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HW3: Review of General Solution to IVPs

Part A Solve the following IVPs using analytical techniques. Show your work!
Problem #1: A 3rd order homogeneous IVP
Find the analytical solution to the system described by the three homogeneous linear equations
given below. Note that the hand calculations here are a little cumbersome, so normalization of the
eigenvectors so that they have integer values, although certainly not necessary, may help a little.
In any case, be careful with the arithmetic! The initial conditions for the system are given by

y  0   yo  1 4 14 .

d d d
y1  y2 , y 2  y3 , y3  24y1  26y 2  9y3
dt dt dt

Problem #2: Solution of 2nd order system using different methods for yp
Solve the following IVP:

 1 4   6e t  t  11  4
y '  Ay  g with A    g  and yo   
 3 2  6e  3t  6 0

For this problem, you should use all three methods discussed in class for finding the particular
solution. Clearly show all the hand manipulations and that the three different methods give the
same result! Which technique is the easiest to apply for this problem?

Part B Solve Problems 1 and 2 with Matlab’s ode45 routine. Also plot the analytical solution
within your m-files and show that the numerical and analytical solutions are identical. Briefly
discuss the nature of the solutions.
Note: For unstable systems, the solutions with become unbounded as the independent variable
increases. For these systems, only simulate the behavior for very short domains to keep the range
of your solutions reasonable. Even for stable systems, you should always be careful to properly
select the domain for the independent variable so that the interesting behavior is highlighted. So
always take care when specifying the plot domain!!!
Documentation for this assignment should include detailed analytical solutions to the problems
given (be sure to show all the steps) by hand-writing paper and scan and upload as .pdf file to

A listing of any Matlab scripts and function files generated (.m files), and zip them into a zip.file
(zip file name as

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