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EA Part 2 Mock Exams

Below is a review of your answers, with the incorrectly answered questions first, followed by the
correctly answered questions:

2. Question ID: EA2 M1 038 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

What is the accumulated earnings tax?

A. It is a 15% tax that is imposed upon the undistributed income of an estate.
B. It is a 20% tax that is assessed on the excess accumulated earnings and profits of a C
C. It is a 15% excise tax that is imposed in addition to the trust fund recovery penalty.
D. It is a 20% tax that is assessed on the excess accumulated earnings and profits of an S
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 82% of students.
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Correct Answer Explanation for B:

The accumulated earnings tax is a 20% tax assessed on the excess accumulated earnings and
profits of a C corporation. If a corporation allows earnings to accumulate beyond the reasonable
needs of the business, it may be subject to an accumulated earnings tax of 20% of the excess
amount accumulated. The accumulated earnings tax does not apply to partnerships, sole
proprietorships, or S corporations, because these businesses are pass-through entities and do not
accumulate earnings from year to year as a C corporation does. For most C corporations, there is a
$250,000 minimum credit against this tax ($150,000 for corporations providing professional

3. Question ID: EA2 M1 029 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Christian is a 50% general partner in Copperleaf Partnership. On January 1, 2023, Christian’s

partnership basis was $1,000. The Copperleaf Partnership had the following items of income
calculated at the end of the year:

Ordinary income $40,000

Tax-exempt investment income 20,000

Rental income 4,000

There were no cash or property distributions to any of the partners during the year. Copperleaf
Partnership allocates profits and losses to partners according to their ownership stake. Based on
this information, what is Christian’s partnership basis at the end of the year, on December 31, 2023?
A. $21,000
B. $22,000
C. $23,000
D. $33,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 64% of students.

Correct Answer Explanation for D:

Since Christian is a 50% partner, the income items must be allocated based on his partnership
percentage. An individual partner’s basis is increased by his share of taxable and nontaxable
income. The answer is calculated as follows:

Calculations for Copperleaf Partnership Partnership Income Christian’s Portion

Starting partnership basis $1,000

Ordinary income × 50% $40,000 $20,000

Tax-exempt income × 50% $20,000 $10,000

Rental income × 50% $4,000 $2,000

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Christian’s year-end partnership basis $33,000

4. Question ID: EA2 M1 007 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

George is a partner in Citrus Growers, LLC, which is taxed as a general partnership. At the end of
the year, George’s adjusted basis in Citrus Growers was $65,000 (prior to accounting for
distributions). George received a nonliquidating distribution of farmland from Citrus Growers, as well
as $15,000 of cash. The land had an adjusted basis of $65,000 to Citrus Growers and a fair market
value of $54,000 immediately before the distribution. What is George’s basis in the land after the
A. $50,000
B. $65,000
C. $54,000
D. $44,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 64% of students.

Question was not answered

5. Question ID: EA2 M1 020 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Gabby owns a duplex. She lives in one half and rents the other to a tenant. On January 13, 2023,
the property was condemned by the government in order to build a public light rail system. Gabby
receives a condemnation settlement from the government of $90,000. She originally paid $75,000
for the property and spent $15,000 for substantial improvements equally on the two units. Gabby
had claimed allowable depreciation deductions of $20,000 on the rental half of the property before
the condemnation. She also incurred legal fees of $2,000 in connection with the condemnation
settlement process. She doesn’t plan to purchase another property; she just takes the settlement
and puts it in her savings account. What amount of taxable gain (or loss) will Gabby report as a
result of the condemnation, assuming she does not defer any gain under section 1033?
A. Taxable gain of $0.
B. Deductible loss of $22,000.
C. Deductible loss of $2,000.
D. Taxable gain of $19,000.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 55% of students.

Question was not answered

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6. Question ID: EA2 M1 094 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Teddy is a popular comedian who files on Schedule C. He has three employees: a full-time
secretary and two part-time assistants who manage his website and club bookings. During the tax
year, Teddy has the following meal and entertainment expenses related to his business:

Expense Cost

Tickets to a golfing tournament with a club owner $240

Business meals 152

Snacks and beverages for the employee break room 260

Office party for Teddy’s employees and their families 552

Based on the information above, what is the dollar amount of Teddy’s deductible expense on his
Schedule C?
A. $758
B. $482
C. $834
D. $379
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 65% of students.

Question was not answered

7. Question ID: EA2 M1 072 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Connor died on April 10, 2023, leaving two minor children as his heirs. His estate was valued at $16
million on the date of his death, so an estate tax return must be filed. Which of the following
expenses may be claimed as a deduction on the estate tax return?
A. Attorney’s fees for work on behalf of Connor’s estate.
B. Federal estate taxes paid.
C. Daycare expenses incurred after Connor’s death on behalf of his surviving children.
D. Property taxes that accrued after the date of Connor’s death.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 79% of students.

Question was not answered

8. Question ID: EA2 M1 085 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

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Hesperia Health, Inc. offers many types of fringe benefits to its employees. Which of the following
benefits would not be deductible by the corporation in 2023?
A. Educational assistance program
B. Employer-provided transit passes
C. Term-life insurance coverage provided to an employee
D. Health insurance provided to an employee
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 74% of students.

Question was not answered

9. Question ID: EA2 M1 063 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Which of the following is eligible to be a “disregarded entity” for federal tax purposes?
A. A single-member limited liability company (LLC).
B. A corporation that elected S corporation status.
C. A limited liability partnership (LLP).
D. A corporation that is exempt from tax under Section 501(c)(3).
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 86% of students.

Question was not answered

10. Question ID: EA2 M1 054 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Apple Valley Partnership has two general partners, Douglas and Craig, who share income and
losses equally. Apple Valley had $110,000 of net ordinary income during the year. Craig received a
cash distribution of $31,000 on September 12, 2023. Douglas received a cash distribution of
$42,000 on October 1, 2023. Apple Valley is a cash-basis, calendar-year partnership. How much
taxable income will Apple Valley report on Craig’s Schedule K-1 and on Douglas’s Schedule K-1?
A. Craig: $31,000; Douglas: $42,000
B. Craig: $24,000; Douglas: $13,000
C. Craig: $79,000; Douglas: $68,000
D. Craig: $55,000; Douglas: $55,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 69% of students.

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11. Question ID: EA2 M1 032 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Boland Construction, Inc. is an S corporation construction company that purchases two pieces of
heavy machinery during the year. The company buys an excavator for $38,000 and a backhoe for
$79,000. Both pieces of machinery will be 100% business use. Boland’s taxable income for the
year, before any depreciation deductions, is $2,600,000. Boland Construction would like to fully
deduct the cost of the backhoe in 2023, but would like to take straight-line depreciation on the
excavator. Both assets are in the same asset class. How can the company do this?
A. The company may opt-out of bonus depreciation for the construction equipment asset
class, elect Section 179 on the backhoe and then elect straight-line depreciation on the
B. The company may take bonus depreciation or Section 179 on both assets, but cannot take
straight-line on the excavator once it chooses to use Section 179 or bonus depreciation for the
C. The company cannot deduct the full cost of either asset in the current year.
D. The company may take straight-line depreciation on both assets, but cannot take either
bonus or Section 179 depreciation in the same year it claims another depreciation method.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 66% of students.

Question was not answered

12. Question ID: EA2 M1 045 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

In general, which of the following entities do not require any type of written document or state filings
in order to be established?
A. An LLC and a sole proprietorship
B. An S corporation and a sole proprietorship
C. A general partnership and a sole proprietorship
D. A general partnership or a limited liability partnership
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 81% of students.

Question was not answered

13. Question ID: EA2 M1 023 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

The Warrington Corporation is a calendar-year C corporation. In 2023, Warrington Corp. made

$4,000 in charitable contributions that it cannot use on the current-year return because of income
limitations. How should this unused contribution be treated?
A. The corporation can carry forward unused contributions indefinitely.
B. The corporation can carry forward unused charitable contributions for 20 years.

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C. The corporation can carry forward unused charitable contributions for ten years.
D. The corporation can carry forward unused charitable contributions for five years.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 77% of students.

Question was not answered

14. Question ID: EA2 M1 001 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Golden Glades, Inc. is an accrual-based C corporation. Golden Glades, Inc. realized net income of
$300,000 for book purposes in 2023. Included in book net income are the following:

Federal income taxes $4,000

Excess of capital losses over capital gains 10,000

Tax-exempt interest income 5,000

What is Golden Glades, Inc.’s taxable income?
A. $304,000
B. $280,000
C. $290,000
D. $309,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 57% of students.

Question was not answered

15. Question ID: EA2 M1 014 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Sherry is a self-employed financial planner who files a Schedule C. In which of the following
instances would Sherry not be required to obtain an employer identification number (EIN)?
A. Sherry files for bankruptcy under Chapter 7.
B. Sherry operates multiple sole proprietorships, each with no employees.
C. Sherry hires an employee.
D. Sherry forms a partnership with her husband.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 75% of students.

Question was not answered

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16. Question ID: EA2 M1 097 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Which of the following best describes a controlled group?

A. A type of partnership controlled by fewer than five individuals.
B. A privately held corporation that does not publicly list its financial statements.
C. A group of corporations that are related through common ownership and are subject to
rules regarding related party transactions.
D. A corporation or partnership that is owned by family members.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 77% of students.

Question was not answered

17. Question ID: EA2 M1 088 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

A city charges a fee for installing sidewalk curbing in front of a business. This is a type of:
A. Nondeductible tax.
B. Real estate tax that can be deducted as a current expense.
C. Repair that can be deducted as a current expense.
D. Assessment that is added to the property’s basis.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 87% of students.

Question was not answered

18. Question ID: EA2 M1 079 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Which of the following retirement plans is allowed to offer loans to its participants?
B. SIMPLE 401(k) plan
D. Traditional IRA
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 85% of students.

Question was not answered

19. Question ID: EA2 M1 057 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

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Bria paid $30,000 to acquire a 30% stake in the Harvest Bagels, a general partnership she formed
with two of her friends. Harvest Bagels is a calendar-year, cash-basis partnership. Bria is a general
partner whose 30% stake allows her to share in capital and profits according to her ownership
percentage. In its first year, Harvest Bagels earns ordinary income of $40,000. All of the profits were
reinvested in the business, so no cash distributions are made to any of the partners during the year.
How much income should Bria report on her return, and what is her partnership basis at the end of
the year?
A. Income: $0, Bria’s Year-End Basis: $42,000
B. Income: $12,000, Bria's Year-End Basis: $42,000
C. Income: $0, Bria’s Year-End Basis: $30,000
D. Income: $10,000, Bria’s Year-End Basis: $36,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 66% of students.

Question was not answered

20. Question ID: EA2 M1 070 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Great Basin Corporation liquidated during the year by distributing assets with a fair market value of
$200,000 to its five shareholders. The assets had an adjusted basis of $62,000. How would this
transaction be treated for tax purposes by the corporation?
A. The distribution is treated as a sale. Great Basin recognizes income of $200,000.
B. The distribution is treated as a sale. Great Basin recognizes income of $138,000.
C. The distribution is not treated as a sale. Great Basin does not recognize gain or loss.
D. The distribution is treated as a sale. Great Basin recognizes a loss of $62,000.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 80% of students.

Question was not answered

21. Question ID: EA2 M1 048 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

The Saluki Trust is a U.S. trust. The trust has a governing instrument that requires all income to be
distributed in the current year. It is not a qualified disability trust. What is the Saluki Trust’s
exemption amount in 2023?
A. $100
B. $300
C. $600
D. $4,300
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 66% of students.

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Question was not answered

22. Question ID: EA2 M1 026 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Which entity type has an annual filing requirement, regardless of its level of income or expenses?
A. Corporation
B. Exempt entity
C. Estate
D. Partnership
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 85% of students.

Question was not answered

23. Question ID: EA2 M1 039 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

What does an S corporation’s accumulated adjustments account (AAA) include?

A. All items of income and expenses of the S corporation, with the exception of tax-exempt
income (and expenses related to tax-exempt income).
B. An accounting of each shareholder’s stock basis in the corporation and related adjustments
of foreign shareholders.
C. All items of income and expenses of the S corporation.
D. All items of income and expenses of the S corporation, with the exception of portfolio
income (and expenses related to portfolio income).
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 47% of students.

Question was not answered

24. Question ID: EA2 M1 017 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Which of the following is a correct statement about sales tax collected by a business in connection
with the sale of goods or services in a state which imposes sales tax on the buyers of goods or
services and the seller is required to collect and remit the taxes on behalf of the state?
A. Sales taxes collected are added to gross receipts.
B. A business may deduct sales taxes collected in the year they are remitted to the taxing
C. Sales taxes collected are deducted from gross receipts.
D. Sales taxes are excluded from gross receipts and deductible expenses.
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This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 63% of students.

Question was not answered

25. Question ID: EA2 M1 008 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Cheryl is a 100% shareholder in Sterling Design, Inc., a cash-basis C corporation. At the beginning
of the year, Sterling Design had no accumulated earnings and profits. At the end of the year, Sterling
Design has $20,000 of current earnings and profits. Sterling Design makes a $30,000 cash
distribution to Cheryl. At the time of the distribution, Cheryl’s stock basis in the corporation was $0.
What is the effect of this distribution?
A. $20,000 taxable dividend; $10,000 capital loss.
B. $30,000 capital gain.
C. $30,000 taxable dividend.
D. $20,000 taxable dividend; $10,000 capital gain.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 65% of students.

Question was not answered

26. Question ID: EA2 M1 082 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Schein Accountancy, LLP has two general partners that manage the day-to-day operations. Schein
Accountancy also has two employees, a receptionist and a paid intern. Which of the following taxes
would not be applicable to Schein Accountancy?
A. Federal unemployment (FUTA) tax
B. Federal income tax
C. Social Security and Medicare taxes (for employees’ wages)
D. Excise taxes
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 22% of students.

Question was not answered

27. Question ID: EA2 M1 095 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

When using taxable income as a starting point, which of the following transactions decreases the
amount of a C corporation’s earnings and profits?

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A. Long-term contracts reported on the completed contract method.

B. Mine exploration and development costs deducted currently.
C. Dividends-received deduction.
D. Corporate dividends and other distributions to shareholders.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 54% of students.

Question was not answered

28. Question ID: EA2 M1 073 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Newhart Auto Parts, Inc. is a calendar-year C corporation that was formally dissolved on July 12,
2023. When is the final tax return due for Newhart Auto Parts?
A. October 17, 2024
B. November 15, 2023
C. December 15, 2023
D. April 15, 2024
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 67% of students.

Question was not answered

29. Question ID: EA2 M1 051 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Under the employer shared responsibility provisions of the Affordable Care Act, employers with at
least 50 full-time employees (or full-time equivalent employees) are required to offer what type of
insurance coverage?
A. Health, vision, and dental insurance that provides minimum value
B. Accident and health insurance that provides minimum value
C. Health insurance that provides minimum value
D. Worker’s compensation insurance
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 76% of students.

Question was not answered

30. Question ID: EA2 M1 064 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Which of the following would be considered a fiscal tax year?

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A. 8/1/2023 – 07/31/2024
B. 2/15/2023 – 3/15/2024
C. 1/1/2023 – 12/31/2023
D. 4/1/2023 – 4/30/2024
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 86% of students.

Question was not answered

31. Question ID: EA2 M1 042 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

When calculating the ordinary income of a partnership, which of the following is allowed as a
deduction from ordinary income?
A. Charitable contributions to exempt entities
B. Short-term capital losses
C. Delinquent federal taxes.
D. Guaranteed payments to partners
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 85% of students.

Question was not answered

32. Question ID: EA2 M1 033 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Which of the following would make a corporation ineligible to elect S corporation status?
A. One shareholder is a partnership.
B. The corporation has 100 shareholders.
C. One shareholder is a bankruptcy estate.
D. The corporation has both voting and nonvoting stock.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 55% of students.

Question was not answered

33. Question ID: EA2 M1 011 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Nanette is the owner of Bayshore Bookkeeping Services, a sole proprietorship. The business has
gross receipts of $21,000. Her expenses are listed below. Based on this information, what is the
total of her allowable business deductions on Schedule C?

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Supplies expense $3,175

Self-employed health insurance $4,200

Advertising for her bookkeeping services $425

Meals with potential clients $180

Business-related entertainment costs (golf game with a client) $309

A. $3,690
B. $8,289
C. $3,175
D. $4,089
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 83% of students.

Question was not answered

34. Question ID: EA2 M1 002 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Allwise Corporation makes a $100,000 term loan to one of its shareholders. The stated principal
amount of the loan is payable in ten years. The test rate used to determine if the loan is a below-
market loan is the:
A. Short-term applicable Federal rate as of the day the loan is made.
B. Long-term applicable Federal rate as of the day the loan is made.
C. Mid-term applicable Federal rate as of the day the loan is made.
D. Adjusted applicable Federal rate as of the day the loan is made.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 62% of students.

Question was not answered

35. Question ID: EA2 M1 098 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

The Cascade Partnership is formed by the following partners, two of which are corporate partners
and one of whom is an individual. None of the partners are related persons or related entities.

Partner Ownership stake Tax year-end

Castle Rock Corporation (C corp.) 10% April 30

Dallesport Corporation (C corp.) 45% April 30

Elroy Smith (an individual) 45% December 31

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What is the required tax year-end for Cascade Partnership?

A. Cascade Partnership is required to use a calendar year-end.
B. Cascade Partnership is required to use April 30 as its tax year-end.
C. Cascade Partnership is allowed to select any tax year-end it chooses.
D. Cascade Partnership is required to use December 31 as its tax year-end.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 74% of students.

Question was not answered

36. Question ID: EA2 M1 076 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Pinedale Corporation owns 25% of the outstanding stock in Dover Corporation. Pinedale and Dover
are both C Corporations. In 2023, Dover Corporation issues a $10,000 dividend to Pinedale
Corporation. Ignoring any income limitations, what is Pinedale Corporation’s dividends-received
A. $0
B. $10,000
C. $6,500
D. $2,500
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 78% of students.

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37. Question ID: EA2 M1 089 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Sadie owns a retail dress shop. She recently signed a contract with a fabric wholesaler, which was
finalized over dinner at a restaurant. The total cost of the meal was $250. Sadie’s own dinner was
$50. The vendor ate an expensive meal and also ordered dessert, so his portion of the meal was
$170. The remainder of the bill was for the tip and tax. Sadie also spent $10 for a taxi ride to the
dinner. How much of the evening’s expense is deductible by Sadie as a business expense?
A. $60
B. $260
C. $180
D. $135
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 85% of students.

Question was not answered

38. Question ID: EA2 M1 067 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Theodore is a software programmer and computer repairman who reports his business income and
loss on Schedule C. He creates a new software program for one of his clients, an auto dealership,
to use at its business location. Theodore charges the dealership $24,000 for his program. Rather
than paying the invoice with cash or a cash equivalent, the dealership gives Theodore a new
minivan with an FMV of $24,500. Theodore agrees to accept the minivan in lieu of a cash payment.
The dealership’s cost basis in the minivan is $22,300. At the time he takes possession of the
minivan, Theodore is required to pay sales tax totaling $960. Theodore plans to use the minivan
exclusively for his business. Based on this information, what is Theodore’s depreciable basis in the
A. $22,300
B. $24,500
C. $24,960
D. $24,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 71% of students.

Question was not answered

39. Question ID: EA2 M1 058 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

For federal tax purposes, certain business entities are automatically classified as corporations.
Which of the following entities would not automatically be classified as a corporation?

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A. A business owned by a state or local government.

B. A joint-stock company or joint-stock association.
C. An exempt entity under 501(c)(3).
D. A foreign entity specifically designated as a corporation.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 44% of students.

Question was not answered

40. Question ID: EA2 M1 036 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Montana Equine Rescue is a 501(c)(3) exempt entity that is organized as a calendar-year

corporation. What is the normal (unextended) due date of Montana Equine Rescue’s tax return, and
which form number is it required to file?
A. Form 990, Due Date: May 15
B. Form 990, Due Date: April 15
C. Form 1120, Due Date: April 15
D. Form 1120, Due Date: May 15
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 81% of students.

Question was not answered

41. Question ID: EA2 M1 027 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Section 1245 generally does not apply to:

A. Livestock held for the production of income
B. Depreciable personal property
C. Machinery or equipment used in a business
D. Real property
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 65% of students.

Question was not answered

42. Question ID: EA2 M1 005 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

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Edward purchased an office building on March 1, 2021, which he began renting to business tenants
on April 1, 2021. Edward exchanged the building for 80% of the stock in Brunswick Corporation on
January 1, 2023, in a qualifying IRC Section 351 transfer. Brunswick Corporation’s holding period
for the office building begins on which date?
A. March 1, 2021
B. April 1, 2021
C. January 1, 2023
D. January 2, 2023
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 40% of students.

Question was not answered

43. Question ID: EA2 M1 018 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

The Perdue Trust, which is not a grantor trust, has $45,000 in investment income during the year. All
the income is distributed to three 501(c)(3) charities and one political organization, the Libertarian
Party. What form should be used to report the trust’s income?
A. Form 709
B. No filings are required.
C. Form 1041
D. Form 990
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 68% of students.

Question was not answered

44. Question ID: EA2 M1 092 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Tri-Star Electronics, Inc. is a new C corporation with two equal shareholders, Kayla and Jamar. The
corporation reports income and loss on a calendar-year basis. Kayla’s stock basis at the beginning
of the year is $50,000. Tri-Star Electronics has no accumulated earnings and profits at the beginning
of the year, and has $64,000 of current earnings and profits. The corporation allocates its profits
based on stock ownership. On December 31, Tri-Star Electronics distributes $40,000 to each
shareholder. How much gain (or loss) must Kayla recognize on this distribution, and what is her
ending stock basis?
A. Income: $40,000 dividend, Ending stock basis: $50,000
B. Income: $40,000 dividend, Ending stock basis: $10,000
C. Income: $32,000 dividend, Ending stock basis: $42,000
D. Income: $32,000 dividend, Ending stock basis: $10,000

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This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 38% of students.

Question was not answered

45. Question ID: EA2 M1 083 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Tripp is a self-employed sheep farmer who files on Schedule F. On September 12, 2023, his farm
was damaged and many of his livestock were killed by a hurricane. His farm was located in a
Federally Declared Disaster Area. Tripp applied for disaster assistance and filed for insurance
reimbursement to replace his livestock and repair his farm. He receives an insurance
reimbursement on December 15, 2023, but he doesn’t purchase replacement livestock right away.
What is the replacement period for the sale or exchange of livestock in an area eligible for federal
disaster assistance?
A. Three years after the close of the first tax year in which the taxpayer realizes any part of his
gain from the sale or exchange of livestock
B. Four years after the close of the first tax year in which the taxpayer realizes any part of his
gain from the sale or exchange of livestock
C. One year after the close of the first tax year in which the taxpayer realizes any part of his
gain from the sale or exchange of livestock
D. Two years after the close of the first tax year in which the taxpayer realizes any part of his
gain from the sale or exchange of livestock
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 61% of students.

Question was not answered

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46. Question ID: EA2 M1 061 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Nicholas is a 50% partner in the Beaverhead Partnership. According to the partnership agreement,
Nicholas is contracted to receive a $10,000 guaranteed payment every year. At the end of the year,
after calculating all allowable deductions, Beaverhead Partnership has net ordinary income of
$42,000. Based on this information, how much partnership income will Nicholas report on his
individual tax return for the year?
A. $21,000
B. $10,000
C. $31,000
D. $42,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 77% of students.

Question was not answered

47. Question ID: EA2 M1 052 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Zach is a sole proprietor whose business office was damaged by flooding. The adjusted basis of the
assets damaged was $200,000, which included machinery and equipment that was completely
destroyed in the flood. He received an insurance reimbursement of $140,000 and reinvested the
entire amount plus $60,000 of additional funds to repair his damaged office and replace equipment.
How should he report his casualty loss?
A. Report a loss of $60,000 on Form 4684
B. Report a loss of $60,000 directly on Schedule C under “other expenses.”
C. Report a loss of $59,000 on Schedule A.
D. Report a loss of $60,000 on Schedule D.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 61% of students.

Question was not answered

48. Question ID: EA2 M1 030 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Jimmy is a driver for a popular rideshare service, Lite-Car Rideshare. He starts working for the
company in August 2023. He is classified as an independent contractor and files Schedule C. Jimmy
uses his own car to work for the rideshare service and tracks his business mileage using an
application on his cellphone. Between the months of August and December 2023, he put a total of
16,600 miles on his car, 10,800 of which were for Lite-Car Rideshare. He decides to take the
standard mileage rate. What is his deduction for mileage on Schedule C?

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A. $7,074
B. $10,000
C. $6,750
D. $10,375
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 75% of students.

Question was not answered

49. Question ID: EA2 M1 043 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Christopher is the sole shareholder of Alliance Brokers, Inc., a calendar-year C corporation. At the
beginning of the year, Alliance Brokers has accumulated earnings and profits of $150,000. On
September 1, the corporation distributes $200,000 to Christopher in a nonliquidating distribution. At
the time of the distribution, his stock basis is $30,000. Alliance Brokers has no additional earnings
and profits during the year. How should Christopher recognize this $200,000 distribution on his
A. He must recognize dividend income of $170,000 and reduce his stock basis to zero.
B. He must recognize dividend income of $200,000. His stock basis remains the same.
C. He must recognize dividend income of $150,000 and a capital gain of $20,000. His stock
basis to reduced to zero.
D. He must recognize dividend income of $150,000 and wage income of $20,000. His stock
basis to reduced to zero.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 56% of students.

Question was not answered

50. Question ID: EA2 M1 021 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

John Groveland has a valuable estate. He wants to provide for his disabled daughter as well as
avoid substantial estate taxes. On the advice of his attorney, John formed the Groveland Irrevocable
Trust during the year. Which of the following would not be applicable to this type of trust at its
A. The beneficiary
B. The decedent
C. The trustee
D. The grantor
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 74% of students.

Question was not answered

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51. Question ID: EA2 M1 012 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

When does a decedent’s estate cease to exist?

A. When the beneficiaries terminate the estate in probate court.
B. When it is insolvent.
C. When the executor steps down or resigns.
D. When all of the estate’s assets are distributed.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 92% of students.

Question was not answered

52. Question ID: EA2 M1 086 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Bainbridge Advisors, Inc., an accrual-basis C corporation, owes one of its vendors $250,000 for a
delinquent invoice from the prior year. The vendor threatens to sue to recover the debt. Bainbridge
Advisors Inc. agrees to transfer a commercial building to the vendor in order to satisfy the debt.
Bainbridge Advisors Inc.’s basis in the building is $190,000. How must this transaction be reported?
A. The corporation recognizes a taxable gain of $250,000.
B. The corporation recognizes a taxable gain of $60,000.
C. The corporation recognizes forgiven debt income of $190,000.
D. The corporation recognizes a loss of $60,000.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 81% of students.

Question was not answered

53. Question ID: EA2 M1 077 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Liam has investments in several partnerships. In which of the following instances would Liam be
treated as having “constructive ownership” of more than 50% of the partnership?
A. Liam 20%; Liam’s son 20%; Liam’s brother 60%
B. Liam 45%; Liam’s step-brother 51%; Liam’s son 4%.
C. Liam 45%; Liam’s cousin 55%.
D. Liam 25%; Liam’s wife 10%; Liam’s aunt 65%.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 85% of students.

Question was not answered

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54. Question ID: EA2 M1 055 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Form 3115 is used by a business to:

A. Apply for a change in accounting method.
B. Choose entity classification.
C. Report cash payments over $10,000.
D. Report partnership income.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 85% of students.

Question was not answered

55. Question ID: EA2 M1 068 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Harlowton Energy, Inc. is an S corporation. During the year, Harlowton Energy’s S election was
revoked, and the corporation reverted back to a C corporation. How long must Harlowton Energy
normally wait before electing S status again?
A. One year
B. Two years
C. Five years
D. Ten years
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 89% of students.

Question was not answered

56. Question ID: EA2 M1 046 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Kyle transfers a large tract of unimproved land to Alpine Investments, Inc. in exchange for stock.
Immediately after the transfer, Kyle has majority control of the corporation and owns 85% of the
outstanding stock. The remaining 15% is owned by another stockholder who is unrelated to Kyle.
Alpine Investments, Inc. is a C corporation as well as an investment company. Is this a qualified
section 351 exchange, or is the transfer a taxable event?
A. No, it is not a qualified 351 exchange because Alpine Investments, Inc. is an investment
B. No, it is not a qualified 351 exchange because Kyle does not own 90% of the outstanding
C. No, it is not a qualified 351 exchange because Kyle does not own 100% of the outstanding
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D. Yes, this is a qualified section 351 exchange. The exchange is not a taxable event.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 24% of students.

Question was not answered

57. Question ID: EA2 M1 024 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

In which of the following situations is a business not required to request a new employer
identification number (EIN)?
A. When a taxpayer dies, and a taxable estate is created.
B. When a sole proprietor files for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 11.
C. When a sole proprietor adds an additional location to their business.
D. When an existing corporation establishes a pension plan.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 79% of students.

Question was not answered

58. Question ID: EA2 M1 037 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Sunburst Products, Inc. is a cash-basis C corporation. During the year, the corporation pays
$2,000,000 in salary to Carey, its sole employee-shareholder. The following year, Sunburst Products
Inc. is audited by the IRS, and Carey’s salary is deemed to be excessive. In this case, the excessive
part of the salary will normally be treated as a:
A. Constructive distribution
B. Nontaxable distribution
C. Prohibited transaction
D. Liquidating distribution
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 87% of students.

Question was not answered

59. Question ID: EA2 M1 015 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

What is a “closely-held” corporation?

A. A corporation with less than 100 shareholders.

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B. A corporation with a small number of shareholders and no public market for its corporate
C. A corporation with assets of less than $10 million.
D. Another name for an S corporation.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 86% of students.

Question was not answered

60. Question ID: EA2 M1 006 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Fancy Flowers, LLC is a cash-basis business, taxed as a partnership with two members. During the
year, Fancy Flowers paid $30 a month to a local church for a half-page advertisement in its monthly
program for funerary and bridal flower bouquets. The purpose of the ad was to encourage the
church’s parishioners to buy their flower arrangements and bouquets from Fancy Flowers. How
should Fancy Flowers, LLC treat this transaction on their Form 1065, Partnership Return?
A. Advertising expense.
B. Unreimbursed partnership expense.
C. Charitable donation.
D. Nondeductible expense.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 89% of students.

Question was not answered

61. Question ID: EA2 M1 080 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Which of the following exchanges could be a like-kind exchange of property under section 1031?
A. An exchange of an undeveloped lot for a factory building
B. An exchange of a primary residence for a rental duplex
C. An exchange of one type of cryptocurrency for a different cryptocurrency
D. An exchange of a rental condo in New York with a rental condo in Cancun, Mexico.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 75% of students.

Question was not answered

62. Question ID: EA2 M1 093 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

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Brine Cannery, Inc. purchases manufacturing equipment to use in its canning operations on August
1. The cost of the equipment is $250,000, not including $18,500 of additional sales tax. The entire
purchase of the machinery is financed with a small business loan. During the year, Brine Cannery
pays interest of $10,500 on the loan. What is the proper treatment of this transaction?
A. Brine Cannery must capitalize $279,000 as the cost of the machine and record depreciation
each year.
B. Brine Cannery can deduct the sales tax and the loan interest as business expenses.
C. Brine Cannery can deduct the interest paid on the loan ($10,500). The other costs,
including sales tax, should be capitalized and depreciated.
D. Brine Cannery can deduct all the costs, including the machine purchase, as a current
business expense.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 82% of students.

Question was not answered

63. Question ID: EA2 M1 071 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

The Montague Disability Trust is a qualified disability trust (QDT) set up for the exclusive benefit of a
Glenda Montague, a severely disabled individual. What amount is the Montague Trust allowed as a
personal exemption in 2023?
A. $4,700
B. $0
C. $100
D. $300
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 83% of students.

Question was not answered

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64. Question ID: EA2 M1 049 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Which of the following is a characteristic of a complex trust?

A. A trust that cannot make any distributions of principal
B. A trust that must distribute all of its income currently.
C. A trust that has a $300 exemption
D. A trust that is allowed to accumulate income.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 82% of students.

Question was not answered

65. Question ID: EA2 M1 062 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Which of the following items would not be considered inventory for a farming business?
A. Purchased farm products held for sale.
B. Livestock held for draft, breeding, sporting, or dairy purposes.
C. Harvested crops in storage.
D. Supplies acquired for sale or that become a physical part of items held for sale.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 74% of students.

Question was not answered

66. Question ID: EA2 M1 040 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

What is the tax rate applicable to built-in gains for an S corporation?

A. 20%
B. 21%
C. 15%
D. 35%
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 55% of students.

Question was not answered

67. Question ID: EA2 M1 031 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

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Which of the following is considered a “pass-through” entity?

A. A qualified retirement plan.
B. An S corporation
C. A tax-exempt organization
D. A C corporation
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 94% of students.

Question was not answered

68. Question ID: EA2 M1 009 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

In which of the following scenarios is a fiduciary required to file a Form 1041 for a U.S. trust?
A. A trust that has a beneficiary who is a nonresident alien.
B. Nontaxable municipal bond interest income of $900.
C. A trust that has $100 in taxable income for the year.
D. All of the above.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 45% of students.

Question was not answered

69. Question ID: EA2 M1 096 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Deborah is a general partner in the Colville Partnership. The adjusted basis of her partnership
interest is $165,000. During the year, she receives a cash distribution of $80,000 and machinery
with an adjusted basis of $28,000 and a fair market value of $30,000. This is a nonliquidating
distribution. What is the basis of Deborah’s partnership interest after these distributions?
A. $85,000
B. $113,000
C. $57,000
D. $55,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 76% of students.

Question was not answered

70. Question ID: EA2 M1 074 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

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Trevor is a self-employed electrician who files a Schedule C. In 2023, he drove his company van
7,000 business-related miles out of a total of 10,000 miles. He had $5,500 in total gasoline
expenses. He also had to pay $25 for the annual state license tags, $20 for an auto registration
sticker, and $235 in DMV fees. The delivery van had been fully depreciated prior to the current year.
He chooses to claim actual car expenses, rather than using the standard mileage rate. What
amount can Trevor deduct on his Schedule C for automobile expenses?
A. $3,500
B. $4,046
C. $5,780
D. $8,137
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 62% of students.

Question was not answered

71. Question ID: EA2 M1 087 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

An activity is presumed to be engaged in for profit, rather than a hobby, if:

A. The activity shows a profit for two out of the last seven years, not including the current year.
B. The activity shows a profit for two out of the last five years, including the current year.
C. The activity shows a profit for three out of the last five years, including the current year.
D. The activity shows a profit for three out of the last five years, not including the current year.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 65% of students.

Question was not answered

72. Question ID: EA2 M1 065 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Concord Candy, Inc. is a C Corporation that operates on the calendar year. On January 1, Concord
Candy has $120,000 of accumulated earnings and profits. In 2023, Concord Candy has current
earnings of $90,000. On December 31, Concord Candy distributes $220,000 to Wendy, its sole
shareholder. At the time of the distribution, Wendy’s stock basis was zero. How does this distribution
affect the corporation’s earnings and profits, and how would Wendy report this distribution?
A. The distribution reduces Concord Candy’s E&P to zero. Wendy must report dividend
income of $210,000 and a capital gain of $10,000 on her Form 1040
B. The distribution reduces Concord Candy’s E&P to $10,000. Wendy must report dividend
income of $210,000 and a capital gain of $10,000 on her Form 1040
C. The distribution reduces Concord Candy’s E&P to zero. Wendy must report dividend
income of $220,000 on her Form 1040

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D. The distribution reduces Concord Candy’s E&P to $120,000. Wendy must report ordinary
income of $210,000 and a capital gain of $10,000 on her Form 1040
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 68% of students.

Question was not answered

73. Question ID: EA2 M1 056 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Marsha is weighing her options as she decides on the best entity for her new business. Her primary
concerns are raising capital from potential investors and avoiding personal liability. Without knowing
other considerations, what entity structure might be most advantageous for Marsha?
A. S corporation.
B. Sole proprietorship.
C. C corporation.
D. Partnership.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 76% of students.

Question was not answered

74. Question ID: EA2 M1 034 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Bruce paid $5,500 for a new commercial drill press for his construction business. The shipping cost
was $125. When the machine arrived, it was too heavy for Bruce to assemble and install himself, so
he paid a professional installer to set up the machine for a cost of $250. What is Bruce’s adjusted
basis in this asset?
A. $5,125
B. $5,550
C. $5,625
D. $5,875
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 89% of students.

Question was not answered

75. Question ID: EA2 M1 025 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

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Brendan transfers a building to Plentywood Corporation in exchange for 50% of its outstanding
stock; no one else received stock in the transaction. The remaining 50% of the stock is owned by an
unrelated person. Prior to the contribution, Brendan did not own any stock in Plentywood
Corporation. The building had an adjusted basis of $125,000 to Brendan and a fair market value of
$300,000. The corporate stock that Brendan receives in the transfer has a fair market value of
$300,000. How much gain or loss would Brendan recognize in this transfer?
A. $175,000 loss
B. $300,000 gain
C. $175,000 gain
D. $0
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 63% of students.

Question was not answered

76. Question ID: EA2 M1 003 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

On January 1, 2023, Castleberry Partnership, a calendar-year, cash-basis business, purchased a

liability insurance policy for its business. The policy period is for three full years and is required to be
paid in advance the first year. Castleberry Partnership pays $1,800 for the policy. How much of this
policy is deductible in 2023?
A. $450
B. $600
C. $180
D. $1,800
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 76% of students.

Question was not answered

77. Question ID: EA2 M1 016 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Mila operates a comic book store and reports her income on Schedule C. Mila hires her 16-year-old
son, Devin, part-time to help her run the store. Mila pays her son a reasonable wage of $12,900 for
the year. Which of the following statements is correct about Devin’s wages?
A. Devin’s wages are deductible as a business expense. His wages aren’t subject to Social
Security or Medicare tax.
B. Mila cannot deduct the wages she paid to Devin, and the wages are subject to the kiddie
C. Mila may deduct Devin’s wages as a business expense, and the wages are subject to
Social Security and Medicare taxes.

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D. Mila cannot deduct the wages she paid to Devin because of related party transaction rules.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 76% of students.

Question was not answered

78. Question ID: EA2 M1 099 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Tenant Industries, Inc. is a C corporation with 50 employees. In addition to Social Security and
Medicare tax, what other type of employment tax would Tenant Industries be required to pay on the
wages it pays to its employees?
A. Additional Medicare tax.
B. Federal unemployment tax.
C. Accumulated earnings tax.
D. Federal income tax.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 84% of students.

Question was not answered

79. Question ID: EA2 M1 090 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Keller is a professional artist who sells his artwork at regional fairs. He does not accept credit or
debit cards. A customer buys five of Keller’s paintings at a show, paying $12,500 in cash. What, if
anything, is Keller’s reporting responsibility for this type of payment?
A. He must file Form 1099-NEC.
B. He must report the income on Schedule C, as well as file Form 8300.
C. He must file Form 926.
D. He must report the income on Schedule C. He has no additional reporting requirement.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 85% of students.

Question was not answered

80. Question ID: EA2 M1 081 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Sunway Engineering, LLP is a calendar-year, cash-basis partnership. During the year, Sunway
Engineering provided industrial drafting services to a client, and in exchange Sunway Engineering
received machinery with a fair market value of $8,000 and an adjusted basis of $7,500. The

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partnership also received website design services with a value of $3,000 from the same client. What
amount must Sunway Engineering report as income from this transaction?
A. $0
B. $11,000
C. $10,500
D. $3,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 66% of students.

Question was not answered

81. Question ID: EA2 M1 059 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Which of the following is NOT subject to the net investment income tax (NIIT) on its investment
A. C corporation.
B. Trust.
C. Individual.
D. Estate.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 77% of students.

Question was not answered

82. Question ID: EA2 M1 050 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Alberton Construction, Inc. purchased the following business assets during the year. Which of these
assets is not eligible for the Section 179 deduction?
A. Heavy construction equipment.
B. Off-the-shelf software.
C. Leasehold improvements.
D. Trademark.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 76% of students.

Question was not answered

83. Question ID: EA2 M1 028 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

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Patricia is a sole proprietor with three employees. She has been in business for six years, and she
reports her business income on Schedule C. She wants to set up a new SIMPLE IRA for herself and
her three employees. She has never had any type of retirement plan for her business. What is the
final deadline for her to set up a SIMPLE IRA for the 2023 tax year?
A. January 1, 2024
B. December 31, 2023
C. October 1, 2023
D. March 15, 2024
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 76% of students.

Question was not answered

84. Question ID: EA2 M1 041 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Under the capitalization rules, amounts paid for which of the following activities is generally required
to be capitalized?
A. Tangible property purchased had a useful life of less than one year.
B. Replacing a minor component of a unit of property that does not extend its life.
C. Repair and maintenance that does not improve a unit of tangible property.
D. Materially enlarging a building.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 87% of students.

Question was not answered

85. Question ID: EA2 M1 019 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Lance is a medical doctor and the sole shareholder of Estyle Aesthetics, Inc., a plastic surgery clinic
organized as a C corporation. For 2023 Lance received $185,000 in wages from the clinic, which is
reasonable compensation for a plastic surgeon in his area. Another $350,000 in wages was paid to
the clinic’s other employees. After deducting expenses, Estyle Aesthetics, Inc. has $90,000 of
income from operations, and an additional $80,000 of long-term capital gain, resulting in taxable
income of $170,000. Based on this information, what is Estyle Aesthetics’ section 199A qualified
business income (QBI) deduction?
A. $34,000
B. $18,000
C. $14,000
D. $0
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 37% of students.

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86. Question ID: EA2 M1 010 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

The Jones Family Trust is an irrevocable trust that has an annual filing requirement. The trust has a
fiscal year-end of May 31. When is the trust’s income tax return (Form 1041) due?
A. November 15
B. April 15
C. September 15
D. August 15
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 77% of students.

Question was not answered

87. Question ID: EA2 M1 084 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

All of the following business expenses are deductible on Schedule C except ________.
A. Health insurance premiums for a self-employed taxpayer
B. Long-distance telephone expenses
C. Interest paid on business loans
D. Legal and professional services and fees
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 86% of students.

Question was not answered

88. Question ID: EA2 M1 075 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Dutton Consulting, Inc. is a calendar-year, cash-basis C corporation. In 2023, Dutton Consulting has
$100,000 of capital losses and $50,000 of capital gains. The corporation’s capital gains in the prior
four years were:

2019: $20,000 capital gains

2020: $0 capital gain/loss
2021: $24,000 capital gains
2022: $9,000 capital gains

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Based on this information, what is Dutton Consulting, Inc.’s capital loss carryforward for the 2024
tax year?
A. $50,000
B. $17,000
C. $0
D. $24,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 56% of students.

Question was not answered

89. Question ID: EA2 M1 053 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Kathryn and Harold form Orchard Farms Partnership. Harold contributes $100,000 of cash. Kathryn
contributes farmland with an FMV of $90,000 and a tax basis of $10,000. Kathryn also contributes
depreciable farming equipment that has an FMV of $50,000 and a tax basis of $75,000. Kathryn and
Harold each acquire a 50% interest in the partnership. What is Orchard Farms’ tax basis in the
equipment and the land?
A. Land: $10,000, Equipment: $75,000
B. Land: $90,000, Equipment: $50,000
C. Land: $10,000, Equipment: $50,000
D. Land: $90,000, Equipment: $75,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 72% of students.

Question was not answered

90. Question ID: EA2 M1 066 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Which of the following would NOT be section 1250 property?

A. A factory
B. An office building
C. A rental duplex
D. A copyright
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 91% of students.

Question was not answered

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91. Question ID: EA2 M1 044 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

What will increase a shareholder’s stock basis in an S corporation?

A. The shareholder’s share of the corporation’s taxable and tax-exempt income
B. Additional paid-in capital to the corporation and the shareholder’s share of the corporation’s
taxable and tax-exempt income
C. Additional paid-in capital to the corporation
D. The shareholder’s share of nondeductible expenses.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 54% of students.

Question was not answered

92. Question ID: EA2 M1 022 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Which of the following types of trusts generally does not have to file an annual tax return?
A. A charitable trust that is formed as a private foundation.
B. A revocable grantor trust.
C. An irrevocable trust.
D. A qualified disability trust.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 61% of students.

Question was not answered

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93. Question ID: EA2 M1 035 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Yasmin and Colton are cousins who formed Bohme Coffeehouse, LLC, during the year. For tax
purposes, Bohme Coffeehouse is treated as a partnership. Yasmin contributes $32,000 of cash.
Colton contributes $10,000 of cash and a used delivery truck with an FMV of $40,000 and an
adjusted basis of $18,000. The delivery truck will be used in the business to deliver coffee orders.
Yasmin and Colton are equal partners (50/50) in the partnership. What is Colton’s basis in his
partnership interest after his contribution?
A. $28,000
B. $50,000
C. $10,000
D. $32,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 88% of students.

Question was not answered

94. Question ID: EA2 M1 013 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Which of the following is a benefit that a C corporation has over an S corporation?

A. Liability protection.
B. Deductible charitable contributions at the business entity level.
C. Potential double taxation on earnings.
D. Corporate losses to pass through to shareholders.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 72% of students.

Question was not answered

95. Question ID: EA2 M1 004 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

All of the following types of entities must be taxed as a corporation except:

A. A joint-stock association.
B. A business owned by a state or local government.
C. An insurance company.
D. A business with annual gross receipts of $28 million or more.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 45% of students.

Question was not answered

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96. Question ID: EA2 M1 100 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Pioneer Shoes, Inc. is a shoe manufacturing company that had the following costs during the tax

Raw materials purchased $5,400,000

Freight-in charges on raw materials purchased $175,000

Manufacturing wages and benefits $4,025,000

Selling and administrative wages and benefits $500,000

Charitable contributions $45,000

Other direct manufacturing costs $875,000

Administrative office expense $20,000

Costs of shipping finished products to customers $150,00

Pioneer’s inventory (including raw materials, work-in-process, and finished products) was
$1,200,000 on January 1, 2023, and $1,575,000 on December 31, 2023. Based on these figures,
what was the company’s cost of goods sold for the year?
A. $10,100,000
B. $10,250,000
C. $10,850,000
D. $10,815,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 59% of students.

Question was not answered

97. Question ID: EA2 M1 078 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Brett is the sole shareholder in Musset Corporation, a calendar-year S corporation. Brett's stock
basis is $24,000. Musset Corporation makes a nondividend distribution of $30,000 to Brett at the
end of the year. How would the $6,000 distribution in excess of his stock basis be taxed?
A. He must report a capital gain of $6,000
B. He must reduce his stock basis to $6,000
C. He must report a capital loss of $6,000
D. He must report an ordinary dividend of $6,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 80% of students.

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Question was not answered

98. Question ID: EA2 M1 091 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Warren died on October 18, 2023, leaving an estate valued at $33 million. His executor elects a
calendar year for the estate. When is Form 1041 (the income tax return for the estate) due?
A. September 18, 2024
B. March 15, 2024
C. April 18, 2024
D. December 31, 2023
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 73% of students.

Question was not answered

99. Question ID: EA2 M1 069 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Declan is a 50% shareholder in Red Rock Masonry, Inc., a calendar-year S corporation. His stock
basis was $16,000 on January 1. At the end of the year, Red Rock Inc. had the following income
and distributions:

Ordinary income $80,000

Municipal bond interest income $6,000

Year-end nondividend distribution to Declan $50,000

What is Declan’s stock basis in Red Rock Masonry at the end of the year after the nondividend
A. $30,000
B. $43,000
C. $12,000
D. $9,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 69% of students.

Question was not answered

100. Question ID: EA2 M1 047 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

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Distributions of stock dividends are generally tax-free to shareholders except when:

A. The distribution is made by a foreign corporation or by a member of a controlled group of
B. The distribution is only made to shareholders.
C. Some shareholders can receive cash or other property, and other shareholders receive
D. The distribution is made at the end of the corporation’s fiscal year.
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 68% of students.

Question was not answered

1. Question ID: EA2 M1 060 (Topic: EA Part 2 Mock Exams)

Nathan, Mandeep, Blanca, and Shannon are all equal partners in the Brockton Partnership. During
the year, Brockton Partnership borrows $100,000 for the construction of a storage facility for its
products. All the partners are equally liable for the debt. Before borrowing the money, Nathan’s
partnership basis was $46,000. What effect does the construction loan have on Nathan’s basis, if
A. Nathan’s partnership basis is increased to $71,000
B. Nathan’s partnership basis is increased to $146,000
C. This transaction has no effect on the partnership’s basis
D. Nathan’s partnership basis is decreased to $21,000
This question is answered correctly on the first attempt by 80% of students.

Correct Answer Explanation for A:

Nathan’s partnership basis is increased to $71,000 ($46,000 + $25,000 [25% × $100,000]). The
partnership has four equal partners, so each would increase the basis of his partnership interest by
his share of the debt (25% × $100,000).

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