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Analysis in Microbiology
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Bioinformatics and Data
Analysis in Microbiology
Edited by

Caister Academic Press

Contributors | vii

Karen E. Nelson Vijay Shankar

The J. Craig Venter Institute Boonshoft School of Medicine
Rockville, MD Wright State University
USA Dayton, OH
Oleg Paliy
Boonshoft School of Medicine Paul Stothard
Wright State University Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional
Dayton, OH Science
USA University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
Oleg N. Reva
Department of Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology Unit Sebastian Szpakowski
University of Pretoria The J. Craig Venter Institute
Pretoria Rockville, MD
South Africa USA

Larisa A. Safronova Özlem Taştan Bishop

Department of Antibiotics Research Unit in Bioinformatics (RUBi)
Institute of Microbiology and Virology NAS of Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology
Ukraine Rhodes University
Kiev Grahamstown
Ukraine South Africa

Marketa Sagova-Mareckova Angel Valverde

Crop Research Institute Centre for Microbial Ecology and Genomics
Prague Department of Genetics
Czech Republic University of Pretoria
South Africa
Cathal Seoighe
School of Maths, Applied Maths and Statistics
College of Science Gary Van Domselaar
NUI Galway National Microbiology Laboratory
Ireland Public Health Agency of Canada
Winnipeg, MB
Current books of interest

Microarrays: Current Technology, Innovations and Applications 2014

Metagenomics of the Microbial Nitrogen Cycle: Theory, Methods and Applications 2014
Proteomics: Targeted Technology, Innovations and Applications 2014
Biofuels: From Microbes to Molecules 2014
Human Pathogenic Fungi: Molecular Biology and Pathogenic Mechanisms 2014
Applied RNAi: From Fundamental Research to Therapeutic Applications 2014
Halophiles: Genetics and Genomes 2014
Phage Therapy: Current Research and Applications 2014
The Cell Biology of Cyanobacteria 2014
Pathogenic Escherichia coli: Molecular and Cellular Microbiology 2014
Campylobacter Ecology and Evolution 2014
Burkholderia: From Genomes to Function 2014
Myxobacteria: Genomics, Cellular and Molecular Biology 2014
Next-generation Sequencing: Current Technologies and Applications 2014
Omics in Soil Science 2014
Applications of Molecular Microbiological Methods 2014
Mollicutes: Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis 2014
Genome Analysis: Current Procedures and Applications 2014
Bacterial Toxins: Genetics, Cellular Biology and Practical Applications 2013
Bacterial Membranes: Structural and Molecular Biology 2014
Cold-Adapted Microorganisms 2013
Fusarium: Genomics, Molecular and Cellular Biology 2013
Prions: Current Progress in Advanced Research 2013
RNA Editing: Current Research and Future Trends 2013
Real-Time PCR: Advanced Technologies and Applications 2013
Microbial YZ%) Pumps: Current Research 2013
Cytomegaloviruses: From Molecular Pathogenesis to Intervention 2013
Oral Microbial Ecology: Current Research and New Perspectives 2013
Bionanotechnology: Biological Self-assembly and its Applications 2013
Real-Time PCR in Food Science: Current Technology and Applications 2013
Bacterial Gene Regulation and Transcriptional Networks 2013
Bioremediation of Mercury: Current Research and Industrial Applications 2013
Neurospora: Genomics and Molecular Biology 2013
Rhabdoviruses 2012

Full details at


We are at the door of an exciting future for micro- and single nucleotide polymorphism analysis.
biology. The rapid advancement of sequencing Chapter 4 deals with genome annotation, and
techniques, coupled with the new methodologies reviews computational methods that have been
of bioinformatics to handle large scale data analy- developed for annotation of bacterial and archaeal
sis, are providing exciting opportunities for us to genomes. Chapter 5 explores the methods for
understand microbial communities from a variety comparative analysis of microbial genomes, and
of environments beyond previous imagination. focuses on the analysis of Mycobacteria as a case
Data analysis is extremely important for a deeper study. Microbial community profiling is the topic
knowledge of microbes and their habitats, and of Chapter 6, in which fingerprinting techniques
for many applications of microbiology ranging and construction of phylogenetic trees are interro-
from understanding the basis of diseases or host gated. Metagenomics, one of the fastest advancing
pathogen interactions so as to design drugs and fields of microbiology, is discussed in Chapter 7
develop vaccines, to many other biotechnology with examples of the Human Microbiome Project
applications, including barcoding, microbial bio- and a Baltic Sea study. Chapter 8 further inter-
remediation and bio-fuel production. rogates human microbiome analysis and presents
This book aims to present up-to-date and the pros and cons of using 16S rRNA based
detailed information on various aspects of bio- sequencing studies. Chapter 9 takes us to another
informatics data analysis with applications to interesting topic, phylogenetic microarrays, in
microbiology. It describes a number of different which 16S rRNA sequences are used to determine
useful bioinformatics tools, highlights the links the composition of microbial communities, yet
to some wet-lab techniques, explains different from the microarray aspect. The last chapter is
approaches to tackle a problem, talks about cur- about genetic barcoding with its applications to
rent challenges and limitations, demonstrates microbiology and biotechnology. Overall, this
the applications, and discusses future trends. is an essential book for researchers, lecturers
A brief summary of each chapter is as follows: and students involved in microbiology and/or
Chapter 1 provides a review of microbes and different aspects of bioinformatics including next-
their importance in the context of ecosystems, generation sequencing, sequence data analysis,
and an overview of the methods applied to study comparative genome analysis, metagenomics and
microbes within ecosystems. It aims to give an more.
introduction to newcomers to the fields of micro- The book has been peer reviewed. Each chap-
biology and bioinformatics. Chapter 2 reviews ter of the book has been reviewed by at least one
sequencing technologies and discusses the reviewer and by the editor. The reviewing process
challenges of assembly and ways of tackling the was undertaken by other authors contributing
problems. Chapter 3 highlights the scope of micro- to the book, and I believe the constructive com-
bial variations and explores the importance of ments of the reviewers significantly improved
accurate genome assembly for structural variation the quality of the book. I thank the authors of
x | Preface

the book chapters for their participation in this in discussing the chapter topics and suggesting
process. My special thanks go to Tim Downing some potential authors. My deepest thanks to the
who was always available for the reviewing pro- Sabanci University, Istanbul-Turkey, for hosting
cess, and always responded exceptionally fast. I me and providing a friendly working environment
am especially grateful to Gary Van Domselaar, during my sabbatical which made it possible to
Morag Graham and Paul Stothard who agreed to finalize the book. Last but not least, I would like
write an extra chapter in a very short time, when to thank my husband, Nigel T. Bishop, for his con-
another author dropped out. I also would like to tinuous support in my first time as an editor.
thank Fourie Joubert for his initial contribution Özlem Taştan Bishop
Understanding the Unseen Majority
Around Us: An Overview of
&'!' ' 
Meesbah Jiwaji, Gwynneth F. Matcher and Rosemary A. Dorrington

Abstract Introduction
Of all the living organisms on the planet, microor- The field of microbiology is undergoing a renais-
ganisms are the most numerically abundant and sance. The discipline has changed dramatically
diverse in nature. Despite their ubiquity, research- since Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, the man who
ers have only begun to understand the diversity invented the microscope, watched bacteria that
profiles, metabolic functioning and potential he recovered from his own teeth through his
economic value of these organisms. homemade microscope (van Leeuwenhoek,
Classical investigation of microorganisms 1677). Traditional microbiology has focussed
involves the culture and study of selected on the study of individual organisms, but now,
microbes in the laboratory setting. While this while microorganisms and their processes still
approach has yielded much information, there need to be understood at the level of the indi-
are two major drawbacks. Firstly, most microbes vidual, increasingly, the aim is to understand the
present in the environment are unculturable using cumulative influence of microorganisms on the
currently available media/methodologies and, functioning of biological systems. As a conse-
secondly, they focus on one, often attenuated, quence, microbiology has progressed from the
isolate/species and/or a set of genes at a time. study of individual genomes to that of microbial
To overcome these problems, researchers have populations in ecosystems. Scientific observations
focussed on the development of new technolo- at the subcellular level are now being interpreted
gies that yield large, reliable and robust datasets at rapidly increasing levels of complexity in order
in fields that include genomics, transcriptomics to gain a better understanding of the complex
and proteomics. Importantly, the development metabolic pathways within cells as well as their
of high-throughput sequencing technologies has interactions in the context of the ecosystem. In
dramatically advanced the analysis of microbial order to gain understanding of system organiza-
species diversity and their functioning within tion on such a large scale, new methodologies
ecosystems. The large volumes of information- are constantly being developed, most of which
rich data require intelligent, and often repetitive, generate extremely large sets of raw data which
computational analysis, stressing the need for need to be curated and analysed using the tools of
development of suitable bioinformatics analy- bioinformatics.
sis tools. This chapter provides an overview of
microbes and the importance of why we need to
understand them, as well as the methods applied What is a microorganism?
to studying microbiota within ecosystems. The term ‘microorganism’ is used to describe any
small organism, typically an entity that has a mass
of less than 10–5 g and a length of less than 500 μm,
with a largest dimension of 100–150 μm (Hughes
Martiny et al., 2006; Karl, 2007). It is important to
2 | Jiwaji et al.

note that currently organisms are assigned to the example, bacterial cell walls contain peptidogly-
‘micro’ class, based only on their size. This ignores can whilst archaeal cell walls do not and bacterial
any differences in their evolutionary histories and cell membranes contain ester links whilst those of
metabolic capabilities. Given time, and with the Archaea have ether links. While Archaea and Bac-
increasing awareness of the diversity of microor- teria are both classified as prokaryotes, Archaea
ganisms, this method of classification may need to do in fact share a number of morphological char-
be revisited. acteristics and DNA sequence similarities with
The classification of organisms involves placing that of Eukaryotes prompting the speculation
them within collections/groups of related species. that Archaea and Eukarya diverged from bacteria
Traditionally, microorganisms were classified before they diverged from one another (Fig. 1.1)
within the Domains Prokarya or Eukarya based (Zillig, 1991; Schleifer, 2009).
on their morphology, the environment they were
isolated from, the means by which they generated
energy, their nutrient requirements and their Microbes in the world around
mode of replication (Woese et al., 1990; Karl, us – the unseen majority
2007; Schleifer, 2009). Since the advent of molec- Microorganisms are very old; they are thought to
ular biology and the collection of sequence data, have inhabited the Earth for more than 3.5 billion
microorganisms are being classified into three years as evidenced by their presence in fossils, for
Domains; the Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya (Fig. example the Burgess Shale in Canada (Schopf,
1.1) (Woese et al., 1990). Bacteria and Archaea are 2001). It is interesting that through their evolu-
grouped together as prokaryotes based on several tionary history, microorganisms have remained
cellular characteristics. These include the absence simple and small and that their classification is
of a membrane surrounding the genome, the lack often expressed in terms of their physiology and
of introns in the encoded genes, the absence of metabolism rather than their morphologies.
intracellular organelles (e.g. chloroplasts, mito- Microorganisms are integral components of all
chondria, etc.) and ribosomal subunits of 30S ecosystems and there is no environment stud-
and 50S (eukaryotic subunits are larger at 60S and ied to date in which microorganisms have not
40S). While Archaea and Bacteria do share several been found. From the extreme environments
similarities, significant differences do exist. For where temperatures exceed 100°C or fall below






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Figure 1.1    \    !=         7
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Microbes: An Unseen Majority Around Us | 3

0°C, pHs that range from below 2 to over 10, or biogeochemical processes (Sogin et al., 2006).
pressures over 100 MPa, to every conceivable Microorganisms harvest and convert solar energy,
environment in between (Ulukanli and Digrak, catalyse important biogeochemical transforma-
2002; Baker-Austin and Dopson, 2007; Moyer tions of free nutrients and trace elements to sustain
and Morita, 2007; Fang et al., 2010; Synowiecki, ecosystems, they form crucial links in the carbon
2010). In the polar regions to the deserts, from and nitrogen cycles, and they both produce and
the shallow to the deep oceans, from exotic envi- consume greenhouse gases including carbon
ronments to one’s own backyard, there exists an dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane
unexpected abundance and diversity of microor- (CH4) (McGrady-Steed et al., 1997; Naeem and
ganisms (Pace, 1997). In terms of abundance, for Li, 1997; van der Heijden et al., 1998; Cavigelli
example, one gram of soil may harbour up to 10 and Robertson, 2000; Horz et al., 2004; Bell et
billion microorganisms potentially representing al., 2005). In addition, cellular microorganisms
thousands of different species (Roselló-Mora are pivotal in driving the sulfur and phosphorous
and Amann, 2001). It is now well recognized that cycles, the production of secondary metabolites
microorganisms are both taxonomically diverse including vitamins and co-factors and bioac-
and metabolically complex. In fact, microorgan- tive compounds such as antibiotics that confer
isms dominate their environments in terms of selective advantages in the highly competitive
biomass, diversity and metabolic activity and are environmental niches (Fagerbakke et al., 1996;
thus truly the ‘unseen majority’ (DeLong and Demain, 2007).
Karl, 2005). In the past, the majority of microbial genetic
Of particular interest is the role of the microor- data generated has been defined by the researcher’s
ganism in ecosystem biology. Ecosystems consist individual areas of interest and has often focused
of interconnected systems whose components on individual species of microorganisms. For
interact over a broad range of physical and bio- example, the study of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
logical states (DeLong, 2007). While several and its application to bioremediation (Umrania,
physico-chemical parameters may be similar 2006). More recently, there has been a shift in the
between different ecosystems, the microbial com- approach to studies and there has been increasing
munities within these ecosystems differ. Thus, interest in the study of environmental ecosystems
while microorganisms are ubiquitous, their distri- as a whole. As examples, Desai et al. (2010), Xu et
bution is not uniform and their diversity profiles al. (2010) and Petrić et al. (2011) examined the
differ significantly between ecological niches. A microbial communities in xenobiotic-contami-
strong body of evidence shows that the individual nated soils during bioremediation.
environment selects, and is partly responsible for,
the spatial variation in the diversity and popula-
tion structure of microorganisms (Hughes Microorganisms and climate
Martiny et al., 2006). In addition to the effect of change
a wide range of physico-chemical conditions on The study of climate change includes green-
microbial diversity profiles, factors such as inter- house-gas-induced warming, and in the case of
species competition and predation also play a role water bodies, water acidification (Doney, 2006).
in effecting relative abundances and distributions Both of these are destructive processes that
of microbial species (DeLong, 2007; Hibbing et are likely to affect the macro-faunal and -floral
al., 2010). community structure and dynamics as well as
Microorganisms form a considerable propor- extinction of species. To date, the effect of cli-
tion of the total biomass in all ecosystems and mate change on microbial species distribution
so are supremely important in the functioning and abundances has not been shown. However,
of global ecosystem processes. For example, considering the crucial contribution of microbial
in marine ecosystems, it is estimated that the metabolism to ecosystem processes, a shift in
microbes are responsible for up to 98% of the microbial population dynamics is likely to have
primary productivity and the mediation of all severe implications.
4 | Jiwaji et al.

Microorganisms both consume and produce and can cause serious diseases (Karlen, 1995).
major greenhouse gases, thus they have central Many microbial species are responsible for the
roles both as effectors and monitors of global degradation of food produce and can result in
climate change (DeLong, 2007). The effect of significant economic losses. On the positive side,
climate change on microorganisms is easiest to for example, microorganisms are indispensable
monitor in the Antarctica, the coldest, windi- for their symbiotic roles in the human digestive
est, driest and most isolated continent on Earth. tract (Eckburg et al., 2005). In addition, they can
Due to the environment, Antarctic food webs are be harnessed for the production of fuels, chemical
relatively simple, and the absence of insect and compounds, animal feeds, human food, antibiot-
mammalian herbivores means that most energy ics and pharmaceuticals (Zhu et al., 2012).
and biomass is channelled into a detritus trophic Microorganisms also represent a vast and
pathway that is dominated by microorganisms dynamic reservoir of genetic variability thus the
(Davis, 1981). Thus, soil microorganisms have a harnessing of this genetic diversity has allowed
disproportionate importance in nutrient cycling scientists to unlock the economic potential of
and other ecosystem processes in the ice-free ter- microorganisms. Some of the important meta-
restrial Antarctic ecosystems. The simplicity of the bolic processes that microorganisms are involved
Antarctic ecosystem makes it particularly vulner- in include:
able to environmental perturbations like global
warming and the Antarctic Peninsula is among the Nitrogen fixation
most rapidly warming regions on the planet. This Nitrogen fixation, the assimilation of atmospheric
has been demonstrated by significant increases in nitrogen (N2) into ammonia, is an economically
the abundance of fungi and bacteria and particu- and environmentally important natural microbial
larly in the Alphaproteobacteria-to-Acidobacteria function, which yields hundreds of tonnes of bio-
ratio, which is indicative of higher soil nutrient logically available nitrogen and is worth billions
availability (Thomson et al., 2010). The observed of dollars to global agriculture (Herridge et al.,
shifts are consistent with increased turnover of 2008).
carbon and nitrogen in the soil upon warming of
the environment (Thomson et al., 2010; Yergeau Bioremediation
et al., 2012). In the oceans, phytoplankton can Bioremediation, the use of microorganisms to
also be used as monitors of climate change. These sequester or remove pollutants, is increasing both
eukaryotic microorganisms influence the biologi- as a concept and as an economically viable appli-
cal pump which cycles carbon, removing it from cation. Non-biological processes are estimated to
the upper ocean and transporting it to the deep sea. cost ten-fold more to remediate known hazard-
Falkowski and Oliver (2007) used the behaviour ous waste sites whereas bioremediation would
of phytoplankton to predict the potential effects cost less and could occur in the same time frame.
of climate change on the microorganism commu- This is a developing area and has the potential of
nity structure. As these microorganisms are major becoming economically important. For example,
participants in oceanic primary production, any hydrocarbon cold seeps and ecologically devas-
changes to the phytoplankton community have tating oil spills have led to the development of
knock-on effects and implications for fishery pro- marine microorganisms that will utilize alkanes as
ductivity as well as global ocean ecology. carbon sources. These bacteria and their enzymes
have a potential role in bioremediation and oil
processing (Xu et al., 2008; Wasmund et al., 2009;
The impact of microorganisms Augustinovic et al., 2012).
in industry
From a health and economic point of view, Bioprospecting
microorganisms are of great interest and they Bioprospecting, defined as the discovery and
may impact our lives both positively and nega- subsequent commercialization of useful products
tively. For example, microbes may be pathogenic from environmental isolates, has been central in
Microbes: An Unseen Majority Around Us | 5

the search for novel pharmaceuticals and com- al., 1999; Hobel et al., 2005), proteases, alkane
pounds of industrial importance (Dionisi et al., hydroxylase genes (Xu et al., 2008; Wasmund et
2012). More than 75% of all antibacterial com- al., 2009), esterases with high tolerances for salt,
pounds and approximately 50% of all anticancer organic solvents, cold and high pressure (Aurilia et
compounds that are in use clinically are either al., 2008; Chu et al., 2008), and metalloproteases
natural products or derivatives thereof (Newman with high temperature optima (Lee et al., 2007).
and Cragg, 2007). The percentage of biologically Lipases have wide-ranging applications in the
active natural products is much higher than that food, detergent, and pharmaceutical industries
of synthetic compounds primarily due to the fact (de Pascale et al., 2008; Jeon et al., 2009). Cel-
that natural products have evolved bioactivity in a lulases have been the subject of intense study
biological context (Firn and Jones, 2003). because of their role in the generation of biofuels
Since Alexander Fleming’s observation of the from renewable cellulosic substrates (Ohkuma,
antibacterial activity of penicillin in 1928, and its 2003; Ekborg et al., 2007; Shanmughapriya et
subsequent application to treating bacterial infec- al., 2009). Esterases have great commercial value
tions, a large number of microbe-derived natural because of their use in industrial biotransforma-
products have been used in the pharmaceutical tions (Aurilia et al., 2008; Chu et al., 2008).
sector for a diverse range of medical applications. Some of these enzymes have been isolated
This includes biologically active compounds like using sequence-based approaches by screening for
the antibiotics cephalosporins, tetracyclines, ami- genes with known bioactivity. These methods rely
noglycosides, rifamycins and chloramphenicol, on similarity to known protein families. Others
the mycotoxin asperlicin, the immunosuppres- have been isolated using functional screens for
sant cyclosporine and the cholesterol-lowering enzyme activity (Ferrer et al., 2005). The bio-
agent lovastatin (Pan et al., 2010). In addition to technological and industrial microbiological
the production of pharmaceutically important potential for new natural products and processes
metabolites, microorganisms also represent arising from mining microbial diversity is set to
a rich source of enzymes with applications as increase in the coming years, especially with the
biocatalysts in the production of a wide range of application of newly developed techniques, and
industrially useful compounds. While the pro- in particular high-throughput robotic screening
duction of these compounds in most instances technology (Bornscheuer et al., 2012).
can be achieved via chemical processes, bio-
catalysts are an attractive alternative due to the
lower temperatures and neutral pH at which Assessing microbial
they function, as well as the production of fewer populations
toxic by-products (Azerad, 1995; Koeller and Traditionally, study of microorganisms has been
Wong, 2001). Furthermore, biocatalysts often conducted by staining to visualize the organisms,
exhibit specific regioselectivity thereby negating microscopy and subsequent image analysis. At
the requirement of chemical synthesis pathways first, stains were used to quantify the abundance
for substrate functional-group protection which of microorganisms and their biomass (Francisco
involves addition of several steps in the synthetic et al., 1973; Porter and Feig, 1980). Visualization
pathway to block and unblock substituents of stained cells was then enhanced by powerful
(Schmid et al., 2001). image analysis (Psenner, 1990). More recently,
Research into interesting enzymes with stains have been developed to visualize microor-
potential industrial applications, for example ganisms like viruses (Ortmann and Suttle, 2009)
psychrophilic enzymes, is incredibly competitive and to quantify aspects of microbial metabolism
and lucrative (Struvay and Feller, 2012; Feller, (including respiration and enzyme degradation).
2013). The range of enzymes with unique abilities In addition, radioisotopes (Simon and Azam,
includes lipases (de Pascale et al., 2008; Jeon et 1989) and fluorescent stains (Cotner et al., 2001)
al., 2009), cellulases (Ekborg et al., 2007; Shan- have been applied to the measurement of bacterial
mughapriya et al., 2009), chitinases (Cottrell et growth rates.
6 | Jiwaji et al.

In addition to direct visualization of micro- vitro viral amplification followed by cell culture
bial populations, microorganisms have been followed by visual observation of cytopathic
grown under laboratory conditions, often as effects. Virus discovery can also be based on
pure cultures, and been used for sequence or specific nucleic acid hybridization and antigenic
function-based biological studies. Advances in cross-reactivity, for example on DNA or antibody
environmental chemistry (including stable iso- microarrays. This can be followed by visualiza-
topes, ultrafiltration, measurement of dissolved tion using electron microscopy or by testing for
organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved inorganic immunological cross-reactivity using panels of
carbon (DIC), high performance liquid chro- sera, which is a powerful and rapid method for the
matography (HPLC) and mass spectrometry identification of the unknown viral agents. Tenta-
(MS) have also enhanced our ability to study tive identification of the virus allows the use of
microorganisms and their interaction with their more specific molecular approaches like the use of
environment (Cotner and Biddanda, 2002; Han- PCR with primers that target the likely viral group
delsman, 2004). for definitive genetic characterization (Delwart,
Up until the 1980s, identification of micro- 2007; Mokili et al., 2012).
organisms was achieved by culturing individual The application of molecular methods bypass
isolates in the laboratory, viewing the organisms the drawbacks presented by culture-dependent
microscopically and subjecting these cultures to methodologies and have led to an improved and
a variety of biochemical tests. While much valu- deeper understanding of the microbial compo-
able data has been generated by this approach, nents of ecosystems. These new approaches have
there are several major limitations. Firstly, rep- made apparent our lack of knowledge about envi-
lication of the complex environment in which ronmental biodiversity. It is estimated that there
microorganisms exist in a laboratory setting is are ca. 1.5 million taxa that have been described
often extremely difficult and it is estimated that at the species level (de Meeus and Renaud, 2002)
less than 0.1% of microorganisms are currently yet this represents only a small proportion of the
culturable (Stres, 2007). Furthermore, these estimated diversity. Currently, there is also a large
approaches are time-consuming, labour-intensive discrepancy between the microorganism diversity
and often subjective. Added to this, microorgan- that we detect in biological samples and what is
isms that are abundant and/or those that can be actually present. Molecular ecology studies sug-
cultured under some environmental conditions gest that ca. 1–5% of microbial species have been
may change into dormant or possibly uncultur- isolated (Floyd et al., 2005; Hughes Martiny et al.,
able forms under other conditions (Hattori et al., 2006). And mycologists estimate that there are 1.5
1997). The severity of the problem of relying on million species of fungi despite the fact that only
culture-dependent studies has been highlighted 72,000 species have been isolated or described
by cultivation-independent surveys where a (Hawkswerth, 1997).
major discrepancy can be observed between Molecular approaches to investigating micro-
viable plate count technology and direct methods bial processes can focus either on individual
such as epifluorescence microscopic counts and isolates or on the microbial population as a whole
ssRNA phylogenetic analysis. For example, the within an ecosystem. Either way, a key aim in
observation that marine bacterioplankton are the molecular biological study of microorgan-
infected by huge viral numbers (tens of billions isms is to determine the genetic information
of phage per litre) and that this phage predation present within the cell followed by correlation
is remarkably specific was undetected primarily of the encoding genetic material to the complex
because of a lack of representative pure cultures biological processes which occur within the cell.
(DeLong, 2007). Bioinformatics analyses are a crucial require-
Viruses, as technically ‘non-living’ entities, ment, not only in curating and analysing large
cannot be studied with the same methods used to scale sequence data but also in bridging the gap
study other microorganisms. Classical methods between genetic code and the encoded function-
used for the identification of viruses include in ality of genes.
Microbes: An Unseen Majority Around Us | 7

DNA sequence determination template is sheared and the resultant DNA frag-
Up until recently, sequence analysis of DNA ments immobilized on beads at a ratio such that
has been achieved by Sanger sequencing. In this a single DNA molecule is immobilized per bead.
method, DNA polymerase-dependent synthesis Individual DNA fragment-carrying beads are then
of a complementary DNA strand occurs in the captured into separate emulsion droplets and these
presence of both natural 2′-deoxynucleotides droplets act as individual amplification chambers
(dNTPs) and 2′,3′-dideoxynucleotides (ddNTPs), which are capable of producing 107 clonal copies
which function as irreversible terminators of syn- of a unique DNA template per bead (Margulies et
thesis (Sanger et al., 1977). The DNA synthesis al., 2005). Each template-containing bead is then
reaction is terminated at random whenever a transferred into a well of a picotitre plate along
ddNTP is added to a growing oligonucleotide with smaller packing beads containing the immo-
chain. This results in products of varying lengths bilized enzymes ATP sulfurylase and luciferase.
with an appropriate ddNTP at the 3′ terminus. The use of the picotitre plate allows hundreds of
These truncated products are separated based on thousands of pyrosequencing reactions to be car-
size, using capillary electrophoresis, and the ter- ried out in parallel, thus increasing the sequencing
minal ddNTPs used to reveal the DNA sequence throughput (Margulies et al., 2005). Once the
of the DNA template strand. This technology has clonally amplified bead-immobilized DNA frag-
been in use since 1977 and is well established. ments have been deposited into the picotitre plate
However, in addition to being lengthy and labour wells, the picotitre plate is flooded with dNTP
intensive, this methodology suffers from the limi- solutions in a sequential manner. As a result of
tation that only one sequence can be generated the action of the polymerase, inorganic pyrophos-
per capillary which in turn impacts on the amount phate (PPi) is released whenever a complementary
of genetic information that can be generated. nucleotide is incorporated into the growing DNA
Furthermore, amplification of DNA fragments strand. This PPi is converted to ATP by the sul-
is required before they can be sequenced. This furylase enzyme and the luciferase in turn utilizes
amplification can be achieved either in vivo, by the ATP to convert luciferin to oxyluciferin with
clonal amplification, or in vitro by PCR, and con- light as a by-product. The number of bases incor-
sequently is susceptible to both host-related and porated into the extending DNA strand is directly
PCR biases (Hall, 2007). proportional to the amount of pyrophosphate
To deal with the shortcomings of Sanger released which in turn is reflected in the amount
sequencing, faster, cheaper, and simpler methods of light generated. This chemiluminescent signal
for sequencing that bypass the cloning bias and is detected by an extremely sensitive camera and
time- and labour-intensive nature of the Sanger interpreted as sequence data (Margulies et al.,
method have been developed. These new tech- 2005; Rothberg and Leamon, 2008). Pyrose-
nologies differ in their approach to generating quencing is valuable for sequencing regions of
sequence data, the average read length generated, DNA that are technically difficult due to strong
and the error rate distribution (Shendure and Ji, secondary structure or high GC content as well as
2008) thus the appropriate sequencing method for sequencing regions that are resistant to cloning
needs to be selected based on the application. in Escherichia coli (Goldberg et al., 2006). One of
A brief description of three of these sequencing the drawbacks of pyrosequencing is the reduced
technologies, namely pyrosequencing, reversible reading accuracy over homopolymeric stretches
terminator sequencing chemistry and ligation of identical nucleotides (Ansorge, 2009).
based sequencing chemistry will be covered in The 454 GS FLX+ Platform, which utilizes
this chapter. Detailed information on sequencing pyrosequencing chemistry and is currently mar-
techniques can be found in Chapter 2. keted by Roche Applied Science, is capable of
Pyrosequencing is a sequencing-by-synthesis generating 700 Mb of sequence with a consensus
technique whereby enzyme driven biochemical accuracy of 99,997% and a read length of up to
reactions and chemiluminescence are used to 1000 bp (
generate sequence data. In this method, the DNA tem/index.asp, April 2013). The data generated
8 | Jiwaji et al.

on the 454 platform correlates well with other well Run Mode), the HiSeq generates between 95 to
established gene expression profiling technologies 600 Gb of sequence with read lengths of between
including microarrays (Torres et al., 2008). 35 and 150 bp (
An alternative to pyrosequencing is the reversi- tems/hiseq_2500_1500.ilmn, April 2013).
ble terminator chemistry (Bennett, 2004; Bennett The third approach to high-throughput
et al., 2005; Bentley, 2006) which involves what is sequencing utilizes ligation based chemistry. This
termed solid-phase bridge amplification of single- approach differs from other next generation tech-
molecule DNA templates. Here, one terminal of nologies in that it is based on hybridization and
a single DNA molecule hybridizes to a comple- ligation of fluorescently labelled oligonucleotides
mentary adaptor which is immobilized on a solid rather than polymerase-dependent incorporation
surface, known as a flowcell. With the adapter of nucleotides. For this approach, an emulsion
functioning as a primer, the polymerase extends PCR single-molecule amplification step similar to
the DNA fragment thereby generating a copy of the one used in the pyrosequencing technique is
the original template. This copy is attached to conducted. The amplification products are then
the flowcell via the adaptor/primer which is now transferred onto a glass surface and sequence
incorporated into the DNA strand. Following analysis occurs via sequential rounds of hybridi-
denaturation, the flowcell is rinsed to remove the zation and ligation with 16 oligonucleotide
original template leaving the immobilized DNA octamers labelled with four different fluorescent
copy behind. This DNA fragment then bends over dyes. After addition, ligation, and fluorescent
and the free terminal end hybridizes to a nearby detection of the complementary octamer, the last
complementary adaptor forming a DNA ‘bridge’. two nucleotides with the fluorescent dye attached
Once again, the polymerase extends the adaptor/ are cleaved off and the next octamer flowed over
primer generating a new copy of the DNA which the immobilized template DNA. Once the entire
is also attached to the flowcell. This process is length of the DNA fragment has been covered, it
repeated until a cluster of ~1000 clonal copies of is stripped and the ligation of the octamers begins
a single template molecule is formed. After ampli- anew from one nucleotide back (n–1) from where
fication, a flowcell with approximately 40 million the previous hybridizations occurred. As a result,
clusters of DNA amplicons is then subjected to a each position on the template is effectively probed
DNA sequencing-by-synthesis methodology that twice, and the identity of the nucleotide is deter-
uses a custom DNA polymerase that can incor- mined by analysing the colour that results from
porate specialized reversible terminators with two successive ligation reactions. Most impor-
removable fluorescent moieties into growing oli- tantly, this two-base encoding scheme allows the
gonucleotide chains. The terminators are labelled differentiation between a sequencing error and a
with fluorophores of four different wavelengths sequence polymorphism because an error would
to distinguish between the different nucleotide be detected in one particular ligation reaction
bases and the sequence of the template in each but a polymorphism would be detected in both
cluster is determined by detecting the wavelength reactions. This methodology is carried out on the
generated at each successive nucleotide addition supported oligonucleotide ligation and detection
step. While this methodology is more effective system (SOLiD) supplied by Applied Biosystems.
at sequencing homopolymeric stretches than The SOLiD 4™ instrument is capable of generating
pyrosequencing, the sequence reads are shorter 80–100 Gb of sequence data per run in 35–50 bp
(Bennett et al., 2005; Bentley, 2006; Ansorge, reads per 8 to 13 day sequencing run (http://
2009). Also, the custom DNA polymerases and
the use of the reversible terminators do result in a home/applications-technologies/solid-next-gen-
higher number of substitution errors (Hutchison, eration-sequencing/next-generation-systems/
2007). The HiSeq 2500/1500 platform, which solid-4-system.html, April 2013).
utilizes reversible terminator chemistry, is cur- The availability of these high-throughput
rently marketed by Illumina. Depending on the sequencing technologies has democratized
run mode (i.e. Rapid-Run Mode or High-Output genomics by substantially reducing the cost of
Microbes: An Unseen Majority Around Us | 9

the technology. In addition, they have removed be assigned the corresponding function. If the
the need for in vivo cloning by clonal amplifica- query protein sequence does not show high levels
tion of spatially separated single molecules using of similarity with known proteins, annotation by
either emulsion PCR or bridge amplification on function can be carried out whereby the putative
a solid surface. As these methodologies use single proteins domains can be assigned a function. For
molecule templates, they allow for the detection example, a particular arrangement of hydrophobic
of heterogeneity in a DNA sample thus provid- regions within a protein may indicate a membrane
ing a powerful advantage over Sanger sequencing protein. While assignment of function based
(Bentley, 2006; Thomas et al., 2006). on similarity to other proteins does provide an
extremely valuable starting point when correlat-
ing DNA sequence to cellular metabolism, it is
Bioinformatics analysis of important to keep in mind that subsequent bio-
sequence data logical validation is required for confirmation.
Part of bioinformatics research involves the man-
agement and analysis of large scale sequence data
that has been generated, and is a rapidly growing Application of molecular
field of science that incorporates aspects of biol- approaches to the study of
ogy, mathematics and computer science. Once microorganisms
sequence data have been generated, bioinformat- The genomes of living organisms are essentially
ics analysis is required as explained in detail in barcodes and contain sufficient information to
Chapters 2, 3 and 4. Depending on the application, both identify the microorganism as well as outline
input template, and platform utilized, this initial its physiological functionality (Blaxter, 2003;
processing would include removal of substandard Blaxter and Floyd, 2003). Genomes contain
reads and the alignment of reads into contigs (in areas of high and low identity with the differences
the case of whole genome sequencing). The final between the corresponding genes typically clus-
role played by bioinformaticists is the curation of tered in sections such as the third (wobble) bases
the huge datasets generated by next generation of codons, intronic, and intergenic DNA. As sig-
sequencing technologies. nificant stretches of the genome are maintained by
Determination of the nucleotide sequence selection to be identical or near-identical between
of a target organism or population of organisms’ members within a taxon, but which vary between
genetic material on its own is relatively uninform- taxa, these segments can be applied to both iden-
ative. Defining how this nucleotide sequence is tification and taxonomy. In addition, as these
responsible for structural and metabolic function- sequences evolve, they represent both specific
ality is more important. Bioinformatics forms the and systematic data (Woese, 1987). This makes
bridge between the sequence data and the biologi- sequence-based methods incredibly powerful,
cal functioning in an organism/organisms. Once and this field has revolutionized the ways that we
the nucleotide sequence has been determined, both classify and study microorganisms in their
the first step in the bioinformatics analysis of the ecosystems, as well as how we screen for novel
sequence is gene prediction by detecting potential products and processes.
open reading frames (ORFs). This is achieved by
identifying conserved sequences responsible for Whole genome sequencing
the initiation and termination of transcription The first microbial genome to be sequenced to
as well as the site for the initiation of translation. completion was that of the human pathogen Hae-
Once a potential ORF is identified, the next step is mophilus influenzae (Fleischmann et al., 1995). In
to annotate the putative gene by assigning a func- the same year, the smallest genome of a free-living
tion to the sequence. By comparing the encoded microorganism, the pathogenic microorganism
query protein sequence with a database of proteins Mycoplasma genitalium, was also sequenced (Fraser
with known functions, putative proteins with suf- et al., 1995). Since then, the complete sequences
ficient homology to the known proteins can then of more 4328 microbial genomes have been
10 | Jiwaji et al.

elucidated (complete and permanent draft) of Currently, the most widely utilized approach
which 187 are archaeal, 3958 are prokaryotes and to whole genome sequencing is termed ‘shotgun
183 are eukaryotic (, sequencing’ (see Chapter 2). In this technique, the
April 2013). Initially, genome sequence projects genome of a chosen microbe is randomly sheared
focused on sequencing pathogenic bacteria, now into millions of DNA fragments which are then
biotechnological consortia are catching up: cur- sequenced. Owing to the random nature of the
rently 47% of all bacterial-sequencing projects DNA shearing, many of these fragments will over-
deal with microorganisms that have industrial lap in terms of sequence data. By aligning these
applications, 52% of the projects are focused on overlapping fragments against one another, it is
sequencing pathogens and approximately 1% possible to assemble a larger contiguous sequence
have targeted exotic organisms (Bode and Muller, (contig). If there are regions of the genome which
2005;, May 2013; www. are not represented in the sequenced fragment, May 2013). library, this will result in contigs which do not
Knowledge of the genome of a given organism overlap and can therefore not be joined together
provides tremendous biological insight into cellu- to form a full length sequence of the genome. In
lar processes that may not be evident when using this instance, targeted re-sequencing of the miss-
classical culturing/assay techniques which are ing region is then done by amplifying this region
limited to the study of phenotypic characteristics of the genome using primers specific to the termi-
under the culture/assay conditions. This allows nal sequence in the contig. Once the genome has
for the identification of genes encoding for poten- been assembled, the annotation of the genome is
tially economically useful metabolites or proteins begun where the structural and functional features
which may not be produced or expressed under of the genome are identified using bioinformatics
current culture/assay conditions. Furthermore, tools (discussed in detail in Chapter 4).
by increasing our understanding of cellular pro-
cesses and mechanisms of gene regulation within Microbial species diversity
target organisms, the ability to optimize microbial Microbial species diversity in a given environment
metabolism for enhanced application in industry is determined by the physico-chemical nature of
is increased (Xu et al., 2013). In addition to the the environment as well as by changes that are
information generated when sequencing a single caused by the metabolic activities of the microor-
genome, the large number of genome sequences ganisms within the community (see Chapter 6).
which are currently publicly available on databases Ideally, a study designed to analyse the biodiver-
allows for comparative studies between genomes sity in an environmental sample would examine
of different organisms. Such comparative studies all the species within the community as well as the
can provide valuable information with respect to size of these species populations. As more envi-
the encoded function of genes particularly when ronments are being sampled and analysed, it is
genomes of closely related strains with differing evident that the majority of the microbes have yet
phenotypes are compared against one another. In to be cultured (Rappe and Giovannoni, 2003).
addition to novel species, multiple isolates of the This is driving the need for technologies to cul-
same species are also being sequenced. This is due tivate and enrich formerly ‘not-yet-culturable’
to the fact that even well-known species such as organisms (Stewart, 2012). This is a laborious
Escherichia coli show large levels of heterogene- and time-consuming process and so techniques
ity between strains. For example, comparison of that circumvent the cultivation of organisms but
E. coli genomes sequenced to completion show still allow the exploration of diversity are being
a discrepancy in size from 4.6 to 5.5 Mbp. This explored.
means that there are close to one million nucleo- When selecting specific genetic regions for
tides worth of sequence data that is present in analysis of microbial populations, factors such a
one strain but absent in another (Binnewies et ubiquity (the target gene must be present in all
al., 2006). Comparative genomics is discussed in species), species sequence conservation (to allow
detail in Chapter 5. for species identification) and evolution-induced
Microbes: An Unseen Majority Around Us | 11

interspecies variability (to allow for differentia- gene targets. For example, randomly amplified
tion between species as well as to infer taxonomic polymorphic DNA (RAPD), terminal restriction
relatedness) need to be considered (Petti, 2007). fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP), or
The sequences that have been applied to molecu- denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)
lar barcoding include the: allow for the assessment of microbial diversity
as well as comparison of community structure
1 nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA gene between different ecosystems or over time (Liu
(SSU, also known as 16S rRNA in prokary- et al., 1997). While these approaches are rapid
otes, and 18S rRNA in most eukaryotes); and provide useful information in terms of shifts
2 nuclear large-subunit ribosomal RNA gene in microbial population dynamics, their major
(LSU, also known as 23S rRNA and 28S disadvantage lies in the fact that identification
rRNA gene); of the individual microbes cannot be carried
3 internal-transcribed spacer section of the out. In order to identify the species, analysis of
ribosomal RNA cistron (ITS, separated by the nucleotide sequence must be done. Up until
the 5S ribosomal RNA gene into ITS1 and recently, this has been achieved by Sanger-based
ITS2 regions); sequencing of individual clones representing
4 mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 (CO1 PCR-amplified genes from a few hundred repre-
or COX1) gene; and sentatives in a microbial population. The major
5 chloroplast ribulose bisphosphate limitation of this is that only the dominant
carboxylase large subunit (rbcL) gene genotypes within the target population would be
(Blaxter, 2004). sampled. By contrast, next-generation sequencing
technologies generate several thousand sequences
Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene is discussed per sample which consequently allows for the
in detail in Chapter 8 and genomic barcoding is detection of rare biosphere within a given ecosys-
covered further in Chapter 10. tem community. This rare biosphere is important
Each gene target has both its benefits and in terms of ecosystem functioning as they may
pitfalls and these have to be weighed up when represent critical components of complex con-
selecting the most appropriate gene. The useful- sortia or be dormant vestiges of a past ecological
ness of each of these genes is determined by (i) setting with the potential to become dominant
the ease with which it can be isolated from the should environmental conditions shift in favour
sample, (ii) the level of variation between indi- of their growth. An additional advantage of next-
viduals, (iii) the ease with which the amplified generation sequencing technologies is that, due to
sequences can be aligned and analysed and (iv) the large number of sequences generated, a more
the availability and number of other sequences accurate representation of the relative abundances
from known and identified specimens. It should of the bacterial phylotypes within a target ecosys-
be kept in mind that sequence-based analyses can tem can be provided (Sogin et al., 2006; Huse et
be adversely affected if the DNA has extreme base al., 2008).
composition biases, polynucleotide runs or very The first studies of bacterial diversity using
stable secondary structures thus this needs to be culture-independent methods have completely
taken into account when the targets are selected changed our view of the biosphere. Many new
for analysis. In addition, with a sequence-based prokaryotic divisions have been described based
system, it is essential that a repository of sequence on culture-independent studies (Giovannoni et
information, whether these sequences are housed al., 1990; Schmidt et al., 1991; Barns et al., 1994).
by annexes to databases like EMBL/GenBank or While some of the sequences were close to known
in a freestanding effort, is available (Hebert et al., cultured taxa, others showed deeply divergent
2003). lineages with no known cultured members. Many
For these targets, the PCR can amplify suf- of these newly identified lineages are now known
ficient quantities of DNA for study and there are to be widespread in many different environments
numerous approaches to analyse these amplified and are sometimes dominant, be it numerically
12 | Jiwaji et al.

or ecologically. While it is true that some globally steps. Instead, DNA isolated from environmental
distributed ecosystems have a low bacterial diver- samples can be sequenced directly (Tuffin et al.,
sity (Hentschel et al., 2002), most environments, 2009). This approach has been successfully applied
including some of the most inhospitable regions to terrestrial and aquatic environments resulting
of our planet, showed an unexpected and deep in the discovery of genes for antibiotics, antibiotic
diversity (Pace, 1997; Rothschild and Mancinelli, resistance and industrial enzymes (D’Costa et al.,
2001; Furlong et al., 2002; Venter et al., 2004). 2007; Lammle et al., 2007; Suenaga et al., 2007).
However, one must bear in mind that there Examples of enzymes isolated from microorgan-
are pitfalls in assessing microbial diversity using isms using a functional metagenomics approach
PCR-based techniques as PCR amplification may include lipases, esterases, amylases, amidases and
introduce a bias with each physical, chemical chitinases (Hardeman et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2007;
and biological step resulting in a distorted view Chu et al., 2008; Xu et al., 2008). Thus the applica-
of the actual environment. This may be caused tion of metagenomics has paved the way for the
by the choice of the primers, the conditions of discovery of new genes, proteins and biochemi-
PCR, potential inhibitors that are present in the cal pathways (Prakash and Taylor, 2012). This
reactions and variable amplification efficiencies of technology has also been very important for the
target genes between species to name a few poten- identification of new biocatalysts that have been
tial issues (Wintzingerode et al., 1997). developed by nature, isolated by bioprospecting
and optimized by directed evolution (Fernández-
Metagenomics Arrojo et al., 2010; Yeh et al., 2011; de Pascale et
Metagenomics provides a gene-based explora- al, 2012). Viral metagenomics studies have shown
tion of the microbial community as a whole on that up to 60% of the sequences in a viral prepara-
the basis of genetic material (DNA or RNA) and tion are unique, these virus sequences represent
it returns high resolution data rich information unknown viral species that would be missed by
(Moore et al., 2011). The value of this information traditional Sanger sequencing approaches but are
has been enhanced by the availability of sequence detected by the application of next generation
data on a large number of genomes. This topic is sequencing technologies (Delwart, 2007; Mokili
discussed in detail in Chapter 7. et al., 2012).
Metagenomic analysis involves isolating DNA The full potential of metagenomics is yet to
from an environmental sample and analysing yet be fully realized. This can be attributed to the
the totality of the DNA. As a consequence, the inability of some metagenomic clones to produce
DNA libraries contain the genetic information of active enzymes. Also, functional metagenomic
all organisms present at a specific location at the approaches rely on E. coli as an expression host
sampling time (Daniel, 2004; Streit et al., 2004; for metagenome-encoded proteins. While this
Grant et al., 2006). Previously, this DNA would may occur for a large number of genes, others
be cloned into suitable vectors, the clones trans- from more distantly related organisms may not
formed into an appropriate host bacterium, and be expressed because of differences in the gene
the resulting transformants screened. The clones promoters, or the levels of expression may be det-
could be screened for phylogenetic markers, for rimentally affected due to differences in the codon
conserved genes, for expression of specific traits usage. If transcription and translation of foreign
such as enzyme activity or antibiotic production genes results in the production of protein, it is
or they could be sequenced via Sanger sequencing. possible that the limitations of E. coli to post-trans-
In the case of sequencing data, these sequences lationally modify or export the protein may result
can be used to query databases allowing for the in the lack of detectable active protein. The availa-
inference of phylogeny or the identification of bility of suitable hosts for heterologous expression
putative functional genes. With the availability remains a barrier to efficient mining of functional
of next generation sequencing technologies, metagenomic data (Handelsman, 2004). It is pos-
metagenomes can be analysed without the need sible to couple functional screening approaches
for time-consuming and labour intensive cloning to other approaches like substrate-induced gene
Microbes: An Unseen Majority Around Us | 13

expression screening (SIGEX) to enhance data means that these techniques lag behind those that
mining (Uchiyama et al., 2005; Uchiyama and have been developed for DNA. The relationship
Watanabe, 2007). SIGEX was initially developed between RNA and protein is complex; thus, it is
to detect metagenomic clones that expressed important to be aware of biases in the techniques,
catabolic genes of interest in the presence of for example the differential lifetimes of mRNA
appropriate substrates. The time-consuming and and protein. This requires the analysis of temporal
labour-intensive nature of functional screens can changes in transcript and protein levels. The chal-
also be alleviated by using robotic instrumenta- lenge with transcriptomic and proteomic datasets
tion to screen large clone libraries for functional remains the identification of true mRNA–protein
activities in a high-throughput manner (Kennedy concordance and discordance (Hack, 2004; Fang
et al., 2008). et al., 2008). For this reason, metatranscriptom-
Metagenomics, in addition to being a powerful ics and metaproteomics are fields that are still
technique in itself, can be paired with metatran- being developed, particularly the ability to study
scriptomics and metaproteomics to generate gene expression and protein translation in natural
complementary datasets for a more thorough environments, which hold special promise for
analysis of the microorganisms in a community studying microorganism function in ecosystems.
(Ram et al., 2005; Frias-Lopez et al., 2008) includ- The transcriptome refers to coding RNA
ing the human microbial biome (discussed in (mRNA) and noncoding RNA (including rRNA,
Chapter 8). Despite the recent exciting research tRNA, structural RNA, regulatory RNA and
advances involving next generation sequenc- other RNA species). In addition, when discuss-
ers, it should be noted that the application of ing RNA species, it is important to differentiate
these methods is still in its infancy. Efficient and between de novo synthesized RNA (capped pri-
rigorous data analysis pipelines need to be imple- mary transcripts) and post-transcriptionally
mented and further studies are required to verify modified (uncapped secondary) transcripts as
the robustness of these techniques as well as the only the processed RNAs will be represented
correlation of these results with those obtained by in the proteome of the microorganism. Under-
previous methods. standing transcriptome dynamics is essential for
a clearer understanding of the functional output
Metatranscriptomics and of the genome and can provide valuable insight
metaproteomics into gene expression patterns, gene function and
Adaptive responses are driven by changing levels regulation (van Vliet, 2010).
of transcription in the cell as well as changes Early studies of transcriptional activity in
in the levels of translation. Metatranscriptom- microbial cells relied on the sequence analysis
ics, and by extension metaproteomics, focuses of cDNA libraries. Currently, microarrays are
on microbial gene expression within complex the most widely used technique for studying
natural habitats, allowing for culture-independent transcriptomes. Arrays provide specific and
whole-genome expression profiling of complex relative quantification of gene expression free of
microbial communities (Moran, 2009; Sorek and the bias that is associated with cloning and they
Cossart, 2010; Gosalbes et al., 2011; Mader et al., allow high-throughput analysis of relative tran-
2011). However, mining the ‘transcriptome’ and script levels (Hinton et al., 2004). The technique
the ‘proteome’, which represent the collection of involves the conversion of cellular RNA into
transcribed sequences and the translated proteins labelled cDNA, which in turn is used for hybridi-
respectively, poses a significant challenge, particu- zation to short oligonucleotides that represent the
larly when it comes to comparing data generated coding sequences within a genome. To analyse
on different ‘omics’ platforms. There are both tech- the transcriptome, annotated genome sequences
nical and biological hurdles to overcome. Efficient have been used to construct microarrays that
techniques to isolate total environmental RNA represent the majority of all of the predicted genes
and protein are still being developed; however, in a genome. For example, the transcriptomes of
the inherent complexities of RNA and proteins Mycoplasma pneumonia, Halobacterium salinarum,
14 | Jiwaji et al.

Caulobacter crescentus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia couple array-based transcript analysis to a high-
coli and Listeria monocytogenes have all been ana- throughput sequencing of cDNA libraries (Hoen
lysed on arrays (Selinger et al., 2000; McGrath et al., 2008), resulting in increased transcriptomic
et al., 2007; Güell et al., 2009; Koide et al., 2009; data that has been validated by independent plat-
Rasmussen et al., 2009; Toledo-Arana et al., 2009; forms (Roh et al., 2010).
Wurtzel et al., 2009). All next generation sequencing technologies
Recently there have been dramatic advances can be used for transcriptome sequencing. In this
enabling the extension of DNA microarray tech- case, total RNA is extracted from the organism and
nology applications to studying environmental converted into cDNA by reverse transcription.
transcriptomics (Parro et al., 2007; Moreno-Paz Because prokaryotic mRNAs lack the poly(A)
et al., 2010; Pinto et al., 2011). Microarrays that tail that is typically used for reverse transcription
target the 16S rRNA gene have been used to study priming in eukaryotic RNA-seq applications,
the population structure of microbial communi- alternative priming approaches are used. These
ties (Brodie et al., 2006). Functional gene arrays, include random hexamer priming (Passalacqua
for example the Geochip array (He et al., 2007), et al., 2009), oligo(dT) priming from artificially
have been used to study nitrogen and carbon polyadenylated mRNAs (Frias-Lopez et al., 2008)
metabolism in Antarctic and PCB contaminated and priming from a specific RNA probe ligated
soils (Leigh et al., 2007; Yergeau et al., 2007) to mRNAs (Wurtzel et al., 2009). Sequencing
and the cellular processes in microbial biofilms platforms have been used to detect genes, intron
(Duran-Pinedo et al., 2011). Phylogenetic micro- usage and alternative initiation codons in yeast
arrays are discussed in detail in Chapter 9. (Nagalakshmi et al., 2008; Sorek et al., 2010; van
While arrays have been instrumental in Vliet, 2010; Mader et al., 2011). The application
developing the current understanding of tran- of these platforms is incredibly powerful. In a
scriptomes, we have started to reach the limits of recent article, 512 new genes were predicted for
the applicability of this technology (Bloom et al., the nitrogen-fixing plant symbiont Sinorhizobium
2009). Arrays, like other hybridization-depend- meliloti after analysis of its transcriptome (Mao et
ent techniques, have a relatively limited dynamic al., 2008).
range for the detection of the levels of transcripts There are, however, technical challenges with
due to background, saturation and spot density metatranscriptomics approaches, which include
and quality. Arrays need to include sequences the need for the standardization of protocols such
that cover multiple strains as mismatches that datasets can be compared. With environmen-
negatively affect hybridization efficiency and the tal samples, technical choices can dramatically
design of appropriate probes is critical to avoid affect results and molecular techniques are prone
a high background due to nonspecific- or cross- to artefacts and biases no matter what platforms
hybridization. The comparison of transcription are chosen for sample analysis and data collection
levels between experiments is challenging and (Raz et al., 2011). The reproducible recovery of
usually requires complex normalization methods mRNA and proteins from natural environments
(Hinton et al., 2004). Finally, the sensitivity of is technically challenging as bacterial mRNA
scanning instruments determines the quality often has a very short half-life and hence can
of data that is collected. As probe design limits be highly unstable (Deutscher, 2003; Condon,
detection to sequences that are already known, 2007). Furthermore, obtaining sufficient mRNA
microarrays are more appropriate when they are for replicated studies with environmental samples
applied to characterize ecosystems rather than to is often difficult. It is essential that future stud-
discover new genes and functions. Also important ies consider how to meet accepted standards for
is the difficulty in differentiating between de novo independent replication, as this will allow robust
synthesized transcripts and modified transcripts. statistical analyses of changes or differences in
While there are techniques that will allow the expression patterns (Moran, 2009). In these cases
differentiation of the two sets of transcripts it is necessary first to amplify the RNA. Cao et
(Hashimoto et al., 2009), the alternative is to al. (2010) performed a comparison of several
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392; ii. 80; iii. 168, 192; v. 4, 5, 8, 52, 56, 145, 188, 225, 244; vi.
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—— Sir John, vi. 376.
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Leigh, Anthony, i. 157; viii. 258.
—— Miss, viii. 467, 469.
—— Hunt. See Hunt, J. Henry Leigh.
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xii. 168.
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Lenthall, William, iii. 398.
Leo X., i. 49; vi. 378; x. 190, 206.
—— —— (Raphael’s), ix. 226, 366.
Leominster, ii. 66, 196.
Leon (in Beaumont and Fletcher’s Rule a Wife and Have a Wife), viii.
49, 233; xi. 317.
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Leonard (in Holcroft’s The Noble Peasant), ii. 110.
—— (in Cumberland’s Word for Nature), ii. 206.
Leonidas, x. 255.
Leonardo da Vinci, i. 142; ii. 199, 402; iv. 365; vi. 11, 12, 321, 347,
455; vii. 61; viii. 148; ix. 26, 35, 41, 104, 120, 225, 278, 381–3, 417,
482; x. 341; xi. 214, 237, 240 n.; xii. 36, 37, 189, 277.
Leonore (in Molière’s Ecole des Maris), xi. 356.
Leontes (in Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale), i. 155; v. 257; viii. 376; xi.
Leopold, Prince, xii. 250.
—— of Austria, x. 55.
—— Peter and the President du Paty (Landor’s), x. 247.
Lepidus (in Ben Jonson’s Sejanus), v. 264.
Leporello (in Shadwell’s The Libertine), viii. 371, 462; xi. 308.
Les Plaideurs (Racine’s), x. 107.
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, iv. 218; v. 362; x. 119, 274.
Lethbridge, Sir Thomas, xii. 202.
Letitia Hardy (in The Belle’s Stratagem), xi. 404.
Letter-Bell, The, xii. 235.
—— to Bedford, Duke of (Burke’s), i. 427; iii. 210, 335; vii. 11, 115 n.,
118, 228, 257, 275; x. 212.
—— to * * * * on the Rev. W. L. Bowles’s Strictures on the Life and
Writings of Pope (Byron’s), xi. 486 n.
—— to the Dilettanti Society (Barry’s), ix. 422.
—— to a Dissenter, etc., A (Halifax’s), x. 368.
—— to Dunning (Horne Tooke’s), iv. 238, 240.
—— to the Editor of My Grandmother’s Review (Byron’s), iv. 258.
—— to a Friend in London, The (Shelley’s), x. 267.
—— to Mon Prince, The (Lord Castlereagh’s), ix. 315.
—— to a Noble Lord (Burke’s). See Letter to Bedford, Duke of.
—— on Reform (Duke of Richmond’s), vi. 156.
—— to William Smith, Esq., M.P., from Robert Southey, Esq., iii. 210,
218, 224.
Letters (Burke’s), iii. 257.
—— (Farquhar’s), viii. 89.
—— (Gray’s), v. 118.
—— (to and from Holcroft), ii. 240 et seq.
—— (of Junius). See Junius.
—— from Correspondents (Dr Johnson’s), viii. 101.
—— on Ireland (Kendall’s), vi. 394.
—— in Answer to Malthus, iv. 1.
Lettres de Cachet, i. 388.
Leverian Museum, ii. 212.
Leviathan, Hobbes’s, ii. 400 n.; iii. 292; viii. 19 n.; xi. 30, 31, 32, 33,
35, 46, 129, 173 n.; xii. 413.
Levis, Duke of, iii. 181.
Levite, The, vii. 365.
Leviticus, The Book of, xi. 506.
Lewes (town), iii. 414.
Lewis, Lee, ii. 264; xii. 24.
Lewis, William Thomas, ii. 122, 219; vi. 232, 275; viii. 386, 454; xi.
Lexiphanes (by Campbell), vi. 421.
Liaisons Dangereux, Les (Ch. de Laclos), ii. 115.
Liar, The (by Samuel Foote), viii. 11.
Liber Amoris; or, The New Pygmalion, ii. 283.
—— Veritatis (Claude’s), xi. 213 n., 394 n.
Liberal, The (the newspaper), i. xxx; iii. 442; iv. 258, 414, 431; vii.
378–9; ix. 246; xi. 7; xii. 241, 253, 259, 275, 285.
Liberal Snake (Disraeli’s Vivian Grey), xii. 339.
Libertine, The (Shadwell’s), viii. 370; also referred to in viii. 54; xi.
316, 397.
Liberty, On (Cowley), viii. 58, 60.
—— Poem on (Thomson’s), v. 91.
—— and Necessity, On, xi. 48, 50.
Library (Crabbe’s), xi. 606.
Licinio, Giovanni Antonio. See Pordenone.
Liege (town), ii. 280.
Lieutenant Bowling (Smollett’s Roderick Random), x. 35.
—— Worthington (in The Poor Gentleman), xi. 376.
Life’s Decay (Shakespeare’s Sonnet), i. 361.
Liffey, The (river), ii. 61; ix. 416.
Light, Hymn to (Cowley’s), viii. 58.
—— of Nature Pursued (Tucker’s), iv. 369; vi. 327; vii. 355 n.; xi. 85,
178 n.; xii. 358.
Ligny, Godfrey de, x. 57.
Lille, ix. 302.
—— Count de, iii. 290.
Lillie, Charles, viii. 497.
Lilliputians (Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels), v. 15, 112; xi. 483.
Lillo, George, i. 194; ii. 212; v. 6, 359; viii. 268.
Lillys, The, iii. 420.
Lily [Lilly], William, iii. 141.
—— of St Leonard’s (Scott’s), xi. 531, 556.
Limberham, Mr; or, The Kind Keeper (Dryden’s), viii. 393.
Lincoln’s Inn, iii. 86, 126; iv. 282, 284; vii. 447, 448, 449, 452 n.; viii.
Lincolnshire, ii. 14; iii. 396; x. 310.
Lingo (O’Keefe’s Agreeable Surprise), iii. 233; vi. 417; viii. 167, 319,
387; xii. 24.
Lingua, v. 289, 292.
Linley, Thomas, ii. 102, 114.
Linnæus, Carl von, v. 24.
Linton (a town), x. 416; xii. 272, 273.
Lion’s Head (in London Magazine), viii. 479.
Lipsius, Justus (Rubens’s portrait of), ix. 226.
Lisbon Job (Canning’s), iii. 301.
Lismahago (in Smollett’s Humphry Clinker), viii. 117; x. 35; xii. 253.
Lissardo (in Mrs Centlivre’s The Wonder), viii. 156; xi. 402.
Liston, John, i. 154, 247; ii. 368; v. 120; vi. 417; vii. 133, 300, 508;
viii. 140, 159–60, 177, 193, 196, 227, 233, 254, 273, 275, 283, 292,
315, 353, 371, 385, 391, 392, 413, 428, 443, 462, 465–6, 469, 475,
507, 526, 529, 536; ix. 15, 174; xi. 252, 303–4, 316, 367, 376–8,
387–8, 404; xii. 23, 24, 365, 366.
Liston’s Cloten, viii. 540.
—— Mrs, viii. 195, 261.
Litchfield, ii. 14, 15, 166.
Literary Character, On the, i. 131.
—— Examiner (newspaper), ix. 186; xi. p. vii; 540.
—— Gazette, The, vii. 123.
Literary Remains (Hazlitt’s), xi. 596.
Literature of the South (Sismondi’s), x. 44.
Little, Thomas, vii. 368.
—— Baddington (a town in Fielding’s Tom Jones), viii. 113.
—— Filcher, The. See Captive Bee, The.
—— French Lawyer, The (Beaumont and Fletcher), v. 261.
—— Hunchback, The (in Arabian Nights), viii. 12.
—— Offsprings, The; or, Little Offerings (a farce), xi. 369.
—— Pickle (in The Spoilt Child), viii. 470; xii. 24.
—— Red Riding Hood (Fairy Tale), iv. 93; xii. 122.
Littleton, Edward, i. 80.
Liverati, Mons. (a musician), xi. 388.
Livernois (Monsieur), ix. 108.
Liverpool, ii. 55; iv. 320, 341; vi. 58, 103, 153, 156, 190, 203, 204 n.,
387; vii. 28; ix. 302; xi. 480 n.
—— Lord, iii. 48, 59, 75, 76; iv. 225; vii. 268; xi. 480; xii. 275.
Lives of British Poets (Dr Johnson’s), v. 46; viii. 58 n.
Livia (in Middleton’s Women, Beware Women), v. 215.
—— (in Jonson’s Fall of Sejanus), v. 265.
Living in London, viii. 242.
—— to One’s Self, On, vi. 90.
—— Poets, On the, v. 143.
Livy, iv. 283; vi. 13.
Llangollen, vi. 34, 186.
—— (Wilson’s), xi. 199.
—— Vale, xii. 268.
Lloyds, The, iii. 206.
Lloyd’s, ii. 176.
Lochiel (Scott’s), xi. 531.
Lock, Matthew, xi. 404.
Locke, John, i. 425; ii. 133; iii. 296; iv. 45, 212, 285, 377; v. 108; vi.
31, 64, 337, 360, 432; vii. 21, 33, 88, 224, 371, 373, 454 n.; viii. 18
n.; x. 134, 176, 232, 249, 361; xi. 1, 29, 30, 42, 44–5, 47, 58, 59, 62,
64, 74, 126, 127, 129, 165–6, 168 n., 171, 174, 176, 178–9, 181–4 et
seq., 578; xii. 26, 27, 35, 313, 403.
Locke, Mr, a great Plagiarist, xi. 284.
Locke’s Essay on Human Understanding, On, xi. 74.
Lockhart, John Gibson, vi. 498; viii. 478 n.; x. 407, 411.
Lockitt. See Lucy Lockitt.
Locksley (Scott’s Ivanhoe), vi. 81; viii. 424.
Locrine (? Shakespeare), i. 357.
Locusta Poisoning a Young Slave (Figalon’s), ix. 128.
Lodon, The River, v. 121.
Lodovico (in Webster’s White Devil), v. 241, 245.
Lofft, Capel, viii. 241.
Loftus (brother-in-law of Rev. W. Hazlitt), vii. 502.
Logan, John, ii. 328; v. 122.
Loggia in the corridors of the Vatican (Raphael’s), ix. 240.
Logic, xii. 350.
—— Condillac’s, xi. 173 n.
Logos, i. 52.
Loiter (in Kenney’s The World), viii. 229.
Lombard, Peter, i. 332.
—— Street, vi. 113.
Lombardy, ix. 264.
Lomond, Ben, ii. 328, 329.
—— Loch, ii. 329.
—— —— (Hofland’s), xi. 242.
London, Account of (Pennant’s), vii. 69.
—— Views of (a book), vi. 429.
—— Bridge, ii. 242; xi. 352.
—— Description of the Morning in (Swift’s), v. 109.
—— Institution, vi. 199; xii. 76.
—— Magazine, vi. 469, 483, 484, 494; vii. 481, 496, 498–9, 502–4;
viii. 383, 477, 479; ix. 18, 439 et seq., 466, 468; x. 223; xi. p. viii,
464, 481, 486, 508, 521, 531, 537.
London Prodigal, The (? Shakespeare’s), i. 357.
—— Wall, iv. 365; vii. 69, 254.
—— Weekly Review, xii. 296, 297, 301, 306, 311, 316, 321, 328, 330,
Londoners and Country People, On, vii. 66.
Long-Acre, xii. 120.
Long, Charles, i. 379.
—— Robinson (a cricketer), xii. 17.
Long’s (16 New Bond St.), iv. 259; vi. 202; xi. 344, 385, 486.
Longford Castle, ix. 55, 56.
Longhena, Baldassare, ix. 269.
Longinus, i. 401; xii. 168.
Longman, Mr (publisher), vii. 378.
—— Messrs, iv. 312.
Longus, x. 14.
Look of a Gentleman, On the, vii. 209.
Lopez Banos (in Landor), x. 251.
—— de Vega, vi. 49; x. 118.
Lord Alton (in Godwin’s Cloudesley), x. 392.
—— Avondale (in Merton’s School of Reform), viii. 315.
—— Clamourcourt (in Jameson’s Living in London), viii. 242, 243.
—— Danvers (in Godwin’s Cloudesley), x. 386, 392.
—— Duberly (Liston’s), vi. 417.
—— Foppington (in Vanbrugh’s Relapse), i. 12; vi. 275, 444; viii. 9,
36, 37, 82, 83, 151, 304, 328, 465; xi. 309, 439.
—— and Lady Froth (Congreve’s), viii. 72.
—— Glenallan (in Scott’s Antiquary), viii. 413; ix. 202.
—— Grizzle (in Fielding’s Mock Doctor), viii. 159, 540; xi. 377; xii.
Lord Lovell (in Massinger’s A New Way to Pay old Debts), v. 267; vii.
274, 277, 304.
—— of the Manor, The (Burgoyne’s), xi. 316.
—— Mayor’s Procession, The (Hogarth’s), viii. 142.
—— —— Show, viii. 18.
—— Ogleby (G. Colman the elder’s The Clandestine Marriage), vii.
210; viii. 154.
—— Peter (in Swift’s Tale of a Tub), iii. 136; iv. 245; v. 112; vii. 192.
—— Sands (in Shakespeare’s King Henry VIII.), viii. 387; xii. 24.
—— Townley (in Vanbrugh’s The Provoked Husband), vi. 453; viii.
465; xi. 346.
—— Trinket (in G. Colman the elder’s Jealous Wife), viii. 317, 505.
Lord’s Cricket-ground, xii. 17, 233, 373.
Lords, On the Conversation of, xii. 38.
Lorenzo (in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice), vi. 279.
Loretto (a town), x. 304.
Lorraine, Claude. See Claude.
Loss of The Royal George (Cowper’s), v. 95.
Lot and his Family (West’s), xi. 190.
Lothario (in Rowe’s The Fair Penitent), i. 12; ii. 59; viii. 151, 288.
Lothbury, x. 310.
Loudon Hill, iv. 247.
Loughborough, Baron, ii. 99; vi. 438.
Louis IX., Saint, ix. 175.
—— XIII., ix. 110.
—— XIV., iii. 100, 160, 258, 307, 311; v. 106; vi. 419; vii. 185, 308,
323, 346; viii. 251; ix. 14, 23, 150, 165; x. 233, 250, 303; xi. 275,
354–5; xii. 122.
Louis XIV. taking leave of his Grandchild (Madame Hersent’s), ix.
—— XV., i. 388; v. 114; vi. 349; xii. 287.
—— XVI., iii. 32 n., 290; vii. 268.
—— XVIII., iii. 101, 106, 158, 175, 228, 240, 290, 319 n., 448; vi. 360;
viii. 267, 275 n., 340; ix. 94, 108, 124, 125; xi. 413, 417, 551; xii. 141,
356, 448.
Lounger, The (newspaper), viii. 105.
Loutherbourg, P. J., i. 149; ii. 185; vii. 95.
Louvet, Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvray, vi. 102.
Louviers (a town), ix. 101, 102, 103, 104.
Louvre, The, i. 45, 145, 163; iii. 169, 421; iv. 324; vi. 15, 17, 93, 174,
237, 319; vii. 24, 274, 280, 281, 285, 291, 314; viii. 148, 443; ix. 31,
53, 59, 106, 108, 112, 113, 120, 126, 129, 147, 160, 165, 224, 225,
226, 232, 237, 241, 270, 271, 273, 301, 302, 352, 359, 365, 366,
372, 385, 388, 472, 475, 491; xi. 196, 197, 213, 222, 237, 273, 352;
xii. 189, 190, 198, 209, 216, 322.
Lovatt, Lord, iii. 285 n.
Love, Miss, viii. 464; xi. 377.
—— and a Bottle (Farquhar’s), viii. 89.
—— of the Country, On the, i. 17.
—— and Gout (? Jameson), viii. 242, 322.
—— Law and Physic (Kenney’s), viii. 159, 193.
—— of Life, On the, i. 1.
—— in Limbo (? Millingen), viii. 227.
—— for Love, (Congreve’s), viii. 278;
also referred to in ii. 84; vii. 127; viii. 71, 72, 77.
—— of Power or Action as a Main Principle in the Human Mind, as
Sensibility to Pleasure or Pain, xi. 263.
Love in a Riddle (Cibber’s), viii. 162.
—— and Toothache (a play), viii. 536.
—— in a Tub (Etherege’s), viii. 68.
—— in a Village (Bickerstaffe’s), ii. 301; vi. 293, 352, 382; viii. 163,
330, 341, 532; xi. 317, 366.
—— in a Wood (Wycherley’s), viii. 78; xi. 573.
Love’s Catechism (in Farquhar’s The Beaux’ Stratagem), xii. 122.
Love’s Consolation (Shakespeare’s Sonnet), i. 360.
—— Deity (Donne’s), viii. 52.
—— Frailties (Holcroft’s), ii. 159, 161.
—— Labour’s Lost (Shakespeare’s), i. 332;
also referred to in v. 128; xi. 360, 416.
—— Last Shift (Cibber’s), viii. 162.
—— Sacrifice (Ford’s), v. 270.
Loves of the Angels (Moore’s), iv. 258; vii. 134; ix. 73.
—— of the Gods (Titian’s), ix. 73.
—— of Persiles and Sigismunda (Cervantes), viii. 110.
Lovegrove, Thomas, viii. 250, 253.
Lovelace (in Richardson’s Clarissa Harlowe), i. 12; ii. 128; vii. 227 n.;
viii. 120, 151, 561; x. 38, 39; xii. 63, 435.
Loveless (in Vanbrugh’s Relapse), viii. 79.
Lovell, Robert, ii. 279.
Lover’s Complaint, The (Shakespeare’s), i. 360.
—— Melancholy, The (Ford’s), v. 270, 318.
Lovers’ Vows (Mrs Inchbald’s adaptation of Kotzebue), viii. 249;
also referred to in ii. 196, 198; v. 360; viii. 335; xi. 362.
Lovibond, Edward, v. 122.
Lowe, Sir Hudson, vii. 83; x. 227.
—— Mauritius, ii. 191.
Lowth, Robert, Bishop of London, iv. 238, 391.
Lowther Estate, iii. 421.
Loyola, Ignatius, vi. 303; ix. 43.
Lubin Log (in Kenney’s Love, Law and Physic), viii. 159, 193, 416,
428, 540; xi. 377; xii. 23.
Lucan, iii. 222; x. 13.
Lucca, ix. 213.
Lucetta (in Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona), i. 319.
Lucian, v. 199; viii. 28; x. 17.
Luciani, Sebastiano. See Piombo, S. del.
Lucien Buonaparte’s Collection, etc., xi. 237.
Lucifer, v. 279.
Lucinda (in Bickerstaffe’s Love in a Village), viii. 329.
Lucio (in Marston’s Antonio and Mellida), v. 225.
Lucio (in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure), i. 391; viii. 283, 284.
Lucius (in Shakespeare’s Julius Cæsar), i. 199.
Lucretia (in Fielding’s Joseph Andrews), vii. 223.
—— Borgia (portrait of), xii. 36.
Lucretius, xi. 492.
Lucy (in Wycherley’s Love in a Wood), viii. 78.
—— (in Sheridan’s Rivals), viii. 508.
—— Bertram (in Scott’s Guy Mannering), iv. 248 n.; viii. 292.
—— Lockitt (in Gay’s Beggar’s Opera), i. 66; iii. 156; v. 108; viii. 194,
255–6, 268, 315, 324, 470; xi. 373, 533.
Ludgate Hill, ii. 215; vii. 275.
Ludlow, ii. 66, 196.
Ludovico (in Mrs Radcliffe’s Castle of Otranto), viii. 126.
—— (in Othello), viii. 221.
Luini, Bernardino, ix. 224, 278.
Luke (in Massinger’s City Madam), xii. 142.
—— (in Sir J. B. Burgess’s Riches), viii. 208.
Luppino, Miss, viii. 244, 535.
Lusiad (Camoens), i. 33.
Luss (a town), ii. 329.
Lust’s Dominion; or, The Lascivious Queen, v. 207.
Lutea Alanson (Suckling’s), viii. 56.
Luther, Martin, iv. 250; vi. 147; viii. 297; xi. 216; xii. 195, 348.
Lutrin, The (Boileau), v. 73.
Lutterworth, ii. 14, 166.
Luttrel, Hon. Temple, iii. 422.
Luxembourg, The, ix. 23, 110, 123, 129, 157, 159.
Lyceum, The, v. 147; viii. 239, 243, 244, 314, 412, 463, 471; xi. 381.
Lycidas (Milton’s), i. 31, 36, 94; iii. 433; v. 59, 98, 315, 371; vii. 160;
viii. 232, 233.
See also Milton.
Lydgate, John, v. 34.
Lydia (in Lyly’s Mother Bombie), v. 198.
Lydia Languish (in Sheridan’s The Rivals), viii. 509.
Lydia Melford (in Smollett’s Humphry Clinker), viii. 410.
Lying Valet, The (Holcroft’s), ii. 80.
Lyly, John, v. 192;
also referred to in v. 193, 197, 201 et seq.
Lynn, iii. 405.
Lynton, iii. 149.
Lyonnais, The, Diligence, ix. 177.
Lyons, i. 90; ii. 275; vi. 384; ix. 154, 176, 178, 181, 182, 183, 184, 193.
Lyrical Ballads, The (Wordsworth’s, etc.), i. 92; iii. 168; iv. 271, 273,
275, 313; v. 129, 131, 146, 156, 162, 164; vi. 44; vii. 226; viii. 420; x.
135, 142; xi. 311, 335 n., 457, 512; xii. 269, 273, 329.
Lystra, Sacrifice of (Raphael’s), xi. 211.
Lyttelton, George, Lord, iii. 414.
—— Thomas, Lord, iii. 423; vii. 350.

M——, Lord, vi. 380.

M——, Mr (? Malthus), iv. 241.
M——, (? Tom Moore), vi. 358.
M—— (T.), vi. 454.
MacAdam, John Loudon, iv. 250; ix. 94.
MacAlpine, Mr, xii. 379.
—— Mrs, xii. 379.
—— Miss, viii. 275.
Macartney, Lord, vi. 455.
Macauley, Elizabeth Wright, iv. 223.
Macbeth (Shakespeare’s), i. 186;
also referred to in i. 138, 179, 200, 201, 238, 293, 300, 311, 394,
395; iii. 168; v. 10, 52, 56, 188, 218, 220, 223; vi. 39, 392, 394,
409, 410; viii. 31, 49, 185, 199, 203, 208–9, 249, 272, 305, 314,
378, 472, 518; ix. 401, 474; x. 81, 82, 111, 117; xi. 192, 315, 404,
451, 482, 506, 601; xii. 33, 365.
Macbriar (Scott’s Old Mortality), iv. 247; viii. 129; xi. 531; xii. 277.
Maccabees, The Book of, xi. 321.
Macclesfield, ii. 12, 14, 18.
Macculloch, John Ramsay, ii. 415; xii. 131, 141, 320, 345, 361, 412.
Macdonald, Chevalier, ii. 107.
Macduff (in Shakespeare’s Macbeth), v. 48; vi. 39; viii. 333; xi. 316.
MacFane (in Holcroft’s Anna St Ives), ii. 128.
Macflecknoe (Dryden’s), v. 80.
M’Gibbon, Mrs, viii. 192, 459.
Macgregor, Sanders, viii. 105.
Machiavelli, Niccolo, iv. 283; v. 186; vii. 28; xi. 424.
Macintosh, Sir James, iv. 279;
also referred to in ii. 196; iii. 86; iv. 211, 319; vi. 205 n.; vii. 447,
448, 451 n., 460; ix. 490; xi. 465, 467, 468; xii. 264, 275, 347.
Macirone, Francis, Interesting Facts relating to the Fall and Death of
Joachim Murat, etc., iii. 177, 183.
MacIvor, Fergus, ix. 367.
Mackenzie, Henry, ii. 195, 200; iv. 367; vii. 227; x. 399; xi. 546 n.; xii.
Macklin, Charles, i. 157, 158; ii. 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 109 n.;
viii. 166, 351.
Maclean, Dr, ii. 232.
Macready, William Charles, ii. 302; vi. 277, 278; viii. 334, 335, 337,
338, 356, 368, 391, 426, 440, 442, 457, 465, 534; xi. 315, 391.
Macready’s Macbeth, Mr, xi. 315.
—— Othello, viii. 338.
Macullamores, The, xii. 255.
Mad Tom (in Shakespeare’s King Lear), i. 260, 268; viii. 302, 440,
Madame Centaur (in Ben Jonson’s Silent Woman), viii. 43.
—— d’Orbe (in Rousseau’s New Eloise), ix. 146.
—— Haughty (in Ben Jonson’s Silent Woman), viii. 43.
—— Mavis (in Ben Jonson’s Silent Woman), viii. 43.
—— Valmont (in Tyran Domestique), xi. 356.
Madamira (song in Shadwell’s Libertine), viii. 372.
Madge Wildfire (Scott’s Heart of Midlothian), iv. 248; vii. 342; xi.
Madison, James, iii. 172 n.
Madman, The (Hogarth’s), xii. 242.
Mad Mother, The (Wordsworth’s), xii. 270.
Madoc (Southey’s), iv. 265.
Madonna, The (Correggio’s), xii. 356.
—— Guido’s, ix. 34.
—— Raphael’s, ix. 261, 433.
—— of Foligno, The (Raphael’s), x. 191.
—— and Child (Cranach’s), ix. 354.
—— of the Crown, or of the Garland (Raphael’s), ix. 67; xi. 485.
Madonna and Infant Christ (Vandyke’s), ix. 21.
—— Pia, ix. 252.
—— della Seggia (Raphael’s), ix. 226.
Madras System, Southey’s Tract on, iii. 149.
Madrid, i. 123; iii. 119.
Maeviad (Gifford’s), i. 379 n., 380, 385, 396; iv. 304, 309; vi. 221.
Maffei, Counts, x. 303.
Magdalen (Dolci’s), ix. 41.
—— (Guido’s), ix. 57.
—— (Titian’s), ix. 269, 270.
Magellan, v. 187; xi. 601.
Maggiore, Lago, ix. 278.
Magna Charta, iv. 93; vi. 155.
Magnus Troil (in Scott’s The Pirate), xi. 534, 536.
Magpie; or, Maid of Palisseau (? Dibdin’s version), xi. 304, 381.
Mahomet, xi. 472 n.
—— (Voltaire’s), vi. 383.
Mahomet’s Coffin, iii. 138.
Maid’s Tragedy, The (Beaumont and Fletcher’s), v. 251.
Maid and Magpie (Arnold’s version), viii. 244;
also referred to in vii. 339; viii. 280; ix. 175; xi. 304, 381.
—— of Orleans (Shakespeare’s 1st Henry VI.), i. 292.
—— of The Vale (Holcroft’s adaptation), ii. 86.
Maiden Queen (Dryden’s), i. 195.
Maidstone, ii. 186.
Main Chance, The, xii. 78.
Maintenon, Madame de, vi. 419; ix. 179.
Maitland, General, ii. 218, 222.
Maître Jacques (a play), xi. 380.
Major Bath (in Fielding’s Joseph Andrews), vii. 223.
—— Dumpling (in Jones’s The Green Man), viii. 468.
—— Galbraith (Scott’s), iv. 248.
—— Oakley (in G. Colman the elder’s Jealous Wife), viii. 532.
—— O’Flaherty (in The West Indian), ii. 83; viii. 511.
Major Sturgeon (Foote’s Mayor of Garratt), viii. 167, 168, 246, 317,
318, 392; xi. 366, 368, 396.
Makins, Mr (in Amory’s John Buncle), i. 54; iii. 142.
Malades, Mont des, ix. 98.
Malatesta, Anthony, ix. 218.
Malbecco (Spenser’s Faëry Queen), iii. 55; v. 42, 43.
Malcolm (in Shakespeare’s Macbeth), v. 48.
Malcontent, The (Marston’s), v. 226, 228, 229, 271 n., 272.
Malebranche, Nicolas, iv. 216; vii. 144, 146; xi. 286, 288.
Malevole (in Marston’s The Malcontent), v. 225, 228, 230.
Malibran (de Beriot, Maria Felicita), xii. 384.
Mall in St James’s Park, View of (Gainsborough’s), vi. 437.
Mallet, David, v. 375.
Malmesbury, x. 143.
Malone, Edmond, ii. 184; vi. 366, 510, 511; x. 172, 173.
Malta, ii. 173, 175; iii, 3, 5, 7.
Malthus, Thomas Robert, iv. 287;
also referred to in iii. 95; iv. 241; vi. 269; vii. 193; x. 403; xii. 40,
Malthus’s Doctrines, An Examination of: (1) the Geometrical and
Arithmetical Series, iii. 356.
—— Essay, On the Originality of, iii. 361.
—— Principle to the Poor Laws, On the application of, iii. 374.
—— Reply to the Essay on Population, by Rev. T. R., iv. 1;
also referred to in iii. 462; xii. 412.
Malthuses, The, xii. 255.
Malvil (Murphy’s), viii. 164.
Malvolio (in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night), iii. 213; v. 97; viii. 12, 32,
164, 302.
Mambrino (in Cervantes’ Don Quixote), viii. 108; x. 27.
Man, The, in the Louvre (Titian’s), ix. 273.
Man, Aphorisms on, xii. 209.
—— The Essay on (Pope’s), v. 76, 373; xi. 491; xii. 31.
—— in Black, portrait (in the Louvre), xii. 192.
—— of Business (G. Colman, the elder), ii. 109 n.
—— of Feeling, The (Mackenzie’s), ii. 336; vii. 227; viii. 105; xii. 67.

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