Moradin's Gauntlet - The Homebrewery

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Moradin's Gauntlet

t is said that long ago when Moradin forged the first
dwarves from metal and gemstones, he also crafted a
gauntlet with the power to rule his new creation. He Curse of the Unworthy
bestowed this gauntlet on the first King of the The gauntlet bears a curse that affects any non-
Dwarves, and the king used it to rule his people for dwarf who becomes attuned to it. Even if the
many years. Over time the gauntlet was passed from attunement ends, the curse remains. With each
one heir to another until eventually, due to fighting passing day, the creature's physical appearance and
between clans, the gauntlet was lost. Thought to be gone stature become more dwarf-like. After seven days,
forever, the gauntlet somehow made it into the hands of the the creature looks like a typical dwarf, but the
albino dwarves of Chult, who have kept it secret and safe for creature neither loses its racial traits nor gains the
generations. racial traits of a dwarf. The physical changes
wrought by the gauntlet aren't considered magic in
nature (and therefore can't be dispelled), but they
Moradin's Gauntlet can be undone by any effect that removes a curse,
Wonderous Item, Artifact (requires attunement) such as a greater restoration or remove curse spell.
Anyone who attempts to attune to Moradin's Gauntlet must
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure
the attunment is unsuccessful and you suffer two levels of
Once attuned to the gauntlet, you gain the following Moradin's Blessings
benefits while wearing it: Moradin's Gauntlet has four charges. You may expend a
You gain a +1 to attacks and damage with blunt weapons charge to gain one of the following benefits:
and axes held with the gloved hand, and all attacks made Fury of Moradin
with a weapon in this hand are considered magic. The You call upon the fury of Mordain to smite your enemies and
bonus increases to +2 against orcs, goblinoids, and giants. deal an additional 2d6 radiant damage on a melee attack with
This bonus is in addition to any bonuses from the weapon a weapon in your gloved hand. You may use this ability once
or other effects. per turn as a free action after you hit.
Your Constitution score increases by 2 (maximum of 20).
You have advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks Protection of Moradin
made to interact with dwarves. You ask Moradin to shield you from your enemies. Gain a +2
Dwarven Attunement bonus to armor class until the start of your next turn. Using
If a dwarf attunes to the gauntlet they also gain the following this ability is a bonus action.
benefits while wearing it: Moradin's Resolve
You have immunity to poison damage. Moradin bolsters your resolve and helps you fend off harmful
The range of your darkvision increases to 120 feet effects. Gain advantage on all saving throws until the start of
You gain double your proficiency bonus with artisan's tools your next turn. Using this ability is a bonus action.
related to blacksmithing, brewing, and stonemasonry.
Non-Dwarven Attunement If all four charges are spent there is a 10% chance that the
If a non-dwarf attunes to the gauntlet they also gain the gauntlet deals 4d6 radiant damage to the wearer, who is then
following benefits: no longer attuned to the gauntlet. The gauntlet regains all
four charges at dawn each day.
You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and
have resistance against poison damage.
You have darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
You can speak, read, and write dwarvish

Bill Buchalter | @BillBuchalter | u/wbbuch


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