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NAME: ____________________________ ( ) CLASS: _______ DATE: _________





Narrative Comprehension Duration: 50 minutes

Candidates answer on this Question Paper.

Additional Materials: Insert


Write your answers in dark blue or black ink in the spaces provided on this Question Paper.
Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.

Write your name and register number in the spaces at the top of this page.

Answer all questions.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of Section A.


Section A /20
Total /20

Setter: Ms Brenda Nio

This paper consists of 4 printed pages including the cover page.

[Turn over
NAME: ____________________________ ( ) CLASS: _______

Section B [20 marks]

Refer to the text of the Insert for Questions 1-12.

1 According to Paragraph 1, identify two things the writer’s father did repeatedly [2]
when he was cooking rice.

i) ……………………………………………………………………………………….

ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………….

2 From Paragraph 1, identify three consecutive words that suggest that the [1]
writer’s father was experienced in cooking rice.


3 From Paragraph 1, identify a phrase that suggests that the sound of the writer’s [1]
father washing rice was very loud.


4 From Paragraph 2, identify a phrase of three words that suggests that the [1]
writer’s father appeared as though he did not belong in the kitchen?


5 Which of the following details from Paragraph 3 best support the idea that the [2]
writer’s father was not particular about the quality of the rice that the writer
cooked? Tick two boxes only.

‘…I never did it with the same care.’

‘…he passed this task to me…’

‘…my father would keep eating...’

‘…he would rise, whistling, as he cleared the table...’

6 i) According to Paragraph 3, how did the writer feel about not being able to [1]
cook rice well?


ii) From the same paragraph, identify a phrase that suggests that the writer felt [1]
at ease because of his father’s actions.


FMS(S) Sec 1 Normal (Academic) Term 2 Weighted Assessment 2022

English Language Narrative Comprehension Question Paper 2
NAME: ____________________________ ( ) CLASS: _______

7 ‘…when we watched Wok with Yan, my father would pass judgment on Yan’s [5]
methods. I was enthralled when Yan transformed orange peels into swans but
my father sniffed and said, “I can do that too. In fact, you don’t have to be a
genius to do that.” He then proceeded to place a sprig of green onion in a bowl
of water and showed me how it bloomed like a flower. “I know many tricks like
this, much more than Yan.” he said. (lines 26-31).

In Paragraph 4, identify the words or phrases from the extract given above
that correspond with the descriptions that were mentioned when the writer
and his father were watching the cooking show.

Descriptions that were mentioned

Matching words or phrases from
when the writer and his father
the given extract
were watching the cooking show
give an evaluation

8 “Still, my father made careful notes when Yan demonstrated how to cook a [1]
Peking Duck.” (lines 32-33).

What does the line suggest about the writer’s father’s attitude towards Yan’s
preparation of the Peking duck?



9 i) ‘He chuckled heartily at Yan’s pun…’ (lines 33). [1]

What does this line suggest about the writer’s father’s feelings while watching
the cooking show?


ii) Identify another phrase later in the passage that conveys a similar idea of [1]
the writer’s father’s feelings.


10 What does the expression ‘rattle off’ (line 37) suggest about the way the writer [1]
was talking?


FMS(S) Sec 1 Normal (Academic) Term 2 Weighted Assessment 2022

English Language Narrative Comprehension Question Paper 3
NAME: ____________________________ ( ) CLASS: _______

11 According to Paragraph 7, what did the writer’s father say about people with [1]
high foreheads?


12 From Paragraph 8, what reminded the writer of the fond times he had with his [1]



~ End of Paper ~

FMS(S) Sec 1 Normal (Academic) Term 2 Weighted Assessment 2022

English Language Narrative Comprehension Question Paper 4

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