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Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 1704–1714

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Acoustic emission monitoring of bridges: Review and case studies

Archana Nair, C.S. Cai ∗
Department of Civil and Environ. Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, United States

article info abstract

Article history: This paper gives a brief review of the acoustic emission technique and its applications to bridge health
Received 12 January 2008 monitoring. Emphasis is given to the discussion of available techniques of AE data processing, both
Received in revised form qualitative and quantitative. An assessment of the statistical quantitative analysis technique, intensity
11 December 2009
analysis, is illustrated through two case studies. This technique of damage quantification is applied to AE
Accepted 3 February 2010
Available online 6 March 2010
data collected from two genres of bridges in Louisiana: a prestressed concrete slab-on-girder bridge and
a steel bridge with a concrete deck. Although there were limitations concerning the number and type
of sensors used, much information was collected and useful inferences were made that may help better
Acoustic emission diagnose the health of bridges monitored in the future using this technique.
Bridge monitoring © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bridge test
Non destructive evaluation

1. Introduction the AE technique have also been listed. The first part mainly dis-
cusses the basics of AE, covering the topics of equipment require-
The current state of bridges in the United States calls for the ments and advances, measurement methods, and various available
implementation of a continuous bridge monitoring system that can data processing techniques. This is followed by a brief overview of
aid in timely damage detection and help extend the service life of the relevant research work completed to date, including both lab
these structures. A typical monitoring system would be one which and field tests carried out on concrete, steel, and fiber reinforced
enables non-invasive, continuous monitoring of the structure. The polymer (FRP) bridges or bridge components. Future prospects of
passive nature of the acoustic emission (AE) evaluation technique enhancing the capabilities of AE in bridge monitoring systems are
makes it an ideal choice to serve this purpose. Although the also discussed briefly. Finally, the possibilities of one of the quan-
technique has been successfully used for decades for damage titative processing techniques have also been illustrated through
detection in other fields, its potential in bridge monitoring has not two case studies conducted by the writers.
yet been fully exploited. Although a limited amount of information regarding AE in
Be it for quality control of bridges under construction or struc- bridge monitoring is available, previous reviews presented by au-
tural integrity assessment and monitoring of existing bridges, the thors such as Carter and Holford [2], Holford and Lark [3], and the
versatility of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) justifies its use in ASNT NDT handbook [4] provide quite a comprehensive resource.
these structures. Of the many passive NDE techniques available Basics of AE pertaining to bridge monitoring are introduced below
today, AE was found to be the most widely used for highway for the convenience of the readers.
structural assessment [1]. AE testing is a powerful nondestructive
2. Methodology of acoustic emission
testing tool for real time examination of the behavior of materials
deforming under stress. Load conditions that exist in bridges have
2.1. Basics of acoustic emission
been known to cause materials like concrete and steel to emit en-
ergy in the form of elastic waves due to various material-relevant
AE is the class of phenomena whereby transient elastic waves
damage mechanisms. These waves are picked up by sensors
are generated by the rapid release of energy from a localized source
attached to the surface of the material. Further evaluation of the
or sources within a material, or the transient elastic wave(s) so gen-
collected information gives us an overall picture as to the health of
erated (ANSI/[5]). Thus, an acoustic monitoring system essentially
the bridge and helps prioritize repair and maintenance. requires two integral components: a material deformation that be-
This review primarily focuses on the role of AE in bridge mon- comes the source, and transducers that receive the stress waves
itoring. In the context of bridges, a few merits and limitations of that are generated from the source.
The schematic shown in Fig. 1 represents the general work-
ing principle of an acoustic monitoring system. A developing flaw
∗ Corresponding author. emits bursts of energy in the form of high frequency sound waves
E-mail addresses: (A. Nair), (C.S. Cai). which propagate within the material and are received by sensors.
0141-0296/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Nair, C.S. Cai / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 1704–1714 1705

One or more Sensors

stimulus stimulus
(force) (force)

Fig. 1. Principle of acoustic emission [6].

Fig. 2. Common types of AE sensors (

In general, acoustic emissions can be classified into primary and
secondary emissions. Primary emissions are those originating from
electrical AE signals. Today, a wide variety of these sensors are
within the material of interest, while secondary emissions refer
available commercially (Fig. 2). The appropriate transducers
to all other emissions generated from external sources. Acoustic
needed for data acquisition are chosen based on the purpose and
event detection is closely related to the characteristics of stress
sensitivity required for the investigation. Most researchers rec-
waves, such as wave mode, attenuation, effects of multiple paths,
ommend the use of resonant sensors, as they are highly sensi-
and source location algorithm criterion [3].
tive to typical AE sources. For bridge monitoring, unidirectional
Basically, there are two types of AE monitoring strategies that
sensors and sensors sensitive more to in-plane wave modes may
can be adopted, global and local. A global monitoring helps assess
prove beneficial in differentiating AE sources in various bridge
an entire structure’s integrity, while local monitoring addresses a
components [2]. The sensors are usually mounted on to the struc-
given specific area of damage [2,7]. Based on the duration for which
ture, by using adhesives such as epoxy and hot melt glue, or by
monitoring is required, AE bridge monitoring may also be cate-
holders. Preamplifiers available either separately, or integrated
gorized into long term and short term. Long term monitoring is
mostly applicable in scenarios where the bridges are relatively new with the sensor, are integral components that improve the signal-
or require monitoring as a follow up to a regular bridge inspection. to-noise ratio. The signals that are received by the sensors are
Short term monitoring is more specific, usually the outcome of a collected, stored, and processed in a data acquisition system.
short-term study to update the structure’s integrity status. Commercial systems provide customized software that facilitates
The AE technique has both advantages and disadvantages. The qualitative real-time assessment of the collected AE data.
advantages of the AE technique in the context of bridge monitoring
may be listed as: 2.2. Interpretation of AE signals
1. Damage growth essentially generates AE and is the outcome of
Both the substructure and superstructure of bridges exhibit typ-
the load history experienced by the structure [8].
2. AE is applicable for local, global, remote, and continuous moni- ical damage modes, which may include corrosion, cracking, and
toring purposes without hindering traffic over the bridge struc- physical damage due to impact, fire, or fatigue cracking. While
ture. monitoring the superstructure, it must be assessed thoroughly
3. Source detection and location algorithms have been improved in critical sections such as shear zones, tension zones, bearing
to a great extent, assuring reliable analyses. regions, corrosion prone areas, etc. [10].
4. Dynamics of the material are observable in real time due to the Prior to any monitoring procedure, it is essential to understand
technological advancements made in acquisition systems. all the factors that may influence the AE signature, such as trans-
ducer sensitivity, background noise, etc. Special attention must be
The disadvantages of this method are: paid to the attenuation and wave velocity properties of materials.
1. Although the issue of background noise discrimination has Higher frequency sensors tend to exhibit greater attenuation with
been fairly addressed; real-time separation requires several distance in steel members [2], while in composite materials such as
trial monitoring sessions and experienced personnel. concrete and FRP the influence of attenuation is much greater and
2. Quantitative AE analyses are still difficult for applications to ac- plays a crucial role in determining sensor placement and source
tual bridge structures. location.
3. Standardized procedures are not available for all types of Typically, the signals collected can be represented by charac-
bridges, as most recommendations cater for bridges under teristic parameters such as amplitude, duration, etc., as shown in
unique conditions of loading, materials, etc. Fig. 3. There are numerous qualitative as well as quantitative ways
The measurement of AE essentially involves three basic compo- to interpret these signal parameters or waveforms. For example,
nents: the generated AE wave, the detection equipment used to parametric analysis of the AE signal resulted in evaluation criteria
capture AE signals, and the processing and interpretation of the such as: (i) A concrete beam integrity (CBI) ratio, defined as the ra-
collected data. Understanding the propagation characteristics of tio of the load at the onset of new AE in a subsequent load cycle to
AE waves is vital in distinguishing meaningful data from the un- the maximum prior load [11] and (ii) Calm and load ratios of re-
wanted information. AE is an elastic wave that usually has a broad- inforced concrete beams; where the calm ratio is the cumulative
band frequency at the origin. Thus, a typical AE wave detected by AE activities ratio during the unloading process to the maximum
an AE sensor is a combination of longitudinal, transverse, reflected of the last loading cycle and the load ratio is the ratio between the
waves, etc. [9]. The knowledge of wave modes and their charac- load at onset of AE to the prior load [12], etc.
teristics is necessary to implement accurate source location algo- A material under load is known to emit acoustic waves only
rithms. The details regarding the theoretical aspect of AE wave after a primary load level is exceeded. This characteristic, named
propagation is addressed in numerous works (such as [3], etc.). the ‘‘Kaiser’’ effect, was first investigated by Joseph Kaiser in 1950.
Most traditional AE sensors utilized consist of piezoelectric ele- This effect, portrayed along plot points 1-2-3 in Fig. 4, has been
ments undergoing transduction. Their primary function is to de- shown to exist at 70 to 85% of ultimate strength in concrete mate-
tect transient elastic mechanical waves and convert them into rial. Meanwhile, the Felicity effect (absence of the Kaiser effect) in
1706 A. Nair, C.S. Cai / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 1704–1714

Rise 1000
Volts Time Energy Major
100 Follow-up

Amplitude Intermediate
Threshold Minor
Crossing 1
1 10
Counts Historic index

Fig. 5. Typical intensity chart for FRP material [18].

Duration Time
based on material; Sr — Severity index; J — empirically derived
Fig. 3. A typical AE signal [13]. constant based on material; Som — signal strength of the mth hit,
where the order of m is based on the magnitude of the signal
For concrete, K values are related to N by the relations: N ≤ 50,
K = 0; 51 ≤ N ≤ 200, K = N − 30; 201 ≤ N ≤ 500, K = 0.85N;
and N ≥ 501, K = N − 75 as well as J values for N < 50, J = 0
and N ≥ 50, J = 50 [20,17].
For metals, K values are related to N by the relations: N ≤ 15,
K = 0; 16 ≤ N ≤ 75, K = N − 15; 76 ≤ N ≤ 1000, K = 0.8N;
and N ≥ 1001, K = N − 200 as well as J values for N < 10, J = 0
and N ≥ 10, J = 10 [20].
These indices are evaluated from the signal strength data col-
lected by each sensor. The severity index and maximum value
of historic index is plotted on an intensity chart, which may be
divided into the zones of damage shown in Fig. 5 [18]. The de-
pendence of the technique on the number of data points and
empirically derived constants may be considered limitations of the
Quantitative analysis of AE signals is mostly carried out with
AE waveforms. Appropriate interpretations of the collected wave-
forms may be done by subjecting them to any typical waveform
processing tool. ‘‘b-value’’ analysis of AE signals was yet another
quantitative analysis proposition put forward by Colombo et al.
Fig. 4. Kaiser and Felicity effects [16]. [21]. Although numerous techniques of AE data assessment have
been proposed and proven useful in laboratory trials, very rarely
composites has led to the use of the Felicity ratio in tracking dam- have any of them been reported viable for practical onsite moni-
age progression in this material [14,15]. toring.
Meanwhile, quantification by statistical analysis of parameters Though a standardized procedure is not yet available for mon-
gave rise to the use of Historic and Severity indices in assessing itoring of all bridge structures, the ASTM E1932-02 [22] serves as
structural members [17]. This technique has already been success- a guide for local area short term monitoring of bridge structures.
fully applied to FRP and metal piping system evaluations [18]. The Recommendations for bridge and/or bridge component monitor-
ing have been compiled by Lozev et al. [23] for steel bridge mem-
technique’s applicability to concrete bridges has previously been
bers, Yuyama et al. [11] for RC beam evaluation, and in 2001 the
reported by Golaski et al. [17]. A typical intensity analysis evaluates
Texas Department of Transportation developed the procedure for
the structural significance of an AE event by tracking the changes
monitoring prestressed concrete girders.
over time of two indices known as:
(a) The Historic index, which is defined as a measure of the 3. State-of-the-art of AE bridge monitoring
change in signal strength through the loading phase of the test, and
(b) The Severity index, which is defined as the average signal The primary goal of AE monitoring in structures is to detect,
strength among the largest numerical values of the signal. locate, and assess the intensity of damage [3]. Thus, indicators of
The indices are calculated using the following formulas [19]: structural damage such as cracks, corrosion, and delamination that
  warn of an impending failure have become the focal point of any
P AE study. The exceptional features of this monitoring technique are
Soi 

 i=K +1  that there is no issue of traffic interruption during in-service mon-
H (I ) = · N  (1) itoring of the bridges and the use of sensors with small surface ar-
N −K  P  eas eliminates any concern about the contact surface profile [1].
i=1 Investigations into materials that constitute the civil infrastruc-
! ture, such as concrete and steel, took place much later com-
1 X pared to other fields where AE is a well-established standard NDE
Sr = · Som (2)
J technique. In the following paragraphs AE monitoring research
conducted on conventional bridge component materials such as
where, H (I ) — Historic index; N — number of hits up to time t; Soi steel and concrete are discussed along with the new generation FRP
— signal strength of the ith hit ; K — empirically derived constant bridge components.
A. Nair, C.S. Cai / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 1704–1714 1707

3.1. Crack monitoring

Numerous laboratory studies have been conducted to demon-

strate the ability of AE to detect cracks prematurely. Morton et al. 1000
[24], Holford et al. [25], Hamstad and McColskey [26], etc., have E
focused on monitoring fatigue crack development and its correla-
tion with AE activity in steel members. A summary of fracture AE

in metals can be found in [27]. Similarly, cracking in concrete had 100
been the interest of Yuyama and Ohtsu [28] who primarily used C
moment tensor analysis to characterize fracture mechanisms in
RC beams reinforced with reinforcing bars and fiber plastic sheets. B
They reported that the breakdown of the Kaiser effect occurred
once shear cracking started to set in, and high AE activity in un- A
loading phases implied serious damage. A detailed study of the
AE waveforms revealed that signals produced as an outcome of 1
shear and flexural cracking had larger amplitudes and duration 1 10
Historic index
than micro cracking phases of damage [29]. Use of conventional AE
instrumentation has led researchers to come out with conflicting Fig. 6. Intensity plot for a whole bridge [17].
remarks with regards to trends observed in fiber reinforced poly-
mer (FRP) fracture characteristics. A group of researchers, includ-
These kinds of special overloads were used as they could not ob-
ing Shippen and Adams [30], Gostautas et al. [15], etc. reported
serve any acoustic activity prior to that point. Drafting of a recom-
that matrix cracking in FRP produced low amplitude signals, while
mended practice in Poland, for testing reinforced and prestressed
Valentin [31], Jamison [32], etc. claimed that matrix cracking was
concrete structures by AE, culminated from the research work that
the higher amplitude source mechanism.
was carried out by Golaski et al. [17]. They reported qualitative re-
sults from the testing of five different concrete bridges situated in
3.2. Bridge monitoring applications Poland at different intensities of damage. Shown in Fig. 6 is the
quantified AE result they plotted from testing a new prestressed
In addition to the numerous laboratory studies conducted, AE concrete bridge, wherein each dot plotted represents AE signals
technology has been used for source location and damage intensity characterized by analogous features. Since all points lie in the A
predictions in numerous field bridge testing applications. Both zone, implying no serious deterioration within monitored zones,
short term and long term monitoring instances will be summarized the plot aptly portrays the structural health of the new bridge.
in the following paragraphs. In-service RC bridges were also assessed by Beck et al. [40] and
One of the pioneering works in AE bridge monitoring was car- Pullin et al. [41], who reported that the reliability of the AE tech-
ried out by Pollock and Smith in the 1970s [33]. They monitored a nique of monitoring bridges was in need of an upgrade.
portable military bridge subjected to proof testing, and reported Bridge cable monitoring using AE had been set up since the
amplitude distribution analysis and source location results. The 1970s. The successful application of AE in monitoring prestressed
1980s saw the advent of long-term continuous monitoring imple- structures [42] inspired Paulson and Cullington [43] to adapt the
mented on a bridge. The project was spearheaded by the Dunegan technique for continuous monitoring of suspension and cable stay
Corporation and was carried out for about 10 months. The purpose bridge cables. From several trials, they concluded that AE moni-
of this study was to check out the feasibility of long-term monitor- toring is indeed suitable for detecting and locating wire breaks in
ing. The issue of background noise discrimination led researchers cable structures. A similar prestressed concrete bridge application
like Miller et al. [34] to assess both time and frequency domain was reported by Brevet et al. [44]. They observed the effectiveness
AE signals to distinguish various sources. Prine and Hopwood [35] of wire fracture monitoring, in a prestressed concrete bridge open
contributed to this field using an AE weld monitoring system to to regular traffic, on cables that cannot be inspected otherwise. AE-
locate crack activity in steel bridges. The significance of using based health monitoring approaches for bridge stay cables were
guard sensors to eliminate irrelevant AE events was the outcome extensively studied by numerous researchers such as Rizzo and Di
of numerous studies carried out on steel bridges by the Physical Scalea [45], Kretz et al. [46], Fricker and Vogel [47], Li and Ou [48],
Acoustics Corporation (PAC). Guidelines meant for local and global Jin et al. [49], etc. Gaillet et al. [50] and Zejli et al. [51] assessed
monitoring of steel bridges were developed thanks to the contri- cable anchorages using AE.
butions of Pollock and Carlyle [36], Carter and Holford [2], Pullin Monitoring of prestressed concrete bridges was also reported
et al. [37], etc. by Vogel et al. [52]. Prestressed concrete structures are known to
Reinforcement corrosion and the resulting cracking are consid- have almost no cracks at their initial phase of service life; thus,
ered the main damage mechanisms that require the need for long- Vogel et al. [52] suggested that AE might prove more beneficial in
term condition assessment of concrete bridges. Various universi- monitoring new cracks that may develop during their service life.
ties and highway agencies have begun working towards achiev- Owing to the various advantages possessed by Fiber Reinforced
ing the goal of implementing the AE method for concrete bridges Polymers (FRP) it has become an emerging alternative to the tra-
[38]. Work on concrete structures has been primarily carried ditional materials that constitute bridge components. Since this
out by Yuyama and Ohtsu [28]. They applied AE to study frac- material is still not conventionally used in bridges, the literature
ture characteristics, quantifying micro fractures and evaluating available on AE monitoring of bridge components made of this ma-
the damage intensity in concrete. Attenuation trends in concrete terial is limited. However, the method has been used in various lab-
bridges were the subject investigated by researchers such as Landis oratory investigations of FRP bridge decks to study the AE signature
and Shah [39] and Beck et al. [40]. The NDE Validation Center and make valuable correlations. One such study was conducted
(NDEVC) in Virginia conducted acoustic emission tests on concrete by Ziehl and Bane [8], who reported their qualitative approach
bridges from 1996–2000. They used the monitoring technique to to testing a sinusoidal sandwich FRP bridge deck. They devised
detect cracks in bridges by passing high experimental overloads. a cyclic load profile to enable study of acoustic events generated
1708 A. Nair, C.S. Cai / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 1704–1714

wireless RF data
transmitter and
receiver (internet)

Fig. 7. Wireless sensing of bridges using radio frequency transmission [60].

at load holds, and traced damage progression from variations ob- 16.77m 16.77m 16.77m
served in the Felicity ratio. Another successful qualitative assess-
ment was conducted by Kalny et al. [53]. They evaluated the change Instrumented span
in AE signature exhibited by a specimen, before and after repair,
under static loading conditions. They concluded that AE activity
was clearly distinguishable prior to repair, and that pre-existing
damage detection was possible by observing AE activity trends.
Historic and severity indices were the basis on which six full-scale Fig. 8. Sketch of the tested prestressed concrete bridge.
FRP bridge decks in both original and repaired conditions were
evaluated by Gostautas et al. [15]. Although a clear intensity grada-
In the following sections, the feasibility of intensity charts
tion was not achieved for this unique instance, they reported that
to evaluate the health of bridges is explored by analyzing data
the intensity analysis was useful to identify the onset of damage
collected from two bridge sites in Louisiana. A prestressed concrete
and subsequent calculation of the Felicity ratio.
bridge and a steel bridge under live load conditions were tested.
Both qualitative and quantitative assessments of the AE data
3.3. Advancements in AE equipment technology collected from the bridge sites will be presented. Although there
are no standard intensity curves specific to reinforced/prestressed
Since there has been no one system that has been confirmed as concrete and steel materials, the general trends observed in an
an ideal bridge monitoring system, various issues with regards to intensity plot, and the structural assessments that can be made,
limited sensitivity of available sensors, practical difficulties faced are reported here.
during onsite installation, and remote access capabilities have been
investigated over the years. The shortcomings observed while us-
4. Case study of a prestressed concrete bridge
ing traditional sensors for structural monitoring have been ad-
dressed with proposals for new generation AE sensors that are
This typical prestressed concrete slab-on-girder bridge is lo-
much more compact, sensitive, and economically viable. The intro-
cated over the Cypress Bayou in District 61 on LA 408 East,
duction of micro-electro mechanical systems (MEMS) AE sensors
Louisiana. It was built in 1984 and designed to be comprised of
by Ozevin et al. [54] is one such innovation. These sensors show
three straight simple spans each 16.77 m (55 ft) in length (Fig. 8).
promising applications for use in bridge monitoring in conjunc-
tion with artificial intelligence networks [55]. Similarly, fiber op- Each span was supported by 7 AASHTO Type II prestressed con-
tics technology is also being explored to develop a new generation crete girders, with girders spaced 2.13 m (7 ft center to center)
of AE sensors [56]. apart. The roadway had a width of 14.33 m (47 ft) and a bridge
deck of 203 mm (8 in) thickness. Each span has one intermediate
Obviously, one of the key features desirable in a bridge mon-
itoring situation is remote monitoring. This ability for existing diaphragm (ID) located at its mid-span which is not connected to
commercial systems has already been incorporated by corpora- the deck. Only the third span of the bridge was instrumented.
tions, such as PAC, which provide on-line remote web monitoring The bridge was tested for 3 consecutive days in Feb 2006. Both
facilities. The Local Area Monitoring (LAM) is one such AE mon- static and dynamic live load tests were carried out using two
itoring instrument developed by PAC in collaboration with the similarly weighing dump trucks. All four of the acoustic sensors
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Stryk and Pospisisl [57] used were R6I (55 kHz resonant frequency) in conjunction with a
proposed developing a monitoring system that identifies rebar cor- DiSP-16 outdoor acquisition work station, both manufactured by
rosion, a crucial concern in concrete bridges. A Canadian company, Physical Acoustics Corporation (PAC).
Pure Technologies Ltd., has developed ‘SoundPrint’, which locates
wire breaks in prestressing tendons [58]. Vallen systems has intro- 4.1. Loading schedule and equipment setup
duced AMSY4 and AMSY-5 that had continuous sampling rates of
10 MHz for the feature extraction required for real-time data pro- One of the main objectives of this test was to assess the
cessing [59]. Implementation of wireless AE sensors is yet another necessity of intermediate diaphragms in prestressed concrete
innovation proposed by Grosse et al. [60]. Fig. 7 provides the basic bridge structures. For this bridge test, acoustic emission monitor-
concept behind remote monitoring intended for AE using wire- ing was conducted as a supplementary NDE technique in an at-
less technology. Using this technology, along with performance- tempt only to assess whether there was any additional damage
enhanced sensors based on MEMS, makes this technology more at the girder–diaphragm connection when subjected to live loads.
economic for huge structures such as bridges [60]. Although other gauges such as strain gauges, accelerometers, and
A. Nair, C.S. Cai / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 1704–1714 1709

(a) SR_T1Sh_P1. (b) SS_T1L1_P1.

(c) SS_T2L2_P1. (d) SR_T1L1_T2L2_P1.

Fig. 9. Truck position for various load cases.

Table 1
Load case nomenclature.
Sensor 3 Sensor 4
Type of live load Meaning

SR Static rolling, truck speed < 5 mph

SS Static stopping, truck mid axle located at mid-span
D30 Dynamic, number following designation Sensor 2
Sensor 1
represents the speed of truck (mph)
Truck designation
T1 Truck 1 G7 G6 G5
T2 Truck 2
Roadway designation
Fig. 10. Sensor arrangement for test Day 1.
L1 Lane 1
L2 Lane 2
Sh Shoulder lane Diaphragm
Load case repetition
P1 Pass 1
P2 Pass 2
Sensor 2 Sensor 3
deflection gauges were an integral part of this test, the results
pertaining to the acoustic sensors alone will be discussed here.
Sensor1 45.10m Sensor 4
Since there were limitations on the choice of sensors and their 0.61 m
number, the sensor configurations were chosen based on critical
regions previously predicted from the finite-element model of the Fig. 11. Sensor locations for Day 2 and Day 3 (Elevation view).
The live load tests were carried out with two dump trucks along with the acquisition system. Prior to acquiring any actual
weighing 271.8 kN (61.1 kips) for Truck 1 and 272.7 kN (61.3 kips) live load test data, pencil lead break (PLB) tests were carried out
for Truck 2. Both trucks had a single front axle and two-axles tan- close to all four sensors to ensure their sensitivity. This procedure
dem at the rear. The static wheel loads for the first, second, and
also helps in evaluating the attenuation properties in the region
third axles of both trucks were about 40.0, 47.8, and 47.8 kN (9,
of interest. The suitable sensor spacing is usually determined at a
10.75 and 10.75 kips), respectively.
distance within which the AE amplitude attenuates to about 30 dB
Since the test consisted of many load cases, a systematic label-
ing system was developed for identifying the details of each load [12]. A suitable threshold level of 45 dB is also chosen at this stage,
case, as shown in Table 1. Thus, a load case named SR_T1Sh_P1 will based on the background noise level existing at the bridge site.
translate into a static rolling test case (SR, moving at a speed less
than 5 mph) with truck 1 (T1) over the shoulder lane (Sh) on the 4.2. Qualitative results
first passage (P1). A few illustrations of load cases accompanied by
their names and cross-sectional details of the monitored span are Customized qualitative results are generated by the provided
shown in Fig. 9. AEWin software. Only the load cases that generated the most
On the first day of testing, the sensors were placed on the acoustic activity on each day are discussed in the following section.
intermediate diaphragm around girder # 6 (G6 in Fig. 10). The
The AE activity observed on Day 1, when two trucks were stati-
intention of this configuration was to detect and/or locate any sig-
cally moving over the shoulder and lane 1 of the bridge, is indicated
nificant changes in stress or the presence of damage at the girder–
in Fig. 12. The plot reveals that activities recorded by the sensors
diaphragm connection region.
The second and third day sensor array consisted of two sensors located at the lower part of the diaphragm (sensors 1 and 2 in
(Sensors 1 and 2) being placed 0.61 m (2 ft) apart around the mid- Fig. 10) generated more acoustic activities relative to the sensors
span of girder # 4, and the other two were placed on opposite faces placed close to the deck. This trend may be attributed to the stress
of a section of the intermediate diaphragm close to the same girder. generated at the monitored joint due to the relative movement be-
The chosen sensor arrangements for both days of testing are shown tween the discontinuous joint at the beam–diaphragm connection
in Fig. 11. created during loading. Since the observed signal amplitudes were
The data acquisition was carried out with a convenient outdoor low, they are not associated with the presence of any live cracks.
DiSP- workstation unit placed at a location close to the bridge. Real- Thus, from the amplitude information shown in Fig. 13, one can
time monitoring was enabled by the available AEWin software infer that the monitored region had no serious structural damage.
1710 A. Nair, C.S. Cai / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 1704–1714



Amplitude (dB)
240 60

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (sec)




Y position


Amplitude (dB)


Fig. 12. Events versus location of sensors for Day 1 configuration (SS_T1Sh_T2L1_P1). 60

Amplitude (dB)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
60 Time (sec)

Fig. 14. Amplitude versus time plot for load case SR_T1L1_T2L2_P1/SS_T1L1_T2L2_P1
(Top: sensors 1 and 4; bottom: sensors 2 and 3).

0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (sec)

Fig. 13. Amplitude versus time of sensor 2 for load case SS_T1Sh_T2L1_P1. 80
Amplitude (dB)

Results for a single load case in the following paragraph are dis-
cussed individually for each pair of sensors due to their location
on different parts of the bridge. The Day 2 amplitude plot seen in
Fig. 14 is generated by the two truck load cases, where the first clus- 40
ter of data points were generated during the trucks’ rolling phase of
the test (load case SR_T1L1_T2L2_P1) and after a short time lapse 0 5 10 15 20
(approximately 220 s), the second cluster of data points were gen-
Time (sec)
erated after the trucks were backed up and stopped at the midspan
of the bridge (load case SS_T1L1_T2L2_P1). Careful examination of 100
the amplitude plots in Fig. 14 also reveals the existence of a few
high amplitude events. This may have been caused by secondary
Amplitude (dB)

AE sources originating from the structure due to load effects.
Although the sensor configuration on Day 3 was similar to the
previous day (Day 2), on this day the dynamic load case gener- 60
ated the most acoustic activity among all the load cases. This result
could have occurred because of the existence of the Kaiser effect in 40
concrete mentioned earlier. Since most of the acoustic signal am-
plitudes lie in the 60 dB range, the activity may not be a result of
0 5 10 15 20
any crack-related damage. Relatively higher acoustic activity was
observed at sensors 2 and 3, placed on the diaphragm, than the Time (sec)
other sensors 1 and 4. This could be attributed to the presence of
discontinuities at the girder–diaphragm connection. Upon close vi- Fig. 15. Amplitude versus time plot for load case D40_T1L2_P1 (Top: sensors 1 and
4; bottom: sensors 2 and 3).
sual observation, the bridge girders appear to be in fairly good con-
dition, with virtually crack-free surfaces. This condition is expected
for prestressed concrete bridges. Thus, even though a few high am- 4.3. Damage quantification
plitude events were recorded, these may have been contributed to
secondary sources of AE such as relative displacement of the mon- To get a better insight into the significance of the AE data col-
itored regions due to load effects and concrete-reinforcement in- lected, quantification of the data is attempted here using the inten-
teractions at the interface. It was also noted that a better acoustic sity analysis technique. This method requires the accumulation of
response from the bridge was observable when the structure was AE data obtained from successive load cycles. This AE data is then
subjected to quasi-static loads rather than dynamic loads. A simi- used to determine the indices given in Eqs. (1) and (2), which are
lar observation was also reported by Golaski et al. [17]. A detailed summarized in Table 2.
analysis of the AE waveforms can help to distinguish the various The maximum historic index value and severity indices calcu-
AE sources (see Fig. 15). lated for each load case shown in Table 2 are plotted on an intensity
A. Nair, C.S. Cai / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 1704–1714 1711

Intensity chart for Day 1 Intensity Chart for Day2 (Ch# 1 & 4)
10 10


1 SR_T1L1_P1
2 SR_T1L1_T2Sh_P1
SS_T1L1_T2Sh_P1 1 SR_T1L1_T2Sh_P1
4 4 D40_T1L1
1 1
1 10 4
Historic Index 1
1 10
Historic index
Fig. 16. Intensity chart for load cases of Day 1 (Numbers within the plot represent
sensor #). Intensity chart for Day 2 (Ch# 2 & 3)
Table 2
Summary of results from intensity analysis.

Load case Ch H (I ) Sr

Day 1
3 3 SR_T1L1_T2Sh_P1
2 2 D40_T1L1
1 1.69 0.41
SR_T1Sh_P1 2 4.13 2.81
4 1.79 1.18
SR_T1L1_T2Sh_P1 1 1.72 0.72 1 10
2 4.77 4.66 Historic index
4 1.80 2.02
Fig. 17. Intensity charts for load cases on Day 2 (Numbers within the plot represent
Day 2
sensor #).
1 3.57 1.82
2 1.53 0.13 Intensity Chart for Day 3 (Ch# 1 & 4)
SR_T1L1_P1 10
3 1.93 0.22
4 2.50 1.13
SR_T1L1_P1 SS-
1 3.62 2.81 T1L1_P1

2 2.54 2.11
SR_T1L1_T2Sh_P1 SR_T1L1_T2L2_P1
3 3.34 2.76 1
4 3.28 1.92 1 4 10
1 D40_T1L2_P1
1 3.62 3.31
2 2.08 2.20
3 2.49 2.86
4 3.28 2.23 0.1
Historic index
Day 3
Intensity chart for Day 3 (Ch# 2 & 3)
SR_T1L1_P1 1 1.68 0.38 10
2 2.18 0.55
SR_T1L1_P1 SS-
SS-T1L1_P1 3 2.40 0.91

4 2.14 0.50
3 SR_T1L1_T2L2_P1
1 1.68 0.46
2 2.18 0.73 11
SR_T1L1_T2L2_P1 10
3 2.40 1.13 2 D40_T1L2_P1
4 2.14 0.60

1 1.68 0.79
2 2.35 0.95
D40_T1L2_P1 0.1
3 2.40 1.42 Historic index
4 2.25 1.04
Fig. 18. Intensity charts for load cases on Day 3 (Numbers within the plot represent
sensor #).
chart for each day of testing, as shown in Figs. 16–18. For the
second and third days of testing, results from sensors 1 & 4, lo- loading leads to consequent intensity points which are plotted to-
cated under the girder, are separated from those of sensors 2 wards the right corner of the chart.
and 3, placed across the thickness of the diaphragm close to the The intensity charts plotted for the second and third days
girder–diaphragm joint. There is no data for some sensors due to seem to correspond to the qualitative evaluations made previously.
either too small numbers or malfunctions. Higher loads generate AE with higher intensities, which in turn
The dependence of this analysis technique on a minimum num- help reflect the intensity of crack-related damage in the monitored
ber of data points inhibits the representation of data from every structure. From the plots shown in Figs. 16–18, we see that the
sensor used for monitoring on the intensity chart. Each intensity points of lower loads plot to the left corner of the chart, while a
chart has been developed for each day of testing and consecutive higher load causes the intensity point to shift towards the right end
load cases, as the technique requires cumulative data assessment. of the chart.
Here again, the Day 1 results plotted in Fig. 16 show that sen-
sor 2 seems to have acquired AE events of higher intensities than 5. Case study of a steel bridge
all the other sensors. Pre-existing cracks at the girder–diaphragm
interface around the two sides of the observed Girder #6 might The bridge that was monitored is located along highway LA-
have led to the generation of such acoustic activities. Incremental 1 over the Intracoastal Waterway in Port Allen, Louisiana. The
1712 A. Nair, C.S. Cai / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 1704–1714

Sensor 3 a
Sensor 4
Sensor 2 Column
1.54m Sensor 1

Fig. 19. Acoustic sensor locations on the steel bridge. 400


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (sec)


Fig. 20. Oversize load on bridge.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
bridge consists of multiple spans with varying span lengths. The
Time (sec)
span that was tested is 17.99 m (59) ft long with four steel girders
(W36X182) supporting a concrete deck. The girders were spaced Fig. 21. Cumulative AE hit rate — (a) normal traffic phase and (b) overload phase.
at 2.64 m (8 ft 8 in center to center). The girders were bolted to
a cross-girder which provides support for them; the cross-girder 100
was also bolted to the columns. This steel bridge was tested under
overload conditions in July 2006. 3
Ch # 3
5.1. Loading schedule and equipment setup Normal traffic

Ch # 4
The objective of this test was to assess the structural behavior 4 Normal traffic
of the monitored span when subjected to overloads. The plan was
to compare the acoustic data collected from normal traffic on the
bridge to that of the overload passage. Since the highway structure
is located near a port, the normal traffic also included heavy trucks. 1
Potential damage regions such as the mid-span of the girders and 1 10
beam–column joints were chosen to be monitored. Thus, two of
the sensors were placed under a girder around the mid-span and Fig. 22. Intensity chart for acoustic activity from sensors 3 and 4.
the other two were located at the beam–column joint, as shown in
Fig. 19. the signals recorded by the sensors placed on the girder.
The optimal threshold level for data acquisition was set at Again, this observation can currently be attributed only as a
40 dB. Under the chosen threshold level, no acoustic activity was source originating from some relative displacement between
observed in the absence of vehicles on the bridge. The oversize the members (such as slip of connection bolts) since no physi-
load comprised of two trucks and two trailers, weighing a total of cal damage was observed at that monitored joint after the test.
2401.9 kN (540 kips). The truck was 6.10 m (20 ft) wide and 70.3 m (c) As expected, the acoustic activity due to the overload is greater
(230.5 ft) long. The truck’s configuration is shown in Fig. 20. than the normal traffic, which consisted of both light vehi-
cles and heavy trucks. However, the increase (Fig. 21(b)) was
not significant enough to justify more scrutiny in assessing the
5.2. Qualitative results
monitored region.
AE monitoring was carried out for two phases of loading: during
normal traffic and overload passage. Since stronger AE activity was 5.3. Damage quantification
recorded by sensors 3 and 4 located at the beam–column joint
for both loading phases, their cumulative hits are represented in Intensity charts developed for metal piping systems [15] were
Fig. 21. Upon comparing the signal intensities obtained during both used for the quantitative analysis of data collected from the steel
phases of loading, the following observations may be made: bridge. Upon analyzing the signal strengths obtained from this test
in both loading conditions, only the data from sensor 3, located on
(a) The signal amplitudes under both loading conditions rarely ex- the beam–column joint, during both load conditions could be plot-
ceeded 60–70 dB. Events in this amplitude range are usually ted on the intensity chart. All the other signal intensity values have
not associated with any significant structural damage. a severity value below 1, and thus, were not represented in Fig. 22.
(b) The signals obtained from sensors 3 and 4, located at the Most of data points fell into the insignificant damage region, ex-
beam–column joint, were much stronger in comparison with cept the signal intensities from sensor 3 during overload. Although
A. Nair, C.S. Cai / Engineering Structures 32 (2010) 1704–1714 1713

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