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Immerse yourself in the world of 'Armored Assault' and lead an armored force.

Capture sectors, command

tanks, and challenge the art of war in this two-player game.

The game consists of:

A. 1 game board composed of 4 A4-sized pieces
B. 2 commander cards, one for each player
C. Armored unit cards
• 6 tank cards
• 6 anti-tank cards
• 6 mortar cards
• 6 organ cards
D. Mine tokens
E. Armored unit tokens (tanks, anti-tanks, mortars, and
F. Bridges
G. Anti-vehicle obstacles
H. 3 resource cards (A, B y C)
I. 3 resource tokens (A. B y C)
Opcional for printing
- Coin, ammunition, and fuel tokens (50 of each)
- 1 D6 war die

Preparing the game

Armored Assault is a print-and-play game, so it will be
necessary to print it out in order to play.
Print all the components, and once cut out, classify them
by category.
Throughout the game, you will need to write and make notes on the cards, so we recommend laminating them
to be able to write, erase, and reuse the game as much as possible.
The board consists of 4 A4-sized pieces, which will be cut along the red dashed lines and assembled to form
the board image.
The die can be printed on a 3D printer, but if you prefer not to, you can use a conventional D6 die instead.
The coin, ammunition, and fuel tokens can also be printed on a 3D printer, or replaced with household items.
You need to have 50 of each.
Commander card
Each player has a commander card, which they must
keep by their side throughout the game.
1. Price of combat items. These will serve as a
reference for when someone wants to purchase one.
2. Ammunition storage. We will store one unit of
ammunition in each slot to be used as needed for our
armored units.
3. Turn rewards. At the beginning of each turn,
including the first one, you will receive two units of
ammunition and one coin.
4. Command status. It consists of 18 slots, which will
be crossed off as damage is taken. If all the slots in your
command status are crossed off, you will have lost.

Armored unit cards

There are 4 different types of armored units (tanks, anti-tanks, mortars, and organs). These cards are
associated with the corresponding unit token, which we will place on the board to play. If at any point during
the game, one of the armored units is eliminated, the corresponding card will be discarded and cannot be
used by any player for the rest of the game. There are 6 cards for each type of armored unit.
1. Unit name. Each armored unit card has the
name of the corresponding unit at the top.
2. Unit Drawing. Represents the type of unit,
and this icon must match the corresponding
token of that unit.
3. Unit number. When an armored unit is
purchased, the token placed on the board has
a number that must be noted on the card to
associate it with the unit.
4. Fuel Drums. Each drum represents one
movement that can be made in any direction.
We will place tokens on each drum to represent
them. Each time a movement is made, the
token will be removed to indicate that the
movement has been used. It is not mandatory
to use all the movements available to the unit.
Movements can be resumed if not completed
within the same turn.
5. Ammunition.. The number of bullets the unit
has for firing.
6. Firing table. Commands used to execute a
shot at the enemy.
7. Impact circle. Represents the structure of
our unit.
Firing table
1. Shooting distance. The minimum number of squares
you must be away from your target to be able to shoot.
The square you occupy is not considered, but the
target's square is.
2. Ammunition trajectory. There are two types of
trajectory: linear and parabolic.
• - Linear. When we make a shot and our unit has this
type of trajectory, we must ensure that there are no
obstacles between our unit and the target (except
for mines, bridges, and anti-vehicles obstacles).
• - Parabolic. When we make a shot and our unit has
this type of trajectory, the ammunition will hit the
target even if there are obstacles in the way.
3. Impact damage. The number indicates the damage
that would be inflicted on the enemy if they are hit by
our ammunition.
4. Affected squares. There are three different symbols that specify which square or squares have been hit by
our ammunition. It can affect only the square where our target is located, or it can affect squares in a linear or
radial pattern. If other units, including ours, are within this range of squares, they will also be hit and damaged.

Impact circle
Each different unit has a distinct damage square structure, though they all have in common that they are
composed of 5 sectors.
1. Front sector. Identified by a directional arrow.
2. Rear sector.
3. Left sector.
4. Right sector.
5. Central sector.
At the same time, this structure is divided into
partitions. The red partition divides the structure
into four sectors, and the yellow partition marks
the central section.
When we receive the impact on our unit, we must
mark the damage in the boxes with an X. Our unit
will be eliminated if any of the 4 sectors into which
the red partition is divided or the central sector,
marked by the yellow partition, is completed.
In case of elimination, we will remove the
corresponding token from the board, leaving it in
the corresponding pile of tiles.
We will also discard the card that we have used, but it can no longer be used by either player, leaving it disabled
for the entire game.
1. The front sector has been completely damaged, so the unit will be removed.
2. The central sector has been completely damaged, and the unit will be removed.
3. In this case the right sector has been damaged and the unit must be removed.
4.In this last case, even though the structure is quite damaged in all its sectors, it is not eliminated and can
continue playing because no sector has been filled with all the damage marks.

The dice
When there is fire on the enemy, the dice will determine the impact that this shot will have.
The game contains a file to print a game die, but if you do not want to print, you can use a normal D6 die, with
the following equivalences:

1. Missing fire, does not hit the enemy. Three sides of the die contain this symbol, and on a normal die they
will equal the odd numbers.
2. Fire, we have reached the enemy. Two faces of the die contain this symbol, and on a normal die they will
be equivalent to the numbers two and four. In this case the enemy must count the impact damage that we
have caused from our shooting table.
3. Double fire, we have reached the enemy. One of the faces of our die contains this symbol, and on a normal
die it will be equivalent to the number six. The enemy takes double damage, so they will have to multiply the
impact damage from our shooting table by two.
Depending on the position in which the armored units are located, if damage occurs, the damaged unit must
draw in its armored unit structure, which is illustrated by squares, as many X as the damage it has received,
and depending on where it has received the shot, in its lateral, front, rear or central part, if the shot is parabolic.

The tank (2) decides to attack an enemy organ (3). On it card, consults it shooting table(1): it must be at least
five squares away and it has linear shooting, so there should not be any type of obstacle between them. Since
it meets the specifications, decides to attack and rolls the die (4). Fire. So it deals 4 damage to the enemy.
In this case, the organ that has suffered 4 damage must mark it in its impact circle (5). Since it hits the right
side, it should be those boxes that it marks as damaged.

The mortar(2) sees the opportunity to attack the enemy mortar(3). Consult it shooting table (1) and meets the
requirements: seven squares or less distance, fire in a parabola.
Roll the dice and luck is on it side. Double fire (4). In its firing table it indicates that it affects linear squares, so
the fire also hits the enemy organ.
Its impact damage is 3, but it is multiplied to 6 (since the die has rolled double) for both enemy units, which
must mark the damage produced in the central section (5), because the fire is in a parabola, and it hits them
full on the top.
Shooting angle
It must be taken into account that not
all armored units have the same
characteristics in terms of firing
In the case of the tank (2), it will be
able to shoot at any target that is
within a 360º radius, respecting the
characteristics of its shooting table
(distance boxes, type of shot, etc.).
On the other hand, the rest of the
armored units (1) will only be able to
fire at a more restricted angle and in
front of the objective, so we must take this into account to place the token in the direction of the objective at
the moment in which we make the movement, to be able to attack him later.
If you want to turn a unit without moving it to place it, you will need fuel, and one movement will be spent.

Mine tokens
When we buy a mine token, we can use it on the board immediately. We will take the mine token corresponding
to our color, and we can place it in any free square (except water or in the starting squares). It cannot be placed
on top of another token.
We must place it next to one of our armored unit tokens located on the board, with, at most, one empty square
in between, and it will be located on that square permanently, until an enemy activates it. In this case, it will
return to the stack of tokens to be purchased again.
The enemy activates it by passing over it, which will cause it to receive 10 damage, which can be distributed
in its damage squares in the desired position.

Bridge tokens
These tokens are indicated to be used in the river (blue boxes) to cross it. It cannot
be placed on top of another token. We must place it next to one of our armored units,
with, at most, one empty square in between, and it will be located on that square
permanently, and can be used by any player.
It can be destroyed with parabola impacts. Each damage it receives will be
indicated by crossing out the boxes it contains. If it is destroyed, it will return to the
stack of tokens to be purchased again.

Anti-vehicle obstacles tokens

It can be used on any square, and must be placed next to one of our armored units, with a maximum of one
empty square in between, and it will be placed on that square permanently, affecting both players.
Block the way of armored units. They are destroyed by shooting with direct impacts. Each damage it receives
will be indicated by crossing out the boxes it contains. If it is destroyed, it will return to the stack of tokens to
be purchased again.
Resource cards
Resource cards can be obtained by placing an
armored unit in the influence zone of that resource (A,
B or C).
If an armored unit has managed to enter the area of
influence of a resource (3), the player will place the
corresponding resource token (1) in the central area
(2) and take the card corresponding to this token.
If a player manages to get all three resource cards, will
have won the game.

When a player has a resource card (1), this will mean

that every time he begins his turn, he will receive
another coin and two extra ammunition (2) at each
beginning of his turn, in addition to the one he
receives per turn.
If a player has a resource card, the opponent can
bombard the area of influence of the resource, and, if
hit the target, the owner of the resource card must
put X in as many life squares as damage has been
done to it (3).
If you cross out all the boxes, you lose the resource,
and you must put down the card and remove the
This card can be used again by any player who takes
it by placing his armored unit in the area of influence
of that resource.
When any of the players has a resource card, their armored units will be able to leave from this resource area
(center square) instead of the exit squares (red squares).

Other 3D printable tokens

In addition to the dice, the game has files to print other tokens necessary for the
game such as coins (1), fuel (2) and ammunition (3).
Although they are not essential and can be replaced with other elements that
perform the same function and that we already have. You must have a quantity of
50 of each.
How to play
We will prepare the board and all the elements necessary for the game. Each player will take a command card
and 12 coins.

The game consists of a series of turns, during which players can perform the following actions in this order:
1. Collect rewards. Each time you start a new turn, you receive 2 ammunition and 1 coin, including the first
turn. If you have any resource cards, you will take as many resources as the card indicates (in addition to the
ones received per turn). The ammunition is placed in the corresponding slots of the commander card and will
be used to reload your armored units.
2. Purchase combat items. According to the coins you have, you can buy as many items as you want and
they can be used in that same turn. When you buy an armored unit, it will come fully reloaded with both fuel
and ammunition, allowing you to use it in that same turn.
3. Move, attack, build bridges, place mines, set up obstacles, and conquer resources.

The oldest player starts the game.

The armored units that are acquired are placed in the starting squares (red hexagons) on echah player´side.
If all the red squares are occupied, no more units can be placed; it will be necessary to move the existing ones
to make room for the new ones in the next turn.
When you finish your turn, you pass it to the opponent so they can make their moves. Meanwhile, during your
waiting turn, you must refuel gasoline and ammunition for your armored units to be ready for the next turn,
because otherwise, you won't be able to move or fire them.
Gasoline is a free resource that you can replenish during your waiting turn to be able to move the tank again
if you have used it. If you forget to refuel your units during your waiting turn, you won't be able to make
movements in the following turn.
On the other hand, the ammunition you use is indeed lost once used, and you must replenish it from the
ammunition stockpile on your commander card, which you have been accumulating in different turns or
purchasing with your coins.

End of the game, who wins?

To achieve victory, one of the two players must reach one of the following objectives:
1. Destroy the opponent's command card by bombarding the opponent's red starting squares (red
hexagons) with linear or parabolic fire. For each damage, the commander must cross out one of the squares
on their command card (18 in total).
2. Possess all 3 resources (A, B, and C).
3. Leave the opponent without any armored units and no opportunity to acquire any (such as when all
armored unit cards are depleted because they have been eliminated). In this case, the enemy cannot continue
playing, and you win the game.

It's time to put your strategy into play!

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