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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. All praises be to Allah SWT, the Lord who
created this world, who has given us salvation and blessing in life, so we can meet in this
blessing place. Furthermore, sholawat and salutation may be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW
who has taught and lead us to the right path, and also to his family and all of his disciples.

Honorable judges, the participants of this English speech contest, and all audiences.

In this happy occasion, we have met an extraordinary moment called the commemoration of
National Santri Day, precisely on 22 nd of October. If we recalculate, it seems that in this year,
this annual moment has just entered its 6 th year. It is still very young, but the voice of resolutions
will continue to burn regardless of age.

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Santri or Islamic students play a big role in the progress of the country. This role has been
echoed by our scholars in the past. They said that our task was not only to recite Al-Qur’an and
other books, spend the night at dormitory, or enliven the mosque. Our task is further than it. As
the youth Muslim generation who love their country, we have a great responsibility in advancing
the future of Islam and our nation. As Mustofa Al-Ghulayain said in Idhotun Nasyiin:

“Yaa masyarosyabaab, inna fii yadiikum amrol ummah, wafii aqdaamikum hayaatahaa.”

O youths, it is sure that the affairs of the people is in your hands, and under your feet is their life
(and death).

Ladies and gentlemen.

As the next generation, we are expected to be better and bring brighter future. It means we have
to do the best for our life and for our religion and country. We should study hard in order to
increase our quality, since the progress of the country is depending on us.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Islam also teaches that the value of worshiping and muamalah are equally important. And as
human beings, we need to compete in achieving the good of the world and hereafter. As a voice
of resolution, santri are responsible to rid themselves of radical thoughts that are contrary to
Islam and the country. Even so, as a big nation, we need to increase tolerance. We need to spread
love and kindness through gentle words, and avoid using violence. We also have to avoid giving
and accepting any bad impacts of modernization, such as drug, alcohol, or something else that
far from Islamic guidance, to be better human being who will be the future leader.
Honorable judges, the participants of this English speech contest, and all audiences.

I think that’s all from me, thank you for your kind attention. Before I bid farewell, allow me to
deliver a closing statement. Great santri are those who love their religion, country, and nation.
And great santri are those who are ready to do their best for their religion, country, and nation. I
wish you a good morning and hope we all have a glorious day today.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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