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Blood, Battle and Terror!

The reign of the dead has begun

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Undtnd, BarsrQ-, h W m , & tk~llbw
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k force, land ftdl Warhammer s t a t l h
C m M

~ ~ ~ b G b f D f ~ p , t R e ~ dd u~e for s mamy!

n d Av
y m C a e r r l ~ , s l r p & f m c ~ t ~ t h e C I b ddOrder'FrrM;
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Ian Livingstone Power and Politics
ART & PRODUCTION EDITOR: Mary Common Inside the Warrior Knights boardgame
PRODUCTION ARTIST: David Chaney The American Dream by Simon Burley 18
PASTE-UP ARTIST: Belinda Robinson
COVER: Lee Gibbons Cheesecake loose in Britain! Everything's in apple-pie order
ILLUSTRATION: Michael Beach, Angus McBride,
Steve Luxton, Nic Weeks, Pete Martin, Gary Ward, Star Spray by Graham Staplehurst 31
Jeff Anderson, Trevor Hammond Wet yourself playing this Middle-earth and AD&D adventure
Cults of the Dark Gods I1 byAndyBradbury 40
ADVERTISING: Jon Sutherland Cthulhu corrupts. . . . More revelations ab,out secret societies
PUBLISHER: Games Workshop Ltd
Printed in England
All correspondence should be addressed t o
White Dwarf, 27129 Sunbeam Rd, London NWlO 6JP.
Open Box
ith the news that B~~~~ Exhumes UnearthedArcana, D&D Masters and.Judge Dredd Role-Playing
have decided to stock 2020Visio" by Colin Greenland 8
role-playing games, Flicks through Back to the Future, The Goonies and The Bride
Citadel miniatures and Fighting
books, Our by Dave Langford 9
set to dispel the illusion ofseems
being f ~ ~ {fantasy
~ ~and~science
, "fiction
~ ~books
a weirdos' cult. Boots are the first ~etters edited by Ian Marsh 13
major chain to st0ck.a large range Airs r e m e w s and comments
of rolegames in the country, and
Ifor one hope that others will fol- by Mark Harrison 26
low their example. Manchester,
$!?:~~~~~,"gh space and time
Maidstone, N.ottingham and Starbase edited by Bob McWilliams 27
Portsmouth are the first stores to Sizes up the universe
take games. All this does, how-
edited by Dave Morris 38
ever, make me wonder about the ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ , " : oold
m eproblems
future of convenience shopping.
Now, not only will w e able to buy Treasurechest
the latest game releases, but Slices up magic items in AD&D
essentia Is like soap, hai r-rollers Thrud the Barbarian by Carl Critchlow 43
Draws on his wit and charm

Fiend Factory
Swings from tree to tree

Tabletop Heroes by Joe Dever 54

Shapes of things to come

Legs it to the town

Trevor's Tidbits by Trevor Mendham 57

Muses over the hobby news

Small Ads
Helps out those in need

Competition Page
Serves up some attractive prizes in this special feature

SUBSCRIPTIONS: OVERSEAS DISTRIBUTORS: All subject matter in White Dwarf is copyright of Games
Please send and make remittance payable to: Games Work- USA: Games Workshop (US), 91 10F Red Branch Road, Workshop Ltd.
Columbia, MD 21045.

USA -contact Games Workshop US, 91 10F Redbranch Road,

Columbia, MD 21045, USA, 301 964 0262. ISSN 0265-8712.

The Good Games Guide is a 56 page,

quarterly magazine packed with helpful
information for the first time player.
Pages of reviews and articles also make
the guide an ideal source of reference
for regular pl;h/ers wishing t o find out
more about new modules and supple-

Issue 1 available now at f1.25

or subscribe for just f5.00per year.



Oriental Adventures is a comple,te sub-

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MEGA - CITY ONE .........
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In Open Box, fantasy and science fiction games and supplements fullv have been ex~andedin the Judne's
currently in the shops are reviewed by independent authorities. ~ a n u a lthat
, of sentencing, is corn--
~rehensivelv covered here. ExamDles of
crimes, together with length of impris-

OPEN BOX onment, are given. Novice players will

undoubtedly require help from their GM
at first, but they should get the hang of
things quite quickly.
Trying to map Mega-City 1 would be
utter folly, and the Judge Dredd RPG
QUEEN VICTORIA &THE HOLY GRAIL (128 pages), dice, a double-sided sheet doesn't even try! Far more sensibly, it
Role-PlayingScenario of floor plans (for the two scenarios gives details about city block design and
Games Workshop f2.95 included), and a sheet of cut-out card- furnishingsforthe dedicated (and some
board characters. The latter depicts would say insane) person who wants to
Listen, I don't mind telling you that this Judges, citizens, monsters and the like, have a go. A general 'bits and pieces'
Golden Heroes scenario caused a lot of but unfortunately the characters are a section finishes off this book, leaving
controversy during development. Mar- little amateurish in comparison with the only the two scenarios for me to com-
cus Rowland has an unusual. somewhat rest of the game. ment on.
irreverant and definitely bloodthirsty Emblazoned under the Judge's shield The first of these is designed to get
attitude towards Superhero games. This on the cover of the Judge's Manual is the you into the swing of the combat sys-
scenario is Tough, this scenario is Weird, legend 'Read This First'. Not wishing to tem. Dealing with a simple case of
but it is such a marvellous idea that it is spend the next six months in an Iso- wrecking, an idea taken almost directly
well and truly worth all of the trouble. Cube for disobeying a Judge's instruc- from a story in ZOOOAD, it makes an ideal
Obviously I don't want to give any of tions, I suppose I'd better cover it first. introduction, being carefully balanced
the plot away, but it does concern Queen The book kicks off with an introduction and atmospheric.
Victoria, it does concern the Holy Grail, to role-playing games in general, which The second scenario, 'The Ultimate
it doesn't concern time travel and it fea- should prove to be very useful for any Crime of Tony Thermo' is. . . well, it'd
tures oneof those charming Megavillain novice player. Experienced players can spoil it if Itold you. Suffice it to say, it's a
types (see WD64) that fight whole teams give it a miss. Player character genera- race against time and particularly well-
of heroes to a standstill and then dis- tion is covered next (in 'The Making of a written.
appear off into the sunset vowing to Judge') and it is interesting to see that All in all, Judge Dredd - The Role-
return to conquer the world another the game has dispensed with traditional Playing Game is an excellent product,
time. characteristics such as charisma, wis- for detail, value and content. Dredd fans
Presentation? Well, being one of dom, intelligence, etc. Instead, a Judge's will be pleased with it.
Games Workshop's Monthly Modules, it attributes include Strength (strangely Complexity: 7 Easeof Use: 8
doesn't contain quite the same quantity rated from 1-3), Initiative, Combat, Production: 9 Value: 10
and quality of play aids. Also Workshop Drive, Technical, Street, Medic and Psi Overall: 10 Jason Kingsley
has lost the services of the excellent Kev skills. These are generated on a percen-
Hopgood who is now too busy drawing tage basis. After character generation
for Marvel to illustrate GH stuff. How- comes a section detailing standard issue
ever, it still keeps the excellent format equipment, and, most dear to a Judge's D&D SET 4: MASTER RULES
pioneered on Legacy and it compares heart, notes on how to make an arrest. RPG Supplement
well to the similarly priced Marvelsuper Although Judges only start off with TSR Inc f9.95
Heroes scenarios. limited special skills, as they gain know-
I have got a few gripes. I still think the ledge and experience, they can learn No more mucking about with wimpy
ending is a bit too vicious. Also Ifeel that specialities such as Crackshot, Lawmaster vampires; no more fussing about with
one of the four maps is unnecessary. Leap and Aura of Cool. A general over- third-rate shadows. You're 36th level
There are other locations in the scenario view of Mega-City 1 life, together with a now. From Basic, through Expert, past
that need a map more than this one: very comprehensive guide to slang Companion, you have reachedthe stage
what idiot isgoing tostartafight in Buc- rounds off the players' guide. where you can cast 9 wishes before tea,
kingham Palace?Overall though, love it, A large number of role-playing games and still have a few spells left over. You
love it, and I can't wait for the players in fail to deal with a vital topic- namely, want to know what comes after ruling a
my campaign to get tough enough to how to ~ l a the
v aame. Judae Dredd is Kingdom; Masters will show you.
handle it. not one'of t h e s e r ~ h e
weighy Game At least, I thought it would. For those
By the way, I'm told that Monthly Master's Book has its first few sections with characters of 4th-8th level
Modules have a limited print run and are devoted to exactly this - how to be a maximum, the idea that there can be
unlikely to be available for very long. game master and howto run a game and 36th level demi-gods must seem like a
Complexity: 6 Ease of Use: 8 cope with your players. totally different game. I suppose it is, in
Production: 8 Value: 8 The GM's Bookcontains many elabora- a way, but the Masters Set doesn't leave
Skill: 8 Overall: 8 tions, usually rules orientated, of sub- you gasping for something simple.
Pete Tamlyn jects covered in the Judge's Manual. Throughout the ascent, the D&D game
This draws the distinction very nicely has never run out of air. This isan intelli-
between what the players do and do not gent, subtle and interesting extension to
need to know. the game, only to be purchased if you've
JUDGE DREDD -THE ROLE-PLAYING The section on non-player characters a need to know about such rarified
GAME is quite extensive, and GMs are encour- heights. And there are plenty of people
Role-PlayingGame aged to give NPCs as much life as their who do need this set, ask the TSR
Games Workshop f10.95 comiccounterparts. Most of the 2000AD switchboard.. .
villains are included in a useful rogues' There are two books in the set, as one
Designing a role-playing game is a dif- gallery, and I can't think of any major might expect. The Players' Book
ficult task to accomplish in its own right, perp that isn't present. Many of them, of expandsthe spell Iistsfor clerics, magic-
without having to base it on the exploits course, have already been judged by users and druids, while adding t9 the
of a single character - in this case, that Dredd, but there's no real reason why range of attack ranks for the demi-
most famous of Mega-City 1 lawmen, they couldn't be resurrected to fight humans. Then there are rules for
Judge Dredd. againstthe players. Mind you, you'd bet- Weapons Mastery, a more subtle form
Marc Gascoigne.and Rick Priestley ter leave Judge Death out of it until your of weapon specialization and profi-
must be congratulated for making what players have a little bit of experience! ciency. You start as a Novice, and rise to
could easily have been a disaster into a NPC heroes are also detailed, although Grand Master, doing more damage as
classic. The box art, by Terry Oakes, is Dredd has a surprisingly low Psi rating you grow more skilled. It's simple, but
stunning for a start! Inside the box there of 30 - I thought he was 'double zero' it's enough. It's made all the more usa-
are two books; the Judge's Manual (72 rated? ble by a table that lists all the weapons
pages) and the Games Master's Book One important section that might use- from the D&Duniverse, and then shows

inal designers might be able to.offer

something you can't manage yourself,
I've got to say that this is a very useful
set. I can't honestly see D&D at Immor-
tals level in my mind's eye yet, but it's so
far, so good.
Complexity: 5 Usefulrress: 6
Production: 7 Value: 8
Ease of Use: 8 Overall: 8
Paul Cockburn

RPG Supplement
TSR Inc f10.95
With the arrival of Unearthed Arcana, races is virtually ridiculous, adding sev-
the AD&D game has become the eral over-powerful races to the list and
Advanced Advanced game, almost as including some - like the drow - who
all the restrictions (two-handed, use different from the game that was can't get on with anybody else. Frus-
only in melee, etc), costs, weights, dam- founded on the Players Handbook and trated elf MUs or dwarven fighters might
age at different levels of Mastery, the DMG as that game was from Basic. I be pleased to see that some thought has
defence uses and special effects. A nice have no doubt that UnearthedArcana been given to upper class level limitsfor
touch. You could end up using it a lot. will be a huge commercial success. I also the demi-humans, but it is still just as
In the Master DM'S book, we find that have no doubt that it will cause many arbitrary as before. The new character
the bulk is taken up with the usual problems for garners, already confused classes are dire. The barbarian . . . well,
expansion to the lists of magical items by the existing variations of the game. it's a farce. When first presented, the
and monsters. These are all OK. Much What we have here is a collection of balance that made this super-tough
more useful are some important para- most of the Official material published in fighter a less attractive proposition was
graphs that give the DM firm guidelines the Dragon and Imagine over the last the fact that barbarians would have no
on coping with such a high-magic, few years. This material has been the truck with magic. In UA, that balance is
super-powerful campaign. Think of a subject of a lot of criticism, and much of gone. Throw away all those measly fight-
simple spell like dispel magic at 36th it has been re-written for UA. So, we now ers,folks, and pull on the loin-cloths. The
level, and you'll see why this help is have the barbarian, cavalier and acrobat cavalier is OK, everything the paladin
needed. The material on how to cope classes; weapon specialization; comeli- should have been in the first place (and
with the paperwork of having players ness; a large addition to the range of the paladin is duly relegated to being a
run small empires is going to help a lot character races, including drow and sub-class of this sub-class).The acrobat,
of DMs, and so will the section on svirfneblin; new spells; and one or two again, offers possibilities that should
balancing encounters. You could be interesting new ideas. It is very unlikely have been attached to the thief from the
picky and say that all this information thatthese ideaswill not pass into current beginning.
should been around in earlier sets, but currency - it seems that the appetite for Then there is weapon specialization.
Masters is where most people would new material that some people have will Your fighter or ranger can adopt a
start running into serious problems. It is never be filled - just as it is unlikely that weapon as a special arm, and receive
very sound advice in this context. TSRthemselves will ignore this newvol- bonuses in its use. It's a wonderful sys-
One section, however, shows the ume when they produce modules or tem for adding plusses to die rolls.
other method of keeping control of high- other play-aids. SQ, the question will be Comeliness and social status I shall
level play. Masters invents something asked, do you play UA, or not? ignore so that this review isn't all nega-
called Anti-Magic; a property possessed For a lot of people, this will be a one- tive. The new spells - the bulk of the
by the Immortals, and certain monsters off decision. Someone in the group will book-are QK, but add nothing very scin-
like beholders. Essentially this reduces buy the volume, and will announce that tillating t o the game.
or nullifies theeffects of magicwithin its helshe is going to play as a cavalier. And that (plus the Everyman's Guide
sphere of influence. It's a terrific idea. I There will be a discussion, the DM(s)will to Polearms) just about wraps it up. A
can think of nothing more ironic than decide, and that will be that. Maybe, by rules extension package of reprints,
having the party magic-user reduced to the end of this review, you will have most of which add very little of interest
the same effectiveness he had when he decided already. or value to anybody's game. What they
fired off one sleep every twenty-four But there are going to be times when do add is a significant list of 'extras', to
hours. Actually, as a means of halting the decision is more complicated than improve player characters and to bring
the escalation of magic use, it's quite that. Take game conventions like Games a little variety into wilting games. Add all
good. Dayor Games Fair; do they accept UA or the extras together, and you have a book
Do you need Masters? Well, only you not? Take modules produced in places thatwill turn your player characters into
can decide if your campaign is going to outside TSR control - like this magazine spearmen, and which means that all the
have characters straying beyond 36th -do they accept the conventions of UA? modules you own or have written your-
.level. If they are, and if vou thinkthe orig- And what about all the people who self need alteration. In a world of barbari-
move from one group to another? ans, weapon specialization, and Method
So, ignoring the contents entirely, the 5, four orcs in a room are no threat to
chief problem with UA is the fact that it anybody.
is a companion book. Don't feel that you Method 5? Didn't I mention that? Ah,
have to have a copy. It is about as impor- well in Method 5 for aeneratina charac-
tant to the running of a good game as ters, you choose the dass YOU want to be
Official character sheets or figures. and then you roll dice. Lots of dice. Fight-
Enough generalizations. Let's assume ers roll STR on 9d6, CON on 8d6, DEXon
you are interested in an expansion to 7d6 (taking the best three, of course),
your AD&D game. Well, frankly, I think and so on. Clumsyfighters?Never heard
you'll be disappointed with thisvolume. of them mate. Must be some other
Outside of the material that you may game.. .
already have bought in magazine form, Complexity: 7 Ease of Use:
' 4
there is very little here. And even if you Production: 5 Value: 6
don't already know all about the drow or Ease of Use : 3 Overall: 4
the barbarian, you aren't going to be Paul Cockburn
very excited by what you get here. The
extension to the number of character

2020 V i s i o n is White Dwarf's new column covering fantasy and sci- but perfectly timed. That goes for the
ence fiction movies, written b y Colin Greenland. movie as a whole.
The Goonies I was unable to enjoy be-
cause of a bunch of kids yelling and
screaming all the way through. Not the

FOLLOW THAT OCTOPUS audience, the actors. The Goonies are a

sort of hyperactive Secret Seven, called
Mikevand Mouth and Chunkand so forth.
searching for pirate treasure to buy off.
the evil property developers currently
Out goes 1985 with a double-barrelled skateboard, Marty's always late for clawing at their sleepy seaside town (in
blast from Hollywood. So much for school - until the day he takes a ride in Northern California). They are pursued
British Film Year. Even as I write, Dr Brown's souped-up sportscar, and through the bowels of the earth by an
Legend, in which British director Ridley arrives thirty years early. At Hill Valley Italian gangster family. I was cheering
Scott turns from horror and science fic- High he meets two charming youngsters, the gangsters. Spielberg is fond of these
tion (Alien, Blade Runner) to elves, Lorraine and George, who don't even murky caverns, strewn with skeletons
pixies and unicorns, is back with its know each other yet. Marty has to intro- and pitted with monstrous traps, as seen
editors for a third time, while two all- duce them, and make sure they stay in both Indiana Jones movies. They may
American movies jostle for your holiday introduced, if he's ever to get Back to the be a clumsy attempt to put the classic
halfpence: one by Steven Spielberg, and Future. The trouble is, George is such a dungeon imagery of Dungeons & Dra-
the other by somebody called Steven wimp Lorraine isn't interested in him - gons onto a cinema screen; but in fact,
Spielberg. The Boy Wonder is credited but she does fancy Marty. as other critics have said, the film resem-
as Executive Co-Producer of both Back Robert Zemeckis writes and directs this bles more some gigantic, relentless
to the Future [Universal, PG] and The affectionate treatment of the familiar theme-park ride. In the mawkishly senti-
Goonies [Warner, PG]. He didn't direct time-travel paradox, with plenty of com- mental reunion scene, Chunk (or Berk, or
either of them himself: The Goonies he ical misunderstandings and some truly Sneezy, or somebody) tells his Mom and
wrote (on a beermat, seemingly), while frantic suspense. There's enough sly Dad about the terrible giant octopus.
lending his name and his money to period detail to coax you into a second Several dozen numb film reviewers
ensure the success of Back to the Future, viewing: the set designers must have think to themselves: Octopus? I don't
apparently without interfering with the had fun building their chirpy little North- remember an octopus. Minutes later,
actual filming. Even so, both pictures ern Californian town of 1955 on the Uni- there's the credit: 'OCTOPUS Designed
carry the authentic Spielberg message: versal backlot before running it down to and Created by THE BURMAN STUDIOS
the kids are all right. Teenage dreams its degenerate present-day condition, INC.' Unfortunately forthe Burmans, the
and youthful high spirits are what will replacing the milk-bar and the Stude- beast itself slithered to the cutting room
keep the heart of America beating. baker dealer with Burger King, Toyotas floor and got clean away. Several dozen
Marty McFly (Michael J Fox) isa wide- and pawnshops (and pornshops). His- numb film reviewers concur: lucky
eyed, clean-cut boy whose main prob- torical confusions abound. In despera- octopus.
lem is his family: alcoholic Mom Lor- tion Marty tracks down Dr Brown's
raine, spineless Dad George,and unpre- younger self, who has great difficulty Another film that may still be around for
possessing siblings. No wonder he'd believing the boy is a visitor from thirty you to catch (as in 'measles') is The Bride
rather be playing loud rock guitar at the years hence. 'Okay, tell me,' he demands [Columbia, 151, a hokey newvariation on
home of his mad inventor ~ aDrl Brown finally. 'Who's President of the United The Bride of Frankenstein. After his
(Christopher Lloyd, Taxi's Reverend States in 1985?' Marty's answer does lit- dumb and lumpy male prototype, Baron
Jim). Despite travelling everywhere by tle for his credibility. An obvious joke,~ F manages to create a flawless female
Mark II, a free spirit who can only expose
his own hypo&itical and possessiv'e
nature. Confused. the maltreated oriai-
nal(6'4" Clancy Brown) smashes up <he
lab and runs away. He meets Rinaldo, a
sprightly dwarf played by David Rap-
paport, who teaches him about Life,
Ambition and Beer, and takes him to
Budapest, where they join a circus run
by Alexei Sayle and Phil Daniels (from
Quadrophenia).All this bit is as wonder-
ful as you'd expect. It's incredibly annoy-
ing to have to return to the main plot,
where Sting and Jennifer Beals are act-
ing out their ponderous parable of
Knowledge and Freedom. Then Rinaldo
istreacherously killed. To enjoy the best
of The Bride, leave the cinema here. Go
instead in search of The Victor, a stun-
ning and stylish cartoon made with
money from Channel 4. An animation
competition in LA threw it out for being
'too pessimistic', but it re-emerged at
both the Cambridge Animation and the
London Film Festivals. A young soldier
strugglesthrough a series of mysterious
locations - a bar, a seafront, a dodgem
rink,a haunted house-where everyone
and everything rises up and tries to kill
him. It seems like a vicious nightmare -
but who are the two shadowy men look-
ing down on him through plate glass?
Derek Hayes and Phil Austin animate a
powerful story with close affinities to the
best strips in magazines like Warrior or
Now, if 1 just reverse the polar~tyof the neutron flow. . .
Escape. Go and see it. See it even if it's
on with The Goonies.


Critical Mass isa regular fantasyandscience fiction bookreviewcol- last word: 'Consciousness needs matter
through which to act.. . But does matter
umn, written by starving author Dave Langford. need consciousness? No. . . We robots
are proof of that. Which, then, is more
fundamental to the world?' Concepts by
Jorge Luis Borges, action by Doc Smith,

The Great Hardback Famine sense of humour Bayley's own.

The humour of Peter Beere's 'Trauma
2020' series escapes many readers: it's
in the style and dialogue with which
I'm recovering from being a guest of progressfrom being merely worthy and appalling eventsflow down big-city gut-
honour at Britain's autumn SF conven- dull. The scenario: a million years back, ters a few years hence. Raymond Chand-
tion, where serious science-fictional a damaged alien von Neumann machine ler on speed. 'As great love affairs go,
things occurred: a speech during which lands on Titan. Its programs being as ours was something of a wipe-out.
I remember proposing three new Laws corrupt as South American politics, the Which is a surfing term meaning you
of Robotics; a death threat from kindly robot workforce goes awry and starts scrape your balls off on the edge of the
co-guest James White because I'd done board.'The wisecracking idiom suits the
a parody of his Sector General stories non-hero Beekay, a crook, coward and
which Ian Marsh will soon have an (just barely) survivor whose paranoia is
opportunity to reject; and several par- utterly justified. He even manages to
ties, one of which led to everyone hiding poke shards of wit through the squalor
in a toilet to escape the attentions of the of the sequence where he's forcibly
most appallingly boring person in the addicted to heroin by an insane female
universe,whom I am not afraid to name: cripple. This is volume 3, Silent Slaugh-
(Cut - Ed). ter [Arrow 202pp f 1.951. 'The book
Back in hungover Reading, I found the doesn't stink,'says Beere. 'But it tries to.'
first review stack in aeons to include no It succeeds - conjuring up a smell that's
hardbacks at all. Mind you, some of the a powerful antidote to books and TV
paperbacks are Big -like The Hitch- series where violence is sanitized and
Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy: The Origi- good guys never get hurt, much.
nal Radio Scr\pts [Pan 249pp f4.991. This For the reference shelf: David
isthe perfect cure forfans worried by the Pringle's Science Fiction: the 100 Best
differences between radio, radio repeat, Novels [Xanadu 224pp £3.951. When
record, book, and TV versions. Massive Anthony Burgess published a book list-
Arcturan Megafootnotes explain more, ing 99 best novels, Pringle was inspired.
including reasons for changes, Arthur His selections, covering 36 years from
Dent's Origin Story, which TV pro- 1984 to Neuromancer, are less quirky
grammes inspired the senseless vio- than Burgess' and, short stories ex-
lence satires, Adams' shoeshop phobia, evolving -they even develop sexual cepted, would be the basis of an excel-
and the ultimate significance of towels. reproduction. Blimey. (Afirst in science lent home SF library. Most of my favour-
'Bits which were cut' appear, most of fiction: robot sexism! Not only do all ites are there, and only a scattering of
them familiar since used in books; other, female humans occupy subordinate dodgy selections - like Mack Reynolds,
weaker bits here were dropped; and roles - no female robot seems even to an 'ideas and concepts' man whose writ-
Adams, then if not now a fanatical get a speaking part.) Cut to 21st-century ing makes my teeth hurt. Most surpris-
polisher didn't add several famous lines ~nvestigativeprobe from Earth, carrying ing omission (with an evasive apology in
until the records and books. (Cf the troops, exploiters and the lunatic fringe: the introduction): Jack Vance.
hilarious Book I,now in its32nd impres- a Gelleresque psychic (much sound The Science Fiction Film Source Book
sion, same old shoddy typography: Pan scepticism here) and a fanatic debunker. [Longman 312pp £7.95 -yes, it is a
159pp f 1.95.) Scripts is worth it for the Meanwhile, the robots are debating the paperback] is David Wingrove's follow-
FX directions: THICK SWIRLING SMOKE. shape of their world, a dangerous sub- up to the offbeat SFSource Book.
A FEW LIGHTS VISIBLE AND SOME ject since they've also evolved the Despite the spate of SF movie books, it's
MENACING BUT ILL DEFINED SHAPES. Spanish Inquisition.. . . a handy list of plot summaries, with
THIS IS SIGNALLED BY AFEW COUGHS This farrago improves as alignments added information about producers,
FROM ARTHUR, WHO IS PLAYED BY A . shift among the Earth team, with directors, etc. Minor glitches: the
dreaded 'star ratings' (for Plot, Technical
REMARKABLY TALENTED AND ABLE expected and unexpected reversals, and
ACTOR.. . . oddities are iustified bv the d e e ~ l nastv
v skill, Entertainment and Artistic Merit)
Harry Harrison, a talented and able political ~ u b ~ ~ ~l oot .~ grapples
a n with appear again, and coverage can be super-
writer, shows his versatility by robot environmentalism: will Earth ficial (eg nothing on Hugo and suchlike
effortlessly turning off these qualitiesfor strip-mine the metallic biosphere for SFfilm awards).To picka random exam-
You Can Be The Stainless Steel Rat spare parts? Lifemaker never comes to ple, the entry on Wizards dismisses it as
[Grafton f 1.95. Grafton used to be terms with its own absurdity, but if you 'comic-orientated' without even men-
Granada; there are no page numbers survive the stodgy opening it has its tioning the influence of Vaughn Bode, or
but 339 paragraphs.] Perhaps that's charms. Ian Miller's powerfully effective
unfair: he cracks some good jokes, but As does Barrington Bayley, an even backgrounds. Nitpicking, though, is a
literary ability seems irrelevant to these more rough-hewn writer than Hogan, game with no ending.
game books (look at the people who and SF'S premier pulp philosopher. The Down to the reissues. Castles by Alan
usually write them). Playability? Unless Rod of Light [Methuen 193pp f2.501 fol- Lee, David Day and David Larkin [Unicorn
you get bored and go to sleep there's no lows his Soul of the Robot, and with 192ppf7.951 is a gift bookcrammed with
way to lose, orto escape the linear 'plot' tongue partly in cheek examines the attractive pictures o f . . . well, with that
to which Harrison has merely added Nature of Consciousness in terms of B- title, it's not bungalows. Lies, Inc
decorative, swiftly returning loops. movie villainy. Thus: Jasperodus, con- [Granada 224pp f 1.951 is the weird,
Occasionally you toss a coin to find tinuing robot hero, is unique in being mind-boggling expansion of Philip
whether life or death awaits you: heads conscious (thanks to soul-donating Dick's The Unteleported Man. E E Smith
or tails lead to the same paragraph human 'parents'). Far more intelligent is has long been held not responsible for
(guess what it says), inserted twice by Gargan (sic), a robot genius who though the dismal 'Family d'Alembertl books,
the magic ofthe word processor. My all- not conscious is bright enough to number 10 - Revolt of the Galaxy [Graf-
purpose review for such efforts is deduce that he isn't. A sympathetic and ton 186pp f 1.951 - being churned out as
designed to appease the publishers: even tragic villain, he duly starts drain- usual by Stephen Goldin. Rick Raphael's
'This one is a real page-turner!' ing human souls out of the very best 1966 Code Three, exciting but dated SF
So is James P Hogan's Code of the motives (also, of course, out of humans). about 800-mph cars, is improbably
Lifemaker [Penguin 405pp £2.951. Jasperodus opposes this on robotitarian released as a tie-in with Mad Max. . . .
another step in this determined author's grounds - but Gargan's team has the But where are my nice hardbkcks?
provide material for a good game - the
'theme', if you like-and it is then a ques-
tion of translating that situation into
oame terms. The other is when Ifeel that
Eertain ideas would make the elements
k r a k ~ a w etdks
r to white b a r f about the warrior ~niahts
game of a good game and I tw try to find a
scenmi~ into which they will fit. This is
what hqppenedwith W&d~or~nights. In
this instance I wanted to make a game
that was olaved on three eaual (and I
stresothe"e~ual')levels- Military, Polit-
ical and Financial. Ialso wanted to make

a game that was contrdS~dby votes of
the players, which in ibturn involved
those players having tsmake a con-
sciousdecisionas towherethey wanted
their power to lie.
I At €hetime Iwas workingon the game
Iwas a 'frinae' warasmer but I arsatlv
dislikedthagmall p&cesandtheinevita-
I ble stacking. Andrew M c b i t with .
Kinamaker let a braath of fresh air into

I tharparticular door by representing

each army by a single piece with the
I make up of the army represented by
cards off the board. and the influence of

Kingmaker in this respect can be seen in
Warrior Knights. So in this particular
instance there was no single flash of
inspiration as such. Insteed, the same
was gradually built up round sc6m of
ideas that Ifelt would make for exciting

I WD: In the introduction grow described

I the game as being set in an *r:rnaginarf
countw. Had YOU anvwhan mflicular tn

4 PC: Wdl, I s u ~ ~ t s lswas

e thinkinn of a
region somewhere near present-day
Paland but l rmrooselv avoided amr-
where thatwas anv wav recsaniiable

even though Iwantid to i r e e k e the
fPetIng d period. This 'Pofsh' feeling
has l a r g ~ l disappeared
y now th& the
K~i@h$s have been given somoMat
Im%ernetionalnames each riame being
bnkad ta the colour of,the player's fac-
tion. Ifully ackn~twkedge the a r m t i o n
.. s o w moala find in correct histw'ml
simulations but because 1 am at heart a
For thg r b e d t of rmders who have is cms &the par- gmsplayerrathwthan ahistory buff I
n& yet played Warsor Knightsperhaps ticularly wniqwi?%@uresof Wadfior find attempts to recraate a precise his-
you WO& give a brkf descrigtian of the Knights; t h k is ~epf$smrv2crdby 'The torical location and/or situation restric-.
game. Assembly', The Awemb;tyisrat the heart tive in the gaming sense.
of the garne and a n i t can be
DC: It is set in an jsn inary E m p e a n expected .do ma& araund wn times, WQ. Would you ~aElit a wargame?
country around 740O?%hsthrene is vac- d e b t k g mbustIng on TwC msrticms
antandthestageissetforap.oweFs$rug- e w f y ftme it m e s s . All Ekans 'in the DC: Mo, not really. Combat is only one
gleamong thegreat Barons (the playms) country' ere entitleel to $a& Isay element in the game, even though it is
and their faction of Knights. The objea 'entMdr because sne @the feratures af an important one. But war aming is a
of the aame is to control over half of the the game is attempting to prevent pow-
count$s un-razedcities.The moment erful Barons from attendina) and a
very serious business and rankly, I feel
there are too manykro e~9mentsin War-
this is aehkved the game is over. {I player's voting stre%& ie &iqredmt rforKnishtsFor it to be cond&r-ed a true
stress 'un-razed' because a lack of upon his status - repkserrted by his wargame.
money will often force an impoverished wealth and the number of cities he con-
layer to raaa'cigy after ~ e p i u r k g
it. trols. Zk16 Wmn also has the power of WD: You use the word '&din relalfonto
This brings him an immediate fimncial Vetower one of fhs fdur mations. Warrlor Knights, impIyi- that prou con-
gain, but as op-d toputting him Jhe~earea n u m W of other aspects sider it $nimportent txmpamnt ofthe
nearer %a mealng the winning mndi- that%a+ufeb ~ . m - s & m ihv~cjst- game. b this so?
t i b it~assists his ap.pcPnents by making ing Intcsdinp fleets andohe appearance
the ssnditions.easiw.l of a b y e l Pr&en&e~-all of which are DC: Most definitely. l+ika$jamet~gen-
Although rh-e game kwan as a aesult intended tokeep tfxe action lively. erate a lot of noiw (of the-friendlytype! ).
of militaryadionthe financiat andpoliti- In fact, in the games Iplay and in the
cal aspects have equal impclrtmm. It is
esseMEd that each player esZ.ablit&es a
W6): The m~#-que&* whem rJld the
inMot3.0n forCI\Iar&r Knights come
games 1 invent there aremrtain features
that I like to be present if possible. Firstly
wund anancia1base befarsheattempts from? i like a lot of s t m u l t a action
~ with
t a do mu& elm and it is on@when he the waiting for other players to make
feals himwlf fmancially swure that he W: There are twu ways Ige a b u t their moves kept to a minimum. I also
can crzM&hNy throw his military invm4m~ a game. Tbeu~ual sne is I dislike very tong games- sr, rather,
weightvmund. decide that a certaI-nsi%wtionwould' games that are longer than they need to


be. By this I mean that every game, just was put onto the table in front of my reduce the time it takes to capture the
like a book or a piece of music, has a friends it was pretty much as it is today. city.
length which is ideal for that particular There have been changes of detail of Should Mercenary troops get too
collection of ideas. If it exceeds this it course, but in essence it is still the origi- expensive at the auctions you could con-
becomes drawn-out or laboured. When nal game. What I should stress is that centrateyour efforts on to attacking other
I first invent a game it starts off too long Warrior Knights was not invented with armies as opposed to towns or cities. If
and I have to start cutting it down to an eye to commercial production, which you win you can get hold of some cheap
what I feel is its correct length. I have is why it has so many components. Mercenaries.
allowed Warrior Knights to be longer It was originally made purely for our Being sent away on a Governorship
than many of my other games simply own pleasure. Games Workshop have early in the game is no bad thing. You
because the game changes its character wanted to produce it for quite some time are not greatly inhibited and you return
halfway through. Players become more but there was no way in which I was pre- pretty wealthy, probably at a time when
powerful and the game entersthe phase pared to reducethe scale of the game in your opponents are feeling the pinch.
of Stronghold attacks (or the threat of order to get it published and Games But if you are sent away later in the game
them) with the weaker players often Workshop would not have wanted me this is a totally different matter. If there
being left in control of the Assembly. to. They eventually made the decision is a chance that your Stronghold will be
that the time was right to go ahead and attacked in your absence you must
WD: Would you call it a complicated the only thing that had to be changed either bring troops in to defend it or you
game? was the title. Locally it has always been must defy the Assembly and refuse to
known as The Warlords, but as two other go. You are probably only being sent
DC: Certainly not. I can say that with games have now appeared with that because you pose a powerful threat.
confidence because I do not like compli- same title we could hardly add a third Defying the Assembly will mean you are
cated games. But I suppose one should one to the list! barred from attending future meetings
qualify that. My mother, who is 89 and a so you will have to use some of your
very keen games player, would most WD: As the inventor, what tactical tips power to persuade one of the other
certainly regard it as complicated but to can you pass on to players of Warrior players to get you pardoned under a Pri-
the type of games player that is likely to Knights? vate Motion.
be attracted to it, it is by no means com- Remember that the Veto passes
plicated. I always make a distinction bet- DC: I was afraid you'd ask me that. clockwise so when you are choosing
ween complicated and complex. I like a Among the people who know me I have your 'friends'; it is best to choose them
game to offer the opportunity for a vari- a reputation of neverwinning thegames from among those that the Veto has not
ety of approaches and levels of play I invent so I am hardly the person to pass yet reached and who will soon possess
without being encumbered with a vast on advice! But what I will do is give a few it. Similarly when you are in line for the
number of rules in orderto do so. Some- pointers that may help the newcomer to Veto it is best to remind other players of
times game rulebooks appear daunting the game, but which, I am sure, will this fact.
because they haveto be written in such already have been discovered by the You will soon realise that a lot of skill
a way that they clearly explain all experienced player. is required in order to manipulate the
aspects to a possible purchaser who is The first concerns money. As in life, Assembly and to vote in such a way that
not familiar with the type of game they money in Warrior Knights seems to be you don't create enemies unnecessarily.
represent. For example, whilst it is suffi- an ever-present problem but it is at its Some players are adept at preserving
cient in most instances to say 'The high- most acute in the game's early stages the reputation of always keeping their
est card takes the trick' one always has when you have no source of regular word yet turning events to their advan-
to allowfor the readerwho doesn't know income. First of all look at the motions tage at the expense of an ally. For exam-
what you mean by 'trick'. The basic rules coming upfor debate atthe first Assem- ple, a plum office might be upfo'rdebate
of Warrior Knights are easily learned. bly. Counting your wealth you start the as, say, item 3 or 4 on the Agenda. You
Because one has to try to cover every game with four Assembly votes. If you are committed to vote in favour of
possible situation -and even then in spend nothing at the first Mercenary another powerful player. But there is the
free-wheeling games, situations can Auction you might be able to make a rule which states that no single faction
arise that one has never dreamed of! -it deal with another player that will give can be granted more than one Office at
is necessaryto include a number of sup- you voting control-assuming that other each Assembly, so if you can organise
portive rules, but these can be be refer- players do spend some money and things so that the player in question is
red to as and when needed. If a new- reduce their voting strength. Should you granted some insignificant Office that
comer is given some guidance as to the decide to bid for Mercenaries you could may be up for grabs as item 1 or 2 on the
procedure he should follow at the begin- try putting in an outrageously high bid Agenda, he automatically is barred from
ning of the game (and this is included in for the very first lot to come up for auc- the later Office and your honour is
the game box) he should have no prob- tion. Not only will you get what you bid saved. Procedural rules are there to be
lem in getting going, but because War- for (unless somebody else is doing the manipulated.
rior Knights is the game that it is, he same thing, of course) but you will have Finally, remember that you have an
probably stands a slender chance of established a high level of bidding for advantage in launching a Stronghold
winning if in the company of experi- that and for subsequent auctions. Mean- Attack against a player who comes after
enced players. But this can be said of while you stay out of the bidding hoping you in the movement round. You will
many games not dominated by luck. to see your opponents impoverish have your first attack during the
themselves by the second orthird round Stronghold Attack phase and then
WD: ltisalwaysofinterestto knowhow by which time you come back into the another attack during your movement
much a game has changed during its auction because it is then that the cash turn (or, as is normal, two turns of
development, especially with regard to shortage begins to bite. But whilst all Siege). It is only then that the defending
possible 'streamlining' for the purposes this is sound theory it falls down if other player can take action. Also, because of
of commercial production. Has Warrior players realise what you are doing and this advahtagevou can more easilvgive
Knights changed much between being refuse to dance to your tune. the impression t l a t y o u intend a Strong-
first invented and finally put into produc- Because the capture of cities brings hold Attack when ycru,have no inten-
tion? income and votes it is tempting to start tion of doina so but merelv wish to k e 'e ~
going forthese right away but it is worth a powerful opponen~awayfrom the
DC: Hardly at all. Making a prototype is considering deferring this and going for Assembly. By the same token, of course,
a long and tedious business if it is to be an overseas city instead. If you are suc- your most dangerous enemies are
one that other people will enjoy playing cessful these provide a reliable source of players who move before you at this
in order to test out the game. Being a income for the rest of the game - espe- stage in the game.
very regular player of a large variety of cially if you leave a garrison there, which
games Iam able to assess whether there reduces their attraction to other players WD: Is there anything you would like to
is a worthwhile game there before I who may consider similar ventures. But add for the benefit of players of the
embark on the prototype. If I don't think there is a risk involved and you should game?
there is then the prototype doesn't get not commit all your troops to an over- '
made. So by the time Warrior Knights seas campaign even if so doing would DC: Merely 'Have Fun'.
RUNEQUEST unites individual and unique
game and imaginative adventurers drawn f r o m
reality. The combat , t e n intelligent species.
rules are drawn f r o m Unparalled realism and
t h e authors long exper- flexibility are yours
ience w i t h hand - t o -
PRESENT supported b y rules,
hand combat. Using the easily understood and
magic rules y o u can enjoyable to play.
creqte any wizard or Though the RuneQuest
mage o f f i c t i o n o r f i l m rules examples are set
o r create new ones yet i n the dark ages o f fan-
unheard of, b y manip- tasy Europe t h e game
ulating a few basic system is playable with-
values y o u can play i n any fantasy world.

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24 Rue Linne, Zandvql69c.
75005 Paris, France. 3454 Jw de Meern.
26 Rue de Tanneura,


Authorised importers & distributors of the Avalon H i l l Game

Company & Victory Games, Inc. of New York.
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North Finchley, N12 ON 20mm OVERLAY Send SAE f o r complete list o f games
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Allow up to 28 days for deli U K P&P charges f1.75 f o r one game;

Please mention White Dwarfwhen replying to advertisements 12


Peter Vialls, Guildford: Gamers g

the hobb
Ing, Wesl influence on the market. So
companies can survive by churn-
solo adventures and talking
local CND group. ant? down to theircustomers, there will be no
I for one don't want to know about his incentive for them to produce material
trendy 'I'm an intellectual, caring per- No, nre're just ( sudo-inteIlec- that really emphasises skilled role-play-
son' moral standards which all games tuals. ing, and the hobby's image will remain
manufacturersshould adhereto. I would ludicrous. Even White Dwarf is not
like to be able to read reviews about Mohan Holkar, soutnampton: Faced by immune to the plague of juvenilia. If the
games that have been released, not the CGIILG,
LrSU dttack
on George twelve-year olds can't play properly,
some pseudo-socialist airing his views Stepanek'sviews in WD71, I felt compel- why should we encourage them to play
on the 'moral stance and attitudes' they led to add at lei stones small voice of sup- at all? Leave them until they are 16 (at
present. port. least).
l ha1te. to. say
., .
'\ Nhen I were a lad.. .', but
Marcus Rowland, London: Anyone who the fact IS tnat when I started playing, a Terence O'Brien: It is not the novices
believes in a 'limited nuclear exchange' few years ago now, there was no Fight- who areto blameforthe'decline'of our
probably believes in the tooth-fairy too. ing Fantasy and there were no bendy hobby, but the manufacturers who prey
Twilight2000 is supposed to be a seri- figures. So, in passing, I fail to see how on them. Novices introduced to our fan-
ous simulation of post-atomic Europe; I Jez Keen can claim thatthe hobby would ,tastic hobby are immediately set upon
cannot see how the sort of Kelly's collapse without them. But anyway, in by hungry, opportunistfirms. Forf20,all
Heroes plots that have been published thosefar-off days, younger gamerswere they end up with is a small book and a
so far can be considered anything other very much thrown in at the deep end. few dice. Surely, like Jez Keen pointed
than a particularly sick fantasy. And what fun it was! I honestly thinkthat out, if we welcomed the newcomersand
children who start off on the plastic and pointed out which systems to buy, etc,
Terence O'Brien: It is obvious that flavourless fareserved up in the Fighting the standard of our hobby would rise?
because of Marcus' open hostility to the Fantasy gamebooks are missing out on
idea of the game that the game should a lot. Phil Masters: Stuff the kiddies.
be fairly re-reviewed, and the previous My main point is, if people want to
review declared void. Surely if a play Fighting Fantasy, good for them! Probably not the most helpful contribu-
reviewer feels so emotive over a game But let them read Warlock, and keep the tion to the debate.
he should return it to White Dwarf, so hallowed pages of White Dwarf for'seri-
that they can get it reviewed by an ous' games. Geoff Bush, Wantage: Minority games
impartial reviewer? are not 'insignificantly obscure', nor are
Phil Masters, Stevenage: Poor George the players of them 'selfishly deranged'
An impartial reviewer who likes the Stepanek! The poor chap actually has asToby Borgeest stated. The minority in
game, you mean? the courage to complain about the this case have made the best decision, ie
biggest problem in role-playing games to play the best games. AD&D is.defi-
Andrew Young: I like to know some- today, and the WD Letters Page is inun- nitely not the best thing that ever hap-
thing of a game's system after reading a dated with hate-mail. The worst was pened to thefantasy role-playing scene,
review, something that can hardly be from Jez Keen, who, between the cheap and I think Toby was having a fantasy
claimed after digesting Mr Rowland's jibes, tried to say that children are neces- when he wrote this. AD&D and D&D are
pathetic attempt. sary to the game companies. not the biggest because they're the best,
I myself have been involved in a but because they're older.
Twilightscenario and campaign moreor Richard Eyre, Barton Stacey: TO one Mr Too much space is devoted to big
less since it was released, and can fairly Blunt's comment on the suitability of games, and not enough to smaller, but
say that Mr Rowland's review was Fighting Fantasy books as an insight to far superior games. A reasonable
biased againstthegameto an extraordi- role-playing, there is none at all. If War- amount of D&DmateriaI in WDwouId be
nary degree, because, I feel, he finds it lock, ForestofDoom et al are to be realis- one sentence per issue - just to humour
distasteful because of his social outlook. tic entrances toAD&D, etc, then I've mis- the freaks.
A reviewer should try to prevent his per- sed out somewhere. FFbooks are closer
sonal feelings interfering with a review to the camp-uter software side of Space Claus Weisenberger, West Germany:
he submits. Invaders, Missile Command, etc. The I'm very worried to see that gaming gets
point of role-playing is not to get three more and more commercialised. Not
Terence O'Brien: White Dwarfis not the goes to kill the alien, commie scum - if only are the prices increasing every few
place for religious, political or military an orc approaches your first level cleric, months so that many interesting games
discussions- it only causes arguments, you can normally kiss your cleric good- get unaffordable, but the standard and
breaks friendships and brings trouble. bye! value for money are decreasing at the
same rate. Not many years ago, I had to
The Letters Page would bea littledreary Phil Masters: The great objection to pay £5.45 for the first edition of the C&S
without them, though. infant garners is not their age as such; rules, but what can you get for that sum

of money nowadays? external threat to (Western) civilisation. nothing ever changes? There is no such
Production standards in general are The cover of your last issue (WD70) thing as 'pure' fantasy; it always has its
lowering. The old rules, like the first edi- illustrates several of these points very roots somewhere.
tions of D&D(the blue one), C&Sand RQ nicely: there is the blond, masculine
seemed to be works of love to the hobby hero; there is the passive, but deceitful, P Abraham, Bradford: Tabletop Heroes
and were greatly inventive. Perhaps temptress; and there is the evil, enemy is an excellent regular feature in White
they had some flaws, but they chal- 'green' race against whom our white, Dwarf, butwhy nottake it a stage further
lenged your imagination and forced you blond hero is fighting. Over the page is by holding am annual White Dwarf open
to improvise, thus creating a good gam- Judge Dredd dealing with urban crime. painting competition? Photographs and
ing spirit. The ideal with which a rules descriptions of the winners could
set is compared to now is perfection. Sometimes I wonder if the magazine w e appear in Tabletop Heroes for the vari-
The games are ready to use and leave put together is the same one that even- ous categories such as Best Single
you nothing to do; everything is tually gets out to our readers! Figure, Best Regiment or Best Diorama,
supplied by the publisher - adventures, and several age groups.
screens, monster books and the like. In Such a competition, whilst requiring
my eyes, a good part of the fun of gam- some organisation and effort, would be
ing comes from my own creativity, good for figure painters everywhere,
which is lost more and more with 'per- encouraging new names to appear in
fect' games. the hobby headlines, and new ideasand
styles to circulate.
Robert Troth, Gosport: You never have Although painting competitions are
any articles for role-playing games that already taking place at venues such as
haven't become so well established as Citadel's Open Day, what could be more
AD&D and Call of Cthulhu. Games such accessible than WD; after all, not every-
as Lords of Creation and James Bond one can get to such venues.
should have a few useful items and
scenariosforthem maybe once ortwice An interesting idea, but the organisation
per year. required would be quite mind-boggling!
The nearest we could ever hope to come
Since we get enough whingeing when to achieving this would be through a
we print something about Call of photographic competition of some
Cthulhu or Golden Heroes, both of description, thus limiting entry to figure
which arepopularsystems, imagine the painters with access to the required
cacophonous ululation that would result camera equipment. Although this can be
if an article on LOC crept into the relatively cheap, as demonstrated by
magazine! Although future coverage of Joe in TTH, it is probably far more
the James Bond role-playing game in economical on the modeller's part to
White Dwarf isn't beyond the realms of trek to one of the games conventions in
possibility, to keep the majority of our London. However, we would be pleased
readers happy, we have to cater for to hear other opinions on the subject.
more mainstream games.
Dave Morris, Woking: I'm really fed up
Simon Evans, Clevedon: Miss Carbery's with reading about alignment. Ifthe only
righteous indignation seems sadly mis- way to encourage role-playing is to
placed (Letters, WD70).She complains enforce some daft alignment principle
that pseudo-medieval games appear that bears no relation to human psychol-
male-orientated; well perhaps that is ogy,therers not very much hope for role-
because pseudo-medieval society was playing.
male-orientated. She should be grateful Luck~ly,of course, all this is so much
thatthese games cater for womeh at all, Simon ~ v a n i If: illugtrations in WD of tosh. I (and several other gamemasters I
because in realitv that form of societv 'over the top females verge on soft know of) have not used alignment in my
relegated womb to a very subser- ' porn', and are offensive to Miss Carbery, games for years, and role-playing has
vient role. From an historical and why does she persist in buying the only benefited from the omission. The
sociological point of view (and Ispeak as magazine? I make no apologies here - only games I have seen that rigidly and
a history student) the 'poor deal'women females in fantasy are always portrayed pedantically insisted on the alignment
have is entirely justified. I am also at a this way - that's fantasy. Yes it's sexist, thing were the sessions at the Oxford
lossto understand why she feels that the but taking that line, fantasy and other University D&D group, and they were
rule barrina females from attaining role-playing games are also racist, almost without exception the daftest
maximum38 strength is unfair: simple militaristic, or just about anything else, and least worthwhile examples of fan-
biological fact dictates (whatever one's depending on one's viewpoint. tasy role-playing that could be
viewson a women's lib) that the feniale Sterotypical subservient females are as imagined. I suggest that people switch
is physically incapable of attaining much a part of fantasy as magic and to something like Pete Tamlyn's 'Cam-
strength equal to the potential strength hobbit-bashing. paign Ratings' (WD69)in order to wean
of the male, in terms of sheer brute their players onto true role-playing.
power. Can you imagine a female Robert Marion, Guildford: In this more Although not perfect, it is at least a step
Conan? enlightened age, it is about time that in the right direction.
attitudes towards fantasy and sf artwork
S MacPherson, Blatchington: I must changed. Certainly if we areto make the Terence O'Brien: How about a few
agree with S A Carbery's letter; it has role-playing hobby more attractive to decent scenarios? Your last good one
often struck me that, being nearly all female players, then the bigoted way back in White Dwarf 56(The Last
based on the well-worn cliches of pulp attitudes inherited from the 'Golden Log). Scenarios such as The Bleeding
fiction, 'pulp drawing, and 'pulp Age' of pulp novels must be quickly Stone of Iphtah, Beyond the Shadow of
cinema', role-playing games tend to excised from rulebooks and magazines. a Dream, Smile Please and Plague from
reflect a great number of backward and
outmoded ideas. Not only is the role of
women reduced to that of a deceitful
White Dwarf (and its old rival, Imagine)
have hardly helped the hobby in this
way, ahd perhaps it is time for the edito-
the Pas are pathetic. They're boring,
dull, an I wouldn't use them (though
I'm not saying I could do better, betore
whore or helpless innocent, but there is rial staff to change their ways. 6000 readers request I do so).
also an obsession with the idea of super-
men, the idea of uncontrolled but legiti- S MacPherson: Why are so many role- Having just named four of our most well-
mate violence, with the idea of defence- playing games set in Imperial or received scenarios, there wouldn't seem
less and inferior people or races, and (pseudo-)medieval settings with a strict, to be much w e can do for you. Perhaps
with the idea of an evil, all-pervading fixed social hierarchy and where you should try Imagine instead. . .


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*. 1
and Planning Executive decided to over the computer banks. Letting the'+%
create a figurehead, someone who had rage her training had tried to deny build
total public trust, to sugar the pill and up in her, she screamed at it to turn and
make the government's more face her. When it did, the sceptre turned
I unsavoury escapades more palatable to her burning hate into a beam of pure
the people. Taking advantage of energy. The robot, built from the
America's fixation on Superheroes, they strongest materials known to man,
decided to createtheir own, afigure who melted like butter.
was exactly the typeof person the public She cried then, long and hard, for the
would trust and rely on yet who was friends she had lost. She called the
under complete federal control. authorities, but as she waited in the
Research was conducted into the mood burnt-out room for the mop-up crews to
of the populace and the results were arrive, she wondered about the mad-
moderated by the country's most man's lies. She reached for the compu- g
advanced computers. The hero should ter keyboard.. .
be a woman in her early twenties, When the Army taskforce arrived they
blonde-haired, blue-eyed with a trace of found a ruined building, several corp- .
an unidentifiable southern American ses, a heap of molten slag and the tat-
accent. Her optimum personality, tered remains of a star-spangled cos-
appearance and attitude were all tume. Of 'Miss America', there was no
charted. sign.
'This researchfacilitywas set up, con-
taining all known information about RUNAWAY
Superheroes and supervillains. The files Susan Martin, the would-be Miss America,
of all the federal agencies were merged has discovered that she was not created
into a massive database within these to be anything more than a figurehead.
four walls. All known artefacts currently This hurts. She has decided not to allow
in the possession of the government or herself to be used and has fled fromthe
any of its agencies, which have ever destiny mapped out for her by the
been used by a superpowered individual agents of her Government. Adopting the
were brought here for study. Psycholog- name Renegade, to reflect the role she
ical studies were held to find a woman of
the correct age and appearance whose
personality would be independent
has cast herself in, she operates outside,
the law. Gone is the Stars and Stripes ?$
costume, her long blonde hair, and 3
1 -+
enough to fulfil her role but tractable youthful charm. The bright, cheerful .
I -$
enough to manipulate. They found you,
heroine who was to bring America new 2;
glory has been replaced by a dark, dour
'You were trained, improved, brain- and cynical vigilante.
washed and manipulated until they had
their heroine. Tomorrow, they would
As Renegade, she uses a number of
items stolen from the research station.
A Golden Heroes Scenario by

.. -- n---lev have revealed you to the world. Miss
America, Saviour of the USA.
These have all been used, at one item or
another, by famous Superheroes of i:
'The fools. I offered them my services. American history. She has learnt to use :;t: '
I, Jackson Stone, world-renowned some of these items but others are a
REFEREE'S BACKGROUND expert on supernormal abilities and mystery to her.
'Well, girl? Do you know the meaning of powers. I could have built them a real Renegade is currently involved in a
power yet?' The voice of a distant mad- Superhero, one with the power to level desperate vendetta against Jackson
man boomed from a speaker set in the mountains and smash entire armies but Stone, a power-mad ex-NASA scientist
giant synthzoid's chest. The limp, they called me a madman and threw me who was responsible for the death of the
blonde-haired, rag-doll of a figure it out. I showed them. With one small men and women who trained her. She
grasped moaned in pain, twisted and robot I've smashed their most secret has convinced herself that this is simply
launched a kick at its midriff. She was installation and slain the so-called scien- a matter of revenge but, having disco-
weak and battered, yet it staggered back. tists they employedto replace me. Their vered the truth about herself, she feels
Then it smashed her against the 'Miss America', you girl, was as nothing deep down in her heart that they
omnium-steel walls of the laboratory to this one tiny creation of my genius. deserved their fate. The vendetta is
once, twiceand three times. Barely hold- You tried, I'll give you that, but you merely a way of occupying time so that
ing her grasp on consciousness, all she hadn't a prayer. she does not have to think about the
could do was listen. 'Now, with the artefacts assembled future.
The voice adopted a quieter tone. 'You here, with the information stored in Each time that Renegade encounters
still don't understand, do you, child? these computers, I will build an army of one of Stone's minions or creations, she
You still think you are a Superheroine, supervillains capable of conquering this uses her sceptre to get a bearing on his
plucked from the ranks of America's entire country. Now do you understand?' line of communication. Since Stone has
millions to be their great white hope, The robot shook the limp and broken a number of operational headquarters
saviour oftheAmerican Dream. Pah! Do girl in its hands before throwing her to and moves between them, it will be a
you think any Government, even a so- one side. She should have died then. long time beforeshe can locate even one
called democratic one like that in the She probably would have, but she hit of his lairs by this method. It is all she
USA, would be so selfless? You are a one of the many display cases in the has to work on, however, gnd to be hon-
fool, girl. Worse, you are a dupe and a room, smashing it. Her body landed on est, she doesn't really care how long it
pawn. Stil1,vou could be little else. Your its contents, a stranqe sceptre adorned takes.
psychological profile was perfect for the with the American Eagle. it began to
role. Thatiswhvvou werechosen forthe alow. Somehow. she was able t o fiaht PLOTLINE
project. ~ o r ~ihe
e tlies they told you Gffthe pain and force herself to her fleet. One of Jackson Stone's current projects
about your brave and noble spirit. You She had timeto glimpse a fraction of the isthecreation of a Super-army to spear-
are a puppet, nothing more. sign above the case (' . . .belonged to the head his assault on the USA. He hascon-
'In the modern world, there are many WWll hero American Eagle. Since his vinced the world famous StarTech Cor-
things a government is forced to do in death in Korea, no one has been able to poration to support his research and is
the public interest which are not popu- make the sceptre manifest its power. currently using one of their English
lar. Of late, America has been forced to One theory.. . ') before turning. researchfacilities. StarTech are aware of
do things for her own protection which The room was littered with broken Stone's reputation and the nature of his
have lost her friends both at home and bodies of.people who, minutes before, research. They do not, however, know
abroad. In the interests of good public had been the closest thing she had to a how far he has progressed or his plans
relations, the Senate Covert Operations family. The giant synthzoid was bent for his creations. Stone has found,

trained or created a force of twenty 3. Front of shop, containing various from the massacre in P2, then any sensi-
superpowered operatives using the items of junk, the counter and the till. ble attempt to follow the convoy will
StarTech organisation. He now plans to 'X' indicates the position of succeed. Note that Stone's hirelings
remove all evidence of his work by Renegade and Henry Sharp. have the knowledge and equipment to
destroying the plant and shifting his 4. Shop storeroom, stairs up to living keep anyone unconscious for the dura-
Super-army to another location. area and hall to side entrance. tion of the journey regardless of their
Renegade is aware that Stone is superpowers or recovery rate.
somewhere in England and has gone P2: SHOT BY BOTH SIDES When they reach the installation, they
there to search for him. She does not During the first 3 rounds of the fight, a will be restrained in the interrogation
know that he has detected her presence number ofvehicleswill pull up in thevici- room marked on Map 2. Supervisors .
and plans to frame her for the destruc- nity of the shop. At the start of Round 4, should use their knowledge of the
tion ofthe StarTech base, giving his new the Super-army will disembark from heroes' powers to restrain them as they
creations a field trial in the process. these and move to capture Renegade see fit. Remember that Stone has made
He has set up a fencing operation for and the heroes as soon as possible. Dur- a study of superpowers and their
rare electronic goods in a small corner ing Round 4, Renegade will be con- abilities and can counter just about any-
junk-shop in the heroes' home town, vinced that it is a trap organised by the thing they can do (if he is aware of it).
and ensured that Renegade knows of its heroes and attacks them with renewed
existence by communicating with its vigour, actually doing them damage if KEY (Map 2)
proprietor, Henry Sharp, by the high- necessary. She will act on the villains' 1. Gate, usually manned by watchman.
frequency radio he knows Renegadecan initiative roll. However, by Round 5 (if 2. Car park.
detect. Having drawn her, he has sent a she is still standing), she will have 3. Admin building.
messageto the American Embassy warn- realised her mistake and will side with 4. Social amenities, cafe.
ing them that Renegade is in town. They the heroes, acting on their initiative. 5. Research blocks.
in turn have contacted all official agen- The supervisor should use all of the 6; Detention block.
cies and, hence, the heroes, asking for Super-army to ensure that the heroes 7. Interview room.
her to be detained for extradition. A few are captured quickly and easily. They 8. Guard's quarters, monitor room.
words to the more talkative elements of should be made to feel that they are 9. Cells.
the underworld should ensure the heroes' fighting against impossible odds. Con- 10. Main detention room, occupied by
presence along with that of Renegade. sequently, the supervisor should take heroes.
care to keep the relative weakness of 11. Equipment storage.
P I : SOUTHERN DISCOMFORT (MAP 1) many of the Super-army's members
This issue opens with a figure in a long secret by merely moving them and mak- When the heroes come around, they and
black leather coat watching shady ing their attacks but not counting out Renegadewill be chained up and guarded
figures going to and from a small junk their actions Frame by Frame. Everycos- by whichever members of the Super-
shop. Seeing one she recognises enter tume should be described and every army the supervisor deems suitable. It is
and, a few minutes afterwards, leave name should be given. They are power- atthis point that Renegadewill tell them
with a satisfied smile on his face, she ful and should throwEnergyAttacksand her origin and explain her objectives.
goes into the shop. Sunday Punches at their opponents When she is finished, Jackson Stone
The supervisor should arrange mat- (though the supervisor should take care will come in and gloat. He is holding
ters so that, when the heroes arrive, they that no one is actually killed). There Renegade's sceptre and will play idly
find a tall woman lifting the shop's should be plenty of opportunity for the with it as he explains how StarTech,
owner from the floor by his lapels. The heroes to gain Heroism points, and Renegade and the heroes are all pawns
counter and floor are covered with elec- some of them may actually manage to in his game. When he has covered the
tronic components which look out of defeat several of the Super-army's plot so far, his speech will finish:
place amongst the rest of the shop's members, but all in all their defeat ' . . . So you see, 'Miss America' - I'm
goods. As she lifts him, she questions should seem pre-ordained. sorry, you like to be called Renegade
him in a Southern American accent. By the beginning of their sixth round, now, do you not? - this plant will be
'Mr Sharp, don't, ah say don't play all the EnergyAttackers in the heroes' destroyed at your hands. A few minor
games with me. Ah don't play games team should either be unconscious or superheroes - the best that this pitiful
anymore. We both know what your job engaged in hand-to-hand combat by little island can muster - bravely try to
is and who these electronic gee-gaws ah one or more of the Super-army's braw- stop you but fail. I, and all my work, will
for. Now, either you tell me weah he is or lers. They should not be allowed to be destroyed in the explosion. Yes, and
ah do declare ah'm going to pull this recover their energy and use it. you will die a Renegade, despised by
shop down around your eahs.' Should thesupervisor be blessed with your country.
The heroes should now initiate com- heroes powerful enough to defeat the 'My brave band and I, meanwhile will
bat. They have been warned that entire Super-army, then the battle can be hard at work. I believe one of the
Renegade is extremely dangerous and be further weighted against them by USA's warships, an aircraft carrier called
wanted for questioning by the American having Overseer activate a Sonic Liberty, or some such stupid name, is
government. If they try to talk, Renegade Screamer. This device will knock2d6off visiting the Naval dockyard in
will merely say that her business is none Renegade's and the other heroes' HTC Portsmouth. Once she is ours, we can
of theirs and attempt to leave. Should scores each action (it is effectively a launch a small but effective nuclear
they prevent this or intimate that they cybernetic simulator of a Field Manipu- strike at Washington. I'm sure we'll find
are working with any official backing it is lation). The Super-army all wear filters, something useful to do in the chaosthat
s.he who will initiate combat. She will but, even if the heroes are able to follows.
ditch her coat, draw hersceptre, material- removethem, they do not have the time 'Doubtless your sceptre would be use-
ise her shield and attack. Her tactics will to fit them properly. ful to you now. Perhaps you want it
be to render as many heroes as possible back?Here, take it.. . ' (He holds it out to
hors de combat; by making them use up P3: THE PARTY'S OVER Renegade and then snatches it away) ' . . .
actions. knockina them down or out of Before the coup de grice is adminis- Vagabond.'
the way, bringinidown the roof on them tered to the last hero, the Observer will As the lumbering mutant advances to
or blasting the floor from under them. laugh with Jackson Stone's voice. take his prize, Renegade frowns and the
She does notwish to harm them, but she 'Well, well. So the highway's littered sceptre glows, momentarily, white-hot.
is determined to get away and will not let with broken heroes and a runaway Stone howls in pain and hurls it away
them stop her. American Dream. Well done, my Super- from him. He clutches his smoking hand
If possible, the supervisor should man- army. You have passed your first test until the pain subsides and then slaps
oeuvre the battle into the street within with flying colours. Overseer, bring Renegade viciously across the face,
the first couple of rounds of combat. them to me.' before regaining control of himself.
The heroes will be loaded into the 'Impressive. You seem to have rather
KEY (Map 1) trucks and carted off to Stone's StarTech more control than I'd expected. I'm
1. Nondescript shops. installation. Anyone who is playing pos- sorry, Vagabond, we can't risk giving
2. Alleyway used by Renegade to ob- sum will receive the coup de grbce on you such a dangerous toy. We'll have to
serve shop. the way. If any heroes managedto escape leave it here with the rest ofthe rubbish.'

So saying, Jackson Stone and the heroes can try to develop new uses of their vigour), as they slowly suffocate.
Super-army leave. The heroes struggle powers on the spot (Supervisor's Book, If there isa hero who, through no fault
in their bonds. The scene cuts to an p57, Special Cases). Finally, if there does of their own, is unlikely to survive the
exterior shot of Jackson Stone holding a not seem to be any other way out, the explosion, the supervisor may elect to
detonator. 'Life iust won't be the same
~~ - supervisor may opt to have Renegade have Renegade blast a hole into the
without her', he muses. Then he destroys save the day. She can telepathically call ground beneath theirfeet. They will take
the plant and drives off, laughing. the sceptre to her hand and use it to cut 2d6 HTC from the fall but will take no
the chains binding one of the heroes. damage from the explosion or the col-
Note: It is possible that a hero who has This is a new power, however, and the lapsing building and will be able to
escaped from P2 may attempt a rescue strain it entails will cause her to pass out. breathe for 5 rounds beforetaking suffo-
during this element. If he or she leaves it Regardless of the way in which they cation damage (as noted above).
until afterthe Super-army have left, then escape, the heroes will still have insuffi- The supervisor should review all sur-
they can be introduced in P4. The details cient time to get out of the building vival attempts on their merits, remem-
on Map 2 are given in case they choose before it explodes. Once free, therefore, bering that any reasonable plan should
to make the attempt any earlier. they will have to use their powers in work. Also, this is a good time to take
The authorities, if alerted to the some way to avoid the damage the explo- note of players' actions with regard to
heroes' whereabouts, will not arrive sion causes. A Force Field is the classic their Conscience and Heroism scores.
until afterthe plant has gone up. method of getting out of such traps, but It is hardly surprising that Jackson
a tunnel cut into the floor with Energy Stone considersthe heroes to be finished.
P4: AFTER THE FALL Blasts is equally good. Characters who
The issue opens with a graphic account fly with Energy Blasts might be able to P5: SHIP TO SHORE
of the Super-army's assault upon the make it out through the ceiling. Alterna- If the heroes escape the destruction of
USS Liberty. As he takes his place on the tively, the heroes may be caught in the the base with any degree of alacrity,
bridge, Jackson Stone is seen musing explosion but seek to negate the effects then it may be that they will be able to
about his victory. However, as he thinks of the rubble falling all around them. ambush the Super-army on its way to
about the destruction of the StarTech The explosion itself will do 4d6 HTK Portsmouth. In this case, the supervisor
installation, the scene cuts back to the and HTC (divided as Energy) to everyone should handle the encounter as he or
heroes' last minutes inside the doomed inside the building. This damage may be she sees fit. The ambush will have to be
building. halved if the characters have thrown a very good one if the heroes are to
If they are to escape their fate, the themselves flat. The collapsing building defeat the Super-army in open conflict.
heroes have to get out quickly. If any will do 30 HTK and HTC (fully divided) to If they win, the scenario is over. If they
heroes escaped in P2 and arrive to anyone trapped. The collapsing masonry lose, they will be brought aboard the
rescue their friends now, then this is may be parried as a Weapon Class 0 USS Liberty and tied to the nuclear mis-
relatively straightforward. Alternatively, attack. Any HTK damage getting through siles aimed at Washington.
if any of the heroes have any powers should also be considered as hypotheti- If, as is more likely, the heroes take a
which have not been neutralised by cal binding damage as the rubble pins while to dig themselves out from the
Jackson Stone (because he is not aware the heroes to the ground. For each round ruins of the StarTech establishment,
of them due to them being new refine- that they are buried in the rubble, each they will have to find some way to get
ments or unpublicised) they can use hero takes 2d6 HTC (or 2d6 HTK if they aboard the USS Liberty and stop Jackson
these to get free. If they are desperate, have a negative HTC score greater than Stone before he can launch the missiles.

Renegadewill use her sceptre to find out hardy or careless, the heroes should her explain her need for revenge and
the frequency which Stone used to jam be able to catch up with the Liberty how much she hates Stone. Hewill taunt
the Liberty's radarsystems. He had been somewhere in the Atlantic and land her, call her gutless and invite her to
idly playing with her sceptre whilst he on her flight deck almost before the 'finish the job properly'. After a deathly
was explaining his plans to his under- Super-army realise that they are there. pause (that could bring many heroes
lings and it has remembered his words. rushing to the bridge), she refuses and
She can send out a signal on this fre- P6: THEY DON'T MAKE VILLAINS reaches to grab him, promising that he
quency, to prevent their approach being LIKE THEY USED T O . . . will spend a long time in jail.
noticed. However, the heroes will have A pitched battle will now ensue on the 'Jackson Stone' laughs, says 'They
to supply some kind of air or sea trans- flight deck of the USS Liberty (Map 3). programmed you well, didn'tthey, Miss
port, whether through superpowers, Although the Super-army are all pre- America?' and explodes. Anyone on the
possession, connections or theft. sent, the heroes stand a far better bridge will take 3d6 HTK and HTC (fully
Renegade will explain that the heroes chance of victory this time around. The divided). Renegade will bear the brunt of
will have to stay together since she can supervisor should run this battle in the the explosion on her shield.
only keep one thing 'radar blind' at a way most suited to a close victory for
time. This should save the supervisor their player-characters, bearing the fol- P7: KEEP ON RUNNING
the trouble of handling four or five diffe- lowing factors in mind: Oncethe Super-army are defeated, have
rent groups' attacks at once! a. The heroes are not surprised or low fled or have surrendered and the crew of
Allow the heroes a chance to plan on on Energy or HTC. the USS Liberty have been released,
their way to the Liberty and actively b. The Super-army are surprised. Renegade will askthe heroestodrop her
encourage them to workout specifictac- c. The heroesshould have worked out off on theirway backto base. If they still
tics to use against the various members specific tactics versus some members of wantto take her backfor extradition, she
of the Super-army, pick opponents, and the Super-army. If they have come up will resist. If they ask her to join them or
prepare themselves for the fight of their with any really clever 'take-outs' then suggest that she return to America to be
lives. They are going up against impos- they should be allowed to try them out. the heroine her country needs, she will
sible odds, after all. Renegadewill take a d. Only a few members of the Super- demur. Jackson Stone is still around
full part in any discussion, though she army will be on the flight deck when the somewhere, and one day she will get her
will not initiate any team-tactic sugges- heroes land. The rest are busy elsewhere hands on the real one and not a booby-
tions. She will make it clear that she will and will arrive in waves, giving the trapped android. Until, that day, shewill
understand if anyone wants to drop out. heroes a chance to defeat some of them keep on running.
It isn't their country they're saving. She before the others arrive.
doesn't have any choice in the matter, e. Some of the Super-army have RATINGS
her'programming'seesto that. The only specific tasks which cannot be aban- The scenario has an overall practice rat-
thing she will ask isthatthe heroes leave doned (keeping an eye on the engineers ing of 7 with regard to Britain but 8 with
Jackson Stone to her. (The set of her jaw in the engine-room, guarding Jackson regard to the USA. It should be treated
might lead to one or two heroes check- Stone on the bridge, etc). as one scenario forthe purposes of Suc-
ing that she merely wishes to see him f. The battle should be a long one, giv- cess Rate due to the built-in loss situa-
put in prison. She will avoid replying to ing heroes ample opportunity to recover tion in P2.
such questions.) Energy, Magic Points, etc.
Unless anyone is needlessly fool- g. When the bulkofthesuper-army is CHARACTER NOTES
defeated and Jackson Stone is captured The more significant members of the
or has fled, the rest will surrender. Super-army are fully detailed and are
The supervisor should determine expected to play a major part in most
exactly which members of the Super- battles. The other characters are tabu-
army are on the flight-deck and in what lated, but sufficient information is given
order and over what time period the for the supervisor to build on if they
other members arrive. The battle should want to increase their part in the plot.
still be a tough one for the heroes, but Costumes, etc should be chosen to suit
they should have a chance of winning. avaihblefigures. Try to give the impres-
sion that all of the villains are full-
KEY (Map 3) powered, fully-detailed opponents to
1. Heroes' vehicle (plane, helicopter or heighten the 'against impossible odds'
whatever). atmosphere of the piece.
2. Strike-fighters, 'L' indicates lift to Care must be taken, in playing Rene-
lower decks. gade, that she does not overly dominate
3. Control tower; access to bridge and the piece. The scenario is constructed as
lower decks. a story in which the players are permit-
4. Stairs to bridge. ted to participate. It is essential that this
is offset by permitting them to take an
As soon as the battle starts and regard- active part in events, upstaging Renegade
less of any previously discussed battle- whenever possible. She is a newcomer
plan, Renegadewill cut herway through to the hero game, after all.
the first wave of opponents towards the
bridge. She will pause to engage Vaga- STATISTICS
bond (who must be in thefirst wave) and
retrieve her shield (which he has been RENEGADE
given in place of the sceptre). Heroes Alias: Susan MartinIMiss America
worried for her safety or for that of EGO: 8 Movement: 7m
Jackson Stone, may try to follow her. STR: 11 Damage: -
The supervisorshouId try to impede their DEX: 17 Dodge: 3 +
progress, but if they don't stop, the super- VIG: 13 Strike: +2
visor should run a battle usinn HTK: 47 Defence Class: 6
Renegade and any accompanying HTC: 45
heroes versus Jackson Stone's bodv-
guard .on the bridge. Powers: Advantageous Background 3
Toward the end of the battle, when (Previous Training, already figured in
most of the villains are defeated and STR, DEX, VIG); MartialArts (Oriental) 2;
Renegade (and any assisting hero) have Agility; Weapon Skill 2 (Shield, Defence
overcome the resistance on the bridge, and Missile); Cybernetics 4 (Power
she will advance on Jackson Stone. He Simulator, sceptre, Energy Attack2";
will 'accidentally' switch on the public Field Manipulation*; Sense Field Mani-
address system. The entire ship will hear pulation*; Computer Brain).

Notes: Renegade's Martial Arts and identifythe RLS. Stone's hand is injured made her a belt which displays a holo-
Agility are the result of her extensive in P3 and he is forced t o bandage it: the gram of her original form, thus disguis-
training. Her Weapon Skillis the applica- RLS shows no sign of such an injury. ing her true form. In combat, Lolita
tion of this training to the use of a new appears as a beautiful young woman
weapon-specifica1ly;her strange, inde- OVERSEER who uses a Force Field to attack people.
structible shield of an unknown alloy. Alias: Jonathan Carlsen The illusion will be dispelled when HTK
The rest of her powers come from the EGO: 12 Movement: 4125m damage on the field causes herto bleed.
eagle-topped sceptre she uses. This STR: 8122 Damage: 7 +
allows her to manipulate and detect the DEX: 8 Dodge: - VIRUS
manipulation of any form of energy. VIG: 8 Strike: - Alias: Mark Hardcastle
Though she cannot use more than 20 HTK: 2815 DefenceClass: 3 EGO: 10 Movement: 6m
dice in five rounds, they can be used in HTC: 3014 STR: 9 Damage: -
any energy form (as can all her powers DEX: 12 Dodge: 1
indicated b y an asterisk). Similarly she Powers: Advantageous Background VIG: 16 Strike:
can manipulate energy fields which (Brilliant Mechanical Scientist): Skill2 HTK: 56 Defence Class: 6
allow her t o do up to 2d6 damage in (computer Programming, ~ s k h o l o ~ ~HTC:); 56
minor ways- by adjusting temperature Armour 2; Strength 1; Energy Attack 1
or electrical flow - or perform minor (Electrical); Flight 3; Cybernetics 1 (De- Powers: Replication (special); Stunner
effects - detecting and tracking radio fence Computer). (special).
waves, bending the light around her
shield to render it invisible and the like. Notes: Overseer is one of Stone's assis- Notes: Jackson Stone has given
She has,asa result, a numberof unique tants. Specialising in artificial intelli- Hardcastle the ability to reproduce like a
options which thesupervisor should use gence, Carlsen is also an expert in the virus. He can split into two separate
with imagination. In addition to these psychology of the supernormal. This beings, each with Virus' attributes and
powers, the sceptre 'records' the words makes him an ideal choice as field leader abilities but with half his HTKIHTC
spoken by its possessor in somestrange for the operation. Unfortunately, he scores. Each replica can then subdivide
way; these may be recalled at a later lacks combat experience, so he has built further, halving the totals again, and so
date by its master. the armourto compensate for his lack of on. The levels at which replicas are hos-
The sceptre may only have one master skill. In the armour he has 4 Frames per pitalised or stunned, etc, are standard,
at a time, and the link must be formed round; out of it, only 2 Frames. Also, regardless of the number of HTKIHTC
and broken asa result of some traumatic should a targetwhich the Defence Com- they start off with. Each timethat a Virus
experience. puter deems to be hostile come within grabs someone, it does damage as a
Renegade does not have complete con- IOm, the electrical Energy Attack will stunner. These points are then added t o
trol over her items. With training, she automatically discharge in Carlsen's its HTWHTC scores, divided equally be-
could well acquire long-range control next t w o Frames, doing 2 dice damage tween the two.
over the sceptre and develop its energy for every 20kg mass of the target. The
powers, gaining Energy Reflection and burst will be predominantly HTC for liv- ACETYLENE
more diceon the EnergyAttack. She also ing targets, HTK for non-living. Alias: Adam Colby
possesses, but is unable to use, the Psychology is the ability t o under- EGO: 11 Movement: 7m
boots and gloves of a cowboy hero of stand, interpret and, to a limited extent, STR: 14 Damage: -
the old west: Renegade needs the com- influence the attitudes and emotions of DEX: 12 Dodge: -
panion items of spurs and six-gun to others through observation or verbal VIG: 14 Strike: -
gain the Speedand WeaponSkill(hand- interaction. HTK: 4812 DefenceClass: 5
guns) that they confer. HTC: 50
JACKSON STONE EGO: NIA Movement: 1Om Powers: Energy Immunity (Heat);
Defence Class: 12 Frames/Round: 2 or 4 STR: 50 'Damage: +35 Cybernetics 2; (Power Simulator -
DEX: 10 Dodge: - Energy Attack, Flamethrower, 20 dice);
Powers: Advantageous Background 4 VIG: NIA Strike: - Weapon Skill2 (Flamethrower, +5 dam-
(Brilliant Chemical and Mechanical Sci- HTK: 5013 DefenceClass: 5 age); Martial Arts 1 (Pugilism).
entist; Wealthy - Loot; Position of
Power - world-famous and respected Powers: Advantageous Background Notes: Colby is an ex-soldier who was
scientist). (Robot); Strength 2; Taller 1; Cyberne- nearly burnt to death in an arson attack
tics (Radio TransmitterIReceiver and on his house. Jackson Stone gave him a
Notes: Physically, Jackson Stone is a Public Address system). new skin which is nearly as good as the
normal human. He should be consi- original one except for the fact that it
dered to have HTKIHTC scores of 15 for Notes: The Observer is the same model cannot sense heat. Thus Acetylene takes
the purposes of determining damage. of robot as the one which destroyed the no HTC from fire damage and only 50%
Consequently, an attack doing 35 or project that gave birth to Renegade. It is of the HTK, after damage dividers. His
more HTKwill kill him outright. His phys- essentially a remote-controlled gun is only experimental and generates
ical attributes should be assumed to be humanoid bulldozer which also allows a lot of excess heat. Anyone apart from
5, his EGO to be 15. Stoneto observethe fruition of his plans Acetylenewill take3d6 HTC and I d 6 HTK
For movement and combat, etc, he from the safety of his base, and to gloat every time they use it.
has two Frames. In situations when he when the heroes are defeated.
uses his brain more than his body (eg DIADEM
under Mental Attack or operating a com- LOLITA Alias: Jackie Monroe
puter console) he has 4 Frames. Alias: Jennifer Berrie EGO: 11 Movement: 4m
Any hit by an attack of WC3 or higher EGO: 8 Movement: 5m STR: 5 Damage: -
or with a damage bonus will KO Stone. STR: 6/30 Dodge: +I DEX: 12 Dodge: +I
Any other t w o attacks will also KO him. DEX: 6 Strike: - VIG: 6 Strike: -
VlG: 6/25 Damage: +I5 HTK: 20 Defence Class: 6
JACKSON STONE (ANDROID) HTK: 88 Defence Class: 6 HTC: 20
Defence Class: 2 FramesIRound: 2 HTC: 90
Powers: Magic 2 (Hallucinations (spec),
Notes: This is a real life simulacrum Powers: Larger 1; Strength 1; Vigour 1; Hypnotism, Energy Strike, Information);
(RLS) designed to stand in for Stone. If it Cybernetics 1 (Holographic belt). Invisibility; Fiela Manipulation (Light);
takes more than 10 HTK or HTC in any Heightened Senses (Sight, X-ray, IR, UV
one blow, it will explode doing 3d6 HTK Notes: Lolita is the result of one of and microscopic vision; Sense Field
and HTC damage to everyone within 4m. Stone's super-soldier serums. She is a Manipulation; Light).
Needless t o say, it can also be detonated huge, bloated, misshapen figure. Natur-
by remote control. ally, she was not particularly pleased Notes: One of the few items at the
During the scenario it is possible to with her new appearance, so Stone research establishment that Renegade

did not takr ronet takt?nfrom a1I SNAIKEFIST HTC: 33 Frames: 3

alien invad unsuited to sit on a Alias#:James I
human heaa, Drone has surgi tally --,I.. ccn
. 11
IVIUV~III~II~: 6m Powers: Energy Attack 1 (Cold).
implanted it in Diadem's fore head. The? STR : Damage: +1
alien jewel in the coronet givt?s her DEX: Dodae: +3 Notes: Rather nervy, mid-20s, ex-skier
power over light. She cannot use ., , her
VIG: strice: - injured in accident.
offensive abilities whilst invislme. I ne HTK: - - Defence Class: 6
information spell only givesvisual infor- HTC: 35 DISCHARGE
mation, whilst energy strike is a rapidly Alias: Jeneve Scott
changing pattern of colours which over- Powers: Martial Arts 2 (Oriental); Judo EGO: 12 Movement: 5m
loads the target's vision centres. It can Throw; Leaping 1; Skill (Gymnast). STR: 8 Damage: -
only do HTC damage and can be foiled DEX: 9 Dodge: + 1
by visual defences. When using her Note8s: Chinesie Kung Fu expert. No VIG: 10 Strike: -
powers, Diadem croons to herself in a regalrd for we$;tern figh'ters. HTK: 35 DefenceClass: 6
strange alien tongue which even she HTC: 35 Frames: 3
--innot understand. V M U ABOND
FieldManipulation (Light) i s;the abilit y Alias : Nick Curtis Powers: Energy Attack 1 (Lightning).
I increaseidecreasethe illurriination i~ I EGO: 15 Movernent:
1 area for 2-12 rounds. A fla!jh can be
. .- r STR : 12/19 Dama!ge: Notes: Loud, noisy, tends to give orders
,:educed which will blind the rarger TO. DEX:-. 14 Dodge but 'folds' early on in a fight.
2d6 Frames, but this takes an action to VIG: Strike
use and will be foiled if they close their HTK: Defenc:e Class SQUALL
eyes in time (d20 under DEX) HTC: Alias: Molly West
EGO: 8 Movement: 4m
HAZARD Powers: Larger 1; Health (Immune to STR: 8 Damage: -
Alias: Micklael Willie disease, radiation, toxin!s; regenelration). DEX: 6 Dodge: + 1
EGO: 15 Mo VIG: 9 Strike: -
STR: 7 Dar Notes. Huge, lumberin(3 mutant (~utcast. HTK: 33 DefenceClass: 6
DEX: 8 le; ~ ~ a r a"-
is natural. Wears t a.&*---A idgs.
u HTC: 32 Frames: 3
VIG: 8 e:
HTK: 28 ice Claa NIGkITFIRE Powers: Weather Control 1.
HTC: 30
EGO 7 --
Alias : ILogan 1'amlyn
movement: 4m Notes: Quiet and thoughtful.
Powers: Probability Manipul:,tion (Cor STR: 8 Damage: -
scious, Unconscious 30%); In tuition, DEX: 7 Dodge: + 1 BREEZE
Reactions. VIG: 10 Strike: - Alias: Candice Wells
HTK: 35 Defence Class: 6 EGO: 9 Movement: 3115m
Notes: Hazard was an unlucky person HTC: 37 Frames: 3 STR: 4 Damage: -2
until Stone helped him to harness his ill- DEX: 10 Dodge: + 1
fortune, master it and turn it against Powers: Skill (Hide in Shadows); VIG: 5 - Strike: -
people. Hazard is a focus for negative Energy Attack 1 (Heat). HTK: 18 DefenceClass: 6
probabilities and all his powers are HTC: 17 Frames: 3
based around bad luck. His probability Notes: Descendant of a demon. Barely
manipulations make unfortunate things looks human. Powers: Flight I(windrider).
happen to others rather than beneficial
things happen to himself. Similarly, his FIRELIGHT Notes: In early teens; reckless.
. Intuition is a warning of bad things Alias: Joan Makian
about to happen and his Reactions EGO: 11 Movement: 5m GARGANTUS
power reflects the bad luck his attackers STR: 11 Damage: - Alias: F'Kriss D'Rreyn
have in hitting him and the poor luck his DEX: 8 Dodge: + 1 EGO: 10 Movement: 8m
targets have in dodging his attacks. VIG: 8 Strike: - STR: 8/20 Damage: +5
HTK: 30 DefenceClass: 6 DEX: 12 Dodge: +1
STREETFIGHTER HTC: 28 Frames: 3 VlG: 11/18 Strike: -
Alias: Marco Kane HTK: 62 Defence Class: 6
EGO: 9 Movement: 5m Powers: Energy Attack 3 (Heat, 16 Dice, HTC: 64
STR: 10 Damage: - Manifestation, Light).
DEX: 9 Dodge: - Powers: Taller 1;Leaping 1;Skill (Vocal
VIG: 9 Strike: - Notes: Light blinds for I d 6 Frames Skills).
HTK: 3313 Defenceclass: 4 unless eyes closed (under DEX on d20).
HTC: 3212 Notes: Captured alien whom Stone has
LARIAT promised a spaceship. Carnivorous.
Powers: Martial Arts 2 (Pugilism); Alias: Del Stevens
Advantageous Background (Under- EGO: 10 Movement: 5m GNAT
world contacts); Tough Skin 1. STR: 11 Damage: - Alias: Karen Silk
DEX: 11 Dodge: +1 EGO: 8 Movement: 1115m
Notes: Underworld heavy with skin VIG: 9 Strike: - STR: 9 Damage: -
toughened by chemical injection. HTK: 32 Defence Class: 6 DEX: 12 Dodge: +1
HTC: 32 Frames: 3 VIG: 7 Strike: -
BRIGAND HTK: 25 DefenceClass: 6
Alias: Jed Hanson Powers: EnergyAttack 1 (Special: energy HTC: 24
EGO: 13 Movement: 6m lasso inflicts hypothetical damage).
STR: 11 Damage: - Powers: Shrink (always shrunk); Flight 1.
DEX: 11 Dodge: +1 Notes: Uses lariat to bind victims and
VIG: 12 Strike: - shoots them with a 6-shooter (WC2). Notes: Product of human DNA being
HTK: 42 DefenceClass: 6 added to insect clone. Dimwitted but sly.
Alias: Kelly Morgan Acknowledgements
Powers: Weapon Skill 2 (Quarterstaff, EGO: 11 Movement: 5m This adventure was inspired by American
Held, +5); Cybernetic Weapon (Staff ). STR: 11 Damage: - comics of the Golden and Silver Ages, a
DEX: 8 Dodge: +1 touch of Bruce Springsteen, and the
Notes: Worldly-wise adventurer search- VIG: '9 Strike: - artwork of Chris Achilleos. My thanks to
ing for excitement. Uses a line-slinger. HTK: 32 Defence Class: 6 Pete Tamlyn for StarTech.
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starbase is a bimonthly column is going to be one system per two hexes, one system in the column. Theoretically
since the rules suggest a system is pre- there could be ten, but five is the most I
forplayers of the Traveller game, sent on a I d 6 roll of 4,5 or 6. In practice, have encountered so far, and of course,
edited by Bob Mc Williams. the overall density may be less due to at a base chance of one in six per cubic
the presence of rifts, etc - perhaps as parsec, the average number of systems
low as one system per three or four per column ought to be 1.66.
hexes. The main reason for deciding on All that is needed to denote 'depth' is

3-D SPACE a given density in game terms is the

need to make most systems accessible
to starships with Jump-I or Jump-2
drives- not that all systems need to be
the addition of a decimal place and rele-
vant number to the hex reference. Thus
0.305.5 indicates, in my case,the system
is the fifth level up, since the bottom
accessible in all directions, just as long level is '1' and the top is '0' (Diagram 1 ) .
by Bob McWilliams as most systems can be reached by at I have drawn in (on Diagram 5 ) all the
least one route. Apart from the fact that Jump-I connexions - you can work out
The Traveller rules and official cam- Jump-I and 2 ships are the most likely Jump-2 connexions yourself using
paign background make use of a two- types to be available to players, jump Table3! Onedisadvantage isthat unless
dimensional subsector map system; the fuel takes up so much of the ship's vol- the hexes are pretty big, the standard
lmperium and its surrounding regions ume at the larger jump numbers, the Traveller mapping symbols are out- but
are in effect a 2-D 'slice' of our galactic sector economy would suffer considera- I can livewith thissince it isall in thesys-
locality. There are good reasons for bly if most connexions were Jump3 or 4. tem catalogue anyway.
adopting this approach - i t makes map- A 2-0 hex is adjacent to six other
ping simple to carry out, and astrologi- hexes, but a 3-D hex is adjacent to no THE PURPOSE OF 3-D
cal relationships, travel distances and so less than twenty other hexes if we count What, then, are the advantages of 3-D
on are easy to understand. Of course diagonal movement as adjacent. I count space? Most obvious is the fact that it is
space is nottwo-dimensional, but this is Jump-I movement as being anything a more 'realistic' representation of the
science fiction and designers of RPGs from a fraction of a parsec up to 1.5 par- universe. Despite the lower stellar
can take liberties with the real universe. secs, Jump-2 as being 1.5 to 2.5 parsecs density, everything is more compact -
Nonetheless, the third dimension can and so on. From this we can easily make there are many more worlds (and hence
be added fairly painlessly to produce a up a 3-D jump chart that caters for com- more opportunities for adventure)
reasonable limitation of volume as well binations of horizontal and vertical vec- within a given distance of a central point.
as distance. For those of you not com- tors by using good old Pythagoras' Players will also find that they don't have
mitted totheofficial campaign I offerthe Theorem (Table3).Just for comparison, to keep back-tracking through the same
following ideas based on my own Travel- Table4shows the much more restricted few 'bottlenecks', since there is a larger
lercampaign setting. As with any typeof travel possibilities if Jump-I is limited to choice of directions to take. Of course,
rules additions, you will have to decide one parsec, Jump-2 to anything between even in 3-D, certain key 'crossroads'sys-
whether the benefits outweigh the bur- one and two parsecs, and so on. I don't tems will develop, but I have found this
den of additional work. I'm in no doubt use this version because it negates to be a bonus. In 3-D these systems
myself! much of the reason for using 3-D space. become logical subsector capitals, naval
The system I have adopted keeps the Jump distances are arbitrary values for bases, X-boat depots, etc.
one parsec wide hex. 3-D is achieved by a fictional drive system, so I don't feel I In the larger fields of politics and
'stacking' a column of hexes on top of am mutilating the basic concepts of strategy, more bonuses accrue. In terms
one another, the hex becoming one Travellertoo much. of political groupings, rational develop-
cubic parsec in volume compared to the Back then to stellar density. In our ment is easy and makes constructing the
standard 2-0 hex of one square parsec in (real) stellar neighbourhood, the stellar sector map a pleasure. Different forms
area (Diagram 1 ) . In order to continue density is about one star per ten cubic of grouping -compact clusters, drawn
using the standard Traveller subsector parsecs. Of course, many systems are out 'strings of beads', interwoven struc-
map (TAS Form 1),the subsector remains binary or larger multiples. Working from tures - can all be catered for. Navy and
8 parsecs 'wide' by 10 parsecs 'long', but the Traveller Book 6 System Features defence strategy has to cope with
becomes 10 parsecs 'deep' as well. Table, the average number of stars per threatsfrom all directions. Such a sector
Rather than consisting of 80 square par- system works out as 1.444. Thus to get would be ideal for a High Guard cam-
secs, it now consists of 800 cubic parsecs. the average of one star per ten cubic par- paign, or one using the rules and coun-
In mycaseasectornowbecomes8 secs, you need an average of one system ters from Fifth Frontier War. The image
subsectors, arranged two wide by two per 14.44cubicparsecs. A roll of 11 or 12 of the player-admiral in his command
long, by two deep (Diagram 2).The on 2d6 would give a one in thirteen centre overlooking a 3-D situation dis-
reason for reducing the number of sub- chance- near enough for game purposes. play comes nearer to the truth.
sectors per sector (from 16 to 8) However, I use a basic chance of one If 6400 potential system sites, or about
becomes clear when you consider the in six (ie one system per six cubic par- 1650 systems, seems too much to pro-
Lumber of potential sitesfor star systems. secs), assuming my area is denser than duce, there is no need to tackle it all at
In the 2-D sector there are: 16 sub- normal. This provides more than ade- once. I only have two subsectors (271
sectors each of 8 x 10 parsecs = 16 x 80 quate Jump-I connexions and it is in systems) drawn up completely, plus
= 1280PC2. fact quite rare to find any system that is small areas of adjacent subsectors,
In the 3-D sector there are: 8 subsectors more than Jump-2 from at least one where important routes loop out and
eachof8 x 10 x IOparsecs= 8 x 800 other system. Diagram 5 shows a small back. Within this region there is more
= 6400PC3. but typical part of one subsector in this than enough to keep the players busy for
campaign area by way of illustration. years,whetherthey are criminals on the
STELLAR DENSITY Remember that each hex is ten layers run, trading magnates or even admirals
The average density of a 2-D subsector deep, so there could well be more than or subsector governor! 17


(no. of h u a r l Ino of hexer

C 5
? eP
>a :a
$2 32
Fro Fro
E . E .

?E ?E

Typical portion of r u b r ~ t o r TABLE 3: JUMP DISTANCES TABLE 4: JUMP DISTANCES.
iwlfh I Y ~ P - connecttons
1 shown). IJump.1=1.5pc.jump-2=1-5 to 2-5pcefc). u p1pc.1ump-2.1 to 2Dc etcl
~ ~ u m p - l = to
V a k y 01 The Mists
C795 OpwatmPengnne E5 45 Operatan Morpheus
DLD Basic Set

soto lsolol
81 62 83 04 85 66 87 B8
'29 95
each E4 95
each C4 95
C4 45 Agents 01W l m E4 95 Sydney Wilderness Campa~gn
.Takdwo s DcM E095 StarAtlass123ltt2 each E5 95 The Emplre Karo ~4 45 DLD Expert Set E9 95
Chvalry And Sormy E l 7 75 Vollams And Vq~lantes E l 0 75 Daredevils ~ 1 453 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 each E4 95
-~ourcebooh E695 V I V Rules C5 45 Adventures 1 2 3 4 each E4 45 0 1 0 2 XLl X solo M2 lsolo~ each E4 95
Sourcebook 2 E5 75 Crlws FORCE Death Dvel each C4 45 Pr~vateefsand Gentlemen ~ 1 954 DLD Cornpanton Set C9 95
Swords and Stncerefs
Drapon(ord Songwnllh
Space *a
E5 45
each E4 45
E l 7 75
Island 01 Dr Apocalypse
D a r n 01 DNA
E4 45
E4 45
E4 45
Hean 01Oak
Klng Over The Water
Declslon At Dlerba
~4 45
ACI Shady Dragon Inn
AC2 Screen 8Mln1-Module
AC3 Combat Shleld
each E4 95
C4 50
C4 95
C3 95
Ground 6 Aor Egulpment E5 45 Battle Above The Eanh E4 45 Other Suns ~ 1 95
%kkms Canpcnduum I2 each E5 45 From The Deeps 01 Space C4 45 Alderson Yards ~5 95 Bas~cCharacter Records E3 50
Space Martnes C6 75 Devol s Ooma~n E4 45 Merc c10 75 Monster 8 Treasure Book C3 95
Probe Vault Rmslon each C4 45 Counter Set 1 C3 95 Merc Supplement 1 E4 45 Dungeon Geomorphs C3 95
InceOus Castno Galact~ca each E4 45 AfiefmaM C2O 75 AD 8 D Dungeon Maslers Gulde El 1 95
Fasd( In Pen1 E3 55 Into The Rums C5 45 AD 8 D Players Handbook CIO 95
AD 8 D Monster Manual El0 95
AD 8 D Monster Manual 2 El0 95
AD 8 D Flend Follo E l 0 95
NAVFAIRGAYES ( b x o d ) GAMELORDS A3 R D Legends And Lore El095
Q m E M A M nM E d l t m s
2 Th~evesGuild Iboxed)
Thleves GIJII~2 3
E l 3 95
each E7 50
AD 8 D Character Records
DMs Screen
C4 50
s4 95
1 War Mammoth C9 75 Worlds of Born Vallep 95 Thleves Gulld 4 5 each p5 95 Dragonlancesourcebook (DL51 C4 95
2 Death Dragon E9 75 Draqonrders ol Pefn Theeves Guild 6 c6 95 DL1 DL2 DL3 DL4 each E4 95
WI O( Clhulhu
r9 75 Sanctuary Thleves Guild 7 ~5 95 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 CB1 CB2 each C4 95
1 Adventurers
2 Creatures r9 75
Forever War
company war
2 Th~evesGu1td8 9 10
Free Clly ol Haven Iboxedl
each E5 50 C l C2 C3 C4 D l 2 03
EX1 EX2 GI 3 L1 L2 MV1
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2 Supervlllalns Clty ol the Sacred Flame C6 50 l5l6 each S5 50
The Keep W11hlnThe Tyrants Dempsne C6 50 S2 C3 95
Tnwlkf c5 95
1 lmperoal Marones.
2 Adventurers
R d c A d s (Adventures)
The Conlract C4 95
Lalr of the Freebooters
c6 50 S?UKli:UK2"2 UK3
U3 WG4 WG5
each E4 95
each C4 95
3 Allen An~mals I h e Angry Wlzard C4 95 c9 95
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Fantasylords Dragons ol Weng Tsen r 4 95 Wanted Adventurers
1 Dragons
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c4 95
Startown L~berty
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2 Hallllng Pany TS2 TS3 TS4 TS5 TS6 each C3 95
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cg 95
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7 Females 16 75 AVALON ILL Slege cg 95 GB1 G02 GB3 GBA GB5 each E3 95
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~ 1 952 c3 95
9 Wizards Chamber c6 75 Dragon Pass ~ 1 95 6 Dragonroar lRPGl cg 95 lmaglne magazlne e100
10 Horrors of the Marsh C6 75 Dune El695 C~tyOt Sorcerers Besl of lmaglne fscenarlosl El 95
~6 75 Sp~ceHarvest cg 50 Starshlp Caplaln c12 95
I1 Orcs of Severed Hand cg 00 back Issues available for bolh
12 Subterranean Terrors c6 75 The Duel ~ 1 00 3 Speed And Steel
13 Adventurers C6 75 Elrlc C16 95 Thunde ran Guns C6 99
14 Folklore Creatures c6 75 Freedom In The Galaxy ~ 2 950 Dungeon Accessory Pack 1 C2 95
15 ~ r a g o n k l ~ ~ e r s c6 75 Lords 01Creat~on c12 95 Dungeon Accessory Pack 2 C2 95
I 6 Mag~cUsers ~6 75 Horn 01Roland c7 80 Character Pad 150sheets1 r 1 95 Trade enquiries to:
I 8 Female Advenlurers c6 75 Yell Sancl~on ~7 80 Hex Pad I50 x A4 sheelsl El95
El 95
Dragonlords Dragons Omegakron c7 80 Macro Hex Pad
I Black c6 75 Maglc Realm ~ 1 95 6 Dungoen Gr~dPad CI 95 89 VICTORIA ST.,
2 Red ~6 75 Powers And Perlls C24 95 LIVERPOOL,
3 Whlle c6 75 Tower 01 Dead C9 50
4 Brass c6 75 Book 01 Tables C9 50 L1 6DG.
5 Green ~6 75 Perllous Lands S20 95 ENDLESS GAMES I
6 S~lver ~6 75 Runequest 3 Deluxe Set c39 95 Endless Plans 3 lboxedl C3 99
7 Blue ~6 75 Players BOX 95 Endless Plans 4 (boxed1 c399 In case of dlff~culty,lterfts
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Monster Collseum
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are ava~lablemall order from
I Anack Team ~6 75
El6 95
C16 95
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Halls of the Dwawen Kings
C3 99
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2 Destro Squad c6 75 W~zardsOuest c16 95 Losl Shr~neof Kaser Khan c4 95 85-87 VICTORIA ST.,
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I 1
Armchar Adventures.
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The Dragon 8 George. -54 MancheslerStreet. Zod~acCastlng.
44 Candlerlggs. 2 St Mary s Street. 83 Cannlng Street. Pentonvllle. Wellington.
Glasgow.G I ILE. Loverpool. L1 6ER Newport. Gwent Telfwd
051-236 2605 Wallasey. L44 5TX Llverpool.L8 7NW
06338431855 ShrO~Shlre

The Gamemaster. Games. F C Parker.
13 ForreslRoad. 25-27 Grange Road West. Merrlon Centre 46-48 Royal Arcade. Walsall
Edinburgh. EHl 20H. Blrkenhead. I 6 Merc~aSquare Card~ffCF1 2AE
031-226 3354 051-647 4676 Chester Leeds 2 West Midlands. WSl 3RB
0532456376 0222 21 159 0922 23382

The Model Shop Swansea Models 8

The Gamemaster. 45a South Wllllam Street Hobbles
.... Ltd
- -
533 Great Western Road. 116 Wlnter Hey Lane. 66 George Street
Worklngton Horwlch. Hull. HU1'3AB Plymouth Street, Rugby.
Ghsgow. G128EL Cumbrla 0482 24910 Swansea. SAI 3 0 0 Warks CV22 5EJ
Nr Bolton. EI166.JP 0788 6272
0792 52877
I Fanlasv World. I Odyssey 7
Manchester Unlverslly Prec The Gameskeeper
10 Market square Arcade.
Hanley. Stoke-on-Trent. Oxford Road Stoke-on-Trent Mlddlesbrough 105Cowley Road. 21 HalesStreel.
Staffs ST1 1NU Manchester Staffs Cleveland TS1 4AG Oxford. Coventry
0865721348 0233 24612

Please mention White Dwarfwhen replying to advertisements 28

The Miniature Paints range of quality acrylics was designed by serious
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0602 205484 01-741 4467 049441717

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29 Please mention White Dwarfwhen replying to advertisements

25mm and 15mm figures of
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NEW FOR ALL FANTASY GAMERS 25 F1 THE COMPANY - a fellowship of 9 + mule.

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banners, 20 Giant Orcs, 15 F5 GOBLIN PATROL - 7 spearmen, standard, drummer
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1986 will see at least four

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Saturday 8 March - Manchester

Saturday 5 April -Birmingham Games Workshop:

Tim Olsen, Games Workshop,Unit 162,
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Sunday 8 June - Sheffield Laurence Miller, Games Workshop,
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Each Dragonmeet will have Birmingham Shopping Centre.
all the usual fun-packed fea-
tures that until now only LONDON 17 MA DRAGONMEET NEEDS GAMES
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will be a day devoted to Birmingham Dragonmeets, please
gaming - your kind of gam-
ing - cohlplete with 27-29 Sunbeam Road, London

tions, free gaming areas

and trade stands. Please give details of your proposed
event and state any special requirements.

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RuneRites is a bimonthly column for RuneQuest enthusiasts, edited himself than the 'young greenhorn'. . .
by Dave Morris. Not so: the trollkin sentry who shortly
arrives on the scene is equally likely to
spot either of them. To consider another
aspect of the problem, imaginea charac-

FIRST THIS, THEN THAT ter who has hidden in an alcove off the
past a 30% chance of noticing our hero

sounds okay - but if a line of cultists

by Oliver Johnson were to file past, each with 30% chance
of spotting him, the chance of him
We geta lot of submissions about RQ subtract the difference from his chance remaining unseen rapidly diminishes to
combat. Too many. Few people have of success. If his skill is higher, hegetsto zilch. This is not the way things work in
suggestions for adjusting the non- add the difference. reality. Either he has concealed himself
combat rules, though there is plenty well enough that none of the cultists
more room for change in that depart- should have any chance of spotting him
ment. Theprocedure for climbing a cliff- (or only on a 01-05, anyway) - or he
face or hiding from a sentry is so quick should be spotted by the first to look in
and simple (one dice roll!) that a few his direction.
additional rules can do no harm -and This is handled by applying a 'diffi-
may even correct the continual injus- culty rating' to Perception rolls. The dif-
tices that I'm sure have irked many a ficult rating is given by adding the hid-
player. Now, ifsomeone would only find den character's Hide in Cover ability (or
a way to stop armour falling o f f . . . -DM Move Quietly, etc) to the percentage
cover available (or background noise,
NON-COMBAT SKILLS etc) and subtracting 1-100 (to represent
The percentile skill system is one of the miscellaneous random factors), ie:
simple rules features for which Rune-
Quest is famous. However, it contains a Difficulty Rating = Stealth + %agecover
flaw. This is best illustrated by consider- - dl00
ing two characters: Fandango (all of
whose skills are at 25%) and Silvanus (all Which, of course, gives a number be-
of whose skills are at 75%). Taking their tween -100 and +loo, as before. Con-
shortsword skill, for example, it is clear sequently, in an overgrown garden
that Silvanus completely outclasses affording 75% cover, even under the
Fandango. The latter is but a novice, and worst possible conditions Silvanus will
to reach Silvanus' standard he would not be seen by the trollkin with 25% Spot
have to train continually, at least two Hidden except on a roll of 01-05. But Fan-
hours a day, for over a year- or obtain dango, who has left his backside protrud-
equivalent experience from real fights. ing quite conspicuously from a thicket,
This is reflected by the rules. If the two will be seen on a roll of 01-50.
square off for a duel the betting will not
be 3 : l on Silvanus (ie, in direct propor- A FEW TIPS
tion to their relative skill levels), it will be For keeping track of spells: Counting off
more like 30:l. Quite reasonable. the Melee Rounds until a temporal spell
Okay, here'sthe problem. What ifthese wears off can be tedious. Use a stack of
two decide to have, say, a climbing con- coloured counters (eg from a Risk set)
test? Common sense indicates that Sil- for this. Whenever a temporal spell is
vanus is an experienced climber who cast, the player(s) affected takes ten
has probably conquered several moun- counters. At the start of each MR he
tains; Fandango recognizes a ladder hands one in until none are left, and then
when it is pointed out to him. And yet thespell wearsoff. This makes it easy to
there is a significant chance (1 in 4) that add new frills to dispel magic, counter-
Fandango will be able to scale a wall, magic, etc. A below-power dispelmagic
cliff or whatever even if Silvanusfails to. might reduce the number of MR a spell
Similar problems occur with other still had t o run (reduce the MR 'stack' by
skills. With every skill except combat, in 1-6 counters) even though not dispelling
fact. Luckily (since it is probably more Returning to our two chums, then, we it altogether; a countermagic that didn't
important in the game than any other find them approaching a largewrought- stopan incoming befuddlecould at least
skill) the system works for combat. The iron gate about twenty feet high. The reduce its duration by 1-4 MR. (Try to
results it gives are realistic. Presumably referee assigns a 'difficulty rating' of 0 stickto a colourconventionfor mutually
this is because the designers of (average), so Fandango gets over on a incompatiblespells-eg, whitecounters
RuneQuest were SCA buffs who knew roll of 01-50 while Silvanus can only for shimmer/countermagiclprotection,
their swordplay. So why doesn't the mess things up if he fumbles. Inciden- red for bladesharp/fireblade, etc.)
same principle handle other skills so tally, I think players should always be
well? Because in melee, the character's told the difficulty rating of a climb if they For keeping track of special items: When
skill represents hischanceof succeeding make an INTx5 roll. Honestly speaking, the characters find a potion and can't
with each individual blow or parry, not most people in real life have a pretty identify it, give it a code name.Thisway,
his outright chance of winning the fight. good idea of the kind of obstacles they if they end up with a batch of unknown
Players would notwant to w i n or lose on can climb, and nobody just climbs potions, you will be able to distinguish
t h e result of one dice roll. But the roll things until they fall off! between them -the players say they're
made for a climb does not represent We also have to deal with what I call drinking 'Potion Charlie' and you can
each foothold and handhold -this time 'passively competitive' rolls. This com- read off the effects from your notes.
i t just gives overall success or failure. prises things like Hide in Cover and Pick Codes can also be used for items with a
To deal with 'task' type rolls - Climb- Pockets, where the aim is to stop some- limited number of uses. You tell the
ing, Lockpicking and so on - I suggest one else noticing what you're up to. players they have a wand of frost with
that each task begiven a basic'difficulty Again, a straight percentile roll isn't 'X'charges: they keep track of its current
rating'. This is fi number from -100 enough. Suppose Silvanus and Fandango charges as 'X-l', 'X-2', etc, which saves
(child's play) to + I 0 0 (virtually impossi- both dive for cover and make their rolls. you having to tell them in advance that
ble). A character whose skill percentage Logically we might expect that the 'old the thing will work only seven times or
is belowthetask's'difficulty rating'must pro' would do a better job of concealing whatever.
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Treasure Chest is a regular department for readers'ideas about the your campaign without upsetting play
AD&D game. This issue. . . balance.
By designing and operating magic
weapons along these lines, the GM can
ensure that they are powerful enough

A NEW APPROACH TO when desperately needed, but they do

not have an unbalancing effect on nor-
mal combat against orcs, goblins and
similar standard creatures. The player is
given a choice, and takes a calculated
risk. Both of these should introduce
moreskill and enjoyment intothegame.
Aseach weapon has a name, players will
be able to identify with them instead of

APONS just thinking 'Gosh! I've got a +4sword.'

While this system is obviously most
applicable to D&D/AD&D, there is no
reason why it can't add a lot to MERP,
RQ, and most other games.
By way of an example, cons~dertheblade
Rensano :
by Michael The Weaponsmith Arcoros gave his
life in the making of the mighty blade
Williamson Rensano. For his liege lord, Duke Ner-
mal, had instructed him to manufacture
a sword so potent that none could stand
against it, and held his sword to ransom
as security. Arcoros worked non-stop for
a weekon thefinal stagesofthesword's
construction, employing materials that
had been two years in the making. As the
blade was completed, he dedicated it to
his son, then collapsed from his exer-
In most tantasy rolegames, there are pdints, the weapon must first do as tions. The strength of his love in his
two sorts of weapon, normal and magi- many points of damage in normal com- dying breath suffused the blade with
cal. Cursed weapons are usually just the bat as there were points expended (sev- power, and a measure of his anger also
opposite of beneficial ones, and are eral blows may be required to do this). entered theweapon. When Duke Nermal
used by Gbis as traps to keep the party After this points are recovered at a rate got his hands on the sword, he found it
from being too successful. This system of one point for every two points of dam- poorly balanced for him, and turned in
has advantages in that it is simple, but it age done in later combat. anger to Arcoros' son. But Rensano (the
is also predictable and doesn't employ Clearly, it will add to the tension and youth) overpowered him, wresting the
any degree of player skill. mystery of the game if the GM keeps the sword from his grasp.
Underthis new system, every weapon current point totals of magic weapons 'You killed my father, and I, Rensano,
is potentially magical. The power of, say, from his players. Thus, a player can will kill you!' he declared.
a sword, depends upon its history as never be certain that his magic weapon As he spoke thus, the sword glowed
much as any of the charms laid upon it. is going to strike the killing blowthat he blood red, and seemed to pulse with a
When placing a weapon in his cam- may be depending on. If the totals are slow heartbeat. Duke Nermal hardly had
paign, the GM decides upon its age, and kept secret, it also allows GMs to prevent time to shout at his guards as his life was
on any special features such as charms, the untimely deaths of NPCs or monsters stolen by the bane sword. Somehow,
or the power of previous owners. From crucial to the progress of the campaign, Rensano evaded the Duke's guards and
this a number of points are derived should he be prepared to indulge in such made good his escape from the castle,
which would be available to the player to 'number-fudging', going on to various heroic exploits
adjust his combat rolls. For example, a There are many ways to curse a wielding the sword which bore his
sword may gain one point per twenty weapon under this system, should such name. The circumstances of his death
years of its age, plus a few for each wiel- weapons be desired. The chance of were shrouded in mystery, and for half a
der of particular renown, this latter breaking can be increased, or it may not century the whereabouts of the sword
being linked to the experience level of be possibleto replenish points (inAD&D were unknown, until it was found by
the wielder. The GM should decide his such cursed weapons would be pro- Captain Cifkas, a mercenary of some
own method of allocating these points duced through casting a bestow curse reknown. He carried the sword into a
to suit the needs of his campaign, and on the weapon, at the discretion of the thousand battles - always victorious -
I should further decide during play
whether a magical weapon wiil increase
its ~ o i nallocation
t from beina" used bv a
DM). In some chaotic weapons, there
might be no effect on some occasions
when the Dower is summoned. How-
until he met his death (gloriously, of
course). Rensano then passed through a
succession of lesser owners, none of
pl&er character. ever, the best way for any cursed item to whom augmented its reputation or
To utilise the power of the weapon, work is for it to have a subtle but increas- power.
the character must knowthe name of the ingly strong effect on the wielder'salign- Rensano is a longsword, unremarka-
weapon. If a weapon has had more than ment. This phenomenon is exemplified ble in appearance apart from its hilt,
one name, the points available will by a well-known ring. which is longer than is usual. When its
depend on the date when the sword was The major difficulty with this system name is called on, the blade turns blood
given the name which the character is deciding how powerful a weapon red, and the slow beat of a dying heart
uses. If the player calls on the power of must be to qualify as a 'magic weapon' can faintly be heard. . .
his weapon, he must throw the normal when used against creatures such as In game terms (for AD&D): Because
dice to hit and damage. The weapon will undead etc. Again, this will be a matter Arcoros gave his life in its creation,
then automatically add the necessary forthe individual GM, and will enable Rensano began with quite a large pool of
plusses to hit, then kill, the monster yet more uncertainty and tension to be points (10). It is two centuries old (10
being attacked. The number of points introduced into the game. Further, a GM points) and has had two famous owners,
added, cannot of course, exceed the may decide to use this new system in each of whom has increased the points
total available. In addition, the number addition to the standard rules for magic total by 5. Hence Rensano currently has
of points used in any such blow is the items, ratherthan as a replacement. The a pool of 30 points available, making it
percentage chance of the weapon break- important thing is to ensure that the an extremely formidable weapon, suita-
ing under the strain. To replenish these weapons are the right strength to fit into ble only forvery high level characters.
It's time to book your ticket for


Friday, Saturday and Sunday, l l t h , 12th, 13th
April 1986 at Reading University.
Make sure that you don't miss out in 1986. GamesFair '85 was sold
out months in advance, so book early to avoid disappointment.
Booking in advance is essential. There will be NO tickets for sale on
Iieicestefs specialist.
OPEN: TUES-SAT, 9-30-1.& 1.30-5.30
the door.
If you don't bother now, you could end up missing the best weekend
Fuller details of GamesFair '86 are available in our adverts in White WEAPONSBOOKS WARHAMMER TRAVELLER GDW VICTORY GAMES CALLOF
The AD&Dm Open Championship - an individual, knockout & SORCERY STEVE JACKSON GAMES FIGHTING FANTASY BUSHIDO FGU

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bookings give you two nights in a private bedroom and a full breakfast
on Saturday and Sunday. telephone (0533) 549182
Booking Form - Please read all the small print.
Persons under 14 years of age cannot be admitted.
If booking for more than one person please include ALL names and
addresses. Bookings accompanied by an incomplete list of names or
the incorrect money will be returned unprocessed.
Please make cheques1POs payable to TSR UK Ltd, and send to:
GamesFair '86, TSR UK Limited, The Mill,
Rathmore Road, CAMBRIDGE CBl4AD.
Telephone (0223 212517)



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confirmation of the events will be given in the GamesFair '86
Programme, which will be mailed to attendees in March. Refunds
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cancellations made before 31st January 1986.
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The next best defence is to be a long

Fiend Factory is a bimonthly colu~
n n for readers' new creatures and way away when the swarm arrives, not
monsters. as easy as it might seem in dense jungle.
If the party are within 200 yards of the
point wherethey were first located when
the hunters come for them, they will be

JUNGLE JUMBLE found automatically. If within 400 yards

the wasps have a 1 in 4 chance and
within 800 yards a 1 in 8 chance. Above
800 yards away, the party are safe unless
they have been moving towards the nest
(ie the direction in which the scouts go
Rain-forest monsters for AD&D, by Geoffrey Carr off).
An active wasp colony consists of
500-5000 workers, a similar number of
The tropical rain-forest is only rarely rate of 1-10 per round against each indi- larvae and a queen. Their life cycle is 4
used as a setting for adventuring in vidual until all the party are dead, or all weeks, and at the end of this time the
AD&D. This seems rather surprising the wasps have exhausted their poison. whole colony, having exhausted the
since, besides the tales of lost tribes, Shields and dexterity bonuses do not prey in onearea,fliesoffto another,sev-
secret cities and overgrown temples add to armour class, though magical era1 miles distant.
associated with such areas, the diversity armour bonuses do apply. Each wasp Other than the arrival of the scouts,
of life in the jungle allows the DM'S the only warning that a party is likely to
imagination to run riot. Monsters that receive are the skeletal remains of previ-
are not ecologically credible in more ous victims; a still visible victim usually
temperate climes seem entirely natural indicates that the colony has not yet
in the rain-forest. The uncanny sounds migrated. If adventurers are active in the
of unknown perils all around should also area, such past victims might have
be enough to scare the wits out of the worthwhiletreasure on them, assuming
average adventurer before he has gone that the party hang around to pick it up.
two miles!

ARMY WASPS No Appearing: 1 (20-50)
No Appearing: See below Armour Class: 8 (0)
Armour Class: See below Movement: 3"124"
Movement: 12" Hit Dice: 1
Hit Dice: 1HP Treasure: Nil
Treasure: Nil Attack: 1-4 plus special
Attack: 1 or 1-3 Intelligence: Animal
Intelligence: Animal Alignment: Neutral
Alignment: Neutral
attacking is assumed to use up its sting, Vampire bats are fairly common in the
Army wasps are a very dangerous men- whether or not it succeeds in beating its tropical rain-forest. They do nottravel as
ace indeed. The first sign of their pre- opponent's armour class, an unsuccess- groups, but where one is found, others
sence is usually the arrival of two or ful attack being absorbed in armour or will almost certainly appear along later.
three large and rather persistent wasps. clothing. Any character stung must save The bats attack at night, always choos-
These are colony scouts and will buzz against poison once, to see if the poison ing a sleeping victim. Any large mam-
about for a round or two without attack- is effective against him. If he saves, each mal will do; they have no particular pre-
ing, and then disappear. The scouts are wasp successfully attacking will cause ference for humans, so pack animals
out looking for prey-typically large ani- 1HPof damage; if hefails, 1-3HP.Awasp may suffer their attentions as well.
mals. The scouts will return to the main may sting only once, although it does The bat lands close to its victim and
colony and perform a dance indicating not die after doing so. crawls the last few feet up to it. It makes
the distance, direction, size and number Fighting the wasps, once the swarm a small bite, usually in a limb, and laps
of the prey, in the same manner as a has arrived, is virtually impossible with- up the blood as it flows out. Since the
honeybee would dance to show the out magical means. However, charac- bat's saliva contains an anaesthetic, a
location of a rich flower patch. Within ters with high dexterity may attempt to sleeping victim will not wake. The bat
swat wasps which land on them. If they will feed for between 1 and 4 rounds,
win initiative in a round, they may kill each round draining one hit point, and
one wasp per point of their dexterity then fly off. Victims are not normally
above 14 before it stings them. attacked by more than one bat per night,
When a creature has been killed, since they wish to conserve their food
wasps which have already used their supply.
stings will start to dismember it, cutting In the morning, thevictim will find that
away small pieces of flesh and carrying he has an itchy cut, but unless he has
them to the colony site where they are special knowledge, he will probably not
fed to the larvae. It will take about 12 realise from what. He will not notice the
daylight hours to strip a human carcass missing hit points unless they exceed
to the bone (the wasps do not fly at 25% of his full total. Each time a charac-
night), but it will be beyond the reach of ter is attacked by a bat, he must make a
a raise dead spell within one hour. saving throw vs poison to see if there is
The best defence against army wasps an allergic reaction to the bat saliva (the
is to kill the scouts (assuming that some- DM should do this if the victim is ignor-
one realises what they are). Certain ant of the attack). If there is, he loses a
magical attacks will be useful, but strik- constitution point (which he will notice)
ing weapons and missiles are com- and makes throws for subsequent
pletely useless until the wasps have set- nights at -1 (-2 after the second failure
5-20 rounds, depending on the distance tled. Characters may try to pluck scouts and loss of constitution etc). Untreated,
between the party and the colony, a out ot the air (throw DEX or under on a constitution points are recovered at the
hunting swarm will arrive. This will con- d20 to catch one) allowing the insect a rate of 1for each complete week that the
sist of d20+40 wasps for each large ani- 'free hit' before it is crushed. This does victim is free from the bats'attentions. If,
mal (human, demi-human, pack animal, not apply against swarms, when suffi- however, a neutralise poison spell is
etc) in the party. Waspswill attackatthe cient concentration is impossible. cast over the victim, they will be reco-
- - -p


vered at one per day until the bats attack dimension door once per day., and to irresistibly, although they will not be
again. become invisible likewise; thus it may able to understand quite why. Each
Finally, the bats can act as carriers of not be clear whether an empty cage, for character so drawn must then save vs
lycanthropy if this is endemic in the area. example, is really empty. Their beak intelligence (d20, throw INT or below to
In this case, from 0-5% of the bats will be attack, however, is only for 1-2 points of save) or eat one of the fruit. He or she will
carriers, and a victim will contract the find it the most delicious food they ever
disease as if bitten by a lycanthrope. If tasted, and will not require anything else
more than one form of lycanthropy is (even another fruit) to eat for the rest of
present in an area, and an unlucky victim the day. No apparent harm will occur at
is infected with two different sorts, he or the time, nor, if party members of only
she will become permanently insane at one sex have partaken, will further
the next full moon. effects be noticed. If characters of both
Vampire bats are purely nocturnal, sexes and compatible races have eaten
and difficult to detect due to their habit the fruit, however, they will begin to pair
of landing away from the victim and off in order of charisma,the most attrac-
creeping up on him. Someone on noc- tive man with the most attractive woman
turnal guard duty would have to make a and so on, unless established couples
'secret door' roll in order to notice the already exist, in which casethesewill be
arrival of a bat unless all his attention maintained.
was focused on his sleeping comrades, As the party camps down forthe night,
in which case he might miss the arrival each affected individual must save
of other threats. against wisdom. Characters saving suc-
Vampire bats arevery difficultto hit in cessfully will realise that they are acting
the air (ACO), but make easy targets on under the influence of the fruit and will
the- around
" - (AC8).Thev will not attemDt be able to restrain and control their Das-
to defend themselves,'but will fly off ' damage, and is used as a last resort. sions, having some idea of the consequ-
immediately if detected, leaving their They prefer to try to escape. ences if they don't. If only one member
assailantsonly one round in which to try The reason that anyone persecutes of a couple makes the saving throw, the
to kill them. They live in colonies and these beautiful creatures, is that they are otherwill grow more and more passion-
patrol a radius about 3 miles around a valuable. Live birds are esteemed as ate through the night, regardless of
colony, defending it against intruding status symbols by wealthy personages, rebuttal or explanation and, before the
bats. They will not attempt to follow a particularly magicians and illusionists. dawn, must make a final saving throw vs
party beyond this range. The young, if hand-reared, can become petrification or become Insane. On pas-
quite tame and will not attempt to sing this, they will recover their senses
escape from an attentive owner, and be completely normal.
although they have not been known to If both members of a pair fail to save
breed in captivity. Adult birds cannot be against wisdom, nature will take its
tamed, but their plumage is used to course. The couple will be locked
make intricate head dresses by rich together in ecstasy as the magic of the
women, and, in the hands of a skilled fruit takes control of both. Their bodies
magician, can form the basis of a Robe will begin to merge and lignify, and
of Scintillating Colours, though the roots will start to grow. They will never
feathers of at least 8 adults are required realise their fate, but the green shoots
for this. blossoming in the morning will one day
A quetzl nest, if it can be found, will form a ngw tree. ._.
contain 2-5 eggs (25%), nestlings (50%)
or fledglings (25%). Eggs cannot be
hatched artificially, though they might
have some value as curiosities. Nestlings
and fledglings may be hand-reared, their
principal food being the large, highly
coloured butterflies of the forest canopy.
Nestlings require at least 5 of these per
day, and fledglings, 10, otherwise they
wfll die. The balance of their diet may be
composed of ordinary meat. Young birds
QUETZL acquire their full plumage and magical
No Appearing: 1-2 powers at one year of age.
Armour Class: 3 Nestlings are valued at 500gp, well
Movement: 3"/12" grown fledglings at 750gp and the intact
Hit Dice: 2+2 (5HDvs magic) adult plumage at 1000gp.
Treasure: Nil
Attack: 1-2 plus special
Intelligence: Semi
Alignment: Neutral APHRODITE'S NEMESIS
No Appearing: 1 The effects of the fruit can be counter-
The quetzl is an enchanted bird which Armour Class: 3 acted asfollgws: after e a t i n e n d before
lives in the deepest parts of the rain- Movement: Nil transformation, the character can be
forest. Rarely seen by men, it isstill more Hit Dice: 5-10 rescued by cure disease, healor remove
rarely captured. Aflash of spectacularly Treasure: Nil curse. Once metamorphosis has begun,
beautiful irridescent colour is all that is Attack: Special only heal or turn wood will save the
usually visible as the bird travels Intelligence: Non unfortunate victim. Of course, a wish
through the canopy. Alignment: Neutral might work even after transmutation
Quetzls are poorfliers, but have certain was complete.
magical protections which make them Aphrodite's nemesis is a very attractive The fruit of the tree is much sought after
difficult to catch. Their plumage acts as tree. It stands some 15 feet high and as it can be used as the basis of love
the illusionist spell colourspray on any- bears globular silver and blue fruit of potions (Philtre of Love), one fruit per
one approaching within 20 feet if the bird exquisite beauty, from 2 to 8 being potion, within 10 days of being picked.
chooses to display its feathers to this mature at most times. The fruit secrete Alchemists will pay between 150 and
end, and there is a 10% chance that the substances which mimic human sex 200gp per ripe fruit, although some of
effect (unconsciousness, blindness, stun- pheromones, and adult humans of the more unscrupulous have been known
ning) will be permanent. They are able to either sex will be drawn to them almost to use them to create their own trees.
1 Euston

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Fig 4

adding the next. For ripples, blow the brighten up the bases of your individual
Tabletop Heroes is a regular last layer with a hair-drier until it holds figures. If you have never attempted a
column covering painting and its shape. When using resin, always di~rama,try practising these techniques
modelling hints, written by Joe cover it to prevent dust from settling on on the bases of your larger figures or
Dever. top. For deep (blue-green) or muddy fantasy wargame units.
(brown) water, apply washes of ink or
thinned enamel paint to a dry layer THIS MONTH'S PHOTOGRAPHS
before adding the next resin layer; the Asurfeit of festive spirit (the liquid variety)
wet resin will disperse the colour evenly. inspired Phil Lewis' Santa Claus conver-
sion of a Citadel cleric ( C 0 3 : Nordic .
Rivers and Streams Warrior Priest - 60~1,seen here in Fig 1 .
Prepare the 'bed' with glue and sand, The original figure's shield wasremoved
painted with appropriate washes of col- from the left arm and substituted with a
our. The sand will create a realistic ripple Milliputsack; the hand-bell and cuffs are
Part Two: Scenic Effects several effect beneath a single layer of resin or also Milliput additions, and its once-
coats of varnish. For deeper pointed hat was filed down to form the
water, paint the bed with darker tones, hood. The Dalek is one of Citadel's Dr
The success of any diorama relies heav- using blue-greens in the centre fading to Who range of miniatures for the RPG of
ily on how well you simulate the sur- reddish-browns and yellows near the the same name. Currently, all six Doc-
rounding landscape. The aim of thisarti- banks or shallows. Remember to build tors are available, plus Daleks, Cyber-
cle is to provide you with a basic guide up thce resin by, layers. men and assistants, with more releases
to modelling these settings. By experi- due early this year. The Judge Dredd
menting with these basics, and by intro. Rock!
, ,- range, for use with Games Workshop's
ducing more exoticforms of scenic dres- use real rocKs or srones whenever pos-
RPG, is rapidly expanding. The man
sings and accessories, imagination need sible, positioned in the groundwork himself (seen here) comes in a pack
be the only limit to what you ( material before it sets. Lightweight alter- together with a seated version and bike,
achieve. natives include mortar and cork. Mortar, for f 1.95.
which has a very fine texture, can be In Fig 2, we see an attractive Citadel
Earth found on any demolition site, and cork foursome, painted and based by Pete
To simulate bare earth, sprinkle fine cork can be bought at a florists. Both will Prow. From left to right they are: a Nol-
chippings, coarse sawdust or even pot- require painting to make them look dor deep elf from the LOTR pack ME52;
ting compost over a layer of wet Polyfilla convincing. an unarmoured fighter from the BDDl
or white PVA adhesive. When set, paint Adventure Starter Set (£4.95) Brom-
it dark brown. Allowto dry before apply- Grass medir, from the Bloodbath at Orc's Drift
ing thin washes of mid-browns to add Apply a layer of Polyfilla to your base miniatures range; and a cleric, also from
interest, and then highlight with pale and smooth it flat. While wet, sprinkle the BDDl set.
fawn or yellow ochre. fine sawdust or sand evenly across the The magnificent castle seen here in
surface and allow to dry. Paint the sur- Fig 3, is constructed entirely from indi-
Mud face dark brown and, when dry, give the vidual items in the 25mm buildings and
Apply a creamy mixture of Polyfilla to surface a very light dry-brushing with accessories range by Gallia Reproduc-
the base using a well-laden brush, and brown, green and yellow tones to break tions. Everything from cottages and
half-bury any accessories such as logs, up the uniformity of colour. Avoid temples to castles and stockades are
weapons or tree trunks in the mixture bluish-greens as these look poor under available. Prices start at around f 1 for
while it isstill wet. Footprintsand wheel artificial lighting. When dry, brush away barricades and walls etc, rising to
tracks should also be made at this stage. any loose particleswith a soft brush and f 115.00forthecastle. All items are avail-
When set, paint with a dark earth colour apply patches of white PVA glue to able either painted or unpainted.
and add brown washes, using very dark selected areas of the base. Sprinkle In response to John Blanche's award-
tones to depict the wettest areas. grass powder (available from hobby winning minotaur (featured in last
shops) into the glue and press it down to month's TTH photopage), his colleague
Sand ensure thatthe glue soaks into the foam. and sparring partner, Chas Elliot, has
Use real sand sprinkled overa thick layer Allow it to dry before blowing away any constructed this tongue-in-cheek
of whiteglue. Asthe gluesets, it shrinks excess. A particularly good grass-like parody (Fig 4), using C31: a giant two-
and forms ridges and contours. Empha- flock is available in a variety of colours headed troll (£3.00)to carry the banner
sise these with washes of yellow ochre from Games Innovation, at 60p per pack that bears an uncanny likeness to J B.
and.rust-red paint. For sand drifts or (inc p&p). Chas hopes to continue his satirical
dunes, cut a polystyrene wedge and fix modelling, just as soon as he is dis-
it to the base. Coat it with Polyfilla and, Plants and Foilage charged from the intensive care unit of
as it sets, smooth the contours into To simulate weeds, sprinkle sawdust Nottingham's General Hospital!
shape with a spatula, covering it once onto small patches of matt varnish Four oldies but goodies are paraded
set. applied to your grass surface. Build up here in Fig 5. Cursed Doomhandle,Thel,
with drops of varnish and sprinkle with Agrad and Doomed Ratchragged were
Snow grass powder. When dry, paint the originally part of the Citadel Knights of
For thick snow, apply Polyfilla to your weeds slightly darkerthan the surround- Chaos boxed speciality set, but have
base using a well-laden brush. When ing grass tone. Reeds and rushes can be since been incorporated into the C35
dry, paint matt white. If it dries with a made by cutting clumps of bristles from range of Chaos Warriors (all 60p each).
satin sheen, use matt varnish to dull it an old paintbrush or shaving brush. Fig 6features an attractive, highly
down. Add pale washes of blue-grey to Using tweezers, position the clump into stylised diorama by Fraser Gray. The
emphasise contours and shadows. For your groundwork material (or resin if figure, an Asgard Lord of Chaos (FM85:
light snow cover, use spray paint. Spray you're depicting pond rushes) before it 75p) is also available as a mounted ver-
from one direction and at a distance; it sets. Plants can be made by paring sliv- 'sion (FM92: £2.50). The pinnacle of rock
will look as it it has been driven by the ers of wood from a matchstick to form was constructed from Milliput applied
wind. rowsof leaves,then triming thetip from directly to a cardboard tube and sculp-
the centre section of the match and ted into shape with a spatula. The grass
Water painting it to depict the flowering head. effect was achieved by using the
For shallow puddles or wet earth use Bushes can be made from steel wool or techniques outlined this month.
gloss varnish; satin varnish for damp- clumps of lichen. Spray the material
ness. For pools, use clear casting resin black or dark green and sprinkle with Useful Addresses
mixed with hardener as per the manu- grass powder before the paint dries. As Games Innovation, 23 Sladebrook,
facturer's instructions. To create the illu- with the reeds, fix your bush into the Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire BA15 ISH.
sion of depth, build up the resin in groundwork material before it sets, Gallia Reproductions, 2 1/23 Boston
layers, each no more than 5mm thick, rather than gluing it to the surface. Road, Holbeach, Spalding, Lincs PE12
and allow each layer to harden before All of these techniques can be used to 7LR. (Send f 1 for Catalogue.)
ANYTHING BUT D&D movie next year. Meanwhile, NBC
in the States is currently running the
money some while back? That's right,
you remember, thatone. Well, whilst it's
CONVENTIONAL 'D&D TV Quest Game'. Whilst there are
rumours of a plan to produce a British
still so high in people's minds West End
Games are planning t o bring out a .
Welcometo the first Trevor's Tidbits,the version of this, it seems unlikely. Ghostbusters role-plaving ~ a m e .
new style White Dwarf News Page. One Although several people have expres-
of m y objectiveswith TTwiII beto make sed interest in the idea of D&Don the
it rather more friendly and informal than telly, none seem able to do it properly
the News Page has been in the past, with within their budgets. I can't say I'm
rather less of the hard sell for new pro- overly upset.

Hopefully you all know of Games Master
Publications, the magazine based
around a scenario, started by Paul
Cockburn and Beast Entz when TSR in
America thumbed their noses at the
British garners by cutting funding for
Imagine. Well, Paul reports that his new
magazine has 'achieved a good deal of
welcome reception in retail and a prom-
ising early subscriber list'. A little heal-
thy competition is good both for the
hobby in general and also for us at White
Dwarf, so good luck to Paul. (Well that's
enough about Paul, howabout yourself?
-GOD.) By the time you read this, there
may actually be another independent
professional fantasy games magazine in
the UK- I can't say more than that at pre-
sent, but keep your eyes open.
White Dwarfdoesn't normally spend a lot
of time on computer games, but we've
received a couple of press releases of
games which are worth a nod. Soderon's
Shadow (available now for the Soec-
Reveille '86 is organised by Bristol Uni- trum, l a t e r f o r t h e ~ m s t r a d a n d
Commo- The second Marvel Super Heroes boxed
versity and Lincombe Bara Wargames dore) comes from Beyond and is set, containing rules expansions, etc,
Club. ltwill be heldon the I s t a n d 2nd of designed to 'fill the gap left by the post- will be out soon from TSR. Marvelsuper
March at the Students Union Building, ponement of Eye o f the Moon, third part Heroes is apparently selling well, and
Queens Rd, Bristol and there will be of the Lord3 o f Midnight series'. The there is a hard-hitting advertising cam-
trade stands, participation games, etc - game features landscaping, 6100 loca- paign in the States by Mayfair Games
plus, of course, a bar. For further details tions and a series of nine tasks leading comparing TSR'sproduct pointfor point
contact Roger Comber, Marlenwood, 43 up to slaying 'Sorderon the immortal with their own DC Heroes. The latest DC
Davids Rd, Knowle, Bristol. (and evil) wizard who controls the fair Heroes scenario is Blood Feud, featuring
land of Elindor'. the Teen Titans and the Brotherhood o f
Origins '85took place in Maryland, USA Evil, with art from DCcover artists Ed
a few months ago and, as usual, theOri- Showing rather more imagination in its Hannigan and Jose Delbo. Whilst on the
gins Awards were given out. Those of scenario is lnfocom's new adventure- subject of high art, Mayfair's new
particular interest to Dwarf readers are: style game A M i n d Forever Voyaging. scenario Ice Elves has cover art by Boris
Best Role-Playing Rules: Paranoia and Written by Steve Meretzky, co-author of Vallejo.
Twilight2000; Best Role-Playing Adven- The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy
tiire: Live and Let Die; Best Science Fic- software, the game begins in the year
tion Boardgame: Web and Starship; 2031 with you discovering at the age of
Best Fantasy Boardgame: The Lonely 20 that you are in fact a computer who
Mountain; Adventure Gaming Hall of has been brought up as human. In the
Fame Winner: Frank Chadwick. (Very face of world crisis, you must enter a
interesting, but you still haven't intro- simulation of the years to come, exploring
duced yourself. - GOD.) the huge futuristic city of Rockril In order
to study the long-term effects of a plan
BREAKERS? designed by various world powers the
,ame is aimed at 1 2 8 machines
~ includ-
By now you'll probably all have heard of ing the Apple II, Atari ST, Mac, etc.
First Quest, theAD&D record. As fantasy
gaming expands to take control of all Remember Ghostbusters? You know,
forms of media, there are rumours of a that film which grossed vast sums of
17/19 Crendon Street,
THIS MONTH ! I High Wycombe, Bucks.
I Tel: (0494) 41717
Open Mon-Sat 9.30am-5.30pm
Closed all day Wednesday
Discounts for clubs, and player contact board.


I \I
M I L 1 A R T + SECOND C H A N C E GAMES shop at F o r t Perch Rock.
N e w B r ~ g h t o n Wlrral.
, Merreys~de.
14 n m n o l ~ r n l h c r n l v r ~lorlmlicacmon w b l r b g u a r d . ! h e e n l r a n c e ~ tl h e R8r.r M C ? S C II \/

E m a m m v ronla,ns60 D E D I O I we! winled E l r l x Mloldturrl T m standardsol n8mnlinli


Slander0 Arm? C60 Deluxe CIZO



LSSEX D&D PACKS Slandard C 1 2 , DIU~. F2(

A L L PRICES I N C L U D E P + P, U K + R F.P 0.


BIRMINGHAM 1-440-2328
KASAR-KHAN (£4.95) HALL: 4E D W ~ n v t nKINGS
I (£7.95)
- -- UNLY £3.50 PER ISSUE


(UK Free - Europe +25% +
rvhere 50%)

Please mention White Dwarfwhen replying to advertisements 58


Havina troubla readina vour own scrawl? Free!
. . Character
. .. class 'Wood Barbarian' with Bushido, Star Trek, James Bond. 29 yr old
A l l classified ads must be prepaid at the rate ~ a ~ s G e tmessy?
t ~ n ~ Ydur troubles are over one of our modules Caverns of Dread or Lost man requires aming partners, beglnner or
of 150oer word. disolavackf5.00 oerscc (incl Your favourite adventures pr~ntedand totally CltyofKacata D&D/AD&D.Only€3 LargeSAE experienced. 8milar age group preferred. 96
VAT^. ileasesendiop);andpayment to White readable Your maps set to scale For detalls to SBarrell, 160 Sunn~ngvale Ave. B~ggin Hlll Woking 72164.
Dwarf. 27-29 Sunbeam Rd, Park Royal, - ..- an
and -..avamnle
-..-...T. - -sheet -
. -- ., -send - -
-. - SAF
. .- in
. .Neil
. ..
London NWIO, making cheques POspayable Smith. 64 John Kennedy Avenue, Coseley, Home-written ADLD Modules. Castle Argyle Urgently Wanted: AD&Ders of2Oyrst to
to Games Workshop Lto. Bilston. West Midlands WV14 8ST. (3rd-6th level, 41 A4 pages) and twin pack of bolster existing group i n DudleyMlolver-
White Dwarf regrets that i t cannot be held Tomb of the Necromancer and Lost City of hampton araa.-Own car an advantage. Meet-
responsible for fiiancml transactions result- Traveller: complete character generator now Chichenlea (10th level+,54A4pages.) €2 50 ings -Friday evenings. Nigel Espley.
i n from small ads Readersare advised to availablefor48KSpectrum Send chequesfor each (lnc P&P) from Alan Walnwrl ht IS Kingsw~nford 282271.
tafe appropriate precautions before parring f3.50 (plus 45p P&P) payable to Hugh Ken- Langw~thCollege, York ~nlverslty%dl5DD
wtth any money. nedy at The Gap cio 5 Prlncess Park, Citadel 25mm Fantasy f~gureswanteo. Qu~te
Holywood, Co Down. N Ireland BT18 OPP. For Sale CttadelOrc Army, some figures cheap. B Bishops Stortford 725 033.
I I pa~nted,'€25.Details 96 Nottlngham (0602)

JOBOPPORTUNITIES TAROTCARDS. Over 90 d~fferentpacks. 728 529 l a m collecting new or useo A m e r ~ a nC'vil
Games Workshop Publications
Full instructions, books - maglc, occult, War board wargames. J Gardiner IS 102521
earth mysteries, folklore, psychlc yeach- For Sale. Aftermath game and photocopled 723269.
27-29 Sunbeam Road, London NWlO 6JP Ings, astrology, hypnos~s & much,'much character sheets Good cond~t~on. 96 Sheff~eld
IS (01) 965 3713. morel Colour cataloguefl (refundablewlth 482187 Ex erienced and fanatical player (18) seeks
flrst order) The Tarot Workshop (Depart- ~ x ~ o Travellercampa~gn
~ o r around
Trainee TypesoHerJPaste-Up Artist ment WDZ), 17 Klln Lane, Hadfield, Hyde. DeitiesLDemigods for sale, falr cond~t~on Croydon. Will travel. Contact Antony, IS 660
To join the team that produoes Wh~te Cheshlre SK147AU. 6230.
Dwarf, Warlockand The Good Games AD&D Characters sketched. €3 per character only €6 Chrls, 96 (01) 351 6615 (evenings).
Guide Typing ability and-graph~cdeslgn Employment wanted by experienced 18 yr
I traininq areessential. Initial dutieswill con- I full colour verslons €7.50 Glvedescrtpt~on olo gamer.80-Grades 3 Hi hersand 3 years
centrati on learnlng how to use our ~ncludlngequipment Send SAE to. E A gaming experience. d(0557 724 262
CRTronic 150 phototypesetter. Butcher, Pen-Pol Studlo, Trewoon Road, HELP1
Mull~on,Helston, Cornwall TR12 7DL Wanted: Scouts & Assassms, Merchants &
Conventions Organiser Clubs, contacts and events can be sdvertlsed Merchand~se Travellersupplements Reason-
To planand run our 1986scheduleof reg~on- once at no charge up to a maximum o f 25 able prlces. Chris Kennlsh, 86 London Road,
al Dragonmeets and Games Day. We SOUND & FURY words Further inserttons at the rate of 15p Datchet, Berks SL3 9LQ.
require boundless energy, total commit-
ment, and proven organisational ablllty. ISHere per word ( ~ n cVAT)
Help. AD&D player seeks other players in
SoundPFury 1s herel Aftertwo years of plan- WatfordlNW London. Keen (d ~nexperiencedl) Leytonstone area. Contact RoyPeters, 312
For e~therpost pleasesendafull cvand letter nlng and endless cups of coffee Sound& Middle-earth, TSR and wargame players Hollydown-Way. Leytonstone. London E l 1
of appllcatlon to Peter Darvill-Evansat the Fury, Bntaln's newest fanz~ne,explodes Into seeks other players In area (~ncluding 4LG.
above address will never be the same1 S&F
l ~ f eFanz~nes
l Hertfordsh~re)Preferestablished players, but
covers most b ~ RPGs
g and many small ones other novices seek~ngto form a group also Felin Khuxkill can nobble the fool elf any day.
WHITE DWARF CLASSIFIEDS too (you play~t,d+e'llwrlteabout ~ tbut
) ~t'snot sought. Dean, 96 (01) 421 4230 after 7pm Omar better watch his back as well.
lust about role-plav~nqlIn lssue one. weekdays & any tlme weekends.
Please note that In order to ensure the scenarios revlews Ideas humour cartoons Manchester Didsbbry Burna e~withinton
appearanceof aclass~fiedadin a particular
month's Issue, copy and payment should
and m u c i more fo; novices and eiperlenced
garners al~ke-mass ~tat your per11 Send 6Op
Wanted: Merchants & Merchandise, Scouts Fallowfietd area. Two male 15%16,
&Assassins Sora DGibbons.ISMa~dstone seek group for superhero RPGs, but can play
be suppl~edto us two months In advance to James Wallls Manor House Llttle Beal 676480 (aft& 6 p m f other games. Andy, S 1061) 225 8465.
Ings, Woodbr~dge,Suffolkfor your copy
Bored Sundays?Bored no morel Sound&Fury:for role-playerswhodon'tlust Wanted. Due to the absence of the fake, SwapFFbooks2-8.13and 15alsoSorcery! 1,
role-olav-, Randv the Red Nosed Ranger Princess of Maelstrom, Lone Wolf 3, and FF RPG for Star
SPACE ODDITIES Iranlan. Partvreouire real Ranoer. no magical Trek. Anthony, IS Fairseat 823147.
Gamers have your favourite character figdre swords please. POX.
Buy and sell new and used fantasy and illustrated in a variety of style ano size, or Swap! Pavis & Big Rubble for Asylum, Fungi
science-fiction books and games. SAE for have your actual miniature palnted to ah T&T Information Service. Know, or want to & Trailof Tsathogghua. Terry, S Banbury
mail order listifanzine. exDert standard. Other services Include Fan- know of T&Tclubs, zines etc? Contact: T&T (0295) 55123.
Tuesday - Sunday lOamdpm
Oddity's Market, 72/73 Chalk Farm Road,
zine Artwork, R imental Standards Heraldic
Desion.. Maos.
~ r - #ode1
. - ~ Buildinos.
scenario design or illustratio6jano oiher
Information Service, cio Simon Hanks, 3
Orchard Close. Kingswood. Brlstol BS15 2TF. Penpal 14yr old boy interested InD&D, ED&D
and AD&Dand willing to laam any game,
London NW1. 96 267 1666. artwork. A photographic service is also avail- Penpal wanted. I'm a young, male D&D wants female penpal. Contact. SOS, 303 Sut-
able, for fully comprehensivecatalogue price player1DM w ~ t hacaess to other RPGs ton Park, Sutton, Dublin 13. 96 324658.
Sak. 99figures Several semi-pginted. €35 list and a free sample photograph send a N~cholasDrake, 11 Blackpool Rd, Ansdell,
ono. IS (0691) 654991. stamp and an address to HaymonDesign, 24 Lytham, St Annes, L a n a FY8 4EH. Wanted adventurers for (AID&D, Maelstrom
Sherlies Avenue. Orpington, Kent BR6 9RE or T&TaroundCambridge. =Cambridge352
For sale. WD39,52-70. Highest offer on 25th Wanted: Bunnies & Burrows, Marvel Super 145.
January. B (01) 950 1986. For Sale - White Dwarf 1-57 € 130. 96 Redcar Heroes and supplements. RO2 supplements,
482567. Different Worlds and Wyrm's Footnotes. 96 l 5 y r o M DM, 3 years'experience, desperately
T i e . New amateur comic zine. 30p from: A Farnbwough (Kent) 51121. seeking D&D, AD&D players in Dewsbury

Wood, 61 Linzee Rd, London N8 7RG. R S GAMES area. Write to: Jason at 63 The Crescent.
H e l 13
~ vr old DMiCall o f Cthulhu keeoer Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury. Hurry1
Goldan H e m a created with rationales, col- We buy and se5l second hand RPGs, segks players in West Midlands. ~ e r d d
our illustration and sealed referee's informa- xenariosetc. If you want games at reduced Byrne, 102 Frensham Close, Chelmsley Converted Wraith needs you. Articles and
tion f1.50. IS 10604)811784 prlces,orwanttoselIyour old games,send Wood, Birmingham 037 752. artwork wanted to pacify ranting editor Isan-
an SAE for our latest newslewr to R S ity polnts currently 'h!Send to T Stodart. 10
For Sde. MERP screen Warhqmmer and Games, 5 Fir Tree Grwe, Wh~tby,South Maa?yBavril seeks fun but intelligent (18f) Morton Road, East Gr~nsteao.Sussex.
Forces of Fantasy€ 15 the'lot. Will split. Mark, Wirral L66 2QT. A D m p a r t v i n Fareham area Also would llke
96 (0329)46431. t o contact 25mm fantasy wargames. Andrew
Football manager PBM. €6 for 25+ turns. SAE Bennett, 96 Cosharn 388 793 CLUBS
Whine Dwarfs for sale. 1-68are 92.6590 pris- to 60 Hylton Tce, Pelton, Chester-lestreet, Co
tine. Neil Gulati, 124 Princes Road. Watford, Durham DH2 1DS. Wanted WD42. Hadyn. 96 07918 5223. PS JERSEY
Hens. tWatford 32564 (eves). Grendel is still alive and kicking. PPS If Gren- Jersey Wargames Club
TheWriiin s o f a C o n v e W Wraith. You want del is a Marillion fan please ring. Games: All wargames,AD&D etc played
For Sqle 110 painted and unpainted f~gures RPG Info?t e t thls profess~omlmagazlne, 55p Time: As arranged.
Including glants, trollsand a dragonf65ono. Inc P&P or €3.10 subscr~ption(make chequed WM
i 1W 2nd ed~t~onDragmQuest
book. Must Place: Room E, Fort Regent
Darren, IS (01l981 5185. POSto T Stodart)from CW, 10 Morton Road, bB In excellent condit~on.Contact. Kevin Contact: P LGatehouse, PO Box518, St Heher
East Grlnstead, Sussex Chapman,21 DanumAvenue,Topcliffe Road,
Demons, unopened, worth €27, going for €25. Thirsk. North Yorkshlre YO7 1RU. BELFAST
Matthew, IS (0432) 266882. Wanted Pans, Borderlands. Tristan, QUB RPG Club
IS 0422 843158 Fanzine Editor requires /ma me 2 & WD 33 Games: All played.
Will swap for five issues of Znzine. Write td Time: Monday 7.30pm.
White Dwarfs complete Also battered C&S The Booklet', 633 Chatsworth Road. Chester- Place: QUB Students Un~on
Offers?96 Stoke (0782)750150 fielo, Derbyshire S40 3NT. Comments: All welcome.
Contact:Dragonslayers, QUB Students
Nomad Gods wanted in any cond~tion.White Crud M s require articles, scenarios for Unlon, Unlverslty Rd. Belfast BT7 I N N
Bargain. DMG, PH, MM, FightlngWheel, mod- Dwarf 7-14 for sale vgc, offers. Wrote to Tim. Afiermath! Golden Heroes, Traveller, MERP
ules 13-5 EXI. €26 (P&P excluded). L Beanie, 42 Palm St, M~ddlesborough. etc. Free Copy if published. Cruel Worlds, KlLMARNOCK
Kilmarnock Wargames Club
54 Hospital Road, Omagh, BT79 ODA. Ashley, Barton St David, Somerton, Some-
For Sala Wizards €9.50. Gamma World €6, rset. Time: Sunday 12-5pm.
Big Games Sale: MERP, Travdier, D&D, AD&D Basic Traveller r adventures €8, all vgc. t Place: Shortlees Communitv Centre.
rulesiaids. Luke. 96 Helston 2813 (after4pm). 0705 263740. Editor of popular UK fanzine wishes to con- Comments: Starting up. ~ l l ~ a m ewel-
tact any non-UK zine eds. Write to Marc Han- come.
Grimace Mortalsl For Balrog Banter 4 is out, Wanted. Adventurers for live-action role son.66EastTowers. Pinner, Middx HA5 ITN. Contact: Colin Mair,%P(0563)28598after 5pm.
featuring AD&D, Judge Dredd, CoC, GH, chat. playing Treasure Trap veterans, dust off that
humour and a free scenario suoolementl leather three and bring your atl-at1to: Flat 5, AshmirethaTdBle, King ofTh~evesis slam. BENFLEET, ESSEX
Earn a copy by sending 50p ~ A to E Paul 301 Abbeydale Rd South, Sheffield S17 3LF. The Undetworld CIu~ldIS finished. Vlctory to The Southern Warhammerers Assoc.
Games: Wargames, Fantasy Games
Evans, 22 Flve Fields Road, W~llenhall,Wol Only 75pfor afour hour adventure. Send SAE Ronln Stormhammer, Barbarban Lord of Gul-
verharnpton WV12 4PA. for details RIP Baron von Falkenburgh. g a r w To Dave from DL. Comments: The best In aamlna, fraures and
friends-for all fantasy game&. -
Painting. Medieva1,fantasy 15 25mm painted For Sale. D&D, Traveller, Car Wars Deluxe. WDs Wanted: in good condition Contact: SAE to TSWA, Deptsae, 255 Kents
to your requirements. f1.50 per figure plus Mike. S Tamworth 895867. (NO writing, tears, scuffs etc! up to €2 per Hill Road. Benfleet, Essex.
pmstage. For sample send €1 plus SAE. Astir. copy paio. Sarah Clark. 'G (07031582654.
badi, 2 Wigeon Path, London SE28 ODs. Qualityfantasyfigure palntlngsewice. Prtces STAMFORD, UNCS
from 50p per figure. Send SAE for deta~lsM Exparienksd DMIPlayer seks playersfgroup, Stemford Adventurers S ow
Quick Sale. 6 AD&D books. Grevhawk. Lyons, 75 Belvedere Road, Ashton in Maker- 18+, in MoseleylBakiall HeathIEdgbaston Games: AD&D, CoC, RO, 6attlecars, Killer.
Battlesystem, ~ a r h a m m e r f 5 0 oseparate
r field. W~gan,Lancs WN4 8RX. area for Bushido, CoC, Aftermath etc. Mark, Time: Monday & Wednesday 8-11prn
sale S Battle 3130. East Sussex. - 440
B ~-5670. Place: RAFA Club, St Pauls Street, Stamford
Quasits& Quasars popular fanzine; issues 9 Comments: Over 17 only Exper~encedand
New P B M - M r e . In Hellfire, devilsclash in & 10 still available. All aspects fantasy Chester. 19yr old inexperiencedRPGer seeks new RPGs welcome. Female members espe-
a fantasy Hell setting. Players allot individual rolegaming, discussion,solos etc. 60p ortwo GM~Playersfor MERP/Rolemaster & Star c~aliy
duties each turn. Send a E3 cheque,PO made for El. David Hulks, 54 Slimmons Drive, St Trek. Contact: lainhrcher.44 Rosslyn Rd. Vic- Contacts: Graeme, 96 Stamford 53969 (after
out to C Spain tor lntroductolv Sheets with Albans, Hens AL4 SAP. ars Cross, Chester CH3 5HP. 6pm).
whlch to des~gn yourarmy. Futureturns at €1,
and first turn free. Send to CJS Games, Old RuneCluest€5, Warlockf5, Tunnels& Trolls Wandsworth: Exper~eneed(16+) refereed ST HELENS
Harbourland, Bonley, Maidstone, Kent ME14 and SIX solo dungeons €15, or €20 the lot. players wanted to supplement role-playing St Helens RPG Club
3DN. %%! 0325 465609 gmu Meat major RPGs played eg AD&D, Games: Any
RQ, g a r Trek. John, Pi (01) 874 8957 Time: Wednesdays 7.30-10.30pm.
Place: Llngholme Hotel, St Helens
Comments: All welcome.
Contact: M ~ k W~llis.
e 96 Up Holland 625574
White Dwarfhas 25copies of First Quest, theAD&Ddouble LP, to give Ever fancied yourself as a scriptwriter for a comic? Well, now's your
away, along with 3 First QuestT-shirts. First Questis a newventure as chance to start in a small way by writing a script for our regular hero
far as role-playing goes: it comes completewith outlinesfor anAD&D Thrud. Carl Critchlow, Thrud'screator, has kindly agreed to judge the
adventure on the sleeves of the two'records. Designers of the adven- competition and to draw up the winning script for inclusion in White
ture include Tom Kirby, Jim Bambra and Phil Gallagher of TSR (UK), Dwarf. The original of this will then be given to its creator, along with
and Paul Cockburn, Imagine's ex-megastar. a year'sfreesubscription to White Dwarf. We will also be giving away
three runners-up prizes of White Dwarfsubscriptions, and who knows,
Imtrax, the company responsible for bringing First Quest into the if we get lots of really good entries, these could also see print!
~ m i n world,
g have kindly providedthealbumsandT-shirtsfor White
warfto give away in a competition. Since the album cover features All entries should be typed, double-spaced, on one side of the paper
~chsplendid artwork, we've decided to base the competition on it. only. Entriesshould beat least 250words in length, including dialogue
and descriptions. The exact format of the script is up to the entrant, but
Photographs of the artwork accompany this competition. What we it should be based around a witty punchline. Each frame should be
would like to know is where do the two pieces of artwork originally described concisely and accurately, giving details of the characters
comefrom? (Clues: Referto the cover of a handy guide; DragonLance involved, of any action going on, and all relevant dialogue. If you are
is plainly dated). Since we anticipate a large number of correct introducing new characters, give a brief description of each one.
answersfrom everyone, asan eliminator, wewould Iiketo knowwho Details of settings and relevant background are almost as important
istheartistthat painted them? Both illustrations have been used on or as the plotline! Rememberthat Carl has to be able to draw a one-page
in AD&D products from TSR. strip based on the information that you provide, so avoid using too
many frames or having too much going on in a small frame.
All entries should be marked 'First Quest Competition' and sent to:
White Dwarf, 27129 Sunbeam Road, London NWlO 6JP. Prizes of a Mark your envelope 'Thrud Competition' and send your entry to:
First Quest album will go to the senders of the first 25 correct entries White Dwarf, 27129 Sunbeam Road, London NWlO 6JP before the
drawn at random on Mondav 17th February 1986.TheT-shirtswill no closing date of Monday March 3rd 1986.
If you intend entering the First Questcompetition andthe ThrudScript
competition, please send your entries in different envelopes. The staff
of White Dwarfcannottake any responsibility for mislaying 'doubled-
up' entries.
We were quite overwhelmed by the number of entries to the Judge
Dredd competition announced in White Dwarf 70, undoubtedly our
most successful competition to date. Pickingthe winner out of almost
200 entries proved very difficult, but congratulations are in order for
Mick McGovern of Blyth, who provided the hippest arrest line and
answered all the questions correctly. Mick's arrest line was:
'Don't give my any jive, you're doing five. If you're caught again, you'll
be doing ten.

Well, we'd hate to be in a Mega-City patrolled by Judges of Mick's

calibre! He also went on to add 'Sorry, I couldn't get a barf bag into the
envelope.' Well, Mick, we're not quite sure what you mean. . . .

The answers to the five tricky questions, posed by co-author of the

Judge Dredd role-playing game, Marc Gascoigne, were as follows:

1. Judge Anderson's first name is Cassandra.

2. The Devil is imprisoned in Iso-Block 666.
3. A 'Zipper' is a hover version of the Lawmaster.
4. Kevin O'Neill made Krong the giant robot gorilla.
5. Yogi Yakamoto won Supersurf 6 (Chopper won Supersurf 7; quite
a few of you fell for this one!).

A copy of the Judge Dredd role-playing game, the Judge Dredd

boardgameand 25mm Judge Dredd and Andersonfiguresareon the
way to you Mick. Some of the arrest lines provided by other entrants
also deserve a special mention since they amused all of us!

'Don'teventhinkof it Juve, unless you want brain surgery-Lawgiver

style!' (Simon Miles.)

'1 am the JAW and you'd better believe it!' (Stuart Mee.)
'Burglary, 2 years; Assault, 5 years, wasting Justice Dept bullets, 6
months; making a mess of the pedway, just look at all that blood
scum, 12 months. You're going down for quite a while; what's that?
0, sorry, I forgot I've g?t my size 10 on your head, 2 years, damaging
a Judge's uniform. . . . (Peter Lewis.)
All of the following get a copy of the Judge Dredd role-playing game
and the 25mm Dredd and Anderson figures:
lain Dunford, Gidea Park; Richard Evans, Leeds; G Carmichael, London;
Jonathan Mortimer, Portsmouth; David Kempster, Nottingham; Mark
O'Connor, Thornaby; John Roper, Bishop Auckland; David Dickens,
West Byfleet; Jo Minns, London; Andrew Bates, Coalville; J Wignall,
Hutton; Simon Anderson, Milton Keynes; Carl Vandal, Troon; Peter
Lewis, Cardiff (Peter sent in 16 different arrest lines!); Paul Emsley,
Potters Bar; Stuart Mee, London; Thomas Howard, Edinburgh; Simon
Miles, Hornsea; David Towers, Birkenhead.
The Judges' decision is final!
;bring to lif
rolkien's sworld




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Please mention White Dwarfwhen replying to advertisements 64

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Please mention White Dwarfwhen replying to advertisements 66

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