Case Questions - Digital Properties BA

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Case Questions: Business Analyst, Digital Properties

Below are two examples that are an example of the type of assignments the Digital
Properties team solves on a regular basis.

For your interview, prepare a response to both of the below to be presented back to Mike
and Anthony. You can use any type of visuals (PowerPoint, Visio, etc.) to support your

Feel free to make assumptions where needed.

Question 1:

The company is moving to a new headquarters and the need is to update the current
address (wherever it may be) to the new address by Aug 01, 2024. The Digital Properties
team is asked to make the necessary changes to all digital platforms.

Show us a plan on how you would complete the tasks relevant to this exercise.

Question 2:

There is an enterprise-level project to implement a new line of business (i.e.
Commercial/Business insurance) to the current online Quote Tool we have today.
Currently, the quote tool offers only Auto, Home, and Recreational Vehicle quotes. The
digital team is asked to assess the impact on all digital properties and updates that need to
be done. Note - The integration of the Commercial line of business to the quote tool is done
by tech teams.

Show us a plan on how you would complete the tasks relevant to this exercise.
Consider Marketing teams as there will be updates needed on our website product pages.

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