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CCTV Policy Framework

1. Purpose

The policy should begin by clearly stating the purpose of using CCTV systems. Common
purposes include:

 Enhancing security and safety of the premises.

 Deterring and documenting crime and misconduct.
 Monitoring traffic and public areas.
 Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

2. Scope

Define where the CCTV is operational. This includes specifying the locations where cameras are
installed (e.g., entrances, parking lots, common areas) and where the policy applies.

3. Responsibility

Identify the team or individual responsible for the CCTV operation, including:

 Management and maintenance of the equipment.

 Monitoring the footage.
 Ensuring compliance with the policy and legal standards.

4. Legal Compliance

Outline the legal obligations:

 Adhere to privacy laws and regulations such as GDPR (in Europe), HIPAA (in healthcare
facilities in the US), or other local privacy laws.
 Mention how the CCTV complies with data protection and privacy rights.

5. Signage and Notification

Detail how the public will be informed about the presence of CCTV:

 Placement of clear, visible signs indicating that CCTV is in operation.

 Information about who manages the CCTV and how they can be contacted.

6. Operation

Define the operational procedures:

 Hours of operation (24/7 or specific times).

 Situations under which live monitoring occurs.
7. Storage and Access

Explain how CCTV footage is stored:

 Type of storage (cloud-based, local servers, etc.).

 Duration of storage before footage is deleted (in compliance with legal requirements).
 Who has access to the footage and under what circumstances.
 Measures taken to secure the storage and prevent unauthorized access.

8. Data Subject Access Rights

Detail the rights of individuals captured in CCTV footage:

 How individuals can request access to footage containing their images.

 The process for reviewing and potentially extracting or blurring images before release.

9. Breach Notification

Describe the procedures in case of a data breach or security incident involving CCTV data:

 How breaches will be detected.

 Steps to be taken in response to a breach.
 How affected parties will be notified.

10. Regular Review

State how often the CCTV policy and system performance will be reviewed and updated to
ensure continuous improvement and compliance with any changes in legal requirements.

11. Enforcement

Outline the consequences of violating the CCTV policy, both for unauthorized use or misconduct
by individuals responsible for the CCTV operation, and for misconduct captured on CCTV.


To implement this policy effectively:

 Train staff and personnel involved in operating the CCTV system.

 Regularly audit and review the system and policy for compliance.
 Engage with stakeholders (e.g., employees, customers, residents) to address concerns and
improve the policy based on feedback.

A well-crafted CCTV policy is crucial for balancing security objectives with the privacy rights of
individuals. It should be transparent, compliant with legal standards, and clearly communicated
to all relevant parties.

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