Nguyễn Anh Thư - Group 4- lesson plan reading

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Reading Lesson Plan Template

Unit number/Topic: Unit 3/ Level: Grade 10 Lesson Length: 45

Music. minutes

Type of lesson: Reading Teaching Date: Teacher Trainee:

Bùi Thị Cẩm Vân

Nguyễn Phượng Tuyền

Lê Quách Thanh Tuyền

Nguyễn Anh Thư

Main aim (s): By the end of the lesson students will be able to enhance their skills
and knowledge:

- Read for main ideas (skimming), for specific information (scanning),

and for inferring about American Idol and answer the questions.
- Gain vocabulary to talk about their musical idol.
- Apply new vocabularies to express their own opinions, feelings about
musicians or TV shows they like or dislike.
- Grammar review: compound sentences, To-infinitives and bare
- Develop communication skills, practice pair work and teamwork.
- Actively join in class activities.
- Grasp the content of the reading provided.

Subsidiary aim(s): For students to…. (sub skills of speaking/writing)

- Improve writing skills, provide good models for English writing, help students
to write sentences more coherently and use a variety of sentence structures.
- Expand students’ vocabulary knowledge, spelling and word usage.
- Helps students to construct sentences, paragraphs, and entire essays.
- Students are provided with interesting topics, stimulate discussion, excite
imaginative responses and provide the springboard for well-rounded and
fascinated lessons.
- Improve listening skills with conversations containing diverse vocabulary.
- It helps students express themselves more accurately and clearly in both
speaking and writing.
- Improve the ability to analyze, evaluate, and interpret text.
- Improve communication skills, provide students with a broader knowledge
base and deeper understanding of different topics, and help students easily
distinguish main ideas and basic messages in conversations.

Personal aim(s):

- Knowing how to develop effective reading lessons to improve students' reading

- Planning, lesson delivery, and assessment in suitable ways.
- Knowing how to create a positive classroom environment that encourages
student participation and making sure that students are paying attention and
staying on topic.
- Improving classroom management, the ability to handle the classroom during a
reading lesson.

Materials (including sources) and teaching aids: slides, handout, textbook, online
tool, Global success 10- Unit 3- Music- Reading page 31- 32


- Students can read and understand texts appropriate to their level.

- After learning reading, students will also develop their knowledge of writing
and speaking skills.
- Students already have a certain vocabulary on this topic.

Anticipated learners’ Suggested Solutions:

difficulties/problems with tasks:

Motivate students to learn

Students have limited vocabulary and vocabulary and review grammar
grammar so they cannot read and carefully before learning new lessons,
understand the entire text. and provide support and suggestions
for students to translate the text. The
Students do not know how to guess the teacher can then correct sentences
meaning of the text, how to skim or read that students mistranslated.
for special information, which wastes time.
Hint at some important information in
The student cannot identify the main ideas the passage, so students can find it.
of the reading.
Provide questions for students to
Students cannot identify key words in the answer, so students can infer from
question, leading to incorrect answers. those answers to find the main idea.

Guide students to find keywords of

the question and the main idea of the

Language Analysis

Vocabulary/New Pronunciation Meanings & Examples


1. series (n) /ˈsɪəriːz/ Loạt, chuỗi. A set of TV or radio

programmes on the same subject

Ex: Her stories have been made

into a TV series.

2. identify /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/ /wɪð/ Đồng cảm - feel that they are

with( ph.v) similar to and can understand them

Ex: I can't identify with men like


3. in search
/ɪn/ /sɜːtʃ/ /əv/
tìm kiếm- looking for

Ex: She is in search of the right

wine for the occasion.
4. eliminate (v) /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/
Loại bỏ - to remove or get rid of

Ex: This diet claims to eliminate

toxins from the body.

5. semi-final /semiˈfainl/
vòng bán kết- a match, round etc
immediately before the final

Ex: She reached the semi-finals of

the competition.

6. onward
(adv) /ˈɒn.wəd/

tiến tới, tiến đến -further on in

place, round of a competition or

7. judge (n) ex: The geese continued onward,

heading south
giám khảo- the person who
officially decides who is the winner
of a competition
Ex: Gordon Ramsay is a judge at
the Masterchef show
8. final (n) /ˈfainl/
vòng Chung kết- the last in a series
of games, races, or competitions,
usually the one in which the winner
is chosen

ex: The men's basketball final will

be on Sunday.

Stage/ Stage aim Procedure Inte Aids

Time ract
Teacher’s & Learners’ activities ion

Lead-in Introduce the Teacher’s activities: T ⇔ Board

topic, warm up to W/C
(3 prepare for the - Show pictures of two Pictures
minutes) reading. American music on slides,
competitions in the book and kahoot
ask students: Have you ever
seen them? What programs
are they? What do you know
about them? Which
contestant do you like the
most in those competitions?
Did you like this program?
How do you feel about this
program? If you have the
opportunity, would you like
to participate in these
programs? …
- Teacher introduces to the
lesson’s topic: Through the
photos and our discussion,
can you guess what our topic
is today?Do you know what
lesson we will learn
today? ...
- The teacher randomly invites
students to answer questions.
Learners' activities:

- Students observe the

pictures, listen to the
teacher's questions, and then
answer the questions
according to their

Pre- Give students Teacher’s activities T Slides,

reading vocabulary to ⇔W whiteboar
improve their  Presenting new words: /C d.
(12 ability to read and  series (n)
minutes) comprehend the  identify with(ph.v)
material.  in search of(ph.v)
 eliminate (v)
Vocabul  semi-final (n)
ary  onward (adv)
 judge (n)
 final (n)

- In this part, the teacher provides

students with meanings, word
types, examples and teaches

- Check understanding: Are you

clear? Have you all understood?
Did you all follow that?

Checking meanings (online tools)

- Students will play Kahoot to

reinforce the vocabulary's
meaning when the teacher
has finished teaching it.
- In order to help students
retain the material better, the
teacher will show the
meaning of the vocabulary,
and then the students will
select vocabulary that best
fits the meaning.
- Kahoot question content:

1/ a match, round etc immediately

before the final.

a. final
b. semi - final
c. series
d. judge

2/ further on in place, round of a

competition or time.

a. identify with
b. in search of
c. eliminate
d. onward

3/ The person who officially

decides who is the winner of a

a. judge
b. eliminate
c. series
d. semi-final

4/ The last in a series of games,

races, or competitions, usually the
one in which the winner is chosen.

a. semi-final
b. final
c. series
d. judge

5. A set of TV or radio programmes

on the same subject

a. series
b. in search of
c. semi-final
d. onward

6. looking for

a. eliminate
b. in search of
c. identify with
d. judge

7. to remove or get rid of something

a. eliminate
b. onward
c. final
d. series

8. feel that they are similar to and

can understand them

a. identify with
b. in search of
c. judge
d. semi-final

Learners’ activities:

- As the instructor lectures,

pay attention, participate,
and ask questions if they
lack comprehension.
- Participate in the game.

True/ Motivate learners Teacher’s activities: S Handout,

False to read or ⇔ S slides
statemen establish reasons The teacher distributes handouts to
ts for for reading. students, divides students into pairs
Give instructions to students:
n (*)
Before you read, do you think the
statements (1- 5) will be true (T) or
false (F). Then read the article and
check your predictions.

Check understanding: Are you

clear? Have you all understood?
Did you all follow that?

1/ American Idol was shown for the

first time on TV in January 2002.

2/ There were many music reality

competitions on TV in America in

3/ The best singers are searched all

over America and brought to

4/ From the semi-finals, people

over 15 years old and living in
America, Puerto Rico or the Virgin
Islands can vote for their favorite

5/ The different opinions and

interesting arguments of the judges
make the show very exciting.

Answer key:

1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T

Learners’ activities:

- Listen to the instructions and

choose a group and predict
sentences in the handout.

Feedbac Teacher’s activities: T

k => whiteboar
- Let students Correct spelling mistakes for Ss d, slides
know their students.
mistakes and
avoid making the ( Teaching vocabulary)
errors twice.

-Help students if
their prediction is
correct or When the time is up, have students
incorrect. put their responses on the board.
Ask students to read the text, and
the teacher will correct their
answers. If the student does it right,
applaud them. Regardless of
whether the student makes a
mistake, the teacher patiently
explains and corrects the student's

Learners’ activities:

Practice pronunciation according to

the teacher.

Write answers on the board, reread

the text to correct the answers.

If have any questions, students can

ask the teacher.

While Skim for gist/the Teacher’s activities: Ss Text

reading main idea ⇔ book,
- Ask students to work in pairs and Ss handout
(5 give handouts
- Ask and guide students to read the
Task 1 article and match main ideas with
appropriate paragraphs in 3

- Invite some students to give

answers and express their

CCQ: Are you clear? How many

minutes do you have to do the task?

Task 1: Read the text about a

famous music show. Match each of
paragraphs (1-4) with its correct
main idea (A-D)

A. The judges play an important
role in the competition by providing
their opinions and feedback to the

B. American Idol is a reality

competition show that premiered in

C. Vietnam Idol is a similar show

that premiered in 2007.

D. The show has different stages.

Answer key:

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D

Learners’ activities:

- Work in pairs.

- Listen to the teacher's instructions.

- Read, find and match main ideas

with paragraphs in the article.

Feedbac Help students Teacher's activities: T Text

k improve their => book,
ability to find - After 3 minutes of reading, have W/C handout
main ideas students give their answers.

- If the student answers correctly,

give praise. If there are errors or
missing ideas, help students
supplement and correct them.

Learners' activities:

- Give answers when invited.

- Listen and record the correct

While Read for details Teacher’s activities: T Slides,

reading ⇔ textbook,
- This activity -The teacher asks students to open W/C notebook,
(10 helps students the book, page 32 and read through handout
minutes) focus on more the questions in Task 2 (5 multiple
detailed -choice questions) in 1 minute.
Task 2 understanding (handout)
(**) about the text
First, the teacher asks students to
- Let students underline the keywords in each
become familiar question and option. (In this step,
(improve) with the teacher uses a subskill called
types of reading reading for specific information
subskills. (scanning)).

“ Can you tell me what are the

important words? ”

Task 2. Read the text again and

choose the best answers.

1. What is American Idol?

A. A game show on TV.

B. A TV singing competition.

C. A live dancing competition.

2. Which of the following

statements is correct?

A. From the semi-final, singers who

can go to the next stage are decided
by the audience vote.
B. The judges choose as many
singers as they can.

C. People around the world can

vote for the songs they like.

3. Who wins American Idol?

A. The singer with the highest

number of votes on the final night.

B. The singer with the highest

number of votes and highest score
from the judges.

C. The singer with the highest score

from the judges.

4. Which of the following

statements about the judges is
NOT mentioned?

A. They give comments after each

live performance.

B. They have different views about

the singers' performances.

C. They are not in favour of

choosing ordinary people.

5. What can be inferred about the

competition in Viet Nam?

A. The audience decides who

makes it to the final stage.

B. All the singers will be famous.

C.It can help develop participants'
singing careers.

- Next, the teacher asks

students to look at the text
again, and asks “Where can
you find these keywords?”.
Students work individually
to answer questions from the
- Check understanding: “In
order to deal with this task,
what do we do ? “

- Scanning the keywords:

+ 1. P1, Line 1-2 “At
that time, ….on TV.”

Line 4 “First,...Hollywood”

+ 2. P2, line 3 “From

the semi-final
onwards, … votes is
+ 3. P2, line 3 “From
the semi-final
onwards, … the
winner of that
American Idol
+ 4. Answer C is not
mentioned in the text
+ 5. P4, the last line
“The winners of the
show’s … in Viet
- Learners’ activities:
+ Students listen to the
teacher's instructions,
ask questions if they
have any problems,
and try to underline
the keywords.

+ Students read the text

again and try to find
out the place of those

Answer keys for Task 2:

1. B
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. C

Feedbac Teacher’s activities:

k T→
- Let - Invite students to come to S white
students the board and write their board
know their answers.
mistakes - When students do correctly,
and avoid give them praise to motivate
them. Teachers can reask
making students where they got their
them in the information to make sure
following they understand this task
exercises. fully.
- Motivate - When students make
students mistakes, point them out,
during and students take notes on
homework what the teacher says to
so they try learn from the experience.
their best.
Students’ activities:

+ Students volunteer to write

down their answers on the
+ Students note down what the
teacher says about their
work. If they have any
questions, they will ask the

Post To help students Teacher’s activities: S Slides,

reading use the ideas and ⇔ S whiteboar
language to - Teacher lets students work d, handout
(15 practice talking in pairs in two to make a
minutes) about their conversation and asks them
musical idol. to brainstorm ideas for their
Task 3 musical idol.
(***) - Teacher can give students
some points so that students
can apply them to make
questions and answers in
their taking.
- Give handout
● Who is your musical
● The music genre of
your music idol.
● Why do you like
- Teacher invites students
from different pairs to
present their conversation to
the whole class.

Learners’ activities:

- Students work in pairs to

discuss whether they want to
choose a musical idol in
their conversation.
- Students apply some
sentences that teachers
provide them to support their
- Students volunteer to present
the conversation.

Feedbac Provide feedback Teacher’s activities: T Slides

k and point out =>
errors for - Teacher asks the rest of the W/C
students. Create students to listen and give
motivation to comments about the
encourage presenter’s talking.
students. - Teacher gives comments and
praises students for
interesting ideas, good
performance and teamwork;
then points out the errors of
students' conversation.

Learners’ activities:

- Listen to the teacher's

corrections, write down
errors if any.

(*) The teacher trainee can choose other techniques (such as open predictions,
true/false statements for prediction, ordering statements/pictures and network) to
motivate learners to read the text.

(**) The teacher trainee can choose other subskills such as scanning for specific
information, deducing meaning from context, reading for inferring writer’s
attitude/feeling, reading for understanding text structure for learners to practice in task
2. The subskill that the teacher trainee chooses depends on the length, structure and
complexity of the reading text.

(***) The teacher trainee can choose other techniques (i.e. role play, write-it-up) for
learners to do in the post reading stage.

Handout (Task 1)

Handout (Task 2)

Handout (Task 3)

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