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Compulsory Subjects
√ English 0 0 3 1 √ Nepali 0 0 1 1

cfkm"n] cWoog u/]sf] ljifo ;d"xdf √ lrGx nufpg'kg]{

Civil Engineering/Computer Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/Plant Science/Animal Science/Music Education


1. Academic Sub. I
2. Academic Sub. II
3. Academic Sub. III
4. Legislative Su. I

5. Legislative Su. II

6. Legislative Su. III

7. Legislative Su. IV

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Website: df pNn]v eP cg';f/ cjut u/L kmf/fd eg'{kg]{5 .
k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos wf/tkm{ sIff !! df k7gkf7g x'g] ljifo tyf ltgsf] sf]8 gDa/
Animal Science
Grade : 11 Grade : 12
SNO Subject Nature Sub.Code Sub.Code Sub.Code Sub.Code
Subject Name Subject Name
(TH) (PR) (TH) (PR)
1 Com.Subject English 0031 0032 English 0041 0042
2 Com.Subject Nepali 0011 0012 Social 9011 9012
3 Academic Subject I Biology 8101 8102 Biology 9101 9102
4 Academic Subject II Chemistry 8111 8112 Chemistry 9111 9112
5 Academic Subject III Physics 8121 8122 Math 9121 9122
6 Legislative subject I Ruminants Production and Management 8181 8182 Non-Ruminants Production and Management 9181 9182
7 Legislative subject II Animal Nutrition 8191 8192 Meat Science and Technology 9191 9192
8 Legislative subject III Veterinary Pharmacology Technology 8201 8202 Genetics and Animal Breeding 9201 9202
9 Legislative subject IV Commercial Poultry Farming 8211 8212 General Surgery and Radiology 9211 9212
Plant Science
Sub.Code Sub.Code Sub.Code Sub.Code
SNO Subject Nature Subject Name Subject Name
(TH) (PR) (TH) (PR)
1 Com.Subject English 0031 0032 English 0041 0042
2 Com.Subject Nepali 0011 0012 Social 9011 9012
3 Academic Subject I Biology 8101 8102 Biology 9101 9102
4 Academic Subject II Chemistry 8111 8112 Chemistry 9111 9112
5 Academic Subject III Physics 8121 8122 Math 9121 9122
6 Legislative subject I Farm Machinery and Seed Technology 8221 8222 Industrial Crop Production 9221 9222
7 Legislative subject II Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management 8231 8232 Plant Pathology and Mushroom Production 9231 9232
Commercial Fruit Crop Production and Post-Harvest
8 Legislative subject III 8241 8242 Agri- Economics 9241 9242
9 Legislative subject IV Agricultural Entomology 8251 8252 Vegetable and Medicinal Plant Production 9251 9252
Electrical Engineering
Sub.Code Sub.Code Sub.Code Sub.Code
SNO Subject Nature Subject Name Subject Name
(TH) (PR) (TH) (PR)
1 Com.Subject English 0031 0032 English 0041 0042
2 Com.Subject Nepali 0011 0012 Social 9011 9012
3 Academic Subject I Physics 8131 8132 Physics 9131 9132
4 Academic Subject II Chemistry 8111 8112 Chemistry 9111 9112
5 Academic Subject III Math 8141 8142 Math 9141 9142
6 Legislative subject I Electrical Measurement and Instruments 8261 8262 Switch Gear and Protection 9261 9262
7 Legislative subject II Electrical Instalation, Estimation and Circuit Design 8271 8272 Renewable Energy System 9271 9272
8 Legislative subject III Electrical Power System 8281 8282 Electrical CAD and Based Design 9281 9282
9 Legislative subject IV Repair and Maintenance of Electrical Equipments 8291 8292 Power Transmisson and Distribution 9291 9292
Civil Engineering
Sub.Code Sub.Code Sub.Code Sub.Code
SNO Subject Nature Subject Name Subject Name
(TH) (PR) (TH) (PR)
1 Com.Subject English 0031 0032 English 0041 0042
2 Com.Subject Nepali 0011 0012 Social 9011 9012
3 Academic Subject I Physics 8131 8132 Physics 9131 9132
4 Academic Subject II Chemistry 8111 8112 Chemistry 9111 9112
5 Academic Subject III Math 8141 8142 Math 9141 9142
6 Legislative subject I Geo-technical Engineering 8301 8302 Mechanics of Structure 9301 9302
7 Legislative subject II Estimating, Costing and supervision- II 8311 8312 Fluids Mechanic 9311 9312
8 Legislative subject III Engineering Surveying- II 8321 8322 RCC Structure 9321 9322
9 Legislative subject IV Applied Mechanics 8331 8332 Construction Management 9331 9332
Computer Engineering
Sub.Code Sub.Code Sub.Code Sub.Code
SNO Subject Nature Subject Name Subject Name
(TH) (PR) (TH) (PR)
1 Com.Subject English 0031 0032 English 0041 0042
2 Com.Subject Nepali 0011 0012 Social 9011 9012
3 Academic Subject I Physics 8131 8132 Physics 9131 9132
4 Academic Subject II Chemistry 8111 8112 Chemistry 9111 9112
5 Academic Subject III Math 8141 8142 Math 9141 9142
6 Legislative subject I Programming in Java 8341 8342 Visual Programming 9341 9342
7 Legislative subject II Computer Organization & Architecture 8351 8352 Computer Network 9351 9352
8 Legislative subject III Operating System 8361 8362 Contemporary Technology 9361 9362
9 Legislative subject IV Web & Mobile Application Development 8371 8372 Software Engineering and Project 9371 9372
Music Education
Sub.Code Sub.Code Sub.Code Sub.Code
SNO Subject Nature Subject Name Subject Name
(TH) (PR) (TH) (PR)
1 Com.Subject English 0031 0032 English 0041 0042
2 Com.Subject Nepali 0011 0012 Social 9011 9012
3 Academic Subject I sDHo'6/ lj1fg 8151 8152 sDHo'6/ lj1fg 9151 9152
4 Academic Subject II dfgj d"No lzIff 8161 8162 dfgj d"No lzIff 9161 9162
5 Academic Subject III ;+:s[lt 8171 8172 ;+:s[lt 9171 9172
6 Legislative subject I zf:qLo ;ª\uLt 8381 8382 zf:qLo ;ª\uLt 9381 9382
7 Legislative subject II g]kfnL nf]s ;ª\uLt 8391 8392 g]kfnL nf]s ;ª\uLt 9391 9392
8 Legislative subject III kfZrfTo ;ª\uLt 8401 8402 kfZrfTo ;ª\uLt 9401 9402
9 Legislative subject IV k|rlnt g]kfnL -jfBjfbg, ufog / g[To_ dWo] Ps 8411 8412 k|rlnt g]kfnL -jfBjfbg, ufog / g[To_ dWo] Ps 9411 9412

 ljBfyL{x¿n] cfkm"n] cWoog u/]sf] ljifo cg'?k dfly pNn]lvt ljifo sf]8 pNn]v u/L /lhi6«]zg cfj]bg kmf/fd eg'{kg]{ tyf ljBfnon] Online
/lhi6«]zg kmf/fd Entry ubf{ ljifout ?kdf tkl;n cg';f/sf] sf]8 dfq pNn]v u/L Online Entry ug'{kg]{ .

SNO Subject Sub.Code

1 Civil Engineering 401
2 Computer Engineering 402
3 Electrical Engineering 403
4 Plant Science 404
5 Animal Science 405
6 Music 406

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