Consumption patterns of energy drinks-Syst_Rev

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Nutrition 107 (2023) 111904

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Review article

Consumption patterns of energy drinks in university students:

A systematic review and meta-analysis
Carmela Protano PhD a, Federica Valeriani PhD b,*, Andrea De Giorgi MD a, Daniela Marotta MD a,
Francesca Ubaldi MSc b, Christian Napoli MD c, Giorgio Liguori MSc d, Vincenzo Romano Spica MD b,
 PhD d
Matteo Vitali PhD a, Francesca Galle
Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Department of Movement, Human, and Health Sciences, University of Rome Foro Italico, Rome, Italy
Department of Medical Surgical Sciences and Translational Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Department of Movement Sciences and Wellbeing, University of Naples Parthenope, Naples, Italy


Article History: Objectives: Energy drink (ED) use is promoted to stimulate mental and/or physical activity, and their popular-
Received 24 June 2022 ity has increased over the years, especially among young people. However, the use of EDs is often improper,
Received in revised form 19 August 2022 and can induce adverse effects for human health. The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis
Accepted 31 October 2022
was to analyze the literature to characterize the prevalence of ED consumption and motivations for use
among undergraduate students. Furthermore, adverse effects and health-related behaviors associated with
ED consumption were explored.
Energy drink
Methods: This systematic review was carried out according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
University students
Review and Meta-Analysis guidelines, and the PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were used for
Consumption data research.
Adverse effects Results: A total of 71 articles published between 2007 and 2021 met the inclusion criteria and were included in
the review. The estimated overall prevalence of ED consumption was 42.9% in undergraduate students (95% con-
fidence interval, 42.5% 43.3%), with significant heterogeneity among studies (Q test: P < 0.001; I2 = 99.4%). The
main reasons for use were engagement in study, projects or examinations, stay awake or alert, and physical
activity/sport engagement. Sleep disturbance and increased heart rate or blood pressure were the most com-
monly reported adverse effects. ED consumption was frequently associated with alcohol use and smoking.
Conclusions: These findings suggest that the inappropriate use of EDs and related unhealthy behaviors should
be identified early, and addressed through effective educational interventions.<END ABSTRACT>
© 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction is the main ingredient of EDs, with a range of 50 to 550 mg per can
or bottle [1]. EDs contain higher doses of this stimulant than tradi-
Currently, the use of energy drinks (EDs) is promoted to tional caffeinated beverages [2,3]. In addition, EDs contain other
increase energy, concentration, athletic performance, and metabo- potentially active ingredients, such as taurine or sugar, in higher
lism and stimulate mental activity and alertness through a combi- concentrations than other soft drinks, even if some sugar-free
nation of sugar, caffeine, amino acids (e.g., taurine), and herbal options are available [4,5]. Both sugar and caffeine have been
supplements (e.g., ginseng) [1]. Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) shown to determine the most important metabolic effects, with
controversial physical and cognitive effects [6,7]. In particular,
acute caffeine consumption reduces insulin sensitivity [8] and
*Corresponding author. Tel. +39-0636733257; Fax: +39-0636733399. (F. Valer- increases mean arterial blood pressure [9], and chronic caffeine
iani). ingestion is associated with central nervous system, cardiovascu-
E-mail addresses: (C. Protano), federica.
lar, gastrointestinal, and renal dysfunction [10]. ED consumption is (F. Valeriani), (A. De Giorgi), (D. Marotta),
of particular concern for human health considering that an average
(F. Ubaldi), (C. Napoli), giorgio.liguori@uniparthenope. of 250 mL of a typical ED contains 80 mg of caffeine, which is simi-
it (G. Liguori), (V. Romano Spica), matteo. lar to a 60 mL espresso, and the European Food Safety Authority
). (M. Vitali), (F. Galle
0899-9007/© 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 C. Protano et al. / Nutrition 107 (2023) 111904

(EFSA) proposes a safe level of 3 mg and 5.7 mg of caffeine per kg of everyday life; 3) comparison: age- and condition-matched control group; 4) out-
body weight per day respectively for children/adolescents and come: understand if consumption of EDs has effects on health, daily habits, and
physical and/or mental activity; and 5) study: cross-sectional studies. We defined
healthy adults [11].
a university student as a student enrolled in a college or university. Typically, the
In addition, since the removal of caffeine from the list of banned age of university students ranges from 18 to 24 y, but in some of the studies exam-
substances by the World Antidoping Agency in 2004, athletes can ined, there were no age limits for enrollment or the end of the university course;
use caffeinated foods and caffeine-containing dietary supplements thus, older students were also included in the review.
Three electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science) were
without contravening antidoping rules [12]. Moreover, caffeine is a
researched using the following terms: “Energy drink” AND “consumption” AND
socially accepted drug, and its performance-enhancing properties (“university students” OR “college students” OR “undergraduate students”). The
have been recently endorsed by international sports organizations, search on PubMed was carried out by title, abstract, and MeSH terms, and the
such as the International Olympic Committee [13]. search on Scopus and Web of Science included topic by title, abstract, and key-
Since 1997, the year the first ED company debuted, their popular- words. The search was performed from September 9 to 17, 2021.

ity has increased and today, hundreds of EDs are marketed world-
wide, with caffeine concentrations ranging from 20 to 50 mg/100 mL
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
[14]. The main target of these industries are adolescents and young
adults, and 50% of college students have been estimated to consume This review was focused on university students’ ED consumption habits. Con-
EDs, influenced by aggressive and widespread advertising campaigns sequently, studies were considered eligible if they reported data about the ED con-
[15,16]. Indeed, unsurprisingly, the undergraduate population is the sumption of university students, independent of sex and age. All studies including
individuals who were not university students or regarded the consumption of die-
most exposed because of their susceptibility to high levels of stress
tary supplements other than EDs were excluded. We also excluded studies report-
related to study commitments, and undergraduate students are the ing only on the consumption of EDs mixed with alcohol or other substances. Only
main consumers of caffeine [17]. Even though EDs benefit cognitive articles presenting observational studies were considered eligible. Clinical trials,
performance, concentration, and mood in low doses (already at 12.5 experimental studies, reviews, meta-analysis, case studies, proceedings, qualita-
tive studies, editorials, commentary studies, and any other types of studies were
mg) [18], its use is justified in the university student population as a
excluded. Reviews and meta-analyses were examined to identify further articles
way to stay awake, increase energy levels, boost performance during in their references. We included only articles published in the English language,
physical exercise, and remain concentrated while studying, and can from the inception to September 17, 2021.
lead to health damages depending both on the dose ingested and Titles and abstracts acquired from the three databases were transferred to the
individual susceptibility [19 21]. reference site Covidence—Better systematic review management for the relevance
assessment process. The next step was screening by title and abstract of the poten-
In particular, scientific evidence shows a strong association tially eligible studies per the inclusion criteria. The screening was conducted inde-
between ED consumption and risk-taking behaviors, such as mix- pendently by five authors (FG, CP, FV, DM, ADG). Then, full texts were read
ing EDs with alcohol (especially at parties) [19,21,22] and smoking independently by the same five authors (FG, CP, FV, DM, ADG) with a later discus-
tobacco and cannabis [23], in university students. Furthermore, sion about their inclusion in the review. Disagreements were achieved by consen-
sus among the authors.
excessive intake of caffeine through ED consumption is generally
related to irritability, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, gastrointesti-
nal upsets, tremors, tachycardia, and psychomotor agitation
Data extraction process and quality assessment
[21,24 26]. This evidence is of high interest for public health con-
sidering the high prevalence of ED consumers, especially among A specific set of categories were chosen with the consensus of all authors, and
youths. In fact, the EFSA report on ED consumption across 16 Euro- the extracted data were arranged into tables, including bibliographic information
(e.g., author, year, country, sample size, study subject/population with age, sex,
pean Union countries shows that 68% of adolescents (ages 10 18
and ethnicity), as well as results outcomes (e.g., ED consumption estimate, associ-
y), 30% of adults (ages 18 65 y), and 18% of children (ages 3 10 y) ated factors, motivation, and adverse effects due to ED consumption).
had consumed an ED at least once during the previous year. The The quality assessment was performed with the Newcastle Ottawa Quality
average consumption was 2 L a month in adults, 2.1 L in adoles- Assessment Scale, adapted from cohort and case-control studies to perform a qual-
ity assessment for cross-sectional studies. With the support of this scale, an overall
cents, and 0.49 L in children [26].
rating of poor, fair, or good quality was assigned to each eligible article according
The risk behaviors and negative health outcomes linked to ED to the proportion of the criteria met. Good quality was defined if all criteria were
consumption, together with the high prevalence of their use, high- met (low risk of bias). Fair quality was defined as one criterium not met or two cri-
light the need for appropriate processes of assessment and man- teria unclear, the assessment was unlikely to have biased the outcome, and no
agement of this phenomenon, especially in high-risk groups, such known important limitation that could invalidate the results (moderate risk of
bias). Poor quality was defined as one criterium not met or two criteria unclear,
as university students. The first step of this process is to trace an the assessment was likely to have biased the outcome, and important limitations
epidemiologic picture on this issue. Indeed, several surveys have that could invalidate the results (e.g., 2 criteria not met; high risk of bias). Five
been conducted in different countries to evaluate the prevalence of authors (FG, CP, FV, DM, ADG) independently assigned a score to each study, and
ED consumption, motivations for their use, and negative outcomes; disagreements were settled by consensus among all authors.
however, a systematic review of the scientific literature is lacking.
The purpose of the present systematic review and meta-analysis Statistical analysis
was to analyze the available literature to explore ED consumption
Meta-analysis and statistical elaborations were performed using Comprehen-
and motivations for use among undergraduate students. Further-
sive Meta Analysis, version 4.0 (Biostat, Englewood, NJ). The prevalence of ED con-
more, adverse effects and health-related behaviors associated with sumption and 95% confidence interval (CI) were extracted for each study. An I2
ED consumption in this population group were explored. statistic test was used to evaluate the heterogeneity of the selected studies, using
the classical measure of heterogeneity is Cochran’s Q (Hedges Q statistic). The
Methods thresholds used for the interpretation of I2 were as follows: <25%, low heteroge-
neity; <50%, moderate heterogeneity; and>75%, high heterogeneity [28]. To
Selection protocol and search strategy assess publication bias, because of the high volume of samples included, Egger’s
test and funnel plot were performed [29]. Meta-regression and subgroup analyses
The present systematic review was conducted according to the Preferred were performed to explore the sources of heterogeneity expected in the meta-
Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis guidelines. [27] The analyses of the cross-sectional studies [28 32]. For meta-regression analyses, the
protocol was registered in PROSPERO (reference number CRD42021281219). sample sizes, sex, age, publication years, methodological quality of the study, and
The review question was framed using the Population, Intervention, Compari- World Health Organization (WHO) regions origin (European region [EUR], African
son, Outcomes, and Study framework, as well as the following eligibility criteria: region, region of the Americas, Southeast Asian region [SEAR], Eastern Mediterra-
1) Population: all sexes university students; 2) intervention: ED consumption in nean region, Western Pacific region) of the studies were considered.
C. Protano et al. / Nutrition 107 (2023) 111904 3

Fig. 1. Flowchart of search strategy.

Results countries were less represented, with two studies conducted each
in Bahrain [55,63], Bangladesh [60,61], Korea [51,67], Lebanon
Figure 1 shows the steps of the study selection process for the [53,57], Puerto Rico [46,89], United Kingdom [59,65], and only one
systematic review per the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic study was conducted each in Bosnia Herzegovina [92], Brazil [70],
Review and Meta-Analysis guidelines [27]. In total, 502 studies Canada [83], Caribbean [87], Jordan [54], Poland [79], Taiwan [50],
were recovered from all searched databases and, after removing Thailand [68], Trinidad and Tobago [85], and Zambia [78]. The bib-
duplicates, 317 articles were left for the following steps. Of the liographic and scientometric data for all articles are shown in Sup-
remaining studies, 183 were deleted after analyzing the title and plementary Table 2.
abstract. Then, the full texts of 134 articles were checked and eval- Twenty-five of 71 papers were published in journals that do not
uated considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After the have the journal impact factor (JIF) [35,37 39,41,43,45,52 54,
evaluation, 61 articles were excluded on the basis of the exclusion 60,61,64,67,70,72 74,78,79,87,90,92,95], 18 journals had a JIF
criteria. Finally, 71 articles met the inclusion criteria, and were between 0.219 and 1.883, 27 journals had a JIF between 2.333 and
included in the analysis (Tables 1 and 2) [15 17,21,33 96,97,98]. 7.325, and only one journal had a JIF above the threshold of 20
The included articles were published between 2007 and 2021, [40]. All studies included male and female subjects with an age
and performed in several countries. Twenty-seven studies were range of 16 to 53 y, and most studies involved a large sample size
conducted in the United States [15 17,21,36,40,42,49,52, (30 10.283) and high variety in ethnicity.
55,58,59,60,64,69,71,73,75, 76,80,82,84,88,93,95,98], eight in Saudi The evaluation of ED consumption frequency is based on a
Arabia [33 35,37 39,77,85], six in Turkey [20,41,42,44,45,96], five weekly report for most studies [34,36,39,43,50,58,
in Italy [47,48,72,94,97], and three in Pakistan [64,74,90]. Other 67,71,74,80,84,88,90,91,93,94,96] or divided into daily, weekly,
4 C. Protano et al. / Nutrition 107 (2023) 111904

Table 1
Characteristics of samples and main results related to ED patterns of consumption in selected studies

Author, year, country Sample size ED consumption estimate Adverse effects Quality Assessment
Age (mean value SD and/or (Newcastle Ottawa
range) scale)
Sex, %

Abukhelaif et al., 2020, Saudi Arabia 404 52.4% consumed EDs; consumers Arrhythmias (62.6%), insomnia Fair (5)
[33] 20.7 y (17 28 y) mainly male (P = 0.001) and (16.4%), increased urination
62% M, 38% F older (P = 0.001) (13.3%), restlessness (8.7%)
Alafif et al., 2021, Saudi Arabia [34] 546 29.3% consumed EDs; 73.1% of Elevated heartbeat (38.5%), fre- Poor (2)
18 28 y these consumed EDs 1 2 times/ quent urination (19.2%), 49 par-
31% M, 69% F wk ticipants experienced jolt-and-
crash symptoms and signs
(11.5%), insomnia (11.5%), stom-
ach pain (11.5%), dehydration
(3.8%), kidney pain (3.8%)
Alqassim et al., 2021, Saudi Arabia 448 79% consumed EDs Increased heart rate (36.9%), Fair (6)
[35] 21.8 § 1.8 y increased urination (26.2%),
49% M, 51% F sleep deprivation (23.3%),
increased weight (17.9%), head-
ache (13.0%), stress (9.8%)
Al Sawah et al., 2015, United States 98 49% consumed EDs NR Fair (5)
[36] 24.9 § 2.9 y
58% M, 42% F
Alabbad et al., 2019, Saudi Arabia 1255 19.8% consumed EDs Arrhythmias (26.1%), insomnia Good (7)
[37] 20.2 § 1.9 y (23.3%), increased urination
45% M, 55% F (21.7%), stomach pain (14.9%),
nervousness (14.5%), nausea
(12.9%), irritation and tension
(10.8%), tiredness (9.2%), dehy-
dration (7.6%), sight problems
(3.6%), visit to emergency room
at hospital (2.0%), seizures
(0.4%), other (15.3%)
Aljaloud, 2018, Saudi Arabia [38] 120 43% consumed EDs; 37% con- NR Poor (1)
21.43 § 1.77 y sumed EDs daily
100% M
Alsunni and Badar, 2011, Saudi Ara- 412 45.6% consumed EDs; 32.5% con- Increased urination (14.9% M, Fair (6)
bia [39] 21.43 § 2.03 y sumed EDs as irregular routine; 11.4% F), abnormal heart beat
69% M, 31% F consumers mainly male (P < (9.0% M, 11.4% F), insomnia (4.8%
0.05) M, 17.1% F), irritability (5.3% M,
5.7% F), stomach pain (4.8% M,
5.7% F), seizures (5.3% M, 1.4% F),
crashafter energy high (4.3% M,
8.6% F), decreased performance
(4.3% M, 4.3%F), dehydration
(3.7% M, 2.9% F), vision problems
(4.3% M, 1.4% F), nervousness
(3.7% M, 7.1% F), nausea (2.1% M,
5.7% F), emergency room visits
(2.1% M, 0% F), headache (1.1% M,
0% F), kidney pain (0.5% M, 1.4%
F), allergy (0.5% M, 0% F), abdom-
inal pain (0.5% M, 0% F), muscle
pain (0% M, 1.4% F)
Arria et al., 2011, United States [40] 1097 65.6% ED consumers (52.6% low NR Poor (3)
20 23 y frequency, 13% high frequency);
46% M, 54% F high-frequency group mainly
composed of men (P < 0.001)
Atlam et al., 2017, Turkey [41] 2973 27.2% consumed EDs; 19.6% con- NR Good (7)
21.8 § 2.9 y (17 35 y) sumed EDs 1 5 times, 7.6% >5
45% M, 55% F times
Attila and Çakir, 2011, Turkey [20] 439 48.3% consumed ED at least NR Fair (5)
22.8 § 2.09 y (19 39 y) once; 33% were current users;
51% M, 49% F 89.7% of these consumed <1
Bahadirli et al., 2018, Turkey [42] 2632 59.9% consumed EDs within last NR Good (7)
23.4 § 2.3 y (19 45 y) y; 26.4% consumed EDs within
51% M, 49% F previous 30 d; 73.9% of these
consumed <6 d/mo)
Bliss and Depperschmidt, 2011, 30 87.6% consumed EDs, 57% con- NR Poor (3)
United States [43] Age NR sumed 1 3 ED/wk
83% M, 17% F

C. Protano et al. / Nutrition 107 (2023) 111904 5

Table 1 (Continued)
Author, year, country Sample size ED consumption estimate Adverse effects Quality Assessment
Age (mean value SD and/or (Newcastle Ottawa
range) scale)
Sex, %

Borlu et al., 2019, Turkey [44] 1257 68.9% consumed EDs; 53% tried Palpitations (38.1%) Good (7)
19 20 y ED once in lifetime, 15.7% con-
49% M, 51% F sumed EDs at least once/mo
Bulut et al., 2014, Turkey [45] 2001 46.5% consumed EDs; 21.1% con- Most frequent side effects in Poor (3)
21.1 § 2.1 y (17 36 y) sumed EDs occasionally; con- those who consumed EDs at
43% M, 57% F sumers mainly male (P < 0.001) least once in life were palpita-
tions (3.4%), sleeplessness (2.8%),
headache (1.8 %), and among
those using EDs regularly sleep-
lessness (13.8%), thirst (10.3%),
vertigo (6.9%)
Cabezas-Bou et al., 2016, Puerto Rico 508 21% consumed EDs; 48.1% Accelerated pulse (36.2%), heart Fair (6)
[46] 20.4 § 1.9 y reported drinking 1 ED every palpitations (31.4%), loss of
38% M, 62% F 2 3 mo, 22.1% 1 2 EDs/mo appetite (15.2%)
Casuccio et al., 2015, Italy [47] 794 21.8% consumed EDs; 34% con- Palpitations (35%), insomnia Fair (6)
21.9 § 2.7 y (19 41 y) sumed EDs rarely (21%), irritability (20%), anxiety
47% M, 53% F (16%), headache (13%), tremors
Cecilia et al., 2016, Italy [48] 479 57% consumed EDs NR Good (7)
22.3 § 4.4 y
36% M, 64% F
Champlin et al., 2016, United States 844 37.7 % consumed EDs on at least NR Fair (6)
[49] First-year undergraduate stu- one of last 30 d
42% M, 58% F
Chang et al., 2017, Taiwan [50] 606 51.8% consumed EDs, 24.8% con- NR Good (7)
23.0 § 4.9 y sumed EDs during previous 30 d;
33% M, 67% F 82.7% consumed EDs
1 time/wk, 14% 2 3 times/wk,
3.3% 4 times/wk
Choi, 2020, Korea [51] 381 11.5% consumed EDs; 8.7% con- NR Poor (3)
20 26 y sumed 1 ED/d; consumers
46% M, 54% F mainly male (P > 0.05)
Dillon et al., 2019, United States [52] 1958 16% consumed EDs; consumers NR Poor (4)
18.5 § 0.6 y mainly male (P = 0.0121)
39% M, 61% F
Dwaidy et al., 2018, Lebanon [53] 100 77% consumed EDs; 27% con- NR Fair (5)
18 >23 y sumed EDs 1 2 times/mo, 20/%
61% M, 39% F 1 2 times/wk
Elsahoury et al., 2021, Jordan [54] 467 40.1% consumed EDs; 35.3% con- Increased urination (27.9%), Good (7)
21.9 § 3.7 y sumed 1 2 cans/d headaches (25.3%), high heart
53% M, 47% F rate (23.2%), insomnia (10.3%),
diarrhea or constipation (7.9%),
high blood pressure (1.9%),
stomach ache/nausea (3.0%),
dehydration (6.2%), blurred
vision (0.9%), trembling/irritabil-
ity (1.7%)
Faris et al., 2017, Bahrain [55] 919 40.9% consumed EDs; consumers 31.4% reported bad sleep quality Fair (6)
17 25 y mainly female (odds ratio: 2.5;
26% M, 74% F 95% confidence interval,
1.9 3.5)
Gallucci and Martin, 2015, United 692 36.4% consumed at least 1 ED NR Fair (6)
States [56] 18 25 y during previous 30 d; 17.6% con-
43% M, 57% F sumed 1 2 EDs; consumers
mainly male
Ghozayel et al., 2020, Lebanon [57] 226 45% consumed EDs; 53.8% Increased heart beat (42%), shak- Good (7)
20.7 § 0.1 y reported drinking at least iness (36%), dizziness (30%), anx-
47% M, 53% F 1 can/mo (defined as regular iety/nervousness/irritability
consumption) (29%)
Hardy et al., 2021, United States [58] 265 23.1% consumed EDs Trouble sleeping (25%), shaking Fair (6)
18 22 y and tremors (20%), stomach ache
32% M, 68% F (20%), headache (18%) heart pal-
pitations (12%), tingling/ numb-
ing skin (3%), chest pain (5%),
dizziness (5%), addiction (5%),
other (12%)

6 C. Protano et al. / Nutrition 107 (2023) 111904

Table 1 (Continued)
Author, year, country Sample size ED consumption estimate Adverse effects Quality Assessment
Age (mean value SD and/or (Newcastle Ottawa
range) scale)
Sex, %

Hardy et al., 2017, United Kingdom 194 28% consumed EDs Shaking and/or tremors (35%), Fair (6)
[59] 18 22 y stomach aches and/or gastroin-
42% M, 58% F testinal disorders (33%), trouble
sleeping at night (25%)
Hasan et al., 2020, Bangladesh [60] 400 53% consumed EDs Anxiety (7.4%), thirst (6.0%), rest- Good (7)
22.2 § 1.9 y lessness (5.4%), sleeplessness/
50% M, 50% F insomnia (3.4%), irritability
(2.7%), headache (2.0%), vertigo/
dizziness (0.7%)
Hasan et al., 2020, Bangladesh [61] 323 63% consumed EDs; 43.7% con- Thirst (9.9%), headache (4.9%), Fair (6)
22.1 § 1.8 y (17 26 y) sumed ED occasionally, 3.7% irritability (4.5%), insomnia/
57% M, 43% F consumed ED regularly; con- sleeplessness (2.7%), anxiety
sumers mainly male (P < 0.001) (2.2%), restlessness (2.2%), ver-
tigo/dizziness (1.8%)
Hofmeister et al., 2010, United States 456 30% consumed EDs during previ- NR Fair (6)
[62] 19 50 y (median: 24 y) ous mo; 43% UGA and 44% CSU
28% M, 72% F from UGA and CSU are ED consumers, 45% CSU and
47% UGA are regular users
Jahrami et al., 2020, Bahrain [63] 727 22.7% consumed EDs; 19.8% con- NR Poor (4)
20.7 § 1.9 y sumed 1 2 ED/d
37% M, 63% F
Javed et al., 2017, Pakistan [64] 150 32.7% consumed EDs; consumers 55.11% of ED consumers had dif- Poor (2)
21.4 § 1.7 y mainly male (66.7%; P < 0.01) ficulty sleeping: 32.65% had
22% M, 78% F decreased duration, 34.69%
increased sleep latency, 18.36%
intermittent wakeups, 14.30%
multiple symptoms
Johnson et al., 2016, United Kingdom 1873 47.8% consumed EDs NR Fair (6)
[65] 21.2 § 2.4 y
39% M, 61% F
Kelly and Prichard, 2016, United 159 36% consumed EDs; 21.8% con- Sleep disturbances (later bed- Poor (2)
States [66] 19.9 § 1.6 y sumed ED 1 2 times in last 30 d times, harder time falling asleep,
23% M, 77% F more all-nighters), increased
alertness (60%), increased heart
rate (48%), enhanced academic
performance (33%), increased
anxiety (27%)
Kim and Kim, 2015, Korea [67] 1620 78.1% consumed EDs; mean None (16.1%), palpitation Fair (5)
<20 30 y number of cans/wk: 1.63 § 2.64; (27.8%), sleep disorder (21.1%),
12% M, 88% F consumers mainly female gastrointestinal trouble (10.5%),
(P = 0.001) headache (8.8%), elevation of
blood pressure (4.5%), fatigue
(3.0%), dizziness (2.8%), depres-
sion (2.4%), elevation of body-
weight (1.3%), feeling thirsty
(1.4%), other (0.2%)
Lohsoonthorn et al., 2013, Thailand 2854 58% consumed at least 1 ED/mo; NR Fair (5)
[68] 20.3 § 1.3 y consumers mainly male (P <
32% M, 68% F 0.001)
Luneke et al., 2020, United States 1246 32% consumed EDs during past NR Fair (6)
[69] 19.9 § 1.7 y 30 d, 18% in past wk
35.8% M, 63.7% F, 0.1% transgen-
der, 0.4% other
Maidana et al., 2020, Brazil [70] 830 87.8% consumed EDs; 33% con- NR Good (7)
24.7 § 7.2 y sumed ED during last 30 d, 2.1%
42% M, 58% F reported daily use
Mahoney et al., 2019, United States 1248 36.4% consumed EDs; consumers NR Fair (5)
[17] 16 23 y mainly male (P = 0.018) and
36% M, 64% F older (P = 0.001)
Mahoney et al., 2019, United States 1248 36.4% consumed EDs NR Good (7)
[71] 16 23 y
35.8% M, 64.2% F
Majori et al., 2018, Italy [72] 899 38.6% consumed EDs; consumers NR Fair (5)
18 28 y mainly male (P < 0.05) and
31% M, 69% F younger (P < 0.05)
Malinauskas et al., 2007, United 496 51% consumed >1 ED/mo; con- Weekly jolt and crash episodes Fair (6)
States [21] 21.5 § 3.7 y sumers mainly female (P = 0.01) (29%), headaches (22%), heart
38% M, 62% F palpitations (19%)

C. Protano et al. / Nutrition 107 (2023) 111904 7

Table 1 (Continued)
Author, year, country Sample size ED consumption estimate Adverse effects Quality Assessment
Age (mean value SD and/or (Newcastle Ottawa
range) scale)
Sex, %

McGaughey et al., 2018, United 449 41.2% consumed EDs Jolt and crash episodes (53.5%), Good (7)
States [73] 23 § 5.2 y heart palpitations (43.8%)
33% M, 67% F
Mehwisharif et al., 2019, Pakistan 104 78.8% consumed EDs; 5.8% con- Weight gain (10.6%), palpitations Poor (4)
[74] Age NR sumed ED daily, 8.7% or tachycardia (31.7%), insomnia
42.3% M, 57.7% F 3 5 times/wk, 8.7% (50%), neuropsychosis (2.9%)
1 2 times/wk, 10.6%
2 4 times/mo, 45.2% less than
Miller, 2008, United States [75] 795 39% consumed at least 1 ED dur- NR Fair (6)
Age NR ing past 30 d; consumers mainly
52% M, 48% F male (P < 0.01)
Miller, 2008, United States [76] 602 More than one-third consumed NR Fair (5)
19.98 § NR y at least 1 ED/last mo: 538 low
52% M, 48% F consumption (1 2/wk), 60
high consumption (>1 2/wk);
consumers mainly male (P <
Murad and Rafeeq, 2016, Saudi Ara- 548 51.5% consumed EDs Increased urination (16.6%), Poor (4)
bia [77] 19.9 § 2.1 y heart palpitations (11.9%),
59% M, 41% F insomnia (10.1%), headaches
Mwape and Mulenga, 2019, Zambia 157 27.7% consumed EDs; 79.1% con- Poor sleep quality Fair (5)
[78] 18 >24 y sumed 1 4 energy drinks in
60% M, 40% F average mo; consumers mainly
male (P = 0.006)
Nessler et al., 2020, Poland [79] 500 35% consumed supplements, 41% Insomnia (23%), excessive stimu- Fair (5)
22.0 § 2.3 y (18 36 y) of these were EDs lation (20%), muscle trembling
47% M, 53% F (15%), gastrointestinal problems
(13%), addiction (5%), increase in
blood pressure (5%)
Newlon and Lovell, 2016, United 116 51.8% consumed EDs; ED cans Higher stress levels Fair (6)
States [80] 18 >25 y consumed/wk: 8 oz (74%); 12 oz
49% M, 51% F (11%); 16 (6%); >20 oz (9%)
Oglesby et al., 2018, United States 692 36.4% consumed EDs (at least NR Fair (5)
[81] 20.4 § 1.4 y (18 25 y) 1 ED/last mo); consumers mainly
43% M, 57% F male (P < 0.001)
Pettit et al., 2011, United States [82] 136 29.1% consumed at least 1 ED NR Fair (5)
18 24 y during previous d, 59.1% in pre-
39% M, 61% F vious 7 d, 70.1% in previous 30 d
Picard-Masson et al., 2017, Canada 10 283 9.1% consumed EDs NR Good (7)
[83] 17 25 y
33% M, 67% F
Poulos and Pasch, 2015, United 585 56.4% consumed EDs; 77.3% con- NR Good (7)
States [84] 19 § NR y sumed EDs 1 3 times/wk
44% M, 56% F
Rahamathulla, 2017, Saudi Arabia 337 81.3% consumed EDs regularly; Headaches (32.3%), stomach pain Poor (2)
[85] Age NR 42.4% consumed 1 ED/d (21.0%), increased urination
100% F (11.2%), restlessness (9.7%),
increase blood pressure (9.2%),
tingling (7.1%), nervousness
(6.0%), menstrual disturbances
(4.3%), abdominal pain (3.0%),
allergy (2.0%)
Reid and Gentius, 2018, Trinidad and 1994 86% consumed EDs; 38% current NR Fair (5)
Tobago [86] 19 40 y users
34% M, 66% F
Reid et al., 2015, Caribbean [87] 1994 86.2% consumed EDs; 38% cur- None (35.7%), restlessness (22%), Fair (6)
19 40 y rent users; 74% consumed 5 jolt and crash (17.1%), elevated
34% M, 66% F drinks in average mo heart/pulse rate (16.6%), anxiety
(13.3%), increased urination
(11.6%), insomnia (11.2%), twitch
or tremor (8.5%), headaches
(7.8%), irritability (7.8%), other
Reuter and Forster, 2021, United 614 15.6% consumed at least 1 ED NR Poor (2)
States [88] 19.6 § 1.4 y (18 25 y) during previous wk
22% M, 78% F

8 C. Protano et al. / Nutrition 107 (2023) 111904

Table 1 (Continued)
Author, year, country Sample size ED consumption estimate Adverse effects Quality Assessment
Age (mean value SD and/or (Newcastle Ottawa
range) scale)
Sex, %

Rios et al., 2013, Puerto Rico [89] 275 29% consumed EDs; consumers NR Fair (6)
21 53 y mainly male (P < 0.05)
32% M, 68% F
Shaikh et al., 2018, Pakistan [90] 426 90.61 consumed EDs; 28.8% con- Increased blood pressure (9.3%), Fair (5)
18 24 y sumed ED once/wk increased heart rate (12.4%),
65% M, 35% F sleeplessness (9.6%), headache
(5.2%), nervousness (8.0%),
fatigue (10.0%), nausea (5.0%),
vomiting (5.0%), diarrhea
(54.4%), none/any (3.6%)
Skewes et al., 2013, United States 298 39.2% consumed EDs at least NR Poor (3)
[91] 23.03 § 6.53 y (18 52 y) once/wk; number of ED/wk
37% M, 63% F range 0 >15
Sljivo et al., 2020, Bosnia Herzego- 812 61.2% consumed EDs; 43.2% con- NR Fair (6)
vina [92] 21.4 § 2.0 y sumed EDs rarely
27% M, 73% F
Spierer et al., 2014, United States 407 52.1% consumed EDs. 35.87% NR Poor (3)
[93] 18 24 y consumed ED 2 times/wk,
55% M, 22% F 16.22% 3 times/wk
Teleman et al., 2015, Italy [94] 8516 38.7% consumed EDs; 21.0% con- NR Fair (5)
22.2 § 2.0 y (18 30 y) sumed ED once/wk; heavy con-
33% M, 67% F sumers mainly female (P < 0.05)
Trunzo et al., 2014, United States 486 Mean ED consumption: 2.52 (SD: NR Poor (3)
[95] 20.38 § 4.1 y 1.53), as defined by CORE survey
38.5% M, 60.3% F response scale. Mean ED con-
sumption among sample was
2 5 d during past 30 d
Uzundumlu et al., 2016, Turkey [96] 260 10.8% consumed EDs NR Poor (4)
21.9 24.0 y
45% M, 55% F
Velazquez et al., 2012, United States 585 40% consumed EDs during past NR Fair (6)
[15] 18.7 § NR y mo; 17.5% consumed EDs during
44% M, 56% F past wk; consumers mainly male
(P < 0.0001) and white (P = 0.05)
Vitiello et al., 2016, Italy [97] 1007 75.8% consumed EDs NR Good (7)
22.7 § 4.41 y
39% M, 61% F
Woolsey et al., 2014, United States 605 48.9% consumed EDs during pre- NR Good (7)
[16] 21.96 § 4.22 y vious 30 d
33% M, 67% F
Woolsey et al., 2015, United States 267 83% consumed EDs within past y NR Good (7)
[98] 22.95 y
36% M, 64% F
CSU, Colorado State University; ED, energy drink; F, female; M, male; NR, not reported; UGA, University of Georgia

monthly, and rarely consumption or other [38,45,47,53,70, A total of 35 studies analyzed health-related behaviors associ-
82,83,92]. Some studies reported the proportion of occasional and ated with ED consumption. The most commonly reported behaviors
regular users [20,45,57,61,85] or described the number of ED cans in were alcohol use or abuse (16 studies) [15,20,40,44,
a specific period [20,35,54,57,67,74,80,90]. The prevalence of ED 45,47,52,55,57,65,75,76,84,86,91,93,98], smoking tobacco (11 stud-
consumers ranged from 9% in the study by Picard-Masson et al. [83] ies, 10 of which showed a positive association)
to 90.6% in the study by Shaikh et al. [90]. With regard to geographic [44,48,49,55,56,61,66,71,75,76,83,96], and physical activity/sport
areas, prevalence values ranged from 11.5% to 90.6% [51,90] in Asian (10 studies, 9 of which showed a positive association)
countries, 9.1% to 87.6% [83,43] in North America, and 10.8% to [17,44 47,55,57,61,71]. Forty-eight studies investigated the reason
75.8% [96,97] in Europe. Only South America showed a prevalence why EDs were consumed, and the majority (37 studies) reported
of ED consumption that was always higher than 86%, although only reasons related to study and examinations [17,21,33,35 37,
analyzed by three studies [70,86,87]. Only five studies reported a 39,41,43 47,50,53, 55 59,61,62,65,69, 72 74,77 79,81,82,85 87,
prevalence lower than 20% [37,51,52,88,96]. A total of 21 articles 90,91,98]. In 21 studies, users declared ED consumption to keep
analyzed ED consumption by sex, of which 18 reported a higher themselves awake or alert [17,33,35,39,45,48,50,54,56 58,
prevalence or higher frequency of use among men 62,65,67,69,79,85 87,89,92], and in 18 studies, reasons related to
[15,17,33,39,40,45,51,52,55,61,64,68,72,75,76,78,81,89]. Adverse physical activity/sport performance were reported
effects related to ED consumption were investigated in 30 selected [17,33,35,37,39,45,46,48,53,56,57,66,69,71,74,86,87,91].
articles. Disturbances in sleep [33 35,37,39,45,47,54,55,58,59,61, The estimated overall prevalence of ED consumption (Fig. 2)
64,66,67,74,77 79,85,87,89,90] and heart function disorders was 42.9% in undergraduate students (95% CI, 42.5% 43.3%), with
[21,33 35,37,39,44,45 47,54,57,58,65,67,73,74,77,81,85,87,89] significant heterogeneity among studies (Q test: P < 0.001;
were mainly reported by participants (24 and 22 studies, respec- I2 = 99.4%). The sensitive analysis did not substantially change the
tively). pooled prevalence of ED consumption, which resulted equal to
C. Protano et al. / Nutrition 107 (2023) 111904 9

Table 2
Health-related behaviors and motivation associated with ED consumption in selected studies

Author, year Associated health-related behaviors Reason

Abukhelaif et al., 2020 [33] NR Enhance academic performance (55.4%), keep awake and improve alert-
ness and attention and for driving (17%), increase physical activity (13%)
Alafif et al., 2021 [34] ED consumption associated with con- Nice taste (53.6%)
sumption of <3 meals/d (P = 0.002), skip-
ping breakfast (P = 0.028), fast-food
intake (P = 0.010)
Alqassim et al., 2021 [35] ED consumption more common in smok- Enjoy taste (78.3%), stay alert (32.6%), mimic friends (20.8%), increase
ers (P = 0.009) study concentration, physical activity, get rid of depression, or relieve
headaches and tension (<20.0%)
Al Sawah et al., 2015 [36] NR Studying, wakefulness, overcome fatigue, enhance cognitive performance
Alabbad et al., 2019 [37] NR Keep friends’ company (26.1%), keep awake (23.3%), stay awake (61.4%),
improve alertness and attention (57%), increase physical activity (53%)
Aljaloud, 2018 [38] NR Energy boost (51%), recovery from injury or illness (26%), enhance toler-
ance for additional training (12%), enhance ability to cope with pain and
improve endurance (4%)
Alsunni and Badar, 2011 [39] NR Give company to friends, keep awake (men and women), more energy
(men and women), better driving and better performance in sports (men),
better performance in examinations (women), nice taste (men and
Arria et al., 2011 [40] High-frequency ED consumption associ- NR
ated with alcohol use, alcohol depen-
dence, and alcohol abuse (P < 0.05)
Atlam et al., 2017 [41] Use of EDs increase risk of experience NR
substances, including tranquilizing medi-
cation, hallucinogens, ecstasy, heroin,
cocaine, narcotic drugs, and volatile sub-
stances (P < 0.001)
Attila and Cakir, 2011 [20] ED consumption associated with alcohol 24.4% consumed ED to feel more energetic
drinking (P < 0.001)
Bahadirli et al., 2018 [42] NR NR
Bliss and Depperschmidt, 2011 NR Needing more energy (23%), driving for long period of time (20%), studying
[43] for examination/completing homework (17%)
Borlu et al., 2019 [44] ED consumption associated with smok- Stay awake (15.8%), be strong/fit (11.2%), habit (8.2%)
ing (OR: 1.52; 95% CI, 1.02 2.26), alcohol
use (OR: 3.22; 95% CI, 2.18 4.77), regular
physical activity (OR: 2.29; 95% CI,
1.21 2.26)
Bulut et al., 2014 [45] ED consumption positively associated Curiosity (51.3%), enhance physical performance (15.0%), overcome sleepi-
with physical activity and alcohol use (P ness (9.2%), increase physical performance (34.5%), feel less sleepy (20.7%),
< 0.001) study (20.7%), be more involved in circle of friends (13.8%), decrease
fatigue (10.3%)
Cabezas-Bou et al., 2016 [46] ED consumption associated with playing Study (72.1%), during social activities (32.7%), play sports (18.3%), during
sport in official university teams sexual activities (9.6%), with meals (2.9%)
(P = 0.002)
Casuccio et al., 2015 [47] ED consumption associated with alcohol NR
(P = 0.34) and caffeine (P < 0.005)
Cecilia et al., 2016 [48] ED consumption associated with regular Stay awake, treat hangover, enhance sport performance
smoking (P = 0.02)
Champlin et al., 2016 [49] NR NR
Chang et al., 2017 [50] Using tobacco (OR: 2.0; 95% CI, 1.3 2.9) Keep alert at work (48.7%), curious about products (32.0%), enjoy flavor
or alcohol (OR: 2.1; 95% CI, 1.1 4.1) sig- (31.3%), prepare for school examination (26.7%)
nificantly predicted ED consumption
Choi, 2020 [51] NR Desire of alertness and health benefits
Dillon et al., 2019 [52] ED consumption associated with alcohol NR
use (P < 0.0001) and intake (P < 0.0001),
problem alcohol behaviors (from OR:
1.87; 95% CI, 1.20 2.92 to OR: 2.43; 95%
CI, 1.83 3.24), nonmedical drug use
(from OR: 2.36; 95% CI, 1.85 3.00 to OR:
3.52; 95% CI, 2.01 6.16)
Dwaidy et al., 2018 [53] NR Enjoy taste (29%), help study (21%), have source of energy (13%), help feel
better (2%), help exercise, work, drive (11%)
Elsahoury et al., 2021 [54] ED consumption more common in smok- No reason/tasty (36.8%), stay awake (52.6%), increase endurance and
ers (P  0.001) energy boost (47.4%) or mental enhancement (38.4%), help indigestion
(7.9%), treat headache (7.4%), lose weight (4.7%), recover injury or illness
(1.1%), keep alert during driving (7.4%)
Faris et al., 2017 [55] ED consumption negatively associated Highest rates of ED consumption occurred when participants were highly
with smoking (OR: 0.15; 95% CI, 0.1 0.2) stressed and in case of final examinations and project/report submissions
and eating breakfast (OR: 0.61; 95% CI,
0.38 1.0), and positively associated with

10 C. Protano et al. / Nutrition 107 (2023) 111904

Table 2 (Continued)
Author, year Associated health-related behaviors Reason

physical activity (OR: 1.1; 95% CI,

0.8 1.4)
Gallucci and Martin, 2015 [56] Higher ED consumption more common Student nonathletes: Lack of sleep (71.7%) and need for more energy
in nonathletes (P < 0.05); ED consump- (66.0%). Student athletes: Need for more energy (62.5%) and improving
tion associated with current tobacco use mental focus (50.0%)
(P < 0.01) and frequent heavy episodic
drinking (P < 0.001)
Ghozayel et al., 2020 [57] ED consumption associated with being Energy to study (47%) or work (36%), or play sports (35%), stay awake/pre-
physically active (P = 0.001) and consum- vent sleep (20%)
ing other beverages, including alcohol
(P = 0.032), coffee (P = 0.005), and sports
drinks (P < 0.001)
Hardy et al., 2021 [58] NR Feel more alert (64%), enjoy taste (48%), enhance focus at work or to study
Hardy et al., 2017 [59] NR Enjoy taste (54%), enhance focus (50%)
Hasan et al., 2020 [60] ED consumption associated with smok- Increase concentration while studying (0.5%), boost performance during
ing (P = 0.003) and regular physical activ- exercise (1.9%), feel energetic (27.7), its taste (32.4%), no particular reason
ity (P = 0.010) (37.5%)
Hasan et al., 2020 [61] ED consumption associated with regular Feel taste (57.4%), recommendation from friends (23.0%), easy availability
physical activity (OR: 1.69; 95% CI, (11.2%), media advertisement (8.5%), family influence (5.8%), appeal of
1.04 2.75) drink (4.0%)
Hofmeister et al., 2010 [62] 35% over-the-counter stimulant and Help study, remain awake, or wake up in the morning
depressant medicines users; ED con-
sumption associated with high consump-
tion of caffeine in 31% and 37% of two
university groups
Jahrami et al., 2020 [63] NR NR
Javed et al., 2017 [64] NR NR
Johnson et al., 2016 [65] NR Keep awake (61.9%), enjoy the taste (55.6%), give energy (47.1%)
Kelly and Prichard, 2016 [66] Consumption of at least 3 EDs during last Long drive (69%), hangover (67%), with alcohol (63%), insufficient sleep
mo associated with not wearing bike hel- (63%), studying (61%), more energy in general (61%), taste (58%), long work
met and using alcohol (P < 0.1), not shift (50%), enhanced athletic performance (30%)
wearing seatbelt and using cigarettes,
marijuana, hookah, and illicit prescrip-
tion drugs (P < 0.01)
Kim and Kim, 2015 [67] NR Wake up (78.8%)
Lohsoonthorn et al., 2013 [68] NR NR
Luneke et al., 2020 [69] NR Wake up (57.4%), aid in studying (37.7%), enjoy taste (34.3%), concentrate
(19.6%), pay attention in class (18.2%), reduce thirsty (18.1%), party (12.2%),
exercise harder (7.4%) or longer (7.3%), out of habit (5.2%), addicted (2.8%)
Maidana et al., 2020 [70] NR NR
Mahoney et al., 2019 [17] ED consumption more common in stu- Feel more awake (79%), enjoy the taste (68%), have coffee with friends or
dents using tobacco (P < 0.001) and family (39%), improve concentration (31%), increase physical energy (27%),
exercising with team (P = 0.020) improve mood (18%), alleviate stress (9%)
Mahoney et al., 2019 [71] Former and current smokers mainly rep- NR
resented among ED consumers (P <
Majori et al., 2018 [72] NR Academic reason (22.7%), other reason (21.2%)
Malinauskas et al., 2007 [21] NR Increase energy (65%), drink with alcohol at parties (54%), study or com-
plete major course project (45%), treat hangover (17%)
McGaughey et al., 2018 [73] NR Lack of sleep, for more energy, and to study for examination
Mehwisharif et al., 2019 [74] NR No special occasion (26.9%), during sports (8.7%), during studying (28.8%),
during examinations (25.0%), during parties (5.8%)
Miller, 2008 [75] Higher frequency of ED consumption NR
positively associated with marijuana use,
sexual risk taking, fighting, seatbelt
omission, and taking risks on a dare (P <
Miller, 2008 [76] Higher frequency of ED consumption NR
positively associated with marijuana use,
fighting, taking risks on a dare (P <
0.001), seatbelt omission and sexual risk
taking (P < 0.05) for sample as a whole,
and associated with smoking, drinking,
alcohol problems, and illicit prescription
drug use for white students (P < 0.001)
Murad and Rafeeq, 2016 [77] NR Enjoyment, long driving, studying, improving performance, quenching
Mwape and Mulenga, 2019 [78] NR Increase concentration while studying (83.7%), needing more energy
(67.4%), completing course project or assignment (30.2%)
Nessler et al., 2020 [79] NR Reduce feeling of being tired and reduce duration of sleep (61%), increase
concentration before (57%) or during (20%) examination
Newlon and Lovell, 2016 [80] NR Psychological reasons and mental health problems

C. Protano et al. / Nutrition 107 (2023) 111904 11

Table 2 (Continued)
Author, year Associated health-related behaviors Reason

Oglesby et al., 2018 [81] NR More energy (61.8%), study longer (45.8%), concentrate better while
studying (38.2%), improve mental focus (31.5%), concentrate better in class
(23.1%), feel less restless (17.5%)
Pettit et al., 2011 [82] NR Prepare for stressful events, such as examinations or deadlines for major
Picard-Masson et al., 2017 [83] Weekly ED consumption associated with NR
consumption of 20 cups of coffee/wk
(OR: 2.43; 95% CI, 1.66 3.56 or OR: 1.63;
95% CI, 1.08 2.45), smoking (OR: 3.99;
95% CI, 3.42 4.64 or OR: 2.62; 95% CI,
2.21 3.10), excessive use of alcohol (OR:
2.24; 95% CI, 1.95 2.58 or OR: 1.60; 95%
CI, 1.38 1.86), past use of cannabis (OR:
2.46; 95% CI, 2.15 2.82 or OR: 1.41; 95%
CI, 1.20 1.66), glues or solvents (OR:
9.74; 95% CI, 4.21 22.52 or OR: 4.20; 95%
CI, 1.40 12.65), amphetamines (OR:
4.00; 95% CI, 3.33 4.80 or OR: 2.23; 95%
CI, 1.76 2.84)
Poulos and Pasch, 2015 [84] ED users had significantly greater body NR
mass index(P < 0.05) and consumed
more soda (P < 0.01) and frozen meals (P
< 0.05)
Rahamathulla, 2017 [85] NR Give company to friends (59.4%), keep awake during nights (55.4), better
performance in examinations (41.2%), better concentration in studies
Reid and Gentius, 2018 [86] ED and alcohol consumption reported by Energy boost (26%), staying awake (24%), studying or major project (21%),
27%, with men more likely to use alcohol sports (12%), mixing with alcohol (12%), mental enhancer (4%) treating
and energy drinks together than women hangovers (1%)
(P < 0.05)
Reid et al., 2015 [87] NR Boost in energy (50%), stay awake (45%), study/do major project (40%),
control weight and as mental enhancer or treat hangover (10%), play
sports (23.1%)
Reuter and Forster, 2021 [88] NR NR
Rios et al., 2013 [89] NR Stay awake for long periods of time (54.0%)
Shaikh et al., 2018 [90] NR Good taste (62%), increase working capability (25.4%), increase waking
hours (10.4%), increase memory (2.3%)
Skewes et al., 2013 [91] ED consumption significantly associated NR
with hazardous drinking (P < 0.001)
Sljivo et al., 2020 [92] Drinking coffee predicted ED consump- Stay awake (58.2%), good taste (46.8%), increase energy (38.0%) or concen-
tion (P < 0.001) tration to study (35.7%), drive for long periods (7.6%), cure hangovers
(2.4%), improve sport performances (1.8%), stimulate metabolism (5.0%)
Spierer et al., 2014 [93] ED consumption related with drinking NR
alcohol to inebriation and driving (P <
0.05) and riding with drunk driver (P <
Teleman et al., 2015 [94] NR NR
Trunzo et al., 2014 [95] NR NR
Uzundumlu et al., 2016 [96] ED consumption associated with ciga- NR
rette smoking (P < 0.001), using Internet
(P < 0.01), not having breakfast (P <
Velazquez et al., 2012 [15] Greater ED consumption associated with NR
higher alcohol consumption (P < 0.001)
Vitiello et al., 2016 [97] Habitual ED consumption associated Energizing effect (32.5%), enhance concentration (16.9%); 28.6% consumed
with not having breakfast and varied ED when studying very hard, 17.9% consumed EDs on Saturday evenings
diet, consuming sweets at end of meal, to maintain high activity levels throughout night
sport drinks, wine, beer, or alcoholic
drink (P < 0.05)
Woolsey et al., 2014 [16] NR NR
Woolsey et al., 2015 [98] ED consumption associated with having NR
stimulant prescription (P < 0.0001)
CI, confidence interval; NR, not reported; OR, odds ratio

45.2% (95% CI, 46.9% 43.5%) after the exclusion of Abukhelaif et al. size, publication year, methodological quality of the study, and
[33], suggesting that not one single study had a disproportional WHO region in which the study was conducted. The meta-regres-
effect on overall prevalence. sion showed that the prevalence of ED consumption was indepen-
A visual inspection of the funnel plot suggested a lack of publi- dent by the percentage of women (P = 0.852), mean age
cation bias in the present study (P = 0.120; Supplementary Fig. 1). (P = 0.135), or methodological quality (P = 0.865). Moreover, the
To investigate the effects of potential factors influencing the het- prevalence of ED consumption decreased with the increase of the
erogeneity of the global prevalence of ED consumption, a meta- sample size (P < 0.05; Fig. 3). In addition, the prevalence of ED con-
regression analysis was performed considering sex, age, sample sumption in the world slightly decreased with the increase of the
12 C. Protano et al. / Nutrition 107 (2023) 111904

Fig. 2. Forest plot for prevalence of energy drink consumption in students.

C. Protano et al. / Nutrition 107 (2023) 111904 13

Fig. 3. Meta-regression chart of prevalence of energy drink consumption in the world by sample size.

year in which the study was conducted (P < 0.05). Study location Ninety-three percent of articles reported ED consumption in
was a significant moderator according to the subgroup analysis more than a fifth of the samples, confirming that undergraduate
(Q = 13.57; df = 7; P < 0.05). The subgroup analysis among WHO students worldwide are consistently interested in this phenome-
regions showed that the prevalence of ED consumption was 28% in non. Of note, students are not always aware of the possible health
the African region, 42% in the region of the Americas, 49% in the effects of Eds, and many students consider these products safe
Eastern Mediterranean region, 50% in the EUR, and 62% in the [38,54]. Furthermore, in the study by Hardy et al., ED consumers
SEAR. also showed less knowledge on human nutrition, especially
regarding sources of foods/nutrients and diet disease relation-
Discussion ships, as assessed with the General Nutrition Knowledge Question-
naire for adults [58,105,106].
According to the surveys performed in different countries, In line with the EFSA opinion, the moderate consumption of
young adults represent one of the population groups most inter- EDs, corresponding to a single caffeine intake of up to 200 mg,
ested in ED consumption, showing the highest increase in the does not result in clinically relevant cardiovascular changes in
prevalence of ED consumption across the last decades [99 104]. young healthy adults [105,107]. However, a high intake of EDs is
Within this age group, university students seem to be particularly associated with moderate and severe adverse effects. Moreover,
keen on using EDs to deal with their study- or sports-related needs EDs and energy shots exceed and sometime double or triple the
[48]. This review was aimed at analyzing the existing literature on soft-drink caffeine concentration limit that is considered safe, lead-
ED consumption among university students to highlight the most ing to negative effects, such as reduced vasodilation and myocar-
common patterns of consumption in this target population. Not- dial perfusion, which may increase heart rate and blood pressure
withstanding a great variability found regarding the prevalence of [108]. In addition, the prolonged assumption of other ingredients
ED consumers in the populations studied, some common features that contribute to the stimulatory effects of Eds, such as taurine,
regarding ED consumption emerged. sugar, and vitamin B, may affect the cardiovascular system, raising
A wide range of ED consumers was found across the selected the overall risk for short- and long-term outcomes. Indeed,
studies. The prevalence of ED consumption ranged widely (approx- arrhythmias, myocardial infarctions, cardiomyopathies, and sud-
imately 10% 90%) in almost all investigated geographic areas, sug- den cardiac death have been linked to ED consumption [109].
gesting that sociocultural factors related to residence may not With regard to the reason that leads students to consume EDs,
influence the use of EDs in this population group. Differences in engagement in study, projects, or examinations play an important
the estimated prevalence of ED consumption were associated with role. However, Oglesby et al. did not find significant differences in
sample size and study location, and independent of sex, age, and study hours between ED consumers who declared academic rea-
methodological quality. Study location was a significant modera- sons as motivations for using an ED and those who reported other
tor, and EUR and SEAR WHO regions showed a major prevalence of reasons, which shows a lack of expected outcomes [81]. Further-
ED consumption. Of note, some ED manufacturing companies are more, many undergraduate students consume EDs to stay awake
located in European and Saudi Arabian countries and in the Ara- or alert, which is of interest considering that one of the main
bian Emirates, and students in general tend to drink local brands, adverse effects reported by students was sleep disturbance. More-
which are less expensive [76]. over, problems related to the cardiovascular system, such as
14 C. Protano et al. / Nutrition 107 (2023) 111904

increased heart rate or blood pressure, were frequently reported. such as alcohol use and smoking, pose important threats for public
Another main reason for ED consumption was identified in physi- health. Identifying possible groups at risk for these behavioral pat-
cal activity/sports engagement. These data agree with the associa- terns may be useful to address educational interventions aimed at
tion between physical activity/sports and ED consumption found preventing related health consequences.
in nine studies. Although evidence about the positive association
between ED conssumption and athletic performance in some Declaration of Interests
sports has been shown [110], several studies reported an increased
risk of negative outcomes for the cardiovascular system and wors- The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
ening of preexisting mental conditions or addiction, especially in cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
high-risk groups, such as those genetically predisposed to these influence the work reported in this paper.
disorders [111].
Among the other health-related behaviors associated with ED Acknowledgments
consumption, alcohol and smoking were the most commonly
reported. Considering the possible consequences of these behav- The authors thank Giuseppe Ugolini and Patrizia Ceccarelli,
iors on health, this aspect is worrying and highlights the need to Library V. Del Vecchio of the Department of Public Health and
implement educational interventions focused on the use and abuse Infectious Diseases at the Sapienza University of Rome and Man-
of these substance in populations of interest. In particular, uela Camerino and Tiziana Zilli from the Library of the University
although this review was not aimed at assessing the use of alcohol of Rome Foro Italico for their support in article search.
mixed with EDs, the literature shows that this habit is very com-
mon among ED consumers and can increase the risk of several
Supplementary materials
injuries [112]. For example, Nadeem et al., in their systematic
review and meta-analysis on adverse effects related to ED con-
Supplementary material associated with this article can be
sumption, showed that mixing alcohol with EDs significantly
found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.nut.2022.111904.
reduced the likelihood of sedation effects and increased the proba-
bility of stimulatory effects [113]. Therefore, the authors recom-
mended avoiding frequent ED consumption (5 7 energy drinks/
wk) and co-consumption with alcohol, as well as adopt regulatory
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