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CHAPTER 1 n Introduction to Cells 9

transmembrane channels, carriers, and pumps (Fig.

of these special environments favors a subset of the bio-
1.10). These transmembrane proteins provide the cell
chemical reactions required for life as illustrated by the
with nutrients, control internal ion concentrations, and
following examples. The nuclear envelope separates
establish a transmembrane electrical potential. A single
the synthesis and processing of RNA in the nucleus from
amino acid change in one plasma membrane pump and
the translation of mature mRNAs into proteins in the
Cl− channel causes the human disease cystic fibrosis.
cytoplasm. Segregation of digestive enzymes in lyso-
Other plasma membrane proteins mediate interac-
somes prevents them from destroying other cellular
tions of cells with their immediate environment. Trans-
components. ATP synthesis depends on the imperme-
membrane receptors convert the binding of extracellular
able membrane around mitochondria; energy-releasing
signaling molecules, such as hormones and growth
reactions produce a proton gradient across the mem-
factors into chemical or electrical signals that influence
brane that drives enzymes in the membrane to synthe-
the activity of the cell. Genetic defects in signaling pro-
size ATP.
teins, which mistakenly turn on signals for growth in the
absence of appropriate extracellular stimuli, contribute
Overview of Eukaryotic Cellular to human cancers.
Organization and Functions Plasma membrane adhesion proteins allow cells to
bind specifically to each other or to the extracellular
This section previews the major constituents and pro-
matrix (Fig. 1.10). These selective interactions allow
cesses of eukaryotic cells. With this background the
cells to form multicellular associations, such as epithelia
reader will be able to appreciate cross-references to
(sheets of cells that separate the interior of the body
chapters later in the book.
from the outside world). Similar interactions allow white
Plasma Membrane blood cells to bind bacteria so that they can be ingested
and killed. In cells that are subjected to mechanical
The plasma membrane is the interface of the cell with
forces, such as muscle and epithelia, cytoskeletal
its environment (Fig. 1.2). Owing to the hydrophobic
filaments inside the cell reinforce the plasma
interior of its lipid bilayer, the plasma membrane is
membrane adhesion proteins. In skin, defects in these
impermeable to ions and most water-soluble molecules.
attachments cause blistering diseases.
Consequently, they cross the membrane only through



Na+ K+
Na+ Glucose Na+ K+ H

ADP – – – – – – –

D E F G G +
++ + + + + + +

Na+ K+ Na+ Glucose Na+ K+

10 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

Nuclear pore

Nuclear pore



FIGURE 1.11 ELECTRON MICROGRAPH OF A THIN SECTION OF A NUCLEUS. (Courtesy Don Fawcett, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA.)

Nucleus structural, regulatory, or catalytic functions. Most newly

The nuclear envelope is a double membrane that sepa- synthesized RNAs are processed extensively before they
rates the nucleus from the cytoplasm (Fig. 1.11). All are ready for use. Processing involves removal of inter-
traffic into and out of the nucleus passes through nuclear vening sequences, alteration of bases, or addition of
pores that bridge the double membranes. Inbound specific chemical groups at both ends. For cytoplasmic
traffic includes all nuclear proteins and ribosomal pro- RNAs, this processing occurs before RNA molecules
teins destined for the nucleolus. Outbound traffic are exported from the nucleus through nuclear pores.
includes mRNAs and ribosomal subunits. The nucleolus assembles ribosomes from more than
The nucleus stores genetic information in extraordi- 50 different proteins and 3 RNA molecules. Genetic
narily long DNA molecules called chromosomes. Remark- errors resulting in altered RNA and protein products
ably, portions of genes encoding proteins and structural cause or predispose individuals to many inherited human
RNAs make up only a small fraction (<2%) of the 3 billion diseases.
nucleotide pairs in human DNA, but more than 50% of
the 97 million nucleotide pairs in a nematode worm. Ribosomes and Protein Synthesis
Regions of DNA called telomeres stabilize the ends of Ribosomes catalyze the synthesis of proteins, using the
chromosomes, and other DNA sequences organize cen- nucleotide sequences of mRNA molecules to specify
tromeres that direct the distribution of chromosomes the sequence of amino acids (Fig. 1.4). Ribosomes free
to daughter cells when cells divide. Much of the DNA in the cytoplasm synthesize proteins that are released for
encodes a myriad of RNAs with regulatory activities. routing to various intracellular destinations (Fig. 1.6).
The DNA and its associated proteins are called chro-
matin (Fig. 1.5). Interactions with histones and other Endoplasmic Reticulum
proteins fold each chromosome compactly enough to Ribosomes synthesizing proteins destined for insertion
fit into discrete territories inside the nucleus. During into cellular membranes or for export from the cell asso-
mitosis, chromosomes condense and reorganize into ciate with the ER, a continuous system of flattened mem-
separate structural units suitable for sorting into daugh- brane sacks and tubules (Fig. 1.12). Proteins produced
ter cells (Fig. 1.5). on these ribosomes carry signal sequences of amino
Regulatory proteins called transcription factors acids that target their ribosomes to receptors on the ER
turn specific genes on and off in response to genetic, (Fig. 1.6). These regions of the ER are called rough ER
developmental, and environmental signals. Enzymes owing to the attached ribosomes. As a polypeptide chain
called polymerases make RNA copies of active genes, grows, its sequence determines whether the protein
a process called transcription. mRNAs specify the folds up in the lipid bilayer or translocates across the
amino acid sequences of proteins. Other RNAs have membrane into the lumen of the ER. Enzymes add sugar
CHAPTER 1 n Introduction to Cells 11

Smooth endoplasmic
Rough endoplasmic

Golgi apparatus


Free ribosomes

Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.)

polymers to some proteins exposed in the lumen. Some On the downstream side of the Golgi apparatus, pro-
proteins are retained in the ER, but most move on to cessed proteins segregate into different vesicles destined
other parts of the cell. for lysosomes or the plasma membrane (Fig. 1.6). Many
ER is very dynamic. Motor proteins move along micro- components of the plasma membrane including recep-
tubules to pull the ER membranes into a branching tors for extracellular molecules recycle from the plasma
network spread throughout the cytoplasm. Continuous membrane to endosomes and back to the cell surface
bidirectional traffic moves small vesicles between the ER many times before they are degraded. Defects in this
and the Golgi apparatus. These vesicles carry soluble process can cause arteriosclerosis.
proteins in their lumens, in addition to transporting
membrane lipids and proteins. Proteins on the cytoplas- Lysosomes
mic surface of the membranes catalyze each membrane An impermeable membrane separates degradative
budding and fusion event. The use of specialized pro- enzymes inside lysosomes from other cellular compo-
teins for budding and fusion of membranes at different nents (Fig. 1.12). After synthesis by rough ER, lysosomal
sites in the cell organizes this membrane traffic and proteins move through the Golgi apparatus, where
prevents the membrane components from getting enzymes add the modified sugar, phosphorylated
mixed up. mannose (Fig. 1.6). Vesicular transport, guided by phos-
The ER also serves as the outer membrane of the phomannose receptors, delivers lysosomal proteins to
nuclear envelope, which can have attached ribosomes. the lumen of lysosomes.
ER enzymes synthesize many cellular lipids and metabo- Cells ingest microorganisms and other materials in
lize drugs, while ER pumps and channels regulate the membrane vesicles derived from the plasma membrane.
cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration. The contents of these endosomes and phagosomes
are delivered to lysosomes for degradation by lysosomal
Golgi Apparatus enzymes. Deficiencies of lysosomal enzymes cause many
The Golgi apparatus processes the sugar side chains on severe congenital diseases where substrates of the
transmembrane and secreted proteins. It consists of a enzyme accumulate in quantities that can impair the
stack of flattened, membrane-bound sacks with many function of the brain, liver, or other organs.
associated vesicles. The Golgi apparatus is characteristi-
cally located in the middle of the cell near the nucleus Mitochondria
and the centrosome (Figs. 1.2 and 1.12). Proteins to be Mitochondrial enzymes use most of the energy released
processed come in vesicles that detach from the ER from the breakdown of nutrients to synthesize ATP, the
and fuse with Golgi apparatus membranes (Fig. 1.6). As common currency for most energy-requiring reactions
proteins pass through the stacked Golgi membranes in cells (Fig. 1.12). This efficient process uses molecular
from one side to the other, enzymes in specific stacks oxygen to complete the oxidation of fats, proteins, and
modify the sugar side chains of secretory and membrane sugars to carbon dioxide and water. A less-efficient gly-
proteins. colytic system in the cytoplasm extracts energy from the
12 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

partial breakdown of glucose to make ATP. Mitochondria

cluster near sites of ATP utilization, such as membranes
engaged in active transport, nerve terminals, and the
contractile apparatus of muscle cells. Actin
Mitochondria also respond to toxic stimuli from the IF
environment including drugs used in cancer chemother-
apy by activating controlled cell death called apoptosis.
A toxic cocktail of enzymes degrades proteins and
nucleic acids as the cell breaks into membrane-bound
fragments. Defects in this form of cellular suicide lead to
autoimmune disorders, cancer, and some neurodegen-
erative diseases.
Mitochondria form in a fundamentally different way
from the ER, Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes (Fig. 1.6). MIC MATRIX. A fibroblast cell was prepared by detergent extraction
Cytoplasmic ribosomes synthesize most mitochondrial of soluble components, rapid freezing, sublimation of ice, and coating
proteins. Signal sequences on these mitochondrial pro- with metal. IF, intermediate filaments; MT, microtubules (shaded red).
teins bind receptors on the surface of mitochondria. The (Courtesy J. Heuser, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.)
proteins are then transported into the mitochondrial
interior or inserted into the outer or inner mitochondrial filaments support finger-like projections of the plasma
membranes. membrane (Fig. 1.5). These filopodia or microvilli
Mitochondria arose from symbiotic Bacteria (Fig. 1.1) increase the surface area of the plasma membrane for
and most of the bacterial genes subsequently moved to transporting nutrients and other processes, including
the nucleus. However, mitochondrial DNA, ribosomes, sensory transduction in the ear. Genetic defects in a
and mRNAs still produce a few essential proteins for the membrane-associated, actin-binding protein called dys-
organelle. Defects in the maternally inherited mitochon- trophin cause the most common form of muscular
drial genome cause several diseases, including deafness, dystrophy.
diabetes, and ocular myopathy. Actin filaments participate in movements in two ways.
Assembly of actin filaments produces some movements,
Peroxisomes such as the protrusion of pseudopods. Other movements
Peroxisomes are membrane-bound organelles containing result from force generated by myosin motor proteins
enzymes that participate in oxidative reactions. Like that use the energy from ATP hydrolysis to produce
mitochondria, peroxisomal enzymes oxidize fatty acids, movements along actin filaments. Muscles use a highly
but the energy is not used to synthesize ATP. Peroxi- organized assembly of actin and myosin filaments to
somes are particularly abundant in plants. Peroxi- drive forceful, rapid, one-dimensional contractions.
somal proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm and Myosin also drives the contraction of the cleavage
imported into the organelle using the same strategy as furrow during cell division. External signals, such as
mitochondria but with different targeting sequences chemotactic molecules, can influence both actin fila-
and transport machinery (Fig. 1.6). Genetic defects in ment organization and the direction of motility. Genetic
peroxisomal biogenesis cause several forms of mental defects in myosin cause enlargement of the heart and
retardation. sudden death.
Intermediate filaments are flexible but strong intracel-
Cytoskeleton and Motility Apparatus lular tendons that reinforce epithelial cells of the skin
A cytoplasmic network of three protein polymers—actin and other cells subjected to substantial physical stresses.
filaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules (Fig. All intermediate filament proteins are related to the
1.13)—maintains the shape of most cells. Each polymer keratin molecules found in hair. Intermediate filaments
has distinctive properties and dynamics. Actin filaments characteristically form bundles that link the plasma
and microtubules provide tracks for the ATP-powered membrane to the nucleus. Lamin intermediate filaments
motor proteins that produce most cellular movements reinforce the nuclear envelope. Intermediate filament
(Fig. 1.14), including locomotion, muscle contraction, networks are disassembled during mitosis and cell move-
transport of organelles through the cytoplasm, mitosis, ments as a result of specific reversible phosphorylation
and the beating of cilia and flagella. The proteins are events. Genetic defects in keratin intermediate filaments
also used for highly specialized motile processes, such cause blistering diseases of the skin. Defects in nuclear
as muscle contraction and sperm motility. lamins are associated with some types of muscular dys-
Networks of crosslinked actin filaments anchored to trophy and premature aging.
the plasma membrane (Fig. 1.10) reinforce the surface Microtubules are rigid cylindrical polymers that resist
of the cell. In many cells, tightly packed bundles of actin compression better than actin or intermediate filaments.
CHAPTER 1 n Introduction to Cells 13

proteins that use the energy liberated by ATP hydrolysis

A to move along the microtubules. Kinesin moves its asso-
ciated cargo (vesicles and RNA-protein particles) along
the microtubule network radiating away from the cen-
trosome, whereas dynein moves its cargo toward the
Neuron centrosome. Together, they form a two-way transport
Axon system that is particularly well developed in the axons
Fibroblast and dendrites of nerve cells. Toxins can impair this trans-
port system and cause nerve malfunctions.
During mitosis, the cell assembles a mitotic apparatus
of highly dynamic microtubules and uses microtubule
motor proteins to distribute the replicated chromosomes
Synapse into the daughter cells. The motile apparatus of cilia and
flagella is built from a complex array of stable microtu-
bules that bends when dynein slides the microtubules
past each other. A genetic absence of dynein immobi-
lizes these appendages, causing male infertility and lung
Microtubules, intermediate filaments, and actin fila-
ments each provide mechanical support for the cell.
Interactions of microtubules with intermediate filaments
and actin filaments unify the cytoskeleton into a continu-
B ous mechanical structure. These polymers also provide
a scaffold for some cellular enzyme systems.

Cell Cycle
Cells carefully control their growth and division using
an integrated regulatory system consisting of protein
kinases (enzymes that add phosphate to the side chains
of proteins), specific kinase inhibitors, transcription
factors, and highly specific protein degradation. When
conditions inside and outside a cell are appropriate for
Dynein cell division (Fig. 1.9B), specific cell cycle kinases are
activated to trigger a chain of events leading to DNA
replication and cell division. Once DNA replication is
complete, activation of cell cycle kinases such as Cdk1
pushes the cell into mitosis, the process that separates
chromosomes into two daughter cells. Four controls
ALONG ACTIN FILAMENTS AND MICROTUBULES BY MOTOR sequentially activate Cdk1 through a positive feedback
PROTEINS. A, Overview of organelle movements in a neuron and loop: (a) synthesis of a regulatory subunit, (b) transport
fibroblast. B, Details of the molecular motors. The microtubule-based into the nucleus, (c) removal and addition of inhibitory
motors, dynein and kinesin, move in opposite directions. The actin- and stimulatory phosphate groups, and (d) repression of
based motor, myosin, moves in one direction along actin filaments.
phosphatases (enzymes that remove the phosphate
(Modified from Atkinson SJ, Doberstein SK, Pollard TD. Moving off the
beaten track. Curr Biol. 1992;2:326–328.) groups Cdk1 puts on its protein targets).
Phosphorylation of proteins by Cdk1 leads directly or
The molecular polarity of the microtubule polymer gives indirectly to disassembly of the nuclear envelope (in
the two ends different properties and determines the most but not all eukaryotic cells), condensation of
direction of movement of motor proteins. Most micro- mitotic chromosomes, and assembly of the mitotic
tubules in cells have the same polarity relative to the spindle composed of microtubules. Selective proteoly-
organizing centers that initiate their growth (eg, the cen- sis of regulatory subunits of Cdk1 and key chromosomal
trosome) (Fig. 1.2). Their rapidly growing ends are ori- proteins then allows the mitotic spindle to separate the
ented toward the periphery of the cell. Individual previously duplicated identical copies of each chromo-
cytoplasmic microtubules are remarkably dynamic, some. As cells exit mitosis, the nuclear envelope reas-
growing and shrinking on a time scale of minutes. sembles on the surface of the chromosomes to reform
Microtubules serve as mechanical reinforcing rods for the daughter nuclei. Then the process of cytokinesis
the cytoskeleton and the tracks for two classes of motor cleaves the daughter cells.
14 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

A key feature of the cell cycle is a series of built-in understanding of the molecular basis of life at the cellular
quality controls, called checkpoints (Fig. 1.9), which level. This journey starts with the evolution of the cell
ensure that each stage of the cycle is completed and introduction to the molecules of life. The following
successfully before the process continues to the sections cover membrane structure and function, chro-
next step. These checkpoints also detect damage to mosomes and the nucleus, gene expression and protein
cellular constituents and block cell-cycle progression synthesis, organelles and membrane traffic, signaling
so that the damage may be repaired. Misregulation of mechanisms, cellular adhesion and the extracellular
checkpoints and other cell-cycle controls matrix, cytoskeleton and cellular motility, and the cell
predisposes to cancer. Remarkably, the entire cycle of cycle. Enjoy the adventure of exploring all of these
DNA replication, chromosomal condensation, nuclear topics. As you read, appreciate that cell biology is a living
envelope breakdown, and reformation, including the field that is constantly growing and identifying new hori-
modulation of these events by checkpoints, can be zons. The book will prepare you to understand these
carried out in cell-free extracts in a test tube. new insights as they unfold in the future.

Welcome to the Rest of the Book

This overview should prepare the reader to embark on
the following chapters, which explain our current

Evolution of Life on Earth

No one is certain how life began, but the common This chapter explains our current understanding of
ancestor of all living things populated the earth more the origin of the first self-replicating cell followed by
than 3 billion years ago, not long (geologically speaking) divergence of its progeny into the two diverse groups of
after the planet formed 4.5 billion years ago (Fig. 2.1). prokaryotes, Bacteria and Archaea. It goes on to consider
Biochemical features shared by all existing cells suggest the origin of Eucarya and their diversification over the
that this primitive microscopic cell had about 600 genes past 2 billion years.
encoded in DNA, ribosomes to synthesize proteins from Evolution is the great unifying principle in biology.
messenger RNA templates, basic metabolic pathways, Research on evolution is both exciting and challenging
and a plasma membrane with pumps, carriers, and chan- because this ultimate detective story involves piecing
nels. Over time, mutations in the DNA created progeny together fragmentary evidence spread over 3.5 billion
that diverged genetically into a myriad of distinctive years. Data include fossils of ancient organisms and/or
species, most of which have become extinct. Approxi- chemical traces of their metabolic activities preserved in
mately 1.7 million living species are known to science. stone, ancient DNA from historical specimens (going
Extrapolations predict approximately 9 million eukary- back more than 500,000 years), and especially DNA of
otic species and 10 times more prokaryotic organisms living organisms.
living on the earth today. On the basis of evolutionary
histories preserved in their genomes, living organisms Prebiotic Chemistry Leading to
are divided into three primary domains: Bacteria,
an RNA World
Archaea, and Eucarya.
Where did the common ancestor come from? A wide
Eucarya range of evidence supports the idea that life began with
Green plants
self-replicating RNA polymers sheltered inside lipid ves-
Fungi icles even before the invention of protein synthesis
Brown algae
Amoeba (Fig. 2.2). This hypothetical early stage of evolution is
plast called the RNA World. This attractive postulate solves
Ch ~1 billion
years ago the chicken-and-egg problem of how to build a system
1–2 billion years ago, of self-replicating molecules without having to invent
Proteobacterium drion first eukaryote with
ch a mitochondrion either DNA or proteins on their own. RNA has an advan-
Escherichia M Ar
chae tage, because it provides a way to store information in a
Chloroplast on
progenitor type of molecule that can also have catalytic activity.
Cyanobacteria ~3.5 billion years ago, Proteins excel in catalysis but do not store self-replicating
common ancestor emerged
genetic information. Today, proteins have largely super-
seded RNAs as cellular catalysts. DNA excels for storing
Archaea genetic information, since the absence of the 2′ hydroxyl
makes it less reactive and therefore more stable than
RNA. Readers unfamiliar with the structure of nucleic
acids should consult Chapter 3 at this point.
Experts agree that the early steps toward life involved
the “prebiotic” synthesis of organic molecules that
became the building blocks of macromolecules. To use

16 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

DNA copies of
Simple RNAs genetic information
Simple that can store Complex RNAs
chemicals information with catalytic activity
Encapsulation of
nucleic acids in
lipid membrane

of catalytic RNAs Ribosomes synthesize
proteins, which dominate
cellular catalysis

RNA as an example, mixtures of chemicals likely to have of years, a ribozyme eventually evolved with the ability
been present on the early earth can react to form ribose, to catalyze the formation of peptide bonds and to syn-
nucleic acid bases, and ribonucleotides. Minerals can thesize proteins. This most complicated of all known
catalyze formation of simple sugars from formaldehyde, ribozymes is the ribosome (see Fig. 12.6) that catalyzes
and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and cyanoacetylene or the synthesis of proteins. Proteins eventually supplanted
formamide can react to make nucleic acid bases. One ribozymes as catalysts for most other biochemical reac-
problem was the lack of plausible mechanisms to con- tions. Owing to its greater chemical stability, DNA
jugate ribose with a base to make a nucleoside or add proved to be superior to RNA for storing the genetic
phosphate to make a nucleotide without the aid of a blueprint over time.
preexisting biochemical catalyst. However, new work Each of these events is improbable, and their com-
revealed a pathway to make ribonucleotides directly bined probability is exceedingly remote, even with a vast
from cyanamide, cyanoacetylene, glycolaldehyde, glycer- number of chemical “experiments” over hundreds of
aldehyde, and inorganic phosphate. Nucleotides do not millions of years. Encapsulation of these prebiotic reac-
polymerize spontaneously into polynucleotides in water, tions may have enhanced their probability. In addition
but can do so on the surface of clay called montmoril- to catalyzing RNA synthesis, clay minerals can also
lonite. While attached to clay, single strands of RNA can promote formation of lipid vesicles, which can corral
act as a template for synthesis of a complementary strand reactants to avoid dilution and loss of valuable constitu-
to make a double-stranded RNA. ents. This process might have started with fragile bilay-
Given a supply of nucleotides, these reactions could ers of fatty acids that were later supplanted by more
have created a heterogeneous pool of small RNAs in robust phosphoglyceride bilayers (see Fig. 13.5). In labo-
special environments such as cracks in rocks heated by ratory experiments, RNAs inside lipid vesicles can create
hydrothermal vents. These RNAs set in motion the osmotic pressure that favors expansion of the bilayer at
process of natural selection at the molecular level. The the expense of vesicles lacking RNAs.
idea is that random sequences of RNA were selected for No one knows where these prebiotic events took
replication on the basis of useful attributes such as the place. Some steps in prebiotic evolution might have
ability to catalyze biochemical reactions. These RNA occurred in thermal vents deep in the ocean or in hot
enzymes are called ribozymes. springs on volcanic islands where conditions were favor-
One can reproduce this process of molecular evolu- able for some of the reactions. Carbon-containing mete-
tion in the laboratory. Starting with a pool of random orites have useful molecules, including amino acids.
initial RNA sequences, multiple rounds of error-prone Conditions for prebiotic synthesis were probably favor-
replication can produce variants that can be tested for a able beginning approximately 4 billion years ago, but the
particular biochemical function. geologic record has not preserved convincing micro-
In nature random events would rarely produce useful scopic fossils or traces of biosynthesis older than 3.5
ribozymes, but once they appeared, natural selection billion years.
could enrich for RNAs with catalytic activities that Another mystery is how L-amino acids and D-sugars
sustain a self-replicating system, including synthesis of (see Chapter 3) were selected over their stereoisomers
RNA from a complementary RNA strand. Over millions for biological macromolecules. These were pivotal
CHAPTER 2 n Evolution of Life on Earth 17

used hydrogen as an energy source. The transition from

events, since racemic mixtures of L- and D-amino acids
primitive, self-replicating, RNA-only particles to this
are not favorable for biosynthesis. For example, mixtures
complicated little cell is, in many ways, even more
of nucleotides composed of L- and D-ribose cannot base-
remarkable than the invention of the RNA World.
pair well enough for template-guided replication of
During evolution three processes diversify genomes
nucleic acids. In the laboratory, particular amino acid
(Fig. 2.3):
stereoisomers (that could have come from meteorites)
• Gene divergence: Every gene is subject to random
can bias the synthesis of D-sugars.
mutations that are inherited by succeeding
generations. Some mutations change single base
Divergent Evolution From the Last pairs. Other mutations add or delete larger blocks of
Universal Common Ancestor of Life DNA such as sequences coding a protein domain, an
independently folded part of a protein (see Fig. 3.13).
Shared biochemical features suggest that all current cells
These events inevitably produce genetic diversity
are derived from a last universal common ancestor
through divergence of sequences or creation of novel
(LUCA) that lived at least 3.5 billion years ago (Fig. 2.1).
combinations of domains. For example, a typical
LUCA could, literally, have been a single cell or colony
human genome differs at hundreds of thousands of
of cells, but it might have been a larger community of
sites from the the so-called reference genome (see
cells sharing a common pool of genes through inter-
Chapter 7). Many mutations are neutral, but others
change of their nucleic acids. The situation is obscure,
may confer a reproductive advantage that favors
because none of these primitive organisms survived and
persistence via natural selection. Other mutations
they left behind few traces. All contemporary organisms
are disadvantageous, resulting in disappearance of
have diverged equally far in time from their common
the lineage. When species diverge, genes with
common origins are called orthologs (Box 2.1).
Although the features of the LUCA are lost in time,
• Gene duplication and divergence: Rarely, a gene,
this organism is inferred to have had approximately 600
part of a gene, or even a whole genome is duplicated
genes encoded in DNA. It surely had messenger RNAs
during replication or cell division. This creates an
(mRNAs), transfer RNAs, and ribosomes to synthesize
opportunity for evolution. Some sister genes are
proteins and a plasma membrane with all three families
eliminated, but others are retained. As these sister
of pumps, as well as carriers and diverse channels, since
genes acquire random point mutations, insertions,
these are now universal cellular constituents. LUCA
or deletions, their structures inevitably diverge, which
probably lived at moderate temperatures and may have

A. Divergence of originally B. Gene duplication C. Lateral gene

identical genes from different and divergence transfer
mutations in sister lineages
Ancestral gene
gene Transfer
Gene duplication

Two species Cell type A Cell type B


Paralogous genes

Two species
diverge Modified cell
type B with
new gene(s)

Orthologous genes Orthologous genes

18 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

470 genes, less than the inferred common ancestor,

BOX 2.1 Orthologs, Paralogs, and Homologs
because it relies on its animal host for most nutrients
Genes with a common ancestor are homologs. The terms rather than making them de novo. Similarly, ancient
ortholog and paralog describe the relationship of homolo- eukaryotes had approximately 200 genes required to
gous genes in terms of how their most recent common assemble an axoneme for a cilium or flagellum (see Fig.
ancestor was separated. If a speciation event separated 38.13), but most plants and fungi lost them. Vertebrates
two genes, then they are orthologs. If a duplication event also lost many genes that had been maintained for more
separated two genes, then they are paralogs. To illustrate than 2 billion years in earlier forms of life. For instance,
this point, let us say that gene A is duplicated within a humans lack the enzymes to synthesize certain essential
species, forming paralogous genes A1 and A2. If these
amino acids, which must be supplied in our diets.
genes are separated by a speciation event, so that species
1 has genes sp1A1 and sp1A2 and species 2 has genes
sp2A1 and sp2A2, it is proper to say that genes sp1A1 and Evolution of Prokaryotes
sp2A1 are orthologs and genes sp1A1 and sp1A2 are para-
logs, but genes sp1A1 and sp2A2 are also paralogs because Bacteria and Archaea dominate the earth in terms of
their most recent common ancestor was the gene that numbers, variety of species, and range of habitats. They
duplicated. share many features, including a single cytoplasmic com-
partment with both transcription and translation, basic
metabolic enzymes and flagella powered by rotary
for different functions. Some changes may confer a motors in the plasma membrane. Both divisions of pro-
selective advantage; others confer a liability. Multiple karyotes are diverse with respect to size, shape, nutrient
rounds of gene duplication and divergence can create sources, and environmental tolerances, so these features
huge families of genes encoding related but special- cannot be used for classification, which relies instead on
ized proteins, such as membrane carrier proteins. analysis of their genomes. For example, sequences of the
Sister genes created by duplication and divergence genes for ribosomal RNAs cleanly identify Bacteria and
are called paralogs. Archaea (Fig. 2.4). Bacteria are also distinguished by
• Lateral transfer: Another mechanism of genetic plasma membranes composed of phosphoglycerides
diversification involves movement of genes between (see Fig. 13.2) with F-type adenosine triphosphatases
organisms, immediately providing the host cell with (ATPases) that use proton gradients to synthesize ade-
a new biochemical activity. Contemporary bacteria nosine triphosphate (ATP) or ATP hydrolysis to pump
acquire foreign genes in three ways. Pairs of bacteria protons (see Fig. 14.5). On the other hand the plasma
exchange DNA directly during conjugation. Many bac- membranes of Archaea are composed of isoprenyl ether
teria take up naked DNA, as when plasmids move lipids and their V-type ATPases only pump protons (see
genes for antibiotic resistance between bacteria. Fig. 14.5).
Viruses also move DNA between bacteria. Such lateral Abetted by rapid proliferation and large populations,
transfers explain how highly divergent prokaryotes natural selection allowed prokaryotes to explore many
came to share some common genes and regulatory biochemical solutions to life on the earth. Some Bacteria
sequences. Laterally transferred genes can change the and Archaea (and some eukaryotes too) thrive under
course of evolution. For example, all the major branch- inhospitable conditions, such as anoxia and tempera-
ing events among Archaea appear to be associated tures greater than 100°C as found in deep-sea hydrother-
with lateral transfers of genes from Bacteria. Massive mal vents. Other Bacteria and Archaea can use energy
lateral transfer occurred twice in eukaryotes when sources such as hydrogen, sulfate, or methane that are
they acquired two different symbiotic bacteria that useless to eukaryotes. Far less than 1% of Bacteria and
eventually adapted to form mitochondria and chloro- Archaea have been grown successfully in the laboratory,
plasts. Lateral transfer continues to this day between so many varieties escaped detection by traditional means.
pairs of prokaryotes, between pairs of protists, and Today, sequencing DNA samples from natural environ-
even between prokaryotes and eukaryotes (such as ments has revealed vast numbers of new species in the
between pathogenic bacteria and plants). ocean, soil, human intestines, and elsewhere. Only a very
The genetic innovations created by these processes small proportion of bacterial species and no Archaea
produce phenotypic changes that are acted on by natural cause human disease.
selection. The process depends on tolerance of organisms Chlorophyll-based photosynthesis originated in Bacte-
to change, a feature called “evolvability.” After making ria around 3 billion years ago. Surely this was one of
assumptions about the rates of mutations, one can use the most remarkable events during the evolution of
differences in gene sequences as a molecular clock. life on the earth, because photosynthetic reaction
When conditions do not require the product of a centers (see Fig. 19.8) require not only genes for
gene, the gene can be lost. For example, the simple several transmembrane proteins, but also genes for
pathogenic bacteria Mycoplasma genitalium has just multiple enzymes, to synthesize chlorophyll and other
CHAPTER 2 n Evolution of Life on Earth 19

A Stramenopiles

Bacteria Alveolates
Chloroplast Tetrahymena Ce
progenitor (ciliate) ae llul
alg ar s 1 billion years ago

Chl o
Cyanobacteria d lim
Re Am
Clostridium p l a st Porphyra oe s

Mycobacterium tuberculosis ba Dictyostelium
Bacillus ge
lla Am
Heliobacterium rion te oe
nd ba

i toc Entamoeba
2 billion M


Proteobacterium Naegleria





Mitochondria Euglena

progenitor Escherichia
Stem eukaryote

~3 ear
Ro bill go
.7 s a

ot ion



Archaea Methanobacterium


Trypanosoma, Euglena, Naegleria

B Ampicomplexa, dinoflagellates, ciliates Giardia
Brown algae

Red algae Chonoflagellates

Green algae Fungi

Green plants
1–2 billion years ago,
“LECA” last eukaryotic
Chloroplast common ancestor
Proteobacterium n 1–2 billion years ago,
Agrobacterium on first eukaryote with
t a mitochondria
Mi Lokiarchaeota
Escherichia Archaeon TACK
Sulfolobus group
progenitor Aquifex

Cyanobacteria Methanococcus
~3.5 billion years ago, Methanobacterium
Clostridium common ancestor emerged
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Archaeoglobus
Bacillus Halobacterium
Bacteria Archaea

FIGURE 2.4 COMPARISONS OF TREES OF LIFE. A, Universal tree based on comparisons of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences. The rRNA
tree has its root deep in the bacterial lineage 3 billion to 4 billion years ago. All current organisms, arrayed at the ends of branches, fall into three
domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eucarya (eukaryotes). This analysis assumed that the organisms in the three domains diverged from a common
ancestor. The lengths of the segments and branches are based solely on differences in RNA sequences. Because the rates of random changes
in rRNA genes vary, the lengths of the lines that lead to contemporary organisms are not equal. Complete genome sequences show that genes
moved laterally between Bacteria and Archaea and within each of these domains. Multiple bacterial genes moved to Eucarya twice: First, an
α-proteobacterium fused with a primitive eukaryote, giving rise to mitochondria that subsequently transferred many of their genes to the eukaryotic
nucleus; and second, a cyanobacterium fused with the precursor of algae and plants to give rise to chloroplasts. B, Tree based on analysis of
full genome sequences and other data showing that eukaryotes formed by fusion of an α-proteobacterium with an Archaeon related to contem-
porary Lokiarchaeota. Chloroplasts arose from the fusion of a cyanobacterium with the eukaryotic precursor of algae and plants. (A, Based on
a branching pattern from Sogin M, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA; and Pace N. A molecular view of microbial diversity and the
biosphere. Science. 1997;276:734–740. B, Based on multiple sources, including Adl SM, Simpson AG, Lane CE, et al. The revised classification
of eukaryotes. J Eukaryot Microbiol. 2012;59:429–493; and Spang A, Saw JH, Jørgensen SL, et al. Complex archaea that bridge the gap between
prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Nature. 2015;521:173–179.)
20 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

complex organic molecules associated with the proteins. and evolved into the mitochondrion. The Bacterium
Chapter 19 describes the machinery and mechanisms of retained its two membranes and contributed molecular
photosynthesis. machinery for ATP synthesis by oxidative phosphoryla-
Even more remarkably, photosynthesis was invented tion (see Fig. 19.5), while the host cell may have sup-
twice in different bacteria. A progenitor of green sulfur plied organic substrates to fuel ATP synthesis. Together,
bacteria and heliobacteria developed photosystem I, they had a reliable energy supply for processes such as
while a progenitor of purple bacteria and green filamen- biosynthesis, regulation of the internal ionic environ-
tous bacteria developed photosystem II. Approximately ment, and cellular motility. This massive lateral transfer
3 billion years ago, a momentous lateral transfer event of genes into the new organism was one of the defining
brought the genes for the two photosystems together in events in the origin of eukaryotes.
cyanobacteria, arguably the most important organisms This pivotal transfer on the proteobacterial genome
in the history of the earth. Cyanobacteria (formerly mis- to the original eukaryote seems to have occurred just
named blue-green algae) use an enzyme containing man- once! The time is uncertain, but may have been as long
ganese to split water into oxygen, electrons, and protons. as 2 billion years ago. The exact mechanism is unknow-
Sunlight energizes photosystem II and photosystem I to able and probably irrelevant given its uniqueness (Fig.
pump the protons out of the cell, creating a proton gradi- 2.5). The two prokaryotes may have fused, but more
ent that is used to synthesize ATP (see Chapters 14 and likely an entire bacterium entered into the cytoplasm of
19). This form of oxygenic photosynthesis derives energy its host allowing the two cells to establish a mutually
from sunlight to synthesize the organic compounds that beneficial symbiotic relationship.
many other forms of life depend on for energy. In addi- All traces of the original eukaryote have disappeared
tion, beginning approximately 2.4 billion years ago, cya- except for the genes donated to its progeny. Thus we
nobacteria produced most of the oxygen in the earth’s do not know if it had a nucleus, organelles, or a cytoskel-
atmosphere as a by-product of photosynthesis, bioengi- eton. Microscopic, single-celled eukaryotes called pro-
neering the planet and radically changing the chemical tists have been numerous and heterogeneous throughout
environment for all other organisms as well. evolution, but no existing protist appears to be a good
model for the ancestral eukaryote.
Origin of Eukaryotes
The First Billion Years of
Divergence from the common ancestor explains the evo-
Eukaryotic Evolution
lution of prokaryotes but not the origin of eukaryotes,
which inherited genes from both Archaea and Bacteria. Ancestral eukaryotes were present on earth more than 2
The archaeal host cell that gave rise to eukaryotes (Fig. billion years ago, but current eukaryotes all diverged
2.4B) contributed genes for informational processes later from a singular, relatively sophisticated, amoeboid
such as transcription of DNA into RNA and translation “last eukaryotic common ancestor” (LECA) with most of
of RNA into protein, membrane traffic (Ras family gua- the specializations that characterize current eukaryotes,
nosine triphosphatases [GTPases] and ESCRT [endo- including mitochondria, nuclear envelope, linear chro-
somal sorting complexes required for transport]-III mosomes, membrane-bound organelles of the secretory
complex), actin, and ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. A and endocytic pathways, and motile flagella (Fig. 2.4B).
contemporary archaeon called Lokiarchaeota has these The archaeal host brought genes for some of these func-
genes and is the closest known living relative of the tions, but early eukaryotes must have tested many differ-
ancient archaeon that became the eukaryote. The origi- ent genetic innovations during the long time leading up
nal molecular phylogenies based on ribosomal RNA to LECA. Reconstructing the events between the first
(rRNA) sequences (Fig. 2.4A) did not include Lokiar- eukaryotes and LECA is challenging, because molecular
chaeota, so they missed the direct connection between clocks disagree and the fossil record is sparse. The earli-
Archaea and eukaryotes. Those trees accurately repre- est unambiguous eukaryotic fossils are 1.7 billion years
sented the relationships among the sampled rRNAs. The old, but LECA could have lived in the range from 2.1 to
long branch originating between Archaea and Bacteria 0.9 billion years ago. Thereafter LECA swept aside its
and extending to eukaryotes reflected the extensive competitors, since all subsequently diverging species
divergence of the rRNAs sequences, but not our current share the full complement of eukaryotic organelles.
understanding of the historical events depicted in
Fig. 2.4B. Evolution of the Mitochondrion
The bacterial ancestor of mitochondria was an The mitochondrial progenitor brought along approxi-
α-proteobacterium related to modern-day pathogenic mately 2000 genes, most of which eventually moved (by
Rickettsias. The bacterium established a symbiotic rela- a still mysterious process) to the host cell nucleus or
tionship with an ancient archaeal cell, donated genes for were lost. This transfer of mitochondrial genes reduced
many metabolic processes carried out in the cytoplasm the size of current mitochondrial genomes variously,
CHAPTER 2 n Evolution of Life on Earth 21

D. Formation of elaborated
Enzymes Enzymes membrane biosynthetic
secreted digest large organelle (ER) and nuclear
proteins envelope
Amino acids
membrane C. Bacterial genes migrate
to host genome as bacteria
evolves into mitochondria and
intercellular digestive system
forms in early eukaryote

A. Prokaryotic B. a-proteobacterium
extracellular enters the cytoplasm
digestive system of an Arachea

leaving behind between three and 97 protein-coding lysosomes, and endocytic compartments arose by differ-
bacterial genes (see Chapter 19 for more details). Like ent mechanisms. Compartmentalization allowed ances-
their bacterial ancestors, mitochondria are enclosed by tral eukaryotes to increase in size, to capture energy
two membranes, with the inner membrane equipped for more efficiently, and to regulate gene expression in more
synthesis of ATP. Mitochondria maintain the capacity to complex ways.
synthesize proteins and a few genes for mitochondrial Prokaryotes that obtain nutrients from a variety of
components. Nuclear genes encode most mitochondrial sources appear to have carried out the first evolution-
proteins, which are synthesized in the cytoplasm and ary experiment with compartmentalization (Fig. 2.5A).
imported into the organelle (see Fig. 18.2). The transfer However, these prokaryotes are compartmentalized only
of bacterial genes to the nucleus sealed the dependence in the sense that they separate digestion outside the cell
of the organelle on its eukaryotic host. from biosynthesis inside the cell. They export digestive
Even though acquisition of mitochondria was an early enzymes (either free or attached to the cell surface) to
event in eukaryotic evolution, some eukaryotes, includ- break down complex organic macromolecules (see Fig.
ing the anaerobic protozoans Giardia lamblia and Ent- 18.10). They must then import the products of digestion
amoeba histolytica (both causes of diarrhea), lack fully to provide building blocks for new macromolecules.
functional mitochondria. These lineages lost many mito- Evolution of the proteins required for targeting and trans-
chondrial genes and functions through “reductive evolu- location of proteins across membranes was a prokaryotic
tion” in certain environments that did not favor natural innovation that set the stage for compartmentalization in
selection for respiration. These reduced organelles have eukaryotes.
two membranes like mitochondria, but vary consider- More sophisticated compartmentalization might have
ably in other functions. Such mitochondrial remnants in begun when a prokaryote developed the capacity to
many organisms synthesize iron–sulfur clusters for cyto- segregate protein complexes with like functions in the
plasmic ATP synthesis, while others, called hydrogeno- plane of the plasma membrane. Present-day Bacteria seg-
somes, make hydrogen. regate their plasma membranes into domains specialized
for energy production or protein translocation. Invagina-
Evolution of Membrane-Bounded Organelles tion of such domains might have created the endoplas-
Compartmentalization of the cytoplasm into mic reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus, and lysosomes, as
membrane-bounded organelles is one feature of eukary- speculated in the following points (Fig. 2.5):
otes that is generally lacking in prokaryotes. Mitochon- • Invagination of subdomains of the plasma membrane
dria were an early compartment, while chloroplasts that synthesize membrane lipids and translocate pro-
resulted from a late endosymbiotic event in algal cells teins could have generated an intracellular biosyn-
(Fig. 2.7). Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, thetic organelle that survives today as the ER.
22 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

• Translocation into the ER became coupled to cotrans-

lational protein synthesis, particularly in later- A. Endocytic pathways B. Exocytic pathways
branching eukaryotes.
• The ER was refined to create the nuclear envelope Recycling or Clathrin-coated
transcytotic vesicles
housing the genome, the defining characteristic of the vesicles
eukaryotic cell. This enabled cells to develop more Regulated
complex genomes and to separate transcription and secretory
RNA processing from translation. Early vesicles
• Internalization of plasma membrane domains with Lysosome
secreted hydrolytic enzymes might have created a
primitive lysosome. Coupling of digestion and absorp- endosome
tion of macromolecular nutrients would increase
efficiency. Constitutive
This divide-and-specialize strategy might have been secretory
employed a number of times to refine the internal mem-
brane system. Eventually, the export and digestive path-
ways separated from each other and from the lipid
synthetic and protein translocation machinery.
As each specialized compartment became physically
separated from other compartments, new mechanisms Golgi
were required to allow traffic between these compart-
ments. The solution was transport vesicles to carry prod-
ucts to the cell surface or vacuole and to import raw
materials. Vesicles also segregated digestive enzymes
from the surrounding cytoplasm. Once multiple destina-
tions existed, targeting instructions were required to
distinguish the routes and destinations.
The outcome of these events (Fig. 2.6) was a vacuolar
system consisting of the ER, the center for protein trans-
location and lipid synthesis; the Golgi complex and
secretory pathway, for posttranslational modification Given that these internal organelles are found in all
and distribution of biosynthetic products to different branches of eukaryotes, they must all have evolved prior
destinations; and the endosome/lysosome system, for to the diversification of eukaryotes from LECA. One
uptake and digestion. Comparative genomics reveals that unknown is which organelles appeared before the arrival
LECA had a vesicular transport system nearly as complex of the mitochondrion.
as humans.
Atmospheric oxygen produced by photosynthetic Origins and Evolution of Chloroplasts
cyanobacteria allowed eukaryotic cells to synthesize The acquisition of plastids, including chloroplasts,
cholesterol (see Fig. 20.15). Cholesterol strengthens began when a cyanobacterial symbiont brought photo-
membranes without compromising their fluidity, so it synthesis into an ancient cell that then became an alga
may have enabled early eukaryotic cells to increase in (Fig. 2.7). The host cell already had a mitochondrion and
size and shed their cell walls. Having shed their cell depended on external carbon sources for energy. The
walls, they could engulf entire prey organisms rather cyanobacterium provided both photosystem I and pho-
than relying on extracellular digestion. Oxygen also con- tosystem II, allowing energy from sunlight to split water
tributed to the precipitation of most of the dissolved iron and to drive conversion of CO2 into organic compounds
in the world’s oceans, creating ore deposits that are with O2 as a by-product (see Fig. 19.8). Symbiosis turned
being mined today to extract iron. into complete interdependence when most of the genes
The origins of peroxisomes are obscure. No nucleic required to assemble the plastid moved to the nucleus
acids or prokaryotic remnants have been detected in of host cells that continued to rely on the plastid to
peroxisomes, so it seems unlikely that peroxisomes capture energy from sunlight. This still-mysterious trans-
began as prokaryotic symbionts. Peroxisomes arose as fer of genes to the nucleus gave the host cell control
centers for oxidative degradation, particularly of prod- over the replication of the former symbiont.
ucts of lysosomal digestion that could not be reutilized Many animal cells and protozoa associate with photo-
for biosynthesis (eg, D-amino acids, uric acid, xanthine). synthetic bacteria or algae, but the original conversion
One possibility is that they evolved as a specialization of a bacterial symbiont into a plastid is believed to have
of the ER. been a singular event. The original photosynthetic
CHAPTER 2 n Evolution of Life on Earth 23

Primary (P) Secondary (S) Tertiary (T)

symbiosis symbiosis symbiosis



(cyanobacteria) T1

Red algae



Green algae


Green algal
TERRESTRIAL of land plants Land plants Grasses

FIGURE 2.7 ACQUISITIONS OF CHLOROPLASTS. This is a timeline from left to right. The primary event was the ingestion of a cyanobac-
terium by the eukaryotic cell that gave rise to red algae, glaucophytes, and green algae. Green algae gave rise through divergence to land plants.
Diatoms, dinoflagellates, and euglenoids acquired chloroplasts by secondary (S1 through S7) or tertiary (T1) symbiotic events when their precur-
sors ingested an alga with chloroplasts. (Modified from Falkowski PG, Katz ME, Knoll AH, et al. Evolution of modern eukaryotic phytoplankton.
Science. 2004;305:354–360.)

eukaryote then diverged into four lineages: green algae secondary and one tertiary symbiotic events, giving rise
(such as the experimentally useful model organism to photosynthetic diatoms and dinoflagellates. Today,
Chlamydomonas [see Fig. 38.16]), red algae (such as sea photosynthesis by these marine microbes converts CO2
weeds and coral symbionts), brown algae (such as kelp), into much of the oxygen and organic matter on the
and a minor group of photosynthetic unicellular organ- earth.
isms called glaucophytes (Fig. 2.7). Green algae gave rise These secondary symbiotic events make phylogenetic
through divergence to more than 300,000 species of relationships of nuclear genes and chloroplast genes dis-
land plants. We understand those phylogenetic relation- cordant in these organisms. The original phylogeny
ships much better than the branching of more than based on rRNA sequences (Fig. 2.4A) assumed incor-
50,000 species of red, brown, and green algae. rectly that these diverse organisms acquired chloroplasts
Events following the initial acquisition of chloroplasts by primary symbiosis by a cyanobacterium. The phylo-
were more complicated, since in at least seven instances, genetic relationships of dinoflagellates are particularly
other eukaryotes acquired photosynthesis by engulfing complex, given that they acquired chloroplasts from
an entire green or red alga, followed by massive loss of three separate sources.
algal genes. These secondary symbiotic events left behind
chloroplasts along with the nuclear genes required Divergence Eukaryotes From Last
for chloroplasts. For example, precursors of Euglena
Eukaryotic Common Ancestor
(on a different branch than algae and plants) took up a
whole green alga, as did one family of dinoflagellates Molecular phylogenies indicate that multiple eukaryotic
(on another branch). Red algae participated in four lineages diverged from LECA at an uncertain date
24 SECTION I n Introduction to Cell Biology

between 2.1 and 1 billion years ago and then diversified

rapidly (Fig. 2.4B). Animals are on a branch with amoebas
Evolution of Multicellular Eukaryotes
and fungi. Another branch gave rise to algae, plants, and Colonial bacteria initiated evolutionary experiments in
a vast number of microorganisms, including Apicom- living together more than 2 billion years ago, but multi-
plexa (malaria parasites), ciliates, and dinoflagellates. A cellular eukaryotes developed much later. Low levels of
third branch yielded other microorganisms, including atmospheric oxygen may have been a limiting factor.
Euglena, the flagellated amoeba Naegleria, and trypano- Photosynthetic cyanobacteria started to raise the con-
somes. To this day most eukaryotes consist of single centration of atmospheric oxygen approximately 2.2
cells. Placing some groups of these unicellular eukary- billion years ago, but oxygen levels fluctuated widely and
otes on the phylogenetic tree continues to be a chal- were often quite low (<1% of present levels) until
lenging field of research. Our current understanding approximately 800 million years ago. Fossils preserve
(Fig. 2.4B) will be revised many times as more genome multicellular red algae 1.2 billion years old. By 750
sequences are available. million years ago fungi, cellular slime molds, brown and
The phylogenetic tree in Fig. 2.8 summarizes the most green algae, and animals independently evolved strate-
recent billion years of eukaryotic evolution. Note that gies to form simple multicellular organisms (Fig. 2.8).
this tree differs from those in Fig. 2.4, because it is a Many were likely lost to extinction during two periods
radial timeline made possible by carefully dated fossils of exceedingly cold weather (the “snowball earth”)
that establish the times of branching events within the leading up to 635 million years ago, but some survived.
four major eukaryotic lineages: plants, amoebas, fungi The ancestor of multicellular animals (metazoans)
and animals. was a pioneering colonial organism having much in

Caenorhabditis elegans Homo sapiens Chimpanzee = Genetic model
Drosophila organisms


Scallops Cat


M Kangaroo

lu Marsupials

Flatworms s
s Chicken
Ac Lizards

l Reptiles

First fossil Xenopus


Jellyfish/coral animals Amphibians



ns Fish Zebra fish
Sponges Porife Tunicates Ciona
ra Deuterostomes
Protostome-deuterostome Echinoderms Sea urchin
Bilateran ancestor
Eumetazoan ancestor
1–2 billion years ago, last 1,100 my 400 my Present
eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA)

First fossil
land plants
Physcomitrella Moss
iosperms Bread molds
Zea mays Ang

Arabidopsis Schizosaccharo-
myces pombe

Pine trees Saccharomyces

Nitella Aspergillus
Dictyostelium Mushrooms
discoideum Watermolds

FIGURE 2.8 TIMELINE FOR THE DIVERGENCE OF ANIMALS, PLANTS, AND FUNGI. This tree has a radial timescale originating about
1100 million years (my) ago with the last common ancestor of plants, animals, and fungi. Contemporary organisms and time are at the circumfer-
ence. Lengths of branches are arbitrary. The order of branching is established by comparisons of gene sequences. The times of the earliest
branching events are only estimates because calibration of the molecular clocks is uncertain and the early fossil records are sparse. (Modified
from Kuman S, Hedges SB. A molecular timescale for vertebrate evolution. Nature. 1998;392:917–920 [for animals]; Green Plant Phylogeny
Research Coordination Group at [for plants]; and Tree of Life Web Project at
[for fungi].)
CHAPTER 2 n Evolution of Life on Earth 25

common with contemporary ciliated protozoa called historical events that occurred over a vast range of time.
choanoflagellates. Cells of sponges on the earliest surviv- Roughly 3.5 billion years ago, the common ancestors
ing branch of animals (Porifera) still retain the morphol- of living things already stored genetic information in
ogy of choanoflagellates. Earlier stages in the evolution DNA; transcribed genes into RNA; translated mRNA into
of metazoans are still missing from the fossil record. protein on ribosomes; carried out basic intermediary
Approximately 700 million years ago an organism metabolism; and were protected by plasma membranes
called the eumetazoan appeared and gave rise to major with carriers, pumps, and channels. More than 2.5 billion
branches of animals: Cnidarians (jellyfish, sea anemones, years ago, bacteria evolved the genes required for oxy-
Hydra and corals); and all bilaterally symmetrical animals. genic photosynthesis and donated this capacity to
The genome sequence of a sea anemone showed that eukaryotes via endosymbiosis more than 1 billion years
the eumetazoan ancestor had a large fraction of the core ago. An α-proteobacterium took up residence in an early
human genes. In fact many features of the sea anemone eukaryote, giving rise to mitochondria approximately 2
genome (including the placement of introns) are more billion years ago. Although some prokaryotes have genes
similar to vertebrates than insects. These genes and the for homologs of all three cytoskeletal proteins, eukary-
properties of contemporary Cnidarians show that the otes developed the capacity for cellular motility approx-
ancient eumetazoan had advanced features including spe- imately 1.7 billion years ago when they shed their
cialized epithelial, nerve, and muscle cells in two layers. cell walls and evolved genes for molecular motors and
Genome sequences and well-preserved fossils show many proteins that regulate the cytoskeleton.
that the eumetazoan gave rise 600 million years ago to Multicellular eukaryotes with specialized cells and
animals that have bilateral symmetry at some time in their tissues arose only in the past 1.2 billion years after
lives, three tissue layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endo- acquiring plasma membrane receptors used for cellular
derm), and complex organs. These tiny (180 µm long) interactions.
animals had a mouth, a gut, a coelomic cavity, and surface It is also instructive to consider how more complex
specializations that are speculated to be sensory struc- functions, such as the operation of the human nervous
tures. Other 570-million-year-old fossils are similar to con- system, have their roots deep in time, beginning with
temporary animal embryos. Formation of tissues required the advent of molecules such as receptors and voltage-
plasma membrane proteins for adhesion to the extracel- sensitive ion channels that originally served their unicel-
lular matrix and to other cells (see Chapter 30). Genes for lular inventors. At each step along the way, evolution has
adhesion proteins—including proteins related to cadher- exploited the available materials for new functions to
ins, integrins, lectins, and immunoglobulin–cellular adhe- benefit the multitude of living organisms.
sion molecules (Ig-CAMs)—are found in species that
branched before metazoans, so their origins are ancient.
The ancient bilaterans then branched in succession
into lineages containing flatworms (including planaria), We thank Mike Donoghue, Jim Lake, Leslie Orgel, Daniel
protostomes (arthropods and nematodes; mollusks, Pollard, Katherine Pollard, Mitch Sogin, and Steve Stearns
annelid worms, brachiopods, and platyhelminths), and for their suggestions on the second edition, and
deuterostomes (echinoderms and Chordata, including especially to Martin Embley, Emmanuelle Javaux, and
humans). The common ancestor of chordates had nearly Tom Williams for advice on this third edition.
80% of the classes of human genes but with some impor-
tant exceptions, such as those for the adaptive immune
response (see Chapter 28).
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Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
“Sauckel objected very emphatically when it was said that
the inmates of concentration camps and the Hungarian
Jews constituted the best manpower on constructional
work. This is not true to fact, because they produce on an
average 65 to 70 percent of the work of a normal worker;
never 100 percent. Besides, it is unworthy to put the
German worker and the German moral conception of work
in the same category as this pack of traitors. To an inmate
of a concentration camp and to a Jew, work is not a mark of
nobility. Things cannot be permitted to reach the point
where inmates of concentration camps and Jews become
articles in demand. It is absolutely essential that all
concentration camp inmates and Jews working on building
sites be kept apart from the remainder of the workers,
including foreigners.
“Gauleiter Sauckel ended by pointing out that as a matter of
fact he did not object to the employment of Jews and
concentration camp inmates, but only to such
exaggerations as mentioned above.”
I would ask you, Sauckel, you who yesterday described your
own life as a workman, what you meant when you said: “To an
inmate of a concentration camp and to a Jew work is not a mark of
SAUCKEL: I want to say most emphatically that this paragraph
is a very condensed and free rendering, and not a shorthand report. I
raised an objection because I assumed that inmates of concentration
camps would be traitors. My only object was that these people
should not be taken to the same places of work as the other workers,
the Jews either. But I did not employ them; that was the business of
the Reichsführer SS. I was speaking at a conference of leaders and
in the interests of workers with a clean record and the other foreign
workers. I objected to their being put to work together.
M. HERZOG: I ask you this question again. What did you mean
when you said: “To an inmate of a concentration camp and to a Jew
work is not a mark of nobility?”
SAUCKEL: By that I meant that the work of men who had been
found guilty of offenses should not be compared with the work of free
workers with a clean record. There is a difference if I employ
prisoners in custody or if I employ free workers, and I wanted to see
the two categories separated.
M. HERZOG: So that Jews were prisoners in custody, were they
SAUCKEL: In this case the Jews were prisoners of the
Reichsführer SS. Actually, I regret the expression.
M. HERZOG: You dispute, therefore, that this phrase is an
expression of the hostility which you showed to Jews for instance?
SAUCKEL: At that time I was, of course, against these Jews,
but I was not concerned with their employment. I was against these
workers, whose employment was the concern of the Reichsführer
SS, being put with the other workers.
M. HERZOG: Did you ever conduct any propaganda against the
SAUCKEL: I conducted propaganda against the Jews with
regard to their holding positions in the Reich which I considered
should have been occupied by Germans.
M. HERZOG: I will submit to you an article which you wrote in
June 1944, a time when I think in your Germany there were not very
many Jews still occupying important posts. This article appeared in a
newspaper, Die Pflicht, which you published in the Gau of Thuringia.
It is Document Number 857 which I offer to the Tribunal as Exhibit
Number RF-1523. I shall read extracts from this article.
[The document was handed to the defendant.]
First extract from Page 1, Column 1, the last paragraph but one:
“The old and finest virtues of the sailors, airmen, and
soldiers of Great Britain can no longer stop the Jewish
plague of corruption which is making such rapid ravages in
the body of their country.”
Then, on Page 2, Column 2, the last paragraph but one:
“There is no example in the history of the world to show that
anything of lasting value has been created in the course of
centuries by the Jews and their foolish followers who were
bound to them and corrupted by their customs and their
I ask you, Defendant Sauckel, what did you mean by the
“Jewish plague of corruption”?
SAUCKEL: I meant that it was the outward sign of disintegration
within the nations.
M. HERZOG: I ask you again my question. What do you mean
by the “Jewish plague of corruption”?
SAUCKEL: It was my opinion that disintegration had set in
among the nations owing to certain Jewish circles. That was my
M. HERZOG: The Tribunal will draw its own conclusions. Mr.
President, I have no further questions.
MAJOR GENERAL G. A. ALEXANDROV (Assistant Prosecutor
for the U.S.S.R.): I would like to make a general summary of your
activities in your function of Plenipotentiary General for the Allocation
of Labor.
Tell me how many foreign workers were employed in German
economy and industry at the end of the war?
SAUCKEL: As far as I can tell you without documents, not
counting prisoners of war, there were about 5 million foreign workers
in Germany at the end of the war.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: You already quoted that number during
your direct interrogation by our counsel. I believe that number
applies not to the moment of the capitulation of Germany but to the
date of 24 July 1942. I shall quote somewhat different data on that
subject and will use your own documents. You were nominated
Plenipotentiary General on 21 March 1942. On 27 July 1942,—that
is to say, 3 months later—you submitted to Hitler and Göring your
first report. In this report you stated that from 1 April to 24 July 1942
the requested mobilization quota of 1,600,000 persons was even
surpassed by you. Do you confirm this figure?
SAUCKEL: I quoted that figure, and as far as I can remember
that did not include only foreigners but also German workers.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: In the final part of your report you state
that the total number of the population of the occupied territories
evacuated to Germany, up to 24 July 1942, numbered 5,124,000
persons. Is that number exact? Do you confirm it?
SAUCKEL: Yes, but I believe that figure at the time included
prisoners of war who had been employed in industry. Then I must
say in this connection that in the case of all neutral, allied, and
western countries there was a continuous exchange, because these
workers worked either 6 months, 9 months, or 1 year in Germany,
and at the end of the period agreed on they returned to their own
countries. That is why this figure may have been correct. Toward the
end of the year, however, they could not have increased very much
because this continuous exchange has to be taken into
GEN. ALEXANDROV: But the fact remains that, according to
your figures, the population evacuated to Germany numbered
5,124,000 persons up to 24 July 1942; is that not so?
SAUCKEL: If it says so in the document, then it may be true. It
is possible, or rather it is probable, that this takes into account the
prisoners of war employed. I cannot say that without any records.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: I will show you later another document
referring to this matter. On 1 December 1942, you compiled a
summarized report on the utilization of manpower up to 30
November 1942. In this summary you quote a figure referring to the
number of workers assigned to German war industries from 1 April to
30 November 1942, and these workers number 2,749,652. On Page
8 of your report you state that by 30 November 1942, in the territory
of the Reich, 7 million workers were employed. Do you confirm these
SAUCKEL: I cannot confirm the figures without records. Again, I
assume that French and other prisoners of war were once more
GEN. ALEXANDROV: But the figure 7 million employed in
German industry—foreign workers employed, even if you include the
prisoners of war—is that figure exact? Will you now say how many
workers were brought to Germany from occupied territories during
the year 1943? Tell me that figure.
SAUCKEL: The number of foreign workers brought to Germany
during the year of 1943 may have amounted to 1½ or 2 million.
Various programs had been made in that connection which were
being continually changed.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: I am now interested to know
approximately how many workers were brought to Germany in 1943.
You need not give an exact figure. Approximately.
SAUCKEL: I have already said from 1½ to 2 million. I cannot be
more exact.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: I understand. Do you remember what
task was assigned to you for the year 1944?
SAUCKEL: In 1944 a total of 4 million, including Germans, was
demanded. But of these 4 million only 3 million were supplied, and of
these approximately 2,100,000 were Germans and 900,000
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Now can you give us at least a general
summary of your activities? How many persons were brought to
Germany from the occupied territories during the war, and how many
were employed in agriculture and industry at the end of the war?
SAUCKEL: As far as I know and remember there were 5 million
foreign workers in Germany at the end of the war. Several million
workers returned to neutral and allied and western countries during
the war, and they had to be replaced again and again, which was the
cause of those new programs which were constantly being made.
That is the explanation. Those workers who were already there
before my time, and those who were brought in, probably might have
reached a figure of 7 million, but during the war there were several
millions who returned to their home countries.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: And also, a large number perished as a
result of hard slave labor! That is not what I have in mind at the
moment. In your documents you probably meant actual manpower
and not those who perished or those who were absent. Could you
tell us how many were brought to Germany from occupied territories
during the war?
SAUCKEL: I have already given you the figure.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Five million?
GEN. ALEXANDROV: You continue to assert that that is so?
SAUCKEL: Yes, I maintain that at the end of the war there were,
according to my statistical department and as far as I can remember,
5 million workers in Germany, because millions of workers
continuously returned. The experts can give you a better answer
than I. The contracts with the others were only 6 and 9 months, you
THE PRESIDENT: Your question is, is it not, how many were
brought into Germany, how many foreign workers, during the whole
of the war? Is that the question you are asking?
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Yes, it is, Mr. President.
THE PRESIDENT: What is your answer to that?
SAUCKEL: I have already stated that, including the workers who
were there before my time, before I came into office, and including
those who were there at the end, there may have been about 7
million. In accordance with my records, there were 5 million at the
end, because the others had gone back.
THE PRESIDENT: Yes, but that is not what you are being
asked. You are being asked: How many persons were brought to
Germany from foreign countries during the whole of the war? You
say there were 5 million at the end of the war, and there were
constant changes in the preceding years. It follows that there must
have been more than 5 million people brought to Germany in the
course of a year.
SAUCKEL: I would estimate 7 million, but I cannot give you the
exact figures because I am not sure about the figures before my
time. At any rate, there must have been millions who returned home.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Up to 30 November 1942 you quoted the
figure of imported labor at 7 million...
SAUCKEL: Workers employed in Germany, and that includes
prisoners of war, in 1942.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: All right, including prisoners of war, 7
million. Is that right, 7 million by 30 November?
SAUCKEL: I cannot tell you for certain. It may be correct, but I
cannot tell you without documentary evidence.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: I will show you the document tomorrow.
Today, please answer my question. You said that during 1943
approximately 2 million additional workers were imported.
SAUCKEL: In 1943?
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Yes, in 1943.
SAUCKEL: I said 1½ to 2 million.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: That is to say, 7 million plus 2 million
make 9 million in all. Is that correct?
SAUCKEL: No. I said expressly that some were going back all
the time, and I did not add the prisoners of war to the new imported
GEN. ALEXANDROV: You do not seem to understand me. I am
speaking of those who were brought to Germany from the occupied
territories, who passed through your hands. To answer this it is of
absolutely no importance how many of them perished in Germany, or
how many left. That does not change the total number of workers
brought to German territory from abroad.
If, therefore, by 30 November 1942 there were 7 million workers
in Germany, and, according to you, in 1943 a further 2 million were
brought in, and in 1944, as you just said, 900,000 were again
brought in; then, according to you, the total number of workers
imported into Germany during the war must have amounted to 10
million. Is that right?
SAUCKEL: I can say that only with the reservation that I do not
know how many were actually there before my time. That may be
correct as a guess, and including all prisoners of war who were
assigned for work. You have, however, to deduct the prisoners of
war from the civilian workers who were brought into the country.
THE PRESIDENT: The Tribunal will adjourn now.
[The Tribunal adjourned until 31 May 1946 at 1000 hours.]
Friday, 31 May 1946

Morning Session
[The Defendant Sauckel resumed the stand.]
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Defendant Sauckel, I did not get a
satisfactory answer yesterday to my question as to how many
foreign workers were imported into Germany from the occupied
territories. You will now be handed Document Number 1296-PS. It is
your report of 27 July 1942. In addition, Document Number 1739-PS
will also be handed to you. It is your survey of conditions as of 30
November 1942. I wish to explain to you that in this case we are
dealing with the number of foreign workers imported into Germany,
including prisoners of war. The loss of this manpower in this case is
of no importance, since it will not change the number of persons
imported into Germany. They were brought to Germany, but later
perished either as a result of work beyond their strength, or else
were returned as incapable of work. Did you receive these
SAUCKEL: Yes. Please let us have a look at the documents, as
we are dealing with figures.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Pray do so. In Document Number...
SAUCKEL: I have not yet finished. I cannot...
GEN. ALEXANDROV: It is not essential for you to acquaint
yourself with the contents of all the documents. In Document
Number 1296-PS, on the last page of the report, at the end, you will
find Section V. It is entitled, “General Summary...” Have you found it?
SAUCKEL: No, I have not yet found the passage. Which
document, please?
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Document Number 1296-PS. Have you
found it?
SAUCKEL: Yes, I have found this passage.
GEN. ALEX ANDROV: It gives the total figure as 5,124,000. Is
that correct?
THE PRESIDENT: 12 million, did you say? 12 million?
GEN. ALEXANDROV: 5,124,000 persons.
THE PRESIDENT: Yes. The translation said 12 million.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: That was an error.
SAUCKEL: In connection with this document I must state
emphatically that the figure here is indicated as 5,124,000. It
includes 1,576,000 prisoners of war, but the latter do not rank with
the civilian workers. The prisoners were the responsibility of the
Armed Forces and during their employment, or during their
employment by the generals in charge of the prisoner-of-war camps,
they were housed and cared for in the individual military areas.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: They were employed in the German
industries. Please read after me Subparagraph V: “General
Summary of Foreign Workers ... at present employed in Germany.”
SAUCKEL: Yes. That is correct.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: That is all I want. Now take...
SAUCKEL: Please, have I your permission to explain that these
prisoners of war were not housed and cared for in the factories or by
the DAF (German Workers’ Front) but were billeted in the camps
which were under the jurisdiction of the generals in charge of
prisoners of war in the military areas, and they were consequently
not included with the civilian workers in my statistics.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: As far as the number of prisoners of war
working in your organization is concerned, a supplementary question
will be asked later on. Actually, I am interested to know how many
civilians and how many prisoners of war were employed in the
German industries. Do you confirm this figure of 5,124,000? Is this
figure correct or not?
SAUCKEL: That is a correct figure for this particular time. But in
order that the Tribunal may get an exact picture of the procedure I
should like to be allowed to refer to a very accurate document. That
would be Document Number 1764-PS. It deals with the exact
enumeration of individual workers from individual countries, and of
prisoners of war about 6 months later. I submitted it to the main
Reich offices, and to the Party offices in Posen. It was also submitted
to the Führer and to the Reich offices...
GEN. ALEXANDROV: I have to interrupt you...
SAUCKEL: I beg you to allow me to complete my explanation. I
must completely clarify these matters here and now. My conscience
demands that I do so before the entire world.
For February 1943, that is half a year later, there appears on
Page 7 of Document Number 1764-PS another exact enumeration
with a figure of 4,014,000 civilian workers and 1,658,000 prisoners of
war. The sum total—this figure was very accurate—was 5,672,000.
That in spite of the inclusion of more foreign civilian workers this
figure was not materially increased has been proved by the fact—as
I already stated yesterday—that civilian workers from western,
southern, and southeastern territories for the most part had labor
contracts binding them for 6 months only. Whenever possible, when
under my charge, these contracts were observed; for otherwise, had
I failed to keep to the contracts, that is, if I had not insisted on doing
so, I would never have obtained any more workers.
If I employed several hundred thousand workers in half a year
and then sent them back again, this figure would always disappear
again because they went home. Therefore, far more civilian workers
entered Germany than officially stated at any one time—than
appeared in the total amount—for the number of those returning
would always have to be deducted, and there were very many of
A French document has been presented which is a report from
the Envoy Hemmen in Paris. My counsel will be good enough to tell
me the PS number later. It shows that French workers, about
800,000 of them came to Germany; but these figures are not in
accordance with those issued by my department, but in accordance
with a statement from the French Embassy. In 1944 there were only
400,000 left in Germany as, owing to the time limits of their
contracts, these contracts were expiring every day and thousands
were returning home daily. Roughly 50 percent of the contracts
would expire while another 50 percent would still be working. That is
an exact explanation of this statement, made in all conscience.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: As to what these labor contracts actually
were, those so-called labor contracts, I shall mention at a later date.
My French colleague, during his examination, sufficiently proved the
criminal methods used in the mobilization of workers in the West.
How this was done in the East I will tell you a little later on. I should
now like you to confirm the figures of your report—5,124,000
persons. Is this an exact figure, or is it not? I am not asking for any
superfluous explanations. You are asked to state only whether this
figure is correct or not.
SAUCKEL: It is correct for the time this statement was made,
but it changed constantly for the reason I have mentioned.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: This figure is dated 24 July 1942; that is
quite clear to everybody. Now, take the second document, 1739-PS.
The last page of 1739-PS, where you will find the following sentence:
“Only then can we be sure that the immense number of
foreign workers, both men and women, in the territory of the
Reich—which has now reached 7 million, including all
working prisoners of war—will furnish the greatest possible
assistance to the German war industry.”
Does this sentence occur there? Is the number of 7 million given
SAUCKEL: The figure of 7 million is quoted here and includes
all prisoners of war employed as labor at that particular time...
GEN. ALEXANDROV: I know what is written there. I am asking
you: Is this figure of 7 million contained in the document or not?
SAUCKEL: Yes, it is written in this document.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: It is the correct figure?
SAUCKEL: It is the correct figure, and I am asking the Tribunal
that I be allowed to read the two following sentences as well
because you are accusing me of resorting to criminal methods. I, on
my part, did all I could, and used all the influence I had, to prevent
the use of criminal methods. This is proved by the two following
sentences which I shall now read, and which state...
GEN. ALEXANDROV: I am obliged to interrupt you once more.
SAUCKEL: Please, may I add to the explanation I have already
given, in accordance with the possibilities granted to me by the
Tribunal, two more sentences in support of my declaration:
“...undernourished half...”
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Defendant Sauckel...
THE PRESIDENT: Let him read the two sentences he wants to
GEN. ALEXANDROV: They have absolutely nothing to do with
the question of the number of workers imported into Germany...
THE PRESIDENT: I have not got the translation of the
document, so I cannot tell. I want to hear him read the sentences...
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Then read them, please.
SAUCKEL: “...half-desperate Eastern Workers would be
more of a hindrance than a help to the war economy.
“It is essential that all the government offices, right down to
the factories concerned”—for these, I must add, I was not
responsible—“should be quite clear on the subject, and that
is my constant endeavor.”
I merely wanted to show my conscientiousness by those two
sentences, and how sincerely I endeavored to carry out my task
which was an extremely difficult one for me.
THE PRESIDENT: Now, Defendant, will you kindly answer the
questions and only give explanations when it is necessary to explain
the answer. All you were asked was whether the figure of 5,124,000
in the first document was correct and whether the figure of 7 million
in the second document is correct, and you said both of them were.
Now go on, General.
SAUCKEL: I have already answered that it is correct, that the
figure of 7 million is given in this document...
THE PRESIDENT: Well, we do not want any more explanations.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: I can understand perfectly well that you
are not interested in increasing these appalling figures even by a
single point, let alone by several millions.
Yesterday you stated that in 1943, 2 million more foreign
workers came to Germany, and in 1944 a further 900,000 persons.
SAUCKEL: I must definitely correct that. I did not say that, but it
is true that from July 1942 until the end of 1943 about 2 million
foreign workers came to Germany, not in 1943 only. From February
1943, for instance, until the end of 1943 only 1 million came to
Germany because we were experiencing considerable difficulties at
the time. But from July 1942 until the end of 1942 about 1½ million
arrived, so that in 1½ years 2 more million were added to the first
number which I mentioned yesterday.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: It is already known how many you
received in 1942. Yesterday you stated quite definitely that in 1943
about 2 million workers came to Germany. Is that correct? I am
talking of 1943.
SAUCKEL: If I am supposed to have said that yesterday I do not
remember it, for it is not true; but the truth is that from about July
1942 until the end of 1943 about 2 million foreign workers were sent
to Germany.
THE PRESIDENT: General, the Tribunal is not really interested
in the exact number of foreign workers who came to Germany. It
does not seem to us to make very much difference whether 5 million
or 6 million or 7 million came there. It is extremely difficult to follow
the figures.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: I do not intend to determine the numbers
of workers brought to Germany with mathematical precision. I do,
however, consider it quite indispensable to realize the scale on which
these crimes were committed. I would like the Defendant Sauckel to
state definitely how many workers were brought to Germany during
the war.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, I just told you we do not consider it
important. You say that you do not want to ascertain with
mathematical accuracy, but we have spent a considerable time in
attempting to do so.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: This can be explained by the fact that the
Defendant Sauckel does not give a precise reply to the questions put
to him.
[Turning to the defendant.] Tell me, do you consider such
methods of warfare, the mass driving into slavery of millions of
people from the occupied territories, to be in accordance with the
laws and customs of war and human morality in general?
SAUCKEL: I do not consider slavery and deportation
admissible. Please allow me to add the following explanation to this
clear reply. Personally, I was firmly convinced that it is no crime...
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Please do not evade the question.
SAUCKEL: I am not evading the question, but I may and I have
the right to give an explanation of my reply; I have already given the
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Give a direct answer.
SAUCKEL: It is necessary for my defense...
GEN. ALEXANDROV: I do not think it is necessary. Answer
directly: Do you consider these methods criminal or do you not?
THE PRESIDENT: One moment, General, you asked the
defendant whether he considered it honorable. Let him answer it in
his own way. It is not a question whether a thing is honorable. He is
entitled to answer it freely.
SAUCKEL: Now that I have given a clear reply to the effect that
I could not be convinced in all conscience that I was committing a
crime, I ask permission to read out the relevant sentences from
Document Sauckel-86 in Document Book 3. They contain the
instructions which I gave to my department and to the industrial
“We are not concerned”—I quote—“with material things but,
and I would emphasize this again very definitely, with
human beings, with many millions of human beings, every
single one of whom—whether we want it or not—makes his
criticism from his own point of view, be he a German or a
foreign worker.
“On the other hand, the output of the individual, be he a
Volksgenosse”—that means a German—“or not a
Volksgenosse”—that means an alien—“be he a friend or an
enemy of Germany, will always depend on whether he
admits to himself that he is being treated justly, or whether
he comes to the conclusion that he has been exposed to
“Be just”—I may add that this was my order to my
departments—“Be just! There are many questions which
you cannot always answer by merely studying my
instructions, or the Gesetzblatt, or the Reichsarbeitsblatt....”
THE PRESIDENT: We do not want to go into a very long
speech, you know, about a question like that. I mean, you do not
want to read all your instructions to your subordinates again.
SAUCKEL: No, I only want to read two more sentences, Your
“The worker’s life is so rich that it cannot be comprised
even in many thick volumes. But every human breast
harbors a feeling which says to him, ‘Have you been treated
with kindness and justice...’ ”
THE PRESIDENT: Defendant, that is enough. We have heard
enough of that.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Defendant Sauckel, in July 1944 a
conference was held at Hitler’s headquarters to deal with the
question of the treatment of foreign workers in case of a further
successful advance of the Allied armies. Do you know anything of
this conference or not?
SAUCKEL: May I ask once more—what was the date?
GEN. ALEXANDROV: I am asking you about the conference
which was held at Hitler’s headquarters in July 1944. Do you know
anything about this conference or do you not?
SAUCKEL: I cannot remember for certain. I must ask you to
place some document before me. I cannot remember any meeting in
July because from 20 June 1944, or thereabout, I was no longer
admitted to the Führer for any discussions.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: That is enough for me. That means that
you do not know anything at all about this conference?
Tell me, for what purpose, for what kind of work were the foreign
laborers employed who had been imported into Germany? Is it
correct to state that they were primarily employed in the armament
and munitions industries?
SAUCKEL: Workers were brought to Germany for employment
in the armament industry. The armament industry is a very wide
term, and is not identical with the manufacture of arms and
munitions. The armament industry includes all products—from
matches to cannons—that have anything to do with supply for the
army. It is, therefore, necessary, within this broad, far-reaching term,
to limit or isolate the manufacture of arms and munitions.
Moreover, workers were brought to Germany for all other
branches of civil economy essential to the war effort, such as
agriculture, mining, skilled trades, and so forth. We made three
distinctions: War economy, which meant the entire German economy
in wartime; armament economy meant...
THE PRESIDENT: Well, Defendant, we do not want a lecture
upon that, you know. All you were asked was whether they were
brought there for work in the armament industry.
SAUCKEL: A part of them.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: I should like you to answer whether the
workers brought to Germany were primarily employed in Germany’s
war industries and for military purposes? Is that right or not? I mean
in the broad sense of the word.
SAUCKEL: In the broad sense of the word, yes, including the
entire economy in wartime.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Then the utilization of imported
manpower was subordinated entirely and fully to the conduct of the
war of aggression by Germany? Do you admit that?
SAUCKEL: That is stretching the idea too far. My own views,
according to which I acted and could only act at the time, excluded
the word “aggressive.”
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Please answer briefly if it appears to go
too far. Tell me do you admit it or do you not?
SAUCKEL: I have already answered.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Your part as organizer of the mass drive
into slavery of the peaceful population of the occupied territories is
sufficiently clear. I should now like to pass over to the elucidation of
the part played by the individual ministries in this matter. Please
enumerate the ministries and other government organizations which
directly participated in carrying out the requisite measures for the
mobilization and utilization of foreign manpower. Mention has
already been made of the Ministry for the Occupied Eastern
Territories, of the War Ministry and of the OKW, so that it is not
necessary to speak about them again. Kindly enumerate the others.
SAUCKEL: On the plan, which has also been submitted to your
delegation, Mr. Prosecutor, there are some small inaccuracies,
inaccuracies made by the draftsman. I have not seen the completed
drawing, but I took it for granted that the original drawing, as
submitted to me, was correctly made by the draftsman. These small
inaccuracies and deviations can be rectified, and the plan will then
be unmistakably clear and offer the soundest explanation.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Your defense counsel has stated here
that this plan is not sufficiently accurate. It is precisely for that reason
that I ask you this question and request you to explain which
ministries and other government offices played an immediate part in
the mobilization and utilization of foreign manpower, over and above
those which I have already indicated.
THE PRESIDENT: General, he says that it is substantially
correct, and that there was only one minor alteration suggested in it.
Surely that is sufficient for us.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Mr. President, Sauckel’s defense counsel
has himself stated that there are a number of inaccuracies in the
plan. I will, however, endeavor to facilitate this task.
[Turning to the defendant.] Please tell me how the Foreign Office
was connected with this matter.
SAUCKEL: The Foreign Office was connected with this matter in
the following way:
It had to establish connections with countries where embassies,
legations, or German delegations were acting. Negotiations would
then take place under the chairmanship of the head of an embassy
or delegation. The Foreign Office always made every effort to
conduct these negotiations in a suitable way and in a proper manner.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: On 4 January 1944 a meeting was held
with Hitler. This is Document 1292-PS. It is written in Subparagraph
4 of the minutes of this meeting, “The Plenipotentiary General for the
Allocation of Labor must, before taking measures, contact the
Minister for Foreign Affairs.” What did that mean in this particular
SAUCKEL: In this case it meant that if I had to negotiate with
the French or the Italian Government, I would first have to get in
touch with the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: After this meeting, which was held with
Hitler on 4 January 1944—on 5 January 1944 you sent a letter to
Lammers in which you related the question regarding the necessity
for issuing a special directive as a result of this meeting, in order that
all aid should be given you by the following authorities—I will
enumerate them: The Reichsführer SS, the Minister of the Interior,
the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Field Marshal Keitel, the Minister for
the Occupied Eastern Territories, Rosenberg, the Reich
Commissioners, the Governor General, and others. Do you
remember this letter?
SAUCKEL: I remember that letter; will you be kind enough to put
it before me. I cannot, of course, remember the contents in detail.
THE PRESIDENT: What is the number of that document,
GEN. ALEXANDROV: That is Number 1292-PS, Page 6 of the
Russian text.
[Turning to the defendant.] Have you found the passage?
SAUCKEL: Yes. It is on the last page? May I ask if this is
GEN. ALEXANDROV: This means you considered that all these
organizations were to participate fully, one way or the other, in the
execution of measures for the recruitment and utilization of
manpower. Is that correct?
SAUCKEL: That is correct and I ask permission in this
connection to give the following explanation: It is obvious that I
myself, in my office, could not do certain things without informing the
high-ranking authorities of the Reich. It merely proves that I was
attempting to work correctly, and not to interfere wildly within the
Reich, or in other administrative departments.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: I would like you to explain the following:
When the Hitlerite government resorted to these criminal measures
for driving off into slavery the population of the occupied territories,
did practically all the government organizations of Hitlerite Germany
—besides yourself—and the Party machinery of the NSDAP
participate in these activities? Would it be correct to say so?
SAUCKEL: I protest against the words “driving off.” Please hear
my defense counsel on the subject in rebuttal.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: It is not a question of the words used.
Answer me—is it correct or not?
SAUCKEL: The words are extremely important.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Did the entire machinery of the German
State participate in this matter or not?
SAUCKEL: In this form I must answer your question in the
negative. There was...
GEN. ALEXANDROV: No other reply is demanded of you.
SAUCKEL: In the—I might explain this. For the recruiting of
manpower, that is in the registration according to German orders, it
was the chief, duly authorized and appointed for this purpose at the
time, of a territorial government, a Reich commissariat, or the like,
who participated—for I emphasize that I was unable to issue any
laws in that field and was not allowed to do so. I could not interfere in
any government department; that is impossible in any government
system in the world.
GEN. ALEXANDROV: Yes. But you were obliged to co-ordinate
the activities of all these representative organizations in Germany.
That was the task assigned to you?
SAUCKEL: Not to co-ordinate, but to instruct them: and to ask
for their co-operation where the case arose, if it came within their

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