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Ayushman Arogya Mandir Monthly Progress Report

A- AAM Health Progress

Children Adult
Transgen Total No of
171 324 der Patient
1- AAM No of Beneficairy
Male Female Male Female
80 91 134 190 0 495
2. No of birth in Month
1. Infant Death ( 0- 28 Day)- 0
2. Child Death ( 0 to 1 Year)- 0
3. Childs Death ( < 5 Year )- 0
3. No of Death registration 4. Adolescence Death ( 10 Year )- 0
5. Mother Death(After Delivery 42 days)- 0
6. Old age Person Death (>60 Year)- 0
Total Death of Month- 0
4. Percentage of Held VHSND against Planned 8 Held Percentage
Planned VHSND 8
eligible Register Referred Beneficiary
5. No of PMJAY Related person
1. No of OPD Last Month (RCH)
Total 56 Follow-up fo Higher

No of
Service Delivery Indicator(AAM) Tareget 0 0 %
y Taken

2. No of PW whose been registerd within 3

month and given 4 time ANC Services 3
3. No of HRP PW 0
4. No of Delivery in AAM 0
5. JSY Benifciary 0
6. Full Imunisation (24 month) 4
7. Last month HBNC Visit by ASHA 6
8. Universal screening (0-18) year of
4Ds(Birth Defect) 0
9. No of Anemic female 0
10. Sam Identified Children and follow-up 0
11. Diarrhea Children given ORS and Zinc 0
1. Communicable Reffer to
Diseases(TB,Laproscopy,Vector born Higher
Disease) OPD no's Total 3 Follow-up 1 facility 0

Diagnoes No of
No of Screened
2. Identified and Diagnosed TB Patients & d patient leftout
Patient 1
Diagnose 1 Patient
d1 0

No of Left
3. Registered Patient taken Nutrition out
help(Nikshay Posan abhiyan) No of Poshan
Poshan Taken
No of Taken Patient(Li
Patient 0 Patient 0 st given) 0

No of
4. Identified and Diagnosed Laprosy No of Screened Diagnoes
Patients Patient & d patient
Diagnose Patient
d 0 0

5. Vector born Disease patient

(D: Diagnosed, C: Number of Cured, R: Maleriya Dengue Kalazar ChickengunJE
Number of Refered) C R D C R D C R D C R D C R

6. Mosquito eradication activities name Target Achievment

C: Non Communicable Disease

Reffer to Higher facility

No of Last month Non Communicable Total-12 Follow-up - 5
Disease patient
1. No of Screened Non Communicable Target
Disease patient Screening Diagnosis Treated Leftout
a. High BP 72 1 1 0
b. Diabetes 43 2 2 0
c. Oral cancer 4 0 0 0
d. Breast Cancer 0 0 0 0
e. Cervical Cancer 0 0 0 0
D: Extended Services
1. Paliative Service

Patient need to
Target Identity home visit Referel
1. Paliative Service

0 0 0 0
2. PM-JAY Follow-up (Home visit) No of Referel Patient No. of follow-up
0 0
3. No of Mantel patient Identification Treatment Follow-up
0 Month
No of Last 0 0
OPD Follow-up/Revisit Reffer to Higher facility

4. No of Dental patient 8 0 1
5. No of Eye patient 5 0 0
6. No of ENT patient 0 0
7. Old age patient 55 6 0
8. Emergency patient 0 0 0
E. Health Promotion and wellness activity
Yoga Session 1 1
Annual Health activity 3 3
Other Wellness activity 10 10
Total counselling in Tele Consultation 117 117
F. Community Group Activities
1. Patient Group 0 0
TB 1 1
Old age 0 0
Mantal Health 0 0
Palliative Care 0 0
2. Annual JAS meetings 1 1
3. Community Hearing 2 2
Head Reciving Expense Balance
4. JAS Untied Fund use

G. Community activities
1. No. of VHSNC Meetings Planned Held Remarks
Village 1 Kewadi musthahkam 1 1
Village 2 Semra musthahkam 1 1
Village 3 Mahuadad 1 1
Village 4
Village 5
Village 6
Head Reciving Expense Balance
2. Use of VHSNC untied fund POONAM TRIPATHI 0 0 0

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