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Application Note

Testing the Add on stabilization feature in SIPROTEC5

Transformer Differential 7UT86 Relay

Ahmed Abdelwahab |

February 28th, 2022

Related OMICRON Product

CMC – Test Universe

Application Area
Protection Testing

SIPORTEC5, 7UT8X , Transformer Differential , CT Saturation , add on stabilization , external fault detector


Document ID

In case of external fault (Short circuit) , high short circuit currents flowing through can lead to current
transformer saturation , This saturation can be more or less strongly pronounced at the measuring points
and in this way a differential current might appear and lead to false trip if there is not special measurement

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Requirements to use this application note......................................................................................3
1.1.1 Safety Instructions ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.1.2 General Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 3
2 Add on Stabilization feature .................................................................................................................4
2.1 Introduction: ....................................................................................................................................4
3 Relay Settings: .......................................................................................................................................6
4 Advanced Differential Module- Test Object/ Testing Module : .........................................................8
5 Testing results: ................................................................................................................................... 13

Please use this note only in combination with the related product manual which contains several important safety
instructions. The user is responsible for every application that makes use of an OMICRON product.

OMICRON electronics GmbH including all international branch offices is henceforth referred to as OMICRON.

© OMICRON 2011. All rights reserved. This application note is a publication of OMICRON.
All rights including translation reserved. Reproduction of any kind, for example, photocopying, microfilming, optical
character recognition and/or storage in electronic data processing systems, requires the explicit consent of OMICRON.
Reprinting, wholly or in part, is not permitted.
The product information, specifications, and technical data embodied in this application note represent the technical
status at the time of writing and are subject to change without prior notice.
We have done our best to ensure that the information given in this application note is useful, accurate and entirely
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OMICRON translates this application note from the source language English into a number of other languages. Any
translation of this document is done for local requirements, and in the event of a dispute between the English and a non-
English version, the English version of this note shall govern.

1 Introduction

1.1 Requirements to use this application note

1.1.1 Safety Instructions

To use this application note it is very important to read and to understand the Safety Instructions of Test
Universe and of the electrical equipment that is controlled by Test Universe. They can be found in the
corresponding manuals.

DANGER – Life-hazardous voltages and currents!

 The OMICRON Test Universe software controls electrical equipment that

can output life-hazardous voltages and currents.
 Before operating any such electrical equipment, carefully read the Safety
Instructions section in the manual that was provided with the equipment.
 Do not use (or even turn on) any electrical equipment without
understanding the information in its manual.
 Existing national safety standards for accident prevention and
environmental protection may supplement the equipment’s manual.
 Only trained personal should operate RelaySimTest.

NOTICE – Equipment damage!

 The OMICRON Test Universe software controls electrical equipment that

can output voltages and currents which are able to damage equipment.
 Before operating any such electrical equipment, be sure that no equipment
will be damaged.

1.1.2 General Requirements

Prior to using this application note, read the “Getting started” manual [1] of Test Universe. The following
software tools are required to use this application note:

 Test Universe software with a Control Center Software and Advanced Differential software and
license. A license for this product is included with many Test Universe software packages. If you
have problems operating any of the advanced differential modules with your CMC, please contact
technical support at 1-800 OMICRON with your CMC serial number for more information, to obtain a
temporary license, or to purchase a license.

2 Add on Stabilization feature

2.1 Introduction:
Stability of the differential protection in the event of Current transformer saturation is
Very important foe definition of the measuring technique. Modern protection devices
Include saturation detectors that detect saturation very quickly and activate an
Additional stabilization. The principle of the saturation detector is essentially based
On the fact that the CT initially after the fault inception, transforms the current
Correctly for a minimum duration and only goes into saturation later (see Figure-1)


In the event of external fault, the Operating current (differential current) IOp (current vector
sum) remains small (theoretically zero) during the first milliseconds while the restraint
current ( arithmetic sum) IRes immediately shows a steep increase , In the event of
Internal fault , both currents immediately exhibit a parallel rise.

This time delay increase of the differential current is a clear indication of CT saturation. In
figure-1 the course of the value pairs I op and IRes in time shown in the operating
characteristics of the differential protection

In the event of an internal fault, the value pairs currents immediately have the same
magnitude, in other words the locus of Iop/IRes progress up and down the 45°-fault
characteristics, In the event of external fault with CT saturation, the value I op however
Initially is zero and the locus of Iop/IRes progresses along the horizontal axis toward the
right as the current increase and only jumps upwards into the fault characteristics when
CT saturation ensues, this sequence is repeated in the subsequent half cycles. Intervals of
unsaturated and saturated CT conditions alternate.

This difference in the response is used for detection of the CT saturation. If saturation is
detected during an external fault, then a transient increase of the restraint or transient
blocking of the trip signal is initiated

Locus of curves Iop/IRes during external faults without and with CT saturation

3 Relay Settings:

Figure-3 Add on stabilization settings

Add on stabilization feature in SIPROTEC 5 Relay

 The differential current and restraint current are monitored on A phase basis in
the Diff/Restraint level immediately after the fault inception to ensure the
stability of the saturation detection for low saturation free times

 If the estimated restraint current exceeds the Threshold add-on stabilization.

Parameter and the expected value of the differential current of all phases are in
the additional stabilization range (parameter slope-1 ) of the differential
protection at the same time the relay will issue the indication of >Blocked by
External fault and the Tripping of the differential function will be blocked

 If the differential current exceeds slope-1 as result of the CT saturation the

blocking will be limited to (time of Add-on stabilization)

Figure-4 Differential / restraint Operating characteristics

As we can see in figure-4, The slope of add on stabilization equals to slope-1 of the differential protection
and passes through the origin ad in our case will be 30%

Figure-5 Operate curve for Differential protection

4 Advanced Differential Module- Test Object/ Testing Module :

Figure-6.1 Advanced differential Module (Transformer Data)

Figure 6.2 Current transformer ratio

Figure 6.3 Protection device date

Test Max: should be add on stabilization time + 4 Time of Add on stabilization

cycles for saturation detectors = 2+.06= 2.060

Add on stabilization Characteristics

Figure 6-4 Add on Stabilization characteristics

Point X Co-ordinate (I restraint) Y Co-ordinate (I operate)

P1 0 Diff Threshold = 0.25 PU
P2 2.5 0.75 = 2.5*0.3
= 20
P3 0.3 I diff unrestrained = 6 PU

To activate the External fault
signal we need to simulate
External fault for minimum 4
cycles with current higher than
Threshold Add-on stabilization

Figure 6-5 Advanced differential Module – General Tab

Blocked by External fault signal

will be used as trigger signal as

5 Testing results:

Figure 7-1 Add on stabilization for L-E Fault

Important notice:
The first search line should be equal or bigger than Add-on stabilization threshold

Figure 7-2 Add on stabilization for L-L * Fault

*for LLL fault will be the same as LL faults

Important notice:
The first search line should be equal or bigger than Add-on stabilization threshold

OMICRON is an international company serving the electrical power industry with innovative testing and
diagnostic solutions. The application of OMICRON products provides users with the highest level of confidence
in the condition assessment of primary and secondary equipment on their systems. Services offered in the area
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