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Average time to be spent per module- 60 Mins

Module 1

1. What is impedance mismatch? Explain in detail.

2. Discuss the importance or values of RDBMS?
3. Write a note on: (i)attack of clusters (ii)Polyglot Persistence (iii)Emergence of
NoSQL (iv) Materialized views.
4. Explain Schemaless databases and graph databases.
5. Explain the aggregate data models with a neat diagram considering the
example of relations and aggregates.
6. Explain NoSQL models which support aggregate models. Also mention the
consequences of aggregate orientation.
Module 2
1. What are the distribution models? Briefly explain two paths of distribution.
2. Write short notes on (i)single server (ii)Combining Sharding and Replication.
3. Define version stamps. What are the various approaches of constructing
version stamps?
4. Explain the following: (i) Relaxing consistency (ii)Relaxing Durability
(iii)Quorums (iv)Deployment Complexity
5. What is CAP theorem? How it is applicable to NO SQL systems?
6. What are the different types of consistency conflicts? Explain with example.
7. Define the following: i. Resilience ii. Write Resilience iii. Eventual consistency
iv. Inconsistency window v. Session consistency vi. Sticky session.

Module 3
1. Explain wrt Map Reduce along with a neat diagram: (i) Basic MapReduce
(ii) Two stage MapReduce (iii)Composing MapReduce Calculations
(iv) Partitioning & combining.
2. What are key value stores? List out some of the popular key value databases. Explain
how all the data is stored in a single bucket of key value data store.
3. Give a brief description of the features of key value stores.
4. What are the suitable use cases of key value stores?
5. When is it advised not to use key value stores?
Module 4
1. What are document databases? List all features and explain any two with an
2. When are document databases not suitable? Elaborate the suitable use cases of
document databases.
3. Explain the scaling feature of document databases in detail, with a neat
4. Describe some example queries to use with document databases.

Module 5
1. What are graph databases? Explain with an example.
2. Briefly describe relationships in graph database with a neat diagram.
3. Explain the query features and transactions of graph database.
4. Explain scaling and application level sharding of nodes with a diagram.
5. When are we not advised to use graph database?
6. Give suitable use cases for graph database

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