PYQ OnUnit v Probability Distribution

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Unit 5: Applied Mathematics V-IMP Questions with Answers Unit V PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION Marks - 12 Me Solution An unbiased coin is tossed 5 times. Find the probability of getting a head. 1 =5,pstqet.re1 wasp oS 3 p(r)=ne,{py (a) Joo-s()eh 5 yor 0.156 An unbiased coin is tossed 5 times. Find the probability of getting three heads. n=S.p 2 P(r) = croe(() 2 Pa)=2 or 03125 Ifthe coin is tossed three times. Find the probability of getting exactly two Heads. HHH, HHP THH HTH, HITT,THT, 1TH, FIT) cn(S)=8 3.| 4={MHT,THN, THY san(dp=3 n(A)_3 (3) 1. P(4)= 4. hin unbiased coin is tossed 5 times, Find the probability of getting 2 tails, Here n Pix=r)="C pig” 2. PQ)=*C,(0.5)' (0.8) 5 6 PQ or 0.3125 (2y 16 If two coins tossed simultaneousl ind the probability ofgetting at least one head. Here, p= 1/2.q=1/2 N=2,r=atleast 1 By Binomial Distribution, Piat least 1) = I-p(0) P(at least 1) = 1-0.25 Pfat Ieast one) = 0.75 ‘Three fair coins are tossed. Find the probability that at leasttwo heads appear. on(S)=8 atleast two heads 4A={HHH,HTH,HHT.THH} n(a)=4 An unbiased coin is tossed 6 times. Find probability ofgetting 2 Heads. Here n=6, p=0.5. g=0.5. r=2 P(x=r)="C,p'g’” . P(2) = C, (0.3) (0.3)" 15 #. P(2)=— or 0.2344 64 Af unbiased coin is tossed 6 times, find the probability of getting 4 heads, ere, p =1/2,.q=%4 =6&ra4 jBy Binomial Distribution, (4 = 0.2343 An unbiased coin is tossed 6 times. Find the probability ofgetting (i) 2 head 4ii) Exactly 4 heads. pl2,q=% dp By Binomial Distribution, P(2) =0.234 ii) m4 By Binomial Distribution, P(4)= 0.232 10,| A person fires 10 shots at target. The probability that anyshot will hit the target 3/5. Find the probability that the target is hit exactly 5 times. 3 =10,p== n=10,p ras p(r)="e,(p) (a) vinre(3)(5) =0.2007 1f 20% of the bolts produce by a machine are defective.Find the probability that out of 4 11,| bolts drawn, i) Oneis defective. ) At the most two are defective. iii) At least one is defective. a =02,n=4 andg=1-p=08 p(r)="Cp'qh (1) n(oneis defective) = p(t) =46,(0.2) (0:8) = 0.4096 (2) p(at the most two are defective.) = p(0)+ p(1)+ (2) =4€, (0.2)'(0.8)"" +4, (0.2) (0.8)"" + 4C; (0.2) (0.8)"* =0.9728 Given p = 20%= 12, The probability that a man aged 65 will live to 75 is 0.65. What is the probability that out of 10 men which are now65, 7 will live to 75. Given p=0.65, q=1-0.65-0.35, n=10, t=7 = ple )="C(p) (a p17) = C, (0.63) (0.35)"" 2. p(7) = 0.2522 13. ‘The probability that a bomb dropped from a Plane will strike the target is 1/5. If six bombs are dropped, find the probability that exactly two will strike the target. Given p=i02 + q=1-0.2=08 n=6 r=2 P(r)" 6, (ey (2 co p(2) =" C,(0.2) (0.8) 2 p(2)=0.2458 " 14.| Onan average 2% of the population in an area suffer from T. B. What is the probability that out of § persons chosen at random from this area, at least two suffer from T. B.? 2-902 To 7082 n=S. p= Mean m =p: com= $0.05 an pr) ri % p(dildnat ind) =1-[p(0)+p(1)) e'(o1)" e@*(0.1)' “| oO 0037 15.| 10% of the component manufactured by company are defective. If twelve components selected at random, find the probability that at least two will be defective. platleast wo) =1-[ p(0)+ p(1)] “¢,(0.1(09)"*+*C (01) (08) ] 1.3409 16,| Fit a poisson’s distribution for the following observations. x, 20 30 40 50 60 70 fl 8 12 30.10 6 4 Mean =m ae _ pp 20(8)-+30(12)+40(30) + 50 (10) + 60 (6) +70(4° a= 8412+30+10+6+4 com = 7869 _ 49.95 70 Poisson distribution is , P(x= Ll (40.85)! ‘Assuming that 2 in 10 industrial accidents are due to fatigue. Find the probability 17,| that exactly 2 out of 8 accidents will be due to fatigue. Here, p = 2/10 = 0.5 q=0.5 n=8,r=2 By Binomial Distribution, P(2)- 0.2936 18,| 1f3% of the electric bulbs manufacture by a companyare defective, Find the probability that ina sample of100 bulbs. Exactly $ bulbs are defective (Given e9 = 0.0497). ‘Ans | Here, p = 3% = 3/100 = 0.03 N= 100 m= np=100*0.03 = 3 By Poisson’s Distribution, P(5)= 0.1013 manufacture electric motors. The probabilitythat an electric motor is defective 19,| is 0.01. What is the probability that a sample of 300 electric Motors will contains exactly 5 defective motors? (Given e” = 0,0498) p=001n=300,r=5 J.m= np =0.01x300=3 B= P(s)=— p19 oonn-el =0.1008 Tha sample of 1000 cases the mean of certain test is 14 andstandard deviation is 2.5. Assuming the distribution to be normal, find 30,, |) How many students score above 18? ii) — How many students score between 12 and 15?[Given ; A(0.4) = 0.1554, A(O.8) = 02881, A(1.6) = 0.4452] N= 1000 P( score above 18) = A(greater than 1.6) 0.5=A(1.6) = 0.5-0.4452 = 0.0548 o. No.of students = N+ p 000 0.0548 = 54.8 Le. 55 A 5 p(score between 12 and 15)= 4(-0.8)+ 4(0.4) 0.28814 0.1554 = 0.4435 No.of students = N+ p = 1000x 0.4435 =443.5 be, 444 If 2% of the electric bulbs manufactured by company are defective, find the probability that | ina sample of 100 bulbs, ) = 3 bulbs are defective, i) At the most two bulbs vill be defective.(e? = 0.1353) p=2%=0.02 , n=100 mean m= np m=100x0.02 Poisson's distribution is, P(r r! (i)3 bulbs are defective s.r =3 2 PQ)=— £ey a PB atte (ii) At the most two bulbs will be defective +. =0,1,2 J P(r) = P(0)+ P(1)+P(2) PO = 0.6767 In a test on 2000 electric bulbs, it was found that the life ofparticular make was normally distributed with average lifeof 2040 hours and standard deviation of 60 hours. Estimate the number of bulbs likely to burn for: i) Between 1920 hours and 2160 hours. ii) More than 2150 hours. Given that: A (2) = 0.4772 A(1.83) = 0.4664 Given x=2040 @=60 N=2000 i) Forx = 1920 XX _ 1920-2040 __, o 60 Forx=2160 2160=2040 60 +. p(between 1920 and 2160 )= A( between —2 and 2) = A{-2)+ 4(2) =0.4772+0.4772 = 0.9544 =? + No.of bulbs = N- p = 2000 x 0.9544 = 1908.8 = 1909 ii) Forx=2150 2150-2040 _ o 60 +. p(more than 2150) = 4(more than 1.83) =0.5-A(1.83) - 0.4664 * ». p(more than 2150) = 0.0336 -. No.of students= N- p = 2000 0.0336 7.2% 67 1.83 33,| Ifthe probability of a bad reaction from the certain injection is 0,001, determine the chance that out of 2000 individualsmore than two will get a bad reaction, (Given e? = 7.4) p=0,001,n= 2000 fom = np = 0.001 2000 = 2 p(more than 2) = p(3)+ p(4)+ p(S)+... =1-[p(0)+ p+ p2)] yf aty of aj-| 2) ae oO! UW 2! =0,3233 24 Ina sample of 1000 cases the mean of certain test is 14 and $.D is 2.5. Assuming the distribution to be normal. Find i) How many students score between 12 and 15? li) How many students score above 18? [Given ; A (0.8) = 0.2881, A (0.4) = 0.1554, A (1.6) = 0.4452] Given x=14 @=2.5 0 N= 1 p( score above 18) = A(greater than 1.6) =0.5-4(1.6) =0.5-0.4452 = 0.0548 «No.of students= N - p =1000x 0.0548 = 54.8 ie, 55 @eetct 2a og o 25 15-14 o 25 p(score between 12 and 15) = 4(-0.8)+ 4(0.4) = 0.28814 0.1554 = 0.4435 +. No.of students= N- p =1000%0.4435 = 443.5 ie, 444 =04 The number of road accidents met with by taxi drivers follow Poisson distribution with mean Z out of 5000 taxi in the city, find the number of drivers. ‘| i) Who does not meet an accident? Who met with an accidents more than 3 items? (Given e?=9,1353) Let.V =3000, Mean m=2 am a) ‘ er (ijr=0 “(== 2. p(0) =0.1353 Number of taxi drivers = N'x p= $000x0.1383 = 676.5 = 677 (ii) More than = 0.1429 Number of taxi drivers = N'x p= $000x0.1429 = 714.5715 OOS SS Weight of 4000 students are found to be normally distributed with mean 50 kgs and standard deviation 5 kgs. Find the number of students with weights i) less than 45 kgs ii) between 45 and 60 kgs (Given: For a standard normal variate z area under thecurve between z= 0 and 2=1 is 0.3413 and that between z = 0 and z = 2 is 0.4772) Given ¥=30, o=5 , N=4000 (i) Forx= 2. p(less than 45) = A(less than ~1) =0.5-4(1) 03413 = 0.1587 2. No.of students= Nps = 4000 0.1587 = 634.8 fe, 635 Forx = 60, -, p( between 45 and 60) = A(-1)+ 4(2) =0.3413+0.8772 30.8185 No.of students= N- p = 4000% 0.8185 =3274 2. 1f2% of the electric bulbs manufactured by company are defective, find the probability that * inva sample of 100 bulbs, i) 3 bulbs are defective, il) Atleast two are defective. p=2%=0.02 . n=100 “mean m= mp oom = 1000.02 =2 Poisson's distribution is, orem P(r)= (#)3 bulbs are defective -r =3 ‘ ee ey =P) =. P(3) = 0.1804 (4!) At least two are defective 2. P(at least two are defective) = 1-[P(0)+ P(1)] Pp =. P(at least two are defective) =1 [-e. ‘a! = 0.5939 Ina sample of 1000 cases the mean of certain test is 14 andstandard deviation is 2.5, Assuming the distribution to be normal, find ili) How many students score above 187 iv) How many students score between 12 and 157Given Frequency 0 to 0.8 = 0.2881 Frequency 0 to 0.4 = 0.1554 Frequency 0 to 1.6 = 0.4452. Given x=14 @=25 N=1000 sex _ 18-14) 28, () s=-* === 25 .. p( seore above 18) = A(greater than 1.6) =0.5—A(1.6) = 0.5—0.4452 = 0.0548 «. No.of students= N- p = 1000 0.0548 = 54.8 fe. 55 ©. p(score between 12 and 15) = A(-0.8) + 4(0.4) = 0.2881+ 0.1554 = 0.4435 ~. No.of students = N+ p =1000« 0.4435 = 443.5 fe., 444 29. Ina certain examination 500 students appeared. Mean scoreis 68 with $.D. 8 Find the number i) Less than 50 ii) Scoring more than 60 Given, Area between z = 0 and z = 2.25 is 0.4878Area between z = 0 and z= | is 0.3413, 68 o=8 N=500 ijr= £20268 99s o 8 J p(Less than 80)=A(less than — 2.25) =0.5-A(z = Oto z = 2.25) =0.5-0.4878 =0.0122 “No.of students = N+ p =500x 0.0122 =6.1 ie. 6 Given 0-68 a 8 .. p(More than 60)=A(more than -1) =A(z = Oto z = 1)+0.5 =0.3413+0.5 =0.8413 No.of students = N+ p = 500x 0.8413 = 420.65 ive., 421 it) 43o,| If 30% of the bulbs produced are defective, find theprobability that out of 4 bulbs oN] selected One is defective at the most two are defective (i) P(r) =" G(R) (ay « p(1)=* ¢,(03)'(0.7)* = 0.4116 Bg most 2 are defective. P(at most 2) P(at most 2) P(at most 2) = (0) + pel) + p(2) 401 + 0.4116 + 0.2646 9163 1.Q.s are normally distributed with mean 100 and standard deviation 15. Find the probability thata randomly selected person has i) An 1.Q more than 130 ii) An LQ. between 85 and 115. Given [z = 2, Area = 0.4772 and z = 1, Area = 0.3413] Given ¥=100 o=15 31. 30-100 _, 15 <) P(130S x)= P(2<2) .5-P(0

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