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Brotherly Love.

Welcome: Bruce

Sings 2 songs prior to announcements:

Bruce announcements
a) Good morning! I am Pastor Bruce, Welcome to the Journey International
b) Thank you for coming and worshiping with us today. It doesn’t matter if you
are new or have been coming for a while. We want you to feel welcome, let us
know if you have questions.
c) Please feel free to use the bibles on the table in the back, If you have
questions or prayer requests please put on Connect card and place in the
offering box on back wall, Offering is black box on wall,
d) Starting May, 1 we will be teaching English to students here at the church.
Monday and Wednesday at 5:00-6 for 8 weeks.
e) Starting Wednesday May 3 we will be having evening Bible studies here at
the church at 7:00 pm for anyone interested.
f) Following the service on April 30 we will be having a church lunch. The
church will provide the meal
g) 2 COR 13:14 Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise him all
creatures here below, praise him above ye heavenly host, praise Father, Son
and Holy Ghost. Amen

Sings 2 songs

Prayer: Let me pray

1. PEOPLE who came
2. FOR those who need comfort and healing
3. TEACH us your word today

I. Body: Back ground history: OPEN Bibles to Acts 2:36-47

v The start of the Christian church began in Acts 2:1-36

a. When the day of Pentecost came the disciples were all together
b. The day of Pentecost is 50 days after Passover. Pentecost is also
called the festival of weeks. A time of thanksgiving for harvest.
c. A violent wind came and they saw what looked like tongues of
fire that separated and came on them all.
d. They were all filled with the holy spirit and began to speak in
other tongues “languages”
e. Present were God fearing Jews from every nation under
heaven. And they heard them speak in their own language.
f. Some people were confused and others began to acuse the
apostles of being drunk

v Peter stood up and raised his voice.

a. He said they are not drunk, this is what was spoken by the
prophet Joel
b. In the last days God said I will pour out my spirit on all people.
c. He said fellow Israelites, listen. Jesus of Nazareth was a man
accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs.
d. This man was handed over to you by God’s deliberate plan.
e. You, with the help of wicked men put him to death.
f. But, God raised him from the dead
g. It was prophesied that Jesus would not be abandoned to the
dead, would not see decay.
h. Jesus would be at the right hand of God.
i. King David spoke of the Messiah saying he would be raised
from the dead, would not see decay.
j. God raised Jesus from the dead and we are witnesses of it.
k. Jesus has poured out his promised Holy Spirit.
l. This is what you see and hear today.

Read aloud: Acts 2:36-47 After reading: Sing we are one in the spirit we are
one in the Lord?????

v What is Unity
1. Unity: the state of being united or joined as a whole.
a) As we live the Gospel and love and serve others, we feel
at one with our brothers and sisters and more in tune
with the Divine
b) Example John 17:21 Jesus said: That all of them may
be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.
May they also be in us so that the world may believe
that you have sent me.

A. Apostles claim Jesus is the Messiah Acts 2:36

1. Peter finished his argument by saying:

a) God has made this Jesus whom you crucified, both Lord
and Messiah.
b) This is what was stated in Luke 2:11 in the town of David a
savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord

2. The word Lord is referring to Christ is in reference to Yahweh

a) The same word is used elsewhere when describing God.
b) Lord is a title for God and Christ meaning: one who
exercises supernatural authority over mankind—‘Lord,
Ruler, One who commands’
c) It is no wonder Peter has caught everyone’s attention.
d) This is proof of Jesus’ deity.

3. Peter is speaking to an audience who has full knowledge of the

coming Messiah. They were waiting for the same thing “for the
Messiah to come”.
a) The only problem is that the people he is speaking to is
also guilty of handing Jesus over to those who crucified.
An innocent man.
b) They are not aware of the fact that Jesus rose from the
c) He is no longer in the grave
d) He has ascended to heaven to the right hand of God.
e) He has been given the Holy Spirit.
f) He has given the Holy Spirit to the apostles
g) Peter just said that this gift of the Holy Spirit is also for
us and for our children
h) To those who repent, confess and believe in Jesus Christ
as savior

B. The people repent Acts 2:37-42

1. Now the people are faced with a question that we all must face.
a) When the people heard this they were cut to the heart.
b) They said to Peter and the others, Brothers what shall
we do?
2. Peter’s answer:
a) Repent and be baptized.
b) Every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ.
c) For the forgiveness of your sins.
d) If you do you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
e) This is what is promised for each of us and our
children, for all people.
f) This is for all who the Lord will call.

3. Peter continues to plead with them and he warned them.

1) Save yourselves from this corrupt generation
2) How, repent. Repent means to turn away from sin.
3) Stop being selfish and rebellious against God’s laws
4) At the same time you must turn to Christ.
5) Seek forgiveness, mercy, guidance and purpose
6) Only God can save us.
7) Baptism identifies us with Christ and with the
community of believers.
8) Baptism is a condition of discipleship and a sign of
4. Look what God did to the church that day.
a) Those who accepted his message were baptized.
b) About 3,000 were added to their number that day alone.

C. The people devote themselves to the apostles teaching Acts 2:43-47

1. We are going to notice the disciples are now going to be called

2. What is the difference between Disciple and Apostle.
a) Disciple: a student or learner.
b) Apostle: messenger or missionary.
3. The Bible tells us that those who were baptized devoted themselves
to 2 things.
a) To the apostles teaching.
1) Gg

b) To Fellowship. Meaning: a group of people or an

organization with the same purpose.
1) What is the same purpose?
2) We are commanded by God to pray, to meet
together and to take communion in
remembrance of Jesus
3) The new believers gathered together to do just
that: To the breaking of bread.
4) And To prayer.

4. Peter is not saying that we must give up our daily lives to be a part
of this new community
a) He is saying or the example that is being given is this:
b) They are to gather together with the body of believers
as often as we can.
c) They should be obedient to the Apostles teaching, just
as the apostles follow what Jesus taught them
d) The new believers should follow the passing on of
Jesus’ message.
e) The new believers share everything they had. They sold
belongings to help others who are less fortunate.
f) They met together int h temple courts.
g) The new believers did not want to give up the call to
worship and to learn from the scriptures.
h) But, because of their faith in Jesus the Jews who did
not believe forced them out of the temple.
i) This is why believing Jews met in private for
communion, prayer and teaching.
5. Notice what happened:
a) The Lord added to their number daily those who were
being saved.
b) Saved from what?
c) Eternal judgement.
d) Eternity in hell

II. Conclusion: Three things I want us to take away from this message form
the book of Acts. 3 examples of how we should behave as the body of

v We should be cut to the heart by the gospel message. V 36

1. Jesus is God become man.
2. He came to pay the penalty for our sins so that we don’t have to
3. He came on his own decision to restore the relationship between us
and God the Father.
4. Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other
name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.

v We should also seek forgiveness for our sin’s vs 37-42

1. If you have not received Christ as your savior you can do so today.
2. I am pleading with you to do so today. Talk to me and I will pray
with you.
3. Seek forgiveness from Jesus Christ.
4. Save yourself from this corrupt generation.
5. Receive the free gift of eternal life.

v We need to gather together as often as we can to live out our life as the
body of Christ vs 43-47
1. As we gather together I want us to intentionally try to meet
each other on a new level.
2. Meet someone new.
3. Get to know their name.
v I want us to realize something.
1. In the NT the Jews thought the promises of God were only for
Jews and not for the gentile.
2. The apostles later begin to reach out to the gentile just as Jesus
commanded: in Jerusalem, Judea Samaria and to the ends of the
3. We are those who are to the ends of the earth.
4. We are those who are gentile.
5. We are one in Christ.
6. God cares for all, welcomes all and saves all who come to Him.
7. It doesn’t matter if you are from US, Can, Dom, Hait, Cuba, or
8. We will one day worship God in heaven together so let’s start
doing so now
9. The church and some of those who offered have provided food for
us to eat a meal together today.

Closing Prayer:
1. God’s blessings, protection, provision and healing on all here today
2. Healing for Ron and Matt
3. Pray that you will help us to reach others for the Kingdom.
4. Give us the words to say and boldness to speak.

If you would like to pray, please repeat after me or get with me after the service.

Please pray with me if you want to receive him:

Dear God, please forgive me, I am a sinner.
I confess Jesus is lord and that he died on the cross for my sins.
I believe that you raised him from the dead.
By faith I ask Jesus to be my personal savior. Amen!
I turn from my sins to you.
May 14, 2023

Communion: 1 Corinthians 11:24. The lord Jesus on the night he was betrayed took
bread and when he had given thanks said: This is my body which is for you; do this
in remembrance of me. And in the same way after supper he took the cup saying:
this cup is a new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it in
remembrance of me. For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup you
proclaim the lords death until he comes.

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