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Design of a bilateral-symmetric multi-slot fishway and its comparison with

vertical slot fishway in terms of hydraulic properties

Article in River Research and Applications · March 2023

DOI: 10.1002/rra.4125


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5 authors, including:

Di Zhang Yakun Liu

Dalian University of Technology Dalian University of Technology


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Received: 6 October 2022 Revised: 2 March 2023 Accepted: 3 March 2023
DOI: 10.1002/rra.4125


Design of a bilateral-symmetric multi-slot fishway and its

comparison with vertical slot fishway in terms of hydraulic

Di Zhang 1 | Xiaohui Bian 1 | Xiaotao Shi 2 | Jun Deng 3 | Yakun Liu 1

Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering, School
of Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Abstract
Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Aiming at improving the hydraulic properties and enhancing the fish passage effi-
Hubei International Science and Technology
Cooperation Base of Fish Passage, China
ciency, this study proposes a novel bilateral-symmetric multi-slot fishway (BMSF) by
Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, combining the structural features of a double-sided vertical-slot fishway, multi-slot
fishway and T-shape fishway. Eight BMSF cases are further designed by adjusting
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and
Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan the slot width and the distance between the short baffle and the front end of the
University, Chengdu 610065, China
central wall, in order to achieve the relatively best hydrodynamic characteristics. The
Correspondence flow fields of two vertical-slot fishways and eight BMSF fishways are obtained by
Xiaotao Shi, Hubei International Science and
numerically solving the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equation, the volume-of-
Technology Cooperation Base of Fish Passage,
China Three Gorges University, Yichang fluid equation and the k-ω-SST turbulence model. Numerical results manifest that the
443002, China.
recommended BMSF-8 provides the smallest values in terms of the maximum time-
averaged velocity magnitude (1.42 m s1), the maximum time-averaged turbulent
Yakun Liu, Faculty of Infrastructure
Engineering, School of Hydraulic Engineering, kinetic energy (0.132 m2 s2), the maximum time-averaged Reynolds shear stress
component (44 Pa), the spatial-mean time-averaged velocity magnitude (0.58 m s1),
Dalian University of Technology, Dalian
116024, China.
Email: and the spatial-mean time-averaged turbulent kinetic energy (0.042 m2 s2) in the
middle pool at Q = 1000 L/s. Even for the depth-mean time-averaged velocity mag-
Funding information
Hubei International Science and Technology nitude at the slot and the volume percentages of some critical physical quantities,
Cooperation Base of Fish Passage,
BMSF-8 is also superior to the other cases. To sum up, BMSF-8 leads to the relatively
Grant/Award Number: HIBF2020004;
National Natural Science Foundation of China, lowest flow velocity and turbulence, being more suitable for the passage of the
Grant/Award Number: 51922065, 51909024;
whole fish community (especially for small-sized fishes with weaker swimming abil-
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and
Mountain River Engineering, Grant/Award ity). In addition, the generalizability of the aforementioned superiority of BMSF-8 is
Number: SKHL2019
displayed by providing the numerical results of four operating conditions
(i.e., Q = 600, 800, 1000 and 1200 L/s).

bilateral-symmetric multi-slot fishway, hydrodynamic properties, multi-slot fishway, Reynolds
shear stress, turbulent kinetic energy, vertical-slot fishway

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N quantity of fish. In order to restore the connectivity of rivers and

enable the longitudinal movements of fish, fishways are usually built
Some hydraulic structures have blocked the connectivity of river sys- (Daneshfaraz et al., 2021; Kuriqi et al., 2020; Poulet, 2007; Stuart
tems and fragmented the river's aquatic environment. Consequently, et al., 2008).
the breeding and foraging of the whole fish community have been Typical fishways include Denil fishway, pool-weir fishway (PWF),
seriously hindered, resulting in a sharp decline in the species and vertical-slot fishway (VSF), and nature-like fishway (NLF). The Denil

River Res Applic. 2023;1–16. © 2023 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1
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fishway is a straight, rectangular water flume with closely arranged Most existing fishways target larger-sized high-priority fish spe-
baffles inclining at an angle of 45 on the bottom wall, which usually cies, such as salmonids. Hence, fishes with weaker swimming capaci-
has a slope of 15%–25% and is unsuitable for small fishes (less than ties failed to effectively ascend because of high water velocity
250–300 mm) (Rajaratnam & Katipodis, 1984). Katopodis et al. (1997) exceeding the fish swimming ability (Mallen-Cooper & Brand, 2007;
ascertained the relationship between the dimensionless flow and the Quaresma et al., 2018; Stuart et al., 2008). Considering that the goal is
relative flow depth for both the standard and non-standard Denil fish- biodiversity protection, it is necessary to take into account the swim-
ways. Mallen-Cooper and Stuart (2007) observed that Denil fishways ming ability of the whole fish community. Although fishways should
with a low slope (i.e., 8.3%) have the potential to pass a wide size allow 90% to 100% adult fishes to successfully migrate so as to miti-
range of fishes, which means that their application can be greatly gate habitat fragmentation, Noonan et al. (2012) indicated that the
extended by manipulating the design parameters. mean upstream passage efficiency of the existing fishways is only
PWF consists of a series of water pools with stepped weirs hav- 41.7%, well below the desired level. Therefore, it is vital to develop
ing surface notches or underwater orifices (or a combination of both) new-type multi-species fishways with hydraulic properties adequate
(Santos et al., 2012; Silva et al., 2011), being suitable for fishes with for the whole fish community, which is actually the main motivation
strong jumping or swimming ability. Fishes use their burst swimming of this study.
speed to pass through the weirs. Yagci (2010) carried out the experi- In recent years, several new types of fishways have been pro-
ment by adopting three different notch sizes but without changing posed to facilitate the passage of the whole fish community, irrespec-
the orifice size. Kim (2001) studied three different weir types tive of fish size and swimming ability. For a multi-slot fishway (MSF)
(a trapezoidal weir without a notch, a rectangular weir with a straight (i.e., Figure 1d), the pool entrance chamber has two consecutive verti-
arrangement of notch and orifice, and a rectangular weir with a zigzag cal slots that divide the water-head drop into two parts. When com-
arrangement of notch and weir). Santos et al. (2014) found that a high pared to VSF with similar dimensions, MSF can reduce the flow
density boulder configuration combined with a higher discharge can velocity, the turbulence magnitude, and the operational discharge
reduce fish transit time. In fact, Mohammad Nezhad et al. (2022) and (Quaresma et al., 2018; Romão et al., 2018). T-shape fishway (TSF) is
Parsamehr et al. (2022) showed that the bed shear stress caused by composed of symmetric lateral long baffles, central T-shape piers and
discontinuous roughness elements can increase energy dissipation by symmetric drop sills (Mao et al., 2012). Mao et al. (2019) further sim-
generating more turbulence. plified TSF by removing the drop sills (i.e., Figure 1e) and studied the
VSF can be further classified into same-side VSF (SS-VSF), influences of the pool length and the front-baffle length. Zhang et al.
alternating-side VSF (AS-VSF), and double-side VSF (DS-VSF) (2022) put forward a H-shape fishway (HSF), which is constituted
(Bombač et al., 2014; Fujihara et al., 2002), as shown by Figure 1a–c. with lateral long baffles, H-shape piers, vertical slots, and lateral short
In VSF, only one or two vertical slots are left between adjacent pools baffles, as illustrated by Figure 1f.
for fishes to migrate, and the slots extend through the entire water In view of the huge gap between the desired fish passage effi-
depth (fishes can choose their preferable depth to pass without any ciency and the mean upstream passage efficiency of existing fishways
restriction) (Chorda et al., 2010; Quaranta et al., 2017). Rajaratnam (Noonan et al., 2012), there is still significant room for developing
et al. (1992) experimentally studied a total of 18 VSF designs by vary- new-type multi-species fishways. With this in mind, this paper innova-
ing the slope, the aspect ratio, the slot layout, and the baffle shape. tively puts forward the bilateral-symmetric MSF (BMSF). By introduc-
Calluaud et al. (2014) found that adding a cylinder near the slot can ing the backward T-shape pier, two fish passage channels and four
effectively reduce the local amplitudes of velocity, vorticity, and tur- recirculation regions (with relatively uniform sizes and relatively
bulent kinetic energy. Bombač et al. (2017) focused on the influence evenly distributed locations) are available in each pool for BMSF,
of the deflection angle between small and large baffles in VSF. Ahmadi which contributes to enhancing the fish passage efficiency, offering
et al. (2021) investigated another upgraded VSF version with cylindri- more abundant resting areas for fish and effectively reducing the flow
cal elements positioned behind baffles. velocity and turbulence. Eight BMSF cases are further designed by
NLF is a shallow, sloping channel that mimics a natural water- adjusting the slot width and the distance between the short baffle and
course in terms of substrate, water movements, morphology, and the central baffle to obtain the relatively best hydraulic properties.
gradient, which can be built with diverse materials (Breto The flow fields of two VSF and eight BMSF are compared in terms of
et al., 2013; Katopodis, 2005; Santos et al., 2005). Although NLF is flow pattern, velocity distribution, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), and
often designed to pass a broad size range of fishes, it is unsuitable Reynolds shear stress (RSS).
in some situations (e.g., when the variable headwater range is large,
when the elevation difference is >12 m, or when the bed slope is
>5%) (Bunt et al., 2012; Stuart et al., 2008). Noonan et al. (2012) 2 | M A T E R I A L S A N D M ET H O D S
stated that, as for the fish passage efficiency, PWF does not signifi-
cantly differ from VSF and NLF, but is higher than Denil fishways 2.1 | Research scope
and fish elevators. Bunt et al. (2012) pointed out that the superior
passage performance of NLF is attributed to its relatively smaller The hydraulic properties of one SS-VSF, one AS-VSF, and eight BMSF
slope. (Figure 2) are compared in detail to acquire the relatively lowest flow
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FIGURE 1 Schematic diagrams of SS-VSF, AS-VSF, DS-VSF, MSF, TSF and HSF, and the SS-VSF case studied by Bombač et al. (2014,
2015, 2017).

velocity and turbulence for the purpose of facilitating the passage of = 0.75 m), and BMSF-5 (bs1 = 0.80 m). Then, based on the optimal
the whole fish community. For BMSF-1, both the width of the front vertical-slot widths (i.e., bs1 = 0.75 m, and bs2 = 0.59 m, deduced from
pair of vertical slots (i.e., bs1) and the width of the back pair of vertical later discussions), BMSF is further optimized by varying the distance
slots (i.e., bs2) are set at 0.59 m, which is equal to the slot width of SS- between the short baffle and the front end of the central wall (i.e., d0).
VSF and AS-VSF. Although the value of bs2 is kept unchanged, the Figure 2e–l show that d0 = 0 m for BMSF-6, d0 = 0.16 m for BMSF-4,
width of the front pair of vertical slots is optimized in this study, d0 = 0.32 m for BMSF-7, and d0 = 0.48 m for BMSF-8. All BMSF
namely BMSF-2 (bs1 = 0.65 m), BMSF-3 (bs1 = 0.70 m), BMSF-4 (bs1 cases have the same parameters and settings as the SS-VSF validation
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F I G U R E 2 The 2D and 3D geometrical dimensions of SS-VSF, AS-VSF and BMSF-1BMSF-8. [Color figure can be viewed at]
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case, such as the boundary conditions, the numerical discretization 2.3 | Model validation
schemes, the time-step size, the longitudinal bed-slope (S0 = 1.67%),
the pool length (L = 3.0 m), the pool width (B = 2.2 m), the baffle The accuracy and reliability of the current numerical model are vali-
thickness (I0 = 0.20 m), the baffle height (H = 2.50 m), the Manning dated by the experimental and numerical results of SS-VSF in Bombač
coefficient (n = 0.014), and the length of the outlet reach et al. (2015). As shown by Figure 1g,h, each pool is 3 m long and
(L2 = 9.6 m). 2.2 m wide, and the SS-VSF consists of nine pools, ensuring that the
flow field in the middle pool is not affected by the inlet and outlet
conditions. According to Bombač et al. (2014, 2015, 2017), the slot
2.2 | Numerical model width is bs = 0.59 m, the baffle thickness is I0 = 0.20 m, the flow dis-
charge is Q = 1000 L/s, the bed slope is S0 = 1.67%, the Manning
With the aid of the Open Source Field Operation and Manipulation coefficient is n = 0.014, and the outlet reach is L2 = 9.6 m long.
(OpenFOAM) libraries. Simulations are performed by solving the Although the inlet reach is only L1 = 1.5 m in Bombač et al. (2015),
Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equation (RANS), the volume-of- here the inlet is further extended to 100 m upstream of the first pool
fluid equation, and the k-ω-SST turbulence model (Menter to exert the uniform-flow condition because the velocity and water
et al., 2003; Ubbink & Issa, 1999; Zhang et al., 2021): depth within the inlet reach are necessary when performing 3D simu-
lation (but not given in the literature). At the inlet, the uniform-flow
∂ρ ∂ ðρui Þ water depth (hin =0.141 m) and the uniform-flow velocity
þ ¼0 ð1Þ
∂t ∂xi
(uin =3.224 m s1) can be deduced from the uniform-flow equation
  Q = A*1/n*R2/3*S01/2. Three mesh levels (i.e., coarse mesh, medium
∂ui ∂   1 ∂p ∂ ∂ui ∂uj
þ ui uj þ u0i u0j ¼   þν þ ð2Þ mesh, and fine mesh) are utilized to verify the grid independence,
∂t ∂xj ρ ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj ∂xi
which has 3.56, 5.72, and 7.57 million cells, respectively. Besides, the
water depth at the outlet is fixed as hout =1.30 m, the standard atmo-
∂αq ∂αq
þ ui ¼0 ð3Þ spheric pressure is specified on the top, the convective outflow condi-
∂t ∂xi
tion is prescribed at the outlet, and the non-slip condition is applied to
0 0
∂k ∂ ui k ∂ ∂k0 the bottom and all the baffle surfaces.
þ ¼ Pk  β k0 ω0 þ ðν þ σ k νt Þ ð4Þ
∂t ∂xi ∂xi ∂xi Figure 3 compares the depth-averaged time-averaged streamwise
velocity (ux ), the depth-averaged time-averaged spanwise velocity (uy )
∂ω ∂ ðui ω Þ 0
Pk ∂ ∂ω0 1 ∂k0 ∂ω0 and the depth-averaged time-averaged TKE (k*) along four cross-
¼ α  βω0 þ
þ ðν þ σ ω ν t Þ þ 2ð1  F 1 Þσ ω2 0
∂t ∂xi νt ∂xi ∂xi ω ∂xi ∂xi sections in the middle pool (i.e., Sections I, II, III, and IV in Figure 1h).
ð5Þ Table S1 (in Appendices) provides the mean absolute error (MAE,
defined in the footnotes of Table S1) between the experimental and
where the subscripts i and j indicate the ith and jth components of the numerical data. Relative to the PCFLOW-two dimensional (2D) model
cartesian coordinate, respectively, u and p are the Reynolds-averaged used by Bombač et al. (2015), the present k-ω-SST model leads to a
velocity and pressure respectively, u0 symbolizes the fluctuating veloc- relatively larger sum of MAE (ux ) (i.e., 0.625 m s1 > 0.496 m s1), due
ity, t is the time, ρ denotes the density, ν is the kinematic viscosity, νt to its larger velocity prediction within the main flow region
is the turbulent viscosity, αq is the volume fraction of water, k0 is the (Figure 3a,d,g,j). Nevertheless, k-ω-SST results in relatively smaller
instantaneous TKE, ω0 is the instantaneous specific dissipation rate, F1 sum of MAE (uy ) (i.e., 0.399 m s1 < 0.514 m s1) and sum of MAE (k*)
is a blending function, and Pk represents the limited value of the k0 (i.e., 0.056 m2 s2 < 0.088 m2 s2), which means that k-ω-SST provides
production term. α, β, β*, σk, σω and σω2 are the corresponding more accurate results than PCFLOW-2D in terms of uy and k*
parameters. (Figure 3). On the whole, the experimental data can be well captured
When it comes to the fishway flow, the Reynolds number is rela- by k-ω-SST, but PCFLOW-2D fails to obtain the correct variation
tively large (i.e., 105–107). Therefore, a very fine mesh and a very small trend in Figure 3a,d,e,f,l. Besides, for k-ω-SST, the medium mesh pro-
time step are necessary to conduct large eddy simulation (LES) and duces almost the same results as the fine mesh, therefore, the
direct numerical simulation (DNS), because LES and DNS can produce medium mesh size will be adopted later for all the research cases.
more accurate results than RANS only when the mesh is fine enough.
In order to avoid the huge computational expense, the k-ω-SST model
is adopted here. Zhang (2017) proved that this model possesses the 3 | RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
best overall performance among all the eight RANS models consid-
ered. In fact, their simulations demonstrate that the k-ω-SST model 3.1 | Flow pattern
(employing a relatively coarse mesh) can result in numerical results
similar to those of two LES models (using a finer mesh). Zhang et al. Figure 4 exhibits the 2D time-averaged streamlines and velocity mag-
(2021) further pointed out that k-ω-SST becomes popular due to its nitude contours for six representative cases at Z = 0.5hm, where hm
excellent performance in simulating complex adverse pressure gradi- denotes the spatial-mean time-averaged water depth in the middle
ents and separating flow. pool at Q = 1000 L/s. Considering that all BMSF cases share similar
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flow structures, only four BMSF cases (i.e., BMSF-1, BMSF-4, pool due to the slot alignment, giving rise to the largest flow velocity.
BMSF-6 and BMSF-8) are presented here. Besides, similar flow pat- AS-VSF reduces the flow velocity to a certain degree by creating a
terns can be obtained at various water depths; therefore, only sinusoidal mainstream pattern by virtue of the alternate slot arrange-
Z = 0.5hm plane (at the middle of the water depth) is displayed for ment. For BMSF, the relatively lowest velocity is caused by the three-
conciseness of presentation. For SS-VSF, Figure 4a indicates that the fold impact of the backward T-shape pier. First, while only one
mainstream directly runs through the pool without any noticeable discharge route is available for SS-VSF and AS-VSF, two symmetric
deflection and diffusion, and two recirculation regions are captured discharge paths are provided in BMSF, which means that the main-
on two sides of the main flow, namely one small recirculation region stream is undertaken by more space, decreasing the flow velocity and
behind the short baffle (about 0.50 L  0.15B) and another large recir- turbulence. Second, the two discharge routes of BMSF are also sinu-
culation region behind the long baffle (about 0.93 L  0.64B). For AS- soidal (similar to AS-VSF), which can also reduce the flow velocity and
VSF, Figure 4b shows that the mainstream obliquely penetrates turbulence to some extent. Thirdly, behaving like MSF (Quaresma
through the pool, which generates two equal-sized triangular-shaped et al., 2018; Romão et al., 2018), each discharge path of BMSF is con-
recirculation regions on both sides of the main flow (each about stituted by two adjacent slots (in each pool), and hence the water-
0.66 L  0.43B). For BMSF, Figure 4c–f shows that the mainstream head drop is divided into two parts, which can further decrease the
forms two sinusoidal-shaped paths, and two pairs of symmetric recir- flow velocity and turbulence.
culation regions can be identified, namely the front pair behind the Marriner et al. (2016) and Quaranta et al. (2019) stated that the
short baffle (each about (0.25–0.34)L(0.18–0.33)B) and the back pair percentage of Umagnitude ≤0.30 m s1 should be in the range of 30% 
behind the central baffle (each about (0.47–0.64)L(0.34–0.39)B). 50% to provide a favorable resting environment for fish. Table 1
Apparently, only one fish passage channel (connecting two neigh- shows that, except for BMSF-1BMSF-3, the other cases do fall
boring slots) is available in each pool for SS-VSF and AS-VSF, but within this scope. Especially, BMSF-8 results in the largest percentage
there are two symmetric fish passage channels (separated by the of Umagnitude ≤0.30 m s1 (43.69%). Considering that a too-large recir-
backward T-shape pier) for BMSF. Increasing the number of fish pas- culation region tends to disorient fish (Santos et al., 2012), it is not
sage channels means providing an extra passage route for fish, which true to say that the bigger the better about the recirculation-region
is beneficial to enhancing fish passage efficiency. Moreover, although size. Accordingly, as for the percentage of Umagnitude ≤0.30 m s1,
SS-VSF and AS-VSF have only two recirculation regions in each pool, larger is not always better, because its value should be <50% to avoid
BMSF actually owns four recirculation regions with relatively uniform that fishes stay for too long in the low-speed recirculation area. Even
sizes and relatively evenly-distributed locations. In view of the fact for the percentages of Umagnitude ≤0.43, 0.54, 0.66, 0.78, 0.81, and
that the recirculation region usually has a relatively smaller velocity 1.00 m s1 (the critical swimming speeds of several fish species given
 n et al., 2013; Chorda et al., 2010; Liao, 2007;
magnitude (Breto in Quaresma et al., 2018), BMSF-8 is also superior to the other cases,
Marriner et al., 2016), it often serves as the resting zone of fish. When since it produces overall larger volume percentages.
compared to SS-VSF and AS-VSF, BMSF is believed to be able to pro- When it comes to the spatial-mean time-averaged water depth in
vide more abundant resting areas for fish by virtue of its two pairs of the middle pool (i.e., hm), Table 1 displays that, with the increase of
evenly-distributed recirculation regions (neither too large nor too the slot width, hm monotonically decreases from 1.50 m (BMSF-1) to
small), which contribute to taking a rest and avoiding disorientation 1.13 m (BMSF-5) due to the enhancement of the discharge capacity.
for fish. However, the variation of d0 has only a negligible effect on hm. The
flow velocity at the slots is the key factor to determining whether
fishes can successfully migrate upstream, and Figure 4g,h compares
3.2 | Velocity field the depth-mean time-averaged velocity magnitude at the slot
(i.e., Umagnitude ). All the slot centers are moved along the Y direction to
Velocity is one of the most important hydraulic parameters to deter- make them overlap with each other. As expected, the relationship is
mine the suitability of fishway (Romão et al., 2018; Silva et al., 2018). still SS-VSF > AS-VSF > BMSF-1 > BMSF-4 ≈ BMSF-6 > BMSF-8 in
Figure 4 and Table 1 reveal that, whether for the mainstream velocity terms of Umagnitude . The mainstream velocity should be as small as pos-
or for the maximum time-averaged velocity magnitude in the middle sible to enhance fish passage efficiency (Bombač et al., 2017; Calluaud
pool (i.e., Max{Umagnitude}) at Q = 1000 L/s, the relative relationship is et al., 2014; Mallen-Cooper & Brand, 2007). Relative to the other
SS-VSF > AS-VSF > BMSF-1 > BMSF-4 ≈ BMSF-6 > BMSF-8. cases, BMSF-8 is deemed to facilitate the passage of small-bodied
BMSF-8 has the smallest Max{Umagnitude} (1.42 m s1), being about fishes with low swimming ability, owing to its lowest values in the
30.4% lower than that of SS-VSF (2.04 m s 1
). Among the five BMSF aspects of the mainstream velocity, Umagnitude and Max{Umagnitude}.
cases with different slot widths (BMSF-1BMSF-5), BMSF-4
(bs1 = 0.75 m) owns the minimum Max{Umagnitude} (1.46 m s1), and
hence the slot width of BMSF-6BMSF-8 is designed as 3.3 | Turbulent kinetic energy
bs1 = 0.75 m. Moreover, BMSF-8 leads to the smallest Umagnitude
(0.58 m s1, the spatial-mean time-averaged velocity magnitude in the TKE, defined as 1
2 u0 2 þ v 0 2 þ w0 2 , also serves as an important
middle pool). For SS-VSF, the mainstream directly runs through the hydraulic parameter affecting the fishway efficiency (Liao et al., 2003;
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F I G U R E 3 Comparison of the depth-averaged time-averaged streamwise velocity (i.e., ux ), the depth-averaged time-averaged spanwise
velocity (i.e., uy ) and the depth-averaged time-averaged TKE (i.e., k*) at four cross-sections for SS-VSF. [Color figure can be viewed at]
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F I G U R E 4 The 2D time-averaged streamlines and velocity magnitude contours on the Z = 0.5hm plane in the middle pool, and the depth-
mean time-averaged velocity magnitude (i.e., Umagnitude ) along the vertical-slot width for six representative cases at Q = 1000 L/s. [Color figure can
be viewed at]

Silva et al., 2011; Silva et al., 2012), where u0 , v0 and w0 are the fluctu- averaged TKE (i.e., kmax) and the volume percentages of
ating velocity components along the coordinate axis. Table 1 gives out k ≤ 0.05 m2 s2 and k ≤ 0.10 m2 s2 (k denotes the time-averaged TKE)
the spatial-mean time-averaged TKE (i.e., k), the maximum time- in the middle pool at Q = 1000 L/s. Obviously, BMSF-8 provides both
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the smallest k (0.042 m2 s2) and the smallest kmax (0.132 m2 s2) percentages of k ≤ 0.05 m2 s2 (45.74%) and k ≤ 0.10 m2 s2 (82.33%)
among all the cases. With respect to the percentages of in Table 1.
2 2
k ≤ 0.05 m s 2
and k ≤ 0.10 m s 2
, BMSF-8 results in the second larg-
est values (i.e., 66.30% and 99.81%, respectively). Considering that
the flow field close to the water surface usually has relatively larger 3.4 | Reynolds shear stress
k values, Figure 5a–f presents the 2D k contours at Z = 0.8hm in the
middle pool for six representative cases. Evidently, in the mainstream RSS, defined as ρu0i u0j , is another important hydraulic parameter
region, both BMSF-6 and BMSF-8 have relatively smaller k values, but influencing fish behaviors. Fish may be injured or killed when exposed
BMSF-8 generates the lowest k values within the back pair of recircu- to an extremely high RSS environment for a long time, and the RSS
lation regions (Figure 5f). component at the X-Y direction (τuv ¼ ρu0 v 0 ) exerts the greatest influ-
A significant negative correlation between TKE and fish transit ence on fish (Liao, 2007; Liao & Cotel, 2013; Silva et al., 2018).
time is observed by Silva et al. (2011). Besides, Quaranta et al. (2017) Table 1 provides the maximum magnitude of the time-averaged RSS
and Marriner et al. (2016) pointed out that a large portion of the pool component at the X-Y direction (i.e., Maxjτuv j) and the volume per-
should stay below 0.05 m2 s2, because a higher TKE is not favorable centage of jτuv j≤10 Pa (where 1 Pa = 1N/m2) in the middle pool at
for fishes to recover energy. Quaranta et al. (2019) thought that Q = 1000 L/s. Obviously, BMSF-8 leads to the smallest Maxjτuv j
k = 0.10 m2 s2 can be deemed as the maximum upper limit of the (44 Pa) and the largest percentage of jτuv j≤10 Pa (97.32%). High RSS
fishes' preferring TKE values. Table 1 proves that the recommended usually occurs at regions close to the bottom wall, and hence the
BMSF-8 does behave much better than SS-VSF and AS-VSF, relying Z = 0.24 m plane is selected here to present the time-averaged RSS.
on its relatively smaller k and kmax but relatively higher percentages of Figure 5g–l reveals that, relative to various BMSF cases, SS-VSF and
k ≤ 0.05 m2 s2 and k ≤ 0.10 m2 s2. Its relatively smaller k values in AS-VSF give rise to larger jτuv j, being unfavorable for the fish passage.
the mainstream region are beneficial for fishes to swim upstream, and RSS represents a force per unit area and is caused by two adja-
its relatively lower k values in the recirculation region are conducive cent water layers of different velocities, and therefore fish experience
for fishes to take a short rest. Figure 4 shows that the mainstream RSS when moving between two different water layers (Čada
region of AS-VSF is bigger than that of SS-VSF, and hence AS-VSF et al., 2006; Silva et al., 2011). Figure 5g–l shows that higher jτuv j
has a larger area with k ≥ 0.10 m2 s2 (Figure 5b), incurring its lower values mostly occur at the transition domain between the mainstream

T A B L E 1 The spatial-mean time-averaged water depth (i.e., hm), the time-averaged velocity-magnitude (i.e., Umagnitude), the time-averaged TKE
(i.e., k), and the time-averaged RSS at the X-Y direction (i.e., τuv) in the middle pool for various cases at Q = 1000 L/s.

hm (m) 1.15 1.27 1.50 1.40 1.32 1.22 1.13 1.24 1.21 1.20
1 a 0.67 0.66 0.66 0.67 0.65 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.61 0.58
Umagnitude (m s )
1 b
Max{Umagnitude}(m s ) 2.04 1.76 1.64 1.58 1.53 1.46 1.47 1.46 1.44 1.42
Umagnitude≤ 0.30 m s1 30.33% 31.73% 22.81% 22.26% 24.11% 35.26% 34.24% 34.22% 39.11% 43.69%
0.43 m s1 45.57% 47.10% 40.76% 39.35% 40.38% 47.92% 45.49% 46.71% 51.23% 54.18%
0.54 m s1 55.57% 56.46% 51.48% 49.57% 49.96% 56.51% 53.26% 54.56% 58.66% 59.67%
0.66 m s 63.47% 64.41% 59.75% 57.80% 57.94% 62.90% 58.23% 61.85% 63.73% 64.13%
0.78 m s1 67.96% 69.79% 65.17% 63.48% 63.99% 67.91% 62.70% 67.53% 68.45% 68.60%
0.81 m s 68.59% 70.80% 66.46% 64.98% 65.38% 69.22% 63.95% 68.90% 69.67% 69.71%
1.00 m s1 72.08% 76.83% 74.18% 73.75% 73.91% 77.81% 72.91% 78.04% 77.80% 77.68%
2 2 c 0.050 0.065 0.043 0.044 0.043 0.042 0.042 0.043 0.043 0.042
k (m s )
kmax (m2 s2)d 0.214 0.214 0.210 0.199 0.153 0.141 0.132 0.132 0.135 0.132
k ≤ 0.05 m s 2
61.80% 45.74% 65.96% 65.52% 65.80% 66.13% 65.29% 66.86% 63.27% 66.30%
k ≤ 0.10 m2 s2 86.13% 82.33% 97.48% 96.98% 97.92% 99.35% 99.91% 99.24% 99.06% 99.81%
Maxjτuvj(Pa) e
101 94 46 59 66 50 54 55 47 44
jτuv j ≤10 Pa 93.26% 82.14% 97.27% 96.55% 95.97% 97.00% 96.89% 94.65% 97.30% 97.32%
Umagnitude represents the spatial-mean time-averaged velocity magnitude in the middle pool.
Max{Umagnitude} indicates the maximum time-averaged velocity magnitude in the middle pool.
k denotes the spatial-mean time-averaged TKE in the middle pool.
kmax signifies the maximum time-averaged TKE in the middle pool.
Maxjτuv j represents the maximum magnitude of the time-averaged RSS component at the X-Y direction in the middle pool.
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F I G U R E 5 (a, b, c, d, e, f) The 2D contours of the time-averaged TKE (i.e., k) on the Z = 0.8hm, and (g, h, i, j, k, l) The 2D contours of the
absolute value of the time-averaged RSS component at the X-Y direction (i.e., jτuv j) on the Z = 0.24 m in the middle pool for six representative
cases at Q = 1000 L/s. [Color figure can be viewed at]

T A B L E 2 The spatial-mean time-averaged water depth (i.e., hm), the time-averaged velocity-magnitude (i.e., Umagnitude), the time-averaged TKE (i.e., k), and the time-averaged RSS at the X-Y
direction (i.e., τuv) in the middle pool for SS-VSF, AS-VSF and BMSF-8 at different flow discharges.

Q = 600 L/s Q = 800 L/s Q = 1000 L/s Q = 1200 L/s

hm (m) 0.71 0.81 0.77 0.91 1.04 0.98 1.15 1.27 1.20 1.34 1.57 1.41
1 0.65 0.61 0.56 0.66 0.64 0.57 0.67 0.66 0.58 0.68 0.68 0.60
Umagnitude (m s )
Max{Umagnitude} (m s1) 2.03 1.75 1.36 2.04 1.76 1.41 2.04 1.76 1.42 2.08 1.76 1.45
Umagnitude≤ 0.30 m s1 31.96% 40.51% 45.10% 30.40% 35.75% 44.68% 30.33% 31.73% 43.69% 27.62% 23.84% 41.80%
0.43 m s1 47.81% 54.58% 55.56% 46.07% 50.41% 54.85% 45.57% 47.10% 54.18% 45.27% 38.99% 52.53%
0.54 m s 57.79% 62.85% 61.04% 56.26% 59.54% 60.30% 55.57% 56.46% 59.67% 55.31% 50.10% 58.27%
0.66 m s1 65.55% 68.74% 65.78% 64.03% 67.19% 64.80% 63.47% 64.41% 64.13% 63.09% 59.85% 63.17%
0.78 m s 68.58% 72.34% 70.71% 68.29% 71.30% 69.44% 67.96% 69.79% 68.60% 67.91% 67.92% 67.97%
0.81 m s1 69.13% 73.20% 72.04% 68.92% 72.09% 70.61% 68.59% 70.80% 69.71% 68.58% 69.75% 68.98%
1.00 m s 72.33% 78.23% 81.45% 72.13% 76.94% 79.07% 72.08% 76.83% 77.68% 71.88% 79.71% 77.65%
2 2 0.045 0.052 0.035 0.047 0.061 0.040 0.050 0.065 0.042 0.052 0.072 0.042
k (m s )
2 2
kmax (m s ) 0.186 0.206 0.109 0.200 0.212 0.127 0.214 0.214 0.132 0.214 0.220 0.141
2 2
k ≤ 0.05 m s 64.82% 55.87% 77.18% 62.84% 51.43% 69.33% 61.80% 45.74% 66.30% 60.25% 34.03% 63.49%
k ≤ 0.10 m2 s2 87.57% 86.87% 99.97% 87.04% 82.88% 99.83% 86.13% 82.33% 99.81% 83.95% 78.02% 99.69%
Maxjτuv j (Pa) 56 86 52 90 88 41 101 94 44 79 137 62
jτuv j≤10 Pa 99.61% 97.48% 98.16% 98.33% 97.17% 98.05% 93.26% 82.14% 97.32% 97.64% 82.10% 95.68%

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F I G U R E 6 The 2D time-averaged streamlines and velocity magnitude contours on the Z = 0.5hm plane for SS-VSF, AS-VSF and the
recommended BMSF-8 at different flow discharges. [Color figure can be viewed at]

region and the recirculation region, which is not difficult to under- percentages of Umagnitude ≤0.30, 0.43, 0.54, 0.66, 0.78, 0.81 and
stand because a large velocity gradient must exist in the region con- 1.00 m s1, k ≤ 0.05 m2 s2 and k ≤ 0.10 m2 s2. But, no obvious mono-
necting the high-speed mainstream water layer and the low-speed tonicity can be observed for both SS-VSF and BMSF-8 with respect
recirculation water layer. As for the recirculation regions behind the to Maxjτuv j. For the percentage of jτuv j≤ 10 Pa, although AS-VSF and
central baffle, BMSF-8 has the relatively smallest jτuv j (Figure 5l), BMSF-8 continuously decrease, SS-VSF actually first decreases and
which provides a better resting environment because fish tend to then increases. Figure 6 displays the 2D time-averaged streamlines
spend less time in cells with a higher RSS (Silva et al., 2011). Quar- and velocity magnitude contours at Z = 0.5hm, Figure 7 shows the 2D
esma et al. (2018) chose 10 Pa as the critical value of jτuv j and gave contours of the time-averaged TKE at Z = 0.8hm and Figure 8 exhibits
the percentage of jτuv j≤10 Pa for different configurations. In this the 2D contours of the absolute value of the time-averaged RSS at
study, as expected, BMSF-8 produced the largest percentage of Z = 0.2hm for various flow discharges.
jτuv j≤10 Pa (97.32%). Variable hydrological characteristics (e.g., river discharge, head-
water level, and tail-water level) are one of the major challenges for
the fishway design, because fish migrations are time-sensitive and dif-
3.5 | Different operating conditions fer between species (Katopodis, 2005; Stuart et al., 2008). Different
flow discharges should be considered during the design stage to
For proving the generalizability of the superiority of BMSF-8 over SS- ensure that the proposed fishway is always effective, even for highly
VSF and AS-VSF, other three discharge conditions (Q = 600, 800 and variable river hydrology (Katopodis et al., 1997; Kim, 2001; Silva
1200 L/s) are added here. Table 2 shows that, when raising the dis- et al., 2012). By supplying the hydraulic properties at four discharge
charge, some hydraulic parameters have a monotonically increasing conditions (Table 2 and Figures 6–8), this study confirms that: (1) the
trend, such as hm, Max{Umagnitude}, Umagnitude , k and kmax. On the con- recommended BMSF-8 can operate over a wide range of flow dis-
trary, a monotonically decreasing trend is observed for the volume charge; (2) in the range of Q = 600 L/s–1200 L/s, relative to SS-VSF
15351467, 0, Downloaded from by Dalian University Of, Wiley Online Library on [17/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

F I G U R E 7 The 2D contours of the time-averaged TKE (i.e., k) on the Z = 0.8hm plane for SS-VSF, AS-VSF and the recommended BMSF-8 at
different flow discharges. [Color figure can be viewed at]

and AS-VSF, the recommended BMSF-8 invariably generates much Maxjτuv j (44 Pa) and Umagnitude , BMSF-8 has the best overall hydrau-
lower flow velocity, TKE, and RSS (whether at the slot or in the pool), lic performance (i.e., the relatively lowest flow velocity and turbu-
contributing to the passage of the whole fish community (especially lence) among all the cases, being beneficial to the passage of the
for small-sized fishes with weaker swimming ability) (Mallen-Cooper & whole fish community (especially for small-sized fishes with
Brand, 2007; Quaresma et al., 2018). weaker swimming ability). BMSF-8 also can produce relatively
larger percentages of k ≤ 0.05 m2 s2 (66.30%), k ≤ 0.10 m2 s2
(99.81%), jτuv j≤10 Pa (97.32%), and Umagnitude ≤0.30, 0.43, 0.54,
4 | C O N CL U S I O N S 0.66, 0.78, 0.81 and 1.00 m s1 at Q = 1000 L/s.
3. For all four discharges (i.e., Q = 600, 800, 1000 and 1200 L/s), rel-
This study innovatively proposes a novel BMSF and systematically ative to SS-VSF and AS-VSF, the recommended BMSF-8 invariably
analyzes the flow characteristics of 10 fishways (i.e., SS-VSF, AS-VSF, generates much lower flow velocity, TKE, and RSS (whether at the
and BMSF-1BMSF-8). The main findings include the following: slot or in the pool), contributing to the passage of the whole fish
1. Although SS-VSF and AS-VSF have only one fish passage channel 4. For BMSF, the impact of the backward T-shape pier is threefold.
and two recirculation regions in each pool, BMSF actually pos- First, only one discharge path is available for SS-VSF and AS-VSF,
sesses two fish passage channels and four recirculation regions but two symmetric discharge paths are provided in BMSF, which
(with relatively uniform sizes and relatively evenly-distributed loca- means that the mainstream is undertaken by more space, decreas-
tions). Therefore, BMSF can not only enhance the fish passage ing the flow velocity and turbulence. Second, the two mainstream
efficiency, but also provide more abundant resting areas for fish. routes of BMSF are sinusoidal (similar to AS-VSF), which can also
2. In view of its smallest values of Max{Umagnitude} (1.42 m s1), reduce the flow velocity and turbulence to some extent. Third, like
Umagnitude (0.58 m s1), k (0.042 m2 s2), kmax (0.132 m2 s2), MSF, each mainstream path of BMSF contains two adjacent slots
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F I G U R E 8 The 2D contours of the absolute value of the time-averaged RSS component at the X-Y direction (i.e., jτuv j) on the Z = 0.2hm plane
for SS-VSF, AS-VSF and the recommended BMSF-8 at different flow discharges. [Color figure can be viewed at]

(in each pool), and hence the water-head drop is divided into two ACKNOWLEDG MENTS
parts, which further decreases the flow velocity and turbulence. The authors acknowledge the financial support of National Natural
Science Foundation of China (51922065; 51909024), Hubei Interna-
Considering that the bed-slope is one of the important parame- tional Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Fish Passage
ters affecting the hydraulic characteristics, six extra numerical cases (HIBF2020004) and State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain
(i.e., SS-VSF, AS-VSF, and BMSF-8, with a bed-slope of 8.5% at River Engineering (SKHL2019).
Q = 800 L/s and Q = 1000 L/s, respectively) were also carried out. As
expected, even for a much larger bed-slope (8.5%, approaching the CONFLIC T OF INTER E ST STATEMENT
upper limit of the most frequently used slopes in VSF), the recom- The authors declare no potential conflict of interest.
mended BMSF-8 still generates the relatively lowest flow velocity,
TKE, and RSS, contributing to the passage of the whole fish commu- DATA AVAILABILITY STAT EMEN T
nity (especially for small-sized fishes with weak swimming ability). The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
Due to the limited number of words, figures and tables, the corre- corresponding author upon reasonable request.
sponding results are not presented in the article.
Except for comparing the hydraulic properties, the fish passage
experiment is another important way to evaluate the fish passage
Di Zhang
efficiency of different fishways. Therefore, future studies should
involve testing the fish passage performance of the recommended
BMSF-8 by carrying out fish passage experiments on a physical
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