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Arranged by:

Arlinda Aulia Dewi





YEAR 2023/2024
Arranged by:

Arlinda Aulia Dewi


Supervisor Study Program Field Supervisor

Darmeinis, SE, MM H. Mohamad Ihsan, S.Ag., MM .Pd

NIDN. 0429057903 NIP.19710816200012100

Dean of the Faculty of Economics & Business

Dr. Adelina Suryati, SE, M.Ak. , CMA., CBV.

NIDN. 0328107103

Bekasi, 03 July 2024

Course Teaching Lecturer

Subject Subject
Leadership Entrepreneurship

Nadia Rista, M.Pd.E. Nadia Rista, M.Pd.E.

NIDN. 0412039302 NIDN. 0412039302

Subject Subject
Intermediate English Business Network

Heri Wardana, S.Pd., M.Pd. Dr. Gopur, S.Pd., MM , M.Pd.

NIDN. 0416118703 NIDN. 9900997766

Subject Subject
Excellent Service Anti-Corruption Education

Ajeng Priendarningtyas, S .Hum., M.pd Muhammad Rosidi, SE, MM

NIDN. 0417069102 NIDN. 0316037902
We would like to express our gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT, who
has given His grace and guidance so that I can complete my internship activities
well. We give all our praise and gratitude to Him, who always provides guidance
and strength in moving towards a better future.

This report was prepared as a form of documentation and evaluation of

internship activities carried out during a certain period. Through internships, we
as students try to make positive contributions to related companies, carry out
operations, and implement the knowledge we have gained in college. In carrying
out this task, we would like to thank various parties who have helped and
supported the course of my internship activities.

Our thanks go to:

 Panca Sakti University Bekasi which has provided support to implement

internships as an integral part of higher education.

 Internship supervisor, who always provides guidance, direction and very

valuable input in carrying out this activity.

 To the foundation of MTSN 2 Bekasi City and all employees who have
opened their hearts and provided extraordinary cooperation during my
internship period.

All parties involved in this internship have become an integral part of our
journey. Hopefully this good collaboration can continue and have a positive
impact on the development of the company industry and the formation of student

Finally, we realize that this report is still far from perfect. Therefore, we
really hope for constructive criticism and suggestions for future improvements.


NIM. 2892150156
List of contents

INTERNSHIP REPORT VALIDATION SHEET ......................................................................................

Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER I .................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................
1.1 Background ......................................................................................................................................
1.2 Internship Objectives ........................................................................................................................
1.3 Benefits of Internship .......................................................................................................................
1.4 Description of Internship Objectives ................................................................................................
CHAPTER II ............................................................................................................................................
FIELD STUDY ..........................................................................................................................................
2.1 Internship Partner Profile ..................................................................................................................
2.2 History of Internship Partners .........................................................................................................
2.3 Organizational Structure of Internship Partners ..............................................................................
2.4 Vision and Mission of Internship Partners ......................................................................................
2.5 Description of Internship Activities ................................................................................................
CHAPTER III ...........................................................................................................................................
CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS .........................................................................................
CHAPTER IV ..........................................................................................................................................
SELF REFLECTION ...............................................................................................................................
APPENDIXES .........................................................................................................................................

1.1 Background

Education is the most important aspect in state and national life. The
important role of education is very important in life. This is the key to future
success and has many possibilities in our lives. Education has many benefits for
humans. For example, illuminating your own thoughts and ideas. This helps
students plan work or study through a university degree. Obtaining an education
in a particular field helps people think, feel and behave in ways that contribute to
their success and improve not only their personal satisfaction, but also that of
In addition, the role of education can develop a person's personality, mind and
social skills. It also prepares people for life experiences. It gives people a special
status in their own society and wherever they live. I believe that everyone has the
right to education. Education has many benefits such as a good career, a good
position in society and self-confidence.
Education makes you a better person and gives you stability in life. The
people around you trust you. You can be the hand that raises the low and offer
solutions to all the problems they face. This can also increase your self-confidence
and credibility as an individual.
The goal of education is to advance the intellectual and emotional
development of the individual. Education shapes an individual's character and
attitude towards life and other people. It aims to promote the overall development
of an individual's personality.
The important role of education can be a learning experience where a person
learns about various aspects of life, understands different perspectives and tries to
apply them in everyday life. Education is important for children, adults and
society. Education gives people knowledge about the world around them and
changes it for the better. It develops people's views on life, helps form opinions
and views of things in life.
Behind the role and function of education in life, the ability of a forum or
excellent education is needed to provide knowledge and knowledge to students. A
simple example is that an educational institution or institution must be able to be
orderly in recapitulation and administration. Excellent administration is also a
supporting factor in the quality of education.
This internship report contains things that must be considered in the
administration system at the relevant educational institutions or institutions,
namely at MTSN 2 Bekasi City. Starting from recapitulation of student data and
other student activities. So that the correlation between the teaching and learning
activity system and the administration system and student data management
produces the best results.

1.2 Internship Goals

The main aim of this internship is to be able to meet the course curriculum
standards of Panca Sakti University Bekasi. Apart from this aim, this internship
also aims to train personality in an educational environment so that they can
become excellent administrative management, can manage good administrative
systems, and gain experience. which is good for competing superiorly in the
future in the world of education.
Another aim stated by the author is:
1) Publicizing MTSN 2 Bekasi City so that the quality of the learning carried
out by the wider community can be known.
2) Disseminate education and learning about activities carried out by school
administrative staff.
3) Explain how to manage the school administration system well.

1.3 Benefits of Internship

The benefits of this internship activity for Panca Sakti University are:
 Expanding public knowledge about Panca Sakti University, that this
University has students who are ready to compete in the fields of
educational, industrial and technological expertise to move towards an
advanced Indonesia.
 Building a positive image that Panca Sakti University has students
who can think innovatively to create effective education with the
 Providing the view that it will produce graduates who have good
quality. And other benefits can build networking and collaboration
between Panca Sakti Bekasi University and MTSN 2 Bekasi City.
Then the benefits for MTSN 2 Bekasi City internship partners are:
 Publish about the school in terms of the quality of the learning system
and expand knowledge about MTSN 2 Bekasi City to the wider
 Building a good image in administrative discipline carried out by the
administration. The last one is a form of appreciation that MTSN 2
Bekasi City plays an important role in developing the younger
generation in forming the character of an educator.
The benefits for students who undertake internships are:
 As a form of increasing work experience before they enter the world
of work as graduates. Forming better relationships and networking.
 Gain knowledge and guidance about managing educational

1.4 Description of Internship Objectives

The main purpose of writing this report is to meet the curriculum standards of
Panca Sakti University Bekasi. But that's not all, on the other hand, the purpose of
writing this internship report is as a medium for gaining new knowledge that we
gain in the field from what we have learned in lectures in class. Looking for
correlations between theoretical knowledge and field practice from the material
we have done while in the lecture classroom. And the last thing is to explain to the
public about the activities we carry out during the internship so that the parties
involved get useful benefits.
Another aim is to provide knowledge to the public about the activities carried
out by the MTSN 2 Bekasi City administration, especially in the administration
system, and the topic discussed here is positioning ourselves as staff about what is
done and how to carry out good data management activities and efficient.

2.1 History of Internship Partners

To make the 9 year compulsory basic education (WAJARDIKDAS) a
success, officials from the Bekasi Regency Religious Affairs Department Office,
in this case the Islamic Religious Education Section (Pergurais), hope for the
addition of new State MTs. This was due to the large number of people in Bekasi
Regency at that time who chose Madrasah education.
To fulfill the public's interest in enrolling their children in MTs, at that
time there was only one State MTs in Bekasi Regency, namely Bekasi State MTs
which was located at Jl.KH.Agus Salim Teluk Angsan Bekasi. On the above basis
, Bekasi Regency Religious Affairs Department officials in 1995 proposed the
addition of 6 new State MTs, namely Jatiasih State MTs, Setu State MTs,
Cikarang State MTs, Sukatani State MTs, Bantargebang State MTs and Serang
State MTs.
The basis for the establishment of MTs Negeri Jatiasih Bekasi.
With the proposal from the Bekasi Regency Department of Religion
Officials, the 1995 Minister of Religion Decree No. 515 A dated 25 November
1995 together with the establishment of other madrasas in the archipelago.
Based on the Decree of the Minister of Religion, in Bekasi Regency, from
one Madrasah Tsanawiyah, six new State Madrasahs increased to seven State
Madrasah Tsanawiyah. State MTs Jataiasih Bekasi itself started from a private
Madarasah Tsanawiyah, namely MTs S Aljauhariyah. Through the approach and
deliberation of Bekasi Religious Affairs Department officials with community
leaders and Madrasahs, an agreement was reached that MTs S Aljauhariyah was
proposed to become MTs Negeri Jatiasih.
With the Decree of the Minister of Religion No. 515 A dated 25
November 1995, MTs Negeri Jatiasih was officially established and as head of
MTs Negeri Jatiasih, Drs. Anwar as the first Head of Jatiasih State MTs. Despite
all its limitations and shortcomings, MTs NegeriJatiasih continues to run and
gradually develops. Until 1997, with the rapid development of the Bekasi
Regency area, in that year Bekasi Regency experienced development and
expansion into Bekasi Regency and Bekasi City. Bekasi City has 8 sub-districts,
one of which is Jatiasih, so MTs Negeri Jatiasih also joined Bekasi City because
geographically MTs Negeri Jatiasih is in the Jatiasih District Area.
The journey of the Jatiasih State Madrasah Tsanawiyah.
At that time, the existence of MTs Negeri Jatiasih was only operational
based on learning and supporting administrative needs. This means that MTs
Negeri Jatiasih does not yet have the facilities and infrastructure needed in an
educational institution.
Through deliberations and approaches from the Head of MTs Negeri
Jatiasih with the Darul Hikmah foundation, an agreement was reached that
teaching and learning activities with all its members would take place at the
foundation. Learning activities and other supporting activities at the Darul
Hikmah foundation started in the 1996-1997 academic year where these learning
activities, despite all their limitations, were able to run well. Learning activities at
the Darul Hikmah Foundation run for 3 academic years. In the 1998-1999
academic year, the Darul Hikmah Foundation provided junior high school level
education called SMP IT Yapidh. For this reason, in that academic year, MTs
Negeri Jatiasih moved to the Tarbiyatul Falah Foundation. Starting from the 1998-
1999 academic year, learning activities with all its supporters were carried out at
the Tarbiyatul Falah Foundation.
Teaching and learning operational activities and supporting administrative
activities run and are carried out during the day. This activity was carried out
during the day because in the morning it was used by the Foundation which
organizes learning for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah level. Despite all the limitations,
learning activities run well and run as they should.
One of the honorary employees at MTs Negeri Jatiasih, Mr. Mat Saan,
donated 500 M of his land in 1999. The waqf land is located on Jl. Objects Kp.
Pedurenan, Jatiluhur Village, Kec. Jatiasih. Starting from this waqf, MTs Negeri
Jatiasih began building buildings as learning facilities.
Through the approach of the wakif and the head of the Madrasah to the
residents, the land area finally increased and in 2000 MTs Negeri Jatiasih received
a budget to build a building.
In 2001 MTs Negeri Jatiasih moved to a new building to Jl. Objects Kp.
Pedurenan, Jatiluhur Village, Kec. Jatiasih at the location of the waqf land and
expansion purchased from residents around the Madrasah.
With the limitations of the new building which is the building belonging to
MTs Negeri Jatiasih, teaching and learning activities with all the supporting
elements can run well. Along with its development, MTs Negeri Jatiasih
continues to improve and can expand its land and buildings, albeit in stages.
Jatiasih State Tsanwiyah Madrasah in 2015 with the Decree of the Minister of
Religion No. 212 of 2015 dated 27 July 2015 changed its name to MTs Negeri 2
Bekasi City. The name change was simultaneous with all State Tsanawiyah
Madrasahs throughout West Java.

2.2 Organizational Structure of Internship Partners

e S.Pd






NIP. 198508252014112005 NIP. 198709282019031010 NIP. 196903111993032002







2. 3 Vision and Mission of Internship Partners

"MTs Negeri 2 Bekasi City is the choice of people who excel in the nuances of
faith and piety which have science and technology"
 Improving the quality of learning.
 Increase your knowledge of practice.
 Increasing deeds of worship.
 Improving graduate academic achievement.
 Forming students who are moral and virtuous.
 Improve extracurricular achievements.
 Cultivate interest.

2.4 Description of Internship Activities

As assistant admin at MTSN 2 Bekasi City, do it involved in various

activities administration Which important for school operations. Following is
details of the activity:

1. Managing Student Data

This activity includes all activities related to student data, such as entering
new data, updating old data, printing student cards and report cards, assisting with
the new student registration process, and re-collecting student data. Operators
must be thorough and accurate in managing student data to avoid errors that could
have fatal consequences.

2. Managing Teacher and Education Personnel Data

This activity includes all activities related to teacher and education

personnel data, such as entering new data, updating old data, printing employee
cards and salaries, assisting with the payroll process, and so on. Operators must be
responsible for the accuracy of teacher and education personnel data so that there
are no problems in the payroll process and other administration.

3. Managing Facilities and Infrastructure Data

This activity includes all activities related to data on school facilities and
infrastructure, such as carrying out inventory, recording conditions, making usage
reports, assisting with procurement and maintenance processes. Operators must
have sufficient knowledge about school facilities and infrastructure to be able to
manage data well.

4. Manage School Financial Data

This activity includes all activities related to school financial data, such as
entering financial data, creating financial reports, assisting with the budget
preparation process, and assisting with the fund disbursement process. Operators
must have a good understanding of school accounting and finance in order to
manage financial data correctly and responsibly.

5. Perform other administrative tasks

This activity includes all other administrative tasks not listed in the points
above, such as receiving and distributing letters, photocopying and printing
documents, compiling archives, and so on. Operators must be ready to help
complete other administrative tasks assigned by superiors.

There are also other activities, namely:

 Capture the absences of all grades 7-9 every month.
 Checking student data
 Legalize diplomas, report cards
 NISN data recap
 Recap of grade 7-9 grade report cards
 Incoming & outgoing mail
 Student activities:
(Isra Mi'raj, halal bihalal, routine flag ceremony on Monday, routine
recitation on Friday)
 Exam card recap
 Monthly tuition payments

2. 5 New Things to Learn

The new thing I learned was that I understood the role and function of
administration for the future of the school. The future of a school is largely
determined by the people in a school environment. To achieve a better school future,
every school personnel should synergize with each other, cooperate and work together
with full sincerity to create a better, more enlightening and more intelligent future for the
nation's life.
The future placement of school administrative employees should really
consider the quality, abilities, skills or expertise sufficient to carry out their duties
in their respective fields. It is hoped that in the future school administration
employees will truly be professionals in their fields, such as professionals in the
field of library management, professionals in the field of school financial
management, professionals in the field of archives, professionals in the field of
computer information technology. And the placement of professional staff in the
school administration environment should refer to the principle of the right man
on the right job.

This means that to become a professional TU school employee and

contribute positively to improving the quality of education, it is no longer enough
to just rely on a high school diploma. Without intending to reduce the appreciation
for this segment, of course it is very unfair to place school TU employees who on
average only have a high school diploma while they are required to be versatile in
all the "tiny and dirty" matters of school administration. In fact, school TU tasks
are becoming more complex day by day and increasingly require people who are
truly skilled and professional.
Internship at school was a valuable experience for me. I learned a lot about
the education system in Indonesia and how to become a professional teacher. I
was able to develop various skills that will be useful in my future career. I can
also develop interpersonal and communication skills. I am grateful for this
internship opportunity and I will continue to learn and develop myself to become
a quality teacher.

I recommend the school's internship program to all students who want to
become teachers. Internships at schools are a great way to gain hands-on
experience in a school environment and learn from experienced teachers.
4.1 Positives
After I carried out my internship at MTSN 2 Bekasi City, there were several
positive things that I got, including:
 Gain a better understanding of the education system in Indonesia
 Improve teaching skills and guide students
 Develop interpersonal and communication skills
 Expand professional network

Apart from that, being a teacher brings many positive things, both in terms of
personal, professional and social development. Here are some examples:

1. Self Development:
 Increasing Knowledge and Insight: Teachers must always be up-to-date
with subject matter and scientific developments, thereby encouraging them
to continue learning and developing themselves.
 Improving Communication and Presentation Skills: Teaching trains the
ability to convey information clearly, interestingly and easily understood,
as well as the ability to present ideas in front of an audience.
 Builds Interpersonal Skills: Interacting with students from diverse
backgrounds and personalities helps develop interpersonal skills, empathy,
and patience.
 Improving Critical and Creative Thinking Abilities: Developing learning
plans, solving student learning problems, and developing innovative
teaching methods requires critical and creative thinking.
 Strengthening Mental and Personal Resilience: Facing various situations
and challenges in the classroom trains teachers' mental and self-resilience
to remain focused and professional.
2. Professional:
 Have a Stable, Long-Term Career: The teaching profession generally has
stable career prospects with clear advancement opportunities.
 Earning a Decent Income: In Indonesia, teaching salaries continue to
increase and are relatively stable compared to other professions.
 Opportunity to Share Knowledge and Experience: Teachers have the
opportunity to share knowledge and experience with young people,
helping them develop and reach their potential.
 Gain a Sense of Satisfaction and Proud: Seeing students succeed and grow
due to direction and guidance is a source of satisfaction and pride for
 Opportunities to Innovate and Create: Teachers have the autonomy to
develop innovative and creative teaching methods, as well as use various
media and technology in learning.

3. Social:
 Respected and Appreciated by Society: The teaching profession is
generally respected and appreciated by society because of its important
role in educating the nation's next generation.
 Building Networks and Relationships: Teachers have the opportunity to
build networks and relationships with fellow teachers, students, parents,
and other related parties.
 Contributing to the Nation's Future: Teachers play an important role in
preparing the young generation with quality and character, thereby
contributing to the nation's future.
 Gain Memorable and Unique Experiences: Every day in the classroom
brings new and unique experiences that teachers will always remember.
 Finding Happiness and Meaning in Life: For many people, teaching is not
just a job, but a calling in life that brings happiness and meaning to life
because it can help others.
It is important to remember that being a teacher also has its own challenges, such
as a high workload, demands from various parties, and dealing with students with
various characters and needs.
However, for those who have passion and high dedication to teaching, the benefits
and satisfaction obtained will be far greater than the challenges.

4.2 Benefits for Development and Disadvantages of Soft Skills

Improving Learning Quality:
 Effective communication: Teachers can convey lesson material clearly and
easily understood by students.
 Interpersonal skills: Teachers can build positive relationships with
students, create a conducive learning environment, and encourage student
 Classroom management: Teachers can create an orderly and focused
learning environment, and resolve conflicts effectively.
 Creativity and innovation: Teachers can develop interesting and innovative
learning methods, and use technology effectively.
 Problem solving skills: Teachers can help students solve their learning
problems and develop critical thinking skills.
Improving Teacher Welfare:
 Reduces stress: Teachers who have good soft skills can manage stress
better and feel more satisfied with their work.
 Increases motivation: Motivated teachers are more likely to provide high-
quality instruction.
 Increase career advancement: Teachers who have good soft skills have a
greater chance of getting promotions and awards.
Benefits for Students:
 Improve learning outcomes: Students taught by teachers with good soft
skills tend to have higher learning outcomes.
 Developing character: Teachers can help students develop positive
character traits, such as respect, responsibility, and cooperation.
 Increases learning motivation: Motivated students are more likely to study
diligently and reach their potential.
 Preparing for the future: Teachers can help students develop the skills they
need to be successful in the future, such as communication, cooperation,
and problem solving.
Disadvantages of Lack of Soft Skill Development for Teachers:
 Requires time and effort: Developing soft skills requires time and
sustained effort.
 Difficult to measure: Soft skills progress is difficult to measure
 Depends on individual motivation: The development of soft skills depends
on the individual motivation of the teacher.
 Need training and support: Teachers need ongoing training and support to
develop their soft skills.
 Limited resources: Schools may not have sufficient resources to provide
training and support for teacher soft skills development.
Soft skills development is very important for teachers to improve the quality of
learning, improve teacher welfare, and provide benefits for students. Although
there are some drawbacks, the benefits of developing soft skills are much greater.
Schools and teachers must work together to provide the resources and support
necessary for soft skills development.

4.3 Cognitive Ability Development and Cognitive Ability Deficiency

 Cognitive Ability Development
Cognitive ability is an important factor for teachers to be able to carry out
their duties effectively. Here are some ways to develop cognitive abilities for
1. Deepen Knowledge and Insight:
 Keep learning: Updating knowledge and insight about subject matter,
scientific developments, and the latest pedagogy.
 Reading books and journals: Expand insight and knowledge by reading
books and journals related to the field of study being taught.
 Attend training and seminars: Participate in training, seminars and
workshops to improve knowledge and teaching skills.
 Join a learning community: Exchange information and experiences with
fellow teachers through online or offline learning communities.
2. Improve Critical Thinking Ability:
 Analyzing information: Able to analyze information critically and
objectively to understand the essence of a subject matter.
 Solving problems: Able to solve student learning problems by finding
creative and effective solutions.
 Develop learning plans: Able to prepare learning plans that are structured,
logical, and in accordance with learning objectives.
 Assessing student learning outcomes: Able to assess student learning
outcomes objectively and comprehensively to provide useful feedback.
3. Improve Creative Thinking Ability:
 Developing innovative teaching methods: Creating teaching methods that
are engaging, interactive, and student-centered.
 Creating creative learning media: Utilizing various learning media, such as
videos, images and games, to increase student engagement.
 Integrating technology in learning: Using information and communication
technology (ICT) to support a more effective learning process.
 Develop creative assignments and assessments: Provide assignments and
assessments that not only test knowledge, but also encourage students'
creativity and critical thinking skills.
4. Improves Memory Ability:
 Applying effective memorization techniques: Using appropriate
memorization techniques to remember information more easily and long-
 Make neat and structured notes: Note down lesson material and important
points during training or seminars.
 Teaching lesson material repeatedly: Repeating lesson material when
teaching in class to help strengthen memory.
 Create a mind map or diagram: Create a mind map or diagram to visualize
the relationship between concepts and help understand the subject matter
5. Improves Ability to Concentrate:
 Create a conducive learning environment: Create a learning environment
that is calm, minimal distractions, and supports focus and concentration.
 Create a structured study schedule: Create a structured and realistic study
schedule to help focus on the tasks that must be completed.
 Doing mindfulness or meditation techniques: Practicing mindfulness or
meditation to improve focus and concentration.
Maintain physical and mental health: Maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly,
and get enough rest to maintain optimal physical and mental health.
Developing cognitive abilities is an ongoing process and requires commitment.
With effort and dedication, teachers can improve their cognitive abilities and
become more effective and qualified teachers.

 Cognitive Ability Deficiencies

Lack of cognitive abilities in a teacher can result in several things,
1. Difficulty in Delivering Study Material:
 Teachers may have difficulty understanding the subject matter in depth, so
that explanations to students become unclear and confusing.
 Teachers may have difficulty explaining abstract concepts and connecting
lesson material to real life.
 Teachers may have difficulty answering student questions clearly and
2. Difficulty in Preparing Learning Plans:
 Teachers may have difficulty determining clear and measurable learning
 Teachers may have difficulty choosing appropriate teaching methods that
suit the subject matter and student characteristics.
 Teachers may have difficulty organizing interesting and interactive
learning activities.
3. Difficulty in Assessing Student Learning Results:
 Teachers may have difficulty creating questions that suit learning
 Teachers may have difficulty assessing student learning outcomes
objectively and fairly.
 Teachers may have difficulty providing useful feedback to students.
4. Lack of Critical and Creative Thinking Abilities:
 Teachers may be unable to analyze information critically and objectively.
 Teachers may not be able to solve student learning problems creatively
and effectively.
 Teachers may not be able to develop innovative and creative teaching
 Teachers may not be able to integrate technology into learning effectively.
5. Lack of Memory and Concentration Ability:
 Teachers may easily forget lesson material and other important
 Teachers may find it difficult to focus on tasks that need to be completed.
 Teachers may be easily distracted by surrounding distractions.
Lack of cognitive abilities in a teacher can be overcome with various efforts,
such as:
 Attend training and seminars to improve knowledge and teaching skills.
 Read books and journals related to the field of study being taught.
 Join a learning community to exchange information and experiences with
fellow teachers.
 Apply techniques to improve memory and concentration abilities.
 Maintain physical and mental health with a healthy diet, regular exercise
and adequate rest.
It is important to remember that every teacher has different strengths and
weaknesses. A lack of cognitive ability does not necessarily mean that a teacher is
incompetent. With effort and dedication, teachers with cognitive impairments can
improve their abilities and become more effective teachers.
1. Cover Letter for Internship Activities from Panca Sakti University Bekasi.
2. Certificate from INTERNSHIP Partner
3. Documentation of internship activities.
4. Internship Assessment Form
Student Name : Arlinda Aulia Dewi
NIM : 2892150156
Name Institution : MTSN 2 Bekasi City
Unit/Section : Assistant Admin

(B) (0 – 100) (B x N)
1 Presence
2 Sincerity in doing
3 Discipline in finish
4 Not quite enough answer
5 Skill / deep skills
6 Creativity and innovate
7 Attitude and behavior at work
8 Ability cooperate in team

Flat – flat mark

Amount (B x N)

Amount Mark End

Amount Weight

Bekasi, 26 June 2024

Field Supervisor

H. Mohamad Ihsan, S.Ag., MM .Pd

NIP. 19710816200012100
5. Internship Assessment Form

Student Name : Arlinda Aulia Dewi

NIM : 2892150156
Name Institution : MTSN 2 Bekasi City
Unit/Section : Assistant Admin

(B) (0 – 100) (B x N)
1 Presence
2 Sincerity in doing
3 Discipline in finish
4 Not quite enough answer
5 Skill / deep skills
6 Creativity and innovate
7 Attitude and behavior at work
8 Ability cooperate in team

Flat – flat mark

Amount (B x N)

Amount Mark End

Amount Weight

Bekasi, 26 June 2024


Nadia Rista, M.Pd.E.

NIDN. 0412039302
6. Internship Assessment Form
Student Name : Arlinda Aulia Dewi
NIM : 2892150156
Name Institution : MTSN 2 Bekasi City
Unit/Section : Assistant Admin

(B) (0 – 100) (B x N)
1 Presence
2 Sincerity in doing
3 Discipline in finish
4 Not quite enough answer
5 Skill / deep skills
6 Creativity and innovate
7 Attitude and behavior at work
8 Ability cooperate in team

Flat – flat mark

Amount (B x N)

Amount Mark End

Amount Weight

Bekasi, 26 June 2024


Nadia Rista, M.Pd.E.

NIDN. 0412039302
7. Internship Assessment Form

Student Name : Arlinda Aulia Dewi

NIM : 2892150156
Name Institution : MTSN 2 Bekasi City
Unit/Section : Assistant Admin
(B) (0 – 100) (B x N)
1 Presence
2 Sincerity in doing
3 Discipline in finish
4 Not quite enough answer
5 Skill / deep skills
6 Creativity and innovate
7 Attitude and behavior at work
8 Ability cooperate in team

Flat – flat mark

Amount (B x N)

Amount Mark End

Amount Weight

Bekasi, 26 June 2024


Heri Wardana, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIDN. 0416118703
8. Internship Assessment Form
Student Name : Arlinda Aulia Dewi
NIM : 2892150156
Name Institution : MTSN 2 Bekasi City
Unit/Section : Assistant Admin
(B) (0 – 100) (B x N)
1 Presence
2 Sincerity in doing
3 Discipline in finish
4 Not quite enough answer
5 Skill / deep skills
6 Creativity and innovate
7 Attitude and behavior at work
8 Ability cooperate in team

Flat – flat mark

Amount (B x N)

Amount Mark End

Amount Weight

Bekasi, 26 June 2024


Dr. Gopur, S.Pd., MM , M.Pd.

NIDN. 9900997766
9. Internship Assessment Form
Student Name : Arlinda Aulia Dewi
NIM : 2892150156
Name Institution : MTSN 2 Bekasi City
Unit/Section : Assistant Admin

(B) (0 – 100) (B x N)
1 Presence
2 Sincerity in doing
3 Discipline in finish
4 Not quite enough answer
5 Skill / deep skills
6 Creativity and innovate
7 Attitude and behavior at work
8 Ability cooperate in team

Flat – flat mark

Amount (B x N)

Amount Mark End

Amount Weight

Bekasi, 26 June 2024


Ajeng Priendarningtyas, S.Hum ., M.Pd.

NIDN. 0417069102
10. Internship Assessment Form
Student Name : Arlinda Aulia Dewi
NIM : 2892150156
Name Institution : MTSN 2 Bekasi City
Unit/Section : Assistant Admin

(B) (0 – 100) (B x N)
1 Presence
2 Sincerity in doing
3 Discipline in finish
4 Not quite enough answer
5 Skill / deep skills
6 Creativity and innovate
7 Attitude and behavior at work
8 Ability cooperate in team

Flat – flat mark

Amount (B x N)

Amount Mark End

Amount Weight

Bekasi, 26 June 2024


Muhammad Rosidi, SE, MM

NIDN. 0316037902
11. Internship activity logbook
NIM : 2892150156
Institution Name : MTsN 2 BEKASI CITY
Internship Time : 06:30-15:30


- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
1 February 13 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
2 February 14
- Record data on grade
9 student diplomas
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

3 February 15 - Absence of presence

- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
4 February 16 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

5 February 17 - Absence of presence

- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
6 February 18
- Record data on grade
9 student diplomas
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
7 February 19 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

8 February 20 - Absence of presence

- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on grade
9 student diplomas
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
9 February 21
- Record data on grade
9 student diplomas
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
10 February 22 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report
- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
11 February 23 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
12 February 24 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

13 February 25 - Absence of presence

- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
14 February 26 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
15 February 27 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

16 February 28 - Record student

attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
17 March 1st - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
18 March 2 payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
19 March 3 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
20 March 4 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

21 March 5 - Record student

attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
22 March 6
- Record data on grade
9 student diplomas
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
23 March 7
- Record data on grade
9 student diplomas
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report
- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
24 March 8 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
25 March 9
- Record data on grade
9 student diplomas
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

26 10 March - Record student

attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
27 March 11 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
28 March 12 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

29 March 13 - Record student

attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on grade
9 student diplomas
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
30 March 14 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
31 March 15 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report
- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
32 March 16 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
33 March 17 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

34 March 18 - Absence of presence

- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
35 March 19 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
36 March 20 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

37 March 21 - Record student

attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
38 March 22 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
39 March 23 payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
40 March 24 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
41 March 25 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

42 March 26 - Record student

attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
43 March 27 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
44 March 28 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report
- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
45 March 29 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
46 March 30 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

47 March 31 - Absence of presence

- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
48 April 1
- Record data on grade
9 student diplomas
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
49 April 2nd - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

50 April 3rd - Absence of presence

- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
51 4 April - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
52 April 5 payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
53 April 6 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
54 April 7 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

55 April 8 - Absence of presence

- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on grade
9 student diplomas
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
56 April 9 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
57 April 10 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report
- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
58 April 11
- Record data on grade
9 student diplomas
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
59 April 12 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

60 April 13 - Record student

attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
- Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
61 April 14 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

- Absence of presence
- Record student
attendance and
attendance data
- School administration
payment services
62 April 15 - Record data on 9th
grade student
- Recapture NISN class
9 data
- Stamping of student
diplomas and report

12. Internship certificate

13. Internship Attendance Absence

1.3 Internship Assessment Form

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