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EDU 011

1.Which of the following behaviors speaks of a professional teacher?

A. Promotes the idea of nationalism
B. Imparts his personal beliefs and ideology✅
C. Speaks ill of the Filipino ways
D. Ask the parents for their participation

2. This development makes the teacher develop his potential and cares for himself and leads a
virtuous life.
A. Moral development✅
B. Professional development
C. Ethical development
D. Social development

3. Is it ethical to hold protests to express disapproval of a person's benefits being

A. Yes, if you're being held on official time.
B. Yes, when parents and students work together.
C. Yes, when held outside of formal working hours. ✅
D. Yes, if it is done with the principal's permission.

4. What can help achieve relevant quality education?

A.Competent instruction✅
B. Competent administrator
C. School-community relations
D. Strong curriculum

5. The schools division's superintendent, Dr. Divino, took action after a number of
parents voiced concerns about a teacher's possible misconduct. While the claim is still
being investigated, she is supposed to take a week off, according to a memo she
issued. Was what the superintendent did lawful?
A. She is the superintendent, so yes.
B. Yes, the superintendent has the ability to discipline instructors.✅
C. Because the complaint has yet to be heard, the answer is no.
D. No, the superintendent has no influence over teachers' disciplinary actions.

6. Which situation shows that action is legal but not moral? Public official entitled to specific
privileges from the government?
a. takes the most economical fare in going about his duties
b. does his job without getting favors from the clients he serves
c. reverts back to the public coffers the 10% commission due him
✅d. buys the most expensive car model for his service.
7. In the teaching career, which forms the essence of professional competence, expertise in
consciousness among teachers?
a. academic post-graduate specialization
✅b. excellence in the practice of teaching
c. making the highest salary for teaching
d. high position and ranking

8. Republic Act No. 7836 otherwise known as LET is required for those who are engaged in
teaching in:
a. all public elementary schools
b. all private secondary schools
c. all public and private tertiary schools
✅d. all elementary and secondary schools

9. In Philippine Education, R.A. No. 4670 is also known as:

A. The Licensure Exams for Teachers
B. The Educational Development Act
C. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
✅D. The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

10. Under R.A. 7836, who are required to pass specialization areas in LET
a. preschool teachers
b. elementary school teachers
✅c. high school teachers
d. college instructor

11. When a classroom teacher takes record of the knowledge, concepts, subject matter or
content, What role of a curricularist is he/she being portrayed?
A. Knower
B. Designer
C. Writer✅
D. Evaluator

12. The following changes took place in what particular period? Restore Grade VII, double-
single session, was abolished and more textbooks were written by filipino authors.
A. American Period✅
B. Japanese Period
C. New Society
D. Philippine Republic

13. This curriculum implementation model data to determine the extent and nature of the
A. Linkage model

14. A stakeholder in curriculum development, Mr. Santos, a district supervisor and a member of
the school board has one of the following primary roles.
A. Support and participate in parent-teacher school organization activities
B. Authorize school expenditures for curriculum development
C. Enact legislation to effect curriculum improvement
D. Recommend changes in curriculum ✅

15. The curriculum used during the period in Philippine history terminated the use of English as
a medium of instruction. What period is this?
A. Spanish
B. American
C. Japanese ✅
D. Commonwealth

16. Teacher Jessa does NOT formally agree with the school policy. What is her professional
A. Be indifferent and just continue to do his responsibility
B. Make an honest effort to understand and carry out the policy even if she does not agree personally. ✅
C. Remaining connected with the school and defying the policy that her conscience can't agree
D. Lead a campaign on boycotting and abolishing the same.

17. In discussing the performance of the students with parents, which virtue should never be
overlooked by any teacher.
A. Frankness
B. Fairness and Justice
C. Tacy and Candor ✅
D. Religiosity

18. Public school teachers are expected to teach in not more than ___ per day unless paid but
only for a maximum of 8 hours.
A. 4 hours
B. 6 hours ✅
C. 7 hours
D. 5 hours

19. In the Philippines, teacher quality is defined by____

C. R. A. 1033

20. Which philosophy is the basis for the development of essential skills like reading, writing,
and arithmetic?
A. Progressivism
B. Essentialism ✅
C. Existentialism
D. Idealism

21. What is the primary purpose of a curriculum?

A) To provide a broad education for students
B) To prepare students for a specific career or profession✅
C) To introduce students to various subjects and skills
D) To test students' knowledge and understanding

22. Which of the following is a key consideration when designing a curriculum?

A) The interests of individual students
B) The preferences of teachers
C) The needs of the workforce and society✅
D) The budget constraints of the school

23. What type of curriculum is focused on developing students' critical thinking, problem-solving,
and communication skills?
A) Core curriculum
B) Elective curriculum
C) Project-based curriculum✅
D) Standards-based curriculum

24.What is a benefit of a standards-based curriculum?

A) It provides flexibility for teachers to teach as they see fit
B) It allows for more elective courses to be offered
C) It ensures that students meet certain learning standards and outcomes✅
D) It reduces the workload of teachers

25.Which of the following is an example of a curriculum alignment issue?

A) A math textbook not being used in a math class
B) A teacher using a different assessment method than the school's standard
C) A science course not covering all the necessary concepts and skills✅
D) A language arts course being taught in a foreign language

26. Teachers have the duty to carry out the policies of the State actively. What must he take in
order to effect this?
A. course in ProfessionalEthics
B. The Civil Service Examination
C. The licensure Examination for Teachers
D. An oath ✅

27.Every teacher has the freedom to worship and to attend the church of his choice. However,
he shall not use his position to influence his students to follow his faith or to ____________.
A. Give a testimony or homily
B. Proselyte ✅
C. Indoctrinate
D. Preach

28. Which of the following must a teacher provide in the community for moral, socio-
educational, and civic betterment?
A. Leadership ✅
B. Monetary Contributions
C. Hard Work
D. Advice

29. Research is encouraged among teachers. They have the privilege of expounding the
products of their research. If the results of his research are found to be inimical to the interests
of the State, what should the teacher do?
A. Bring the result to the proper authorities for remedial action ✅
B. keep quiet after all the results are his
C. Publish the results in the nation papers and trumpet the results
D. Publish the results in a book and ask the government to buy the results.

30. Why should a teacher participate in the Continuing Professional Education program of the
A. To improve his efficiency
B. To enhance the prestige of his position
C. To strengthen the competence and productivity
D. All of the above ✅

31. This philosophy places the highest priority on students directing their own learning. Learning
is self paced and includes a lot of individual contact with teacher.
A. Essentialism
B. Existentialism ✅
C. Progressivism
D. Social Reconstructionism

32. An act is moral if it is in accordance with our human nature is also known as ____.
A. Perspective Philosophy
B. Morality ✅
C. Moral
D. Fundamental Moral Principle
33. An act creating the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority of 1994.
A. RA 9155
B. RA 7796 ✅
C. RA 7722
D. Executive Order No. 117, s. 1987

34. What type of test is given to determine the admission or non-admission of a student to the
A. Placement
B. Diagnostic
C. Aptitude ✅
D. Achievement

35. Below is a list of methods used to establish the reliability of the instrument.
Which method is questioned for its reliability due to practice and familiarity?
A. Split half
B. Equivalent forms
C. Test-retest ✅
D. Kuder Richardson

36. Which is the solution to the challenges of professional teachers?

A. Negative attitudes toward schooling ✅
B. Strong motivation and management
C. Interesting lesson
D. Calm and friendly dialogues

37. What is meant by "loco parentis"?

A. The first parent
B. The second parents ✅
C. The second cousin
D. All of these

38. It is necessary to prepare a lesson plan everyday. Lesson plans may serve as blueprint or
guide in
A. Planning lessons that teach specific subjects
B. Teaching lessons in whole group or small group configurations
C. Preparing students for standardized tests
D. Developing and enforcing classroom rules

39. This role of a teacher nowadays complements the learning and teaching process. The
teacher should prepare summative test
A. Supervising children in extracurricular activities
B. Teaching lessons in whole group or small group configurations
C. Developing and enforcing classroom rules
D. Preparing students for standardized tests ✅

40. At the end of the lesson, you need to conduct an evaluation to identify the number of
students who mastered the lessons for enrichment activities and the number of students who
did not master the lessons for remedial teaching.
A. Supervising children in extracurricular activities
B. Teaching lessons in whole group or small group configurations
C. Assessing and evaluating students abilities, strengths and weaknesses ✅
D. Developing and enforcing classroom rules

41. What needs to be written by a teacher for day-to-day teaching aligned with curriculum
a. Self-reflection
b. Weekly journal
c. Portfolio
d. Lesson plan ✅

42. If you plan to produce a digital tool as a learning material, which of the following aspects will
you consider first?
a. Validity, relevance and appropriateness ✅
b. User-friendliness, convenience, accessibility and visual impact
c. Quality, efficiency and technicality
d. Economic value, durability and long-term usability

43. The decision for inclusion of learning outcomes, activities, and assessment strategies in the
curriculum originates with the
a. Policy makers
b. Stakeholders
c. Teachers ✅
d. School head

44. How would you know, if you have succeeded in your teaching?
a. If the learners have changed behavior. ✅
b. If you have covered the lesson to be taught.
c. If you have followed the suggestions of your principal
d. If the learners are happy after class.

45. The new breed of teachers takes advantage of technology that enables them to understand,
integrate, create, communicate and compute printed and written materials. Which best
describes the 21st century teacher?
a. Multitasked
b. Multispecialist
c. Multiskilled
d. Multiliterate ✅

EDU 532

1. The subject-centered design revolves around:

A. content✅
B. social values
C. behavior
D. social problems

2. The significance of curriculum in the education system can be likened to:

A. preparation of students for service✅
B. constitution in a country
C. provision of the latest knowledge
D. none of the above

3. The following are the characteristics of a good curriculum, EXCEPT:

A. The curriculum is continuously evolving.
B. The curriculum is based on the needs of the people.
C. The curriculum is the result of a long-term effort.
D. The curriculum promotes conformity to some hypothetical standard.✅

4. The statement emphasizes that thorough planning, effective management, and rigorous
evaluation are essential components of creating a high-quality curriculum. What
characteristics of the curriculum are observed?
A. It complements and cooperates with other programs of the community.
B. It has administrative flexibility.
C. It is the result of a long-term effort.✅
D. It is continuously evolving.

5. What is curriculum content development?

A.It can be created using a formal or an informal development process.
B. It is content which emerges out of a
learner's expressed interest or needs.
C. It most often emerges
as an orderly sequenced system regardless of how the content
D. All answers are correct.✅
6. What refers to an individual or group of individuals who have a direct and indirect influence in
curriculum development?
A. Stockholders
✅B. Stakeholders
C. Promoters
D. Incorporators

7. They relate to what individuals need to know and be able to do, or what is expected of the
A. Competencies
B. Process Questions
C Comprehensive Standards
✅D. Content Standards

8. They refer to the knowledge, skills, and practices of content standards and provide the basis
for measurement criteria.
✅A. Competencies
B. Process Questions
C Comprehensive Standards
D. Content Standards

9. They are designed to guide students in engaging in thinking, reasoning, and reflecting on
content as structured around contextual problems to be solved.
A. Standards
B. Course design
C Curriculum
✅D. Process Questions

10. They are statements summarizing important ideas and core processes that are central to a
discipline and have lasting value beyond the classroom.
✅A. Standards
B. Course design
C Curriculum
D. Process Questions

11. This refers to when students are encouraged to collaborate in order to develop social values
such as cooperation and respect.
A. Progressivism✅
B. Existentialism
C. Perennialism
D. None of the above

12. Teachers are excellent role models for students in this area.
A. Curriculum
B. The learning environment
C. Social regard for learning ✅
D. Personal growth and professional development

13. This is known as the basic education act of 2013?

A. Kto12✅
B. K9
C. RA 10533
D. RA 7722

14. A public school teacher's salary must increase after how many years of service according
to the Magna Carta?
A. 5 years
B. 3 years✅
C. 2 years
D. 1 year

15. What consequences can a teacher face if he or she violates any of the provisions of the
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?
A. Revocation of license to teach✅
B. Force retirement
C. Reduced monthly salary
D. Immediate demotion

16. This model highlights that teachers are aware of the students' needs hence they should be
the ones to develop the curriculum.
A. CIPP Model
B. Tyler's Model
C. Taba Model ✅
D. Stake's Responsive Model

17. Evaluation is most often undertaken at the end of the project.

A. Summative Evaluation
B. Follow up Evaluation
C. Summary Evaluation
D. Diagnostic Evaluation ✅

18. Objectives-Centered Model was proposed by:

A. Bradley (1985)
B. Robert Stake (1975)
C. Michael Scriven (1972)
D. Ralph Tyler ( 1950) ✅
19. Which Curriculum includes varied activities that are implemented in order to arrive at the
objectives or purposes of the written curriculum.
A. Phantom Curriculum
B. Assessed Curriculum
C. Taught Curriculum ✅
D. Hidden Curriculum

20. The teacher takes into consideration several factors in designing and revising a curriculum.
A. Knower
B. Innovator
C. Planner ✅
D. Writer

21. What is the primary goal of professional integration in education?

A) To prepare students for a specific job✅
B) To develop students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills
C) To ensure students have a well-rounded education
D) To reduce student workload

22: Which of the following is a benefit of professional integration in education?

A) Increased academic workload for students
B) Narrower career options for students
C) Better preparation for the workforce and career readiness✅
D) Reduced collaboration between teachers and professionals

23: Who are often involved in profession integration initiatives?

A) Only teachers and administrators
B) Only students and parents
C) Teachers, administrators, industry professionals, and students✅
D) Only industry professionals

24: What is an example of professional integration in education?

A) A teacher assigning a research project on a topic unrelated to their field of study
B) A company sponsoring a guest speaker at a school to talk about their industry
C) A teacher working with a professional to develop a project-based learning activity✅
D) A student attending a traditional lecture on a topic unrelated to their field of study

25: Why is profession integration important in education?

A) It is only important for students in certain fields of study (e.g. STEM)
B) It helps students develop real-world skills and applications✅
C) It is not important at all in education
D) It is only important for vocational training programs

26. Which of the following statements about the concept of curriculum is NOT quite acceptable?
A. It refers to all experiences that both the school and the teacher provide the students with.
B. It is the set of acquired knowledge, habits and skills
C. It consists of everything that goes within the school✅
D. It consist of everything that goes within the school

27. What process is being undertaken by curriculum developers when they enrich or modify
certain aspects of a particular program without changing its fundamental conceptions?
A. Curriculum improvement ✅
B. Curriculum change
C. Curriculum design
D. Curriculum implementation

28. What curriculum implementation model regards the impact of teachers, students and the
society during the implementation of curriculum?
A. Linkage model
B. ORC model ✅
C. RCA model
D. LOC model

29. Who presented the curriculum as a science that “emphasizes on students' needs?
A. Franklin Bobbit ✅
B. Werret Charters
C. William Kilpatrick
D. John Dewey

30. Which refers to the ways and means of how the curriculum has been implemented?
A. Design
B. Product
C. Context
D. Process ✅

31. Teacher Marian is a Graduate of Bachelor of Education Major in Filipino. She works as a
teacher I at the Department of Education, however, she is studying for a Master Degree to
become an expert in her field of specialization.
A. Knower ✅
B. Initiator
C. Innovator
D. Planner

32. Teacher Santos looks at manuals and guides towards the drive teaching each day.
A. Innovator
B. Implementor ✅
C. Knower
D. Initiator
33. Teacher Sheila employs technology in her lessons like for example powerpoint presentation
and video presentation. She believes that her students learn easily using this kind of method. It
refers to what curricula?
A. Supported Curriculum ✅
B. Hidden Curriculum
C. Learned Curriculum
D. Taught Curriculum

34. What refers to the authenticity of the content selected by the curriculum developer?
A. Feasibility
B. Significance
C. Learnability
D. Validity ✅

35. This way of presenting curriculum content based on knowledge and experience.
A. Concept Approach
B. Thematic Approach
C. Topical Approach ✅
D. Modular Approach

36. "Every teacher shall actively ensure that teaching is the noblest profession, and shall
manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling". What article is this?
a. Article IV: A teacher and The profession ✅
b. Article X: The teacher and Business
c. Article XI: The teacher as a Person
d. Article XII: Disciplinary Actions

37. What is meant by vocation?

a. Refers to a call to do something ✅
b. Tasks assigned
c. You contribute for the betterment of the world
d. All of the choices

38. Who is "The Doer of the Mission"?

a. The teacher ✅
b. The mission
c. The Learner
d. The stakeholders

39. Teacher S does not formally agree with the school policy. What is her professional
a. Remain connected with the school and but defy the policy that her conscience can't agree
b. Lead a campaign on boycotting and abolishing the same
c. Be indifferent and just continue to do his responsibilities
d. Make an honest effort to understand and carry out the policy even if she does not agree personally ✅

40. Which of the situations shows that there is a balance between responsibility and
accountability? Miss K attends the meeting because she:
a. Will be recognized as an efficient teacher
b. Gets additional points in her performance rating
c. Wants to socialize with parents and teachers
d. Wants to meet with parents and discuss with them the performance of their children ✅

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