a request letter

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 a request letter ( surat permintaan )

Surat permintaan adalah surat yang digunakan untuk meminta atau mengajukan permohonan tertentu kepada pihak

yang berwenang atau pihak yang memiliki kewenangan. Surat permintaan biasanya berisi rincian permintaan,

alasan, dan pengharapan dari pihak yang mengirim surat. Yang biasanya digunakan untuk surat permohonan izin

cuti permintaan perpanjangan kontrak atau kenaikan gaji. (A request letter is a letter that is used to request or

submit a specific request to an authorized party or party with authority. A request letter usually contains

details of the request, reasons and expectations of the party sending the letter. Which is usually used for

letters requesting permission to cut requests for contract extensions or salary increases).


HRD PT. Prosperous

Subject: Work Leave Permit Letter

In place

Yours faithfully,

I, the undersigned below:

Name: Mia Pogomas

Address: Jl. Mahakan No. 12 Kalimantan

HP number: 0813348900

Position: Marketing Staff

With this letter I intend to request leave from work for 3 working days because my parents are sick. Thus,

I wrote this work leave letter with a real purpose. Thank you for your attention.

 a complaint letter ( Surat pengaduan)

Surat pengaduan adalah surat yang digunakan untuk mengeluhkan atau mengadukan suatu masalah terhadap suatu

produk atau jasa yang diberikan oleh pihak lain yang biasanya berisi rincian masalah, alasan ketidakpuasan dan

harapan penyelesaian dari pihak yang mengirim surat. Contohnya adalah surat pengaduan atas produk cacat dan

pelayanan yang tidak memuaskan. (A complaint letter is a letter used to complain or complain about a

problem with a product or service provided by another party which usually contains details of the

problem, reasons for dissatisfaction and hopes for a resolution from the party sending the letter. An

example is a letter of complaint regarding defective products and unsatisfactory service.)

Dear. Mr Bantul Police Chief

In Yogyakarta

Subject: Online Fraud Reports

Attachments: 1 (one) page

Yours faithfully,

I, the undersigned below:

Name: Bayu

Male gender

KTP No: 123456778

Address: Jl. Kasongan no. 20

No. Tel: 0274 98899

Brother Risma has committed fraudulent acts in the form of selling goods online via Instagram worth

IDR. 5,000,000,-. The goods received do not match the order, are defective and not original. The seller

promised to return the money within a week. However, the money has not been returned until now,

starting 3 weeks after the goods were received.

The party concerned has not shown good faith in returning the money.
As proof, I attach a purchase receipt with proof of chat to the seller. Where the chat explains that the

seller will return the money no later than one week after the item is received.

That's how I made this complaint. I really hope that the police can resolve this case completely. Thank

you for your attention.

Yogyakarta, 01 March 2021

Yours faithfully,



 a thanking letter( surat ucapan terima kasih)

Surat ucapan terima kasih adalah surat yang digunakan untuk mengucapkan terima kasih atau mengapresiasi atas

layanan yang telah diberikan surat ini biasa berisi tentang ucapan terima kasih, alasan pengiriman surat, dan harapan

kebaikan bagi pihak yang menerima surat. Contohnya adalah surat ucapan terima kasih atas bantuan dan

sumbangan. (A thank you letter is a letter that is used to express thanks or appreciation for the services

provided. This letter usually contains words of thanks, the reason for sending the letter, and good wishes

for the party receiving the letter. An example is a letter of thanks for help and donations).
The Boss

Respected Sir,

I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you for being my manager an mentor.
You helped shape my career and professional life and showed me how to transform my mistake into
I really appreciate everything you have taught me!

Thank you


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