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Module D1-b

Introduction to Distribution Systems

Example: Determine Vs required to hold V5=11 kV (L-L)

• 1 segment = 1000 ft
• Need to use table to get impedance of each section
• All lines use 4 AWG conductors
• System is 3 phase
Load data is as follows:

bus 1: 120+j30 kVA

bus 2: 80+j20 kVA
bus 3: 40+j5 kVA
bus 4: 12,000+j4000 ohms/phase (Y)
bus 5: 10+j2 kVA
Basic algorithm for problem solution:
1. i=5
2. Find Ii (current flowing into bus i)
If constant power load, Isi=(Si/Vi)*
If constant Z load, Isi=Vi/Zi
3. Find Vi-1=Vi+Ii(Zi-1,i)
4. i=i-1, if not done, go to 2
Note: powers are per phase (or pu) and
voltages are L-N (or pu)
We normally use L-N voltage as reference. This time
we will use L-L voltage as reference. Our choice will
only affect the angles in our calculations.

11000  30
V5   6350  30
  10  j 2  3 
   10 
 S   3 
I5       0.4021  j 0.3533 A
 V   635030 
 
 
V 4  V 5  I 5  Z 45
 6350  30  0.4021  j.35332.65  j 0.175
 6352.3  30.002
 V 4 LL  11002.44  .002
V 4 6352.3  30.002
IS 4    0.33318  j 0.37575
Z4 12000  j 4000
I 4  I 5  IS 4  0.4021  j 0.3533  0.33318  j 0.37575
 0.7353  j 0.7291
V 3  V 4  I 4  Z 34
 6352.3  30.002 0.7353  j 0.72912.12  j 0.14 
 6354.46  30.006
 V 3LL 11006.25 .006
 40  j 5  3
 10
IS 3  3 
1.6859  j1.2765
I 3  I 4  IS 3  0.7353  j 0.7291  1.6859  j1.2765 
 2.4212  j 2.0055
V 2  V 3  I 3  Z 23  6354.46  30.006
 2.4212  j 2.0055 1.59  j 0.105
 6359.44  30.0106
 V 2 LL  11014.88  .0106
 80  j 20  3
   10
IS 2   3   3.10674  j 3.00506
I 2  I 3  IS 2  2.4212  j 2.0055 
 3.10674  j 3.00506 
 5.5299  j 5.0106 
V 1  V 2  I 2  Z12
 6359.44  30.0106  5.5299  j5.0106 0.53  j 0.035
 6363.36  30.0158
 V 1LL  11021.66  .0158
 120  j 30  3
   10
IS1   
 4.6568  j 4.50523
I1  I 2  IS1  5.5279  j5.0106   4.6568  j 4.50523
 10.1847  j 9.5158
VSRC  V 1  I1  ZS1
 6363.36  30.0158  10.1847  j 9.51581.06  j 0.07 
 6377.97  30.0372
 VSRC , LL  11046.98  .0372

I SRC  I1

 
PSRC  PIN  3 Re VSRC )( I SRC   Re  6377.97  30.037210.1847  j9.5158* 
 
 3 Re86,613.79  j 20025.28  3(86,613.79)  259,841.4 watts
Losses :
I 5  R 45  .7592

I 4 2  R34  2.273
I 3  R 23  15.716

I 2  R12  29.502

I1  RS1  205.935

TOTAL  3(254.19)  762.57  PLOSS

Efficiency   :
  100%
259814 .4  762.57
  100%  99.71%
259814 .4
regulation %reg :
VLL , SRC  VLL ,5
%reg   100%
11046.98  11000
%reg   100%  0.425%
Two Port Networks

A two-port network is a linear network having two

pairs of terminals: input and output.

It can contain any of the following components:

• R, L, C
• Transformers But it cannot contain
• Op-amps independent sources.
• Dependent sources
Two Port Networks

We may use two-ports to describe a number of

different types of circuits including:
• Transistor circuits
• Transformers
• Transmission lines
• Distribution lines
Two ports are attractive because, no matter how
complex what is inside the box, we may describe it
with only four parameters! There are six “4-parameter
sets” as given on the next slide.
Two Port Networks

a-parameters and ABCD

parameters are the same
except in ABCD, we
reverse the direction of the
current I2.
Two Port Networks
Given two-port equations, each different set of
parameters may be determined, one parameter at a
time, according to the following procedure:
1. Pull out the equation containing the parameter of
2. Solve the equation for the parameter of interest.
3. Set to zero the current or voltage necessary to
eliminate the remaining parameter from the
Consider the Y-parameters.  I   y y  V 
I    y
1 11 12 1

 2   21 y22  V2 
Let’s determine y21.
Step1: Pull out the equation containing the parameter
of interest: I y V y V
2 21 1 22 2

Step2: Solve the equation for parameter of interest:

I 2  y22V2
y21 
Step3: Set to zero the current or voltage necessary to
eliminate the remaining parameter from the equation:
y21 
V1 V 0
Your turn
Consider the Y-parameters.  I   y y  V 
I    y
1 11 12 1

 2   21 y22  V2 
Let’s determine y11.
Step1: Pull out the equation containing the parameter
of interest:

Step2: Solve the equation for parameter of interest:

Step3: Set to zero the current or voltage necessary to

eliminate the remaining parameter from the equation:
Your turn
Consider the Y-parameters.  I   y y  V 
I    y
1 11 12 1

 2   21 y22  V2 
Let’s determine y11.
Step1: Pull out the equation containing the parameter
of interest: I y V y V
1 11 1 12 2

Step2: Solve the equation for parameter of interest:

I1  y12V2
y11 
Step3: Set to zero the current or voltage necessary to
eliminate the remaining parameter from the equation:
y11 
V1 V 0
Another example
Consider the Z-parameters. V   z z   I 
V    z
1 11 12 1

 2   21 z22   I 2 
Let’s determine z11.
Step1: Pull out the equation containing the parameter
of interest: V z I z I
1 11 1 12 2

Step2: Solve the equation for parameter of interest:

V1  z12 I 2
z11 
Step3: Set to zero the current or voltage necessary to
eliminate the remaining parameter from the equation:
z11 
I1 I2 0
Repeated application of this procedure results in following relations:

Question1: What does it mean to set a voltage to 0?

Short the two terminals across which that voltage appears!
Question2: What does it mean to set a current to 0?
Open the branch through which that current flows!
Question1: What does it mean to set a voltage to 0?
Short the two terminals across which that voltage appears!
How to obtain parameters: example 1.

I1 2Ω I2

V1 1Ω 3Ω V2

I1 2Ω I2
y21  V1 1Ω 3Ω V2
V1 V 0

I1 I2 V1
 2
I2 V2  0

V1 1Ω V2 I2 1
   y21
V1 V2  0
Question1: What does it mean to set a voltage to 0?
Short the two terminals across which that voltage appears!
How to obtain parameters: example 1.
2Ω I2

V1 1Ω 3Ω V2

I1 2Ω I2
y11  V1 1Ω 3Ω V2
V1 V 0

I1 I2 V1 2(1)

I1 V2  0
V1 1Ω V2 I1 3
   y11
V1 V2  0
Question1: What does it mean to set a voltage to 0?
Short the two terminals across which that voltage appears!
How to obtain parameters: example 1.
I1 2Ω I2

V1 1Ω 3Ω V2

I1 2Ω I2
y12  V1 1Ω 3Ω V2
V2 V1  0

I1 I2 V2
 2
I1 V1  0
V1 3Ω V2 I1 1
   y12
V2 V1  0
Question1: What does it mean to set a voltage to 0?
Short the two terminals across which that voltage appears!
How to obtain parameters: example 1.
I1 2Ω I2

V1 1Ω 3Ω V2

I1 2Ω I2
y22  V1 1Ω 3Ω V2
V2 V1  0

I1 I2
V2 2(3) 6
 
I2 V1  0
5 5
V1 3Ω V2
I2 5
   y22
V2 V1  0
How to obtain parameters: example 1.
3 1 
 I1   y11 y12  V1 
I    y  I1   2 2  V1 
 2   21 y22  V2   I    1  
 2  5  V2 
 2 6 
Aside (to connect to previous work): Recall Y-bus construction:
(1) off-diagonal Y-bus elements are negated admittances of lines
connecting buses corresponding to Y-bus row/column nums.
(2) diagonal Y-bus elements are sum
Bus Bus 2
of all admittances connected to bus 1
with corresponding bus num. 1 1/3
Y-bus: see next slide to
5/6=y2s+1/2y2s=2/6=1/3 see if network is same!!!
How to obtain parameters: example 1.
The original network

I1 2Ω I2

V1 1Ω 3Ω V2

Are they the same? The Y-bus resulting from

the two-port calculations
Note the numbers in the top
Bus Bus 2
network are impedances whereas 1

the numbers in the bottom 1


network are admittances.

Question2: What does it mean to set a current to 0?
Open the branch through which that current flows!
How to obtain parameters: example 2.
3Ω j2Ω
I1 I2

V1   z11 z12   I1 

V    z
V1 V2
z22   I 2 

 2   21
z11   3  j4 The series combination of the
I1 3Ω and the –j4Ω impedances.
V1  z11I1  z12 I 2 I2 0

z12    j4 The voltage across and current
I2 through the –j4Ω impedance.
I1  0

V2 The voltage across and current

z21    j4
V2  z21I1  z22 I 2 I1 I2 0
through the –j4Ω impedance.

V2 j2  j4
z22   The series combination of the
I2 I1  0
  j2 j2Ω and the –j4Ω impedances.
a-parameters and ABCD parameters
The “a-parameters” (also called “transmission parameters”
and “ABCD parameters”) are useful for analysis of dist ccts
because they provide the ability to compute input voltage
and current as a function of output voltage and current.
a-parameters ABCD-parameters

V1   a11 a12  V2  V1   A B  V2 

 I   a  I   I   C D   I 
 1   21 22   2 
a  1   2
The ABCD parameters are the same except for the direction of I2.
The a-parameters are more common in circuit theory, including
electronic cct design; the ABCD parameters are common in power.
ABCD parameters




Strong suggestion before final exam: Prove that above 3 matrices

indeed give ABCD parameters for the given configuration.
ABCD parameters

Below, I have done (b) for you. You should

first do (a) (it is easiest) and then do (c). One
of these is likely to be on the exam.
ABCD parameters – Cascading connections
I1a I2a I1b I2b

V1a V2a V1b V2b

a b
V1a   Aa Ba  V2 a  V1b   Ab Bb  V2b 
 I   C Da   I 2 a   I   C Db   I 2b 
 1a   a  1b   b
Ta Tb
These are the same, i.e.,

V2 a  V1b  …so let’s substitute RHS of right

I   I  expression in for RHS vector of left
 2 a   1b  expression…

V1a   Aa Ba   Aa Ba  V2b  V2b 

 I   C Da  Ca     TaTb  
 1a   a Da   I 2b   I 2b 
Ta Tb
ABCD parameters – Cascading connections
I1a I2a I1b I2b

V1a V2a V1b V2b

a b
V1a   Aa Ba   Aa Ba  V2 a  V2 a 
 I   C Da  Ca     TaTb  
 1a   a Da   I 2 a   I 2a 
Ta Ta
So cascaded two-ports may be assessed from output (on
the right) to input (on the left) by using the product of
their individual ABCD parameters. Nice .
We are now in position to re-work our voltage regulation
problem on the 5-bus distribution feeder…see next slide.
Do this in preparation for exam as well.
Work Problem a: Work Problem c:
 Compute I5  Compute IS2 and then I2
 Get ABCD parameters  Get ABCD parameters
 Compute [ V3 I4]T  Compute [V1 I2]T
Work Problem b: Work Problem d:
 Compute IS3 and then I3  Compute IS1 and then I1
 Get ABCD parameters  Get ABCD parameters
 Compute [V2 I3]T  Compute [VSRC I1]T

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