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Com. v. Fischer, 721 A.

2d 1111 (1998)

to prove otherwise. U.S.C.A.

Const.Amend. 6.
721 A.2d 1111
Superior Court of Pennsylvania. Cases that cite this headnote
COMMONWEALTH of Pennsylvania, Appellee,
v. [3] Criminal Law
Kurt FISCHER, Appellant. Particular Cases and Issues
Counsel cannot be deemed ineffective for
Argued Sept. 2, 1998. failing to pursue a baseless claim. U.S.C.A.
| Const.Amend. 6.
Filed Dec. 7, 1998.
1 Cases that cite this headnote
Defendant was convicted in the Court of Common
Pleas, Northampton County, Criminal Division, No. [4] Criminal Law
1464-1996, Panella, J., of involuntary deviate sexual Adequacy of Representation
intercourse (IDSI) and aggravated indecent assault, in Criminal Law
connection with incident that occurred in college campus Particular Cases and Issues
dormitory. Defendant appealed. The Superior Court, No. Quality of counsel's stewardship is based on
133 Philadelphia 1998, Beck, J., held that defendant was the state of the law as it existed at time of
not entitled to mistake of fact instruction. trial; counsel is not ineffective if he fails to
predict future developments or changes in the
Affirmed. law.
U.S.C.A. Const.Amend. 6.
Del Sole, J., concurred in result.
1 Cases that cite this headnote

West Headnotes (5) [5] Criminal Law

Defenses in General
Defendant was not entitled to mistake
[1] Criminal Law
of fact instruction, in prosecution for
Deficient Representation and Prejudice
involuntary deviate sexual intercourse (IDSI)
in General
and aggravated indecent assault arising from
To establish ineffective assistance of counsel, college dormitory incident in which victim
defendant must establish: (1) an underlying alleged physical force in a sexual assault and
issue of arguable merit; (2) the absence of a defendant claimed that he reasonably
reasonable strategy on the part of counsel in believed he had consent. 18 Pa.C.S.A. §§
acting or failing to act; and (3) prejudice as a 304, 3101.
result of counsel's action or inaction.
U.S.C.A. Const.Amend. 6. 5 Cases that cite this headnote

Cases that cite this headnote

[2] Criminal Law Attorneys and Law Firms

Presumptions and Burden of Proof
in General *1112 Michael M. Mustokoff, Huntington Valley, for
Superior Court presumes that counsel is
effective and places the burden on Before DEL SOLE, SCHILLER and BECK, JJ.

© 2019 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. 1

Com. v. Fischer, 721 A.2d 1111 (1998)

down her underpants and attempted to penetrate her

Opinion anally. Throughout the incident, appellant made
various statements to the victim, including “I know
you want it,” “I know you want my dick in your
This case prompts our consideration of the law with mouth” and “Nobody will know *1113 where you
respect to forcible compulsion and consent in sexual are.” When the victim attempted to leave, appellant
assault cases. After a careful review of the record and an blocked her path. Only after striking him in the
in-depth analysis of the issue at hand, we affirm. groin with her knee was the victim able to escape.

Appellant, an eighteen year-old college freshman, was Appellant characterized the second meeting in a far
charged with involuntary deviate sexual intercourse different light. He stated that as he led the victim into his
(IDSI), aggravated indecent assault and related room, she told him it would have to be “a quick one.” As
offenses in connection with an incident that occurred a result, appellant figured that their sexual liaison would
in a Lafayette College campus dormitory. The victim be brief. Thereafter, according to appellant, he began
was another freshman student appellant met at school. to engage in the same type of behavior the victim had
exhibited in their previous encounter. Appellant admitted
At trial, both the victim and appellant testified that a that he held the young woman's arms above her head,
couple of hours prior to the incident at issue, the two straddled her and placed his penis at her mouth. He
went to appellant's dorm room and engaged in intimate testified that at that point he told her “I know you want
contact. The victim testified that the couple's conduct was my dick in your mouth.” When she replied “no,”
limited to kissing and fondling. Appellant, on the other appellant answered “No means yes.” After another verbal
hand, testified that during this initial encounter, he and exchange that included the victim's statement that she
the victim engaged in “rough sex” which culminated in had to leave, appellant again insisted that “she wanted it.”
the victim performing fellatio on him. According to This time she answered “No, I honestly don't.” Upon
appellant, the victim acted aggressively at this first hearing this, appellant no longer sought to engage in oral
rendezvous by holding appellant's arms above his head, sex and removed himself from her body. However, as the
biting his chest, stating “You know you want me,” and two lay side by side on the bed, they continued to kiss
initiating oral sex. and fondle one another.

After the encounter, the students separated and went to Appellant admitted to touching the victim's genitalia
the dining hall with their respective friends. They met up and to placing his penis inside the hole in her jeans.
again later and once more found themselves in appellant's According to appellant, the victim enjoyed the contact
dorm room. While their accounts of what occurred at and responded positively to his actions. At some point,
the first meeting contained significant differences, their however, she stood up and informed appellant that she
versions of events at the second meeting were grossly had to leave. When appellant again attempted to touch
divergent. The victim testified that appellant locked the her, this time on the thigh, she told him she was
door, pushed her onto the bed, straddled her, held her “getting pissed.” Before appellant could “rearrange
wrists above her head and forced his penis into her himself,” so that he could walk the victim to her class,
mouth. She struggled with appellant throughout the entire she abruptly left the room.
encounter and warned him that “someone would look for
her” and “someone would find out.” She also told him At trial, both sides presented evidence to support their
that she was scheduled to be at a mandatory seminar and positions. Appellant's college friends testified that after
repeatedly stated that she did not want to engage in sex, the first encounter, but before the second, appellant
but her pleas went unheeded. showed them bite marks on his chest that he had received
from the victim during the first encounter. Numerous
According to the victim, appellant forced his hands character witnesses testified on appellant's behalf.
inside a hole in her jeans and penetrated her with his
fingers. He then placed his penis inside the torn jeans,The Commonwealth offered physical evidence of sperm
removed it and ejaculated on her face, hair and sweater.found on the victim's sweater. Medical personnel testified
Thereafter, he turned her over onto her stomach, pulled to treating the victim on the night in question. Many of
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Com. v. Fischer, 721 A.2d 1111 (1998)

victim's friends and classmates described her as nervous, law as it existed at time of trial; counsel is not ineffective
shaken and upset after the incident. if he fails to predict future developments or changes in
the law. Commonwealth v. Todaro, 549 Pa. 545, 701
Defense counsel argued throughout the trial and in A.2d 1343,
closing that appellant, relying on his previous 1346 (1997).
encounter with the victim, did not believe his actions
were taken without her consent. Presenting appellant as The Commonwealth relies on two bases for dispensing
sexually inexperienced, counsel argued that his client with appellant's claims. It first argues that appellant's
believed the victim was a willing participant during their claim does not warrant consideration because he
intimate encounters. In light of his limited experience and testified that the victim did not perform oral sex on
the victim's initially aggressive behavior, argued him at the second encounter. The Commonwealth
counsel, appellant's beliefs were reasonable. Further, the insists that appellant's testimony prevents him from
victim's conduct throughout the second encounter, as claiming a mistake of fact regarding commission of the
testified to by appellant, would not make appellant's crime. The record, however, establishes otherwise.
actions “forcible” since it appeared that the victim was Throughout the trial, counsel clearly relied on appellant's
enjoying the encounter. Finally, as soon as appellant previous contact with the victim to support his claim that
realized that the victim truly did not wish to engage in appellant reasonably believed the victim consented to his
oral sex a second time, appellant stopped seeking advances. While on the stand, appellant admitted that he
same. As a result, appellant's actions could not be placed his penis on the victim's mouth. He testified: “the
deemed forcible compulsion. head of my penis went halfway in, but then she closed
her mouth and turned to the side.” Because the crime of
The jury returned a verdict of guilty on virtually all IDSI is complete at the point of “penetration, however
counts. Appellant was sentenced to two to five years in slight,” appellant clearly admitted that the physical
prison. On direct appeal, he retained new counsel who element/requirement of the crime was met. 18 Pa.C.S.A.
has raised a single issue of ineffectiveness before this § 3101. The Commonwealth's first argument, therefore, is
court. He argues that trial counsel provided ineffective unavailing.
assistance in failing to request a jury charge on the
defense of mistake of fact. Specifically, appellant claims The Commonwealth's second line of attack is its reliance
that counsel should have asked the court to instruct the on an opinion by a panel of this court. Commonwealth v.
jurors that if they found appellant reasonably, though Williams, 294 Pa.Super. 93, 439 A.2d 765
mistakenly, believed that the victim was consenting to his (Pa.Super.1982), concerned the rape and assault of a
sexual advances, they could find him not guilty. Temple University student. The facts established that the
victim accepted a ride from the appellant on a snowy
[1] [2] The standard of review for ineffectiveness evening in Philadelphia. Instead of taking the young
challenges is clear. Appellant must establish: 1) an woman to the bus station, appellant drove her to a dark
underlying issue of arguable merit; 2) the absence of a area, threatened to kill her and informed her that he
reasonable strategy on the part of counsel in acting or wanted sex. The victim told Williams to “go ahead”
failing to act; and 3) prejudice as a result of counsel's because she did not wish to be hurt.
action or inaction. Commonwealth v. Johnson, 527 Pa. 118,
588 A.2d 1303, 1305 (1991). In all instances we presume After his conviction and sentence, appellant filed a
that *1114 counsel is effective and place the burden on direct appeal and argued, among other things, that the
appellant to prove otherwise. Commonwealth v. Williams, trial court erred in refusing to instruct the jury “that if
524 Pa. 218, 570 A.2d 75, 81 (1990). the defendant reasonably believed that the prosecutrix
had consented to his sexual advances that this would
[3] [4] Our initial inquiry is whether counsel constitute a defense to the rape and involuntary deviate
would have been successful had he requested a sexual intercourse charge.” Id. 439 A.2d at 767. This
mistake of fact instruction. Counsel cannot be court rejected Williams's claim and held:
deemed ineffective for failing to pursue a baseless
claim. Commonwealth v. Rollins, 525 Pa. 335, 580
A.2d 744 (1990). Further, the quality of counsel's
stewardship is based on the state of the
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Com. v. Fischer, 721 A.2d 1111 (1998)

accompanied by conspicuous injury, a rape case is often

In so refusing the proffered charge

the court acted correctly. The
charge requested by the defendant is
not now and has never been the law
of Pennsylvania. When one
individual uses force or the threat of
force to have sexual relations with a
person not his spouse and without
the person's consent he has
committed the crime of rape. If the
element of the defendant's belief as
to the victim's state of mind is to be
established as a defense to the
crime of rape then it should be done
by our legislature which has the
power to define crimes and
offenses. We refuse to create such a

Id. (emphasis supplied.) The Commonwealth insists that

under Williams, appellant was not entitled to the
instruction he now claims trial counsel should have

In response, appellant makes two arguments. First,

he argues that the “stranger rape” facts of Williams
were far different from those of this case, making the
case inapplicable.
Second, he maintains that the law with respect to
rape and sexual assault has changed significantly
over the last decade, along with our understanding of
the crime and its permutations, making a mistake of
fact instruction in a date rape case a necessity for a
fair trial.

In support of his argument, appellant draws our attention

to many sources, including the evolution of sexual assault
case law in this Commonwealth, recent amendments to
our sexual offenses statutes, commentary accompanying
the Pennsylvania Standard Jury Instructions, law review
articles and treatment of the issue in other jurisdictions.
Because *1115 we find appellant's arguments thoughtful
and compelling, we will address them here.

The issues of consent and forcible compulsion raised in

sexual assault prosecutions have always been complex.
Unless the incident is witnessed by a third party, or is

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Com. v. Fischer, 721 A.2d 1111 (1998)

reduced to a credibility battle between the complainant psychologically and emotionally

and the defendant. Our laws have sought continually mature, and less sophisticated than
to protect victims of sexual assault, and in the process, the adult, instructs the child to
have undergone significant change. Although the rape
and IDSI laws have always required the element of
“forcible compulsion,” that term was not initially
defined. The definition of that term and its relation to
the concept of consent have been the frequent topic of
discussion among lawmakers, courts and scholars.

Not long after Williams was decided, our supreme

court published Commonwealth v. Rhodes, 510 Pa.
537, 510 A.2d 1217 (1986). In that case, a twenty-
year-old man was accused of raping an eight-year-old
girl. The evidence established that the appellant took
the victim, whom he knew, to an abandoned building
and sexually assaulted her. The child complied with
all of the appellant's instructions until she felt pain,
whereupon she asked him to stop. Medical tests
showed the presence of semen in the child's vaginal and
rectal areas, as well as a “rectovaginal fissure (tear).” A
panel of this court reversed Rhodes's rape conviction
based on insufficient evidence. The panel held that
while the crime of statutory rape clearly was
established given the victim's age, there was no
evidence of the forcible compulsion necessary for the
rape conviction.

Our supreme court disagreed. Noting that sexual assault

crimes present “perplexing, controversial and
emotionally charged problems for the criminal justice
system,” the court borrowed the language of Williams
and stated that “the degree of force required to
constitute rape [or IDSI] is relative and depends upon
the facts and particular circumstances of the case.” Id.
at 554-56, 510 A.2d at 1226. Defining forcible
compulsion as including “not only physical force or
violence but also moral, psychological or intellectual
force,” the court held that forcible compulsion was

There is an element of forcible

compulsion, or threat of forcible
compulsion that would prevent
resistance by a person of
reasonable resolution, inherent in
the situation in which an adult
who is with a child who is
younger, smaller, less

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Com. v. Fischer, 721 A.2d 1111 (1998)

submit to the performance of the victim.” Id. at 252-53, 542 A.2d at 1338. The court
sexual acts. This is especially reasoned:
so where the child knows and
trusts the adult. In such cases,
forcible compulsion or the threat Certainly psychological coercion
of forcible compulsion derives from can be applied with such intensity
the respective capacities of the child that it may overpower the will to
and the adult sufficient to induce resist as effectively as physical
the child to submit to the wishes force. See e.g., Commonwealth v.
of the adult (“prevent resistance”), Rhodes, 510 Pa. 537, 510 A.2d
without the use of physical force 1217 (1986).
or violence or the explicit threat of The purpose of the term was to
physical force or violence. distinguish between assault upon
the will and the forcing of the
victim to make a choice regardless
Id. at 556-58, 510 A.2d at 1227. how repugnant. Certainly difficult
choices have a coercive effect but
The Rhodes court's inclusion of types of forcible the result is the product of the
compulsion other than physical was a significant change reason, albeit unpleasant and
in the law. Of course, defining those new types was not reluctantly made. The fact cannot
an easy task. In Commonwealth v. Mlinarich, 518 Pa. be escaped that the victim has
247, 542 A.2d 1335 (1988), our supreme court again made the choice and the act is not
faced the issue of what constitutes forcible compulsion involuntary.
necessary for a rape conviction. In that case, the appellant
was charged with raping a fourteen-year-old girl, his
former neighbor who had been released to his wife's Id. at 260-62, 542 A.2d at 1342.
custody. The child was no longer living with her parents
because she was involved in a theft and had spent a In his opinion in support of reversal, Justice Larsen
period of time in a juvenile detention center. When the opined that under Rhodes, the element of forcible
appellant instructed the girl to disrobe, she refused. He compulsion was met. He further implored the legislature
responded by *1116 threatening to send her back to the to correct what he characterized as a “misreading of its
detention home if she did not comply. The victim intention.” Id. at 273-75, 542 A.2d at 1349.
acquiesced and on several occasions thereafter, the
appellant engaged in vaginal and oral intercourse with A correction by the legislature did not occur immediately
her. after Mlinarich or even shortly thereafter. Indeed, it was
not until the supreme court's decision in Commonwealth
After convictions on counts of rape, IDSI, assault and v. Berkowitz, 537 Pa. 143, 641 A.2d 1161 (1994), that
related charges, the appellant came before this court. The the legislature amended the law with respect to sexual
en banc court ultimately ruled, in a five to four majority, 3
assaults. Berkowitz, like the case before us, involved
that the rape and attempted rape charges must be reversed
an incident between two young college students in a
for lack of proof of forcible compulsion.
dormitory room. The complainant testified that she
Upon review, the supreme court was evenly divided and entered the appellant's room hoping to find his roommate.
so the reversal by this court was sustained. The supreme She stayed in the room at the appellant's request. At
court's opinion in support of affirmance recognized that some point, the appellant moved toward the complainant,
physical violence was not the only manner in which touched her breasts and attempted to put his penis in her
forcible compulsion could be accomplished, however it mouth. He then removed her pants and undergarments
also stated that “forcible compulsion was [not] intended and penetrated her vagina with his penis. Throughout the
by the General Assembly, in this context, to be extended encounter, the complainant repeatedly told the appellant
to embrace appeals to the intellect or the morals of “no,” but she made no attempt to leave even though she
could have done so as the appellant was not restraining
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Com. v. Fischer, 721 A.2d 1111 (1998)

her in any manner.

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Com. v. Fischer, 721 A.2d 1111 (1998)

Our supreme court considered the facts set out above Ignorance or mistake as to a matter of fact, for which
and concluded that the element of forcible compulsion there is reasonable explanation or excuse, is a defense
was not established. While recognizing that the if:
complainant said “no” throughout the incident, the
court stated that the legislature intended the term (1) the ignorance or mistake negatives the intent,
forcible compulsion to mean “something more than a knowledge, belief, recklessness, or negligence
lack of consent.” Id. at 150-51, 641 A.2d at 1165. required to establish a material element of the
Berkowitz's rape conviction was reversed. offense; or

Less than one year after the Berkowitz decision, the (2) the law provides that the state of mind
legislature amended the sexual assault law by adding a established by such ignorance or mistake
definition for forcible compulsion. The language of the constitutes a defense
amendment closely followed that used by the Rhodes
18 Pa.C.S.A. § 304.

“Forcible Compulsion.” Compulsion by use of The notion that one charged with sexual assault may
physical, intellectual, moral, emotional or defend by claiming a reasonable belief of consent has
psychological force, either express or implied. The been recognized in other jurisdictions. The New Jersey
term includes, but is not limited to, compulsion Supreme Court has stated:
resulting in another person's death, whether the death
occurred *1117 before, during or after sexual
intercourse. If there is evidence to suggest that
the defendant reasonably believed
18 Pa.C.S.A. § 3101. that ... permission had been given,
the State must demonstrate either
It is this broader definition, argues appellant in this that the defendant did not actually
case, that prompts the necessity for a mistake of fact believe that affirmative permission
jury instruction in cases where such a defense is had been freely-given or that such
raised. According to appellant: belief was unreasonable under all of
the circumstances.

The language of the present statute

inextricably links the issues of In the Interest of M.T.S., 129 N.J. 422, 609 A.2d 1266,
consent with mens rea. To ask a 1279 (N.J.1992).
jury to consider whether the
defendant used “intellectual or Courts in other jurisdictions have likewise held that jury
moral” force, while denying the instructions regarding the defendant's reasonable belief as
instruction as to how to consider to consent are proper. See State v. Smith, 210 Conn. 132,
the defendant's mental state at the 554 A.2d 713 (Conn.1989) (“We agree with the
time of alleged encounter is patently California courts that a defendant is entitled to a jury
unfair to the accused. instruction that a defendant may not be convicted of this
crime if the words or conduct of the complainant under
all the circumstances would justify a reasonable belief
Appellant's Brief at 24. that she had consented.”) See also People v. Mayberry,
15 Cal.3d 143, 125 Cal.Rptr. 745, 542 P.2d 1337
Appellant's argument is bolstered by the fact that the (Cal.1975).
concept of “mistake of fact” has long been a fixture in the
criminal law. The concept is codified in Pennsylvania Although the logic of these other cases is persuasive,
and provides: we are unable to adopt the principles enunciated in
them because of the binding precedent with which we
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Com. v. Fischer, 721 A.2d 1111 (1998)

are faced, namely, Williams. In an effort to avoid

application of Williams, appellant directs our attention

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Com. v. Fischer, 721 A.2d 1111 (1998)

to the Subcommittee Notes of the Pennsylvania Criminal even some pleasure. In our
Suggested Standard Jury Instructions. The possible opinion the defendant in such a
conflict between Williams and § 304 (Mistake of Fact) case ought not to be convicted of
was not lost on the Subcommittee. rape.

Quaere whether Williams is wholly Id.

consistent with Crimes Code
§§ 302(c) and 304(1). In the It is clear that the Subcommittee gave extensive
Subcommittee's opinion, the courts thought to the ever-changing law of sexual assault and
should recognize as a defense our understanding of sexual behavior in modern times.
a defendant's non-recklessly held, We agree with the Subcommittee that the rule in
mistaken belief regarding consent. Williams is inappropriate in the type of date rape case
The jury ought to be told in described above. Changing codes of sexual conduct,
what circumstances a mistaken particularly those exhibited on college campuses, may
belief may preclude a defendant's require that we give greater weight to what is
forceful conduct from being occurring beneath the overt actions of young men and
forcible compulsion or threat of women. Recognition of those changes, in the form of
forcible compulsion. specified jury instructions, strikes us an appropriate
course of action.

Subcommittee Note, Pa. Suggested Standard Crim. [5] Despite appellant's excellent presentation of the
Jury Instructions at 15.3121A. issues, there remain two distinct problems precluding
relief in this case. First is appellant's reliance on the
Appellant's insistence that Williams should be evolution of our sexual assault laws to avoid the
disregarded in light of the legislature's broader and more application of Williams. As is obvious from our discussion
complex definition of forcible compulsion is echoed by above, the changes in the statute are significant and
the Subcommittee: have served to extend culpability in rape and IDSI cases
to a variety of new circumstances, including incidents
involving psychological, moral and intellectual force.
In the opinion of the Subcommittee
there may be cases, especially This case, however, is not one of the “new” varieties of
now that Rhodes has extended the sexual assault contemplated by the amended statute. It
definition of force to psychological, does not involve the failure to resist due to a tender age,
moral and intellectual force, where as in Rhodes, or the threat of punishment for failure to
a defendant might non-recklessly comply, as in Mlinarich. Nor is it a situation where
or even reasonably, but wrongly, the complainant admits she offered no resistance and the
believe that his words and conduct evidence shows that nothing prevented her escape, as in
do not constitute force or the threat Berkowitz. This is a case of a young woman alleging
of force and that a non-resisting physical force in a sexual assault and a young man
female is consenting. An example 4
claiming that he reasonably believed he had consent. In
might be “date rape” resulting such circumstances, Williams controls.
from mutual misunderstanding. The
boy does *1118 not intend or We are keenly aware of the differences between
suspect the intimidating potential Williams and this case. Most notable is the fact that
of his vigorous wooing. The girl, Williams and his victim never met before the incident
misjudging the boys' character, in question. Here, appellant and the victim not only
believes he will become violent if knew one another, but had engaged in intimate contact
thwarted; she feigns willingness, 5
just hours before the incident in question. It is clear
however, that the Williams court's basis for denying
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Com. v. Fischer, 721 A.2d 1111 (1998)

the jury instruction was its conclusion that the law

did not require it and, further,

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Com. v. Fischer, 721 A.2d 1111 (1998)

that the judiciary had no authority to grant it. Even if we rule of law and then find counsel ineffective for failing to
were to disagree with those conclusions, we are predict same. Todaro, supra.
powerless to alter them.
Assuming that we have the authority to declare that the
In any event, distinguishing Williams on the basis of the instruction is one to which appellant should be
parties' previous contacts, and therefore holding that it entitled, we cannot hold that counsel erred in failing to
should not apply here, is not enough to allow appellant demand it. The relief appellant seeks represents a
the relief he seeks. Even if we decide that we are significant departure from the current state of the law.
persuaded by appellant's arguments chronicling the Despite its compelling nature, it *1119 cannot be the
history of sexual assault law and the Jury Instructions basis for an ineffective assistance of counsel claim.
Subcommittee's views, we face a second barrier. Because
this appeal raises ineffective assistance of counsel, we are Judgment of sentence affirmed.
required to find that appellant's trial lawyer made a
mistake. That mistake is the failure to ask the trial court
for an instruction that the Williams case held is
DEL SOLE, J., concurs in the result.
unwarranted. In other words, we would have to find that
counsel's failure to argue for a change in the law All Citations
constituted ineffectiveness. This, of course, is not
possible. We simply cannot announce a new 721 A.2d 1111

1 Appellant was acquitted of criminal attempt.
2 It is clear from a reading of the relevant statutes and accompanying case law that the rape and IDSI statutes rely on
the same definitions. See generally 18 Pa.C.S.A §§ 3101; 3121; 3123. See also Commonwealth v. Smolko, 446
156, 666 A.2d 672 (Pa.Super.1995) (forcible compulsion for rape and IDSI is identical); Commonwealth v. Poindexter,
435 Pa.Super. 509, 646 A.2d 1211 (Pa.Super.1994) (IDSI addresses forcible acts of anal and oral intercourse), appeal
denied, 540 Pa. 580, 655 A.2d 512 (1995). Therefore, despite the fact that this is an IDSI case, our discussion of rape
laws and cases involving rape convictions is relevant to and probative of the issue before us.
3 Apparently, calls to “overhaul” sexual assault laws came before Berkowitz was handed down, but the actual amendments
were not enacted until after the decision was published. The case itself was a focal point in several legislative
discussions. Theresa A. McNamara, Act 10: Remedying Problems of Pennsylvania's Rape Laws or Revisiting Them?,
10 Dick.L.Rev. 203, 210-14 (1996).
4 We observe that the facts of this case are not the same as those set out in the Subcommittee's “date rape” scenario.
The victim in this case testified that she was physically forced to engage in sex against her will, that she resisted
verbally and physically and that she had to strike appellant in order to leave the room. Appellant characterized the
victim as a sexually experienced woman who initiated oral sex in the first encounter, declined it in the second and
made a false rape claim thereafter.
5 The nature of that contact was disputed by the parties. It is, of course, the jury's task to resolve issues of credibility.

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