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UNIT 11 The Comparisons Articels


Each sentence has only ONE error. Identify the error and do one of the followings :

1. Underline the error and write the correction in the space provided
The apple a day keeps the doctor away.

2. Write Ø if the underline word is to be omitted.

The patient has his breakfast in the bed.

3. Indicate with a ^ where a word should be inserted and write out the word.
The inexperienced student nurse does not know how to administer ^ intramuscular

1. The staff nurse in charge is informing the Dr. Annzanarita that patient in bed 7 has

2. Better you go and see the doctor as soon as possible so that your wound will not be

3. The neurologist found that the tummour im her brai has grown more bigger.

4. His medical condition is getting worst


5. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is most effective treatment for severe depression.


6. Staff nurse Iffatul is caring nurse.

234 UNIT 11 The comparisons Articles

7. The patient was involved in accident and had fractured both of his legs.

8. Place the thermometer under patient’s axilla.


9. The performance of the local trained nurses is good as the overseas trained nurses.

10. Nageena did not turn up to school yesterday as she has fever.

Congratulations ! we have come to the end of our lesson on COMPARISONS and

236 UNIT 11 The Comparisons Articles

Listen to how these words are pronounced. Practise pronouncing them.

1. Pethidine /¹peθɪdi:n/

2. Early /¹ǝ:Ιɪ/

3. Affordable /ǝ’fↄ:dǝbl/

4. Bedridden /’bed¹rid(ǝ)n/

5. Foreign body /¹farɪn ‘badi/

6. Cataract surgery /¹katǝrakt ‘sǝ:dᴣǝri/

7. Geriatric ward /¹dᴣerɪ’atrɪk wↄ:d/

8. Abdominal pain /ab’domɪnl peɪn/

9. Fatigue /fǝ’tɪ:g/

10. Faeces /¹fi:si:z/

11. Glaucoma operation /glↄ:’kǝumǝ apǝ’reɪʃn/

12. Intestinal activity /ɪn’testɪnl ak’tivitɪ/

13. Bowel regularity /¹bauǝl regju’larɪtɪ/

14. Renown /rɪ’naun/

15. Orthodontist /¹ↄ:θǝ’dantɪst/

16. Intramuscular injection /¹ɪntrǝ’mɅskjulǝ in’dᴣekʃn/

17. Metabolic disorder /metǝ’balɪk dɪs’ↄ:dǝ/

18. Numbness /¹nɅmnǝs/


UNIT 12 The Gramm

Question Forms


Once you have completed Unit 12, you’ll be able to :

 Identify the functions of Yes/No Questions,
WH- Questions and Tag-Questions
 form the Yes/No Questions, WH-Questions and
Tag-Questions correctly
 respond to the Yes/No Questions, WH-
Questions and Tag-Questions correctly
238 UNIT 12 Questions Forms

This unit focuces on the construction of questions is part and parcel of our everyday life. In
fact, you have to ask and answer questions to communicate and elicit information. Do you
know that there are several ways to ask questions?

There are 3 types of questions :




Yes/No questions are questions that require yes or No answers.

Examples :

 Do you have a cough?

Yes, I do OR yes
No, I don’t OR No
 Can you lift your index finger?
Yes, I can OR yes
No, I can’t OR No
To change sentences that have Be Verbs (am, is, are, was, were) into questions, you must place the Be
Verbs at the beginning of the questions.

Examples :

 They are down with flu. Are they down with flu?
 The disease is communicable. Is the disease communicable?
 The children were immunised. Were the children immunised yesterday?
239 UNIT 12 Question Form

Exercise 1
Change these sentences into Yes/No questions
1. The syringe was sterilised 

2. Sidie is convalescing at home 

3. I am assessing the patient’s skin 


4. The patient’s bowel sound is 


5. The small splinters of the bone 

were removed yesterday

To change sentences that countain auxiliary verbs (Can, could, have, has, had must, shall
should, will, would) into questions, you must place the auxiliary verbs at the beginning of the
 Examples :
 She Could breathe properly Could she breathe properly?
 Shanta will be discharged soon Will shanta be discharged soon?
 The baby Has fallen ill Has the baby fallin ill?

240 UNIT 12 Question Forms

Exercise 2

Change these sentences into questions

1. The patient’s skin will be dry and inelastic if he has prolonged pyrexia

2. I have lowered the side rails of the bed

3. Yasmin must take plenty of fluid

4. Scott should lie down when he is drowsy

5. My father will visit his ailing nephew at the hospital this evening
UNIT 12 Question Forms 241

To change sentences that contain main verbs in The Simple Present Tense, you must
begin the questions with the word DO/DOES
 DOES is used when the subject is SINGULAR.
 DO is used when the subject is PLURAL.

Examples :
 Premala always complains of Does Premala always
severe headaches Complain of severe headaches
 She looks pale today Does she look pale today?
 They often assist us in the operating Does they often assist you
Theatre in the operating theatre?
 I take the patient’s blood Do you take the patient’s blood
Pressure four hourly pressure four hourly

When DOES is used in the question, the main verb must be changed into the base

Exercise 3
Change the sentences into questions

1. Iron builds up red blood cells in the body.

2. She often applies potion when she washes her hands.

3. The student nurses always ensure the privacy of their patients before
the start any procedure

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