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St Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City 3500

Tel: 396-1987 -1994
Fax: 078-846-4305



Answer the following substantially. Discuss each item in not less than 10 sentences.

1. Tyler’s Curriculum model emphasizes the importance of psychology of learning,the school’s

philosophy, and the needs of society. Why do you think so?

Answer: Tyler's Curriculum model emphasizes how important it is to combine the requirements of
society, the school's philosophy, and the psychology of learning for a thorough and lasting
educational experience. Teachers can acquire important insights into how students absorb
information, retain it, and interact with learning resources by taking into account the psychology of
learning. Teachers may effectively adapt their teaching tactics to fit the different requirements of
their students by having a thorough understanding of the intricacies of cognitive development,
motivation, and learning styles. This creates a more engaging and inclusive learning environment.

Furthermore, ensuring that the curriculum is in line with the school's philosophy guarantees that
learning objectives are consistent with the institution's mission, values, and beliefs. This alignment
results in a unified approach to teaching that reflects the school's ethos in all facets of learning and
develops in students not only knowledge but also morality, ethics, and social responsibility.

Moreover, to prepare students to be responsible, informed, and engaged citizens who can make
significant contributions to their communities, curriculum designers must take society's requirements
into account. Teachers can give students the views, knowledge, and abilities necessary to handle
urgent concerns and have a positive impact on the world around them by integrating current events,
societal challenges, and real-world issues into the curriculum.

In general, Tyler's Curriculum model highlights how the psychology of learning, the school's ethos,
and societal demands are intertwined in order to provide students with a comprehensive, timely, and
successful educational experience. Through the integration of these three fundamental components,
educators may craft a purposeful and dynamic curriculum that fosters students' overall development,
critical thinking, and social consciousness in addition to improving academic learning.

2. Explain this statement : Curriculum is a science and an extension of

school’s philosophy. The process emphasizes problem solving.
St Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City 3500
Tel: 396-1987 -1994
Fax: 078-846-4305

Answer: The claim that "curriculum is a science and an extension of school's philosophy" implies
that the process of developing a curriculum is one that is carefully thought out and closely aligned
with the entire vision, mission, and values of the institution. The curriculum is not just a list of topics
or courses; rather, it is intended to accomplish certain learning objectives. With this approach,
teachers must consider carefully what knowledge and skills pupils should acquire during their

The curriculum planning process places a strong emphasis on problem-solving, which inspires
students to think critically, creatively, and cooperatively. Students gain the ability to recognize
important issues, deconstruct difficult problems into manageable chunks, and create solutions based
on solid evidence. They also learn how to collaborate with others to accomplish shared objectives and
effectively convey their thoughts.

Through the curriculum's emphasis on problem-solving, students are able to acquire critical thinking,
creativity, invention, and communication skills, among other important abilities. Pupils gain the ability
to think creatively, approach issues from several angles, and come up with original solutions.
Students' sense of agency and responsibility over their own learning are also fostered by the

Overall, the statement emphasizes the value of purposeful curriculum design that is based on the
school's guiding principles and concentrated on assisting students in acquiring the knowledge and
abilities necessary to thrive in a world that is becoming more complicated and changing quickly.

3. Rank these processes based on importance and explain why. Curriculum

Planning, Curriculum Implementation, Curriculum Evaluation, Curriculum
Revision/ Enrichment.
Answer: Ranking these processes based on importance, Curriculum Planning would come first
because it sets the foundation for all subsequent activities in the educational process. Curriculum
planning involves defining objectives, selecting content, and designing instructional strategies tailored
to meet the needs and goals of students and align with the school's mission and philosophy. It serves
as a roadmap for educators, guiding them in organizing learning experiences that are coherent,
meaningful, and effective in achieving desired outcomes.

Following Curriculum Planning is Curriculum Implementation, as this stage involves translating the
planned curriculum into action within the classroom setting. Effective implementation requires skilled
teachers, appropriate resources, and a supportive learning environment to deliver the curriculum as
St Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City 3500
Tel: 396-1987 -1994
Fax: 078-846-4305
intended. It is the phase where instructional strategies are put into practice, student engagement is
fostered, and learning experiences are brought to life.

Next in line is Curriculum Evaluation, which is essential for monitoring the effectiveness and impact of
the implemented curriculum on student learning outcomes. Evaluation helps educators assess the
alignment between instructional activities and desired outcomes, identify areas for improvement, and
make informed decisions about instructional practices and resource allocation. It provides valuable
feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum design and implementation, guiding
future revisions and enhancements.

Lastly, Curriculum Revision/Enrichment holds the fourth position in importance, as it involves

reflecting on evaluation findings, gathering stakeholder feedback, and making adjustments to the
curriculum to enhance its relevance, efficacy, and responsiveness to changing needs. Revision allows
for continuous improvement and innovation in curriculum design, ensuring that it remains dynamic,
adaptive, and responsive to emerging trends, student needs, and societal demands.

In conclusion, while all these processes are interconnected and essential components of the
curriculum development cycle, Curriculum Planning takes precedence as the foundational step in
shaping educational experiences, followed by Implementation, Evaluation, and Revision/Enrichment,
each playing a vital role in ensuring the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of the curriculum in
promoting student learning and growth.

4. Is education really deteriorating?” This is a big question raised by many sectors

of our society. Reflect on this issue. Choose a particular level (elementary,
secondary, tertiary) and a specific subject area (Science, Math, English) as point
of reference.

Answer: The question of whether education is deteriorating is a significant concern that has been
widely debated in our society. Let's focus on the secondary level and the subject area of Science to
reflect on this issue. Concerns have been raised about declining proficiency in science education
among secondary school students, with factors such as curriculum changes, teaching methods,
teacher quality, and student engagement being cited as contributing to this perceived decline. One
key issue in secondary science education is the lack of hands-on experimentation and practical
application of concepts, which are essential for developing critical thinking skills. Additionally, the
emphasis on memorization over understanding complex scientific principles may hinder students'
ability to think critically and problem-solve effectively. The integration of new technologies and digital
resources in science instruction presents both opportunities and challenges, as educators need to
adapt their teaching practices to incorporate these tools effectively. Collaborative efforts between
St Paul University Philippines
Tuguegarao City 3500
Tel: 396-1987 -1994
Fax: 078-846-4305
educators, policymakers, parents, and students are crucial in addressing the perceived deterioration
in secondary science education. By prioritizing inquiry-based learning, fostering curiosity and critical
thinking, and providing support for educators to enhance their teaching practices, we can work
towards ensuring that students are well-equipped with the necessary scientific knowledge and skills
to succeed in an ever-changing world.

5. Do you find the content of your curriculum relevant to the needs of the time?
Substantiate your answer/s.
Answer: I think the curriculum I'm using is very relevant to what our students need to know and be
able to do today. In our fast-paced world, we need to help our students develop important skills like
thinking, problem-solving, and working together with others. Our curriculum helps them learn these
skills by making sure they understand what's important in their lives and the world around them.
Our science lessons teach them about taking care of the Earth, and how to be kind to each other and
to animals. We also learn about different cultures and traditions, so our students can appreciate the
diversity of the world we live in. In language arts, we read stories that show us how people work
together to solve problems and overcome challenges. We also learn about different jobs and careers,
so our students can start thinking about what they might want to do when they grow up.
Our math lessons help us understand how to count, add, and subtract numbers, which is important
for everyday life. We also use technology in class, like computers, to make learning fun and
interactive. This helps us develop our fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. By teaching these
essential skills in a fun and engaging way, we can help our students become confident and capable
learners who are ready for whatever comes next.
Overall, I think the curriculum is very relevant to what our students need to know and be able to do.
It helps them develop important skills, understand the world around them, and prepare for their

Good Luck and God bless you!

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