Structural Report Mr Wong (Gemencheh 8012)

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This report summarizes design criteria, assumption and approach, for Structural and Civil
engineering. The values have been established as being the most appropriate for this
project, giving all the objective of the consideration and constraints associated with the
project. The primary objective of this report is to define a clear and feasible design
approach with all design parameter well defined.



The building shall be designed in accordance with the design requirements of relevant
government gazettes and relevant British Codes. The structural design of building s will
therefore to be documented in accordance with the following codes, as applicable:
i) Government gazette – Uniformly building by Law
ii) British Standards BS 8110- Structural use of concrete
iii) British Standards BS 5950- Structural use of Steelwork in Building
iv) BS 6369 – Design Loading for buildings parts 1 Codes of Practice for dead load
imposed loads.
v) CP3 Chapter V – Basic Data for Design of building parts 2 wind load
vi) BS 8004 – Foundations
vii) BS 8007 – Codes Of practice for Design Of concrete Structures for Retaining
Aqueous Liquids.
viii) BS 5628 – Use of Masonry.
ix) In addition specific references to other establish codes including Malaysian
Standards (MS), NBC (National Building Code of Canada), New Zealand codes,
Australian codes, American Concrete Institute Code 318M-89, Uniform Building
Code (UBC-91) can be made necessary provided, of course, that consistency and
compatibility of design methodology is achieved.

2.2 SERVICES LOADS: (BS 6369 or relevant Standards)

2.2.1 Vertical Loads,
The following superimposed live load and dead loads (in addition to self weight
of members) will be adopted for the design if various floors. Superimposed Live Load
Accessible Roof 0.75 kPa Superimposed Dead Loads

Insulation and lamps 0.15 kN/m2

SW purlin 0.05 kN/m2
SW trusses 0.1 kN/m2
Roof Tiles 1.0 kN/m2
Brickworks 2.68kN/m2

2.2.2 LATERAL LOADS Wind Load
Wind load are normally not governing load for such low-rise building,
and can be taken as 0.50 kPa.
Basic Winds Velocity (m/sec) = 33 m/s


Fcu ( cube Strength) = 30 N/mm2

Fy = 460 N/mm2 (high tensile Deformed Bars)

Fyv = 250 N/mm2 (Mild Steel Plain Bars)
Wc = 24 N/mm2 (density of Concrete)
Mild steel, fy = 275 N/mm2
Bolt & Nuts = Grade 4.6
Weld Strength,pw = 215 N/mm2

The Minimum safe bearing capacities (kN/m2) of the foundation material, adopted for
footing designs are as follow:

Pad footing - 100 kN/m2

Strip footing -
Raft Slabs -
Piles/Piers - None


Workshop = 1.5 Hours


The modeling and analyze are done using computer aided engineering ESTEEM INTEGRATED V6.
The analysis of the structure per various loads and combination for member’s design and beam’s
deflection check under operational condition as shown in attached output file. The section and design
construction is satisfactory.



Beam Mark: GB4(125x450)


Beam Located along grid 5/E-G
Number of Span within beam = 2
Number of Section defined by user = 2
Number of Supports = 3
Beam Cantilever End = Nil.

Section Dimension Data

Length Width Begin Depth End Depth
Span Section
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 1 3300 125 450 450
2 2 3300 125 450 450

Beam Support Data

Support Type Shape/Orientation Dimensions/Material Properties
1 Column Rectangular Area = 28125.0 mm², Height = 300 mm
2 Column Rectangular Area = 28125.0 mm², Height = 300 mm
3 Column Rectangular Area = 28125.0 mm², Height = 300 mm


Beam Self-Weight
Section Begin Dist. End Dist. Unit DL LL
1 0.0 3300.0 kN 4.5 0
2 3300.0 6600.0 kN 4.5 0

Beam FEM Loading

Beam Span Length Unit DL LL
6600.0 kN 0.0 0.0

Beam External Loading

No. Type Start End Unit DL LL
1 Brick 0.0 6600.0 kN 118.80 0.00

Design for Flexural Reinforcement

Left Mid Right
AsReq/ AsReq/ AsReq/
AsProv/ AsProv/ AsProv/
%Steel %Steel %Steel

74 2T12 74 2T12 351 4T12

157 157 402
0.28% 0.28% 0.71%

161 240 74
402 402 402
0.71% 0.71% 0.71%
4T12 4T12 4T12

351 4T12 74 2T12 74 2T12

402 157 157
0.71% 0.28% 0.28%

74 240 161
402 402 402
0.71% 0.71% 0.71%
4T12 4T12 4T12

AsReq : Area of Steel Required (mm²), AsProv : Area of Steel Provided (mm²), %Steel : Percentage of Steel Area Provided / Concrete Area

Design for Shear and Torsion Reinforcement

Distance Concrete Strength Stress Required Rebar
Span Section Zone
Start End νcs νt,min νss νst SAs/Sv TAs/Sv Provided
is used
1 0 825 0.58 0.34 0.65 0.00 0.24 0.00
1 1 R8-225,
is used
2 825 2475 0.58 0.34 0.51 0.00 0.24 0.00
3 2475 3300 0.58 0.34 1.04 0.00 0.27 0.00 R8-200
1 0 825 0.58 0.34 1.04 0.00 0.27 0.00 R8-200
2 2 R8-200
2 825 2475 0.58 0.34 0.51 0.00 0.24 0.00
is used
is used
3 2475 3300 0.58 0.34 0.63 0.00 0.24 0.00
Distance : Distance from left grid of section (mm)
νcs : Concrete Shear Strength (N/mm²), νt,min :Torsion Strength contributed by concrete (N/mm²)
νss : Concrete Shear Stress (N/mm²), νst : Concrete Torsion Stress (N/mm²) - Only BS, CP and EC2
SAs/Sv : Shear Steel Area/Spacing Ratio Required for Stirrup, TAs/Sv : Torsion Steel Area/Spacing Ratio Required for Stirrup


Beam Mark: RB5(125x450)


Beam Located along grid G/1-5
Number of Span within beam = 3
Number of Section defined by user = 3
Number of Supports = 4
Beam Cantilever End = Nil.

Section Dimension Data

Length Width Begin Depth End Depth
Span Section
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 1 3000 125 450 450
2 2 1500 125 450 450
3 3 3000 125 450 450

Beam Support Data

Support Type Shape/Orientation Dimensions/Material Properties
1 Column Rectangular Area = 28125.0 mm², Height = 3600 mm
2 Column Rectangular Area = 28125.0 mm², Height = 3600 mm
3 Column Rectangular Area = 28125.0 mm², Height = 3600 mm
4 Column Rectangular Area = 28125.0 mm², Height = 3600 mm


Beam Self-Weight
Section Begin Dist. End Dist. Unit DL LL
1 0.0 3000.0 kN 4.1 0
2 3000.0 4500.0 kN 2.0 0
3 4500.0 7500.0 kN 4.1 0

Beam FEM Loading

Beam Span Length Unit DL LL
7500.0 kN 0.0 0.0

Beam Yield Line Loading

No. Slab Unit DL LL
1 1 kN 1.4 1.7
2 1 kN 1.4 1.7
3 6 kN 0.3 0.4
4 6 kN 0.3 0.4
5 2 kN 1.4 1.7
6 2 kN 1.4 1.7


Design for Flexural Reinforcement

Left Mid Right
AsReq/ AsReq/ AsReq/
AsProv/ AsProv/ AsProv/
%Steel %Steel %Steel

74 2T12 74 2T12 74 2T12

157 157 157
0.28% 0.28% 0.28%

74 74 74
157 157 157
0.28% 0.28% 0.28%
2T12 2T12 2T12

74 2T12 74 2T12 74 2T12

157 157 157
0.28% 0.28% 0.28%

76 76 76
157 157 157
0.28% 0.28% 0.28%
2T12 2T12 2T12

74 2T12 74 2T12 74 2T12

157 157 157
0.28% 0.28% 0.28%

74 74 74
157 157 157
0.28% 0.28% 0.28%
2T12 2T12 2T12

AsReq : Area of Steel Required (mm²), AsProv : Area of Steel Provided (mm²), %Steel : Percentage of Steel Area Provided / Concrete Area
Design for Shear and Torsion Reinforcement
Distance Concrete Strength Stress Required Rebar
Span Section Zone
Start End νcs νt,min νss νst SAs/Sv TAs/Sv Provided
1 0 750 0.43 0.34 0.12 0.00 0.24 0.00 R8-225
1 1 2 750 2250 0.43 0.34 0.10 0.00 0.24 0.00 R8-225
3 2250 3000 0.43 0.34 0.17 0.00 0.24 0.00 R8-225
1 0 375 0.42 0.34 0.08 0.00 0.24 0.00 R8-225
2 2 2 375 1125 0.42 0.34 0.04 0.00 0.24 0.00 R8-225
3 1125 1500 0.42 0.34 0.08 0.00 0.24 0.00 R8-225
1 0 750 0.43 0.34 0.17 0.00 0.24 0.00 R8-225
3 3 2 750 2250 0.43 0.34 0.10 0.00 0.24 0.00 R8-225
3 2250 3000 0.43 0.34 0.12 0.00 0.24 0.00 R8-225
Distance : Distance from left grid of section (mm)
νcs : Concrete Shear Strength (N/mm²), νt,min :Torsion Strength contributed by concrete (N/mm²)
νss : Concrete Shear Stress (N/mm²), νst : Concrete Torsion Stress (N/mm²) - Only BS, CP and EC2
SAs/Sv : Shear Steel Area/Spacing Ratio Required for Stirrup, TAs/Sv : Torsion Steel Area/Spacing Ratio Required for Stirrup


Current Beam Grid Mark: G/1-5

Beam Support Reactions

Support Reaction, kN
Support No. Grid Mark Support Type
Dead Load Live Load
1 1 Column 2.8 1.4
2 2 Column 5.4 2.5
3 3 Column 5.3 2.4
4 5 Column 2.8 1.4



Design for the following load factors:-

Dead Load = 1.40; Live Load = 1.60 Wind Load = 0.00


Span No Left LFace Span RFace Right CutSpan

1 -0.0 -2.7 12.2 -1.2 -0.0 -0.0

Moment & Shear Curtailment, CutSpan is at 25 percent of Span

Design for Moment at support centre


Span No Left LFace CutSpan RFace Right

1 18.7 16.6 9.4 17.8 18.7

Design for Shear at support centre


No. Left Span Right Left Span Right %Steel Bar

1 75 75 75 2T12= 2x1 2T12= 2x1 2T12= 2x1 0.15

85 87 85 2T12= 2x1 2T12= 2x1 2T12= 2x1 0.15 Bot

Support Support Reaction-kN

No D.L. L.L.

1 13.4 0.0
2 13.4 0.0

Span Stress-N/mm2 Vc-N/mm2 Link Defl'n

No L CutSpan R L CutSpan R L S R ratio

1 0.42 0.21 0.42 0.46 0.46 0.46 1R 6-200 1R 6-200 1R 6-200 6.09




Loading Cases
Total Selected Loading Cases = 4
Selected Loading Cases Table
Load Load Analysis
No. Source P My Mz T Vy Vz Myi Mzi
Case Comb. Type
1 G.L. Full LC1 Top 41.4 -10.8 10.9 0.0 -8.1 0.0 0.0 -1.3
2 G.L. Min LC1 Top 20.9 -10.8 10.9 0.0 -8.1 0.0 0.0 -1.3
3 G.L. Full LC1 Bot 42.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 -8.1 0.0 0.0 -1.3
4 G.L. Min LC1 Bot 21.3 0.0 0.1 0.0 -8.1 0.0 0.0 -1.3
Source - Source of Loading (G.L. for Gravity)
Load Case - Load Case Number of Wind/Notional Load (Full or Minimum for Gravity), Load Comb. - Load Combination Number
Analysis Type - Type of Analysis (Top or Bottom Column Part for 2D, 3D for 3D Analysis, P-D for P-Delta Analysis)
P - Axial Force (kN), My / Mz - Bending Moment About Y-Y / Z-Z Axis (kNm)
T - Torsion Force (kN), Vy / Vz - Shear Force in Y-Y / Z-Z Axis (kN)
Myi / Mzi - Initial Bending Moment in Mid Length of Column About Y-Y / Z-Z Axis (kNm)
Load Allowance of 10% has been added to the loading for design purpose
My and Mz above are calculated using Load Allowance x M (from analysis) + M (nominal moment from beams)

Column Nominal Moment From Top Part Beam End Release For Column C1:(A,1)
Number of Beam with Beam End Moment Released = 2
No. Beam Mark Width Eff. Depth Release Angle As Prov Mu Muy Muz
1 GB:GB6(125x450) 125 410.0 Yes 90.00 157 10.9 0.0 10.9
2 GB:GB13(125x450) 125 410.0 Yes 0.00 157 10.8 -10.8 0.0
Total : -10.8 10.9
Width, Eff. Depth - Beam Width, Effective Depth for Top Bar (mm), Angle - Angle (Orientation) of beam to the local Z Axis of Column (°)
AsProv - Top Steel Area Provided of Beam (mm²), Mu - Total Moment distributed from the Beam Top Bar (kNm)
Muz | Muy - Component of Derived Moment distributed to the local Z-Z | Y-Y Axis from the Beam Top Bar (kNm)

Sample Calculation for Nominal Moment using Beam GB6(125x450)

Back Calculate Beam End Moment from the Top Rebar of Beam
Mu / bd² = p × fyd (1 - k2 × p × fyd / k1)

fyd = 238 N/mm²

Steel Ratio Provided, p = As / (b × d) = 157 / (125 × 410.0) = 0.0031
Mu / bd² = p × fyd × (1 - k2 × p × fyd / k1)
= 0.0031 × 238 × (1 - 0.4557 × 0.0031 × 238 / 10.20)
= 0.7060 Nmm / mm³

Design Moment due to Beam Top Bar, Mu = 0.7060 × 125 × 410² / 1000000 = 14.8 kNm
Moment Muy = -14.8 × Cos(90.00°) = 0.0 kNm
Moment Muz = 14.8 × Sin(90.00°) = 14.8 kNm

Beam Relative Stiffness, kBeam = 0.00020m³

Angle of Beam to Column Local Axis, θ1 = 90.00°
Current Column Stiffness = |kzz × Sin(θ1)| + |kyy × Cos(θ1)| = |0.00071 × Sin(90.00°)| + |0.00071 × Cos(90.00°)| =
Angle of Beam to Top Column Local Axis, θ2 = 90.00°
Top Column Stiffness = |kzz × Sin(θ2)| + |kyy × Cos(θ2)| = |0.00006 × Sin(90.00°)| + |0.00006 × Cos(90.00°)| = 0.00006

Moment Muy Transferred to Column/Columns = 0.0 × (0.00071 + 0.00006) / (0.00071 + 0.00006 + 0.00020) = 0.0 kNm
Moment Muz Transferred to Column/Columns = 14.8 × (0.00071 + 0.00006) / (0.00071 + 0.00006 + 0.00020) = 11.8 kNm

Moment Muy Transferred to Column C1:(A,1) = 0.0 × 0.00071 / (0.00071 + 0.00006) = 0.0 kNm
Moment Muz Transferred to Column C1:(A,1) = 11.8 × 0.00071 / (0.00071 + 0.00006) = 10.9 kNm

Braced/Unbraced Condition Table

Column Clear Height, h = 300 mm
No. P Vy Vz ∆y ∆z Qy Qz Cond.Y Cond.Z
1 - - - - - - - Braced Braced
2 - - - - - - - Braced Braced
3 - - - - - - - Braced Braced
4 - - - - - - - Braced Braced
P - Axial Force (kN), Vy / Vz - Shear Force in Y-Y / Z-Z Axis (kN), ∆y / ∆z - Column Drift in Y-Y / Z-Z Axis (mm)
Qy / Qz - Column Stability Index in Y-Y / Z-Z Axis (mm) (Q = P × ∆ / V × h)
Cond.Y / Cond.Z - Column Braced/Unbraced Condition in Y-Y / Z-Z Axis (mm), Limit Value = 0.05
All Gravity Load Cases Assigned as Braced regardless the Stability Index

Design / Analysis Result

Selection of Moment for Design and Analysis
My Mz
2D/3D NeMin Mi Madd Selected Slender 2D/3D NeMin Mi Madd Selected Slender
1 -10.8 -0.5 - - -10.8 No 10.9 -0.5 - - 10.9 No
2 -10.8 -0.2 - - -10.8 No 10.9 -0.2 - - 10.9 No
3 0.0 -0.5 - - -0.5 No 0.1 -0.5 - - -0.5 No
4 0.0 -0.2 - - -0.2 No 0.1 -0.2 - - -0.2 No
2D/3D - Moment values obtained from 2D/3D analysis process, kNm
NeMin - Moment due to minimum eccentricity x design ultimate axial load, kNm
Mi - Initial moment at the point of maximum additional moment, kNm, Madd - Additional Moment induced by deflection, kNm
Selected - Selected moment based on greater of 2D/3D, NeMin and Mi + Madd, kNm

Design / Analysis Result and Status

No Process FCap FApplied MyApplied MzApplied Status Fail Mode
1 Design 57.6 41.4 -10.8 10.9 Pass None
2 Analysis 27.6 20.9 -10.8 10.9 Pass None
3 Analysis 734.1 42.0 -0.5 -0.5 Pass None
4 Analysis 734.1 21.3 -0.2 -0.2 Pass None
Process - Indicated whether the load case is run through design / analysis process
F Cap - Maximum axial load capacity of the section (kN), F Applied - Applied axial load on the section (kN)
Status - Indicate the section Passed/Failed the process, Fail Mode - Mode of failure if the section failed

Clause : Effective Height of a column
Clause 3.8.3 : Deflection induced moments in solid slender columns
Column Dimension in Plane of Bending (About Y-Y Axis), Hyy = 225.0 mm
Column Dimension in Plane of Bending (About Z-Z Axis), Hzz = 225.0 mm

Slenderness Calculation About Y-Y Axis

Clear Length, lo = 300.0 mmLateral Force, V = 0, Use Stability Index Q = 0 for Gravity Load, The Element is Braced

Total Column Stiffness at Top, I/L = 771240 mm3

Total Column Stiffness at Bottom, I/L = 711914 mm3
Floor Element Type Mark b, mm h, mm L, mm K, mm^3
RB Column (A,1) 225 225 3600 59326
GB Column (A,1) 225 225 300 711914

Total stiffness of restraint elements (beams) at top part of column, KbTop = 210937.5 mm 3
No. Element Type Mark b, mm h, mm L, mm Angle, ° K, mm^3 Cantilever
1 Beam GB13 125 450 4500 0.0 210938 No

Total stiffness of restraint elements (beams) at bottom part of column, KbBot = 0.0 mm 3
Relative Stiffness at Top of Element, αTop = 3.656
Relative Stiffness at Bottom of Element, αBot = 5.000
β1 = 0.7 + 0.05 × (αTop + αBot) = 1.13, β2 = 0.85 + 0.05 × Min (αTop, αBot) = 1.03
β = Min (β1, β2) = 1.03 > 1.0, β taken as 1.0
Effective Length, leff = 1.00 × lo = 300.0 mm
leff / H = 300.0 / 225.0 = 1.3 < 15
The Column Is Short About Y-Y Axis

Slenderness Calculation About Z-Z Axis

Member Clear Length, lo = 300.0 mmLateral Force, V = 0, Use Stability Index Q = 0 for Gravity Load, The Element is

Total Column Stiffness at Top, I/L = 771240 mm3

Total Column Stiffness at Bottom, I/L = 711914 mm3
Floor Element Type Mark b, mm h, mm L, mm K, mm^3
RB Column (A,1) 225 225 3600 59326
GB Column (A,1) 225 225 300 711914

Total stiffness of restraint elements (beams) at top part of column, KbTop = 197753.9 mm 3
No. Element Type Mark b, mm h, mm L, mm Angle, ° K, mm^3 Cantilever
1 Beam GB6 125 450 4800 90.0 197754 No

Total stiffness of restraint elements (beams) at bottom part of column, KbBot = 0.0 mm 3
Relative Stiffness at Top of Element, αTop = 3.900
Relative Stiffness at Bottom of Element, αBot = 5.000
β1 = 0.7 + 0.05 × (αTop + αBot) = 1.15, β2 = 0.85 + 0.05 × Min (αTop, αBot) = 1.05
β = Min (β1, β2) = 1.05 > 1.0, β taken as 1.0
Effective Length, leff = 1.00 × lo = 300.0 mm
leff / H = 300.0 / 225.0 = 1.3 < 15
The Column Is Short About Z-Z Axis

Section Data
Code of Practice used : BS8110 : 1997

Type of Section Selected : Rectangular Shape

Reinforcement provided : 4T12 (0.89%)

 General Data
Concrete Area = 50625.0 mm²
Steel Bar Area = 452.4 mm²
Steel Ratio = 0.8936 %

Concrete Cover = 25.0 mm

Link Diameter = 6 mm
Figure 1 : Section Dimension

Length of Edges: a = 225.0 mm, b = 225.0 mm, c = 225.0 mm, d = 225.0 mm

Angle of Rotation = 0.0 °

Material Data
Concrete Test Specimen Type : Cube
Concrete Cube Strength, fcu = 30.0 N/mm²
Steel Yield Strength, fy = 460.0 N/mm²
Ultimate Strain of Concrete, εcu = 0.0035
Elastic Modulus of Concrete, Ec = 24597.0 N/mm²
Elastic Modulus of Steel, Es = 200000.0 N/mm ²

Partial Safety Factor of Material for Concrete, γc = 1.50

Partial Safety Factor of Material for Steel, γs = 1.05

Loading Data
Mx and My is taken with respect to the geometrical centroid of the section
Applied Axial Load = 41.4 kN
Applied Bending Moment about X-X Axis = 10.9 kNm
Applied Bending Moment about Y-Y Axis = 10.8 kNm

Display Outer Vertex For Section Profile Polygon

Points x (mm) y (mm)
0 -112.5 -112.5
1 112.5 -112.5
2 112.5 112.5
3 -112.5 112.5
Design Status
Moment is taken at the plastic centroid
Axial Force(F) Applied = 41.43 kN
Axial Force(F) Capacity = 57.60 kN

Applied Bending Moment about X-X Axis = 10.90 kNm

Bending Moment Capacity about X-X Axis = 15.15 kNm

Applied Bending Moment about Y-Y Axis = 10.76 kNm

Bending Moment Capacity about Y-Y Axis = 14.96 kNm

Design Passed
Reinforcement provided: 4T12 (0.89%)

k value = 0.756

k value = √ ((AsReq) / (AsProv))
AsReq = Area of steel required (mm²)
AsProv = Area of steel provided (mm²)

Concrete contribution

Figure 2 : Neutral Axis Diagram

Equivalent compressive stress block area = 10230.37 mm²
Centroid of equivalent compression Area, X = 64.55mm
Centroid of equivalent compression Area, Y = 65.09mm

Reinforcement Result

Figure 3 : Steel Bar Arrangement Diagram

Reinforcement Bar Result

Bar X,mm Y,mm A,mm² NA,mm Strain,1e-3 Stress,N/mm² P,kN Mx,kNm My,kNm
1 -71.5 -71.5 113.1 148.3 -4.64 -438.1 -49.55 3.54 3.54
2 71.5 -71.5 113.1 47.7 -1.49 -298.6 -33.77 2.41 -2.41
3 71.5 71.5 113.1 -54.0 1.69 337.4 38.16 2.73 2.73
4 -71.5 71.5 113.1 46.6 -1.46 -291.3 -32.95 -2.36 2.36
Total -78.11 6.33 6.21

Percentage of steel bar = 0.89 %


Verification of the output results for the Axial Load Capacity

Contribution from concrete = 10230.37*0.447*30.0/1000 = 137.2 kN
Contribution from displaced concrete force = (113.1)*0.447*30.00/1000 = 1.52kN
Contribution from reinforcement bars = -78.11kN
Contribution from composite steel = 0.00kN
Total Axial load = 1.00*(137.22-1.52-78.11+0.00) = 57.60kN

Verification of output results for moment X

The extra moment due to offset in plastic centroid = 0.00kNm
Contribution from concrete = 10230.37*0.447*30.00*(65.09)*/10^6 = 8.93kNm
Contribution from displaced concrete = (113.1*(71.5))*0.447*30.00/106 = 0.11kNm
Contribution from reinforcement bar = 6.33kNm
Contribution from composite steel = 0.00kNm
Total Moment X(Plastic Centroid) =1.00*(8.93-0.11+6.33+0.00) = 15.15kNm

Verification of output results for moment Y

The extra moment due to offset in plastic centroid = 0.00kNm
Contribution from concrete = 10230.37*0.447*30.00*(64.55)*/10^6 = 8.86kNm
Contribution from displaced concrete = (113.1*(71.5))*0.447*30.00/106 = 0.11kNm
Contribution from reinforcement bar = 6.21kNm
Contribution from composite steel = 0.00kNm
Total Moment Y(Plastic Centroid) =1.00*(8.86-0.11+6.21+0.00) = 14.96kNm

Note for Verification Calculation:

Concrete Moment Capacity, Fcd = Fcc*Lever Arm
Concrete Axial Load Capacity, Fcc = Ac*σc,max
Ac = Equivalent compressive stress block area or concrete area
Maximum concrete stress, σc,max = k1/(2*k2) = 0.404*fcu/(2*0.452) = 0.447*fcu
k1 = Average Concrete Stress above Neutral Axis
k2 = Concrete Lever Arm Factor

Shear & Torsion Design / Checking

Part 1 Clause Shear in columns
Limit about X-X Axis, rXX = 0.6 × Hy = 0.6 × 225 / 1000 = 0.1350 m
Limit about Y-Y Axis, rYY = 0.6 × Hx = 0.6 × 225 / 1000 = 0.1350 m

Table of axial forces, moments and M / N ratios for each load case
No P (kN) My (kNm) Mz (kNm) My / P (m) Mz / P (m)
1 41.4 10.8 10.9 0.2598 > 0.1350 0.2631 > 0.1350
2 20.9 10.8 10.9 0.5141 > 0.1350 0.5207 > 0.1350
3 42.0 0.5 -0.5 0.0113 <= 0.1350 -0.0113 <= 0.1350
4 21.3 0.2 -0.2 0.0113 <= 0.1350 -0.0113 <= 0.1350
P - Axial Force, My / Mz - Bending Moment About Y-Y / Z-Z Axis
My / P, Mz / P - Bending Moment over Axial Force Ratio

Not all load cases within the limit specified in BS8110:Part1 Clause, Check for shear and torsion is needed

Main Bar Diameter, diaMain = 12.0 mm, Link Diameter, diaLink = 6.0 mm, Link Spacing, SvLink = 125.0 mm
Cover for Shear and Torsion Design from Concrete Surface to Main Bar Surface = 31 mm

Shear And Torsion Calculation in X-X Axis

Section Width, Bx = 225.0 mm, Section Height, Hx = 225.0 mm
Section Effective Depth, dx = Hx - Cover(including link) - diaMain / 2 = 188.0 mm

Link Horizontal Dimension, h1 = b - 2 × Side Cover - DiaLink = 225 - 2 × 25 - 6 = 169 mm

Link Vertical Dimension, v1 = h - 2 × Cover - DiaLink = 225 - 2 × 25 - 6 = 169 mm
Dimension x1 = Min (h1, v1) = 169 mm, y1 = Max (h1, v1) = 169 mm

Section Dimension: Dmin = 225.0 mm, Dmax = 225.0 mm

Torsion Stress, νst = 2 × T × 106 / (Dmin² × (Dmax - Dmin / 3)) = 0.00 N/mm²
Effective depth, d = 188.0 mm
Shear Stress, νss = V × 1000 / (b × d) = 0.0 × 1000 / (225.0 × 188.0) = 0.00 N/mm²

Part 2 : Clause 2.4.6 and Table 2.3

Maximum Combined Stress Allowed, νtu = Min (0.8 × √fcu, 5) = 4.38 N/mm²
Total Stress, νTot = νss + νst = 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.00 N/mm² ≤ νtu (4.38 N/mm²)
Checking for Combined Stress Allowed Pass

Part 2: Clause 2.4.5

Additional Checking While Small Cross Section (y1 < 550 mm)
Larger Link Dimension, y1 = 169.0 mm < 550 mm
νtu × y1 / 550 = 4.38 × 169.0 / 550 = 1.35 N/mm²
νst = 0.00 N/mm² ≤ 1.35 N/mm²
Checking for Torsion Stress Allowed Pass

Maximum Shear Stress Allowed, νMax = Min (0.8 × √30, 5) = 4.38 N/mm² - Clause
Shear Stress, νss = V × 1000 / (b × d) = 0.0 × 1000 / (225.0 × 188.0) = 0.00 N/mm² ≤ νMax (4.38 N/mm²)
Checking for Maximum Shear Stress Allowed Pass

Tension Steel Area Provided, Ast = 0 mm²

- Table 3.8: Values of νc, design concrete shear stress
Steel Percentage, 100 × As / (bv × d) = 0.15 % ≤ 3.0 %
0.15% of steel is used for calculation of compressive member
Effective Depth Ratio, edr = 400 / d = 400 / 188.0 = 2.128
(400 / d)^ ¼ = 1.208 ≥ 1
Minimum fcu, fcuMin = 25 N/mm², Concrete Grade Ratio, Min(fcu, 40) / fcuMin = 30 / 25 = 1.200
Concrete Shear Capacity, νc = 0.79 {100 As / (bv d)}⅓ (400 / d)¼ (fcu / 25)⅓ / γm
= 0.79 × {0.15}⅓ × 1.208 × (1.200)⅓ / 1.25 = 0.43 N/mm²
Clause eqn. 6a
VhM Ratio = V × h / M = 45 × 225.0 / 10761562 = 0.00
Design Shear Capacity, νc1' = νc + 0.60 × (N / Ac) × VhM = 0.431 + 0.60 × (41991.1 / 50625.0) × 0.00 = 0.431 N/mm²
Clause eqn. 6b
Design Shear Capacity, νc2' = νc × SQRT[(1 + N / (Ac × νc)] = 0.431 × SQRT[(1 + 41991.1 / (50625.0) × 0.43] =
0.737 N/mm²
Design Shear Capacity, νc2' > νc1' --> Use νc1' for design

Minimum Design Shear Stress, νMin = 0.40 N/mm²

νss = 0.001 < νc' + 0.4, Provides only minimum link
Design for minimum Shear Stress, νd = νmin = 0.40 N/mm²
Shear Link Area / Spacing Ratio, SAsv_Sv = (vd × b) / (fyy × fy) = (0.40 × 225) / (0.95 × 220) = 0.430 mm²/mm
- BS8110: Part 2: Clause 2.4.7
Torsion Steel Area / Spacing Ratio, TAs_Sv = T × 1000000 / (0.8 × x1 × y1 × fyv / γs )
= 0.001 × 1000000 / (0.8 × 169 × 169 × 0.95 × 220) = 0.00 mm²/mm
Torsion Steel Area Provided, TAsProv = 2 × Pi * diaLink² / 4 = 56.5 mm²
TAs_Sv Provided, C = TAsProv / Sv = 56.5 / 125.0 = 0.45 mm²/mm
Shear Torsion Combined Ratio, K = (LinkLoop × C - TAs_SvReq) / SAs_SvReq
= (1 × 0.45 - 0.00) / 0.43
= 1.053 >= 1
Checking for Shear & Torsion Combined Passed

Shear And Torsion Calculation in Y-Y Axis

Section Width, By = 225.0 mm, Section Height, Hy = 225.0 mm
Section Effective Depth, dy = Hy - Cover(including link) - diaMain / 2 = 188.0 mm

Link Horizontal Dimension, h1 = b - 2 × Side Cover - DiaLink = 225 - 2 × 25 - 6 = 169 mm

Link Vertical Dimension, v1 = h - 2 × Cover - DiaLink = 225 - 2 × 25 - 6 = 169 mm
Dimension x1 = Min (h1, v1) = 169 mm, y1 = Max (h1, v1) = 169 mm

Section Dimension: Dmin = 225.0 mm, Dmax = 225.0 mm

Torsion Stress, νst = 2 × T × 106 / (Dmin² × (Dmax - Dmin / 3)) = 0.00 N/mm²
Effective depth, d = 188.0 mm
Shear Stress, νss = V × 1000 / (b × d) = 8.1 × 1000 / (225.0 × 188.0) = 0.19 N/mm²

Part 2 : Clause 2.4.6 and Table 2.3

Maximum Combined Stress Allowed, νtu = Min (0.8 × √fcu, 5) = 4.38 N/mm²
Total Stress, νTot = νss + νst = 0.19 + 0.00 = 0.19 N/mm² ≤ νtu (4.38 N/mm²)
Checking for Combined Stress Allowed Pass

Part 2: Clause 2.4.5

Additional Checking While Small Cross Section (y1 < 550 mm)
Larger Link Dimension, y1 = 169.0 mm < 550 mm
νtu × y1 / 550 = 4.38 × 169.0 / 550 = 1.35 N/mm²
νst = 0.00 N/mm² ≤ 1.35 N/mm²
Checking for Torsion Stress Allowed Pass

Maximum Shear Stress Allowed, νMax = Min (0.8 × √30, 5) = 4.38 N/mm² - Clause
Shear Stress, νss = V × 1000 / (b × d) = 8.1 × 1000 / (225.0 × 188.0) = 0.19 N/mm² ≤ νMax (4.38 N/mm²)
Checking for Maximum Shear Stress Allowed Pass

Tension Steel Area Provided, Ast = 0 mm²

- Table 3.8: Values of νc, design concrete shear stress
Steel Percentage, 100 × As / (bv × d) = 0.15 % ≤ 3.0 %
0.15% of steel is used for calculation of compressive member
Effective Depth Ratio, edr = 400 / d = 400 / 188.0 = 2.128
(400 / d)^ ¼ = 1.208 ≥ 1
Minimum fcu, fcuMin = 25 N/mm², Concrete Grade Ratio, Min(fcu, 40) / fcuMin = 30 / 25 = 1.200
Concrete Shear Capacity, νc = 0.79 {100 As / (bv d)}⅓ (400 / d)¼ (fcu / 25)⅓ / γm
= 0.79 × {0.15}⅓ × 1.208 × (1.200)⅓ / 1.25 = 0.43 N/mm²
Clause eqn. 6a
VhM Ratio = V × h / M = 8149 × 225.0 / 10898446 = 0.17
Design Shear Capacity, νc1' = νc + 0.60 × (N / Ac) × VhM = 0.431 + 0.60 × (41991.1 / 50625.0) × 0.17 = 0.515 N/mm²
Clause eqn. 6b
Design Shear Capacity, νc2' = νc × SQRT[(1 + N / (Ac × νc)] = 0.431 × SQRT[(1 + 41991.1 / (50625.0) × 0.43] =
0.737 N/mm²
Design Shear Capacity, νc2' > νc1' --> Use νc1' for design

Minimum Design Shear Stress, νMin = 0.40 N/mm²

νss = 0.193 < νc' + 0.4, Provides only minimum link
Design for minimum Shear Stress, νd = νmin = 0.40 N/mm²
Shear Link Area / Spacing Ratio, SAsv_Sv = (vd × b) / (fyy × fy) = (0.40 × 225) / (0.95 × 220) = 0.430 mm²/mm
- BS8110: Part 2: Clause 2.4.7
Torsion Steel Area / Spacing Ratio, TAs_Sv = T × 1000000 / (0.8 × x1 × y1 × fyv / γs )
= 0.001 × 1000000 / (0.8 × 175 × 175 × 0.95 × 220) = 0.00 mm²/mm
Torsion Steel Area Provided, TAsProv = 2 × Pi * diaLink² / 4 = 56.5 mm²
TAs_Sv Provided, C = TAsProv / Sv = 56.5 / 125.0 = 0.45 mm²/mm
Shear Torsion Combined Ratio, K = (LinkLoop × C - TAs_SvReq) / SAs_SvReq
= (1 × 0.45 - 0.00) / 0.43
= 1.053 >= 1
Checking for Shear & Torsion Combined Passed

Column Buckling Check

Minimum dimension within member = 225 mm

Link spacing allowed = 12 × Compression bar diameter = 12 × 12 = 144 mm or 300 mm whichever lesser
Maximum link spacing allowed = 125 mm

Minimum link diameter required corresponding to main bar = 0.25 × 12 × MAX(√(460 / 220), 1) = 4.3 mm
Link diameter selected = 6 mm >= 4.3 mm
Link Provided R6 - 125


Pad Footing Detailed Design Calculation:

Code of Practice Used: BS8110:1985

The Design Parameters used:

Allowable soil pressures used =75 kN/m^2

Steel fy = 460 N/mm^2; Concrete fcu = 25 N/mm^2
Concrete cover, cov = 50 mm
Rebar maximum spacing = 250 mm, Minimum spacing = 50 mm
Steel maximum bar size = 20 mm, Minimum bar size = 10 mm
Shear capacity at stump face, 0.8*sqrt(fcu) = 4.00 N/mm^2
Rebar percentage used for Shear Design = 0.30
Design Shear Stress, vc = 0.79*(100As/bd)^(1/3)*(400/d)^(1/4)/Ym

The Following Design Parameters are used for Bending Moment Design:
Maximum Concrete strain, Ecc = 0.0035
Average Concrete Stress Above Neutral Axis, k1 = 10.20 N/mm^2
Concrete Lever Arm Factor, k2 = 0.4557
Limiting Effective Depth Factor, cb = 0.50
Limiting Concrete Moment Capacity Factor, kk1
= cb*k1*(1-cb*k2) = 0.50*10.20(1-0.50*0.4557) = 3.9379 N/mm^2
k2/k1 Factor, kkk = 0.0447

Location of Footing: 2-A

Dead Load, DL = 147.3; Live Load, LL = 21.1; Wind Load, WL = 0.0

After additional 10 percent load allowance
Dead Load, DL = 162.5; Live Load, LL = 23.4

Total Unfactored Load = 162.5 + 23.4 + 0.0 = 185.9 kN

After round-up, Footing Size, X & Y Dimensions,mm = 1300 mm x 1300 mm

Trial selfweight of Pad Footing,SW = 1.10 x(1.30X1.30X0.22)x24x1.2 = 12.6 kN

Soil pressure(include footing selfweight) = (12.6+164.5)/(1300x1300/1000000) = 97 kN/m^2

Total Ultimate Gravity Load = 1.40*140.5+1.60*24.0 = 235.1 kN

Total Ultimate Gravity+Lateral Load = 1.20*(140.5+24.0+0.0) = 197.4 kN
Ultimate soil pressure for design, Wu = 235.1x1000/(1300*1300) = 0.129 N/mm^2
Calculate Effective Depth, d to Satisfy Punching Shear:

Refer to BS8110:Part 1:1985 Table 3.9

Shear Capacity,vc = 0.79*((100As/(bd))^1/3)*(400/d)^1/4)*((fcu/25)^1/3)/1.25
Effective depth ratio = max(1,400/d) = max(1,400/170) = 2.354
Concrete Grade ratio = min(40,fcu)/25 = min(40,25)/25 = 1.000
Steel Percentage, 100As/(bd) = min(3,0.30) = 0.30
vc = ( 0.79*(0.30)^1/3*(2.354)^1/4*(1.000)^1/3 )/1.25 = 0.524 N/mm^2

Stump Size, A & B Dimensions,mm = 125 mm x 300 mm

Design Shear stress based on d, 170 mm = 0.524 N/mm^2

Ratio of shear plane from stump face to effective depth, p = 1.000
Distance of shear plane from stump face, a = 170 mm
Enhanced shear stress,v = fVcFac*d*vc/a = 1.0*170*0.524/170 = 0.524 N/mm^2
Ultimate Shear Capacity = 2v.d(4p.d+A+B)/1000 kN =
2*0.524*170*(4*1.000*170+125+300) = 196.7 kN
Load Within Shear Perimeter, Pi = Wu(2p.d+A)*(2p.d+B)/1000 kN =
0.129 *(2*1.000*170+125)*(2*1.000*170+300) = 38.4 kN
Ultimate Load = Total load,P - Pi = 235.1 - 38.4 = 196.7 kN <= 196.7 kN --> O.K. !!

Required effective depth to satisfy punching shear, d = 170 mm

Calculate Effective Depth, d to Satisfy Stump Face Shear:

Ultimate Load, Pu = 235.1-0.129*125*300/1000 = 230.2 kN

Stump Face Shear Capacity, Pc = 2*4.000*68(125+300)/1000 = 230.2 kN

Effective Depth required at stump face = 68 mm

Refer to BS8110:Part 1:1985 Table 3.9

Shear Capacity,vc = 0.79*((100As/(bd))^1/3)*(400/d)^1/4)*((fcu/25)^1/3)/1.25
Effective depth ratio = max(1,400/d) = max(1,400/100) = 4.015
Concrete Grade ratio = min(40,fcu)/25 = min(40,25)/25 = 1.000
Steel Percentage, 100As/(bd) = min(3,0.30) = 0.30
vc = ( 0.79*(0.30)^1/3*(4.015)^1/4*(1.000)^1/3 )/1.25 = 0.599 N/mm^2

Calculate Effective Depth, d to Satisfy Flexural Shear:

Design Shear stress based on d,100 mm = 0.599 N/mm^2

Ratio of shear plane from stump face to effective depth, p = 1.500
Enhanced shear stress,v = fVcFac*vc/p = 1.0*0.599/1.500 = 0.599 N/mm^2
Required effective depth to satisfy flexure shear, d = 100 mm

Ultimate Shear Capacity = 2v.d.'L'/1000 kN = 2*0.599*100*1350 = 161.1 kN

Load Within Shear Perimeter = Wu(2p.d+'A').'L'/1000 kN =
0.129 *(2*1.500*100+125)*1350 = 73.8 kN
Ultimate Load = Total load - above = 235.1 - 73.8 = 161.3 kN

Refer to BS8110:Part 1:1985 Table 3.9

Shear Capacity,vc = 0.79*((100As/(bd))^1/3)*(400/d)^1/4)*((fcu/25)^1/3)/1.25
Effective depth ratio = max(1,400/d) = max(1,400/82) = 4.857
Concrete Grade ratio = min(40,fcu)/25 = min(40,25)/25 = 1.000
Steel Percentage, 100As/(bd) = min(3,0.30) = 0.30
vc = ( 0.79*(0.30)^1/3*(4.857)^1/4*(1.000)^1/3 )/1.25 = 0.628 N/mm^2

Calculate Effective Depth, d to Satisfy Flexural Shear:

Design Shear stress based on d,82 mm = 0.628 N/mm^2

Ratio of shear plane from stump face to effective depth, p = 1.500
Enhanced shear stress,v = fVcFac*vc/p = 1.0*0.628/1.500 = 0.628 N/mm^2
Required effective depth to satisfy flexure shear, d = 82 mm

Ultimate Shear Capacity = 2v.d.'L'/1000 kN = 2*0.628*82*1350 = 139.7 kN

Load Within Shear Perimeter = Wu(2p.d+'A').'L'/1000 kN =
0.129 *(2*1.500*82+300)*1350 = 95.3 kN
Ultimate Load = Total load - above = 235.1 - 95.3 = 139.8 kN

Summary: Effective depth for Punching Shear Stump Shear Flexural Shear
170 68 100
Moment along Y-axis = Wu*X^2/8 = 0.13*1350*1350/8000 = 29.4 kNm/m
Moment along X-axis = Wu*Y^2/8 = 0.13*1350*1350/8000 = 29.4 kNm/m
Design for Bending Moment: 29.4/1.00 = 29.4 kNm

Mu/bd^2 = 29.4*1000/175^2 = 0.960

For Footing Design, limit Mu/bd^2 < 0.5*kk1: Mu/bd^2 = 0.960 ; 0.5*kk1 = 1.969
Mu/bd^2 = 0.960 < 1.969 -->O.K. !

Concrete Neutral Axis, x = 28.8 mm

Concrete Compression Force, Fc = k1.b.x = 10.20*28.8 = 294.15 kN
Steel area required, As = Fc/(fyy*fy) = 294.15/(0.87*460) = 735 mm^2
Moment capacity = Fc(d-k2.x) = 294.15(175-0.4557*28.8)/1000 = 47.6 kNm

Steel area required, As = 735 mm^2

Design for Bending Moment: 29.4/1.00 = 29.4 kNm

Mu/bd^2 = 29.4*1000/175^2 = 0.960

For Footing Design, limit Mu/bd^2 < 0.5*kk1: Mu/bd^2 = 0.960 ; 0.5*kk1 = 1.969
Mu/bd^2 = 0.960 < 1.969 -->O.K. !

Concrete Neutral Axis, x = 28.8 mm

Concrete Compression Force, Fc = k1.b.x = 10.20*28.8 = 294.15 kN
Steel area required, As = Fc/(fyy*fy) = 294.15/(0.87*460) = 735 mm^2
Moment capacity = Fc(d-k2.x) = 294.15(175-0.4557*28.8)/1000 = 47.6 kNm
Steel area required, As = 735 mm^2

Actual selfweight of Footing = 1.10 x(1.350X1.350X0.250)x24 = 12.0 kN

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