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Chapter-04 Animal kingdom

1. Among the following, most complex level of organization is present in

(a) Annelida (b) Platyhelminthes
(c) Coelentrata (d) Porifera
Ans a

2. The layer absent in the embryos of diploblastic animals is

(a) Ectoderm (b) Mesoderm
(c) Endoderm (d) Mesoglea
Ans b

3. In the course of evolution, true coelom appeared for the first time in
(a) Chordata (b) Annelida
(c) Aschelminthes (d) Echinodermata
Ans b

4. On which body side, the notochord is formed during the embryonic development?
(a) Lateral (b) Ventral
(c) Dorsal (d) Bilateral
Ans c

5. Which of the following animals have tube within tube body plan evolved along deuterostomic
evolutionary line?
(a) Annelids (b) Arthropods
(c) Echinoderms (d) Molluscs
Ans c

6. The larva of mosquitoes are

a) Maggot b) Wriggler c) Tornaria d) Grub
Ans b

7. The fertilization is ______ and development is _______ in sponges.

(a) External, Indirect (b) External, direct
(c) Internal, Indirect (d) Internal, direct
Ans a

8. Which of the following is not the function of water transport system in sponges?
(a) Circulation of food (b) Respiratory exchange
(c) Removal of wastes (d) Nervous Control
Ans d

9. Spongilla is
(a) Bath Sponge (b) Boring Sponge
(c) Deadman’s Fingers (d) Freshwater sponge
Ans d

10. Which among the following is given as a gift in Japan?

(a) Spongilla (b) Euplectella
(c) Cliona (d) Chalina
Ans b

11. Which of the following cnidarian exhibits Metagenesis?

(a) Hydra (b) Adamsia
(c) Obelia (d) Meandrina
Ans b

12. Pearl is produced by

(a) Pinctada (b) Pila
(c) Aplysia (d) Octopus
Ans a

13. How many classes are there in Phylum Platyhelminth

(a) Three (b) Two
(c) Four (d) Five
Ans a

14. Hydra are ________ animals

(a) Sessile (b) Free Swimming
(c) Both a and b (d) None of the above

15. Which of the following statements is incorrect about sea walnuts?

(a) They are diploblastic animals
(b) They exhibit tissue level of organization
(c) They undergo indirect development
(d) Fertilisation is internal
Ans d

16. Flatworms are

(a) Pseudocoelomate (b) Triploblastic
(c) Coelomates (d) Diploblastic
Ans b

17. Which is the smallest Tapeworm?

(a) Bladderworm (b) Echinococcus
(c) Planaria (d) Taenia
18. Which among the following is an example of Class Cestoda?
(a) Taenia saginata (b) Fasciolopsis
(c) Dugesia (d) Ploystomum

19. Mushroom gland is seen in

(a) Earthworm (b) Cockroach
(c) Frog (d) Snake
Ans b

20. In contrast to annelids, flatworms show

(a) Absence of body cavity
(b) Bilateral Symmetry
(c) Radial symmetry
(d) Pseudocoel
Ans a
21. Syncytial epidermis occurs in
(a) Ascaris (b) Wucheraria
(c) Ancylostoma (d) Enterobius
Ans a

22. Female ascaris can be differentiatied from male by

(a) Presence of cloaca
(b) Presence of penial setae
c) Shorter Size
(d) Longer than male
Ans d

23. An intermediate host is present in

(a) Ascaris (b) Wucheraria
(c) Ancylostoma (d) Enterobius
Ans b

24. The secondary host of Wucheraria is

(a) Anopheles (b) Sand Fly
(c) Tse tse fly (d) Culex
Ans d

25. Which of the following enters the body through the skin of feet in man, if he walks bare footed in
contaminated soil?
(a) Ascaris (b) Wucehraria
(c) Ancylostoma (d) Enterobius
Ans c

26. Nereis possess lateral appendages, which help in

(a) Locomotion (b) Swimming
(c) Respiration (d) All of these
Ans d

27. Which of the following is free living

(a) Ascaris (b) Wucheraria
(c) Hirudinaria (d) Planaria
Ans d

28. All of the following are sensory structures of arthropods, except

(a) Ocelli (b) Statocysts
(c) Antennae (d) Malpighian tubules
Ans d

29. Bombyx is commonly known as

(a) Honey Bee (b) Silkworm
(c) King Crab (d) Lac insect
Ans b
30. The tracheal system helps in the
(a) Digestion (b) Excretion
(c) Respiration (d) Reproduction
Ans c

31. Blood of insects is

(a) Colourless (b) Red
(c) Blue (d) Green
Ans a

32. Choose the incorrect match

(a) Gregarious Pest – Locusta
(b) Living fossil – Limulus
(c) Vector – Lucifer
(d) Economy – Apis
Ans c

33. What is common between earthworm and cockroach?

(a) Nephridia (b) Closed circulation
(c) Solid ventral nerve cord (d) Malpighian Tubules
Ans c

34. Which of the following is not an exclusive trait of Arthropoda?

(a) Presence of wings (b) Jointed Appendages
(c) Compound Eyes (c) Chitin Exoskeleton
Ans a

35. Eye of which molluscan group resembles vertebrate eye?

(a) Bivalvia (b) Gastropoda
(c) Pelecypoda (d) Cephalopoda
Ans d

37. Silver fish is

a. Mollusca b. Arthropoda
c. Cnidaria d. Annelida
Ans b

38. Study of shells of mollusca is known as

a. Malcology b. Conchology
c. Ophiology d. Saurology
Ans b

39. Tailed Amphibian is

a. Unio b. Urodele
c. Salamander d. Nautilus
Ans c

40. Larva is radially symmetrical but adult is Bilateral symmetry in

a. Phylum Mollusca
b. Phylum Echinodermata
c. Phylum Annelida
d. Phylum Hemichordata
Ans b

41. Gill cover in fishes are also called as

a. operculam b. Parapodium
c. Scales d. Dentalium
Ans a

42. The diagrams given below represent the cross sectional view of three types of coelomes found in
animals. Identify them correctly.

a. Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes, Annelids

b. Aschelminthes, Platyhelminthes, Hemichordates
c. Arthropods, Annelids, Aschelminthes
d. Annelids, Aschelminthes, Platyhelminthes
e. Annelids, Platyhelminthes, Aschelminthes
Ans d

43. Select the correct pathway of water current in sponge :

a. Ostia -> osculum -> canal -> spongocoel -> outside
b. Ostia -> canal -> spongocoel -> osculum -> outside
c. Osculum -> spongocoel -> canal -> ostia -> outside
d. Canal -> spongocoel -> osculum -> ostia -> outside
e. Ostia -> spongocoel -> canal -> osculum -> outside
Ans b

44. Pseudocoelomate among the following are

a) Wucheraria b) Planaria c) Periplanata d) None
Ans- a

45. Phylum Echinodermata

a) All are freshwater b) Some are marine c) All are marine d) Except few all are marine
Ans c

46. Scientific name of our National Bird is

a) Pheretima posthuma b) Pavo cristatus c) Periplnata Americana d) None

47. Vertebrate heart is

a) Dorsal b) Ventra l c) Lateral d) Dorso ventral
Ans –b
48. Cockroach has
a) 2 chambered heart b) 3 Chambered heart
c) 4 Chambered heart d) 13 chambered heart
Ans d

49. Pneumatic bones are seen in

a) Fishes b) Amphibians c) Replies d) Aves
Ans d

50. Which of the following are not viviparous

a) Sharks b ) Scorpions c) Platypus d) Bats
Ans c

K V No.1 Devlali

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