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A t h hei&toftbkwmimpdChaea t h nw2hlmdswam cenatW UP' in with b d of wandwing chamlie, War~braof

a n ~ ~within r w
lt smmpk state. The OMmountaimand and fL+etmen.
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eit-bs wure melted away by gates af dewy new, i i
Chow h r f s are l e a swarthy than a d n Dwarfs, 1Mr skin
staaped lands ems ksm t h turmoW. For p a r s thrb h d s
WkdslW sPrrd creatures ware Warts- ia p*i4 gnnilh a evsn w h k ~h% hair h normah -

rrr- iW4 e d d y aniPnds. ThoQ-d kkorwryda&lkmourond k s ~ k a n d ~ d r ~

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b~hed Et,th&r arm QadWdd.Then thentmpk T h y may a& as uniP bdm w w any &mhc troaps, ouah as
d l @ t ~ & w &s#md to abate mcl:fhelands h a m e fixad, the. Baastmen mwj ~~s of Chaos.
grip e h m bosetd. Rut, h , h m Chnvretafttke
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wocably~~~ rnhnds d bodies
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[-T E'Eq Emlrdrg, W m wme spied in ttho

- PEhPTBh. Harp& in-the Mowtalnr of
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Dwwb were Bwru
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& Iwmshii at thorn fd, mumah.
bds~.fhssther,~shnned !I
EMMMNCWEF:Ian Livinostone
EMTOR: Paul Gkburn "
PRODUCllDtdMARAOUE:Martin Clement Open Box 2
PROORW Marc Gqgcoi@-te D&D,AD&D, COG& Pendragon supplements
PASTIE-U?: Sue Mcbwhlin
.- .-. 6 1986
Julie wiaving
- .Achilieos Cosmic Encounter 4% 6
Paul Mason on the game that's sweeping the Galaxy plus -
IUU~ION: Tonv Add&& David Andrews. Mark Harrison. 8.3
Sieve Lmaon, NicW e k s
PHOMeRARHY: Charles Elk'ott.Alen Merrett
4extra powers in full colour $YmG
ADMRTISllsQ: kor Chmacki
PUBLISHER: Games Workshop Ltd
WBUCAllONS MANAGER: Alan Merrett Thtud the Barbarian 9
e b Basildon. UK
printed b v ~ h a m ~ ~ o u t t - wOff&,
All correspondenceshould be addressed to:
Carl Critchlow presentsthe Lore of the Rings
White Dwarf, Games Workshop Design Studio, Enfield
Chambers, 16-18 Low Pavement, Nottingham NGI 7DL
Critical Mass 11
Dave Langford on the latest SFtFantasy books

Solar Power 12
Gary Holland presents a tale of ourtimes

Ashes to Ashes
Graeme Drysdale digs up some ideas on life after death
Havingsaid Iwas going to give up writing the
Editorialsfor this magazine, here I am again! Gobbledigook
Still, I'm not going to do all the work, since I Goblins Rool OK7,from Bil
have popped into the new Design Studio in
Nottinghamto write.a quick introductionto
the new Editor: Paul Cockburn. FeatureScenarios
Some of you will remember Paul from the The Pilcomayo Project
time when he used to edit a certain other by Pete Tamlyn 21
magazine (or did Ijust imaginethat?),and he They makean awful lot of coffee in Brazil, but justwhat arethe Nazis
up to in Boliva? Looks like a scenario for ....Golden Heroes
is also~oneof those responsiblefor
~amehaster~ublications.And now, of
course, he will be bringing new life to White The Spunng Ones!
Dwarf. Watch the next few issues and you'll by Marcus Rowland 29
see what Imean; more colour, new ideas, dif- Fy your soul with another of CliWs greatest hits-or could it
be a Judge Dredd adventure?
fenntfeatures, awhole new look. It looks like
everything is changing around here except
the name - and the fact that this is still the 'Eavy Metal
best place to find all your favourite gaming Judge Dredd heroes leap off the table
But, enough of all this: let him earn some of Letters 46
The Nottingham Post Office strikes back

Travellers 49
Journey's End

Thanks, Ian. I d just like to say .... Fracas 56
contd next issue All the latest news and the Gaming TopTen

SUBSCRIPTIONS: OVERSEAS DISTRIEUTORS All subject matter in White Dwarf is copyright of Games
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Y I Y 1

plus a rundown on the Iron Ring, a
sinister secret society which has a lot to
do with the action.
The action starts off in h beleaguered
farmstead, which is nicely detailed; one
side of the hwge map is a 25mm scale plan
I which can be used with the counters to
play out the action in detail - a nice idea.
Then, there are more- than 20,000 square
miles of wildmness to explore, with 118 I
locations including a number of
mini-dungeons which might be used in
any context. In addition, there is a ruined
city, a riverside village, a frontier town, v

and an entire lost valley for the players to ~ H U L ~ U

G , A ~ & J ~ ~ ~
explore, all the while dodging the
minions of the Iron Ring, who wait for
them at every turn. There is enough here
BB1-NIGHT'S DARK TERROR to keep the fastest-moving party going
Roleplaying Adventure D&D - for some time, and a section sf
suggestions for further adventures can
TSR £7.95 help the GM to open out a long-running
campaign in the area.
This describes itself as 'A Special
BasicIExpert Transition Module for Everything is written and laid out very
Levels 2-4', and is clearly aimed at people well, except for the numbering system in
who have just purchased the D&D Expert the wilderness, which can be confusing
Rules,and are upgrading their Basic on the first read-through (for example,
campaign. Since the emphasis in the location W1 becomes W18 on a later
Expert rules is on getting out of the visit, but W18 is not entered on the map),
dungeon and into the wilderness, it and the G M who is feeling his way into
comes as no surprise that this is a the Expert rules will find BfX1 a
wilderness module, set in the area of tremendous help. I have no idea what
Eastern Karameikos from maps 1and 2 TSR's policy will be on such things, but I I
in the Expert rulebook. What is
surprising, though, is the size of it. For
your money, you get a 56-page booklet, a
huge double-sided fold-out map, a
smaller colour map sheet and a sheet of
can't imagine a better module to put in
the boxed set with the Expert rulebook.
All this and eleven new monsters too -
and for those who1 like to be partisan I-
Battle System style die-cut counters, plus about these things, it's written in Britain
the area map inside the module cover by Jim Bambra, Graeme Moms and Phil NOBLES
itself. Gallagher, whose previous honours
The introduction reiterates some basic
include the Imagine scenarios Round the
Bend, The Mound In The Ring and The
Swpfimt - Pendragan
points about wilderness adventures, and Necklace oflilith. Chwsium £11.95
gives the background history of the area, G~~~~~ ~~~i~

easily. The counters are very pretty in
Simulation Game AD&D- two-tone colour with black or white overlay
printing, but the reverse side was a bit
TSR £8.95 off-target.
WARNING! This latest Dragdance The game itself isn't brilliant either. The
product is not an AD&D adventure *rulebookis rather unhelpful, and I would
module. Dragons of GIory is a simulation ht that TSR,since they now own1
ame. The chunky pack contains a stiff !%eE%fhave put this tagether rather
fdouble cardboard) cover with some tables better. In particular, counter explanation is
and text on the inside for use in the game, a very poor, there being no key'as to which
huge map in two sections covering the colours represent which nations. The game
entire continent of Ansalon and surround- mechanics involve dlOs, d6s and d4s, which
ing islands, 400 die-cut counters, a zip-lok is very messy and entirely unnecessary. The
bag to put them in (just one?), a rule book rules are very simple and anyone who has
and a campaip/scenario book at 8 and 16 layed a simolation game before should
pages respectively. grid them easy in the extreme to pick up,
though there are unciear pints, which is
again unnecessary in a game this simple.
Physically, the game has good and bad
points. The mapsheets are thin, and tear Examples of this are the retreating before
Put away your Thompsons and don your Palace of Knossos, the fire which gutted Time travel in several forms is included to
deerstalkers - Chaosium have provided Harrods, and the first studies of Radio- allow non-Victorians to jump back for
some meaty guidelines for playing activity (with, of course, the invention of one-off adventures. If this seems slightly
scenarios and campaigns in Victorian earmuffs). forced, the booklet also provides justifi-
England during the years 1890-1900, some cation as to how and why this might take
thirty years prior to the games usual period. place. Two additional timelines are
The geographical and social studies are provided, one linking H G Wells' stories to
almost entirely devoted to England and the Mythos, and the other involving the
The Cthulhu rules are necessary to use this especially London, and while they are very
boxed supplement, which consists of a 56 ultimate investigator himself, Mr Sherlock
page Sourcebook for the 1890's, an A2 size good, they ignore the rest of the world. As Holmes. Including the Martians as a Lesser
plan of the city of London, a 48 page this was the Age of Empire and our dogged Independent Race will suit some and
scenario book and a character sheet revised adventurers will doubtless travel it in their horrify others.
for the period. investigations, this is a sad ommission.
It is with Holmes that the scenario book
Of most immediate interest to Keepers will Library sources are well covered, along addresses itself, with an involved storyline
be the Sourcebook, which is far more with a guide to the law and the more easily split over several sessions of play.
comprehensive than the 1920s equivalent, mundane lawbreakers. This is followed by Whether it was the butler or the outer gods
and contains a wealth of information a section detailing the mystic groups which whodunnit, I leave for you to deduce.
essential to simulate the background and flourished in this age of revolutionary
society of the times, along with much of the science. Much of this section could easily be The only major problems with this book are
minutia to give colour to this fabric. The used as background for later periods and a a few irritating proofreading errors. What
book starts with an expanded list of little name changing will create few information gaps there are can easily be
occupations ranging from Clergymen to psuedo-scientific and occult groupings to filled by background reading and
Rogues, along with the skill changes which challenge the curious. extrapolation. Overall this is a good buy for
reflect the lesser technology of the era. anyone wanting an English campaign or as
The inclusion of ballpoint pens seems to be a challenge to those souls jaded by the
The main section details the timeline of '90s the only anachronism in the price list. In Arkham countryside, and is recommended
England, its personalities and events, many contrast, the period dress section adds to those who appreciate sane game design.
of which inspire scenario possibilities, such colour, though it points out a lack of
as the discovery and excavation of the suitable miniatures for this era. Tim Wilson

Surely one of the most frustrating things All the changes are for the better. The Not bad this, and worth buying - just so
about the Chaosium is the way they are warfare rules allow greater flexibility, and long as it isn't revised in a month or two ....
always tinkering with their games systems. show how raids, invasions and sieges can be
Second editions, supplements with rules handled, as well as setpiece battles. The Paul Cockburn
amendments - they almost bring out games glory section shows how it isn't just what
in magazine style, with a bit extra every you do, but how you do it and who you do it
month. You'd give up on them if they for that counts. The introduction of
weren't producing some very good games. high-level feudal economics makes the
passage of years in this game much more
The Nobles Book is a typical Chaosium vibrant; a crop failure, raids from the
supplement for the Pendragon game. The accursed Saxons - and then the King
plan is for there to be separate rulebooks demands you send half you knights to help
for each of the stages in the career of an him fight some battle somewhere. Great
Arthurian character, from Squire, to adventure material and the sort of deep
Knight to Noble and finally to King. So, the background all games require.
Nobles Book is a guide to running a feudal
desmense, fighting small battles, building The production is OK, though not top-
castles and being the King's right hand man drawer. The maps of forts, villages, small
-or worst enemy. The career of the Knight towns, hill forts, etc are dire, though the
is expanded beyond the landless, pull-out castle diagram is a useful
household knight, to allow for the staging design-aid. No Lisa Free artwork, which is
of tournaments (expanded rules), the a pity. There are lots more shield designs,
stewardship of a fief (new rules) and the and an expanded heraldry section, which is
different tasks the higher nobility are called something any role-player might be
to do by their liege (revised rules). grateful for.

combat option and the moving capital rule. This game didn't appeal to me as a that (if you keep a record of forces'
The latter makes a farce of one of the 4 simulation gamer-it's not a patch on White positions over time) real 'news' can be
small scenarios offered along with the two Bear, Red Moon, or SPI's Waro f the Ring, related to the characters, they can
campaign games. In The Fall of Silvanesti, both of which are excellent fantasy games. encounter various armies, creatures or
the Highlord (baddie) player has to capture It seems to have been rather hastily put leaders at the appropriate points and so on.
the Elves' capital to win - all the Elves have together and the rules and charts could The idea sounds fine, but I see it rather
to do therefore is wait until turn 2 and have been much better organised, having hard to relate to reality, particularly the
'disband' their capital, whereupon it is more charts printed directly on the amount of book-keeping necessary. It
suspended on the Time-Track until the end mapboard or the inside cover, for example. would take a very dedicated GM! It also
of the game and the Elves win. As for There was no great feeling of fantasy with seems to be about ten DLs too late, since
retreating before combat, this is an option the game, since it rapidly degenerated into surely 99% of those who are ever going to
given to 'air' and 'cavalry' armies being 'counter-pushing' exercises, and fiddly run this campaign have started already.
attacked by ordinary ground forces, and a ones at that.
sensible option it is too. However, the Overall, I hesitate to recommend this game
attackers are allowed to make an 'advance to anyone but the Dragonlance fanatic who
after combat' (even though there hasn't One final use for the game is that of has had some experience of simulation
been any). At this point the rules state that providing a unique historical background games. It's not a very good introduction for
the advancing armies can't attack the and context for a Dragonlance campaign. If the novice (as I suspect it was intended to
defender who choose to retreat -which is you are thinking of starting a DL campaign, be), and is not a particularly enjoyable to
fair enough. But there is no mention of it suggests you play this simulation game the shelves of a simulation wargamer.
whether they are allowed to attack anyone through in full to produce your own
else, a very crucial point. timeline of events in the world of Krynn, so Graham Staplehurst
2000 AD'S
Adva#d ragons
1 ADD53



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there's a good chance you'll wonder where
all your potential allies went. This is a
tremendously fluid game. You can often
find yourself fighting somebody who was
your ally on the last challenge. So one piece
of sound advice is to keep your head down
-keep a low profile. It's surprising how
many games can be won simply by not
drawing attention to you conquests. With
all the alien power-play going on, players
often don't take the time to assess exactly
what the situation is: who's got how many
agreement, involving an exchange of cards bases. This is something you must do, to
and/or a base. If they don't agree, they both prevent an opponent from sneaking a win.
lose spaceships!
A whole book could be written on the best
Whether through straight victory or an strategies for individual powers, and even
Cosmic Encounter is a classic. People say opponent compromising, all ships in the that wouldn't be able to take account of the
that about many games, but in this case it's loser's side (including allies) are consigned most important part of the game - your
certainly warranted. A game which per- to the scrapheap, or the Warp, as it's called personalities. In some ways, Cosmic
fectly combines strategy, diplomacy and in this game. This pocket of non-space is Encounter is a crude role-playing game.
(above all) fun, using simple rules, can't be the destination of all losers - but it's not The player with the deadly Virus power
anything else really, can it? permanent. One ship may be reclaimed (which multiplies his tokens by the number
from the Warp before each attack a player on his challenge card rather than the usual
Each player controls an entire alien race, makes, and defensive allies claim tokens addition), will frequently become an
and must strive for mastery of the galaxy. from the Warp as part of their reward for arrogant, assertive type, certain of his
The galaxy in question is represented by the allying with the winning side. ability to walk all over any opponent. A
playing board which shows six solar subtler power, such as the Gambler (who
systems, each of which have five planets. Asimple game, no? But as with all the best, may bluff his opponent on the value of his
All these are rendered in luscious colour. it's the refinements which make the Challenge card -he doesn't have to reveal
Devotees of the old.edition of the game difference. And in Cosmic Encounter it unless the opponent takes the risk of
should note this - no more tatty black and nothing is sacred. Even the rules already calling the Gambler's bluff) produces a wily
white hexagons - Cosmic Encounter has described can be warped out of all individual, resembling a poker player. All
entered the Space Age! recognition! So far all has been Order. Now this makes the atmosphere of a Cosmic
for Chaos .... Encounter game virtually unique.
The game's basis couldn't be simpler. Each
player's alien race must establish bases on 5 'The huge fleet swooped down upon The original game was backed up with a
planets outside its home system to win the the unassuming little planet. Each o f long succession of Expansion Kits, some of
game. Bases are established by invasion - the monolithic Macron vessels was which were (to put it mildly) a bit dodgy in
spaceships (represented by plastic tokens) the equal o f four standard ships. It places. The Moons for example, included
being transported across the emptiness of seemed nothing could stop them. such things as a situation where all players
space by means of the Hyperspace Cone. Then, suddenly, they vanished in a had to speak in rhyme, or one had to sing a
This fascinating item regulates play, as flash o f white non-light. Anti-Matter little song about his power. When they
players take turns to launch up to two had reduced the proud would-be con- developed the game, Games Workshop
attacks through it. The Hyperspace Cone is querors to less than nothing. But selected the good bits, and cut out the more
a whimsical entity, whose location is somewhere across the galaxy, the unproductive aspects.
decided not by the player, but by Destiny. Healer was at work. Its mutant lore
A pack of cards (the Destiny Deck) is used and science could reverse even the However, having selected 32 powers to go
to determine which system will be the lucky power o f a white hole, and the Mac- into the 2nd Edition Game, they found
recipient of the invading fleet. rons were soon speeding home, their there were still some interesting powers
sub-light drive exhaust between their left, deserving of publication. So on the
The expansionist Cosmic General must tail-fins. The Healers celebrated -for opposite page you'll see four new powers to
now decide how many ships are to be virtue was not their only reward'. add to your game. Cut them out, and
committed to the attack. Players start the mount them, back and front, on thin card.
game with 20 -four on each of their five So, Cosmic Encounter has a gimmick: each If they stand out too much, and players can
home worlds. alien race is able to subvert the rules in pick them by feel when selecting powers
some way. There are 32 alien powers given during set up, you may have to introduce a
Up to four ships from any given race may be in the game, so the interplay between the new system for picking powers (for
accommodated in the Cone, which is then aliens will be different each time you play it. example, using cards from a normal pack of
directed at one of the planets in the victim's playing cards, keyed into particular
system. Both parties involved - the There's one final refinement that must be powers). You will also have to keep Alien
attacker and the unlucky defender, may mentioned. Mixed in with the Attack and Power cards well hidden, if using the
then call for allies. These other players may Compromise cards are Edicts. These may 'Hidden Powers' option given in the
then join in with up to 4 ships apiece, not be used in Challenges. Instead, they rulebook, to avoid giving the game away.
persuaded by the promise of a base (if they represent the intervention of some greater
aid the attacker), or a reward (if they help agency into the Cosmic interplay. There's not a lot to be said about the
the defender). The two main players each powers - they're fully explained. I must
select a Challenge Card from their hands Each Edict has a powerful effect on the mention the Reincarnator, however. This
(dealt at the start of the game), and play game, and for this reason are played and one causes all kinds of Chaos in the game as
these face down. Once the cards are then discarded. Effects include the the lucky owner frequently changes power.
revealed, the outcome of the invasion is cancellation of an alien's power for the It's not as powerful as it may first appear,
determined. Attack Cards (the majority duration of a challenge (Cosmic Zap), the since you can't really come up with a
type of Challenge Cards) have numbers freeing of all spaceship tokens from the long-term strategy when you don't know
printed on them. This number is added to Warp (Mobius Tubes), the prevention of what your power is going to be! Oh, and
the total number of tokens on the player's any or all alliances in a challenge (Force keep an eye out for the Warrior. His
side. The higher total wins. Compromise Field), and several others. experience points make him a particularly
Cards (the other type of Challenge Cards), dangerous foe, and since he begins the
are a means of attempting to settle matters How do you win a game of Cosmic game without any particular advantage it's
through diplomacy. Against a concerted Encounter? What's the secret formula? often easy to discount him.
attack (opponent plays an Attack card), Well, unfortunately, the secret formula is
they concede the battle (but earn a so secret that I haven't cracked it yet! So, that's the game of Cosmic Encounter.
consolation of stealing a Challenge Card Hoewever, what I do know is that the A game for schemers, dictators, generals,
from the victor's hand for each spaceship diplomatic aspect to the game is crucial. If weirdoes, aliens, and, of course, garners!
lost). If both players compromise, they you make enemies early on in the game, by Now in a gorgeously produced edition. It
have a minute to come to an amicable being vindictive or gloating too much, then just has to be a must!


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S L N I O ~I ~ ~ I U M saaw

You have the power of revenge. Whenever You have t h e power of mesterj. Each t i m e You have the power to change form. When !
You have the p o w e r of reincarnation.
you are one of the two players in a challenge, you are one of the t w o players I n a challenge. you are one of the two players In a challenge Whenever you are involved In a challenge as
if you invite another player as an ally and he you accumulate one point ~f you win ( o r make you take your opponent's Allen Power Card a player or ally a n d you lose (or fall t o deal).
chooses not to come to your aid, If you win a deal), o r t w o p o l n t s ~f you lose (or fail to and g i v e hlm yours. You do thls as soon as ! you reincarnate That IS. lust before the next
the challenge (or make a deal) he loses 4 deal). You keep a running total of your p o i n t s the d e f e n s ~ v eplayer I S determined. The chal- challenge begins, you draw an Alien power
tokens to the warp. These lost tokens cannot throughout the game,starting at zero. When- lenge i s now carrled out. The Changeling : card at random f r o m the plle o f those not i n
include tokens he used to ally w l t h the other ever you play an Attack card i n a challenge, power may be used only once per challenge. use a n d become that Alien I f it cannot be
side. you add your present experience p o i n t s to When you change i n t o an A t ~ e n ,you get all used i n the game. draw another When you
your total in the challenge. facets of h i s power, e.g. the Miser's Hoard, lose as that Allen, d ~ s c a r d ~t a n d draw
tlistory: the Warrbor's Points, the Schizoid's Terms. another, etc. The Reincarnator power stays
Suffering from a species history of almost uninter. History: with you w h l l e you use the others. I n a game
rupted betrayal and disappointment, the originally Once considered ferocious but dull-wltted by more Hlstory i ~ r t hthe Plant or Insect. lhey may copy your
klnd Grudges gradually grew cynical. Expecting no "enlightened" races. the Warrior clans were bred The chlldllke Changelings love play, and gleefully current incarnation, but i f they lose they
good will from others, they began to brood and as fighting stock for the petty squabbles of thelr antrclpate new experiences. Recently lhey nave must reincarnate, and the Plant or Insect
resolved to wreak vengeance on all who would turn lords. Throughout the ages, however, they have developed the unsettling abil~ty to shed the~r oower is out o f the game.
asIda from thelr outitretched suction disc of learned Lhe value of both defeat and victory This psyches tn exchange for those of others The~r
frtendshlp. Now adept at revenge, the Grudges wisdom gives them mastery over those who would standard greetrng of "I just don'r seem to be my
gars spltelully at a world that has denied them sneer at their potential. n~story:
self today" provokes panlc in many a passlng
fellowship. They will get even! They will repay! Havrng conquered the fear of death, the Reincar-
acquaintance as the Changelings IeapfroG aboul
iators rejoice wlth the passing o f eacn of l h e ~ r
the Cosmos kind. Feelbng k~nshipwrth all life forms. They k n o w
Do no1 use in a two-player game. that those who die will soon be Sorn agaln In an
Do not u s e i n a two.player game. endless cycle.

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a regular book review column, written by Dave Langford.

A Dollop of Evil
Unwin, of Unicorn fame, have launched an blacker byways. Fimbulwinter closes in on
SF paperback line called Orion. Time-Slip a Yorkshire village, nasties stalk the night,
(164pp, £2.95) is by Graham Dunstan international data-nets ferret out the truths
Martin, one of Unicorn's three best behind legend, a professor of archaeology
discoveries (the others being Gwyneth goes on a research trip to the Corpse Strand
Jones and Geoff Ryman). In a shambolic and Yggdrasil, and the appalling Ice King is
post-holocaust Scotland, Martin's new not (in the last analysis) wholly
messiah tackles the classic problem of evil unsympathetic. Good rousing stuff.
with an argument crazily combining the
anthropic principle (the universe is the way Another vision of evil comes from the
it is because only this universe produced us Arabian Nights, where djinni do dreadful
to observe it) with 20th-century black art - things in a kind of innocence, but the
the many-worlds interpretation of quantum blackest deeds are human. Seamus Cullen
mechanics (every decision splits reality, so catches the mood in A Noose of Light (Orbit
that everything happens, including the best 216pp, £2.50), at the same time magical and
of all possible outcomes). The forking rumbustiously rude - this book tells you
pathsof time are occasionally mirrored in more than you wish to know about a djinn's
the narrative). WD readers will a ~ ~ r e c i a t e sexual apparatus and proclivities.
the way they're mirrored again &:'fantasy
gamebook" choices. As Niven theorized in The humour and cruelty are faithful to the
All the Myriad Ways, a many-worlds source: evil-doers are unremittingly
philosophy is hopeless in everyday life. punished, while the reward of virtue is
Martin makes it blackly clear that his often skimpy until after you're dead.
One difficulty for role-players and writers is protagonist's religious cure-all leads to an Unevenly paced, but an OK read.
the good old theological Problem of Evil - upswing in the evil it explains away.
like how and why? Quest after quest sets
out to zap the vile (though obscurely John Brunner offers a slightly enigmatic SF
As for Scotland's survival after World War novel, The Tides of Time (Penguin 235pp,
motivated) Black Lord in his mountain- I11 despite the growing consensus that no
ringed stronghold, with such mono-tonous £2.50). A mysterious black man and white
one can survive, I suppose it's explained woman enact little scenes on a Greek
success you'd think school careers officers here by the daft theory of the book itself.. ..
would have stopped recommending Black island, each episode further back in history,
Lordship jobs. From a literary viewpoint it with no linkage of memory or continuity.
seems too easy: you set up Black Lord with There are no evil people in Gwyneth Jones' They tell each other fables about former
Abominable Minions, and the fantasy Escape Plans (Orion 246pp, £2.50) -just colleagues who've somehow been
questers (be they never so wimpish) duly uncaring or uninformed ones. That's all destroyed by their own desires. As the
knock them over. Evil should be a bit closer you need for a nightmare future, totally repetitive chapters go by, one turns the
to home than this externalized straw-man oppressed by and totally dependent on pages faster, wondering what the hell it's
figure .... which is why Tolkien also gave us information systems. Each man loves the about. The final scenes explain all, in a
Gollum, Boromir, Saruman and Denethor. thing that kills him; the lowest of the low splurge of FTL travel, fugue states,
want to submerge their humanity still variable stars, and theEarth-soul Gaia; this
Mary Brown's approach in The Unlikely further and become components of the dense mass of exposition sits oddly at the
Ones (Century 426pp, £ 10.95) is to sweep "oversystem". The heroine, Alice (ALIC end of a slow-moving work. Brunner's
Evil hastily under the carpet, with the death in acronymic), is a dilettante from the philosophical contention probably needs a
of the wicked witch whose curses fuel the orbital ruling class, who whimsically whole book. Here it gets about 30 pages,
plot. Thereafter her victims trek through descends into the inferno of programmed and it's a tribute to his skill that he keeps
vet another dewv mediaeval Britain, India and gets stuck .... as revolution brews. you reading until then.
&ompletewith acursed knight who wants
his sword mended and a m o u r rustproofed, This is a terrifically compelling vision of a A Nest of Nightmares (Sphere 208pp,
a cursed and masked maiden who believes world where data processing systems have £2.50) is Lisa Tuttle's first horror collection
.... there are, of course, 13 stories. Most
herself impossibly ugly that she isn't comes
as no surprise whatever , and several cute
cursed fauna - unicorn, cat, toad, crow,
completely sunk in - no longer a part of the
environment, they are the environment.
Unf~rtunatelythey've also sunk into the
have appeared in Fantasy and Science
Fiction, which for cognoscenti is a hallmark
even a cursed goldfish. Their quest: to language; Jones' welter of neologisms and of quality. Tuttle writes well and knows just
return the property of a dragon, under the acronyms is initially overwhelming, and I how to push the gooseflesh button. I'd say
guidance of a cranky illusionist. The kept furtively turning to the glossary. more, but it's difficult to type while
obstacles are remarkably unthreatening, Occasionally a definition appears in the trembling under the bedclothes.
the most notable being a castle with a narrative, breaking the spell: whom in her
terrible secret (which proves to be a world is the narrator explaining to when she I enjoyed Guy Gavriel Kay's now-reissued
fondness for blood sports - good Animal mentions a "deeby" and then translates The Summer Tree (Unicorn 323pp, £2.95),
Lib propaganda here) and a Sheloboid with "Direct Brain Access (DB)"? But it's literate and gripping despite a dismayingly
spider (too easily vanquished by D&D- worth wading through the alphabet soup routine Black Lord in the mountainous
style problem-solving). Later, all these
obstacles are revealed as harmless and
for the story. background. But for deep insight into Evil,
where better to look than Artifact of Evil ,'

illusory. Meanwhile, the knight's curse can "Michael Scot" is Michael Scott Rohan and (TSR 352pp, £2.25) by gaming's own Dark
only be lifted by his proposing marriage to Allan Scott. collaborating on The Ice King Lord, Gary Gygax? At the first glimpse
an impossibly ugly woman .... (NEL 2 ~ 2 ~£9.95).
p, ~rcvhaeolo~ists dig u; within, mv soul was purged bv the
an Ancient Evil, and .... no, don't run. For brutalities visited upbn che ~ n ~ l i s h
The book has modest charm and a fresh once, the archaeology is real (the authors language. To auote WD's enliehtened
style, but everything glides along with the know their stuff), not to mention computer- ~ubomi&ionsGuidelines: " ~ h e h e to s be
happy predictability of a Mills & Boon ized. The ancient unpleasantness is also avoided are 'adventure' write-ups ...."
romance. I'd rate it higher if only there highly authentic, crafted with both Artifact of Evil is an AD&D campaign
were a few genuine surprises. knowledge and love of Norse myth's write-up. 'Nuff said.


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- a closer look at tesurrection in AD&D Clerics of different religion or alignment,
will either refuse outright to cast the spell,
that the general ethos (ie good, evil or
neutral) remain unchanged. This prevents
Raising or resurrecting from the dead is or charge around ten times the price stated our lawful good paladin from becoming a
perhaps one of the cleric's strangest above. The GM must not allow raise spells grisly troll!
abilities. By calling on the power of their to grow on trees, otherwise players will
god, clerics are able to restore life and begin to treat death merely as a trivial 2) Raise Dead
complete strength to a being which may pause on the way to .... what? The raise dead spell is only available to
have been killed 200 years previously. clerics of High Priest status. It is the most
Similarly, with the use of a reincarnation Types of raising frequently used raising spell if only because
spell, magic-users and druids are able to 1) Reincarnation in most campaigns it is the easiest and
transfer the soul or spirit of a person into a Reincarnation spells are available to druids cheapest to obtain, although this should not
magically acquired body, which may be and magic-users of 12th level or greater. be the case. On the other hand it is
anything from a badger to a troll. Due to They differ slightly, with magic-users being somewhat limited in application, and can
the potency and complication of these only able to reincarnate into human, be permanently fatal in extreme cases. Of
spells, they are frequently misused and demi-human or humanoid forms, while all the raising spells, it is the most misused.
misunderstood. This article will attempt to druids can reincarnate people into animal
explain the fundamentals of raising more forms as well. The amount of information A raise dead will only raise dwarves,
clearly. the person recalls in his new form depends gnomes, half-elves, halflings and humans.
on the amount of time he has been dead and It will not be effective on elves or half-orcs.
To understand completely the principles of the new form acquired. Only those Basically, the spell retrieves the character's
raising, one must first understand what reincarnated into human or demi-human soul as it floats though the Astral Plane on
happens to the life force of a being after it forms will remember any of their past life, its way to eternal afterlife on one of the
has been killed. This is described in detail in and this knowledge will decrease by 15% outer planes. As mentioned previously, the
the AD&D Legends and Lore volume, so I each day they have been dead. So, a char- journey takes 3-30 days, which the GM
shall explain it only briefly here. acter who has been dead for the maximum should determine upon the character's
time (7 days) will have no memory of his death. This is the maximum time limit for a
It is assumed that there are two sorts of life former life, while one who has been dead dead character to be successfully raised.
force, the soul and the spirit. Dwarves, for 2 days and recalls 70% of his life before, Once the iournev is com~leted.onlv
half-elves, halflings, humans and gnomes may remember the class/race he was, but resurrectibn, reihcarnatibn or a wish will
have souls; elves, half-orcs and all monsters perhaps not all the languages he spoke bring the character back to life.
have spirits. After death, the soul or spirit fluently or some of the companions he had
travels to one of the outer planes, the actual known. Characters should be reduced a Characters must make a resurrection
location depending on the character's level or two due to memory loss, and spell survival throw to be successfully raised,
mortal alignment, taking 3-30 days to travel casters will certainly have forgotten all the failure resulting in the character being u

through the Astral Plane to its destination. spells they had memorised until they have completely anduutterly lost forever.
When the outer planes have been reached, time to relearn them. Characters may never be raised more times
the soul begins an eternal existence while than their initial constitution score, and
the spirit only temporarily resides there, to It is quite probable that a character may be each subsequent raise will reduce their
be reincarnated into another form in years reincarnated into a race which does not constitution permanently by one point.
to come. Hence, as spirits may only be officially allow progression in the dass the Furthermore, raised characters will be
reincarnated, elves, for example, cannot be character followed in former life. In such a weak and helpless for a time equal to the
raised or resurrected. case (and assuming the character has been period of their death. After the required
dead for only a day or two), it seems number of days has passed, the character is
There are three spells which may be cast to unrealistic for the character to suddenly assumed to be on 1hit point, and may then
restore mortal life to a character. However, forget his past profession. If his memory be healed to maximum strength naturally
raising is never quite so simple as this. As recalls some percentage of his past life, he or magically. The minimum amount of time
high level spells, such as resurrection, are should be able to continue operating in his all characters must rest for after being
granted at the direct behest of the cleric's former class with little restriction. The raised is one day, even if killed only a few
god, the restrictions deities impose on their exception is the paladin, who immediately hours previously.
servants when casting such spells are likely becomes a normal fighter, loosing all the
to be very severe. Clerics are only likely to benefits of the paladin class. 3) Resurrection
cast these spells on characters of compar- The 7th level clerical spell resurrection is
able alignment and religion, or else incur Multi-classed characters reincarnated into the most potent of all the spells of this sort.
the wrath of their god. How can any cleric other demi-human forms retain their Only those above 15th level are able to cast
justify casting resurrection on a buddy who former classes as explained above. such spells, and even those characters must
has never had anything decent to say of the However, if they are reincarnated into have an 18 or greater wisdom. While the
deity involved? Thus, when a character human form, the human then becomes a spell is only rarely used, it is frequently
goes in search of a raise spell of any sort, the character with two classes (PHpage 33). If misunderstood by both players and GMs
GM must exercise maximum precautions. they have lost more than 50% of their alike. After all, the explanation in the
Purchasing this sort of spell from a cleric memory, the GM can opt to allow the Player's Handbook is rather vague.
will cost the earth, even from those of character to continue in one class at no
similar religion and alignment. In my penalty, but retain no knowledge of the Perhaps the strangest thing about this spell
campaigns, I have found the following other, or drop a few levels in each class, is that it can restore characters to full
formula useful in deducing the spell cost, whichever is more realistic. Triple classed strength merely from their bones, which
although prices are bound to vary for other characters should definitely lose one class may be greater than 200 years old. What
campaigns: totally. It should also be noted that puzzles me about this is that after 200 years
100 x level of cleric casting spell x (level of reincarnated humans with two classes are surely some of the bones would have
s~ell)~gp restricted in advancement to the maximum decayed or gone astray; would these
Thus a 16th level cleric casting resurrection level of their former race. missing bones also be recreated by the
would charge the characters 100 x 16 x = spell? At first I took this to be so, but then I
78,40Ogp, provided alignment and religion GMs Ahould be careful not to reincarnate came across some ludicrous matters.
were similar. Resurrection is only for characters into creatures which are of a Consider: if a character chopped off the
wealthy, high-level characters. diametrically opposed alignment. I suggest little finger of his left hand, he could then
pass this bone onto family or friends in
order that he might be resurrected from it
should he perish on an adventure, even if
his body was totally destroyed. With this in
mind, one of my players made a practice
(and a rather repulsive one at that) of
assassinating high level NPCs, retrieving a
finger from the corpse, and selling it to any
rich family or friends should they care to
resurrect him. Needless to say, the
character in question made numerous
enemies this way, but it did seem to me that
the matter was getting a little out of hand. It
was at this time I decided it required a little
more working.

First, resurrected characters will come back

to life with all the body members they had
at the time of death, regardless of the state
of each corpse. Thus, in the example
above, ail that would be resurrected from a
finger would be a living finger, the rest of
the body having to be regrown via
regeneration. Alas, of course, regeneration
only regrows body members, and hence the
body would be sans torso and head - two
arms and two legs will be pretty useless to
any but the excessively perverse!.
Theoretically, therefore, one would need
the skull and torso bones to sell to people in
order to have a successful enterprise. This
is pretty tough, especially if a character gets
beheaded (and the quest for the missing
head becomes paramount) but then that's
death for you!

As an alternative, because resurrection

recalls only the character's soul, a character
may be resurrected into a different body.
This body must be totally whole, as the
spell will not restore missing limbs or flesh
as it would where the person was to be
resurrected into his own body. Good
characters must exercise maximum caution
in acquiring this new body; for neutral or
evil characters I suggest you seek out the
strongest, best-looking person you can
find, then poison them. A neutralise poison
spell should be cast on the body before
another soul is resurrected into it.
The GM must be very careful in handling
the situation of a chaiacter being
resurrected into a different bodv. Good Due to the complexity of this version of the retain alignment (except in the case already
clerics would probably refuse o;tright to spell, there is a chance that the cleric will mentioned), but all other characteristics
cast the spell. They would be very anxious fail in his task. The base percentage chance will depend on the new body. The character
as to how and why this new body had come of failure is 10% for a 16th level cleric, will remember his former life, but may take
to die, and why they should resurrect a reduced by 1% for each level above 16th. several months to adjust to the new body
totally alien soul into it. Remember also Thus, only a cleric greater than 25th level (especially if some player has given him one
that 7th level spells are obtained directly has no chance of failure. Scrolls can be of the opposite sex!). Within one week the
from the cleric's god, and even if the cleric considered to be cast at 17th level in this character must make a resurrection
is fooled, the god would be very unwilling case. survival roll or go insane (roll randomly on
to allow such a spell to be used for this The resultant resurrected character will the insanity table, page 83 DMG).
cause, especially if the character concerned
had been of different alignment and/or
religion during previous lives. If both the Failure Table - if failure is indicated, roll a dl00
clerics and his deity agree to cast the
resurrection, the god will probably demand Die Result
re ayment in the form of a quest and should Roll
iniict a change of alignment to convert the 01-50% The soul of the bodies' previous owner is resurrected rather than the one desired.
raised character to the god's own religion. 51-70% The.sou1of a completely different person is resurrected instead of the one desired.
The GM should not allow players to obtain This person will have come from the same plane and be of the same alignment as
such a spell easily; it should cost them all -
the character who was supposed to havc been raised.
their magic and money in purchasing it. 71-90% The soul of a comoletelv different oerson is resurrected rather than the one
desired. This m i y be of any' alignment and may have come from any plane.
The soul of the person to be raised should -00% The corpse rapidly ages 100 years and is destroyed. The soul of the person is
be resurrected into the new body as soon as completely immune to further attempts to resurrect it. Simultaneously, a
possible. In this case the bodies' real soul number of monsters from the Astral Plane encounter table (DMGpage 181) are
will still be on its way to one of the outer gated in.
planes, and will not interfere with the
resurrection spell. If the soul reaches one of Remember that if a monster is gated in, the clerics will be totally unable to cast any further
the outer planes before a resurrection is 'spells, unless the resurrection was read from a scroll.
attempted, the final resurrection will call
back that soul, and not the one desired.
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WWBQLBRcQA? population in South America. The two principal races are
his scenarib takes place in Bolivia.This is because it grew the Quechua and the Aymara; both have their own lang-
out of incidents in my own Golden Heroes campaign which guage, customs and religions although, like most pagans,
left the players owing the Bolivian Government a they are happy to worship any gods who might be helpful
considerable favour. When you come to run it you will not and thus have adopted Catholicism alongside their native
have the same lead in and you will need to devise some beliefs. I
excuse to get your players to the right place at the right I
time. Despite tde mix of cultures, there is a little racial
discrimingtion as we know it. Quechua and Aymara do not
There are all sorts of incidents that can be cooked up to fit intermarry and 'Indians' as a whole are very much the
the bill. Perhaps a fight with a super-villain could take place lower classes, though not exclusively so. The term 'indio' is
outside the Bolivian Embassy in London which causes applied to anyone who lives like an Indian, ie is poor.
such damage to the building that the Bolivian government Simply b+ getting richer a pure-blooded lndian can
gets very upset; Blacksun would be a good villain to use become accepted as 'mestizo' (mixed-race) or even
here as he tends to wreck things pretty effectively. The 'blanco' (white).
government could then justifably ask for a favour in
recompense. Alternatively you could have the players
chase a fugitive villain to Bolivia and have the government
Sexual d i crimination is another matter entirely. The
philosopl)y of Machismo is deeply ingrained in all South
ask them for help while they are there. America3 countries, and any female heroes in your group
can expect to have a difficult time. The Bolivians will
automati~allyassume the men are in charge and the
women do as they are told.
A good group of players will probably want to acquire
some information on Bolivia before they set off. In
addition, if they have government backing, the Foreign
Office will probably want to brief them to make sure they Assuming they arrive in Bolivia quite openly, the heroes
don't cause any international incidents. Whatever the will be asked to meet with Manuel Calvero, the President.
source, the heroes should be able to acquire the following He has a small problem which he hopes they may be able
information at least. to help with. One of the country's prestige engineering
projects is the construction of a hydro-electric power
Bolivia is one of the poorer countries in South America. It station on the Pilcomayo river which flows southeast from
sits on the eastern side of the Andes and the terrain is split the Andes, later forming the border between Paraguay and
between high, bare mountains and steamy Amazonian Argentina. The plant is designed to supply electricity to
jungle. The majority of the population is clustered around Sucre, the capital, and the nearby town of Potsoi. But this
Lake Titicaca on the Peruvian border, particularly in the development has been beset with problems: equipment
large city of La Paz. This area is also dotted with Inca ruins. has broken down, lndian workers have been frightened
The government is fairly moderate, and Britain and the away by 'evil spirits' and - worst of all -the weather has
USA would be happy to see it remain that way. been unusually bad in the area ever since the project
started. Prayers to the Virgin Mary having gone unheeded
Although officially Spanish-speaking and Roman Catholic, so far, the Bolivians haveturned to more earthly sources of
Bolivia has one of the highest percentages of native lndian aid.
President Calvero explains that before contacting the and he diverted his efforts to seize its treasure. El Dorado
heroes the Bolivian government first approached the was saved from the Spaniards because it was built in vast
American multi-national, StarTech, forthe services of their caverns underneath the Andes, the entrances to which
super-powered enforcer, Technon, as the company is were destroyed by a calamitous earthquake decades
supplying much of the equipment and know-how for the before the Conquistadors arrived. By a stroke of good
project. However, as the President says, "We are small fortune, the site of the city is not far from Mueller's secret
contract, yes? Not enough money in Bolivia for the base. All he had to dowas tunnel through until he found it.
Yankees t o bother. Perhaps we have more luck with you
Breetish, no?" The start of the hydro-electric project came as something
of a shock to Mueller. The plant is being built only a short
The Bolivians have little idea what could be causing their distance from his previously isolated hideout and there is
problems.There is a small lndiantribe local to the area,the no way he can move n o w without being observed. Either
Apacheta, who are not as integrated into Bolivian society the project had t o be stopped, or Calvero's regime had to
as the Quechua and Aymara, and may be responsible for be replaced by a military junta backed and controlled, in
the'evil spirit'stories,though they could not possibly have secret, by Mueller.
caused the other problems unless they practice real magic.
The Bolivians suspect that ultra-left or ultra-right terrorists Mueller used his contacts with the Apacheta to get at the
seeking to overthrow the government may be responsible Indian workers. Right-wing saboteurs have been planted in
forthe sabotage, but even with this theory they can offer no the workforce by organisations he controls, and his
explanation for what is wrong with the weather. Not being weather control machine has been making lifevery difficult
a scientific man, Calvero may offer some very odd ideas, for the engineers. He has also manipulated the media
such as changes in the environment caused by Star Wars through carefully controlled leaks into laying all the blame
research. These are complete red herrings-at least forthis at Calvero's door. Everything appears to be going
adventure. smoothly.

The President is a typical Bolivian 'blanco', comfortably However, unknown to Mueller, Israeli Nazi Hunters have
rich and arrogantly dismissive of lndians and women. found his trail at last. Diligent research work brought to
However, he is - for a South American -fairly democratic light quantities of high-tech equipment which had
in his outlook. His main worry over the hydro-electric apparently disappeared into the Bolivian jungles, and a
project is that the delays and resultant increased foreign small groupof Nazi Huntersweresentto maketheirwayto
debts may lead t o a military coup. Play him as something of Mueller's base. They were so horrified by what they saw
an engaging gangster with a soft spot for 'his' people. that they fled, hoping to bring back a more powerful team
t o combat Mueller's creations. None escaped.
Assuming the heroes agree t o help, the President will
provide transport to the project site and tell them t o call However, one man did escape backto civilisation. There he
him if they have trouble getting anything done. went straight to the only organisation he felt capable of
dealing with what he had seen, America's foremost
THE PLOT superhero team, the National Defence League. The
The truth of the matter is somewhat more complicated presence of Patriot in the current NDL line-up ensured that
than the Bolivians suspect. True, there are right-wing the Nazi Hunter's pleas did not fall o n deaf ears. In secret,
activists employed on the project who are sabotaging it in so as not t o alert their quarry, the team set off from their
the hope of bringing down President Calvero. True, the New York headquarters for Bolivia. As chance would have
Apacheta lndiansare unhappy aboutthe project and would it they will arrive at just about the same time as a certain
like it stopped. However, both of these factions are being other super-hero team ....
manipulated by a much more powerful and sinister force:
The Reichsmaster.

Wolfgang Muellerwas only 14when WWII started. Even at Doubtlessthe firstthing the players will wantto do isto get
that time, however, he was recognised as a genius. He was t o the project site and see what they can discover. There
accepted into Berlin University in 1941, completed a they will be met by three men, all of whom Calvero claims
degree in Mathematicsand Electronics in two yearsand by to have the utmost confidence in.
the end ofthe warwas one of Germany's leading weapons
researchers. He was also fanatically devoted to Hitler.
Francisco Perez is the senior Bolivian engineer at the site
In 1945 Mueller, along with a number of prominent Nazi and as such is in charge of operations. He is a very worried
leaders, fled to South America to escape the allied forces. man. To start with, he knows that ifthe projectfails his head
Unable to acquire complicated scientific equipment will be the first to roll. He also knows that right-wing
because of the risk of discovery, Muellerthrew himself into activists are involved in the sabotage, since they are trying
theoretical work, principally on cybernetics and robotics. to recruit him t o their cause; having so far failed to appeal
As time passed he also began to brood about the failure of t o his political prejudices, they are now threatening t o kill
theThird Reich. He felt deeply guilty about having escaped his family unless he cooperates.
while his beloved Fuhrer stayed behind t o die, but came to
rationalise his decision by blaming his fellow exiles, who Perez has no idea which way t o turn and, for want of
he imagined had betrayed Hitler. Slowly but surely, anything else to do, has taken to blaming the Apacheta for
Mueller began t o revenge himself on the 'betrayers', everything. He will try to convince the heroes the lndians
Borman, Mengele and others, by stealthy murder or by have magical powers and will dismiss any other theories
revealing their whereabouts to the Israelis, acquiring their out of hand. Anyone with telepathic powers and a
wealth for himself into the bargain. smattering of Spanish will find it easy t o get the true story
as Perez worries about it incessantly. However, he is so
With the passage of time Mueller built u p enough wealth terrified that he won't cooperate with the heroes even if
and underworld contacts to obtain scientific equipment they tell him what they have found out.
and build himself a base. This he did deep in the wilds of
Bolivia, and he set to work in earnest to turn his designsfor Jorge Luis Ordonez is an army Colonel loyal to President
robots and cybernetic equipment into reality. Calvero, and has been sent to the projectwith a contingent
of troops t o catch the saboteurs. Ordonez knows there are
By the time of this scenario Mueller's technical arsenal is factions in the Army plotting t o overthrow the President
formidable in capability but small in size. He has just (though he knows nothing of Mueller's role) and he
enough money t o build prototypes and a small force of suspects they may be responsible for the delays to the
robot guards, but not enough to embark on his most project. Unfortunately, his work has been hampered both
grandiose plans - t o use a robot army to re-establish the by the fact that some of his o w n have been subverted
Third Reich! However, he discovered from the Apacheta (something he dare not let become known) and by Perez's
lndians that the legendary city of El Dorado really existed, insistence that the Apacheta are the culprits.
Short of putting the entire project under martial law and
running it himself, there is not much he can do save stand
guard against attackfrom outside. Much as hewould like to While the heroes are talking to Ch'ojna, they will suddenly
take over, he knows that he can't do without the engineers be joined by Chucurata, the village wiseman. He and
-so he hasto humour Perez. Ordonez regards the arrival of Ch'ojna will spend a short time conversing in Apacheta,
the heroes as a sign of loss of confidence in him by the afterwhich they will explain-through Qaipa-thata group
President, and he will therefore do everything he can to get of white men "like you" have returned to the
them out of his way. neighbourhood. Ch'ojna explains these men are cruel
fighters with demonic powers whom the Bolivians have
The final member of the trio is Manny Faltz, the field sent to attackthe Apacheta before. Chucurata offersto lead
representative of the StarTech Corporation. Faltz is very the heroes to where these men were last spotted.
experienced at working in South America, speaking
Spanish and Quechua fluently. He regards the whole affair What has actually happened is that the NDL has arrived in
with a detached calm; having completed four previous the area. Stealth is not one of the American team's normal
projects in other South American countries, he has come to tactics, whereas the Apacheta live by it. As a consequence,
the conclusion that the management of such work will the Americans have been spotted. Knowing the British
always be incompetent and corrupt and that the workers heroes are in the neighbourhood, Chucurata, who is is
will always be lazy. He agrees the Bolivians are by far the pretty wily bird, came up with the idea of getting the two
worst he has come across in this line, but says they are by groupstofight each other. He sent a messengerto Mueller
no means exceptional. asking for a thick mist from the weather controller and set
about bringing the two teams together; like his chief,
Faltz blames most of the trouble on a combination of the Chucurata is a willing servant of the Reichsmaster.
President's unrealistic expectation that the project will be
finished on schedule, on the mental instability of Perez, and When the heroes are led outside they will doubtless be
on the frequent arguments between Perezand Ordonez. He surprised by the sudden descent of the mist. Qaipa
says that sabotage of equipment is a common trick of explains-in halting English to preventthe lndian wiseman
South American workers wanting a few days off, and has from overhearing -that such freakish weather is common
no previous experience of the Bolivian climate with which in these parts, though he has never encountered it before
to compare the appalling weather. elsewhere in the country. He blames the weather problems
on evil demons summoned up by Chucurata though any
psychic probing will reveal a certain quiet satisfaction in
the mind of the wiseman.
Having investigaed the project site (and probably got very In fact, although Chucurata is not directly responsible for
frustrated), the heroes' next port of call is likely to be the the mist, he is a magician and has been'using his
villages of the Apacheta. Thetotal population ofthe tribe is Hallucinations spell to frighten lndian workers. For the
no more than about 300, spread through eight small, moment, though, he is pretending to be a frightened
remshackle villages. The heroes will be directed to the native. As he guides the heroestowards their confrontation
village of Yuraq -the largest of the group where they can with the NDL, he talks non-stop about how cruel these
expecttofindthe head man ofthetribe,Chlojna. Yuraq is a foreigners are, and how they have been killing and
short way upstream from the lndian village marked on the enslaving the Apacheta. He is very eloquent, and Qaipa
map. doesn't know who to be more scared of, the supposed
wizard or the foreign devils.
The Apacheta have a language of their own, but in orderto
be able to communicatewith outsiders, many of them have The NDL meanwhile are lost in the mist, moving very
learnt Quechua. Ch'ojna knows a few words of Spanish as cautiously. Kemmer, the Nazi Hunterwho iswith them, has
well but, of course, none of them speak English. warned them that Mueller has some bizzare machinery and
they suspect a trick. However, if the heroes made a public
If the heroes ask for an interpreter at the project site, Perez announcement of their trip to Bolivia, the NDL will be
will refuse point blank- he says the lndians should just be aware, albeit at the back of their minds, that British
shot and thatwould bean end to the problem; Ordonezwill super-heroes are in the country.
also refuse because he believes the lndians are no problem
while his men are successfullv keepincl them out - Chucurata will try his bestto provoke a fight before thetwo
therefore the heroes don't need to talcto them; Faltz will sides have a chance to talk to each other. Whether or not
not come himself but will point out a Quechua workman, you, the Supervisor, decide to tryto encourage a fight is up
Qaipa, who he says speaks passable English. to you. Don't worry if your players are not very trigger
happy, they will get to fight the NDL eventually.
Qaipa is a little frightened of the Apacheta, but will be even
more in awe of the heroes. He will be prepared to go to the As soon as it looks as if the two teams might make friends,
village as long as at least one hero is with him, but will be Chucurata will make off into the mist. If necessary, he will
terrified of being left alone outside the safety of the site. His use an illusion of himself to confuse the heroes as to where
English is just good enough to get by on - though if any of he has gone.
the players use any long words while speaking to him, he
will just shrug his shoulders and stare quizically at him. The teams should eventually work out who they are
fighting and call a halt, although the players may have
Ch'ojna, the Apacheta headman, will agree to speak to the problems if their team is in trouble with the law. If the
heroes and they will be taken to his hut in the centre of the heroes have already played Queen Victoria & the Holy
village. Although he knows his tribe is being paid by the Grail, they may have already met members ofthe NDL and
Reichsmaster to wreck the Pilcomayo project, he is well be known to them. Once a truce is called, thetwo sides will
practiced atthe art of playing the worried primitive. He will doubtless explain to each other what they are up to. The
spin the heroes a long story about how his people have
lived in fear, first of the Incas, then of the Conquistadors,
now of the Bolivians; but have always managed to save
themselves by hiding in romote parts of the country. Now
men have come with big metal demons to dig holes in the The Nazi Hunter will begin by relating how he and his
mountains. There are many men and Ch'ojna and his colleagues, searching for clues to the whereabouts of
people are frightened. Mueller-a man high on theirlistofwantedwarcriminals-
discovered the sale of large amounts of equipment to
To a certain extent what he says is true and telepaths will various ficticious organisations in Bolivia and traced
not be able to tell he is lying because, of course, he thinks delivery of the orders to the region where the Pilcomayo
in Apacheta. Telempathy will, however, detect his plant is being built. These orders date back well before the
suspicion, hostility and fear of the heroes. start of the hydro-electric project.
Investigating the area,the Israelis discovered thewell-used
entrance to a hillside cave. Exploring inside, they came THE lTH!!5@mMMER8@
across a large tunnel filled with advanced machinery. It The heroes will notfind the cave entrance; that honourwill
was immediatelv obvious to them that Mueller, if that was so to the NDL. However, thev will come across what
indeed the man whose trail they had found, had been appears to be an artificial ventilation shaft. Provided that
putting his electronic skills t o good use and that the sales none of the team are permanently giant-sized, they should
they had traced were merely the tip of the iceberg. be able to squeeze down.
Kemmer then relates how he and his companions fled in What they see when they arrive at the bottom will make it
terror, were ambushed by the Apacheta, and how only he plain that, if anything, Kemmer's story was understated.
managed to escape the massacre. As luck would have it, The heroes land in the middle of the most futuristicfactory
one of the thick mists descended just in time to save him complex they have ever seen (unless they have been space
(this is true, the Reichsmasterdid not know that the Indians or time travelling). Looking around they will find that a
were hunting snoopers at the time. The heroes may be large part of the factory is, in fact, a power station tapping
suspicious of Kemmer's seeming good fortune). geothermal energy. An assembly line is in the process of
being built and another is already in existence but idle. The
Because Kemmer's party left the area in something of a whole thing is fully automated.
hurry, he is not very sure exactly where the cave is. The
NDL were in the process of searching for it when the mist When the heroes enter the central square the quiet him of
came down. If the heroes are convinced by this tale, the factory is broken by a strident voice. It is a recording
Stretcho will suggest that the two teams search which the Reichsmaster made in case of discovery. For him
independantly. He reasons that either team on its own it is quite a short rant. He simply explains that he, as a
should be ableto deal with Mueller, making a combination genius, is the ultimate expression of the Master Race and
of forces wasteful, but that any smaller division of strength that he will single-handedly restore Germany to its former
is likely t o be dangerous. He will want to exchange glory, conquer the world, and maybe the universe as well.
communications equipment, but will warn the heroes to When he finishes, the loudspeakers begin to play a rather
maintain radio silence until the last moment, as Mueller tinny, electronic version of the 'Ode to Joy' from
will undoubtedly have surveillance equipment. Beethoven's 9th Symphony. As they do so, a number of
doors in the factory slide smoothly open and disgorge the
The heroes will have a problem deciding what to do with Reichsmaster's robot stormtroopers. 12 robots appear
Qaipa. The most sensiblething to do would be to send him from each of the doors marked as robot exits on the cavern
backto the project site with ~Cmmer.If they are merely left map. Every one of them is identical, a spitting image of
a Kemmerwill be dotted bvthe
here in the oDen. Q a i ~ and Adolf Hitler.
A~achetaan'd killed. and if thev accom~anv the teamsthev
w'ill be in the way arid very likeiy to get killed in thefighting.
What happens to them will have an impact on the heroes' A GHAT A ~Hom
campaign ratings, so it i to be hoped they have the sense When the fight is over and the annoying music has finally
to see them safely back o the project site. been silenced, the heroes may be surprised to find that
they are being watched by a ghost. In fact, it is Mr Magic's fire will reduce the requirement by 10 HTK per point. The
Astral Form. damage divider of the rock is 3 for normal attacks and
therefore 1for energy attacks. The defence class of the rock
The American sorcerer relates that he and his colleagues is 12.
found the cave entrance, followed the tunnel, and came
facetofacewith a giant hypnosisdevice, towhich all ofthe Areas 1 to 7 are on the exterior map. Areas X and Y are
team succumbed except him. By taking on his Astral form tunnels in the cavern which must be dammed to save the
he was able to fool the Reichsmaster's robots into thinking geothermal plant.
he was unconscious. It isa big gamble because his body is
now defenceless and he wants to get back to it quickly. Lava Damming Table
However, he is able to direct the heroes to where his
colleagues are being held and warns them that the rest of Area HTK13 Roundsafter eruption
the NDL are likely to be totally under the Reichsmaster's to Dam before lava past gap

In fact, the hypnotised Americans are already on the way to

intercept the heroes and will meet them in the open area by
the cavern exits. The chances are that the NDL will be
tougher than the players. However, Mr Magic will do his
bestto assistthe players. His physical body is chained up in
a cell, but he can cast 2-dice energy strikes while in astral
form. In addition, as each team member is freed from
hypnosis (by means of counter hypnosis or a hit of 2OHTC
or more), they will join the heroes in trying to free their You may need to rebalance the table somewhat if your
colleagues after taking a round to re-orientate themselves. players are short on flight and energy blast powers. The
The fight, although somewhat ferocious, should therefore heroes should have an excellent chance of succeeding pro-
go the players' way. vided they act sensibly, quickly and heroically.

Once all of the NDL have been restored to their senses (or
knocked out of them), they will be able to guide the heroes
to where the Reichsmaster can be found. Thetestimony ofthe heroes, togetherwith that ofthe world
famous National Defence League, will be quite good
enough to convince the Bolivians that their problem has
been solved. Perez will still be terrified, but the saboteurs
Mueller is, of course, busy with his current obsession, the will quickly melt away now that their leader is dead.
tunnel to El Dorado. When the heroes finally catch up with Ordonezwill try hard to begrateful and fail miserably. Faltz
him, he will be standing on the far side of the chasm from will busy himself congratulating the NDL and telling the
them (see cavern map). Between them and him are his 12 world how lucky it is to have true blue American heroes to
elite robot SS troopers and hisforce wall. The firstthing the protect it. President Calvero will be delighted.
Reichsmaster will do is destroy the bridge.
There is little evidence to prove the involvement of the
The SS robots should not prove too much of a problem for Apacheta in the Reichsmaster's plans and they will have
the combined super hero teams. What they will do is delay the good sense to stick firmly to their ignorant savage act
the heroes just long enough forthe Reichsmasterto set his and behave themselves until the storm blows over.
laser drilling equipment up for one final blast. As the
heroes get ready to rush him he presses the button. What finally remains of the Reichsmaster's factory
depends on whetherthe heroes managed to divertthe lava
The laser drill, now operating at maximum power, lets from it. Points x and y (on the underground map) must
forth a blaze of red light and the rock wall behind the have been successfully blasted in time to achieve this. In
Reichsmaster disintegrates. As the dust settles the heroes any case, the heroes will doubtless wish to inspect the
will get a glimpse of an enormous cavern, dwarfing the one wreckage. The tunnel to El Dorado will be completely
in which the factory has been built. In the far distance is a blocked. It will probably take years to dig through again
faint glimmer of golden spires. and in any case this will risk further eruptions.

But a glimpse is all the heroes will have time for-suddenly Redskin will start kicking over the rubble, muttering about
there is a terrible rumbling from beneath the ground. The the waste of scientific resources in such a poor country and
maximum power blast of the laser has caused a deep the loss of such an interesting piece of Indian heritage.
fracture in the rock which has opened up a magma-filled Suddenly he stops, bends down and removes something
cavern deep below the earth. The ground shakes, steam from the wreckage. It is a piece of packing case, heavily
rushes up out of the chasm, and the air temperature rises charred but somehow surviving. Etched on it is the
dramatically. There is nothing to do but run for it! As the unmistakable logo of the StarTech Corporation ....
heroes make their escape they will hear lava gushing up
behind them. There is a single, terrible scream, and then The scenario has a Practice Rating of 7. The players' public
nothing but the roar of molten rock. ratings will not be significantly affected as they are away
from home and the world's presswill give most of the credit
The area map shows the point at which the lava will to the NDL, but personal ratings may be severely affected if
emerge. The heroes' priority is to prevent the flow from Qaipa and Kemmer are killed or if the lava destroys the
reaching the construction site and the Apacheta villages, plant or native village.
but if they save the Reichsmaster's factory and the
geothermal power station it will be a marvellous present
for President Calvero.
M r Magic's Precision power will be invaluable here as he Was it really El Dorado the heroes saw in the underground
will be able to pin-point exactly where rock needs to be cavern? Is it now lost forever, buried under tons of lava?
blasted to dam and divert the flow. The general areas are
fairly obvious and are marked on the map. The Did the Reichsmaster perish in the eruption or did the
accompanying table shows the HTKvalue required to blast cunning Nazi manage to find an escape route?
each point successfully and the number of rounds
following the eruption that the heroes have to complete Were StarTech really supplying Reichsmaster with
theirwork before the lava arrives. Use of Precision to direct advanced electronic equipment for his robots? Did they

know who he was and what he was doing? If they did, does other unusual power he has istheability tocall upon the ghosts of
Brian Garsonrrechnon know about it, or is some rival three famous ex-Presidents, George Washington, Thomas
faction on the Corporation's board responsible? Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln, for advice. However, the ghosts
are having even more trouble understanding the modern world
than Patriot, who fears they are becoming senile.
411 of these questions, and doubtless a few more as well,
remain to be answered in future adventures. The American government is understandably very disturbed at
Patriot's sudden reappearance as there is, as yet, no sign of any
great danger to the country. Various theories have been put
forward by the Pentagon and CIA butthe only real result has been
to makeeveryone in the White Houseveryjitterywhenevera crisis
The National Defence League is the USA's official, looks like blowing up.
government-backed super hero team. Their HQ is in Washington
butfor various reasonsthey often find themselves operating out of The Patriot
auxiliary bases in New York and Los Angeles. The heroes listed alias Kirk Jackson
below are those on the current active register though many other EGO 7 Movement 6m
American heroes have worked with the team at various times STR 8 Damage
during its history. They are financed by the American government, DEX 16 Dodge +1
although some members, includina Stretcho and Firebird, VIG ll(21) Strike +1
contrihte to running costs. HTK 79 Defence Class 6
HTC 85
Powers: Vigour; Agility; Weapon Skill (fencing) 2; Weapon Skill
(knife parry); Sidekick (ghosts)
Advantageous Background: lmmortal
Patriot is the reincarnated spirit of Paul Revere, a hero of the Fisttfoot WC 2; 1d6-6 HTK / 2d6 HTC; -2
American Revolution. He has appeared many times throughout Leap into Combat WC 2; I d 6 HTK/ 2d6+6 HTC; +2 (needs 1 frame
the history of the country, always turning up when great danger recovery)
threatened. Thus he fought alongside American forces in both Rapier WC 4; 2d6 HTK / Id6 HTC
World Wars, though whatever power causes him to take flesh did Knife WC 2; 2d6 HTK/ I d 6 HTC; WC 4 parrying
not feel the war in Vietnam warranted his appearance. Patriot
returned to life most recently in 1984 and immediately sought out
the NDL, of which he was already an honorary member.
In private life Patriot takes on the role of Kirk Jackson, a fashion Lee Stanton is the owner and chief scientist of America's largest
photographer. The American government has supplied him with bubble-gum company. He has used his vast knowledge of
appropriate papers detailing Jackson's lifeso he has few problems molecular elasticity to experiment on human flesh and, as a result,
explaining his lackof visibility priorto 1984. However, he is having is now able to deform his body in an incredible variety of ways. A
problems adapting to modern American society and thus prefers useful by-product of his experiments has been acquiring the
to remain in his super hero guise most of the time. ability to climb walls by turning his rubbery fingers into suction
Patriot has no obvious super powers and fights with his trusty
rapier. His immortality is restricted by the fact that he can only be Stretcho is undoubtably the brains of the NDL. His scientific
reborn when America needs him. To date he has always been background causes him to be very cautious, unwilling to act until
killed in action just when the danger seemed to be over. The only he has fully analysed the situation. This often brings him into
conflict with his more hot-headed team-mates, particularly
Redskin and Powerchord.

alias Lee Stanton
EGO 11 Movement 4(6)m
STR 6(8) Damage
DEX 8 Dodae
VIG ll(14) ~trik%
HTK 46(54) Defence Class 5
HTC 41(50)
Powers: Stretch 2; Grow; Shrink; Wallcrawling
Advantageous Backgrounds: Brilliant Scientist (Chemicals); Rich
..- . -.
Fisttfoot WC 2; 1d6-6 HTK / 2d6 HTC; -2
Grow to Combat WC 2; I d 6 HTK / 2d6+6 HTC; +4 (needs 1 frame

DickStevens is a genuine stage magician as adept at slight of hand

and illusion as he is at real magic. When he first began his career
he was as cynical as most other westerners a b u t 'real' magic.
Then he met and teamed up with an older conjurer, Bernard
Kranksy. Bernard had served in the Far East during WWll and
claimed to have learnt his magical skills from Tibetan monks. He
always maintained, even to his friends, that real magic did exist,
and that some of his stage tricks used such sorcery.

Young Dick never believed this tale and kept pestering his partner
to reveal the secrets of his special tricks, and, feeling hewas being
fobbed off with ridiculousexcuses, determined to spy on the older
man as he practised. One day he concealed himself in Kransky's
dressing room and watched the older magician running through
his act. To Dick's horror, Kransky summoned a real demon and
began to converse with it in some arcane language. Unable to
contain his curiousity, Dick burst out of hiding, but this distracted
Kransky from his spell and the demon promptly grabbed the
sorcerer and disappeared.

Dick immediately gave up his stage career and headed east in the
hope of learning enough real sorcery to rescue or avenge his
friend. When he returned America acquired a new super hero.
M r Magic has a special gimmick which allows him to make his having to b o w down and call her Your Royal Highness i n the
astral form visible. Ordinary people normally mistake him for a middle of a fight.
Firebird uses her flame manifestations gimmick t o fashion a
M r Magic bird-like mask. She also swathes her fist in flame when punching
alias Dick Stevens which gives her extra damage bonuses.
EGO 15 Movement 6m
STR 5 Damage -1 Firebird
DEX 15 Dodge alias Claire Montague
VIG 12 Strike EGO 6 Movement 6(15)m
HTK 44 Defence Class 6 STR 9 Damage
HTC 42 DEX 11 Dodge
Powers: Magic 2 (22 magic points); Astral Projection (speciality), VIG 16 Strike
Energy Strike, Conjuring, Information; Conscious Probability manipu- HTK 52 Defence Class 5
lation: Precision: Skills - Disauise HTC 53
g ~ wc 3; 1d/2mp; unaffected by dividers
~ n e r Strike
Fistlfoot WC 2; Id6-6 HTK /2d6 HTC; -2 Powers: Energy Attack 3 (fire); Manifestiations Gimmick; Energy
Immunity (fire); Flight; General Force Wall (flame); Intuition
Advantageous Background: Rich Entertainer
Energy Blast WC 3; 19d615 rounds
-- -. . Fistlfoot WC 2; ld6-6 HTK / 2d6 HTC; +4 (flame glove)
Joe Washington is a pure-blood Sioux Indian. His powers are all Dive t o Combat WC 2; I d 6 HTK / 2d6+6 HTC; +4, +5 (needs 1
simple extensions of his physical abilities and result from his frame recovery)
eating herbal mixtures prepared for him by an ancient shaman.
The shaman had intended Joe t o be a champion of the lndian
cause, taking revenge upon the white man and driving him from
the land. However his pupil, who had grown up in white society, The man who is now Powerchord was once a world-famous rock
realised that this was a foolish dream and now spends his time guitarist. At the height of his fame he was approached by a black
fighting for justice and freedom as much as for Indian rights. scientist and offered a special guitar which, under his expert
Redskin and Powerchord are frequently at loggerheadsover racial fingers, could produce amazing effects. Seizing the opportunity,
issues as the former feels that his black colleague has too he faked his own death and became Powerchord, a black rights
simplisticaviewofthe problem and ignoresthefactthat blacksare campaigner.
comparatively well-off compared to other racial minorities. Joe is
also frequently i n troublewith hiscolleaguesand the government Powerchord's career as a civil rights activist was fairly long and
over his outspoken comments to the press. colourful. In those days he frequently came into conflict with the
In his secret identity Joe works as a 'hard hat' on construction sites. authorities and charges are still outstanding agains him in certain
southern states. The 1 million dollar reward that the Ku-Klux Klan
Redskin put on his head is also still on offer.
alias Joe Washington
- - - 8 -~ Movement
~ 8m Since that time, however, the position of blacks in American
STR 16(31) Damage +I6 society has improved greatly and Powerchord has come to realise
DEX 12 Dodge + 1 that the colour of a man's heart is more important than the colour
of his skin. The final straw camewhen his scientist benefactorwas
VIG 17 Strike
HTK 69 Defence Class 6 killed by black mobsters who wanted the secrets of the guitar to
HTC 64 further their criminal careers. Powerchord has been officially
pardoned by the President but in certain quarters resentment of
Powers: Strength; Pugilism 2; Weapon Skill (tomahawk); Leap- him is still high.
ing; Health - fast recovery
Fistlfoot WC 3: 1d6-6 HTK 12d6 HTC: +I 6 Without his guitar Powerchord is an ordinary human, though he
~ d m i h a w k 3 t ; i k e wc 4; I ~ G - ~ H T K ~ ~ ~ ~ - 16
HTC; has done a lot of training t o improve his physical condition.
Throw WC 2; 2d6+3 HTK / I d 6 HTC; + I 6 Because of this he prefersto live as a super hero all of thetime, and
lea^ into Combat WC 3; I d 6 HTK / 2d6+6 HTC; +16, +2 (needs 1 firmly denies all suggestions of a link with his rock star past.
frame recovery)
FifREBlRD EGO 12 Movement 6m
Claire Montague is an expatriot English actress w h o is now a STR 17 Damage +2
maior soap opera star. Her impressive flame control powers are DEX 9 Dodge
mutant in origin and this has recently caused hersevere problems VIG 10 Strike
as various religious groups in America have mounted a strong HTK 37 Defence Class 5
anti-mutant crusade. HTC
Claire was recently captured and tortured by Azrael, a religious
fanaticvillain. Although she managed t o keep details of her secret Powers: Energy Attack4 (sonic); Area Effect Gimmick; Quick Blast;
identity from him, her mind has been damaged by the experience Personal Force Shield (23 HTK) - a l l power from guitar only
and, as Firebird, she often falls under the delusion that her secret Advantageous Background: Rich Entertainer
~dentityis really that of her most famous screen role, the rich and Previous Training (2 t o Vigour)
arrogant Princess Previous Training (2 t o Strength)
Christina of Miklenburg. As the NDL all know each others' secret Energy Blast WC 3; 23d6/5 rounds
identities,this has sometimes lead t o her unfortunate team-mates Fistlfoot WC 2; Id6-6 HTK / 2d6 HTC; +2
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Players' Briefing ++ ltem 35 ++
It's Shift 2 briefing, 10.15 hours, at Sector House 142. Today Judge INFORMATION
Rippon is briefing officer, dispensing comments on the news and Rick Macey was released from the cubes yesterday afternoon, and
reportsas they flash across the screen with her usual lack of humour. disappeared within a few hours. He was suspected of acting as a hit
You hope nothing happens that will cause you to laugh, or - worse! - man for one of the body sharking gangs, but was actually arrested for
that you don't start yawning as the briefing rolls on .... overdue library slugs. Report any sightings.

(Rippon:) "Macey was based in this sector, and it's possible he's
++ ltem 32 ++ holed up somewhere in the area. He's clever and dangerous. He !m't
wanted for anything yet, but it's probably just a matter of time.

The Sector 145 South silly walkathon began this morning. Notrouble
is anticipated, but perps may take advantage of the crowds.
++ ltem 36 ++
(Rippon:) "We're on alert to provide back-up if things get out of hand, WEATHER [RESTRICTED INFORMATION]
and you'll receive squad assignments with your patrol orders. Rain this morning will contain trank additive J-17. It will fall from
Review crowd control procedures during your rest breaks, if there's 11.30 t o 12.00, so all Judges should take a neutraliser tablet at 11.15
time ". hours. Requests forweather should be sentto the Weather Congress
via MAC, not to sector houses.

+ + ltem 33 + + (Rippon:) "Let's try to avoid sloppy procedure on this; I don't want to
spend another morning sorting through a p!!e of complaints from
Weather Control! And don't forget the pills.
Synthi-SynthTMLaboratories report a burglary and theft of computer
slugs and files, probably industrial espionage. + + ltem 37 + +
(Rippon:) "Synthi-SynthTM are a major defence contractor and the
c~ty'slargest plastics manufacturer. There'll be more on this when we EXPENSES
know wfiat'sbeen stolen". The financial quarter ends tomorrow, and all outstanding expense
claims should be submitted to Accounts Division, in triplicate on form
B-3Y-713EX, accompanied by receipts.
++ ltem 34 ++ (Rippon:) "I want claims in by 23.00 hours; we've applied to have the
rec room redecorated, and we wouldn't want Acc-Div to turn down
SPONTS the estimates because they were mad at us, would we? OK, th;t's the
The iso-cubes are running close to capacity in most sectors, so try to last item, so collect your assignments and get out on patrol.
avoid arresting sponts unnecessarily.
Was Rippon looking at you justthen? Maybe you didn't put in all your
(Rippon:) "That means don'f,book them on nuisance charges unless receipts, by Grud! Rippon assigns you t o a patrol route through the
there's really no alternative. sector. At 13.00 hours you are to call in at the Tresco Megamart and
other shops i n the shopping centre of Clark Savage Block, to conduct Both jimps wear good replicas of Judges' uniforms, giving the same
an anti-shoplifting crime blitz and check antique dealers and armour protection as the real thing. The badge and eagle are made of
jewellers for stolen goods. Later you should visit Ronnie Rambo lightweight metalised plasteen, not the metal of real insignia, but
Blockto make a crime prevention inspection of the new block Cit-Def which look authentic. Communications and other secondary
armoury, and then return t o the Sector House at 16.30 hours. As you equipment are dummies. Their Lawgivers are replicas, disguised spit
leave, Rippon adds that i n the "unlikely" event that you are needed pistols with normal characteristics. Both are marked "Dredd", and a
for riot control, you should abort your patrols and join squad "FOX", sharp-eyed Judge may notice this.
one of eight units from the sector.
Perp 2: H a r r y " t h e A c t o r " W u j c i k (Jirnp)
Game Master's Information 2 17 18 12 31 46 14 9
Abi1ity:Acting (new SSability -Acting gives a 10% bonus on attempts
Every month a group of the Mega-City's most influential criminals at disguise (normally requires an SS roll), and reduces the chance of
meet to discuss their plans. The composition of this group varies as successful lie detection (eg, by Birdie or by a Judge) by 5%. May be
members are arrested or killed, but usually several notorious perps taken twice. Available to Judges, especially those ass~gnedto the
attend, and try t o prepare the perfect crime. Wally Squad.)
Harry is a tall Negro with a good physique, and looks very much like
Four daysago an industrial spy told thegroupabout Spungga, a new a real Judge. His badge is marked "Hansen". He has been pretending
plastic from the recreation division of Synthi-SynthTMthe to deal with Gladys, but has still managed to pocket gems worth 2105
manufacturersof Boingg. Spungggisafood additive which converts Creds. He will probably be the spokesman for the two jimps.
fat deposits into a resilient substance resembling Boingg and
Synthi-SynthTMare developing it as a luxury item, t o be sold t o fatties Perp 3: N o l a C u n n i n g h a r n (Jirnp)
as a new answer to their mobility problems. However, the criminal S I CS DS TS SS MS PS
"masterminds" gathered at the meeting were quick to see other 2 21 23 10 19 22 12 000
advantages t o the material; a sufficiently fat criminal would be Nola is a brunette - slightly short for a Judge, though just within the
almost bulletproof, sinceshellswould bounce out of the resilient flab, minimum height required by regulations. Her badge says "Barlow".
and the perp could bounce over, or through, obstacles. Last night a She has pocketed jewelled knee-pad trimmings worth 18,500 Creds,
crack burglaryteam, acting on the group's instructions, broke into the while pretending to examine the damage and keep curious citizens
Synthi-SynthTMlaboratories, stealing dozens of files to cover their away from the window.
interest in Spungga. By 08.00 hours criminal scientists had
manufactured enough Spungga t o feed a dozen men. A particular flaw in the jimps' disguise is their lack of bikes. If
questioned, theywill say they were on footwhen the crash occurred,
N o w all that remains is for Spunggg t o be tested. At 13.30 hours the investigating work permits in the nearby street market, and that their
Gutz gang, a formertag eating team who have been devouring great Lawmasters are parked in a side street. They will also ask the Judges
quantities of Spunggg, will rob a bank and try out the new material. to call i n a report on the incident, since their helmet transmitters
The bank they have chosen is in the block plaza adjoining the Tresco aren't getting through to the Sector House. If such searching
Megamart i n Sector 142. Rick Macey has arranged for other questions are asked that they need t o offer these explanations, the
equipment, and will cover the Gutz brothers with a laser rifle. His jimpswill assumethatthe Judgessuspectthatthey are fakesand will
instructions from the perp masterminds are t o help the brothers leap into the roadster t o escape at the first opportunity.
escape,or kill them ifthey arecaptured,sincethey cannot betrusted
t o remain silent. If the Judges don't realise they are dealing with jimps, it's possible
Harry might "accidentally" drop some gems to give the game away;
As an annoying complication, the local branch of Sponts Anonymous the GM must decide if he makes any mistake, or if the Judges only
happens to be holding a meeting in a social club nearthe bank, and learn of their error when the SJS pay a 'friendly' visit to find out w h y
the Judges' attempts t o deal with the raid on the Fifteenth National they let three perps escape!
Bank will be hampered by false confessions and demands for arrest.
Ifthe Jirnps are caught, theywill reveal the name of the perp who sold
them their highly illegal uniforms and guns; Vernon "Theexpeditor"
Phase 1: 10.30 13.00 hours
Therearetwo incidents during this phase of the patrol, one leading to
the main adventure. Referees may wish t o add other reports and
eventswhere they are relevant t o a campaign, but this isn't essential.

10.32 hours: As you patrol through Elm Street, a city bottom

shopping zone, you hear the ring of a burglar alarm ahead.

See Figure 1 for street diagram. Aperp hassmashed her caracrossthe

' pavement and into the front window of the local branch of Forbidden
Kneepad, and two jimpsare pretending to deal with the incidentwhile
helping themselves to the most expensive gem-encrusted pads. The
jirnps don't expect real Judges to arriveso quickly, but are on the alert.
Oncethe Judges arrivethey will saythey can handlethe incident, and
if the Judges insist on staying the jimps will try to bluff their way out
by pretending they are arresting the driver.

A blue roadster has spun off the road and crashed into the window
of a branch of Forbidden Kneepad. Two Judges are on the scene,
one checking the shop damage while the other checks the driver.
She seems shaken and has a nosebleed.

The car is a General Mechanics Siesta roadster of standard design (see

GM's Book pl11). The driver carefully spun it off the road so that the
rear bumper smashed into the shop window and the car was left
positionedfor a quickgetaway. On a Street Skill roll Judgeswill notice
that the car isn't damaged; the rear bumper was reinforced for
ramming (without affecting its arrnour). Also, the car is stolen. If the
Judges check and discover this, or if they appear to be suspicious, the
jimps will immediately "arrest" the driver, saying they hadn't been
able to check because their helmet radios weren't getting through to
the Sector House.

Perp 1: Gladys "Wheels" Larnbretta (Driver) TEC NA3

1 19 15 78 17 37 25 4 RENTALS
TTN 85/C
Abilities: Control Skid, Control Spin, Drive Fast.
Gladys is an attractive blonde. She has blood (actually a theatricaldye)
on her face and blouse, and pretends to be in shock. There is a
fully-loaded stump gun in an opaque plastic purse in her shoulder bag.
She is unarmoured
Bradlaw, a criminal based in Sector 248 North. The Judges should Azimov has left his wife tied up in a cupboard at his apartment, with
radio in and have MAC assign another team to pick him up, since it a time bomb on a nearby workbench. If the Judges reportthe incident
would taketwo daysto reach him by road, or four hours by H-wagon. promptly, and can give his name or car registration, MAC will direct
them to apt 58 on the 187th floor of the nearby Lenny Henry Block
Two messages arrive shortly after this incident: (use the Boris Becker Block plansfrom the GM's Book), and tell them
his wife hasn't arrived at work (she is a waitress at a munce-burger
parlour). The apartment is cluttered with work benches and a weird
11.02 Hours + + THEFT REPORT UPDATE assortment of tools and parts; Azimov is a frustrated inventor who
has never been ableto sell any of his "brilliant" designs (for example,
several complex and totally unworkable perpetual motion
The Synthi-SynthTMburglars broke into the leisure products division machines). The bomb is in plain view, but is surrounded by 6 other
laboratory, which doesn't handle restricted information. Items stolen machines that also look odd or lethal. Judges examining these
apparently include the formulae for BoingB and other products - strange devices must make a Tech Skill roll before finding the right
including some which haven't been perfected or patented yet, one. There is a 10% bonus on all skill rolls to disarm it, since Azimov
computer data slugs, and chemical samples. isn't trained in demolition work and hasn't incorporated any booby
traps. It will explode twelve turns after the Judges arrive, if it isn't
disarmed. Treat the explosion as if it were a fire bomb (GM's Book,
11. I 2 Hours + + RIOT CONTROL p113). Azimov's wife has fallen asleep in thecupboard, and won't do
anything to attract the Judges unless they make enough noise to
wake her. She doesn't know anything about her husband's
Judges assigned to Riot Control Squads "ABLE", "BAKER", and inventions, and can't help with the bomb.
"CHARLEY" should reportto the Sector Housefortransportto Sector
145. H-Wagons and Pat-Wagons supporting these squads should
follow assigned routes. All other units should note there may be Jill Azimov (Munce-Burger Waitress) .
delays on backup calls. S I CS DS TS SS MS PS
1 13 7 5 10 21 12 8
Theteam are in Squad "FOX" and should continuetheir patrol. Don't Jill is spectacularly beautiful. She is also a registered trank user, and
remind the Judges that they are supposed to take their pills at 11.15; ifAzimovis killed and the Judges don't arrange for a social worker or
anyone who forgets loses ID6 Initiative on exposure to the rain at neighbours to look after her, they will later hear that she has
11.30, and forthefollowina hour. Use of a reswiratorwon't helw-the committed suicide.
drug is absorbed through?he skin - and may attract some atjention.
The pill startstoworkexactly 15 minutes after it istaken; if it istaken If Azimovescaped, other units will pick him up when hetriesto kill his
late, Initiative is regained 15 minutes later. The pill effect wears off mother-in-law; however, he will kill approximately40 innocent
after exactly an hour. It starts to rain at 11.30, and the next encounter bystanders before he is caught. If the bomb in his apartment isn't
takes place in a light shower which puts a 5% penalty on all DS rolls. defused, and Judges aren't around to deal with the aftermath, it will
start a fire that kills 238 citizens.
11.37 hours: As you circle around the Gerry Cottle Interzoom, you
notice the traffic is bunched up behind a green Leymak Placebo, Ifthe Judges caught the jimps and questioned them, the following
registration XXD-egN-gVDF, that is driving east on the message will be received at 12.15 hours (or at a moment when the
Elmo Hack Overzoom, and is at least 10kwh below the leaal limit. I
Judges are on their bikes and in pursuit).

See Figure 2 for road layout. The car is driven by Sven Azimov, a
futsieon hisway to kill his mother-in-Iaw,cousin,aunt,grandmother,
and anyone else who get in his way. He is driving slowly because he
intends to kill them with home-made bombs, which are in a Sector 248 North report the arrest of Vernon Bradlaw, contact of
synthi-card boxon therear seat. There are ten bombs, already armed, jimps arrested this morning~ ~visited~ sector
this d yesterday
l ~
and they will explode if dropped,violently shaken orshot,or ifthe car and claims to have sold gas grenades, gas masks, and
crashes.Azimovisotherwise unarmed. Ifthe Judgestrytostop him, electro-prods to ~ i d M
k ~see ~ ~crime~ report
. item 35.
he will pretend to surrender, then try to run their bikes down, or he
will throw them a bomb to play with and accelerate away.

Phase 2: 12.30 - 13.30 hours

I 1
At 13.00 hours you approach Clark Savage Block, a post-war design,
with twin towers over a circular base. The shopping centre
occupies levels 80-85 of the base structure. You've been told the
Tresco Megamart has reported 9% losses from shoplifting, double
those of similar stores elsewhere, and your main priority is a ran-
dom crime check of customers and staff. There are also several
antique dealers and jewellers in the precinct, and you are to&wk.
for stolen items and leave lists of missing valuables with them.

As the Judges enter the block, a robot porter directs them ta the
basement car park. If the Judges seem to want to stay on thek bikes,
the droid will tell them that (a)thiswould break building safetycodes,
(b) their exhaust fumes would set offthe fire alarms and sprtnkbr
systems, (c) "it's more then m y job's workh". Since building safety
codesare partofThe Law, and since the bikes really wouldtrig@erthe
fire alarms, it's assumed the Judges will comply.
Figures3and 4showthe main areas of theshopping plaza. The ma+n
transport systems within the building are two large anti-grav chubs
Perp 4: Sven Azimov (Futsie and Stowster) (one for each tower), local elevators and stairs, and block buggies.
S I CS DS TS SS MS PS The lower levels (up to 791 contain block environmental systems,
3 17 11 10 54 14 2 4 three schools, and business offices. Levels 80 to 88 are a shopping
Ability: Fit Component (used to build bombs) precinct, serving other blocksas well as Clark Savage. Lwels $6-1 10
contain two block parks, a sports comptc, a theatre, and other
There are ten bombs, equivalent to standard hand bombs exceptthat communityfacilities. From level 110upwrdsthe block iseEividedinto
they are already fused and explode on impact. two residential towers, linked by bridges at every tenth Ievet, where
there are additional shops and recreational facilities. A skyraii
The overroom continues east, with junctions every4 or 5 kilometres. terminal is on the south-east tower, a hoverport on the north-wsst.
Ifthe Judges call for back-up, more Judgeswill join the road ahead of
the car approximately 20 kilometres further on. By this time Azimov The shopping plaza is a six-level spaceconsktihg of galleries around
will have thrown out 2 or 3 bombs. an open area dominated by the Tresco MegamaFt. Bridges at each
level linkthegalleries, theanti-gravchutes [I], a n d h e megamaltf21.
This encounter continues until Azimov crashes (BOOMM!!!!), is Level 80,the plaza floor, is covered in synthi-astroturf, and crciwded
somehow forced t o stop, or escapes. Be creative; a road duel and with shoppers and playivg children. A spiral ramp and staircase M
explosions in the middle of a crowded overzoom are bound to cause links the levels, carrying block buggies and an occasional service
a few incidents. vehicle. Slidewalks [41 linkthis levelwith bus stops andother blocks.
TheTresco Megamart is part of a vast retail empire with hundreds of Perp 5: Burt Tenko (Embezzler)
branches throughout the Mega-City. It occupies all six levels of the S I CS DS TS SS MS PS
r h o ping plaza,though thetop level is devoted to offices and service 1 24 13 11 65 44 3 7
facilties. Abilities: Use Data(2), Aura of Cool.

The departments showing the greatest losses are listed below;

Recently the sector headquarters of the chain noticed that profits naturally Tenko's charts show only the losses, notthe number of cash
from this branch were falling; the amount of stock entering the shop points:
was rising without any apparent increase in sales, and stock-taking
showed many small items were disappearing. The manager, Burt Shoplifting Audit
Tenko, blames the losses on shoplifting, though the company has
spent several thousand creds on security improvements without any Estimated Locatio~
effect. Naturally, they have also notified the Justice Department. Monthly loss
Several teams of Judges have visited the shop; all have arrested
shoplifters, but still the rate of loss remains unusually high. Department Credits %Sales Level

In fact,Tenko is responsibleforthe loss of profits. Normally the store Jewellery

should have 132 credit points where shoppers pay for their goods; he Food Hall
haeadded another seven, in areas handling small itemswhich might Boutique
plausibly be stolen. He has also programmed the main computer to Stationery
pass the money taken at these extra credit points to the account of Vid Slugs
KO-NetTravel, a front he maintainson the 84th level of the wlaza. The Software
staff operating these pointsaren't aware anything is wrong; the only Gifts
wavtodiscovertransactionsaren't beina recorded would betocheck Drug Store
the'central store computer, learn the nuLber of points in each
department, then go down and make a visual inspection. Customers * losses entirely due to genuine shoplifting
using these points receive goods and receipts in the normal way.
Tenko is accustomed to Judges visiting the store, and has prepared In the time between the Judges' arrival and the bank robbery they
charts comparing the quantity of goods entering the store with the won't be able to do much more than make a cursory inspection,
amount sold and in stock. These charts are completely accurate, but though they will certainly find a few minor shoplifters with goods
naturally omitthegoodssold through the phoney cash points, to give worth 6D6 creds hidden in bags, pockets, etc. Use typical citizens; all
fhe impression that approximately 9% of the stock turnover is will be unarmed and will surrender without a fight. If the Judges
wastage' through theft. Half of this loss is real shoplifting (normal for return tothe store afterthe robbery, they should beable to find some
a store of this type in Mega-City One), the rest represents his fraud. cluetoTenko'sfraud; for example, the credit points used forthefraud
Tenko convincingly pretends to be worried about his promotion are a slightly different model to those elsewhere in the store. If the
prospectsand jobsecurity, and will continually askthe Judges ifthey GM decides the ulavers need even more helu. he could decide that
have caught anyone, He is good at making misleading statements ~enko occasionilly heeds to take cash out o i the Megamart to his
w i t h tactually lying, which will defeat the use of a Birdie. For home. If the player Judges abandon the investigation, Acc-Div will
examae he might say "Ithink this shop is crawling with shoplifters" eventually notice the fraud, but it will take several weeks for
which is true, but doesn't explain most of the losses. something to show up on their computers. If the Judges actually ask
--" - --

for Acc-Div help, a team of accounts and programmers will swoop tables were booked, and heard one of them say "when we've seen
down on the store and crackthe case in a few hours. Acc-Div are Neville and got our cut we can buy this place".
delighted to be called in; it proves they can do more than complain
about expense accounts! 80-h is a tailors, irrelevant to this adventure.
Each level of the plaza contains8smallershops, coded by leveland a Most of the shops on other levels are also irrelevant; however, there
letter. areasomeexceptions.
80-a is an autobank, the target forthe Gutz brothers raid. Full details 82-b, 82-d,82-e, and 83-b are all antique dealers, selling junk and
are given in the next section. bric-a-brac dating back to the late 20th and early 21st century. Stack
includes a few rare paper books, plastic and glass bottles, rare tin
80-b is a furniture store. cans and egg cartons - even some wooden furniture! All the
proprietors are honest, except for minor breaches of Section 11
80-c is a munce-burger bar. The Gutz brothers are having a health regulations and advertising laws (punishable by fines rather
pre-robbery snack (triple 5-kilo munceburgers, Britcit-style fried than imprisonment). 82-c and 85-a are jewellers, also more or less
munce sticks, and 5-litre munskya shakes) when the Judges arrive, innocent ofwrong-doing. If the Judgessearch really thoroughly (as a
buttheir view of the plaia is blocked by a partition and they won'tsee blitz search) they will eventually discover some minor offence, such
the Judgesenterthe megamart. Full details of the brothers aregiven as a can of cleaning fluid that breaks fire regulations.
in the next section.
Shop Shopname Ma~rager
80-d is a public meeting room, occupied at the time of the robbery
by a Sponts Anonymousgroup therapy session. Eighteen sponts are 82-b Lewo's Antique Parlour Tom Levvo(owner)
present, led by the famous Edwin Parsey. Unfortunately the 82-d Decade 1990! Inc Freda Reeves
excitement of the robbery will cause remission among members of 82-e Drawthe Blindson Yesterday Winston Kodoga
the group, and Parsey will rush outto confess,followed by the others. (owner)
Assumethat all the sponts have similar characteristics to Parsey, and 83-9 The Shape of Futures PastTM Morgan Christopher
assign names randomly. 82-c Bagel's Banglesand Beads Ursula Be@ (owner)
85-a The Ugly Jewellery Co. Spug Thompson
80-e is a car showroom. For safety reasons none of the cars are
fuelled; if one issold, an electrictractortows it down tothe basement 83-b, the Crocker Antique Company, isapparentby identical to the
garage, where it is fuelled and given a final inspection before i t is other antiaue s h o ~ s but
. the ~ r o ~ r i e t is
o ra fence. Nick Crocker, who
handed over to the customer. once sewed a term for tax fraud: Most of the items on open display
are legitimate, but stock in a back room includes a fantastically
80-f is a computer shop, If asked, the manager will remember valuable C5 electric tricycle (stolen last year), a first edition 1983 E-K
selling a business system to Burt Tenko, manager of the Tresco London telephone directory (stolen from the Brit-Cit Museum two
Megamart (see above). For some reason Tenko asked him to deliver earsago), a enuine VHFflatscreen TVset (a smuggled import from
it to shop 84-g, and not to the megamart Fuji ~erritoryfand a cdlection of 115 20th-mntury hub-caps that
were stolen from a wealthy collector durin the Apocalypse War.
80-g is a gourmet restaurant, Chez Synth; the manager turned Judges who enter this room and make an 8s roll will realise that at
away fourfatties (the Gutz brothers) half an hour ago, becauseallthe least one of these items has appeared on a stolen goods list.
Perp 6: Nick Crocker (Fence) effect modifier if more than 10%flab armour remains at that point,
S I CS DS TS SS MS PS since bullets and blows tend to remain in the flab without reaching
1 13 10 10 12 34 6 7 vital organs. The effects of different types of ammunition are as
Surrender modifier 15%, no weapons (but a huge variety ofjunk follows:
available for throwing).
GPAmmo As above.
Ifthe Judgesvisitthisshop before 13.25 hours,they will also find Rick HE Ammo As above.
Macey playing solitaire in the back room, and any Judge making an AP Ammo As above.
SS roll will realise Crocker is terrified. Full details of Macey are given Grenade As above.
In the next section. Scatter Gun As above.
Bike Cannon As above.
84-9 is KO-NetTravel, Tenko's cover firm. The shop is closed and Incendiary Spunggaimpregnatedflab is highly inflamm-
shuttered, and neighbouring tenants will say they've never seen able. Ifthe shot doesn't bounce outthe perp
anyone there, since Tenko tends to visit late at night when most burstsintoflames, even ifthe flab would
shops are closed. The offices contain a computer terminal linked to normally give armour protection. The flames
the Tresco Megamart computer system and the credit system. are almost impossible to putout. Asickly smell
KO-Netactually bank with the autobank downstairs, and the fraud of roastperpfillsthe air, and all thefire
may be discovered in the wake of the robbery if Acc-Div are asked to sprinklers activate ....
check on the bank's customers. The current KO-Netbalance is a little Ricochet Will not penetrate Spungga.
over 850,000 creds, Tenko intends to remove the extra credit points Heat Seeker If a heat seeker hits and ricochets there is a 50%
and get things back to normal when he has a million creds. chancethatthe homing mechanism isstill
active: if so itwill seekthe nearest Dersonto
its lineofflight.
Phase 3: 13.30 14.30 Hours HYPO A hypo hitting a region with 20%or moreflab
protection simply discharges into the flab, not
into the perp's blood stream, and has no effect.
At 13.25 hours the Gutz brothers intend to move into the bank and Lasers Ignore ricochet rules above and armour
start their robbery. Simultaneously Rick Macey will prepare to shoot protection effects. Any laser hitwill ignitethe
anyone who interferes with the plan. Spunggain the sameway as incendiary
per^ 7: Eric "Curlev" Gutz (Heister. f o r m e r illeaal eater)
s I CS' DS TS . S S MS" PS ' Projectileswhich hit SpunggBand bounce out don't just vanish; they
2 22 23 11 11 18 9 11 ricochet, making a characteristic "Spunnnggggg" w i s e (like a
Special attack: Bounce (see below) vibrating ruler) as they go. Roll ID6 twice, for the horizontal and
vertical direction of the ricochet:
Perp8: Brian "The Porker" Gutz (Heister,former illegal eater)
S I CS DS TS SS MS PS Horizontal Vertical
3 21 33 9 14 33 11 2
Special attack: Bounce (see below) 1-2: To left at 45" 1-2: Uoat45"
3-4: Backat firer 3-4: Backat firer
Perp 9: Cyril Gutz (Heister, f o r m e r illegal eater) 5-6: To right at 45" 5-6: Down at 45"
3 36 31 10 21 16 3 8 For example, ifthe die rollsare3and 1, the bullet bounces backatthe
Special attack: Bounce (see below) firer, but up at an angle of 45". The GM should carefully track
ricocheting projectiles and see if Judges, perps or citizens are at risk.
Perp 10;. Mo Gutz (Heister, f o r m e r illegal eater) Ricocheting projectiles make wild attacks on anyone in the
S I CS DS TS SS NJS PS approximate line of fire, but have -2 effect modifiers.
2 24 25 10 2 21 16 7
Special attack: Bounce (see below) SpunggBalso affects the mobility and hand-to-hand combat abilities
of perps. For each combat round a perp spends gathering
The Gutz brothers began their careers as heisters, but "retired" momentum (for example, by running and bouncing backwards and
during the rule of Judge Cal, and took up eating as a way of passing forwards between two walls), five metres per action are added to
the time. To their surprise, they found they had natural talents for running speed, and this speed is retained in rounds and actions in
food absorption and flab production, and began to compete in which the perp does something else (eg, throwing a punch) while
amateur and semi-pro tag-team eating competitions in the period bouncing along.
after Cal's death (this unusual form of eating contest called for
strength and agility aswell asgluttony; theteam'sconsumption was However, equivalent time must be spent shedding speed to stop
measured over 15 minutes, with only one eater at the food chute at again. For each round spent in this fashion, there is a +I effect
any moment - consumption of more than 1200 kilos per team was modifier on all hand-to-hand hits. For example, Cyril Gutz spends 3
common). Food rationing after the Apocalypse War put an end to rounds building up speed, giving him 15 metres movement in each
theircareers; they joined the League of Fatties, butwere rounded up action. He then kicks Judge Fodder (strength I), hits him in the
and confined until rationing ended, and never regained their original abdomen,and penetrates his armour. Cyril has strength 3, rolls 2 (on
eating speed. For several months they have been drifting on the 1D4)for damage, subtracts 1 for kick, then adds 3for his accumulated
fringes of the underworld, trying to get back into organised crime. speed, for a total of 7. Fodder takes 2 wounds and crumples to the
They see this robbery as their big chance, and forthis reason (plus the synthi-astroturf; with a survival roll of 04 he is seriously dead ....
fact they think they are bulletproof) will not surrender. They aren't
bright, and may fall for tricks that most perps would escape. They The brothers intend to blow their way into the back rooms and vault
have criminal recordsfor minor offencesfrom before the reign of Cal. ofthe bank,swallowas many sacksof money as possible (remember
that the Gutz brothers are capable of consuming vast quantities of
inedible junk), then bounce their way out onto the east slidewalk. A
All four Gutz brothers carry attache cases containing electro-prods, hover-van, with Vince Spiers at the wheel will be waiting beside the
shaped Boingmhelmets, gas masks, armoured gloves and two slidewalk from 13.30 onwards.
Stumm gas grenades a piece. Brian also has two shaped demolition
charges. They have forgotten to clean their fingerprints from this
equipment. The brothers each weigh over500 kg and use a belliwheel Perp I I : Rick Macey (Hit Man)
to move, and have taken massive doses of Spungga. They wear dark S I CS DS TS SS MS PS
green coveralls. 3 46 67 32 25 43 12 000
Surrender modifier -20%
Spunnga transforms flab into a resilient molecule resembling Abilities: Avoid Shots, Crack Shot, Fast Shot, Aura of Cool. Macey is
Boingm,armouring the body as follows: tall, blonde, and has an extremely vicious look. He carries a trombone
case containing a laser rifle and spare power pack, and has a laser
Head (Boinga helmet) 65% pistolin his pocket. He wears Cit-Def uniform, including a shelljacket
Chest 50% and helmet.
Abdomen 90%
Arms 40% At 13.27 Macey goes out onto the gallery and pretends to wait for
Legs 45% someone, prepared to shoot anyone who interferes with the robbery,
orthe Gutz brothers iftheyarecaught. He plans totake an elevatorto
This protection is enhanced by the bouncing effect of Spungga; if a the basement, and use a stolen Turbo 1400 Starglider roadster (see
projectile or blow hits and the armour roll is less than half the GM's Book p l II) to escape. It has false number plates (Judges who
remaining armour protection of the flab (eg, an armour roll under 45 checkwill find the numbers are registered to a Munska delivery van)
for an abdomen hit), the bullet or blow bounces out without doing and is parked four rows behind the Judges' bikes. When Macey
any damage to armour at all. Any hit which penetrates suffers a -2 leaves hewill try to damage the Lawmasters, by backing into them or
spraying their engines with laser fire. If the Judges have left their whatever the conditions, though they will be unable t o make bounce
computers switched on, theywill report the attack by radio, but won't attacks.
open fire on Macey without a direct command.
At approximately this time the first sponts appear on the scene, led by
The target bank is a small branch of the Fifteenth National Bank of Edwin Parsey. They start t o confess t o a range of crimes, from bank
Mega-City One chain (see Figure 5). Most citizens don't make much robbery and breaking the glasseen window to multiple murder.
use of cash, but it is still the essential lubricant of small transactions, Naturally these crimes are purely imaginary, but the sponts will get i n
such as the purchase of magazines, tipping and children's pocket the Judges' way and prevent them dealing with the crime effectively,
money, and a little loose change is still carried. It is also preferred for as well as stopping ricocheting bullets.
illegal transactions. In a block with 47,821 inhabitants the amount of
cash in circulation can be fairly high, and since it is the end of the A hover-van piloted by Vincent Spiers is waiting beside the east .
financial quarter, many customers have deposited cash t o pay bills, slidewalk. The surviving brothers will bounce out and must make
and the vault currently holds 1,420,115 creds i n assorted notes and Initiative rolls t o bounce into the van; cling nets will stop them
coins, including 850,000 creds ready-bagged for collection by a bouncing outagain. Brotherswho missthevan plummet80 levelsto
securo-pod team.The bank hasthreestaff, aided by a GP robot. Most the pavement, and up again; Spiers must make DS rolls t o catch them
routine transactions are carried out on banking terminals in the in mid-bounce. He will take off as soon as Judges appear, leaving
customer area, the remainder are handled by the staff. those brothers who haven't boarded to be captured. Whatever
happens, at least t w o of the Gutz brothers should escape.
O t i s Peabody (Bank clerk)
1 21 12 12 18 21 6 7 Perp 12: Vince Spiers ( g e t a w a y d r i v e r )
A wimp who cowers in a corner throughout the robbery. S I CS DS TS SS MS PS
2 32 21 45 37 30 2 11
A d o l f N e l s o n (Bank clerk, Cit-Def c o m m a n d e r ) Las-knife, Stump gun.
3 23 36 10 22 11 18 4 Spiers look like the sterotyped image of a getaway driver; silvered
sunglasses, a drooping moustache, and cowboy boots.
Nelson carries a licenced spit pistol, and will show the normal
behaviourof any Cit-Def member i n a crisis; hewill panicand startto Scim-Dynamo Hover-van: a commercial version ofthe Scim-speeder
spray the room with shots, Roll randomly for wild fire targets, (see GM's Book p109) but Full Speed 380 kph, Max Speed 180 miR,
including everyone in the bank (staff, customers, and robots as well AcciDec 30 miR, Stop 60 m/R. Use normal hover-car hit locations.
as perps) i n the round before the Stumm gas affects him. Cargo capacity 3 tons.
J a n i s S c r o o g e (Bank M a n a g e r )
S I CS DS TS SS MS PS The hover-van (licence 3KN-HV126-34211) is stolen, and will be close
2 16 17 11 45 43 2 5 t o full cargo capacity if all four brothers manage t o get on board.
Abilities: Use Data, Interrogate Judges can fire at it until it lurches out of range (though they
shouldn't shoot it down), but can't really pursue it. Unfortunately
Janis ducks for cover and activates the alarms at the first sign of most of the area's H-Wagons are already answering emergency calls,
trouble, and is the most sensible employee of the bank. or have been reassigned t o the riot i n Sector 145 South, and the van
will be lost in traffic before it can be intercepted.
Hi! I'm Bernie (GP r o b o t )
Standard servo-droid: efficient, eager to please, and very good at If the Judges stay on at the block they can make sure the rest of the
annoying Judges. Naturally, he has used his cameras to record the bank's money is secure, question citizens around the plaza, and look
perps as they rob the bank. for evidence. A forensic team will arrive after 10+2D10 minutes, and
start to examine the belliwheels, cases, and other items left by the
The external bank walls are plascrete reinforced with monomolecular gang. A service Pat-wagon will collect the bikes and leave
filament cables, and are invulnerableto most hand weapons,though replacements.
a bike cannon could probably damage them eventually. The internal
walls, customer windows and doors are made of polypropyl.op, If the Judges chase Macey, 'Hi! I'm Bernie'will try t o keep citizens out
glasseen and othertough plastics on a metal frame, giving 80% of the bank with a particular lack of success (but since there is still
armour protection. The vault is monomolecule reinforced crystalline Stumm gas in the air the Judges will eventually return t o find a few
steel; one of thedemolition charges isspecially designed to deal with light-fingered citizens doubled up and vomiting outside). If the
this material. Judges are close enough t o Macey t o stop him sabotaging their
bikes, he will start a gun battle,continuing until he is wounded, killed
It is assumed Judges become aware of the crime afterthe perps have or escapes.
broken in. The first indication that something is happening occurs
when four or five customers run out screaming, gas starts to gush Macey, Spiers, and the Gutz brothers were briefed by Gavin Neville,
from the bank door, the alarm sounds, and there are t w o loud a mobster and one of the masterminds who thought up the crime, at
explosions as the brothers deal with the internal door and the vault. Ricardo's Shuggy Hall, and will confess this if they are taken alive.
Eric, Brian and Mo startto stuff the money into bags and swallow They were supposed to return to the Hall after the robbery. Other
them, while Cyril guards the door with his electroprod. If Judges are routes t o Neville are through the comment overheard by the head
nearby and can reach the bank within six rounds they can interrupt waiter of Chez Synth, or through Crocker; two or three citizens saw
this phase, otherwise the Gutz brothers will have swallowed 850,000 Macey leaving Crocker's shop. If he is questioned, hewill bluff atfirst,
creds (250,000 a piece for the three in the vault, 100,000 creds for then confessthat Nevillecontacted h i m byvid-phoneand told him to
Cyril) and will be preparing to escape when the Judges arrive: expect Macey. Crocker sawthat Nevillewas i n a shuggy parlourwhen
he called, but can't identify it. If all else fails, MAC can produce a list
of criminal contacts known t o the Gutz brothers and Macey; Neville
door, and citizens collapsing outside. You also hear a strange heads that list.
twanging noise, rapidly rising in intensity and frequency, and feel
the ground and synthi-astroturf vibrating beneath your feet. With a Neville is rumoured to be a henchman of Chris "Las-Saw" Dick,
series of loud "Spunnnggg" noises, four huge green forms hurtle suspected mob leader, a resident of Vito Corleone Block. MAC'S
records show that Neville is a fanatical shuggy player, and is the
owner of Ricardo's Shuggy Hall, which happens t o be near Clark
Savage block.
The brothers have 10 metreslaction accumulated speed, and intend t o
bounce from the side wall of the Megamart and out to the slidewalk. When the Judges have this information they will be told to waitfor
However, the side of the Megamart is a window, and they will smash new bikes (if they were damaged), then be assigned t o check out the
through it and into the display behind. Five shop window models run shuggy hall while other units visit Neville's apartment and Vito
screaming as they are sprayed with fragments of glasseen. The Corleone Block. Asthey travel they will receive a messagefrom MAC:
brothers are entangled with furniture and other display materials for
1D4 actions, then continue their escape, having lost their speed.

Naturally the Judges can attempt to stop the perps. However, Macey ++ 14.15 HOURS + + CRIME REPORT
begins hissniping attackatthis time, running round thegalleryto keep
the Judges and perps in sight. Hewill make his own escape when all of Further to crime report item 33, the Clark Savage Block robbers may
the Gutz brothers have been caught or escaped, or if the Judges start have been using a product stolen i n the Synthi-SynthTMraid. It's
toclose i n on him. If any ofthe brotherscatch fire (as explained above), called Spungga, and would have the effects you describe. Their
the sprinklers will activate, and the synthi-astroturf will become very scientists say it was still i n the experimental phase of development,
slippery. The Judges must make initiative rolls to stay on their feet or and hadn't been tested for long term effects. They think it will break
lose an action, while the Gutz brothers will continue t o bounce down after a few hours and lose its bounce.
Phase 4: 14.30 15.30 Hours
When the Judges arrive they will hear a furious argument i n
progress, clearly audible outside the garage. The surviving Gutz
brothers are saying they can't get rid of the money they swallowed;
Ricardo's Shuggy Hall is typical of shuggy halls everywhere (use the for some reason they can't seem to vomit it up, and they don't feel at
plans in the game box); at this time of day the only occupants are a all well. Other gangsters are suggesting ways of recovering the
few dispirited players, lethargically tapping balls around the ffble money, from salt water t o a chain saw ....
and waiting for high-rolling gamblers to arrive. The barman, Fast"
Eddie Kinnockwill admitto having seen Nevilleearlierin theday, but Whichever way the Judges proceed, they will eventually need t o
says hewent out at lunchtime and hasn't returned. He seems worried unlock the doors and interrupt the argument. As the Judges enter
about something; if the Judges search they will eventually find a theywill bestepping from daylight into dim light; even ifthey areon
man's body, stabbed and locked i n the lavatory cubicle adjoining their bikes, with headlights lit, they will need a moment t o
Neville's office! Kinnock tends t o give the game away by glancing i n acclimatise. Meanwhile the perps scatter behind the vehicles and
that direction whenever he is asked an important question. starttofire.The Judgesshould also hearatwanging noiseas the Gutz
brothers try t o get up speed for bounce attacks.
Perp 13: "Fast" Eddie Kinnock (Accessory to murder)
2 34 20 14 16 45 6 8 In the hourssincethe Gutz brotherstooktheir doses of SpunngB,the
Will n o t fight chemical has been reacting with their flesh, becoming more and
more unstable as time passed. Each of the Gutz brothers is now
equivalent to a few kilos of nitroglycerine, and any sufficiently
If Kinnock is confronted with the body, he will eventually admit that powerful impact may set them off. The chance of an explosion in any
Neville was there earlier. The man came in and went into Neville's round is as follows:
office. Kinnock doesn't know h o w he was killed; Neville called him
into theoffice and said theother man drew a knife, andthatthey were
fighting for it when he died. Neville said he would kill Kinnock if he For each round spent building upspeed by
didn't help conceal the body. bouncing +lo%
For each impact in which the flabacts asarmour +20%
A f e w minutes later some morestrangerscame i n (describe everyone For each impact penetrating the flab +20%
w h o escaped from the scene of the crime). Neville talked to them for Any laser or incendiary damage + 100%
a few minutes, then Kinnock heard him shout "There were Judges
there and you still went ahead with it? Spug me - you must be
idiots!". A f e w minutes later Neville left with them, saying he'd be If one brother explodes, the others will also detonate, spraying the
back with some friends t o pick up the body in t w o or three hours. A garagewith fragments of bone, shredded money and lumps of flesh.
Birdie lie detector or interrogation will reveal that Kinnock is telling All the Judges and perps will be i n the blast area of the explosion,
the truth; however, he suspects that Neville wasn't being 100% which has a +I effect modifier for each brother exploding (eg, if 3
truthful with him, and won't be coming back. brothers detonate there is a +3 modifier) but no other special effects.
All the Gutz brothers will be killed.
An ID card i n thevictim's wocket identifies him as Bernie Montarez. a
maintenance technician a't the Synthi-SynthTMlaboratory. A check '

with MAC will reveal that he was suspected of being the inside man Since the Judges are armoured and the perps are not, it is likely that
forthe robbers, and has been missing sincethe burglary. Laboratory none ofthe perpswill beableto continuethefight, and the adventure
analysis will later reveal that the card is a good fake; in fact he was will end with the Judges dealing with their wounds (and those of the
Dominic Gruber, a freelance industrial spy known t o have mob perps) and reporting back to control. Forensic will eventually find
connections, and who took on the alias to bluff his way into someof the Synthi-SynthTMmaterial i n the smouldering remains of a
Synthi-SynthTM. mo-pad equipped as a laboratory. A med-team will arrive, and give
the Judaesfirst aid. Control will order them to return to the sector
house, yest for an hour, then report t o an H-Wagon for transport t o
Neville killed MontarezIGruber because he was attempting to Sector.145 South. The afternoon isn't over yet, and there's still a riot
blackmail him. Originally he thought he could simply hide the body to deal with ....
and carry on as normal, but when he heard Judges were on the Gutz
brothers trail (or that some of the perps had been arrested), he
decided to abandon theshuggy parlour (which is heavily mortgaged)
and go underground, getting a face change and any other disguise Afterwards
surgery he could afford, and then start again i n another part of the
Mega-City. However, he first has t o deal with a few loose ends, such
as the Gutz brothers, Rick Macey, and Vince Spiers. Aim to give surviving Judges between 30 and 50 experience points
for this adventure. As usual, good planning, effective roleplaying,
and efficient utilisation of skills and resources should be rewarded;
If the Judges search Neville's office thoroughly, they will eventually stupidity and poor roleplaying should be penalised.
find an electro-key taped t o the bottom of a desk drawer. It'sfor an
expensive lock, manufactured in fairly small quantities. MAC can
verify that under 35,000 were sold and installed. Although the team have caught Neville, they don't really have any
evidence to convict his alleged boss, Chris "Las Saw" Dick. Naturally
Dick will take steps t o ensure that Neville can't betray him, and the
At the Judges' request, MAC can compare a list of customers who team may be asked to protect him from Blitzers or some other form
bought the locks with a list of property holders. At approximately of assassination.
15.15 MACwiII find thatoneofthe customers owned a lock-upgarage
n o w leased t o one Nevil Garvin, and will suggestthatthis might bean
alias for Gavin Neville. It's a few kilometres away, so Control will
assign theteam tocheckoutthegarage; i t w i l l takeapproximately 15 The Tresco Megamart mystery may still need t o be solved;
minutes t o get there. encourage the team t o take another look at the situation, or get
specialised help. If they don't do this, it's possible they may
eventually be assigned t o track Tenko down.
Phase 5: 15.30 16.30 Hours
The Synthi-SynthTMresearch division will be very interested i n the
Judges' reports, and the Judges should be encouraged to think of
A f e w months ago Neville set up a securo-pod heist, which was banning SpunngB before it hits the streets.
cancelled when one of the gangsters was arrested and confessed t o
the Judges.Another mobsterdealtwith thesquealer, but Neville had
already paid six months rent on a large garage (big enough to hold a
securo-pod and the equipment needed t o break it open), which Thisscenario hasdeliberately been leftwith several looseends which
currently holds t w o stolen Mo-pads, a five ton truck, the hover-van GMs can exploit or ignore. Where did Azimov get his explosives?
and Neville and the other perps. Use the large tunnel diagram in the Whowasgoing to buy thestolen kneepad jewellery? What happened
Judge Dredd game,set up ason p l 2 5 ofthe GM's Book,with avehicle to the rest of the SpunggB?
between each of the posts, the end marked "pipeway exit" closed off
by sliding doors, and no elevator at point E. Set u p the perps as you
like; if there were only t w o or three survivors of the raid add a few
more thugs - henchmen of Neville's who are present for the final Will the Judges ever visit Ronnie Rambo block, and what will they
share-outfrom the robbery.There should bea minimum o f t w o perps find there? There's no need for a single team of Judges t o follow up
for each Judge. Any additional NPCs should be heisters (as p52 of the all these problems; it's a big Mega-City, and there are thousands of
GM's Book) armed with spit pistols or scatter guns. Judges on the streets.
yxoq yaj) D uo!diueq3
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A ,
narks and to block hit before Judges Dredd **** Item **** **** item ****
and Anderson arrive. Further Scrawlers Road Hazard
interrogation of Caponer continues, and The Cherry Hill mob has reputedly The over-rated motor-cycle gang (ORC)
there will be updates on this item. challenged the Womens' Institute of have reputedly gunned-up their motor
Scrawlers to an-anti-nuclear scrawl match. cycles in response to their gang leader,
**** Item **** Be on the lookout for juves and punks with Delgardos, being run over-by a Yellow Cab
Status Red - Animal Hazard CND badges and spray cans. Company taxi. YCC taxi drivers want
The Wayne Daktari Animal Dealers have assurance and protection of safe passage
reported yet another immature **** Item **** through Sector 306.
Tyranosaurus specimen lost. Be on the Murder
alert for a large green lizard and panicking The body of Squeezer Hog the nark was .*** Item ****
found last night in the warehouse bordering Vehicles Stolen
Harrison Ford block. Forensics and
**** Item **** autopsy reports to follow. Witnesses say
00:OO-08:30hrs; Sector 306
Recoveries: 1
Block Tension mobsters are involved. Judge Clelland and
Block war is threatened between the James his rookie team are assigned. **** item x***
General Hazard
Let's be careful out there.

**** Itern ****

Vehicle Stolen latest.
All Judges are to be on the lookout for a
stolen Securivan Inc armoured wagon, **** item ***.*
registration SECX 9871102. The gold Fire Hazard. the recapture of 10 Kleggs and the halting
it was carrying was found dumped The new craze of Jammingo has spread to of a Block War. All this for the loss of 8
in Sector 305 this morning. this Sector. It is suspected that Mama lawmasters, 12 rookie Judges (it's tough
Dredd is going for the record of jamming out there!), and enough scrap metal to
more than 157 people in her hamburger build a starship. Unfortunately, day two
joint. Persons involved are to be charged was much worse, the spaceship carrying the
with breaking fire regulation limits, as Kleggs crashed on takeoff, and ....
anti-jamming legislation is pending
tomorrow. Andrew Howes

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I say bring back Ian Livingstone! Why, oh
why, does everything have to change when
new staff take over? Why not stick to a tried
and trusted formula for once?
-so we expected quite a few letters to come
in about the decision to remove the
Departments, and upon the changing
contents o f your favourite frp magazine.
Here are a few o f the many.
Michael Kay, Bourneville, Birmingham:
We, the Bushido fans, ask for more
Bushido stuff to be printed in your
fantastic, mind-blasting magazine.
Although more people enjoy fantasy and
SF role-playing, me and my friends think
the idea of playing in ancient Japan is great.
. - ,
Graeme Bishko, Ealing, London: I don't
rubbish --and &hat's this sack, then? can get carried away,-as I did ('though I still
hold fast on my opinions on age want to appear to be a page-counting
discrimination). Perhaps strong remarks scrooge, but I want to know if Traveller is
~ ~ ~,what,
~ i ~ Lh ~ ~~~ ~ d~l iW.f ~yorks: to be officially covered by WD anymore,
has happened to the Letters page? We used allow the best expression of opinions. They
also get the most interesting because I believe it has been wiped out in
to have serious. well thought out criticism favour of superhero games. In the last six
of articles fr~rn'~reviousG D S , with people issues there have been 2 pages given over to
writing in with their own ideas and suggest- A Wally From Bolton: I am writing in to
complain about all the letters you put on Traveller while Golden Heroes is covered
ions. Now all we get are nasty letters, on all of 17!!! Back in the good old days,
complaining about sexism, younger the Letters page -
WD called the "Science Fiction and
players, and letters which are utterly Fantasy Gaming Magazine"; where has the
pointless, such as Roger Stenning's in Hmmm .... letters about the Letterspage Science Fiction gone?
WD77. It wasn't even funny. Don't you get .... that's a new one on me. Still it makes a
any decent letters any more? change from sexism, I suppose - and that Barry Shaw, Derby: The amount of space
subject is definitely closed. Except for this taken up in your magazine by AD&D is
Gary Lea, Rainford, Merseyside: Must you
letter, which I couldn't resist, being an ridiculous. I'm not saying the game is a
allow people to waste the letters page
irresponsible sort o f chap .... complete write-off (mainly because I don't
slagging each other off? This argument want to be lynched), but it's about as real as
about sexism has gone on long enough and Laurielle Miller, Louisiana, USA: In a flying pig and as flexible as a mithril
has wasted enough space. response to Ms Carbery's letter (WD76), I sword. How about some multi-
If people wish to continue their silly agree that most rpgs take place in a world system scenarios? Please, please can we
arguments, must you allow them space in that never was. Nevertheless, in any have the occasional Rolemaster scenario?
the mag? I can think of better uses; why 'medieval' setting, female adventurers will
don't readers make comments on WD be in a minority. A world without advanced Douglas Thompson, Turriff, Aberdeen-
articles and suggest ideas for the magazine, technology and effective contraception will shire: Thanks for the MERP scenario in
or ask other readers to help clarify rules or not have equality of the sexes. WD77. It's becoming quite a rare event
see how other people have solved problems I cannot fathom why Ms Carbery finds now thanks to the huge influx of SHrpg
not catered for in the rulebooks. WD covers, page-3 girls in the papers or material. It was bad enough before with
fantasy novel covers "an insult" to her only small mentions of MERP amidst pages
"feminity". She seems to be saying that and pages of scenarios and articles for
Nigel Espley, Kingswinford, W Mids: I women cannot appear to act in an alluring
bought a couple of (dare I say it) Dragon D&D/AD&D, but now with SHrpgs the
way without having their womanhood situation is multiplied beyond belief. Even
issues at Birmingham Dragonmeet. Their denigrated. Isn't this just one more way of
equivalent of the WD Letters page is called major systems like R Q are beginning to
saying "good girls don't"? I happen to be a suffer. Don't let it get worse, please.
Forum, and contains reasoned, intelligent female, educated, agamer and a feminist. I
discussions of various aspects of frp, also enjoy being attractive and work hard at
alternative rules, etc. How is it that British Darren Waters & Lloyd Williams, W
it. I'd be flattered to model for a WD cover Glamorgan/Swansea: Our first major
frpers are only able to contribute endless - it would be proof that years of aerobics
carping and arguing over such controversial complaint is the amount of adverts found
and running have paid off. between the covers. It's no good having
subjects as sexism and why 3-year-olds He characters are free to wear shapeless
shouldn't be allowed to play Call o f adverts if there are no readers! Our other
smocks. My characters wear a minimum of complaint is that the new editor has totally
Cthulhu?Ifanyone dares contribute a topic clothing; costume makes a statement, and
for discussion, he or she is attacked with far changed the structure of the magazine. Fair
my characters use aggresive sexiness to enough, Fiend Factory had to go, but not
from constructive criticisms. Why not miss show off the kind of arrogance appropriate
out the abuse and confine the content to Starbase. What have Traveller fans got to
to a young warrior. read, the adverts? No doubt Treasure
reasonable arguments for and against the
view? Come &, it's not difficult Chest will soon end up on the scrapheap!
Now that really is enough .... All letters
received here suggesting that Laurielle Roger Smith, Corby, Northants: Please,
Tom Jewell, Hampton Hill, Middx: I am send signed photographs will be please, make Judge Dredd a regular
writing to say I feel the Letters page has defumigated and sent for pulping. You feature in your magazine.
deteriorated. It used to contain comments have been warned.
on articles and new ideas; now it contains It ought to be no secret that things are Richard Laing, Canterbury, Kent: The
arguments about sexism, young garners, etc changing around here, so - withdrawal of Crawling Chaos from the
-which have nothing to do with WD. pages of WD without so much as a
Paul Johnson, SE London: What on earth is by-your-leave is more sanity-blasting than
Tobias Hill, N London: Congratulations - going on? Just as a new editor is taking the sight of Cthulhu himself! You had
last issue's Letters were among the best over, the magazine moves 100+ miles to better rectify this or you will incur the wrath
WD has ever seen. They were both the North and is taken over by someone of a large proportion of your readership.
interesting and constructive, and covered a else. Can't you get your act together? Why
wide range of topics both old and new. bother appointing Ian Marsh if he's going Tim McElwaine, Crowthorne, Berks: I am
Furthermore, the editorial comments to be made redundant after three issues. writing to express my disappointment at the
managed a semblance of sanity. We can Why bother moving to Nottingham? Has it halting of Runerites, as I expect Traveller
only hope that such miracles never cease. suddenly become the rpg capital of Britain? players are about Starbase and Cthulhu
players about Crawling Chaos, etc. ~ n d Tom Buchanan, Fyvie, Aberdeenshire: I Garry Lea: Having suggested that this is the
this month's issue is an AD&D Thieves would like to make a couple of points about kind of thing I would like to see on the
Special. D o I detect a slight indication of the accuracy of the Secret Wish scenario in Letters page, I'd like to make use of it. How
bias? This month's issue contained hardly WD77. First, it is impossible for Glorfindel do other readers determine exactly when
anything new for Runequesters, especially to have worn platemail "made in spells have been cast in AD&D? Merely
those who have the cult of Lanbril. Westernesse". Glorfindel fell in Gondolin throwing for initiative doesn't seem right ,
near the end of the First Age, around because that can't be tied into the casting
Difficult business, this department thing. 511FA. Westernesse, otherwise known as times for each spell given in the Players'
When I first looked at a WrD planning Numenor, was not created by the Valar Handbook. Is it not possible to determine
sheet, and saw almost a dozen of the 36-ish until the beginning of the Second Age, ie which segment a MU starts casting the
editorial pages 'tied' to dcpartments, my after Glorfindel was dead. cpell, and thus when it will be completed?'
hcart sank. Having a more flexible Second, the statement "no other Noldor Also, if a fighter is at one end of the room,
approach to the &tents allows us to be had golden hair ...." Finarfin, a Prince of what difference would the initiative roll
more adventurous with the contents we the Noldor, had golden hair, as did his make to the decision to run over to an MU
carry, and for that reason I'm glad to see descendants, because his mother was a and hit him? I've seen the speed factor for
the back of the departments. Vanyarian elf. It is thought that Glorfindel different weapons, but how can it be used?
was a member of the house of Finarfin,
At the same time, this might make hence the colour of his hair. Another of Initiative works fine so long as all you are
players of some games think they are being these 'non-existent', golden-haired Noldor doing is deciding who goes first in a round,
hard done by. In fact, it only affectstwo was Galadriel (remember her?). As the not at what stage in the round things
groups -players of Traveller name Glorfindel means 'golden hair', its happen. An article we ran in Imagine a
andRunequest. In 1986 neither makes any recurrence was not unlikely within the .
while ago introduced The Action System,
impact at all in the top 30 games currently house of Finarfin, and a large part of the in which - basically - a dl 0initiative roll
on sale, as you '11see ifyou turn to page 56. rationale for the scenario disappears. determined how many segments delay
On the other hand, Judge Dredd, MERP, there would be before a chosen action
AD&D, D&D, Call of Cthulhu, Golden David Buttery, Oadby, Leics: Graeme could commence. Then you can use casting
Heroes and Star Trek are bringing new Davis deserves hearty congratulations for times and other time-relatedinformationto
people into the hobby, and they want to his review of Lankhmar, City ofAdventure work out who does what when. I know the
read about theirgamesin the magazine. (OpenBox, WD76),as do its makers, TSR. authors of that piece have been giving it
Short of opening a department every It is one of the best things to have happened some more thought,particularly since
time we get a new rpg (Dredd-lots, Toon to AD&D for too long. However, I have
Tasters ....),we can't cope. So why not mix four minor complaints about it.
some meddling idiot suggested they could
go the whole way and abolish the idea of the
things up, and print the best material for a) On the world map of Nehwon 'round' altogether; would readers be
the strongest games system? So, D&D and location numbers 4 and 26 are left out. interested in seeing this subject re-opened?
CoCplayers have nothing to fear - there's Number 4's position. The Sea of Monsters, Right, last subject for this month:
plenty more still to come for you (and next can be deduced from city 29. However,
issue's scenario ought togiveyou an idea of number 26, the City of Tisilinilit, has no
just what we can do). Richard Croft, East Grinstead, W Sussex: I
other references and cannot be found would like to comment on Jeremy
Traveller & RQ? Well,not entirely (having not read all the books in the Sword
forgotten, but we can't justify regular Burdock's letter (WD77). I must point out
series, I have no idea where it is. I am neither a Christian nor an occultist.
columns anymore. So, you '11just have to b) On page 67 the spider god has only
get out there and convert a few of your . Why is that everybody associates the
half its statistics and no description of its word occult with devil worship and evil?
friends, or keep your eyes on the Dwarf, cult. Perhaps TSR think everyone has
and see what we come up with .... Legends & Lore.
The occult includes astrolorrv. herbal
Here are some other topicspeople seem remedies and paranormal Ghenomena such
c) I can't find a list of languages in the as telepathy. Are Christians saying-psychics
to be interested in. module, which is depressing as Nehwon has . ..
are evil?
Tom Jewell: I would like to see some a good few. All this eviVgood philosophy is as farsical
articles on pbm (play-by-mail) games, d) But my main grievance is the lack of as D&D alignment. As I see it, our under-
especially reviews. This is a growing form racial bonuses in Lankmar, especially since standing of evillgood comes from the Bible.
of role-playing, and the games are interest- there are no demi-human character classes. Evil is a psychological thing, and we can
ing; they allow people from different places On page 88 it claims they are in the make it what we want. Books about
to communicate and play together which 'adventuring in Lankmar' section, but they hypnosis or astrology won't make you evil
allow a view of how other people play. I are not. Could some world-wise being solve in the general sense; depraved, psychotic,
play Sloth Enterprise's Saturnalia, which is these problems and make my campaign maybe, but not evil ....
set in a fantasy world with a wide variety of complete? After that you may return to
communities. It is relatively cheap and the your earth-shatteringly important age and Paul Basham, Cheltenham, Glos: Jeremy
GMs are friendly and helpful. sex disputes. Burdock~obviouslyknows nothing about
the actual significance of the tarot,
Bob Delaney, Northwich, Cheshire: I would Matthew Salter, Bridgwater, Somerset: astrology and the occult in general. The
like to underline Alan John's letter. I fully I've been waiting for someone to say that, occult means 'that which is secret' and
agree that there were many, many things Shirley (Letters, WD76).Now I'm going to covers a very broad area of theory and
wrong with Treasure Trap and lrpgs throw in my theory that they did exist. practice. Many aspects of the occult are
(live-action rpgs) in general, but surely the linked with Christianity; such as the 'holy
answer is to learn from those mistakes and If this turns out to be another letter about lance' which pierced Christ's side, and
do something about the present wrongs, women in gaming, I shall scream. voodoo, which is essentially Christian in
and not to sit back in a warm London office origin.
and point them out at every opportunity. Matthew Salter: Dwarves existed as small,
There is a great deal to be learned and bearded humans, and hobbits (as seen in
the film Time Bandits) exist still today. Oh, oh - the old Devil Worshipargument
gained from live-role-playing. For again. Iremember when all we had to write
instance, in R Q the basic chance of moving Orcs, hobgoblins, goblins and their ilk were
hairy men living in caves or other lonely about in AD&D was rules vs realism. The
silently is 5%. On a stone corridor or stair, majority view on that subject eventually
I would ~ uittas high as 30% -this is iust places. Elves? - I have two friends with
pointy ears. came down to the argument of 'it's a
one of h k d r e d s ofYexamples where things game!'. And it appliesjust as well to this
tried in real life are in fact vastly different to So what? Well, in mediaeval times that
would have been enough to have them subject. I suspect that most garners are just
what may be imagined or worked out, having fun, and couldn't give that for the
Basically, what I'm saying is, that even if thrown out of a village, and if there were
enough of these to make a settlement ...? proselytizing of either camp. But I don't
you can't bring yourself t o encourage this doubt for a minute that we haven't heard
Bones dating back to the period show
valuable game, please don't go out of your
height differences of up to a metre for thelast of this ....
way to discourage it.
adults. And elf. dwarf and goblin were in
Anybody else out there interested in pbm the language long before ~ E l k i e ncame
or lrpgs? onto the scene. Letters edited by Paul Cockburn
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Champions......................... f14.95 Brotherhood of Bolt ........f 6.95 These are play-by-mail games: hundreds of players
champions 11 ......................... f 8.95 streets of Gems ................. f 6.95 send in turns to Mitregames, while negotiating with e
Champions Ill........................ f 8.95 Cards o f Power ................... f 6.95 wish. Payment is according to turns played. The
complete start-up package for either THE TRIBES
CRANE or STARMASTER is available in your
Ii local games shop, price E9.95, which
includes the first two turns of play. In case of
difficulty, games may be ordered post free
from Mitregames, at the address below,
enclosing chequeipostai order for the
gameslyou require.
Trade enquiries to:
Games Workshop,
Chewton St,
Hilltop, Eastwood,
U.S. enquiries to:
Games Workshop,
DEPT. WID, P.O. BOX 100. BATH STREET 9 110 F, Red Branch Road, 77 Burntwood Grange
WALSALL, W. MIDLANDS. Columbia, MD 2 1045, USA Wandsworth Common, Lonc?onSW 18

Please mention White Dwarf'when replying t o advertisements. &WCESM:'I:kY 51

Grenadier Models UI<Ltd.
25mm Gaming Miniatures

Now manufactured In
Britain this much sought
after model is available

W 1 Dwarves with Spear FW3 Dwarves with Axes FW6 Dwarven Heroes a n d
W2 Dwarves with Two FW4 Dwarves with Crossbows Champions
Handed Weapons FW5 Dwarven Scouts £1 25 p e r pack of 3 figures

Alternatively, pay by
VISA ( s e e below) Do not send
cash or bank notes. FANTASY LORDS
- new releases
your credlt c a r d a s a
convenient way of paying for
mail o r d e r Grenadier Figures
O r d e r In the normal way by
post, including your ACCESS/

ORDER BY PHONE USING 161 Beauty a n d the Beast -

VISA the quickest and most
convenient method of all.

o r d e r a n d have all your

POST AND PACKING - £1.25 except w h e r e

Magazines - post free marked otherwise
Other o r d e r s 101 Adventurers 120 Wing Folk
Pack - El 50
147 Skeleton Mounted
134 ITmberbulk - £1.50 148 Skeleton Guard
Adventurers 135 Arrnoured 149 Skeleton Infantry
125 Armoured Centaurs 150 Undead Centaurs
Dragonmen - £ 1 50 136 Goatkln Warriors 15 1 Cavaller/Paladin
126 Skeleton Cavalry - 137 Storm Giant - £1 50 152 Cavemen
b a r d e d horse 138 Orcus - £1.50 153 Assassins
127 Familiars a n d 139 Demons 154 Dark Evils
Set 3 SHELOB'S LAIR di4.50 Homocul~ 140 Searcher of Souls & 155 Kobolds
128 St G e o r g e a n d Wr~thingCrusher - 157 Death Giant - £1.50
the Dragon E l 50 158 Hobgoblins
129 Undead O r c s 141 Clerics 160 Dragonmen
130 Bolt Thrower with 142 Hippogriff - £1 50
Tower, SKARGNAKH, Undead C r e w of 2 143 Captives
Chlefta~nof the Uruk-ongrum, 144 Barbarians
COCOONED VICTIM, 145 O g r e s - El 50
Set of HILLMEN OF THE MINI-DRAGONS £1 50 e a c h
TROLLSHAWS £4.50 6 new models, e a c h o n e a 201 Federal Agents 21 1 Sand Dwellers Shub-niggurath
containing perfect representation of one of 202 ~ ~ ~ 212 Dde e p O n e sl ~ a n d~ Shoggoth
BROK, Hill Troll, PRUG, TA- the smaller m e m b e r s of the 203 Adventurers 2 13 Daredevils 221 Cthonlans
FA-LISCH, Ghost of the Petty Dragon Race 204 Master Crlmlnals 214 Law Enforcers 222 Nyarlathotep
Dwarves, DUNMAN SCOUT, 205 Investigators 2 15 Newshounds 223 Tsathoggua
MIFFLI, Petty Dwarf M a g e , 501 Pond Dragon
502 Marsh Dragon 206 Cops 216 Intrepid Sleuths 224 Old O n e a n d
MONG-FINN, Leader of the 207 Ghost a n d 217 Monsters of Dimensional
Hillmen, NARLGA, Half-orc 503 Cllff Dragon
504 Pet Dragon Horrible Madness Sharnbler
M a g e , TROLL BOOTY Companions 218 Hound of Tlndalos 225 Spawn of Cthulhu
505 Old World Dragon
also available £4.50 per set 506 Forest Dragon 208 Undead with Ghoul a n d 226 Hunting Horror of
Set OF THE 209 Ghouls Zombie Nyarlathotep
RINGS Incredible value at £ l 50 e a c h . 210 M ~ and . ~ ~ 219 Wlnged Horrors 227 Great Race of
Set 2 SAURON'S DARK ONES Serpentmen 220 Dark Young of Yith
Twilight 2000, Traveller, AD&D, Star Trek, Top Ingles Hornblower. Born of hag and drunken Nadia and friends from the 104 death Cthulhu
CLASSIFIED Secret, Champions, Morrow Project, Board Ogre. When we meet your life is over. game at Gamesfair. Could we keep in touch?
game Tournament, Killer Tournament. Please contact Anthony, 44 Conlston Rd, Chor-
All classified ads must be prepaid at the rate of Mail enquiries to: Suncoast Skirmishes, d o Skir- Barbed wire Barbera thinks Michael Arcy is a ley, L a n a PR7 2JA.
£1.40 + VAT (@ 15%) per line, orpart thereof, mishes Inc, 2550 34th Ave N, St Petersburg, R rosie-cheeked poseur who wean flared dun-
display&'sda + VATperline. On average there 33713 USA. garees and handgliders and horads his gps. The Dear Paul Overlord Grant, Matthew Judge Tib-
are six words (40characters) perline. Please send Demented Hippies. benham and Tess the Satanic dog barbarian,
copy and payment to White Dwarf Small Ads, Gareth Legolas Kahn wants your blood!
Games Workshop Design Studio, Enfield Cham- HELP AD&Der in Grimsbv seeks club or olavers in
bers, 16-18 Low Pavement, NOTTINCHAM Grimsby/~leethorpeHarea. ~ x ~ e r i e i c e hhut
, Plavers wanted: Male or Female 116+) in
NGI 7DL. Make cheques/POs payable to Games Contacts, messages, non-commercial adverts (for rusty. Contact John, 29 Thesiger House, ~ r h a d a l zrad~us Cthulhu. MERP and ~ " d ~ e
Workshop Ltd. free items only), wanteds and swaps may be Garibaldi Street, Grimsby. Dredd played AD&D, Warhammrr to swap for
White Dwarf regrets that it cannot he held advertised free up to25 words. Longer ads will be anvth~ngfrom ahovc Tclepht~nc((1501)31224.
responsible for financial transactions arisingfrom charged in their entirety at £1.40 VA Tper line.
small ads. Readers are advised to take approp- Ifyou are under 16, and wish toplace an ad which
Swap. CoC, Companion, Asylum, MERP with
Guide and Bree and Barrowdowns. For Pendra- Marvel, DC, 2000ADs for sale. Contact S Law-
riareprecautions beforeparting with anymoney. involves people contacting you, you should gon, Firepower or any rpg. Contact Kelvin son, 29 Clifton Gardens, Goole DN14 6AR for
Alfheim! A pbm frpg (a play-by-mail fantasy role- obtain the consent of a parent orguardian. A sig- Swansea 41205. list.
playing game). Set in the world of elves before nature will be required as evidence of their con-
the coming of men. For futher details send a sae sent. Beware. The filthy six have returned with a ven- Mike of Wesex You're getting too big for your
to 147 Brailsford Road, Fallowfield, Manchester Arathalion son of Thorondor, is dead. His noble geance. horn\ Bane Kanger, thou art base, for I stole no-
MI4 6PZ. one. Stav th\ forked tongue Ivanhoe Ihnadan
blood was shed by his own hand after returning Wanted! Runequest and Star Trek material. Will
home from Umbar, May he rest in peace. swap AD&D books and modules, and JDrpg. FRP Club. We play MERP, WH & AD&D.
Unemnloved earner. aeed 20.6 0- and 2 A-levels.
seekswo"rk I'n gaming industry. Flve years rpg Holland Help! A stranger in a strange land seeks Contact Stephen 02Hagen,13 Yard House, 19 St Keen sensible players aged 12-15. Contact David
experience. Nick White, 109Botany Rd, Walsall, fellow role-players (AD&D). Peter Chadwick, Paul's St, Stamford School, Stamford. (0254)22745 after 6 only.
WS5 4NE (0922) 23716. Mariastraat 101, 2595 GM Den Haag, Tel: 070- Wanted, DAGON 1-0 Good prices pad Wr~te
836364. Boller the Lion RIP. He died as he lived; cowering lo: Alhert M Engsrrom. Kl~ppeatdn2Ja. 171 47
AD&D (6 books) & Call of Cthulhu. Tel Stow- in the airlock! Folna, Sweden
market 674407. Rogo or Zama. thou must hurr!. for the K~np(')
hath l~ttletlme left. I'hcre 1s a-much a m m atoot Penpal wanted: 14+ preferably good-looking, Calling all Netherlanders! Wargamer seeks clubs
GamesFair '86 Team Competition Messrs Byng, alas K~ng(for not much longer) K~c.hard nice-natured male with good sense of humour:
Toley, Ormston and Breakwell wish to thank Mr in Epe this summer. If so, write to: Anthony
Contact Alison O'Neill, 6 Iona Walk, Gourock Neal. 45 Pembroke Ave. Svston. Leicester LE7
Cartmell for leading our team into last place by Swap! 1-10 Fighting Fantasy hooks for Marvel PA19 IDL.
hogging the ale-barrel, sobering up Twinkle, 8 8 2 . Quick now!
Guzzle, Farty & Granite, blowing off all his fur, Superheroes rpg. Phone evenings 0600 3639.
bug-bearing the dwawen 'pnncess' and chopping The Alternative Society. Wafflers Anonymous is City With no Name: work available. Could all Is there any T&T group needing elven heroes in
Guzzle's head off! PS, thanks for the birthday a society for those who want a free 36-page fan- friends of Eckhardt announce their intentions? the Exeter area? If so please contact Gavin, Fou-
cake, Sue! Hows about May 3lstIJune lst? call (0602) ways, Exmouth Rd, Sidmouth, Devon.
zine. Sae to 28 Merryhills Drive, Enfield, Middx 383940.
EN2 7NT.
Runes now ava~lnhle.25-p~zcewooden set, hand-
Wanted: (A)D&D players 14+ Beaconsfield Baron Finrod Dernhelm - you slug-brain, will
cr.ifled In a 5arlzl) ol llnlshes Al\o. rune-.t~ck\. Forrdorr, Derodius and Loess beware. My spies yous survive the tower of Heman Dirad (not
second-to-none llgurc p.11nting .erv~cz. model are everywhere and it is only a matter of time area. Will try other rpgs. Details Jo (Penn) 5812.
likely). Zank Morak
buildings, character drawings, maps frazine before I strike. Masterion.
artwork, etc. Send address and stamp for free Help. Inexperienced RQ (AD&D) player, 21, +
Male, 25, loves fantasy SF, rpgs and literature,
sample runestick and comprehensive details/ Wanted: Scenarios for Judge Dredd rpg, wants to hear from club in Bury area. Contact: seeks female penpal (IS+). Contact: Justin
pricelist to Haymon Design, 24 Sherlies Ave, Stormbringer, Call of Cthulhu, Warhammer. AB(R) Plow, D189817H, HMS Jersey, BFPO
Ships. Webb, 3 Luminder, Castle Street, East Looe,
Orpington, Kent BR6 9RE. Professional magazine. Contact Paul (0602) Cornwall PL13 1AZ.
586108. Wanted: Scenarios for Judge Dredd rpg,
Scale Floorplan$: 15 alr?5mm pldnsdrawn to your Darkian (mav he rock In parad~se)IS nor forgot-
rcqolrcment' Ancient, modern or futur~rt~cGadzookes and Forsooth! What dost thou Stormbringer, Call .of Cthulhu, Warhammer.
Professional magazine. Contact Paul (0602) ten The warxcream echoeb on larunn shua\ thu
Sat~\fart~on guaranteed Ph~me051-639-7013for meaneth? Spanish prisoners? What manner of mas!
further details after 4pm weekdays. 586108.
code lies within these lines? Rogo or Zama, exp-
Hedex the Paladin is a snivelling dog and had bet-
Aaaaaarh! The Revenant is coming! Cthulhu lain yourselves. Cnrreswndence wanted. exchange ideas for
ter watch his step. From his worst and most
style comic - preview issue with art, info and Correspondence wanted, exchange ideas for AD&^ above 5th level ' ~ l s olooEmg for small dangerous ally, EW34.
questionnaire, money back with 1st issue. Only AD&D above 5th level. Also looking for small London club Contact Paul, 99 Thornsbeach Rd,
15p + 13pp to Stef Worthington, 3 Exeter Place, London club. Contact Paul, 99Thornsbeach Rd, Catford, LONDON SE6 IEY
Unemployed gamer, aged 20,6 0 - and 2 A-levels,
Blacon, Chester. At a prlce you can afford, but Catford, LONDON SE6 IEY. seeks work in gaming industry. Five years rpg
can't afford to miss. Wanted-new jetfighten, C-reg ifpossible. Com-
plete armament, for quick buy. Contact Col G, a experience. Nick White, 109 Botany Road, Wal-
Ninja: You are a sesspll hrexth and a bl~ndlepsr tent, Tripoli. sall, WS5 4NE (0922) 23716.
Polycon 86 August 30th, 31st & September 1. The c81uld mell vou at a hundred pace\. Ksporn (allas
Simulation & Adventure Gaming Assoc are host- Balrog) Attention. Sword for hire. Ex~eriencedwarrior
ing Polycon, the role-playingiwargamingconven- Alex, must be time to fly the flag. The last elves
tlon. D&D, Nuclear War, Cosmic Encounter, Alex, must be time to fly the flag. The last elves should gather to celebrate 25 years. The Goblin scchsemplo~mentIn the ~alm;llo.Cupar and St
Otis' at eighteen must come too. Anven. i\ndrrw\ area ADBD. MFRP. R02. Call
our famous 'Liventure', our first 'Write the should gather to celebrate 25 years. The Goblin Andv. Ralniullo 8707'JY Mon-'lhun.
AD&D Tournament Contest', miniatures bat- 'Otis' at eighteen must wmg too. Anven.
tles. California Polytechnic, State University. Mr Hobbit, Edge, Radvik, Mhoram, Elena,
Contact SAGAlPolycon, Box 168, Julian A To Meneltarma from the children of Iluvatarr, Tlmmy, face, Psycho, Astran: fancy doing a Wanted Wh~teDwarf 21 & ?Y ,In! rzasonahle
McPhee University Union, Cal Poly State Uni- Cthulhu dungeon? It'll be fun, to say the least. prlce paid Would suspror White Dwarf9 Phone
versity, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 USA. greetings! As your Smial is born, so too are we Stee Jans. l't,tc (O?l) 554 8103
awakening. May blessings of Eru be upon you.
Material and artwork wanted for new fanzine. VOTE FOR ME! Government Health Warning: Warriorwolf - Beware, for the skull is back
Free issues on publication. Also, advertising for Swap. 2000AD and Judge Dredd magazines and Voting for him could seriously damage your
amateur companies. Peter Adams, 21 Ingleby comics for Dungeon Floor Plans or MERP cam- health! Eddie (The Beast) RIP. Lord Ganelorn of Elapna would like to thank Sil-
Road, Dagenham, ESSEX RMlO RSB. palgn or adventure module. Phone Neil Smlth, venving, Kerryman, and Gelrin for help rescuing
Derby 754017. Beware Clevelys, a band of rampaging goblins is Dansen from the clutches of the evil Vree. Ta
in your area (played by us) - snip, Fizzogs' (The lads!
Rored painting figures? Send vde B f l for dcta~l\ Sunhawk! A tip-off from a true believer in Los Chieftain) cousln.
2nd wmple f~curc Conta2t: 'I Osbornc. 4 Para- Angeles has convinced me you're just a load of
gon Court. I .Irt l'.<ragon, C'lift~~nv~lle.
Kent supersonic bull. Answer if you dare! Psi-storm. Male, 17, interested in joiningistarting rpgclnb in
BostonISpalding area. Please contact: Jez
16 vear
- , - nld American

~~ -~ ~~-~ ~~~ . .
male. AD&D nlaver.
, seek-
ing overseas penpal, either sex. Contact Matt
Hildred, Post Office, Sutterton, Boston, Lincs
PE20 2JQ.
Notices are free up to seven lines length, if drawn
Starts May 16th until all gone. Incredible Shepherd, 6155 Pleasant View Drive, Clare, MI up to the standard format (Location, Name,
giveaway prices, eg ADD flgures £1 per Games, Time, Place, Contact). Comments and
pack. You'll never see games this cheap
48617, USA Wanted: female penfriend 13-15. I'm interested
in D&D, DW, FF, MERP. And want to talk.
extra lines cost £1.40 VATper line.
again! AD&D player (16) in Bristol seeks clublgroup. Gareth, 86 Falmouth Road, Chelmsford, Essex HALIFAX
Midland Games Centre, Unit 8, The Phone 833926 (weekends) and ask for Neil.
Knibbs, Smith Street, Warwick
CMI 5JA. Halifax Warnames
" - ~ ~ .
- Sncietv

Stormlord the zine needs you. Grovel! Grovel! (;amer: \Vnrg:rme\. Ha1:8rtig.+mcsand rpgs
Stevie Stud. Happy bolthday from Rocky da l'imr: Saturd:,, I 311pm & Wedne.;da!, 7 3flpm
Be quick, they're selling fast! The reward? free issues! Send articles, fiction, art Goon, Dave da Knave an' da udder guys In Place: H;ll~fau('r~ckerC'luh. Thrumhall Lane
to: Alex Stanhooe. 4 Stafford Terrace. London downtown Manhatten, you dolty rat' Comments: New GMs welcome, age currently
W8 7BH. 17+ but 10+ if sufficient Interest shown
To thoufilthy harkrtabbrrc, the Bane Range and Contact: Tony (0422) 833795
Wanted! Imagine 2, paying £2.50. Also, SPI's Mike the \Ve\\r.; Sh~eldIla~denDeath 11) \coprl
War of the Ring, and any of the ICE Middle- to \ou hoth Sir I\.lnh<~cDun.rdan. Kn~ghtllc~s- BIRMINGHAM
earth mysteries, folklore, psychic teach- Earth boardgames. J Tse, 118 Leeds Road,
ings, astrology, hypnosis & much, much pitaller Birmingham Central Role-players
Castleford, WFlO 4HB.
more! Colour catalogue £1 (refundable Games: Any system played
with first order). Clnhs! Official and unofficial. Contact service Kirsten McCulloch (alias Esmerelda Totalandut- Time: Thursday 7.00-10.00pm
The Tarot Workshop (Dept WD6). 17 being established. Register your club free! Get terbendfartybreathsky). Thanx for tup, tup, tup, Place: Rann Room, Ladywood Community
Kiln Lane, Hadfield, Hyde, Cheshire new members. Rae, Kingswell, Buyndie, Banff tup. You never know when the nibbles will strike! Centre, Birmingham
AB4 2AJ Tel: 02618 316 after 6pm. Name in lights at last' Comments: Novices and experienced players,
males and females welcome.
.loin the fieht aeainst demi-humans. Destrov
dwarves, el~minateelves, obliterate orcs, hurt
Farewell to Aravir and Aldorin- they will be mis-
sed, though not their money! PS Watch your
Contact: Pete (021) 554 8403
halflings. Join the Black October Revolutionary friends from now on. Eldim, Pastel and Bukin.
New PBM. Pegasus Games present The Part now! STQ. LONDON
Tomb of Heptah, a game of tactical skill Streatham, but will travel. Brastin O'Green, Freedom Warriors Games Club
and diplomacy. Discover magic items and Demented spaced-out hippies seek mature, seri- Gonalax and Totuldis are desirous of adventure. Games: Mainly AD&D, Cthulhu, Talisman, etc
unknown races as you lead your people in ous garners. Blackrock/foxrock, 15-16, AD&D, Maidens rescued a speciality. Ring Adrian 01- Time: Thursdays 7-1 1 pm
a desperate struggle to find an ancient Traveller etc. Donagh K~lmurray,55 Granville 769-7268. AD&D, Traveller, willing to learn. Place: South Woodford
artefact. For more details send a SAE to: Park, Blackrock, Co Dublin. Comments: Age limlt over 16, preferably liittle
Pegasus Games, Ponderosa, Church St, Swap: D&D modules C2, CB1-2, CM3-4, EXl, experience, preferably no strong links with other
Meriott, Somerset. (;lasgow AD&D Group seeks plnvers DM? tcr
e.;p.tnd Age21 -,Contact Rah Klnghorn, 32 Pre- X7,12or AC4 (all excellent condition) for SI, S3, clubs. Phone for details
.t\\lik St. Cralgshank. (;l.irgou (i5l hRr. WG4,16, or X4-5. Tel Wanvick 496578. Contact: Angela Timms, 01-527-7176
Suncoast Skirmishes '86 Rpgers Cobham? Young couple 19/26 seek Star Ninja master Narhan Schreiber will you please
October 3rd, 4th & 5th TrekITraveller and D&D players. Ring Pete place your shuriken up someone ekes REDCARICLEVELAND
Asheley Plaza Hotel, Tampa R. 68766. arrrrrrrmpit. Thank you. Legolas Kahn. Again! Adventurer's Guild
Ancients, Mediaeval, ECW, Seven Years, War, Games: All rpgs
Napoleonics, ACW, WWII & Modern Micro Lafur is on the rampage. Kaza-mor is a halforc's Sir Bullnx Twice-Slain, insulter of false kings, Time: Fridays 6.30-10.00 pm
Armour, WWI, WWII & Modern Naval, Car son who knows nothing about horny women. I lives! Revived by the Elixir of Healing (called by Place: Literary Institute, Lord St, Redcar
Wars, Star Fleet Battles, Striker, Space Marines, begrudge you that mirror of scrying. the elves-Smirnoff), I again slay, etc. Contact: Howard, Redcar 487909


60figures & 1chariot ONLY f 29.00 p&p Savef4.95
OC1 x3 OC9 x 5 OC16ax5 OC39x1
OC2x2 OC11x5 OC17cx5 OC41x1
OC3x 1 OC12x5 OC18x1 OC69x2
OC4x 1 OC14x5 OC34x1 WFl x3
OC5x 1 OC15x5 OC37x1 WF2x3
OC6a x 5
Owing to unforeseen circumstances the Arab-Israeli war range pre-
viously advertised will not be produced.

Model Shop Harrow & Spirit Games of Croydon.
Please add 10%
(hlin 30p) P + P SAE for full lists
Overseas add 30% Make all cheques
(Min £1.) P + P and Po's payable to: -
Allow 28 davs for delivery.

The main ruling body of the Lizard Culture
o f the Saurian Empire -Special offers always available-
NEW Citadel, Essex, Denizen, Grenadier Miniatures
CT30 Saurian 52p 1 x Standard Bearer -thousar~ds i r ~stock, Prince August Moulds,
CT526 Warrior with Sword & Shield 52p 1 D~~~~~~ Playing Aids & Accessories etc.
CT31 Saurian Pikeman-Pike at 45-2p
CT3la As above, with Helmet 5zp 27 x Various Pikeman
CT3l b As above, with Plumed Helmet 52p f 12.95 95 Newark Road, Bracebridge, Lincoln.
CT3lc As above, with Shield on back 52p
CT32 Saurian Pikeman Tel: 0522 42566
in Plate Armour 52p REGIMENT NUMBER 2
CT32a As above, wearing helmet 52p SaurianArcher Regiment <

CT32b Asabove, wearing PlumedHelmet 52p

CT32c As above. with Shield on back 52p
CT33 Saurian with Javelins & Shield 52p 1 x Officer
CT34 Saurian Pikeman
with Pike upright 52p 1 x Drummer
CT34a Asabove, with HoodedCloak 52p 10 X Kneeling Archers
CT35 Officerwith Mace & Shield 52p 17~StandingArchers f 12-95
CT36 Saurian Standard Bearer 52p
CT37 Saurian Warrior NEW RELEASES:
with Lance on Large Lizard Adventurer, drawing sword ..................... 42p
CT38 Saurian Warrior Firing Longbow 52p SAURIAN LIZARDMAN FA46
FA47 Adventurer, dead or unconscious ............
CT38a As above with Helmet 52p ARMY FA48 Female Ranged2 parts) .............................
CT39 Saurian Warrior FA49 Dungeon Mistress(lllustrated) ..................
Kneeling Firing Longbow 5 2 ~ 5 x Mounted Lizards FA50 Legion of the Damned Pikeman
CT40 Saurian Warrior Standing "2 $/ ; brandishing severed head ...................
with Sword & Shield 52p 5 x Sword &Shield P7 Comic Barbarian .....................................
CT42 Saurian General 52p 1 x General
CT43 Saurian Bodyguardwith Helmet 52p 5 javelins & shield Postage & Packing Orders up to f2.50
CT46 Saurian add 25p. Orders over f2.50 add 10%.
with Large Tortoise Shell Drum 52p 2 X Officers Send stamped addressed envelope
15 x Various Archers plus one loose second class stamp
for fully illustratedcatalogue.
REGIMENT NUMBER 1 1 x Standard Bearer
Saurian Pike Regiment 1 x Drummer
1 x Officer 20 x Pikemen f34.95 4a P o w i s Square, Brighton, Sussex B N I 3HH

54 6GEl
E El
m :
U :
B Please mention White Dwarfwhen replying to advertisements.
Just what exactly is WARPS? Staff at months of release, so you can be a Comic role-playing, if I might introduce a
Games Workshop's Desi n Studio in demi-god by Xmas. Other than that, there new term, is a growing part of the hobby.
Nottineham seem to be ofsessed with are two fascinating repackages; A1-4 is a Superhero rpgs are now an established part
WARP% these days, and the diseasehas TI-4 style re-edit of the Slavers modules, of the market, and Judge Dredd has made a
spread to engulf several other illuminati and GDQ1-7is the whole of the old G, D & huge impact on the British scene. Follow-
from the gaming world. Paul Vernon and Q module series rewritten into one huge ing on from this, GW are hoping to produce
Graeme Davis are engaged in long-term booklet. I8 is a disguised 'UK' module, a number of new game products over the
projects to do with this strange entity - featuring the scenario used for the Games- next year or two. Two titles under
which is probably why White Dwarf is Fair Open Competition this year (should be discussion are Rogue Traderand Strontium
advertising for new contributors. good on past form), and there is also Dogs.
In fact, Graeme Davis is to become the something due in September called the
latest recruit to the happy band of GW Dungeoneer's Survival Guide, a 128pp In the meantime, are you ready for
workers. For those who don't bother with tome on all matters underground - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Palladium
by-lines on articles, GD has been writing includingsome of the information hinted at have produced a game based on the comic
magazine material for the last three or so way back in the D modules about the by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, which
years, and has appeared in WD as recently Realms of the Underdark. fully captures its bizarre nature. The game
as #77! Paul Vernon has chiefly been busy For Marvel Superheroes, the Advanced is designed to be played entirely straight-
working on his FateMaster solo game- Rules will be out soon, with a back-up, faced, leaving the central joke of the roles
books, but some readers will remember his MA1 Children of the Atom featuring the players must adopt to stand amidst a
Starstone frp campaign, from which WD X-Men. Also coming is the superb MHAC9 flowing adventure of random violence.
published selected bits a few years back. Realms of Magic, which expands the magic Great stuff.
What are they up to? And why are Rick rules for MSH, and in so doing unwittingly A supplement, After The Bomb, has
Priestly, Richard Halliwell, Jervis Johnson, presents all role-players with a very usable already been released, and both will be
Bryan Ansell and others continually magic system. Worth a look-see. shipped into this country in greater
disap earing into comers to mutter quantities than hereto. D&D will never
bloodleurdllng phrases about Aztec frogs. Meanwhile, what of Workshop (well, it is seem quite so strange again.
WARPS maybe, but warped, definitely. their mag, after all). Dungeon Floomlans
11 is the next release fromYtheUK, Gith the Also appearing on the GW list is DC
New product news from my pals at TSR and hardback Call of Cthulhu book to follow. Heroes, the Mayfair superhero game. Like
GW. First, TSR, and news that the D&D I've been told that there are plans to do its direct competitor, Marvel Super
Immortals set is due out in June in the similar repackages of Stormbringer, Heroes, DCH aims to recreate the flavour
USA, which might mean an August release Pendragon and Paranoia this year. and atmosphere of the comics from which it
in the UK. Other than the fact that it is for Also coming from the Workshop, Tower is drawn. Also like MSH, the game comes
36th level and above, what more do you of Screaming Death - a solo Warhammer with a host of supplements. During the next
need to know? There will also be a scenario supplement; a back-to-back Call of few months, watch out for The Doomsday
called IM1 Immortal Storm within two Cthulhu double scenario, Statue of the Program, featuring the evil villain Brainiac
Sorceror and The Vanishing Conjurer; and and a plot to send the Earth hurtling into
Slaughter Margin, a typically understated Mars; Escort to Hell, in which Jonah Hex
Judge Dredd adventure .... escorts the daughter of a Sisco official to
confront the hostile beings of an alien
Graeme Davis isn't the only new face at world; Fire and Ice, a beginners'
GW. Tom Kirby, General Manager at TSR adventure; Countdown to Armageddon, a
UK up until a few weeks ago, has moved to one-on-one featuring Superman and
Nottingham. His new role hasn't yet been Brainiac, and Four Horsemen of
defined, but rumours have been quashed Apokolips, where the master baddies
that he only came so he could interfere on Darksid and DeSaad face up to the Justice
Pelinore in GameMasterPublications. His League of America. Also coming, a
departure from TSR UK marks a period of 96-page reference work entitled Legion of
change which might have many Super Heroes Vol1, with full stats and
repurcussions for the hobby in this country. backeround for the Legion and its foes.
T h ~doesn't
s mean GW have abandoned
Steve Dillon of Adventurer magazine Golden Heroes, although there are those
stopped to have a brief chat with your who have been saying all along that
correspondent, having just sent A2 to licensed products would always beat
press. The first issue circulated about non-licensed in a straight fight. From a
33,000 copies, with 27,000 of those going to gamer's point of view, the best news about
the potentially risky newstrade. And the this coup is that they will be able to get their
misgivings that most people felt about the hands on one of the best box-fulls ever
future for a second rpg magazine were produced. Holy play-aids, Batman ....
echoed by Steve to an extent; he confirmed
that #2 looked a little risky for a while, with
overheads being much higher than Odds and ends time. Alistair Bell of
expected. But it has gone off to be printed, Cartmel College, Lancaster University, is
with the following contents: the second part organising an attempt on the Guiness-
of the Black Tower scenario, some V&V recognised record for endurance D&D
material sent in by FGU staff, a Fanzine role-playing. The attempt will start at 9am,
Overview and a Rob Nott article on magic 12th June and finish (one way or another)
in frp called Fire On High. #3 is to see a by 9am, 16thJune. The group will be trying
16- age size increase, but 10 pages of this to raise money for the Community Action
wilfbe taken by the extra advertising Group through their efforts, and we'll
Adventurer needs to survive. report how they get on in two months' time.
When gaming mega-stars get together,
they tend to talk about the big projects
they have in mind, and as you can see, it
was no different at GamesFair, when Ian
Livingstone met up with Gary Gygax and
Bryan Ansell. What we never did find
out was which game Ian was@
So, if you can come up with the , '
title of the exciting new rolep- a

L laying game 1ak' is describ-1

ing,send it in to us here at
m, GW Design
Studio, Enfield Cham-
. . . , bers, 16-18 Low Pave-
. -

:;".- .:. .::; ment, Nottingham

' "" NG1 7DL by July 1st. .$.,

The most .... approp-.

riate .... entry will
win the truly marvel-
ous Rrib-bit-Battle of
the Frogs (WOW!!!!)
and a copy of the
Cth ulh u Hardback
hot off the presses.

Games Workshop require a
to work at their Nottingham Studio. The ideal applicant
will have an understanding of the games and miniatures
hobby, and will be capable of producing slick and clean vis-
We are also looking for an experienced person with high
standards in ARTWORK PRODUCTION. Applicants
should have an understanding of print and packaging.
The applicants will be 18-25. Salary negotiable, according
to age and experience.
Write with CV and a sample of your work to John Blanche,
Games Workshop Design Studio, Enfield Chambers, 16-18
Low Pavement, Nottinghsam NG17DL.


White Dwarf is looking for contributors for both editorial

and artwork. Got an idea that you think other garners might
enjoy? Then write to:
White Dwarf, Games Workshop Design Studio, Enfield
Chambers, 16-18 Low Pavement, Nottingham NG17DL.
M I l b m Faulh&~#
and Reeman Dyaan
wwld pmb&y n m w play h m & in r d I l ' ~ r ~ 1
~ ~ w r d ~
~ m g h t t l 3 I E y d ~ a ~
h LIMaf whIcih shwW in no m y km mmtmd w
If tfw nametit of all t h w f a m u a papla, t
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What awesom3 monuments to Spirit are herein contained?

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with Assault Rifle Froog in Power Arrnour 40P MP13. Hog A.P.C. 95P
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D u
l ~ n ~ ~ u r a u n m m ~ n m m ~ m m


* ROGUE MAGE a complete, ready-
to-play solo adventure for Dungeons
& Dragons and Fighting Fantasy, by
Graeme Davis featuring a rather
unbalanced wizard.
* SHEER ARTISTRY - brilliant artist
John Blanche reveals the secrets 9
behind this issue's cover and fan-
tasy art in general.
. -w
* IAN UVlNGSTONE - talks
- about his new best-seller, The
Trial of Champions.
- Prigstley shows you some
amazing things to do with
just a few handy household
win a complete set of
signed Fighting Fantasy
. All this, and so much more
besides that we couldn't
cram it into this space.

pt;*-- h <

Under new editor Marc Gascoigne,

infamous co-author of the best-selling
Judge Dredd role-playing game, Warlock r
is the magazine for all solo garners. Every
packed issue features a complete, ready-to-play
I -
e solo adventure for such popular systems as Dungeons&
Dragons, Fighting Fantasy, and the Judge Dredd rpg, together with
many thrilling articles on all aspects of gaming. Renowned Warhammer author Rick Priestley
writes a regular column for metal figure addicts, and Jamie 'Slime Beast' Thomson keeps readers
up to date with all that's happening in the gaming world's most controversial gossip column.
Warlock magazine -the most fun you can have on your own!
Warlock magazine is available from newsagentsand all good games shops evety wo months; H you have dmwlty obtaining your copy then
please contact:
Games Workshop Mail order, Chewton Strwt, Hilltop, Eastwood, Moftingham NG168HY
Post free in the mdnland U.K.

Two ~ p 4 e . m
Istop him C*, the c h i c d
and Cmam, W I
T 'r twin T q p t b r with
in d m % Back la the days b d m tlse waeiysm B d
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Time of the Twins

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