96298, May 14, 1991). 1. Entrance based on merit and fitness
to be determined as far as practicable



by competitive examination, or based (1) Entrance on bases other than those of the
on highly technical qualifications; usual tests of merit and fitness utilized for the
2. Opportunity for advancement to career service; and
higher career positions; and (2) Tenure which is limited to a period
3. Security of tenure. (Sec. 7, Chapter specified by law, or which is coterminous with
2, Executive Order No. 292) that of the appointing authority or subject to
his pleasure, or which is limited to the
Positions included in the career service: duration of a particular project for which
1. Open Career Positions – where purpose employment was made. (Sec. 9,
prior qualification in an appropriate Chapter 2, Executive Order No. 292)
examination is required.
2. Close Career Positions (e.g. Positions included in the non-career
scientific or highly technical in service
nature) 1. Elective officials and their personal and
3. Career Executive Service (e.g. confidential staff;
undersecretaries, bureau directors) 2. Secretaries and other officials of
4. Career Officers, other than those Cabinet rank who hold their positions at
belonging to the Career Executive the pleasure of the President and their
Service, who are appointed by the personal or confidential staff(s);
President, such as those in the 3. Chairmen and members of
Foreign Office. commissions and boards with fixed
5. Positions in the Armed Forces, terms of office, and their personal and
although governed by a separate confidential staff;
merit system. 4. Contractual personnel or those whose
6. Personnel of government-owned employment in the government is in
or controlled corporations with accordance with a special contract to
original charters undertake a specific work or job,
7. Permanent Laborers, whether requiring special or technical skills not
skilled, semi-skilled, or unskilled. available in the employing agency, to
(Sec. 7, Chapter 2, Executive Order be accomplished within a specific
No. 292) period, which in no case shall exceed
one year, and performs or
Career service officers enjoy security of accomplishes the specific work or job,
tenure as guaranteed under the 1987 under his own responsibility with a
Constitution and the Civil Service Decree of minimum of direction and supervision
the Philippines. The right to security of tenure from the hiring agency; and
is not tantamount to immunity from 5. Emergency and seasonal personnel.
dismissal. As long as the dismissal was for a (Sec. 9, Chapter 2, Executive Order No.
legal cause and the requirements of due 292)
process were met, the law will not prevent
their removal from office. (Lacson vs. GENERAL RULE: All officers and employees
Executive Secretary, G.R. Nos. 165399, in the career and non-career service are
165475, 165404, 165489, May 30, 2011) appointive.

b. Non- career service - shall be

characterized by the following:



EXCEPTION: Elective officials in the non- (Provincial Board of Cebu vs. Presiding Judge
career service. (Agpalo, Law on Public of Cebu, G.R. No. 34695, March 7, 1989)
Officers, 2005 edition)
Requisites of a valid appointment CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION
a. Appointing authority must be vested with a. Determine whether or not the proposed
power to make the appointment at the time appointee is qualified to hold the position.
the appointment is made; b. Determine whether or not the rules
pertinent to the process of appointment are
Note: An appointment extended by one followed. (Luego vs. Civil Service
who has no power to appoint is null and Commission, G.R. NO. L-69137, August 5,
void. (Niere vs. Court of First Instance of 1986)
Negros Occidental, G.R. No. L-30324,
November 29, 1973) Approval of the CSC = Attestation
Attestation is required merely as a check to
b. Appointee possess all the qualifications assure compliance with the civil service laws
and none of the disqualifications prescribed (Luego vs. Civil Service Commission, G.R.
by the law for the position: The qualifications NO. L- 69137, August 5, 1986)
and lack of disqualifying traits must be
reckoned at the time of the appointment and In the case of Province of Camarines Sur vs.
during the incumbency; Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 103125, May 17,
1993, the Court held that the Civil Service
c. The position is vacant. There is vacancy Commission has no authority to: (a) Revoke
when there is no person lawfully authorized the an appointment simply because it
to assume and exercise at present the duties believes that a protestant is better qualified
of the office. (Ferrer vs. Hechanova, G.R. No. to occupy the disputed office; (b) Make the
L-24418, January 25, 1967) appointment itself; (c) Direct the appointing
authority to the change the employment
Note: Where there is no vacancy, no status of an public employee; (d) Inquire into
valid appointment. (Morata vs. Court of the right of the appointing officer to hold
Appeals, G.R. No. L-18978, May 25, office – this is the function of a quo warranto
1964) proceeding. But it may inquire whether the
office itself or the appointing officer
d. An appointment issued in accordance with possesses the prerogative to issue the
pertinent laws and rules shall take effect appointment. (City of Manila vs. Subido, G.R.
immediately on the date it was signed by the No. L-25835, May 20, 1966)
appointing officer/authority. (Sec 17. Rule VI,
2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and The appointment shall take effect
other Human Resource Actions) immediately upon its issuance by the
e. Appointee accepts the appointment by appointing authority. It shall remain effective
taking the oath and entering the discharge of until it is disapproved by the Civil Service
the office. Commission. (Argel vs. Gov. Singson, G.R.
No. 202970, March 25, 2015)
Absence of any one of the requisites makes
the appointment incomplete or invalid. Appointee accepts the appointment by taking
the oath and entering the discharge of the



office. (Tamondong vs. Executive Secretary “For cause”: Reasons which the law and
Ochoa, Jr., G.R. No. 212030, June 16, 2015) sound public policy recognize as sufficient
warrant for suspension or removal. A legal
The taking of the oath and the entry into the cause and not merely causes which the
discharge of the duties of the office amount appointing power in the exercise of discretion
to an acceptance of the position. (Garces vs. may deem sufficient. (Tria vs Sto. Tomas,
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 114795, July 17, G.R. No. 85670, July 31, 1991)
Security of tenure attaches once an
Acceptance is indispensable to complete the appointment is issued and the completed and
appointment. (Garces vs. Court of Appeals, the appointee assumes the position. (Mauna
G.R. No. 114795, July 17, 1996) vs Civil Service Commission, G.R. No. 97794,
May 13, 1994)
A public officer or employee who does not
take the oath may be considered only a de Personnel Action Amounting to illegal
facto officer and he enjoys no guarantee of removal (Agpalo, Law on Public Officers,
security of tenure. (Lecaros vs. 2005)
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 130872, March 25,
1999) a. Extending Temporary Appointment
As a rule, an acting appointment is temporary
APPOINTMENTS TO THE CIVIL SERVICE and revocable at the pleasure of the
appointing power. But extending temporary
appointment to a permanently appointed
employee to another position cannot be used
to oust an incumbent. (Gayatao vs. Civil
Service Commission, G.R. No. 93064, June
22, 1992)

The rule is that a permanent employee

remains a permanent employee unless he is
validly removed. Extending to him a
temporary appointment and thereafter
removing him is illegal. (Gabriel vs. Domingo,
G.R. No. 87420, September 17, 1990)

b. Transfer or Re-assignment -
movement from one position to another
3. PERSONNEL ACTIONS which is equivalent in rank, level and salary,
without a break in service.
Security of Tenure Provision of the
Constitution: No officer or employee in the The law authorizes the re-assignment of an
civil service shall be suspended to dismissed, employee from one organizational unit to
except for cause provided by law and after another in the same agency, provided that
due process or after he shall have been given the re-assignment shall not involve a
the opportunity reduction in rank, status, and salary.
to defend himself. (Sec. 2[3], Art. IX-
B, 1987 Constitution)



(Fernandez vs. Sto Tomas, G.R. No. 116418, at the time of his appointment, he knew he
March 7, 1995) would hold office during good behavior,
amounts to a plain and simple removal
A transfer that results in promotion or without cause and hearing. (Tapales vs.
demotion, advancement or reduction, or a President of the University of the Philippines,
transfer that aims to lure the employee away G.R. No. L-17523, March 30, 1963)
from his permanent position, cannot be done
without the employee’s consent. For that e. Control power doesn’t extend to
would constitute removal from office. (Sta. removal
Maria vs. Lopez, G.R. No. L-30773, February The power of control of the President over all
18, 1970) officers and employees of the executive
department refers to the power to alter,
What is prohibited are transfers which are modify, or nullify, or set aside what a
tantamount to illegal removals (i.e. cases of subordinate officer has done in the
unconsented transfers) (Bentain vs. Court of performance of his duties and to substitute
Appeals, G.R. No. 89452, June 9, 1992) the judgment of the former for that of the
latter. It does not extend to the power to
c. Detail – a temporary assignment of remove an officer or employee in the
personnel. executive department. (Ang-Sngco vs.
Castillo, G.R. No. L-17169, November 30,
GENERAL RULE: A temporary assignment 1963)
of personnel is permissible even without the
employee’s prior consent. (Bentain vs. Court f. Demotion – the movement from one
of Appeals, G.R. No. 89452, June 9, 1992) position to another involving the issuance of
an appointment with diminution in duties,
Cases when detail is not allowed: responsibilities, status, or rank which may or
1. Transfer is a preliminary step toward may not involve reduction in salary. (Sec. 4,
an employee’s removal Rule III, Memorandum Circular No. 40, s.
2. It is a scheme to lure him away from 1998)
his permanent position
3. Detail was designed to indirectly g. Denial of optional retirement and
terminate his service refusal to reinstate
4. Detail was designed to indirectly
force his resignation (Bentain vs. Optional retirement under RA 1616 may be
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 89452, allowed to any official or employee,
June 9, 1992) appointive or elective, regardless of age and
employment status, who has rendered at
A detail or reassignment that is indefinite and least 20 years of service - the last 3 years of
results in the reduction in rank, status, and which are continuous.
salary is, in effect, a constructive dismissal
from service. (Bentain vs. CA, G.R. No. If the application for optional retirement is
89452, June 9, 1992) denied, the official is entitled to
reinstatement with backwages. The head of
d. Shortening of term the office may not refuse reinstatement on
A law or ordinance shortening the term of the ground that the official has committed
office of a public officer or employee, when acts of misconduct. (Commission on Human



Rights vs. Civil Service Commission, G.R. No. conviction of a crime involving moral
101207, October 1, 1993) turpitude, notoriously disgraceful or immoral
conduct, improper or unauthorized
Disciplinary cases involving “personnel solicitation of contributions from subordinate
action” affecting employees in the civil employees and by teachers or school officials
service including “appointment through from school children, violation of the existing
certification, promotion, transfer, Civil Service law and rules or of reasonable
reinstatement, reemployment, detail, office regulations, or in the interest of the
reassignment, demotion and separation”, as service, remove any subordinate officer or
well as employment status and qualification employee from the service, demote him in
standards, are all within the exclusive rank, suspend him for not more than one
jurisdiction of the CSC. (Mantala vs. Salvador, year without pay or fine him in an amount
G.R. No. 101646, February 13, 1992) not exceeding six months' salary. (Sec. 33,
Art. VII, Republic Act No. 2260)
NOTE: This personnel action infringes on the
Constitutional right for security of tenure. Preventive Suspension and Dismissal
from Service
No officer or employee of the civil service Kinds of preventive suspension of
shall be removed or suspended except for government employees charged with
cause as provided by law and after due offenses punishable by removal or
process. That a transfer from one position to suspension
another without reduction in rank or salary a. Preventive suspension pending
shall not be considered disciplinary when investigation;
made in the interest of public service (Sec. b. Preventive suspension pending
32, Art. VII, Republic Act No. 2260) appeal. If the penalty imposed by the
disciplining authority is suspension or
No complaint against a civil service official or dismissal and after review the
employee shall be given due course unless respondent is exonerated. (Civil
the same is in writing and subscribed and Service Commission vs. Alfonso, G.R.
sworn to by the complainant. The respondent No. 179452, June 11, 2009)
is entitled to the following:
a. A formal investigation if he so elects; Preventive suspension pending
b. The right to appear and defend himself at investigation is not a penalty: It is a
said investigation in person or by measure intended to enable the disciplining
counsel; authority to investigate charges against
c. To confront and cross-examine the respondent by preventing the latter from
witnesses against him; and intimidating or in any way influencing
d. To have the attendance of witnesses and witnesses against him. If the investigation is
production of documents in his favor by not finished and a decision is not rendered
compulsory process of subpoena or within that period, the suspension will be
subpoena duces tecum. (Sec. 32, Art. lifted and the respondent will automatically
VII, Republic Act No. 2260) be reinstated. If after investigation,
respondent is found innocent of the charges
The Commissioner may, for dis-sty and is exonerated, he should be reinstated
oppression, misconduct, neglect of duty,



(Lastimosa vs. Vasquez, G.R. No. 116801, preventive suspension during the pendency
April 6, 1995) of the appeal in the event he wins an appeal.”

Periods for preventive suspension This provision, however, on its face, does not
• For local elective officials – 60 days support a claim for back salaries since it does
(maximum) for a single offense not expressly provide for back salaries during
within a single year for several this period; our established rulings hold that
offenses but not exceeding the term back salaries may not be awarded for the
of office. period of preventive suspension as the law
• For civil service officers and itself authorizes its imposition so that its
employees – 90 days (maximum) legality is beyond question. To resolve the
• Office of the Ombudsman – Not more seeming conflict, the Court crafted two
than 6 months, without pay, except conditions before an employee may be
when the delay in the disposition of entitled to back salaries:
the case by the Office of the a. The employee must be found innocent of
Ombudsman is due to the fault the charges; and
b. His suspension must be unjustified. (Civil
The proper disciplining authority may Service Commission vs. Cruz, G.R.
preventively suspend any subordinate officer 187858, August 9, 2011)
under his authority pending an investigation
if the charge against such officer involves The reasoning behind these conditions runs
dishonesty, oppression or grave misconduct, this way; although an employee is considered
or neglect in the performance of a duty, or if under preventive suspension during the
there are reasons to believe that the pendency of a successful appeal, the law
respondent is guilty of the charges which itself only authorizes preventive suspension
would warrant removal from the service. for a fixed period is unjustified and must be
(Sec. 1, Rule IV, CSC Memorandum Circular compensated. (Civil Service Commission vs.
No. 46) Cruz, G.R. No. 187858, August 9, 2011)

If the investigation is not finished and a Dismissal

decision is not rendered within that period, Republic Act No. 6713 penalizes violations of
the suspension will be lifted and the its Section 7 with imprisonment and/or a fine,
respondent will automatically be reinstated. as well as disqualification to hold public
(The Board of Trustees of the Government office:
Service Insurance System vs. Velasco, G.R.
No. 170463, February 2, 2011) Section 11. Penalties. (b) Any violation hereof
proven in a proper administrative proceeding
Legal basis for an award of back shall be sufficient cause for removal or
salaries: dismissal of a public official or employee,
even if no criminal prosecution is instituted
Sec. 47, Book V of the Administrative Code of against him.
1987: “An appeal shall not stop the decision
from being executor, and in case the penalty The same explicitly states that dismissal from
is suspension or removal, the respondent the service may be warranted through an
shall be considered as having been under administrative proceeding, even if the erring
officer is not subjected to criminal



prosecution. This is in keeping with the three reinstatement. Any other employment he or
(3)-fold liability rule in the law on public she obtains while the case challenging his or
officers, "which states that the wrongful acts her dismissal is pending does not bar his or
or omissions of a public officer may give rise her right to be reinstated. Similarly, he or she
to civil, criminal and administrative liability. is entitled to the payment of his or her
An action for each can proceed independently backwages from the time of his or her
of the others. (Ombudsman vs. Regalado, dismissal until his or her actual
G.R. Nos. 208481-82, 2018) reinstatement. The Constitutional
requirement of valid cause before an
Illegal Dismissal, Reinstatement, and employee of the civil service may be
Back Salaries dismissed and the twin remedies of
An illegally dismissed employee who is later reinstatement and payment of full backwages
ordered reinstated is considered as not encapsulate the essence of security of
having left his/her office and shall be entitled tenure. (Campol vs. Balao-as,
to payment of backwages and other benefits G.R. No. 197634, November 28, 2016)
that should accrue to him/her by virtue of
his/her office. (Sec. 1, CSC Memorandum An illegally dismissed government employee
Circular 6, s. 2011, effective March 7, 2011) who is later ordered reinstated is entitled to
backwages and other monetary benefits from
The “no-work-no-pay” principle does not the time of her illegal dismissal up to her
apply where it has been sufficiently shown reinstatement. This is only fair and just
that a public official was wrongfully because an employee who is reinstated after
prevented from entering having been illegally dismissed is considered
the office and carrying out his duties. as not having left her office and should be
Thus, the public official may recover his given the corresponding compensation at the
salary for the duration that he was prevented time of her reinstatement. (Civil Service
from assuming his post. (Celerian vs. Hon. Commission v. Gentallan, G.R. No. 152833,
Tantuico, Jr., G.R. No. 72427, September 24, May 9, 2005)
C. Accountability Of Public Officers;
If the illegal dismissal, including the refusal Ombudsman (1987 CONST., Art. XI,
to reinstate an employee after a finding of Secs. 5- 13; R.A. No. 6770, As Amended;
unlawful termination, is found to have been R.A. No. 6713)
made in bad faith or due to personal malice
of the superior officers then they will be held ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC
personally accountable for the employee’s OFFICERS
back salaries; otherwise, the government Public office is a public trust. Public officers
disburses funds to answer for such arbitrary and employees must at all times be
dismissal. (David vs. Gania, G.R. No. 156039, accountable to the people, serve them with
August 14, 2003) utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and
efficiency and act with patriotism and justice,
The Constitution mandates that no employee and lead modest lives. (Sec. 1, Art XI, 1987
of the civil service shall be removed from Constitution)
office except for cause provided by law. Public officials and employees shall at all
Corollary to this, any employee illegally times be accountable to the people and shall
dismissed from office is entitled to discharge their duties with utmost



responsibility, integrity, competence, and 7. Physical or mental incapacity or

loyalty, act with patriotism and justice, lead disability due to immoral or vicious
modest lives, and uphold public interest over habits;
personal interest. (Sec. 2, Republic Act No. 8. Receiving for personal use of a gift or
6713) other valuable thing when such gift
or other valuable thing is given by
Prohibited Acts and Transactions any person in the hope of receiving a
favor or better treatment or
In addition to acts and omissions of public committing acts punishable under the
officials and employees now prescribed in the anti-graft laws;
Constitution and existing laws, the following 9. Contracting loans of money or other
shall constitute prohibited acts and property from persons with whom
transactions of any public official and the office of the employee has
employee and are hereby declared to be business relations;
unlawful: 10. Soliciting or accepting directly or
a. Financial and material interest, direct indirectly, any gift, gratuity, favor,
or indirect; entertainment, loan or anything of
b. Outside employment and other monetary value which in the course
activities related; of his/her official duties or in
c. Disclosure and/or misuse of connection with any operation being
confidential information; and regulated by, or any transaction
d. Solicitation or acceptance of gifts which may be affected by the
with reservations on some gifts from functions of his/her office;
foreign governments. (Sec. 7, 11. Nepotism; and
Republic Act No. 6713) 12. Disloyalty to the Republic of the
Philippines and to the Filipino people.

1. ADMINISTRATIVE Grounds for Disciplinary Actions of

Elective Officials
Administrative offenses with corresponding 1. Disloyalty to the Republic of the
penalties are classified into grave, less grave Philippines;
or light, depending on their gravity or 2. Culpable violation of the
depravity and effects on the government Constitution;
service. (Sec. 46, Rule 10, Revised Rules on 3. Dishonesty, oppression, misconduct
Administrative Cases in the Civil Service) in office, gross negligence, or
dereliction of duty;
The following grave offenses shall be 4. Commission of offense involving
punishable by dismissal from the service: moral turpitude or offense punishable
1. Serious Dishonesty; by at least prison mayor;
2. Gross Neglect of Duty; 5. Abuse of authority;
3. Grave Misconduct; 6. Unauthorized absence for 15
4. Being Notoriously Undesirable; consecutive working days except for
5. Conviction of a crime involving moral sanggunian members;
turpitude; 7. Application for, or acquisition of,
6. Falsification of official document; foreign citizenship or residence or



status of an immigrant of another government official or employee in which

country; and case it may hear and decide the case or it
8. Such other grounds as may be may deputize any department or agency or
provided for in Election Code and official or group of officials to conduct the
other laws. investigation. The results of the investigation
shall be submitted to the Commission with
An elective local official may be removed recommendation as to the penalty to be
from office on the ground enumerated by imposed or other action to be taken. (Civil
order of the proper court. (Sec. 60, Chapter Service Commission vs. Court of Appeals,
IV, R.A. No. 7160) G.R. No. 176162, October 9, 2012)

Administrative Sanctions The Secretaries and heads of agencies

Desistance of the complainant does not and instrumentalities, provinces, cities
preclude the taking of disciplinary action and municipalities shall have jurisdiction
against the respondent. Neither does it to investigate and decide matters involving
dissuade the Court from imposing the disciplinary action against officers and
appropriate corrective sanction. (Cruz vs. employees under their jurisdiction. Their
Dalisay, A.M. No. R-181-P, July 31, 1987) decisions shall be final in case the penalty
imposed is suspension for not more than
Considering the ministerial nature of the thirty days or fine in an amount not
sheriff’s duty in enforcing writs of execution, exceeding thirty days’ salary. In case the
what is incumbent upon him is to ensure that decision rendered by a bureau or office head
only that portion of a decision ordained or is appealable to the Commission, the same
decreed in the dispositive part should be the may be initially appealed to the department
subject of execution. The point is that the and finally to the Commission and pending
respondent is well aware of the rules on appeal, the same shall be executory except
execution of judgments, particularly the when the penalty is removal, in which case
proper procedure in ejectment, and yet he the same shall be executory only after
ignored them. (Cunanan vs. Cruz, A.M. No. confirmation by the Secretary concerned.
R-89-P, November 24, 1988). (Section 47. The Revised Administrative Code
of 1987 on the Civil Service Commission)
Disciplinary Jurisdiction
The Civil Service Commission shall decide Procedure in Administrative Cases
upon appeal all administrative disciplinary Against Non-Presidential Appointees
cases involving the imposition of a penalty of:
a. Suspension for more than thirty days; Administrative proceedings may be
b. Fine in an amount exceeding thirty days’ commenced against a subordinate officer or
salary; employee by the head of department or
c. Demotion in rank or salary; office of equivalent rank, or head of local
d. Transfer; and government, or chiefs or agencies, regional
e. Removal or dismissal from office. (Office directors, or upon sworn, written complaint
of the Ombudsman vs. Gutierrez, G.R. of any other persons. (Section 48 (1). The
189100, June 21, 2017) Revised Administrative Code of 1987 on the
Civil Service Commission)
A complaint may be filed directly with the
Commission by a private citizen against a



Jurisdiction for Elective Officials that the respondent is responsible for the
Complaints, where filed: misconduct complained of. The non-
applicability of the strict technical rules of
. Provincial, highly urbanized city or procedure in administrative or quasi-judicial
independent component city elective bodies is not a license to disregard certain
official, shall be filed before the Office of fundamental evidentiary rules. While
the President. (Sec. 3, Rule 3, administrative or quasi-judicial bodies are not
Administrative Order No. 23, s. 1992) bound by the technical rules of procedure,
this rule cannot be taken as a license to
It may be noted that the Constitution places disregard fundamental evidentiary rules
local governments under the supervision of (Mira vs. Vda. De Erederos,G.R. 172532
the Executive. Likewise, the Constitution 172544-45, November 20, 2013).
allows Congress to include in the Local
Government Code provisions for removal of 2. CRIMINAL
local officials, which suggests the Congress
may exercise removal powers. So, the LGC IMPEACHMENT – a criminal proceeding
has done and delegated its exercise to the against a public officer, before a quasi –
President. Note also that legally, supervision judicial political court, instituted by written
is not incompatible with disciplinary accusation called Articles of Impeachment
authority. (Ganzon vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. (Agpalo, Law on Public Officers, 2005
No. 93252, August 5, 1991) edition), whose purpose is to protect the
people from official delinquencies or
b. Elective Municipal Officials shall be malfeasances. The penalties attached to
filed before the sangguniang impeachment are merely incidental to the
panlalawigan, whose decision may be primary intention of protecting the people as
appealed to the Office of the President. (The a body politic. (De Leon, The Law on Public
Sangguniang Barangay vs. Punong Barangay Officers and Election Law, 2008 edition)
Severino Martinez, G.R. No. 170626, March
3, 2008) The Senate shall have the sole power to try
and decide all cases of impeachment.
c. Elective Barangay Officials shall be (Section 3, par. 6, Article XI, 1987
filed before the sangguniang panlungsod Constitution)
or bayan concerned, whose decision shall be
final and executor. (The Sangguniang Who may be impeached:
Barangay vs. Punong Barangay Severino 1. President;
Martinez, G.R. No. 170626, March 3, 2008) 2. Vice-President;
3. Justices of the Supreme Court;
Quantum of Evidence Required 4. Chairmen and Members of the
In administrative proceedings, only Constitutional Commission;
substantial evidence is required (National 5. Ombudsman. (Sec 2, Art. XI, 1987
Bureau of Investigation v. Najera, G.R. No. Constitution)
237522, June 30, 2020).
Grounds for Impeachment
The standard of substantial evidence is a. Culpable violation of the Constitution
satisfied when there is reasonable ground to – the deliberate and wrongful breach of
believe, based on the evidence submitted, the Constitution. Violation of the



Constitution made unintentionally, in good The purpose of impeachment is not to punish

faith, and mere mistakes in the proper but only to remove a public officer to secure
construction of the Constitution do not the people against gross political
constitute and impeachable offense. (RE: misdemeanors. (Bernas, The 1987
Letter of Mrs. Corona, A.M. No. 20-07-10- Constitution of the Philippines, A
SC, January 12, 2021) Commentary, 2009 edition, p.1150).

b. Treason – committed by any person who, Conviction does not prevent further
owing allegiance to the Government of the prosecution and punishment according to law
Philippines, not being a foreigner, levies (Sec. 3[7], Art. XI, 1987 Constitution).
war against them or adheres to their
enemies, giving them aid or comfort The power of Congress to remove a public
within the Philippines or elsewhere. (Art. official for serious crimes or misconduct is
114, Revised Penal Code) provided in the 1987 Constitution.

c. Bribery Effect of Conviction

1. Removal from office;
d. Graft and Corruption: This must be 2. Disqualification to hold any other office
understood in the light of the provisions of under the Republic of the Philippines;
the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. and
Any violation of the prohibited acts 3. Party convicted shall be liable and
provided therein constitutes a ground for subject to prosecution, trial and
impeachment. (Republic Act No. 3019, punishment according to law. (In the
effective August 17, 1960) Matter of the Charges of Plagiarism,
Etc., Against Associate Justice Mariano
e. Other high crimes: The exact meaning of C. Del Castillo, A.M. No. 10-7-17-SC,
"other high crimes or betrayal of public February 8, 2011)
trust" as an impeachable offense is still
undefined. The framers of the Constitution Limitations on Impeachment Cases: The
put impeachment into the hands of the House of Representatives shall have the
legislative branch and transformed it from exclusive power to initiate all cases of
a matter of legal definition to a matter of impeachment (Sec 3[1], Art XI, 1987
political judgment. Hence, the definition of Constitution). Not more than one
an impeachable offense depends on impeachment proceeding shall be initiated
whether the majority of the House of against the same official within a period of
Representatives considers it to be a given one year.
moment in history. (De Leon, Philippine
Constitutional Law, 1999 edition) The term "initiate" means to file the
complaint and take initial action on it. The
f. Betrayal of Public Trust – a new ground initiation starts with the filing of the
for impeachment, which covers "any complaint which must be accompanied with
violation of the oath of office involving loss an action to set the complaint moving. It
of popular support even if the violation refers to the filing of the impeachment
may not amount to a punishable offense." complaint coupled with Congress’ taking
(De Leon, Philippine Constitutional Law, initial action of said complaint. The initial
1999) action taken by the House on the complaint



is the referral of the complaint to the DISCIPLINE

Committee on Justice. Allowing an expansive
construction of the term "initiate" beyond the Grounds in Filing the Complaint
act of referral allows the unmitigated influx of No officer or employee in the Civil Service
successive complaints, each having their own shall be suspended or dismissed except for
respective 60-session-day period of cause as provided by law and after due
disposition from referral. (Gutierrez vs. process. The following shall be grounds for
House Committee on Justice, G.R. 193459, disciplinary action:
February 15, 2011). 1. Dishonesty;
2. Oppression;
METHODS OF INITIATING 3. Neglect of duty;
1. A verified complaint for impeachment 5. Disgraceful and immoral conduct;
may be filed by any Member of the 6. Being notoriously undesirable;
House of Representatives or by any 7. Discourtesy in the course of official
citizen upon a resolution or duties;
endorsement by any Member thereof. 8. Inefficiency and incompetence in the
2. It shall be included in the Order of performance of official duties;
Business within 10 session days, and 9. Receiving for personal use of a fee,
referred to the proper Committee gift or other valuable thing in the
within three session days thereafter. course of official duties or in
3. Committee, after hearing, and by a connection therewith when such fee,
majority vote of all its Members, shall gift, or other valuable thing is given
submit its report to the House within by any person in the hope or
sixty session days from such referral, expectation of receiving a favor or
together with the corresponding better treatment than that accorded
resolution. The resolution shall be other persons, or committing acts
calendared for consideration by the punishable under the anti-graft
House within ten session days from laws;
receipt thereof. 10. Conviction of a crime involving moral
4. Majority vote of at least 1/3 of all the turpitude;
Members of the House shall be 11. Improper or unauthorized solicitation
necessary to affirm or override the of contributions from subordinate
said resolution. The vote of each employees and by teachers or school
member shall be recorded. officials from school children;
5. In case the verified complaint or 12. Violation of existing Civil Service Law
resolution of impeachment is filed by and rules or reasonable office
at least one third of all the Members regulations;
of the House, the same shall 13. Falsification of official document;
constitute the Articles of 14. Frequent unauthorized absences or
Impeachment, and trial by the Senate tardiness in reporting for duty,
shall forthwith proceed. (Sec 3[1], Art loafing or frequent unauthorized
XI, 1987 Constitution) absences from duty during regular
office hours;
15. Habitual drunkenness;
16. Gambling prohibited by law;



17. Refusal to perform official duty or (Sec. 11, Rule 3, 2017 Rules on
render overtime service; Administrative Cases in the Civil Service)
18. Disgraceful, immoral or dishonest
conduct prior to entering the service; Exception: when initiated by the proper
19. Physical or mental incapacity or disciplining authority. (Ibid.)
disability due to immoral or vicious
habits; In meting out punishment, the same
20. Borrowing money by superior officers penalties shall be imposed for similar
from subordinates or lending by offenses and only one penalty shall be
subordinates to superior officers; imposed in each case. The disciplining
21. Lending money at usurious rates of authority may impose the penalty of removal
interest; from the service, demotion in rank,
22. Willful failure to pay just debts or suspension for not more than one year
willful failure to pay taxes due to the without pay, fine in an amount not exceeding
government; six months’ salary, or reprimand (Sec. 46[d],
23. Contracting loans of money or other The Revised Administrative Code of 1987 on
property from persons with whom the Civil Service Commission).
the office of the employee concerned
has business relations; Penalties
24. Pursuit of private business, vocation a. Punished with a fine not exceeding one
or profession without the permission (1) year, or removal depending on the
required by Civil Service rules and gravity of the offense after due notice
regulations; and hearing by the appropriate body or
25. Insubordination; agency, if the violation is punishable by a
26. Engaging directly or indirectly in heavier penalty under another law, he
partisan political activities by one shall be prosecuted under the latter
holding a non-political office; statute;
27. Conduct prejudicial to the best
interest of the service; b. Violations of Sections 7, 8 or 9 of this Act
28. Lobbying for personal interest or gain shall be punishable with imprisonment
in legislative halls or offices without not exceeding five (5) years, or a fine not
authority; exceeding five thousand pesos (P5,000),
29. Promoting the sale of tickets in behalf or both;
of private enterprises that are not
intended for charitable or public c. Any violation hereof proven in a proper
welfare purposes and even in the administrative proceeding shall be
latter cases if there is no prior sufficient cause for removal or dismissal
authority; of a public official or employee, even if no
30. Nepotism as defined in Section 60 of criminal prosecution is instituted against
this Title. (Sec. 46, Chapter 7, Book him;
V, Executive Order No. 292)
d. Private individuals who participate in
General Rule: No complaint against a civil conspiracy as co-principals, accomplices
service official or employee shall be given due or accessories, with public officials or
course unless the same is in writing and employees, in violation of this Act, shall
subscribed and sworn to by the complainant. be subject to the same penal liabilities as



the public officials or employees and shall The Ombudsman must have for ten years or
be tried jointly with them; and more been a judge or engaged in the practice
of law in the Philippines [Sec. 8, Art. XI, 1987
e. The Court in which such action is brought Const.].
may assess against such person a penalty
in any amount not to exceed twenty-five Disqualifications and Prohibitions
thousand pesos (P25,000.00). If another The Ombudsman cannot:
sanction hereunder or under any other 1. Hold any other office or employment
law is heavier, the latter shall apply. (Sec. during his tenure;
11, Republic Act No. 6713) 2. Engage in the practice of any
profession or in the active
OMBUDSMAN management or control of any
business which may be affected by
Appointment the functions of his office;
The Ombudsman and his Deputies shall be 3. Be financially interested, directly or
appointed by the President from a list of at indirectly, in any contract with or in
least six nominees, prepared by the Judicial any franchise or privilege granted by
and Bar Council, and from a list of three the Government, any of its
nominees for every vacancy thereafter. Such subdivisions, agencies or
appointments shall require no confirmation. instrumentalities, including GOCCs or
All vacancies shall be filled within three their subsidiaries;
months after they occur [Sec. 9, Art. XI, 1987 4. Be Allowed to run for any office in the
Const.]. election immediately following their
cessation from office;
The Ombudsman and his Deputies, including 5. Be Allowed to appear or practice
the Special Prosecutor, shall be appointed by before the Ombudsman for two (2)
the President from a list of at least twenty- years following their cessation from
one (21) nominees prepared by the Judicial office;
and Bar Council, and from a list of three (3) 6. Be part of any conflict of interest in
nominees for each vacancy thereafter, which the conduct of their office. (Sec. 9,
shall be filled within three (3) months after it Republic Act No. 6770)
occurs, each of which list shall be published
in a newspaper of general circulation [Sec. 4, Functions
R.A. No. 6770]. 1. Investigate on its own, or on
complaint by any person, any act or
Qualifications omission of any public official,
employee, office or agency, when
The Ombudsman and his Deputies shall be: such act or omission appears to be
1. Natural-born citizens of the Philippines; illegal, unjust, improper, or
2. At the time of their appointment, at least inefficient.
forty years old; 2. Direct, upon complaint or at its own
3. Of recognized probity and independence; instance, any public official or
4. Members of the Philippine Bar; employee of the Government, or any
5. Must not have been candidates for any subdivision, agency or
elective office in the immediately preceding instrumentality thereof, as well as of
election. any government-owned or controlled



corporation with original charter, to testimony in any investigation or

perform and expedite any act or duty inquiry, including the power to
required by law, or to stop, prevent, examine and have access to bank
and correct any abuse or impropriety accounts and records;
in the performance of duties. 2. Punish for contempt in accordance
3. Direct the officer concerned to take with the Rules of Court and under the
appropriate action against a public same procedure and with the same
official or employee at fault, and penalties provided therein;
recommend his removal, suspension, 3. Delegate to the Deputies, or its
demotion, fine, censure, or investigators or representatives such
prosecution, and ensure compliance authority or duty as shall ensure the
therewith. effective exercise or performance of
4. Direct the officer concerned, in any the powers, functions, and duties
appropriate case, and subject to such herein or hereinafter provided;
limitations as may be provided by 4. Investigate and initiate the proper
law, to furnish it with copies of action for the recovery of ill-gotten
documents relating to contracts or and/or unexplained wealth amassed
transactions entered into by his office after February 25, 1986 and the
involving the disbursement or use of prosecution of the parties involved
public funds or properties, and report therein.
any irregularity to the Commission on 5. The Ombudsman shall give priority to
Audit for appropriate action. complaints filed against high-ranking
5. Request any government agency for government officials and/or those
assistance and information necessary occupying supervisory positions,
in the discharge of its responsibilities, complaints involving grave offenses
and to examine, if necessary, as well as complaints involving large
pertinent records and documents. sums of money and/or properties
6. Publicize matters covered by its (Section 15, Republic Act. No. 6770)
investigation when circumstances so
warrant and with due prudence. Fiscal Autonomy
7. Determine the causes of inefficiency, The Office of the Ombudsman shall enjoy
red tape, mismanagement, fraud, fiscal autonomy. Its approved annual
and corruption in the Government appropriations shall be automatically and
and make recommendations for their regularly released. (Sec. 14, Art. XI, 1987
elimination and the observance of Constitution)
high standards of ethics and
8. Promulgate its rules of procedure and ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS
exercise such other powers or A respondent who is found administratively
perform such functions or duties as liable by the Office of the Ombudsman and is
may be provided by law. (Sec. 13, slapped with a penalty of suspension of more
Art., 1987 Constitution). than one month from service has the right to
file an appeal with the Court of Appeals under
Additional Functions Rule 43 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure,
1. Administer oaths, issue subpoena as amended. But although a respondent is
and subpoena duces tecum, and take given the right to appeal, the act of filing an



appeal does not stay the execution of the With respect to criminal charges, the Court
decision of the Office of the Ombudsman; it has settled that the remedy of an aggrieved
is immediately executory pending appeal” party from a resolution of the Ombudsman
(Ganaden vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos. finding the presence or absence of probable
170500 & 170510-11, June 1, 2011) cause is to file a petition for certiorari under
Rule 65 of the Rules of Court with the
The Court of Appeals has jurisdiction over Supreme Court,not the Court of Appeals
orders, directives and decisions of the Office (Yatco vs. Office of the Ombudsman, G.R.
of the Ombudsman in administrative No. 244775, July 26, 2020).
disciplinary cases only. It cannot, therefore,
review the orders, directives or decisions of IX. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW
the Office of the Ombudsman in criminal or A. General Principles
non-administrative cases. (Golangco vs.
Fung, G.R. No. 147640, October 12, 2006) ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – It is the branch
of modern law under which the executive
An officer or employee under administrative department of the government, acting in a
investigation may be allowed to resign quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial capacity,
pending decision of his case but it shall be interferes with the conduct of the individual
without prejudice to the continuation of the for the purposes of promoting the well-being
proceeding against him. It shall also be of the community. (Cruz, Philippine
without prejudice to the filing of any Administrative Law, 2016 edition)
administrative, criminal case against him for
any act committed while still in the service. That branch of public law which fixes the
(Office of the Ombudsman vs. Andutan, Jr. organization, and determines the
G.R. No. 164679, July 27, 2011) competence of administrative authorities,
and indicates to the individual remedies for
JUDICIAL REVIEW IN PENAL the violation of his rights. (Nachura, Outline
PROCEEDINGS Reviewer in Political Law, 2015 edition, p.
Where the respondent is absolved of the 493)
charge and in case of conviction where the
penalty imposed is public censure or Administration Distinguished from Law
reprimand, suspension of not more than one Law is an impersonal command provided with
month, or a fine equivalent to one month sanctions to be applied in case of violation,
salary, the decision shall be final, executory while Administration is preventive rather than
and unappealable. In all other cases, the punitive and is accepted to be more personal
decision may be appealed to the Court of than law. (Cruz, Philippine Administrative
Appeals on a verified petition for review Law, 2016 edition)
under the requirements and conditions set
forth in Rule 43 of the Rules of Court, within Classification of Administrative Law:
fifteen (15) days from receipt of the written 1. As to its source
Notice of the Decision or Order denying the a. The law that controls
Motion for Reconsideration (Administrative administrative authorities; and
Order No. 7, Rules of Procedure of the Office b. The law made by the
of the Ombudsman) administrative authorities
2. As to its purpose



a. Substantive administrative law; the doctrine of separation of powers is the

and principle of non-delegation of powers.
b. Adjective or procedural (Angara vs. The Electoral Commission, et. al.,
administrative law G.R. No. 45081, July 15, 1936)
3. As to its applicability
a. General administrative law; and "The rule is that what has been delegated,
b. Special or particular administrative cannot be delegated or as expressed in a
laws (De Leon, Administrative Law: Latin maxim: potestas delegata non delegari
Text and Cases, 2016, pp. 8-9) potest." (Echegaray vs. Sec. of Justice, G.R.
No. 132601, October 12, 1998)
Administration is Understood in Two
Senses: Exceptions:
As an institution - it refers to the aggregate 1. Delegation of tariff powers to the
of individuals in whose hand the reins of President under Section 28 (2) of Article
government are entrusted for the time being; VI of the Constitution;
and 2. Delegation of emergency powers to the
President under Section 23 Paragraph 2
As a function - it is the actual running of the of Article VI of the Constitution;
government by the executive authorities 3. Delegation to the people at large;
through the enforcement of laws and 4. Delegation to local governments; and
implementation of policies (Cruz, Philippine 5. Delegation to administrative bodies
Administrative Law, 2016 edition) (Echegaray vs. Sec. of Justice, G.R. No.
132601, October 12, 1998)
Two Aspects of Administration as a
Function: B. Administrative Agencies; Definition,
1. Internal administration - covers those Types, and Manner of Creation
rules defining the relations of public
functionaries inter se and embraces the Administrative Agencies are organs of the
whole range of the law of public officers; government other than a court and other
and than the legislature, which affects the rights
2. External administration - defines the of private parties either through adjudication
relations of the public office with the or rulemaking (Nachura, Outline Reviewer in
public in general. (Cruz, Philippine Political Law, 2015 edition, p. 414).
Administrative Law, 2016 edition)
A body endowed with quasi-legislative and
Delegation of Powers to Administrative quasi-judicial powers for the purpose of
Agencies enabling it to carry out the laws entrusted to
it for enforcement or execution (Cruz,
General Rule: The separation of powers is Philippine Administrative Law, 2010 edition).
a fundamental principle in our system of
government. It obtains not through express A body or agency is administrative where its
provision but by actual division in the framing function is primarily regulatory even if it
of our Constitution. Each department of the conducts hearings and determines
government has exclusive cognizance of controversies to carry out its regulatory duty.
matters placed within its jurisdiction, and is On its rule-making authority, it is
supreme within its own sphere. Corollary to administrative when it does not have



discretion to determine what the law shall be usually through a charter. This term includes
but merely prescribes details for the regulatory agencies, chartered institutions
enforcement of the law. (Nachura, Outline and government-owned or controlled
Reviewer in Political Law, 2015 edition, p. corporations. (Sec 2[10], Introductory
414) Provisions, Executive Order No. 292)

AGENCY - It refers to any of the various REGULATORY AGENCY - It refers to any

units of the Government, including a agency expressly vested with jurisdiction to
department, bureau, office, instrumentality, regulate, administer or adjudicate matters
or government-owned or controlled affecting substantial rights and interests of
corporations, or a local government or a private persons, the principal powers of
distinct unit therein. (Sec 2[4], Introductory which are exercised by a collective body,
Provisions, Executive Order No. 292) such as a commission, board or council. (Sec
2[11], Introductory Provisions, Executive
DEPARTMENT - It refers to an executive Order No. 292)
department created by law. It includes any
instrumentality, as having or assigned the CHARTERED INSTITUTION - It refers to
rank of a department, regardless of its name any agency organized or operating under a
or designation. (Sec 2[7], Introductory special charter and vested by law with
Provisions, Executive Order No. 292) functions relating to specific constitutional
policies or objectives. This term includes the
BUREAU - It refers to any principal state universities and colleges and the
subdivision or unit of any department. It monetary authority of the State. (Sec 2[12],
includes any principal subdivision or unit of Introductory Provisions, Executive Order No.
any instrumentality given or assigned the 292)
rank of a bureau, regardless of actual name
or designation, as in the case of department- GOVERNMENT OWNED OR
wide regional offices. (Sec 2[8], Introductory CONTROLLED CORPORATION - It refers
Provisions, Executive Order No. 292) to any agency organized as a stock or non-
stock corporation, vested with functions
OFFICE - It refers, within the framework of relating to public needs whether
governmental organization, to any major governmental or proprietary in nature, and
functional unit of a department or bureau owned by the Government directly or through
including regional offices. It may also refer to its instrumentalities either wholly, or, where
any position held or occupied by individual applicable as in the case of stock
persons, whose functions are defined by law corporations, to the extent of at least fifty-
or regulation. (Sec 2[9], Introductory one (51) per cent of its capital stock. (Sec
Provisions, Executive Order No. 292) 2[13], Introductory Provisions, Executive
Order No. 292)
INSTRUMENTALITY - It refers to any
agency of the National Government, not Types of Administrative Agencies
integrated within the department framework
vested within special functions or jurisdiction 1. Agencies created to function in situations
by law, endowed with some if not all wherein the government is offering some
corporate powers, administering special gratuity, grant, or special privilege, like
funds, and enjoying operational autonomy, the following:



a. defunct Philippine Veterans Board; 6. Agencies set up to function in situations

b. Board on Pensions for Veterans; wherein the government is seeking to adjust
c. NARRA; and individual controversies because of some
d. Philippine Veterans Administration. strong social policy involved, such as the
2. Agencies set up to function in situations a. National Labor Relations
wherein the government is seeking to carry Commission;
on certain government functions, like the b. Court of Agrarian Relations;
following: c. Regional Offices of the Ministry of
a. Bureau of Immigration; Labor;
b. Bureau of Internal Revenue; d. Social Security Commission;
c. Board of Special Inquiry and Board of e. Bureau of Labor Standards; and
Commissioners; f. Women and Minors Bureau. (The
d. Civil Service Commission; and Presidential Anti-Dollar Salting Task
e. Central Bank of the Philippines. Force vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
83578, March 16, 1989)
3. Agencies set up to function in situations
wherein the government is performing some GENERAL RULE: The creation of Public
business service for the public, like the Office is primarily a legislative
following: function. (Buklod ng Kawaning EIIB vs.
a. Bureau of Postal; Executive Secretary Zamora, G.R. No.
b. Postal Savings Bank; 142801-802, July 10, 2001)
c. Metropolitan Waterworks &
Sewerage Authority; EXCEPTION: Offices created by the
d. Philippine National Railways; and Constitution. (Ibid.)
e. the Civil Aeronautics Administration.
4. Agencies set up to function in situations 1. Creation
wherein the government is seeking to 2. Reorganization
regulate business affected with public 3. Abolition
interest, like the following: 4. Deactivation (Buklod ng Kawaning
a. Fiber Inspections Board; EIIB vs. Executive Secretary Zamora,
b. Philippine Patent Office; and G.R. No. 142801-802, July 10, 2001)
c. Office of the Insurance
Commissioner. 3 Ways of Creating Administrative
5. Agencies set up to function in situations 1. Constitutional provision;
wherein the government is seeking under the 2. Legislative enactment; or
police power to regulate private business and 3. Authority of Law. (Nachura, Outline
individuals, like the following: Reviewer in Political Law, 2015
a. Securities & Exchange Commission; edition, p. 494)
b. Board of Food Inspectors;
c. Board of Review for Moving Pictures; C. Powers of Administrative Agencies
and The following are the powers of
d. Professional Regulation Commission. Administrative Agencies:
1. Quasi-Legislative (or Rule-Making) Power;



2. Quasi-Judicial (or Adjudicatory) Power; KINDS OF ADMINISTRATIVE RULES

3. Determinative powers. (Nachura, Outline AND REGULATIONS
Reviewer in Political Law, 2015 edition, p.
495) 1. Legislative Rule – are in the nature of
subordinate legislation and designed to
1. QUASI-LEGISLATIVE (RULE- implement a primary legislation by
MAKING) POWER providing the details thereof. They
usually implement existing law,
Power of an administrative agency to make imposing general, extra-statutory
rules and regulations that have the force and obligations pursuant to authority
effect of law so long as they are issued within properly delegated by Congress and
the confines of the granting statute effect a change in existing law or policy
(Provincial Bus Operators Association of the which affects individual rights and
Philippines vs Department of Labor and obligations. (Republic of the Philippines
Employment, G.R. No. 202275, July 17, vs. Drugmaker’s Laboratories, Inc.,
2018). G.R. No. 190837, March 5, 2014)

Intended merely to implement the law and to 2. Interpretative Rule – are intended to
carry out the legislative policy and not the interpret, clarify or explain existing
discretion to determine what the law shall be. statutory regulations under which the
Administrative agencies may exercise quasi- administrative body operates. Their
legislative powers only if there exists a law purpose or objective is merely to
which delegate these powers to them. construe the statute being
(Republic of the Philippines vs. Drugmakers administered and purport to do no
Lab. Inc., G.R. No. 190837, March 5, 2014) more than interpret the statute. Simply,
they try to say what the statute means
Quasi-legislative power is a power exercised and refer to no single person or party
by administrative agencies through the in particular but concern all those
promulgation of rules and regulations within belonging to the same class which may
the confines of the granting statute and the be covered by the said rules. (Ibid.)
doctrine of non-delegation of certain powers
flowing from the separation of the great 3. Contingent rules – are those issued by
branches of the government. (Abella Jr. vs. an administrative authority based on
Civil Service Commission, G.R. No. 152574, the existence of certain facts or things
November 17, 2004) upon which the enforcement of the law
depends. (Republic of the Philippines
Prior notice and hearing are not essential to vs. Drugmaker’s Laboratories, Inc.,
the validity of rules and regulations issued in G.R. No. 190837, March 5, 2014)
the exercise of quasi-legislative powers since
there is no determination of past events or REQUISITES FOR VALIDITY OF
facts that have to be established or ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATION
ascertained. (Ibid.) 1. Promulgation must be authorized by
the legislature.
2. It must be within the scope of the
authority given by the legislature.



3. It must be promulgated in accordance Tests of Valid Delegation

with the prescribed procedure.
4. It must be reasonable. (Executive a. Completeness Test – the law must be
Secretary vs. Southwing Heavy complete in all its terms and conditions when
Industries, 482 SCRA 673, February 20, it leaves the legislature so that when it
2006) reaches the delegate, it will have nothing to
do but enforce it. (Gerochi vs. DOE, G.R. No.
To be valid, an administrative issuance must 159796, July 17, 2007)
not be ultra vires or beyond the limits of the
authority conferred. It must not supplant or b. Sufficient Standard Test – The law
modify the Constitution, its enabling statute must offer a sufficient standard to specify the
and other existing laws, for such is the sole limits of the delegate’s authority, announce
function of the legislature which the other the legislative policy, and specify the
branches of the government cannot usurp. conditions under which it is to be
When the application of an administrative implemented. (ABAKADA GURO Party List,
issuance modifies existing laws or exceeds Formerly AASJS vs. Purisima, in his Capacity
the intended scope, the issuance becomes as Secretary of Finance, G.R. No. 166715,
void, not only for being ultra vires but also for August 14, 2008)
being unreasonable. (Executive Secretary vs.
Southwing Heavy Industries, 482 SCRA 673, Exceptions to the Sufficient Standard
February 20, 2006) Test
a. The authority is not exclusively legislative
In case there is a discrepancy between the and has no relation to personal or property
basic law and an implementing rule or rights; and
regulation, it is the former that prevails. b. The authority to regulate is merely a
(Land Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of matter of privilege (Ynot vs. IAC, G.R. No.
Appeals, G.R. No. 118712, October 6, 1995) 74457, March 20, 1987)

Requisites for validity of Administrative 2. QUASI-JUDICIAL (ADJUDICATORY)

Rules and Regulations with Penal POWER – the power to hear and determine
Sanctions questions of fact to which the legislative
policy is to apply and to decide in accordance
1. The law must itself provide for the with the standards laid down by the law itself
imposition of a penalty for its violation in enforcing and administering the same law
2. It must fix or define such penalty; (Globe vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 152063,
3. The violation for which the rules and August 12, 2003).
regulations impose a penalty must be
punishable or made a crime under the law The exercise of this power is only incidental
itself; and to the main function of administrative
4. It must be published in the Official Gazette authorities, which is the enforcement of the
(De Leon, Administrative Law: Text and law. (C.T. Torres Enterprises, Inc. vs.
Cases, 2010 edition) Hibionada, G.R. No. 80916, November 9,



Determinative Powers 5. Examining Powers – enables the

To better enable the administrative body to administrative body to inspect the
exercise its quasi judicial authority, it is also records and premises, and investigate
vested with what is known as determinative the activities of persons or entities
powers and functions. coming under its jurisdiction. (e.g. Allows
DOLE to inspect factories to determine
Professor Freund classifies them generally compliance with occupational health and
into the enabling powers and the directing safety standards). This will include,
powers. The latter includes the dispensing, among others, the following powers:
the examining, and the summary powers. a. Issuance of subpoenas;
b. Swearing in of witnesses;
The enabling vowers are those that permit c. Interrogation of witnesses;
the doing of an act which the law undertakes d. Calling for the production of books,
to regulate and which would be unlawful with papers, and records;
government approval. (Alliance for the Family e. Requiring that books, papers, and
Foundation, Philippines, Inc. vs. Hon. Garin, records be made available for
G.R. No. 217872, April 26, 2017) inspection;
f. Inspection of premises;
Classification of Determinative Powers g. Requiring written answers to
1. Enabling Powers – those that permit questionnaires;
the doing of an act which the law h. Requiring periodic or special reports;
undertakes to regulate and which would i. Requiring the filing of statements.
be unlawful without government (Cruz, Philippine Administrative Law,
approval (e.g. the issuance of licenses to 2016 edition, pp. 53-55)
engage in a particular business or
2. Directing Powers – order the doing or The essence of due process in administrative
performance of particular acts to ensure proceedings is the opportunity to explain
compliance with the law and are often one’s side or seek a reconsideration of the
exercised for corrective purposes (e.g. action or ruling complained of, and to submit
DENR may require factories to use certain any evidence he may have in support of his
chemicals to protect the environment). defense. The demands of due process are
3. Dispensing Powers – allows the sufficiently met when the parties are given
administrative officer to relax the general the opportunity to be heard before judgment
obligation of a law or exempt from the is rendered. (Lacson vs Executive Secretary,
performance of a general duty (e.g. when GR No. 165399, May 30, 2011)
residential buildings are permitted by the
zoning board to remain in the area As a general rule, notice and hearing, as the
designated as commercial or industrial). fundamental requirements of procedural due
4. Summary Powers – those involving the process, are essential only when an
use by administrative authorities of force administrative body exercises its quasi-
upon persons or things without the judicial function. In the performance of its
necessity of a previous judicial warrant executive or legislative functions, such as
(e.g. take over by the BSP of issuing rules and regulations, an
mismanaged banks). administrative body need not comply with the
requirements of notice and hearing. (Corona



vs. United Harbor Pilots Association of the Thus, a government officer subject of an
Philippines, G.R. No. 111953, December 12, administrative action cannot claim that his
1997) right to due process was violated when he
was made aware of the charges against him
Previous notice and hearing as elements of and when he was able to file a counter-
due process, are constitutionally required for affidavit to refute the allegations against him.
the protection of life or vested property Administrative due process is the opportunity
rights, as well as of liberty, when its limitation to explain one’s side, or an opportunity to
or loss takes place in consequence of a seek reconsideration of the action or ruling
judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding, complained of. (Civil Service Commission vs.
generally dependent upon a past act or event Almojuela, G.R. No. 194368, April 2, 2013)
which has to be established or ascertained. It
is not essential to the validity of general rules As long as a party was given the opportunity
or regulations promulgated to govern future to defend his interests in due course, it
conduct of a class or persons or enterprises, cannot be said that he was denied due
unless the law provides otherwise. (Taxicab process. (Mendoza vs. Commission on Audit,
Operators of Metro Manila vs. Board of G.R. No. 195395, September 10, 2013)
Transportation, GR No L-59234, September
30, 1982) Due process is violated when:
1. There is failure to sufficiently explain
Cardinal rights in administrative due the reason for the decision rendered;
process or
a. Right to Hearing; 2. If not supported by substantial
b. Tribunal must consider the evidence evidence; and
presented; 3. Imputation of a violation and
c. Decision must have something to support imposition of a fine despite absence
itself; of due notice and hearing. (Globe
d. Evidence must be substantial; Telecom vs. NTC, G.R. No. 143964,
e. Decision must be based on the evidence July 26, 2004)
presented at the hearing or at least
contained in the record and disclosed to Quantum of proof: Substantial Evidence,
the parties affected; or the amount of relevant evidence which a
f. Board or judge must act on its/his own reasonable mind might accept as adequate to
independent consideration of the law and justify a conclusion. (Rule 134, Sec. 5)
facts of the case, and not simply accept
the views of a subordinate in arriving at The lack or absence of proof beyond
a decision; and reasonable doubt does not mean an absence
g. Decision must be rendered in such a of any evidence whatsoever for there is
manner that the parties to the another class of evidence which, though
controversy can know the various issues insufficient to establish guilt beyond
involved and the reason for the decision reasonable doubt, is adequate in civil cases;
rendered. (Ang Tibay vs. Commission on this is preponderance of evidence. Then too,
Internal Revenue, G.R. No. L-46496, there is the “substantial evidence” rule in
February 27, 1940) administrative proceedings which merely
requires such relevant evidence as a
reasonable mind might accept as adequate to



support a conclusion. The findings and The court have also limited the latter to
conclusions in one should not necessarily be proceedings purely administrative in
binding on the other. (Ocampo vs. Office of nature. Therefore, when the administrative
the Ombudsman, G.R. No. 114683, January proceedings take on an adversary character,
18, 2000) the doctrine of res judicata which forbids the
reopening of a matter once judicially
b. ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL AND determined by competent authority applies
REVIEW – Where provided by law, appeal as well to the judicial ad quasi-judicial acts of
from administrative determination may be public, executive or administrative officers
made to a higher or superior administrative and boards acting within their jurisdiction as
officer or body. Unless otherwise provided by to the judgments of courts having general
law or executive order, an appeal from a final judicial powers. (Heirs of Derla vs. Derla vda.
decision of the agency may be taken to the De Hipolito, G.R. No. 157717, April 13, 2011)
Department head. (Sec. 19, Chap. 4,
Administrative Code, Book VII) The principle of Res Judicata may not be
invoked in labor relations proceedings
c. ADMINISTRATIVE RES JUDICATA – considering that such proceedings are non-
the decisions and orders of administrative litigious and summary in nature without
agencies, rendered pursuant to their quasi- regard to legal technicalities. (Razon vs.
judicial authority, have upon their finality, the Inciong, G.R. No. L-51809, December 19,
force and binding effect of a final judgment 1980)
within the purview of the doctrine of res
judicata. (Cruz, Philippine Administrative The subsequent reconciliation of the parties
Law, 2016 edition) to an administrative proceeding does not
strip the Court of its jurisdiction to hear the
The orderly administration of justice requires administrative case until its resolution.
that the judgments/resolutions of a court or Atonement, in administrative cases, merely
quasi-judicial body must reach a point of obliterates the personal injury of the parties
finality set by the law, rules and regulations; and does not extend to erase the offense that
A resolution which substantially modifies a may have been committed against the public
decision after it has attained finality, is utterly service. The subsequent desistance by the
void. The noble purpose is to write finis to complainant does not free the public officer
disputes once and for all. This is a from liability, as the purpose of
fundamental principle in our justice system, administrative proceedings is to protect the
without which there would be no end to public service based on the time-honored
litigations. Utmost respect and adherence to principle that a public office is a public trust.
this principle must always be maintained by (Encinas vs. Agustin, G.R. No. 187317, April
those who wield the power of adjudication. 11, 2013)
Any act which violates such principle must
immediately be struck down. (Fortich vs. 3. DETERMINATIVE POWERS
Corona, G.R. No. 131457, April 24, 1998)
1. Enabling: to permit or allow something
While it is true that this Court has declared which the law undertakes to regulate,
that the doctrine of res judicata applies only e.g. grant or denial of licenses to engage
to judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings, and in a particular business.
not to the exercise of administrative powers.



2. Directing: illustrated by the power of D. Primary Administrative Jurisdiction

assessment of the BIR or the Bureau of
Customs. The doctrine of primary jurisdiction holds that
if a case is such that its determination
3. Dispensing: to exempt from a general requires the expertise, specialized training
prohibition, or relieve an individual or and knowledge of the proper administrative
corporation from an affirmative duty, e.g. bodies, relief must first be obtained in an
authority of zoning boards to vary administrative proceeding before a remedy is
provisions of zoning ordinances, or the supplied by the courts even if the matter may
authority of the Acceptance Board of the well be within their proper jurisdiction.
Philippine Army to relieve certain persons (Commission on Audit vs. Hon. Ferrer, G.R.
from military training. No. 218870, November 24, 2020)

4. Examining: also called the investigatory It applies where a claim is originally

power; consists in requiring production of cognizable in the courts, and comes into play
books, papers, the attendance of whenever enforcement of the claim requires
witnesses and compelling their the resolution of issues which, under
testimony. regulatory scheme, have been placed within
the special competence of an administrative
a. Power to compel attendance of agency. In such a case, the court in which
witnesses not inherent in the claim is sought to be enforced may
administrative body; but an suspend the judicial process pending referral
administrative officer authorized to of such issues to the administrative body for
take testimony or evidence is deemed its view or, if the parties would not be unfairly
authorized to administer oath, disadvantaged, dismiss the case without
summon witnesses, require prejudice. (Province of Aklan v Jody King
production of documents, etc. Construction and Development Corp., GR
Nos. 197592 & 202623, November 27, 2013)
b. Power to punish contempt must be
expressly granted to the Courts will not interfere in matters which are
administrative body; and when so addressed to the sound discretion of the
granted, may be exercised only when government agency entrusted with the
administrative body is actually regulation of activities coming under its
performing quasi-judicial functions. special and technical training and knowledge
and the latter are given wide latitude in the
5. Summary: power to apply compulsion or evaluation of evidence and in the exercise of
force against persons or property to their adjudicative functions. (Ayala Land, Inc.
effectuate a legal purpose without a judicial and Capitol Citifarms, Inc. vs. Simeona
warrant to authorize such action, e.g. in the Castillo, et al., G.R. No. 178110, June 15,
fields of health inspections, abatement of 2011)
nuisances. (Nachura, Outline Reviewer in
Political Law, 2015 edition, pp. 503-504) Under the doctrine of primary administrative
jurisdiction, if an administrative tribunal has
jurisdiction over a controversy, courts should
not resolve the issue even if it may be within
its proper jurisdiction. This is especially true



when the question involves its sound An administrative decision must be first
discretion requiring special knowledge, appealed to the administrative superior up to
experience, and services to determine the highest level before elevating it to the
technical and intricate matters of fact. Thus, court of justice for review. (Philippine Health
the doctrine of primary administrative Insurance Corp. vs. Chinese General Hospital
jurisdiction refers to the competence of a and Medical Center, G.R. No. 163123, April
court to take cognizance of a case at first 15, 2005)
instance. Unlike the doctrine of exhaustion of
administrative remedies, it cannot be waived. Before a party may seek the intervention of
(Republic of the Philippines v Michelle Gallo, the court, it is a precondition that he should
GR 207074, January 17, 2018) first avail of all the means afforded by
administrative processes. A party aggrieved
Under the doctrine of primary administrative must not merely initiate the prescribed
jurisdiction, prior recourse to the House is administrative procedure to obtain relief, but
necessary before the petitioners may bring must also pursue it to its appropriate
the case to the Supreme Court. (Pimentel vs. conclusion before seeking judicial
House of Representative Electoral Tribunal, intervention in order to give that
G.R. No. 141489, 29 Nov. 2002) administrative agency an opportunity to
decide the matter by itself correctly and
E. Exhaustion of Administrative prevent unnecessary and premature resort to
Remedies court. (Smart Communications, Inc. vs.
This doctrine requires parties to exhaust all Aldecoa, G.R. No. 166330, September 11,
the remedies in the administrative machinery 2013)
before resorting to judicial remedies. The
doctrine of exhaustion presupposes that the In questioning the validity or constitutionality
court and the administrative agency have of a rule or regulation issued by an
concurrent jurisdiction to take cognizance of administrative agency, a party need not
a matter. However, in deference to the exhaust administrative remedies before
special and technical expertise of the going to court. This principle, however,
administrative agency, courts must yield to applies only where the act of the
the administrative agency by suspending the administrative agency concerned was
proceedings. As such, parties must exhaust performed pursuant to its quasi-judicial
all the remedies within the administrative function, and not when the assailed act
machinery before resort to courts is allowed. pertained to its rule-making or quasi-
(Provincial Bus Operators Association of the legislative power. (Holy Spirit Homeowners
Philippines vs. Department of Labor and Association, Inc. vs. Defensor, G.R. No.
Employment, G.R. No. 202275, July 17, 163980, August 3, 2006)
Exceptions to the Doctrine:
Whenever there is an available administrative 1. Where there is estoppel on the part
remedy provided by law, no judicial recourse of the party invoking the doctrine;
can be made until all such remedies have 2. Where the challenged administrative
been availed of and exhausted (Teotico vs. act is patently illegal, amounting to
Agda, Sr., G.R. No. 87437,May 29, 1991). lack of jurisdiction;



3. Where there is unreasonable delay or a. "when to require exhaustion of

official inaction that will irretrievably administrative remedies would be
prejudice the complainant; unreasonable" and
4. Where the amount involved is b. "when there are circumstances indicating
relatively small so as to make the rule the urgency of judicial intervention."
impractical and oppressive; (Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
5. Where the question involved is purely v. Urdaneta Sacred Heart Hospital, G.R.
legal and will ultimately have to be No. 214485, January 11, 2021)
decided by the courts of justice;
6. Where judicial intervention is Effect of Failure to Exhaust
urgent; Administrative
7. When its application may cause great The jurisdiction of the court is not
and irreparable damage; affected; but the complainant is deprived of
8. Where the controverted acts violate a cause of action which is a ground for a
due process; motion to dismiss. However, if no motion
9. When the issue of non-exhaustion of to dismiss filed on this ground, there is
administrative remedies has been deemed to be a waiver. (Nachura, Outline
rendered moot; Reviewer in Political Law, 2015 edition, p.
10. When there is no other plain, speedy 518)
and adequate remedy;
11. When strong public interest is X. ELECTION LAW
12. In quo warranto proceedings. A. Suffrage; Qualification and
(Republic vs. Lacap, G.R. No. Disqualification of Voters (1987
158253, March 2, 2007) CONST., Art. V, Sec. 1; R.A. No. 8189,
13. When the respondent is a Secs. 9 and 11)
department secretary whose acts as
an alter ego of the President bears SUFFRAGE
the implied and assumed approval of It is the right to vote in the election of officers
the latter; chosen by the people and in the
14. When it would amount to a determination of questions submitted to the
nullification of a claim; people. It includes within its scope election,
15. When the subject matter is a private plebiscite, initiative, and referendum.
land in land case proceedings (Nachura, Outline Reviewer in Political Law,
(Cabungcal vs. Lorenzo, G.R. 2015 edition, p. 615)
160367, December 18, 2009)
The trial court and the appellate court also It is the means by which the people choose
correctly considered USHH's Complaint as an their officials for a definite and fixed period
exception to the application of the doctrine and to whom they entrust for the time being
on exhaustion of administrative remedies on the exercise of powers of government. (Ibid.)
the basis of strong public interest.
Alternatively, the instant case may also fall Purpose of Election
under the following exceptions: The purpose of an election is to give the
voters a direct participation in the affairs of
their government, either in determining who



shall be their public officials or in deciding The age requirement for SK however is now
some question of public interest; and for that at least 18 but not more than 24 years old on
purpose all of the legal voters should be the day of the elections. (Sec. 10, R.A. No.
permitted, unhampered and unmolested, to 10742)
cast their ballot. (Luna vs. Rodriguez, G.R.
No. L-13744, November 29, 1918) Special – one held to fill a vacancy in office
before the expiration of the full term for
Nature of Suffrage which the incumbent was elected. (Nachura,
a. It is a right created by law, not a natural Outline Reviewer in Political Law, 2015
right, and an expression of the sovereign will edition, p. 615)
of the people.
Election Period: Unless otherwise fixed by
b. It is a privilege because its exercise is not the Commission on Elections in special cases,
granted to everybody but to the persons or the election period shall commence 90 days
class of persons as are most likely to exercise before the day of the election and shall end
it for the purpose of public good. (De Leon, 30 days thereafter. (Sec. 9, Art. IX-C, 1987
Philippine Constitutional Law, Principles and Constitution)
Cases, 2017, pp. 1107-1108)
The campaign period does not include the
Power of Congress to Regulate day before and the day of the election. The
Suffrage: Congress has unlimited power to campaign period in special election is 45
enact laws relative to the right of suffrage, days. (Batas Pambansa Bilang 881, effective
and, in the exercise of police power, to December 3, 1995)
suppress whatever evils may be incident to
the election of public officers. (Sec. 2, Art. V, QUALIFICATION AND

Regular – one provided by law for the Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of
elections of officers either nationwide or in the Philippines not otherwise disqualified by
certain subdivisions thereof, after the law, who are at least eighteen years of age,
expiration of the full term of the former and who shall have resided in the Philippines
officers. (Nachura, Outline Reviewer in for at least one year and in the place wherein
Political Law, 2015 edition, p. 615) they propose to vote for at least six months
immediately preceding the election. (Sec. 1,
NOTE: The SK Election is not a regular Art. V, 1987 Constitution)
election because the latter is participated
in by youth with ages ranging from 15-18 Congress may impose limitations on the
(now 15-30 as per (n) Sec. 3 IRR of RA statutory right of suffrage. The provision
10742), some of whom are not qualified under Sec. 1, Art V, 197 Constitution (that no
to voters to elect local or national elective literacy property, or other substantive
officials. (Paras vs. Commission on requirement shall be imposed on the exercise
Elections, G.R. No. 123169, November 4, of suffrage) is merely “geared towards the
1996) elimination of irrelevant standards that are
purely based on socio-economic
considerations that have no bearing on the



right of a citizen to intelligently cast his vote country solely by reason of his
to further the public good” (Kabataan employment in private or public service,
Partylist vs. COMELEC, GR No. 221318, educational activities, work in the military
December 16, 2015) or naval reservations within the
Philippines, service in the Armed Forces
Biometrics validation requirement is not an of the Philippines, Philippine National
unconstitutional substantive requirement. Police, or confinement or detention in
Even if failure to comply with the biometrics government institutions in accordance
validation requirement will result in the with law shall not be deemed to have lost
deactivation of the voter’s registration (under his original residence. (Sec. 9, Voters’
RA. No. 10367 or the Biometrics Law of Registration Act of 1996)
2013), it is not unconstitutional. The
requirement is a “mere aspect of the In election cases, the Court treats
registration procedure, of which the State domicile and residence as synonymous
has the right to reasonably regulate” (Ibid.) terms. Both import not only an intention to
reside in a fixed place but also personal
QUALIFICATION OF VOTERS IN appearance in that place, coupled with
GENERAL: conduct indicative of such intention. (Jalosjos
vs. Commission on Elections, GR No. 191970,
1. CITIZENSHIP: Filipino citizenship by April 24, 2012)
birth or by naturalization.
It is not necessary that a person should have
It is incumbent upon one who claims a house in order to establish his residence or
Philippine citizenship to prove to the domicile in a municipality. It is enough that
satisfaction of the court that he is really a he should live there, provided that his stay is
Filipino. Any doubt regarding citizenship accompanied by his intention to reside
must be resolved in favor of the State. (Go therein permanently. (Marcos vs.
vs. Ramos, G.R. No. 167569, September 4, Commission on Elections, GR No. 119976,
2009) September 18, 1995)

2. AGE: At least 18 at the time of the There are three requisites to acquire a new
election. A person may be registered as a domicile:
voter although he is less than 18 years at the 1. residence or bodily presence in a new
time of registration if he will be at least 18 on locality;
the day of the election. (Sec. 9, Republic Act 2. an intention to remain there; and
No. 8189). 3. an intention to abandon the old
domicile. (Poe vs. COMELEC, G.R. No.
3. RESIDENCE 221697, March 8, 2016)
1. At least 1 year in the Philippines; and
The evidence of petitioner is overwhelming
2. At least six (6) months where he and taken together leads to no other
proposes to vote immediately preceding conclusion that she decided to permanently
the election. (Sec. 9, Republic Act No. abandon her U.S. residence (selling the
8189) house, taking the children from U.S. schools,
NOTE: Any person who temporarily getting quotes from the freight company,
resides in another city, municipality, or notifying the U.S. Post Office of the



abandonment of their address in the U.S., c. Insane or incompetent persons as declared

donating excess items to the Salvation Army, by a competent authority.
her husband resigning from U.S. employment
right after selling the U.S. house) and Exception: Unless the competent authority
permanently relocate to the Philippines and declares the insane and incompetent person
actually re- established her residence here on already mentally fit and capable. (Sec. 11,
24 May 2005 (securing T.I.N, enrolling her Republic Act No. 8189)
children in Philippine schools, buying
property here, constructing a residence here, In order that a qualified elector may vote in
returning to the Philippines after all trips any election, plebiscite or referendum, he
abroad, her husband getting employed here). must be registered in the Permanent List of
Voters for the city or municipality in which he
Indeed, coupled with her eventual resides. (Sec. 115, Omnibus Election Code)
application to reacquire Philippine citizenship
and her family's actual continuous stay in the No literacy, property, or other substantive
Philippines over the years, it is clear that requirement shall be imposed on the exercise
when petitioner returned on 24 May 2005 it of suffrage. (Sec. 1, Art. V, 1987
was for good. (Poe vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. Constitution)
221697, March 8, 2016)
The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003
DISQUALIFICATION OF VOTERS addressed the need for overseas Filipinos to
There are three (3) grounds for be able to vote in Philippine elections.
disqualification to register as a voter under (Republic Act No. 9189, effective February
Sec. 11, Voters’ Registration Act of 1996: 13, 2003)
a. Sentenced by final judgment - CERTIFIED LIST OF VOTERS
imprisonment for not <1 year
LIST OF VOTERS –an enumeration of
Exception: granted a plenary pardon or an names of registered voters in a precinct duly
amnesty certified by the Election Registration Board
(ERB) for use in the elections. (Sec. 3[d],
b. Adjudged by final judgment - any crime Republic Act No. 8189)
involving disloyalty to the duly constituted
government The Board shall prepare and post a certified
Example: rebellion, sedition, violation list of voters ninety (90) days before a regular
of the firearms law; or any crime election and sixty (60) days before a special
against national security election and furnish copies thereof. (Sec. 30,
Republic Act No. 8189)
Exception: restored their full civil and
political rights Grounds when list of voters will be
altered (DECANT)
Both grounds: Reacquire the right to a. Deactivation/Reactivation (Secs. 27-28,
vote upon the expiration of 5 years Republic Act No. 8189)
after the service of sentence. b. Exclusion/Inclusion (Secs. 34-35,
Republic Act No. 8189)



c. Cancellation of registration in case of preparations with respect to the coming

death (Sec. 29, Republic Act No. 8189) elections. COMELEC is granted the power
d. New voters (Sec. 6, Republic Act No. to fix other periods and dates for pre-
8189) election activities only if the same
e. Annulment of book of voters (Sec. 39, cannot be reasonably held within the
Republic Act No. 8189) period provided by law. There is no
f. Transfer of residence (Sec. 12, Republic ground to hold that the mandate of
Act No. 8189) continuing voter registration cannot be
reasonably held within the period provided by
B. Registration of Voters; Inclusion and Sec. 8 of RA 8189. (Palatino vs. Commission
Exclusion Proceedings (R.A. No. on Elections, G.R. No. 189868, December
8189; R.A. No. 10367) 15, 2009)

REGISTRATION – the act of accomplishing Petitioner filed their petition with the Court
and filing of a sworn application for and sought the conduct of a two-day
registration by a qualified voter before the registration all within the 120-day prohibitive
election officer of the city or municipality period. In this case, both the dates of filing of
wherein he resides and including the same in the petition and the extension sought are
the book of registered voters upon approval prior to the 120-day prohibitive period.
by the Election Registration Board. (Sec. 3[a], (Akbayan-YOUTH vs. Commission
Republic Act No. 8189) on Elections, G.R. No. 147066, March 26,
A qualified voter shall be registered in the
permanent list of voters in a precinct of the ILLITERATE OR DISABLED VOTERS
city or municipality wherein he resides to be
able to vote in any election. (Sec. 10, Illiterate person: May register with
Republic Act No. 8189) the assistance of the Election Officer or any
member of the accredited citizen’s arms.
Registration does not confer the right to vote (Sec. 14, Republic Act No. 8189)
but it is a condition precedent to the exercise
of the right. (Yra vs. Abano, GR No. L-30187, Physically disabled person: Application
November 15, 1928) for registration may be prepared by:
(a) Any relative within the 4th civil degree of
PERIOD OF REGISTRATION: No consanguinity or affinity;
registration shall be conducted within: (b) By the Election Officer; or
Regular Election Special Election (c) Any member of an accredited citizen’s
arms. (Sec. 14, Republic Act No. 8189)
120 days before 90 days before
Disabled voter: A person with impaired
COMELEC Resolution 8585 which set the capacity to use the Automated Election
deadline for voter registration to Oct. 31, System. (Sec. 2[11], Republic Act No. 9369)
2009 (election was May 10, 2010 – more than
120 days) was declared null and void because
of Sec. 8 of RA 8189 has determined that the
period of 120 days before a regular election
and 90 days for special election enough time
for the COMELEC to make ALL the necessary




(ERB) grounds therefor, under
There shall be in each city and municipality oath, attached to the
as many ERBs as there are election officers application together with
therein. (Sec. 15, Republic Act No. 8189) the proof of notice of
hearing to the challenger
Composition: and the applicant.

Chairman: Election Officer (If disqualified, Hearing 3rd Monday of the month
COMELEC shall designate an acting Election
Decision Before the end of the month
a. Public school official of most senior rank;
b. Local civil registrar, or in his absence, the VALIDATION
city or municipal treasurer. The process of taking the biometrics of
registered voters whose biometrics have not
If neither are available, any other appointive yet been captured. (Sec. 2[d]. Republic Act
civil service official from the same locality as No. 10367)
designated by the COMELEC. (Sec. 15,
DEACTIVATION – the process of
Disqualification: Relation to each other or deactivating the registration of certain
to any incumbent city or municipal elective persons, removing their registration records
official within the 4th civil degree of from the corresponding precinct book of
consanguinity or affinity. (Sec. 15, Republic voters and placing the same in the inactive
Act No. 8189) file, properly marked 'deactivated' and dated
in indelible ink.
To another city or municipality: The Causes of deactivation: The board shall
registered voter may apply with the Election remove the registration records of the
Officer of his new residence for the transfer following persons from the corresponding
of his registration records. (Sec. 12, Republic precinct book of voters and placing the same
Act No. 8189) in the inactive file:
a. Sentenced by final judgment to suffer
In the same city or municipality: Voter imprisonment for not less than 1 year
shall immediately notify the Election Officer in (unless granted plenary pardon or
writing. (Sec. 13, Republic Act No. 8189) amnesty);
b. Adjudged by final judgment for having
CHALLENGES TO RIGHT TO REGISTER committed any crime involving disloyalty
(Sec. 18, Republic Act No. 8189) to the duly constituted government (e.g.
rebellion, sedition, violation of the
Who Any voter, candidate or
firearms law) or any crime against
representative of a
national security (unless restored to full
registered political party
civil and political rights in accordance
with law) shall automatically reacquire



the right to vote upon the expiration of 5 3. Contains data that are statistically
years after the service of sentence; improbable
c. Insane or incompetent persons as
declared by competent authority; No order, ruling or decision annulling a book
d. Did not vote in the two (2) successive of voters shall be executed within 90 days
preceding regular elections (excluding before an election. (Sec. 39, Republic Act No.
Sangguniang Kabataan elections); 8189)
e. Registration has been ordered excluded
f. Loss of Filipino citizenship. (Sec. 27, PROCEEDINGS
Republic Act No. 8189)
voter whose registration has been INCLUSIO EXCLUSIO
deactivated may file with the Election officer N (Sec. 34, N (Sec.
a sworn application for reactivation of his RA No. 35, RA No.
registration in the form of an affidavit stating 8189) 8189)
that the grounds for the deactivation no
longer exist. (Sec. 28, Republic Act No. 8189) When Any time
to file Any time except
WHEN: Any time not later than 120 days except 105 100 days
before a regular election and 90 days before days before before a
a special election. (Sec. 28, Republic Act No. a regular regular
8189) election or election or
75 days 65 days
The Election officer shall submit said before a before a
application to the ERB and if approved, the special special
Election Officer shall retrieve the registration election. election
record from the inactive file and include the
same in the corresponding precinct book of Who a. Any a. Any
voters. (Ibid.) Local heads or may person registered
representatives of political parties file whose voter in
shall be properly notified on approved application the
applications. (Sec. 28, Republic Act No. 8189) for city or
registration municipalit
Commission on Elections shall, upon verified disapprove b.
petition of any voter or election officer or duly d by the Represent
registered political party, and after notice and BEI, or ative of
hearing, annul any book of voters that is: political
1. Not prepared in accordance b. Any party
with RA No. 8189; person c. Election
2. Prepared through fraud, bribery, forgery, whose officer
impersonation, intimidation, force, or any name has
similar irregularity; been



stricken out 1. Overseas Absentee Voting – R.A. No.

from the list 9189; R.A. No. 10590

ABSENTEE VOTING - refers to the process

Period Within 15 Within 10
by which qualified citizens of the Philippines
for days after days from
the abroad exercise their right to vote. (Sec. 3[a],
its filing its filing
court Republic Act No. 9189)
decide OVERSEAS ABSENTEE VOTER - refers to
a citizen of the Philippines who is qualified to
Jurisd The Municipal and
register and vote under this Act, not
iction Metropolitan Trial Courts
otherwise disqualified by law, who is abroad
shall have original and
on the day of elections. (Sec. 3[f], Republic
exclusive jurisdiction.
Act No. 9189)

It is not within the competence of the trial JOINT CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT

court, in an exclusion proceeding, to declare COMMITTEE - is composed of the
the challenged voter a resident of another Chairperson of the Senate Committee on
municipality. The jurisdiction of the lower Constitutional Amendments, Revision of
court over exclusion cases is limited only to Codes and Laws, and seven (7) other
determining the right of the voter to remain Senators designated by the Senate President,
in the list of voters or to declare that the and the Chairperson of the House Committee
challenged voter is not qualified to vote in the on Suffrage and Electoral Reforms, and seven
precinct in which he is registered, specifying (7) other Members of the House of
the ground of the voter's disqualification. Representatives designated by the Speaker
(Domino vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. of the House of Representatives: Provided,
No. 134015, July 19, 1999) That, of the seven (7) members to be
designated by each House of Congress, four
Res judicata not applicable (4) should come from the majority to include
The proceedings for the exclusion or the chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs
inclusion of voters in the list of voters are and the remaining three (3) from the
summary in character. Except for the right to minority. (Sec. 38, Republic Act No. 10590)
remain in the list of voters or for being
excluded therefrom for the particular election FIELD REGISTRATION - refers to the
in relation to which the proceedings had been conduct of registration of overseas voters at
held, a decision in an exclusion or inclusion predetermined locations, either in the
proceeding, even if final and unappealable, Philippines, as may be determined by the
does not acquire the nature of res judicata. Commission, or outside the posts, upon the
It does not operate as a bar to any further favorable recommendation of the DFA-OVS,
action that a party may take concerning the both being of limited duration and based on
subject passed upon in the proceeding. Thus, the guidelines prescribed by the Commission
a decision in an exclusion proceeding would for that exclusive purpose; the government
neither be conclusive on the voter’s political shall not collect fees for the same. (Sec. 3[e],
status, nor bar subsequent proceedings on Republic Act No. 10590)
his right to be registered as a voter in any
other election (Domino vs. Commission on
Elections,G.R. No. 134015, July 19, 1999)



MOBILE REGISTRATION - refers to the Qualified Overseas Absentee Voters

conduct of registration of overseas voters at
various locations outside the posts, other All citizens of the Philippines who are:
than at field registrations, undertaken as part a. Living abroad;
of the posts’ mobile consular and outreach b. Not disqualified by the law; and
activities to Filipinos within their jurisdictions. c. At least eighteen (18) years of age on the
(Sec. 3[f], Republic Act No. 10590) day of elections.

OFFICE FOR OVERSEAS VOTING (OFOV) Overseas Absentee Voters may vote for
- refers to the Office of the Commission president, vice-president, senators and
tasked to oversee and supervise the effective party-list representatives. (Sec. 4, Republic
implementation of the Overseas Voting Act. Act No. 9189)
(Sec. 3[i], Republic Act No. 10590)
Disqualifications from Voting under The
OVERSEAS VOTER - refers to a citizen of Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003
the Philippines who is qualified to register 1. Those who have lost their Filipino
and vote under this Act, not otherwise citizenship in accordance with Philippine
disqualified by law, who is abroad on the day laws;
of elections. (Sec. 3[j], Republic Act No.
10590) 2. Those who have expressly renounced
their Philippine citizenship and who have
PETITION PETITION pledged allegiance to a foreign country;
INCLUSION EXCLUSION 3. Those who have committed and are
(Sec. 6.7, RA (Sec. 6.6, convicted in a final judgment by a
9189) RA 9189) Philippine court or tribunal of an offense
punishable by imprisonment of not less
than one (1) year, such disability not
having been removed by plenary pardon
or amnesty; and
When 5 days after Any time n
to file receipt of ot Note: That any person disqualified to vote
notice of later than 2 under this subsection shall automatically
disapproval 10 days acquire the right to vote upon the expiration
before the of five (5) years after service of sentence.
day of the
elections 4. Any citizen of the Philippines abroad
previously declared insane or
Applicant or Any
incompetent by competent authority in
Who his authorized interested
the Philippines or abroad, as verified by
may representative person
the Philippine embassies, consulates or
foreign service establishments
Period 5 days after its 15 days after
to filing its filing
decide Exception: Such competent authority
subsequently certifies that such person is no



longer insane or incompetent. (Sec. 4, false information or to conspire with

Republic Act No. 10590) another person for the purpose of
encouraging the giving of false
Registration and/or certification as an information, or, to pay, or offer to pay, or
overseas voter shall be done in person at any to accept payment either for application
post abroad or at designated registration to vote in absentia or for voting;
centers outside the post or in the Philippines
approved by the Commission. (Sec. 5, c. For any person to steal, conceal, alter,
Republic Act No. 10590) destroy, mutilate, manipulate, or in any
way tamper with the mail containing the
Requirements for Registration ballots for overseas voters, the ballot, the
election returns, or any record, document
a. A valid Philippine passport; or paper required for purposes of this
In the absence of such, a certification of the
Department of Foreign Affairs that it has d. For any deputized agent to refuse
reviewed the appropriate documents without justifiable ground, to serve or
submitted is sufficient or that the applicant is continue serving, or to comply with one’s
a holder of a valid passport but is unable to sworn duties after acceptance of the
produce it for a valid reason. deputization;

b. Accomplished registration form e. For any public officer or employee or

prescribed by the Commission; and accredited or deputized organization or
association to cause the preparation,
c. Applicants who availed themselves of the printing, distribution or posting of
‘Citizen Retention and Reacquisition Act’ information or material, without the prior
(Republic Act No. 9225) shall present the approval of the Commission;
original or certified true copy of the order
of approval of their application to retain f. For any public officer or employee to
or reacquire their Filipino citizenship cause the transfer, promotion, extension,
issued by the post or their identification recall of any member of the foreign
certificate issued by the Bureau of service corps, including members of the
Immigration. (Sec. 11, Republic Act No. attached agencies, or otherwise cause
10590) the movement of any such member from
the current post or position one (1) year
Prohibited Acts before and three (3) months after the day
In addition to the prohibited acts provided by of elections, without securing the prior
law, it shall be unlawful: approval of the Commission;
a. For any officer or employee of the
Philippine government to influence or g. For any person who, after being
attempt to influence any person covered deputized by the Commission to
by this Act to vote, or not to vote, for a undertake activities in connection with
particular candidate; the implementation of this Act, shall
campaign for or assist, in whatever
b. For any person to deprive any person of manner, candidates in the elections;
any right secured in this Act, or to give



h. For any person to engage in partisan Armed Forces of the Philippines and the
political activity abroad during the thirty Philippine National Police and other
(30)-day overseas voting period; or government officers and employees who are
duly registered voters and who, on election
i. For any person who is not a citizen of the day, may temporarily be assigned in
Philippines to participate, by word or connection with the performance of election
deed, directly or indirectly through duties to place where they are not registered
qualified organizations/associations, in voters. (Sec. 12, Republic Act No. 7166)
any manner and at any stage of the
Philippine political process abroad, The Commission on Elections shall extend the
including participation in the campaign right to vote under the local absentee voting
and elections. (Sec. 37, Republic Act No. system provided under existing laws and
10590) executive orders to members of media,
media practitioners, including the technical
2. Local Absentee Voting – E.O. No. 157, and support staff, who are duly registered
Series of 1987; R.A. No. 7166, sec. 12; voters and who, on election day, may not be
R.A. No. 10380 able to vote due to the performance of their
LOCAL ABSENTEE VOTING - a system of functions in covering and reporting on the
voting whereby government officials and elections. (Sec. 2, Republic Act No. 10380)
employees, including members of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and the Note: That they shall be allowed to vote only
Philippine National Police (PNP) as well as for the positions of President, Vice President,
members of the media, media practitioners Senators and Party-List Representative.
including their technical and support staff (Ibid.)
(media voters) who are duly registered
voters, are allowed to vote for the national Submission of the List of Officers and
positions in places where they are not Employees
registered voters but where they are Thirty (30) days before the election, the
temporarily assigned to perform election appropriate head of office shall submit to the
duties on election day.. (Sec. 1[a], COMELEC Commission on Elections a list of officers and
Resolution 9637, 13 February 2013) employees of the office who are registered
voters, and who, by reason of their duties
Government officials and employees who will and functions, will be in places other than
be posted abroad to perform election duties their place of registration, and who desire to
on election day may also avail of local exercise their right to vote, with the request
absentee voting, provided, that they are that said officers and employees be provided
registered voters and that they are not with application forms to cast absentee
registered overseas absentee voters under ballots in their place of assignment. (Sec. 2,
Republic Act No. 9189, otherwise known Executive Order No. 157, s. 1987, effective
as "The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of March 30, 1987)
2003" (Sec. 2, COMELEC Resolution No.
9637, effective February 13, 2013) The voters who cast absentee votes shall
vote one week before election day. (Sec. 8,
Absentee voting shall apply to the elections Executive Order No. 157, s. 1987, effective
for President, Vice-President and Senators March 30, 1987)
only and shall be limited to members of the



Inclusion: Any person whose application for may be availed of by any registered detainee
registration has been disapproved by the whose registration is not transferred/
Board or whose name has been stricken out deactivated/cancelled/deleted (Sec. 1, Rule
from the list may file with the court a petition 1, COMELEC Resolution No. 9371).
to include his name (with certificate of
disapproval of his application and proof of DETAINEE: For purposes of detainee voting,
notice to the board) in the permanent list of detainee refers to any person: (Charged,
voters in his precinct at any time. Serving, Disloyal)
1. Confined in jail, formally charged for any
EXCEPTION: One hundred five (105) days crime/s and awaiting/undergoing trial; or
prior to a regular election or seventy-five (75) 2. Serving a sentence of imprisonment for
day prior to a special election (Sec. 34, R.A. less than one (1) year; or
No. 8189) 3. Whose conviction of a crime involving
disloyalty to the duly constituted government
Jurisdiction: The Municipal and such as rebellion, sedition, violation of the
Metropolitan Trial Courts shall have original firearms laws or any crime against national
and exclusive jurisdiction over all cases of security or for any other crime is on appeal
inclusion and exclusion of voters in their (Sec. 2[a], Rule 1, COMELEC Resolution No.
respective cities or municipalities. (Sec. 33, 9371).
R.A. No. 8189)
In connection with the ongoing Voter’s place shall be established in detention
Validation Program and in anticipation of center/jails with at least fifty (50) registered
numerous petitions for inclusion or exclusion detainee voters (Sec. 1, Rule 3, COMELEC
of voters that may be filed, the salas of Resolution No. 9371).
executive judges of metropolitan trial courts
and municipal trial courts in cities, and the DATE AND TIME OF DETAINEE VOTING:
municipal trial courts and municipal circuit Voting for qualified detainee voters shall take
trial courts are hereby designate as special place on the same date as the national and
courts to exclusively hear and decide such local elections are conducted. (Sec. 1, Rule 6,
petitions. (SC Administrative Circular 59- COMELEC Resolution No. 9371)
Appeal: Decisions of the Municipal Trial following shall avail of the escorted voting:
Court or Metropolitan Trial Court may be 1. Detainee voters who are residents/
appealed by the aggrieved party to the RTC registered voters of municipalities/cities
within 5 days from receipt of notice thereof. other than the town/city of detention; and
No motion for reconsideration shall be 2. Detainee voters in detention centers/ jails
entertained (Sec. 33, R.A. No. 8189) where no special polling places are
established. (Sec. 1, Rule 7, COMELEC
3. Persons Deprived of Liberty Voting – Resolution No. 9371)
COMELEC Resolution No. 9371, as may
be amended Provided: (CLR)
1. That said detainee voters obtained court
Detainee voting (either through the special orders allowing them to vote in the polling
polling place inside jails or escorted voting) place where they are registered;



2. That it is logistically feasible on the part of law, by selection or election from the labor,
the jail/prison administration to escort the peasant, urban poor, indigenous cultural
detainee voter to the polling place where he communities, women, youth, and such other
is registered; and sectors as may be provided by law, except
3. That reasonable measures shall be the religious sector. (Sec. 5[2], Art. VI, 1987
undertaken by the jail/prison administration Constitution)
to secure the safety of detainee voters,
prevent their escape and ensure public safety RULE: The Party-List Representatives shall
(Sec. 1, Rule 7 COMELEC Resolution No. have the same rights and be subject to the
9371). same inhibitions and disqualifications as a
District Representative. Any Party-List
C. Political Parties and the Party-List Representative who changes his political
System of Representation (1987 party or sectoral application during his term
CONST., art. VI, sec. 5(2); art. IX-C, of office shall forfeit his seat. If the change is
sec. 2 (5)); R.A. No. 7941) made within six (6) months before an
election, he shall not be eligible for
PARTY-LIST SYSTEM – a mechanism or nomination as a Party-List Representative
proportional representation in the election of under his new party or organization.
representatives to the House of (Republic Act No. 7941, Effective March 3,
Representatives from national, regional and 1995)
sectoral parties or organizations or coalitions
thereof registered with the Commission on Nature Of Party-List System
Election (Sec. 3, Republic Act No. 7941). The party-list system is a social justice tool
A free and open party system shall be designed not only to give more law to the
allowed to evolve according to the free choice great masses of our people who have less in
of the people. (Sec. 2[5], Art. IX-C, 1987 life, but also to enable them to become
Constitution) veritable lawmakers themselves, empowered
to participate directly in the enactment of
Under this system, a voter elects, apart from laws designed to benefit them. It intends to
the district representative, a registered party, make the marginalized and the
organization or coalition that will be entitled underrepresented not merely passive
to a maximum of three (3) party-list recipients of the State’s benevolence, but
representatives in the House of active participants in the mainstream of
Representatives, depending on its obtaining representative democracy. (Ang Bagong
a required percentage of the national vote. Bayani OFW Labor Party vs. COMELEC, GR
No. 147589, June 26, 2001)
Number of Party-List Representatives:
20% of the total number of the members of GROUNDS FOR REFUSAL AND/OR
the House of Representatives including those CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION OF
under the party-list. (Sec. 5[2], Art. VI, 1987 POLITICAL PARTIES
Constitution) 1. It is a religious sect or denomination,
organization or association, organized
Note: For three consecutive terms after the for religious purposes;
ratification of this Constitution, one-half of 2. It advocates violence or unlawful
the seats allocated to party-list means to seek its goal;
representatives shall be filled, as provided by 3. It is a foreign party or organization;



4. It is receiving support from any foreign The COMELEC shall publish the petition in at
government, foreign political party, least two (2) national newspapers of general
foundation, organization, whether circulation.
directly or through any of its officers or
members or indirectly through third The COMELEC shall, after due notice and
parties for partisan election purposes; hearing, resolve the petition within fifteen
5. It violates or fails to comply with laws, (15) days from the date it was submitted for
rules or regulations relating to decision but in no case not later than sixty
elections; (60) days before election. (Sec. 5, Republic
6. It declares untruthful statements in its Act No. 7941)
7. It has ceased to exist for at least one Guidelines For Screening Party-List
(1) year; or Candidates
8. It fails to participate in the last two (2) In Ang Bagong Bayani case, the Supreme
preceding elections or fails to obtain at Court decided that major political parties may
least two per centum (2%) of the votes participate in the party list elections provided
cast under the party-list system in the that they are consistent with the purpose of
two (2) preceding elections for the the party list system as provided in the
constituency in which it has registered. Constitution and R.A. No. 7941 which is to
(Sec. 6, Republic Act No. 7941) represent the marginalized and
underrepresented sectors of society. (Ang
1. Registration – R.A. No. 7941, sec. 5 Bagong Bayani OFW Labor Party vs.
COMELEC, GR No. 147589, June 26, 2001)
Registration: Any organized group of
persons may register as a party, organization In BANAT case, the Supreme Court
or coalition for purposes of the party-list categorically declared that major political
system by filing with the COMELEC not later parties are not allowed to directly or indirectly
than ninety (90) days before the election a participate in the party list elections. (BANAT
petition verified by its president or secretary vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 179271, April 21,
stating its desire to participate in the party- 2009)
list system as a national, regional or sectoral
party or organization or a coalition of such We declare that it would not be in accord with
parties or organizations, attaching thereto its the 1987 Constitution and R.A. No. 7941 to
constitution, by-laws, platform or program of apply the criteria in Ang Bagong Bayani and
government, list of officers, coalition BANAT in determining who are qualified to
agreement and other relevant information as participate in the coming 13 May 2013 party-
the COMELEC may require: list elections. (Atong Paglaum vs.
Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 203776,
Provided, That the sectors shall include April 2, 2013)
labor, peasant, fisherfolk, urban poor,
indigenous cultural communities, elderly, In the Atong Paglaum case, the following
handicapped, women, youth, veterans, guidelines for the determination of eligibility
overseas workers, and professionals. of a party list to participate in the 13 May
2013 elections are provided as follows:



a. Three different groups may participate in organizations that represent the

the party-list system: (1) national parties “marginalized and underrepresented,” or
or organizations, (2) regional parties or that represent those who lack “well-
sectoral parties or organizations. defined political constituencies,” either
must belong to their respective sectors, or
b. Political parties can participate in party- must have a track record of advocacy for
list elections provided they register under their respective sectors. The nominees of
the party-list system and do not field national and regional parties or
candidates in legislative district elections. organizations must be bona-fide
A political party, whether major or not, members of such parties or
that fields candidates in legislative district organizations.
elections can participate in party-list
elections only through its sectoral wing f. National, regional, and sectoral parties or
that can separately register under the organizations shall not be disqualified if
party-list system. The sectoral wing is by some of their nominees are disqualified,
itself an independent sectoral party, and provided that they have at least one
is linked to a political party through a nominee who remains qualified. (Atong
coalition. Paglaum vs. Commission on Elections,
G.R. No. 203776, April 2, 2013)
c. Sectoral parties or organizations may
either be “marginalized and Nominations of Party-List
underrepresented” or lacking in “well- Representatives
defined political constituencies.”
Each registered party, organization or
d. It is enough that their principal advocacy coalition shall submit to the COMELEC not
pertains to the special interest and later than forty-five (45) days before the
concerns of their sector. The sectors that election a list of names, not less than five (5),
are “marginalized and underrepresented” from which party-list representatives shall be
include labor, peasant, fisherfolk, urban chosen in case it obtains the required number
poor, indigenous cultural communities, of votes. (Sec. 8, Republic Act No. 7941)
handicapped, veterans, and overseas
workers. The sectors that lack “well- A person may be nominated in one (1) list
defined political constituencies” include only. Only persons who have given their
professionals, the elderly, women, and consent in writing may be named in the list.
the youth. The list shall not include any:
a. candidate for any elective office or
e. A majority of the members of sectoral b. person who has lost his bid for an elective
parties or organizations that represent office in the immediately preceding
the “marginalized and underrepresented” election. (Ibid.)
must belong to the “marginalized and
underrepresented” sector they represent. No change of names or alteration of the order
Similarly, a majority of the members of of nominees shall be allowed after the same
sectoral parties or organizations that lack shall have been submitted to the COMELEC
“well-defined political constituencies” except in cases where the nominee:
must belong to the sector they represent. 1. dies, or
The nominees of sectoral parties or 2. withdraws in writing, his nomination,



3. becomes incapacitated in which case Rights: Party-List Representatives shall be

the name of the substitute’s nominee entitled to the same salaries and emoluments
shall be placed last in the list. (Sec. 8, as regular members of the House of
Republic Act No. 7941) Representatives (Sec. 17, Republic Act No.
Incumbent sectoral representatives in
the House of Representatives who are Grounds for Refusal or Cancellation of
nominated in the party-list system shall not Registration – R.A. No. 7941, sec. 6
be considered resigned. (Ibid.) 1. It is a religious sect or denomination,
organization or association,
Term of Office organized for religious purposes;
Party-list representatives shall be elected for 2. It advocates violence or unlawful
a term of 3 years. No party-list representative means to seek its goal;
shall serve for more than three (3) 3. It is a foreign party or organization;
consecutive terms. Voluntary renunciation of 4. It is receiving support from any
the office for any length of time shall not be foreign government, foreign political
considered as an interruption in the party, foundation, organization,
continuity of his service for the full term for whether directly or through any of its
which he was elected. (Sec. 14, Republic Act officers or members or indirectly
No. 7941) through third parties for partisan
election purposes;
Under Sec. 2 of R.A. No. 7941, the nominees 5. It violates or fails to comply with
must be Filipino citizens “who belong to laws, rules or regulations relating to
marginalized and underrepresented sectors, elections;
organizations and parties.” Surely, the 6. It declares untruthful statements in
interests of the youth cannot be fully its petition;
represented by a retiree; neither can those of 7. It has ceased to exist for at least one
the urban poor or the working class, by an (1) year; or
industrialist. To allow otherwise is to betray 8. It fails to participate in the last two
the State policy to give genuine (2) preceding elections or fails to
representation to the marginalized and obtain at least two per centum (2%)
underrepresented. (Ang Bagong Bayani-OFW of the votes cast under the party-list
Labor Party vs. Commission on Elections, system in the two (2) preceding
G.R. No. 147589, June 26, 2001) elections for the constituency in
which it has registered. (Sec. 6,
Vacancy: The vacancy shall be automatically Republic Act No. 7941)
filled by the next representative from the list
of nominees in the order submitted to the D. Candidacy
COMELEC by the same party, organization, or
coalition, who shall serve for the unexpired 1. Certificate of Candidacy – B.P. Blg.
term. If the list is exhausted, the party, 881, sec. 73
organization coalition concerned shall submit No person shall be eligible for any elective
additional nominees (Sec. 16, Republic Act public office unless he files a sworn certificate
No. 7941). of candidacy within the period fixed herein.
(Sec. 73, Batas Pambansa Blg. 881).



Certificate of Candidacy element requires that the campaign period

A certificate of candidacy is in the nature of a has not started when the election campaign
formal manifestation to the whole world of or partisan political activity is committed.
the candidate's political creed or lack of (Lanot vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. No.
political creed. It is a statement of a person 164858, November 16, 2006)
seeking to run for a public office certifying
that he announces his candidacy for the Acts committed by Eusebio prior to his being
office mentioned and that he is eligible for a "candidate" on 23 March 2004, even if
the office, the name of the political party to constituting election campaigning or partisan
which he belongs, if he belongs to any, and political activities, are not punishable under
his post-office address for all election Section 80 of the Omnibus Election Code.
purposes being as well stated. (Engle v. Such acts are protected as part of freedom of
COMELEC, G.R. No. 215995, January 19, expression of a citizen before he becomes a
2016) candidate for elective public office. Acts
committed by Eusebio on or after 24 March
The certificate of candidacy shall be filed on 2004, or during the campaign period, are not
any day from the commencement of the covered by Section 80 which punishes only
election period but not later than the day acts outside the campaign period.” (Lanot vs.
before the beginning of the campaign period: Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 164858,
Provided, that in cases of postponement or November 16, 2006)
failure of election under, no additional
certificate of candidacy shall be accepted 2. Ministerial Duty of Comelec to
except in cases of substitution of candidates. Receive Certificates of Candidacy – B.P.
(Sec. 75, Batas Pambansa Blg. 881) Blg. 881, sec. 76

CANDIDATE – any person aspiring for or The Commission, provincial election

seeking an elective public office, who has supervisor, election registrar or officer
filed a certificate of candidacy by himself or designated by the Commission or the board
through an accredited political party, of election inspectors under the succeeding
aggroupment, or coalition of parties. (Sec. section shall have the ministerial duty to
79[a], Batas Pambansa Blg. 881) receive and acknowledge receipt of the
certificate of candidacy. (Sec. 76, Batas
Thus, the essential elements for violation of Pambansa Blg. 881)
Section 80 of the Omnibus Election Code are:
(1) a person engages in an election campaign GENERAL RULE: The Commission on
or partisan political activity; (2) the act is Elections shall have the ministerial duty to
designed to promote the election or defeat of receive and acknowledge receipt of the
a particular candidate or candidates; (3) the certificates of candidacy provided said
act is done outside the campaign period. certificates are under oath and contain all the
required data and in the form prescribed by
The second element requires the existence of the Commission.
a "candidate." Under Section 79(a), a
candidate is one who "has filed a certificate The Commission on Elections has no
of candidacy" to an elective public office. discretion to give or not to give due course to
Unless one has filed his certificate of a certificate of candidacy filed in due form.
candidacy, he is not a "candidate." The third While the Commission on Elections may look



into patent defects in the certificate, it may Substantial distinctions clearly exist between
not go into matters not appearing on their elective officials and appointive officials. The
face. (Abcede vs. Imperial, GR No. L-13001, former occupiestheir office by virtue of t
March 18, 1958) he mandate of the electorate. They are
elected to an office for a definite term and
EXCEPTIONS: The Commission on Elections may be removed therefrom only upon
may go beyond the face of the certificate of stringent conditions. On the other hand,
candidacy: (a) Nuisance candidates; (b) appointive officials hold their office by virtue
Petition to deny due course or to cancel a of their designation thereto by an appointing
certificate of candidacy. (Santos vs. authority. Under EO 292, Appointive officials,
Commission on election, G.R. No. 235058, as officers and employees in the civil service,
September 4, 2018) are strictly prohibited from engaging in any
partisan political activity or take (sic) part in
3. Effect of Filing of Certificate of any election except to vote. Under the same
Candidacy – B.P. Blg. 881, sec. 66 law, elective officials, or officers or
Appointive official: Any person holding an employees holding political offices, are
appointive office or position, including active obviously expressly allowed to take part in
members of the Armed Forces of the political and electoral activities. (Quinto vs.
Philippines, and officers and employees in COMELEC, G.R. No. 189698, December 1,
GOCCs, shall be considered ipso facto 2009)
resigned from his office upon the filing of his
certificate of candidacy.Such resignation is 4. Eligibility and Material
irrevocable. (Sec. 66, Batas Pambansa Blg. Misrepresentation – B.P. Blg. 881, secs.
881) 74 and 78
Qualifications prescribed by law are
Applies to employees of GOCCs without an continuing requirements and must be
original charter. (PNOC Energy Development possessed for the duration of the officer’s
Corporation vs. National Labor Relations active tenure. Once any of the required
Commission, G.R. No. 100947, May 31, 1993) qualifications is lost, his title to the office may
be seasonably challenged. (Frivaldo
Elective official: Any elective official, vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. No.
whether national or local, who has filed a 120295, June 28, 1996; Labo vs. Commission
certificate of candidacy for the same or any on Elections, G.R. No. 86564, August 1,
other office, shall not be considered resigned 1989)
from his office (Sec.26, Implementing Rules
and Regulations of the Fair Election Act)



The certificate of candidacy shall state the m. that the facts stated in the certificate
following: of candidacy are true to the best of
a. that the person filing it is announcing his knowledge.
his candidacy for the office stated
therein and that he is eligible for said Unless a candidate has officially changed his
office; name through a court approved proceeding,
b. if for Member of the Batasang a certificate shall use in a certificate of
Pambansa, the province, including its candidacy the name by which he has been
component cities, highly urbanized baptized, or if has not been baptized in any
city or district or sector which he church or religion, the name registered in the
seeks to represent; office of the local civil registrar or any other
c. the political party to which he name allowed under the provisions of
belongs; existing law or, in the case of a Muslim, his
d. civil status; Hadji name after performing the prescribed
e. his date of birth; religious pilgrimage: Provided, That when
f. residence; there are two or more candidates for an office
g. his post office address for all election with the same name and surname, each
purposes; candidate, upon being made aware or such
h. his profession or occupation; fact, shall state his paternal and maternal
i. that he will support and defend the surname, except the incumbent who may
Constitution of the Philippines and continue to use the name and surname
will maintain true faith and allegiance stated in his certificate of candidacy when he
thereto; was elected. He may also include one
j. that he will obey the laws, legal nickname or stage name by which he is
orders, and decrees promulgated by generally or popularly known in the locality.
the duly constituted authorities; (Sec. 74, Batas Pambansa Blg. 881)
k. that he is not a permanent resident
or immigrant to a foreign country; Renunciation of Foreign Citizenship
l. that the obligation imposed by his
oath is assumed voluntarily, without This requirement of renunciation of any and
mental reservation or purpose of all foreign citizenship, when read together
evasion; and with Section 40(d) of the Local Government



Code which disqualifies those with dual Qualification of Candidates

citizenship from running for any elective local The term of office of elective local officials,
position, indicates a policy that anyone who except barangay officials, which shall be
seeks to run for public office must be solely determined by law, shall be three years and
and exclusively a Filipino citizen. To allow a no such official shall serve for more than
former Filipino who reacquires Philippine three consecutive terms. Voluntary
citizenship to continue using a foreign renunciation of the office for any length of
passport – which indicates the recognition of time shall not be considered as an
a foreign state of the individual as its national interruption in the continuity of his service for
– even after the Filipino has renounced his the full term for which he was elected. (Sec.
foreign citizenship, is to allow a complete 8, Art. X, 1987 Constitution)
disregard of this policy. (Macquiling vs.
Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 195649, A provincial board member’s election to the
July 2, 2013) same position for the third and fourth time,
but now in representation of the renamed
If there is any remaining doubt, it is regarding district, is a violation of the three-term limit
the efficacy of Arnado’s renunciation of his rule (Naval vs. Commission on Elections, GR
American citizenship when he subsequently No. 207851, July 8, 2014).
used his U.S. passport. The renunciation of
foreign citizenship must be complete An involuntary interrupted term, as in the
and unequivocal. The requirement that the case of assumption of office only after
renunciation must be made through an oath winning an election protest, cannot, in the
emphasizes the solemn duty of the one context of the disqualification rule, be
making the oath of renunciation to remain considered as one term for purposes of
true to what he has sworn to. Allowing the counting the three-term threshold, since prior
subsequent use of a foreign passport to winning, the candidate was not the rightful
because it is convenient for the person holder of the position (Abundo vs.
to do so is rendering the oath a hollow Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 201716,
act. It devalues the act of taking an oath, January 8, 2013).
reducing it to a mere ceremonial formality. We concede that Morales occupied the
(Ibid.) position of mayor of Mabalacat for the
following periods: 1 July 1995 to 30 June
It must be stressed that what is at stake here 1998, 1 July 1998 to 30 June 2001, 1 July
is the principle that only those who are 2001 to 30 June 2004, and 1 July 2004 to 16
exclusively Filipinos are qualified to run for May 2007. However, because of his
public office. If we allow dual citizens who disqualification, Morales was not the duly
wish to run for public office to renounce their elected mayor for the 2004-2007 term.
foreign citizenship and afterwards continue Neither did Morales hold the position of
using their foreign passports, we are creating mayor of Mabalacat for the full term. Morales
a special privilege for these dual citizens, cannot be deemed to have served the full
thereby effectively junking the prohibition in term of 2004-2007 because he was ordered
Section 40(d) of the Local Government Code. to vacate his post before the expiration of the
(Macquiling vs. Commission on Elections, term. Morales’ occupancy of the position of
G.R. No. 195649, July 2, 2013) mayor of Mabalacat from 1 July 2004 to 16
May 2007 cannot be counted as a term for
purposes of computing the three-term limit.



Indeed, the period from 17 May 2007 to 30 the Court concluded that this refers to
June 2007 served as a gap for purposes of qualifications for elective office. Citing
the three-term limit rule. Thus, the present 1 previous cases in which the Court interpreted
July 2007 to 30 June 2010 term is effectively this phrase, we held that Section 78
Morales’ first term for purposes of the three- contemplates statements regarding age,
term limit rule. (Dizon vs. COMELEC, G.R. residence, and citizenship or non-possession
No.182088, January 30, 2009) of natural-born Filipino status. (Gonzales vs.
Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 192856,
A verified petition seeking to deny due course Furthermore, aside from the requirement of
or to cancel a certificate of candidacy may be materiality, the false representation must
filed by the person exclusively on the ground consist of a deliberate attempt to mislead,
that any material representation contained misinform, or hide a fact which would
therein as required is false. The petition may otherwise render a candidate ineligible. In
be filed at any time not later than 25 days other words, it must be made with an
from the time of the filing of the certificate of intention to deceive the electorate as to one’s
candidacy and shall be decided, after due qualification for public office. (Gonzales vs.
notice and hearing, not later than 15 days Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 192856,
before the election. The petition shall be filed March 8, 2011)
by any registered candidate for the same
Office within 5 days from the last day of filing EXCEPTION: The electorate is fully aware in
of certificates of Candidacy (Sec. 78, Batas fact and in law of the candidate’s
Pambansa Blg. 881). disqualification so as to bring such awareness
within the realm of notoriety but would
Who may file: Any person nonetheless cast their vote in
favor of the ineligible candidate. (Grego
When to file: Any time not later than 25 vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. No.
days from the time of the filing of the 125955, June 19, 1997)
certificate of candidacy. (Fermin vs.
Commission on elections, G.R. No. 179695, Before final judgment: If for any reason a
December 18, 2008) candidate is not declared by final judgment
before an election to be disqualified and he is
As to the ground of false representation voted for and receives the winning number of
in the Certificate of Candidacy (COC) under votes in such election the Court or
Section 78, in order to justify the cancellation Commission shall continue with the trial and
of COC, it is essential that the false hearing of the action, inquiry or protest and,
representation mentioned therein pertain to upon motion of the complainant or any
a material matter for the sanction imposed by intervenor, may, during the pendency
this provision would affect the substantive thereof, order the suspension of the
rights of a candidate – the right to run for the proclamation of such candidate whenever the
elective post for which he filed the certificate evidence of guilt is strong. (Ejercito vs.
of candidacy. (Engle vs. Commission on Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 212398,
election, G.R. No. 215995, January 19, 2016) November 25, 2014)
Although the law does not specify what would
be considered as a “material representation”,



The rule then is that candidates who are his stead. (Da Silva Serafica vs. COMELEC,
disqualified by final judgment before the G.R. No. 205136, December 2, 2014)
election shall not be voted for, and the votes The withdrawal of the withdrawal, for the
cast for them shall not be counted. But those purpose of reviving the certificate of
against whom no final judgment of candidacy, must be made within the period
disqualification had been rendered may be provided by law for the filing of certificates of
voted for and proclaimed, unless, on motion candidacy (Monsale vs Nico, G.R. No. L-2539,
of the complainant, the Commission on May 28, 1949).
Elections suspends their proclamation
because the grounds for their disqualification 6. Effects of Denial and Cancellation of
or cancellation of their certificates of Certificate of Candidacy due to Material
candidacy are strong.” (Gonzalez vs. Misrepresentation
Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 192856,
March 8, 2011) A cancelled certificate of candidacy may be
declared void ab initio thus, it cannot give rise
5. Withdrawal of Certificates of to a valid candidacy, and much less to valid
Candidacy – B.P. Blg. 881, sec. 73 votes. Therefore, it may be concluded that
A person who has filed a certificate of the material misrepresentation contemplated
candidacy may, prior to the election, by Section 78 of the Code refer to
withdraw the same by submitting to the office qualifications for elective office. This
concerned a written declaration under oath. conclusion is strengthened by the fact that
the consequences imposed upon a candidate
No person shall be eligible for more than one guilty of having made a false representation
office to be filled in the same election, and if in his certificate of candidacy are grave to
he files his certificate of candidacy for more prevent the candidate from running or, if
than one office, he shall not be eligible for any elected, from serving, or to prosecute him for
of them. violation of the election laws. It could not
have been the intention of the law to deprive
However, before the expiration of the period a person of such a basic and substantive
for the filing of certificates of candidacy, the political right to be voted for a public office
person who was filed more than one upon just any innocuous mistake. (Aratea vs.
certificate of candidacy may declare under Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 195229,
oath the office for which he desires to be October 9, 2012)
eligible and cancel the certificate of candidacy
for the other office or offices. Substitution is also not allowed when the
original candidate was disqualified on the
The filing or withdrawal of a certificate of ground of material misrepresentation.
candidacy shall not affect whatever civil, (Fermin vs. Commission on Elections, G.R.
criminal or administrative liabilities which a No. 179695, December 18, 2008)
candidate may have incurred. (Sec. 73, B.P.
Blg. 881) 7. Substitution of Candidates – B.P. Blg.
881, sec. 77
As to withdrawal of candidacy, the
withdrawing candidate is required to have Grounds: If after the last day for the filing
duly filed a valid COC in order to allow his of certificates of candidacy, an official
political party to file a substitute candidate in



candidate of a registered or accredited Substitution is not allowed if the certificate of

political party: the candidate to be substituted was
1. Dies cancelled, because he was running for the
2. Withdraws; or fourth consecutive term (Miranda vs. Abaya,
3. Disqualified for any cause G.R. No. 136351, July 28, 1999; Ong vs.
Only a person belonging to, and certified by, Alegre, G.R. No. 163295, January 23, 2006),
the same political party may file a certificate or because he failed to meet the one-year
of candidacy to replace the candidate who residency requirement (Tagolino vs. House of
died, withdrew or was disqualified. (Sec. 77, Representatives
Batas Pambansa Blg. 881) Electoral Tribunal, G.R. No. 202202, March
19, 2013)
When to file: The substitute candidate
nominated by the political party concerned Substitution is also not allowed when the
may file his certificate of candidacy for the original candidate was disqualified on the
office affected in accordance with the ground of material misrepresentation.
preceding sections not later than mid-day of (Fermin vs. Commission on Elections, G.R.
the day of the election. (Ibid.) No. 179695, December 18, 2008)

If the death, withdrawal or disqualification However, a candidate who commits an

should occur between the day before the election offense and is disqualified under
election and mid-day of election day, said Section 68 of the Omnibus Election Code, can
certificate may be filed with any board of be substituted. (Fermin vs. Commission on
election inspectors in the political subdivision Elections, G.R. No. 179695, December 18,
where he is a candidate, or, in the case of 2008)
candidates to be voted for by the entire
electorate of the country, with the An independent candidate who joined the
Commission. (Sec. 77, Batas Pambansa Blg. party of a disqualified candidate may be
881) nominated as his substitute even if he joined
the party only after the disqualification.
Substitution of candidates should be allowed (Sinaca vs. Mula, G.R. No. 135691,
even for barangay elections, as it is not September 27, 1999)
prohibited by law. (Rulloda vs. Commission
on Elections, G.R. No. 154198, January 20, 8. Nuisance Candidates and Effects of
2003) Declaration of Nuisance Candidacy –
B.P. Blg. 881, sec. 69; R.A. No. 6646,
Even if the withdrawal was not under oath, sec. 5
the certificate of the substitute cannot be
annulled after the election. (Villanueva vs. Nuisance Candidate
Commission on Elections, G.R. No. L- A nuisance candidate is one who, based on
54718, December 4, 1985) the attendant circumstances, has no bona
fide intention to run for the office for
The nomination of a substitute candidate which the certificate of candidacy has been
who won cannot be annulled on the ground filed, his sole purpose being the
that it lacked the signature of one of the reduction of the votes of a strong
authorized signatures. (Sinaca vs. Mula, G.R. candidate, upon the expectation that ballots
No. 135691, September 27, 1999) with only the surname of such candidate will



be considered stray and not counted for certificate of candidacy the precinct number
either of them.” (Martinez vs. House of and the barangay as a registered voter cannot
Representatives Electoral Tribunal, G.R. No. be considered a petition to disqualify him for
189034, January 11, 2010) being a nuisance candidate, since his
certificate was not filed to make mockery of
The Commission may motu proprio or upon a the election or to confuse the voters. (Jurilla
verified petition of an interested party, refuse vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. No.
to give due course to or cancel a certificate 105436, June 2, 1994)
of candidacy if it is shown that said certificate
has been filed to put the election process in b. Within three (3) days from the filing of
mockery or disrepute or to cause confusion the petition, the Commission shall issue
among the voters by the similarity of summons to the respondent candidate
the names of the registered candidates or by together with a copy of the petition and
other circumstances or acts which clearly its enclosures, if any;
demonstrate that the candidate has no bona c. The respondent shall be given three (3)
fide intention to run for the office for which days from receipt of the summons within
the certificate of candidacy has been filed and which to file his verified answer (not a
thus prevent a faithful determination of the motion to dismiss) to the petition, serving
true will of the electorate (Sec. 69, Batas copy thereof upon the petitioner.
Pambansa Blg. 881). Grounds for a motion to dismiss may be
raised as affirmative defenses;
By their very nature, proceedings in
cases of nuisance candidates require d. The Commission may designate any of its
prompt disposition. The declaration of a officials who are lawyers to hear the case
duly registered candidate as nuisance and receive evidence, the proceeding is
candidate results in the cancellation of his summary in nature. In lieu of oral
certificate of candidacy. The law mandates testimonies, the parties may be required
the Commission and the courts to give priority to submit position papers together with
to cases of disqualification to the end that a affidavits or counter-affidavits and other
final decision shall be rendered not later than documentary evidence. The hearing
seven days before the election in which the officer shall submit his findings to the
disqualification is sought. Commission within five (5) days from the
completion and the Commission shall
Procedure in Cases of Nuisance render decision within 5 days from
Candidates receipt;
a. A verified petition to declare a duly
registered candidate as a nuisance e. The decision, order, or ruling of the
candidate under Sec. 69 of Batas Commission shall, after five (5) days from
Pambansa Blg. 881 shall be filed receipt of a copy thereof by the parties,
personally or through duly authorized be final and executory unless stayed by
representative with the Commission the Supreme Court; and
within five (5) days from the last day for f. The Commission shall within twenty-four
the filing of certificate of candidacy; hours, through the fastest available
means, disseminate its decision or the
A petition to disqualify a candidate for decision of the Supreme Court to the city
councilor for failure to indicate in his or municipal election registrars, boards of



election inspectors and the general public aid, campaign or vote for or against
in the political subdivision concerned. any candidate or aspirant for the
(Sec. 5, Republic Act No. 6466) nomination or selection of candidates
9. Disqualification of Candidates; 13. Threatened, intimidated, caused,
Effects inflicted or produced any violence, injury,
punishment, damage,
Under the Omnibus Election Code loss or disadvantage upon any person
1. Declared incompetent or insane b or of the immediate members of his
y a competent authority (In2) 14. family, his honor or property, or used
2. Permanent resident of or an immigrant fraud to compel, induce or prevent the
to a foreign country unless he has waived registration of any voter, or the
such statues (PResI) participation in any campaign, or the
3. Sentenced by final judgment for: (FJ SIR casting of any vote, or any promise of
18+) such registration, campaign, vote, or
a. Subversion, insurrection, rebellion; omission therefrom (TICIP)
b. Any offense for which he has been 15. Unlawful electioneering (UnElec)
sentenced to a penalty of more than 16. Violated the prohibition against rele
18 months imprisonment; or ase, disbursement or expenditure of
c. A crime involving moral turpitude public funds 45 days before a regular
(MoTu) election or 30 days before a special
4. Given money or other material election (ReDEx)
consideration to influence, induce, or 17. Solicited votes or
corrupt voters of public officials undertook propaganda on election day
performing electoral functions (MoMa) for or against any candidate or any
5. Committed acts of terrorism to enhance political party within the polling place or
his candidacy (TeC) within a 30m radius. (SoVo P) (Batas
6. Spent in his election campaign Pambansa Blg. 881, Effective December
an amount in excess of that allowed 3, 1985)
7. Solicited, received or made prohibi Under the Local Government Code
ted contributions (ProCon)
8. Engaged in election campaign or part 1. Sentenced by final judgment for an offense
isan political activity outside punishable by at least 1 year imprisonment
the campaign period and not pursuant within 2 years after serving sentence;
to a political party nomination (OutCamP)
9. Removed, destroyed, defaced lawful 2. Removed from office as a result of an
election propaganda (ReDesDef EP) administrative case;
10. Engaged in prohibited forms of elect
ion propaganda (Pro EP) Sec. 40 (b) of the Local Government
11. Violated election rules and regulation of Code applies only to those removed from
election propaganda office on or after January 1, 1992. That the
through mass media (EVP MaMe) provision of the Code in question does not
12. Coerced, intimidated, or influenced any qualify the date of a candidate’s removal from
of his subordinates, members, or office and that it is couched in the past tense
employees to should not deter us from applying the law



prospectively. A statute, despite the assemblies, for the purpose of soliciting votes
generality in its language, must not be so and/or undertaking any campaign or
construed as to overreach acts, events, or propaganda for or against a candidate;
matters which transpired before its passage.
(Grego vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 125955, June (3) Making speeches, announcements or
19, 1997) commentaries, or holding interviews for or
against the election of any candidate for
3. Convicted by final judgment for violating public office;
the oath of his allegiance to the Republic of
the Philippines; (4) Publishing or distributing campaign
literature or materials designed to support or
4. Dual citizenship; oppose the election of any candidate; or

Dual citizenship as a disqualification must (5) Directly or indirectly soliciting votes,

refer to citizens with dual allegiance pledges or support for or against a candidate.
(Mercado vs. Manzano, G.R. No. 135083, May The foregoing enumerated acts if performed
26, 1999) for the purpose of enhancing the chances of
aspirants for nomination for candidacy to a
5. Fugitives from justice in criminal and non- public office by a political party,
political cases here and abroad; aggroupment, or coalition of parties shall not
be considered as election campaign or
6. Permanent residents in a foreign country partisan election activity. (Sec. 79[b], Art. X,
or those who have acquired the right to Batas Pambansa Blg. 881)
reside abroad and continue to avail of the
same right after the effectivity of this Code; Persons Prohibited from Campaigning
and 1. Members of the board of election
inspections; (Sec. 173, Batas
7. Insane or feeble-minded. (Sec. 40, Local Pambansa Blg. 881)
Government Code of 1991) 2. Civil service officers or employees;
(Sec. 2 [4], Art. IX-B, 1987
E. CAMPAIGN Constitution)
3. Members of the military; (Sec. 5 [3],
ELECTION CAMPAIGN or PARTISAN Art. XVI, 1987 Constitution)
ACTIVITY - refers to an act designed to 4. Foreigners, whether juridical or
promote the election or defeat of a particular natural persons. (Sec. 81, Batas
candidate or candidates to a public office Pambansa Blg. 881)
which shall include:
(1) Forming organizations, associations, PROHIBITED CONTRIBUTIONS – R.A.
clubs, committees or other groups of persons NO. 7166
for the purpose of soliciting votes and/or The phrase “those incurred or caused to be
undertaking any campaign for or against a incurred by the candidate” is sufficiently
candidate; adequate to cover those expenses which are
contributed or donated on the candidate’s
(2) Holding political caucuses, conferences, behalf. By virtue of the legal requirement that
meetings, rallies, parades, or other similar a contribution or donation should bear the



written conformity of the candidate, a with laws and regulations and in the
contributor/supporter/donor certainly ordinary course of business;
qualifies as “any person authorized by such
candidate or treasurer.” (Ejercito vs. b. Natural and juridical persons operating a
Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 212398, public utility or in possession of or
November 25, 2014) exploiting any natural resources of the
Authorized Expenses of Candidates and
Political Parties c. Natural and juridical persons who hold
The aggregate amount that a candidate or contracts or sub-contracts to supply the
registered political party may spend for government or any of its divisions,
election campaign, for every voter currently subdivisions or instrumentalities, with
registered in the constituency, shall be as goods or services or to perform
follows: construction or other works;
1. a. President and Vice President – Ten
pesos (P10.00); d. Natural and juridical persons who have
b. Other candidates – Three Pesos been granted franchises, incentives,
(P3.00); exemptions, allocations or similar
c. A candidate without any political party privileges or concessions by the
and without support from any political government or any of its divisions,
party - Five Pesos (P5.00). (Sec. 13[a], subdivisions or instrumentalities,
Republic Act No. 7166) including GOCCs;;

2. For political parties — Five pesos (P5.00) e. Natural and juridical persons who, within
(Sec. 13[b], Republic Act No. 7166) one year prior to the date of the election,
have been granted loans or other
Note: Any provision of law to the contrary accommodations in excess of P100,000
notwithstanding, any contribution in cash or by the government or any of its divisions,
in kind to any candidate or political party or subdivisions or instrumentalities including
coalition of parties for campaign purposes, GOCCs;
duly reported to the Commission, shall not be
subject to the payment of any gift tax. (Sec. f. Educational institutions which have
13, Republic Act No. 7166) received grants of public funds
amounting to no less than P100,000.00;
Prohibited Contributions
No contribution for purposes of partisan g. Officials or employees in the Civil Service,
political activity shall be made directly or or members of the Armed Forces of the
indirectly by any of the following: Philippines; and

a. Public or private financial institutions: h. Foreigners and foreign corporations.

Provided, however, That nothing herein
shall prevent the making of any loan to a It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit
candidate or political party by any such or receive any contribution from any of the
public or private financial institutions persons or entities enumerated herein. (Sec.
legally in the business of lending money, 95, Batas Pambansa Blg. 881)
and that the loan is made in accordance



2. LAWFUL ELECTION PROPAGANDA – streamers, simple list of candidates or

R.A. NO. 9006 any published or printed political matter
Lawful election propaganda shall include: and any broadcast of election
1. Pamphlets, leaflets, cards, decals, propaganda by television or radio for or
stickers or other written or printed against a candidate or group of
materials the size of which does not candidates to any public office shall bear
exceed eight and one-half inches in and be identified by the reasonably
width and fourteen inches in length; legible or audible words “political
advertisement paid for,” followed by the
2. Handwritten or printed letters urging true and correct name and address of the
voters to vote for or against any candidate or party for whose benefit the
particular political party or candidate election propaganda was printed or aired.
for public office;
2. If the broadcast is given free of charge by
3. Cloth, paper or cardboard posters the radio or television station, it shall be
whether framed, or posted, with an identified by the words “airtime for this
area not exceeding two (2) feet by broadcast was provided free of charge
three (3) feet, except that, at the site by” followed by the true and correct
and on the occasion of a public name and address of the broadcast
meeting or rally, or in announcing the entity.
holding of said meeting or rally,
streamers not exceeding three (3) 3. Print, broadcast or outdoor
feet by eight (8) feet in size, shall be advertisements donated to the candidate
allowed: Provided, That said or political party shall not be printed,
streamers may be displayed five (5) published, broadcast or exhibited without
days before the date of the meeting the written acceptance by the said
or rally and shall be removed within candidate or political party. Such written
twenty-four (24) hours after said acceptance shall be attached to the
meeting or rally; advertising contract and shall be
submitted to the COMELEC as provided in
4. Paid advertisements in print or Subsection 6.3 hereof. (Sec. 4, Republic
broadcast media: Provided, That the Act No. 9006)
advertisements shall follow the
requirements set forth in Section 4 of Prohibited Forms of Election
this Act; and Propaganda
5. All other forms of election It shall be unlawful:
propaganda not prohibited by the 1. To print, publish, post or distribute any
Omnibus Election Code or this Act. poster, pamphlet, circular, handbill, or
(Sec. 3, Republic Act No. 9006) printed matter urging voters to vote for
or against any candidate unless they bear
Requirements for Published or Printed the names and addresses of the printer
and Broadcast Election Propaganda and payor as required in Section 84
1. Any newspaper, newsletter, news hereof;
weekly, gazette or magazine advertising,
posters, pamphlets, comic books, 2. To erect, put up, make use of, attach,
circulars, handbills, bumper stickers, float or display any billboard, tinplate-



poster, balloons and the like, of whatever publicly discussed issues during the
size, shape, form or kind, advertising for campaign period (Sec. 5.1, Republic Act No.
or against any candidate or political 9006)
The survey together with raw data gathered
3. To purchase, manufacture, request, to support its conclusions shall be available
distribute or accept electoral propaganda for inspection, copying and verification by the
gadgets, such as pens, lighters, fans of COMELEC or by a registered political party or
whatever nature, flashlights, athletic a bona fide candidate or by any COMELEC-
goods or materials, wallets, shirts, hats, accredited citizen's arm. A reasonable fee
bandanas, matches, cigarettes and the sufficient to cover the costs of inspection,
like, except that campaign supporters copying and verification may be charged.
accompanying a candidate shall be (Sec. 5.3, Republic Act No. 9006)
allowed to wear hats and/or shirts or T-
shirts advertising a candidate; Surveys affecting national candidates shall
not be published fifteen (15) days before an
4. To show or display publicly any election and surveys affecting local
advertisement or propaganda for or candidates shall not be published seven (7)
against any candidate by means of days before an election. (Sec. 5.4, Republic
cinematography, audio-visual units or Act No. 9006)
other screen projections except telecasts
which may be allowed as hereinafter 3. STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS
provided; and AND EXPENSES - R.A. NO. 7166, SEC. 14

5. For any radio broadcasting or television Statement of Contributions and

station to sell or give free of charge Expenditures (SOCE)
airtime for campaign and other political Every candidate and treasurer of the political
purposes except as authorized in this party shall, within thirty (30) days after the
Code under the rules and regulations day of the election, file in duplicate with the
promulgated by the Commission offices of the Commission the full, true and
pursuant thereto. itemized statement of all contributions and
expenditures in connection with the election.
Any prohibited election propaganda gadget
or advertisement shall be stopped, General Rule: No person elected to any
confiscated, or torn down by the public offices shall enter upon the duties of
representative of the Commission upon his office until he has filed the statement of
specific authority of the Commission. (Sec. contributions and expenditures herein
85, Batas Pambansa Blg. 881) required. The same prohibition shall apply if
the political party which nominated the
Election Surveys winning candidate fails to file the statement
Election surveys refer to the measurement of required.
opinions and perceptions of the voters as
regards a candidate's popularity, Exception: Candidates for elective barangay
qualifications, platforms or a matter of public office who failed to file the statements or
discussion in relation to the election, reports in connection with electoral
including voters' preference for candidates or



contributions and expenditures as required. expenditures. (Sec. 14, Republic Act No.
(Sec. 14, Republic Act No. 7166) 7166)

Effects of failure to file NOTE: A candidate who withdraws his

certificate of candidacy must still file a
First Administrative Offense (except statement of contributions and expenditures,
Candidates for elective barangay office) for the law make no distinction. (Pilar vs.
Failure to file the statements or reports in Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 115245,
connection with electoral contributions and July 11, 1995)
expenditures as required herein shall
constitute an administrative offense for which F. REMEDIES
the offenders shall be liable to pay an
administrative fine ranging from One 1. PRE-ELECTION REMEDIES
thousand pesos (P1,000.00) to Thirty
thousand pesos (P30,000.00), in the A. PETITION FOR DISQUALIFICATION
discretion of the Commission.
It is the remedy against any candidate:
The fine shall be paid within thirty (30) days 1. Who does not possess all the
from receipt of notice of such failure; qualifications required by the Constitution
otherwise, it shall be enforceable by a writ of or law; or
execution issued by the Commission against 2. Who commits any act declared by law to
the properties of the offender. (Sec. 14, be grounds for disqualification (Sec. 1,
Republic Act No. 7166) Rule 25, COMELEC Rules of Procedure).

Second or Subsequent Administrative Grounds

Offense Any candidate who, in an action or protest in
For the commission of a second or which he is a party is declared by final
subsequent offense under this section, the decision of a competent court guilty of, or
administrative fine shall be from Two found by the Commission of having:
thousand pesos (P2,000.00) to Sixty
thousand pesos (P60,000.00), in the a. given money or other material
discretion of the Commission. In addition, the consideration to influence, induce or
offender shall be subject to perpetual corrupt the voters or public officials
disqualification to hold public office. (Sec. 14, performing electoral functions;
Republic Act No. 7166)
b. committed acts of terrorism to enhance
Duty of City or Municipal Election his candidacy;
c. spent in his election campaign an amount
It shall be the duty of every city or municipal in excess of that allowed by this Code;
election registrar to advise in writing, by
personal delivery or registered mail, within d. solicited, received or made any
five (5) days from the date of election all contribution prohibited under Sections
candidates residing in his jurisdiction to 89, 95, 96, 97 and 104; or
comply with their obligation to file their
statements of contributions and



e. violated any of Sections 80, 83, 85, 86 Effect

and 261, paragraphs d, e, k, v, and cc, Any candidate who has been declared by final
sub-paragraph 6, shall be disqualified judgment to be disqualified shall not be voted
from continuing as a candidate, or if he for, and the votes cast for him shall not be
has been elected, from holding the office. counted. The fact that the candidate who
obtained the highest number of votes is later
f. Any person who is a permanent resident declared to be disqualified or not eligible for
of or an immigrant to a foreign country the office to which he was elected, does not
shall not be qualified to run for any necessarily entitle the candidate who
elective office under this Code. obtained the second highest number of votes
to be declared the winner of the elective
Exception: Said person has waived his office. (Sec. 72, Batas Pambansa Blg. 881)
status as permanent resident or immigrant of
a foreign country in accordance with the A possible exception is predicated on the
residence requirement provided for in the concurrence of two assumptions, namely: (1)
election laws. (Sec. 68, Batas Pambansa Blg. the one who obtained the highest number of
881) votes is disqualified; and (2) the electorate is
fully aware in fact and in law of a candidate’s
Who may file: Any citizen of voting age, or disqualification so as to bring such awareness
any duly registered political party, within the realm of notoriety but would
organization, or coalition of political parties. nonetheless cast their votes in favor of the
(Sec. 2, Rule 25, COMELEC Rules of ineligible candidate. (Grego vs. Commission
Procedure) on Elections, GR No. 125955, June 19, 1997)

When to file: Any day after the last day for The ground invoked by Sarip in his Petition
filing of certificates of candidacy, but not later for Disqualification against Munder—the
than the date of proclamation (Sec. 3, Rule latter’s alleged status as an unregistered
25, COMELEC Rules of Procedure). voter in the municipality—was inappropriate
for the said petition. The said ground should
Where filed: Law Department of the have been raised in a petition to cancel
Commission on Elections (Sec. 2, Rule 25, Munder’s CoC. It may be true that in 2003,
COMELEC Rules of Procedure). Munder, who was still a minor, registered
himself as a voter and misrepresented that
Final and Executory Judgment he was already of legal age. Even if it was
A decision or resolution is deemed final and deliberate, we cannot review his past political
executory if, in case of a division ruling, no acts in this petition. Neither can the Comelec
motion for reconsideration is filed within the review those acts in an inappropriate remedy.
reglementary period, or in cases of rulings of In so doing, it committed grave abuse of
the Commission en banc, no restraining order discretion, and the act resulting therefrom
is issued by the Supreme Court within five (5) must be nullified. (Munder vs. COMELEC,
days from receipt of the decision or G.R. No. 194076, October 19, 2011)
resolution. (Sec. 8, Rule 23, 2013 COMELEC
Rules of Procedure, as amended by B. PETITION NOT TO GIVE DUE COURSE



A verified petition seeking to deny due voted for and receives the winning number of
course or to cancel a certificate of candidacy votes in such election the Court or
may be filed by the person exclusively on the Commission shall continue with the trial and
ground that any material representation hearing of the action, inquiry or protest and,
contained therein as required under Section upon motion of the complainant or any
74 hereof is false. The petition may be filed intervenor, may, during the pendency
at any time not later than twenty-five days thereof, order the suspension of the
from the time of the filing of the certificate of proclamation of such candidate whenever the
candidacy and shall be decided, after due evidence of guilt is strong.
notice and hearing, not later than fifteen days
before the election. (Sec. 78, Batas The rule then is that candidates who are
Pambansa Blg. 881). disqualified by final judgment before the
election shall not be voted for, and the votes
Although the law does not specify what would cast for them shall not be counted. But those
be considered as a “material representation”, against whom no final judgment of
the Court concluded that this refers to disqualification had been rendered may be
qualifications for elective office. Citing voted for and proclaimed, unless, on motion
previous cases in which the Court interpreted of the complainant, the Commission on
this phrase, we held that Section 78 proclamation because the grounds for their
contemplates statements regarding age, disqualification or cancellation of their
residence, and citizenship or non-possession certificates of candidacy are strong (Gonzalez
of natural-born Filipino status. vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. No.
192856, March 8, 2011)
Furthermore, aside from the requirement of
materiality, the false representation must Who may file: Any person
consist of a deliberate attempt to mislead, When to file: Any time not later than 25
misinform, or hide a fact which would days from the time of the filing of the
otherwise render a candidate ineligible. In certificate of candidacy (Sec. 78, Batas
other words, it must be made with an Pambansa Blg. 881)
intention to deceive the electorate as to one’s
qualification for public office. (Gonzales vs. Execution of Judgement:
Commission on Elections, G.R. No. 192856, shall be decided after due notice and hearing,
March 8, 2011) not later than fifteen days before the election
EXCEPTION: The electorate is fully aware in
fact and in law of the candidate’s C. PETITION TO DECLARE A NUISANCE
disqualification so as to bring such awareness CANDIDATE
within the realm of notoriety but would
nonetheless cast their vote in favor of the Any registered candidate for the same office
ineligible candidate. (Grego vs. Commission may file a petition to declare a duly registered
on Elections, G.R. No. 125955, June 19, candidate as a nuisance candidate,
1997) personally, or through duly authorized
representative with COMELEC within five
Before final judgment: If for any reason a days from the last day of filing of COC. (Sec.
candidate is not declared by final judgment 5[a], Republic Act No. 6646)
before an election to be disqualified and he is



Grounds election therein to a date which should be

The Commission may motu proprio or upon a reasonably close to the date of the election
verified petition of an interested party, refuse not held, suspended or which resulted in a
to give due course to or cancel a certificate failure to elect. (Sec. 5, Batas Pambansa Blg.
of candidacy if it is shown that said certificate 881)
has been filed to:
1. Put the election process in mockery or Note: It should not be later than thirty days
disrepute; or after the cessation of the cause for such
2. Cause confusion among the voters by postponement or suspension of the election
the similarity of the names of the or failure to elect. (Sec. 5, Batas Pambansa
registered candidates; or Blg. 881)
3. By other circumstances or acts which
clearly demonstrate that the candidate B. PETITION TO DECLARE FAILURE OF
has no bona fide intention to run for the ELECTIONS
office for which the certificate of
candidacy has been filed and thus Instances to File a Petition to Declare
prevent a faithful determination of the Failure of Elections
true will of the electorate (Sec. 69, Batas a. The election is any polling place has not
Pambansa Blg. 881). been held on the date fixed on account of
force majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud,
Effect of Voting a Nuisance Candidate or other analogous causes.
The votes cast for a nuisance candidate are
not stray but counted in favor of the bona b. The election in any polling place had been
fide candidate. (Dela Cruz v. COMELEC, G.R. suspended before the hour fixed by law
No. 192221, 13 Nov. 2012) for the closing of the voting on account
of force majeure, violence, terrorism
2. DURING ELECTION fraud, or other analogous causes;

A. PETITION TO POSTPONE ELECTIONS c. After the voting and during the

preparation and the transmission of the
When for any serious cause such as: election returns or in the custody or
a. Violence; canvass thereof, such election results in
b. Terrorism; failure to elect on account of force
c. Loss or destruction of election majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud, or
paraphernalia or records; other analogous causes; and
d. Force majeure; and and
e. Other analogous causes of such a nature d. In any of such cases the failure or
that the holding of a free, orderly and suspension of election would affect the
honest election should become result of the election, the Commission
impossible in any political subdivision. shall, on the basis of a verified petition by
any interested party and after due notice
The Commission, motu proprio or upon a and hearing, call for the holding or
verified petition by any interested party, and continuation of the election not held,
after due notice and hearing, whereby all suspended or which resulted in a failure
interested parties are afforded equal to elect on a date reasonably close to the
opportunity to be heard, shall postpone the



date of the election not held, suspended Execution of Judgment

or which resulted in a failure to elect. It shall be heard summarily by the COMELEC.
Its decision shall be executory after five (5)
Note: It should not be later than thirty days days from receipt by the losing party, unless
after the cessation of the cause of such otherwise ordered. (Sec. 246, Batas
postponement or suspension of the election Pambansa Blg. 881)
or failure to elect. (Sec. 6, Batas Pambansa
Blg. 881) Failure of Election vs. Postponement of
There is failure of elections only when the will
of the electorate has been muted and cannot
be ascertained (Benito v. COMELEC, G.R. No.
134913, 19 Jan. 2001)

The disruption of the election process due to

machine (PCOS) breakdown or malfunction
may be limited to a precinct only or could
affect an entire municipal/city. The worst-
case scenario of course would be the
wholesale breakdown of the 82,000 PCOS
machines. Nonetheless, even in this most
extreme case, failure of all the machines
would not necessarily translate into failure of
elections. Manual count tabulation and
transmission, as earlier stated, can be done,
PCOS being a paper-ballot technology. If the 3. PRE-PROCLAMATION CONTROVERSY
machine fails for whatever reason, the paper
ballots would still be there for the hand Any question pertaining to or affecting the
counting of the votes, manual tabulation and proceedings of the board if canvassers which
transmission of the ERs. Failure of elections may be raised by any candidate or by any
consequent to voting machines failure would, registered political party or coalition of
in fine, be a very remote possibility. (Roque political parties before the board or directly
vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 188456, September with the Commission, or any matter raised
10, 2009) under Section 233, 234, 235 and 236 in
relation to the preparation, transmission,
Jurisdiction receipt, custody and appreciation of the
COMELEC has exclusive jurisdiction over pre- election returns. (Sec. 241, Batas Pambansa
proclamation cases. It may order, motu Blg. 881)
proprio or upon written petition, and after
due notice and hearing the partial or total Proceedings of the board of canvassers which
suspension of the proclamation of any may be raised by any candidate or by any
candidate-elect or annul partially or totally registered political party or coalition of
any proclamation, if one has been made, as political parties, or by any accredited and
the evidence shall warrant. (Sec. 242, Batas participating party list group, before the
Pambansa Blg. 881)



board or directly with the Commission. (Sec. d. Padding of the Registry List of Voters of
1, Rule 3, COMELEC Resolution No. 8804) a municipality, massive fraud and
terrorism (Ututalum vs. COMELEC, G.R.
Issues that may be raised (restrictive No. 84843-44, January 22, 1990)
and exclusive)
a. Illegal composition or proceedings of the e. Challenges directed against the Board of
Board of Election Canvassers; Election Inspectors (Ututalum vs.
COMELEC, supra)
b. Canvassed election returns are either:
i. Incomplete f. Fraud, terrorism and other illegal
ii. Contain material defects electoral practices. These are properly
iii. Appear to be tampered with or within the office of election contests over
falsified which electoral tribunals have sole,
iv. Contain discrepancies in the same exclusive jurisdiction (Loong vs.
returns or in other authentic copies COMELEC, G.R. No. 133676 April 14,
c. The election returns were prepared under
duress, threats, coercion, or intimidation, Note: In Sec. 1, Rule 3, of COMELEC
or they are obviously manufactured or Resolution No. 8804 (promulgated March 22,
not authentic; and 2010), there are only two (2) issues covered
in pre- proclamation controversy:
d. When substitute or fraudulent returns in 1. Illegal composition of the BOC; and
controverted polling places were 2. Illegal proceedings of the BOC.
canvassed, the results of which materially
affected the standing of the aggrieved When pre-proclamation cases are not
candidate or candidates. (Sec. 243, Batas allowed
Pambansa Blg. 881; Chavez vs. Pre-proclamation cases on matters relating to
Commission on Elections, G.R. No. the preparation, transmission, receipt,
162777, August 31, 2004) custody, and appreciation of the election
returns or the certificates of canvass NOT
Issues that cannot be raised allowed in elections of President, Vice-
a. Appreciation of ballots, as this is President, Senator, or Member of the House
performed by the BEI at the precinct level of Representatives (Sec. 15, Republic Act No.
and is not part of the proceedings of the 7166).
BOC (Sanchez vs. COMELEC, G.R. No.
78461, August 12, 1987) When pre-proclamation cases are
deemed terminated
b. Technical examination of the signatures All pre-proclamation cases pending before
and thumb marks of voters (Matalam vs. the Commission on Elections shall be deemed
COMELEC, G.R. No. 123230 April 18, terminated at the beginning of the term of
1997) the office involved and the rulings of the
boards of canvassers concerned shall be
c. Prayer for re-opening of ballot boxes deemed affirmed. This is without prejudice to
(Alfonso vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 107847 the filing of a regular election protest by the
June 2, 1994) aggrieved party (Sec. 16, Republic Act No.



Effect of Filing Petition to Annual or to b. The proclamation was null and void
Suspend the Proclamation (Samad v. COMELEC, supra).
The filing with the Commission of a petition
to annual or to suspend the proclamation of i. Election Protest
any candidate shall suspend the running of A petition contesting the elections or returns
the period within which to file an election of an elective regional, provincial, or city
protest or quo warranto proceedings. (Sec. official shall be filed with the Commission by
248, Batas Pambansa Blg. 881) any candidate who was voted for in the same
office and who Commission by any candidate
4.POST-PROCLAMATION who was voted for in the same office and who
received the second or third highest number
a. Election Contest of votes or, in a multi-slot position, was
A contest between the defeated and winning among the next four candidates following the
candidates on the ground of frauds or last ranked winner duly proclaimed, as
irregularities in the casting and counting of reflected in the official results of the election
the ballots, or in the preparation of the contained in the Statement of Votes. The
returns. It raises the question of who actually party filing the protest shall be designated as
obtained the plurality of the legal votes and the protestant; the adverse party shall be
therefore is entitled to hold the office (Samad known as the protestee (SEC. 2, Rule 6, PART
vs. Commission on Elections, GR No. 107854, III, COMELEC Reso. No. 8804).
July 16, 1993).
The purpose of an election protest is to
General Rule: The filing of an election ascertain whether the candidate proclaimed
protest or a petition for quo warranto by the board of canvassers is the lawful
precludes the subsequent filing of a pre- choice of the people. What is sought is the
proclamation controversy, or amounts to the correction of the canvass of votes, which was
abandonment of one earlier filed, thus the basis of proclamation of the winning
depriving the COMELEC of the authority to candidate. Election contests, therefore,
inquire into and pass upon the title of the involve the adjudication not only of private
protestee or the validity of his proclamation. and pecuniary interests of rival candidates
(Villamor vs. Commission on elections, G.R. but also of paramount public interest
No. 169865, July 21, 2006) considering the need to dispel uncertainty
over the real choice of the electorate.
EXCEPTIONS: (Martinez vs. House of Representatives
1. The board of canvassers was improperly Electoral Tribunal, G.R. No. 189034, January
constituted; 11, 2010)
2. Quo warranto was not the proper
remedy; Who can file: An election protest maybe
3. What was filed was not really a petition filed by any candidate who has filed a
for quo warranto or an election protest certificate of candidacy and has been voted
but a petition to annul a proclamation; upon for the same office. (Sec. 250, Art. XXI,
a. The filing of a quo warranto petition or an Batas Pambansa Blg. 881)
election protest was expressly made
without prejudice to the pre-proclamation Grounds (FITI)
controversy or was made ad cautelam; a. Fraud
and b. Terrorism



c. Irregularities The Court has thus warned that the doctrine

d. Illegal acts committed before, during, or of statistical improbability must be
after the casting and counting of votes restrictively viewed with the utmost care
(Nachura, Outline Reviewer in Political Law, being taken lest in penalizing fraudulent and
2014, p.527) corrupt practices – which is truly called for –
innocent voters become disenfranchised, a
Time to file: Within 10 days from the result that hardly commends itself. (Suhuri
proclamation of the results of the election. vs. Commission on Elections, G.R. No.
(Sec. 250, Art. XXI, Batas Pambansa Blg. 181869, October 2, 2009)
ii. Quo Warranto
Since it is the Commission on Elections which Quo warranto proceeding for an elective
has jurisdiction to take cognizance of an office: Quo warrant refers to an election
appeal from the decision of the regional trial contest relating to the qualifications of an
court in election contests involving elective elective official on the ground of (1)
municipal officials, then it is also the ineligibility or (2) disloyalty to the Republic of
Commission on Elections which has the Philippines. The issue is whether the
jurisdiction to issue a writ of certiorari in aid respondent possesses all the qualifications
of its appellate jurisdiction. (Bulilis vs. Nuez, and none of the disqualifications prescribed
G.R. No. 195953, August 9, 2011) by law. (A.M. No. 07-4-15-SC, effective May
15, 2007)
Doctrine of Statistical Improbability
A sworn petition that can be filed by any voter
The Doctrine of Statistical Improbability is to contest the election of any member of
applied only where the unique uniformity of Congress or local government official on the
tally of all the votes cast in favor of all the ground of ineligibility or of disloyalty to the
candidates belonging to one party and the Republic of the Philippines (Sec. 253, Batas
systematic blanking of all the candidates of Pambansa Blg. 881).
all the opposing parties appear in the election
return. The doctrine has no application where In quo warranto proceedings referring to
there is neither uniformity of tallies nor offices filled by election, what is to be
systematic blanking of the candidates of one determined is the eligibility of the candidate
party. elect, while in quo warranto proceedings
referring to offices filled by appointment,
Thus, the base fact that a candidate for public what is determined is the legality of the
office received no votes in one or two appointment. In the first case when the
precincts, standing alone and without more, person elected is ineligible, the court cannot
cannot adequately support a finding that the declare that the candidate occupying the
subject election returns are statistically second place has been elected, even if he
improbable. Verily, a zero vote for a particular were eligible, since the law only authorizes a
candidate in the election returns is but one declaration of election in favor of the person
strand in the web of circumstantial evidence who has obtained a plurality of votes, and has
that the electoral returns were prepared presented his certificate of candidacy. In the
under duress, force and intimidation. second case, the court determines who has
been legally appointed and can and ought to
declare who is entitled to occupy the office



(Nuval vs. Guray, G.R. No. L-30241, Members. (Sec. 17, Art. VI, 1987
December 29, 1928). Constitution)

A petition for quo warranto is a proceeding to COMELEC – 1987 CONST., art. IX-C, sec.
determine the right of a person to the use or 2(2); B.P. Blg. 881, secs. 250 and 253
exercise of a franchise or office and to oust The Commission on Elections shall exercise
the holder from its enjoyment if his claim is exclusive original jurisdiction over all contests
not well-founded. Or if he has forfeited his relating to the elections, returns, and
right to enjoy the privilege. Where the action qualifications of all elective regional,
is filed by a private person, in his own name, provincial, and city officials, and appellate
he must prove that he is entitled to the jurisdiction over all contests involving elective
controverted position; otherwise, respondent municipal officials decided by trial courts of
has a right to the undisturbed possession of general jurisdiction, or involving elective
the office. In a quo warranto proceeding, the barangay officials decided by trial courts of
person suing must show that he has a clear limited jurisdiction. (Sec 2[2], Art IX-C, 1987
right to the office allegedly held unlawfully by Constitution)
another. Absent that right, the lack of
qualification or eligibility of the supposed Election contests for Batasang
usurper is immaterial. (Ong vs. Office of the Pambansa, regional, provincial and city
President, G.R. No 184219, January 30, offices. - A sworn petition contesting the
2012) election of any Member of the Batasang
Pambansa or any regional, provincial or city
iii. Jurisdiction official shall be filed with the Commission by
any candidate who has duly filed a certificate
Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET) of candidacy and has been voted for the
The Supreme Court, sitting en banc, shall be same office, within ten days after the
the sole judge of all contests relating to the proclamation of the results of the election.
election, returns and qualifications of the (Sec. 250, Batas Pambansa Blg. 881)
President or Vice-President, and may
promulgate its rules for the purpose. (Sec. 4, Petition for quo warranto. - Any voter
Art. VII, 1987 Constitution) contesting the election of any Member of the
Batasang Pambansa, regional, provincial, or
Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET) city officer on the ground of ineligibility or of
The Senate shall have an Electoral Tribunal disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines
which shall be the sole judge of all contests shall file a sworn petition for quo warranto
relating to the election, returns, and with the Commission within ten days after the
qualifications of their respective Members. proclamation of the results of the election.
(Sec. 17, Art. VI, 1987 Constitution) (Sec. 253, Batas Pambansa Blg. 881)

House of Representatives Electoral RTC – R.A. No. 7166, sec. 22; B.P. Blg.
Tribunal (HRET) 881, secs. 251 and 253
The House of Representatives shall have an
Electoral Tribunal which shall be the sole Election Contests for Municipal Offices.
judge of all contests relating to the election, - All election contests involving municipal
returns, and qualifications of their respective offices filed with the Regional Trial Court shall
be decided expeditiously. The decision may



be appealed to the Commission within five case within thirty days from its submission,
(5) days from promulgation or receipt of a and whose decisions shall be final. (Sec. 252,
copy thereof by the aggrieved party. The Batas Pambansa Blg. 881)
Commission shall decide the appeal within
sixty (60) days after it is submitted for Petition for quo warranto. - Any voter
decision, but not later than six (6) months contesting the election of any Member of the
after the filing of the appeal, which decision Batasang Pambansa, regional, provincial, or
shall be final, unappealable and executory. city officer on the ground of ineligibility or of
(Sec. 22, Republic Act No. 7166) disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines
shall file a sworn petition for quo warranto
Election contests for municipal offices. - with the Commission within ten days after the
A sworn petition contesting the election of a proclamation of the results of the election.
municipal officer shall be filed with the proper (Sec. 253, Batas Pambansa Blg. 881)
regional trial court by any candidate who has
duly filed a certificate of candidacy and has
been voted for the same office, within ten G. PROSECUTION OF ELECTION
days after proclamation of the results of the OFFENSES (B.P. Blg. 881 as amended by
election. (Sec. 251, Batas Pambansa Blg. R.A. No. 9369,
881) sec. 265)

Petition for quo warranto. - Any voter Sec. 265. Prosecution. - The Commission
contesting the election of any Member of the shall, through its duly authorized legal
Batasang Pambansa, regional, provincial, or officers, have the power, concurrent with the
city officer on the ground of ineligibility or of other prosecuting arms of the government, to
disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines conduct preliminary investigation of all
shall file a sworn petition for quo warranto election offenses punishable under this Code,
with the Commission within ten days after the and prosecute the same. (Sec. 43, Republic
proclamation of the results of the election. Act No. No. 9369).
(Sec. 253, Batas Pambansa Blg. 881)
MTC – B.P. Blg. 881, secs. 252-253 COMELEC has exclusive jurisdiction to
investigate and prosecute cases involving
Election contest for barangay offices. - violation of election laws (Sec. 2 [6], Art. IX-
A sworn petition contesting the election of a C, 1987 Constitution)
barangay officer shall be filed with the proper
municipal or metropolitan trial court by any However, it may validly delegate the power
candidate who has duly filed a certificate of to the Provincial Prosecutor or to the
candidacy and has been voted for the same Ombudsman.
office, within ten days after the proclamation
of the results of the election. The trial court In the event that the COMELEC fails to act on
shall decide the election protest within fifteen any complaint within 4 months from its filing,
days after the filing thereof. The decision of the complainant may file the complaint with
the municipal or metropolitan trial court may the fiscal or the Department of Justice, if
be appealed within ten days from receipt of a warranted (Sec. 265, Batas Pambansa Blg.
copy thereof by the aggrieved party to the 881).
regional trial court which shall decide the



It is not the duty of the COMELEC, as permanent list of voters without the
investigator and prosecutor, to gather proof express written consent of the voter [Sec.
in support of a complaint filed before it 4, R.A. 8189]
(Kilosbayan v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 128054,
October 16, 1997). ii. Certificate of Candidacy
1. Continued misrepresentation or holding
TRIAL AND DECISION out as a candidate of a disqualified
candidate or one declared by final and
General Rule: RTCs have exclusive original executory judgment to be a nuisance
jurisdiction to try and decide any criminal candidate [Sec. 27f, R.A. 6646]
actions or proceedings for violation of 2. Knowingly inducing or abetting such
election laws. (Sec. 268, Batas Pambansa misrepresentation of a disqualified or
Blg. 881) nuisance candidate [Sec. 27f, R.A.
Exception: MTCs exercise jurisdiction only 3. Coercing, bribing, threatening, harassing,
over offenses relating to failure to register or intimidating, terrorizing, or actually
to vote causing, inflicting or producing violence,
PREFERENTIAL DISPOSITION OF injury, punishment, torture, damage, loss
ELECTION OFFENSES or disadvantage to discourage any other
The investigation and prosecution of cases person or persons from filing a certificate
involving violations of the elections laws shall of candidacy in order to eliminate all
be given preference and priority by the other potential candidates from running
Commission on Elections and prosecuting in a special election [Sec. 5, R.A. 8295]
officials. Their investigation shall be
commenced without delay, and shall be iii. Election Campaign
resolved by the investigation officer within 1. Appointment or use of special policemen,
(5) days from its submission for resolution. special agents or the like during the
campaign period [Sec. 261m, B.P. 881]
The courts shall likewise give preference to 2. Use of armored land, water or aircraft
election offices over all other cases, except during the campaign period [Sec. 261r,
petitions for writ of habeas corpus. Their trial B.P.881]
shall likewise be commenced without delay, 3. Unlawful electioneering [Sec. 261k, B.P.
and shall be conducted continuously until 881]
terminated, and the case shall be decided 4. Acting as bodyguards or security in the
within thirty (30) days from its submission for case of policemen and provincial guards
decision. (Sec. 1, Presidential Decree No. during the campaign period [Sec. 261t,
1676, effective February 19, 1980) B.P. 881]
5. Removal, destruction, obliteration, or
ELECTION OFFENSES tampering of lawful election propaganda,
or preventing the distribution thereof
i. Registration [Sec. 83, B.P. 881 vis-à-vis Sec. 262, B.P.
1. Failure of the Board of Election 881]
Inspectors to post the list of voters in
each precinct. [Sec. 9, R.A. 7166]; iv. Voting
2. Change or alteration or transfer of a 1. Vote-buying and vote-selling [Sec. 261a,
voter's precinct assignment in the B.P. 881]



2. Conspiracy to bribe voters [Sec. 261b, vii. Acts of government or public

B.P. 881]: A disputable presumption of a officers
conspiracy to bribe voters is created 1. Appointment of new employees, creation
when there is proof that at least 1 voter of new positions, promotion, or giving
in different precincts representing at least salary increases within the election period
20% of the total precincts in any [Sec. 261g, B.P. 881]
municipality, city or province has been 2. Transfer of officers and employees in the
offered, promised or given money, civil service within the election period
valuable consideration or other without the prior approval of the
expenditure by a candidate's relatives, COMELEC [Sec. 261h, B.P. 881]
leaders and/or sympathizers for the 3. Intervening of public officers and
purpose of promoting the election of such employees in the civil service in any
candidate. [Sec. 28, R.A. 6646] partisan political activity [Sec. 261i, B.P.
3. Coercion of subordinates to vote for or 881]
against any candidate [Sec. 261d, B.P. 4. Use of public funds for an election
881] campaign [Sec. 261o, B.P. 881]
4. Dismissal of employees, laborers, or 5. Illegal release of prisoners before and
tenants for refusing or failing to vote for after election [Sec. 261n, B.P. 881]
any candidate [Sec. 261d(2), B.P. 881] 6. Release, disbursement or expenditure of
5. Being a flying voter [Sec. 261z (2), B.P. public funds during the prohibited period
881] [Sec. 261v, B.P. 881]
7. Construction of public works, etc. during
v. Counting of Votes the prohibited period [Sec. 261w, B.P.
1. Tampering, increasing, decreasing votes, 881]
or refusal to correct tampered votes after 8. Suspension of elective local officials
proper verification and hearing by any during the election period without prior
member of the board of election approval of the COMELEC [Sec. 261x,
inspectors [Sec. 27b, R.A. 6646] B.P. 881]
2. A special election offense to be known as
electoral sabotage and the penalty to be viii. Coercion, intimidation, violence
imposed shall be life imprisonment. [Sec. 1. Coercion of election officials and
42, RA 9369] employees
3. Refusal to issue to duly accredited 2. Threats, intimidation, terrorism, use of
watchers the certificate of votes cast and fraudulent devices or other forms of
the announcement of the election, by any coercion [Sec. 261e, B.P. 881]
member of the board of election 3. Use of undue influence [Sec. 261j, B.P.
inspectors [Sec. 27c, R.A. 6646] 881]
4. Carrying deadly weapons within the
vi. Canvassing prohibited area [Sec. 261p, B.P. 881]
Any chairperson of the board of 5. Carrying firearms outside residence or
canvassers who fails to give notice of place of business [Sec. 261q, B.P. 881]
meeting to other members of the board, 6. Organization or maintenance of reaction
candidate or political party as required forces, strike forces, or similar forces
[Sec. 27e, R.A. 6646] during the election period [Sec. 261u,
B.P. 881]



ix. Other prohibitions iii. For a Political Party

1. Unauthorized printing of official ballots Payment of a fine not less than P10,000 after
and election returns with printing a criminal conviction
establishments that are not under
contract with the COMELEC [Sec. 27a, iv. Persons Required by Law to Keep
R.A. 6646] Prisoners in their Custody
2. Wagering upon the results of elections For prisoners illegally released from any
[Sec. 261c, B.P. 881] penitentiary or jail during the prohibited
3. Sale,etc.of intoxicating liquor the day period, where such prisoners commit any act
fixed by law for the registration of voters of intimidation, terrorism or interference in
in the polling place, or the day before the the election, prison mayor in its maximum
election or on election day [Sec. 261d (1), period. [Sec. 264, B.P. 881]
B.P. 881]
4. Opening booths or stalls within 30 meters ARRESTS IN CONNECTION WITH
of any polling place [Sec, 261d (2), B.P. ELECTION CAMPAIGN
881] Only upon a warrant of arrest issued by a
5. Holding fairs, cockfights, etc. on Election competent judge after all the requirements of
Day [Sec. 261d (3), B.P. 881] the Constitution have been strictly complied
6. Refusal to carry election mail during the with.
election period [Sec. 261d (4), B.P. 881].
In addition to the prescribed penalty, PRESCRIPTION
such refusal constitutes a ground for Five years from the date of their commission.
cancellation or revocation of certificate of If the discovery of the offense be made in an
public convenience or franchise. election contest proceeding, the period of
7. Discrimination in the sale of airtime [Sec. prescription shall commence on the date on
261d (5), B.P. 881]. In addition to the which the judgment in such proceedings
prescribed penalty, such refusal becomes final and executory [Sec. 267, B.P.
constitutes a ground for cancellation or Blg. 881].
revocation of the franchise.
Note: Good faith is not a defense, as election Any person guilty of violations of Sec. 261a
offenses are generally mala prohibita. (Vote buying and vote-selling) and 261b
(Conspiracy to bribe voters) of B.P. Blg. 881
PENALTIES who voluntarily gives information and
i. For individuals willingly testifies on any violation of said
1. Imprisonment of not less than 1 year but sections in any official investigation or
not more than 6 years, without probation proceeding shall be exempt from prosecution
[Sec. 264, B.P. 881] and punishment for the offenses with
2. Disqualification to hold public office reference to which his information and
3. Deprivation of the right of suffrage testimony were given, without prejudice to
his liability for perjury or false testimony [Sec.
ii. For a Foreigner 28, RA 6646].
1. Imprisonment of not less than 1 year but
not more than 6 years (without PROHIBITED ACTS UNDER R.A. 9369
probation); 1. Utilizing without authorization, tampering
2. Deportation after service of sentence with, damaging, destroying or stealing:



a. Official ballots, election returns, and a. Imprisonment of 8 years and one day
certificates of canvass of votes used to 12 years without possibility of
in the system; and parole;
b. Electronic Devices or their b. Perpetual disqualification to hold
components, peripherals or supplies public and any non-elective public
used in the AES such as counting office; and
machine, memory pack/diskette, c. Deprivation of the right of suffrage.
memory pack receiver and computer (Sec. 28, Republic Act No. 9369)

EXCEPTIONS: Those convicted of the crime

2. Interfering with, impeding, absconding for
of electoral sabotage, which includes acts or
purpose of gain, preventing the installation or
offenses committed in any of the following
use of computer counting devices and the
instances: (Sec. 28, Republic Act No. 9369)
processing, storage, generation and
transmission of election results, data or a. National elective office: When the
information; tampering, increase and/or decrease
of votes perpetrated or the refusal to
3. Gaining or causing access to using, credit the correct votes or to deduct
altering, destroying or disclosing any tampered votes is/are committed in
computer data, program, system software, the election of a national elective
network, or any computer-related devices, office which is voted upon nationwide
facilities, hardware or equipment, whether and the tampering, increase and/ or
classified or declassified; decrease of votes or refusal to credit
the correct votes or to deduct
4. Refusal of the citizens’ arm to present for tampered votes, shall adversely
perusal its copy of election return to the affect the results of the election to
board of canvassers; the said national office to the extent
that losing candidate/s is /are made
5. Presentation by the citizens’ arm of to appear the winner/s.
tampered or spurious election returns;

6. Refusal or failure to provide the dominant b. Regardless of the elective office

involved: When the tampering,
majority and dominant minority parties or the
citizens’ arm their copy of election returns; increase and/or decrease of votes
and committed or the refusal to credit the
correct votes or to deduct tampered
7. The failure to post the voters list within the votes perpetrated is accomplished in
specified time, duration and in the designated a single election document or in the
location shall constitute an election offense transposition of the figure / results
on the part of the election officer concerned. from one election to credit correct
votes or deduct tampered votes
(Sec. 28, Republic Act No. 9369)
exceed 5,000 votes, and that the
same adversely affects the true
PENALTIES results of the election. document to
another and involved in the said
tampering increase and/or decrease
or refusal



c. Any and all other forms or tampering RA 7160, Local Government Code of
increase/s and/ or decrease/s of 1991
votes perpetuated or in cases of
refusal to credit the correct votes or Declaration of Policy
deduct the tampered votes, where (a) It is hereby declared the policy of the
the total votes involved exceed State that the territorial and political
10,000 votes. subdivisions of the State shall enjoy genuine
and meaningful local autonomy to enable
Any and all other persons or individuals
them to attain their fullest development as
determined to be in conspiracy or in
self-reliant communities and make them
connivance with the members of the BEIs or
more effective partners in the attainment of
BOCs involved shall be meted the same
national goals. Toward this end, the State
penalty of life imprisonment. (Sec. 42,
shall provide for a more responsive and
Republic Act No. 9369)
accountable local government structure
instituted through a system of
XI. LOCAL GOVERNMENTS decentralization whereby local government
units shall be given more powers, authority,
A. Principles of Local Autonomy responsibilities, and resources. The process
of decentralization shall proceed from the
The 1987 Philippine Constitution National Government to the local government
The State shall ensure the autonomy of local
governments (Sec. 25, Art. II, 1987 (b) It is also the policy of the State to ensure
Constitution) the accountability of local government units
through the institution of effective
The territorial and political subdivisions shall mechanisms of recall, initiative and
enjoy local autonomy (Sec. 2, Art. X, 1987 referendum.
(c) It is likewise the policy of the State to
The Congress shall enact a local government require all national agencies and offices to
code which shall provide for a more conduct periodic consultations with
responsive and accountable local appropriate local government units,
government structure instituted through a nongovernmental and people‘s organizations,
system of decentralization with effective and other concerned sectors of the
mechanisms of recall, initiative, and community before any project or program is
referendum, allocate among the different implemented in their respective jurisdictions.
local government units their powers, (Sec. 2, Chapter I, Republic Act No. 7160)
responsibilities, and resources, and provide
for the qualifications, election, appointment Concepts of Local Autonomy
and removal, term, salaries, powers and
functions and duties of local officials, and all The principle of local autonomy under the
other matters relating to the organization and 1987 Constitution simply means
operation of the local units (Sec. 3, Art. X, “decentralization”, it does not make the local
1987 Constitution) governments sovereign within the state or an
“imperium in imperio”. (Nachura, Outline



Reviewer in Political Law, 2015 Edition, p. units of the records, equipment, and other
695) assets and personnel of national agencies
and offices corresponding to the devolved
There is decentralization of administration powers, functions, and responsibilities. (Sec.
when the central government delegates 17[i], Republic Act. No. 7160)
administrative powers to political subdivisions
in order to broaden the base of government Doctrines / Jurisprudence
power and in the process to make local
governments more responsive and The principle of local autonomy does not
accountable, and ensure their fullest make local governments sovereign within the
development as self-reliant communities and state, it simply means decentralization (Basco
make them more effective partners in the vs. Phil. Amusements and Gaming
pursuit of national development and social Corporation, G.R. 91649, May 14, 1991)
progress. (Pimentel vs. Hon. Aguirre, G.R.
No. 132988, July 19, 2000) Decentralization simply means the devolution
of national administration, not power, to local
Decentralization of power, on the other hand, governments (Pimentel, Jr. vs. Aguirre, G.R.
involves an abdication of political power in No. 132988, July 19, 2000)
the favor of local government units declared By upholding the power of LGUs to grant
to be autonomous. In that case, the allowances to judges and leaving to their
autonomous government is free to chart its discretion the amount of allowances they
own destiny and shape its future with may want to grant, depending on the
minimum intervention from central availability of local funds, the genuine and
authorities. According to a constitutional meaningful local autonomy of the LGUs is
author, decentralization of power amounts to ensured (Leynes vs. Commission on Audit,
'self-immolation,' since in that event, the G.R. No. 143596, December 11, 2003)
autonomous government becomes
accountable not to the central authorities but It is well to note that the principle of local
to its constituency." (Pimentel vs. Hon. autonomy, while concededly expounded in
Aguirre, G.R. No. 132988, July 19, 2000) greater detail in the present Constitution,
dates back to the turn of the century when
Devolution - the act by which the National President William McKinley, in his
Government confers power and authority Instructions to the Second Philippine
upon the various local government units to Commission dated 7 April 1900, ordered the
perform specific functions and new Government “to devote their attention in
responsibilities. (Sec. 17, Local Government the first instance to the establishment of
Code). It is the transfer of powers and municipal governments in which the natives
authority from the national government to of the Islands, both in the cities and in the
LGU s as the territorial and political rural communities, shall be afforded the
subdivisions of the State. The nature of opportunity to manage their own affairs to
power transfer is political and the approach is the fullest extent of which they are capable,
territorial. (Brillantes, The Philippines: and subject to the least degree of supervision
Sustaining the Gains of Decentralization of and control in which a careful study of their
Local Government, 2002 Edition). capacities and observation of the workings of
The devolution contemplated in this Code native control show to be consistent with the
shall include the transfer to local government maintenance of law, order and loyalty.”



(Province of Batangas vs. Romulo, G.R. No. autonomy (Demaala vs. Commission on
152774, May 27, 2004) Audit, G.R. 199752, February 17, 2015)

The national government ought to be attuned To conform with the guarantees of the
to the sensitiveness of devolution and strive Constitution in favor of the autonomy of the
to be sparing in usurping the prerogatives of Local Government Units (LGUs), therefore, it
local governments to regulate the general becomes the duty of the Supreme Court (SC)
welfare of their constituents; The Court does to declare and pronounce Section 3(b) of
not doubt the ability of the national Presidential Decree (PD) No. 198 as already
government to implement police power partially unconstitutional (Rama vs. Moises,
measures that affect the subjects of G.R. No. 197146, December 06, 2016)
municipal government, especially if the
subject of regulation is a condition of The grant of autonomy simply means that
universal character irrespective of territorial Congress will allow the local government
jurisdictions (Tan vs. Pereña, G.R. No. units (LGUs) to perform certain functions and
149743, February 18, 2005) exercise certain powers in order not for them
to be overly dependent on the National
To rule against the power of LGUs to Government subject to the limitations that
reclassify areas within their jurisdiction will the 1987 Constitution or Congress may
subvert the principle of local autonomy impose (Mandanas vs. Ochoa, Jr., G.R. No.
guaranteed by the Constitution. As we have 199802, July 03, 2018)
noted in earlier decisions, our national
officials should not only comply with the The concept of local autonomy does not
constitutional provisions on local autonomy preclude intervention by the national
but should also appreciate the spirit and government in the form of supervision to
liberty upon which these provisions are based ensure that the local programs, fiscal and
(Social Justice Society (SJS) vs. Atienza, Jr., otherwise, are consistent with the national
G.R. No. 156052, February 13, 2008) goals (Abella V. Commission on Audit, G.R.
No. 238940 April 19, 2022, J. MV Lopez)
There is nothing wrong with the local
government granting additional benefits to B. Local Government Units
the officials and employees. The laws even
encourage the granting of incentive benefits 1. Powers of Local Government Units
aimed at improving the services of these
employees. Considering, however, that the a. Police Power and General Welfare
payment of these benefits constitute Clause
disbursement of public funds, it must not
contravene the law on disbursement of public Statutory Basis
funds (Veloso vs. Commission on Audit, G.R.
No. 193677, September 06, 2011) Every local government unit shall exercise the
powers expressly granted, those necessarily
Consistent with the 1987 Constitution’s implied therefrom, as well as powers
declared preference, the taxing powers of necessary, appropriate, or incidental for its
local government units (LGUs) must be efficient and effective governance, and those
resolved in favor of their local fiscal which are essential to the promotion of the
general welfare. Within their respective



territorial jurisdictions, local government City ordinance prohibiting admission of two

units shall ensure and support, among other or more persons in amusement places with
things, the preservation and enrichment of use of only one ticket is a valid regulatory
culture, promote health and safety, enhance police measure (Samson vs. Mayor of
the right of the people to a balanced ecology, Bacolod City, G.R. No. L-28745 , October 23,
encourage and support the development of 1974)
appropriate and self-reliant scientific and
technological capabilities, improve public Buying and selling and storing copra is
morals, enhance economic prosperity and properly the subject of regulation within the
social justice, promote full employment police power granted to municipalities under
among their residents, maintain peace and the general welfare clause (Procter & Gamble
order, and preserve the comfort and Philippine Manufacturing Corp. vs.
convenience of their inhabitants. (Sec. 16, Municipality of Jagna, G.R. No. L-24265,
Chapter II, Republic Act. No. 7160) December 28, 1979)

Doctrines / Jurisprudence A local government council cannot prohibit

the establishment of nightclubs and cabarets;
Like the State, the police power of a it may only regulate their operations (De la
municipal corporation extends to all matters Cruz vs. Paras, G.R. Nos. L-42571-72, July
affecting the peace, order, health, morals, 25, 1983)
convenience, comfort, and safety of its
citizens—the security of social order—the Even if the FDA has licensed the operation of
best and highest interests of the municipality the applicant drugstore, the mayor may still
(United States vs. Salaveria., G.R. No. L- refuse to grant the permit if it is shown that
13678, November 12, 1918) the local requirements have not been
observed (Gordon vs. Veridiano II, G.R. No.
An ordinance authorizing the suppression of L-55230, November 08, 1988)
animal disease was held valid. The
quarantine, isolation and even slaughter of The support for the poor has long been an
cattle suffering from infectious disease have accepted exercise of police power in the
been recognized under the general welfare promotion of the common good (Binay vs.
clause (PunzaIan vs. Ferriols, G.R. No. L- Domingo, G.R. No/ 92389, September 11,
6016, March 25, 1911) 1991)

An ordinance of the City of Manila compelling What the national legislature allows by law,
owners of buildings to make connections with such as lotto, a provincial board may not
the new sewer system was held valid for disallow by ordinance or resolution (Lina, Jr.
reasons of public health and safety (Case vs. vs. Paño, G.R. No. 129093, August 30, 2001)
Board of Health, G.R. No. L-7595, February
4, 1913) As with the State, the local government may
be considered as having properly exercised
Authority to require building permits; its police power only if there is a concurrence
Authority predicated upon general welfare of a lawful subject and lawful method
clause (People vs. Gozo, G.R. No. L-36409, (Lucena Grand Central Terminal, Inc. vs. JAC
October 26, 1973) Liner, Inc., G.R. No. 148339, February 23,



The exercise of police power by the local requisites have been complied with by the
government is valid unless it contravenes the local government unit concerned:
fundamental law of the land, or an act of the
legislature, or unless it is against public 1. An ordinance is enacted by the local
policy, or is unreasonable, oppressive, legislative council authorizing the local
partial, discriminating, or in derogation of a chief executive, on behalf of the local
common right (Tayaban vs. People, G.R. No. government unit, to exercise the power
150194, March 06, 2007) of eminent domain or pursue
expropriation proceedings over a
b. Eminent Domain and Taxation particular private property;
2. The power of eminent domain is
Eminent Domain exercised for public use, purpose or
A local government unit may, through its welfare, or for the benefit of the poor
chief executive and acting pursuant to an and the landless;
ordinance, exercise the power of eminent 3. There is payment of just compensation,
domain for public use, or purpose or welfare as required under Section 9, Article III
for the benefit of the poor and the landless, of the Constitution, and other pertinent
upon payment of just compensation, laws;
pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution 4. A valid and definite offer has been
and pertinent laws: Provided, however, That previously made to the owner of the
the power of eminent domain may not be property sought to be expropriated, but
exercised unless a valid and definite offer has said offer was not accepted (Heirs of
been previously made to the owner, and such Alberto Suguitan vs. City of
offer was not accepted: Provided, further, Mandaluyong, G.R. No. 135087, March
That the local government unit may 14, 2000)
immediately take possession of the property
upon the filing of the expropriation In the case at bar, the applicable law as to
proceedings and upon making a deposit with the point of reckoning for the determination
the proper court of at least fifteen percent of just compensation is Section 19 of R.A. No.
(15%) of the fair market value of the 7160, which expressly provides that just
property based on the current tax declaration compensation shall be determined as of the
of the property to be expropriated: Provided, time of actual taking (The City of Cebu vs.
finally, That, the amount to be paid for the Dedamo, G.R. No. 142971, May 07, 2002)
expropriated property shall be determined by
the proper court, based on the fair market Local government units have no inherent
value at the time of the taking of the power of eminent domain and can exercise it
property. (Sec. 19, Chapter II, Republic Act only when expressly authorized by the
No. 7160) legislature (Lagcao vs. Labra, G.R. No.
155746, October 13, 2004)
Doctrines / Jurisprudence
Requisites for authorizing immediate
Requisites to be complied with by the local entry
government unit in the exercise of the power 1. the filing of a complaint for
of eminent domain.—The courts have the expropriation sufficient in form and
obligation to determine whether the following substance; and



2. the deposit of the amount equivalent fees, and charges shall accrue exclusively to
to fifteen percent (15%) of the fair the local governments. (Sec. 5, Art. X, The
market value of the property to be 1987 Constitution)
expropriated based on its current tax
declaration. Upon compliance with Statutory Basis:
these requirements, the issuance of a
writ of possession becomes Section 129. Power to Create Sources of
ministerial (City of Iloilo vs. Legaspi, Revenue. - Each local government unit shall
G.R. No. 154614, November 25, exercise its power to create its own sources
2004) of revenue and to levy taxes, fees, and
charges subject to the provisions herein,
An ordinance which permanently restricts the consistent with the basic policy of local
use of property that it can not be used for autonomy. Such taxes, fees, and charges
any reasonable purpose goes beyond shall accrue exclusively to the local
regulation and must be recognized as a government units. (Sec. 129, Republic Act
taking of the property without just No. 7160)
compensation (City of Manila vs. Laguio, Jr.,
G.R. No. 118127, April 12, 2005) Taxation shall be uniform in each local
government unit. (Sec. 130, Chapter I, Title
Non-payment of just compensation does not I, Book II, Republic Act No. 7160)
entitle the private landowner to recover
possession of the expropriated lots, however, Doctrines / Jurisprudence
in cases where the government failed to pay
just compensation within five (5) years from The IRA’s are items of income because they
the finality of judgment in the expropriation form part of the gross accretion of the funds
proceedings, the owners concerned shall of the local government unit (Alvarez vs.
have the right to recover possession of their Guingona, Jr., 252 SCRA 695, January 31,
property (Yujuico vs. Atienza, Jr., G.R. No. 1996)
164282, October 12, 2005)
A province has no authority to impose taxes
The right to take private property for public on stones, sand, gravel, earth and other
purposes necessarily originates from “the quarry resources extracted from private lands
necessity” and the taking must be limited to (Province of Bulacan vs. Court of Appeals,
such necessity (Masikip vs. City of Pasig, G.R. 299 SCRA 442, November 27, 1998)
No. 136349, January 23, 2006)
The province can only impose tax on
Power to Tax admission from the proprietors, lessees, or
operators of theaters, cinematographs,
Constitutional Basis: concert halls, circuses and other places of
amusement, and has no authority to tax
Each local government unit shall have the professional basketball games (Philippine
power to create its own sources of revenues Basketball Association vs. Court of Appeals,
and to levy taxes, fees and charges subject 337 SCRA 358, August 08, 2000)
to such guidelines and limitations as the
Congress may provide, consistent with the The grant of taxing powers to local
basic policy of local autonomy. Such taxes, government units under the Constitution and



the LGC does not affect the power of nature. As opposed to ordinances, “no rights
Congress to grant exemptions to certain can be conferred by and be inferred from a
persons, pursuant to a declared national resolution”. The authority to be granted to
policy (Philippine Long Distance Telephone the local executive to enter into obligations
Company, Inc. vs. City of Davao, 363 SCRA binding on the local government unit must be
522, August 22, 2001) made pursuant to a law or ordinance. When
made through a mere resolution, it shall not
Taxation assumes even greater significance confer any right to a person. (Land Bank of
with the ratification of the 1987 Constitution. the Philippines vs. Eduardo Cacayuran, G.R.
Thenceforth, the power to tax is no longer No. 191667; April 17, 2013)
vested exclusively on Congress; local
legislative bodies are now given direct A resolution is upon a specific matter of a
authority to levy taxes, fees and other temporary nature, while an ordinance is a law
charges pursuant to Article X, section 5 of the that is permanent in character. (Beluso vs.
1987 Constitution (National Power Municipality of Panay, Capiz, G.R. No.
Corporation vs. City of Cabanatuan, 401 153974, August 7, 2006)
SCRA 259, April 09, 2003)
No rights can be conferred by and be inferred
Condominium corporations are generally from a resolution, which is nothing but an
exempt from local business taxation under embodiment of what the lawmaking body has
the Local Government Code, irrespective of to say in the light of attendant circumstances.
any local ordinance that seeks to declare The lawmaking body simply expresses its
otherwise (Yamane vs. BA Lepanto sentiment or opinion through a resolution
Condominium Corporation, 474 SCRA 258, (Spouses Yusay vs. CA, G.R. No. 156684,
October 25, 2005) April 6, 2011)

Public hearing apparently is not necessary Tests of validity

when the tax or fee is imposed on a tax base The two tests in determining the validity of
or subject specifically enumerated in the an ordinance are the Formal Test and the
Local Tax Code (Berdin vs. Mascariñas, 526 Substantive Test. The Formal Test requires
SCRA 592, July 06, 2007) the determination of whether the ordinance
was enacted within the corporate powers of
The 1987 Constitution is forthright and the LGU, and whether the same was passed
unequivocal in ordering that the just share of pursuant to the procedure laid down by law.
the LGUs in the national taxes shall be Meanwhile, the Substantive Test primarily
automatically released to them (Mandanas assesses the 318 reasonableness and
vs. Ochoa, Jr., 869 SCRA 440, July 03, 2018) fairness of the ordinance and significantly its
compliance with the Constitution and existing
c. Requisites of a Valid Ordinance; statutes. (Manila Electric Company vs. City of
Local Initiative and Referendum Muntinlupa, G.R. No. 198529, February 9,
While ordinances are laws and possess a
general and permanent character, Substantial validity:
resolutions are merely declarations of the In order for an ordinance to be substantially
sentiment or opinion of a lawmaking body on valid, the following must concur:
a specific matter and are temporary in



1. Must not contravene the Constitution Authority vs. Commission on Elections, 262
and any statute; SCRA 492, September 26, 1996)
2. Must not be unfair or oppressive;
3. Must not be partial or discriminatory; Limitations on Local Initiatives
4. Must not prohibit, but may regulate a. The power of local initiative shall not be
trade; exercised more than once a year;
5. Be general in application and b. Initiative shall extend only to subjects or
consistent with public policy; and matters which are within the legal powers of
6. Must not be unreasonable. (Magtajas the sanggunian to enact; and
vs. Pryce Properties, G.R. No.
111097, July 20, 1994) c. If at any time before the initiative is held,
the sanggunian concerned adopts in toto the
Local Initiative and Referendum proposition presented and the local chief
It is also the policy of the State to ensure the executive approves the same, the initiative
accountability of local government units shall be cancelled. However, those against
through the institution of effective such action may, if they so desire, apply for
mechanisms of recall, initiative and initiative in the manner herein provided. (Sec.
referendum. (Sec. 2[b], Republic Act No. 124, Republic Act No. 7160)
Limitations upon Sanggunians: Any
Local initiative is the legal process whereby proposition or ordinance approved through
the registered voters of a local government the system of initiative and referendum shall
unit may directly propose, enact, or amend not be repealed, modified, or amended by the
any ordinance. (Sec. 120, Republic Act No. sanggunian concerned within six (6) months
7160) from the date of the approval thereof and
may be amended, modified, or repealed by
Local referendum is the legal process the sanggunian within three (3) years
whereby the registered voters of the local thereafter by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of
government units may approve, amend or all its members. Provided that in case of
reject any ordinance enacted by the barangays, the period shall be eighteen
Sanggunian. (Sec. 126, Republic Act No. months.
Doctrines / Jurisprudence 1. Registered voter must file a petition with
The Constitution clearly includes not only the Sanggunian concerned proposing the
ordinances but resolutions as appropriate adoption, enactment, repeal, or amendment
subjects of a local initiative; A law should be of an ordinance. Not less than one thousand
construed in harmony with and not in (1,000) voters for provinces and cities. Not
violation of the Constitution (Garcia vs. less than one hundred (100) voters in
Commission on Elections, 237 SCRA 279, municipalities: and not less than fifty (50)
September 30, 1994) voters in barangay.

In initiative and referendum, the Comelec 2. If no favorable action is taken by the

exercises administration and supervision of Sanggunian within thirty (30) days from the
the process itself akin to its powers over the presentation, the proponents must give
conduct of elections (Subic Bay Metropolitan notice to Sanggunian.



3. Formation of the proposition with the With respect to proprietary functions,

assistance of the COMELEC: two (2) or more the settled rule is that a municipal
propositions may be submitted in an corporation can be held liable to third
initiative. persons ex contractu or ex delicto.
Municipal corporations are subject to be
4. Proponents must collect the required sued upon contracts and in tort. (Torio
number of signatures within Ninety (90) days vs. Fontanilla, 85 SCRA 599, October 23,
for provinces and cities; Sixty (60) days from 1978)
municipalities; and Thirty (30) days for
barangay, from notice. For liability to arise under Article 2189 of
the Civil Code, ownership of the roads,
5. Petition must be signed before the election streets, bridges, public buildings and
registrar or his representative, representative other public works, is not a controlling
of proponent and representative of the factor, it being sufficient that a province,
Sanggunian. city or municipality has control or
supervision thereof. (Municipality of San
6. Certification by the COMELEC as to Juan, Metro Manila vs. Court of Appeals,
whether or not the required number of 466 SCRA 78, August 09, 2005)
signatures had been obtained. The mayor has the authority to file suits
for the recovery of funds and property
7. The proposition is defeated. Otherwise, the on behalf of the city even without the
COMELEC shall set a date for initiative during prior authorization from the
which the proposition shall be submitted to Sanggunian. (City of Caloocan vs. Court
the registered voters for approval within; of Appeals, 489 SCRA 45, May 03, 2006)
Sixty (60) days for provinces, Forty-five (45)
days for municipalities; and Thirty (30) days Requisites of Valid Municipal Contracts
for barangay. a. The local government unit has the
express, implied or inherent power to
8. If the Proposition is approved by a majority enter into a particular contract;
of votes cast, it shall take effect within fifteen b. Entered into by the proper
(15) days after the certification by the department, board, committee or
COMELEC. (Sec. 122 and 123, Republic Act agent;
No. 7160)
c. Must comply with certain substantive
d. Corporate Powers requirements, such as when
expenditure of public funds is to be
Every local government unit, as a made, there must be an actual
corporation, shall have the following powers: appropriation and a certificate of
availability of funds;
1. To have continuous succession in its d. Must comply with formal
corporate name; requirements, e.g. Statute of Frauds;
2. To sue and be sued; (Sec. 22, Republic e. In case entered into by the local chief
Act No. 7160) executive on behalf of LGU, prior
authorization by the sanggunian
concerned is needed. (Sec. 22. Local



Government Code; LandBank vs. mayor’s representation of the city in its

Cacayuran, G.R. No. 191667, April business transactions must be “upon
17, 2013) authority of the sangguniang panlungsod or
pursuant to law or ordinance,” no such prior
3. To have and use a corporate seal; authority was required under the Local
Government Code of 1983 (Batas Pambansa
4. To acquire and convey real or personal Blg. 337) (City of Quezon vs. Lexber
property; (Sec. 22, Republic Act No. Incorporated, 354 SCRA 493, March 15,
7160) 2001)

Properties of public dominion devoted to If the project or program is identified in the

public use and made available to the public in appropriation ordinance in sufficient detail,
general are outside the commerce of men then there is no more need to obtain a
and cannot be disposed of or leased by the separate or additional authority from the
local government unit to private persons sanggunian. In such case, the project and the
(Macasiano vs. Diokno, 212 SCRA 464, cost are already identified and approved by
August 10, 1992) the sanggunian through the appropriation
ordinance (Municipality of Corella,
The prevailing rule is that reclaimed represented by Mayor Tocmo vs. Philkonstrak
disposable lands of the public domain may Development Corporation, G.R. No. 218663,
only be leased and not sold to private parties. February 28, 2022)
These lands remained sui generis, as the only
alienable or disposable lands of the public 6. To exercise such other powers as are
domain which the government could not sell granted to corporations, subject to the
to private parties except if the legislature limitations provided in this Code and
passes a law authorizing such sale (Republic other laws.
vs. Enciso, 474 SCRA 700, November 11,
2005) Local government units may continue using,
modify, or change their existing corporate
Municipal corporations cannot appropriate to seals: Provided, That newly established local
themselves public or government lands government units or those without corporate
without prior grant from the government seals may create their own corporate seals
(Rural Bank of Anda, Inc. vs. Roman Catholic which shall be registered with the
Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan, 523 SCRA Department of the Interior and Local
301, May 29, 2007) Government: Provided, further, That any
change of corporate seal shall also be
5. To enter into contracts; and (Sec. 22, registered as provided hereon.
Republic Act No. 7160)
Unless otherwise provided in this Code, no
The right of the public to use the city streets contract may be entered into by the local
may not be bargained away through contract chief executive on behalf of the local
(Dacanay vs. Asistio, Jr., 208 SCRA 404, May government unit without prior authorization
06, 1992) by the Sanggunian concerned. A legible copy
of such contract shall be posted at a
While the Local Government Code of 1991 conspicuous place in the provincial capitol or
(Republic Act No. 7160) now requires that the the city, municipal or barangay hall.



Local government units shall enjoy full eighteen (18) years of age on election
autonomy in the exercise of their proprietary day.
functions and in the limitations provided in
this Code and other applicable laws. (Sec. 22, 5. Candidates for the position of punong
Republic Act No. 7160) barangay or member of the
sangguniang barangay must be at least
2. Local Elective and Appointive eighteen (18) years of age on election
Officials day.

Qualifications and Disqualifications of 6. Candidates for the sangguniang

Elective Officials kabataan must be at least fifteen (15)
years of age but not more than twenty-
Qualifications one (21) years of age on election day.
(Sec. 39, Republic Act No. 7160)
1. An elective local official must be a citizen
of the Philippines; a registered voter in Section 39 of the Local Government Code
the barangay, municipality, city, or speaks of Qualifications of Elective Officials
province or, in the case of a member of not of candidates (Frivaldo vs. Commission
the sangguniang panlalawigan, on Elections, 257 SCRA 727, June 28, 1996)
sangguniang panlungsod, or
sangguniang bayan, the district where The Local Government Code requires an
he intends to be elected; a resident elective official to be a registered voter, it
therein for at least one (1) year does not require him to vote actually
immediately preceding the day of the (Frivaldo vs. Commission on Elections, 257
election; and able to read and write SCRA 727, June 28, 1996)
Filipino or any other local language or
dialect. His act of filing a certificate of candidacy for
elective office in the Philippines did not of
2. Candidates for the position of governor, itself constitute a waiver of his status as a
vice-governor, or member of the permanent resident or immigrant of the
sangguniang panlalawigan, or mayor, United States; Waiver should be manifested
vice-mayor or member of the by some act or acts independent of and done
sangguniang panlungsod of highly prior to the filing his candidacy for elective
urbanized cities must be at least twenty- office in this country (Caasi vs. Court of
three (23) years of age on election day. Appeals, 191 SCRA 229, November 08, 1990)

3. Candidates for the position of mayor or The determination of a person’s legal

vice-mayor of independent component residence or domicile largely depends upon
cities, component cities, or intention which may be inferred from his acts,
municipalities must be at least twenty- activities and utterances (Abella vs.
one (21) years of age on election day. Commission on Elections, 201 SCRA 253,
September 03, 1991)
4. Candidates for the position of member
of the sangguniang panlungsod or Residence is to be understood not in its
sangguniang bayan must be at least common acceptation as referring to
“dwelling” or “habitation” but rather to



“domicile” or legal residence (Coquilla vs. doing of the act itself, and not its prohibition
Commission on Elections, 385 SCRA 607, July by statute fixes the moral turpitude. Moral
31, 2002) turpitude does not, however, include such
acts as are not of themselves immoral but
The rationale of requiring candidates to have whose illegality lies in their being positively
a minimum period of residence in the area in prohibited. (Dela Torre vs. Commission on
which they seek to be elected is to prevent Elections, 258 SCRA 483, July 05, 1996)
the possibility of a “stranger or newcomer
unacquainted with the conditions and needs The phrase “within two (2) years after
of a community and not identified with the serving sentence” should be interpreted and
latter from seeking an elective office to serve understood to apply both to those who have
that community” (Torayno, Sr. vs. been sentenced by final judgment for an
Commission on Elections, 337 SCRA 574, offense involving moral turpitude and to
August 09, 2000) those who have been sentenced by final
judgment for an offense punishable by one
Disqualifications. - The following persons (1) year or more of imprisonment—the
are disqualified from running for any elective placing of the comma (,) in the provision
local position: means that the phrase modifies both parts of
Sec. 40(a) of the Local Government Code
1. Those sentenced by final judgment (Moreno vs. Commission on Elections, 498
for an offense involving moral SCRA 547, August 10, 2006)
turpitude or for an offense punishable
by one (1) year or more of This is as good a time as any to clarify that
imprisonment, within two (2) years those who have not served their sentence by
after serving sentence; reason of the grant of probation which should
2. Those removed from office as a result not be equated with service of sentence,
of an administrative case; should not likewise be disqualified from
3. Those convicted by final judgment for running for a local elective office because the
violating the oath of allegiance to the two (2)-year period of ineligibility under Sec.
Republic; 40(a) of the Local Government Code does not
4. Those with dual citizenship; even begin to run (Moreno vs. Commission
5. Fugitives from justice in criminal or on Elections, 498 SCRA 547, August 10,
non-political cases here or abroad; 2006)
6. Permanent residents in a foreign
country or those who have acquired To reiterate, a “fugitive from justice” : “x x x
the right to reside abroad and includes not only those who flee after
continue to avail of the same right conviction to avoid punishment but likewise
after the effectivity of this Code; and who, after being charged, flee to avoid
7. The insane or feeble-minded. (Sec. prosecution.” (Rodriguez vs. Commission on
40, Republic Act No. 7160) Elections, 259 SCRA 296, July 24, 1996)

Moral turpitude implies something Respondent’s suspension from office is

immoral in itself, regardless of the fact indeed not a ground for a petition for
that it is punishable by law or not. It disqualification as Section 40(b) clearly
must not be merely mala prohibita, but the speaks of removal from office as a result of
act itself must be inherently immoral. The an administrative offense that would



disqualify a candidate from running for any Act Amending Section 41(B) of Republic
elective local position (Albania vs. Act No. 7160, Otherwise Known as the
Commission on Elections, 826 SCRA 191, Local Government Code of 1991, Republic
June 06, 2017) Act No. 8553, [February 25, 1998])

Manner of Election (c) In addition thereto, there shall be one (1)

sectoral representative from the women, one
(a) The governor, vice-governor, city mayor, (1) from the workers, and one (1) from any
city vice-mayor, municipal mayor, municipal of the following sectors: the urban poor,
vice-mayor, and punong barangay shall be indigenous cultural communities, disabled
elected at large in their respective units by persons, or any other sector as may be
the qualified voters therein. However, the determined by the sanggunian concerned
sangguniang kabataan chairman for each within ninety (90) days prior to the holding of
barangay shall be elected by the registered the next local elections as may be provided
voters of the katipunan ng kabataan, as for by law. The COMELEC shall promulgate
provided in this Code. the rules and regulations to effectively
provide for the election of such sectoral
(b) The regular members of the sangguniang representatives. (Sec. 41, Republic Act No.
panlalawigan, sangguniang panlungsod, and 7160)
sangguniang bayan shall be elected by
district as follows: Date of Election
Unless otherwise provided by law, the
First and second-class provinces shall elections for local officials shall be held every
have ten (10) regular members; third and three (3) years on the second Monday of
fourth-class provinces, eight (8); and fifth May. (Sec. 42, Republic Act No. 7160)
and sixth-class provinces, six (6):
Provided, That in provinces having more Prohibited Business and Pecuniary
than five (5) legislative districts, each Interest (Elective and Appointive)
district shall have two (2) sangguniang
panlalawigan members, without prejudice (a) It shall be unlawful for any local
to the provisions of Section 2 of Republic government official or employee, directly or
Act No. 6637. Sangguniang barangay indirectly, to:
members shall be elected at large.
1. Engage in any business transaction
The presidents of the leagues of with the local government unit in
sanggunian members of component cities which he is an official or employee or
and municipalities shall serve as ex officio over which he has the power of
members of the sangguniang supervision, or with any of its
panlalawigan concerned. The presidents authorized boards, officials, agents, or
of the liga ng mga barangay and the attorneys, whereby money is to be
pederasyon ng mga sangguniang paid, or property or any other thing of
kabataan elected by their respective value is to be transferred, directly or
chapters, as provided in this Code, shall indirectly, out of the resources of the
serve as ex officio members of the local government unit to such person
sangguniang panlalawigan, sangguniang or firm;
panlungsod, and sangguniang bayan. (An



2. Hold such interests in any cockpit or agency, or instrumentality of the

other games licensed by a local government is the adverse party;
government unit; 2. Appear as counsel in any criminal
3. Purchase any real estate or other case wherein an officer or employee
property forfeited in favor of such local of the national or local government is
government unit for unpaid taxes or accused of an offense committed in
assessment, or by virtue of a legal relation to his office
process at the instance of the said 3. Collect any fee for their appearance
local government unit; in administrative proceedings
4. Be a surety for any person contracting involving the local government unit of
or doing business with the local which he is an official; and
government unit for which a surety is 4. Use property and personnel of the
required; and government except when the
5. Possess or use any public property of sanggunian member concerned is
the local government unit for private defending the interest of the
purposes. government.

(b) All other prohibitions governing the (c) Doctors of medicine may practice their
conduct of national public officers relating to profession even during official hours of work
prohibited business and pecuniary interest so only on occasions of emergency: Provided,
provided for under Republic Act Numbered That the officials concerned do not derive
Sixty-seven thirteen (R.A. No. 6713) monetary compensation therefrom. (Sec. 90,
otherwise known as the "Code of Conduct Republic Act. 7160)
and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and
Employees" and other laws shall also be Petitioner violated Memorandum Circular No.
applicable to local government officials and 74-58 prohibiting a government official from
employees. (Sec. 89, Republic Act No. 7160) engaging in the private practice of his
profession if such practice would
Practice of Profession (Elective and represent interests adverse to the
Appointive) government (Javellana vs. Department of
Interior and Local Government, 212 SCRA
(a) All governors, city and municipal mayors 475, August 10, 1992)
are prohibited from practicing their
profession or engaging in any occupation Since it is the Sangguniang Bayan that has
other than the exercise of their functions as the authority to issue a license for the
local chief executives. establishment, operation, and maintenance
of cockpits, a mayor could not be found to
(b) Sanggunian members may practice their have intervened or taken part in his official
professions, engage in any occupation, or capacity in the issuance of a cockpit license
teach in schools except during session hours: because he is not a member of the
Provided, That sanggunian members who are Sangguniang Bayan, and if there is no finding
also members of the Bar shall not: that the mayor is guilty, a fortiori, there is no
legal basis to convict an alleged co-
1. Appear as counsel before any court in conspirator (Teves vs. Sandiganbayan, 447
any civil case wherein a local SCRA 309, December 17, 2004)
government unit or any office,



Prohibited Appointment (Elective and controlled corporations or their subsidiaries.

Appointive) (Sec. 94, Republic Act No. 7160)

RA 7160, Section 94. Appointment of Elective Prohibited Compensation (Elective and

and Appointive Local Officials; Candidates Appointive)
Who Lost in an Election. -
No elective or appointive local official or
(a) No elective or appointive local official shall employee shall receive additional, double, or
be eligible for appointment or designation in indirect compensation, unless specifically
any capacity to any public office or position authorized by law, nor accept without the
during his tenure. consent of Congress, any present,
emoluments, office, or title of any kind from
Unless otherwise allowed by law or by the any foreign government. Pensions or
primary functions of his position, no elective gratuities shall not be considered as
or appointive local official shall hold any other additional, double, or indirect compensation.
office or employment in the government or (Sec. 95, Republic Act. 7160)
any subdivision, agency or instrumentality
thereof, including government-owned or

Appointed Local Officials

(Municipalities, Cities, and Provinces)



become the governor or mayor. If a

3. Rules of Succession permanent vacancy occurs in the offices of
the governor, vice-governor, mayor, or
Permanent Vacancies vice-mayor, the highest ranking
Permanent Vacancies in the Offices of the sanggunian member or, in case of his
Governor, Vice-Governor, Mayor, and Vice- permanent inability, the second highest
Mayor. ranking sanggunian member, shall
become the governor, vice-governor,
1. If a permanent vacancy occurs in the mayor or vice-mayor, as the case may be.
office of the governor or mayor, the vice- Subsequent vacancies in the said office
governor or vice-mayor concerned shall shall be filled automatically by the other
sanggunian members according to their
ranking as defined herein.

2. If a permanent vacancy occurs in the

office of the punong barangay, the highest



ranking sanggunian barangay member or, Permanent Vacancies in the

in case of his permanent inability, the Sanggunian
second highest ranking sanggunian 1. Permanent vacancies in the sanggunian
member, shall become the punong where automatic succession provided
barangay. above do not apply shall be filled by
appointment in the following manner:
3. A tie between or among the highest
ranking sanggunian members shall be a. The President, through the
resolved by the drawing of lots. Executive Secretary, in the case of
the sangguniang panlalawigan and
4. The successors as defined herein shall the sangguniang panlungsod of
serve only the unexpired terms of their highly urbanized cities and
predecessors. independent component cities;

For purposes of this Chapter, a permanent b. The governor, in the case of the
vacancy arises when an elective local official sangguniang panlungsod of
fills a higher vacant office, refuses to assume component cities and the
office, fails to qualify, dies, is removed from sangguniang bayan;
office, voluntarily resigns, or is otherwise
permanently incapacitated to discharge the c. The city or municipal mayor, in the
functions of his office. case of sangguniang barangay,
upon recommendation of the
For purposes of succession as provided in the sangguniang barangay concerned.
Chapter, ranking in the sanggunian shall be
determined on the basis of the proportion of 2. Except for the sangguniang barangay,
votes obtained by each winning candidate to only the nominee of the political party
the total number of registered voters in each under which the sanggunian member
district in the immediately preceding local concerned had been elected and whose
election. (Sec. 44, Republic Act No. 7160) elevation to the position next higher in
rank created the last vacancy in the
Considering the permanent vacancy in the sanggunian shall be appointed in the
Office of the Mayor of Kinoguitan, Misamis manner hereinabove provided. The
Oriental occasioned by Noble’s appointee shall come from the same
disqua--li-fication, the proclaimed Vice Mayor political party as that of the sanggunian
shall then succeed as mayor (Pundaodaya vs. member who caused the vacancy and
Commission on Elections, 600 SCRA 178, shall serve the unexpired term of the
September 17, 2009) vacant office. In the appointment herein
mentioned, a nomination and a certificate
Where there is a permanent vacancy arising of membership of the appointee from the
from the failure of a mayor to qualify or highest official of the political party
arising from her removal from office, the concerned are conditions sine qua non,
Vice-Mayor shall succeed as mayor, not the and any appointment without such
second placer in the election (Limbona vs. nomination and certification shall be null
Commission on Elections, 555 SCRA 391, and void ab initio and shall be a ground
June 25, 2008) for administrative action against the
official responsible therefore.



3. In case or permanent vacancy is caused exceeding three (3) consecutive days, he

by a sanggunian member who does not may designate in writing the officer-in-charge
belong to any political party, the local chief of the said office. Such authorization shall
executive shall, upon recommendation of specify the powers and functions that the
the sanggunian concerned, appoint a local official concerned shall exercise in the
qualified person to fill the vacancy. absence of the local chief executive except
the power to appoint, suspend, or dismiss
4. In case of vacancy in the representation of employees.
the youth and the barangay in the
sanggunian, said vacancy shall be filled (d) In the event, however, that the local chief
automatically by the official next in rank of executive concerned fails or refuses to issue
the organization concerned. (Sec. 45, such authorization, the vice-governor, the
Republic Act 7160) city or municipal vice-mayor, or the highest
ranking sangguniang barangay member, as
Temporary Vacancy in the Office of the the case may be, shall have the right to
Local Chief Executive assume the powers, duties, and functions of
the said office on the fourth (4th) day of
(a) When the governor, city or municipal absence of the said local chief executive,
mayor, or punong barangay is temporarily subject to the limitations provided in
incapacitated to perform his duties for subsection (c) hereof.
physical or legal reasons such as, but not
limited to, leave of absence, travel abroad, (e) Except as provided above, the local chief
and suspension from office, the vice- executive shall in no case authorize any local
governor, city or municipal vice-mayor, or the official to assume the powers, duties, and
highest ranking sangguniang barangay functions of the office, other than the vice-
member shall automatically exercise the governor, the city or municipal vice-mayor, or
powers and perform the duties and functions the highest ranking sangguniang barangay
of the local chief executive concerned, except member, as the case may be. (Sec. 46,
the power to appoint, suspend, or dismiss Republic Act No. 7160)
employees which can only be exercised if the
period of temporary incapacity exceeds thirty The mode of succession provided for
(30) working days. permanent vacancies, under Sec. 49 in
connection with Sec. 52 of the Local
(b) Said temporary incapacity shall terminate Government Code, in the Office of Vice-
upon submission to the appropriate Governor, may likewise be observed in case
sanggunian of a written declaration by the of a temporary vacancy occurring in the same
local chief executive concerned that he has office (Menzon vs. Petilla, 197 SCRA 251, May
reported back to office. In cases where the 20, 1991)
temporary incapacity is due to legal causes,
the local chief executive concerned shall also Under Section 46 of the Local Government
submit necessary documents showing that Code, the vice-mayor automatically assumes
said legal causes no longer exist. the powers and duties of the mayor in case
of the latter’s temporary absence (Velasco vs.
(c) When the incumbent local chief executive Sandiganbayan (Fifth Division), 691 SCRA
is traveling within the country but outside his 293, February 20, 2013)
territorial jurisdiction for a period not



A Vice Governor who is concurrently an immediately following the ratification of the

Acting Governor is actually a quasi-Governor. 1987 Constitution shall serve until noon of
This means, that for purposes of exercising June 30, 1992.
his legislative prerogatives and powers, he is
deemed as a non-member of the SP for the (b) No local elective official shall serve for
time being. (Gamboa vs. Aguirre, G.R. No. more than three (3) consecutive terms in the
134213, July 20, 1999) same position. Voluntary renunciation of the
office for any length of time shall not be
The concept of holdover when applied to a considered as an interruption in the
public officer implies that the office has a continuity of service for the full term for
fixed term and the incumbent is holding onto which the elective official concerned was
the succeeding term. It is usually provided by elected.
law that officers elected or appointed for a
fixed term shall remain in office not only for (c) The term of barangay officials and
that term but until their successors have members of the sangguniang kabataan shall
been elected and qualified. Where this be for five (5) years, which shall begin after
provision is found, the office does not the regular election of barangay officials on
become vacant upon the expiration of the the second Monday of May 1997: Provided,
term if there is no successor elected and That the sangguniang kabataan members
qualified to assume it, but the present who were elected in the May 1996 elections
incumbent will carry over until his successor shall serve until the next regular election of
is elected and qualified, even though it be barangay officials. (Sec. 43, Republic Act No.
beyond the term fixed by law. Absent an 8524, effective February 14, 1998)
express or implied constitutional or statutory
provision to the contrary, an officer is entitled It is not enough that an individual has served
to stay in office until his successor is three consecutive terms in an elective local
appointed or chosen and has qualified. The office—he must also have been elected to the
legislative intent of not allowing holdover same position for the same number of times
must be clearly expressed or at least implied before the disqualification can apply (Borja,
in the legislative enactment, otherwise it is Jr. vs. Commission on Elections, 295 SCRA
reasonable to assume that the law-making 157, September 03, 1998)
body favors the same. (Lecaroz vs.
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 130872, March 25, Voluntary renunciation of a term does not
1999) cancel the renounced term in the
computation of the three term limit;
4. Term Limitations and Recall conversely, involuntary severance from office
for any length of time short of the full term
Term of Office provided by law amounts to an interruption
(a) The term of office of all elective officials of continuity of service (Lonzanida vs.
elected after the effectivity of this Code shall Commission on Elections, 311 SCRA 602, July
be three (3) years, starting from noon of June 28, 1999)
30, 1992 or such date as may be provided for
by law, except that of elective barangay After three consecutive terms, an elective
officials and members of the sangguniang local official cannot seek immediate
kabataan: Provided, That all local officials reelection for a fourth term; Any subsequent
first elected during the local elections election, like a recall election, is no longer



covered by the prohibition (Socrates vs. 6. Permanent residents in a foreign

Commission on Elections, 391 SCRA 457, country or those who have acquired
November 12, 2002) the right to reside abroad and
continue to avail of the same right
For the three-term limit for elective local after the effectivity of this Code; and
government officials to apply, two conditions 7. The insane or feeble-minded. (Sec.
or requisites must concur, to wit: (1) that the 40, Republic Act No. 6170)
official concerned has been elected for three
(3) consecutive terms in the same local Date of Election: Every 3 years on the 2nd
government post, and (2) that he has fully Monday of May, unless otherwise provided by
served three (3) consecutive terms (Ong vs. law.
Alegre, 479 SCRA 473, January 23, 2006)
Term of Office of Local Elective Officials
Whether as “caretaker” or “de facto” officer, (except Barangay Officials): 3 years, but not
respondent exercises the powers and enjoys more than 3 consecutive terms.
the prerequisites of the office which enables
him “to stay on indefinitely.” (Rivera III vs. Temporary inability or disqualification to
Commission on Elections, 523 SCRA 41, May exercise the functions of an elective post,
09, 2007) even if involuntary, should not be considered
an effective interruption of a term because it
Involuntary severance from office for any does not involve the loss of title to office or
length of time short of the full term provided at least an effective break from holding
by law amounts to an interruption of office—the office holder, while retaining title,
continuity of service (Bolos, Jr. vs. is simply barred from exercising the functions
Commission on Elections, 581 SCRA 786, of his office for a reason provided by law
March 17, 2009) (Aldovino, Jr. vs. Commission on Elections,
609 SCRA 234, December 23, 2009)
Disqualifications of Local Elective
Officials An interruption occurs when the term is
broken because the office holder lost the
The following persons are disqualified from right to hold on to his office, and cannot be
running for any elective local position: equated with the failure to render service.
1. Those sentenced by final judgment The latter occurs during an office holder’s
for an offense involving moral term when he retains title to the office but
turpitude or for an offense cannot exercise his functions for reasons
punishable by one (1) year or more established by law. Of course, the “failure to
of imprisonment, within two (2) years serve” cannot be used once the right to office
after serving sentence; is lost; without the right to hold office or to
2. Those removed from office as a result serve, then no service can be rendered so
of an administrative case; that none is really lost (Tallado vs.
3. Those convicted by final judgment for Commission on Elections, 919 SCRA 61,
violating the oath of allegiance to the September 10, 2019)
4. Those with dual citizenship; The conversion of a municipality into a city
5. Fugitives from justice in criminal or does not constitute an interruption of the
non-political cases here or abroad; incumbent official’s continuity of service; He



never ceased from discharging his duties and Socrates vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 154512,
responsibilities as chief executive of the same November 12, 2002)
local government unit (Abundo, Sr. vs.
Commission on Elections, 688 SCRA 149, c. The abolition of an elective local official
January 08, 2013) due to the conversion of municipality to a city
does not by itself, work to interrupt the
Three-Term Limit Rule: No local elective incumbent official’s continuity of service
official shall serve for more than three (3) (Latasa vs. COMELEC, G.R. NO. 154829,
consecutive terms in the same position. December 10, 2003)
Voluntary renunciation of the office for any
length of time shall not be considered as an d. Preventive Suspension is not a term
interruption in the continuity of service for interrupting event as the elective officer’s
the full term for which the elective official continued stay and entitlement to the office
concerned was elected” (Lonzanida vs. remain unaffected during the period of
COMELEC, G.R. No. 135150, July 28, 1999; suspension, although he is barred from
Sec. 43[b], Local Government Code) exercising the functions of his office during
this period. (Aldovino Jr. vs. COMELEC, G.R.
Requisites for the Disqualification of No. 184836, December 23, 2009)
the Three- Term Limit Rule:
a. That the official concerned has been e. When a candidate is proclaimed winner for
elected for three consecutive terms in the an elective position and assumes office, his
same local government post. term is interrupted when she loses in an
election protest and is ousted from office,
b. That he has fully served three consecutive thus, disenabling him from serving what
terms. (Halili vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. 231643, would be the unexpired portion of his term of
January 15, 2019) office had the protest been dismissed.

Issues affecting consecutiveness of f. When an official is defeated in an election

terms and/or involuntary interruption protest and said decision becomes final after
said official had served the full term for said
a. If the official runs again for the same office, then his loss in the election contest
position he held prior to his assumption of the does not constitute an interruption since he
higher office, then his succession to said has managed to serve the term from the start
position is by operation of law and is to finish. His full service, despite the defeat,
considered an involuntary severance or should be counted in the application of term
interruption. (Montebon vs. COMELEC, G.R. limits because the nullification of his
No. 180444, April 8, 2008) proclamation came after the expiration of the
term. (Ong vs. Alegre, G.R. No. 163295,
b. An elective official, who has served for January 23, 2006; Rivera vs. COMELEC, G.R.
three consecutive terms and who did not No. 167591, May 9, 2007)
seek elective position for what could be his
fourth term, but later won in a recall election, Recall
had an interruption in the continuity of the Recall is a mechanism embodied in the
official’s service (Adormeo vs. COMELEC, Constitution for the creation of responsive
G.R. No. 147927, February 4, 2002 and and accountable local government structure.
It is a process of removing any elective



provincial, city, municipal, or barangay elected by district, all elective barangay

official by the registered voters of the local officials in the district; and
government unit concerned for loss of 4. Municipal level. - All punong barangay
confidence and sangguniang barangay members in
the municipality.
By Whom Exercised
The power of recall for loss of confidence (c) A majority of all the preparatory recall
shall be exercised by the registered voters of assembly members may convene in session
a local government unit to which the local in a public place and initiate a recall
elective official subject to such recall belongs proceedings against any elective official in
(Section 69, Republic Act No. 7160) the local government unit concerned. Recall
of provincial, city, or municipal officials shall
Ground for Recall: Loss of confidence. be validly initiated through a resolution
adopted by a majority of all the members of
LOSS OF CONFIDENCE – the formal the preparatory recall assembly concerned
withdrawal by an electorate of their trust in a during its session called for the purpose.
person’s ability to discharge his office
previously bestowed on him by the same (d) Recall of any elective provincial, city,
electorate. (Evardone vs. COMELEC, G.R. No. municipal, or barangay official may also be
94010, December 2, 1991) validly initiated upon petition of at least
twenty-five percent (25%) of the total
Initiation of the Recall Process number of registered voters in the local
government unit concerned during the
(a) Recall may be initiated by a preparatory election in which the local official sought to
recall assembly or by the registered voters of be recalled was elected.
the local government unit to which the local
elective official subject to such recall belongs. 1. A written petition for recall duly signed
before the election registrar or his
(b) There shall be a preparatory recall representative, and in the presence of
assembly in every province, city, district, and a representative of the petitioner and a
municipality which shall be composed of the representative of the official sought to
following: be recalled and, and in a public place in
the province, city, municipality, or
1. Provincial level. - All mayors, vice- barangay, as the case may be, shall be
mayors, and sanggunian members of filed with the COMELEC through its
the municipalities and component office in the local government unit
cities; concerned. The COMELEC or its duly
2. City level. - All punong barangay and authorized representative shall cause
sanggunian barangay members in the the publication of the petition in a
city; public and conspicuous place for a
3. Legislative District level. - In case period of not less than ten (10) days
where sangguniang panlalawigan nor more than twenty (20) days, for the
members are elected by district, all purpose of verifying the authenticity
elective municipal officials in the and genuineness of the petition and the
district; and in cases where required percentage of voters.
sangguniang panlungsod members are



2. Upon the lapse of the aforesaid period, 1. Any elective local official may be the
the COMELEC or its duly authorized subject of a recall election only once
representative shall announce the during his term of office for loss of
acceptance of candidates to the confidence.
position and thereafter prepare the list 2. No recall shall take place within one (1)
of candidates which shall include the year from the date of the official's
name of the official sought to be assumption to office or one (1) year
recalled (Section 70, Republic Act No. immediately preceding a regular local
7160) election. (Sec. 74, Republic Act No. 7160)

Election on Recall. The petition to initiate recall proceedings

Upon the filing of a valid petition for recall must be of or by, at least 25% of the total
with the appropriate local office of the number of registered voters, i.e., the petition
Comelec, the Comelec or its duly authorized must be filed, not by one person only, but by
representative shall set the date of the at least 25% of the total number of
election or recall, which shall not be later registered voters (Angobung vs. Commission
than thirty (30) days upon the completion of on Elections, 269 SCRA 245, March 05, 1997)
the procedure outlined in the preceding
article, in the case of the barangay, city or If the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) elections
municipal officials, and forty-five (45) days in which is set by R.A. 7808 to be held every
the case of provincial officials. The officials three years from May 1996 were to be
sought to be recalled shall automatically be deemed within the purview of the phrase
considered as duly registered candidate or “regular local elections,” then no recall
candidates to the pertinent positions and, like election can be conducted rendering inutile
other candidates, shall be entitled to be voted the recall provision of the Local Government
upon. (Sec. 71, Republic Act No. 7160) Code (Paras vs. Commission on Elections,
264 SCRA 49, November 04, 1996)
Effectivity of Recall
The recall of an elective local official shall be “The only logical reason which we can ascribe
effective only upon the election and for requiring the electors to wait one year
proclamation of a successor in the person of before petitioning for a recall election is to
the candidate receiving the highest number prevent premature action on their part in
of votes cast during the election on recall. voting to remove a newly elected official
Should the official sought to be recalled before having had sufficient time to evaluate
receive the highest number of votes, the soundness of his policies and decisions”
confidence in him is thereby affirmed, and he (Claudio vs. Commission on Elections, 331
shall continue in office. (Sec. 72, Republic Act SCRA 388, May 04, 2000)
No. 7160)
A resolution for the recall of a vice mayor
Prohibition from Resignation. becomes moot and academic when said
The elective local official sought to be elective official has become mayor by legal
recalled shall not be allowed to resign while succession (Afiado vs. Commission on
the recall process is in progress. (Sec. 73, Elections, 340 SCRA 600, September 18,
Republic Act No. 7160) 2000)
Limitations on Recall NOTE: The winner of the recall election shall
serve only the unexpired term. This term



shall not be counted for the purposes of the Doctrine of Incorporation

3-term limit. (Adormeo vs. COMELEC, G.R.
No. 147927, February 4, 2002) The Constitution provides that the Philippines
adopts the generally accepted principles of
XII. PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW international law as part of the law of the
land and adheres to the policy of peace,
International law - is a body of rules and equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, and
principles of action which are binding upon amity with all nations. (Sec. 2, Art. II, 1987
civilized states in their relations to one Constitution)
another. States are the sole actors in this
definition and, in the past, public Under the doctrine of incorporation, rules of
international law dealt almost exclusively international law form part of the law of the
with regulating the relations between states land and no further legislative action is
in diplomatic matters and in the conduct of needed to make such rules applicable in the
war. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to Public domestic sphere (Secretary of Justice vs.
International Law, 2009 edition, p. 1) Lantion, 322 SCRA 160, January 18, 2000)

Public International Law - governs the Hence, even if the Bill of Rights under the
relationships between and among states and 1973 Constitution was not operative during
also their relations with international the interregnum, the protection accorded
organizations and individual persons. to individuals under the Covenant and
(Bernas, SJ., Introduction to Public the Declaration remained in effect
International Law, 2009 edition, p. 4) during the interregnum (Republic vs.
Sandiganbayan, 407 SCRA 10, July 21, 2003)
Municipal Law vs International Law
Doctrine of Transformation
No treaty or international agreement shall be
valid and effective unless concurred in by at
least two-thirds of all the Members of the
Senate. (Sec. 21, Art VII, 1987 Constitution)

This is based on a strict dualist approach.

Since the two systems are distinct and
operate separately, for international law
to become part of domestic law it must
be expressly and specifically
transformed into domestic law through
the appropriate constitutional
machinery such as an act of Congress or
Parliament. This doctrine flows by analogy
A. Doctrine of Incorporation and from what is applicable to treaties. Treaties
Transformation do not become part of the law of a state
unless it is consented to by the state.
(Bernas, SJ., Introduction to Public
International Law, 2009 edition, p. 60)



The Senate Act, after deliberation and voting, The Court, whose function is to decide in
of voluntarily and overwhelmingly giving its accordance with international law such
consent to the WTO Agreement thereby disputes as are submitted to it, shall apply:
making it “a part of the law of the land,” is a a. international conventions, whether
legitimate exercise of its sovereign duty and general or particular, establishing
power. (Tañada vs. Angara, 272 SCRA 18, rules expressly recognized by the
May 02, 1997) contesting states;
b. international custom, as evidence of a
While the International Code of Marketing of general practice accepted as law;
Breastmilk Substitutes (ICMBS) and World c. the general principles of law
Health Assembly (WHA) Resolutions are not recognized by civilized nations;
treaties as they have not been concurred in d. subject to the provisions of Article 59,
by at least two-thirds of all members of the judicial decisions and the teachings of
Senate, the International Code of Marketing the most highly qualified publicists of
of Breastmilk Substitutes (ICMBS) which was the various nations, as subsidiary
adopted by the World Health Assembly means for the determination of rules
(WHA) in 1981 had been transformed into of law.
domestic law through local legislation, the
Milk Code. (Pharmaceutical and Health Care This provision shall not prejudice the power
Association of the Philippines vs. Duque III, of the Court to decide a case ex aequo et
535 SCRA 265, October 09, 2007) bono, if the parties agree thereto. (Art. 38,
Statute of the International Court
The enactment of RA 10368 is, in truth, in of Justice)
fulfillment of the country’s duty under Article
2(2) of the ICCPR to “take the necessary 1. TREATIES
steps, in accordance with its constitutional
processes and with the provisions of the TREATY - is an international agreement
present Covenant, to adopt such laws or concluded between States in written form
other measures as may be necessary to give and governed by international law, whether
effect to the rights recognized in the present embodied in a single instrument or in two or
Covenant. (Ocampo vs. Enriquez, 807 SCRA more related instruments and whatever its
223, November 08, 2016) particular designation. (Article 2 [1][a],
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,
There must be an act more than ratification 1969)
to make a treaty applicable in our jurisdiction.
(Wilson vs. Ermita, 813 SCRA 103, December Treaties are generally binding only on the
07, 2016) parties, the number of the contracting parties
and the generality of the acceptance of the
B. Sources of Obligations in rules created by the treaty can have the
International Law effect of creating a universal law in much the
1. Treaties same way that general practice suffices to
2. International Customs create customary law. (Bernas, SJ.,
3. Generally accepted principles of law Introduction to Public International Law,
4. Judicial decisions and the teachings of 2009 edition, pp. 15-16)
the most highly qualified publicists



REQUISITES OF A TREATY entering a treaty and operates to exclude or

1. Must be concluded between States modify the legal effect of certain provision/s
2. In written form of the treaty in their application to the
3. Governed by International Law reserving state. (Art 19, Vienna Convention
4. Must be embodied in a single on Law of Treaties)
instrument or in two or more related
instruments EXCEPTIONS: A reservation shall not
operate to modify or exclude the provisions
1. Where the treaty expressly prohibits
Treaty obligation is based on consent. No reservations in general;
state may be bound by a treaty obligation 2. Where the treaty expressly prohibits
unless it has so consented. (Art. 34, Vienna that specific reservation being made;
Convention on the Law of Treaties) or
3. Where the reservation is
JUS COGENS (PEREMPTORY NORMS OF incompatible with the object and
INTERNATIONAL LAW) purpose of the treaty.

These are norms accepted and recognized by WITHDRAWAL

the international community of States as a Withdrawal of reservations and of objections
whole as norms from which no to reservations:
derogation is permitted and which can be 1. Unless the treaty otherwise provides, a
modified only by a subsequent norm of reservation may be withdrawn at any
general international law having the same time and the consent of a State which has
character. (Ocampo vs. Abando, GR. No. accepted the reservation is not required
176830, February 11, 2014) for its withdrawal.
2. Unless the treaty otherwise provides, an
It means “compelling law” and is also called objection to a reservation may be
the peremptory norm. withdrawn at any time.
3. Unless the treaty otherwise provides, or
ELEMENTS OF JUS COGENS (ADS) it is otherwise agreed:
1. A norm Accepted and recognized by a. the withdrawal of a reservation
the international community of states becomes operative in relation to
as a whole. another contracting State only when
2. No Derogation is permitted. notice of it has been received by that
3. It can only be modified by a State;
Subsequent norm having the same b. the withdrawal of an objection to a
character. (Art. 53, Vienna reservation becomes operative only
Convention on the Law of Treaties) when notice of it has been received
by the State which formulated the
RESERVATIONS, WITHDRAWAL, reservation. (Art. 22, Vienna
TERMINATION, AND REBUS SIC Convention on Law of Treaties)
GENERAL RULE: A reservation is a A treaty may be terminated or suspended
unilateral statement made by a state upon according to the terms of the treaty or with



the consent of the parties. A treaty with a STATE PRACTICE (OBJECTIVE

definite period may also expire. It may also ELEMENT)
end when the purpose for the treaty has A consistent and uniform external conduct of
already been achieved. But a mere change of States. Generally, both what states say and
government or severance of diplomatic what they do are considered state practice.
relations does not terminate or suspend a
treaty. The practice must be consistent and general.
However, consistency requires substantial
Three other important modes of terminating uniformity and not necessarily complete
a treaty are: uniformity in practice (ICJ, Asylum Case,
1. material breach; 1950 edition).
2. impossibility of performance and;
3. change of fundamental conditions OPINIO JURIS (SUBJECTIVE ELEMENT)
(rebus sic stantibus). A belief that this practice is rendered
obligatory by the existence of a rule of law
REBUS SIC STANTIBUS requiring it. (ICJ, North Sea Continental Shelf
Cases, 1969 edition)
A fundamental change of circumstances
which has occurred with regard to those State practice must be accompanied with the
existing at the time of the conclusion of a conviction that the State is legally obligated
treaty, and which was not foreseen by the to do so by international law, and not through
parties. (Art. 62, Vienna Convention on the mere courtesy or comity, or because of
Law on Treaties) humanitarian considerations. (Nicaragua vs.
United States, ICJ Reports, 1986)
No particular length of time is required for the
Custom or customary international law formation of customary norms so long as the
means “a general and consistent existence of the two elements of custom are
practice of states followed by them manifest. (ICJ, North Sea Continental Shelf
from a sense of legal obligation.” This Cases, 1969 edition)
statement contains the two basic elements of
custom: the material factor, that is, how NOTE: Customary norms are legally binding
states behave, and the psychological or upon states regardless of whether they
subjective factor, that is, why they behave consent, subject to the Persistent Objector
the way they do. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction rule.
to Public International Law, 2009 edition, p.
As stated above, customary international law
It is necessary that the custom be: is binding upon a nation. A nation-state may,
1. Prevailing practice by a number of however, avoid being bound by a rule of
states (Use); customary international law if it has been a
2. Repeated over a considerable period "persistent objector" to the norm or rule.
of time (Duration or Diuturnitas); and Objection to the norm must be "consistent"
3. Attended by opinion juris or a sense and, irrespective of disagreement. (Nachura
of legal obligation. (Aust, Handbook & Gatdula, Outline Introduction to Public
on International Law, 2010) International Law, 2017 p.15)



OBLIGATIONS ERGA OMNES to Public International Law, 2009 edition, p.

Obligations erga omnes are “obligations of a 18)
State towards the international community as
a whole,” which are the “concern of all 4. JUDICIAL DECISIONS AND
States” and for whose protection all States TEACHINGS OF THE MOST HIGHLY
have a “legal interest.” (ICJ, Barcelona QUALIFIED PUBLICISTS OF THE
Traction Case, 1970 edition) VARIOUS NATIONS

“Obligation Erga Omnes” exists because of Article 38 of the Statute directs the Court to
the universal and undeniable interest in the apply judicial decisions as subsidiary means
perpetuation of important and critical rights. for the determination of the rules of law. But
In the Barcelona Traction case, the this is made subject to Article 59 which says
International Court of Justice (ICJ) stated: that “the decisions of the court have no
“An essential distinction should be drawn binding force except between the parties and
between the obligations of a State towards in respect of that particular case.” Hence,
the international community as a whole, and such decisions do not constitute stare decisis.
those arising vis-à-vis another State in the However, the decisions of the ICJ are not
field of diplomatic protection. only regarded as highly persuasive in
international law circles; they have also
By their very nature the former are the contributed to the formulation of principles
concern of all States. In view of the that have become international law. (Bernas,
importance of the rights involved, all States SJ., Introduction to Public International Law,
can be held to have a legal interest in their 2009 edition, p. 19)
protection; they are obligations erga omnes”.
(Vinuya, et al. vs. Executive Secretary et al., PUBLICISTS are institutions which write on
GR No. 162230, April 28, 2010) international law. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction
to Public International Law, 2009 edition, p.

General principles of law recognized by In many cases of first impression, the only
civilized nations and it is recognized by or authorities that can be cited are writers. The
common to the world’s major legal systems. extent to which they are referred to depends
(Bernas, SJ., Introduction to Public on the tradition of the court or of individual
International Law, 2009 edition, pp. 17-18) judges. In common law jurisdictions, there is
reluctance to use them, more so in the US
This has reference not to principles of than in Britain. In civil law jurisdictions, there
international law but to principles of is more ready reference to writers. The ICJ is
municipal law common to the legal systems generally reluctant to refer to writers but they
of the world. They may, in a sense, be said are often taken into consideration. It should
to belong to no particular system of law but be noted, however, that these institutions are
are evidence rather of the fundamental unity generally government sponsored; hence,
of law. Most of these principles, however, they bear within themselves a potential for
have either become part of customary law or national bias. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to
have been incorporated into conventional Public International Law, 2009 edition, p. 19)
international law. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction



C. Subjects of International Law government is acknowledged. (Hofileña, Jr.

International Law, 2016 edition, p. 79)
are entities endowed with rights and Note: Recognition of a State does not
obligations in the international order and automatically entail the recognition of the
possessing the capacity to take certain kinds government of that State. (Hofileña, Jr.
of action on the international plane. In other International Law, 2016 edition, p. 80)
words, they are those who have international
personality. They are actors in the TWO THEORIES ON THE NATURE OF
international legal system and are distinct RECOGNITION:
from objects of international law. Objects of
international law are those who indirectly 1. Declaratory Theory - recognition is
have rights under or are beneficiaries of merely “declaratory” of the existence of
international law through subjects of the state and that its being a state
international law. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction depends upon its possession of the
to Public International Law, 2009 edition, p. required elements and not upon
71) recognition. A recognizing state merely
accepts an already existing situation. The
STATES weight of authority favors the
“declaratory view.”
1. People or Population 2. Constitutive Theory - recognition
2. Territory “constitutes” a state, that is, it is what
3. Government makes a state a state and confers legal
4. Sovereignty or Independence personality on the entity. In effect, this
5. Recognition by other states (as merely emphasizes the point that states
suggested by other writers – Isagani are under no obligation to enter into
Cruz, International Law, 2003 edition) bilateral relations. But then states may
6. Possession of a sufficient degree of decide to recognize an entity as a state
civilization (as suggested by other writers even if it does not have all the elements
–Isagani Cruz, International Law, 2003 of a state found in the Montevideo
edition) Convention. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to
Public International Law, 2009 edition,
RECOGNITION - means the acceptance of pp. 74-75)
the personality of another State with all the
rights and duties determined by international Recognition need not be done by States
law. (Hofileña, Jr. International Law, 2016 individually. Collective recognition or
edition, p. 79) nonrecognition may be made through the
action of intergovernmental organizations.
RECOGNITION OF STATES - is a Thus, Liechtenstein was initially unable to
diplomatic act by which one State recognizes join the League of Nations because it was not
another State or government with the deemed to be a State (at that time, its
corresponding rights and duties that such external relations were governed by other
recognition entails. It is a political act by states), and the United Nations refused to
which the existence of a new State or recognized the “states” like Ciskei that
declared independence from South Africa



(Roque, Primer on Public International Law, 2. It must show willingness and ability
Bar Review Notes, 2014 edition). to discharge its international
obligations; and
KINDS OF RECOGNITION OF STATE 3. The government must enjoy the
popular consent or approval of the
a. DE FACTO GOVERNMENT - extended people.
by the recognizing state which believes
that some of the requirements for LIMITATIONS ON RECOGNITION
recognition are absent. The recognition is
generally provisional and limited to 1. TOBAR or WILSON DOCTRINE –
certain juridical relations; it does not imposes a theoretical limitation,
bring about full diplomatic intercourse oftentimes ignored, to the right of a State
and does not give title to assets of the to recognize another State. Carlos Tobas,
state held/situated abroad. (Nachura, former foreign minister of Ecuador, gave
Outline Reviewer in Political Law, 2009) the doctrine its name. He sought to deny
recognition to Latin American
b. DE JURE GOVERNMENT - extended to governments which had come to power
a government fulfilling the requirements through unconstitutional means until free
for recognition. When there is no specific elections are held, and the winner
indication, recognition is generally assumed the reign of government as the
considered as de jure. The recognition is constitutionally legitimate authority.
relatively permanent; brings about full (Hofileña, Jr. International Law, 2016
diplomatic intercourse and observance of edition, p. 83)
diplomatic immunities; and confers title
to assets abroad (Lawyers League for a 2. STIMSON DOCTRINE – this is named
Better Philippines vs. Aquino, G.R. No. after U.S. Secretary of state Henry L.
73748, May 22, 1986). Stimson. It decrees that governments
established as a result of external
RECOGNITION OF A GOVERNMENT is a aggression should not be recognized.
political decision and an acknowledgement This was adopted by the League of
that a regime in another State meets the Nations and the Draft Declarations on
criteria of effective government. Recognition Rights and Duties of States of the
of a government carries with it the International Law Commission of the
commitment to treat the aforesaid political U.N. (Hofileña, Jr. International Law,
regime as the legitimate political authority of 2016 edition, p. 83)
the State. When a government is recognized,
its statehood is automatically recognized. 3. ESTRADA DOCTRINE – this was
(Hofileña, Jr. International Law, 2016 edition, named after Mexican Foreign Minister
p. 80) Genaro Estrada. The doctrine adheres to
the policy of non-intervention between
REQUIREMENTS FOR RECOGNITION OF States. According to the doctrine, a State
GOVERNMENT should open diplomatic relations with a
1. The government is stable and newly created government without
effective, with no substantial issuing a pronouncement recognizing
resistance to its authority; such government, since the manner in
which a new government comes to power



is wholly a matter of national concern. Effects of Recognition

According to the Estrada Doctrine, a Recognition allows a new State to conclude
State should not try to influence the treaties with other States and to set-up the
outcome of an internal power struggle by defense of State immunity in the courts of the
granting or withholding recognition. recognizing State. (Hofileña, Jr. International
(Hofileña, Jr. International Law, 2016 Law, 2016 edition, p. 86)
edition, p. 84)
Effects of Non-Recognition
Since recognition has been construed as An unrecognized State or government cannot
approval (and nonrecognition, sue or be sued in the courts of a State which
disapproval) of a government established does not recognize it. All its executive and
through a political upheaval, a state may judicial acts are considered invalid by the
not issue a declaration giving recognition State that refuses to grant recognition.
to such government, but merely accept Consequently, national courts of the State
whatever government is in effective cannot take judicial notice of the laws of the
control without raising the issue of state that it has not recognized.
recognition. Dealing or not dealing with
the government is not a judgment on the The State which refuses to recognize another
legitimacy of the said government. State may not treat the official acts of the
(Nachura, Outline Reviewer in Political unrecognized State as valid. Consequently,
Law, 2009) international comity may be disregarded.
Diplomatic and commercial relations may not
RECOGNITION DE JURE vs be established or may be refused. (Hofileña,
RECOGNITION DE FACTO Jr. International Law, 2016 edition, p. 86)

Fundamental Rights of States

1. Independence - is the capacity of a
state to provide for its own well-being
and development free from the
domination of other states, providing it
does not impair or violate their legitimate
1. Full diplomatic relations are 2. Equality - it means equality of legal
established except where the rights irrespective of the size or power of
government recognized is de facto. the state. Within the General Assembly,
the doctrine means one state, one vote;
2. Right to sue in the courts of the
recognizing state. 3. Peaceful co-existence - it includes
mutual respect for each other’s territorial
NOTE: Mere breach of diplomatic relations integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-
does not have the effect of withdrawing the aggression, non interference in each
right to sue as held by the US Supreme court. other’s affairs and the principle of
(Banco Nacional de Cuba vs. Sabbatino, 376 equality. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to
U.S. 398., March 23, 1964) Public International Law, 2009 edition, p.



INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION - is The Purposes of the United Nations are:

an organization that is set up by treaty 1. To maintain international peace and
among two or more states. It is different from security, and to that end: to take effective
non-governmental organizations (NGO) collective measures for the prevention and
which are set up by private persons. The removal of threats to the peace, and for the
constituent document of international suppression of acts of aggression or other
organizations therefore is a treaty. For this breaches of the peace, and to bring about by
reason, only states are members of peaceful means, and in conformity with the
international organizations. (Bernas, SJ., principles of justice and international law,
Introduction to Public International Law, adjustment or settlement of international
2009 edition, p. 87) disputes or situations which might lead to a
breach of the peace;
BODIES – are certain administrative bodies 2. To develop friendly relations among
created by agreement among states which nations based on respect for the principle of
may be vested with international personality equal rights and self-determination of
when two conditions concur. First, their peoples, and to take other appropriate
purposes are mainly non-political, and measures to strengthen universal peace;
second, they are autonomous and not
subject to the control of any state e.g. 3. To achieve international co-operation in
International Labor Organization, Food and solving international problems of an
Agriculture Organization and World Health economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian
Organization. (Southeast Asia Fisheries character, and in promoting and encouraging
Development Center vs. Acosta, G.R. Nos. respect for human rights and for fundamental
97468-70, September 2, 1993) freedoms for all without distinction as to race,
sex, language, or religion; and
UNITED NATIONS (UN) - is a universal
organization charged with peacekeeping 4. To be a center for harmonizing the actions
responsibilities, the development of friendly of nations in the attainment of these common
relations among nations, the achievement of ends. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to Public
international cooperation in solving International Law, 2009 edition, pp. 93-94)
international problems of an economic,
social, cultural and humanitarian character, NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENTS -
and the promotion of human rights and are organized groups fighting in behalf of a
fundamental freedoms for all human beings whole people for freedom from colonial
without discrimination. Article 1 of the powers. According to the First Protocol of the
Charter says that the UN can include “all 1977 Geneva Convention, they are “peoples
other peace-loving states which accept the fighting against colonial domination and alien
obligations contained in the present Charter occupation and against racist regimes in the
and, in the judgment of the Organization, are exercise of their right of self-determination,
able and will to carry out these obligations.” as enshrined in the Charter of the United
As new independent nations arise, the Nations.” They first arose in Africa and then
number of members continue to grow. in Asia. Many of these movements succeeded
(Bernas, SJ., Introduction to Public in their struggle and acquired statehood.
International Law, 2009 edition, p. 93) Thus, liberation movements are now on the



wane. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to Public DIPLOMATIC AGENTS

International Law, 2009 edition, pp. 100) The head of the mission or a member of the
diplomatic staff of the mission. (Art. 1[e],
D. Diplomatic and Consular Law Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations)
(Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
Relations; Vienna Convention on The person of a diplomatic agent shall be
Consular Relations) inviolable. He shall not be liable to any form
of arrest or detention. The receiving State
DIPLOMATIC LAW shall treat him with due respect, and shall
take all appropriate steps to prevent any
VIENNA CONVENTION ON DIPLOMATIC attack on his person, freedom, or dignity (Art.
RELATIONS 29, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
It is a codification of the rules of international
law on diplomatic intercourse, privileges, and Diplomatic agents are vested with blanket
immunities. The Philippines signed it on diplomatic immunity from civil and criminal
October 20, 1961 and ratified it on November suits (Minucher v. Scalzo, GR No. 142396,
15, 1965. February 11, 2003).

This has become a universal treaty with 190 AIDE MEMOIRE

State Parties as of 2014. (Planck, Written summary of the key points made by
Encyclopedia of Public International Law, a diplomat in an official conversation.
2011) Literally, a document left to the conversation,
either at the time of the conversation, either
RIGHT OF DIPLOMATIC INTERCOURSE at the time of the conversation or
subsequently, as an aid to memory
The right of a State to send and receive (Sarmiento, Public International Law, 2016
diplomatic missions, enabling the State to edition).
carry on friendly relations. It is neither a
natural or inherent right, but exists only by DIPLOMATIC CORPS
common consent. The refusal of a State to A body consisting of all diplomatic envoys
send or receive diplomatic representatives accredited to the same local or receiving
does not give rise to legal liability. (Nachura, state. The doyen du corps or the head of this
Public International Law, 2017 edition) body is:
1. The Papal Nuncio, if there is one;
DIPLOMATS 2. The oldest ambassador; or
A class of persons including the ambassadors 3. In the absence of the aforementioned,
sent by their foreign government to a foreign the oldest minister plenipotentiary.
state for the purpose of being general (Nachura, Public International Law, 2017
representatives or to undertake special edition)
negotiations. (Fox, Dictionary of
International Law and Comparative Law, APPOINTMENT OF

In the Philippines, it is the President who

appoints, sends, and instructs the diplomatic



and consular representatives. This FUNCTIONS OF DIPLOMATS MISSIONS

prerogative is unquestionable. (De Perio (FRION)
Santos v. Macaraig, G.R. No. 94070, April 10, 1. Promote Friendly relations between the
1992) sending State and the receiving State,
and the development of their economic,
DOCUMENTS CARRIED BY DIPLOMATIC cultural, and scientific relations;
REPRESENTATIVES 2. Represent his country in the receiving
1. Letter of credence – a letter given to an State;
ambassador by his Chief od State and 3. Protect the Interests of the nationals of
addressed to the Chief of State of the his country within the limits allowed by
receiving State requesting the latter to international law;
give full credence to what the 4. Observe and report to his country the
ambassador will say on behalf of the developments in the receiving State; and
government; 5. Negotiate with the government of the
2. Diplomatic passport authorizing the receiving State. (Art. 3[1], Vienna
envoy’s travel; Convention on Diplomatic Relations)
3. Instructions which may include
documents of full powers (pliens Persona Non Grata
pouviors) authorizing him to negotiate on The “receiving State may at any time, and
extraordinary or special business; and without having to explain its decision, notify
4. Ciphers for secret communications with the sending State that the head of the
his State. (Cruz, International Law, 2020 mission or any member of the diplomatic
edition) staff of the mission is persona non grata or
that any other member of the staff of the
MEMBERS OF DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS mission is not acceptable. In any such case,
the sending State shall, as appropriate, either
Head of the mission (ACE): recall the person concerned or terminate his
1. Ambassadors or nuncios accredited to functions with the mission. A person may be
Head of State and other heads of mission declared non grata or not acceptable before
of equivalent rank; arriving in the territory of the receiving
2. Charge d’affaires accredited to Ministers State.” (Art. 9, Vienna Convention on
of Foreign Affairs; and Diplomatic Relations)
3. Envoys, ministers, and internuncios
accredited to the heads of States. (Art. PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES
14[1], Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
Relations) Diplomatic Agents

Staff of the mission (SAD): The person of a diplomatic agent shall be

1. Service staff; inviolable. He shall not be liable to any form
2. Administrative and technical staff; and of arrest or detention. The receiving State
3. Diplomatic staff with diplomatic rank. shall treat him with due respect and shall
(Art. 1[c], Vienna Convention on take all appropriate steps to prevent any
Diplomatic Relations) attack on his person, freedom or dignity. (Art.
29, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic



A diplomatic agent shall enjoy and follow the enjoying immunity under article 37 may
following: be waived by the sending State;
1. Immunity from Criminal, civil and 2.) Waiver must always be express;
administrative jurisdiction of the
receiving State; 3.) The initiation of proceedings by a
diplomatic agent or by a person enjoying
EXCEPTIONS: immunity from jurisdiction under article
a. A real action relating to private 37 shall preclude him from invoking
immovable property situated in the immunity from jurisdiction in respect of
territory of the receiving State, unless any counterclaim directly connected with
he holds it on behalf of the sending the principal claim;
State for the purposes of the mission;
4.) Waiver of immunity from jurisdiction in
b. An action relating to succession in respect of civil or administrative
which the diplomatic agent is involved proceedings shall not be held to imply
as executor, administrator, heir or waiver of immunity in respect of the
legatee as a private person and not on execution of the judgement, for which a
behalf of the sending State; separate waiver shall be necessary. (Art.
32, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
c. An action relating to any professional Relations)
or commercial activity exercised by
the diplomatic agent in the receiving Note: A diplomatic agent shall with respect to
State outside his official functions. services rendered for the sending State be
exempt from social security provisions which
2. Not obliged to give evidence as a witness; may be in force in the receiving State. (Art.
33[1], Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
3. No measures of execution may be taken in Relations)
respect of a diplomatic agent;
Exemption from All Dues and Taxes
EXCEPTION: A diplomatic agent shall be exempt from all
In the cases coming under subparagraphs dues and taxes, personal or real, national,
(a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 of this regional or municipal, except:
article, and provided that the measures
concerned can be taken without infringing a. Indirect taxes of a kind which are
the inviolability of his person or of his normally incorporated in the price of
residence. goods or services;

4. The immunity of a diplomatic agent from b. Dues and taxes on private immovable
the jurisdiction of the receiving State does property situated in the territory of the
not exempt him from the jurisdiction of the receiving State, unless he holds it on
sending State. (Art. 31, Vienna Convention behalf of the sending State for the
on Diplomatic Relations) purposes of the mission;

Rule on Waiver of Immunity c. Estate, succession or inheritance duties

1.) The immunity from jurisdiction of levied by the receiving State, subject to
diplomatic agents and of persons



the provisions of paragraph 4 of article in articles 29 to 36. (Art. 37[1], Vienna

39; Convention on Diplomatic Relations)

d. Dues and taxes on private income having Administrative and Technical Staff
its source in the receiving State and
capital taxes on investments made in Members of the administrative and technical
commercial undertakings in the receiving staff of the mission, together with members
State; of their families forming part of their
respective households, shall, if they are not
e. Charges levied for specific services nationals of or permanently resident in the
rendered; receiving State, enjoy the privileges and
immunities specified in articles 29 to 35,
f. Registration, court or record fees, except that the immunity from civil and
mortgage dues and stamp duty, with administrative jurisdiction of the receiving
respect to immovable property, subject State specified in paragraph 1 of article 31
to the provisions of article 23. (Art. 34, shall not extend to acts performed outside
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic the course of their duties. They shall also
Relations) enjoy the privileges specified in article 36,
paragraph 1, in respect of articles imported
Note: The receiving State shall exempt at the time of first installation. (Art. 37[2],
diplomatic agents from all personal services, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations)
from all public service of any kind
whatsoever, and from military obligations Service Staff
such as those connected with requisitioning,
military contributions and billeting. (Art. 35, Members of the service staff of the mission
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations) who are not nationals of or permanently
resident in the receiving State shall enjoy
The personal baggage of a diplomatic agent immunity in respect of acts performed in the
shall be exempt from inspection, unless there course of their duties, exemption from dues
are serious grounds for presuming that it and taxes on the emoluments they receive by
contains articles not covered by the reason of their employment and the
exemptions mentioned in paragraph 1 of this exemption contained in article 33. (Art.
article, or articles the import or export of 37(3), Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
which is prohibited by the law or controlled Relations)
by the quarantine regulations of the receiving
State. Such inspection shall be conducted Private Servants
only in the presence of the diplomatic agent
or of his authorized representative. (Art. If they are not nationals of or permanent
36[2], Vienna Convention on Diplomatic residents in the receiving State, they shall be
Relations) exempt from dues and taxes on the
emoluments they receive by reason of their
The members of the family of a diplomatic employment. In other respects, they may
agent forming part of his household shall, if enjoy privileges and immunities only to the
they are not nationals of the receiving State, extent admitted by the receiving State.
enjoy the privileges and immunities specified However, the receiving Stale must exercise
its jurisdiction over those persons in such a



manner as not to interfere unduly with the

performance of the functions of the mission. NOTE: The immunity of a diplomatic agent
(Art. 37[4], Vienna Convention on Diplomatic from the jurisdiction of the receiving State
Relations) will not exempt him from the jurisdiction of
the sending State. (Art. 31[4], Vienna
Other Persons Privileged Convention on Diplomatic Relations)
Other members of the staff of the mission
and private servants who are nationals of or WAIVER OF IMMUNITIES
permanently resident in the receiving State Diplomatic privileges may be waived but as a
shall enjoy privileges and immunities only to rule, the waiver cannot be made by the
the extent admitted by the receiving State. individual concerned since such immunities
However, the receiving State must exercise are not personal to him. Waiver may be made
its jurisdiction over those persons in such a only by the government of the sending State
manner as not to interfere unduly with the if it concerns the immunities of the head of
performance of the functions of the mission.. mission. In other cases, the waiver may be
(Art. 38[2], Vienna Convention on Diplomatic made either by the government or by the
Relations) chief of mission. Waiver of the privilege,
however does not include waiver of immunity
DIPLOMATIC INVIOLABILITY in respect of the execution of judgment, a
As an aspect of diplomatic privilege, it means separate waiver of the latter is necessary.
that the person of the diplomatic agent, (Nachura, Public International Law, 2017
his residence. and the diplomatic edition)
premises and property may not be the
subject of any kind of interference on TERMINATION OF DIPLOMATIC
the part of the receiving State which is RELATIONS (WaRR-DREAD)
legally bound to afford him special 1. War between the receiving and
protection. It is universally recognized as a sending States;
most fundamental rule of both customary 2. Resignation;
and conventional law and an essential 3. Removal;
prerequisite for the conduct of relations 4. Death;
between States. (Sarmiento, Public 5. Recall by the sending State;
International Law, 2016 edition) 6. Extinction of State;
7. Abolition of office; and
DURATION OF PRIVILEGES AND 8. Dismissal by the receiving State.
The privileges are enjoyed by the envoy from CONSULAR LAW
the moment he enters the territory of the
receiving State and shall cease only at the VIENNA CONVENTION ON CONSULAR
moment he leaves the country, or on expiry RELATIONS
of a reasonable time in which to do so; It is a codification of the existing practice and
although with respect to official acts, rules of customary international law on
immunity shall continue indefinitely. These consular relations. The Philippines signed it
privileges are available even in transit, when on April 24, 1963 and ratified it on November
traveling through a Third State on the way to 15, 1965. (Vienna Convention on Consular
or from the receiving State (Nachura, Public Relations, effective March 19, 1967)
International Law, 2017 edition).



CONSULAR OFFICERS category and class, the consular district and

Any person, including the head of a consular the seat of the consular post.
post, entrusted in that capacity with the
exercise of consular function. (Art. 1, Vienna The sending State shall transmit the
Convention on Consular Relations) commission or similar instrument through the
diplomatic or other appropriate channel to
HONORARY CONSUL the Government of the State in whose
Consular officers who are nationals of the territory the head of a consular post is to
receiving State. They do not have the status exercise his functions. (Art. 11, Vienna
of an official of the sending State and are, Convention on Consular Relations)
therefore, less worthy of protection. (Planck,
Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Exequatur – the authorization issued by the
2011 edition) receiving State admitting the head of a
consular post to the exercise of his functions.
KINDS OF CONSUL (Art. 12[1], Vienna Convention on Consular
CONSULES MISSI – professional and career Relations)
consuls, and nationals of the sending State;

CONSULES ELECTI – selected by the sending The office established by one State in an
State from its own citizens or from among important city of another State for the
nationals abroad. (Nachura, Public purpose of supporting and protecting its
International Law, 2017 edition) citizens travelling or residing there. These
offices are also charged with performing
CLASSES OF CONSUL other important administrative duties, e.g.,
1. Consul-general; issuing visas. (Sarmiento, Public
2. Consul; International Law, 2016 edition)
3. Vice-consul; and
4. Consular agents. (Art. 9, Vienna CONSULAR FUNCTIONS (DICAPRIOS)
Convention on Consular Relations) 1. Foster the Development of economic and
cultural relations;
WHO APPOINTS HEAD OF CONSULAR 2. Protect the Interest of their home State
POST and its nationals;
a. The sending State; and 3. Promote the Commercial interests of the
b. Admitted to the exercise of their sending State;
function by the receiving State. (Art. 4. Assist nationals in distress in finding
10, Vienna Convention on Consular lawyers to represent them in court, visit
Relations) prisoners, and establish contact with
local authorities;
Note: The head of a consular post shall be 5. Administer the Property of nationals of
provided by the sending State with a the sending State;
document, in the form of a commission or 6. Register births, deaths, and marriages;
similar instrument, made out for each 7. Issue visas and passports;
appointment, certifying his capacity and 8. Other functions entrusted to a consular
showing, as a general rule, his full name, his post by the sending State which are not
prohibited by the laws and regulations of



the receiving State or to which no contract expressly or impliedly as an

objection is taken by the receiving State agent of the sending State; or
or which are referred to in the b. By a third party for damage arising
international agreements in force from an accident in the receiving
between the sending State and the State caused by a vehicle, vessel, or
receiving State; and aircraft; and
9. Supervise vessels and aircraft attributed 5. Exemption from registration of aliens and
to the sending State. (Art. 5, Vienna residence permits, work permits,
Convention on Consular Relations) taxation, customs duties and inspections,
and from personal services and
NOTE: In a State where the sending State contribution. (Arts. 41-52, Vienna
has no diplomatic mission and is not Convention on Consular Relations)
represented by a diplomatic mission of a third
State, a consular officer may, without the WAIVER OF IMMUNITIES
consent of the receiving State, and without
affecting his consular status, be authorized to The sending State may waive, with regard to
perform diplomatic acts. (Art. 17[1], Vienna a member of the consular post, any of the
Convention on Consular Relations) privileges and immunities afforded to the
latter. The waiver shall in all cases be
Two or more States may, with the consent of expressed and shall be communicated to the
the receiving State, appoint the same person receiving State in writing. However, the
as consular officer in that State. (Art. 18, initiation of proceedings by a consular officer
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations) or a consular employee in a matter where he
might enjoy immunity from jurisdiction shall
PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES OF preclude him from invoking immunity from
CONSULAR OFFICERS (EDAJE) jurisdiction in respect of any counterclaim
1. No obligation to give Evidence directly connected with the principal claim.
concerning matters connected with the (Art. 45, Vienna Convention on Consular
exercise of their functions or to produce Relations)
official correspondence and documents
relating thereto; A separate waiver shall be necessary for the
2. Entitled to Decline to give evidence as execution of a judicial decision. (Art. 45[4],
expert witnesses with regard to the law Vienna Convention on Consular Relations)
of the sending State;
3. Not liable to Arrest or detention pending TERMINATION OF CONSULAR MISSION
trial, except in the case of a grave crime (MEWW)
and pursuant to a decision by the 1. Usual Modes of terminating official
competent judicial authority; relationships;
4. Not amenable to the Jurisdiction of the 2. Extinction of State;
judicial or administrative authorities of 3. Withdrawal of exequatur; and
the receiving State in respect of acts 4. War. (Nachura, Public International
performed in the exercise of consular Law, 2017)
functions, except in a civil action either:
a. Arising out of a contract in which the NOTE: Severance of consular relations does
consular officer or employee did not not necessarily terminate diplomatic



relations. (Art. 2[3], Vienna Convention on international agreements of the

Consular Relations) successor state come into force there.
This reflects the “moving treaty rule” or
DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS vs. “moving boundaries rule.” If X has a
CONSULAR RELATIONS treaty with Y, and part of Y is transferred
to Z, X may seek relief from treaty
obligation under “rebus sic stantibus.’’

2. When a state is absorbed by another

state, the international agreements of the
absorbed state are terminated and the
international agreements of the
absorbing state become applicable to the
territory of the absorbed state. Third
E. Treaties; Vienna Convention on the states may appeal to rebus sic stantibus.
Law of Treaties
3. When a part of a state becomes a new
TREATY state, the new state does not succeed to
Treaty is an international agreement the international agreements to which
concluded between States in written form the predecessor state was party, unless,
and governed by international law, whether expressly or by implication, it accepts
embodied in a single instrument or in two or such agreements and the other party or
more related instruments and whatever its parties thereto agree or acquiesce. This
particular designation" (Article 2 [1][a], applies the “clean slate theory.”
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,
1969) 4. Pre-existing boundary and other
territorial agreements continue to be
Note: Executive Agreement is not a treaty binding notwithstanding. This is the uti
insofar as the concurrence thereto of the possidetis rule. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction
Senate which is not required under our to Public International Law, 2009 edition,
Constitution. This distinction is purely p. 84)
municipal and has no international
significance. From the viewpoint of The Constitution of the Philippines authorizes
international law, treatise and executive the President to make treaties, subject to the
agreements are alike in that both constitute concurrence of two-thirds of all the members
equally binding obligations upon the nation of the Senate.

RULES ON TREATIES In our system of government, the President,

being the head of state, is regarded as the
With respect to treaties, the Vienna sole organ and authority in external relations
Convention is followed. The rules are: and is the country’s sole representative with
1. When part of the territory of a state foreign nations (Pimentel, Jr. vs. Office of the
becomes territory of another state, the Executive Secretary, 462 SCRA 622, July 06,
international agreements of the 2005)
predecessor state cease to have effect in
respect of the territory and the



The participation of the legislative branch in state or of the government (Pimentel, Jr. vs.
the treaty-making process was deemed Office of the Executive Secretary, 462 SCRA
essential to provide a check on the executive 622, July 06, 2005)
in the field of foreign relations (Pimentel, Jr.
vs. Office of the Executive Secretary, 462 CONSENT
SCRA 622, July 06, 2005) 1. The consent of a State to be bound by a
treaty is expressed by the signature of its
TREATY - MAKING PROCESS representative when:
1. Negotiation - it is a standard practice a. the treaty provides that signature
for one of the parties to submit a shall have that effect;
draft of the proposed treaty, which,
together with the counter-proposals, b. it is otherwise established that the
becomes the basis of the subsequent negotiating States were agreed that
negotiations signature should have that effect; or
2. If and when the negotiators finally
agree on the terms of the treaty, the c. the intention of the State to give that
same is opened for signature effect to the signature appears from
3. Ratification - is the formal act by the full powers of its representative
which a state confirms and accepts or was expressed during the
the provisions of a treaty concluded negotiation.
by its representatives; an unratified
treaty cannot be a source of 2. For the purposes of paragraph 1:
obligations between the parties a. the initialling of a text constitutes a
4. Exchange of the instruments of signature of the treaty when it is
ratification or deposit with the established that the negotiating
government of one of the States so agreed;
contracting parties or with an organ
of an international organization b. the signature ad referendum of a
5. Registration with and publication by treaty by a representative, if
the Secretariat of the United Nations confirmed by his State, constitutes a
(Pimentel, Jr. vs. Office of the full signature of the treaty. (Article
Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 12, Vienna Convention on the Law of
158088, July 06, 2005) Treaties, 1969)

The signing of the treaty and the ratification BINDING EFFECT

are two separate and distinct steps in the Every treaty in force is binding upon the
treaty-making process—the signature is parties to it and must be performed by them
primarily intended as a means of in good faith. (Article 27, Vienna Convention
authenticating the instrument and as a on the Law of Treaties, 1969)
symbol of the good faith of the parties,
usually performed by the state’s authorized Unless a different intention appears from the
representative, while ratification is the formal treaty or is otherwise established, a treaty is
act by which a state confirms and accepts the binding upon each party in respect of its
provisions of a treaty concluded by its entire territory. (Article 29, Vienna
representative, and is generally held to be an Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1969)
executive act, undertaken by the head of the



The amending agreement does not bind any party affected a ground for invoking the
State already a party to the treaty which does termination or suspension of the treaty but
not become a party to the amending the Court also added that the changes “must
agreement. (Article 40[4], Vienna Convention have increased the burden of the obligations
on the Law of Treaties, 1969) to be executed to the extent of rendering
performance something essentially different
Instances when Third States may be from the original intention.” (Bernas, SJ.,
validly held to the observance of or Introduction to Public International Law,
benefit from the provisions of a treaty 2009 edition, pp. 48-49)
where it is not a member:
1. The treaty may be merely a formal INTERPRETATION OF TREATIES
expression of customary international law
which, as such, is enforceable on all 1. A treaty shall be interpreted in good faith
civilized states because of their in accordance with the ordinary meaning
membership in the family of nations to be given to the terms of the treaty in
2. Under Art. 2 of the UN Charter - The their context and in the light of its object
organization shall ensure that non- and purpose.
member States act in accordance with
the principles of the Charter so far as 2. The context for the purpose of the
may be necessary for the maintenance interpretation of a treaty shall comprise,
of international peace and security in addition to the text, including
3. The treaty itself may expressly extend its preamble and annexes:
benefits to non-signatory states. a. Any agreement relating to the treaty
(Pangilinan vs. Cayetano, G.R. No. which was made between all the
238875, March 16, 2021) parties in connection with the
conclusion of the treaty.
RULES ON OBSERVANCE OF TREATIES b. Any instrument which was made by
General Rule: Every treaty in force is one or more parties in connection
binding upon the parties to it and must be with the conclusion of the treaty and
performed by them in good faith. (Article 26, accepted by the other parties as an
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, instrument related to the party.
3. There shall be taken into account,
A party to a treaty is not allowed to “invoke together with the context:
the provisions of its internal law as a. Any subsequent agreement between
justification for its failure to perform a the parties regarding the
treaty.” (Lim vs. Executive Secretary, 380 interpretation of the treaty or the
SCRA 739, April 11, 2002) application of its provision.
b. Any subsequent practice in the
Exception: Rebus sic stantibus - application of the treaty which
international law admits that a fundamental establishes the agreement of the
change in the circumstances which parties regarding its interpretation.
determined the parties to accept a treaty, if c. Any relevant rules of international
it has resulted in a radical transformation of law applicable in the relations
the extent of the obligations imposed by it, between the parties.
may, under certain conditions, afford the



4. A special meaning shall be given to a Techt is entitled to hold the real property by
term if it is established that the parties so virtue of the treaty. In this case, the court
intended. (Article 31, Vienna Convention finds that there is nothing incompatible with
on the Law of Treaties, 1969) the policy of the government, safety of the
nation, or the maintenance of the war in the
SUPPLEMENTARY MEANS OF enforcement of this treaty. The treaty
INTERPRETATION between them is still in force and must be
Recourse may be had to supplementary followed. Some have ruled that treaties end
means of interpretation, including the ipso facto at time of war. But in this case, the
preparatory work of the treaty and the court found that treaties end only to the
circumstances of its conclusion, in order to extent that their execution is incompatible
confirm the meaning resulting from the with the war (Techt v. Hughes, 229 N.Y. 222)
application of Article 31, or to determine the
meaning when the interpretation according 10. By voiding the treaty because of defects
to Article 31: in its conclusion, violation of its provisions
1. leaves the meaning ambiguous or by one of the parties, or incompatibility
obscure; or with international law or the U.N.
2. leads to a result which is manifestly Charter. (Vienna Convention on the Law
absurd or unreasonable. (Article 32, of Treaties, 1969)
Vienna Convention on the Law of
Treaties, 1969) F. Nationality and Statelessness


TREATY jurisdiction over its nationals even when
those nationals are outside the state.
A treaty may be terminated in any of the (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to Public
following ways: International Law, 2009 edition, p. 140)
1. By expiration of the term, which may be
fixed or subject to a resolutory condition Each state has the right to decide who are its
2. By accomplishment of the purpose. nationals using either the principle ofjus
3. By Impossibility of performance. sanguinis or jus soli or naturalization laws.
4. By loss of the subject-matter. However, for a state to claim a person as a
5. By desistance of the parties, through national, the state must have reasonable
express mutual consent; desuetude, or connection or an “effective link” with that
the exercise of the right of denunciation person. The consent of the individual alone is
(or withdrawal), when allowed. not enough for him to be recognized by other
6. By novation. states as a national of the state to which he
7. By extinction of one of the parties if the claims to belong. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction
treaty is bipartite. to Public International Law, 2009 edition, p.
8. By vital change of circumstance under 142)
the doctrine of rebus sic stantibus.
9. By outbreak of war between the parties Effective Nationality Link - The doctrine
in most cases, except if the treaty was on effective nationality link is used to
intended to regulate the conduct of the determine which of two states of which a
signatories during the hostilities, or to person is a national will be recognized as
cede territory, or to fix boundaries. having the right to give diplomatic protection



to the holder of dual nationality. (Bernas, SJ., principle is generally applicable to aircraft
Introduction to Public International Law, and spacecraft. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to
2009 edition, p. 142) Public International Law, 2009 edition, p.
Note: When one State has conferred its
nationality upon an individual and another MULTIPLE NATIONALITY
State has conferred its own nationality on the It is the condition in which individuals hold
same person, it may occur that each of these the nationality of more than one State.
States, considering itself to have acted in the
exercise of its domestic jurisdiction, adheres There are three significant sources of
to its own view and bases itself thereon in so multiple nationality.
far as its own actions are concerned. In so 1. Multiple nationality may result from the
doing, each State remains within the limits of interplay of different birthright nationality
its domestic jurisdiction. (Bernas, SJ., laws under which citizenship at birth can
Introduction to Public International Law, be ascribed both by location (the rule of
2009 edition, p. 145) jus soli) and by parentage (jus
sanguinis), so that a child born in one
Naturalization is not a matter to be taken State to a parent holding citizenship in
lightly. To seek and to obtain it is not another State will hold both nationalities
something that happens frequently in the life at birth.
of a human being. It involves his breaking of
a bond of allegiance and his establishment of 2. Dual nationality may result where a child
a new bond of allegiance. (Bernas, SJ., is born of parents of different
Introduction to Public International Law, nationalities, if the relevant States allow
2009 edition, p. 148) jus sanguinis transmission.

Naturalization in Relation to 3. Multiple citizenship may result where an

Corporations individual undertakes naturalization in a
As to corporations, a state has jurisdiction State without relinquishing or forfeiting
over corporations organized under its laws. prior nationalities. This again may result
Many states assert jurisdiction over in the acquisition of more than two
corporations whose principal place of nationalities, in cases of serial
business or registered office is located in their naturalization or where a person who is a
territories. States have also sought to dual citizen by birthright naturalizes in a
regulate corporations organized or having third State. (Planck, Institute for
their principal place of business abroad when Comparative Public Law and
these corporations are owned or controlled International Law, 2008)
by nationals. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to
Public International Law, 2009 edition, pp. RA 9225 (Philippine Dual Citizenship
151-152) Act)

For maritime vessels, a state has jurisdiction Retention of Philippine Citizenship

over vessels flying its flag. Each state Any provision of law to the contrary
determines requirements for registration. But notwithstanding, natural-born citizenship by
flags of convenience might be challenged on reason of their naturalization as citizens of a
the ground of lack of sufficient link. The same foreign country are hereby deemed to have



re-acquired Philippine citizenship upon taking (3) Those appointed to any public office shall
the following oath of allegiance to the subscribe and swear to an oath of allegiance
Republic. (Sec. 3, Republic Act No. 9225) to the Republic of the Philippines and its duly
constituted authorities prior to their
Natural born citizens of the Philippines who, assumption of office: Provided, That they
after the effectivity of this Act, become renounce their oath of allegiance to the
citizens of a foreign country shall retain their country where they took that oath;
Philippine citizenship upon taking the
aforesaid oath. (Sec. 3, Republic Act No. (4) Those intending to practice their
9225) profession in the Philippines shall apply with
the proper authority for a license or permit to
Derivative Citizenship engage in such practice; and
The unmarried child, whether legitimate,
illegitimate or adopted, below eighteen (18) (5) That right to vote or be elected or
years of age, of those who re-acquire appointed to any public office in the
Philippine citizenship upon effectivity of this Philippines cannot be exercised by, or
Act shall be deemed citizenship of the extended to, those who:
Philippines. (Sec. 4, Republic Act No. 9225)
(a) are candidates for or are occupying
Civil and Political Rights and Liabilities any public office in the country of which
of those Who Retain or Reacquire they are naturalized citizens; and/or
Philippine Citizenship (b) are in active service as
Under this Act shall enjoy full civil and commissioned or non-commissioned
political rights and be subject to all attendant officers in the armed forces of the
liabilities and responsibilities under existing country in which they are naturalized
laws of the Philippines and the following citizens. (Sec. 5, Republic Act No. 9225)
According to Peruvian legislation, Canevaro is
(1) Those intending to exercise their right of a Peruvian by birth for he was born in
suffrage must Meet the requirements under Peruvian territory. On the other hand, he is
Section 1, Article V of the Constitution, of Italian nationality because he was born of
Republic Act No. 9189, otherwise known as an Italian father. But because of Canevaro’s
"The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003" acts in Peru, whatever his status as a national
and other existing laws; may be in Italy, the Government of Peru has
a right to consider him as a Peruvian citizen
(2) Those seeking elective public in the and to deny his status as an Italian claimant
Philippines shall meet the qualification for (The Canevaro Claim, Tribunal of the
holding such public office as required by the Permanent Court of Arbitration, 3 May 1912,
Constitution and existing laws and, at the Scott, Hague Court Reports, 284)
time of the filing of the certificate of
candidacy, make a personal and sworn CONFLICT OF NATIONALITY LAWS
renunciation of any and all foreign citizenship to provide against conflicts arising from
before any public officer authorized to divergent municipal laws nationality, the
administer an oath; following rules were embodied in the Hague
Convention of 1930 on the Conflict of
Nationality Laws:



a. Art.1. It is for each state to determine be scrutinized on the international plain in

under its law who are nationals. This law questions of diplomatic protection. The Court
shall be recognized by other States upheld the principle of effective nationality,
insofar as it is consistent with where the national must prove a meaningful
international conventions, international connection to the state in question.This
customs, and the principles of law principle was previously applied only in cases
generally recognized with regard to of dual nationality to determine which
nationality. nationality should be used in a given case.
However, Nottebohm had forfeited his
b. Art.2. Any question as to whether a German nationality and thus only had the
person possesses the nationality of a nationality of Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein v.
particular State shall be determined in Guatemala, April 6, 1955)
accordance with the law of the state.
c. Art.3. Subject to the provisions of the Stateless persons are those who do not have
present Convention, a person having two a nationality. They are either de jure or de
or more nationalities may be regarded as facto stateless.
its national by each of the states whose
nationality he possesses. De jure stateless persons - are those who
have lost their nationality, if they had one,
d. Art.4. A State may not afford diplomatic and have not acquired a new one.
protection to one of its nationals against
a State whose nationality such person De facto stateless persons - are those
also possesses. who have a nationality but to whom
protection is denied by their state when out
e. Art.5. Within a third State, a person of the state. This is the situation of many
having more than one nationality shall be refugees. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to Public
treated as if he had only one. Without International Law, 2009 edition, p.151)
prejudice to the application of its law in
matters of personal status and of any CAUSES OF STATELESSNESS
convention in force, a third State shall, of 1. Discrimination
the nationalities which any such person Many nations discriminate their citizens on
possesses, recognize exclusively in its the basis of ethnicity, race, color, descent
territory either the nationality of the which is against the standards of
country in which he is habitually and international law.
principally resident or the nationality of
the country with which in the 2. Conflict and gap between laws
circumstances he appears to be in fact Nationality can be acquired in various
most closely connected. (The Hague ways by birth, naturalization, descent,
Convention, 1930) marriage, registration, etc. all countries
have their own nationality law by which
THE NOTTEBOHM CASE citizenship could be acquired or
Although the Court stated that it is the withdrawn. Hence, if a person is unable to
sovereign right of all states to determine its prove his link with a country will be at risk
own citizens and criteria for becoming one in of becoming stateless.
municipal law, such a process would have to




Another significant determinant of
statelessness is state succession. People Kurić and others vs Slovenia
moving from the country where they were Eight applicants, some of whom were
born to another when their origin country stateless and others were nationals of former
disintegrates, gets dissolved, ceases to Yugoslavia, failed to request Slovenian
exist or their country comes under the citizenship within the six months’ deadline
control of another country leads to provided for permanent residents to apply for
statelessness. citizenship following Slovenia’s
independence. Two months after the
4. By Renunciation deadline, their names were erased from the
When a person voluntarily relinquishes Register of Permanent Residents, resulting in
his/her nationality or citizenship or refuses them becoming stateless together with
the protection of a state is said to approximately 25,671 other people in
renounce his citizenship. Slovenia, who became known as “the
erased”. The Court held that the domestic
Convention Relating to the Status of legal system had failed to clearly regulate the
Stateless Persons (The Hague, 1954) consequences of the “erasure”, resulting in a
The Convention itself does not create specific violation of Article 8(2), 13, and 14 ECHR.
rights for them; however, it does reaffirm the (Kurić and others vs Slovenia, June 26, 2012)
rights that must be granted by the laws of
the State on whose territory stateless Andrejeva vs Latvia
persons legally reside. States Parties to the The applicant was previously a national of the
Convention must treat stateless persons as former USSR, before becoming a
favorably as possible and no less favorably “permanently resident non-citizen” of Latvia,
than other foreign persons in the same where she moved at age 12. Her case is
circumstances. In particular, these provisions concerned with the deprivation of her
apply to the following rights: pension entitlements in respect of 17 years’
1. family rights, respect for personal employment due to discriminatory reasons
status, freedom of conscience and regarding her lack of Latvian nationality. The
religion (Arts. 4, 12); Court ruled that there had been a violation of
2. right to property (Arts. 13, 14); the applicant’s rights under Article 14 taken
3. right of association (Art. 15); in conjunction with Article 1 of Protocol No. 1
4. right of access to courts (Art. 16); and Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.
5. right to engage in different (Andrejeva vs Latvia, February 18, 2009)
professions (Arts. 17–19);
6. right to benefit from various social, Konstantinov vs The Netherlands
administrative, and other public The applicant of Roma origin was denied a
services (Arts. 20–25); residence permit to the Netherlands on the
7. right to freedom of movement, travel basis of the applicant’s husband failing to
documents, and transfer of assets meet the requirements under domestic
(Arts. 26–30); immigration rules and because of the
8. respect for rights in terms of applicant’s multiple convictions. The Court
expulsion and naturalization (Arts. held the Contracting State had struck a fair
31, 32). balance between the applicant’s Article 8
rights and its own interests in regulating its



immigration. (Konstantinov vs The bound to it by a duty of obedience and

Netherlands, September 24, 2007) allegiance. This duty follows him even
when he is outside the territory of his
DOCTRINE OF STATE RESPONSIBILITY state and he may not ordinarily be
The customary law doctrine on the protection excused from it unless he is prepared to
of aliens should be seen in relation to the renounce his own nationality.
doctrine on “state responsibility.” When an
injury has been inflicted, there is need to b. Territorial jurisdiction is that a state
determine whether the state can be held has jurisdiction over all persons and
responsible for it. One of the principles most property within its territory. (Cruz,
strongly held by states is that if a state International Law, 2003, p. 125)
violates a customary rule of international law The jurisdiction of the nation within its
or a treaty obligation, it commits an own territory is necessary, exclusive and
“internationally wrongful act.” (Bernas, SJ., absolute. It is susceptible to no limitation
Introduction to Public International Law, not imposed by itself. (The Schooner
2009 edition, p. 227) Exchange vs. McFaddon, 11 U.S. 116,
In order to constitute an international Jurisdiction may be exercised over:
delinquency should amount to an outrage, to 1. Its nationals;
bad faith, to willful neglect of duty, or to an 2. The terrestrial domain;
insufficiency of governmental action so far 3. The maritime and fluvial domain;
short of international standards that every 4. The continental shelf;
reasonable and impartial man would readily 5. The Open seas
recognize its insufficiency. Whether the 6. The Aerial domain;
insufficiency proceeds from deficient 7. The outer space; and
execution of an intelligent law or from the 8. Other territories. (Cruz, International
fact that the laws of the country do not Law, 2003, p. 125)
empower the authorities to measure up to
international standards is immaterial. 1. TERRITORIALITY PRINCIPLE
(Bernas, SJ., Introduction to Public
International Law, 2009 edition, p. 226) The fundamental source of jurisdiction is
sovereignty over territory. A state has
G. Jurisdiction of States absolute, but not necessarily exclusive,
power to prescribe, adjudicate and enforce
Jurisdiction - is the authority exercised by rules for conduct that occurs within its
a state over persons and things within or territory. For this reason, it is necessary that
sometimes outside its territory, subject to boundaries be determined. (Bernas, SJ.,
certain exceptions. Introduction to Public International Law,
2009 edition, p. 133)
Jurisdiction may be classified as either:
a. Personal jurisdiction is the power This principle summarizes the rules on
exercised by a state over its nationals. It boundaries where states are not islands but
is based on the theory that a national is parts of a larger land mass thus:
entitled to the protection of his state a. The boundary separating the land areas
wherever he may be and is, therefore, of two states is determined by acts of the



states expressing their consent to its whose territorial jurisdiction they were
location. committed, unless their commission affects
b. Unless a consent to a different rule has the peace and security of the territory.
been expressed, (People of the Philippines vs. Wong Cheng,
i. when the boundary between two GR No. L-18924, October 19, 1922)
states is a navigable river, its location is
the middle of the channel of navigation ENGLISH RULE – crimes perpetrated under
(Thalweg doctrine), such circumstances are in general triable in
ii. when the boundary between two the courts of the country within territory they
states is a non-navigable river or a lake, were committed. (People of the Philippines
its location is the middle of the river or vs. Wong Cheng, GR No. L-18924, October
lake. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to Public 19, 1922)
International Law, 2009 edition, p. 133)
Doctrine: A state has jurisdiction over acts Everyone has the right to a nationality. No
occurring outside its territory but having one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his
effects within it. (Bernas, Introduction to nationality nor denied the right to change his
Public International Law, 2009) nationality. (Article 15 of the 1948 Universal
Declaration of Human Rights)
There is no rule of international law in regard
to collision cases to the effect that criminal A court has jurisdiction if the offender is a
proceedings are exclusively within the national of the Forum State. Each state has
jurisdiction of the State whose flag is flown. the right to decide who are its nationals using
It is only natural that each should be able to either the principle of jus sanguinis or jus soli
exercise jurisdiction and to do so in respect or naturalization laws. However, for a state
of the incident as a whole. It is therefore a to claim a person as a national, the state
case of concurrent jurisdiction. (France vs. must have reasonable connection or an
Turkey, Permanent Court of International “effective link” with that person. The consent
Justice, 1927) of the individual alone is not enough for him
to be recognized by other states as a national
PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTS DOCTRINE of the state to which he
1. Subjective Territorial Principle – a claims to belong.
state has jurisdiction to prosecute and punish
for crime commenced within the state but EFFECTIVE NATIONALITY LINK
completed or consummated abroad. DOCTRINE
– used to determine which of two states of
2. Objective Territorial Principle – a state which a person is a national will be
has jurisdiction to prosecute and punish for recognized as having the right to give
crime commenced without the state but diplomatic protection to the holder of dual
consummated within its territory. (Bernas, nationality. (Bernas, Introduction to Public
Introduction to Public International Law, International Law, 2009)
2009 edition, p.133)
As to corporations, a state has jurisdiction
FRENCH RULE – crimes committed aboard over corporations organized under its laws.
a foreign merchant vessel should not be (Barcelona Traction Light and Power
prosecuted in the courts of the country within Company, Belgium vs. Spain, 1962)



As to detained stateless persons with no ACQUISITION OF NATIONALITY

pending charges nor prospects of bringing 1. BY BIRTH – An individual acquires the
any against him, the writ (of habeas corpus) nationality of the state where he is born (jure
will issue commanding the respondents to soli) or the nationality of his parents (jure
release the petitioner (stateless person) from sanguinis) regardless of the place of his birth.
custody upon these terms: The petitioner (Nachura & Gatdula, Outline Introduction to
shall be placed under the surveillance of the Public International Law, 2017 p.119)
immigration authorities or
their agents in such form and manner as may 2. NATURALIZATION – a process by which
be deemed adequate to insure that he keep a foreigner acquires, voluntarily or by
peace and be available when the Government operation of law, the nationality of another
is ready to deport him. (Mejoff vs. Director of state. It can be effected through marriage,
Prisons, GR No. L-4254, September 26, 1951) legitimation, option (election), acquisition of
domicile, appointment to government office,
NATIONALITY - It is membership in a or grant on application. In the Philippines,
political community with all its concomitant naturalization may be by judicial or legislative
rights and obligations. It is the tie that binds process, election or marriage. (Moy Ya Lim
the individual to his State, from which he can Yao vs Commission of Immigration, G.R. No.
claim protection and whose laws he is obliged L-21289 October 4, 1971)
to obey. (Nachura & Gatdula, Outline
Introduction to Public International Law, 3. REPATRIATION – the recovery of
2017 p.119) nationality by individuals who were natural-
born citizens of a state but who had lost their
Citizenship is the membership in a political nationality. Repatriation in the Philippines is
community which is personal and more or governed by RA 8171. (Salonga, Private
less permanent in character. It denotes International Law 1995, p.
possession within that particular political 165)
community of full civil and political rights
subject to special disqualifications such as 4. SUBJUGATION – when a state is
minority. Reciprocally, it imposes the duty of defeated, and its territory is annexed, its
allegiance to the political community. nationals become subjects of the winning
(Bernas, Commentary, p.629) state. (Hall, Nationality Migration Rights, and
Citizenship of the Union, 1995 p. 74)
5. CESSION – a state cedes its territory to
In principle, questions of nationality fall another state, the people found in the ceded
within the domestic jurisdiction of each State. territory becomes subjects of the accepting
However, the applicability of a State’s state. (Hall, Nationality Migration Rights, and
internal decisions can be limited by the Citizenship of the Union, 1995 p.74)
similar actions of other States and by
international law. In other words, how a 3. PROTECTIVE PRINCIPLE
State exercises its right to determine its
citizens should conform to the relevant A court is vested with jurisdiction if a national
provisions in international law. (Nachura & interest or policy is injured or violated. (US
Gatdula, Outline Introduction to Public vs. Fawaz Yunis, Crim. A. No. 87-0377,
International Law, 2017 p.119) February 12, 1988)



This principle says that a state may exercise This principle started with piracy. Piracy in
jurisdiction over conduct outside its territory international law means any illegal act of
that threatens its security, as long as that violence or depredation committed for
conduct is generally recognized as criminal by private ends on the high seas or outside the
states in the international community. This territorial control of any state. Now the
conditional clause excludes acts committed in principle covers not just piracy but also
exercise of the liberty guaranteed an alien by genocide, crimes against humanity, war
the law of the place where the act was crimes, aircraft piracy and terrorism. There is
committed. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to also a growing support for universal
Public International Law, 2009 edition, p. jurisdiction over crimes against human rights.
156) (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to Public
International Law, 2009 edition, p. 157)
The examples given of acts covered by the
protective principle are plots to overthrow the The Court held that deliberate torture under
government, forging its currency, and plot to the color of official authority violated the
break its immigration regulations. (Ibid.) universal rules of international law regardless
of the nationality of the parties. In reaching
A sample case of this is that of “Lord Haw the conclusion that the prohibition of torture
Haw,” an American citizen who broadcast has become part of customary international
messages from Germany seeking to law, the Court referred as evidence to the
persuade the Allies to surrender. Until 1940, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and as
he held a British passport. After the war, he particularly relevant, the 1975 Declaration on
was convicted of high treason in the United the Protection of all Persons from Torture.
Kingdom. In upholding the principle, Lord The Declaration goes on to provide that
Jowwit of the House of Lords said: “No “[w]here it is proved that an act of torture or
principle of comity demands that a state other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
should ignore the crime of treason committed or punishment has been committed by or at
against it outside its territory. On the the instigation of a public official, the victim
contrary, a proper regard for its own security shall be afforded redress and compensation,
requires that all those who commit that in accordance with national law.” (Filartiga
crime, whether they commit it within or vs. Pena-Irala, 630 FJD 876, 1980)
without the realm, should be amenable to its
laws.” (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to Public 5. PASSIVE PERSONALITY PRINCIPLE
International Law, 2009 edition, p. 156) This principle authorizes states to assert
jurisdiction over offenses committed against
4. UNIVERSALITY PRINCIPLE their citizens abroad. It recognizes that each
The universality principle recognizes that state has a legitimate interest in protecting
certain activities, universally dangerous to the safety of its citizens when they journey
states and their subjects, require authority in outside national boundaries. (US vs. Fawaz
all community members to punish such acts Yunis, Crim. A. No. 87-0377, February 12,
wherever they may occur, even absent a link 1988)
between the state and the parties or the acts
in question. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to The passive personality principle asserts that
Public International Law, 2009 edition, p. a state may apply law — particularly criminal
157) law — to an act committed outside its
territory by a person not its national where



the victim of the act was its national. The authority. If the answer is yes to all
principle has not been ordinarily accepted for these, then the court will assume
ordinary torts or crimes, but it is increasingly jurisdiction. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction
accepted as applied to terrorist and other to Public International Law, 2009
organized attacks on a state’s nationals by edition, p. 173)
reason of their nationality, or to assassination
of a state’s diplomatic representatives or 2. International Comity
other officials. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to Even when a state has basis for exercising
Public International Law, 2009 edition, p. jurisdiction, it will refrain from doing so if its
167) exercise will be unreasonable.

This principle authorizes states to assert Unreasonableness is determined by

jurisdiction over offenses committed against evaluating various factors, such as the link of
their citizens abroad. It recognizes that each the activity to the territory of the regulating
state has a legitimate interest in protecting state, the connection, such as nationality,
the safety of its citizens when they journey residence, or economic activity, between the
outside national boundaries. (Bernas, SJ., regulating state and the person principally
Introduction to Public International Law, responsible for the activity to be regulated,
2009 edition, p. 171) the character of the activity to be regulated,
the existence of justified expectations that
6. CONFLICTS OF JURISDICTION might be protected or hurt by the regulation,
Since there are various accepted principles the likelihood of conflict with regulation by
for assuming jurisdiction, more than one another state. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to
state may have a valid claim to jurisdiction. Public International Law, 2009 edition, p.
U.S. courts have attempted to develop more 173)
sophisticated modes of resolving conflict of
jurisdiction. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction to 3. Forum non conveniens
Public International Law, 2009 edition, p. If in the whole circumstances of the case it
172) be discovered that there is a real unfairness
to one of the suitors in permitting the choice
3 Modes of a forum which is not the natural or proper
1. The Balancing Test forum, either on the ground of convenience
The court employed a tripartite analysis to of trial or the residence or domicile of parties
determine whether to assume jurisdiction or or of its being the locus contractus, or locus
not. solutionis, then the doctrine of forum non
a. First, was there an actual or intended conveniens is properly applied. (Bernas, SJ.,
effect on American foreign commerce. Introduction to Public International Law,
b. Second, is the effect sufficiently large 2009 edition, p. 173)
to present a cognizable injury to the
plaintiffs and, therefore, a civil violation The application is discretionary with the
of the anti-trust laws. court. Some of the interests which the court
c. Third, are the interests of, and link to, needs to weigh are divided into private
the United States including effects on interest factors and public interest factors.
American foreign commerce sufficiently The private interest factors are access to
strong, vis-d-vis those of other nations, sources of proof, availability of compulsory
to justify an assertion of extraordinary process for unwilling witnesses and other



personal problems which make trial easy, a. It is found in contracts between aliens
expeditious and inexpensive. Public interest and States, and namely, in concession
factors include congestion, desire to settle agreements. It deals with settlement of
local controversies at home, and having the disputes between aliens and States. It
case tried in a forum at home with the requires that aliens commit themselves,
applicable law. Forum non conveniens by their very contract with the State,
presumption is with the plaintiff. (Piper not to seek diplomatic protection from
Aircraft Co, vs. Reyno, 454 U.S. 235, 1981) the State of which they are nationals as
against the Contracting State, which
H. Treatment of Aliens; Extradition and allegedly caused them damage. The
Deportation clause therefore amounts to a waiver of
diplomatic protection (EPIL, supra at
In relation to a State, an alien is any person b. The general tenor of the Calvo Clause
who is not one of its nationals (AUST, supra is that the alien agrees that any dispute
at 184). that might arise out of the contract is to
be decided by the national courts in
STANDARDS ON THE TREATMENT OF accordance with the national law and is
ALIENS: not to give rise to any international
reclamation (FENWICK, supra at 292).
1. International Minimum Standard c. This was rejected in North American
The developed States of the West have Dredging Company Claim (1926) by the
argued historically that there exists an Mexico-United States General Claims
international minimum standard for the Commission. The right to seek redress
protection of foreign nationals that must be is a sovereign prerogative of a state
upheld irrespective of how the state treats its and a private individual has no right to
own nationals (SHAW, supra at 824); waive it (BERNAS, supra at 246).

2. National Treatment (Equality of RULES ON THE TREATMENT OF ALIENS

Treatment) 1. Flowing from its right to existence and as
The state needs to treat the alien as it does an attribute of sovereignty, no State is
its own nationals. It was intended as a shield under obligation to admit aliens. The State
against external interference (Ibid.); can determine in what cases and under
what conditions it may admit aliens
3. Calvo Doctrine (NACHURA, International Law, supra at
A state is not responsible for losses incurred 132);
by aliens in times of civil war (SARMIENTO,
supra at 83); and 2. The State has the right to expel aliens from
its territory through:
4. Calvo Clause
It prevents appeals by aliens to their home Deportation: It is the expulsion of an
governments for diplomatic intervention in alien considered undesirable by local
behalf of their contract rights (SARMIENTO, state, usually but not necessarily to his
supra at 85). own state (Ibid.); or



Reconduction: It is the forcible

conveying of aliens back to their home b. Indirect Imputability - It is where
state without any formalities (Id.). The the offense is committed by inferior
right of the President to reconduct is government officials or by private
based on the fact that since aliens are individuals, the state will be held liable
not part of the nation, their admission only if, by reason of its indifference in
into the territory is a matter of pure preventing or punishing it, it can be
permission and simple tolerance which considered to have connived in
creates no obligation on the part of the effecting its commission.
government to permit them to stay
(SARMIENTO, supra at 134); and 3. There is indirect injury to the claimant
state because of damage to its national
3. The alien must accept the institutions of (NACHURA, International Law, supra at
State as he finds them (NACHURA, 134-135).
International Law, supra at 132).
Conditions for enforcement of state
State Responsibility for Improper responsibility
Treatment of Aliens 1. The injured subject must first exhaust all
local remedies; and
The State may be held liable for injuries and 2. He must resort to diplomatic protection
damages sustained by the alien while in the (Ibid. at 136-137).
territory of the state provided that:
Exceptions: Exhaustion maybe
1. The act or omission constitutes an dispensed with
international delinquency. The treatment
of the alien should amount to: 1. There are no remedies to exhaust (the
a. An outrage; laws are intrinsically defective);
b. Bad faith; 2. The courts are corrupt;
c. Wilful neglect of duty; or 3. There is no adequate machinery; and
d. Insufficiency of governmental action, 4. It involves acts of states not subject to
such that every reasonable and judicial review (NACHURA, International
impartial man would readily recognize Law, supra at 137)
ils insufficiency or inadequacy.
2. The act or omission is directly or The removal of an accused from the
indirectly imputable to the state: requested state with the object of placing him
at the disposal of foreign authorities to
a. Direct Imputability - It is where the enable the requesting state or government to
international delinquency was hold him in connection with any criminal
committed by superior government investigation directed against him or the
officials or organs like the chief of state execution of a penalty imposed on him under
or the national legislature, liability will the penal or criminal law of the requesting
attach immediately as their acts may state or government (Art 2[a], Presidential
not be effectively prevented or Decree No. 1069).
reversed under the constitution or laws
of the state. It is a sui generis proceeding tracing its
existence wholly to treaty obligations



between different nations. It is not a 1. Acts of Sovereignty on the part of two

criminal proceeding; it is not a trial to States;
determine the guilt or innocence of the 2. A Request by one State to another State
potential extraditee. Nor is it a full-blown civil for the delivery to it of an alleged
action, but one that is merely administrative criminal; and
in character (Government of Hong Kong 3. The Delivery of the person requested for
Special Administrative Region v. Olalia, Jr., the purposes of trial or sentence in the
G.R. No. 153675, April 19, 2007). territory of the requesting state
(SARMIENTO, supra at 133).
Characteristics of Extradition:
1. It entails a deprivation of liberty on the NOTE: As long as the request for extradition
part of the potential extraditee; and is upon the authority of an existing
extradition treaty between the requesting
2. The means employed to attain the and requested states, then it may not be
purpose of extradition is also "the refused. The State is bound by pacta sunt
machinery of criminal law". There may be servanda to comply in good faith with its
immediate arrest and temporary obligations under the Treaty (Government of
detention of the accused if that will best the U.S.A. v. Purganan, G.R. No. 148571,
serve the interest of justice, and, in case September 24, 2002).
of urgency, the requesting state may ask
for the provisional arrest of the accused EXTRADITION AND DEPORTATION,
pending the receipt of the request for DISTINGUISHED
extradition (Government of Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region v. Olalia,
Jr., supra).

Aims or Purposes of Extradition:

1. Criminal prosecution
It is instituted by authorities of the requesting
State or government charging the accused
with an offense; and

2. Execution of a prison sentence

It is imposed by a court of the requesting
State or government, with such duration as
that stipulated in the relevant extradition Conditions Precedent for Extradition:
treaty or convention, to be served in the
jurisdiction of and as a punishment for an 1. There must be an Authority to extradite
offense committed by the accused within the through treaties or international
territorial jurisdiction of the requesting State agreements;
or government (Sec. 3, Presidential Decree 2. Can only extradite Persons subject of
No. 1069). such authority; and
3. Through Offenses covered by extradition
Elements for the Exercise of (SARMIENTO, supra at 132).



Extradition Treaty Required for the

Authority to Extradite
A fugitive from justice may be extradited only
upon the authority of an extradition treaty
between the requesting and requested states
The concept of ex post facto laws is limited
only to penal and criminal statutes that affect
the substantial rights of the accused. An
extradition treaty is neither a piece of
criminal legislation nor a criminal procedural
statute. It merely provides for the extradition
of persons wanted for prosecution of an
offense or a crime which offense or crime
Persons Subject to Extradition
was already committed or consummated at
Those charged or convicted of offenses that
the time the treaty was ratified (Wright v.
are extraditable under the terms of the
Court of Appeals, G.R No. 113213, August 15,
extradition treaty between the requesting
States where the crime was committed and
the requested State where the person
requested to be extradited has sought refuge
(SARMIENTO, supra at 132).
1. It is sui generis. It is neither a criminal
nor civil in nature (Government of Hong
Any person may be extradited, whether he be
Kong Special Administrative Region v.
a national of the requesting state, of the state
Olalia, Jr., supra):
of refuge, or of another state (CRUZ, supra
at 203):
2. It is based upon bilateral treaty law and
does not exist as an obligation upon
Offenses Subject to Extradition:
states in customary law. A fugitive from
justice may be extradited only upon
1. List-Type Extradition Treaty
authority of an extradition treaty
Those which are specifically listed in the
between the requesting and the
extradition treaty to be extraditable; and
requested State;
2. Dual/Double Criminality Clause
3. Double criminality
(Non-List Type Extradition Treaty)
The crime involved should be a crime in
Those which are defined and punished as
both states concerned.
crimes under the laws of both the requesting
and requested States. Usually, the dual
The act for which extradition is sought
criminality clauses prescribe a minimum
must be punishable in both the
prison term usually of at least one year under
requesting and requested states
the laws of both State Parties for an offense
(Government of Hongkong Special
to be extraditable (CRUZ, supra at 138-139).
Administrative Region v. Muñoz, G.R. No.
207342, August 16, 2016).



4. Principle of Specialty commission of the crime) competent to

A person surrendered may be tried and try and punish them so that the number
punished only for the offense for which of criminals seeking refuge abroad will be
extradition had been sought and granted reduced.
(SHAW, supra at 686);
2. The Requesting State will accord due
5. Differences in legal system can be an process to the accused. An extradition
obstacle to interpretation of what the treaty presupposes that both parties
crime is (BERNAS, supra at 174): have examined and that both accept and
trust each other's legal system and
6. Religious and political offenses are not judicial process.
extraditable (Id.); as well as political and
military offenses (SARMIENTO, supra at 3. The proceedings are sui generis. They
141); are not criminal in nature which will call
into operation all the rights of an accused
Exception to the Exception as regards as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. They
Political Offenses: do not include the determination of the
guilt or innocence of the accused.
Attentat clause
It provides that the assassination, murder, 4. Compliance shall be in good faith.
attempt on the life of, or other willful crimes
against the person of the Head of the State 5. There is an underlying risk of flight.
or Head of Government of either of the State Persons to be extradited are presumed to
Parties or of a member of his family shall not be flight risk (USA v. Judge Purganan,
be regarded as political crimes (SARMIENTO, G.R. No. 148571, September 24, 2002;
supra at 142). SARMIENTO, supra at 144-145).

7. Prohibition on discrimination EXTRADITION PROCEDURE

Extradition may not be granted if it would be
subject the fugitive to prosecutions based on 1. Extradition Request
race, nationality, or political opinion a. Any foreign state or government with
(SARMIENTO, supra at 140); and which the Republic of the Philippines has
entered into an extradition treaty or
8. Lack of probable cause clause convention, only when the relevant
The request for extradition must include treaty or convention, remains in force,
sufficient prima facie evidence of guilt may request for the extradition of any
attributable to the person requested to be accused who is or suspected of being in
extradited (SARMIENTO, supra at 141). the territorial jurisdiction of the
Philippines (Sec. 4, Presidential Decree

1. Extradition is a major instrument for the b. The request shall be made by the Foreign
suppression of crime with an important Diplomat of the requesting state or
practical effect that criminals should be government, addressed to the Secretary
restored to the Jurisdiction of the locus of Foreign Affairs, and shall be
delicti commissi (the place of the accompanied by:



i. The original or an authentic copy of


1. The decision or sentence

imposed upon the accused by the
court of the requesting state or
government; or
2. The criminal charge and the
warrant of arrest issued by the
authority of the requesting state or
government having jurisdiction of the
matter or some other instruments
having the equivalent legal force.
Hence, said process may be
ii. A recital of the acts for which characterized as an investigative or
extradition is requested, with the fullest inquisitorial process in contrast to a
particulars as to the name and identity of proceeding conducted in the exercise of
the accused, his whereabouts in the an administrative body's quasi-judicial
Philippines, if known, the acts or power (Secretary of Justice v. Lantion,
omissions complained of, and the time G.R. No. 139465, January 18, 2000).
and place of the commission of these
acts; b. The attorney shall file a written petition
with the proper Court of First Instance
iii. The text of the applicable law or a (Trial Court) of the province or city
statement of the contents of said law, having jurisdiction of the place, with a
and the designation or description of the prayer that the court take the request
offense by the law, sufficient for under consideration and shall attach to
evaluation of the request; and the petition all related documents (Sec.
5, Presidential Decree No. 1069).
iv. Such other documents or information
in support of the request (Sec. 4, 3. Extradition Hearing
Presidential Decree No. 1069). a. Immediately upon receipt of the petition,
the presiding judge of the court shall, as
2. Extradition Petition (Evaluation soon as practicable, summon the accused
Process) to appear and to answer the petition on
the day and hour fixed in the order..
a. Unless it appears to the Secretary of Upon receipt of the answer, or should the
Foreign Affairs that the request falls to accused after having received the
meet the requirements of this law and summons fail to answer within the time
the relevant treaty or convention, the fixed, the presiding judge shall hear the
Secretary of Foreign Affairs shall forward case or set another date for the hearing
the request to the Secretary of Justice thereof (Sec. 6, Presidential Decree No.
who shall authorize an attorney to take 1069),
charge of the case (Sec. 5, Presidential
Decree No. 1069): b. In the hearing, the provisions of the
Rules of Court insofar as practicable and



not inconsistent with the summary nature

of the proceedings, shall apply to
extradition cases, and the hearing shall
be conducted in such a manner as to
arrive as a fair and speedy disposition of
the case (Sec. 9, Presidential Decree No.
Rights of a Person Arrested and
c. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the court Detained in Another State:
shall render a decision granting the 1. Right to have his Request complied with
extradition, and giving his reasons by the receiving State to so inform the
therefore upon showing of the existence consular post of his condition;
of a prima facie case. Otherwise, it shall 2. Right to be Informed by the competent
dismiss the petition (Sec. 10, Presidential authorities of the receiving State without
Decree No. 1069): delay to his rights as mentioned above;
and Right to have his Communication
addressed to the consular post forwarded
by the receiving State accordingly (Art.
36[1], Vienna Convention on Consular
Relations, 1963).

The International Court of Justice has

determined that Article 36 (1) of the VCCR
ENTITLEMENT TO BAIL creates individual right for the detained
The Philippines should see to it that the right person in addition to the rights accorded the
to liberty of every individual is not impaired. sending States (La Grand (Germany v. United
The right of a prospective extraditee to apply States), Judgment, /CJ Reports 2001, p.497).
for bail in the Philippines must be viewed in
light of the various treaty obligations of the IRREGULAR RENDITION
Philippines concerning respect for the A practice of some States that is borne of
promotion and protection of human rights. frustration caused by the unwillingness of a
Under these treaties, the presumption lies in country upon which a valid extradition
favor of human liberty (Government of Hong request has been made to carry out its
Kong Special Administrative Region v. Olalia, international obligations (SARMIENTO, supra
Jr., supra). at 135).

It may grant bail to a possible extradite only Examples are when the United States
upon a clear and convincing showing: retrieved John Surratt from Egypt, or when
1. That he will not be a flight risk or danger Israel retrieved Eichmann from Argentina.
to the community; and (SARMIENTO, supra at 135)
2. That there exist special, humanitarian
and compelling circumstances Varieties of Irregular Rendition:
(Government of Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region v. Olalia, Jr. cited 1. Transnational Forcible Abduction
by BERNAS, supra at 190). One sovereign may simply kidnap the
culprit seeking refuge in a foreign land,



an action that is invariable against the 2. Exterritorial Diplomatic

law of the foreign jurisdiction. It is a protection from prosecution is sought
2. Informal Surrender/Disguised within the persecuting State, with a
Extradition diplomatic mission of providing legal or at
Deportation used to achieve extradition; least physical protection and not in the State
without process, the foreign jurisdiction of Refuge; asylum in “extensions” of a State’s
may simply grant permission or silently territory - mainly in the premises of an
accede lo the requesting State's demand embassy or a legation, or in foreign public
for the surrender of the fugitive or it may ships (EPIL, supra at 2 & 24; SUAREZ, supra
affirmatively move to deport or expel him at 1224).
or her.
3. Lures
Tricked by subterfuge or deception, the
fugitive may be lured from an extradition
retuge to the territory of the pursuing
State, international waters, or to another
country permitting extradition to the
pursuing State (SARMIENTO, supra at
115-116). I. International Human Rights Law (The
United Nations’ Universal Declaration
Criminal defendants may be tried regardless
of whether their presence before the court All human beings are born free and equal in
was secured from outside its territorial dignity and rights. They are endowed with
jurisdiction by means other than pursuant to reason and conscience and should act
a valid extradition (SARMIENTO, supra at towards one another in a spirit of
136). brotherhood. (Art. 1, Universal Declaration of
Human Rights)
When a State allows an alien to enter and By its Constitution (Art. II, Sec. 3) the
remain in its territory even if his own State Philippines “adopts the generally accepted
objects. Aliens have no right of asylum; it is principles of international law as part of the
merely the right of the State to grant it. The law of the Nation.” And in a resolution
concept is wider than refugee status in that entitled “Universal Declaration of Human
it can be granted when the person has no Rights” and approved by the General
fear of persecution (AUST, supra at 187). Assembly of the United Nations of which the
Philippines is a member, at its plenary
Special types of Asylum: meeting on December 10, 1948, the right to
1. Territorial life and liberty and all other fundamental
It is a protection which a State offers to an rights as applied to all human beings were
individual within its territory or in another proclaimed. It was there resolved that “All
relevant territory who seek such protection; human beings are bom free and equal in
asylum provided by a State to individuals in degree and rights”. (Bernas, SJ., Introduction
its territory (EPIL (2009), supra at 1-2); and to Public International Law, 2009 edition, p.



Entitlement Purpose of Passage of RA 9851

Everyone is entitled to a social and RA 9851 mandates both the State and non-
international order in which the rights and State armed groups to observe international
freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be humanitarian law standards and gives the
fully realized. (Art. 28, Universal Declaration victims of war-crimes, genocide, and crimes
of Human Rights) against humanity legal recourse.

Duties of the People The body of international rules, established

Everyone has duties to the community in by treaties or custom, which are specifically
which alone the free and full development of intended to solve humanitarian problems
his personality is possible. directly arising from international or non-
international armed conflicts and which, for
In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, humanitarian reasons, limit the right of
everyone shall be subject only to such parties to a conflict to use the methods and
limitations as are determined by law solely for means of warfare of their choice or protect
the purpose of securing due recognition and persons and property that are, or may be,
respect for the rights and freedoms of others affected by conflict (International Committee
and of meeting the just requirements of: of the Red Cross, Advisory Service on
a. Morality, International Humanitarian Law).
b. Public order, and
c. The general welfare in a democratic 1. War Crimes, Genocide, and Other
society. Crimes against Humanity – Sections
Note: These rights and freedoms may in no
case be exercised contrary to the purposes WAR CRIMES - or “crimes against
and principles of the United Nations. (Art. 29, International Humanitarian Law” means:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
(a) International armed conflict, grave
Policy in Interpretation breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 12
Nothing in this Declaration may be August 1949, namely, any of the following
interpreted as implying for any State, group acts against persons or property protected
or person any right to engage in any activity under the provisions of the relevant Geneva
or to perform any act aimed at the Convention:
destruction of any of the rights and freedoms (1) Willful killing;
set forth. (Art. 30, Universal Declaration of (2) Torture or inhuman treatment,
Human Rights) including biological experiments;
(3) Willfully causing great suffering, or
J. International Humanitarian Law serious injury to body or health;
(R.A. No. 9851) (4) Extensive destruction and
appropriation of property not justified by
INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW military necessity and carried out
(LAWS OF WAR; LAWS OF ARMED unlawfully and wantonly;
CONFLICT) (5) Willfully depriving a prisoner of war
or other protected person of the rights
of fair and regular trial;



(6) Arbitrary deportation or forcible penalty provided under Section 7 of this Act.
transfer of population or unlawful (Sec. 4, Chapter III, Republic Act No. 9851)
(7) Taking of hostages; GENOCIDE
(8) Compelling a prisoner of war or other (a) It means any of the following acts with
protected person to serve in the forces intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a
of a hostile power; and national, ethnic, racial, religious, social or any
(9) Unjustifiable delay in the repatriation other similar stable and permanent group as
of prisoners of war or other protected such:
(1) Killing members of the group;
(b) Non-international armed conflict, serious
violations of common Article 3 to the four (2) Causing serious bodily or mental
Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, harm to members of the group;
namely, any of the following acts committed
against persons taking no active part in the (3) Deliberately inflicting on the group
hostilities, including members of the armed conditions of life calculated to bring
forces who have laid down their arms and about its physical destruction in whole
those placed hors de combat by sickness, or in part;
wounds, detention or any other cause:
(4) Imposing measures intended to
(1) Violence to life and person, in prevent births within the group; and
particular, willful killings, mutilation,
cruel treatment and torture; (5) Forcibly transferring children of the
group to another group.
(2) Committing outrages upon personal
dignity, in particular, humiliating and (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to
degrading treatment; directly and publicly incite others to commit
(3) Taking of hostages; and
Any person found guilty of committing any of
(4) The passing of sentences and the the acts specified in paragraphs (a) and (b)
carrying out of executions without of this section shall suffer the penalty
previous judgment pronounced by a provided under Section 7 of this Act. (Sec. 5,
regularly constituted court, affording all Chapter III, Republic Act No. 9851)
judicial guarantees which are generally
recognized as indispensable. OTHER CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY
It means any of the following acts when
(c) Other serious violations of the laws and committed as part of a widespread or
customs applicable in armed conflict, within systematic attack directed against any civilian
the established framework of international population, with knowledge of the attack:
(a) Willful killing;
Any person found guilty of committing any of
the acts specified herein shall suffer the (b) Extermination;



(c) Enslavement; crime is committed, provided, any one of the

following conditions is met:
(d) Arbitrary deportation or forcible transfer
of population; a. The accused is a Filipino citizen;

(e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation b. The accused, regardless of citizenship or

of physical liberty in violation of fundamental residence, is present in the Philippines; or
rules of international law;
c. The accused has committed the said
(f) Torture; crime against a Filipino citizen. (Sec. 17,
Chapter III, Republic Act No. 9851)
(g) Rape, sexual slavery, enforced
prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced Dispense with the Investigation or
sterilization, or any other form of sexual Prosecution
violence of comparable gravity; The relevant Philippine authorities may
dispense with the investigation or
(h) Persecution against any identifiable group prosecution of a crime punishable under this
or collectivity on political, racial, national, Act if another court or international tribunal
ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, sexual is already conducting the investigation or
orientation or other grounds that are undertaking the prosecution of such crime.
universally recognized as impermissible (Ibid.)
under international law, in connection with
any act referred to in this paragraph or any Note: Instead, the authorities may surrender
crime defined in this Act; or extradite suspected or accused persons in
the Philippines to the appropriate
(i) Enforced or involuntary disappearance of international court, if any, or to another State
persons; pursuant to the applicable extradition laws
and treaties.
(j) Apartheid; and
No criminal proceedings shall be initiated
(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar against foreign nationals suspected or
character intentionally causing great accused of having committed the crimes
suffering, or serious injury to body or to defined and penalized in this Act if they have
mental or physical health. been tried by a competent court outside the
Philippines in respect of the same offense
Any person found guilty of committing any of and acquitted, or having been convicted,
the acts specified herein shall suffer the already served their sentence. (Sec. 17,
penalty provided under Section 7 of this Act. Chapter III, Republic Act No. 9851)
(Sec. 6, Chapter III, Republic Act No. 9851)
3. Irrelevance of Official Capacity –
2. Jurisdiction and Double Jeopardy – Section 9
Section 17 This Act shall apply equally to all persons
The State shall exercise jurisdiction over without any distinction based on official
persons, whether military or civilian, capacity. In particular, official capacity as a
suspected or accused of a crime defined and head of state or government, a member of a
penalized in this Act, regardless of where the government or parliament, an elected



representative or a government official shall (b) That superior failed to take all necessary
in no case exempt a person from criminal and reasonable measures within his/her
responsibility under this Act, nor shall it, in power to prevent or repress their commission
and of itself, constitute a ground for or to submit the matter to the competent
reduction of sentence. authorities for investigation and prosecution.
(Sec. 10, Chapter III, Republic Act No. 9851)
Grounds for exemption
a. Immunities or special procedural rules 5. Nonprescription – Section 11
that may be attached to the official
capacity of a person under Philippine law The crimes defined and penalized under this
other than the established constitutional Act, their prosecution, and the execution of
immunity from suit of the Philippine sentences imposed on their account, shall not
President during his/her tenure, shall not be subject to any prescription. (Sec. 11,
bar the court from exercising its Chapter III, Republic Act No. 9851)
jurisdiction over such a person; and

b. Immunities that may be attached to the

official capacity of a person under
international law may limit the application
of this Act, but only within the bounds
established under international law. (Sec.
9, Chapter III, Republic Act No. 9851)

4. Responsibility of Superiors –
Section 10
In addition to other grounds of criminal
responsibility for crimes defined and
penalized under this Act, a superior shall be
criminally responsible as a principal for such
crimes committed by subordinates under
his/her effective command and control, or
effective authority and control as the case
may be, as a result of his/her failure to
properly exercise control over such

Instances Where the Superior is

Principally Liable for the Crimes
Committed by the Subordinate

(a) That superior either knew or, owing to the

circumstances at the time, should have
known that the subordinates were
committing or about to commit such crimes;


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