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-3D Geoscience Modeling, Computer Techniques for Geological Characterization
-3D Groundwater Modeling with PMWIN
-3D Structural Geology (2nd Ed.)
-A Changing Earth
-A Chemical Classification of Volcanic Rocks
-A Color Illustrated Guide to Constituents, Textures, Cements, and Porosities of Sandstones
-A Dictionary for the Petroleum Industry (2nd Ed.)
-A Dictionary of Earth Sciences
-A Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals
-A Glossary of 5000 Petroleum Engineering Terms
-A Guide to Regional Groundwater Flow in Fractured Rock Aquifers
-A Guide to Shale Gas
-A Manual of Petrology
-A Petrographic Atlas of Ophiolite
-A Photographic Atlas of Rock Breakdown Features in Geomorphic Environments
-A Practical Approach to Sedimentology
-A Practical Guide to Rock Microstructure
-A Practical Introduction to Optical Mineralogy
-A Review of Some Fluvial Styles
-A to Z of Earth Scientists
-A to Z of The Petroleum Industry
-Absolute Age Determination
-Active Tectonics of the Hellenic Subduction Zone
-Advanced Mathematical and Computational Geomechanics
-Advanced Petroleum Reservoir Simulation
-Advanced Photogeology Lecture Notes
-Advanced Reservoir Engineering
-Advanced Structural Geology for Petroleum Exploration
-Advanced Techniques for Clay Mineral Analysis
-Advances in Gold Ore Processing
-Advances in Hydrogeology
-Advances in Interpretation of Geological Processes
-Advances in Petroleum Geochemistry Vol. 1
-Advances in Reservoir Geology
-Adventures in Paleontology
-Aeolian Sand and Sand Dunes
-Aeolian Sediments
-Aerial Photography and Image Interpretation
-Alfred Wegener, Creator of the Continental Drift Theory
-Alluvial Fans
-Aluvial Fans, Geomorphology, Sedimentology, Dynamics
-An insiders Guide to the Mining Sector (2nd Ed.)
-An Introduction to Coastal Zone Management
-An Introduction to Crystal Physics
-An Introduction to Fossils and Minerals
-An Introduction to Geological Structures and Maps (5th Ed.)
-An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
-An Introduction to Marine Geology
-An Introduction to Mine Hydrogeology
-An Introduction to Physical Geography and The Environment
-An Introduction to The Study of Mineralogy
-An Introduction to X-Ray Crystallography (2nd Ed.)
-Analogue and Numerical Modelling of Crustal-Scale Processes
-Analogue and Numerical Modelling of Sedimentary Systems
-Analysis and Evaluation of Pumping Test Data (2nd Ed.)
-Analytical Methods in Petroleum Upstream Applications
-Analytical Sedimentology
-Anthropogenic Geomorphology, A Guide to Man-Made Landforms
-Applications and Investigations in Earth Science
-Applications in Geomechanics
-Applications of Ore Microscopy in Mineral Technology
-Applied Clay Mineralogy
-Applied Coal Petrology
-Applied Concepts of Structural Geology in Hydrocarbon Exploration
-Applied Geomorphology, Theory and Practice
-Applied Geophysics
-Applied Geostatistics for Reservoir Characterization
-Applied Geothermics
-Applied Geothermics for Petroleum Engineers
-Applied Groundwater Modeling
-Applied Hydrogeology (4th Ed.)
-Applied Hydrogeology of Fractured Rocks (1st Ed.)
-Applied Hydrogeology of Fractured Rocks (2nd Ed.)
-Applied Hydrology
-Applied Isotope Hydrogeology
-Applied Mineral Inventory Estimation
-Applied Mineralogy
-Applied Mineralogy in Mining Industry
-Applied Mineralogy, Applications in Industry and Environment
-Applied Mining Geology
-Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering (2nd Ed.)
-Applied Sedimentology
-Applied Stratigraphy
-Applied Structural Geology in Exploration and Mining
-Applied Structural Geology-Case Studies of Underground Constructions and Rockslides
-Apuntes sobre la Limpieza de Minerales
-Aquifer Characterization Techniques
-Arc-Continent Collision
-Argillaceous Rock Atlas
-Aspects of Palynology and Palaeoecology
-Aspects of Tectonic Faulting
-Atlas and Glossary of Primary Sedimentary Structures
-Atlas de Deformación Cuaternarias de los Andes
-Atlas de Rocas Sedimentarias
-Atlas en Color de Rocas y Minerales
-Atlas of Alteration, A Field and Petrographic Guide to Hydrothermal Alteration Minerals
-Atlas of Alterations
-Atlas of Igneous Rocks and their Textures
-Atlas of Metamorphic Rocks and their Textures
-Atlas of Sedimentary Rocks Under Microscope
-Atlas of Shear Zone Structures in Meso-Scale
-Atlas of Structural Geology
-Automated Stratigraphic Correlation

-Balanced Cross-Sections
-Base Metal Sulfide Deposits in Sedimentary and Volcanic Environments
-Basic Concepts in Geology
-Basic Elements of Crystallography
-Basic Environmental and Engineering Geology
-Basic Geological Mapping
-Basic Ground-Water Hydrology
-Basic Methods of Structural Geology
-Basic Mudlogging
-Basic Petroleum Geochemistry for Source Rock Evaluation
-Basic Petroleum Geology
-Basic Petroleum Geology and Log Analysis-Hallibuton
–Basic Properties of Reservoir Rocks
-Basin Analysis
-Basin Analysis and Modeling of Burial, Thermal and Maturation Histories in Sedimentary Basins
-Basin Analysis Principles and Application to Petroleum Play Assessment (3rd Ed.)
-Basin Modelling, Practice and Progress
-Bentonites. Geology, Mineralogy, Properties and Uses
-Best Practices in Sequence Stratigraphy
-Biogeochemical, Health and Ecotoxicological Perspectives On Gold and Gold Mining
-Biogeochemistry in Mineral Exploration
-Biogeochemistry of Submerged Soils
-Biogeography and Plate Tectonics
-Biomarkers for Geologists
-Biopolymers, A Molecular Paleontology Approach
-Biostratigraphic and Geological Significance of Planktonic Foraminifera (2nd Ed.)
-Biostratigraphy. Microfossils and Geological Time
-Borehole Imaging. Applications and Case Histories
-Bringing Fossils to Life, An introduction to Paleobiology

-Calcareous Algae
-Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy
-Caprocks in Hydrocarbon Fields
-Carbonate Cementation in Sandstones
-Carbonate Depositional Systems, Assessing Dimensions and Controlling Parameters
-Carbonate Diagenesis and Porosity
-Carbonate Microfabrics
-Carbonate Reservoirs (2nd Ed.)
-Carbonate Rocks. Origin, Occurrence and Classification
-Carbonate Sediment and Rocks Under Microscope
-Carbonate Sedimentology and Petrology
-Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy
-Carbonates in Continental Settings. Facies, Environments, Processes
-Cartilla de Texturas Volcánicas
-Caves. Processes, Development and Management
-Challenges with Geologic Maps
-Chemical and Isotopic Groundwater Hydrology (3rd Ed.)
-Chemical Composition and Element Distribution in the Earth’s Crust
-Chemical Fundamentals of Geology and Environmental Geoscience
-Chemical Petrology, With Applications to The Terrestrial Planets and Meteorites
-Chemostratigraphy, Concepts, Techniques, and Applications
-Claves para la Taxonomía de Suelos
-Clay Mineralogy, Spectroscopic and Chemical Determinative Methods
-Clay Minerals, A Physico-Chemical Explanation of their Occurrence
-Clays and Clay Minerals in Natural and Synthetic Systems
-Clays, Muds, and Shales
-Climate and Climate Change
-Climate Change and Water Resources
-Climatic Geomorphology
-Coal Mining-Research, Technology and Safety
-Coal, Oil and Natural Gas (Energy today)
-Coastal and Estuarine Management
-Coastal Geology
-Coastal Geomorphology, An introduction
-Coastal Karst Landforms
-Coastal Planning and Management (2nd Ed.)
-Coastal Sedimentary Environments (2nd Ed.)
-Código Estratigráfico Norteamericano
-Collecting Rocks Gems and Minerals, Identification, Values and Lapidary Uses (2nd Ed.)
-Compaction and Fluid Migration Practical Petroleum Geology
-Compaction of Argillaceous Sediments
-Complexing and Hydrothermal Ore Deposition
-Composition, Geochemistry and Conversion of Oil Shales
-Compressibility of Sandstones (Developments in Petroleum Science)
-Computational Geomechanics
-Computational Geosciences with Mathematica
-Computational Methods for Geodynamics
-Computational Paleontology
-Computer Graphics in Geology
-Concepts in Scientific Writing
-Concise Hydrology
-Contaminant Geochemistry, interactions and Transport in the Subsurface Environment
-Continental Deformation
-Continental Rifts, Evolution, Structure and Tectonics
-Continental Tectonics and Mountain Building
-Continental Trace Fossils
-Cradle of Life, The Discovery of Earth’s Earliest Fossils
-Cross-Bedding, Bedforms, and Paleocurrents
-Crude Oil Exploration in the World
-Crystal Structure Analysis, Principles and Practice
-Crystallography and Crystal Defects (2nd Ed.)
-Crystallography and The World of Symmetry
-Cycles and Events in Stratigraphy
-Cyclic Development of Sedimentary Basin

-Data Analysis Methods in Physical Oceanography
-Deepwater Petroleum Exploration and Production, A Nontechnical Guide (2nd Ed.)
-Deep-Water Processes and Facies Models, Implications for Sandstone Petroleum Reservoirs
-Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics
-Deformation Microstructures in Rocks
-Deformation of Earth Materials
-Deformation of Earth Materials, introduction to the Rheology of Solid Earth
-Deformation of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
-Deformation of the Continental Crust
-Deltaic and Shallow Marine Sandstone
-Deltaic and Shallow Marine Deposits
-Deposition, Diagenesis, Weathering of Organic Matter-Rich Sediments
-Depositional Models of Shelf and Shoreline Sandstones
-Depositional Sedimentary Environments, With Reference to Terrigenous Clastics
-Descriptive and Geoenvironmental Model for Cobalt Copper-Gold Deposits in Metasedimentary
-Desert Sedimentary Environments
-Development Geology Reference Manual
-Diagenesis in Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
-Diccionario de Términos Geologicos. Español-inglés e inglés-Español
-Diccionario Geológico
-Dictionary of Earth Science (2nd Ed.)
-Dictionary of Earth Sciences
-Dictionary of Geology and Mineralogy
-Dictionary of Geophysics, Astrophysics and Astronomy
-Dictionary of Mining, Mineral and Related Terms
-Dictionary of Water and Waste Management
-Discovering Fossil Fishes
-Distinghishing Features of Wave Ripples Cross-Stratification and Morphology
-Drawing and Understanding Fossils, A Theoretical and Practical Guide for Beginners
-Dust Control Handbook for Industrial Minerals-Mining and Processing
-Dyke Swarms, Time Markers of Crustal Evolution
-Dyke Swarms. Keys for Geodynamic Interpretation
-Dynamic of Intracontinental Basins
-Dynamic Tectonics and Karst
-Dynamical Geology of Salt and Related Structures
-Dynamics of Crustal Magma Transfer, Storage and Differentiation
-Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media

-Early Earth Systems, A Geochemical Approach
-Early Warning for Geological Disasters
-Earth as an Evolving Planetary System (2nd Ed.)
-Earth Chemistry
-Earth Dynamics-Deformations and Oscillations of the Rotating Earth
-Earth Environments
-Earth Glacial Record
-Earth Lab, Exploring The Earth Sciences (3rd Ed.)
-Earth Materials
-Earth Materials and Health
-Earth Materials and Processes (2nd Ed.)
-Earth Science
-Earth Science. An Illustrated Guide to Science
-Earth Science. Geology, Environment and Universe
-Earth Science. The Physical Setting
-Earth Sciences, Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (3rd Ed.)
-Earth Structure
-Earth Surface Processes, Landforms and Sediment Deposits
-Earth, An introduction to Physical Geology (11th Ed.)
-Earth, Portrait of a Planet (3rd Ed.)
-Earthquakes and Volcanoes (Restless Earth)
-Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics and Earthquake Hazards
-Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis, Projects and Principles for Beginning Geologists
-Earths Changing Surface
-Earths Dynamic Systems (10th Ed.)
-Ecological Engineering-Principles and Practice
-Economic Evaluations in Exploration
-Economic Geology of Natural Gas Hydrate
-Economics of Unconventional Shale Gas Development-Case Studies and Impacts
-Effective Parameters of Hydrogeological Models
-Electron Micrographs of Clay Minerals
-Elementos Básicos de Petrología Ígnea
-Elements of Environmental Chemistry
-Elements of Map-Scale Structure
-Elements of Mineralogy Adapted to the Use of Seminaries and Private Students
-Elements of Optical Mineralogy
-Elements of Petroleum Geology (2nd Ed.)
-Elements of Structural Geology (2nd Ed.)
-Elevation Models for Geoscience
-Enciclopedia of Volcanoes
-Encyclopedia of Earth and Space Science
-Encyclopedia of Earthquakes and Volcanoes (3rd Ed.)
-Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Sciences
-Encyclopedia of Volcanos
-Encyclopedic Dictionary of Hydrogeology
-Engineering Geological Mapping
-Engineering Geology
-Engineering Geology (2nd Ed.)
-Engineering Geology and Geotechnics
-Engineering Geology for Underground Rocks
-Engineering Geology for Underground Works
-Engineering Geology. Principles and Practice
-Engineering Properties of Rocks
-Engineering Rock Mass Classifications-A Complete Manual for Engineers and Geologists
-Environmental and Low Temperature Geochemistry
-Environmental Applications of Geochemical Modeling
-Environmental Biotechnology Theory and Application
-Environmental Control in Petroleum Engineering
-Environmental Geochemistry of Potentially Toxic Metals
-Environmental Geochemistry. Site Characterization, Data Analysis and Case Histories
-Environmental Geology
-Environmental Geology, Facing the Challenges of our Changing Earth
-Environmental Geology, Handbook of Field Methods and Case Studies
-Environmental Geomechanics
-Environmental Hydrogeology (2nd Ed.)
-Environmental Hydrology (2nd Ed.)
-Environmental Science and Engineering
-Environmental Science, Understanding our Changing Earth
-Environmental Sedimentology
-Erosion and Sedimentation (2nd Ed.)
-Essential of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
-Essential Oil Reference Book (2nd Ed.)
-Essentials of Geology
-Essentials of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
-Essentials of Medical Geology
-Essentials of Medical Geology, Impacts of the Natural Environment on Public Health
-Estratigrafía Principios y Métodos
-Evaporation and Evapotranspiration
-Evaporite Sedimentology, Importance in Hydrocarbon Accumulation
-Evaporites, A Geological Compendium
-Evaporites, Petroleum and Mineral Resources
-Evaporites. Sediments, Resources and Hydrocarbons
-Evolution and the Fossil Record
-Evolution of Early Earth’s Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, and Biosphere, Constraints from Ore
-Evolution of Geological Structures in Micro to Macro Scales
-Evolution of Laurussia, A Study in Late Palaeozoic Plate Tectonics
-Evolution of the Earth
-Evolution, The History of Life on Earth
-Evolution, What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters
-Evolutionary and Revolutionary Technologies for Mining
-Exceptional Fossil Preservation, Unisue View on Evolution of Marine Life
-Experimental Design in Petroleum Reservoir Studies
-Experimenting on a Small Planet
-Exploration for Platinum-Group Elements Deposits
-Exploration Geochemistry Design and interpretation of Soil Surveys
-Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps Treatise Petroleum Geology Handbook
-Extinctions in the History of Life
-Extreme Depositional Environments

-Facies Models
-Facies Models, Response to Sea Level Change
-Faulting in Brittle Rocks, An introduction to the Mechanics of Tectonic Faults
-Faulting, Fault Sealing and Fluid Flow in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
-Fault-Zone Properties and Earthquake Rupture Dynamics
-Feldspars and Feldspathoids, Structures, Properties and Occurrences
-FGDC Digital Cartographic Standard
-Field Geology Education
-Field Geology Guidebook and Notes 2013
-Field Geophysics
-Field Guide to Meteors and Meteorites
-Field Hydrogeology (2nd Ed.)
-Field Hydrogeology (3rd Ed.)
-Field Methods for Geologists and Hydrogeologists
-Field Methods for Petroleum Geologists, A Guide to Computerized Lithostratigraphic Correlation
-Flash Floods, Forecasting and Warning
-Flood and Megaflood Processes and Deposits
-Flood Frequency Analysis
-Flood Hazard Management
-Flood Risk Assessment and Management
-Flood Risk Management
-Fluid Physics in Geology, An Introduction to Fluid Motions on Earth’s Surface and within Its Crust
-Fluvial Depositional Systems
-Formation Pressure Evaluation
-Fossil Atlas, Fishes
-Fossil Hydrocarbon. Chemistry and Technology
-Fossil Plants as Tests of Climate
-Fossils (Restless Earth)
-Fossils (Science Matters)
-Fossils as Information, New Recording and Stratal Correlation Techniques
-Fossils at a Glance
-Fossils, A Very Short introduction
-Foundations of Engineering Geology (3rd Ed.)
-Fractals in Petroleum Geology and Earth Processes
-Fractured Reservoirs
-Fractures-Fluid Flow and Mineralization
-From Geoheritage to Geoparks
-From the Earth’s Core to Outer Space
-Frontiers in Earth Sciences
-Frontiers in Geofluids
-Fundamentals of Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeling
-Fundamentals of Crystallography
-Fundamentals of Crystals
-Fundamentals of Engineering Geology
-Fundamentals of Fluvial Geomorphology
-Fundamentals of Gas Shale Reservoirs
-Fundamentals of Geology
-Fundamentals of Geomorphology
-Fundamentals of Geomorphology (2nd Ed.)
-Fundamentals of Geomorphology (3rd Ed.)
-Fundamentals of Hydrology
-Fundamentals of Integrated Coastal Management
-Fundamentals of Invertebrate Palaeontology, Macrofossils
-Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining
-Fundamentals of Physical Geology
-Fundamentals of Physical Volcanology
-Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering
-Fundamentos de Petrografía
-Future of GIS and Spatial Analysis

-Gemmology (3rd Ed.)
-Gems (6th Ed.)
-Gemstones and their Origins
-General Dictionary of Geology
-Genetics, Paleontology and Macroevolution (2nd Ed.)
-Geochemical Facies Analysis
-Geochemical Kinetics
-Geochemical Rate Models
-Geochemical Remote Sensing of The Subsurface
-Geochemical Sediments and Landscapes
-Geochemistry and Chemistry of Oil Shales
-Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration
-Geochemistry of Groundwater
-Geochemistry of Oil Field Waters
-Geochemistry of Sedimentary Ore Deposits
-Geochemistry. Earth’s System Processes
-Geochemistry. Groundwater and Pollution (2nd Ed.)
-Geochemistry. Pathways and Processes (2nd Ed.)
-Geochronology. Beginning of the World as We Know It
-Geochronology. Linking the Isotope Record with Petrology and Textures
-Geochronology. Methods and Case Studies
-Geodesy and Gravity
-Geodynamics of the Lithosphere. An Introduction
-Geofluids. Origin, Migration and Evolution of Fluids in Sedimentary Basins
-Geographic Information for Geoscientists
-Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Techniques, Applications and Technologies
-Geographic Information Systems and Science (2nd Ed.)
-Geohazard in Rocky Coastal Areas
-Geohazards, Natural and Man-Made
-Geokinematics, Prelude to Geodynamics
-Geología Aplicada a la Ingeniería
-Geología de los Cuerpos Ígneos
-Geología del Carbón y del Petróleo
-Geología del Perú
-Geologia Estructural
-Geología General
-Geologic Analysis of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
-Geologic Fundamentals of Geothermal Energy
-Geologic Modeling and Mapping
-Geologic Modeling and Simulation, Sedimentary Systems
-Geological Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
-Geological Field Techniques
-Geological History of Earth
-Geological Mapping Overview
-Geological Maps
-Geological Sciences
-Geological Sciences, Landforms, Minerals and Rocks
-Geological Strain Analysis
-Geological Structures and Maps
-Geological Structures and Moving Plates
-Geology (Earth Science for Beginners)
-Geology and Geochemistry of Oil and Gas
-Geology for Civil Engineers
-Geology Glossary for Students
-Geology in Petroleum Production
-Geology of Carbonate Reservoirs
-Geology of Placer Deposits
-Geology of Titanium Mineral Deposits
-Geology, Principles and Methods
-Geomathematics, Theoretical Foundations, Applications and Future Developments
-Geomechanical Processes during Underground Mining
-Geomechanics and Fluidodynamics, With Applications to Reservoir Engineering
-Geomechanics Applied to the Petroleum Industry
-Geometric Crystallography, Axiomatic Introduction to Crystallography
-Geometry and Petrogenesis of Dolomite Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
-Geomorphological Mapping, Methods and Applications
-Geomorphological Techniques (2nd Ed.)
-Geomorphology of Desert Dunes
-Geomorphology of Desert Environments (2nd Ed.)
-Geomorphology of Oil and Gas Fields in Sandstone Bodies
-Geomorphology, Mechanics and Chemistry of Landscapes
-Geophysics for Petroleum Engineers
-Geophysics for the Mineral Exploration Geoscientist
-Geoquímica Recreativa
-Geostatistical Ore Reserve Estimation
-Geostatistical Reservoir Modeling
-Geostatistics and Petroleum Geology (2nd Ed.)
-Geostatistics Explained
-Geostatistics for Environmental Scientists
-Geostatistics with Applications in Earth Sciences
-Geostatistics with Applications in Earth Sciences (2nd Ed.)
-Geothermal Energy Systems, Exploration, Development and Utilization
-Geothermal Energy. From Theoretical Models to Exploration and Development
-Geothermal Energy. Renewable Energy and the Environment
-Geothermics. Heat Flow in the Lithosphere
-Geotourism. Sustainability, Impacts and Management
-Geowriting (3rd Ed.) A Guide to Writing, Editing and Printing in Earth Science
-Giant Metallic Deposits
-Giant Metallic Deposits, Future Sources of industrial Metals (2nd Ed.)
-GIS as a tool for Development
-GIS in Petroleum Exploration and Development
-GIS Technology Transfer an Ecological Approach
-Glacial Geology
-Glacial Geology. An introduction for Engineers and Earth Scientists
-Glacial Sedimentary Processes and Products
-Global Change and integrated Coastal Management
-Global Geomorphology
-Global Sedimentology of the Ocean
-Global Tectonics
-Global View of Engineering Geology and the Environment
-Glosario y Tabla de Correlación de las Unidades Estratigráficas del Perú
-Glossary of Structural Geology and Tectonics
-Gold Mining, Formation and Resource Estimation, Economics and Environmental Impact
-Granite Genesis, In-Situ Melting and Crustal Evolution
-Granite, From Segregation of Melt to Emplacement Fabrics
-Granite-Related Ore Deposits
-Groundwater Age
-Groundwater and Human Development
-Groundwater and Wells (3rd Ed.)
-Groundwater Contaminants and their Migration
-Groundwater Discharge Tests, Simulation and Analysis
-Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport
-Groundwater Geochemistry, A Practical Guide to Modeling of Natural and Contaminated Aquatic
-Groundwater Geophysics, A tool for Hydrogeology (2nd Ed.)
-Groundwater Hydrology (3rd Ed.)
-Groundwater Hydrology, Conceptual and Computational Models
-Groundwater Hydrology, Engineering, Planning and Management
-Groundwater in the Environment, An introduction
-Groundwater Modeling
-Groundwater Modeling Using Geographical Information Systems
-Groundwater Modeling, An introduction with Sample Programs in Basic
-Groundwater Modelling, Management and Contamination
-Groundwater Models. Scientific and Regulatory Applications
-Groundwater Pollution, Theory, Methodology, Modelling and Practical Rules
-Groundwater Prospecting and Management
-Groundwater Recharge
-Groundwater Sampling and Analysis-A Field Guide
-Groundwater Science (2nd Ed.)
-Groundwater, Resource Evaluation, Augmentation, Contamination, Restoration, Modeling and
-Guía Estratigráfica Internacional
-Guide to Thin Section Microscopy
-Guide to Hydrological Practices (5th Ed.)
-Guide to Sequence Stratigraphy
-Guidebook of Applied Fluvial Geomorphology
-Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality (4th Ed.)
-Guidelines for Open Pit Slope Design

-Handbook for Mineral and Coal Exploration in British Columbia
-Handbook of Clay Science
-Handbook of Crystallography, for Electron Microscopists and Others
-Handbook of Gold Exploration and Evaluation
-Handbook of Groundwater Engineering
-Handbook of offshore Oil and Gas Operations
-Handbook on Methods for Climate Change Impact Assessment
-Hard Rock Miners Handbook
-Healing Crystals, A-Z Guide to 430 Gemstones
-Health Impact Assessment of Shale Gas Extraction
-Heavy Minerals in Colour
-Heavy Minerals in Use
-Heavy Minerals of Economic Importance
-High Pressure Geochemistry and Mineral Physics
-High-Resolution Approaches in Stratigraphic Paleontology
-How to Collect Rocks and Minerals
-Hydraulic Fracturing Explained-Evaluation, Implementation, and Challenges
-Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production (2nd Ed.)
-Hydrocarbon Phase Behavior
-Hydrofracking-What Everyone Needs to Know
-Hydrogeodynamics of Oil and Gas Basins
-Hydrogeological Maps
-Hydrogeology Field Manual
-Hydrogeology of Plains
-Hydrogeology, Objectives, Methods, Applications
-Hydrogeology, Principles and Practice (2nd Ed.)
-Hydrogeology, A Global Perspective
-Hydrology and the Management of Watersheds (4th Ed.)
-Hydrology and Water Resources
-Hydrology Handbook (2nd Ed.)
-Hydrology. Principles Analysis and Design
-Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits
-Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits, Principles Fundamental Concepts for Exploration Geologist
-Hydrothermal Processes and Mineral Systems
-Hypersaline Brine and Evaporitic Environments

-Ichnology. Organism-Substrate Interactions in Space and Time
-Identification of Minerals in Handspecimen and Thin Sections
-Identification Tables for Common Minerals in Thin Section
-Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (2nd Ed.)
-Igneous Petrogenesis A Global Tectonic Approach
-Igneous Petrology
-Igneous Rocks
-Igneous Rocks and Processes, A Practical Guide
-Illustrated Glossary of Ground Water industry
-Impact Markers in The Stratigraphic Record
-Impact Tectonics
-Impacts of Shale Gas and Shale Oil on the Environment
-Importance of Mineralogy in Mineral Processing
-Inorganic Geochemistry, Applications to Petroleum Geology
-Integrated Suite of GIS. Applications for The Geosciences
-Integrative Understanding of Shale Gas Reservoirs
-Interfacial Chemistry of Rocks and Soils
-International Mineral Economics
-Introducing Mineralogy
-Introducing Tectonics, Rock Structures and Mountain Belts
-Introduction to Geostatistics
-Introduction to Clay Minerals, Chemistry, Origins, Uses and Environmental Significance
-Introduction to Coastal Engineering and Management
-Introduction to Coastal Processes and Geomorphology
-Introduction to Environmental Geology (5th Ed.)
-Introduction to Geochemistry
-Introduction to Geological Maps and Structures
-Introduction to Hydrogeology
-Introduction to Medical Geology
-Introduction to Microscopy By Means of Light, Electrons, X-Rays or Ultrasound
-Introduction to Mineral Exploration (2nd Ed.)
-Introduction to Mineral Sciences
-Introduction to Mineralogy and Petrology
-Introduction to Mineralogy, Crystallography and Petrology
-Introduction to Ore-Forming Processes
-Introduction to Palaeontology
-Introduction to Paleobiology and Fossil Record
-Introduction to Physical Geology
-Introduction to Physical Oceanography
-Introduction to Small-Scale Geological Structures
-Introductory Petrography of Fossils
-Invertebrate Palaeontology and Evolution
-Invertebrate Paleontology
-Investigating the History of Earth
-Investigations in Environmental Geology (3rd Ed.)
-Invitation to Oceanography
-Ionic Compounds, Applications of Chemistry to Mineralogy
-Iron Ore, Mineralogy, Processing and Environmental Sustainability
-Isotope Geology

-Jurassic Geology of The World

-Karst Aquifers. Characterization and Engineering
-Karst Hydrogeology and Geomorphology
-Karst Management
-Key to the Future, The Study of Earth History

-Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology (10th Ed.)
-Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks
-Land and Marine Hydrogeology
-Land Subsidence
-Land Subsidence Analysis in Urban Areas the Bangkok Metropolitan Area Case Study
-Land Surface Evaluation for Engineering Practice
-Landslide Hazards Handbook
-Landslide Hazards, Risks and Disasters
-Landslides, Causes, Types and Effects
-Landslides, Risk Analysis and Sustainable Disaster Management
-Large Igneous Provinces. Continental, Oceanic and Planetary Flood Volcanism
-Large Rivers. Geomorphology and Management
-Layered Intrusions
-Layers of the Earth
-Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences
-Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography
-Life as a Geological Force, Dynamics of the Earth
-Lime and Limestone. Chemistry and Technology, Production and Uses
-Linking Diagenesis to Sequence Stratigraphy
-Links Between Geological Processes, Microbial Activities and Evolution of Life
-Looking into the Earth
-Los Invertebrados Fósiles
-Los Minerales y Rocas

-Magmatic Sulfide Deposits
-Magnetic Stratigraphy
-Major and Trace Element Distribution. Geochemistry of Carbonate Sediments and Rocks
-Major Impacts and Plate Tectonics
-Managing and Modeling Time-Series Geoscience Data in GIS
-Manual de Geología
-Manual de Mineralogía
-Manual of Applied Field Hydrogeology
-Mapeo en Terrenos Volcánicos
-Mapping Geomorphological Environments
-Mapping the Subsurface
-Marginal Basin Geology
-Marine and Coastal Processes
-Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry
-Marine Clastic Sedimentology. Concepts and Case Studies
-Marine Geochemistry
-Marine Geological Surveying and Sampling
-Marine Geology
-Marine Geology, Exploring the New Frontiers of the Ocean
-Marine Mineral Exploration
-Marine Palaeoenvironmental Analysis from Fossils
-Mass Properties of Sedimentary Rocks and Gravimetric Effects of Petroleum and Natural Gas
-Materials Science for Structural Geology
-Mathematical Geoscience
-Mathematical Methods and Modelling in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production
-Matlab Recipes for Earth Sciences
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-Medical Geology
-Medical Geology. A Regional Synthesis
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-Metals and Society
-Metamorphic Rocks and their Geodynamic Significance, A Petrological Handbook
-Metasomatic Textures in Granites
-Meteorites Geochemistry
-Meteorites, Comets and Planets
-Meteorites. Classification and Properties
-Methods for the Study of Marine Benthos
-Methods in Karst Hydrogeology
-Michel Levy Color Chart
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-Microfacies Analysis of Limestones
-Microfacies of Carbonate Rocks
-Microscopic Determination of Ore Minerals
-Microwave Treatment of Minerals and Ores
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-Mine Safety, A Modern Approach
-Mine Water Hydrogeology and Geochemistry
-Mineral Deposits and Earth Evolution
-Mineral Exploration, Principles and Applications
-Mineral Physics and Crystallography
-Mineralogical Applications of Crystal Field Theory (2nd Ed.)
-Mineralogy for Petrologists
-Mineralogy for Petrologists, Optics, Chemistry and Occurrence of Rock-forming Minerals
-Minerals and Rocks Lucy Ann Sibson
-Minerals and Rocks Richard Wilson
-Minerals as Advanced Materials
-Minerals, Gifts from the Earth
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-Modeling Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport
-Modern and Past Glacial Environments
-Modern Biogeochemistry, Environmental Risk Assessment (2nd Ed.)
-Modern Crystallography (3rd Ed.)
-Modern Methods of Geochemical Analysis
-Modern Shale Gas Development in the United States, A Primer
-Modern Trends in Geomechanics
-Morphometric Methods in Biostratigraphy
-Mud and Mudstones
-Mud and Mudstones, Introduction and Overview
-Multimedia Cartography
-Multiscale Geomechanics

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-Ore Deposit Geology and its influence on Mineral Exploration
-Ore Mineral Atlas
-Ore Textures. Recognition and Interpretation
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-Organic Marine Geochemistry
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-Paleomagnetism of Sedimentary Rocks, Process and Interpretation
-Paleontological Data Analysis
-Paleontology in Ecology and Conservation
-Paleontology the Record of Life
-Paleontology, A Brief History of Life
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-Patterns of Evolution, As Illustrated by the Fossil Record
-Permo-Triassic Events in the Eastern Tethys
-Petrogenesis and Experimental Petrology of Granitic Rocks
-Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks
-Petrografía Básica
-Petrography of Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks
-Petroleum and Basin Evolution. Insights from Petroleum Geochemistry, Geology and Basin
-Petroleum Engineers Guide to Oil Field Chemicals and Fluids
-Petroleum Formation and Occurence
-Petroleum Geology Baker Hughes
-Petroleum Geology R.E. Chapman
-Petroleum Geoscience
-Petroleum Glossary
-Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, Physical Properties
-Petroleum Reservoir Simulation
-Petroleum Source Rocks
-Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks
-Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks Sam Boggs
-Petrology of the Ocean Floor
-Petrology of the Sedimentary Rocks
-Petrology, Principles and Practice
-Petrology. New Perspectives and Applications
-Phosphorites on the Sea Floor. Origin, Composition and Distribution
-Photo Geological Glossary
-Photogeology and Regional Mapping
-Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology (2nd Ed.)
-Physical Geography, The Key Concepts
-Physical Geology (Cliffs Quick Review)
-Physical Geology Laboratory Manual
-Physical Geology, Exploring the Earth (6Th Ed.)
-Physical Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis
-Physical Principles of Sedimentology for Beginners and Experts
-Physics and Chemistry of the Deep Earth
-Physics of Petroleum Reservoirs
-Physics of the Marine Atmosphere
-Planetary Geodesy and Remote Sensing
-Plant Fossils, The History of Land Vegetation
-Plastic Deformation of Minerals and Rocks
-Plate Tectonics
-Plate Tectonics and Crustal Evolution
-Plate Tectonics Jon Erickson
-Plate Tectonics Kent Condie
-Plate Tectonics Simplified Book
-Plate Tectonics Wolfgang Frisch
-Plate Tectonics, An Insider’s History of the Modern Theory of the Earth
-Plate Tectonics, Continental Drift and Mountain Building
-Plate Tectonics, How It Works
-Plate Tectonics, Unraveling The Mysteries of the Earth, Revised Edition
-Pollen Terminology, An Illustrated Handbook
-Potassic Igneous Rocks and Associated Gold-Copper Mineralization
-Practical and Applied Hydrogeology
-Practical Engineering Geology
-Practical Geostatistics
-Practical Handbook of Marine Science
-Practical Rock Engineering
-Practical Sedimentology
-Practical Sequence Stratigraphy
-Practical Volcanology. Lecture Notes for Understanding Volcanic Rocks from Field Based Studies
-Precambrian Sedimentary Environments, Modern Approach to Ancient Depositional Systems
-Prehistoric Life- Evolution and the Fossil Record
-Principios de Cristalografía
-Principles of Engineering Geology
-Principles of Geochemical Prospecting
-Principles of Geochemistry
-Principles of Geodynamics (2nd Ed.)
-Principles of Hydrogeology (2nd Ed.)
-Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (2nd Ed.)
-Principles of Igneous Petrology
-Principles of Lake Sedimentology
-Principles of Meteoritics
-Principles of Physical Sedimentology
-Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis
-Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (4th Ed.)
-Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy
-Principles of Stable Isotope Distribution
-Principles of Structural Geology
-Principles of Tidal Sedimentology
-Procedures in Field Geology
-Processes in Karst Systems. Physics, Chemistry and Geology
-Progress in Metamorphic and Magmatic Petrology
-Prospecting and Exploration of Mineral Deposits
-Pyroclastic Rocks
-Pyrometamorphism (2nd Ed.)

-Quakes, Eruptions and Other Geologic Cataclysms, Revealing the Earth’s Hazards
-Quantitative Geochemistry
-Quantitative Plate Tectonics
-Quantitative Textural Measurements in Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
-Quartz Cementation in Sandstones
-Quartz, Deposits, Mineralogy and Analytics
-Quaternary Dating Methods
-Quaternary Geochronology. Methods and Applications

-Radiogenic Isotope Geology
-Radiogenic Isotopes in Geologic Processes
-Readings from the Treatise on Geochemistry
-Reflected Light Microscopy of Ore Minerals
-Regional Geology and Tectonics
-Research Methods in Remote Sensing
-Reservoir Engineering Handbooks
-Reservoir Formation Damage (2nd Ed.)
-Reservoir Geomechanics
-Reservoir Model Design, A Practitioners Guide
-Reservoir Sandstones
-River Morphology, A Guide for Geoscientists and Engineers
-Rock and Mineral Identification for Engineers
-Rock and Ore Forming Minerals
-Rock Control in Geomorphology
-Rock Formations and Unusual Geologic Structures, Exploring the Earth’s Surface
-Rock Geochemistry in Mineral Exploration
-Rock Joints
-Rock Mechanics
-Rock Slope Engineering
-Rock Slope Stability Analysis
-Rotary Drilling and Blasting in Large Surface Mines
-Rourke’s World of Science Encyclopedia

-Salt Tectonics
-Sand and Sandstone (2nd Ed.)
-Sand Mining, Environmental Impacts and Case Studies
-Sandstone Diagenesis, Recent and Ancient
-Sandstones Geochemistry, Uses and Environmental Impact
-Satellite Geology and Photogeomorphology
-Sea-Level Changes and Their Effects
-Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers
-Sediment Diagenesis and Sedimentary Rocks
-Sediment Flux to Basins
-Sedimentary Basins of Continental Margins and Cratons
-Sedimentary Basins. Evolution, Facies, and Sediment Budget (2nd Ed.)
-Sedimentary Environments. Processes, Facies and Stratigraphy (3rd Ed.)
-Sedimentary Facies Reconstruction
-Sedimentary Geology. Sedimentary Basins, Depositional Environments, Petroleum Formation
-Sedimentary Geoloy. An Introduction to Sedimentary Rocks and Stratigraphy (3rd Ed.)
-Sedimentary Organic Matter, Organic Facies and Palynofacies
-Sedimentary Petrology, An Introduction to the Origin of Sedimentary Rocks (3rd Ed.)
-Sedimentary Response to Forced Regressions
-Sedimentary Rocks in Field Dorrik Stow
-Sedimentary Rocks in the Field Maurice Tucker
-Sedimentary Structures (3rd Ed.)
-Sedimentary Structures, Their Character and Physical Basis
-Sedimentation Models and Quantitative Stratigraphy
-Sedimentation of Organic Particles
-Sediment-Hosted Mineral Deposits
-Sedimentología Alfredo Arche
-Sedimentology and Sedimentary Basins (2nd Ed.)
-Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Gary Nichols
-Sedimentology Herve Chamley
-Sedimentology of Aqueous Systems
-Sedimentology of Shale, Study Guide and Reference Source
-Sedimentology, Process and Products
-Sedimentology, Recent Developments and Applied Aspects
-Sediments and Environmental Geochemistry, Selected Aspects and Case Histories
-Sediments, Morphology and Sedimentary Processes On Continental Shelves
-Seismic Stratigraphy
-Semiconducting Ore Minerals
-Sequence Stratigraphy
-Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Associations
-Sequence Stratigraphy, Methodology and Nomenclature
-Sequence Stratigraphy-Global Theory for Local Success
-Shale Gas and Fracking, The Science Behind the Controversy
-Shale Gas Production Processes
-Shelf Sands and Sandstone Reservoirs
-Shore Processes and their Palaeoenvironmental Applications
-Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy in Welllogs Cores and Outcrops
-Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy, Concepts and Applications
-Slope Stability and Erosion Control
-SME Mining Reference Handbook
-Soils and Sediments-Mineralogy and Geochemistry
-Spilites and Spilitic Rocks
-SPWLA Geological Glossary
-Stable Isotope Geochemistry
-Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering (2nd Ed.)
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-Statistics of Earth Science Data
-Stratigraphic Analysis of Layered Deposits
-Stratigraphic Paleobiology, Understanding the Distribution of Fossil Taxa in Time and Space
-Stratigraphical Paleontology
-Stratigraphy a Modern Synthesis
-Strength Analysis in Geomechanics (2nd Ed.)
-Stress Field of the Earth’s Crust
-Stress in the Earth’s Lithosphere
-Structural Analysis and Synthesis
-Structural and Tectonic Modelling and Its Application to Petroleum Geology
-Structural Control on Ore Genesis
-Structural Geology Ragan
-Structural Geology Algorithms
-Structural Geology and Map interpretation
-Structural Geology and Personal Computers
-Structural Geology Laboratory Manual (4th Ed.)
-Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions
-Structural Geology Twiss and Moores (2nd Ed.)
-Structural Geology, Fundamentals and Modern Developments
-Structural Interpretation in Sedimentary Basins
-Structural Mineralogy, An Introduction
-Structurally Complex Reservoirs
-Structure of Materials, Introduction to Crystallography
-Structures of Ophiolites and Dynamics of Oceanic Lithosphere
-Student Study Guide for Understanding Earth (6Th Ed.)
-Style Manual for Writing in Geology
-Subduction Zone Geodynamics
-Subsurface Geology-Maps and Cross-Sections
-Sulfidic Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
-Superplumes, Beyond Plate Tectonics
-Surface and Ground Water, Weathering and Soils
-Surface Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration
-Surface Mining (2nd Ed.)
-Sustainable Coastal Management
-Symmetry and Physical Properties of Crystals
-System Theory in Geomorphology

-Technical English for Geosciences
-Technical Guide to Managing Ground Water Resources
-Techniques in Mineral Exploration
-Techniques in Sedimentology
-Techniques in Underground Mining
-Técnicas Modernas de Análisis Estructural
-Tectonic Faults, Agents of Change on a Dynamic Earth
-Tectonic Geomorphology (2nd Ed.)
-Tectonic Geomorphology of Mountains, A New Approach to Paleoseismology
-Tectonic Inheritance in Continental Rifts and Passive Margins
-Tectonically Active Landscapes
-Tectonics and Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy
-Tectonics of Sedimentary Basins, Recent Advances
-Tectonics Twiss and Moores (1st Ed.)
-Tensile Fracturing in Rocks
-Terrigenous Clastic Depositional Systems-Applications to Fossil Fuel and Groundwater Resources
-Terrigenous Clastic Depositional Systems-Applications to Petroleum, Coal and Uranium
-Textbook of Geology
-The Application of Ichnology to Palaeoenvironmental and Stratigraphic Analysis
-The Basics of Crystallography and Diffraction (3rd Ed.)
-The Beginning of the World
-The Blue Planet, An introduction to Earth System Science
-The Cambridge Handbook of Earth Science Data
-The Changing Earth, Exploring Geology and Evolution (7Th Ed.)
-The Chemistry of Clay Minerals
-The Chemistry of Evolution
-The Chronology of the Geological Record
-The Complete Encyclopedia of Minerals, Description of over 600 Minerals from around the World
-The Crust, A Treatise on Geochemistry
-The Current Role of Geological Mapping in Geosciences
-The Dynamic Earth
-The Dynamics of Sedimentary Basins
-The Earth and the Moon
-The Earth inside and out
-The Earth, A Very Short introduction
-The Earth’s Age and Geochronology
-The Facts on File Dictionary of Earth Science
-The Field Description of Igneous Rocks
-The Field Description of Metamorphic Rocks
-The Field Description of Sedimentary Rocks
-The Fossil Record
-The Frozen Earth, Fundamentals of Geocryology
-The Geochemistry of Reservoirs
-The Geochemistry of Stable Chlorine and Bromine Isotopes
-The Geology and Mapping of Granite Batholiths
-The Geology of Fluvial Deposits
-The Geology of Stratigraphic Sequences
-The Good Earth, Introduction to Earth Science
-The Handy Geology Answer Book
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-The Nature of Earth. An introduction to Geology
-The Nature of Stratigraphical Record (3rd Ed.)
-The Oceans and Marine Geochemistry
-The Oil and Gas industry, A Nontechnical Guide
-The Ore Minerals and their Intergrowths
-The Origin of Clay Minerals
-The Origin of Mountains
-The Origins of Continents
-The Paleobiological Revolution
-The Planet We live on, The Beginnings of the Earth Sciences
-The Pleistocene Boundary and the Beginning of the Quaternary
-The Principles of Geoturism
-The Principles of Petrology, An introduction to Science of Rocks
-The Properties of Petroleum Fluids (2nd Ed.)
-The Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Fractured Formations
-The Science of Clays
-The Sea Floor, An Introduction to Marine Geology (3rd Ed.)
-The Sedimentary Record of Sea-Level Change
-The Shale Gas Shock
-The Story of the Animals and Plants that Time Has Left Behind
-The Violent Earth, Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunamis
-The Young Earth
-Theoretical Geochemistry, Applications of Quantum Mechanics in The Earth and Mineral Sciences
-Thermodynamics in Mineral Sciences
-Thermodynamics of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
-Thrust Belts and Foreland Basins
-Thrust Tectonics Mcclay
-Time Matters, Geology’s Legacy to Scientific Thought
-Time-Series Analysis and Cyclostratigraphy
-Tools in Fluvial Geomorphology
-Topics in Igneous Petrology
-Trace Fossil Analysis Adolph Seilacher
-Trace Fossil Concepts
-Trace Fossils as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments
-Trace Fossils William Miller
-Trace Fossils. Biology, Taphonomy and Applications
-Trace Fossils. Concepts, Problems, Prospects
-Tracers in Hydrology
-Tracers in the Oil Field
-Tracing Tectonic Deformation Using Sedimentary Record
-Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments
-Transport and Fate of Chemicals in Soils. Principles and Applications
-Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Introduction
-Treatise on Mineralogy for Beginners
-Trilobite, Eyewitness to Evolution
-Tropical Geomorphology
-Tsunami. The Underrated Hazard
-Tsunamiites Features and Implications
-Unconventional Oil and Shale Gas-Growth, Extraction, and Water Management Issues
-Unconventional Petroleum Geology
-Underground Mining Methods and Applications
-Underground Mining Methods and Technology
-Underground Mining Methods-Engineering Fundamentals and Case Studies
-Understanding and Orogenic Belt, Structural Evolution of The Himalaya
-Understanding Earth (7th Ed.)
-Understanding Earth by GIS
-Understanding Granites-Integrating New and Classical Techniques
-Understanding Mineral Deposits
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-Uranium Ore Deposits
-Uranium. Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, Exploration and Resources
-Urban Geology
-Use of Trace Fossil Assemblages
-Uses of Industrial Minerals Rocks and Freshwater
-Using Geochemical Data
-Utility of GIS in Mapping

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-Volcanic Successions
-Volcanic Textures
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-Wellsite Geology
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