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Our Story

I met Any Clarissa Montoya Ochoa on Facebook when I was 20 years old, and she was 18
years old on February 28 2017. We both love to read followed a common page on Facebook
called (literatura y ortografia) I saw that she made a comment on a post, and I decided to send
her a friend request explaining that I thought she was interesting and would like to know her
that was on February 28 2017. We find many things in common and after a month I ask her if it
would be crazy that she would be my girlfriend she accepted but with the condition to go visit
her. I was at United States, and she was in Honduras but decided to save money to go. I
decided to go and visit her but first I needed to make a stop at Guatemala to visit my mother.
Then I took a bus to go to Honduras on June 1, 2017, to June 5, 2017, when I came back to
Guatemala to take my flight back later on to United States. We maintained constant
communication between her and me through the months until she decided to move to
Guatemala to further her studies and

to be closer to me when I travelled. She moved to Guatemala on January 2018 she did it by
land, so she did not needed a passport it was possible only by presenting your ID since Central
American countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras have a frontier deal
called C4, where you can be at this countries just with your ID. After she moved to Guatemala,
it was easy to me to see her. She was studying at Antigua Guatemala at Colegio la Salle and I
visited many times as I stayed at my mother's house.

That was how was our life seen each other while we further our studies. Until Covid 19

hit in 2020 and Any my girlfriend had to move to Honduras with her mother to be closer to
family. She kept our relationship going through the years and until now, every time we see each
other brings us together more and more. Until May 28, 2021, I asked her to marry me, with the
condition to wait for me until I finished my graduate school. Last time we saw each other was in
July 24 2022. In 2022, I finished my studies and found a stable job as a Spanish teacher at
Henderson Collegiate at Henderson NC since September 2022. Now it is time to take the step
to marry her. This is our story.

Franklin Daniel Gomez Meza

Any Clarissa Montoya Ochoa

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