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Department of Electrical Engineering

BEEG1001 Session:2022-2023 Tutorial sheet : 2

Basic Electrical Engineering EVEN Semester Module I
1. Find V3 and its polarity if the current I in the circuit is 0.4A as shown in the fig.1.

Ans: -30V
2. Using the mesh analysis, determine the current through 5 Ω resistors for each figure 2(a) and
2(b) and 2c

Fig.2(a) Fig.2(b)

Ans: a. 0.072 b. [1,1, 0] c. 2/3,0
3. Using nodal analysis, determine the current through 4 Ω resistor for each Figure 3(a)& 3(b). And
obtain the node voltage in fig 3c and 3d.

Fig 3a Fig 3b

Fig 3c Fig 3d

[Ans: (a) 0.4 A, (b) 0.61 A, (c) v1=13.11, v2=20 (d) v1=-2, v2=-14 ]

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