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Essay of 700 words about Mexico and the vaquita porpoise

Andrea Edith Avalos Ruiz

Lic. Arturo Perales Meléndez

International Trade and Customs

Universidad Politécnica de Victoria

Cd. Victoria


Introduction............................................................................................................................ 2


The vaquita porpoise is a species endemic to Mexico. And it is on the list of animals

in danger of extinction in the NOM. There is not much information about this species,

it was in the 20th century when it was discovered because some corpses were

found, as time passed and more corpses of these specimens were found, they

began to be studied and it was not until 1958 when it was formally described. Being

a species exclusive to the country, efforts and safeguard measures must be

increased to conserve the vaquita porpoise, since its population growth rate is

limited, and because of intentional capture along with fishing activity that play a role.

protagonist in the loss of the species. (120 words)

It should be noted that I admire the work of The Secretariat to the Convention on

International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora for the

conservation of species, but the sanction it imposes in Mexico is something to worry

about, from my point of view, since it is sanction affects us internationally and

economically. In Mexico there is sea in both the East and the West, almost the entire

country is surrounded by coast and stopping fishing to stop trading internationally is

a serious problem for the country's economy, if fishing should be regulated, that is a


But I consider that other sanctions that are not so drastic could be taken, such as

establishing sanctuaries or fishing areas prohibited for national and international

trade, and thus we can regulate the problem. The vaquita porpoise and the totoba

continue to live in the sea, their habitat and fishermen can look for other areas to


Mexico's actions to protect the vaquita porpoise, from my point of view, really help

and are working, not completely but they work, since the Gulf of California is being

monitored, with maritime patrols to prevent illegal fishing, this helps It is very

important because from a distance you can see the location of the boats to intercept

them and see if they have fishing permits or if it is illegal fishing. There are also

scientists investigating the behavior of vaquitas, helping us to know more and learn

how we can improve their conservation and ecosystem, also how we could

contribute to their survival and what measures we as people could take to take care

of the vaquitas. There are also support programs for fishermen and their families to

prevent them from having the need to fish illegally and accidentally capture this

endangered species.I also believe that there is a plan to create a kind of enclosure

or protected area designed mainly for the vaquita porpoise, but as is known this is

not the only species in danger of extinction, so it would be a great benefit for the

species in that region, improving the marine ecosystem and biodiversity.

Speaking of what Mexico should do, or what direction it needs to take to preserve

the species, my point is that it should first put into action an effective plan that solves

70% or 80% of the problem, to focus on a solution and perfect it so that really works,

in addition to establishing fishing permits for that region in order to have control over

the boats that fish in that area, or on the other hand establishing a perimeter where

fishing is prohibited there. Another important factor is also to stop illegal and

excessive fishing of totoaba, maintaining an international dialogue where this issue is

addressed and other countries are aware of the situation. Regarding CITES, I think

that Mexico could reach an agreement or a resolution to witness the protection


methods that are being implemented and thus ensure the lifting of the sanction once

the conditions are met.

In conclusion, both Mexico and The Secretariat to the Convention on International

Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora play an important role in the

conservation of the species. The case of the vaquita represents great challenges

and requires urgent and effective to continue conserving this species that lives in the

northern Gulf of California. And the role of CITES has been classified as important

by prohibiting international trade in some marine species, for this it is important to

strengthen cooperation also between other countries to guarantee the survival of this

endemic species. On the other hand, Mexico must continue with its efforts to protect

the vaquita porpoise and work together with other countries to reach international

agreements to achieve effective and fair solutions to both protect the country's

biodiversity and the economy.


Ambiente, al. (2024). Vaquita marina, la marsopa más pequeña del mundo.



Ambiente, al. (2024). Protección de la vaquita marina.



Center. (2023, March 27). CITES Sanctions Mexico for Failing to Protect

Vaquita Porpoises. Center for Biological Diversity; Center for Biological



CITES Sanctions Mexico for Failing to Protect the Vaquita Porpoise. (2023,

March 27). Animal Welfare Institute.


City, M. (2023, March 27). Group bans some trade with Mexico over

endangered porpoise. AP News; AP News.


Mexico Sanctioned Over Endangered Porpoise. (2023, March 29). Mexico




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