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Introduction to ICT

• After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Define ICT
2. Describe the capabilities of ICT
3. Discuss the role of ICT in education
4. Discuss the benefits and advantages of ICT in education

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A. What is ICT?
• Information and Communication Technology
or ICT, is often used as an extended synonym
for information technology (IT), but is a more
specific term that stresses the role of unified
communications and the integration of
telecommunications (telephone lines and
wireless signals), computers as well as
necessary enterprise software, middleware,
storage, and audio-visual systems, which
enable users to access, store, transmit, and
manipulate information.
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• The term ICT is now also used to refer to the
convergence of audio-visual and telephone
networks with computer networks through a
single cabling or link system.
• ICT is the use of computer-based technology to
store, process, and communicate information.

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• ICT is a broad term that includes
communication done through various
gadgets like mobile phones, radius,
television, computer, satellite and many
other digital devices. It also involves the
services and applications used within
and among these devices for sending
information. It is tool that helps in
improving communication among
business and commerce activities in
different parts of the world.
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• Nearly in all application areas, ICT has made a remarkable change.
Starting from education to governance a major change is observed in
all areas. Healthcare



Government Banking


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• ICT Literacy. Since we live in an information
society, everyone is expected to be ICT literate.
The ICT literacy entails:
• Awareness: As you study computers, you will become
aware of their importance, versatility, pervasiveness,
and their potential for good and ill in our society.
• Knowledge: You will learn what computers are and
how they work. This requires learning some technical
jargons that will help you deal with the computer and
with people that work with computers.
• Interaction: This implies learning to use a computer
to perform some basic tasks or applications.

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• To learn more about ICT, visit the site or click the link below:

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B. ICT Capability
• ICT Capability is described as the ability to do the following:
• Use the range of ICT tools in a purposeful way to tackle questions, solve problems
and create ideas and solutions of value.
• Explore and use new ICT tools as they become available.
• Apply ICT learning in a range of contexts and in other areas of learning, work and life.
• Similarly, pupils could be considered to have high levels of ICT capability if
they are able to do the following:
• Use ICT to support their learning in all subjects.
• Use common ICT tools.
• Take learning for their own learning, developing strategies to help them learn how to
use unfamiliar ICT tools, and work collaboratively.
• Use current ICT hardware and software and understand its potential limitations
• Understand that using ICT affects social processes.

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• The characteristics of schools where pupils have ICT capability. Schools
where pupils have a higher level of ICT capability have these features in
• ICT is taught as a discrete subject and used throughout the curriculum.
• ICT teachers set realistic, open-ended tasks in authentic contexts that require pupils
to use real ICT tools.
• There is leadership by senior management; and all teachers are involved.
• ICT is taught by specialist teachers.
• Teachers of other subjects have to use ICT for aspects of school administration and
are encouraged to use ICT in the classroom.
• Schools are proud of their investment in ICT resources and there are adequate
modern ICT resources.
• Funding for ICT is well planned.

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C. Role of ICT in Education
• According to Bhattacharjee and Deb (2016), the role of ICT in 21st
century’s teacher education are the following
• ICT helps teachers in both pre-service and in-service teachers training.
• ICT helps teachers to interact with students.
• It also helps in the effective use of ICT software and hardware for the
teaching-learning process
• It helps in improve teaching skills; it helps in innovative Teaching
• It also helps in improving professional development and educational
management as well as enhances active learning of teacher-trainees

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• It is now replacing the ancient technology. As we know now-a days, students
always have competitive mind. So teachers must have knowledge of the
subject. This can be done through ICT
• ICT helps teachers in preparation for teaching. In order to introduce ICT in
pre-service teacher education, different methods and strategies are applied.
Different tools are used such as word processing, Database, Spreadsheet, etc.
Various technology-based plans are used to help the teachers for their
practice teaching.
• ICT prepares teachers for the use of their skills in the real classroom situation
and also make students for their future occupation and social life
• ICT is used as an “assisting tool‟ for example while making assignments,
communicating, collecting data & documentation, and conducting research.
Typically, ICT is used independently from the subject matter.

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• ICT is a medium for teaching and learning. It is a tool for teaching and learning
itself, the medium through which teachers can teach and learners can learn. It
appears in many different forms, such as drill and practice exercises,
simulations, and educational networks
• ICT is a popular tool for organization and management in Institutions
• It removes the traditional method of teaching and prepares teacher to apply
the modern method of teaching
• ICT plays an important role in student evaluation
• ICT helps teachers to communicate properly with their students. So ICT bridge
the gap between teacher and students
• ICT helps teachers to pass information to students within a very little time
• ICT helps teachers to design an educational environment

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D. Benefits and Advantages of ICT in Education
• ICT has brought a remarkable change in improving student learning
process and also has aided the teachers with better teaching
• Some major advantages are:
1. Visualized Teaching: Using ICT tools, students are benefited from digital
animated clips and pictures to understand difficult topics easily.
2. Interactive Classrooms: The ICT tools have enabled the teachers to create
interactive classes and make the lessons more enjoyable, which can
improve student attendance and concentration.
3. Encourage Teamwork: ICT tools have encouraged the students for working
in a group like a team. Students share and work together to achieve their

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4. Enhanced Personalized Teaching: Teachers can pay more attention to the
students in a personalized manner by sending him/her project work
through email or any other medium and can also interact with the students
at their own level for monitoring his/her work.
5. ‘Whole World’ as a Class: Through ICT tools, information travels very fast
and the learning process expands making the whole world a class.
Information gathered through various media can be shared with anyone
around the world.

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• According to Fu (2013), the benefits of using ICT in education are the
• Assist students in accessing digital information efficiently and effectively
• Support student-centered and self-directed learning
• Produce a creative learning environment
• Promote collaborative learning in a distance-learning environment
• Offer more opportunities to develop critical (higher-order) thinking skills
• Improve teaching and learning quality Support teaching by facilitating access
to course content

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• Answer “Quiz 1 – Lesson 1” in Moodle.

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