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D 0800csr205122002 Pages: 2

Reg No.:

Course Code: CST205

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours

Answer all questions. Each question carries 3 marks Marks
I What is Just-In-Time compiler? (3)
2 Why Java is said to be a secure programming language? (3)
3 Does Java support multiple inheritance? Justify your answer. (3)
4 Why is the 'main' method in Java qualified as public, static, and void? (3)
5 Explain any three Byte Stream classes in Java. (3)
6 What are Checked Exceptions? Give an example. (3)
7 List any six Event Listener interfaces. (3)
8 Explain any three special string operations in Java (3)
9 Summarize any three features of Swing API. (3)
Differentiate between Components and Containers in Swing.
Answer any onefull questionfrom each module. Each question cawies 14 marks

Module I
11 a) Explain Lexical issues in Java with examples. (6)
b) Differentiate between function oriented and object orientedsoftware design
approaches using a suitable example. (8)
12 a) Construct a UML Class diagram for Online Movie Ticket Booking System. The (8)
various entities involved in the system are Admin, Registered User, Visitor /
Guest User, Movie, Book Ticket, Make Payment.
b) Construct a UML Activity diagram for Food Ordering System, which shows the
flows between the activity of Order, De)ivery, Food ltem, Category, Payment.
Module 2
13 a) Explain different data types in Java. Give exa:nples. (8)
b) Write a Java program to reverse bits of a given integer. (6)
14 a) Demonstrate how objects are passed as function parameters with a suitable (8)
b) Write a Java program to find the frequency (count the occurrence) of each (6)
element in an integer afiay.
Module 3
15 a) Devblop aJavapackage named 'evenpackage', with a class Even containing a (8)
static method that check whether a number is even or not. and returns that

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information. Impoqt,this package in another class and use to check a number is

even or not.
' b) Differentiate between try-catch, throw and throws keywords.
" 16 a) Write a Java program that reads a binaryfile and write to another file. i (8)
b) Write Java code that reads a character file and prints the contents of file on the
display, with a line number before each line. (6)

17 a) Write a Java program to find,t" ff;tl*T1rr*u",.r. in a string. (8)

b) What are the uses of synchronized keyword in Java? Explain with examples. (6)
18 a) Write a Java program that creates three threads. First thread generates a random ( l0)
positive number (>l) every I second. If the number is even, the second thread
prints all even numbers between I and the generated number. If the number is
odd, the third thread will print all odd numbers between 1 and the generated
number. @)
b) Differentiate between Collection Interface and Collections Class.
Module 5
19 a) How do you establish connection between a Java program and database? (10)
Explain the steps with sample code.
b) Write java code to demonstrate the execution of select and delete queries using g)
20 a) How events are handled in java Swing? (4)

b) Write a Java program using Swing to create a frame having three text fields,
threelabels and a button. The interface has to accept a number in the first text (10)
field. While clicking the button, the second and third textfields have to display
the previous number and next number respectively, of the accepted input

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