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1. You like eating breakfast vs. You don't eat breakfast.

2. You have a pet vs. You don't have a pet.

3. You like summer vs. You like winter.

4. You like comedy movies vs. You like action movies.

5. You like listening to pop music vs. You like listening to classical music.

6. You like eating at restaurants vs. You like cooking at home.

7. You like the beach vs. You like the mountains.

8. You like playing team sports vs. You like playing individual sports.

9. You prefer using a smartphone vs. You prefer using a computer.

10. You like reading fiction vs. You like reading non-fiction.

11. You would like to fly vs. You would like to be invisible.

12. You would like to explore space vs. You would like to explore the ocean.

13. You want to live in a big city vs. You want to live in a small town.

14. You want to be a teacher vs. You want to be a doctor.

15. You would rather have a cat vs. You would rather have a dog.

16. You prefer wearing casual clothes vs. You prefer wearing formal clothes.

17. You prefer riding a bicycle vs. You prefer taking a bus.

18. You like celebrating birthdays with family vs. You like celebrating birthdays
with friends.

19. You like rainy days vs. You like sunny days.

20. You like watching TV vs. You like playing video games.

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