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DATE: _________________

DEAR MR. /MS.___________________,

We are pleased to inform you that we are engaging your services with [Name of Company] (the
“Company”) as [Position].

The following are the conditions of your employment with the Company:

1. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. You are hereby hired as [] and shall be under the direct
supervision of []. Your duties and responsibilities as [] shall be:

2. PERIOD OF EMPLOYMENT. Your employment shall be for a fixed period of [ months]

effective from [Date] to [Date].

3. COMPENSATION. As a ______________________, you will receive a monthly compensation

of _____________ per month, subject to government-mandated deductions to be borne by the
employee, which shall be payable every ____ and ____ of the month.

[The Company may, at its discretion, grant bonuses, allowances, or benefits not defined in this
contract, subject to your performance and the financial performance of the Company. Such
exercise of discretion shall not be considered as established practice or precedent and shall
not be demandable under this Contract or any other written or unwritten agreement.]

4. WORK HOURS. You shall work with the following schedule:


The work schedule may be changed by the Company or its management as it may deem
necessary to meet its operational requirements. You may also be required to work more than
your regular work schedule due to the demands of the business or the requirements of the
Company for which you will be entitled to overtime pay.

5. PLACE OF WORK. Your primary place of work shall be in _______________. However, you
may be transferred or assigned to other locations as may be required by the needs of the
Company. You may also be required to travel from time to time.

6. COMPANY RULES AND REGULATIONS. You are required to comply and follow all existing
rules, regulations and policies of the Company as well as the company to which you shall be

assigned, written or unwritten, as well as those which may hereafter be issued, including but
not limited to those governing order and discipline, honesty, safety and security, working hours,
breaks and rest periods, work assignments and standard operating procedures, uniform use of
the company properties and access to matters of confidentiality, bodily search when coming in
or going out of the Company premises and such other rules deemed necessary in the conduct
of our business. All existing and future company rules and regulations shall be deemed
incorporated in this Contract.

7. CERTIFICATION OF TRUTHFULNESS. You hereby certify that all information you have
submitted to the Company before and in the course of your employment is correct, complete,
and accurate. It is understood that any falsification, misinterpretation or omission of facts on
your application for employment or on the course of your enrollment shall be a ground for your

8. CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-DISCLOSURE. You agree that all records and documents of
the Company and all information or secret process pertaining to its business or affairs are
confidential and unauthorized disclosure or reproduction of the same will not be made by you
at any time during or after your employment. You agree that any breach of confidentiality will
constitute sufficient ground for immediately termination of your employment for cause, without
prejudice to any liability for civil damage.

9. RESIGNATION. In case you intend to resign from the Company prior to the termination of your
contract, you are required to submit ____(___) day written notice prior to the affectivity of such
resignation, otherwise, failure on your part to do so will render you liable for damages.
However, it is within the sole discretion of the Company whether or not accepts such
resignation earlier that expiration of said period.

If you agree with the above and conditions, please indicate your conformity by signing on the space
provided below for this purpose.

Very truly yours,




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