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Reframe Principal.

Welcome: Bruce

Sings 2 songs prior to announcements:

Bruce announcements
a) Good morning! I am Pastor Bruce, Welcome to the Journey International
b) Thank you for coming and worshiping with us today. We want you to feel
welcome, please let us know if you have questions.
c) Grab a Bible. Today we will be reading from 3 different books. The page
numbers are on the screen They are by the Offering Box
d) Reminder: In September we plan on having a baptism for those who wish to
be baptized. Let me know or fill out a connect card with information so I can
contact you.
e) Check out the information table in the children’s area. Flyers, movie tickets,
connect cards and our statement of faith.
f) If today is your first time coming to the Journey. Fill out a connect card and
you receive a gift.
g) Find us on Facebook: the journey international church Dominican Republic
h) Today at 3:00 PM we will be watching Episode 2 of the movie series The
Chosen. We will watch in Spanish with English subtitles Watch this clip

Sings 2 songs

Prayer: Let me pray

1. PEOPLE who came
2. FOR those who need comfort and healing
3. TEACH us your word today

I. Body: Back ground history: OPEN Bibles to Proverbs 3:1-6

v Today we are going to talk about the Reframe Principal.

1. You see our frame of mind has a lot of control over our
happiness or sadness.
2. Sometimes we have troubles in life or we don’t have good
experiences because of our perception.
3. How we perceive things can have a negative or positive affect
on how we behave or respond.
4. We sometimes don’t see things as they truly are.
v What is perception?
1. The way something is regarded, understood or interpreted
2. It could be thru sight, hearing, feelings
v 3 things we need to learn in order to Reframe our minds.
1. Perception is everything. How we perceive things is what we
react to.
2. We can’t control what happens to us but we can control how
we react. This reframes our Past
3. Let’s Reframe our future by seeking good.

Read aloud: Proverbs 3:1-6

v Solomon said don’t forget my teaching but keep commands in your

heart. Why, prolonged life and peace and prosperity.
1. Let love and faithfulness never leave you.
a) Both these qualities involve action and attitude.
b) A loving person feels love and acts loyal and
c) A faithful person not only believes truth but also works
for justice for others.
d) Bind them around your neck and write them on your
heart. Meaning keep them close to you.
2. Trust in God with all your heart. Don’t rely on your thinking
which is limited. God is all knowing.
3. As you listen to his word submit to it, obey and follow it,
because it is the correct path.
4. When we do these things, we will have the correct lens to see
things and can reframe out minds accordingly.
5. When we talk about replacing the lies with the truth in God’s
word, we learn to acknowledge him in all our ways.

A. Perception is everything.

1. How we perceive things has a direct effect to how we respond to

them. We don’t always perceive things correctly, not reality.
a) If we use sun glasses we see things shaded because we look
through a tinted lens
b) If we are told be careful when you go there because it is
dangerous. When we go we will be looking for danger.

2. The author tells of a story where he says:

a) Imagine you went to a party with your friend.
b) Just before you enter the house your friend says.
c) I don’t know how to tell you this but everyone at this party
things you are an idiot.
d) Thoughts start going thru your mindlike why, who thinks
this, everyone thinks this, am I an idiot?
e) The two of you go into the party and immediately you start
to feel insecure.
f) Everything at the party would seem different to you
g) You see a couple people laughing and you think they are
laughing about you.
h) You see others whispering and you know they are talking
about you.
i) If your friend decides to leave early you know why. He is
embarrassed to be seen with you.
j) Later you and your friend leave the party and your friend
says to you.
k) Did you believe that whole idiot thing I told you?
l) He laughs and says gotcha. LOL
3. If this were you, you would now realize you looked at the whole
night differently-thru different lenses.
a) You looked thru a lens of negativity.
b) Everything you saw after being told you were an idiot was
in relation to that idea.
c) Someone could smile at you and you would immediately
think they smiled because you are an idiot, not because
they thought you were cute.
d) You judged others according to what you were told which
is not reality.
4. We are responsible for making sure we choose the right lens
through which we look at things.
a) How often are we guilty of looking at life negatively
because we have a bad attitude?
b) Or we think a situation is humorous because we are in
happy mood.
c) We are seeing things in-correctly, we are not seeing
d) What we perceive is what we tend to believe.

B. 2nd thing to learn if we want to Reframe our mind. We can’t control what
happens to us but we can control how we react.

1. Phil 1:12-14 There are times in our life when God doesn’t answer
prayers the way we wish.
a) Apostle Paul was determined to spread the Gospel in Rome.
b) He thought if he could share the gospel with the leaders
there it would encourage others to do the same.
c) But when Paul got to Rome it was not to share with the
government leaders.
d) He went as a prisoner, he was locked in a house and
chained to rotating guards
e) God did not let Paul go and witness in Rome as he wished
f) God had a different plan.
g) Paul later realized God’s plan was far more effective.
h) He was able to share the gospel with the guard who was
chained to him.
i) The guard had no choice but to listen to him.
j) Better yet, the guard changed every 8 hours so he was able
to share with many others.
k) The Gospel was spread thru out the palace by the Guards,
prisoners and staff
l) Thank God for what he didn’t do
2. Many times, things happen in life that we have no control over.
a) We can’t control what happens to us but we can control
how we respond to them.
b) Paul was not bitter because he was in prison.
c) He realized he could take advantage of the situation and
share with those in the palace and he reached many people
3. We too have plans and have asked for God to bless us by granting
us what we wish and hope for.
a) Remember our God is all knowing.
b) He knows what is best for us and for the growth of the
c) Like Paul we have to take control of the circumstances
and make sure we respond positively.
d) We need to look for the good in everything and all
e) We Reframe our past by controlling how we react to
things of the past.

C. We Reframe our past by thanking God for what he didn’t do.

1. Now we reframe our future “How”
2. By choosing what we are looking for
a) What you are looking for is what you will find.
b) Seek ye first the kingdom of God and everything else
will be given
c) If you are looking for happiness you are more likely to
find it. We find what we look for.
3. Choose how we respond before it happens.
a) If we know things cause grief avoid them
b) If we know something will make us angry be prepared
to stay calm.
c) Many times we are aware of things before they happen.
When we do know ahead we can plan our response.
4. Be cautious of how others can change our frame of mind
a) My uncle told me I would never be good at anything. It
crushed me. It took years for me to get over this.
b) My family life was depressing and I never received
encouragement to achieve.
c) Kids in school said I was a looser and treated me unkind.
d) What others say are not the truth, but I allowed their ideas
to control my behavior
5. Look for the good in all things and think on Philippians 4:8-9
whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent,
praise worthy, think of these things

II. Conclusion:

v If you want to Reframe your mind this is how:

1. Think about the lenses we use. Be mindful of how we look at
2. Control the outcome. No matter what happens to us. Joseph
a) Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers as a child.
b) He worked hard for his master and the wife accused him.
c) He was placed in jail. he stayed faithful to God and served
in jail.
d) By interpreting a dream, he was released and Pharaoh gave
him command of city 2nd only to him.
e) Joseph never let the circumstances control his life he
controlled how he reacted.
f) I am sure he wished he was never treated the way he was.
g) Joseph went on to save the lives of millions of people
including the Israelites
h) The truth was “God had a Plan”
3. Thank God for what he didn’t do!
4. Long before I met Janine I thought for sure I would marry
another woman.
a) I thought she was the one I would be with forever.
b) This might have been my plan but, This was not Gods
c) I ended up moving away and later met Janine.
a) I can honestly tell you I am thankful for what God
didn’t do. He didn’t let me marry the other.
d) I am blessed because I have a Godly wife, 3 wonderful
boys, 7 grandchildren and 1 on the way.
e) I am blessed to serve God here in ministry in DR
5. If possible, choose how to respond before it happens.
a) Funny story: Janine’s dad Jack has a habit of calling me
over weight.
b) Every time I go to visit him the first thing he would say
“wow you have put on some weight” most of the time it is
not true.
c) This would hurt my feelings upset me, but I had to bite my
tongue and not get mad at him.
d) What I had to do was to determine ahead of time how I
would respond before it happened.
e) I told him I can lose weight, but you are always going to be
ugly….. Lol. Not really, I could never say that to him.
f) I simply said, thank you for noticing but no I am the same
v 3 things we need to learn in order to Reframe our minds.
4. Perception is everything. How we perceive things is what we
react to.
5. Reframe our past by thanking God for what he didn’t do. We
can’t control what happens to us but we can control how we
6. Let’s Reframe our future by choosing how we view things
before they happen

v It all goes back to the basics:

1. Replace the lies with the truth.
2. Rewire your minds by meditating on the truths and creating
Trenches for our minds to follow.
3. Reframe our minds by taking control of our thoughts and
choosing how we view things.

Closing Prayer:
1. God’s blessings, protection, provision and healing on all here today
2. Pray that you will help us to reach others for the Kingdom.
3. Give us the words to say and boldness to speak.

If you would like to pray, please repeat after me or get with me after the service.

Please pray with me if you want to receive him:

Dear God, please forgive me, I am a sinner.
I confess Jesus is lord and that he died on the cross for my sins.
I believe that you raised him from the dead.
By faith I ask Jesus to be my personal savior. Amen!
I turn from my sins to you.
, 2023

Communion: 1 Corinthians 11:24. The lord Jesus on the night he was betrayed took
bread and when he had given thanks said: This is my body which is for you; do this
in remembrance of me. And in the same way after supper he took the cup saying:
this cup is a new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it in
remembrance of me. For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup you
proclaim the lords death until he comes.

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