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BDJ Clinician’s Guides

Saj Jivraj Editor

Graftless Solutions
for the Edentulous
Second Edition
BDJ Clinician’s Guides
This series enables clinicians at all stages of their careers to remain well
informed and up to date on key topics across all fields of clinical dentistry.
Each volume is superbly illustrated and provides concise, highly practical
guidance and solutions. The authors are recognised experts in the subjects
that they address. The BDJ Clinician's Guides are trusted companions,
designed to meet the needs of a wide readership. Like the British Dental
Journal itself, they offer support for undergraduates and newly qualified,
while serving as refreshers for more experienced clinicians. In addition they
are valued as excellent learning aids for postgraduate students.
The BDJ Clinician’s Guides are produced in collaboration with the British
Dental Association, the UK’s trade union and professional association for
Saj Jivraj

Graftless Solutions
for the Edentulous
Second Edition
Saj Jivraj
Anacapa Dental Art Institute
Oxnard, CA, USA

ISSN 2523-3327     ISSN 2523-3335 (electronic)

BDJ Clinician’s Guides

ISBN 978-3-031-32846-6    ISBN 978-3-031-32847-3 (eBook)

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature
Switzerland AG 2018, 2023
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Foreword 1

Dr. Saj Jivraj has assembled in this textbook a quintessential team of talented
world-renowned surgeons and restorative dentists who extensively share their
vast knowledge in the latest innovations in Implant Dentistry. In order to
address the ever-increasing magnitude of patients in need of extensive implant
treatment, graft-less implant solutions must be combined with an in-depth
knowledge of surgical and restorative procedures through a rigorous and
well-coordinated interdisciplinary approach.
This textbook displays in an effective and methodical manner the modern
foundation for the diagnosis and graft-less treatment of edentulous patients
with fixed implant supported prosthetics. It provides clear and understand-
able concepts through basic and advanced implant principles that are required
in the initial comprehensive diagnosis and digital workflow all the way
through the interdisciplinary teamwork necessary to manage tilted and zygo-
matic implants, and ultimately produce high-quality implant full arch
We have greatly benefited over the past years at Augusta University from
the great teachings of Dr. Jivraj and we trust that this important work will be
enjoyed worldwide as a reference textbook in modern Implant Dentistry.

Louisiana State University School of Dentistry Gerard J. Chiche

New Orleans, LA, USA

Foreword 2

It is my pleasure to be invited to write another foreword to this book for Dr.

Saj Jivraj with whom I have interacted with for over 25 years in the capacity
of being his programme director, colleague and friend.
I have seen his stature grow with time; he is dedicated to give the best care
to his patients and has been a sought-after presenter to major conferences all
over the world.
Dental Implants are one of the most useful tools that we have to replace
missing teeth. Early in the process of using osseointegrated implants strin-
gent protocols were required. One of the criteria included placement of dental
implants in host bone. Over the years many ways of grafting bone were pre-
sented, autogenous grafts from extraoral and intraoral sites, as well as
allografts and xenografts. Many articles and reviews have been published
regarding the efficacy of the different materials used in grafting and the tech-
niques used. Many of the articles compare techniques and graft types but
many do not have the priority of placing implants into non-­grafted sites. This
significantly reduces the variable of grafting.
Compared to the earlier times when implants were placed into healed sites
success rates in the longer term seem to produce very good long-term and
predictable results. With the new technology of being able to alter screw
channel directions to facilitate screw retention when implants are placed “off
axis”, technicians better at fabricating replica of missing soft tissues we are
able to have implants placed into host bone and avoid using grafts.
This newer edition of the book is a comprehensive overview of graft-less tech-
niques for full mouth implant rehabilitation from diagnosis to delivery. A strong
emphasis has been placed on diagnosis and treatment planning. Many chapters
are dedicated to the digital workflow and how digital technologies can help the
clinician become more efficient. With sufficient information more easily col-
lected the clinician is able to execute treatment with precision and predictability.
I congratulate Dr. Jivraj on his book and the assembled contributors for
providing clinicians with a comprehensive understanding of the risk vs ben-
efit considerations when choosing treatment options for their patients based
on the multiple factors that are outlined in this text.

Ralph and Jean Bleak Professor Restorative Dentistry Winston Chee

Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry
of University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA, USA


Implant dentistry has seen remarkable progress over the last 25 years.
Clinicians strive for long-term predictable results. Many of the original con-
cepts in implant dentistry have been challenged. To obtain fixed permanent
teeth, patients often had to go through extensive surgical procedures and be
transitioned in an uncomfortable removable appliance.
Full arch fixed implant rehabilitation can be performed in a single day in
the right indication and successful results can be achieved with an experi-
enced team.
Today, the “Graft-less Concepts” eliminate the need for grafting and
long waiting periods prior to the reconstruction of the edentulous or the
patients with “terminal dentition”. The ability to remove the patient’s fail-
ing dentition, place implants and fabricate a fixed, immediate load prosthe-
sis has changed the manner in which many of our colleagues treat their
patients in 2023.
With that said as clinicians we should not be dogmatic in a particular treat-
ment philosophy. Treatment planning should be based on a sound diagnosis.
Risk factors should be understood and only in the right indication should a
patient’s teeth be removed in favour of implant placement.
There is always going to be a debate over how many implants should be
placed in an edentulous arch. The answer to that question is “It Depends”. It
depends on the patient’s medical history, it depends on the quality of bone, it
depends on the anticipated occlusal force on the restoration and it depends on
the operators skill. Although the All on 4™ concept has shown to be highly
successful, it is indicated for specific clinical circumstances and should not be
considered as a panacea for treatment of all edentulous patients. Unfortunately
many patients have been treated with this concept incorrectly. Often there is
ample bone to place 6–8 implants and diagnose the patient as having a tooth
only defect. In this instance additional implants are placed to be able to seg-
ment the prosthesis and minimal or no bone reduction is required. Today we
should be practicing minimally invasive full arch implant dentistry and be
questioning the need for haphazard bone reduction.
The authors of this text have outlined the importance of diagnosis, treat-
ment planning, surgical as well as the prosthetic protocols and techniques for
the treatment of the edentulous as well as the “terminal dentition” patients.
The purpose of the book is to provide an understanding of diagnosis and
treatment planning. Each clinician should understand and be fully familiar
with analogue techniques before a digital workflow is adopted. Digital

x Preface

t­echnologies add to our armamentarium of tools but are by no means a sub-

stitute for analogue principles.
The book has been designed so the chapters build on each other. It will
take the reader on a journey from diagnosis to delivery.
Diagnosis is critical from both a restorative and surgical perspective. An
accurate diagnosis results in the correct treatment plan. Today we have many
digital technologies that can assist us in our diagnostics. Armed with suffi-
cient information the practitioner is able to execute treatment with precision
and efficiency.
We have some world-renowned talented clinicians who are experts in their
respective fields who have laboured tirelessly to put this text together. Words
cannot express how appreciative and honoured I am to have been able to work
with them.
Our hope is the reader will gain a solid foundation in treating the edentu-
lous or soon to be edentulous patient.

Oxnard, CA, USA Saj Jivraj


“Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common vision. The ability to
direct individual accomplishments towards organisational objectives. It is the fuel
that allows common people to attain uncommon results”.
Andrew Carnegie

As the years pass, the things that become important really come into per-
spective. It is to these important aspects of my life that I wish to dedicate this
To My Family
First and foremost, and without hesitation I would like to thank my beauti-
ful wife Dilaz. She is my life, my inspiration and a wonderful mother to my
two beautiful children Sara and Zain. You said “yes” to everything which
should have been “no”; you allowed me the time to become professionally
what I dreamed about as a young graduate. You persevered when times got
tough and gave up everything moving with me to the USA. For the countless
hours I did not spend with you and the kids, for the unconditional love, friend-
ship, and unwavering support I thank you. To Sara and Zain, words cannot
express the profound love I have for you. You have taught me to appreciate
life in ways I thought were not possible, the little things you do and say make
me a better person, husband and father. I will always be by your side to sup-
port you in anything you do. Work hard and dream big and believe in the
impossible. You can do what you set your mind to and don’t let anybody else
tell you otherwise.
I would also like to dedicate this book to the memory of two exceptional
women: Mrs. Amina and Rukiya Jivraj who were taken from this world far
too early. Not a day goes by when I don’t think of you. I feel your presence in
all the important decisions that I make. I miss you both dearly and wish we
could have created more memories together. When people say, “Life is too
short”, I now understand what that means. I do know we will meet again, and
it is that day to which I look forward.
To My Colleagues
I’d like to thank Drs. Winston Chee, Terry Donovan and George Cho and
who believed in me and who provided me with the opportunity to complete
my Prosthodontic education at the Herman Ostrow USC School of Dentistry.
I will be forever grateful. Dr. Robert Schneider who opened doors and
believed that one day I would realise my potential. Credit should also be
reserved for Dr. Jonathan Gordon. He is an amazing surgeon and I continue

xii Acknowledgements

to learn so much working with him. Many of the cases you see in this book
are a result of our collaboration together. Lastly Dr. Hooman Zarrinkelk with
whom I started the graft-less journey and who has also contributed many
patient cases that are documented in this text.
Without my co-authors this text would not have come to fruition. I would
like to thank Dr. Hooman Zarrinkelk, Dr. Carlos Aparicio, Dr. Bobby Birdi,
Dr. Sundeep Rawal, Dr. Faraj Edher, Dr. Steven Bongard, Dr. Glen Liddelow,
Dr. Graham Carmichael, Dr. Keith Klaus, Dr. Jay Neugarten, Dr. Udatta
Kher, Dr. Ali Tunkiwala, Dr. Stephanie Yeung, Dr. Andrew Dawood, Dr.
Michael Klein, Dr. Frank Tuminelli, Dr. Satish Kumar, Dr. David Powell, Dr.
Susan Tanner, Dr. Kian Karimzadeh, Dr. Vishy Broumand, Dr. Jayson
Kirchhofer, Dr. Komal Majumdar, Dr. Ana Ferro, Dr. Mariana Nunes, Dr.
Diogo Santos, Dr. Armando Lopes, Dr. Filipe Melo, Dr. Miguel de Araujo
Nobre and Dr. Martin Wanendaya for their contributions to the text.
The laboratory section was graciously written by Mr. Kenji Mizuno and
Mr. Aram Torosian, and Mr. Michael Tuckman; I truly appreciate the count-
less hours they spent documenting the lab phase and putting it into a format
that is practical. I would like to thank Digital Dental Arts Laboratory in
Ventura. Much of the laboratory work documented is a result of their
I would like to acknowledge all the students and faculty involved with the
advanced Prosthodontic and Periodontics programme at Herman Ostrow
USC School of dentistry from whom I have learnt so much and continue to
do so.
I would be remiss if I did not thank my team at Anacapa Dental Art
Institute. Laura Castellanos RDA has assisted me for the last 10 years and has
been instrumental in developing protocols we use on a day-to-day basis. She
is someone who always works with a smile on her face and makes a complex
day go very smoothly. Sonia Escamilla for her positive demeanour, amazing
leadership and ability to bring the best out of people, Ale Prado for keeping
everything light when the day gets tough, and willingness to do whatever it
takes, Maricel Estoque for her excellent patient management skills and warm
and caring attitude towards everyone she meets, Erika Simental for her kind-
ness and professionalism, Amber Padilla RDH who started the journey with
me as my assistant and progressed to becoming a wonderful hygienist and
Darlene Herrera RDH who has assisted me in the maintenance of these
patients and whose attention to detail is exceptional. My whole team is amaz-
ing. They make coming into work each day enjoyable and always go the extra
mile for our patients. Their dedication and commitment are second to none
and I want to let you know I appreciate everything you do.
Special thanks also go to my team at the Digital Dental Arts Laboratory in
Ventura. Kenji Mizuno for his exceptional work ethic and the ability to get
the job done, Dmytro Tytarenko for his skill in digital workflows and pushing
me to become a better clinician, Margaryta Pisnia for her organisation and
attention to detail, Ahmet Tanay for his positive demeanour and professional-
Acknowledgements xiii

ism and Artyom Avanesov for his amazing artistry in ceramics. Without a
great Laboratory partner we cannot do what we do for patients.
I would also like to thank Melker Nielsson for his friendship and advice
over the years. It was through his guidance and support that I pursued graft-
less solutions as an option for my patients.
To My Patients
Who make each and every day enjoyable for me. Thank you for allowing
me to compile these clinical photographs. It’s caring for these patients that
makes my profession so rewarding and makes me look forward to the next
To God
Who has made everything possible. His guidance has allowed me to pur-
sue my dreams and realise them.

Saj Jivraj

1 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: A Restorative

Perspective����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������   1
Saj Jivraj
2 Surgical Diagnostic Considerations in Graft-Avoiding
Dental Implant Reconstruction of Atrophic Jaws������������������������ 15
Hooman M. Zarrinkelk
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported
Restorations�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
Michael Klein, Jay Neugarten, and Allon Waltuch
4  igital Workflows in Full Arch Implant Prosthodontics�������������� 101
Faraj Edher, Sundeep Rawal, and Saj Jivraj
5 3D Printing Protocols in Full-Arch Reconstruction:
A Complete Workflow �������������������������������������������������������������������� 117
Keith Klaus and Saj Jivraj
6  he Zygoma Anatomy-Guided Approach (ZAGA)
for Preventing Complications Using Zygomatic Implants ���������� 129
Carlos Aparicio
7 Pterygoid Implants as Alternative to Bone
Augmentation in Implant Dentistry ���������������������������������������������� 147
Vishtasb Broumand and Jayson Kirchhofer
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading
and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions�������������������������������� 167
Bobby Hardeep Birdi, Komal Majumdar, and Saj Jivraj
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous
Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations������������������������������ 205
Martin Wanendeya and Saj Jivraj
10  raftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery ���������������������� 263
Ana Ferro, Mariana Nunes, Diogo Santos, Armando Lopes,
Filipe Melo, and Miguel de Araújo Nobre
11  urgical–Anatomical and Prosthetic–Biomechanical ZAGA
Criteria to Determine the Zygomatic Implant Trajectory ���������� 295
Carlos Aparicio, Arnau Aparicio, and John Brunski

xvi Contents

12  linical Techniques for Immediate Loading �������������������������������� 313

Stephanie Yeung and Saj Jivraj
13  aterial Considerations for Full-­Arch Implant-Supported
Restorations�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 337
Saj Jivraj and Sundeep Rawal
14 Clinical Steps for Fabrication of a Full-Arch
Implant-Supported Restoration ���������������������������������������������������� 359
Udatta Kher and Ali Tunkiwala
15 Speech and Facial Aesthetic Considerations
for the Contour of Fixed Prostheses ���������������������������������������������� 387
Glen Liddelow and Graham Carmichael
16  aboratory Fabrication of Full-­Arch Implant-Supported
Restorations�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 401
Kenji Mizuno, Aram Torosian, Saj Jivraj,
and Michael Tuckman
17  rosthetic Complications with Immediately Loaded,
Full-­Arch, Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses�������������������������� 447
Frank J. Tuminelli, Saj Jivraj, Steven Bongard,
and David Powell
18 Management of Failure and Implant-Related Complications
in Graft-Less Implant Reconstructions (for Atrophic Jaws) ������ 473
Andrew Dawood and Susan Tanner
19  aintenance of Full-Arch Implant-­Supported Restorations:
Peri-­Implant and Prosthetic Considerations�������������������������������� 495
Satish Kumar, Kian Kar, and Saj Jivraj
20  linical Patient Presentations �������������������������������������������������������� 517
Saj Jivraj

Arnau Aparicio ZAGA Center, Private Practice QDT Center, Houston,

Carlos Aparicio International Teaching Scholar Indiana University
School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Director of Zygomatic Unit at Hepler Bone Clinic, ZAGA Center, Barcelona,
Bobby Hardeep Birdi University of Minnesota School of Dentistry,
Minneapolis, MN, USA
Private Practice, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Steven Bongard Private Practice, Toronto, ON, Canada
Vishtasb Broumand Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Private Practice,
Desert Ridge Oral Surgery Institute, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Arizona
College of Medicine at Banner University Medical Center Phoenix, Phoenix,
John Brunski Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department
of Surgery, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Graham Carmichael School of Dentistry, University of Western Australia,
Crawley, WA, Australia
Craniofacial Unit, Princess Margaret Hospital, Subiaco, WA, Australia
Maxillofacial Department, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, WA, Australia
Andrew Dawood Department of Head and Neck Surgery, University
College London Hospital, London, UK
The Dawood and Tanner Specialist Dental Practice, London, UK
Miguel de Araújo Nobre Research, Development and Education
Department, Maló Clinic, Lisbon, Portugal
Faraj Edher Digital Dentistry Institute, BC Dental Study Club, University
of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Ana Ferro Oral Surgery Department, Maló Clinic, Lisbon, Portugal
Saj Jivraj, BDS, MS.Ed, Anacapa Dental Art Institute, Oxnard, CA, USA

xviii Contributors

Kian Kar Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC, University of

Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Udatta Kher , Mumbai, India
Jayson Kirchhofer Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Private Practice, Desert
Ridge Oral Surgery Institute, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Arizona
College of Medicine at Banner University Medical Center Phoenix, Phoenix,
Keith Klaus Private Practice, Flowood, MS, USA
Michael Klein Advanced Implant Dentistry and Oral Restoration,
Cedarhurst, New York, NY, USA
Satish Kumar Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health, A. T. Still
University, Mesa, AZ, USA
Glen Liddelow School of Dentistry, University of Western Australia,
Crawley, WA, Australia
Craniofacial Unit, Princess Margaret Hospital, Subiaco, WA, Australia
Armando Lopes Oral Surgery Department, Maló Clinic, Lisbon, Portugal
Komal Majumdar Om Dental Clinic, Navi Mumbai, India
Filipe Melo Prosthodontics Department, Maló Clinic, Lisbon, Portugal
Kenji Mizuno Anacapa Dental Art Institute, Oxnard, CA, USA
Jay Neugarten Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Weill-­
Cornell Medical Center, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York,
Mariana Nunes Oral Surgery Department, Maló Clinic, Lisbon, Portugal
David Powell Private Practice, Toronto, ON, Canada
Sundeep Rawal Implant Support Services, Aspen Dental,
Chicago, IL, USA
The Digital Dentistry Institute, Orlando, FL, USA
Diogo Santos Oral Surgery Department, Maló Clinic, Lisbon, Portugal
Susan Tanner The Dawood and Tanner Specialist Dental Practice, London,
Aram Torosian Ronald Goldstein Center for Esthetic and Implant Dentistry,
Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University, Augusta, GA, USA
Michael Tuckman Osteon Medical, Mulgrave, VIC, Australia
Frank J. Tuminelli American Board of Prosthodontics, Saint Paul,
VA NY Harbor Healthcare System, New York, NY, USA
Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine, Hempstead, NY, USA
Contributors xix

Private Practice, Manhasset, NY, USA

Ali Tunkiwala Mumbai, India
Allon Waltuch Advanced Implant Dentistry and Oral Restoration,
Cedarhurst, New York, NY, USA
Martin Wanendeya Ten Dental, London, UK
Stephanie Yeung Private Practice, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Hooman M. Zarrinkelk Diplomate American Board of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgeons, Chicago, IL, USA
Fellow American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons,
Washington, DC, USA
Private Practice, Ventura, CA, USA
Diagnosis and Treatment
Planning: A Restorative

Saj Jivraj

Abstract ables that affect both the aesthetic and functional

aspect of the prosthesis.
Treatment of the edentulous patients with
The routine treatment for edentulism has been
implant-supported restorations presents a sig-
complete dentures. Epidemiological data has
nificant challenge to the treating clinician.
reported that the adult population in need of one or
Patient expectations in regard to aesthetics,
two dentures would increase from 35.4 million
phonetics, form, and function are high.
adults in 2000 to 37.0 million adults in 2020 [2];
There are a myriad of factors that need to be
and the researchers warn that their estimates may be
evaluated to determine if the patient is a suitable
“significantly conservative”. Clinical studies have
candidate for a fixed vs. a removable implant-
reported that patients with dentures have shown
supported restoration. Evaluation of the edentu-
only a marginal improvement in the quality of life
lous patient is also complicated by the fact that
when compared with implant therapy [3]. The
patients may not only be missing clinical crown
common reasons for dissatisfaction in patients
height but in addition may have experienced a
using dentures include but are not limited to pain,
combination of tooth, soft tissue, and bone loss,
poor retention and stability, and difficulty eating [4].
with associated changes in facial form.
A review of the literature noted that prostheses
The purpose of this article is to evaluate the
supported by osseointegrated implants
diagnostic factors that are critical in treatment
significantly improved the life of edentulous
planning a patient for fixed implant-supported
patients when compared with conventional
dentures [5].
Many patients tolerate complete dentures
The predictability of successful osseointegrated despite the dissatisfaction.
implant rehabilitation of the edentulous jaw as Reasons for this could be:
described by Branemark et al. [1] introduced a
new era of management for the edentulous • Anatomic. They have been told they are not
predicament. implant candidates because of pneumatized
Implant rehabilitation of the edentulous sinuses and severe resorption of the posterior
patient remains one of the most complex restor- mandible.
ative challenges because of the number of vari- • Cost.
• Lack of education. They have not been
S. Jivraj (*) educated about dental implants and do not
Anacapa Dental Art Institute, Oxnard, CA, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 1

S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
2 S. Jivraj

visit a dentist because they feel nothing can be Most patients will look toward an implant
done for them. rehabilitation hoping to acquire a fixed prosthe-
sis. Treatment planning of edentulous patients
Restoration of the edentulous patients with with fixed restorations on dental implants has
dental implants is costly whichever method is undergone a paradigm shift since the introduc-
used to restore the patient. Fixed reconstructions tion of graftless solutions. In particular, the
require more laboratory assistance and implant All-on-4 method™.
parts and, thus, are a lot more costly. Today, patients have options whereby in the
Due to economic factors, many patients have right indication complete rehabilitation can be
been provided with implant- and mucosa-­ accomplished by the use of four implants per
supported overdentures. arch. The major advantages of this procedure
However, cost needs to be considered not only are the reduced number of implants and the
during fabrication of the prosthesis but also dur- ability to bypass extensive grafting procedures.
ing maintenance. Overdentures seem to have This rehabilitation not only satisfies aesthetics
more post-insertion maintenance than their fixed and function but also considerably reduces
counterparts. If this is consistent, it could be costs for the patient. This ultimately results in
questioned whether an economic indication for increased patient acceptance and an increased
choosing an overdenture could be justified when number of patients treated. Very few patients
there is sufficient bone to support implants for a today are able to afford extensive implant reha-
fixed prosthesis. The patient must be made aware bilitations on six to eight implants, and the
that maintenance costs for removable prostheses All-on-4™ or graftless protocol is gaining pop-
on implants will be higher than that of a fixed ularity as being the treatment of choice for the
prosthesis. Today, clinicians are seeing an edentulous patient.
increasing number of dentate patients where the Clinicians must be cognizant that the All-on-4
dentition is terminal. These patients would have concept™ is indicated for specific clinical situa-
been edentulous a long time ago if it had not been tions namely:
for the efforts of skilled restorative dentists.
Clinical treatments have involved maintaining 1. There is minimal bone in, with pneumatized
nonrestorable teeth for as long as possible to sinuses and posterior mandibular resorption.
avoid a removable appliance. Patients understand In this circumstance the clinician can only
that maintaining a terminal dentition has conse- place four implants due to anatomical limita-
quences on the bone. However, the fear of eden- tions. To avoid grafting tilted implant, con-
tulism forces them to ignore failing oral cepts are employed.
conditions. 2. Adequate lip support.
In spite of the increasing numbers of 3. Where the patient has lost a significant amount
edentulous or soon-to-be edentulous patients, of bone and strategic implant placement is
there still appears to be many reasons why required to obtain bicortical anchorage.
patients avoid treatment with dental implants.
These reasons could include: It is the authors’ opinion that more than four
implants are required when:
• The fear of wearing a removable appliance in
the transitional phase. 1. There is an abundance of bone and
• The notion that the proposed treatment is biomechanically cantilevers can be avoided.
time-consuming and unpredictable. 2. The patient presents with a dentition that
• The number of visits involved and the fear of exhibits signs and symptoms of excessive
pain. force.
• Cost.
1 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: A Restorative Perspective 3

3. Patient has uncontrolled metabolic disease Minimally invasive full arch implant
which compromises healing. dentistry adheres to concept of preserving and
4. Poor quality bone. maintaining bone. Bone reduction is virtually
eliminated, and the patient maintains their own
The advantages and considerations of placing gingiva. Although four implants are considered
more implants and preserving bone include the standard, the placement of additional implants
following: is considered advantageous. As a practicing cli-
nician, implant failure is always a concern and
1. There is the ability to segment the prosthesis should one of four implants fail, the definitive
and complication management becomes eas- restoration needs to be remade at the restorative
ier for the clinician. dentist’s cost. If more than four implants have
2. If in the future an implant were to fail, there been placed, then there are reserve implants to
are enough implants where the patient may work with.
not have to undergo surgery again. As in all phases of dentistry, diagnosis is
3. The thought process that making an critical in obtaining a predictable outcome. An
impression on four implants is easier than incomplete or erroneous diagnosis can yield
making an impression on five or six does not unsatisfactory results for both the patient and
hold merit. Today, with advancements in treating clinician.
digital technologies, analogue impression The decision-making parameters when
making may soon become obsolete at multi- rehabilitating patients require the clinician to
unit abutment level. make a decision as to whether a fixed or a
4. When placing implants, the clinician must removable prosthesis would be more suitable.
begin with the end in mind visualizing the Zitzmann and Marinello [6] and Jivraj et al. [7]
definitive restoration. Zirconia requires spe- described in detail parameters that need to be
cific connector dimensions and requires evaluated. A fixed restoration should not be
appropriate distance between implants. promised to a patient until all diagnostic criteria
Zirconia also requires specific thickness for are evaluated. These criteria must include
biomechanical integrity. The implants quality and quantity of bone available to support
together with the multi-unit abutments must implants, lip line, lip support, and aesthetic
be positioned three dimensionally to allow demands. Implants should not be placed until a
for this. definitive treatment plan has been established as
5. Maintenance of bone in between the implants implant positions may vary depending on type
can be obtained by banking roots. of prostheses to be delivered.
6. If a catastrophic failure were to occur and From a diagnostic perspective, several
all the implants were lost, then the clini- parameters need to be evaluated before deciding
cian still has the opportunity to retreat the upon the type of prosthesis that is most
patient. appropriate for the patient. The following
considerations pertain to restorative treatment
Treatment planning should be based on a planning (Fig. 1.1). Surgical considerations will
thorough diagnosis to culminate in an appropriate be presented in a separate chapter.
treatment plan for the patients presenting clinical Diagnostic considerations include but are not
situation. Unfortunately, the All-on-4™ concept limited to:
has been used as a panacea for full arch implant
reconstruction, and often patients are treated dog- 1. Positioning of the maxillary and mandibular
matically with this treatment protocol. Often incisal edge
bone is removed needlessly to satisfy a certain 2. Restorative space
treatment philosophy. 3. Lip support
4 S. Jivraj

Fig. 1.1 Factors that need consideration before deciding upon a fixed vs. removable implant rehabilitation

4. Smile line and lip length for the anticipated restoration. Often the maxillary
5. Contours and emergence incisal edge is over-erupted and treatment plan-
6. Tissue contact ning involves repositioning the incisal edge more
7. Occlusion apically (Fig. 1.2). Putting the maxillary central in
the right position may require alveolectomy to
provide sufficient running room from the head of
1.1 Positioning the Maxillary the implant fixture to the emergence profile as it
and the Mandibular exits the free gingival margin [9].
Incisal Edge To determine if a fixed or removable
restoration would be appropriate, a wax try-in is
The maxillary incisal edge position is determined done without a flange. For a fixed restoration,
utilizing the principles of aesthetics and phonetics. the clinical crown should ideally end up at the
Traditional guidelines tell us that when the patient soft tissue level of the alveolar ridge. In this
makes the “F” sound, the incisal edge should touch situation, minimal resorption would have
the vermillion border of the lower lip. Once the occurred, interarch space will be favourable,
incisal edge position has been established, the and an optimal tooth-lip relationship is present.
length for the central incisors is determined. On When a large vertical distance exists between
average, the length of the central incisors is the cervical aspect of the tooth and the alveolar
10.5 mm; this can be more in elderly patients who ridge but the tooth-lip relationship is favourable,
exhibit gingival recession [8]. The axial inclina- pink ceramic or acrylic may be utilized to
tion of the central incisor should be placed so as to disguise the tooth length and a fixed restoration
provide adequate support for the upper lip. Once is still possible. When there is both a vertical
the crown length, angulation, and coronal form and horizontal discrepancy between the ideal
have been determined, the distance between the position of the tooth and the alveolar ridge, and
cervical crown margin and residual bone must be the tooth-lip relationship is not optimal, this
established to determine if adequate space exists may be an indication for use of a removable
1 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: A Restorative Perspective 5

Fig. 1.2 Re-positioning the incisal edge more apically will have an impact on the implant placement. Alveolectomy
will need to be performed prior to implant placement in this patient’s case

prosthesis. The flange will provide adequate lip

support, and the teeth can be positioned 1.2 Restorative Space
appropriately to satisfy the parameters of
aesthetics. It is the authors’ opinion. Insufficient restorative space is the most common
The mandibular incisal edge is positioned error when planning full arch restorations.
for function. The clinician must provide shal- Inadequate space results in either premature fail-
low guidance, sufficient to provide posterior ure of the restoration or changing the treatment
disclusion in both protrusive and lateral excur- plan from one restoration to another to accom-
sions. Anterior guidance must be smooth and modate the space requirements.
distributed amongst as many anterior teeth as To accommodate adequate designs, different
possible. types of restorations require different
A thorough evaluation must be made of the dimensional tolerances [7]. Accurately
existing mandibular incisal edge position. When mounted casts are critical in assessing pros-
patients are missing posterior teeth and have been thetic space limitations. Spatial constraints
diagnosed as having lack of posterior support, the must be considered as a matter of practicality.
mandibular incisal edge is often in the incorrect The limiting factor in edentulous patients is the
position. The clinician must decide whether to available inter-arch space [10]. Adequate
reshape, reposition, restore, or remove if the restorative space is critical, and guidelines
maxillary arch is being considered for implant-­ exist depending upon the type of prosthesis
supported restorations. Conventional prosth- being treatment planned. There must be ade-
odontic guidelines will place the mandibular quate space for bulk of restorative material that
incisal edge just at the level of the lower lip with also permits a prosthesis design to establish
0.5–1.0 mm of the incisal edge visible. Guidelines aesthetics and hygiene. If space is limited, re-­
in relation to the lower mandibular occlusal plane establishing a patient’s vertical dimension or
can also be sought from anatomical landmarks altering the opposing occlusion should be con-
such as the retromolar pad. sidered [11].
If the clinician is planning a fixed implant-­ Guidelines for space requirements for
supported restorations for the mandible, adequate ceramic-based restorations are 10–13 mm for a
restorative space must be provided. The over-­ screw retained ceramic-based restorations and
eruption of teeth brings with it an excess of bone, 14–16 mm for acrylic resin/titanium-based resto-
which must be reduced prior to the implants rations. Clinicians should select the material that
being placed. requires the least bone removal and satisfies the
requirements of aesthetics, contour, and biome-
6 S. Jivraj

Fig. 1.3 Inadequate

restorative space can
result in restoration

Fig. 1.4 Resin-based restorations require 15–18 mm of restorative space

chanics. Acrylic titanium restorations are very 1.3 Lip Support

rarely done in the maxillary arch due to the
amount of restorative space and bone removal One of the best diagnostic tools is the patient’s
required. They should be reserved for the man- existing maxillary denture. The clinician can
dibular arch when opposing a maxillary denture evaluate the patient’s denture to determine what
(Figs. 1.3 and 1.4) [6, 7]. likes and dislikes there are regarding aesthetics,
speech, and function. Each point should be noted
for improvements in the new restoration. There is
1 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: A Restorative Perspective 7

Fig. 1.5 Looking at the profile view of the patient with the denture in and out can give the clinician an indication if the
flange of the denture is required for lip support

Fig. 1.6 This patient has an obvious lack of lip support with a concave facial profile

always a tendency for patients to prefer fixed When evaluating a diagnostic setup with the
over removable prostheses. It is the restorative anterior teeth in proper relation to the lip, the
dentists’ responsibility to determine if this is fea- position of the anterior teeth is often anterior to
sible. Facial support is an important decision in the alveolar ridge (Figs. 1.7 and 1.8). Depending
this regard. on the severity of the resorption, there can be a
Assessment of the patient’s facial support with discrepancy between the ideal location of the
and without the denture in place, with the patient teeth and the ridge. This, in turn, leads to a dis-
facing forward and in profile, needs to be made so crepancy of the anticipated position of the
the clinician can determine which type of prosthe- implants in relation to the teeth. This discrepancy
ses would be more suitable (Figs. 1.5 and 1.6). must be taken into consideration to achieve a
Facial support, if inadequate, is obtained mainly prosthesis that satisfies the parameters of ade-
by the buccal flange of a removable restoration. quate speech, lip support, hygiene, sufficient
Lip support is derived from the alveolar ridge tongue space, and patient acceptance.
shape and cervical crown contours of the anterior If the anticipated position of the teeth and
teeth. Resorption of the edentulous maxilla pro- implant results in a large horizontal discrepancy,
ceeds cranially and medially, and this often results a number of options must be considered before
in a retruded position of the anterior maxilla. finalizing implant placement.
8 S. Jivraj

Fig. 1.7 When requesting a diagnostic denture setup from a dental technician, a flangeless try-in should be requested

Fig. 1.8 Patient with flangeless try-in. This patient is a candidate for a fixed implant-supported restoration

Fig. 1.9 If a patient with inadequate lip support requests implant placed higher up so the emergence of the restora-
fixed restorations, the clinician must assess to see if this is tion can start higher up
possible. On occasion bone must be removed and the
1 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: A Restorative Perspective 9

If the horizontal discrepancy is quite large, 1.4 Smile Line and Lip Length
options include:
The movement of the upper lip during speech and
(a) Bone reduction and a deeper implant smiling should be evaluated. Tjan et al. [8] described
placement to allow the contours of the the average smile as having the position of the upper
restoration to satisfy the parameters of lip lip such that 75–100% of the maxillary incisors and
support and hygiene. Without bone reduction, interproximal gingival are displayed. In a high smile
undesirable contours in the restoration are line, additional gingival was exposed, and in a low
developed, which make it very difficult for smile line, less than 75% of the maxillary anterior
the patient to maintain hygiene (Fig. 1.9). teeth are displayed. Lip length should also be evalu-
(b) LeFort 1 osteotomy—Most patients are ated because it influences the position of the maxil-
reluctant to undergo this type of surgery lary anterior teeth. In a patient with a short upper lip,
(c) Use of a removable flange and fabrication of the maxillary anterior teeth will be exposed in repose
an implant-supported overdenture (Fig. 1.10), whereas in patients with a long upper lip,
the anterior teeth will usually be covered.
Dentate patients with a terminal dentition may
present with excessive gingival display. Causes
of excessive gingival display include but are not
limited to:

Fig. 1.10 A short lip poses a challenge. The transition zone may be visible

Fig. 1.11 For an edentulous patient, the denture is removed and the patient asked to smile without the denture in place;
the ridge should not be visible
10 S. Jivraj

Fig. 1.12 If the ridge is visible, alveolectomy may be necessary to hide the transition zone, depending upon the type
of restoration to be fabricated

1. Vertical maxillary excess supported denture (hybrid/profile prosthesis)

2. Short upper lip is being planned, the alveolar ridge display
3. Hyperactive upper lip will detract from the aesthetics. In situations
4. Dentoalveolar extrusion like this, alveolectomy as part of a proactive
5. Delayed passive eruption protocol must be considered prior to implant
6. Multiple aetiologies [12] placement. If alveolectomy is not performed,
the restorative outcome will display the transi-
The clinician must have an adequate diagnosis tion zone, which, ultimately, is very difficult
prior to embarking upon a treatment plan. to retreat. Alveolectomy must only be per-
Edentulous patients should be asked to formed when there is an indication for it, and
smile with and without the denture in place the minimum amount of bone must be removed
(Figs. 1.11 and 1.12). If the soft tissue of the to satisfy the clinical objectives.
edentulous ridge cannot be seen, the transition
between an implant-supported prosthesis and
the residual ridge crest will not be visible, 1.5 Contours and Emergence
resulting in flexibility for colour matching and
the contour change of the prosthesis at the The contours of the restorations have to be planned
junction of the soft tissue. If the alveolar ridge from the outset. The emergence profile of the resto-
crest is displayed during smiling, the aesthet- rations should be straight as it exits from the gingival
ics can be very challenging because the junc- margin. Often this requires alveolectomy to create
tion between the restoration and the gingival sufficient space. The restorative dentist requires this
complex will be visible and bear aesthetic space to develop adequate mechanics, aesthetics,
consequences. If the patient has minimal and cleansability. This space creation must be com-
resorption, conventional metal ceramic resto- municated to the surgeon through the use of a bone
rations or zirconia-based restorations sup- reduction guide, and it becomes the surgeon’s
ported by implants can be planned, and the ­responsibility to provide this space [13]. One mis-
existing soft tissue can be developed to conception about graftless protocols is that they
enhance aesthetics. However, if an implant- always require a significant amount of bone reduc-
1 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: A Restorative Perspective 11

Fig. 1.13 Haphazard bone reduction need not be done; there has to be a specific reason for alveolectomy

Fig. 1.14 A bone reduction guide must be stable and have a reference point from which the surgeon can measure

tion. Bone reduction has to have a rationale, and the 1.6 Appropriate Tissue Contact
minimum bone reduction must be done to satisfy the
requirements of implant placement and fabrication As in any aspect of restorative dentistry, the
of a biomechanically sound restoration [14]. provisional is key to the success of the definitive
Rationale for bone reduction include but are restoration. From a patient’s perspective, the
not limited to: communication of aesthetics and phonetics is
important. From a clinician’s perspective, biome-
1. Adequate buccolingual width of bone to place chanics, occlusion, and cleansability are key
implants areas of concern. The original hybrid prostheses
2. Adequate space for hygiene were designed to provide a “highwater” design.
3. Adequate space for biomechanics of the This was done predominantly to facilitate oral
restoration hygiene. Today, patients often complain of food
4. Adequate space so that the patient can clean entrapment with these types of designs. The pro-
the undersurface visional/immediate load prosthesis must satisfy
5. Hide transition zone the following criteria:
6. Improve emergence of the restoration
(Figs. 1.13 and 1.14) (a) Reduce food entrapment—Following
3 months of healing, the acrylic provisional
12 S. Jivraj

Fig. 1.15 The undersurface of the immediate load provisional restorations must be convex and highly polished

Fig. 1.16 The provisional restoration must be used to shape the tissue over time. When the clinician makes an
impression, the tissue surface should be concave so the restoration surface can be convex

should be relined so that it compresses the 1.7 Occlusion

tissue surface and creates a concave tissue
surface allowing a convex restoration Occlusion in this article pertains to the occlusion
surface. on the immediate load provisional restoration.
(b) Provide cleansable contours by developing Occlusion for the definitive prosthesis will be
the tissue as outlined above (Figs. 1.15 and addressed in a subsequent article. In regard to
1.16). occlusion, there are no literature references citing
(c) Eliminate speech impairment. The t and d the superiority of one occlusal scheme over
sounds relate to the palatal aspects of the another, one tooth form over another, and
maxillary prosthesis, and this area can be patients’ preference of one occlusal scheme to
adjusted to accommodate for that. The “S” another. Unfortunately, there are no randomized
sound is developed utilizing the closest controlled clinical trials guiding the clinician to
speaking space and this should also be cor- develop the occlusal scheme on the immediate
rected in the provisional prior to proceed to load provisional prosthesis. Most occlusal
the definitive restoration. schemes are based on biomechanics and distribu-
(d) The tissue contact should be intimate, but tion of the occlusal forces over areas which are
accessible to oral hygiene procedures. most likely able to tolerate them.
(e) The tissue surface should be highly polished. Clinical guidelines for developing occlusion
include but are not limited to [10, 15–17]:

(a) Good AP spread of implants

1 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: A Restorative Perspective 13

Fig. 1.17 Force distribution requirements of the immediate load transitional restoration

(b) Minimum vertical overlap Clearer understanding of both the surgical and
(c) Bilateral simultaneous contact restorative protocols enables the clinician to bet-
(d) No interferences in lateral excursion ter plan the outcomes of implant therapy.
(e) Cross-arch stabilization with a passive screw
retained acrylic prosthesis which has suffi-
cient rigidity to withstand occlusal forces References
without breaking
(f) No cantilevers 1. Branemark PI, Hansson BO, Adell R, Breine U,
(g) Occlusal contacts from canine to canine only Lindstrom J, Hallen O, et al. Osseointegrated implants
with shimstock drag on the posterior teeth. in the treatment of the edentulous jaw. Experience
from a 10-year period. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg
The rationale for this approach is centred Suppl. 1977;16:1–132.
around bone quality and occlusal forces. The 2. US Bureau of the Census. Statistical abstract of the
posterior implants are in the weakest bone United States: 1996. 116th ed. Washington, DC: US
quality. The occlusal forces are highest the Bureau of the Census; 1996. p. 15, tables II, No. 16,
p 17, table II, No. 17.
further we go back in the mouth. The rationale 3. Allen PF, McMillan AS. A review of the functional
is to protect the implants in the weakest qual- and psychosocial outcomes of edentulousness treated
ity bone being subjected to the highest occlu- with complete replacement dentures. J Can Dent
sal forces. If this requires developing a ramp Assoc. 2003;69(10):662.
4. Heath MR. The effect of maximum biting force and
on the palatal aspect of the anterior teeth, this bone loss upon masticatory function and dietary
should be completed with cold cured acrylic selection of the elderly. Int Dent J. 1982;32:345–56.
resin. If the patient has a severe class two inci- 5. Turkyilmaz I, Company AM, McGlumphy
sor relationship, the above will not be possible EA. Should edentulous patients be constrained to
removable complete dentures? The use of dental
in which case occlusal contacts are evenly dis- implants to improve the quality of life for edentulous
tributed around the arch (Fig. 1.17). patients. Gerodontology. 2010;27(1):3–10.
6. Zitzmann NU, Marinello CP. Treatment plan for
Achieving successful outcomes with graft less restoring the edentulous maxilla with implant
supported restorations: removable overdenture
solutions is significantly more challenging than versus fixed partial denture design. J Prosthet Dent.
with conventional restorations. Diagnosis and 1999;82(2):188–96.
appropriate treatment planning are critical in 7. Jivraj S, Chee W, Corrado P. Treatment planning of the
obtaining a successful outcome. Implant con- edentulous maxilla. Br Dent J. 2006;201(5):261–79.
8. Tjan AH, Miller GD, The JG. Some aesthetic factors
cepts have undergone a significant evolution, not in a smile. J Prosthet Dent. 1984;51:24–8.
only in terms of designs, materials, and surfaces 9. Schwarz MS, Rothman SL, Rhodes ML, Chafetz
but also in clinical and technical management. N. Computed tomography: part II. Pre-operative
14 S. Jivraj

assessment of the maxilla for endosseous implant 14. Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ, Balshi SF. Int J Oral
surgery. Int J Maxillofac Implants. 1987;2:143–8. Maxillofac Implants. 1999;14(3):398–406.
10. Schnitman PA, Wohrle PS, Rubenstein JE, DaSilva 15. Brunski JB, Int J. Oral Implantol. 1988;5(1):31–4.
JD, Wang NH. Ten-year results for bra°nemark 16. Malo P, Rangert B, Nobre M. “All on 4”, immediate
implants immediately loaded with fixed prostheses function concept with Branemark implants for
at implant placement. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. completely edentulous mandible. A retrospective clinical
1997;12:495–503. study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2003;5(Suppl
11. Wicks RA. A systematic approach to definitive 1):2–9.
planning for osseointegrated implant prostheses. J 17. Capelli M, Zuffeti F, Testori T, Del Fabbro
Prosthodont. 1994;3(4):237–42. M. Immediate rehabilitation of completely
12. Robins JW. Differential diagnosis and treatment of edentulous jaws with fixed prosthesis supported
excess gingival display. Pract Periodont Aesthet Dent. by upright and tilted implants. A multicenter
1999;11(2):265–72. clinical study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.
13. Bedrossian E. Implant treatment planning for the 2007;22:639–44.
edentulous patient. Maryland Heights: Mosby
Elsevier; 2008.
Surgical Diagnostic Considerations
in Graft-Avoiding Dental Implant
Reconstruction of Atrophic Jaws

Hooman M. Zarrinkelk

Abstract According to the US National Health Surveys

conducted over the past five decades, the rate of
Treatment of edentulism has always been a
edentulism has been declining from 18.9% in
challenge to the dental profession.
1957–1958 to 4.9% of the adult population in
Reconstruction of atrophic jaws caused by
2009–2012 (NHANES: U.S. Depart of Health
edentulism has necessitated sometimes com-
and Human Services). The continuing decline
plex grafting procedures. Grafting procedures
will be offset partially by population growth and
carry significant morbidity and cost associated
population aging such that the predicted number
with them. Today, there is great interest from
of edentulous patients will only decline from
the public and dental professionals in the less-­
today’s more than 20 million to 12.2 million indi-
invasive graftless approaches to the atrophic
viduals in 2050 [1]. On the global scale, the num-
jaw rehabilitation. Graftless approaches to
ber of edentulous individuals is predicted to be
treatment involves a specific manner of place-
much higher, and therefore, treatment of edentu-
ment of sufficient number of dental implants
lism will be a daily challenge to clinicians for
in strategic positions of patients’ existing bone
many years to come. Edentulous patients suffer
structures. The surgeon must understand the
from functional deficiencies caused by their lack
three absolute surgical requirements for suc-
of natural dentition or poor-fitting removable
cessful treatment. Diagnostic factors to be
appliances [2]. Today’s aging population is more
considered by the surgeon to fulfil these abso-
active and social than the past generations and
lute requirements for rehabilitation are dis-
will demand a much higher quality of life.
cussed in this chapter.
Historically, treatment of edentulism, and in par-
ticular atrophic edentulism, has been towards
reconstruction of the tissue lost through natural
atrophy. The lack of adequate bone volume for
conventional implant-supported appliances and
H. M. Zarrinkelk (*)
Diplomate American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial complex surgical treatments to correct the defi-
Surgeons, Chicago, IL, USA ciencies are the major obstacles facing both
Fellow American College of Oral and Maxillofacial patients and clinicians involved in their care.
Surgeons, Washington, DC, USA Over the past 30 years, advances in bone and soft
Private Practice, Ventura, CA, USA tissue grafting procedures and materials have
e-mail: made the concept of tissue regeneration in the

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 15

S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
16 H. M. Zarrinkelk

maxillofacial region more routine and predict- Diagnosis and treatment planning of the eden-
able but remain technique sensitive [3–6]. tulous patient is a complex and challenging task.
Autogenous bone grafts, xenografts, allografts, Treatment planning of this often older and medi-
or alloplasts have been utilized to augment defi- cally compromised patient population should
cient areas of the maxilla and mandible for prepa- always begin with a complete medical evalua-
ration of implant sites. In the case of atrophic tion. In brief, any uncontrolled disease process
edentulous jaws, the gold standard remains that would compromise complete bone and soft
autogenous bone. However, selection of the tissue healing should exclude a patient from
appropriate surgical technique and graft material implant therapy. Diabetes, osteoporosis, and car-
remains difficult to ascertain from the hetero- diovascular diseases may be of concern but if
genic and often poorly designed available controlled are not absolute contraindications for
­literature [7–9]. The financial burden on patient implant therapy [13]. Currently, the most worri-
and community as well as pain and morbidity some contraindication for implant therapy is
associated with grafting procedures are large intravenous bisphosphonate or other antiresorp-
obstacles to treatment. There will be increased tive therapies [14].
pressure on the medical community to reign in The surgical evaluation of the patient’s oral
the cost associated with treatments rendered. condition should be systematic and methodical.
Clinicians are required to justify the rationale for The diagnostic criteria are ultimately used by the
more costly and invasive procedures if less costly surgeon to determine the correct course of action
and invasive procedures are as effective. There is to satisfy the three absolute surgical
growing evidence that edentulous patients can be requirements:
treated with fixed full-arch dental restorations
while avoiding major grafting procedures with as 1. Space: Adequate inter-arch space required for
few as four dental implants [10–12] (Fig. 2.1). It the prosthesis.
is with the above understanding that we begin to 2. Spread: Adequate A-P spread to support the
appreciate the great interest in the dental com- prosthesis (Fig. 2.2).
munity to learn about the less-invasive surgical 3. Stability: High primary stability of placed
concepts and protocols that rehabilitate the eden- dental implants.
tulous patient without bone grafts. The goal of
this article is to provide a brief overview and The surgical diagnostic criteria discussed in
introduction to the absolute surgical diagnostic this article will apply to a patient who is being
and treatment planning requirements for sur- treatment planned for a full-arch, fixed metal-­
geons and restorative dentists. ceramic, FP1 [15], implant-supported fixed den-

Fig. 2.1 Successful, aesthetic, and functional rehabilitation of patient utilizing a graftless approach to maxilla and
mandible. Four implants per jaw were used in an immediate load protocol
2 Surgical Diagnostic Considerations in Graft-Avoiding Dental Implant Reconstruction of Atrophic Jaws 17

Fig. 2.2 The A-P spread is determined by the distance should be as large as possible to compensate for the mag-
between the lines intersecting the platform of the distal nified occlusal forces of the cantilever
implants and the most anterior implants. The A-P spread

ture [16], profile prosthesis [17], or defect, whereas subsequent loss of supporting
fixed-removable (overdenture) [18] prosthetic bone and soft tissue creates what is termed a “com-
restoration. The surgeon must evaluate the fol- posite defect” [19]. In patients where a tooth-only
lowing anatomic factors for all restorative options defect with minimum resorption of the supporting
listed above: structures has occurred, a metal-ceramic/zirconia-
ceramic FP1 implant-­supported prosthesis is the
1. Magnitude of three-dimensional anatomical most appropriate. A FP1 prosthesis can be fabri-
defect. cated on four implant anchorage with precise
2. The position of the prosthetic transition line implant position and minimal bone contouring
relative to the animated lip position. when indicated. However, in most cases, edentu-
3. The relative position of the planned incisors to lous patients present with varying degrees or hori-
the existing alveolar ridge. zontal as well as vertical composite defects. To
4. The volume and quality of alveolar bone assess the magnitude of the resorptive defect, a
available in the maxilla and mandible. digital or analogue dental setup with appropriate
5. Position of the inferior maxillary sinuses, tooth position, inter-arch relationship, and occlu-
nasal cavity, alveolar nerve, and mental sion must be completed. The denture setup is sub-
foramen. sequently duplicated in a transparent clear acrylic
and worn by the patient. With the clear denture in
The prosthetic diagnostic criteria and con- place, two dimensions are measured:
cerns will be discussed in another chapter.
Loss of teeth and subsequent resorption of sup- 1. The relative space between the cervical line of
porting structures create an anatomical defect the denture teeth to the residual ridge. This
within the maxillofacial structures that will have measurement represents the available restor-
profound influence on the type of the restoration ative space (Fig. 2.3).
best suited to the patient. Subsequently, the type of 2. The facial surface of the teeth to apex of the
restoration selected to satisfy the patient’s condi- residual crest, representing the lip support
tion and desires will determine the implant posi- requirements.
tions. Therefore, loss of tissue should be assessed
first to determine the correct position of the osse- With the data available from these two mea-
ous anchorage. Loss of teeth creates a “tooth-only” surements, the restorative and surgical clinicians
18 H. M. Zarrinkelk

can determine the appropriate restoration for the responsibility. If insufficient inter-arch space is
patient. The decision to fabricate a metal-ceramic detected, then space should be created. Most
appliance without pink ceramic gingiva vs. a often, the creation of space is accomplished by
hybrid appliance is made by the restorative den- bone reduction or alveolectomy. The surgeon and
tist based on the relative position of the proposed restorative dentist should collaborate on determi-
teeth to the existing alveolar ridge and lips. The nation of the magnitude of bone reduction
surgical specialist must have a clear u­ nderstanding required in each of the jaws to satisfy prosthetic
of the space required to satisfy the aesthetic and requirements. The dimensions of alveolectomy
structural requirements of the planned restoration are communicated to the surgeon by the “bone
[20, 21]. In the case of a fixed implant denture, reduction guide”. This surgical stent is a tissue or
approximately 15 mm of space is required per tooth-supported acrylic stent fabricated on an
arch measured from the incisal edge to implant altered plaster model with markings for reduction
platform. The management of restorative space is (Fig. 2.4).
an absolute prosthetic requirement but a surgical A large horizontal deficiency will create a
prosthetic ledge which will be both unaesthetic
and unhygienic for the patient. The surgeon may
alter the vertical position of the dental implants
relative to the incisal edge to allow for an appro-
priate labial curvature of the appliance. The avail-
able vertical dimensions of the bone must be
taken into consideration. If insufficient vertical
bone dimension exists to allow appropriate verti-
cal position of the implants, then a removable
implant-supported overdenture with a flange may
be selected [22].
The next step in clinical evaluation of patient
is assessment of the “transition line”. This line
Fig. 2.3 Assessment of available restorative space by uti- represents the junction of the dental prosthesis
lization of clear acrylic dental setup. Note the distance and residual alveolar gingiva. The failure to
from planned incisal edge to the existing alveolar ridge.
Horizontal and vertical relationship between the incisal assess the visibility of the transition line may
edge and the alveolar ridge can be measured result in an unaesthetic outcome for the patient

Fig. 2.4 Examples of both tooth and tissue-borne bone lated in the stent and surgeon removes appropriate height
reduction guides. This guide is used by the surgeon to of alveolar bone to assure sufficient restorative space and
determine the desired position of the alveolar platform for proper prosthetic labial contours
implant placement. The final incisal edge position is simu-
2 Surgical Diagnostic Considerations in Graft-Avoiding Dental Implant Reconstruction of Atrophic Jaws 19

Fig. 2.5 Transition line is defined as the junction of bone reduction in order to hide the transition line above
hybrid dental prosthesis and natural gingiva. Assessment the smile line and avoid an unaesthetic result for the
of visible alveolus (line) during lip animation and smiling patient (arrow)
is critical preoperatively to ascertain the magnitude of

Fig. 2.6 The measurement of subnasale to stomion rep- of lip mobility and must be considered during treatment
resent the lip length. The change in this measurement planning. An active lip may necessitate substantial bone
between repose and animation represents the magnitude reduction to hide the transition line

(Fig. 2.5). The transition line may become visible ing, the decision to conserve or resect alveolar
during normal animation of the lips particularly bone is based on the patients’ aesthetic demands.
during smiling. The edentulous patients’ typical If artificial ceramic or acrylic gingiva is unac-
hesitation to smile during examination may be a ceptable to the patient, then the dental implants
source of underestimation of the exposure. will have to be placed in precise teeth positions
Therefore, the evaluation of the lip animation and a metal-ceramic/zirconia-ceramic prosthesis
should begin during the initial conversations with of appropriate teeth proportions constructed. If a
patients. This should be documented using pho- patient has a composite defect and the ridge is
tographs and video. Next, lip length is measured visible, then metal-ceramic prosthesis without
from subnasale to stomion with the patient pro- gingival porcelain may not be feasible. In this
viding their biggest smile. This is requested with class of patient’s teeth will appear long and
the denture in place (Fig. 2.6). Subsequently, the unaesthetic without gingival coloured soft tissue
denture is removed and patient asked to smile and component. In a situation where alveolar ridge is
verified with measurement of lip length. Any vis- visible and artificial gingiva are not of aesthetic
ible alveolar ridge during the maximal smiling is concern to the patient, then alveolar resection is
noted and measured. Ideally in an edentulous indicated. Extra attention should be paid to
patient, the final transition line should be 3–5 mm patients with short or hyperactive lips. The
above the highest animated smile line. For an dimension of alveolar reduction will be the sum
edentulous patient with a visible ridge on smil- of visible ridge measurement plus an additional
20 H. M. Zarrinkelk

Fig. 2.7 Prefabricated provisional shell and surgical stent

3–5 mm of reduction. The entire visible alveolar

ridge from the pre-maxilla to the tuberosity must
be considered when planning for alveolectomy.
Once the vertical dimensions of alveolectomy in
all zones of the maxilla or mandible are deter-
mined, the patient radiographs will be evaluated
to assess the anticipated remaining alveolar bone
below the sinus and nasal cavity and above the
inferior alveolar nerve.
Factors such as patients’ age, excessive gingi-
val show, or aesthetic demands may be contrain-
dications to alveolectomy. In such cases the
Fig. 2.8 Precise implant position with consideration of
technical and cost-saving advantages of the graft the final tooth position
avoiding procedures may still be realized. For
these cases the implants are placed in precise
three-dimensional positions to allow for appro-
priate emergence profile of the appliance. A tis-
sue or tooth indexed surgical guide is fabricated
(Fig. 2.7). The final position of the teeth is deter-
mined via the guide. Implants are placed to sat-
isfy the three absolute surgical requirements
discussed earlier. Implants are placed with mini-
mal tissue reflection and trauma. Implant angula-
tion and depth are adjusted to provide enough
space for multi-unit abutments or angled screw Fig. 2.9 Appropriate emergence of the multi-unit abut-
channel system (Fig. 2.8). The emergence of the ment screw through the palatal aspect of the tooth
multiunit abutment access screw should be
through the cingulum of the incisors (Fig. 2.9). A functional and aesthetic factors. The goal of the
provisional replacing just the tooth portion space creation through bone removal is to facilitate
(Fig. 2.10) and a definitive restoration (Fig. 2.11) fabrication of a prosthesis with adequate flexure
can be fabricated for the patient while avoiding resistance and appropriate contours where the tran-
alveolectomy. sition line is not visible in conversation or smile.
In summary, the decision to resect or preserve The third and final step in systematic diagno-
the alveolar bone is determined by a number of sis of an edentulous patient is radiographic deter-
2 Surgical Diagnostic Considerations in Graft-Avoiding Dental Implant Reconstruction of Atrophic Jaws 21

Fig. 2.12 The three zones of maxillary alveolar bone

used in a simplified treatment planning protocol as
described by Bedrosian. Zone 1 = incisor region (red),
Fig. 2.10 A tooth only provisional in the maxilla sculpt- zone 2 = bicuspid region (gold), zone 3 = molar region
ing tissues (Provisional Courtesy of Saj Jivraj B.D.S.) (green)

be considered (Fig. 2.13b). And finally if zone 1

is the only available bone, then zygomatic or
pterygoid plate implant concepts may be con-
sidered for posterior support and axial or tilted
implants for anterior support (Fig. 2.13c). If
complete atrophy of the maxilla is evident with
unavailability of bone in all three zones of the
maxilla, then two zygomatic implants bilater-
ally may be used to provide support for the pros-
thesis (Fig. 2.13d). The reason for tilting of
implant up to 45 degrees is to avoid placement
of implants in anatomic structures such as the
Fig. 2.11 A definitive zirconia restoration adapted to the
tissue in the maxilla (Definitive restoration courtesy of Saj maxillary sinus, nasal cavity, or mental fora-
Jivraj B.D.S.) men. Tilting of the distal implants increases the
A-P spread by positioning the platform of the
implant further posteriorly while avoiding the
mination of available bone for dental implant mentioned structures (Fig. 2.14). By bypassing
placement. Three-dimensional radiography and these structures, bone grafting procedures are
virtual planning software has made the diagnosis avoided or minimized. If any combination of the
and treatment planning predictable. Bedrossian implant position schemes satisfy the three abso-
has described the delineation of maxilla into lute requirements of spread, stability, and space,
three zone for a simplified treatment planning then immediate loading of the appliance is
[19]. A treatment plan can be developed by the considered.
clinician after determination of presence of suf- Selection of the appropriate implants for each
ficient bone in the three zones of the maxilla. The case must begin with a complete understanding
alveolar bone of the anterior maxilla from canine of the available implants systems and corre-
to contralateral canine is designated as zone 1, sponding straight or angled prosthetic abutments.
the premolar region as zone 2, and the molar Lekholm and Zarb [23] have classified the degree
region as zone 3 (Fig. 2.12). of resorption of the alveolar process and basal
If zones 1, 2, and 3 have available bone vol- bone. A classification was also proposed for asso-
ume, then preferred number of axial implants ciated bone quality. Selection of implant length
may be placed (Fig. 2.13a). If zones 1 and 2 are and diameter is dependent on alveolar anatomy
available, then tilted posterior implant in combi- and bone density. A thorough preoperative as
nation with axial or tilted anterior implants can well as intraoperative evaluation of the alveolar
22 H. M. Zarrinkelk

a b

c d

Fig. 2.13 Treatment planning of the edentulous maxilla rior implant placement; (c) zone 1 only = Axial anterior +
can be done by evaluation of bone availability in the three zygoma implant placement; (d) No Zone = quad zygoma
zones of the maxilla: (a) zones 1+ 2 + 3 = Axial implant implant concept
placement; (b) zones 1 + 2 = Axial anterior + tilted poste-

creates decortication of the alveolar ridge and

exposure of the spongy marrow space for implant
placement. Alveolar atrophy or bone reduction
will have the beneficial effect of bringing the
crest of the alveolus closer to confluence of dense
bone plates of the piriform rim. The position of
the distal tilted implant should be so that the
eventual prosthetic cantilever is minimized.
Implant length selection is to assure primary sta-
bility by engagement of areas of dense bone such
Fig. 2.14 Tilting of the implants up to 45° (blue) allows as the piriform rim, nasal floor, or inferior border
distalization of the platform of the implant while avoiding of the mandible while placing the implant plat-
structures such as the maxillary sinus. The primary benefit of
this manoeuvre is the reduction of the cantilever effect (gold) form as far posteriorly as possible [25] (Fig. 2.15).
Therefore, in the maxilla the posterior implant if
angled should be at the minimum long enough to
ridge will guide the diameter of implant used. reach from the bicuspid region to the piriform
The goal of surgeon should be to maintain ade- rim. In the mandible the distal implant is posi-
quate bone thickness of at least 2 mm along the tioned with the platform above the mental fora-
entire length of the implant [24]. Assuming that men and tilted to avoid the anterior loop of the
the minimal implant diameter used will be nar- Inferior alveolar nerve while engaging the dense
row platform or 3.3–3.5 mm (Nobel Biocare, inferior border cortex.
Zurich, Switzerland), a minimum of 5–6 mm of Decision on number of implants to be placed
alveolar crest ridge width is required in planning is beyond the scope of this article and is not an
of the implant positions. Wider alveolar ridges absolute criteria for success. The appropriate
allow for placement of wider implants with more number of implants for each individual patient is
flexibility of components and increased bone/ dependent on factors such as health status, type
metal contact surface area for osseointegration of bone, type and size of implant used, type of
and therefore should be favoured. Bone reduction prosthesis planned, biomechanical configura-
2 Surgical Diagnostic Considerations in Graft-Avoiding Dental Implant Reconstruction of Atrophic Jaws 23

Fig. 2.15 Primary stability of the implants placed is criti- of bone engaged. The goal should be to engage areas of
cal to osseointegration and success. The immediate stabil- jaws with dense bone such as inferior border of the man-
ity is dependent on design of implant used and the quality dible, nasal floor, or piriform rim, for example

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22. Fortin Y, Sullivan RM, Rangert BR. The Marius
implant bridge: surgical and prosthetic rehabilita-
Guided Surgery for Full-Arch
Implant-Supported Restorations
Michael Klein, Jay Neugarten, and Allon Waltuch

Abstract cal guides are thought of as quicker and easier

paths to surgery; however, with today’s tech-
This chapter will discuss and instruct the user
nology, even using the most comprehensive
in the type of data required for surgical and
planning and preparation for guided surgery,
prosthetic planning, how to collect that data,
the clinician can often go from the initial
and how to create a prosthetic plan and then a
patient consultation directly to performing
surgical plan. The different types of devices
guided surgery at the next visit.
and techniques for guided surgery will be
described and differentiated. Step by step
instruction for implementation of each type of
3.1 Why Perform Guided
guided surgery will be covered. The discus-
Surgery as Opposed
sion will start with a review of understanding
to Freehand Surgery or
what is seen in surgical planning software and
Using a Conventional Shell
will be followed by what diagnostic data is
Surgical Guide?
required for prosthetic and surgical planning
and how to collect it. The different types of
The ultimate goal of any implant surgical tech-
guided surgery and the specifics of their tech-
nique is to create precision, accuracy, and effi-
niques (data, planning, preparation, imple-
ciency for the ideal functional and aesthetic result
mentation) for full-arch restorations including
for any given patient. Freehand surgery relies
all forms of surgical guides, dynamic naviga-
completely on the clinical expertise and experi-
tion, and robotic surgery will be described.
ence of the implant surgeon. It requires a com-
Freehand surgery or conventional shell surgi-
plete understanding of the surgical anatomical
considerations as well as a thorough understand-
ing of the three-dimensional prosthetic, aesthetic,
M. Klein (*) · A. Waltuch
Advanced Implant Dentistry and Oral Restoration, and functional implications of the specific
Cedarhurst, New York, NY, USA implant position chosen [1]. This all must be
e-mail: decided real time at the time of surgery. The use
J. Neugarten of a conventional shell surgical guide brings a lot
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, of information to the surgery in regard to the sur-
Weill-Cornell Medical Center,
gical as well as prosthetic implant positioning
New York-­Presbyterian Hospital,
New York, NY, USA [2]. However, guided surgery allows a very thor-
e-mail: ough surgical and prosthetic planning with com-

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 25

S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
26 M. Klein et al.

plete integration of the two plans [3, 4]. All the while visualizing three dimensionally the pros-
planning is then translated into tools that guide thetic restoration and the impact of the surgical
the clinician to systematically perform the ideal implant position on the restoration (e.g., what
surgical procedure to produce the planned foun- type of abutments would be necessary, can the
dation for the planned prosthetic restoration. The restoration be screw retained or does it have to
rationale for guided surgery for full-arch restora- be cementable, will a custom abutment be
tions is the same for single and limited span required, what are the dimensions of aesthetic
bridges. tooth placement, and can a crown and bridge
The steps required for guided surgery include style (FP-1) restoration be made with natural
data collection, presurgical prosthetic restora- soft tissue or will a pink prosthetic apron be
tion design, surgical planning, and the imple- required). These prosthetic planning options are
mentation of the plan through presurgical not designed to be used to create stl manufactur-
manufactured devices or real-time technology ing files to produce a provisional restoration.
used during surgery. There are multiple tech- There are separate prosthetic planning software
niques for guided surgery including surgical (e.g., 3Shape design, exocad, Dental Wings,
guides, real-time dynamic guided surgery, and etc.) where pure prosthetic design is done. These
robotic surgery. prosthetic restoration design stl files can be
imported into the surgical planning software to
aid in surgical planning, as well as to be used as
3.2 Planning Software manufacturing files to produce provisional
An understanding of planning software is criti- Proper planning today includes comprehen-
cal to be able to properly evaluate both surgical sive prosthetic planning merged with surgical
and prosthetic plans. There are software dedi- planning. This type of planning software can
cated to surgical planning that have basic pros- then design surgical guides and produce stl
thetic planning features. These features are manufacturing files for the surgical guides or
designed for placement of a virtual prosthetic guide dynamic or robotic implant surgery
restoration contours to enable surgical planning (Fig. 3.1).

Fig. 3.1 Comprehensive treatment planning is done very efficiently by integrating CT scan data and iOS scan data in
diagnostic planning software
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 27

3.2.1 Surgical Planning Software one 3D image there can be surgical and pros-
thetic analysis (as well as the influence of each on
Surgical planning software requires two types of the other) (Fig. 3.5a, b).
datasets to be able to properly plan prosthetically Surgical planning software will accept the
driven implant surgical procedures. The two sets dicom data from cone beam or conventional CT
of data are the dicom data from a CT scan scanners.
(Fig. 3.2a, b) (most commonly cone beam CT
scan data) of the patient and the intraoral surface
(iOS) scans of the patient (iOS scans of the max-
illa, mandible, and bite) (Fig. 3.3). Conventional
analogue impressions may be taken of the patient
and then converted into digital data with a labora-
tory scanner (Fig. 3.4a, b) or your CBCT scanner
[5, 6]. The iOS scans (or lab scanned models) are
used to perform a virtual diagnostic prosthetic
wax up for the patient. The CT scan dicom data is
used to be able to analyse in 3D the bone struc-
tures as well as the soft tissue structures in and
around the bony structures. Surgical planning Fig. 3.3 Intraoral surface scan technology enables virtual
software integrates both these datasets so that in models for every full-arch implant patient

a b

Fig. 3.2 (a, b) The convenience of having a cone beam CT scanner directly in the dental office enables rapid compre-
hensive diagnostic patient evaluation
28 M. Klein et al.

a b

Fig. 3.4 (a, b) Those clinicians who do not yet have the capability to take intraoral surface scans may take conventional
impressions and have the stone models scanned in a laboratory scanner

Fig. 3.5 (a, b) The merging of the CT scan data with the surface scan data in surgical and prosthetic planning software
allows for true comprehensive treatment planning
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 29

b This dicom data will then be reformatted by

the surgical planning software into user-friendly
pictures. The picture orientations include a pan-
oramic view (Fig. 3.6a), axial view (Fig. 3.6b),
cross-sectional view (Fig. 3.6c), and 3D recon-
struction (Fig. 3.6d) [7, 8].
There will be multiple pictures from each of
these views, the number depending on slice
thickness and parameters set by each proprietary
The reformatted CT dicom data by itself has
a lot of information to allow the clinician to
completely evaluate the surgical site; however,
when combined with surface scans of the exist-
ing teeth and soft tissue in the patient’s mouth, a
much more thorough analysis can be done. The
volume and position of bone as it relates to the
prosthetic restoration gives critical information
when designing and evaluating the plan for
guided surgery: what is the aesthetic dimension
Fig. 3.5 (continued)
of a tooth, where will the free gingival margin
be, is there enough room for all the required

a b

Fig. 3.6 (a–d) Surgical planning software will reformat the CT dicom data into panoramic views, axial views, cross-­
sectional views, and a complete 3D reconstruction
30 M. Klein et al.

c d

Fig. 3.6 (continued)

complex comprehensive planning efficient and

effective [9].

3.2.2 Prosthetic Planning Software

Prosthetic planning and design software is a free-­

standing software that has many design features.
Stl files of the patients’ mandible and maxilla are
obtained through intraoral surface scanning in
the dental clinic, or by laboratory scanning of
models of the patients’ mandible and maxilla.
Vertical dimension and correct centric records
are also taken by the intraoral or lab scanners.
Full-face photographs can also be introduced and
incorporated into the planning with the intraoral
(iOS) or lab scanning. Design features include
Fig. 3.7 The outline of the diagnostic wax-up can be
the ability to extract teeth, place virtual teeth of
seen in blue with critical measurements taken for diagnos-
tic assessment in the cross-sectional view all shapes and sizes, as well modify any of the
tooth dimensions as appropriate to any specific
patient. Features to add pink aprons as well as
prosthetic components, will bone have to be many other patient specific items are in many of
reduced or bone grafting be done to accomplish these prosthetic design software. A specific pros-
the desired result for the patient (Fig. 3.7-cross- thesis design (for an anticipated restoration) can
section with measurements and pros profile). be made. This prosthesis design (including teeth
All these factors require incorporation of the to be extracted, etc.) can then be imported into
prosthetic planning with the surgical planning. the surgical planning software to aid in creating
Today’s technology creates a workflow to make the ideal surgical plan for each specific patient.
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 31

Decision-making for the full-arch patient can restoration (zirconia, titanium bar, peek, PMMA,
then be made as to appropriate implant type, size, nanoceramics, porcelain to metal, etc). This pros-
position, abutment type, number of implants, thetic plan can also be used as a manufacturing
prosthetic pink apron or crown and bridge resto- file to 3D print or CNC mill prosthetic restoration
ration, and material type for provisional and final (Figs. 3.8a–g, 3.9a–i, and 3.10a–p) [10, 11].

a b

c d e

Fig. 3.8 (a, b) Preliminary data for prosthodontic evalua- crown and bridge style restoration with no pink apron even
tion includes full-face photography and intraoral photos. (c, though the teeth may be a little long. (f, g) Once the diagnos-
d, e) Intraoral surface scans are taken and a virtual diagnos- tic wax-up is confirmed, it may be integrated into the surgi-
tic wax-up is completed. The virtual diagnostic wax-up is cal planning software. Surgical implant planning must
integrated into the full-face photo. This is a critical factor follow the tooth position from the diagnostic wax-up, as it
which shows here that the tooth transition zone will not be has been determined that a crown and bridge style prosthesis
exposed in the smile line. Therefore, this patient may have a will be made with teeth emerging from natural soft tissue
32 M. Klein et al.

a b

c e d

f g

Fig. 3.9 (a, b) Pretreatment smiling photos and intraoral patient verifying the need for a prosthetic pink apron. (h,
photos are taken. (c, d, e) Intraoral surface scans of the i) The determination from the diagnostic wax-up of the
maxilla and mandible are articulated. Virtual extractions need for a pink prosthetic apron determines rules for
are done, and a complete wax-up of the maxilla is com- implant positioning. This includes freedom from mesial to
pleted with a pink prosthetic apron in anticipation of distal tooth position, as you will not see teeth emerging
excessively long teeth being seen in the patient’s smile. (f, from natural soft tissue
g) The virtual wax-up is integrated into the smile of the
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 33

Fig. 3.9 (continued)

34 M. Klein et al.

a b c d

e f g

h i

j k l

Fig. 3.10 (a–d) The diagnostic data for the edentulous patient’s aesthetic requirements. (j, k, l) The virtual wax-
arch will include photos of the full face and smile, intra- up is merged with the patient’s photos to confirm the inci-
oral photos, and dual-scan CT scan data. (e, f, g) The two sal edge. (m, n, o) The virtual wax-up may be converted
datasets from the dual scan CT scans are used in the surgi- into a diagnostic try-in to confirm tooth position, and aes-
cal planning software to merge the denture tooth (or diag- thetics, tooth measurements, midline, as well as exposure
nostic wax-up) position with the bone. The internal of the transition zone in the smile line. (p) The determina-
surface of the denture creates the simulated soft tissue for tion of aesthetic tooth length from the virtual wax-up and
the planning software; therefore, it is critical that there is diagnostic try-in instructs the surgical planning. This res-
an intimate fit of the denture to the soft tissue when scan- toration will be a crown and bridge style restoration with
ning. (h, i) The scanned denture (from the dual scan tech- aesthetic tooth lengths. Ideal implant tooth positioning is
nique) is modified to an ideal virtual wax-up for the critical
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 35

m n o

Fig. 3.10 (continued) Incorporating Prosthetic onstrate the contours of the proposed prosthesis

Planning into Surgical Planning design. Removable dentures or fixed provisional
Software restorations could also be duplicated and used
Historically, prosthetic planning was incorpo- this way. This can be effective, but it is time-­
rated into surgical planning by the use of a radio- consuming and requires extra visits and there is
graphic guide while taking the CT scan. This limited data gained from this (only pure surgical
required creating a physical diagnostic template planning can be done) (Fig. 3.11a–e—ct appli-
by mounting diagnostic casts of the patient and ance picture and ct to go with it) [12].
creating a diagnostic setup of anticipated tooth Today, the most efficient process to incorpo-
position. This would then be converted into a CT rate prosthetic planning into a surgical plan is to
scan appliance (usually removeable) which the incorporate intraoral scans (iOS) of the patient
patient would place into their mouths prior to tak- into the surgical planning software. These intra-
ing the CT scan. Radiopaque markers would be oral scans are taken at the initial consultation
placed into these appliances by incorporating visit of the patient with any conventional intra-
either barium sulphate into the acrylic being used oral scanner. For the full-arch implant patient, a
to create the teeth in the appliance or gutta-­percha full face and profile picture should also be taken
or some other radiopaque materials which would to aid in planning. The full face can be incorpo-
be placed into the teeth in the appliance to dem- rated into the prosthetic planning software. Using
36 M. Klein et al.

this integrated data, the prosthesis design is then imported into the surgical planning software for
made. The profile picture is used to anticipate the surgical planning. Alternatively, diagnostic
changes to the lip position if there will be changes casts of the patient can be scanned using a labora-
to the overjet or any bodily or angular movement tory scanner, and then the same protocol of
of the anterior teeth (maxilla or mandible) anteri- including full-face photography, prosthesis
orly, posteriorly, or arch circumference changes. design in prosthetic design software followed by
The stl file of the prosthesis design is then surgical planning can be done (Fig. 3.12a–i).

a c e

b d

Fig. 3.11 (a–e) Dentures duplicated with barium sul- development of the dual-scan technique. These CT scan
phate mixed with acrylic were an effective way of demon- appliances could then be converted into surgical guides
strating tooth position in CT scan data prior to the

a b

Fig. 3.12 (a, b) Analysis of the patient’s smile line treatment photographs revealed a high smile line. The
reveals a high smile line exposing the tooth to soft tissue diagnostic wax-up was designed with ideal tooth dimen-
interface (the transition zone), as well as an unaesthetic sions. The integration of the datasets was then used to
smile. The profile picture clearly demonstrates the buccal evaluate the residual bone position available for implant
flaring of the maxillary anterior teeth. (c, d) When the placement and what the distance to the free gingival mar-
diagnostic wax-up (yellow) is overlayed on the pretreat- gin would be. This then determined that an aesthetic tooth
ment intraoral surface scans (turquoise), the retraction of to soft tissue relationship could be developed even with
the maxillary anterior teeth can be seen. (e, f, g) The diag- the patient’s high smile line. (h, i) The immediate provi-
nostic wax-up is then imported into the surgical planning sional restoration placed at implant surgery demonstrates
software to aid in proper implant positioning. The pre- effective presurgical evaluation and planning
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 37

c d

e f g

h i

Fig. 3.12 (continued)

38 M. Klein et al.

a b c

Fig. 3.13 (a, b, c) Photos of the patient with lips at repose, smiling, and wide smiling aid the diagnostic wax-up Data Required for Full-Arch

Implant Restoration Surgical
These are the sets of data required: surface scans
of the mandible and maxilla if there are any teeth
present; dual CT scans for patients with an eden-
tulous arch that requires planning; one of the CT
appliance, and one of the arch that requires plan-
ning with the CT appliance in place (today that is
usually a cone beam CT scan); a full-face photo-
graph of the patient with a wide smile, regular
smile, and their lips at repose (ideally also a pro-
file picture (Fig. 3.13a–c), consider a video of the
patient speaking and smiling if that will aid with
any virtual wax-up); and any conventional radio-
graphs or clinical measurements (periodontal
Fig. 3.14 The dual-scan technique requires scanning the
charting, mobility charting, etc.) that will aid and patient with an acrylic prosthesis. This prosthesis must
support in an appropriate diagnosis. seat completely and be stable on the soft tissue. The
patient’s denture may be used if their denture is represen- Dual-Scan Technique tative of where teeth are to be positioned in the final resto-
ration. A reline of the patient’s denture is recommended if
If the arch that is being treated with the full-arch it is not a recently made prosthesis
implant treatment is edentulous, then a dual-scan
technique should be employed. If the patient is
wearing a denture and the tooth position in the no denture or there will be changes to the tooth
denture will be copied (arch circumference, inci- position, then a diagnostic denture should first be
sal edge position, occlusal plane position, overall made.
tooth position), then scan markers (usually five
radiopaque balls) can be affixed to the denture to Placing the Radiopaque
create a scan appliance. The denture should be Markers
stable when seated in the patient’s mouth; if not, There are radiopaque markers that are fixed in
then reline the denture first (Fig. 3.14). If there is position with preplaced adhesive, or you may cut
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 39

holes in the denture and place barium or gutta (Fig. 3.17), and then a separate scan is taken with
percha as markers (Figs. 3.15a, b and 3.16a, b). this appliance seated in the patients’ mouth at
Ideally place five markers in an anterior posterior conventional settings (Fig. 3.18a, b). Many cone
and mesial to distal distant positions around the beam CT scanners have preset settings for the
arch to create a tripod position. These markers dual-scan technique. These two scans are inte-
are for use to combine the two CT scans in the grated in the surgical planning software
dual-scan technique. They are not intended for (Fig. 3.19). The low Ma setting of the scan appli-
the planning itself. The markers may be placed in ance allows the denture acrylic to be seen. The
or on the buccal or lingual denture flanges tooth position and soft tissue position are thus
(including the palate). A CT scan is taken off the seen to aid in proper diagnosis and planning
scan appliance at low Ma (usually 2–3 Ma) (Fig. 3.20) [13].

a b

Fig. 3.15 (a, b) Five radiopaque balls are placed around the arch on the removeable prosthesis used in the dual-scan

a b

Fig. 3.16 (a, b) Radiopaque material such as gutta-percha may be placed into holes cut into the prothesis to be scanned
via dual-scan technique
40 M. Klein et al.

Fig. 3.19 The independent prosthesis scan is integrated

Fig. 3.17 The removeable prosthesis with radiopaque with the patient scan in the surgical planning software
markers is scanned independently in the CT scanner and a
second time in the patient’s mouth

a b

Fig. 3.18 (a, b) The radiopaque balls can be seen in the independent removeable prosthesis CT scan as well as in the
patient scan
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 41

All surgical guides have several common ele-

ments. They use most of the common planning
software for their planning. The planning soft-
ware will require the capability for designing
the surgical guide after the actual implant plan-
ning is complete. The software that plans and
then designs the surgical guide will output an stl
file that is used for manufacturing the surgical
guide. Commonly these guides are 3D printed
from this stl file (Fig. 3.21); however, CNC
machining the guide can also be done from
these stl files (CNC machining surgical guides
usually is more time-­consuming and costly than
3D printing) (Fig. 3.22). Metal sleeves are
placed into these surgical guides that are com-
patible with the surgical tools that are part of the
different types of systems used with guides dur-
ing surgery. These metal sleeves are specific to
these surgical systems and different implant
systems. The sleeve type is indicated in the
guide design software so that the hole to receive
the sleeve is manufactured to the sleeve specifi-
cation (Fig. 3.23a–c).

Fig. 3.20 The profile of the tooth position in the remove-

able prosthesis can be clearly seen. The soft tissue profile
is created by the intimate fit of the removeable prosthesis
to the soft tissue

3.2.3 Surgical Guides Types of Surgical Guides

Surgical guides are custom devices that seat
on the soft tissue, teeth, bone, or a combina-
tion of teeth and soft tissue. They may be
secured in position by fixing to teeth, bony
landmarks, or soft tissue by pinning them to
the bone with pins or screws. Guides may even
on occasion be used with just finger pressure
on the guide while it sits on the soft tissue.
The data collected for surgical and prosthetic
planning is the same regardless of the type of
guide used. The surgical planning may have
slight differences depending on the type of Fig. 3.21 3D printers efficiently and cost-effectively
guide used. manufacture surgical guides
42 M. Klein et al. Fully Guided Surgical Guides

Fully guided surgical guides will guide the entire
sequence of drilling including insertion of the
implant. They will produce a completed osteot-
omy with the planned overall location, angle, and
depth for any given implant. The sleeves used in
the surgical guide will have a large internal lumen
to accommodate and guide the specific tools
(guides with handle-spoons, DGS tool, or large
barrelled drills) specific to the surgical system
and implant system being used. This large lumen
will also accommodate and guide an implant
insertion key to deliver the implant to its planned
position. Although fully guided systems are
designed for the entire sequence of drilling and
implant placement, it may be used for the drilling
sequence only partially or with or without implant
placement. It is a tool to be used according to the
preferences of the clinician.

The Indications and Benefits of the Fully

Guided Surgical Guide
The fully guided surgical guide provides guid-
ance for the complete osteotomy drilling
sequence and implant insertion and seating. They
guide the entire preparation of the implant oste-
otomy to set the location, angle, and depth of the
osteotomy. Implant insertion can then be com-
pleted seating the implant to its final position,
Fig. 3.22 Surgical guides can be produced with CNC including controlling the prosthetic connection
machining; however, this is usually a more time- orientation (Fig. 3.24a, b).
consuming process

a b c

Fig. 3.23 (a, b, c) The surgical design software has manufacturing the surgical guide, the metal sleeves are
libraries of sleeve designs. The guided surgical system to installed in the surgical guide
be used dictates the library selection in the software. After
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 43

a b

Fig. 3.24 (a, b) The Keystone Paltop implant is guided implant insertion key and sleeve design determine the
through the surgical guide to its final position with a dedi- implant placement depth as well as the implant prosthetic
cated implant insertion key. The combined design of the connection orientation

The major benefits of the fully guided surgical lication of the surgical plan from the planning
guide are the ability to rapidly locate osteotomy software. In the case of immediate provisional-
3D positions and continue rigid guidance through ization, a provisional restoration can be premade
the entire drilling sequence. After confirming with holes corresponding to planned implant
appropriate pilot osteotomy position, the com- locations. This predesigned and pre-surgically
plete drilling sequence is completed being guided fabricated provisional restoration can then be
by the surgical guide ensuring implant position- rapidly completed by luting temporary cylinders
ing the duplicates the surgical planning. Using a to the provisional restoration while seated on the
fully guided surgical guide ensures complete rep- final implant position (Fig. 3.25a–z5).
44 M. Klein et al.

a b c

d e f

Fig. 3.25 (a, b, c) A comprehensive evaluation of the implant positions from the surgical planning software. (n,
patient included full-face photos and 3D-printed and o, p) The provisional prosthesis stl file is used to 3D print
mounted diagnostic cast. The mounted casts demonstrated the provisional prosthesis. The prosthesis design includes
the class three bony relationship of the maxilla to the man- holes larger than the anticipated temporary cylinders to be
dibular tooth position. (d, e, f) Intraoral surface scans used to allow for leeway in the final implant position. (q,
were taken to aid in the evaluation of the existing tooth r, s) The surgical guide is 3D printed and secured to the
positions created by his removeable maxillary and man- patient’s maxilla with lateral pins. (t, u, v) Following
dibular prosthesis. Scans were taken with and without the implant insertion, multi-unit abutments were placed.
mandibular prosthesis. (g) The panoramic view of the CT Temporary cylinders are secured to the multi-unit abut-
scan shows adequate vertical height for implant place- ments. The provisional prosthesis was seated over the
ment. (h) Careful surgical planning was done using the temporary cylinders, and the cylinders were cured into
dual-scan technique. (i, j) The implant positions from the place with a flowable resin material. (w, x) The provi-
surgical planning software were integrated into the pros- sional prosthesis was trimmed, polished, and inserted into
thetic planning software creating a virtual model of the patient’s mouth. (y, z1, z2, z3, z4, z5) The final pros-
planned implant position. This new prosthetic model is thesis design modifications were based off the provisional
now used to create a provisional prosthesis design with prosthesis design. These Nexus iOS restorations were
prosthetic component libraries. (k, l, m) The provisional designed as titanium milled bars overlaid with monolithic
prosthesis design is completed based on anticipated zirconia supported by Keystone Paltop implants
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 45

i j

k l m

n o p

Fig. 3.25 (continued)

46 M. Klein et al.

q r s

t u v

w x

y z1 z2

z3 z4 z5

Fig. 3.25 (continued)

3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 47

What Data Do You Need to Prepare for rapid preliminary osteotomy position, assess-
the Guides ment of the position, and ability to allow for flex-
The data required to prepare a fully guided sur- ibility to alter the osteotomy position during
gical guide is the same data used for pilot sur- surgery. Different surgical design software have
gical guides: the dicom data from a CT scan different functionality. There are software that
and iOS (intraoral surface) scans of the man- will automatically lock in the 3D sleeve position
dible and maxilla with a centric mounting and depending on the fully guide system selected,
any other data required to properly plan implant while others will allow the designer to decide the
positions (e.g., photos, conventional radio- vertical height sleeve position. Some fully guided
graphs, clinical charting). If the arch is edentu- systems have dedicated drill lengths that ­correlate
lous, then the dicom data from a dual-scan to implant length; other systems may have vary-
technique will be required (the dual-scan tech- ing length drills. Systems with dedicated drill
nique has been previously described). A com- length to implant length are easier to use, while
prehensive surgical plan is developed from this systems with variable length require more think-
data (including a virtual wax-up). All this data ing during the procedure but allow for more flex-
is utilized in surgical planning software that ibility and a greater range of applications. This all
has a surgical guide design module (e.g., must be taken into consideration during planning
3Shape Implant studio, Exoplan, Anatomage, (Fig. 3.26a, b).
Columbia scientific SimPlant, Blue Sky Bio, There is also flexibility where within one
etc.). These planning software have libraries of guide you can have some osteotomies using pilot
guide sleeves. The planning laboratory will sleeves while other osteotomies may have sleeves
select the library for the fully guided sleeve to control full guidance. This may be done for the
appropriate to the procedure, surgical guided reasons described for selecting pilot or full
system, and implant system being planned. The guidance.
guide design software will automatically incor- In the full-arch surgical scenario, there is the
porate the geometry required to house this frequent use of lateral pins to secure the surgical
guide sleeve in the guide design. After manu- guide (pilot or fully guided); these lateral pins
facture of the guide (3D printing or machin- usually use a pilot guide-type sleeve dedicated to
ing), the laboratory will insert the appropriate lateral pins.
guide sleeve. When patients have remaining teeth that will
be extracted, consideration should be given to Surgical Planning utilizing two or three teeth to secure the surgical
Considerations (Surgical, guide during osteotomy preparation and only
Prosthetic) extracting those teeth after osteotomy prepara-
The surgical planning for a fully guided surgical tion. If these teeth will interfere with implant
guide will be the same as for any other computer-­ positions, consider using two surgical guides
guided technique (fully guided, dynamic guid- staggering tooth extraction or using the teeth to
ance, robotic). When there is questionable secure a pilot surgical guide that will create lat-
planning due to poor data being used for planning eral pin osteotomies. Once the lateral pin osteoto-
(patient movement during CT scan, inadequate mies are complete, the lateral pin surgical guide
surface structure capture in iOS or lab scanning, is removed. The remaining teeth are then
questionable or immature bone grafts, unclear extracted, and a second surgical guide is inserted
CT data), new data should be acquired. If this is and secured in position with lateral pins that will
not possible, then consideration for use of the engage the previously made lateral pin osteoto-
pilot guide should be taken due to its allowance mies (Figs. 3.27a–y and 3.28a–z).
48 M. Klein et al.

a b
Implant information
Implant position (UNN) 3
Manufacturer Paltop
Type Advanced 3.75x13.0
Order number 20-70003
Sleeve Surgical Guide Length, mm 13
Height Diameter (Ø), mm 3.75
Color Green
Sleeve Sleeve Offset Sleeve information
Drill Length* Name Paltop 4mm Engage
Type Universal
Implant Order number 30-70409
Offset, mm 12
Color Silver
Drill information
Minimum drill length 25

Fig. 3.26 (a, b) The calculation for sleeve placement in the drill are added to complete the calculation for sleeve posi-
surgical guide is determined by measuring from the coronal tion. The Keystone Paltop guided system uses a variable
end of the implant position to a measurement dictated by the measurement with consideration for soft tissue thickness
surgical guide system being used. The length of the implant and three lengths of drills to choose from. A drilling report
planned and the additional dimension for the apex of the lists the proper drill length to use for the final guide design

a b

Fig. 3.27 (a, b, c) Lateral pin placement considerations positioning the surgical guide during lateral pin place-
include not interfering with definitive implant positions ment. (g, h, i, j, k, l) The printed surgical guide is seated
and creating a wide anterior to posterior spread to develop on the edentulous maxilla and secured with lateral pins.
surgical guide fixation and stability. Planning the lateral Pilot osteotomies are drilled through the guide and unre-
pin sites must consider surgical accessibility to the lateral flected soft tissue. The surgical guide may then be
pin sleeves. (d, e, f) The stl file shows the surgical guide removed, and an incision was made to expose the alveolar
design and the removeable overlay which fits over the sur- crest. Pilot osteotomy positions can then be evaluated
gical guide. When assembled together the overlay aids in
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 49

d e f

g h

i j

k l

Fig. 3.27 (continued)

50 M. Klein et al.

b c

e f g

Fig. 3.28 (a, b) This patient will demonstrate the use of inserted and torqued to 30 ncm. Nexus scan gauges were
two sequential surgical guides. A failing maxillary dentition placed, and first-stage iOS scanning per the Nexus protocol
can be seen. (c, d) A diagnostic wax-up is performed and was completed. (r, s) The remaining maxillary teeth were
integrated into the surgical planning software. (e, f, g) The extracted, and the second phase surgical guide was inserted.
surgical plan was designed for two phases. The anterior The full coverage of the palate secured the surgical guide;
teeth were virtually extracted allowing seating of a surgical however, the addition of lateral pins would have given addi-
guide supported by remaining posterior teeth for placement tional stability to the guide. The Keystone Palto fully guided
of the anterior implants. (h, i, j) A second phase plan was surgical system is used even in limited inter-arch space. (t,
then made to include extracting the posterior teeth and u) Multi-unit abutments were placed on the second phase
design of a second surgical guide to place the remaining posterior implants. Nexus scan gauges were placed on all
posterior implants. (k, l, m) The surgical guide was pre- the multi-units and were scanned per the Nexus protocol for
pared, maxillary anterior teeth extracted, and the first phase immediate provisionalization. Multi-unit healing abutments
surgical guide seated, supported, and retained by the poste- were then secured to the multi-unit abutments and suturing
rior teeth. (n, o) The anterior osteotomies were prepared was completed. (v, w, x, y, z) The provisional restoration
through the surgical guide. Keystone Paltop Dynamic was 3D printed and finished with a pink apron. The immedi-
implants were placed through the surgical guide. (p, q) ate provisionalization was completed by inserting the provi-
Immediate provisionalization procedures were begun fol- sional restoration, securing it with multi-unit screws and
lowing the Nexus iOS protocol. Multi-unit abutments were evaluating and adjusting the occlusion
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 51

i j

k l m

k l m

n o

Fig. 3.28 (continued)

52 M. Klein et al.

p q

r s

t u

v w

Fig. 3.28 (continued)

3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 53

x y

Fig. 3.28 (continued) Surgical Systems Used directly perpendicular to and over the master cyl-
with Fully Guided Surgical inder and sleeve to be able to enter the spoon for
Guides drilling. This requires the patient to open very
There are three types of surgical systems used wide, and there will be limitations to interarch
with fully guided surgical guides. All three space as you prepare osteotomies in the posterior
­systems integrate with surgical guides that have a maxilla and mandible. The drills spinning in the
master sleeve as part of the surgical guide. This spoons may also cut small flakes of the cylinder
master sleeve guides the surgical system to pre- (usually made of titanium), and these flakes may
pare the correct osteotomy 3D position and inser- end up in the surgical site (which will require
tion of the dental implant. There are systems that careful inspection and cleaning) (Fig. 3.29a–f).
use drill guides with handles, sometimes called The second fully guided system has drills
spoons. These spoons fit into the master sleeve in where the shaft/barrel of the drill has varying
a retrievable manner. The spoons/drill guides are sizes to mate with the master cylinder in the
sized so the external diameter of the spoon fits surgical guide. There are varying diameters of
precisely into the master sleeve in the surgical the cutting segment of the drills, but all drills
guide. The spoons have varying internal diame- have a shank segment that will guide the drill
ters that both guide the actual drills and allow while cutting bone. This shank segment guides
them to spin free. The clinician follows the drill- the drill to place. The limitation of this type of
ing protocol appropriate to the implant system system includes blocking irrigation to the drill
choosing the appropriate spoon according to drill as well as limitations due to interarch space as
diameter and changing spoons to accommodate previously discussed with spoon-type systems.
the changing diameters of the drills. The limita- Depending on the system if the cutting seg-
tions of this type of system include having to be ment of the drill engages the master cylinder
very careful with irrigation as much of it is during drilling, then flakes of the master cylin-
blocked due to the drill fitting precisely in the der may also fall into the surgical site
spoon. The drills are long and must be placed (Fig. 3.30a, b).
54 M. Klein et al.

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 3.29 (a, b) Guided surgical kits that use drill guides guide should be supported in position while the drill guide
on handles (spoons) have dedicated drills that mate with handle needs to be held and the drill is operated by a third
the drill guides. (c, d) The use of a drill guide on a handle hand. (e, f) The implant is inserted into the final position
(spoon) to guide the drill requires multiple hands. The through the surgical guide by a dedicated implant driver
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 55

a b

Fig. 3.30 (a, b) This drill system uses a large bore shank that fits into the diameter of the drill guide sleeve. The metal
sleeve in the surgical guide directly guides the drill

The third type of fully guided system is a master cylinder, so there are no flakes of mate-
newer innovation that uses contra-angle guid- rial from the master cylinder. Guidance is pro-
ance. There is a dedicated contra-angle hand- vided by the DGS in the master cylinder
piece that engages a device called a DGS (Fig. 3.33a, b). The DGS does not have any
(digital guidance sleeve) (Fig. 3.31). This DGS cutting edges. The drills may enter the master
fits precisely into the master cylinder in the cylinder at an angle because they do not engage
surgical guide in a manner that allows vertical the master cylinder (so there is freedom of
and rotational movement of the DGS. All drills movement around the drill). There is only
used in the drilling protocol are designed to fit uprighting of the drills when the DGS enters
into the DGS. The DGS will guide the entire the master cylinder, and this is only the last
preparation of the osteotomy. The DGS has a several millimetres (Fig. 3.34a–c). Therefore,
window for irrigation to enter and cool the drill most osteotomies even posteriorly can be pre-
during osteotomy preparation (Fig. 3.32a, b). pared to completion when using contra-angle
The cutting edges of the drill do not engage the guidance.
56 M. Klein et al.

Fig. 3.31 The DGS (digital guidance

sleeve) is a component of the proprietary
Keystone dental guided surgical system.
The DGS is inserted and locked into a
dedicated contra-angle handpiece

a b

Fig. 3.32 (a, b) Irrigation cools the length of the drill during the drilling process by entering a window in the side of
the DGS
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 57

a b

Fig. 3.33 (a, b) The drill is guided by engagement of the DGS with the sleeve in the surgical guide. No cutting flutes
touch the surgical guide sleeve

a b c

Fig. 3.34 (a, b, c) The drill does not engage the drill reaches the bone. Most implant osteotomies can be per-
guide cylinder and is smaller in diameter than the drill formed with guidance even with limited interarch
guide sleeve. Therefore, the drill can be brought into the distance
sleeve at an angle and only uprighted when the drill
58 M. Klein et al.

How Do You Use the Guide During Surgery secure the guide position without displacing it. A
The surgical guide is prepared for surgery usually rigid bite registration may be used to accomplish
with a cold sterilization technique. The guide this (Fig. 3.36a–h). Once the edentulous full-arch
should be tried into the patient’s mouth prior to surgical guide is held stably in place, the osteoto-
beginning the surgery to ensure proper seating. If mies for lateral pins may be performed to secure
there are teeth that will be extracted that interfere the surgical guide in place. The drilling of the
with seating, then this try-in will be done only osteotomies for the lateral pins should be done
after tooth extraction. The surgical guide that is prior to any soft tissue reflection. One drill (usu-
tooth borne should be designed with windows ally a 2 mm twist drill) is used to create the oste-
anteriorly and posteriorly that demonstrate com- otomy. The lateral pin that is part of the pilot
plete seating of the surgical guide. When the system should be placed, and then the next lateral
guide is seated, the edges of the window (or pin osteotomy is performed. Usually, the first pin
opening in the guide) will be in intimate contact may be the most distal pin followed by the con-
with the tooth or structure beneath it; if there is tralateral distal pin, followed by an anterior lat-
any space, then the guide is not seated and must eral pin. Following securing the guide in a tripod
be removed and evaluated to determine why it is fashion, any additional pins including vertical
not seated (Fig. 3.35a, b). The most frequent ridge and palatal pins are placed (Fig. 3.37a–l).
causes of not seating are deep embrasure spaces, Following confirmation of seating and secur-
diastemas between teeth, and significant under- ing the guide, the implant surgical procedure may
cuts. All these may be resolved by removing from be continued. In the case where there are remain-
the surgical guide the material that is causing the ing teeth that are not supporting the guide, these
interference. This can usually be done liberally may be extracted (if not already done). Incisions,
because there will still be adequate guide planes flap reflection, surgical debridement, and ridge
to secure the surgical guide. Try not to remove preparation are now completed. In consideration
material adjacent to the guide windows. It is for ridge preparation, adjusting the alveolar ridge
always possible that there was an inadequate so that it will be perpendicular to the osteotomy
impression or intraoral scan. Care must be taken preparation will aid in ensuring proper position-
to always record good data. In the case of the ing of the initial drill. If there will be drilling into
edentulous arch, the surgical guide seats on the the bone that is at an angle (other than perpen-
soft tissue (fully guided surgical guides may also dicular), the drill may slip from its intended posi-
be made as bone-borne guides). The guide should tion even with guidance from a surgical guide
be very stable when inserted and held in place (Fig. 3.37a–z14).
with two fingers. The patient should be able to In the edentulous arch, it is recommended to
bring their teeth into occlusion or in contact with make pilot osteotomies prior to any soft tissue
the opposing arch so that the opposing arch can reflection. The surgical guide will be most stable

a b

Fig. 3.35 (a, b) Windows are designed in the surgical guide so there can be confirmation of complete seating of the
surgical guide
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 59

a b c

d e f

g h

Fig. 3.36 (a, b, c) The surgical guide is seated on the soft patient is instructed to continue biting their teeth together.
tissue. There should be confirmation that the surgical guide The dedicated lateral pin drill creates an osteotomy, and
seat is stable. Two fingers can be used to check stability and then a lateral pin is placed. The second lateral pin osteot-
positive seating. (d, e, f, g) A rigid bite registration material omy is prepared, and its lateral pin is placed. The final lat-
is placed in between the surgical guide and the opposing eral pin osteotomy is prepared and its lateral pin placed. (h)
dentition, while the guide is held firmly in position. After Following securing the surgical guide with the lateral pins,
completion of setting of the bite registration material, the the implant pilot osteotomies may be begun

prior to reflecting the soft tissue. After preparing orientation to adjacent structures, and anticipated
pilot osteotomies, the lateral pins may be disen- restorability are shown (Fig. 3.38a–c). All can be
gaged, the surgical guide removed, and incision evaluated at this point prior to committing to this
and soft tissue reflection performed. If the soft osteotomy as the final osteotomy position.
tissue can be left unreflected posteriorly (man- Intraoperative radiographs (periapical, pan-
dibular retromolar pads, maxillary tuberosity, oramic, or CT scan) may be taken with guide pins
palate), the combination of posterior soft tissue in place to assess the osteotomy position in the
support with lateral pins will allow for a very bone where it is not clinically visible. Proximity
stable surgical guide. After reflecting the soft tis- to adjacent implants, mental foramen, inferior
sue (this can usually be done as a modest reflec- alveolar canal, maxillary sinus, floor of the nose,
tion), the osteotomy positions can be evaluated pterygoid complex, etc. may be assessed and
visually as well as with guide pins placed. The adjustment made if necessary to the osteotomy
fully guided surgical guide is removed, and the position. These adjustments may be to location,
clinician may assess the osteotomy 3D position angle, as well as osteotomy depth. If the adjust-
by placing a guide pin in the osteotomy. Location, ment is made to correct the osteotomy position
depth, assessment of surrounding bone, angle because the pilot drill slipped while cutting on a
and orientation to adjacent implant pilot osteoto- sloped ridge, then the fully guided surgical guide
mies, proximity to adjacent implant osteotomies, may be reinserted and secured to position with
proximity to adjacent clinically visible structures, the lateral pins. The pilot drill must be reused in
60 M. Klein et al.

a b c

d e

Fig. 3.37 (a, b, c, d, e) This full-arch case was planned the prepared abutment teeth and osteotomy preparations
as a full-arch sequential extraction case with the provi- were performed. (s, t, u) Following osteotomy prepara-
sional restoration supported by provisional abutment tion, implant body try-ins were placed to confirm the
teeth. The diagnostic data was collected including full-­ implant 3D position. After confirmation of implant posi-
face photo and iOS scans. A diagnostic wax-up was com- tion, the surgical guide was reinserted and the implants
pleted and integrated into the full-face photo to evaluate were placed. (v, w) Angled implants were placed posteri-
the tooth length and exposure with a wide smile. Although orly so angulated multi-unit abutments were tried in to
the wax-up shows long teeth, the smile line with the inci- verify correct orientation of the implant prosthetic con-
sal edge of the incisors in the appropriate position does nection. The design of the Keystone premium multi-unit
not show excessive tooth length. (f, g, h, i) The diagnostic allows for subcrestal implant placement without requiring
wax-up was integrated with the CT scan data and surgical bone profiling for seating of the angled multi-unit abut-
planning was completed. No pink apron was required due ment. (x, y, z1, z2) The prepared provisional restoration
to the patient’s low lip line. A crown and bridge style res- was then inserted onto the retained provisional abutment
toration was planned so tooth positions were adhered to in teeth. The occlusion was checked and the provisional res-
the surgical planning. (j, k, l, m, n) The patient presented toration cemented. (z3) Postoperative radiographs con-
for a presurgical appointment and provisional abutment firm proper implant positioning according to the
teeth were prepared and iOS impressions taken. The wax- presurgical plan. (z4) Following 4 months of healing and
­up was transferred to the virtual model with the prepared confirmation of integration, the provisional abutment
teeth, and a PMMA provisional was manufactured to fit teeth were extracted. Multi-unit abutments were placed
precisely to the abutment teeth. The model with the pre- and iOS impressions taken. (z5, z6, z7) The provisional
pared teeth and diagnostic wax-up was then integrated restoration was designed and manufactured. The screw
with the CT scan and implant planning. The surgical access hole positions confirm good implant placement.
guide was designed to seat on the prepared abutment teeth (z8, z9, z10) The provisional restoration was inserted and
following tooth extraction. (o, p, q, r) The teeth planned radiographs were taken. (z11, z12, z13, z14) Two weeks
for removal were extracted leaving the planned provi- post-tooth extraction, the soft tissues show good healing
sional abutment teeth. The surgical guide was seated on and adaptation to the provisional contours
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 61

f g

h i j

k l

m n

o p q r

s t u

Fig. 3.37 (continued)

62 M. Klein et al.

v w

x y z1 z2



z5 z6 z7

Fig. 3.37 (continued)

3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 63

z8 z9


z11 z12 z13 z14

Fig. 3.37 (continued)

a b c

Fig. 3.38 (a, b, c) When there may be questionable seat- mental foramen. The pilot osteotomy was performed fol-
ing of the surgical guide, the initial osteotomies will ben- lowed by placement of a guide pin and exposure of the
efit from verification. This edentulous mandible has a plan mental foramen
with angled implants placed in close proximity to the
64 M. Klein et al.

the corrected osteotomy opening. Verification or change the angle within the opening of the oste-
should then be done by removing the guide and otomy if the entry point is correct. Levelling the
visually confirming the corrected osteotomy. The bone so it is perpendicular to the drill entry also
fully guided sequence may then be continued. aids in drilling true to the planned osteotomy posi-
However, if the pilot osteotomy correction was tion. This is all done freehand and must be done
due to improper planning, poor data, or changes with great care. These adjustments may be to loca-
in the bone, then following correction that oste- tion, angle, as well as osteotomy depth. If the
otomy must be completed freehand. adjustment is made to correct the osteotomy posi-
Once the osteotomy position is confirmed, the tion because the pilot drill slipped while cutting on
clinician will reinsert the surgical guide and rap- a sloped ridge, then the fully guided surgical guide
idly continue the osteotomy preparation to com- may be reinserted and secured to position with the
pletion with the subsequent drills for the fully lateral pins. The pilot drill must be reused in the
guided kit and implant system being used. Care corrected osteotomy opening after reinserting and
should be taken not to deviate from the position securing the surgical guide. Verification should
due to poor quality of bone in areas where there then be done by removing the guide and visually
may be dense bone on one side of the osteotomy confirming the corrected osteotomy. The fully
and poor quality of bone on an opposing side. This guided sequence may then be continued
can lead to changing the final osteotomy position. (Figs. 3.40a–z23 and 3.41a–z3).
This consideration most frequently should be con- Once osteotomy creation is complete, then
sidered when placing implants into immediate remove the surgical guide and place implant try
extraction sites where there is usually dense bone in bodies (appropriate to the implant system
to the lingual or palatal and air or poor-quality being used) to confirm correct osteotomy loca-
bone to the buccal of the implant position tion, angle, and depth. This will also aid when
(Fig. 3.39a, b). To prevent displacement of the evaluating the final seating position of the implant
osteotomy, think about the dense bone while drill- (Fig. 3.39a, b).
ing and hold the drilling path true to the surgical Most fully guided systems will then have
plan. The other cause for deviation is drilling into implant drivers or keys to deliver the implant
a sloped ridge (e.g., anterior mandible). Always through the surgical guide to the correct position.
review the surgical plan prior to surgery and have The implant insertion key usage is system depen-
it available for viewing during surgery. If there has dent. Some systems will deliver the implant to a
been deviation, then remove the guide and evalu- bottomed-out implant key position. These sys-
ate. If the malposition is in angle or location that is tems control placement position through sleeve
slightly off (up to 1 mm) from the planned osteot- position in the surgical guide. Other systems will
omy, then take the pilot drill and expand the incor- have markings and numbers that correlate to a
rect osteotomy to the correct anticipated location drilling report produced by the surgical planning

a b

Fig. 3.39 (a, b) The implant body try-in confirms the successful palatal positioning of the implant and confirms
implant parallelism as well as complete osteotomy depth preparation
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 65

a b c

Fig. 3.40 (a, b, c) Diagnostic records including dual CT osteotomy preparation is complete (the final drill proto-
scan, iOS scans, and full-face photos were taken. (d, e, f) col may include undersizing or countersinking depending
The dual-scan data and the iOS scan data were imported on bone quality), the contra-angle adaptor is inserted into
into the prosthetic planning software to complete a diag- the contra-angle along with the implant insertion key
nostic wax-up. The diagnostic wax-up was then inte- indicated on the drilling report. The implant is then
grated with the patient’s full-face photos. (g, h, i) The inserted to the depth indicated on the drilling report and
diagnostic wax-up was 3D printed and confirmed with a can be seen on the shank of the implant key. The connec-
try-in. (j, k, l) The surgical plan was created. The tooth tion orientation can also be controlled by aligning the flat
length to soft tissue is measured, and it is determined that of the implant key with the midbuccal groove on the sur-
a crown and bridge style restoration may be made with gical guide sleeve. (z10) The lateral pins are disengaged
teeth emerging from natural soft tissue. This style of res- and the surgical guide is removed. Implant depth can be
toration dictates the surgical positioning of the implants evaluated and adjusted with a torque driver as well as
to tooth-specific sites with proper emergence profile obtaining a true insertion torque umber. The insertion
dimensions. (m, n, o) The surgical guide was seated and torque felt when used with the implant key in the surgical
secured to the maxillary soft tissue with lateral pins. (p, guide is not accurate due to the contact of the implant key
q) The Keystone Paltop fully guided kit was used begin- with the surgical guide sleeve. (z11, z12) Immediate pro-
ning with the combined pilot drill with a soft tissue tre- visionalization was planned so the four anterior multi-
phine. This patient had a very wide zone of keratinized unit abutments were placed and torqued to 30ncm. The
tissue which allowed flapless surgery. (r, s, t) The com- sleek and debulked contours of the Keystone multi-unit
bined pilot drill with a soft tissue trephine was guided by abutment allow for subcrestal implant placement without
the surgical guide. Frequently, there will be incomplete bone interfering with abutment seating. (z13, z14) Four
cutting when using a soft tissue trephine through a surgi- scan bodies are placed on the four anterior multi-unit
cal guide. To complete the soft tissue removal, an inde- abutments, and a scanning appliance is inserted engaging
pendent soft tissue trephine was used to sever any the lateral pin osteotomies. iOS sans are taken which
remaining soft tissue attachment. (u, v, w) The Paltop record the anterior implant position in relation to the
fully guided protocol was then followed beginning with scanning appliance which enables transfer of the tooth
the 2 mm twist drill with a 20 mm length. The DGS position as well as CR and VD. (z15, z16, z17, z18) The
engages the drill guide sleeve by the drill always entering scanning appliance is removed. The anterior scan bodies
the previous prepared osteotomy. The drilling with every are removed, and the posterior KDG premium angled
drill is complete when the DGS bottoms out on the surgi- multi-units are placed. The design contours of these
cal guide. (x, y, z1) The next length (25 mm) 2 mm twist angled multi-units frequently do not require bone profil-
drill is used with the DGS engaging the guide sleeve until ing to be seated. The Nexus scan gauges were placed on
it bottoms out on the surgical guider. There is also a all implants, and the Nexus scanning protocol for accu-
30 mm length twist drill in the kit. The drilling length 20, rate implant position transfer was performed. (z19, z20)
25, or 30 mm is dictated by the drilling report produced The presurgical diagnostic wax-up was integrated with
in the guide design software. (z2, z3) The drill diameter the final implant and multi-unit positions, and the provi-
is now increased to the 3.25 mm drill 20 mm length fol- sional design file was 3D printed. The screw access hole
lowed by the 25 mm length (according to the drilling pro- positions in the 3D printed provisional demonstrate the
tocol indicated on the drilling report). (z4, z5, z6) The careful planning and surgical implementation with a
drill diameter is increased according to the drilling proto- guided surgery protocol. (z21, z22) The provisional res-
col indicated on the drilling report. This fully guided kit toration is inserted, the multi-unit abutment screws tight-
has diameters of final shaping drills for implant diameters ened, and the occlusion evaluated and adjusted. (z23,
3 mm, 3.25 mm, 3.75 mm, 4.2 mm, and 5 mm. The colour z24) At 1 month postop, good soft tissue healing is seen
bands indicating drill diameter and length can be seen with aesthetic tooth dimensions. Surgery Dr Michael
through the DGS window. All the shaping drills come in Abrams
the 20, 25, and 30 mm lengths. (z7, z8, z9) Once the final
66 M. Klein et al.

d e f

g h i

j k l

m n o

Fig. 3.40 (continued)

3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 67

p q

r s t

u v w

x y z1

Fig. 3.40 (continued)

68 M. Klein et al.

z2 z3

z4 z5 z6

Fig. 3.40 (continued)

3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 69

z7 z8 z9a z9b



z13 z14

Fig. 3.40 (continued)

70 M. Klein et al.

z15 z16 z17 z18

z19 z20

z21 z22

z23 z24

z25 z26

Fig. 3.40 (continued)

3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 71

a b c

d e

Fig. 3.41 (a, b, c) A plan for immediate implant place- fering with implant position were extracted prior to
ment with immediate provisionalization was made for this implant placement. Multi-unit abutments were placed on
patient with a failing maxillary dentition. (d, e) iOS scans the implants. Nexus scan gauges were placed and secured
of the patient’s maxilla, mandible, and bite were taken. A to the multi-unit abutments, and the Nexus scanning pro-
diagnostic wax-up of the maxilla was completed. (f, g) tocol was followed. The remaining teeth in the maxillary
The diagnostic wax-up was integrated with full-face pho- arch were critical to integration of the multi-unit abutment
tos to confirm aesthetics and evaluation of the soft tissue positions with the presurgical wax-up. Following scan-
in the transition zone. (h, i, j, k) The iOS scans were inte- ning, the remaining teeth were extracted. (t, u, v, w) The
grated with the patient’s cone beam CT scan and then diagnostic wax-up file was integrated with the multi-unit
overlayed with the diagnostic wax-up. Implant planning abutment positions and the provisional design was com-
was then completed. (l, m) Careful analysis of anterior pleted. (x, y) The provisional design was 3D printed from
tooth length, distance from the free gingival to implant the stl file. Postprocessing and finishing included adding
connection, as well as divergence of implant positions was pink gingival tissues to the posterior units. (z1, z2, z3) The
completed prior to finalizing the surgical and prosthetic provisional restoration was inserted, and the occlusion
plan. (n, o, p) The surgical guide was designed to be tooth adjusted. Final radiographs confirm complete seating of
borne for maximum stability. (q, r, s) Only the teeth inter- the provisional restoration
72 M. Klein et al.

f g

h i j

k l

Fig. 3.41 (continued)

3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 73

m n o

p q

r s

t u v w

Fig. 3.41 (continued)

74 M. Klein et al.

x y

z1 z2


Fig. 3.41 (continued)

3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 75

a b c d e

Fig. 3.42 (a, b, c, d, e) The drilling report indicates the appropriate drill length (25 mm), implant size (3.75 × 13), as
well as the depth measurement on the implant driver to deliver the implant to its planned depth (Offset-12)

software. These drilling reports indicate the drill-

ing depth as well as the correct vertical implant
delivery position by indicating a number that will
correlate to a number on the implant delivery
insertion key (Fig. 3.42a–e). The implant inser-
tion keys will also have features that indicate
implant connection orientation. Control of the
connection orientation is critical when using
angled multi-unit abutments. The indication for
use of an angled multi-unit abutment is to align
the restorative platform of the multiunit abutment
into proper alignment and restorative path of
Fig. 3.43 Final implant seating should be done with a
draw with the other multi-unit abutments. Straight torque driver without the surgical guide. When the implant
multi-units are nonengaging, so connection ori- driver comes in contact with the surgical guide sleeve, true
entation is not critical; however, to take advan- insertion torque cannot be felt
tage of angled multi-unit abutments (which are
engaging), connection orientation is critical the planned implants in place as if the implants
(Fig. 3.37v, w). were in the patient’s mouth and iOS impres-
The insertion torque felt when inserting the sions had been taken. Abutments may be
implant through the guide will not be accurate selected and the provisional prosthesis
due to the rubbing of the implant insertion key designed. However, due to the reality that the
against the sleeve in the surgical guide. It is rec- actual implant positions will not be exactly in
ommended to evaluate insertion torque without the positions planned, the provisional must be
the surgical guide in position. This can be done designed with space around the abutment that
by turning the last 1–3 insertion turns without the will allow for slight variations between the
surgical guide and with a torque driver (Fig. 3.43). planned implant position and the actual implant
position after placement. This will allow pas-
Options That Aid Immediate sive seating of the provisional restoration with
Provisionalization a quick reline process to secure the abutment
Some surgical planning software (e.g., 3Shape, cylinders to the provisional prosthesis for a
Exocad, etc.) will allow the conversion of the screw retained provisional or a quick crown
surgical planning stl into their prosthetic plan- and bridge style reline for a cementable provi-
ning software. This will create a model with sional prosthesis (Fig. 3.25a–w).
76 M. Klein et al.

Limitations of the Guide Pilot Guides

Fully guided surgical guides when used for the Pilot guides will just guide the initial drill used for
complete surgical protocol require a commitment positioning the implant. They will produce an oste-
to the planned implant position. There are occa- otomy with the planned overall location, angle, and
sions where the data used for planning was depth for any given implant. Generally, the drill
incomplete (poor impression analogue or IOS), diameter used is 1.5–2 mm in diameter. The sleeves
difficult to read CT scans due to a lot of metal used in the surgical guide will then only have an
artifact, or not up to date data (there was addi- internal lumen to accommodate and guide the spe-
tional healing or pathology resulting in a clinical cific diameter for the pilot drill being used. The
reality that is different from the data used for pilot drill can be universal to any implant system as
planning). On occasion, the patient cannot open it only guides the initial osteotomy whose diameter
wide enough for the selected surgical tools. In at this point is generic to all systems.
these scenarios the surgical guide may not be
able to be used or may only act as a pilot guide, The Indications and Benefits of the Pilot
or perhaps osteotomies can be completed but Guide
implant insertion is done freehand. Consideration Pilot surgical guides provide rapid guidance for
should always be given to use the guide for the the initial pilot drill (usually 1.5 or 2 mm in diam-
guidance and information to best serve the indi- eter) while allowing flexibility for the clinician to
vidual clinician and patient. That may mean some make changes at the time of surgery. Following
osteotomies have pilot guidance and some full pilot osteotomy preparation, the pilot guide is
guidance, maybe the osteotomies are prepared removed and the clinician may assess the osteot-
and implant delivery is freehand. Moreover, dif- omy 3D position by placing a guide pin in the
ficult implant placement for angled implants, osteotomy. Location, depth, assessment of sur-
sited adjacent to mental foramen maxillary sinus, rounding bone, angle and orientation to adjacent
etc. are managed with the surgical guide implant pilot osteotomies, proximity to adjacent
(Fig. 3.44) [14]. implant osteotomies, proximity to adjacent clini-
cally visible structures, orientation to adjacent
subcrestal structures, and anticipated ­restorability
can all be evaluated at this point prior to commit-
ting to this osteotomy as the final osteotomy posi-
tion. Intraoperative radiographs (periapical,
panoramic, or CT scan) may be taken with guide
pins in place to assess the osteotomy position in
the bone where it is not clinically visible.
Proximity to roots of adjacent teeth, implants,
mental foramen, inferior alveolar canal, maxil-
lary sinus, floor of the nose, pterygoid complex,
etc. may be assessed and adjustments made to the
osteotomy position. These adjustments may be to
location, angle, as well as osteotomy depth.
Once the osteotomy position is confirmed or
adjusted, the clinician can rapidly continue the
Fig. 3.44 Long drill lengths in patients with limited
osteotomy preparation to completion with the
interarch space can usually be managed with the DGS
guided surgery systems. However, the implant delivery subsequent conventional drills indicated for the
with the implant insertion driver and implant will be lon- implant system being used following the path
ger and may require freehand implant insertion created by the pilot osteotomy. Care should be
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 77

taken not to deviate from the position due to poor smaller-diameter guide sleeve such as a pilot
quality of bone or areas where there may be guide sleeve (Fig. 3.46a, b).
dense bone on one side of the osteotomy and
poor quality of bone on an opposing side (such as Data You Need to Prepare Pilot Guides
an extraction site). This can lead to changing the The data required to prepare a pilot guide is the
final osteotomy position (Fig. 3.45) [15]. same data for fully guided surgical guides: the
The major benefits of the pilot surgical guide dicom data from a CT scan and iOS (intraoral
are the ability to rapidly locate osteotomy 3D surface) scans of the mandible and maxilla with a
positions while giving the clinician flexibility to centric mounting and any other data required to
make changes during the surgical procedure. properly plan implant positions (e.g., photos,
When designing the surgical guide for a fully conventional radiographs, clinical charting). If
guided surgical guide, the guide sleeves may also the arch is edentulous, then the dicom data from
be too close in proximity to an adjacent guide a dual scan technique will be required (the dual-­
sleeve or tooth, and this may require use of a scan technique has been previously described). A
comprehensive surgical plan is developed from
this data (including a virtual wax-up). All this
data is utilized in surgical planning software that
has a surgical guide design module (e.g., 3Shape
Implant studio, Exocad, Exoplan, Anatomage,
Columbia scientific SimPlant, Blue Sky Plan,
etc.). These planning software have libraries of
guide sleeves. The planning laboratory will select
the library for the pilot guide sleeve appropriate
to the procedure being planned (Fig. 3.47). The
guide design software will automatically incor-
porate the geometry required to house this guide
Fig. 3.45 Great care must be taken when preparing osteot-
sleeve in the guide design. After manufacture of
omies in extraction sockets. The palatal or lingual bone will
push the drill buccally into the open space of the extraction the guide (3D printing or machining), the labora-
socket causing the implant to be angled buccally tory will insert the appropriate guide sleeve.

a b

Fig. 3.46 (a, b) Fully guided guide sleeve diameter may interfere with teeth retained to support the surgical guide and
may require the use of a pilot sleeve
78 M. Klein et al.

Fig. 3.47 Most surgical

planning software with
surgical guide design
features will have pilot
sleeve libraries

Surgical Planning Considerations

(Surgical, Prosthetic) for the Pilot Guide
The surgical planning for a pilot guide will be the
same as for any other computer-guided technique
(fully guided, dynamic guidance, robotic). There
is also flexibility where within one guide you can
have some osteotomies using pilot sleeves, while
other osteotomies may have sleeves to control
full guidance. This may be done for the reasons
described for selecting pilot or full guidance.
Pilot guides are secured in position with teeth or
lateral pins just as with fully guided surgical
guides (see fully guided surgical guides). Pilot
guides are used with the same techniques as the
preliminary pilot drill of fully guided sequences.
All the same considerations and techniques
described for fully guided surgical guides should
be followed.

Surgical Tools Used with Pilot Guides Fig. 3.48 Pilot drill kits are designed to be used with spe-
The surgical armamentarium used with the pilot cific pilot guide sleeves
guide includes pilot drills that are indicated to
be used with the pilot guide sleeves placed into
the pilot surgical guide. This is system depen- How to Use the Guide During Surgery
dent. The drills and guide sleeves should be uti- Follow the surgical protocols described for fully
lized as a system so that rigid initial drilling guided surgery through the pilot osteotomy step.
guidance is controlled while allowing adequate When the pilot guide is used, the guide pins can
tolerances for the spinning of the drill. Some be evaluated relative to the opposing arch and
systems will have one dedicated drill, while anatomic landmarks including the mental fora-
others may have two or three different lengths men (if exposed). After evaluation of the correct
(Fig. 3.48). pilot osteotomy placement, the drilling protocol
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 79

may be completed freehand. It is recommended deviation is a more common occurrence. The

to periodically check to confirm no deviation anterior maxilla, posterior mandible (molar
from the plan during freehand drilling. In a dense sites), and all extraction sites are more prone to
anterior mandible, this is unlikely to happen. In potential deviation during freehand drilling
the posterior mandible and maxilla, potential (Fig. 3.49a–l).

a b

c d e

f g

Fig. 3.49 (a, b) Data required for surgical and prosthetic pilot surgical guide is removed and guide pins are placed
planning for a pilot guide is the same as with fully guided to verify the osteotomy positions. The relationship and
surgery and requires the same data. For the edentulous orientation of the pins are analysed relative to each other
arch, the dual-scan protocol is used, and decision-making as well as the opposing arch. After confirmation of oste-
about pilot guide or fully guided is only made after analy- otomy positions, the osteotomies are completed freehand.
sis of the data. (c, d, e) The surgical guide will use the (i, j) Immediate provisionalization options are the same as
same lateral pin systems as fully guided guides. Pilot drill with a fully guided surgical procedure. In this patient,
systems that use different length pilot drills may be colour multi-unit abutments were placed followed by securing
coded. The pilot sleeves may be colour coded to indicate titanium temporary cylinders to the multi-unit abutments.
which length drill is used in which sleeve position. (f, g) (k, l) The provisional restoration was prepared from the
The pilot surgical guide is secured with lateral pins prior diagnostic wax-up with large holes in planned implant
to tissue reflection to ensure it is secured in the most stable positions. The provisional was then fitted and relined over
position. (h) After the pilot osteotomies are created, the the temporary cylinders
80 M. Klein et al.

h i

j k

Fig. 3.49 (continued)

Limitations of the Guide deviating from the pilot position (unless it is

Surgical guides must be positioned correctly. indicated to do so). The patient’s ability to open
Any deviation in positioning of the guide will wide must also be a consideration when using
result in improper implant positioning. This guided surgery guides. The drill length must
deviation can be in location, angle, as well as take into account the height of the surgical
depth. Care must be taken to ensure proper seat- guide. They will usually be 20–30 mm in length
ing with verification of that position. When in addition to the height of the head of the
using a pilot guide, attention must be paid to not contra-angle.
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 81 Bone-Borne Guides Surgical planning considerations will follow

the same protocols and considerations as
The Indications and Benefits of Bone-­ described for the pilot and fully guided surgical
Borne Guides guides. When planning the bone-borne guide,
Bone-borne guides seat directly on the bone usually all remaining teeth in the arch will be
which will require reflection of the soft tissue. extracted prior to seating the guide. Care must be
Bone-borne guides will have a very stable base to taken to not remove excessive bone during the
secure the guide as long as no significant osteo- virtual planning as this will prevent complete
plasty is done to the seating area of the guide seating of the bone-borne guide.
[16]. The surgical planning for a bone-borne guide
Bone-borne guides are secured in place by will be the same as for any other computer-guided
broad coverage of bone and do not require teeth technique (fully guided, dynamic guidance,
to secure them in position. A large surgical flap is robotic). When there is questionable planning
usually required to provide access to seat the due to poor data being used for planning (patient
guide. Bone-borne guides are also used as bone movement during CT scan, inadequate surface
reduction guides to guide indicated osteoplasty. structure capture in iOS or lab scanning, ques-
Bone-borne guides may be designed as pilot sur- tionable or immature bone grafts, unclear CT
gical guides or fully guided surgical guides fol- data), then new data must be acquired.
lowing the considerations listed previously. In the full-arch surgical scenario, if broad
bone coverage will be used to provide a stable
The Data You Need to Prepare Bone-Borne and secure surgical guide, then lateral pins may
Guides not be required.
The data required to prepare a bone-borne guide
is the same data required for pilot guides and for Surgical Tools Used with Bone-Borne
fully guided surgical guides: the dicom data from Guides
a CT scan and IOS (intraoral surface) scans of the The surgical tools will be the same for bone-­
mandible and maxilla with a centric mounting borne guides as pilot or fully guided surgical
and any other data required to properly plan guides. These surgical systems are all previously
implant positions (e.g., photos, conventional described in each of the pilot and fully guided
radiographs, clinical charting). If the arch is sections.
edentulous, then the dicom data from a dual-scan
technique will be required (the dual-scan tech- How to Use the Guide during Surgery
nique has been previously described). A compre- When using a bone-borne guide, the remaining
hensive surgical plan is developed from this data teeth in the arch are extracted and all pathology
(including a virtual wax-up). All this data is uti- removed. If any osteoplasty was planned that will
lized in surgical planning software that has a sur- not affect the proper seating or retention of the
gical guide design module (e.g., 3Shape Implant surgical guide, then perform the osteoplasty prior
studio, Columbia scientific SimPlant, Blue Sky to seating the guide. An incision large enough to
Bio, etc). These planning software have libraries allow access to fully seat the guide is done with
of guide sleeves. The planning laboratory will adequate flap reflection. This will require the
select the library for the guide sleeve appropriate incision and flap reflection to usually be extended
to the procedure being planned. The guide design two teeth beyond the most distal extent of the
software will automatically incorporate the bone-borne guide. The flap reflection must also
geometry required to house this guide sleeve in extend well beyond the borders of the flanges of
the guide design. After manufacture of the guide the surgical guide to allow complete seating of
(3D printing or machining), the laboratory will the bone-borne guide. The surgical systems are
insert the appropriate guide sleeve (surgical plan- used in the same manner as described in the sec-
ning considerations: surgical, prosthetic). tions for pilot guides and fully guided surgical
82 M. Klein et al.

guides. Verification of seating of the guide is also any osteoplasty done prior to seating the guide.
done through windows in the guide that demon- Following verification of guide seating, follow
strate intimate contact of bone with the guide. the protocols and procedures for pilot or fully
This is the reason that care must be taken with guided surgical systems (Fig. 3.50a–p).

a b c

d e

f g

Fig. 3.50 (a, b, c) Following surgical planning the bone-­ provisional removeable denture. (l) The complete seating
borne guide is designed on the virtual bone model and of the surgical guide for implant osteotomies and place-
converted into a manufacturing stl file. (d, e) The bone-­ ment is verified with windows to see intimate contact of
borne guide may be used to create a bone reduction guide bone to surgical guide. (m, n) The bone-borne guide may
as well as a surgical guide. (f, g) The bone-borne guide be designed as a pilot or fully guided surgical guide. Care
has the advantage of creating a very stable base in the must be taken to create windows to verify complete guide
edentulous arch. In order to create this stable base, a seating in areas that the bone will not be modified prior to
broad area needs to be covered with the guide which will implant osteotomy preparation. (o) The surgical kit for
require a more extensive flap reflection. (h, i) The bone the bone borne guide is selected based on the sleeve sys-
reduction guide will be designed to cover the same area tem used in the guide. The sleeve systems used and surgi-
as the subsequent surgical guide for drilling. Intimate fit cal kits used are the same for bone-borne guides as
of the guide should be seen to ensure proper seating and tooth- or soft tissue-borne guides. (p) Implant placement
guide orientation. (j, k) This guide was designed to with bone borne guides is accomplished following the
reduce the bone in the areas planned for implant place- same protocols as with tooth-borne or soft tissue-borne
ment while preserving the adjacent bone to support the guides
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 83

h i

j k

l m

Fig. 3.50 (continued)

84 M. Klein et al.

o p

Fig. 3.50 (continued)

Options That Aid Immediate Stackable Surgical Guides

See provisionalization of implants planned and The Indications and Benefits of Stackable
placed with fully guided surgical guides. Guide Systems
Stackable surgical guides are surgical guide sys-
Limitations of the Bone-Borne Guide tems that provide a stable secure foundation that
The bone-borne guide will require a longer incision does not rely on teeth in the arch. The surgical
and more extensive flap reflection than for pilot and guide integrates with a foundation platform, and
fully guided surgical guides. There is no option of the platform acts as a guide for bone reduction.
a flapless surgery or a minimally invasive surgical After guided implant placement through the sur-
flap design. Verification of seating can be difficult, gical guide, the surgical guide is removed from
and adjustment to the guide when seating is more the foundation component, and an additional
difficult to accomplish successfully. If there is scat- platform that supports the correct positioning of
ter at the level of the bone in the CT dicom data or the provisional restoration integrates with the
immature bone that does not show up clearly in the foundation. The provisional restoration is
images, then the guide will be made improperly secured to the provisional cylinders while posi-
and will not seat (Figs. 3.51a, b, 3.52 and 3.53). tioned on the foundation at the correct vertical
The tooth-borne or soft tissue-borne guides can be position, A-P position, angle, and occlusion.
made to seat properly regardless of any scatter Some of the resources for stackable systems are
caused by metal artifact in the CT images because Roe-Chrome, N-Sequence, Co-Diagnostics, etc.
the iOS images are used for the guide design and [17].
there will not be metal scatter in that data.
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 85

a b

Fig. 3.51 (a, b) When double images are seen in the axial or cross-sectional images, it means the patient moved during
the CT scan and the scan data will not be accurate for surgical planning

Fig. 3.52 The distortion caused by scatter reflecting off

metal restorations can make the ct images difficult to read
and use

Fig. 3.53 This CT cross-sectional image shows an image

The Data You Need to Prepare the Guides
with very poor bone quality that can sometimes make it
The data required to prepare a stackable guide is difficult to properly preposition the implant at the surgical
the same data required for pilot guides and for planning phase of guided surgery
fully guided surgical guides: the dicom data from
a CT scan and iOS (intraoral surface) scans of the
mandible and maxilla with a centric mounting radiographs, clinical charting). If the arch is
and any other data required to properly plan edentulous, then the dicom data from a dual-scan
implant positions (e.g., photos, conventional technique will be required (the dual-scan tech-
86 M. Klein et al.

nique has been previously described). A compre- guide for positioning of the lateral pins. The
hensive surgical plan is developed from this data foundation component may seat on the bone and
(including a virtual wax-up). All this data is uti- be secured to the bone. After positioning of the
lized in surgical planning software that has a sur- foundation component, this foundation compo-
gical guide design module. The planning and nent may guide the amount of bone reduction
design software for stackable guides vary and required for each individual arch. After bone
may be proprietary to the stackable system. These reduction the surgical guide component stacks
planning software have libraries of guide sleeves. onto and integrates with the foundation compo-
The planning laboratory will select the library for nent. The implant osteotomies and implant deliv-
the pilot guide sleeve appropriate to the proce- ery are accomplished according to the protocol of
dure being planned. The guide design software the fully guided surgical system used and implant
will automatically incorporate the geometry system specifics. The surgical guide component
required to house this guide sleeve in the guide is removed leaving the foundation component in
design. After manufacture of the guide (3D print- place. Multi-unit abutments are placed.
ing or machining), the laboratory will insert the Provisional cylinders are secured to the multi-­
appropriate guide sleeve. unit abutments. The provisional restoration is
positioned either on a prosthetic platform that
Surgical Planning Considerations stacks onto the foundation component or to the
(Surgical, Prosthetic) foundation component itself. The provisional
The surgical planning for a stackable surgical cylinders are then cured to the provisional either
guide will be the same as for any other computer-­ at one time or sequentially. The provisional is
guided technique (fully guided, dynamic guid- then removed and finished in the laboratory add-
ance, robotic). When there is questionable ing any deficient material and then trimming and
planning due to poor data being used for planning polishing. The foundation component is removed
(patient movement during CT scan, inadequate from the patient’s mouth and any required bone
surface structure capture in IOS or lab scanning, grafting performed. Multi-unit healing abutments
questionable or immature bone grafts, unclear are secured to the multi-unit abutments at a lower
CT data), then consider acquiring new data. insertion torque, then the abutments were inserted
Some stackable guides fix the foundation plat- at, and suturing is completed. The bone grafting
form to place with lateral pins, while others use a and suturing may be done while the provisional is
bone borne approach for their foundations. being completed in the laboratory. The provi-
sional is now seated and occlusion evaluated and
Surgical Tools Used with Stackable Guides adjusted (Fig. 3.54a–v).
Stackable guides may be used with the same sur-
gical systems as fully guided surgical guides. Options That Aid Immediate
These guided surgical systems and their usage Provisionalization
have been previously described. Stackable guides are generally used for bone
reduction guidance, implant osteotomy position-
How to Use the Stackable Surgical Guide ing, implant placement, as well as positioning the
During Surgery predesigned provisional in the correct position;
The stackable guide technical protocols vary the provisional is designed according to the spe-
according to the specific type of stackable guide cific protocols of each stackable system.
(e.g., Chrome, N-Sequence, Co-Diagnostics,
etc). However, the basic surgical workflow is Limitations of the Guide
positioning of the foundation component. This The stackable guides rely on accurate initial posi-
may be done with a lateral pin positioning guide tioning of the foundation component. If there is
that uses a pilot guide type of drilling process. an inaccuracy in the positioning of the foundation
The foundation component may engage this component, that error will translate through to
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 87

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 3.54 (a) This patient was planned for fixed full-arch there is bone interfering with the platform. It is critical
restorations in the maxilla and mandible with immediate that it seats passively. The multi-unit abutments are seated
provisionalization. A stackable guide solution was chosen without the prosthetic platform in place. The platform is
to manage the surgical and immediate provisionalization reseated after seating the multi-unit abutments. The pros-
stages. (b, c) A guide to seat the foundation bar is fit to the thetic platform holds the provisional restoration in the
mandibular teeth. (d, e) The foundation bar is secured to planned vertical dimension and centric relation position.
the mandible with lateral pins prior to extraction of the (q, r) Temporary cylinders are secured to the multi-unit
remaining mandibular teeth. (f) The remaining mandibu- abutments. The premade provisional restoration is seated
lar teeth are now extracted. The foundation bar is posi- on the restorative platform so that it fits intimately to the
tioned in the planning software to the level that bone platform. The screw access chambers are blocked out with
reduction is required. (g, h) The bone is reduced to the wooden sticks, and resin is injected around the temporary
level of the foundation bar. (i) The surgical guide is now cylinders to secure the temporary cylinders to the provi-
fit securely into the foundation bar. (j, k) The Keystone sional restoration. (s) The prosthetic platform holds the
Paltop fully guided kit is used with the stackable guide to provisional restoration in the planned vertical dimension
create all implant osteotomies. (l, m) The implants are and centric relation. (t, u, v) The provisional restoration is
placed through the stackable guide to their final position. finished in the laboratory filling in any gaps in the resin
(n) The surgical guide component is removed from the securing the provisional cylinders. The finished polished
foundation bar after completion of implant placement. (o, provisional restoration is seated on the multi-unit abut-
p) The provisional restoration platform is seated securely ments and secured with multi-unit screws
into the foundation bar. If it does not seat passively, then
88 M. Klein et al.

g h

i j

k l

Fig. 3.54 (continued)

3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 89

n o

p q

r s

t u

Fig. 3.54 (continued)

90 M. Klein et al.

the implant positioning as well as the positioning The Indications and Benefits of Robotic
and orientation of the provisional restoration. Implant Systems
Haptic robotic-guided systems are indicated Robotic Surgery for single to full-arch implant placement and
A robotic dental implant system is a computer-­ for implant bone levelling. The outcome bene-
controlled device used to assist in the placement fits are precise, accurate, predictable, and
of dental implants. It typically includes a robotic reproducible implant placement [19].
arm that is guided by software to precisely posi- Intraoperatively, the benefits are as follows: the
tion the implant in the jawbone. The system inte- device is directly connected to the patient,
grates imaging technology, such as CT scans and physical guidance (haptic feedback), depth
intra-oral scanning to create a 3D model of the control, and intraoperative changes along with
jawbone to plan the implant placement. The goal visual, audible, and tactile feedback. The abil-
of a robotic dental implant system is to increase ity to perform flapless or minimal invasive sur-
the accuracy, consistency, and predictability of gical access is also a clear and favourable
implant placement, which can lead to better out- indication for haptic robotic-guided implant
comes for patients [18]. The currently available placement. The attachment of the device to the
FDA-approved robotic system on the market is patient is either based on the existing teeth, or
called Yomi (made by Neocis Inc) (Fig. 3.55). if teeth are of poor quality, limited structure, or
The Yomi device is approved for single to full-­ not present, a bone-borne device is placed. In
arch implant placement and bone levelling. This the Yomi system, these are called Yomi link
type of robotic system gives the surgeon real-­ teeth (YLT) or Yomi link bone (YLB)
time feedback. This is also known as haptic guid- (Figs. 3.56 and 3.57). The planning software is
ance. Robotic haptic guidance implant placement proprietary to the Yomi system and not com-
allows the surgeon to follow the alignment and patible with any other systems available. A
trajectory to the planned implant placement. It CBCT is necessary for implant planning with a
will restrict all movements to the surgeon except field of view documenting the planned surgical
for occlusal to apical movements (up and down). site. The software system allows for complete
The apical movement is limited and restricted to visualization of teeth, roots, nerves, sinuses,
the inferior aspect of the implant planned and inferior alveolar nerve mapping. A CBCT
position. can be obtained and used preoperatively for

Fig. 3.55 The Yomi

robot with the key
components labelled is
necessary to perform
full-arch implant
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 91

a b c

Fig. 3.56 (a, b, c) Yomi link bone which is used to con- securely connect the patient to the Yomi link bone. These
nect the patient to the patient tracking arm to place man- are placed below or in between planned implant sites
dibular implants. Bone screws can be visualized to

a b

Fig. 3.57 (a, b) 2 Yomi link bones connected to the Bone screws can be visualized connecting the patient to
patient: one in the maxilla for placing maxillary implants the Yomi link bone for the maxilla and mandible
and one to the mandible for the mandibular implants.

preplanning, but a day of surgery CBCT scan Data Necessary for Robotic Implant
must be obtained to align the robot with the Placement
physical guidance to the patient. Implant and The data necessary is the same as for guided sur-
prosthetic planning are complete to the robotic gery; however, there needs to be physical connec-
planning software. The prosthetic planning is tion of the robot to the patient. With robotic-guided
either through a prosthetic library or using a surgery, a day of surgery CBCT must be obtained.
dual-scan approach. This would allow for a patient to be seen for a con-
92 M. Klein et al.

sult and surgery all in the same day if desired. Surgical Tools Used with Robotic-Assisted
However, most implant patients are seen initially Surgery
for a consult and then scheduled for surgery at Robotic surgery can be accomplished with any
some point in the future. The approach moving dental implant system. The handpiece and drill
forward will be based on two appointments. On base are specific to the robotic system and cannot
the patient’s first appointment, photos and a CBCT be interchanged. In addition, the YLT and YLB
would be obtained from the implant site. The site are necessary. Whichever device is used must be
would be evaluated and considered for implant firmly attached to the patient. Even the slightest
placement regardless of modality to place the amount of movement will result in suboptimal
implant. Volume of bone and quality of soft tissue accuracy. If the YLB or YLT is loose, it must be
are all factors to consider. The site must be evalu- reconnected to the patient and the process
ated from a prosthetic approach. One would col- repeated. There is a specific handpiece as well for
laborate with the restorative dentist and approach bone levelling. Both the implant and straight
the overall treatment plan similar to freehand, handpiece for the robot are tested and specific
guided, and dynamic guidance surgery. After only for that robot. They are not interchangeable
establishing candidacy of the patient for proper to other systems. While in surgery the clinician
prosthetically placed implant(s), the patient can be will be able to perform the osteotomy and implant
scheduled for surgery. placement with their eyes on the surgical field.

Surgical Planning Considerations How to Use the Haptic Robotic Implant

(Surgical, Prosthetic) System
Surgical planning for robotic implant placement On the day of surgery, either a YLB or YLT is
is the same as fully guided or dynamic guidance. placed. In planning a single or multiple implants,
The ability to accomplish the plan starts with the YLB would be placed (Figs. 3.56, 3.57 and
appropriate data. Poor-quality CBCT or pros- 3.58a, b). The YLB or YLT is placed on the arch
thetic plan will result in a less than optimal out- where the implants are to be placed. If implants
come with robotic implant surgery. The planning are planned for both the maxilla and mandible on
considerations have been previously described. the same day, the “link” would be placed on both

a b

Fig. 3.58 (a, b) Fiducial array in place on a YLB and ready for scanning. The dual-arch YLB is in place after extrac-
tions and is now prepared for implant placement
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 93

arches. The YLT is attached to the dentition using Both these dimensions are entered into the Yomi
a polyarylamide (Ixef). The YLT is attached to software. The landmark must pass or the entire
the patient using at least three bone screws. The plan/setup is not accurate. After the landmark is
screws are 2.0 mm × 16,18, or 20 mm long with passed, the implant surgery can proceed. The
consideration of where the dental implants will implants can be placed flaplessly, flapped, as well
be placed. These screws can be placed monocor- as immediately into extraction sockets. When
tically or bicortically. Bicortical will ensure a teeth need to be removed, it is the author’s prefer-
higher level of osseous stability to the YLB ence to have them extracted the day of implant
(Figs. 3.56, 3.57 and 3.58a, b). The bone screws surgery but prior to the preoperative planning
should be apical as possible but balancing engag- CBCT. This is to obtain a clear picture of the
ing a quality of bone to establish stability for the bone level and osseous architecture. A recent
link. Once the YLB or YLT are placed and stable, software innovation is the ability to create or
the fiducial array screwed on and attached to the approach an osteotomy using lateral access. This
YLT/YLB for the arch having surgery and a allows for access in those patients with small
CBCT is taken. The fiducial array is unscrewed mouth openings or difficult access. As stated
off the YLT/YLB. The CBCT is imported as above every drill in the implant osteotomy prepa-
dicom format into the Yomi planning software.
The data goes through postprocessing and adju-
dication. If a preplan was done, the plan is
imported and aligned to the day of surgery scan.
In addition, a dual-scan technique can be utilized
(Fig. 3.59). This is similar to what was discussed
previously in the guided surgery section. Implants
are placed in a traditional fashion and drilling
protocol that the surgeon is comfortable using.
Once the surgeon is ready, a known landmark
must pass a landmark test. A site on the CBCT
plan is cross-referenced clinically to assure accu-
racy and consistency. Every bur placed into the
handpiece and used in surgery must be measured
for length, as the width is known (Fig. 3.60).

Fig. 3.60 Measuring the length of drill bite. This infor-

Fig. 3.59 Dual-scan protocol showing the implant emer- mation is integrated into the Yomi software prior to
gence through the transitional prosthesis. This is accom- implant drilling. This is repeated for each drilling that is
plished in the Yomi planning software attached to the handpiece
94 M. Klein et al.

ration sequence must be measured and properly

recorded for the osteotomy site preparation to be
correct (Fig. 3.60). As the surgeon is ready to
move the robotic arm, the system is placed in free
mode which allows the surgeon to approach the
implant site. Upon close proximity to the site, a
verbal command of “guided” is stated to the
driver. The driver is the assistant or technician
who will carry out the verbal commands of the
surgeon and data enter the commands using
mouse clicks and/or keystrokes into the computer
that is controlling the Yomi robot. In the guided
position, the surgeon moves the handpiece into
its ultimate locked position by angulating or
rotating the handpiece under direct visualization
as seen on the Yomi computer screen (Fig. 3.61).
As the locked position is confirmed, auditory sig-
nalling of beeps directs the surgeon that the final
position has been reached (Fig. 3.61). At that
time the handpiece is “locked on”, meaning in the
exact three coordinates that the implant was
planned for that implant site (Fig. 3.62). Once the
proper osteotomy is created, the implant is then
placed. If at the time of implant drilling a change
is desired by the surgeon, the plan can be altered
intraoperatively within the software, and the plan
adjustment will be immediate to facilitate the
change. As the surgeon prepares the osteotomy,
visual, auditory, and tactile information is deliv-
ered to the surgeon. Once the handpiece is Fig. 3.62 Shows the patient tracking arm connected to
“locked on” to the planned implant position, the the mandible. Implant handpiece with drill in place

a b

Fig. 3.61 (a, b) Demonstrating the guided position of the jectory of the planned osteotomy. The drill is active in the
handpiece and then approaching the “locked-on” position. osteotomy
Figure 3.60b shows the implant drill aligned with the tra-
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 95

osteotomy is completed based on their drilling mark in the clinical setting. A known landmark
protocol to proper width and depth. Upon com- must adjudicate clinically. If the clinical refer-
pletion of the implant osteotomy, the implant is ence and the software reference point do not
delivered on a standard implant mount. Prior to coordinate, the bone levelling sequence should
placement the distance from the top of the implant be aborted based on the dataset. If it is the clini-
is entered into the Yomi. Insertion torque and cian’s desire to use bone levelling robotically and
RPMs for implant placement are based on the there is a mismatch, the data gathering and adju-
discretion of the surgeon. This sequence is dication must be repeated and passed before pro-
repeated for each implant or one drill can be used ceeding to the robotic haptic-assisted levelling.
on all sites or variations of such. Once the The bur length is measured prior to landmark
implant(s) are in place, final site verification check. Currently, only one bur is FDA cleared for
should be performed to assess if any shifting use in this approach. Upon completion of the
occurred to the YLT or YLB. The Yomi link bone levelling, the handpiece is changed to the
device would be removed. At this point next steps implant handpiece, and the implant workflow
would be based on surgeons/restorative dentist described above would be executed.
desires; either immediate loading protocols or
cover screws or healing abutments would be pur- Real-Time Dynamic Guidance
sued. A postsurgical CBCT would follow for Real-time dynamic navigation for implant place-
confirmation of the synergy between plan and ment utilizes an implant system that uses aug-
actual treatment (Fig. 3.63a, b). mented freehand to optimize implant placement
A recent addition to the robotic implant sys- to improve outcomes, improve implant stability,
tem is the ability to perform robotic-assisted bone and reduce surgical time. The surgical technique
levelling using the Yomi under haptic guidance. uses a device which generates a 3D visual implant
In the planning software, a bone levelling plane is plan and visual feedback as the implants are
established. The handpiece utilized for this placed into the jaw bone (Fig. 3.64) [20]. One of
approach is a straight handpiece 1:1 aspect ratio. the benefits is the ability to guide the placement
The boundaries are confined by the surgeon’s of dental implants in real time during surgery.
area to bone level. The boundaries are manipu- The technology includes a surgical navigation
lated in the software and executed by the surgeon system that uses 3D imaging and real-time track-
in similar fashion to the implant placement. ing to guide the implant placement, allowing for
Landmark site verification must pass as in the more accurate and precise placement of the
implant placement algorithm to ensure proper implants. The goal is to deliver better outcomes
spatial relationships between the Yomi and the for patients, such as improved implant stability,
patient. The Yomi software aligns the patient in reduced surgical time, and less trauma to sur-
space as the clinician identifies the same land- rounding tissue.

a b

Fig. 3.63 (a, b) Prosthesis with projection of the implants through the scanned position of the teeth. Postoperative
CBCT showing the position of the dual-arch implant reconstruction
96 M. Klein et al.

The Indications and Benefits of Real-Time

Dynamic Guidance Systems
The technology allows the clinician to accurately
and precisely place and implant(s) in the 3D
arena [21]. Real-time navigation can be particu-
larly useful in cases where the patient has a com-
plex jaw anatomy, limited jawbone, or other
anatomic challenges that may make traditional
implant placement more difficult The use of real-­
time navigation can be beneficial for guided
­surgery, where the surgeon uses a preoperative
plan to place the implant in a specific location
and orientation. Real-time navigation can be used
to place immediate-load dental implants, which
are loaded with a prosthetic tooth or bridge
immediately after placement.

Data Necessary for Real-Time Dynamic

Guidance Implant Placement
The data necessary for dynamic guidance is simi-
lar to guided and robotic implant placement as
has been previously described.

Surgical Planning Considerations

(Surgical, Prosthetic)
Surgical planning for robotic implant placement
is the same as fully guided or robotic implant
placement. The ability to accomplish the plan
starts with appropriate data. Poor-quality CBCT
Fig. 3.64 Surgical implant is facilitated through real-­ or prosthetic plan will result in a less than opti-
time dynamic navigation such as the example below mal outcome with robotic implant surgery. The
planning considerations have been previously

X-Nav and Clarinov are two brands of real-­ Surgical Tools Used with Real-Time
time dynamic navigation systems for dental Dynamic Guidance Implant Placement
implant placement. They are computer-aided sur- Real-time dynamic guidance systems use infra-
gery systems that use 3D imaging and real-time red cameras or optoelectronic computer naviga-
tracking to guide the placement of dental tion to track in the fiducial markers. The
implants. They both work with a variety of technology employed by the existing optoelec-
implant systems and are designed to work both tronic CA navigation devices onto the market is
traditional implant placement and guided surgery based on either visible light or infrared stereo-
protocols. The system is intended to improve the scopic cameras (Fig. 3.65). There are over 18
accuracy and precision of implant placement, devices currently available that use varied tech-
which can lead to better outcomes for patients, nology to accomplish real-time dynamic guid-
such as improved implant stability, reduced sur- ance. Optoelectronic navigation devices require a
gical time, and less trauma to surrounding continuous direct line-of-sight of the fiducial
tissue. markers to ensure consistent accuracy.
3 Guided Surgery for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 97

or dual scanning with intraoral scanning are

options to use to develop prosthodontically
driven treatment planning. The calibration to reg-
ister the spatial relationship between the surgical
field and the drill tip position and angulation of
the drill is done based on protocols dependent on
which CAR navigation device is being used.
Visualizations of the drill relative to the CBCT
image of the patient’s anatomy from various per-
spectives that are native to the CA navigation sys-
tem were conducted. Recalibration is done from
precision to twist and between different twist
drills in the drilling sequence. Dynamic tracking
and navigation of the surgical tool are
­accomplished by utilizing a stereoscopic camera
and fiducial markers that maintain a rigid rela-
tionship to the surgical field and to the surgical
tool used for osteotomy (Fig. 3.65). The opera-
tor’s navigation of the surgical tool relative to the
preplanned implant site location can then be
guided by both visual and auditory means. There
are differences in the calibration methods specific
to each CA navigation system.
The procedure is performed using either flap-
Fig. 3.65 Example of such visible light or infrared light less or a full-thickness mucoperiosteal flap at the
is seen below with clear line of sight to the sensors
intended surgical site(s). The osteotomies are
prepared according to the implant manufacturers’
How to Use the Real-Time Dynamic protocol. The drilling handpiece is not proprie-
Guidance Implant Placement tary to the CA navigational system implant sur-
The day of surgery a tooth or bone-borne device gery. As the osteotomy is prepared, the surgeon
specific to the system being used will be attached visualizes the cross-hairs on the digital screen
to the patient. The patient then has a CBCT taken display to ensure they are within the confines of
with the tooth or bone-borne device/fiducial array the plane (Fig. 3.66a, b). The handpiece and sur-
in place. For some systems the teeth-borne device geon have complete freedom in all directions as
can be created prior to the day of the implant sur- the osteotomy is prepared. There are no boundar-
gery. The digital tomogram is exported from the ies or constraints within the CA navigational sys-
CBCT in a DICOM file format and imported into tem. The feedback is both visual and auditory.
the CA navigation device for planning of the sur- These systems do not have physical or haptic
gical implant placement. The software planning feedback. There is the feasibility to make intra-
module of the CA navigation device enables the operative adjustments to the plan. Bone levelling
clinician to determine the desired implant size, in many of the CA navigational devices is another
location, and angulation. Both radiopaque teeth option as well.
98 M. Klein et al.

a b

Fig. 3.66 (a, b) Picture represents a surgeon’s view of time data acquisition changes moment to moment giving
key three-dimensional views for implant placement and the surgeon a clear image of the surgical plan
the handpiece and array. As the handpiece is moved, real-­

3.3 Conclusion References

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skill and understanding. They should be used to 50. ISSN 0901-5027.
help predictably implement a well-thought out ijom.2020.08.004.
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ability to make real-time changes during the sur- 3. Becker CM, Kaiser DA. Surgical guide for dental
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data. Inaccurate data will produce a surgical AB. Clinical applications of digital dental technology
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Digital Workflows in Full Arch
Implant Prosthodontics
Faraj Edher, Sundeep Rawal, and Saj Jivraj

Abstract data, CBCT imaging, facial scans, adjunctive

photography, and the use of surgical guides,
Treatment of edentulous patients with implant-­
CAD/CAM, and digital impressions.
supported restorations presents significant
Additionally, the chapter describes the use of
challenges for clinicians in meeting high
different types of guided implant placement
patient expectations for aesthetics, phonetics,
and the functional verification process and
form, and function. With the introduction of
provides an in-depth overview of the digital
innovative digital technologies into clinical
workflows in full-arch implant prosthodontics
practice, the delivery of implant-borne pros-
and highlights the benefits of these
thetics has been significantly advanced. This
technologies for both clinicians and patients.
chapter describes the six phases of the digital
workflow, namely, preliminary digital data
The delivery of tooth- and implant-borne
acquisition, treatment planning in software,
prosthetics has been significantly advanced by
surgical execution with guidance, definitive
the rapid introduction of innovative digital
data acquisition, functional verification, and
technologies into clinical practice. These
delivery of the definitive restoration. We high-
technologies allow for greater ease, cost
light the benefits of digital technologies,
efficiencies, and improved workflows. When
including precision, predictability, cost and
detailing what is commonly known as the digital
time savings, and improved patient outcomes.
workflow, the process can be defined by six
The chapter also covers specific aspects of the
distinct phases:
digital workflow, such as obtaining IOS scan
1. Preliminary digital data acquisition.
F. Edher 2. Treatment planning in software.
Digital Dentistry Institute, BC Dental Study Club, 3. Surgical execution with guidance (and
University of British Columbia, immediate load provisional prosthetics).
Vancouver, BC, Canada
4. Definitive data acquisition.
S. Rawal (*) 5. Functional verification.
Implant Support Services, Aspen Dental,
Chicago, IL, USA 6. Delivery of definitive restoration.
The Digital Dentistry Institute, Orlando, FL, USA
S. Jivraj
Anacapa Dental Art Institute, Oxnard, CA, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 101
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
102 F. Edher et al.

4.1 Preliminary Digital Data implant therapies, especially fixed full-­ arch
Acquisition modalities, enabling the clinician to execute
prosthodontically driven treatment plans with a
Preliminary digital data acquisition is the entry reduced number of procedures. The information
point into an entire ecosystem of digital work- collected by intraoral scanners can all be
flows that result in precision, predictability, and managed through software tools, permitting
cost and time savings that in turn create more the technician to create virtual master models
comprehensive affordable solutions for patients. that contain all essential information [1].
This phase consists of: Highly valuable ingredients to successful
outcomes then begin with a distinct coordination
1. Obtaining iOS scan data. between the surgical and the prosthodontic treat-
2. CBCT imaging. ment. The initial evaluation of the patient includ-
3. Facial scans. ing the digital acquisition of facial aesthetics,
4. Adjunctive photography or videography if digital iOS scans with digital intraoral jaw rela-
needed. tionship records, and any adjunctive photo-
graphic images are then merged in a software
Intraoral scanning is one of these with radiographic analysis utilizing three-­
technologies that has significantly increased dimensional CBCT scanning.
the exactness of measurement for the digital All data including facial scans and intraoral
planning of patient cases. It has streamlined digital impressions are then transferred to CAD/
both the gathering of diagnostics and the CAM software (Fig. 4.1a, b) which allows for
predictability of results. However, intraoral digital smile design. This is the process of identi-
scanners and digital impression systems are fying the position of teeth and supporting struc-
much more than just data acquisition. The tures based on aesthetics and function in relation
application of intraoral scanning and the digital to the existing facial and intraoral soft tissue and
workflow is also highly impactful in dental bone anatomy [2].

Fig. 4.1 (a) Facial scan.

a b
(b) Facial scan
combined with intraoral
4 Digital Workflows in Full Arch Implant Prosthodontics 103

4.2 Treatment Planning Patients also benefit substantially from the

in Software digital revolution. Along with less time spent in
the dental chair, procedures are less invasive, and
Providing clinicians with comprehensive costs to the doctor are generally passed to the
software tools to transform the smiles of their patients, resulting in availability of care to a
patients, digital applications are wholly changing wider range of patient populations. Patients feel
the dental profession. The impact of technology they have some participation in the planning of
on the delivery of care has enabled clinicians to their treatment, positively influencing the dentist-­
be increasingly more analytical and meticulous patient relationship, the acceptance of care, and
in planning and rigidly focused on the predict- satisfaction with the results.
ability of outcomes. Designing a smile that a patient can preview in
There is no question that the impact of digital advance of treatment has become a critical tool in
technology in a dental practice has grown signifi- case acceptance, and full-arch therapy is no
cantly. Marinello states that virtually all current exception. Clinicians recognize that emotional
clinical and technical prosthodontic procedures factors impact treatment planning and, with the
can be supported by new digital processes and assistance of software, can now incorporate intra-
that communication between dentist, surgeon, oral scanning with 2D images and videography to
dental technician, and patient has become mark- overlay a restorative plan on a patient’s photo-
edly faster and more efficient. Most clinicians graph, providing a glimpse of what can be
who have embraced the complete digital regi- expected from treatment (Fig. 4.2) [3]. From the
ment also realize increased profitability as a 2D proposed design, utilizing intraoral scanning
result of streamlined efficiency. The technology to create stereolithic files and cone beam CT, the
has touched planning, designing, and manufac- design can be translated to a three-dimensional
turing of surgical guides, provisionals, as well as design in various software, which can then be
fixed and removable definitive restorations. In shared with the patient (Fig. 4.3). Patient confi-
some cases, the digital technology drives every dence and satisfaction are both increased when
phase of the treatment plan from diagnosis to the scanning and design software invite them
delivery. more intimately into the planning process.

Fig. 4.2 Data manipulated in digital planning software

104 F. Edher et al.

Fig. 4.3 Digital mockup

4.3 Surgical Execution: Guided such as nerves and neighbouring teeth.

Implant Placement Additionally, guided implant placement opti-
mizes implant position in relation to the pros-
Once the proposed design is approved by the thetic requirements by engaging more bone,
patient, the same data can be imported into dental leading to primary stability for immediate load-
implant planning software to determine the posi- ing [5]. Indeed, as the accuracy of surgical
tion of dental implants. This is beneficial because implant placement has been shown to greatly
digitally planning the treatment for the placement influence prosthetic results, the precision afforded
of dental implants is most effective when the by a range of digitally based guidance technolo-
planning is prosthetically driven [4]. This allows gies has been credited with enabling restoratively
three-dimensional precision in placement of the optimized dental implant procedures [6–9].
implants which in turn makes prosthetic fabrica- Stereolithographic static guides are perhaps the
tion much easier. The implant-placing clinician prevalent form of surgical guidance for implants
then incorporates the appropriate files from the [10]. Their clinical use, however, can be limited
planning software into the guided modality of by both manufacturing and positioning errors, as
choice. Three types of guided implant placement well as by fracture or fabrication time, thus
are currently used in dentistry: static guided sur- potentially increasing time to treat a patient.
gery with a printed resin or laser sintered metal Moreover, static guides do not permit real-time
guide, dynamic camera-based navigation appli- changes to the treatment plan in response to sur-
cations, and robot-assisted dental implant gical conditions while still providing guidance to
placement. the clinician [11–15].
The onset of virtual planning has significantly Unlike the fixed protocols dictated by static
advanced freehand surgical procedures, but the stereolithographic resin or laser-sintered metal
concept of guided surgery, which led to camera surgical guides, digital capabilities have emerged
navigation and eventually robotic guidance, has that allow dynamic intraoperative adjustments
enhanced the processes utilized for precise place- [16–18]. The first available dynamic systems pro-
ment of implants. It has also significantly reduced vided “navigation,” characterized by real-time
the risk of damage to vital anatomical structures visual feedback. With navigation, the operator
4 Digital Workflows in Full Arch Implant Prosthodontics 105

manually matches the current position of a drill capable of providing physical guidance through
intraorally with the plan model derived from cone haptic feedback. Robotic haptics function by pro-
beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of the viding directional and proportional guidance
patient, and this is viewed on a monitor [18]. forces and constraining instrumentation trajectory
Navigation systems provide information on drill in accordance with the prescribed surgical plan.
deviation with respect to position or depth; how- Robotic surgical guidance has been in a state of
ever, unlike with static guides, there is no physical continual refinement since its introduction in
prevention against excursions from the prescribed 2017. Because it is still in its infancy, numerous
treatment plan. Therefore, navigation may still be multi-centre evidence-based studies will be
considered an augmented “freehand” approach required to produce the anticipated superior data
that is dependent ultimately on the fine motor skill outcomes. Robotic guidance brought the term
of the operator (Fig. 4.4) [17, 18]. As mentioned, “haptic” into the surgical vocabulary. Haptic
guided dental implant placement has been evolv- refers to physical guidance in addition to visual
ing since the development of physical static and auditory guidance during implant surgery; the
guides as far back as 2004 (which are still viable software program utilizes a CBCT scan of the
in practice today although with less flexibility patient and allows the 3D planning of ideal
than the current navigational and robotic options) implant positioning based on bone availability,
[19]. According to Block and Emery, who are pio- biomechanical load, and the design of the defini-
neers in the use of dynamic navigation, control of tive prostheses. The robotic assistance then pro-
the depth and angulation of implants became vides the surgeon with physical guidance of the
more predictably accurate, surgeons could more drills to the desired position, angulation, and
consistently avoid the inferior alveolar nerve, and depth. When the orientation is accurate to the
flap mobilization could be minimized to promote plan, there is no robotic (haptic) resistance; if the
a less invasive procedure for the patient [20]. The drills deviate, the robot will constrain the tool axis
use of navigation assists the case collaboration to the planned orientation. Haptic refers to the
between the surgical and restorative clinicians in surgeon experiencing a vibrating resistance to the
integrating the virtual plan to the orchestration of normal sensations of drilling or implanting [21].
the treatment, thereby enabling the achievement While static, navigational, and robotic guides
of a high level of patient-specific results. Dynamic all provide valuable digital assistance in achiev-
navigation has been widely adopted because it is a ing aesthetic, functional outcomes, the future of
flexible, time- and cost-effective workflow; how- robotic guidance promises to achieve the highest
ever, as Block and Emery further indicate, the cli- degree of accuracy. Static guides run the risk of
nician must undergo a learning curve to gain fracture and can impede the clinician’s visibility
proficiency and will need to factor in training and as well as access for irrigation to the osteotomy
simulation [20]. site; moreover, it is impossible to adjust the actual
A new class of surgical dental technology, plan during the surgical procedure and still per-
robotic-assisted dental surgery (RADS), offers form a guided surgery. Intraoperative navigation
intriguing novel functionalities. One of these is allows for clinician adjustments and provides
the concept that, in addition to providing the audi- real-time visual information through a display,
tory and visual inputs of navigation, RADS is although there tends to be a more rigid adherence
to the digital plan. Furthermore, the procedure
that is performed is essentially freehand with no
physical boundary. Haptic guidance currently
promises to provide the best adherence to the
plan as it originates in the minds of the
One case that highlights the application of
Fig. 4.4 Navigation-guided surgery preliminary digital data acquisition, treatment
106 F. Edher et al.

planning in software, and surgical execution thetically pleasing smiles [23]. The treatment
through guidance is presented below. plan for this patient was for implementation of a
A male patient presented with classic definitive prosthesis in the maxillary arch built on
ectodermal dysplasia, the congenital anomaly four implants—two in the anterior aesthetic zone
caused by a single abnormal gene or pair of and two posterior tilted implants placed adjacent
abnormal genes [22]. The typical malformation to the anterior wall of the sinus (Fig. 4.6).
of the alveolar ridge, bone deficiency, and A fully integrated digital design was created
absence of tooth buds were evident (Fig. 4.5). focusing on the patient’s desired outcomes of
Maxillofacial rehabilitation of adults inflicted creating a highly aesthetic, natural-looking smile
with ectodermal dysplasia is most successfully with ideal form and function as close to a natural
accomplished through therapeutic protocols uti- dentition as possible. The smile design created
lizing osseointegrated dental implants and using 3Shape design software and surface scan-
advanced ceramic prosthodontics to provide aes- ning images were merged with STL and CBCT
files to engineer a virtual surgical plan, and then
a pre-manufactured screw-retained fixed provi-
sional restoration was fabricated (milled PMMA
manufactured on Zirkonzahn 5 axis mills) that
would function as the basis for the desired result
(Figs. 4.7 and 4.8). Robotic guidance was
employed to ensure the surgeon could make real-­
time plan adjustments if the bone or soft tissue
contraindicated the treatment plan. The provi-
sional was already prepared with one of the ante-
rior abutments embedded to facilitate alignment
with the remaining implants (Fig. 4.9). The
patient eventually was restored in both the max-
Fig. 4.5 Intraoral view, patient with ectodermal dysplasia illa and mandible with four implants in each arch

Fig. 4.6 Digital planning of patient in Fig. 4.5

4 Digital Workflows in Full Arch Implant Prosthodontics 107

to create a functional, aesthetic smile that was immediate aesthetic gratification and a more nat-
expected to be enduring (Fig. 4.10). ural return to function after surgery (Fig. 4.11).
The above case mentions immediate loading The refinement of the immediately loaded
during the surgical execution phase with a full-­ conversion prosthesis and the development of
arch fixed provisional prosthesis. In the mid-­ protocols to ensure longevity had far-reaching
1990s, implantology science was substantially impact even beyond increased patient accep-
streamlined through experimentation with imme- tance. The establishment of occlusion for the
diate loading of dental implants. A significant final restoration was always a primary concern,
development was the shifting of focus to a con- and patients wearing a conversion prosthesis for
version prosthesis, fabricated to serve as a proto- a minimum of 3 months afforded the clinician an
type of the definitive prosthesis. This innovative opportunity to evaluate and record a highly pre-
approach aided in the stabilization of implants in cise occlusal relationship. Models of the existing
healing bone and enabled patients to have both conversion prosthesis could be articulated against
the cast of the opposing dentition. The master
cast with the conversion prosthesis in place was
also articulated against the same opposing denti-
tion model (Fig. 4.12). The stone cast of the con-
version prosthesis then served as an ideal
prototype for the final prosthesis [24].
The advantages of digital workflows have also
impacted the immediate conversion protocols and
possibilities. Utilizing guided implant placement,
the clinician and lab team can accurately predict
the final position of where the implants would be
placed, allowing for more predictable methods for
fabricating the provisional prosthesis.
Using virtual planning software, a mucosa-­
borne static guide can be planned for the accurate
Fig. 4.7 Digital planning for surgical guide placement of fixation pins. The same fixation pin

Fig. 4.8 Digital planning for provisional

108 F. Edher et al.

position can be integrated into the design of addi-

tional bone reduction and implant placement
static guides, in addition to a prefabricated provi-
sional prosthesis with access holes premade to
allow for intraoral pickup of the temporary cylin-
ders after implant placement. The prefabricate
provisional prosthesis can reduce the time needed
during the chairside conversion as it is designed
without flanges and a convex intaglio surface.
This multi-component system depends on the
accurate positioning of the fixation pins to ensure
all other elements are correctly positioned based
Fig. 4.9 Provisional prepared with provisional abutment
embedded on the planning (Figs. 4.13, 4.14, and 4.15) [25].

Fig. 4.10 Implant-supported restorations for patient in

Fig. 4.5

Fig. 4.13 Digitally generated surgical guide

Fig. 4.11 Provisional prosthesis in maxilla

Fig. 4.12 Cross-mounting of provisional prosthesis to

transfer incisal edge position, occlusal plane, and occlusal
relationships Fig. 4.14 Digitally generated bone reduction guide
4 Digital Workflows in Full Arch Implant Prosthodontics 109

Fig. 4.16 Intraoral view of bone reduction guide with

adjusted bone

Fig. 4.15 Digitally generated provisional

A challenge when depending on fixation pins

to seat different components is in correctly
­repositioning the fixation pins. Stackable guided
systems overcome this challenge as the guide is
designed to have a base component that is posi-
tioned and secured with fixation pins, onto which
other components can be attached. For instance, a
soft tissue-supported guide can initially be used Fig. 4.17 Intraoral view of implant placement guide
to position the base and place the fixation pins.
Afterwards, the soft tissue-supported guide can
be detached from the base, and a bone reduction
guide placed. This can be followed by removing
the bone reduction guide and placing an osteot-
omy guide that connects to the base, and finally a
prefabricated provisional prosthesis can be posi-
tioned in place onto the base guide with premade
holes to allow for chairside conversion and
pickup of the abutments to the prosthesis
(Figs. 4.16, 4.17, and 4.18) [26, 27].
However, a major limitation of the stackable
guide system is intrinsic in its multiple templates Fig. 4.18 Intraoral view of digitally designed and milled
secured through the same anchor pin base sites and provisional
the related errors that may accumulate during their
positioning. Static guided surgery accuracy is Dynamic guidance can also be utilized to
related to type of support, with tooth-supported create workflows for effective immediate
template more accurate than tissue-supported. conversion. Pozzi et al. describe a method where
Bone-supported template are the least accurate dynamic guided protocols are utilized to place
and had the highest degree of surgical invasiveness the dental implants based on virtual planning but
because of the need to raise a large full-­thickness also to create prosthetic guide pin preparations in
flap to seat the guide on the bone surface [28]. the bone. These prosthetic guide pins are digi-
110 F. Edher et al.

tally designed as attachments of the prefabricated position of the teeth with the patient’s face [3].
prosthesis to be aligned and fit three to four cor- Software of this nature aids in positioning maxil-
responding bone recipient sites that are planned lary central incisors, the occlusal plane, and tooth
as “mini-implants”, allowing for the accurate size and shape. Most importantly, because the
positioning of a pre-fabricated prosthesis final prosthesis can be an exact fabrication of the
designed with inserts that fit into the guide pin interim prosthesis, the patient is able to visualize
preparations [28]. the aesthetics and approve the comfort and func-
The above described methods all utilize a tion of the prosthesis during the preliminary ther-
prefabricated provisional prosthesis with holes apy so that this can be easily translated to the
pre-­designed based on the planned position of the definitive therapy with high patient satisfaction.
dental implants. The pickup and conversion pro- The provisional prosthesis is therefore critical to
cess is still required intraorally to allow for the utilizing digital workflows that allow for more
fabrication of a fixed provisional prosthesis. efficient definitive data acquisition for the fabri-
However, as guided implant placement accuracy cation of the final prosthesis.
improves, there have been reports of pre-­ One of the most common techniques in
fabricated bars and provisionals being made definitive data acquisition is the double digital
using 3D-printed models with the planned scanning technique, which involves the
implant positions, to allow for the immediate superimposition of the digital impression of the
insertion of a full-arch implant-supported provi- provisional prosthesis to the digital impression of
sional prosthesis immediately after implant the scan bodies. The provisional prosthesis digital
placement. The risks associated with this work- impression captures the prosthetic setup. The scan
flow are that if there are any discrepancies bodies digital impression registers the implant
between the implant planning and the final posi- abutment positions and allows for capturing the
tion of the implants, the pre-fabricated prosthesis soft tissue and ridge. Superimposing these two
will not fit or will not achieve a passive fit [29]. digital files requires maintaining stable common
reference points between the two scans. In some
cases, attached and stable mucosa such as on the
4.4 Definitive Data Acquisition hard palate can be utilized as the common
reference. In situations where there is not enough
The traditional treatment plan commences with stable soft tissue to reliably superimpose and
extremely comprehensive analyses of the merge the two digital scans, reference markers
patient’s face, converting multi-angular photo- can be utilized.
graphs into computer-generated results that con- Several reference markers have been described
sider midline, lip lines, and even the distance by clinicians. The most commonly used are fidu-
between the eyes and mouth [3]. In addition to cial markers attached to the soft tissue on the pal-
drawing very specific guidelines into the restor- ate or on keratinized soft tissue on the buccal
ative plan for the clinician, contemporary aspect of the mandibular ridge (Figs. 4.20 and
software affords the patient a preview of the
­ 4.21). When the accuracy of this technique was
result, which often may be the chief motivational assessed, the superimposition showed that the 3D
factor for acceptance of treatment (Fig. 4.19). implant deviations between the digital and con-
As discussed, an exciting innovation occurs ventional stone casts were less than 90 μm. Based
when these digital technologies are utilized in on these findings, the digital scans led to a poten-
initial diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical tially clinically acceptable virtual cast, which
execution of full-arch fixed implant therapies as made a complete digital workflow feasible.
the digitally designed smile can then be utilized This could decrease treatment time by making
in the definitive phase of therapy. Software allow the maxillomandibular interocclusal records
for the provisional prosthetics to be merged with unnecessary and going from impression directly
new digital data and translated to harmonize the
4 Digital Workflows in Full Arch Implant Prosthodontics 111

Fig. 4.19 Digital software used to convey anticipated changes to patient

A similar method can be utilized at the time of

implant placement and immediate provisional-
ization if fixation anchor pins are utilized for the
guided system. The double digital scanning tech-
nique and the anchor pins allow for superimposi-
tion of the STL files from the two digital scans
regardless of the presence of keratinized mucosa
in the mandible. The anchor pins serve as fiducial
markers and facilitate the superimposition of the
two STL files. This leads to one master STL file
that is used for the CAD/CAM fabrication of the
Fig. 4.20 Reference markers with provisional in situ for PMMA prototype prosthesis in a complete digital
workflow [30].
An additional method utilizing scannable
impression pins has been described that allows to
have stable landmarks for the superimposition of
the multiple STL files from digital scans but does
not rely on landmarks placed on the soft tissue.
The scannable impression pin is hand tightened
on the multi-abutment which is a stable and
reproducible landmark on the ridge. This allows
for intraoral scanning at the time of the implant
placement or at any other time, making this tech-
nique possible in all clinical scenarios. The main
benefit of intraoral scanning after tissue healing
Fig. 4.21 Reference markers in place with scan bodies is the better adaptation of the definitive prosthesis
to the underlying tissue. Another advantage of
to prosthesis prototype try-in, followed by the the complete digital workflow, including the
fabrication of the final prosthesis [30]. present workflow, is that it allows for complete
112 F. Edher et al.

new digital teeth setup, if required, using patient’s

existing interim prosthesis as a reference [31].
The main advantage of all these efficient
double digital scan protocols is that all the
required information for the fabrication of the
definitive prosthesis is acquired from the
immediately loaded provisional prosthesis. The
technique also allows for making
maxillomandibular records simultaneously with
the impression since all the diagnostic information
is provided within the provisional prosthesis.
Additional advantages of the current technique Fig. 4.22 Stereophotogrammetry markers in situ maxilla
are all related to the digital workflow. Firstly, it
may improve patient experience, removing the
need for conventional impressions and long
clinical procedures. Complete digital workflow
reduces lab time by eliminating certain
conventional lab procedures, such as fabricating
stone models, mounting, and articulating. It also
removed the need for teeth setups in wax and pro-
cessing the prostheses. These time efficiencies in
both clinical and laboratory procedures may be a
financial benefit for all parties involved, includ-
ing the patient [31].
Another technology that has gained in
prevalence in recent years is the use of
Fig. 4.23 Stereophotogrammetry markers in situ
stereophotogrammetry in fixed-full arch mandible
applications. Stereophotogrammetry is a
method of making precise measurements by
using reference points within photographs the combination of both stereophotogrammetry
without any contact with the measured object. and intraoral scanning enhances the overall
It was first proposed as a way to determine accuracy of capturing both hard and soft tissue,
misfit between dental implants and their making it an optimal solution (Figs. 4.22 and
frameworks and later found to be a suitable 4.23).
substitute for traditional impressions. Today,
technical advances have led to commercially
available stereophotogrammetry systems with 4.5 Functional Verification
high accuracy for both partially and completely
edentulous patients. This high level of accuracy Even though the digitally fabricated prototypes
can now lead to eliminating the need for a presented with accurate fit, a verification remains
verification jig after a final impression, making the standard process of the full-arch implant
the process more efficient while also retaining workflow reconstructions. This can be done in
all of the benefits mentioned for the double different ways such as intraoral splinting of abut-
digital scanning technique. However, one of the ments and then connecting analogues prior to the
limitations of stereophotogrammetry is that it pouring of a jig cast or similarly back-pouring the
still requires an intraoral scan to be taken for conversion prosthesis after connecting analogues.
accurately capturing the soft tissue. In this way, A digital alternative to verification is using the
4 Digital Workflows in Full Arch Implant Prosthodontics 113

STL data from a digital impression to fabricate a arch restorations in the coming years. New inno-
digitally designed milled or printed verification vations in resin technology along with
jig through a complete digital workflow. As men- advancements in hardware technology will allow
tioned previously, exciting innovations in stereo- clinicians to utilize 3D printing across all phases
photogrammetry may eliminate the need for of the fixed full-arch digital workflow including
verification of the spatial positioning of the diagnostics, provisionalization, and ultimately,
implants or abutments for full arch fixed therapy. definitive restorations.
However, today there is much more One case that highlights the application of the
accomplished with this verification step than just digital workflow through to definitive digital
verifying the spatial relationship of the implant acquisition, functional verification, and definitive
positions. In addition to this information, the phase of therapy is presented below.
verification also includes verifying tooth posi- A patient presents for treatment with existing
tion, vertical dimension of occlusion, jaw rela- maxillary posterior implants, previously osseoin-
tionship, form, and function, and this is tegrated but unrestored, and a periodontally fail-
accomplished by utilizing a prototype that is ing anterior dentition (Fig. 4.24). An intraoral
either milled or printed prior to fabrication of the scan of both the implants (using scan bodies) and
definitive prosthesis. The accuracy of fit of the the anterior teeth provided the laboratory with the
generated prosthesis prototype and a definitive necessary digital files to design posterior teeth
prosthesis is crucial for long-term success [32, that would harmonize with the anterior teeth
33]. Therefore, if a misfit of the PMMA proto- (Fig. 4.25). The same file was then sent for mill-
type prosthesis is found, the prototype can be ing or 3D printing to create the full-arch provi-
sectioned and re-luted intraorally, and the sional restoration. It is essential that the laboratory
adjusted prototype can be rescanned in the lab
and copy milled into the final prosthesis. As
always, the accuracy of fit of the prototype pros-
thesis is directly correlated to the accuracy of the
full-arch digital impression, and the complete
digital workflow without the need for a physical
cast removed the errors introduced with 3D print-
ing master casts and inserting implant analogues
which may incorporate additional errors [34].
Many patients today choose implant-­
supported dental solutions as, along with almost
instant gratification, they also provide psycho- Fig. 4.24 Patient with periodontally failing dentition and
posterior implants unrestored
logical security, increased self-confidence, more
secure chewing ability, and improved phonetics
and aesthetics [35]. Both the milling and print-
ing of prostheses have evolved, and current tech- 5
4 13
nology includes software that can simultaneously
create the substructure, veneer, and soft-tissue
replication in a single process. These manufac-
tured prostheses, if based on accurate clinical
recording and careful laboratory digitizing, can
deliver a true-to-nature smile that requires no
clinical adjustments [36]. Of note are innova-
tions in additive manufacturing or 3D printing
that will continue to make great strides as an Fig. 4.25 Intraoral scan and digital files for laboratory
optimal manufacturing solution for fixed full- restorative design
114 F. Edher et al.

Fig. 4.29 Implant supported provisional placed

Fig. 4.26 Milled provisional ready to load additional

implants, and the anterior implants were con-

nected to the digitally produced provisional pros-
thesis (conversion prosthesis protocol—the
immediate loading of a non-removable interim
prosthesis) (Fig. 4.29) [37]. The immediate load-
ing of a fixed transitional prosthesis allows for
adequate tissue protection and significantly ele-
vates the patient’s level of function and self-­
esteem immediately post-operatively [37].
After the appropriate healing time, intraoral
scanning of the provisional teeth, all sides, and
surfaces and in occlusion with the opposing den-
tition took place. The provisional prosthesis was
Fig. 4.27 Occlusal view of milled provisional
then unscrewed, and a material-based impression
was made of the implant positions. Along with
this one physical analogue step, a digital impres-
sion of the implants, both anterior and posterior,
using scan bodies was taken, and during the same
appointment, the master cast was fabricated and
mounted using the existing provisional, and then
scanning of the provisional on the master cast in
occlusion was accomplished using the intraoral
scanner. This entire body of data acquisition
which was made in one clinical visit provides the
body of information required for the laboratory
Fig. 4.28 Anterior teeth extracted and anterior implants to produce the definitive prosthesis.
placed This is a case in which the entire treatment
plan from the collection of diagnostics to the
delivery of the definitive prosthesis was driven by
accurately digitizes the records in order to exactly reliance on digital technology and resulted in an
replicate what was presented clinically (Figs. 4.26 effective functional and aesthetic solution that
and 4.27) [35]. was pleasing to the patient in a minimal number
At the patient’s second visit, anterior teeth of visits.
were extracted, and additional anterior implants Digital implant dentistry workflows have
placed (Fig. 4.28). Abutments were connected, transformed the way in which care is delivered
and then temporary cylinders were installed. The from dentist to patient. Through the six phases of
provisional was screwed into the posterior the digital workflow, namely, preliminary digital
4 Digital Workflows in Full Arch Implant Prosthodontics 115

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3D Printing Protocols in Full-Arch
Reconstruction: A Complete

Keith Klaus and Saj Jivraj

Abstract 5.1 3D Printing in Dentistry

The application of computer-aided design and
computer-aided manufacturing (CADCAM) The combination of highly accurate manufac-
to full-arch implant rehabilitation has spawned turing and a wide range of materials makes 3D
new digital workflows for prosthetic design printing suitable to dentistry [1]. Charles Hull
and manufacture. Technologies such as cone first filed the patent for a 3D printer in 1986
beam computed tomography (CBCT), photo- [2], originally for rapid prototyping. Since
grammetry, intraoral scanning, facial scan- then, the technology has progressed tremen-
ning, and 3D printing may eliminate many of dously. Making its way into medical and dental
the steps used in traditional analog workflows. applications, 3D printing has become accepted
As the treatment planning for full-arch implant by surgeons and restorative dentists across the
rehabilitation is highly complex, new work- globe. Many practitioners are reaping the ben-
flows must allow clinicians to treat the patient efits of a more cost-­effective and time-saving
more efficiently and effectively; otherwise, process over traditional methods [3]. Being an
the workflows will not be utilized. Regardless additive manufacturing process, 3D printing
of the workflow chosen, the overall goal is to involves layering resin materials one by one
manufacture a part that may be used during until the part is completed. With subtractive
treatment. 3D printing allows the clinician to techniques, such as milling, material is
manufacture study models, surgical guides, removed from a block by a bur rotating at high
prosthetic try-ins, provisionals, etc. This chap- speeds. The milling process is then limited to
ter outlines the use of 3D printing in full-arch the diameter, shape, and length of the bur being
implant treatment to reduce cost, reduce time, used. 3D printing reduces the amount of wasted
and allow for a more streamlined manufactur- material, generates less noise, and cuts down
ing process. on labor costs as compared to subtractive man-
ufacturing. 3D printing is also much faster than
milling [4]. For dental applications, the main
differentiating factor is the material properties
of the printable resin compared to a solid pre-
K. Klaus (*) formed puck.
Private Practice, Flowood, MS, USA The advent of 3D printing continues to yield
S. Jivraj more efficient and cost-effective manufacturing
Anacapa Dental Art Institute, Oxnard, CA, USA of dental prosthetics. Where subtractive manufac-

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 117
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
118 K. Klaus and S. Jivraj

turing techniques such as milling have dominated downside to 3D printing resins compared to
the realm of full arch provisional prosthetics, milling resins is the lack of current clinical tri-
additive techniques with 3D printers and their als [6].
newly upgraded resins are gaining in popularity at
a rapid rate. The most common additive technol-
ogy in 3D printing for dentistry is stereolithogra- 5.3 Surgical Study Models
phy with vat polymerization, whereby resin is
contained in a vat, and a light source under the vat Surgeons benefit greatly from having presurgical
polymerizes the resin in incremental layers. The study models printed, sterilized, and available for
light source may be a laser source (SLA) or digital reference during surgery. The data gets seg-
light processing (DLP). If a print is to be used as mented from CBCT imaging and saved as an .
a definitive prosthesis, the 3D-printed materials STL file. This file then is easily printed on a 3D
must exhibit the following characteristics as pub- printer and may be used for planning the full-arch
lished by Schweiger et al.: surgery, as landmarks are easily recognized.
These resins are available in a variety of colors.
1. The material must have the ability to with-
stand high mechanical stress and the chemical
processes inside the oral cavity. 5.4 Radiopaque Resin for Try-In
2. The material must not release harmful chemi- prosthesis
cals while also having smooth surface con-
tours to prohibit bacterial deposits. Complete edentulous cases require using the
3. The production must be practical, cost-­ dual scan technique [7] in order to properly align
effective, and precise at the micrometer data to make a surgical guide. As there are no
level [5]. teeth present to serve as common references
between a digital mesh file of the jaw and the
CBCT scan of the jaw, an appliance is required
5.2 3D Printing Resins that may relate the two files together. Partial
edentulous cases and cases with a lot of metal
Recent improvements in resins and printing restorations may also benefit from a dual-scan
technologies have introduced materials suit- technique. The dual-scan technique involves cre-
able to implant-supported prosthetics. These ating a removable appliance, often a denture,
new age resins are highly accurate in marginal with radiopaque fiducial markers. The intaglio of
fit. They also offer esthetics that rival their the appliance must be relined with a radiopaque
milled resin counterparts. A study conducted material such as Blu-Mousse® PVS bite registra-
by Park et al. [4] showed that a printed pros- tion material. The fiducial markers are often
thesis had a smaller internal gap than a milled radiopaque glass beads and may be attached to
prosthesis, given that ideal parameters were the denture through stickers or resin adhesive.
utilized for the print. This finding is likely due The patient receives a CBCT scan with the
to the fact that a milled product is limited to altered prosthesis in the mouth, and a separate
the bur size and shape being used. The new- CBCT scan on just the prosthesis is taken. The
age 3D printers along with their esthetic and files are now able to be accurately aligned and
functional resins has allowed the ability to 3D may be used for surgical guide design. New radi-
print surgical study models, surgical guides, opaque resins allow for a printed try-in denture
try-in prosthetics, and provisional prosthetics to become the fiducial as the radiopaque align-
for full-arch rehabilitations. Perhaps, the only ment object, much like a barium sulphate dupli-
5 3D Printing Protocols in Full-Arch Reconstruction: A Complete Workflow 119

Fig. 5.1 Radiopaque try-in visible on a CBCT

cate denture [8]. The CBCT is taken with the have a more intimate fit while also allowing for
radiopaque try-in fully seated on the respective more definition for parts and pieces such as
arch, as shown in Fig. 5.1. There is no need to guide sleeves and transverse pin sleeves. Most
take a second CBCT as the resin is easily detect- surgical guide resins are autoclavable and
able, and the design is already in the CADCAM therefore integrate well into aseptic surgical
software to make the alignment predictable. The techniques.
reline is also not necessary so long as there is
intimate contact with the gingiva by the intaglio
of the try-in prosthetic. This benefit reduced cost 5.6 Hybrid Ceramic Resin
and removes a step in the workflow. Another
benefit is the ability to digitally design and 3D Printing resin manufacturers have begun to
print the try-in denture, lowering costs associ- develop hybrid resins incorporating ceramic filler
ated with lab processing fees. to improve material properties. These new hybrid
ceramic resins are significantly stronger than the
earlier resins that were marketed purely for pro-
5.5 Surgical Guide Resin visional restorations. Many of these ceramic res-
ins have obtained approval for final restorations.
3D printing surgical guides allow for more The improvement in material properties, namely,
complex guide manufacturing while also reduc- fracture toughness, has allowed for the produc-
ing cost to manufacture compared to milling tion of same-day immediate load full-arch pros-
surgical guides. Once again, burr size limits the thetics. Figures 5.2 and 5.3 show an immediate
ability to mill certain shapes. With 3D printing, load mandibular full-arch prosthesis printed on a
higher-­resolution parts are easily achieved. In SprintRay 55S Pro (Pro 55S, Sprintray, Los
regard to surgical guides, the appliances may Angeles, USA) in OnX Tough resin (OnX Tough,
120 K. Klaus and S. Jivraj

pletely dentate, partially dentate, or completely

edentulous. Regardless of the protocol used for
provisionalization, a proper and complete surgi-
cal and prosthetic workup is mandatory. The
prosthesis is almost always designed in
CADCAM software prior to surgery. There are
numerous digital workflows available; however,
most workflows require the alignment of the pre-
and post-surgical plans in order to digitally trans-
fer the prosthetic design so that it may be
manufactured. This alignment will use a common
Fig. 5.2 Printed mandibular immediate provisional
reference point from the pre- and post-surgical
scans. Reference points are qualified into two
groups: hard and soft reference points. Hard ref-
erence points most commonly are existing teeth,
implants, temporary anchorage devices (TADs),
or composite resin. Soft tissue reference points
are almost always keratinized gingiva due to their
lack of movement. Using soft tissue reference
points can be extremely difficult to use on day of
surgery due to bleeding and inflammation.
Intraoral scanners have difficulty scanning a
bloody field. The rugae of the palate make a nice
point for reference; however, the mandible lacks
Fig. 5.3 Complete denture opposing printed mandibular this anatomy. For these reasons, the most predict-
immediate prosthesis able common reference points will be hard refer-
ence points. Figures 5.4 and 5.5 show alignment
SprintRay, Los Angeles, USA) hybrid ceramic using hard and soft tissue reference points,
resin. Print time often is under 30 min, and it respectively. It is important to note that the blue
takes even less time to cure, stain, and glaze. mapping corresponds to 0 deviation between
Studies are needed to compare the material prop- scans. The alignment was done in Exocad
erties of these hybrid ceramic printed prosthetics CADCAM software (Exocad GmbH, Darmstadt,
to their milled PMMA counterparts. Germany). Following alignment, the technician
completes the digital design, making changes to
tooth position if needed. It is important to ensure
5.7 Pretreatment Planning a convex intaglio surface. Once the design is
for a Successful Digital complete, the prosthesis design file is sent to the
Alignment 3D printer for printing. It is imperative that the
surgical and prosthetic team understand which
The clinician must follow proper surgical plan- landmarks will be used as reference before sur-
ning beginning with prosthetic design. Patients gery; otherwise, alignment may be extremely dif-
undergoing full-arch treatment present as com- ficult and the outcome will suffer.
5 3D Printing Protocols in Full-Arch Reconstruction: A Complete Workflow 121

Fig. 5.4 Digital alignment using soft tissue references in EXOCAD

Fig. 5.5 Digital Alignment of photogrammetry data using hard reference points pre- and post-op

5.8 Edentulous and Dentate denture is then relieved so that it seats completely
Workflows over the healing caps. A wash impression is com-
pleted, and an intraoral scanner is used to scan the
Workflows for dentate and edentulous cases are relined reference denture in 360°. The opposing
handled differently. If a patient is dentate, there is arch is then scanned. The relined denture is then
opportunity to leave several teeth in order to align reinserted in the mouth, and the bite registration is
using hard reference points. When possible, it is recorded via intraoral scanner. The relined denture
recommended to keep teeth that may help in pre- captures both the soft tissues and hard reference
serving the vertical dimension of occlusion points in the MUA healing caps. The single 360
(VDO). For these reasons, dentate workflows may reference denture scan may be split in the
be easier from an alignment and design perspec- CADCAM software for use in prosthetic design,
tive. An edentulous case will obviously require yielding both tooth position and a gingiva scan. A
something other than teeth for alignment. In these very important benefit of using the reference den-
edentulous cases, utilizing a reference denture ture workflow allows for the operated jaw record
may prove very beneficial. The reference denture to be scanned outside the mouth, making the scan
may either be a patient’s existing denture or a much easier. The restorative dentist is also able to
printed denture out of try-in resin. Much like an evaluate the proposed tooth position, VDO, mid-
analogue conversion, the multiunit abutments line, etc. of the reference denture prior to design-
(MUAs) are fitted with healing caps. The reference ing the day of surgery immediate prosthesis.
122 K. Klaus and S. Jivraj

5.9 Photogrammetry Sinada and Papaspyridakos described a process

to digitally design and mill a verification jig uti-
Being introduced by Jemt and Lie in 1994, pho- lizing the photogrammetry datasets [12].
togrammetry’s use in full-arch implant rehabilita- Photogrammetry will continue to grow in accep-
tions has given practitioners a new tool for digital tance as companies are quickly bringing the
acquisition of implant positions. Through the devices to the full-arch market.
decades, the technology has improved vastly.
Jemt and Lie only described the use of the tech-
nology for extraoral use. At the time, their appli- 5.10 Printed Conversion
cation was to use photogrammetry to analyze Prosthesis
implant framework distortion [9]. Today, we are
able to obtain implant position records intraorally There are numerous advantages to immediate
in a matter of minutes, greatly reducing chair-­ loading a fixed provisional prosthesis, the con-
time. Photogrammetry allows for a precise version prosthesis [13]. A traditional conversion
implant location, essentially eliminating the need prosthesis begins as a denture, either an existing
for a physical impression. It has been well docu- denture if adequate or an immediate denture if
mented that intraoral scanning alone introduces the patient is dentate. This denture is then con-
inaccuracies when scanning across the full arch. verted to the fixed provisional by being bonded to
While many methods are utilized to reduce this implant temporary cylinders using acrylic resin.
error, the most accurate workflows still very The process requires premade holes in the den-
much depend on the operator and are widely ture whereby the cylinders may fit with a gap in
deemed as unsuitable. Photogrammetry has which to flow acrylic resin. This method of fabri-
proven to accurately record implant positions cation is not without its complications. Some
while also improving patient and dentist satisfac- common complications of manual conversions
tion. Work time is also reported to be reduced include poor bonding to the denture base and
[10, 11]. The technology uses fiducials that are contamination of the acrylic resin used for bond-
seated on the implant multiunit abutment (MUA) ing [14]. In a printed conversion workflow, the
much like scan bodies. The photogrammetry prosthesis is designed and manufactured after
device then scans these fiducials and records the implants have been placed. The designed pros-
data in an extensible markup language (XML) thesis is then either sent to a printer or a milling
file. This data acquisition does not include any machine. Many practitioners follow a model
surface topography. The implant position data whereby a milled polymethylmethacrylate
stored in the .XML file is used to export a geom- (PMMA) provisional is delivered the day of or
etry consistent with an existing implant compo- day after implant insertion. As milling takes lon-
nent such as MUAs, healing caps, cylinders, etc. ger and costs more to manufacture compared to
These geometries are then aligned to an intraoral printing, the ability to print the immediate pros-
scan, thus combining the datasets. The CADCAM thesis would cut down on time and cost. Since
software may then complete the prosthetic digital there are no predrilled holes, strength is improved
design using the intraoral scan data for the jaw in a conversion prosthesis that is monolithic and
scans and using the photogrammetry data for the not attached to cylinders with acrylic resin. With
implant positions. Utilizing photogrammetry in either method of manufacturing, the restorative
this manner allows for the design and manufac- dentist has the opportunity to make alterations to
ture of an implant supported fixed dental prosthe- the prosthetic design following surgery. An alter-
sis (FDP) with a passive fit. To verify accuracy, native to milling the provisional is 3D printing.
5 3D Printing Protocols in Full-Arch Reconstruction: A Complete Workflow 123

As discussed previously, 3D printing has vast

cost and time savings when compared to milling
PMMA. Until recently, the available printed res-
ins were prone to fracture and therefore not
dependable to withstand the occlusal forces dur-
ing the healing phase of full-arch implant ther-
apy. Current resins are approaching the strength
of milled PMMA.

5.11 Prototype Provisional

Prosthesis Fig. 5.6 Before photos showing rampant decay

Following the healing period, the converted pros-

thesis often requires revision prior to proceeding 5.12 Case Presentation
to the final restoration. It is imperative to revisit
tooth position, shape, shade, and gingival con- The following patient presented to our clinic
tact. The following records are acquired for pre- requesting solutions to her dental complaints
dictable prosthetic design: concerning rampant caries. She was experiencing
pain when eating and becoming socially reclu-
1. 360-degree prosthesis scan if there were sive due to her chronic dental conditions. The
chairside alterations to the intaglio patient had a medical history including Sjogren’s
2. Gingiva scans syndrome, pre-diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and
3. Opposing jaw scans obesity. The vast majority of recently placed
4. Bite registration scans direct composite restorations were experiencing
5. Photogrammetry recurrent decay, visualized in Fig. 5.6. Multiple
6. Photography options were presented including full-mouth
7. CBCT rehabilitation with full coverage restorations,
combination full coverage restorations with
These records may be obtained in one visit, implant restorations, and full-mouth fixed
thus combining many of the traditional analogue implant FDPs. The patient ultimately decided to
full arch workflow appointments. The lab takes proceed with full-arch fixed implant prosthetics
this data and creates a new prototype provisional for her full-mouth rehabilitation.
prosthesis. At this phase in treatment, a printed Preliminary diagnostics were recorded
prototype prosthesis has significant benefits. including CBCT, photographs, and intraoral
Reducing the manufacturing time and overall scanning. 2D and 3D mockups were completed
cost affords the restorative dentist to offer multi- using EXOCAD software. The plan for the max-
ple prototypes. Once the prototype prosthesis is illa was to follow a sequenced treatment begin-
approved by the patient, the lab only needs to ning with preparation of select natural teeth to
copymill the design in the material of choice. The retain a tooth-supported full-arch provisional.
ability to copymill the design exactly provides a This approach reduced risks to the implants by
distinct advantage, as patients may be quick to not immediately loading. Once the teeth were
notice even slight changes between the provi- prepared, an intraoral scan was completed and
sional and final prostheses. used to create a surgical guide that indexed to
124 K. Klaus and S. Jivraj

the natural tooth preparations as well as a

printed provisional to be retained by the natural
teeth. On the day of surgery, the unprepped teeth
were atraumatically extracted. A tooth-sup-
ported surgical guide was utilized to complete
the osteotomies. Immediate implants were
placed. The gap between implant and buccal
plate was grafted according to the dual-zone
protocol as described by Tarnow et al. [15] with
healing abutments supporting the keratinized
gingiva. Implants were added in sites 2 and 15
and cover screws placed. The provisional was
cemented to the natural teeth, and the patient Fig. 5.7 MUA caps placed and ready for intraoral
was dismissed. scanning
The second surgical appointment involved
immediately loading the mandible with a printed
prosthesis (Figs. 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11).
Using EXOPLAN, the lower jaw scan was modi-
fied by digitally extracting teeth for future
implant placement. The remaining teeth were
used to support a surgical guide. The planned
teeth were extracted atraumatically and osteoto-
mies completed. All implants were placed with
appropriate insertion torque for immediate load-
ing. Photogrammetry records were completed
with the iCAM 4D (iCam4D, iMetric4D Imaging,
Courgenay, Switzerland). The records were
aligned to intraoral scans, and the provisional
prosthesis was designed in EXOCAD. Rather
than extract the guide supporting teeth, a root
submergence technique (RST) as described by Fig. 5.8 Photogrammetry scan bodies in place
Salama et al. was followed [16]. The provisional
was printed in OnX on a SprintRay Pro 55S. The
prosthesis was finished and delivered [17]. The
patient was then dismissed.
The patient was allowed to heal for 4 months,
at which time a third surgical procedure was
completed. At this surgery the teeth supporting
the maxillary provisional would undergo
RST. The posterior implants were uncovered.
MUAs were seated and torqued. Photogrammetry
scans were again utilized to record implant posi-
tion. After aligning to the intraoral scan,
EXOCAD was used to design the implant-­
supported provisional. The provisional design Fig. 5.9 Mandibular printed immediate fixed provisional
was printed out of nanoceramic OnX resin by inserted
5 3D Printing Protocols in Full-Arch Reconstruction: A Complete Workflow 125

Fig. 5.13 Photogrammetry scan bodies in place for

revised MUA selection
Fig. 5.10 Panoramic view from CBCT radiograph fol-
lowing second surgery

Fig. 5.14 Rendering from Exocad showing new design

with less buccal contour

Fig. 5.11 Maxillary tooth-supported provisional oppos-

ing lower implant-supported provisional

Fig. 5.15 Intraoral photo showing improved marginal

height discrepancy

margin that was too apical. The multi-unit abut-

Fig. 5.12 Intraoral photo showing gingival margin height ment was changed from a straight to a 17°. A
discrepancy new photogrammetry scan was taken to quickly
obtain the new implant location (Fig. 5.13). This
SprintRay. At this point in treatment, all implants record was brought into EXOCAD, and a new
had integrated successfully. prototype restoration was designed with reduced
The patient was satisfied with the provision- buccal contour (Fig. 5.14). The 2-week follow-
als; however, the gingival zeniths had discrep- up revealed a more coronal position of the gingi-
ancy (Fig. 5.12). Site #7 specifically had a val tissue (Fig. 5.15). CBCT was taken to
126 K. Klaus and S. Jivraj

Fig. 5.16 CBCT analyzing distance from printed provi-

sional to the coronal extent of the RST tooth root Fig. 5.18 Tissue healing following removal of prelimi-
nary fixed provisional

Fig. 5.17 Implant-supported printed provisionals

Fig. 5.19 Tissue healing following revised provisional

evaluate the apical tissues of the teeth treated Following a few months, the provisionals were
with RST. The CBCT was also used to evaluate removed to assess soft tissue contours (Figs. 5.13
the distance from the ovate pontics to the coronal and 5.14). Once the patient was satisfied with the
portion of these teeth that underwent RST prototype restorations, the final definitive zirco-
(Fig. 5.16). The patient was sent home to con- nia prosthetics were fabricated and inserted
tinue to evaluate the provisionals (Fig. 5.17). (Figs. 5.18 and 5.19).
5 3D Printing Protocols in Full-Arch Reconstruction: A Complete Workflow 127

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digital prosthetic dentistry: an overview of recent
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15. Tarnow DP, Chu SJ, Salama MA, Stappert CF,
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implant placement in the esthetic zone: part 1. The
Marchal G, van Steenberghe D, Suetens P. An image-­
effect of bone grafting and/or provisional restoration
guided planning system for endosseous oral implants.
on facial-palatal ridge dimensional change—a retro-
IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 1998;17(5):842–52.
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Dent. 2014;34(3):323–31.
8. Basten CHJ, Kois JC. The use of barium sulfate for
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implant templates. J Prosthet Dent. 1996;76(4):451–4.
16. Salama M, et al. Advantages of the root submergence
9. Jemt T, Lie A. Accuracy of implant-supported prosthe-
technique for pontic site development in esthetic
ses in the edentulous jaw: analysis of precision of fit
implant therapy. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent.
between cast gold-alloy frameworks and master casts
by means of a three-dimensional photogrammetric
17. Peñarrocha-Oltra D, Agustín-Panadero R, Pradíes G,
technique. Clin Oral Implants Res. 1995;6(3):172–80.
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PMID: 7578793.
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10. Peñarrocha-Diago M, Balaguer-Martí JC, Peñarrocha-­
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M, Agustín-Panadero R. A combined digital and
jopr.12364. Epub 2015 Dec 14. PMID: 26662261.
The Zygoma Anatomy-Guided
Approach (ZAGA) for Preventing
Complications Using Zygomatic

Carlos Aparicio

Abstract The results of using the combination of the

ZAGA concept together with the new ZAGA
The previously described systems for zygo-
implant designs consistently show:
matic implant placement, such as the origi-
nal surgical procedure, the slot technique or
–– Less traumatic osteotomy.
the extra-sinus technique, promote a spe-
–– Better implant stability.
cific surgical technique that should be uni-
–– Better bone-to-implant contact together with
versally applied to all patients. However,
better bone sealing around the implant neck.
different morphologies of the edentulous
Additionally, the rate of late sinus complica-
maxilla can be identified, both between and
tions dramatically decreases, and more ana-
within individuals. Using the same type of
tomic rehabilitation is achieved.
osteotomy in all situations will often result
in bulky prosthetic constructions, poor
hygiene, possible sinus complications and/
6.1 Introduction
or soft tissue dehiscence.
We present the ZAGA protocol for
The clinical scenario of the severely atrophic
decision-­making before performing zygo-
maxilla is represented by a very thin bone sepa-
matic osteotomy. The ZAGA concept aims to
rating the nose/maxillary sinus from the overly-
promote patient-specific therapy by adapting
ing soft tissue. An eventual osteotomy through
the type of osteotomy to the patient’s anatomy.
this minimal bone layer would barely achieve
Surgical treatment of the implant bed is guided
sufficient bone-to-implant contact to initially sta-
by the patient’s anatomy according to specific
bilize the implant (Fig. 6.1). Under these condi-
prosthetic, biomechanical and anatomical cri-
tions, it would be difficult to achieve and maintain
teria. In most cases, the so-called late compli-
secondary stability—osseointegration—capable
cations are refrained from.
of sealing the zygomatic implant (ZI) at the level
of its neck. It would then increase the risk of
development of late rhino/sinus-oral communica-
C. Aparicio (*)
International Teaching Scholar Indiana University
tion. In a recent retrospective study of up to 22
School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, IN, USA years of duration, Vrielinck et al. [1] analysed the
Director of Zygomatic Unit at Hepler Bone Clinic,
survival and complications associated with a total
ZAGA Center, Barcelona, Spain of 940 implants placed in 302 adult patients with
e-mail: atrophic maxilla. The survival rate of the ZI was

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 129
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
130 C. Aparicio

Fig. 6.1 (a, b) Radiographic CBCT images processed the position of the left second premolar. The condition of
with DTX Studio Implant planning software. The 3D and extreme maxillary atrophy makes it impossible to place
2D images illustrate the plan for the path of the implant regular implants and dramatically reduces the chances of
(a) in the position of the right second premolar and (b) in success of an eventual sinus graft

89.9%, and the mean time between implant long coronal part of the ZI that would facilitate oro-
placement and failure was 4.8 years. The imme- sinus communication (Fig. 6.2), which is consis-
diate loading protocol presented a superior sur- tent with finite element analysis studies by
vival rate compared to the delayed loading Freedman in 2013 [3] and 2015 [4] showing
protocol. Among infectious biological complica- increased tensile forces on the zygoma in situations
tions, sinusitis was the most reported (n = 138) where alveolar implant support is not achieved.
and occurred over a mean follow-up period of 4.5 There is no empirical evidence as to what is
years. the minimum amount of residual bone capable of
Bone may resorb with function and time in supporting in the long term the different mastica-
patients with minimal crestal bone around the entry tory loads applied from the zygomatic implant to
point of the zygomatic implant. Thus, Becktor the bone-implant junction of the sinus floor. In
et al. in 2005 [2] speculated that the lack of bone fact, the circumstances affecting bone-to-implant
support would end in transverse mobility of the contact, quality, and maintenance at the entrance
6 The Zygoma Anatomy-Guided Approach (ZAGA) for Preventing Complications Using Zygomatic… 131

Fig. 6.3 Intraoral clinical image showing mucosal reces-

sion around a rough surface implant. Note the signs of
tissue infection associated with the recession

Fig. 6.2 CBCT radiographic image showing a total occu-

pation of the left maxillary sinus. The image also shows an
implant entering the sinuses through the palatal area. The 6.2 Technique Evolution
white circle highlights the lack of bone implant sealing at
the level of the palatal entrance. Note also the perpendicu- 6.2.1 Original Technique
lar angle of attack of the implant in the zygomatic zone

In the early 1990s, several reports were published

level can differ drastically from patient to patient. on the possibility of anchoring attachments to the
Possible variables would be: zygomatic bone for both nasofacial [5] and dental
prostheses [6]. Subsequently, Brånemark et al.
–– The difference between the final diameter of published in 2004 [7] the first long-term follow-
the drill and the diameter of the implant ­up study on the placement of zygomatic implants,
–– The accuracy of implant insertion sometimes simultaneously with on-lay bone
–– The quality of the anchorage/stability of the grafts. It was after this study that zygomatic
zygomatic implant allowing or not implants were considered within the scientific
micromovements implant dentistry. During this study, 28 patients
–– The quality of the soft tissue attachment received 52 zygomatic implants and 106 conven-
–– The biotype of the soft tissue around the tional fixations. Additional bone grafting was
implant/abutment head considered necessary in 17 patients. All patients
–– The type of oral hygiene maintenance were followed closely for 5–10 years. The surgi-
–– The history of periodontitis cal procedure for zygomatic implant placement
–– Excessive probing of the implant sulcus consisted of a “window” antrostomy in the upper
–– Habits such as smoking, etc. lateral quadrant of the anterior maxillary wall
(Fig. 6.4). The sinus mucosa was then reflected,
To achieve a long-lasting successful outcome and “no special effort was made to keep it intact”.
in zygomatic implant surgery, attention must be It was thus established that the implant had to
paid to the prevention of late complications, par- have an intra-sinusal path. According to
ticularly oral-antral or nasal communications or Brånemark, “the direction of fixation of the
soft tissue recession/infection (Fig. 6.3). zygoma was selected to provide optimal stability
132 C. Aparicio

Fig. 6.4 Typical “emotional window” osteotomy of the

original surgical technique. The implant placement Fig. 6.5 Slot osteotomy performed before implant place-
required a second osteotomy since the final position of the ment. As in the “window” osteotomy, there is a mismatch
implant, indicated by the probe, does not correspond to between the final position of the implant and the previous
the position of the first osteotomy osteotomy that decreases the implant-bone contact

against prosthetic requirements”. In different and remove the fatty tissue to refrain from soft
words, to maintain the path inside the sinuses, the tissue inflammation around the definitive abut-
implant path had a more or less palatal entry ments. Despite the palatal emergence of the pros-
depending on whether the curvature of the maxil- thesis, no patient discomfort or speech difficulties
lary wall was more or less pronounced. This long- were recorded.
term study by Brånemark reported three ZI failures
and a 94.2% survival rate. The 5-year prosthetic
rehabilitation success rate was 96%. At least 96 6.2.2 The Slot Technique
conventional implants ranging from 10 to 20 mm
in length were placed. The success rate of the ini- In 2000, Stella and Warner [10] described the
tially placed conventional implants was approxi- sinus slot technique in a technical note with
mately 71%. In 2 patients out of 28, 1 of the 2 ZIs the objectives of offering a solution to the
placed was disconnected from the prosthesis due prosthodontic shortcomings of the original
to suppuration at the palatal entrance of the Branemark technique and reducing postopera-
zygoma attachment combined with a sinus infec- tive pain.
tion. Four patients had recurrent sinusitis during To this end, the authors proposed elevating a
the follow-up time (Fig. 6.1). The treatment of reduced flap only to the inferior aspect of the
these six cases was the same: an antrostomy of the infraorbital nerve and to the mid-inferior aspect
inferior meatus was performed, and the results of the zygomatic process of the maxilla. Unlike
were satisfactory. Four other patients had radio- the original technique, they did not uncover the
graphically diagnosed sinusitis with occupied but angle formed by the frontal and temporal pro-
clinically asymptomatic maxillary sinuses. No cesses of the zygomatic bone, since, in theory, the
treatment was considered necessary in these cases. groove provided them with the direction of the
Depending on the criteria we apply, the per- implant (Fig. 6.5).
centage of cases presenting sinusitis, as defined Second, a reduced groove-shaped antrostomy
by Lanza Kennedy in 1997 [8], would be 21%, was proposed instead of a window osteotomy.
while if we also apply the radiological criteria of The groove was performed in the planned direc-
Lund Mackay 1993 [9], the percentage of rhino- tion before implant placement. They reasoned
sinusitis in the original PI Brånemark study that in an already highly resorbed maxilla, a sinus
would amount to 35.7%. window, as in the original technique, may further
Due to the palatal position of the zygomatic compromise the remaining precarious alveolar
fixations, it was necessary to thin the palatal flap bone support.
6 The Zygoma Anatomy-Guided Approach (ZAGA) for Preventing Complications Using Zygomatic… 133

Stella and Warner [10] also proposed a crestal zygomatic implant placement at the EuroPerio
entry for the zygomatic implant to achieve more meeting in Madrid, Spain. This new technique,
anatomical prostheses. Local anaesthesia and indicated in cases of maxillary wall concavity,
intravenous sedation were also introduced. used an external approach to the maxilla to place
Although the slot technique improves mini- zygomatic implants (Fig. 6.6). The 1-year study
mizing antrostomy and prosthesis design, the for this new technique was first published in
method was also not without drawbacks. For English literature by Ouazzani from Aparicio’s
instance, the authors did not provide any specific group in 2006 [11]. Migliorança et al. in 2006
criteria for adopting variations within this process [12] published a similar approach to Aparicio’s
that would refrain from oro-antral communication group in Portuguese, which they called the exter-
when penetrating the sinuses through a too thin nalized technique. In a 3-year prospective study
alveolar ridge, nor did they define possible varia- in 2008, Aparicio et al. [13] reported the results
tions in implant trajectory in different anatomic of extra-sinus placement of zygomatic implants
situations. Moreover, since the “slot” antrostomy in 20 consecutive patients recruited from October
is performed before implant placement, it does 2004 to October 2005. The minimum follow-up
not always correspond to the implant shape. For period was at least 3 years. Thirty-six zygomatic
the same reason, the slot may not even be neces- implants were used, with smooth, turned titanium
sary in the presence of concavities in the maxil- surfaces according to the initial zygomatic fixture
lary wall. In other words, the ability to seal the design (Nobel Biocare AB, Göteborg, Sweden).
maxillary wall with the implant is limited. According to the authors, the indication for using
the extra-sinus approach was the presence of buc-
cal concavities in the lateral wall of the maxillary
6.2.3 Exteriorized Technique sinus, which would cause an eventual intra-sinus
trajectory of the zygomatic implants to lead to the
The next step in the evolution of the technique placement of the implant head at a distance
occurred in 2005, when Aparicio’s group pre- greater than 10 mm from the centre of the alveo-
sented a 1-year follow-up of a new technique for lar ridge. In these cases of a very concave maxil-

a b

Fig. 6.6 (a) In the clinical image, we can see how the connective fibres and thus refrain from recession. (b) The
bone remnant at the alveolar level has been used to pre- clinical image shows a Straumann ZAGA Round implant
pare the entrance of the Straumann ZAGA Round type in the most anterior zone where the alveolar bone has been
implant through it and not through the palatal bone. Due preserved. The posterior area belongs to a ZAGA 4 type
to the pronounced concavity of the maxillary wall, the without remaining alveolar bone, so a Straumann ZAGA
path of the implant proceeds outside the wall until it enters Flat design has been chosen. The white circle highlights
the zygomatic bone. The white circle highlights the pres- the preservation of the alveolar bone, and the arrows indi-
ervation of the alveolar bone to support the soft tissue cate the close bone-to-implant contact achieved
134 C. Aparicio

lary wall, the implant trajectory was prepared by aspects such as the type of incision according to
drilling the alveolar crest sufficiently from its the biotype and amount of soft tissue:
palatal side, pointing towards the zygomatic arch,
and without making a previous window opening –– The surgical protocol of positioning and
in the maxillary sinus. Prioritization was given to design of the osteotomy
the anatomical prosthesis on the palatal entry, –– The type of drilling with lateral or perpendicu-
enabling the implant entry to occur at the maxil- lar cut depending on the type of osteotomy
lary ridge. And depending on the concavity of the projected
wall, the implant would have an “aerial path” –– The procedures and individualized recom-
(Fig. 6.6). On the condition of passing through a mendations to better preserve the bone and
ridge sufficient in volume and architecture, the soft tissue in the ZICZ
integrity of the sinus membrane was preserved, –– Various instruments such as drills to facilitate
and the creation of a “window” or “slot” prior to the surgery
surgery was eliminated. –– The choice of implant design that is chosen
Maló et al. in 2008 [14] introduced a modified for each site
approach called the extra-maxillary technique
that would suit all anatomies. However, it There is a tendency to confuse the ZAGA ana-
involved systematic contouring of the alveolar tomical classification with the “ZAGA concept”
ridge to achieve exclusive anchorage into the which is a philosophy that promotes first recog-
zygoma bone. So when patients presented with nizing the type of anatomy of the patient in need
an over-contoured anterior-maxillary sinus wall, of oral rehabilitation and then providing this
the sinus membrane was inevitably perforated patient with a specific therapy. In other words,
because it was in the direct pathway of the drill instead of forcing the patient’s anatomy to adapt
direction. Of the 18 patients who underwent a to a particular process and/or implant, the use of
1-year follow-up, 4 suffered sinus infections rep- the ZAGA concept matches its strategies and
resenting 22% of sinusitis. Further study on the tools according to the patient’s anatomy.
extra sinus technique was published by Indeed, the use of the same type of technique
Migliorança’s group in 2011 [15]. The authors in all anatomical situations described in the origi-
reported a 98.7% survival rate for zygomatic nal and other protocols often results in bulky
implants, only two of them showed soft tissue prosthetic constructions, impaired hygiene, even-
recession, and no patients experienced sinusitis. tual sinus complications, and/or soft tissue dehis-
Incomprehensibly, the success criteria used were cence. The zygoma anatomy-guided approach
the same as for regular implants including mar- (ZAGA), on the other hand, aims to promote
ginal bone height and probing depth. patient-specific therapy. Surgical treatment of the
implant site is guided by the anatomy of that
patient and that site, not by a universal “magic
6.3 The ZAGA Concept recipe”.
Consequently, the implant trajectory can be
ZAGA is a philosophy and concept for the reha- intra-sinus, extra-sinus, or intermediate, using
bilitation of the atrophic maxilla described by the maxillary wall as an additional source of
Aparicio in 2011 [16] and 2012 [17]. ZAGA is anchorage (Fig. 6.7). In fact, its aim is to maxi-
the acronym for “zygoma anatomy-guided mize the primary stability of a prosthesis-guided
approach”, which is a descriptive name that iden- zygomatic implant, which implies a conserva-
tifies a new technique and distinguishes it from tive osteotomy. At the same time, the ZAGA
previously published techniques intended to be concept aims to prevent potential late complica-
universally applied to all patients. The ZAGA tions of the procedure, such as oral-antral fistula
concept differs in that it seeks a specific treat- and soft tissue recession/infection, by following
ment for each patient. This is so in multiple the steps detailed in Table 6.1. Overall, the
6 The Zygoma Anatomy-Guided Approach (ZAGA) for Preventing Complications Using Zygomatic… 135

Fig. 6.7 Some clinicians mistakenly identify the ZAGA different paths that the zygomatic implant can have
concept with the placement of externalized implants. The according to the ZAGA philosophy. Note how the choice
ZAGA concept proposes the adaptation of the path of the of implant design varies also in relation to the type of
implant, and the osteotomy, to the patient’s anatomy. The path. Essentially, ZAGA is a patient-specific therapy
series of clinical images that we present here shows the

Table 6.1 Key steps and protocols in the ZAGA in 2011 [16]. He identified five basic skeletal
concept forms of the alveolar crest complex, maxillary
– The identification of the patient’s anatomy wall-­zygomatic buttress complex, and implant
– The determination of an implant trajectory guided by path. The classification represents the anatomi-
the prosthesis according to specific criteria that
cal differences on the trajectory of an implant
determine the location of the zygomatic implant
critical zone (ZICZ), the antrostomy z(AZ), and the placed from the posterior premolar/molar area
zygomatic anchor zone (ZAZ) during its alveolar and anterior maxillary wall
– The selection of the appropriate minimally invasive zygomatic path. Indeed, the ZAGA classifica-
osteotomy design for the residual anatomy preventing tion was intended to describe anatomic differ-
channel or tunnel complications
ences on the double posterior zygomatic implant
– The selection of appropriate implant design for the
type of osteotomy chosen trajectory (Fig. 6.8). However, it did not refer to
– The appropriate procedures in each case to maintain an eventual anterior zygomatic implant
the bone and soft tissue refraining from complications passageway.
– The use of a systematic method to define success or Currently, the indications for zygomatic
failure in each rehabilitation
implants have been broadened since they are
used not only in cases of lack of bone in the pos-
ZAGA concept provides clinicians with the terior maxilla but also in clinical cases of
decision criteria necessary to obtain a satisfac- extreme anterior and posterior maxillary atro-
tory and predictable outcome over time. It phy [18, 19]. Then, four implants anchored in
establishes protocols for determining the key the zygomatic bone ZI are placed (Fig. 6.9). In
landmarks that will define the zygomatic these new situations, the indication for reaching
implant trajectory or ZAGA zones, which will the zygomatic bone using an intra-nasal implant
be explained in the next chapter. In this way, an path, in the same manner as an intra-sinus path
individualized, patient- and site-­specific implant that was prescribed on the original technique,
trajectory is determined. cannot be extrapolated. The reduction of sub-
nasal bone volume frequently forces the surgeon
to choose an extra-nasal/extra-sinus implant tra-
6.3.1 The ZAGA Classification jectory, preventing future complications like
nasal or sinus fistula by avoiding nasal or sinus
To better understand the influence of anatomy penetration. The frequent scenario in a four-
on a prosthetically driven implant trajectory, zygomatic implant indication is then a very
Aparicio described the “ZAGA classification” resorbed maxilla where before establishing the
136 C. Aparicio

Fig. 6.8 In the figure we can appreciate the different molar/molar level. The percentages show the frequency of
schemes that represent the ZAGA classification for zygo- this situation
matic implants whose head has a posterior position at pre-

osteotomy is performed through the remain-

ing alveolar crest. The implant neck is located
on the alveolar crest to minimize the risk of
late soft tissue complications.
–– A threaded circular implant section is used to
seal the tunnel-shaped osteotomy.
–– The antrostomy is placed immediately across
the alveolar crest.
–– Sinus lining integrity at the crestal level is not
Fig. 6.9 Clinical occlusal image showing the final posi- preserved.
tion of four zygomatic implants, two anterior and two pos-
terior. This technique is known as quad zygoma and is –– The implant body reaches the zygomatic bone
now sufficiently documented to be used routinely in cases using an intra-sinus path.
of extreme maxillary atrophy. Customarily, the path and –– The implant comes in contact with bone at
anatomical particularities found in the anterior region dif- the alveolar crest and zygomatic bone and
fer from those found in the posterior region. In this case,
two Straumann ZAGA Round implants were placed in the sometimes at the lateral sinus wall
anterior area classified as ZAGA 3 and two Straumann (Fig. 6.11).
ZAGA Flat implants were placed in the posterior areas
corresponding to a ZAGA type 4 anatomy Group ZAGA Type 1
–– The maxillary wall is slightly concave.
osteotomy, the surgeon must analyse the remain- –– Providing a minimum of 3–4 mm high × at
ing anatomy (Fig. 6.10) to visualize balance and least 5 mm wide in an adequate architecture,
prevent possible late complications, such as fis- a circular osteotomy is performed through
tula or soft tissue dehiscence/infection, related the remaining alveolar crest. The implant
to nasal/sinus perforation or an eventual extra- neck is mostly located on the alveolar crest
maxillary zygomatic implant position respec- to minimize the risk of late soft tissue
tively [20]. complications.
–– A threaded circular implant section is used to Group ZAGA Type 0 seal the tunnel-shaped osteotomy.
–– The maxillary wall is flat or convex. –– To properly reach the zygomatic bone, the
–– Providing a minimum of 4 mm high × 6 mm drill performed the osteotomy slightly through
wide in an adequate architecture, a circular the maxillary wall.
6 The Zygoma Anatomy-Guided Approach (ZAGA) for Preventing Complications Using Zygomatic… 137

Fig. 6.10 ZAGA anatomical classification and frequency nose relationship of the anterior implant rather than the
percentages for zygomatic implants originating in the implant/sinuses of the posterior
anterior zone. The main difference will be in the implant/

Fig. 6.11 Intraoperative clinical image showing the drill Fig. 6.12 Intraoperative clinical image showing prepara-
in charge of widening the osteotomy entrance to accom- tion for zygomatic implant placement in a ZAGA type 1
modate the implant neck. Note that an “emotional” oste- maxilla. There is enough alveolar bone for an alveolar
otomy, neither in window nor in slot, has not been tunnel osteotomy. The maxilla is slightly convex so part of
performed previously. The line drawn with a pencil on the the implant body is exteriorized
external face of the wall (white arrows), as well as the
position of the retractor and the knowledge of the anat- Group ZAGA Type 2
omy, will guide the surgeon in the initial osteotomy. The
entire path of the implant will be intra-sinus –– The maxillary wall is concave.
–– The alveolar architecture is not enough to
–– The antrostomy is placed immediately across allocate the implant neck. The final osteotomy
the alveolar crest. has a channel section with floor and lateral
–– Sinus lining integrity at the crestal level is not walls but no roof. The implant head is partially
preserved. located on the alveolar crest.
–– Although the implant can be seen through the –– An implant section in the shape of a flat arc of
wall, most of the implant body has an intra-­ the circumference is preferably used to seal
sinus path. the channel type of osteotomy.
–– The implant comes into contact with bone at –– In an anterior placement, the drill avoids nasal
the alveolar crest, lateral sinus wall, and zygo- floor perforation to reach the zygomatic bone.
matic bone (Fig. 6.12). The osteotomy is performed through the ante-
138 C. Aparicio

Fig. 6.14 The patient had a knife-edge anterior ridge. It

was decided to remove the two affected canines. We did
not remove the residual alveolar bone. Note (white arrow)
the implant crossing the alveolus of the canine. The mid-
dle part of the implant body is floating without osseous
Fig. 6.13 Intraoperative clinical image showing prepara-
tion for zygomatic implant placement in a ZAGA type 2
maxilla. The remaining alveolar bone is more sparse than rior sinus wall to penetrate the zygomatic
in types 0 and 1. Although a tunnel preparation can be bone.1
attempted (white circle), it is more advisable to refrain –– A threaded circular implant section is used to
from perforating the membrane in this area by using a
channel osteotomy from the beginning seal the tunnel-shaped osteotomy.
–– The antrostomy is placed as far as possible
from the crest level.
rior maxillary wall, displacing the initial alve- –– Sinus lining integrity at the crestal level is
olar drilling towards the buccal area. preserved.
–– The antrostomy is placed as far as possible –– Most of the implant body has an anterior
from the crest level. extra-sinus path.
–– Sinus lining integrity at the crestal level is –– The middle part of the implant body is not
preserved. touching the most concave part of the wall.
–– The implant can be seen through the maxillary –– The implant comes in contact with bone in the
wall, and most of the body has an extra-sinus coronal alveolar and apical zygomatic bone
path. (Fig. 6.14).
–– The implant comes into contact with bone at
the alveolar crest, lateral sinus wall, and zygo- Group ZAGA Type 4
matic bone (Fig. 6.13). –– The maxilla and the alveolar bone show
extreme vertical and horizontal atrophy. In a Group ZAGA Type 3 quad case, the reduction of sub-nasal bone
–– The maxillary wall is very concave. volume forces the surgeon to an extra-nasal/
–– The alveolar architecture is enough to allocate extra-sinus implant pathway.
the implant neck in diameter. Then a circular –– The alveolar architecture is not enough to
osteotomy is performed through the remain- allocate the implant neck. The final osteotomy
ing alveolar crest.
–– The implant neck is located on the alveolar 1
For classification procedures, borderline situations where
crest. a pronounced maxillary wall concave curvature is con-
–– The drill will perform a circular osteotomy comitant with a zygomatic implant neck diameter too
close to the remaining alveolar thickness that is not capa-
following a trajectory that goes from the pala-
ble of completely covering the implant neck, but most of
tal to the buccal alveolar bone. The drill it is buried into the alveolar bone, were also classified as
“flies” over the most concave part of the ante- ZAGA A-3.
6 The Zygoma Anatomy-Guided Approach (ZAGA) for Preventing Complications Using Zygomatic… 139

Fig. 6.15 Intraoperative occlusal image showing a typi-

cal ZAGA type 4 situation in the posterior areas. Two
Straumann ZAGA Flat implants have been selected to
close the channel osteotomies

has a channel section with floor and lateral

walls but no roof. Fig. 6.16 The white arrows show the detail of the “emo-
–– The implant head is located partially buccally tional” osteotomy in “window” performed by the surgeon
of the alveolar crest. before the osteotomy necessary to place the implants. The
circles indicate that the apical zones of the implants are
–– The antrostomy is placed as far as possible designed to achieve maximum stability by incorporating a
from the crest. rough surface, threads, and tapered profile, which have
–– The osteotomy aims to “sink” the implant as been left in the air outside the bone. In other words, the
much as possible while respecting sinus lining window osteotomy has rendered the implant less
integrity at the crestal level.
–– The drill has arrived at the apical zygomatic
entrance following a path outside the sinus tion of the apical drilling point (Fig. 6.16). On the
wall. contrary, the ZAGA concept performs only one
–– Most of the implant body has an extra-sinus/ osteotomy: the one necessary to place the implant
extra-maxillary path. Just the apical zygo- and it does it by under-preparing the bone at all
matic part of the implant is totally surrounded levels. In this way, the osteotomy, according to
by bone. the ZAGA concept, achieves greater stability and
–– The implant comes in contact with bone in the better sealing of the implant by increasing the
zygomatic bone and part of the lateral sinus contact of the implant with the bone. That is why
wall (Fig. 6.15). it is known as minimally invasive ZAGA
To preserve the integrity of the sinus and
6.3.2 The ZAGA Minimally Invasive refrain from soft tissue complications, implant
Osteotomy osteotomy can be performed as a tunnel or chan-
nel depending on the architecture of the residual
In the ZAGA concept, two osteotomies are not alveolar bone forming the sinus floor and the
used as in the previous techniques. In the original contours of the maxillary lateral wall. Bone-to-­
or slot technique, the first osteotomy had a visu- implant contact or support should be achieved
alization purpose, for example, the window oste- throughout its path, especially at the alveolar
otomy or the slot osteotomy. This “emotional” level, for better load distribution in both tunnel
osteotomy was performed before a second oste- and channel osteotomy techniques.
otomy necessary for implant placement and is As a general rule, the volume and architecture
generally not necessary because, due to the sinu- of the alveolar/basal process and the curvature of
ous anatomy of the maxillary-zygoma complex, the anterior maxillary wall will define the coronal
the window or the slot does not allow visualiza- position of the implant. In other words, if an intui-
140 C. Aparicio

tively adequate thickness of circumferential alve-

olar bone support can be found at the neck of the
zygomatic implant (i.e., greater than 4 mm in
height and 6–7 mm in width) when exploring the
residual ridge, the first choice should be a tunnel-­
type osteotomy through that bone. The ZAGA
concept proposes to call this circular-shaped oste-
otomy, performed through sufficient bone, a “tun-
nel osteotomy”. The reason is that at the coronal
bony entry, it has a floor, side walls, a more or less
complete roof, and an exit on the opposite side.
ZAGA concept recommends opting for the “tun-
nel osteotomy” whenever possible, regardless of
the curvature of the maxillary wall. The rationale Fig. 6.17 The white arrows show the tunnel-shaped oste-
otomies performed in the remaining alveolar bone. Note
is as follows: a ZI, with an adequate threaded neck that the direction of attack comes from palatine obliquely
profile, surrounded by sufficient bone at the coro- since the amount of bone we would find in a direction
nal entry and stabilized by an adequate apical perpendicular to the ridge would be insufficient to stabi-
zygomatic and coronal prosthetic anchorage, will lize an implant. It has been possible to preserve the integ-
rity of the membrane by moving the antrostomy away
achieve osseointegration at the neck level. This from the coronal critical zone
will be able to seal the sinus entrance in the long
term. A tunnel can be achieved depending on the
existing architecture of the remaining alveolar
bone at the chosen entry point. This type of oste-
otomy is typical of ZAGA type 0, 1, and 3 situa-
tions of the maxillary wall accompanied by
adequate thickness and geometry of the alveolar
bone support circumferential to the implant neck
(Fig. 6.17). The tunnel osteotomy, by definition,
has a circular profile entrance that must be sealed
by a round section implant.
When the alveolar bone thickness/architecture
is inadequate to achieve at least 3–4 mm of circu-
lar bone-to-implant contact, implant placement
following the ZAGA concept is shifted buccally
to refrain from late oro-antral communication or Fig. 6.18 Both osteotomies have the shape of a channel.
sinus infection. In these cases, the position of the In both, the amount of residual alveolar bone is extremely
antrostomy is moved as far as possible from the small. Therefore, it was decided to move the entry buc-
cally. The transparency of the membrane (arrow) indicates
level of the ridge to maintain the integrity of the that we have to stop the depth of the preparation in order
sinus membrane at this point. The osteotomy is not to tear the membrane
performed by preparing, in the remaining alveo-
lar bone and in the maxillary wall, a space in the times also in the lateral maxillary wall and zygo-
form of a channel capable of accommodating matic buttress. The depth limit for excavation of
most of the circumference of the implant the channel is the integrity of the membrane at
(Fig. 6.18). This type of osteotomy, unable to this level. Like a waterway or channel, the sulcus
provide complete coverage of the implant’s mid- has a floor and lateral walls with more or less
body and neck, is referred to by the ZAGA con- height but no ceiling. The indications for the two
cept as a “channel osteotomy”. This groove is types of ZAGA osteotomy are described in
prepared in the coronal alveolar bone and some- Table 6.2 (Fig. 6.19).
6 The Zygoma Anatomy-Guided Approach (ZAGA) for Preventing Complications Using Zygomatic… 141

Table 6.2 The ZAGA osteotomy types. Description and design, soft tissue sealing, etc.) were reported.
For comparison, a cohort group of 22 consecutive
ZAGA tunnel osteotomy: patients treated with the original classical zygo-
1. Intra-sinus path: adequate residual alveolar bone
matic technique and followed for at least 10 years
volume below the maxillary sinus (e.g., in ZAGA 0
and 1) was used as a control [22]. Their results were
 (a) Osteotomy has an entry point to the maxillary compared with those obtained in another cohort
sinus through sufficient alveolar bone which is group of 80 consecutive patients treated with the
used to embrace the implant neck ZAGA protocols and with a mean follow-up of
 (b) Osteotomy direction is determined by the
4.62 years. All patients included in the test group
anatomy of the zygoma and the number of
implants to be placed, independently of maxillary had at least 3 years of prosthetic follow-up,
wall curvature including a presurgical comparison and a final
 (c) Antrostomy is placed at the sinus side of the CT scan. Of note, both groups of patients received
tunnel osteotomy the same implant design: the original Brånemark
 (d) Additional facial (window) antrostomy or sinus
lift is not recommended (e.g., in ZAGA 0)
zygomatic fixation with a threaded machined sur-
 (e) Straumann ZAGA® Round implant section is face (Nobel Biocare AB, Gothenburg, Sweden).
recommended The results showed that both classic and ZAGA
2. Extra-sinus path: residual alveolar bone below the procedures achieved similar positive clinical
maxillary sinus has a triangular architecture, results with respect to implant survival and
inadequate to host a regular implant, and is
concomitant with pronounced maxillary wall implant stability. However, patients treated with
concave curvature (e.g., in ZAGA 3 and some 2 the ZAGA concept had immediate rehabilitations
types) minimizing very significantly the risk of pathol-
 (a) Osteotomy has its entry and exit points within the ogy associated with the maxillary sinuses com-
residual alveolar bone
pared to the original technique. In addition, less
 (b) Osteotomy direction is determined by the
anatomy of the zygoma and the number of bulky, more comfortable, and easier-to-clean
implants to be placed, independently of maxillary prostheses were achieved.
wall curvature Recently, Clarós et al. [23] published a study
 (c) Antrostomy location is determined by the number on the prevalence of maxillary sinus alterations
of implants to be placed and the curvature of the
zygomatic buttress
after zygomatic surgery. The study also com-
 (d) Straumann ZAGA® Round implant section is pared the differences in sinus alterations between
recommended the intra-sinus and ZAGA approaches.
ZAGA Channel Osteotomy The retrospective study included 200 patients
Advanced alveolar bone atrophy. Alveolar bone has restored with zygomatic implants with a follow-
inadequate volume and architecture to host the neck of
the ZI (e.g., in ZAGA 4 and some 2 types)
­up of at least 5 years after surgery. The surgeries
– Osteotomy is buccally offset through the residual of were performed between 2004 and 2014 at differ-
the alveolar bone and maxillary wall ent centres. Patients were divided into two radio-
– Osteotomy direction is determined by the anatomy of logical groups according to the type of surgical
the zygoma and the number of implants to be placed, procedure: the first group, Group 1, original
independently of maxillary wall curvature
zygomatic intra-sinus surgical technique (OI-­
– Antrostomy location is placed as far as possible from
the ZICZ, in relation to the number of implants to be ST), included 40 patients with 80 implants placed
placed and the zygoma buttress curvature with the classic intra-sinus approach, including
– Straumann ZAGA® Flat implant section is those placed through sufficient bone of the floor
recommended of the maxillary sinus, and the slot technique.
The second group, Group 2, included 160 patients
The results of the so-called ZAGA concept treated with 320 zygomatic implants placed
were described in 2014 by Aparicio et al. [21] in according to the ZAGA concept. To facilitate an
a controlled study. In the aforementioned com- unbiased radiological classification, patients with
parative study, long-term results (survival rate, ZAGA type 0 were excluded from the ZAGA
implant stability, sinus conditions, prosthesis Group.
142 C. Aparicio

Fig. 6.19 Diagram representative of the importance of masticatory forces to the bone in order to achieve and
implant design. Both for a tunnel osteotomy and a channel maintain the osseointegration and, therefore, the bone at
osteotomy, the threads will be necessary to transmit the the ZICZ level

All patients included in the study underwent at alveolar bone, there are few, if any, implant
least one CT scan preoperatively and another at designs that suit the needs of zygomatic implant
least 5 years postoperatively. patients with severely atrophic jaws.
The results showed a statistically significant This section describes the origins of the
increase in radiographic evidence of sinusitis in “adapted to the anatomy” new portfolio of zygo-
patients after zygomatic implant surgery. This matic implants designed by Carlos Aparicio. The
indicated that zygomatic surgery may cause sinus Straumann company is currently the universal
alterations. A significant increase in the preva- distributor of the ZAGA® Round and ZAGA®
lence of sinus symptoms was also found in the Flat zygomatic implant designs. These implants
OI-ST with respect to the ZAGA concept. feature several unique distinct attributes, which
makes them a major step forward for the growing
field of zygomatic implant rehabilitation. The
6.3.3 The ZAGA Flat and ZAGA invention, design, industrial technology transfer,
Round Zygomatic Implants: and commercialization are all textbook examples
The Story of a Breakthrough from beginning to end.

Because a typical zygomatic implant trajectory The Clinical Points to Solve
involves the atrophic alveolar bone, maxillary Created with the clinical needs of the end user in
wall, and zygomatic bone, it presents greater mind, this portfolio represents, for commercial
peculiarities than an implant trajectory in a con- reasons, a reduction of the original larger portfo-
ventional implant indication. However, although lio. The goal was to make it possible for the sur-
numerous implant designs can be used in residual geon to manage different unsolved problems.
6 The Zygoma Anatomy-Guided Approach (ZAGA) for Preventing Complications Using Zygomatic… 143

–– The management of an eventual limitation of –– A tapered apex portion to improve primary

the surface area suitable for anchorage in the stability and accommodate minimally inva-
zygomatic bone, especially when performing sive ZAGA osteotomies
quadruple surgeries –– Turned implant body and head to refrain as
–– The problem of overly wide implant transport- much as possible from bacterial adhesion
ers that often interfere with the bony ridge, so –– Rough surface apex to accelerate secondary
valuable for soft tissue maintenance stability away from possible contamination
–– The interference of wide implant transporters –– A 55° angular correction in the implant plat-
with anterior hard bone or another implant form that optimizes prosthetic versatility
when placing implants in the opposite quad- –– A model, ZAGA Flat, with a flat midsection to
rant of a compromised maxilla reduce soft tissue stress when placed extra-­
–– Difficulty in obtaining primary stability in maxillary and prevent dehiscence
certain zygomatic bones with low quantity or –– One model, ZAGA Round, with a round mid-
quality section to accommodate a tunnel-type osteot-
–– Difficulty in anchoring and stabilizing soft tis- omy if intra-sinus placement is used
sues at the ridge level –– Macro- and micro-threads in the neck to stabi-
–– The need for a threaded design to maintain lize the bone at that level and prevent oro-­
crestal alveolar bone antral communication
–– High soft tissue stress when placing –– A transporter with the same outer diameter as
implants extra-maxillary in ZAGA types 2 the implant to facilitate implant placement and
and 4 preserve the osseous ridge
–– Bacterial adhesion to the rough surfaces of the
implant Modifications in the design of any implant
should be technically, clinically, and scientifi-
Backed by its scientific approach and building cally validated. Fortunately, after a long and
on its legacy of innovation, the Straumann successful period of preclinical and mechanical
Company assumed the choice of the final pro- testing, human donor placement, and non-­
tected design and universal distribution of ZAGA interventional clinical trials, the Zygoma Round
Round and ZAGA Flat zygomatic implants. The and Flat implants were launched by Straumann
correct use and indication for the rehabilitation of in October 2020. The added use of the
zygomatic implants together with various pat- Straumann ZAGA Round and ZAGA Flat
terns to prevent long-term complications repre- implants used in conjunction with the ZAGA
sent the main goal of this achievement. Thus, the concept contributes greatly to avoiding imme-
final design of the Straumann-ZAGA zygomatic diate or late complications while maintaining
implant includes: excellent rehabilitation stability. Understanding
the reasons, strategies, and engineering of the
–– Use of commercially pure Grade 4 titanium zygomatic implant design changes imple-
with no aluminium vanadium alloys mented in the new Straumann ZAGA Round
–– A narrower apex diameter of 3.4 mm, which is and ZAGA Flat designs will help the clinician
achieved because the implants are fabricated to optimize their use (Fig. 6.20). The relation-
from special cold-worked grade 4 titanium, ships between the changes, their indication, and
which in bench experiments has been shown their effect are explained in Table 6.3 taken
to increase fatigue strength from Aparicio et al. [24].
144 C. Aparicio

Fig. 6.20 Representative diagram of the different diameters in the two ZAGA zygomatic implant designs distributed
by Straumann

Table 6.3 Influence of implant design on ZAGA minimally invasive osteotomy goals (from Aparicio et al. [24])
Goal Implant feature Results
Place the implant head at Implant axis 55° correction Easier ideal prosthetic positioning
the optimal dental Implant-to-­abutment junction is not located at
position using a the zygomatic implant critical zone (ZICZ).
prosthetically driven This eliminates the possibility of bone
implant trajectory resorption due to eventual bacterial leakage
Achieve optimal Reduced apical diameter The reduction of the apical diameter increases
anterior-posterior the possibility of divergent positioning of the
distribution of the implant shafts, thus improving the final AP
implants distribution
Achieve maximal Apical tapered self-cutting design If a conservative osteotomy is performed, the
implant primary stability difference between the diameter of the last drill
and the progressive section of the implant
achieves greater primary stability
Preserve as much bone as Threads and/or micro-threads are Threads, together with implant stability,
possible at the maxillary incorporated at the implant head/neck facilitate osseointegration and bone stability
wall and alveolar bone level
Maximize bone-to- The tapered apical design experiences Increased BIC along the entire length of the
implant contact (BIC) an increased diameter at the level of the implant
along the length of the implant neck. The drilling protocol
whole implant. This shows a difference between the implant
includes the alveolar, diameter and the last drill diameter
maxillary wall, and (0.5 mm at the apical level, increasing
zygomatic bone to 1.4 mm at the implant neck/head)
Achieve complete Two types of implant section, round The clinician may decide which design would
sealing of the osteotomy and flat better adapt to the performed osteotomy
by the implant body
Protect sinus integrity at Implant-to-­abutment connection is not No bacterial leakage and subsequent bone
the implant head/neck located at the ZICZ resorption are expected at the ZICZ
level to prevent late Threads and/or micro-threads at the Threads, together with stability and alveolar
sinus-oral head neck level bone contact, will enhance the possibility of
communication osseointegration
Machined surface at implant head and If a soft tissue recession occurs, machine-
body surfaced implants will maintain surrounding
soft tissue health better than a rough-­surfaced
Prevent soft tissue A design presenting a flat surface is By facing the flat surface against the soft tissue,
dehiscence available any eventual compression of its vessels is
diminished, thus decreasing the possibility for
6 The Zygoma Anatomy-Guided Approach (ZAGA) for Preventing Complications Using Zygomatic… 145

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A, Peñarrocha-Diago M, Aparicio C. Prevalence of
Pterygoid Implants as Alternative
to Bone Augmentation in Implant

Vishtasb Broumand and Jayson Kirchhofer

Abstract 7.1 Introduction

The ultimate dental implant challenge is
reconstruction of the severely resorbed max- Placement of dental implants in patients with ver-
illa especially in patients with long-term eden- tical and horizontal deficiencies of the maxilla, or
tulism or multiple previous failed attempts at with tumour or trauma-related defects, is often
dental implant placement and full-arch limited by the extensive pneumatization of the
implant rehabilitation. Before implant den- sinus cavities and, furthermore, by the poor qual-
tistry, complete dentures, which are limited by ity and inadequate quantity of remaining bone
poor retention and lack of support that the (Fig. 7.1). Many surgical procedures have been
alveolar ridge offers in atrophic maxillae, developed to rebuild the atrophic maxilla for sub-
were the only option for these patients. sequent dental implant placement, such as alloge-
Pterygoid implants are now a valid and valu- neic bone grafting with mesh, autogenous iliac
able resource for the rehabilitation of the pos- crest block grafting, Le Fort I osteotomies with
terior atrophic maxilla. This chapter will cover interpositional grafts, and sinus augmentation
pterygoid implant surgical and presurgical procedures. None of these procedures yield
planning, surgical procedures, and protocols, immediate results with long periods of healing,
including multiple techniques commonly uti- multiple required surgical procedures, and
lized to place and restore these implants increased financial burdens/hurtles. Furthermore,
comprehensively. complications and failures of these reconstructive
efforts are common (Fig. 7.2) [1].
In more contemporary literature, in order to
avoid extensive bone grafting procedures, ptery-
goid and angled implants with or without zygo-
matic implants have been recommended for the
dental rehabilitation and reconstruction of this
V. Broumand (*) · J. Kirchhofer group of patients, even though the palatal and
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Private Practice, posterior resorptive pattern of the edentulous
Desert Ridge Oral Surgery Institute, maxillae may also limit the horizontal bony vol-
Phoenix, AZ, USA
ume necessary to successfully place angled
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, endosseous implants (Fig. 7.3) [2–4].
University of Arizona College of Medicine at Banner
Severe atrophy of the maxilla can be due to
University Medical Center Phoenix,
Phoenix, AZ, USA various factors such as tumour resection, general-

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 147
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
148 V. Broumand and J. Kirchhofer

a b

Fig. 7.1 Example of a severely atrophic maxilla (a). Sagittal and panoramic view demonstrating the maintenance of
dense bone at the pterygomaxillary junction despite a severely resorbed maxillary alveolus (b, c)

ity for patients with an atrophic edentulous max-

illa presents a significant challenge for even the
most skilled surgeon. Treatment concepts with
pterygoid implants have evolved as an alternative
for bone augmentation procedures.
Placement of an implant through the maxil-
lary tuberosity and into the pterygoid plate at the
pterygomaxillary junction is called a
­tubero-­pterygoid or, more commonly, a pterygoid
Fig. 7.2 Coronal CBCT slice demonstrating a large oro- implant. Though close in anatomical proximity,
antral fistula of the left maxilla caused by multiple failed
sinus augmentation bone grafting procedures they are not the same as tuberosity implants
which obtain their stability solely from the poor-­
quality bone of the tuberosity. Pterygoid implants
ized aggressive periodontitis and other infections, were first proposed by Linkow in 1975 [1, 5] as
and genetic disorders or syndromes. Fabrication an alternative to rehabilitate the atrophic maxilla
of a prosthesis with adequate retention and stabil- avoiding the need for further surgeries, such as
7 Pterygoid Implants as Alternative to Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 149

a b

c d

Fig. 7.3 Pterygoid implants in conjunction with (a) traditional AOX; (b) trans-nasal and trans-palatal implants; (c)
hybrid zygomatic implants and traditional nasomaxillary implants; (d) quadruple zygomatic implants

sinus lifts or alternative ridge augmentation with Placement of pterygoid implants involves an
bone grafting [6, 7]. The first pterygoid implant osteotomy starting in the tuberosity region with a
was placed by Tulasne in 1985 [5]. In 1992, mesiocranial oblique trajectory proceeding poste-
Tulasne and Tessier first described the technique riorly toward the pyramidal process of the palatine
and initially described a success rate of 80%. bone. It is subsequently advanced superiorly
Tulasne later reported a success rate of 92% in between both the medial and lateral pterygoid
1999. Nonetheless, during the past years, several plates of the pterygoid process destined for the
studies have reported a much higher success rate, pterygoid, or scaphoid, fossa of the sphenoid bone.
ranging from 90.7% to 99% success as reported Placement of pterygoid implants can present
by Balshi and Araujo [8–14]. some challenges compared to conventional den-
Dental implant placement in the posterior tal implants as it is a blind procedure hinged
maxilla poses a challenge due to the quality and solely on the surgeon’s knowledge of the anat-
quantity of bone, the anatomy of the maxillary omy. Surgical access is limited, and serious inju-
sinus, and difficulty of access. To overcome these ries can occur if, unintentionally, other vital
challenges, several surgical procedures such as structures are encountered/injured. The descend-
sinus lifts, ridge augmentation, tilted implants, ing palatine artery or maxillary artery may be
short implants, and zygomatic implants have severed if the implant is placed too far apical. An
been used by many clinicians, though not all implant can also invade the pterygomaxillary
patients are candidates for such techniques. All of fossa and the pterygoid plexus of veins leading to
these procedures have their own limitations, and significant haemorrhage [16]. The pterygoid
the pterygomaxillary junction provides an excel- plexus is a valve-free venous plexus located in
lent source of D1 cortical bone for placement of the infratemporal fossa, is continuous with the
implants in the rehabilitation of the posterior cavernous sinus, and eventually becomes the
maxilla [15]. Pterygoid implants serve to reduce maxillary vein as it drains inferiorly. There is
the anterior-posterior (AP) cantilever for full-­ only a risk of bleeding to the plexus if, during
arch hybrid prostheses and are commonly used as surgery, the implant extends too far laterally as
rescue implants in cases of failed hybrid 4-implant the pterygoid plexus is found lateral to the ptery-
supported cases. goid implant target area (Fig. 7.4).
150 V. Broumand and J. Kirchhofer

Cavernous venous
Emissary vein connecting
pterygoid venous plexus
to cavernous sinus
ophthalamic vein Superficial
temporal vein

Maxillary vein

venous plexus
Deep facial

Facial vein vein

External jugular vein

Internal jugular vein

Fig. 7.4 The pterygoid plexus is found lateral to the lateral pterygoid plate. Significant haemorrhage may be encoun-
tered if the pterygoid implant osteotomy is created with an excessively lateral angulation

3rd part of Maxillary A

2nd part of Maxillary A

Upper head of lateral

Neck of mandible (cut)
Pterygoid Muscle

1st part of Maxillary A

Lower head of lateral Maxillary Artery

Pterygoid Muscle

External carotid artery

Fig. 7.5 The internal maxillary artery may be encountered if the osteotomy is extended too far superiorly leading to
potentially life-threatening haemorrhage

It is imperative to have a thorough knowledge poral fossa to pterygopalatine fossa and is a con-
of the regional anatomy because nearby vital duit for the internal maxillary artery which
structures can be injured during the blind place- traverses the pterygomaxillary fissure 18.7 mm
ment of these technique sensitive implants. The above the pterygomaxillary suture (according to
pterygomaxillary fissure connects the infratem- Uchida) (Fig. 7.5) [17, 18].
7 Pterygoid Implants as Alternative to Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 151

a extremely difficult in the severely atrophic premax-

illa. In such situations, quadruple zygomatic
implants can be used for the dental rehabilitation of
the edentulous maxilla in combination with the use
of pterygoid implants [28–31].
Pterygoid implant placement procedures,
which do not require any adjunctive procedures
such as grafting, have become a logical choice
for dental rehabilitation of the moderately atro-
b phic maxilla, especially in patients with conven-
tional implants in the premaxilla or failed sinus
grafting procedures in the posterior maxilla [32].
When placed with zygomatic implants, a pter-
ygoid implant, in combination with conventional
implants in the premaxilla, can counteract the
long lever arm created by zygomatic implants
and prevent prosthetic screw loosening as well as
increase the odds of long-term success of the
Fig. 7.6 (a, b) The greater palatine canal and descending zygomatic implants. When successfully placed,
palatine artery have a variable anatomic location and pterygoid implants diminish the posterior pros-
should always be evaluated with preoperative imaging. (a)
thetic cantilever significantly.
Schematic of the palatal anatomy with the greater palatine
foramen exiting at the third molar (most common varia- One of the most important reasons and advan-
tion). (b) Axial CT image demonstrating the location of tages for the use of pterygoid implants is the
the greater (red) and lesser (green) palatine arteries and elimination of the need to perform sinus lift sur-
their close proximity to the pterygomaxillary complex
geries or bone grafts. This can also significantly
decrease the patient morbidity and shorten the
When placing a pterygoid implant, it is essen- treatment time, as these implants can be used for
tial to pay attention to its proximity to the greater immediate loading with a fixed prosthesis
palatine canal and neurovascular bundle as it also (Fig. 7.7). They are also quite useful in conjunc-
houses the descending palatine artery, one of the tion with zygomatic implants to reduce the poste-
terminal branches of the maxillary artery [19]. rior cantilever associated with zygomatic
Unfortunately, the location of the greater palatine implants. Unlike maxillary tuberosity implants,
foramen is quite variable: 16.3% at the second pterygoid implants anchor in dense cortical bone
maxillary molar site, 6.8% between the second of the pterygomaxillary junction, allowing a bet-
and third molar, 63.9% at the third molar, and ter primary stabilization which is known to be a
2.2% distal to the third molar site (Fig. 7.6) [20]. critical factor for long-term success [33–35].
Pterygoid Implants are only manufactured by a
few dental implant companies. They are relatively
7.2 Indications long and specifically designed with the characteris-
tics of the pterygomaxillary region in mind.
Treatment concepts with zygomatic implants have Pterygoid implants range in length from 18 to
evolved as an alternative for challenging bone aug- 26 mm and generally have a sharp, self-­tapping
mentation procedures. The combination of conven- apex to ensure a secure anchorage when inserted in
tional implants and zygomatic implants, namely, a the pterygoid fossa [32]. Some manufacturers fab-
“hybrid zygoma,” has been used successfully for ricate the implant with a coronal portion that has a
restoration of the moderately atrophic maxilla [21– wide thread profile in order to provide compression
27]. Placement of anterior conventional implants in the region of the tuberosity where the bone is
without large grafting procedures may prove to be often porous and of poor quality and low density.
152 V. Broumand and J. Kirchhofer

a b

Fig. 7.7 (a–c) Patient with immediately loaded pterygoid pterygoid implants. (a) Digital design of day-of-surgery
and zygomatic implants on day of surgery. Note the com- temporary prosthesis; (b) temporary resin prosthesis
plete reduction of posterior cantilever by utilization of occlusal; and (c) smiling photos shortly after delivery

7.3 Contraindications 7.4 Pertinent Clinical Anatomy

of the Pterygomaxillary
Contraindications to placement of pterygoid Region
implants are limited mouth opening which
leads to decreased access, lack of a maxillary Support for the pterygoid implants is derived from
tuberosity, recent LeFort or pterygomaxillary the maxillary tuberosity, the pyramidal process of
fracture, and presence of impacted maxillary the palatine bone, and the pterygoid process of the
third molars. sphenoid bone. The tuberosity of the maxilla has
been shown to be soft, type III or type IV bone.
7 Pterygoid Implants as Alternative to Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 153

The anatomy of the pyramidal process of the suture can often dictate changes in implant tra-
palatine bone often dictates the trajectory of the jectory vertically and horizontally depending
implant as it can alter the shape and size of the on the form and size of the pyramidal process
pterygomaxillary suture. The variations in this of the palatine bone as seen in Figs. 7.8 and 7.9.

Fig. 7.8 (a) Palatine bone—the a

anatomy of the pyramidal process of
the palatine bone often dictates the
trajectory of the implant; (b) the
pterygoid fossa is the apical aiming
point for pterygoid implants

a b

Fig. 7.9 Sphenoid bone, (a) inferior view; (b) anterior view. The desired trajectory for the pterygoid implant is between
the medial and lateral pterygoid plates within the pterygoid fossa
154 V. Broumand and J. Kirchhofer

7.5 Preoperative Planning the size and shape of the maxillary sinuses, health
of the sinuses, the height of the maxillary tuberos-
A thorough clinical examination in the planning ity and the pterygomaxillary process, width of the
process for pterygoid implants, although manda- pterygomaxillary process, mediolateral thickness
tory, is incomplete without a proper radiologic and anterior posterior length, and the position of
evaluation as three-dimensional assessment must the nasal floor [36]. The examination of choice is
be considered. In order to properly evaluate a three-dimensional computed tomography (CT)
patient for all angled implants, and especially scans which also allow for construction of surgi-
zygomatic or pterygoid implants, a panoramic cal guides as well as stereolithographic models to
radiograph gives distorted and incomplete infor- facilitate the orientation of pterygoid and zygo-
mation. One must be able to thoroughly evaluate matic implants during the surgery (Fig. 7.10) [37].

a b

Fig. 7.10 (a–c) Three-dimensional evaluation of the Sagittal, (b) axial, and (c) coronal cuts are used to under-
pterygomaxillary complex via CT imaging is of utmost stand the complex anatomy which may be variable from
importance when planning pterygoid implants. (a) patient to patient
7 Pterygoid Implants as Alternative to Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 155

7.6 The Surgical Approaches ity bone. The pyramidal process of the palatine
for Pterygoid Implants bone is the second bone to be encountered. The
drill or osteotome should hit this like a “brick
After local anaesthetic administration, a full-­ wall.” Once the sharp spade drill hits dense bone,
thickness flap extending to the posterior border of then the operator should switch to the Noris
the tuberosity is developed. A small amount of 2 mm sharp osteotome. Using this sharp osteo-
bone reduction is performed with a large head tome and a mallet, gently tap until you feel a
bone rongeur followed by a straight handpiece dense bone wall and then continue tapping until
flame shape tungsten bur in order to (a) achieve you hear an increase in sound frequency. In order
an optimal platform for implant placement, (b) to avoid fracturing the pterygomaxillary com-
create a flat bone surface, and (c) create pros- plex, it is recommended to drill with a 2 mm twist
thetic space for the future screw-retained hybrid drill to 18 mm or until perforating through the
prosthesis. Pterygoid implant positioning should pterygomaxillary complex and into the pterygoid
be carefully studied using helical or cone-beam fossa. The length of the implant may differ
computer tomography (CBCT) imaging of the depending on the entry point of the implant, i.e.,
patient. Careful planning is important as these second vs. third molar site (Fig. 7.12). Next, a
implants require a bucco-palatal and a mesio-­ Noris 3 mm osteotome is used to gently tap to
distal angulation [38, 39]. There are two depth. If the bone is super dense, use the 2.8 mm
­commonly employed techniques used to place twist drill to widen osteotomy prior to placing the
pterygoid implants, both of which will be dis- pterygoid implant by hand.
cussed here. Regardless of surgical technique
used, the implant is preferably placed by hand
with a minimal torque value of 30 N cm for 7.6.2 Description of the Technique:
immediate loading. With this technique, the goal Pterygoid Implants with Drill
is insertion of implants in the pterygomaxillary Guided Technique (Fig. 7.13)
junction using the residual alveolar-basal bone as
anchorage of a standard implant antero-­inferiorly. Clinically, the anatomy of the tuberosity, the
The two techniques used are placement of ptery- length from the planned starting point to the end
goid implants with either the osteotome guided of the tuberosity, and the relative position of the
technique or the drill guided technique. sinus are used as landmarks for the starting drill.
Operator’s experience and haptic awareness are
extremely important in this step as the place-
7.6.1 Description of the Technique: ment of pterygoid implants allows no direct
Pterygoid Implants vision to the end point. Implant placement fol-
with Osteotome Guided lows standard procedures, but some techniques
Technique (Fig. 7.11) are used to increase primary stability, in particu-
lar underpreparation, osseodensification, and
Clinically, the anatomy of the tuberosity, the bi-corticalization.
length from the planned starting point to the end For the pterygoid implants, the implant bed
of the tuberosity, and the relative position of the preparation follows the following sequence. The
sinus are all used as landmarks for the initial first needle-type drill and the second 2.0 mm
entry point of the sharp pilot drill or osteotome. diameter pilot drill from a Helix long implant kit
One must advance the sharp pilot “spade”-shaped (Neodent) are used clockwise, full length, until
drill through the soft tuberosity until dense bone perforation of the pterygomaxillary process is
is encountered. An osteotome is used first by achieved. This allows the bi-corticalization of the
some surgeons. When using the sharp osteotome, implants. The three following drills used (2.0,
it may migrate in the soft bone, and the operator 2.35, and 3.75 mm) are Neodent Helix Long or
can often push entirely through this soft tuberos- Noris Medical Pterygoid with counter-clockwise
156 V. Broumand and J. Kirchhofer

a b c

d e f g

Fig. 7.11 Osteotome guided technique—(a) axial view the dense palatine bone to the desired osteotomy depth.
of the maxilla demonstrating the appropriate bucco-­ (e) The 3 mm osteotome is then used to gently expand the
palatal angulation of the osteotomy; (b) sagittal view osteotomy. (f) The red-banded 2.8 mm twist drill is then
demonstrating the appropriate mesio-distal angulation of used to open dense apical portion of the osteotomy. (g)
the osteotomy. (c) The osteotome technique is first initi- The pterygoid implant is gently hand tightened into the
ated using the 2 mm pterygoid osteotome which is osteotomy taking extreme care to follow the same angula-
advanced through the tuberosity and continued until hit- tion used for the previous steps. Any alteration in angula-
ting the “brick wall” of the palatine bone. (d) The white-­ tion may lead to fracture of the pterygomaxillary junction
banded 2.3 mm twist drill is then used to perforate through and loss of the ability to place a subsequent implant

a b c

Fig. 7.12 (a) Proper angulation for an implant entering nificantly greater length required when entering from the
at the second molar site. (b) Proper angulation for an second molar site compared to the third molar site
implant entering at the third molar site. (c) Note the sig-
7 Pterygoid Implants as Alternative to Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 157

a b c

d e f

Fig. 7.13 Drill guided technique—(a) axial view of the drill is then used to gently expand the inferior aspect of
maxilla demonstrating the appropriate bucco-palatal the osteotomy. Note that this drill is not carried to the full
angulation of the osteotomy; (b) sagittal view demonstrat- depth and is stopped approximately 3–5 mm short of the
ing the appropriate mesio-distal angulation of the osteot- planned implant length. (f) The pterygoid implant is gen-
omy from the third molar entry point. (c) The drill guided tly hand tightened into the osteotomy taking extreme care
technique is first initiated using the 2 mm twist drill which to follow the same angulation used for the previous steps.
is advanced through the tuberosity and continued through Any alteration in angulation may lead to fracture of the
the “brick wall” of the palatine bone. (d) The 2.35 mm pterygomaxillary junction and loss of the ability to place
twist drill is then used to further widen the dense palatine a subsequent implant
bone to the depth of the osteotomy. (e) The 3.75 mm twist

rotation of the final drill in order to increase bone bone [38, 39]. All pterygoid implants should
density of the tuberosity via osseodensification. anchor with 50 + N cm torque, and the most com-
Together, these two techniques result in the high mon length is 18 mm when utilizing the third
primary stability of pterygoid implants. molar entry point. After implant placement, a
The implant enters in the region of the former multi-unit-type abutment is placed on each
maxillary second or third molar and follows an implant, generally an angled 17° or 30° abutment
oblique mesio-cranial direction proceeding pos- (Fig. 7.14). The flap is then sutured in place as
teriorly towards the pyramidal process of the described by de Sousa [40]. A previous remov-
palatine bone. It subsequently proceeds superi- able provisional denture can be converted to a
orly/cranially between both wings of the ptery- fixed, screw-retained full acrylic FP-3 prosthesis
goid process and finds its encroachment in the following the denture conversion technique
pterygoid, or scaphoid, fossa of the sphenoid described by Misch [41].
158 V. Broumand and J. Kirchhofer

appointment, the appliance is removed to clean

the underside of the hybrid restoration and the
multi-unit abutments, especially for patients that
have difficulty maintaining hygiene. Periapical
and panoramic radiographs are taken each year at
the recall appointment for 3 years following
insertion, and then once every 3 years, or as
deemed necessary thereafter.
From a prosthetic standpoint, pterygoid
implants minimize the time to rehabilitation by
avoiding secondary grafting, bypass the need of
Fig. 7.14 30° neodent multi-unit abutment in place on a distal cantilever, and make it possible to place
pterygoid implant site 16 second molars in the final full-arch prosthesis.
Even though they are placed in the pterygomax-
illary region at an angle, once osseointegrated,
7.7 Prosthetic Considerations these pterygomaxillary implants resist all axial
and nonaxial forces better than any other
In most cases, we consider an immediate-load implants placed in the maxilla. As illustrated in
protocol, although a delayed load protocol is also our cases, patients tolerate the distal position of
possible [42–44]. The immediate one-stage pro- the implant, showing no difficulty in speech or
tocol requires the immediate cross-arch splinting swallowing. Patients also demonstrate no diffi-
of the zygomatic and/or pterygoid implants at the culty in maintenance of oral hygiene. The suc-
time of surgery. The patient’s existing or new cess rate of these implants and restorations is
denture is converted to a hybrid bridge. The den- highest when they meet criteria for an immedi-
ture is altered to accommodate the multi-unit ate prosthetic load with adequate vertical
abutments with temporary cylinders in order to restorative space to avoid prosthetic or screw
splint the zygomatic or pterygoid implants. The fracture [48].
patient’s existing denture is then converted into a
fixed provisional bridge using the same direct or
indirect conversion technique described for the 7.8 Clinical Cases
conversion protocol used when immediate load-
ing is considered. During the first month of the 7.8.1 Case #1: Trans-nasal
healing stage, the patient is seen every week to and Trans-palatal Implants
adjust the occlusion as it must remain equally in Conjunction with Pterygoid
balanced across the entire arch. After healing of Implants (Fig. 7.15)
the bone and soft tissues, approximately 6 months
later, abutment level final impressions of the The case shown here illustrates maxillary reha-
zygomatic and/or pterygoid implants are obtained bilitation using a combination of trans-palatal,
for the fabrication of a definitive fixed hybrid trans-nasal, and pterygoid Neodent implants for
with a titanium bar [45–47]. an implant supported maxillary hybrid bridge in
Once the final restorations are delivered, it is a 67-year-old male with terminal maxillary denti-
recommended to use a waterpik water flosser tion. Due to the significant amount of preopera-
twice daily, especially at bedtime. It is also rec- tive bone loss as well as the alveolar ridge
ommended to brush twice daily with a soft man- reduction required prosthetically by his high
ual toothbrush using a non-abrasive, smile line, insufficient bone remained for tradi-
non-whitening toothpaste. Recall appointments tional AOX implant placement. Note the signifi-
are advised at 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year cant increase in anterior-posterior spread gained
after delivery of the final appliance. At the yearly by the addition of the pterygoid implants.
7 Pterygoid Implants as Alternative to Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 159

a c

b d

Fig. 7.15 (a, b) A 67-year-old male presenting with ter- maxillary teeth. Note the significant increase in anterior-­
minal maxillary dentition and failing previous restorations posterior spread gained by the addition of the pterygoid
and mobile anterior teeth. Due to the significant amount of implants. (a) Preoperative panoramic imaging, (b) post-
preoperative bone loss as well as the alveolar ridge reduc- operative panoramic imaging on the day of surgery with
tion required prosthetically by his high smile line, insuf- multi-unit abutments and scanning caps in place. (c, d)
ficient bone remained for traditional AOX implant Another example of trans-nasal and trans-palatal implants
placement. Trans-nasal and trans-palatal implants were used in conjunction with pterygoid implants
used in conjunction with pterygoid implants to restore an
atrophic maxilla after the removal of remaining terminal

7.8.2 Case #2: Hybrid Zygoma 7.8.3 Case #3: Quadruple

in Conjunction with Pterygoid Zygomatic Implants
Implants (Fig. 7.16) in Conjunction with Pterygoid
Implants (Fig. 7.17)
The case shown here illustrates maxillary arch
rehabilitation using a combination of two zygo- The case shown here illustrates full mouth
matic and three traditional implants in the ante- rehabilitation using a combination of four
rior maxilla in combination with pterygoid zygomatic and two pterygoid implants in the
implants. This 40-year-old male presented with maxilla and implant retained lower hybrid
terminal maxillary dentition, Angle’s class-III Zirconia bridges with four dental implants uti-
malocclusion, and a constricted maxillary arch. lizing an immediate load protocol in a 61-year-
The patient was told by other providers that he old male who presented with terminal maxillary
was not a candidate for full-arch implants due to and mandibular dentition. Due to the long his-
the atrophic nature of his alveolar bone in con- tory of partial edentulism, significant bone loss
junction with his constricted and hypoplastic had led to a severely atrophic maxilla with
maxilla. A hybrid zygomatic and traditional inadequate bone volume for traditional, trans-
implant approach, along with pterygoid implants, nasal, or trans-palatal implant placement. He
was utilized to restore the maxillary arch. The was treated with quadruple zygomatic implants
patient is currently in the process of restoring his in conjunction with pterygoid implants to fully
mandibular dentition. restore his dentition.
160 V. Broumand and J. Kirchhofer

a b

c d

Fig. 7.16 (a–d) A 40-year-old male presenting with ter- along with pterygoid implants, was utilized to restore the
minal maxillary dentition, Angle’s class-III malocclusion, maxillary arch. The patient is currently in the process of
and a constricted maxillary arch. The patient was told by restoring his mandibular dentition. (a) Preoperative pan-
other providers that he was not a candidate for full-arch oramic imaging; (b) preoperative intraoral photograph;
implants due to the atrophic nature of his alveolar bone in (c) postoperative panoramic imaging; (d) smile photo-
conjunction with his constricted and hypoplastic maxilla. graph of temporary maxillary prosthesis
A hybrid zygomatic and traditional implant approach,

a b

c d

Fig. 7.17 (a–d) A 61-year-old male presenting with ter- implants in conjunction with pterygoid implants to fully
minal maxillary and mandibular dentition. Due to the long restore his dentition. (a) Preoperative panoramic imaging,
history of partial edentulism, significant bone loss had led (b) preoperative intraoral photograph; (c) panoramic
to a severely atrophic maxilla with inadequate bone vol- imaging following delivery of final prostheses; (d) intra-
ume for traditional, trans-nasal, or trans-palatal implant oral photograph following delivery of milled zirconia final
placement. He was treated with quadruple zygomatic prostheses
7 Pterygoid Implants as Alternative to Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 161

7.9 Complications undertaking surgery for the placement of ptery-

goid implants (Fig. 7.18).
It is important for the treating surgeon to have a The overall frequency of complications with
clear knowledge of the intricate anatomy of the pterygoid implants is variable and includes
maxilla and the pterygomaxillary complex prior implant failure, haemorrhage, trismus, tuberos-

Pterygomaxillary fissure

Greater wing of sphenoid


Perpendicular plate of palatine bone

Pterygoid process

Pyramidal process of palatine bone


Posterior surface of maxilla


Maxillary artery

Pterygoid vein

Fig. 7.18 The (a) bony and (b) vascular anatomy of the pterygomaxillary region
162 V. Broumand and J. Kirchhofer

ity or pterygoid complex fracture, and displace- 7.11 Conclusion

ment into the infratemporal fossa.
Pterygoid implants provide an aid to a graftless
solution in an atrophic maxilla. The pterygomaxil-
7.10 Discussion lary complex, though seemingly distant, provides
anchorage for fixed solutions without any need for
Dental implant placement in the posterior max- bone grafting or sinus lift procedures. Pterygoid
illa poses a challenge due to the poor quality and implants provide strong cortical anchorage even in
inadequate quantity of bone, the anatomy of the the atrophic maxilla. Studies have shown them to
maxillary sinus, and difficulty of access. To be an alternative treatment option for patients with
overcome these challenges, several surgical pro- highly atrophic maxillae without the need for
cedures such as sinus lifts, ridge augmentation, extensive augmentation procedures. The availabil-
tilted implants, short implants, and zygomatic ity of dense cortical bone for engagement of the
implants have been used by many clinicians, implant encourages its use. Pterygoid implants
although not all patients are candidates for such have high success rates, similar bone loss levels to
techniques. All of these procedures have their those of conventional implants, minimal compli-
own limitations, and the pterygomaxillary junc- cations, and good acceptance by patients [6, 7, 51].
tion provides us an excellent source of D1 corti- Additionally, when anterior implants fail or are
cal bone for placement of implants for not feasible, addition of pterygoid implants seems
rehabilitation of the posterior maxilla [15, 49]. to be a valid primary or rescue solution for the full-
Pterygoid implants serve to reduce the antero-­ arch rehabilitation with immediate loading of the
posterior cantilever significantly and are com- atrophic maxilla, avoiding more invasive and time-
monly used as rescue implants in cases of failed consuming procedures like the sinus lifts and large
hybrids. bone grafts. In some cases, quadruple zygomatic
Treatment concepts with pterygoid implants implants can be avoided if adequate pterygoid
have evolved as an alternative for challenging anchorage is obtained as they provide additional
bone augmentation procedures. In some cases, a support with increased composite torque value
combination of conventional implants and zygo- and, more importantly, improved A-P spread for
matic or pterygoid implants has been used suc- prosthetics, eliminating large cantilevers [33, 34,
cessfully for restoration of the moderately atrophic 52, 53]. Pterygoid implant use can significantly
maxilla [21–27]. Placement of anterior conven- eliminate the posterior cantilever and, thus, can
tional implants without large grafting procedures decrease screw and restoration fractures which
may prove extremely difficult in the severely atro- ultimately can lead to failure of full-arch implant
phic premaxilla. In such situations, quadruple supported prosthesis [54]
zygomatic implants with or without pterygoid Surgical demonstration of Osteotomy and
implants can be used for the dental rehabilitation drill guided pterygoid implant methods
of the edentulous maxilla [28–31, 50]. (Figs. 7.19 and 7.20).
7 Pterygoid Implants as Alternative to Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry 163

a b c d

e f g h

Fig. 7.19 (a–i) Step-by-step surgical demonstration of tine bone; (e) 3.0 mm pterygoid osteotome being advanced
pterygoid implant placement utilizing the osteotome to planned osteotomy depth; (f) 2.8 mm twist drill prepar-
guided method. (a) Demonstration of appropriate angula- ing the apical aspect of the osteotomy; (g) hand placement
tion using 2.0 mm pterygoid osteotome; (b) initiation of of 4.2 × 20 mm Noris implant; (h) implant in place with
osteotomy using 2.0 mm pterygoid osteotome with the ideal depth for adequate restorative space; (i) postopera-
third molar entry site; (c) 2.0 mm pterygoid osteotome hit- tive panoramic imaging demonstrating improved antero-­
ting the “brick wall” stop of palatine bone; (d) 2.0 mm posterior spread by use of pterygoid implants with
white-stripe twist drill perforating through the dense pala- quadruple zygomatic implants

a b c d

e f g h

Fig. 7.20 (a–h) Step-by-step surgical demonstration of (stopping short of full depth); (e) placement of
pterygoid implant placement utilizing the drill guided 4.0 × 20 mm Neodent Helix GM Long implant; (f) dem-
method. (a) 2.0 mm Neodent twist drill; (b) initial oste- onstration of adequate torque for immediate loading; (g)
otomy being created with 2.0 mm twist drill; (c) 2.35 mm 30° Neodent multi-unit abutment torqued in place; (h)
twist drill widening osteotomy to depth; (d) 3.75 mm postoperative panoramic image demonstrating ideal
twist drill widening the coronal aspect of the osteotomy antero-posterior spread by use of pterygoid implants
164 V. Broumand and J. Kirchhofer

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Scientific Basis of Immediate
Loading and the Biomechanics
of Graftless Solutions

Bobby Hardeep Birdi, Komal Majumdar,

and Saj Jivraj

Abstract thoroughly evaluated for relative contraindi-

cations to immediate load.
The implementation of graftless solutions
The clinical application of the graftless
requires the clinician to have a clear grasp of
concept has been well accepted, and survival
many detailed clinical concepts. Diagnosis is
rates in excess of 98% have been reported in
critical for long-term success of the proce-
the literature (Busenlechner et al., Int J Oral
dure. There has been a paradigm shift in treat-
Maxillofac Implants 31:1150–1155, 2016).
ment of the edentulous patient with dental
The purpose of this chapter is to shed light
implants. Today, the graftless approach com-
on the science and biomechanical aspects of
bines three published variables:
immediate loading of the edentulous patient
utilizing a graftless approach.
1. Four to six implants to support a full-arch
fixed restoration.
2. Use of tilted implants for graftless 8.1 Defining Immediate Loading
3. Immediate loading to provide immediate The term immediate loading does not have an
function. established universal definition. Two variables
exist when one attempts to define immediate
For an optimal outcome, it is imperative loading:
that concepts of immediate loading, biome-
chanics of the restoration design, and manage- 1. The acceptable interval between implant
ment of the occlusal scheme be understood. placement and prosthetic loading.
The patients’ medical history must also be 2. The type of forces exerted on the implant and
prosthesis [1].

B. H. Birdi The following classification proposed by

University of Minnesota School of Dentistry,
Minneapolis, MN, USA Esposito et al. [2] has been the most accepted.
Immediate loading is considered the establish-
Private Practice, Vancouver, BC, Canada
ment of occlusal function of implants during the
K. Majumdar first week after implant placement, early loading
Om Dental Clinic, Navi Mumbai, India
within 1 week and 2 months and conventional
S. Jivraj (*) loading from 2 months onwards; the separate
Anacapa Dental Art Institute, Oxnard, CA, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 167
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
168 B. H. Birdi et al.

consideration of delayed loading was suppressed The interim prosthesis should satisfy the fol-
for being unnecessary. lowing requirements (Figs. 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4)

8.2 General Factors

in Immediate Loading

The main factor to consider in immediate loading

is biomechanical force distribution and how this
relates to natural healing. Thus, implant osseoin-
tegration must be attained despite the forces
experienced during the healing phase; otherwise,
fibrous encapsulation of the dental implants will
result [3]. Implant primary stability, that is, the
ability of the implant to withstand an applied
torque of 35–40 N cm without rotation, is the pre-
requisite to immediate loading [2, 4]. Fig. 8.1 Screw-retained, cross-arch stabilized interim
Given that implant initial stability has been prosthesis to be immediately loaded
attained, the main clinical factor that influences
successful immediate loading treatment is the
design of the immediately delivered interim full-­
arch restoration. The clear majority of these types
of full-arch restorations are screw-retained in
design and cross-arch splinted [5]. Screw-­
retained prostheses have been suggested to have
fewer complications when compared to their
cement-retained counterparts [6, 7]. Thus, it is
suggested that all interim restorations be screw-­
retained and cross-arch stabilized as this is the
most evidence-based design.
There are a number of prosthetic consider- Fig. 8.2 Interim prosthesis with adequate AP spread and
ations that must be understood prior to embark- minimal cantilever
ing upon the immediate load process. Meticulous
attention to detail is required for the process to be
successful. An important prerequisite for predict-
able healing is absence of micro-motion. Brunski
et al. [8] reported that micro-motion of 100 μm
may constitute a threshold value for machined
implant surfaces to osseointegrate adequately.
Favourable loading conditions can be achieved
by splinting the implants together immediately
after placement. Micro-motion at the bone
implant interface is limited, thus facilitating the
healing process [9–11].
Fig. 8.3 Interim prosthesis intra-orally with minimal ver-
tical and horizontal overlap
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 169

Fig. 8.4 Requirements of immediate loading

1. Provide cross-arch stabilization with a screw-­ that on a cellular level, osteoclasts have been
retained rigid prosthesis with no cantilevers. shown to be present on the surface of the cut
2. No premature occlusal contacts. native bone surrounding the implant 4 days after
3. No interferences in lateral excursion. implant placement [19]. Thus, it may be advanta-
4. Minimal vertical and horizontal overlap. geous to place the immediate interim restoration
5. An occlusal scheme which protects the as soon as possible after the implants have been
implants most at risk. surgically placed.

8.3 Specific Elements 8.4 Occlusion

of Immediate Loading
Agreement on the occlusal scheme to be utilized
Immediate loading is considered the establish- in the interim prosthesis has not been established
ment of occlusal function of implants during the in the literature [5]. There is no evidence to show
first week after implant placement [2]. The tim- that one occlusal scheme is superior to another,
ing of when the prosthesis is delivered after the one type of tooth form is more efficient than
surgical placement of the implants is important, another, or one type of occlusal scheme is pre-
as it relates to the bone healing around the dental ferred by patients.
implants, and the continued stability of the Most occlusal schemes advise on avoiding
implants in the osseous structure. Glauser et al. non-axial loading on implants. If we evaluate the
[18] have established that the primary initial sta- recommendations critically, we become aware
bility that is attained at the time of surgical that axial loading of implants almost never occurs
implant placement decreases significantly after along the long axis of the implant. Instead, func-
1 week. Furthermore, it has been shown that bone tion occurs on various areas of the prosthesis
remodelling begins to significantly occur at the with the development of complex bending
1 week time point [19–22]. This helps to estab- moments within the restorative implant compo-
lish the first week after surgical placement of the nents and within the surrounding bone.
dental implants as the safest time to deliver the Factors that affect distribution of occlusal
immediate prosthesis. However, it must be stated forces include but are not limited to:
170 B. H. Birdi et al.

(a) Number of implants involved. 9. Use of a night-time appliance.

(b) Biomechanical design of the implant.
(c) Nature of the bolus of food. From a clinician’s perspective, one aspect
(d) Design and fit of the prosthesis. that must be considered is the relationship
(e) Nature of the opposing occlusion. between occlusion loading and mechanical
(f) Deformation of the bone and the prosthesis. complications. As resin fracture and tooth frac-
ture are the most common types of prosthetic
During the immediate load phase, manage- complication in these types of prostheses [5],
ment of the occlusion for force distribution and the design and the rigidity of the interim hybrid
protection of the existing implants becomes very prosthesis has been suggested to aid in the
critical [5, 23, 24]. Unfortunately, an evidence strength and resilience during the healing phase
base does not exist which guides the clinician in [29]. Furthermore, increased rigidity of the
developing an occlusal scheme. The following interim prosthesis is also suggested to aid in
are generalized guidelines when immediate load- successful osseointegration by reducing load-
ing in a patient with a class 1 incisor induced implant micro-­movement during heal-
relationship: ing [30–32]. The rigidity of the interim
restoration is increased through dimensional
1. Posterior cusps flattened to minimize bending thickness. Appropriate restorative space must be
and torsional forces. created by the surgeon to fulfil the biomechani-
2. Evaluation of the opposing occlusion: if the cal requirements of the specific restoration
full-arch interim prosthesis opposes natural treatment planned.
teeth, it may be feasible to adjust the natural One of the main methods in which rigidity can
teeth to minimize steep inclines and lateral be improved is through reinforcement of the
forces. interim hybrid prosthesis. Patient advantages
3. Bilateral simultaneous contact. include less breakage and a longer-lasting provi-
4. Shallow protrusive disclusion. sional restoration. Clinician advantages include
5. Anterior group function. fewer unscheduled visits and reduced chair time.
6. Steep anterior disclusion is not recommended One material that has shown to increase flexural
as this may create destructive deflective forces strength is use of a fibre [31]. This material type
which may result in prosthesis fracture. has also been suggested to increase fracture
7. No cantilevers: Although no evidence-based toughness in provisional restorations [5, 30, 32]
consensus has been established regarding can- (Figs. 8.5, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, and 8.9).
tilevers, it is the overall recommendation that
distal cantilevers are minimized or eliminated
from the interim prosthesis. Cantilevers have
been found to create greater risk in restoration
fracture and implant failure, when utilized in
the interim restoration [25–28].
8. Definitive contacts on canine to canine with
lighter contacts on posterior teeth. The ratio-
nale for the above is that the further posterior
the tooth, the higher the occlusal forces. The
implants in the posterior part of the mouth are
also in the weakest quality bone. As clini-
cians, our goal in the immediate load phase is Fig. 8.5 Fibre reinforcement requires an indirect tech-
nique with impressions and tooth set up
to minimize occlusal load on the implants that
are more posteriorly positioned and in the
poorest-quality bone.
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 171

Fig. 8.6 Putty matrix of tooth position in relation to the temporary cylinders

Fig. 8.7 Fibre tied in a specific manner to provide support for the teeth, processed provisional

Fig. 8.8 Clinical delivery

172 B. H. Birdi et al.

Fig. 8.9 Provisional restoration intra-orally, note minimum vertical overlap of anterior teeth

8.5 Optimal Number of Implants 1. Mathematical models.

2. 3D finite element analyses
The number of implants needed to successfully 3. Intra-oral strain gauge studies.
and routinely rehabilitate an edentulous arch uti-
lizing an immediate loading protocol has been When attempting to predict forces on four,
debated for some time in the literature. five, or six implants with the above studies,
Classically, the use of five mandibular implants extrapolation becomes very difficult. What makes
for a full-arch rehabilitation has been advocated. this problem difficult to solve is the fact that each
However, recently, two to three implants have implant is connected to both the bone and the
been advocated for the fixed rehabilitation of a prosthesis; computing the loads (and stresses and
dental arch utilizing an immediate loading proto- strains) in each part of the structure is a problem
col [33–35]. With the introduction of full-arch that is not solvable by statics alone but also
fixed rehabilitation on four implants [36, 37], the requires data on the material properties of the
conceptual requirement of increased implant implants, bone, and prosthesis as well as their
numbers for full-arch fixed rehabilitation was stress-strain behaviours. Prosthesis rigidity, bone
put into question. With continued research being implant stiffness, and deformation of the mandi-
conducted in this area, it can be stated that the ble also come into consideration. The use of
use of four to six implants for fixed full-arch fewer implants to rehabilitate an edentulous
rehabilitation utilizing an immediate loading patient has been established, and the need for
protocol is evidence based. reserve implants is no longer considered
When deciding the optimal number of necessary.
implants, we must give the term optimal a broader
definition. The clinician should consider not just
the number of implants but where in the jaw they 8.6 Axial vs. Tilted Implants
are placed and the quality of bone in which they
are placed [38]. The magnitude of stresses that The introduction of a tilted implant protocol in
develop in the bone, the implant and the prosthe- full-arch fixed rehabilitation utilizing immediate
sis, and the relationship of the stresses and strains loading put into question the need for universal
to thresholds for damage to the bone and pros- axial implant placement. Since that time, these
thetic components should also be given consider- two implant positioning regimens have been
ation. The treatment plan must be developed compared throughout the literature [39–44].
biomechanically. However, it is clear that in many instances tilting
When looking at the literature in this arena, of posterior implants in full-arch rehabilitations
three types of study have been completed: provide significant benefits (Table 8.1) [44].
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 173

However, concerns about the consistency and The reasons why splinted restorations utiliz-
clinical results using tilted implants continue to ing a tilted implant protocol perform so well
be present in the industry. Three general areas of include the following:
concern are prevalent:
1. Rigidity of the prosthesis counteracts the rela-
1. Titled implants exhibit more bone loss. tively small bending moments applied to the
2. There is increased stress concentration around tilted implants.
tilted implants. 2. Enough micro-motion for function is not
3. Restorations with tilted implants experience enough to prohibit osseointegration.
greater prosthetic complications. 3. Off-axis loading is stabilized by cross-arch
It has now been thoroughly established that
the use of tilted implants in an immediate loading
protocol does not induce more bone loss com- 8.7 Vertical Cantilever Height:
pared to the use of an axially placed implant [47– Crown-Implant Ratio
49]. Many studies have indicated that the
inclination of implants, in a splinted structure, In patients who have undergone severe resorp-
aids in decreasing the stress in the arch [40, 50– tion, there is obviously a limited amount of bone
52]. There is no evidence to demonstrate a higher to place the implants and an obvious bulk of pros-
prosthetic complication rate in restorations that thetic structure and on occasion causing a tre-
encompass tilted implants [17, 27]. mendous prosthesis to implant ratio.
The theory is that in these patients with unfa-
vourable crown-implant ratios, the prosthesis
Table 8.1 Benefits of tilted posterior implants [39–49]
acts as a lever causing a bending moment and
1. Implants are placed into more dense and better-­
quality bone. transmits stress to the peri-implant crestal bone
2. Longer posterior implants can be utilized through causing resorption.
tilting. Multiple studies have shown that crown-­
3. Tilting posterior implants allows for greater implant ratio is not a factor that causes bone loss
distribution of the implant connections. providing there is a good fit of the prosthesis to
4. Larger anterior-posterior spread of implants
decreases cantilever lengths needed.
the implants and we are maintaining cross-arch
5. Marginal bone levels are maintained around tilted stabilization [53–57].
6. Similar success and survival rates when compared to
axial implants.
7. Vital anatomical structures are avoided by tilting
posterior implants.
8. Tilting posterior implants minimizes the need for
grafting procedures (Fig. 8.10).

Fig. 8.10 Advantages of tilted implants

174 B. H. Birdi et al.

8.8 Medical Evaluation Diabetes mellitus presents in two forms. Type

of the Patient 1 (T1DM) is an autoimmune disorder with early
onset in childhood where the body cannot pro-
A systematic review by the Academy of duce insulin. Type 2 (T2DM) is a multifactorial
Osseointegration [58] evaluated the effects of disease with genetic and environmental factors,
various medical conditions and medications on where the pancreas cannot produce insulin, and
bone remodelling. thus the body becomes insulin resistant [61, 62].
This section will highlight certain clinically The four currently recommended diagnostic
relevant medical conditions, patient-related fac- tests for diabetes (Classification of diabetes mel-
tors, the use of certain medications, and their litus. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019):
recent consensus pertaining to immediate loading
1. Fasting plasma glucose measurement ≥7.0 mmol/L
protocols. Clinician-related factors will also be
(126 mg/dL).
discussed. 2. A 2-hour (2-h) post-load plasma glucose after a 75 g
The medical conditions that may influence oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) ≥ 11.1 mmol/L
immediate loading include but are not limited (200 mg/dL).
to: 3. HbA1c ≥ 6.5% (48 mmol/mol).
4. A random blood glucose ≥11.1 mmol/L (200 mg/dL)
in the presence of signs and symptoms of diabetes.
1. Diabetes mellitus.
2. Patients on dialysis.
3. Osteoporosis. How Does It Affect the Body?
Diabetes mellitus is associated with poor wound
The medications of interest that may affect healing, neuropathy, structural damage to blood
outcomes of immediate loading include: vessels, poor micro-circulation, arterial hyperten-
sion, and unsatisfactory immune response [63]. It
1. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors is also associated with increased dental implant
(SSRIs). failure due to poor osseous healing [64–66].
Patients with diabetes mellitus produce advanced
Patient-related factors: glycation end products (AGEs) [67, 68].

1. Bruxism.
2. Smoking. 8.10 How Does Diabetes Affect
Implants and Immediate
Clinician-related factors: Loading?

1. Experience. One of the preferred criteria for immediate load-

2. Expertise. ing and predictable osseointegration is the
absence of systemic disease [69]. In T2DM
patients, AGEs accumulate permanently in the
8.9 Medical Conditions That May vessel walls, altering the phenotype of impor-
Impact Immediate Loading tant cells such as macrophages, polymorphonu-
clear cells, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells
8.9.1 Diabetes Mellitus [68]. This leads to production of destructive
inflammatory cytokines leading to bone resorp-
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease tion around immediately loaded implants [68,
classified by the World Health Organization as 70]. The diabetic patients are also associated
the sixth leading cause of death in the world [59, with higher risk of osseointegration failure due
60]. to infection [71] and long-term bone and soft
tissue complications [59].
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 175

However, in controlled diabetics there is opti- 1. HbA1c levels should be evaluated before the
mal osteoblast activity and minimal bone resorp- procedure [70].
tion. It is also associated with lower levels of 2. Since diabetic patients are more prone to peri-­
AGEs [68, 72]. implant infections [79], it becomes imperative
that management of periodontal infection
should be done before implant placement.
8.10.1 Does Literature Support 3. Pre-operative antibiotic coverage should be
Immediate Loading started as it helps in reducing the rate of
of Implants in Uncontrolled implant failure from 13.4% to 2.9% in dia-
Diabetic Patient? betic patients [80].
4. Chlorhexidine mouthwash should also be
The placement of dental implants in a diabetic started pre-operatively as studies have shown
patient is a topic of substantial debate in it helps to reduce the failure rates from 13.5%
implant dentistry. In diabetic patients the clini- to 4.4% [80].
cian should proceed with caution. Various 5. In uncontrolled diabetic individuals with con-
studies advocate that implants in patients with comitant obesity and cardiovascular diseases,
diabetes mellitus should be avoided [73, 74]. immediate loading should be avoided as there
Studies also show that with proper glycaemic can be greater chances of failure [69].
control (controlled diabetic), dental implants 6. Periodic recalls of the patients after implant
can osseointegrate and remain functionally therapy for hygiene maintenance to avoid
stable like that in a non-­diabetic individual [75, chances of peri mucositis and peri-implantitis
76]. Studies likewise show that immediate in the long term.
loading in a controlled diabetic can be safely 7. Accessing the opposing dentition and para-
done [77]. function. Low occlusal loads in a patient with
When it comes to immediate loading, a recent a denture as an opposing dentition with no
systematic review stated that there is no differ- parafunction will categorize as a low-risk
ence in the survival of immediately loaded dental individual.
implants among non-diabetic individuals when
compared to type 2 diabetic individuals, even Alternatives to Immediate
when not controlled [78]. Loading in a Diabetic
Individual Can Immediate Loading The clinician has various alternate choices if the
Be Done on Patients patient has uncontrolled diabetes and other
with Uncontrolled Diabetes comorbidities that would prevent him/her from
Mellitus? opting for immediate loading.
Full-arch immediate loading is an advanced
implant procedure which depends on multiple Complete Denture
factors such as adequate primary stability This is a very viable option, more so if the patient
(>35 N cm insertion torque), rigid cross-arch sta- presents completely edentulous to the dental
bilization, density of bone, health of the bone office. This is not the most preferred choice as the
bed, and lastly to an extent on the patient’s inher- denture can cause uncontrolled loads on the
ent healing potential. implants during mastication. A soft tissue liner
Although the current consensus points can be used to cushion the occlusal loads to a cer-
towards immediate loading even in uncon- tain extent. However, this may still not prevent all
trolled diabetic individual, the clinician should the transfer of the loads and can cause failure of
follow prudence in proper case selection and the implants. For the soft liner to be effective, the
follow certain protocols before and after the minimum thickness of the reliner should be at
implant procedure. least 4 mm.
176 B. H. Birdi et al.

a b

Fig. 8.11 (a) Strategic abutments in place. (b) Teeth supported provisional

a b

Fig. 8.12 (a) Implants integrated. (b) Impression with teeth present

Strategic Abutments tioned in a fixed restoration. Two mandibular

If the patient is partially edentulous and immedi- anterior teeth and two premolars were retained to
ate loading cannot be attempted, the clinician be used as strategic abutments (Fig. 8.11a, b).
may use existing teeth as strategic abutments. On implant integration, an open tray impres-
These teeth would hold a fixed provisional resto- sion was fabricated to make an implant-supported
ration while implants are placed in the edentu- prosthesis (Fig. 8.12a, b). The lab was instructed
lous sites between them. The advantage of this to make an implant-supported prosthesis, remov-
approach is that the patient has fixed restorations ing the teeth from the cast. Once the provisional
throughout, and the implants can heal undis- was ready, the anterior teeth were extracted and
turbed. The downside of this procedure is that the the premolars were submerged (Fig. 8.13a, b).
strategic abutments are of poor prognosis and
may fail while the implants are integrating. Provisional/Transitional Implants
Should this happen, the patient would be transi- In this approach single one-piece smaller diame-
tioned to a removable prosthesis. ter implants are placed in between or palatal to
Once osseointegration has been confirmed, the primary implants. These provisional implants
the strategic abutments can either be submerged can be used to restore the patient while the pri-
if they are periodontally sound or can be mary implants heal with a submerged approach.
extracted. Impressions can be made of the inte- The provisional implants can be removed during
grated implants and implant supported provision- the fabrication of definitive restoration
als fabricated for insertion when the strategic (Fig. 8.14a, b).
abutments are extracted/submerged.
The following patient was an uncontrolled Patients on Dialysis
diabetic who needed mandibular full-arch resto- Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a general term
ration. The patients’ request was to be transi- of heterogenous disorders affecting the structure
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 177

a b

Fig. 8.13 (a) Strategic abutments extracted. (b) Implant supported provisional

a b

Fig. 8.14 (a) Temporary implants. (b) Temporary implants between primary implants

and function of kidneys. It could be due to kidney Can Immediate Loading
damage (albuminuria) or decreased kidney func- Be Done on Patients
tion (glomerular filtration rate, GFR) < 60 mL/ with CKD and Dialysis?
min per 1.73 m2 for 3 months or more [81–83]. Most patient will present with an adequate resid-
When chronic kidney disease progresses to ual bone for implant placement [96]. Although
end-stage renal disease, dialysis is required for there is no data to show that CKD and dialysis
the patient. Chronic kidney disease can have mul- affect implant healing, it is advisable to avoid
tiple aetiologies including genetic [84, 85] or a immediate loading in patients with chronic kid-
by-product of other diseases like type 2 diabetes ney disease to avoid any early failures due to poor
[86–90] and hypertension. Apart from numerous bone metabolism. It is preferable for the clinician
oral signs of the disease, the CKD patients can to extend the healing time or use a provisional
have multiple bone disorders [91] which become crown for extended periods prior to the definitive
extremely relevant in immediate loading. Bone restoration [92].
metabolism is regulated by several factors includ- In conclusion, it is the authors’ preference to
ing parathormone (PTH), fibroblast growth factor avoid immediate loading in patients with CKD.
23 (FGF23), and dihydroxycholecalciferol
Complications from CKD, including hyper- 8.11 Osteoporosis
phosphatemia, hypocalcaemia, hyperparathy-
roidism, and vitamin D deficiency, may interrupt As described by World Health Organization
the balance of these factors, impacting bone (WHO), osteoporosis is a ‘progressive systemic
structural integrity and resulting in CKD-mineral skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass
and bone disorder [92–95]. and micro architectural deterioration of bone
178 B. H. Birdi et al.

t­issue, with a consequent increase in bone fragil- [110] showed that there is a close relation
ity and susceptibility to fracture’. between insertion torque and micro-mobility or
It is a disease that predominantly affects post-­ micro-movements of the implant. As torque
menopausal women and is usually not detected increased, implant micro-mobility progressively
until a fracture occurs. Osteoporosis is linked decreased. This measurement, performed in bone
with bone loss, periodontal disease, and poor of different qualities, demonstrated that peri-­
bone density [97–102]. Genetic predisposition, implant bone density has a decisive influence on
poor calcium and vitamin D intake, smoking, micro-mobility and insertion torque. Both high
alcohol, physical inactivity, and oestrogen defi- torque and increased stability can be achieved in
ciency due to menopause are the possible aetiolo- soft bone. Patients with osteoporosis tend to have
gies and risk factors for developing osteoporosis. softer bone density, thereby reducing the primary
Females are more prone to osteoporosis than stability. This poses a problem in immediate
men. loading in these patients.
Osteoporosis results in loss of bone mineral Another study on bovine bone by Engelke and
density (BMD) throughout the body, including co-workers [111] studied the degree of micro-­
the maxilla and the mandible. The resulting low movements in different bone densities. Their
density in the jawbones leads to increased alveo- study showed a strong relationship between force
lar porosity, microarchitectural deterioration of applied and the movement observed and a signifi-
trabeculae, reduced remodelling rate, reduction cant association between bone quality and degree
in volume of the residual ridge, and decrease in of micromovement. This study showed that the
the cortical thickness following invasion by peri- amount of micro-motions in a type 3 and type 4
odontal pathogens [103]. bone is much higher (150 and 250 μm, respec-
tively) when a force as low as 30 N cm was
exerted on them. Comparatively, the same force
8.11.1 Why Is Osteoporosis produced 100 μm of micro-motions in type 2
a Problem in Immediate bone. This shows that great caution must be taken
Loading? in planning immediate loading in poor density
bone like one sees in osteoporotic patients. CBCT
Osteoporosis is not a contraindication to place planning and assessing the density by measuring
implants [104]. However, immediate loading the Hounsfield values [112] can be of great assis-
requires a set of protocols to be in place like ade- tance in planning such cases. An osteoporotic
quate primary stability, rigid fixation, and splint- patient may show sparse trabecular pattern, even
ing to avoid micro-movements. The bone density in the areas which conventionally show dense
in osteoporotic patient is compromised leading to bone. Figure 8.5a shows the mandibular anterior
inferior primary stability. region of an osteoporotic post-menopausal
Numerous experimental studies on animal patient. Insertion torque of 25 N cm was achieved
models, supported by histologic evidence, have despite under preparing the site (Fig. 8.5b).
shown that immediate loading does not hinder
osseointegration, provided that the micro-­ Can Immediate Loading
movements at the bone-implant interface are kept Be Performed
below a threshold (approximately 100–150 μm) in Osteoporotic Patients?
[105–108]. These movements are known as toler- Any bone disorder can affect osseointegration.
ated micromovements. Any movement above the Osteoporosis is considered as a major public
threshold of 150 μm are called macro-movements health concern [113] and is characterized by
and are detrimental to osseointegration. These decrease in bone mass. Many authors [114–116]
macro-movements can cause fibrous integration have advocated that mutilation of osseointegra-
of the implant, rather than osseous integration tion might occur around implants in osteoporotic
[105–107, 109]. An in vitro study by Trisi et al. animal specimens. However, they advocated that
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 179

it is possible to immediately load dental implants (BRONJ), which has been renamed as medication-­
in an osteoporotic patient [117]. Moreover, a related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ).
proper history of the patient should be taken BRONJ incidence is significantly higher with
before attempting immediate loading in such IV bisphosphonates, while patients receiving oral
cases. Smoking more than ten cigarettes a day, bisphosphonates have minimal risk.
concomitant obesity, etc. are additional risk fac- The mechanism by which BPs may cause or
tors. Some patients are prescribed bisphospho- promote the occurrence of osteonecrosis of the
nates to treat osteoporosis. Consulting their jaws remains uncertain [121]. The potent
physicians and evaluating risk benefit should be BP-mediated inhibition of osteoclastic function
taken consideration before commencing with any reduces bone resorption. It inhibits normal bone
surgical procedure. turnover remodelling, resulting in areas of micro-
damage, accumulation, and a reduction in some
mechanical properties of the bone [122]. The
8.11.2 What Are the Potential mandible and maxillary bones usually offer a
Medical Complications high level of resistance to infection by oral micro-
Associated with Osteoporotic organisms during dental infections or extractions
Patient? or when a foreign body (e.g., an implant) is
inserted. This resistance to infections, together
Most of the osteoporotic patients are not treated with an ability to heal rapidly, is thought to stem
with any medications until they develop any partly from the high blood flow that characterizes
signs or have their first fracture. Once detected, the mandibular and maxillary bone [123]
these patients are usually treated with oral (Fig. 8.15).
bisphosphonates (BP). They are potentially
known to reduce complications of osteoporosis
[118]. Intravenous bisphosphonates are reserved 8.11.3 Precautions for Immediate
for patients with osteolytic tumours, hypercalce- Loading in an Osteoporotic
mia of malignancy, multiple myeloma, bone Patient?
metastases from solid tumours, and other tumours
[118, 119]. A significant challenge in an osteoporotic patient
The most common oral BPs are alendronate, is achieving adequate primary stability. The clini-
risedronate, and ibandronate. cian should utilize techniques to improve the
Bisphosphonates act on osteoclast activity and insertion torque. This becomes even more rele-
decrease bone turnover [120], leading to high vant in maxilla where inherently it becomes more
concentrations of BPs retained within the bone difficult to achieve high insertion torque values.
for an extended period, which causes This can be accomplished by bicortical engage-
bisphosphonate-­related osteonecrosis of the jaw ment of the implant with the lateral piriform rim

a b

Fig. 8.15 (a) Sparse trabecular bone in an area expected to show dense bone. (b) Poor density despite mandibular
anterior region
180 B. H. Birdi et al.

osseodensified bone. A greater underprepara-

tion may lead to a higher chance of implant
failure due to poor vascularity in an osseoden-
sified site (Fig. 8.19).

8.11.4 What Postoperative Care

Should One Take When Doing
Immediate Loading
in an Osteoporotic Patient?
Fig. 8.16 Bicortical stabilization

One of the pathogenic factors for osteoporosis

and the nasal floor in the tilted implant protocol and the occurrence of fractures is vitamin D defi-
(Fig. 8.16). ciency [125]. Vitamin D deficiency also nega-
The other methods may include underprepar- tively affects bone regeneration, including
ing the osteotomy site, performing stepped oste- fracture healing [126] and osseointegration of
otomy, using tapered implant design, and using implants [127]. While vitamin D supplementa-
expanders and the more contemporary Densah tion is mandatory in the pharmacological man-
burs. The latter are specially designed burs with a agement of osteoporosis, few studies are available
negative rake angle that burnishes the bone along that would justify this treatment to support bone
the walls of the osteotomy. A regular drill regeneration and, thus, osseointegration [128].
removes the bone and thus bone is lost during However, a preclinical study [129] demonstrates
osteotomy which can significantly affect the pri- that vitamin D supplementation counteracts the
mary stability, especially in osteoporotic bone. reduced peri-implant bone regeneration caused
From an engineering point of view, this negative by dietary vitamin D deficiency, especially in the
rake angle has a thicker cutting tip that produces early healing phase. Vitamin D supplementation
more bone deformation leading to the compres- is an effective treatment for reduced peri-implant
sion or compaction autografting, also referred to bone formation because it directly counteracts
as ‘osseodensification’ (Fig. 8.17a, b). the catabolic mechanisms of vitamin D defi-
In the process, the bone debris is redistributed ciency. Thus, giving vitamin D supplements,
along the flutes of the bur and is pressed into the maintaining oral hygiene, and soft food intake to
osteotomy’s wall which improves the primary keep the micro-movements below the threshold
stability [124] because unlike the traditional burs, should be an integral part of post-op instructions
Densah burs do not remove, but move, the bone. for osteoporosis patients.
They utilize the property of flexibility of cancel-
lous bone, which helps in changing the shape of Medications
the bone without breaking or cracking (Fig. 8.18). Depression, a clinical state associated with low
The following key factors should be remem- mood, affecting the person’s thoughts, behaviour,
bered while using Densah burs: feelings, and sense of well-being, has become a
threatening disease because of its high preva-
1. Use the bur in reverse or osseodensification lence and associative public health problems
mode at 800–1200 rpm. [130, 131].
2. Use copious irrigation to prevent overheating Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) is a
of the bone as Densah burs compact the bone monoamine neurotransmitter in the brain that
and make it dense. contributes to feelings of well-being and happi-
3. Do not go flapless while using Densah burs. ness [131]. Lower serotonin levels or obstacles to
4. Do not underprepare lesser than 0.5 mm as the its utilization can lead to depression [131].
osteotomy is lined with a layer of cortical Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)—
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 181

go 18.0mm
a+b < 90 degrees 10.5mm

Lesser Shear NORMAL
deformation of DRILL



Diagram source - mechanical engineering and everything about it


a+b > 90 degrees



More Shear
deformation of


Diagram source - mechanical engineering and everything about it

Fig. 8.17 (a) Positive rake angle in regular drill. (b) Negative rake angle in Densah bur

such as Celexa, Paxil, Lexapro, Prozac, and most widely used antidepressants worldwide
Zoloft—are drugs designed to inhibit serotonin [133]. Although serotonin is required for treating
reuptake and boost its levels to treat depression depression, it is also needed for the functioning
[132]. Because of their unique effectiveness in of digestive, skeletal, and cardiovascular tissues
depression treatment, SSRIs have become the [133].
182 B. H. Birdi et al.

8.12 Patient-Related Factors

8.12.1 Bruxism

Bruxism is defined as a movement disorder of

the masticatory system that is characterized,
among others, by teeth grinding and clench-
ing, during sleep as well as wakefulness [139,
Bruxism is frequently considered a causative
Fig. 8.18 Densah burs improve primary stability
factor for temporomandibular disorders (TMD),
tooth wear (e.g., attrition), loss of periodontal
support, and restoration failure. However, many
conflicting pieces of evidence show that these are
due to bruxism [141–144].
Psychosocial factors like stress and person-
ality are also frequently mentioned in relation
to bruxism. Bruxism seems to be mainly regu-
lated centrally, not peripherally. Implant over-
loading due to bruxism can cause complications
like occlusal surface wear, fracture, loosened
Fig. 8.19 Osseodensified site screws or abutment, and implant fracture [145].
In fact, bruxism is considered a contraindica-
tion for implant treatment, although most evi-
Serotonin regulates bone metabolism by act- dence is usually based on clinical experience
ing on the bone receptors and serotonin trans- [146].
porters, resulting in complex signal transmission
in osteoblasts and osteoclasts [133]. Thus, SSRIs How to Diagnose a Bruxer?
block receptors on bone cells resulting in a direct The diagnosis of bruxism includes a complaint
negative effect on bone formation [134, 135] and of jaw muscle discomfort, fatigue, stiffness,
metabolism [133] by increasing osteoclast differ- occasional headaches, the presence of tooth
entiation [136] and decreasing osteoblast prolif- wear, tooth sensitivity, muscle hypertrophy,
eration [133]. TMJ clicking or jaw lock, and tongue indenta-
tion. The clinical diagnosis of bruxism is based Can Immediate Loading on an orofacial examination and the patient and
Be Done in Patients Taking the partner’s report. Often, the patients are
SSRIs? unaware of sleep bruxism, and even their part-
Since the bone in patients taking SSRIs is normal ner may not know if they are deep sleepers
in structure and quality, it is easy to achieve pri- [147]. This can lead to an incorrect diagnosis by
mary stability and good rigid fixation to go for the clinician [147]. Diagnosis becomes even
immediate loading. However, SSRIs are associ- more challenging if the patient reports to the
ated with not early but late failures due to office completely edentulous. The best way to
mechanical loading. The failures caused by diagnose bruxism is polysomnographic analysis
mechanical overloading usually occur after the [145], although that is considered complicated
loading time of 4 and 6 months [137]. So, it by some authors [148] and may not always be
becomes prudent to carefully plan surgical treat- practically possible for all general clinicians in
ment in SSRI users as there is a higher risk to their day-to-day practice.
implant survival [138].
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 183 What Are the Problems a

of Doing Immediate Loading
in a Bruxer?
The occlusal loads produced by a bruxer are con-
siderably higher and can be termed as overload
than that seen in a normal physiologic chewing
cycle [146]. It is, therefore, not unlikely that
forces applied to implants during bruxism are
even larger than those exerted during mastication
[149], making them more prone to occlusal over-
load and possible subsequent failure [146]. One
of the most critical aspects of immediate loading
is to keep the micromotions below the threshold
value [105–108], as it is not immediate loading
per se but deleterious macro-motions that
increase the risk. Moreover, as the loads gener-
ated by bruxers are considerably higher, there are
higher chances of early failure. The risk of failure
is enhanced due to the absence of periodontal
ligament and decreased proprioception. b

8.12.2 Can Immediate Loading

Be Done in Bruxers?

Immediate loading in bruxers is controversial in

implantology, with multiple studies for both and
against it. One of the problems is that many stud-
ies do not include bruxers in the inclusion crite-
Fig. 8.20 (a) Fracture of provisional. (b) Failure of
ria; hence, the results cannot be predictable. implants
Multiple prospective studies show problems
with implants in bruxers. Wannafors et al. [150]
reported a significant relationship between brux- period. Multiple studies show that there are also
ism and implant failure after the implants have greater chances of late failures in a bruxer.
been functional for a year. Likewise, Glauser Considering that immediate loading by itself
et al. [151] found a higher percentage of implant requires strict protocols to be followed, like ade-
loss in bruxists (41% vs. 12% after 1 year). quate primary stability, rigid cross-arch fixation,
Another review by Lazzara [152] and another etc., an inexperienced clinician (<50 implants)
study by Misch et al. [153] consider bruxism as should avoid attempting immediate loading in a
a contraindication for immediate loading. bruxer. An experienced clinician (>50 implants)
However, counter studies show that immediate may be able to attempt the same as studies show
loading can be easily done in bruxers that they experience less failure as compared to
[153–157]. inexperienced clinicians [158]. However, this
In conclusion, immediate loading in bruxers should be tried only after thoroughly clarifying
has inherent biomechanical risks ranging from the risks and pitfalls of the procedure to the
breakage of provisional restoration (Fig. 8.20a) patient. This will avoid any future embarrass-
to implant loss (Fig. 8.20b) during the healing ments and legal glitches for the clinician.
184 B. H. Birdi et al.

8.12.3 Are There Any Practical 6. Achieve the passivity of the temporary by
Guidelines When Attempting doing the one screw test. An active prosthesis
Immediate Loading can exert loads on the implant leading to
in a Bruxer? overloads on the prosthesis and the implants
[167, 168] (Figs. 8.22 and 8.23).
The following guidelines should be followed to 7. Occlusion has to be very carefully evaluated.
prevent the chances of over loading in a bruxer: If the opposing dentition is implant-­
supported fixed restoration or natural denti-
1. Multiple studies, including this retrospective tion, the following points must be
study by Naiedermaier [159] and by Brunski considered:
[160], show that a minimum of four implants (a) Simultaneous bilateral equal intensity
is sufficient to restore an entire arch opti- contact points in maximum intercuspa-
mally. However, it makes more sense to tion with shallow anterior guidance
increase the number of implants in a bruxer. (Fig. 8.24a, b).
This means keeping a low ratio of the pros- (b) Flap cusps for flat linear pathways. No
thetic unit to implants (PU/I). Studies have interference in lateral excursions
shown that a low PU/I ratio improves the (Fig. 8.24c), even if the opposing denti-
long-term prognosis of the implants [161– tion is a denture (Fig. 8.24d)
166]. This PU/I value works as a ‘safe side’ (c) Posterior disclusion in protrusion
parameter (Fig. 8.21). (Fig. 8.24e).
2. Avoid cantilevers in the provisional and final 8. A rigid stabilization splint for nightly use
restorations. (night guard) contributes to optimally dis-
3. Though implant length is more relevant in tributing and vertically redirecting the forces
immediate loading, an increased length and that go with nocturnal teeth grinding and
width of the implant should be used for long-­ clenching [169–175] (Fig. 8.24f). Some cli-
term favourable prognosis and reducing nicians prefer to put a layer of cold cure resin
stress [167, 168]. over the occlusal surface and keep the inner
4. Tarnow et al. recommend metallic reinforce- core made of a softer material for better
ment of the temporary to reduce the bending retention and for it to act like a dampening
loads in the immediate loading protocol. effect (Fig. 8.24g).
However, if the number of implants is 9. Although a night guard is given, the clinician
increased, the rigid temporary can efficiently cannot prevent the patient in engaging in the
counteract loads of occlusion [169]. habit. Nevertheless, the clinician may be able
5. Rigid metallic splint using the digital proto- to reduce the deleterious loads on the
col can act as additional protection to reduce implants [176].
the micro-motions and keep it below the
threshold value (Fig. 8.13a, b).

Fig. 8.21 Low PU/I ratio Fig. 8.22 Avoid cantilevers in immediate loading
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 185

a b

Fig. 8.23 (a) Digital impression. (b) Metal milled bar for rigid splinting

a b

c d

e f

g h

Fig. 8.24 (a, b) Simultaneous bilateral contacts. (c, d) No interferences in lateral excursions. (e) Posterior disclusion
in protrusion. (f) Hard night guard. (g) Soft night guard with layer of resin. (h) Occlusal markings
186 B. H. Birdi et al.

10. The nightguard should be given only for one but after he had multiple fractures of the
arch. Giving night guards on both arches can temporary.
increase the vertical dimension and cause The patient had a low lip line with more expo-
discomfort. The arch selected should be the sure of teeth on the right side and none of the left
stable of the two and should interfere the side of the face, indicating a minor asymmetry in
least with occlusal excursions (Fig. 8.24h). the smile (Fig. 8.25e).
The occlusal plane did not show any abnor-
mality. Some old cervical facets were restored
8.13 Case Report with composite resin and some minor wear was
observed in the incisal edge (which did not seem
Infrequently, a clinician may fail to see the subtle pathological/excessive).
signs of bruxism and may treat such a patient However, considering phonetics and aesthet-
with an immediate loading protocol. This is espe- ics as the parameter, the maxillary incisal edge
cially true of patients that are edentulous. No position was correct and could be used as a refer-
amount of bone loss can be a predictive marker ence plane for deciding the restorative space and
for bruxism. the final prosthetic material.
Bruxism may lead to consequences such as Intraoral examination is conducted after the
minor screw loosening and fracture of the provi- dentures were removed, partial edentulism on
sional to failure of the implants in the critical both the arches. The extent of horizontal bone
healing period. resorption was minimum (Fig. 8.25f, g). There
The following case shows the management of was minor wear seen on the incisal edges of the
a patient with possible bruxism. The term possi- mandibular anterior teeth (Fig. 8.25h).
ble bruxism is used as the patient had minimum Radiographic evaluation showed there was
signs and no symptoms of bruxism. The possibil- minor pneumatization of the sinus. CBCT evalu-
ity of bruxism was taken into consideration, once ation showed adequate bone to place three axial
he had multiple breakage of the temporary during and two tilted implants in the upper arch
the healing phase. (Fig. 8.25i). The lower arch required three
A 65-year-old male patient reported to the implants.
practice. He had been wearing a cast partial den- The tilted implant protocol was followed and
ture since a few years and was looking for a fixed the lower implants were placed in the same surgi-
option. cal appointment. Long, wide implants were
Extra-oral examination in the frontal view placed to ensure high primary stability. Open tray
showed that the patient’s horizontal reference impressions were made on the multi-unit abut-
lines (the eyebrow line, the inter pupillary line, ments (MUAs), and a lab fabricated temporary
and the commissural line) were almost parallel to with PMMA was fabricated. Adequate thickness
each other and the patient had a straight facial of provisional was kept to avoid fractures in the
midline. Because of the extremely low lip line, it healing period. The pickup technique was used to
could not be ascertained if both facial and dental ensure passivity. The one screw test was positive
midline coincided (Fig. 8.25a, b). (Fig. 8.25j–m). The lower arch was restored with
His sagittal view showed a very minor con- partial denture with soft liner over the implants to
cave profile (Fig. 8.25c). restore function and maintain the posterior sup-
His vertical dimension was maintained due to port in the interim healing period.
the cast partial denture (Fig. 8.25d). On ­palpation, The patient was asymptomatic for a period of
the muscles of mastication were not sore. The 4 weeks. He then reported with a single tooth
patient did not complain of any joint discomfort. being dislodged to the office which was easily
However, the patient considered himself as hav- attached on the temporary. The occlusion was re-­
ing a stress taking mentality. He however admit- verified to rule out any heavy occlusal contact
ted of grinding not during the examination phase point on the said tooth. Anticipating that the
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 187

a b c

d e

f g

h i

Fig. 8.25 (a) Facial midline. (b) Harmony of horizontal temporary. (p) Digital impression. (q) Bite registered
reference planes. (c) Concave profile. (d) Vertical digitally. (r) Verification jig. (s) Teeth setting trial. (t)
dimension-­maintained. (e) Low and asymmetric lip line. Second PMMA temporary fractured. (u) PMMA trial. (v)
(f) Minimal horizontal resorption. (g) Few teeth remain- One screw test on PMMA. (w) Metal trial with hybrid
ing. (h) Minor wear on anterior teeth. (i) Radiographic design. (x) One screw test on metal trial. (y) Milled tita-
evaluation. (j) Tilted implant with MUA. (k) Lab fabri- nium framework with individual zirconia crowns. (z)
cated PMMA. (l) Implants placed. (m) Temporary pros- Milled titanium framework with individual zirconia
thesis. (n) Temporary fractured. (o) Old cast to make crowns
188 B. H. Birdi et al.

j k

l m

n o

Fig. 8.25 (continued)

8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 189

q r

s t

v w

Fig. 8.25 (continued)

190 B. H. Birdi et al.

x y

Fig. 8.25 (continued)

patient may have higher occlusal forces, a night PMMA trial was done and verified for aesthetics,
guard was fabricated at this stage and delivered to function, phonetics, and passivity (Fig. 8.25u, v).
the patient. Once the PMMA trial was done, the same PMMA
The patient then reported to the office after trial was given as a third provisional to the
4 weeks after the first incident with a broken tem- patient.
porary in the midline (Fig. 8.25n). A new tempo- Milled titanium framework with provisions
rary was made at this stage using the older cast for individual zirconia crowns was fabricated.
that was preserved in the office (Fig. 8.25o). The passivity was verified again with one screw
The patient was kept on the temporary for test (Fig. 8.25w, x). A full zirconia monolithic
another 3 weeks. The patient had no complaints design was avoided to prevent the chances of
at this stage, and the fabrication of final prosthe- fracture of the final prosthesis as higher occlusal
sis was commenced at this stage using the digital bite forces was anticipated in this case.
protocol. Digital impression was made with scan The final prosthesis with individual zirconia
bodies on MUAs (Fig. 8.25p). Despite the digital crowns was fabricated. The crowns were luted on
protocol, a model was printed and a verification the framework by the lab as all the access holes
jig was made to verify the impression (Fig. 8.25r). were palatal and occlusal (Fig. 8.25y, z). The
Since the occlusion was correct, the bite was also design chosen provided both aesthetics and long-­
recorded digitally (Fig. 8.25q). Teeth setting trial term favourable biomechanical prognosis for this
was done as the patient wants some minor case.
changes in the aesthetics (Fig. 8.25s). The prosthesis was verified for passivity and
At this stage, the patient again reported to the occlusion. Mutually protective occlusal scheme
office with the second fractured temporary was used for the final prosthesis (Fig. 8.26a–e).
(Fig. 8.25t). Considering that either the patient is a bruxer
The old temporary was not repaired, as the or has heavy occlusal bite forces, biomechanical
fabrication of the final prosthesis was being done. principles were taken into consideration while
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 191

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 8.26 (a) Passivity of prosthesis. (b) Maximum intercuspation. (c) Protrusion. (d) Lateral excursions. (e) Acceptable
aesthetics. (f) Minimal cantilever. (g) Hard nightguard

fabricating the final prosthesis. No excessive can- 8.14 Smoking

tilevers were given and a milled passive prosthe-
sis was delivered (Fig. 8.26f). A hard night guard Smoking is one of the risk factors for placing den-
was fabricated to avoid future excessive loads on tal implants. Most of the studies on immediate
the implants (Fig. 8.26g). loading tend to exclude patients who are smok-
ers. Lower success rates are reported in smokers
192 B. H. Birdi et al.

than in non-smokers [177]. The rate of failures is immediate loading can be done predictably in
four times higher in patients who smoke more heavy smokers, provided certain criteria are met.
than 20 cigarettes daily [178]. A study shows that immediate loading in edentu-
Smoking negatively affects bone metabolism lous arches of heavy smokers seems successful
by impeding normal function and proliferation of when the primary implant stability is high, full-­
the alveolar bone marrow mesenchymal stem arch splinting is secure, and also, a soft diet mini-
cells. A study by Zhao et al. revealed that these mizes the initial forces [185].
changes were also correlated with osseointegra- Of course, these patients should be made
tion disturbances and reduced implant stability aware of the possible risks involved, including
among smokers from the third to sixth week after chances of infection, delayed healing, and loss of
surgery [179]. the implant. If possible, the patient should be
advised to stop smoking 2 weeks before and
4–6 weeks after the surgery, which could help in
8.14.1 What Are the Problems the early healing period and reduce the failure
of Doing Immediate Loading chances. The study mentioned earlier [185] also
in a Smoker? concluded that better results are obtained if the
abutment implant connection is not removed.
As discussed, one of the essential criteria for Using MUAs would significantly help in such a
immediate loading is high primary stability or scenario.
insertion torque. The implants are loaded within
1 week under physiological loads to keep the
micro-movements below the threshold of 8.15 Case Report
150 μm—the higher the primary stability, the
lesser the micro-motions. However, as described The following case shows the management of a
by Raghvendra et al. [180], there is a dip in the case of a heavy smoker (15–20 cigarettes a day)
primary stability between the second and fifth with the immediate loading protocol.
week, supported by other studies [181–183]. A 48-year-old male patient reported to the
However, the problem with smokers is that the practice. He complained of pain and mobility of
trough span (dip in stability) for the non-smoker teeth and wanted a fixed replacement option.
group was relatively shorter, lasting for only Extraoral examination in the frontal view
1 week, whereas that for the heavy smoker group showed that the patient’s horizontal reference
lasted for approximately 10 weeks [184]. Longer lines (the eyebrow line, the inter pupillary line,
trough spans mean more micro-movements, and the commissural line) were parallel to each
which could lead to failure in immediate loading other and the patient’s dental and facial midline
protocols. coincided (Fig. 8.27a, b).
The sagittal view showed a straight profile
with no loss of lip support (Fig. 8.27c). His verti-
8.14.2 Can We Perform Immediate cal dimension seemed to be maintained. The
Loading in Smokers? patient had an average lip line with 3–4 mm of
teeth visible, although the maxillary incisal edge
Although multiple studies recommend against position seemed to be shifted coronally
placing implants in smokers, some suggest (Fig. 8.27d).

Fig. 8.27 (a) Facial and dental midline coinciding. (b) Harmony in all three horizontal lines. (c) Straight sagittal pro-
file. (d) Maxillary incisal edge shifted. (e, f) Terminal dentition. (g) Radiographic evaluation. (h) Maxillary flap raise.
(i) Implants placed. (j) Pickup technique, passivity ensured. (k) Implant level open-tray impression. (l) MUA level
open-tray impression. (m) Jig trial—upper. (n) Jig trial—lower. (o) Jaw relation. (p) Teeth setting trial. (q) PMMA trial.
(r) PMMA trial. (s, t) Milled titanium framework with individual zirconia crowns. (u, v) Maximum intercuspation. (w)
Protrusion. (x) Lateral excursion. (y, z) Oral hygiene instructions
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 193

a b c

d e

f g

h i

j k
194 B. H. Birdi et al.

l m

n o

p q

r s

Fig. 8.27 (continued)

Intraoral examination showed aggressive peri- The patient was asked to stop or reduce smoking
odontitis with grade III mobility in almost the for 2 weeks before the surgery (Fig. 8.27e, f).
entire dentition. The occlusal plane was not nor- Radiographic evaluation showed there was
mal with migration of various teeth. Oral prophy- minor pneumatization of the sinus. CBCT evalu-
laxis was done with antibiotic prophylaxis for a ation showed severe atrophy but adequate bone to
period of 5 days before the surgery. This ensured place three axial and two tilted implants in the
reduction in inflammation during the procedure.
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 195

t u

v w

x y

Fig. 8.27 (continued)

maxillary arch. The mandibular arch required axial implants were placed in the mandibular jaw.
axial implants placement (Fig. 8.27g). Long, wide implants were placed to ensure high
The flap was raised and the tilted implant pro- primary stability (Fig. 8.27h, i).
tocol was followed for the maxillary arch, and
196 B. H. Birdi et al.

Open tray impressions were made and a lab-­ 8.16 Clinician Related
fabricated acrylic temporaries were fabricated for
both the jaws. Adequate thickness of provisional Immediate loading protocol is an advanced surgi-
was kept to avoid fractures in the healing period. cal and prosthetic modality of treatment that a
The pick-up technique was used to ensure passiv- clinician can offer a patient. This involves a num-
ity. The one screw test was positive (Fig. 8.27j). ber of factors that come into play right from cor-
The patient was given hygiene and diet rect case selection, surgical and prosthetic
instructions and was asked to be on soft diet. The planning to their correct execution. The entire
patient was asked to avoid smoking for the next modality can be stressful (especially if done in
4–6 weeks. The patient followed the instructions the free hand approach) for both the patient and
and had uneventful healing. The process for final the clinician.
restoration was started after 4 months. The It has been in author’s experience that imme-
extended healing period was decided considering diate loading protocol should be attempted by
that the patient was a smoker. clinician who is a bit experienced as there is a
Open tray impressions were made (Fig. 8.27k, learning curve to these procedures. This is sup-
l) and jig trials for both the arches were done ported by studies that show that there is a strong
(Fig. 8.27m, n). correlation between experience of the surgeon
Jaw relation and teeth setting trial were con- and the success of the procedure [158, 185].
ducted (Fig. 8.27o, p). An inexperienced surgeon may not be able to
This was followed by PMMA trial. Once pas- get high stability especially in the maxilla, may
sivity was ensured, all the corrections needed not create adequate restorative space, may end up
were communicated to the lab (Fig. 8.27q, r). perforating the buccal plate, and lastly may not
Milled titanium framework with provisions get passivity of the framework. Unlike in the con-
for individual zirconia crowns was fabricated. ventional approach, where the implants can be
The passivity was verified again with one screw submerged, that freedom is not available in the
test (Fig. 8.27s, t). immediate loading protocols. This can lead to
Mutually protected occlusal scheme was severe embarrassment for the clinician if he fails
designed (Fig. 8.27u–x). to deliver to the patient what was initially
Oral hygiene instructions were given to the promised.
patient to avoid chances of peri-implantitis, Lastly, early failures in the protocol in the ini-
because not only was the patient a smoker but tial few cases may dishearten the clinician who
also had aggressive periodontitis as the causative may stop adopting this technique completely,
factors for loss of dentition in first place depriving his patients from such a life-changing
(Fig. 8.27y, z). treatment modality.
Stable bone levels were observed during the
delivery of the final prosthesis (Fig. 8.28).
8.17 Conclusion

The biomechanical aspects of full-arch rehabili-

tation utilizing an immediately loading protocol
are multi-faceted with many dynamic parts to
consider. Careful planning and the amalgamation
of surgical and restorative therapies is essential.
However, it must be emphasized that this proce-
dure, as with all implant therapy, is a restoratively
driven treatment modality. Thus, restorative plan-
Fig. 8.28 Stable bone levels
8 Scientific Basis of Immediate Loading and the Biomechanics of Graftless Solutions 197

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FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating
the Edentulous Patient
with Implant-Supported

Martin Wanendeya and Saj Jivraj

Abstract 9.1 What Is an FP1?

Treatment planning of edentulous patients
with fixed restorations on dental implants has More and more patients are seeking full-arch
undergone a paradigm shift since the introduc- solutions due to a combination of factors. These
tion of graftless solutions. Minimally invasive include an ageing population whose dentitions
full-arch implant dentistry adheres to concept are failing and needing replacement; an aware-
of preserving and maintaining bone. Full-arch ness by both dentists and patients of the option to
solutions should not adhere to a specific phi- have fixed teeth as opposed to dentures; and den-
losophy but rather to the defect the patient tal implant companies marketing full-arch solu-
presents with. The patient may be missing tions to dentists and sometimes to patients
teeth, gingiva, or bone, or all. Based on the directly.
defect, the clinician will plan the appropriate However, in all the marketing and training
type of restoration. This chapter will discuss available, the main solution that is featured is an
digital and analogue workflows for full-arch FP3 solution.
implant rehabilitation where the patient pres- Carl Misch [1] first proposed the classification
ents with teeth or presents with very minimal system that we use today to classify the pink and
resorption. white balance for partial and full-arch implant-­
supported restorations.
Misch proposed three groups: FP1, FP2, and
FP3. FP1 is the replacement of only the white tis-
sues, i.e., only the teeth, in the implant restora-
tion. FP2 replaces the crown and a portion of the
root with white material and very little (if any)
pink. FP3 is the prosthetic replacement of both
the pink and white tissue, i.e., the teeth and the
gums, when providing an implant restoration
(Fig. 9.1).
In this chapter we will be focusing on the FP1
M. Wanendeya (*)
Ten Dental, London, UK
approach to full-arch implant dentistry.
S. Jivraj
Anacapa Dental Art Institute, Oxnard, CA, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 205
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
206 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

FP-1 FP-2 FP-3

12 mm 12 mm

4 mm 18 mm 4 mm 18 mm
10 mm 10 mm

FP-1 FP-2 FP-3

Fig. 9.1 Misch Classification

One of the questions that is often asked is how FP3 solutions. This is not helped by a perception
to assess an individual patient and decide on within the profession that:
whether the most appropriate method of replace-
ment is FP1 or FP3. It is important to recognise that 1. Very few patients are suitable for an FP1
the FP1 classification is a prosthetic classification restoration.
and implant dentistry is a prosthetically guided dis- 2. FP1 is difficult to conduct.
cipline where we begin with the end in mind. 3. FP1 requires extensive hard and soft tissue
Something that has changed in recent years reconstruction.
regarding the provision of full-arch implantology 4. FP1 is not stable due to soft tissue recession.
is what clinicians are replacing. Traditionally, it
was dentures being replaced, as well as terminal It is, therefore, important for practitioners to
dentitions where dentures and implants were the be able to accurately assess whether a case is
only solution available. suitable for FP1 restoration.
Today, there is far more data about the success
rates of implants [2] and therefore more options
available to the professional team. Now, there 9.1.1 Stage 1: Data Capture
must be a discussion with the patient regarding
whether it is prudent to keep terminal teeth until An FP1 case should be planned in the same way
they have lost all their supporting hard and soft that all full-arch treatments are planned—using a
tissue structures or use the remaining bone for facially driven approach. Only once the facially
implant placement. Opting for implant treatment guided wax up is produced should the type of res-
at this slightly earlier stage often allows an easier toration (FP1 or FP3) be determined.
transition to an implant supported prosthesis, Facially driven planning [3] uses both photo-
known to some as the “tertiary dentition”. graphs and video clips to look at the position of
In addition, many patients have had extensive the three components of a patient’s smile [4]
crown and bridgework in the past, so as this starts (Fig. 9.2a–c):
to fail, it is important for the clinician to decide
the best time for and type of intervention. • The teeth.
As stated, many of the solutions and the • The lip framework.
courses currently available to dentists focus on • The gingival scaffold.
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 207

a b c

Fig. 9.2 Smile photo showing lips, teeth, and gingival margins. (c) Smile photo showing lips, teeth, and gingival
margins. (a) Smile photo showing lips, teeth, and gingival margins
margins. (b) Smile photo showing lips, teeth, and gingival

Fig. 9.3 Extra oral

photos with the RAW

With this information in mind, a diagnostic treatment planning. This requires the following
wax-up can be proposed with the teeth in the images:
ideal position, using guidelines that were origi-
nally designed for denture tooth setup [3, 5]. 1. Facial photographs should include images of
It is important that the photographs show [7]:
the patient smiling, with lips at rest as well as (a) Full face lateral with patient lips at rest.
with maximum lip movement. Some patients (b) Full face lateral with patient smiling.
will naturally resist showing their full smile, (c) Full face lateral with patient laughing/
and in these cases, video can be used to docu- grimacing.
ment the full range of lip movement. On some (d) Close-up frontal smiling.
patients, there can be up to 2.5 mm more tooth (e) Close-up lateral with patient smiling
display during a video, when they are not con- (Fig. 9.4).
sciously restricting their lip movement [6] 2. Intraoral photographs should include:
(Fig. 9.3). (a) Upper teeth only with contrastor in place.
There are several factors that one can use to (b) Upper and lower occlusal photographs.
guide the decision-making process when estab- (c) Lateral photographs showing the left and
lishing if a patient is suitable for an FP1 right occlusion.
­prosthesis. To ensure all areas are sufficiently 3. An OPG radiograph.
covered, it’s important to carefully gather the 4. Intraoral scan or impression.
required information for accurate diagnosis and 5. Cone beam CT scan.
208 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Fig. 9.4 Extra oral photos with the RAW protocol. (a) Extra oral photos with the RAW protocol. (b) Intraoral lateral
photo. (c) Lateral intra-oral view of presenting situation. (d) Smile photo. (e) Upper and lower occlusal photos
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 209

Fig. 9.4 (continued)

9.1.2 Stage 2: Facially Driven Digital the market that facilitate this process, which
Wax-Up include, but are not limited to, Smilecould,
Digital Smile Design Lab, 3Shape Smile Design,
This information is then refined and used to cre- Exocad, and Meshmixer.
ate a facially driven, digital wax-up [3]. As part The steps from here are as follows
of this process, the following lines and curves (Fig. 9.7a, b):
should be drawn on the facial photograph to
determine the position of the teeth, starting with • Begin with an STL of the starting position of
the central incisors (Fig. 9.5a–d): the teeth.
• Superimpose the two-dimensional ideal tooth
1. The interpupillary line. shapes onto a two-dimensional version of this
2. The midline. STL.
3. The smile curve. • Use the two-dimensional tooth shapes to posi-
tion three-dimensional teeth onto the original
From these lines the smile is evaluated and the STL.
ideal tooth position determined, starting with the • Copy and modify any functional aspects as
position of the central incisors [8]. The rest of the needed, increasing the vertical dimension if
tooth shapes can be designed from here using the required.
golden proportion [9], and the rest of the tooth • Make a new wax-up where the gingival mar-
shapes can be drawn, again guided by the facial gins and incisal edges of the proposed teeth
features (Fig. 9.6a, b). can be seen separately without the palate
Using the proposed tooth shapes and facial present.
photographs, a digital wax-up should be pro- • Consider whether the papilla is curved [10]
duced. There are several software packages on and if the positions of the papilla in the arch
210 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

a b c

Fig. 9.5 (a) Upper arch photo with contrastor. (b) Interpupillary line. (c) Midline and interpupillary line. (d) Smile
curve, midline, and interpupillary line

a b

Fig. 9.6 (a) Tooth proportions, arch form, smile curve, midline and interpupillary line. (b) Midline, smile curve, and
central incisor tooth forms in place

Fig. 9.7 Midline, smile curve, and upper tooth forms incisors in place
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 211

are ideal. Some software packages, such as Choosing Individual Implant
Smilecloud (Dentcof, Romania), allow the Positions
papilla levels to be raised and lowered on the When planning for the three-dimensional implant
teeth, meaning these can be tailored to each placement, one needs to ensure the correct emer-
individual case. gence profile for each tooth. This is achieved by
considering the multi-unit abutment as part of the
Once the facially driven wax-up has been gen- emergence profile shape. The implant depth is
erated, the next stage of the diagnostic process vital to allow the correct emergence profile, as
can begin. well as the correct critical and subcritical con-
tours [13–15], so this must be incorporated within
the planning stage (Fig. 9.8a, b).
9.1.3 Stage 3: Superimposition To ensure the correct emergence profile, the
of the Initial Situation, gingival margin of the proposed tooth needs to
the Digital Wax-Up, be 2–3 mm above the collar of the abutment.
and the CT Scan The abutment should ideally have a concave
profile from the implant with adequate room
The final steps to confirm the restorative design for soft tissue, and this tends to be achieved
involve superimposition of these three elements with abutment collar heights of 2 mm or more.
to check the position of the proposed gingival So, depending on the system used and the abut-
margin and the bone. This process has been ment selected, the implant head will be 5 mm
described by several authors for single teeth [11] below the gingival margin on the proposed
and multiple teeth [12]. tooth. If this height is less, the emergence of
The process involves looking at the relation- the abutment tooth will need to be more acute
ship of the bone to the gingival margin of the pro- (Fig. 9.9).
posed tooth and checking the distance in both the The width of the proposed multi-unit abutment
buccal and apical dimensions. should also be a taken into consideration—software
The planning is then broken down into three that allows the clinician to see both the implant and
steps: abutment position are helpful for this. A very wide
abutment will make it difficult to create the emer-
1. Choosing individual implant positions. gence profile of a narrow tooth. However, if only a
2. Evaluating pontic sites. wider multi-unit abutment (greater than 4.5 mm) is
3. An overall view of the case. available to the clinician, the implants should be

a b

Fig. 9.8 (a) Smilecloud view showing smile curve and tooth form. (b) Simplant view with implants, abutments
212 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Emergence angle around

Emergence angle less than
45 degrees. Low risk of
45 degrees. Risk of food Ideal emergence angle for soft Ideal emergence angle. This
food impaction. It may be
impaction. Implant should tissue volume around the implant implant maybe a little deeper
more difficult to get ideal
be placed deeper to avoid and aesthetics and that the ideal position, but is still
anterior aesthetics due to
this restorable with good aesthetics
lack of soft tissue space

Fig. 9.9 Abutment height and emergence profile

4.8 mm
a b
Ø 3.6 mm

23 2.5


6.2 mm
5 mm

1.5 mm
4.0 mm

Fig. 9.10 (a) Narrow and wide multi-unit abutments> uni-abutment and multi-base abutments (Dentsply Sirona,
Charlotte NC, USA. (b) Narrow multiunit abutments (Neodent)

ideally positioned to avoid narrow teeth such as lat- that there should be no more than a 1-unit poste-
eral incisors and small premolars (Fig. 9.10). rior cantilever. This, along with the bone avail-
Depending on the material being considered ability, bone anatomy, and opposing dentitions,
for the final bridge, the distance between implants will guide the practitioner as to where the ideal
needs to be optimised too. implant positions within the arch should be.
For instance, when using a monolithic zirco- Due to anatomical constraints, if the
nia final bridge, manufacturer guidelines [16] implants can only be positioned in sites to be
for many materials state that there should be no restored using a bridge with larger abutment
more than two pontics between abutments and span, a titanium-­reinforced zirconia bridge can
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 213

Fig. 9.11 (a) Metal

reinforcement for final a b
bridge. (b) Metal
reinforcement for final
bridge. Prosthetic shell
for WeldOne protocol

be used in this case, as the titanium will pro- changes in volume that will occur without any
vide adequate support for the zirconia intervention:
(Fig. 9.11a, b).
• Is there adequate hard tissue following implant Evaluating Pontic Sites placement to maintain aesthetics?
Pontics are an important part of the biology and • Is there adequate hard tissue for an aesthetic
aesthetics of a case and should not be ignored. In and self-cleansing pontic site?
planning the pontic, a distance of 4 mm [17] from • Is there adequate soft tissue for aesthetics after
the gingival margin to the bone is considered implant placement?
ideal to allow adequate soft tissue to form • Is there adequate soft tissue for pontic
between the pontic and the bone. aesthetics? An Overall View of the Case On each implant and pontic site, decisions
In order to evaluate the access options and there- will need to be made and strategies implemented
fore the feasibility of an FP1 prosthesis, the clini- to either:
cian must bear in mind that a minimum of four
and maximum of eight implants are needed—and 1. Maintain the current hard and soft tissue vol-
each implant site and pontic site need to be ume around extraction sockets.
assessed individually. 2. Augment the soft tissue around pontic sites.
At the end of this process, an overview of the 3. Manipulate and augment the soft tissue, and
case with implant positions, pontic sites, and suture this around the prosthesis at either the
both the provisional and final bridge size should implant or pontic site.
be planned. 4. Augment any hard tissue. Maintain the Current Hard

9.1.4 Stage 4: Periodontal and Soft Tissue in an Extraction
and Prosthetic Planning Socket
There are three methods that can be used in an
Once the implant positions are decided, each extraction socket to maintain the buccal volume
implant and pontic sites need to be optimised. following extraction:
The clinician must bear in mind that after extrac-
tion, the hard and soft tissue around the extrac- 1. Combination therapy [19]—where a connective
tion socket will remodel [18], and where the tissue graft is used in conjunction with biomate-
aesthetics outcome is critical, some form of pres- rials within the socket to maintain volume.
ervation or augmentation procedure will be 2. Partial extraction therapy [20]—the most well-
needed. known variant is socket shield where a small
Healed sites and extraction sockets need to be portion of the buccal root is left in place after
evaluated while bearing in mind the inevitable extraction to maintain the buccal bundle bone.
214 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

3. Immediate dentoalveolar restoration [21]— often be the palate and the tuberosity.
where tuberosity bone and soft tissue can be Occasionally, the ramus can be used instead.
used to preserve alveolar bone, as well as If, after the assessment, there are too many
repair larger bone and smaller soft tissue areas with defects that cannot be augmented or
defects at the time of implant placement. sites that cannot be preserved to give an aesthetic
4. The IVAN [22] technique—which can be used result, then the adoption of an FP3 approach—
to repair single-site hard and soft tissue defects. with the necessary amount of bone removal—
may give a more predictable aesthetic result for Augment the Soft Tissue the patient.
around Pontic Sites An FP1 implant bridge is indicated where
There are many different methods of soft tissue there are four to six implant sites, adequate soft
augmentation, and this has been the subject of tissue for augmentation, and a likely aesthetic
many books, lectures, and manuals, especially outcome. In this situation, the next stages of plan-
when studied concomitant with immediate load- ning should begin.
ing. These concepts include:

1. The Vista [23] technique, which can be used 9.1.5 Stage 5: Implant Planning
to tunnel soft tissue into pontic areas to
increase the width and, to a limited extent, the Once a treatment plan has been determined,
height of soft tissue. including the implant positions and the treatment
2. If a flap is raised, a connective tissue graft can of each implant and pontic site, the next stage is
be placed on the inside aspect of the flap in to intimately intertwine the FP1 process. This
order to increase the width at the pontic site. involves: Augment the Hard Tissue 1. Placing the implants accurately.

In sites where no implants are being placed, many 2. Making a provisional restoration.
methods of bone augmentation are possible with
either particulate and autogenous bone, or combi- There are many methods that can be used for
nations of these with or without resorbable mem- this, and for the purpose of this textbook we will
branes (which provide varying resorption times). focus on two (Fig. 9.12a, b): Manipulate and Augment 1. The multifunctional guide [25].

the Soft Tissue to the Prosthesis 2. The WeldOne Shell [26].
at Either the Implant or
Pontic Site Both of these methods of transfer are made in
This technique fabricates the ideal contours on the shape of the facially driven wax-up. The tooth
the provisional restoration prior to surgery and position, shape, and occlusion are then trans-
then during surgery by adapting the soft tissue ferred from the wax-up to the provisional
contour to the provisional restoration with restoration.
sutures. Pozzi et al. [24] used a xerographic col-
lagen matrix in their description of the digitally The Multifunctional Guide
assisted soft tissue (DASS) technique, but the The multifunctional or Galluci guide, as described
authors’ preferences were to use a connective tis- in his article, allows the fabrication of a guide
sue graft in a technique described by Carvalho as that functions as:
“prosthetically guided healing”.
As part of this assessment, different donor 1. A surgical guide to allow implant placement
sites can be considered—the most useful will within the prosthetic envelope.
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 215

a b

Fig. 9.12 (a) Multifunctional guide. (b) Multifunctional guide

a Ideal pontic shape to adapt the soft tissue around b

Correct interproximal contours
Hole to aid implant position
Palatal rest so that the guide can be positioned correctly

Correct pontic design

Palatal rest so that the guide
can be positioned correctly

c d

Diagnostic wax up Diagnostic wax up

Multifunctional guide Multifunctional guide

Fig. 9.13 (a) Multifunctional guide. (b) Multifunctional guide. (c) Multifunctional guide and diagnostic wax-up. (d)
Multifunctional guide and diagnostic wax-up

2. A surgical guide to allow placement of the multifunctional guide is then picked up in the
implant at the correct depth, considering the mouth and adapted to make a provisional restora-
multi-unit abutment. tion. During this process, a steel or titanium wire
3. A guide to look at the soft tissue profiles of is placed into the prosthesis to reinforce it.
the pontic sites and allow planning of any
hard or soft tissue augmentation procedures. Pontic Design
for the Multifunctional Guide
The emergence profiles of the pontic are built Many authors have proposed different pontic
into the Gallucci guide to allow the correct pros- designs. To achieve a truly cleansable and aes-
thetic profile for the pontic, resulting in a multi- thetic provisional and final bridge, an ovate pon-
functional guide. tic design should be used. The pontics are
This performs as both a surgical guide and a designed in the Gallucci guide to ensure the ideal
basis for the provisional prosthesis. Once the contour for hard tissue to adapt to and soft tissue
implants are placed, abutments are selected and to be sutured around the provisional restoration
placed, and temporary cylinders are attached, the (Fig. 9.13a, b).
216 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Tooth shape and Prosthetic space for Prosthetic space for

a gingival margin follow the wire reinforcement b Intra Orally welded
wire reinforcement
the wire reinforcement
the diagnostic wax up

Fig. 9.14 (a) Prosthetic shell. (b) Prosthetic shell and welded framework The WeldOne Shell Guided Surgery

This approach was developed by Marco Degidi Guided surgery can be used to place the
and Paulo Malo, who pre-fabricated a composite implants, and studies show that implants placed
shell restoration (using Bredent composite) using a tooth supported guide can be placed to
which was adapted at the time of surgery. within 0.22 ± 0.07 mm (with a 2 mm sleeve to
With digital technology, a composite shell bone distance) of the planned implant position
(NextDent) can be designed and printed based on [27]. The advantage of using a guide is that the
the diagnostic wax-up. This shell is used to trans- clinician can get closer to the ideal implant
fer the shape and level of the gingival margins of position that has been planned with the abut-
all the teeth from the wax-up, as well as the occlu- ment in mind. Pilot guides offer an alternative
sal contacts that have been designed (Fig. 9.14). that still allows the clinician to control the ini-
When using this method, implants are placed tial osteotomy and then complete the drilling
either freehand or using a separate guide, and protocol and the implant placement with
once the abutments are placed, a specially precision.
designed cylinder is fitted onto these. This cylin-
der is thicker than most multi-unit temporary cyl- Stackable Guides
inders to allow it to resist the pressure and Stackable guides allow the use of two or more
temperature generated by resistance welding. A guides, fabricated using the same planning soft-
titanium wire is bent to allow contact with mul- ware and implemented with pins, screws, or
tiple welding cylinders, and this wire is then sometimes magnets to transfer information from
welded intraorally using resistance welding. The one stage to another. These fixation/pins/mag-
framework is then sandblasted, anodised, primed, nets sometimes require a separate guide [28].
and picked up in the composite shell with dual-­ The different guides may include (Fig. 9.15a, b):
cure composite. The emergence profiles of both
the abutments and pontic sites are fabricated by • A “surgical” guide is supported by either the
the dental technician. teeth or mucosa and is used to place implants.
The main differences between the two tech- • A “bone reduction” guide can be used to shape
niques are as follows. the osseous anatomy.
• A “prosthetic” guide can be used to position
the provisional prosthesis in the correct posi-
guide WeldOne Shell
Pontics fabricated before Pontics fabricated after tion before pickup.
surgery pick up
Reinforcement wire not Reinforcement wire Freehand Placement
attached to the cylinders attached to the cylinders Freehand placement is possible. If the hard and
Occlusal anatomy removed Occlusal anatomy soft tissue contours of the socket match the con-
during wire placement maintained
tours of the proposed provisional restoration, the
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 217

a b

Fig. 9.15 (a) Stack guide from Pinaud Planification. (b) Stack Guide from SMOP

The patient should be placed on a soft diet for

12 weeks post-surgery, provided with a bite guard
for the opposing arch and reviewed after 2 weeks.
Any non-resorbable sutures should be removed at
this point. Any resorbable sutures can be left in
place for a longer period and removed as needed.

9.1.6 Stage 6: Fabricating the Final

Restoration The Digital Workflow

The fabrication of the final restoration can be
Fig. 9.16 Implant position showing prosthesis, place- completed using both analogue and digital work-
ment depth, and multiunit abutment flows. This technique works best with a well-­
adjusted provisional restoration that has been
ideal position and depth of the implant are easier aesthetically and functionally tested and approved
to visualise (Fig. 9.16). by the patient. If this is not the case, a second
It is important to remember that the implant provisional restoration will be needed with any
will need to be placed 5 mm (depending on the changes made, and only once this has been
abutment height) below the gingival margin of approved should the final restoration be fabri-
the proposed tooth to allow an ideal emergence cated using the triple-scan technique and digital
profile. workflow.
The digital workflow is often utilised over Fabrication of the Provisional three separate appointments:
The fabrication method of the provisional resto- 1. Digital impression using the triple-scan
ration when using a Gallucci guide or WeldOne technique.
Shell has been described in the paragraphs pre- 2. Try-in and verification.
ceding this. 3. Fit final prosthesis.
The occlusal principles that are used for other
methods of full-arch restoration are the same as Appointment 1: Digital Impression Using
for an FP1 prosthesis. the Triple-Scan Technique
The occlusal scheme used in all full-arch res- The triple-scan technique involves taking three
torations should ensure even contact in centric scans and using digital technology to marry them
relation (CR) and posterior disclusion on lateral up in the software. The workflow is different for
guidance. the various brands of scanner, but the principle is
218 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

the same. This technique has been described in This CAD and then CAM process may mean
the literature [29] (Fig. 9.17a–c): that the try-in is bulkier in some areas than the
provisional restoration. It is important at this
1. Scan the prosthesis in the mouth, the oppos- stage for the patient to test the try-in and the den-
ing arch, and the bite. tist to assess all aspects.
2. Connect scan bodies to the abutments and
scan the scan bodies. Appointment 2: Try-in and Verification
3. Scan the prosthesis outside the mouth, espe- From the information that has been sent to the
cially the fit surface so that the emergence laboratory, the dental technician will design and
profiles and pontic shapes can be copied from manufacture the following:
the provisional to the final restoration.
1. Digital model with analogue models.
When these three scans are combined, they 2. Printed/milled PMMA try-in with link
give the essential information needed to move abutments.
onto the next stages. These involve working on: 3. A printed verification device.

• The shape of the prosthesis including tooth During the next appointment, the provisional
shapes, tooth positions, pontic shapes, and the restoration should be removed and the PMMA
emergence profile. try-in placed in the mouth so the fit and occlu-
• The vertical dimension and opposing arch. sion can be assessed. If the thickness of the res-
• The abutment positions. toration has increased between the provisional
and the try-in, then phonetics should be checked
The next stage of this workflow is to make a as well.
try-in and to verify the digital information. A try- It is important that the pontic sites engage the
­in is needed as the information from the initial soft tissue in a way that creates a mucosal seal
scan is merged within the software and this can and prevents food impaction in these areas. If
lead to positional changes. there are pontic sites where there is no engage-
Another reason that the design may need to ment between the try-in and the soft tissue, com-
change between the provisional and the final res- posite should be added to engage the soft tissue
toration is due to the material choice for the final in these areas and create a mucosal seal.
prosthetic. The dental technician may need to The quality and accuracy of the digital model
make minor changes during the CAD process, may vary from laboratory to laboratory for many
and these changes may have aesthetic and func- reasons [30], so it is important to check the preci-
tional implications. sion of the model each time.
If monolithic zirconia is being used for the This can be done in two ways (Fig. 9.18a, b):
final restoration, the design parameters, including
the minimum layer and connector thickness [16], 1. Pickup method.
need to be incorporated into the PMMA try-in. 2. Printed verification jig.

a b c

Fig. 9.17 (a) Scan of the provisional restoration. (b) Elos scan bodies in place. (c) Scan of the provisional restoration
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 219

a b

Fig. 9.18 (a) 3D-printed verification device. (b) 3D-printed verification device linked with composite

a b

Fig. 9.19 (a) Temporary cylinders in place over abutments. (b) 3D verification jig picked up

a b c

Fig. 9.20 (a) 3D verification poured into stone index. (b) Stone index. (c) Final bridge verified on stone index

Pickup Method 2. If the printed model is not accurate, one or

The first method [31] involves using a printed more of the analogue teeth can be reposi-
verification device that has a small amount of tioned in the model to make this accurate.
space to accommodate the multi-unit pickup 3. A plaster cast can be poured with analogue
­cylinders. These are attached in the mouth as the teeth in place from the verification device, and
device is placed and everything is picked up with this can be used as the working cast. This can
dual-cure composite or pattern resin (Figs. 9.19a, be scanned and incorporated into the CAD for
b and 9.20a–c). the design of the final bridge.
This device can be used in several ways:
Printed Verification Jig
1. To verify the accuracy of the printed model in Sinada and Papaspyridakos [33] describe a
one of the clinically accepted ways [32]. method where a digitally designed and milled
220 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

PMMA jig is made using data acquired from From these impressions the laboratory will
photogrammetry. This is designed to fit directly then produce:
onto the multi-unit abutments and assessed with a
screw resistance test, before a stone index is cast. 1. Mounted upper and lower models in
The final prosthesis is cemented to link abut- occlusion.
ments on this stone index. 2. Screw-retained bite block to record the verti-
It is necessary to note that there is still some cal dimension. The vertical dimension from
debate about the accuracy of digital impressions the existing prosthesis can be copied if the
from an intraoral scanner for full-arch implant mounted models are cross-mounted before
dentistry [34]. Some of the more recent papers the screw-retained bite block is made.
have concluded that the accuracy of full-arch 3. An unsplinted verification jig.
digital impressions taken with an IOS is within a
clinically acceptable range [35]. However, not all At the second appointment, the dentist will
the reviews in the literature support this conclu- then:
sion, and not all the intraoral scanners used in the
studies perform as accurately as one another [36]. 1. Check and adjust the screw-retained bite
This should be considered when utilising a digi- block to ensure the correct vertical dimension
tal approach. of occlusion.
In addition, the first method mentioned for 2. Capture the implant positions, by removing
fabrication with the stone index gives dentists a the provisional restoration and joining the
hybrid approach where the CAD can be per- verification jig with the pattern resin, which is
formed digitally and the model made using an then also removed once everything is joined.
analogue workflow. This is later digitised to make 3. Capture the soft tissue. This is best done as
the final restoration and used to support the soon as the provisional is removed, so if the
cementation of the link abutments. This hybrid provisional restoration has been out for a long
technique may be preferable for some clinicians. time, it may be worth replacing the provi-
Not all dentists and laboratories will have the sional for 5 min to allow the soft tissue to
necessary equipment for digital input, but it is settle. All contours can then be captured accu-
possible to use an analogue workflow for fabrica- rately before any major soft tissue change
tion of the final restoration instead. occurs, which is inevitable with the restora-
tion not in place [37]. Using an Analogue Workflow
As the prosthesis will be made with milling This information is then digitised in the labo-
equipment, the final part of the process involves ratory, and a printed/milled PMMA try-in with
scanning and digitising the verified model that link abutments is manufactured.
has been created so far. At the following appointment, the try-in is
In this workflow, the following impressions checked and verified. As in the digital workflow,
are initially taken at the first restorative the design may need to change between the pro-
appointment: visional and the final restoration due to the mate-
rial choice for the final restoration.
1. Impression of the prosthesis in the mouth. Once any necessary adjustments have been
2. Impression of the opposing arch. made, it is re-tried in the mouth. More material
3. Bite registration. may need to be added to the fit surface if the try-
4. Facebow registration. ­in does not engage with the soft tissue in the same
5. Abutment level impression with open-tray way as the provisional restoration.
impression copings unsplinted. Once the final restoration is approved, it is
then sent for manufacturing.
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 221

7. Seal the screw channels with thread tape. 8. CLEARFILTM CERAMIC PRIMER PLUS and 9. Apply the ceramic primer on the hybrid
Panavia V5 paste from Kuraray Noritake. base.

Panavia V5 paste is available in 5 different Let it air dry or gently dry with oil free
colors. The opaque paste is self-curing and the compressed air.
other four are double curing.

10. Apply the ceramic primer 11. Apply the bonding cement paste with a 12. Place the restoration on the hybrid bases
restoration. brush, covered with cement and amount on the model
making sure that all surfaces on the hybrid
bases are covered with cement. and apply pressure.
Let it air dry or gently dry with oil free com-
pressed air. Remove the excess cemet that has been
pushed out between the hybrid bases and the

Fig. 9.21 Elos bonding protocol Laboratory Bonding Protocol The screw access holes should be filled with
Although many studies are showing good PTFE and flowable composite or glass ionomer,
medium-term success rates for monolithic zirco- and subsequent review and maintenance appoint-
nia restorations [38], one of the issues reported is ments should be scheduled.
the debond of the link abutments [39]. A careful
and researched bonding protocol for the link Patient Cleaning
abutments should be followed [40], including use and Maintenance
of well-researched and documented materials One of the ways in which the cleaning around
(Fig. 9.21). an FP1 bridge differs from an FP3 bridge is
that it requires minimal maintenance by the
9.1.7 Stage 7: Fitting the Final The recommended cleaning regime should
Restoration involve cleaning with an electric toothbrush,
and in areas where there is food impacted
The final restoration is fitted at the next appoint- around the papilla, use of an interdental brush
ment. During the fit of the final restoration, it is is recommended. It is not necessary for the
important that the pontic sites engage the soft tis- patient to clean underneath the pontic areas if a
sue in a way that creates a mucosal seal and pre- mucosal seal has been achieved. However, in
vents food impaction in these areas [41]. cases where this has not taken place, superfloss
The static and dynamic occlusion should be or X- floss can be used, with the understanding
checked, with an OPG radiograph taken to con- that a mucosal seal will not develop in these
firm fit. areas.
222 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Case 1 The planning for the facially driven wax-up

Patient 1 was started with the interpupillary line to
Age 84 determine the horizontal plane and the midline.
MH patient is on warfarin The central incisors were positioned in the cor-
Patient Expectation rect position from a facial perspective (), and a
The patient attended the practice having been tooth shape was selected from the two-­
referred in looking for a solution to her failing dimensional library (Figs. 9.29, 9.30, 9.31 and
dentition. She was told after the previous consul- 9.32).
tation that her upper teeth would need extensive The OPG provided by the referring dentist
rehabilitation. She had considered looking at a showed a failing upper dentition (Fig. 9.33).
solution where we would maintain some of the
remaining teeth and place implants into the
spaces. Still, due to the cost and timeframe, she
opted for a solution where the remaining upper
teeth would be removed and replaced with an
implant-supported restoration.
History of Presenting Complaint
The patient has a heavily restored dentition,
with most of the upper teeth root treated, crowned,
and restored. However, many of the remained
crowns have decay underneath them, and the bridge
on the upper right-hand side has failed due to decay.
Extraoral (Figs. 9.22, 9.23, 9.24 and 9.25) and
intraoral (Figs. 9.26, 9.27 and 9.28) photographs
were taken as part of the initial assessment.
These photographs showed that the patient
had a very high smile line with very significant
gingival display (Figs. 9.22, 9.23, 9.24 and 9.25).
There were no abnormal findings with the
extraoral and intraoral examinations.
The current occlusal scheme of canine guid-
ance on the left and right side and protrusion on Fig. 9.22 Extraoral front-facing smile photo taken with
the UL1 was adequate, and we chose to conform head level and teeth visible. This will be used in the smile
to this while conducting this rehabilitation. design

Fig. 9.23 Photos taken as part of the RAW protocol

9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 223

An intra-oral scan was taken, and the STL was

uploaded to Smilecloud alongside the photo-
graphs. Teeth were selected from the Smilecloud
library, and a functional wax-up was prepared
(Figs. 9.34, 9.35, 9.36, 9.37, 9.38 and 9.39).
The extraoral and intraoral photographs were
taken and processed using Smilecloud to ideally
position the teeth based on the face and, from
there, generate a facially driven diagnostic wax-
­up (Figs. 9.35, 9.36, 9.37, 9.38 and 9.39).
During this planning, particular care was
Fig. 9.24 The 12 o’clock view taken to note the position of the transition line
(Fig. 9.40).
Treatment Options
Options discussed with the patient were either:

1. Keep and try and restore as many teeth as pos-

sible and place implants in the spaces.
2. Extract the remaining upper teeth, conduct
osteoplasty beyond the transitions zone, place
four implants within the premaxilla, and
accept a shortened dental arch with final res-
torations extending from UL5 to UR5
Fig. 9.25 Smile photo (Fig. 9.41).
3. Extract the remaining upper teeth, conduct
osteoplasty beyond the transitions zone, place
two implants within the premaxilla and two
zygomatic implants, and have final restora-
tions extending from UL6 to UR6.
4. Extract the upper teeth, and conduct the
needed augmentation and preservation to
restore the patient with an FP1 bridge held
with six implants (Fig. 9.42).

The facially driven diagnostic wax-up

Fig. 9.26 Frontal photo retracted view
(Fig. 9.43) was then adjusted using the virtual

Fig. 9.27 Lateral photo

retracted view
224 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

articulator (Fig. 9.39). This wax was then altered

digitally to make a prosthetic shell (Figs. 9.44,
9.45, 9.46, 9.47, 9.48, 9.49, 9.50, 9.51 and 9.52).
This prosthetic shell was then printed in
NextDent C&B MFH (Micro Filled Hybrid)
(NextDent B.V. Soesterberg, the Netherlands)
(Figs. 9.47, 9.48, 9.49, 9.50, 9.51 and 9.52).
The following digital files were then imported
into SMOP software:

1. Initial model (STL 01).

2. CT scan.
Fig. 9.28 Upper occlusal photo showing failing upper
dentition 3. Diagnostic wax-up (STL 02).
4. Prosthetic shell (STL 03).

These files are linked in a way that allows

them to be imported with their coordinates allow-
ing all the positions of STL 01, 02, and 03 in the
design to be linked together, and if STL 01 is
matched with the CT scan, the wax-up and shell
positions are known as well.
At this stage, a site-by-site assessment is con-
ducted on all the potential areas where implants
can be placed. The same criteria for assessing
individual sites for immediate implants are
applied to each site to ensure adequate primary
stability after either extraction or partial
Fig. 9.29 Extraoral photo combined with intraoral photo. extraction.
The interpupillary line and midline have been added to The sites chosen in this case are the UL1,
UL3, or UL4 and the UL6 on the left-hand side,
and UR1, UR3, or UR4 and UR6. Once the
implant positions were chosen, the stackable
guide was built, and to do this, the following
steps were taken.

1. Anchor pins are placed away from either

implants or tooth roots.
Fig. 9.30 Proposed tooth shaped superimposed over 2. Teeth that are not implant sites (UR2 and
Fig. 9.8. The positions of the teeth are determined using
facial landmarks UL2) are left on the initial model (STL 01a).

Fig. 9.31 Alternative tooth shapes. These are from the original DSD Keynote
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 225

Fig. 9.32 Facial landmarks and ideal proportions shown on facial, intraoral, and smile photos. Design by Smilecloud
(Smilecloud, Timisoara, Romania)

Fig. 9.36 Intraoral scan of teeth at initial presentation

Fig. 9.33 Initial panoral radiograph supplied by referring


Fig. 9.37 Facially driven digital wax-up

Fig. 9.34 Frontal view

Fig. 9.38 Facially driven digital wax-up with incisal

edge. Not needed

Fig. 9.35 Intraoral scan of teeth at initial presentation

merged with frontal view
226 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Fig. 9.43 Digital wax-up. Design by Smilecloud

(Dentcof, Romania) Screenshot from Exocad (Exocad
GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany)
Fig. 9.39 Digital articulation in Exocad (Exocad GmbH,
Darmstadt, Germany). Design by Smilecloud (Dentcof,

Fig. 9.44 Digital wax-up adjusted in Exocad to make a

prosthetic shell. Design by Steve Campbell at Nexus
Dental Laboratory

Fig. 9.40 Transition line visible on high smile.

Screenshot from Exocad (Exocad GmbH, Darmstadt,

Fig. 9.41 Proposed implant positions showing a shorter

AP spread if bone reduction was conducted Fig. 9.45 An alternative view of the prosthetic shell

Fig. 9.42 Proposed implant positions showing a good

AP spread if no bone reduction conducted
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 227

Fig. 9.47 The prosthetic shell 3D printed in NextDent

C&B MFH (Micro Filled Hybrid) (NextDent
B.V. Soesterberg, The Netherlands)

Fig. 9.46 An alternative view of the prosthetic shell

Fig. 9.48 Adequate

prosthetic space is left
for the welded

Fig. 9.49 The tooth shapes on the prosthetic shell are

derived from the facially driven wax-up
Fig. 9.50 Surgical guide. Planning for this case has been
conducted with SMOP (Swissmeda A,G Baar,
228 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Fig. 9.51 Location pins on the surgical guide. These will Fig. 9.54 On the day of surgery, frontal view
be used to give a reference point between the surgical and
the prosthetic guide

Fig. 9.55 On the day of surgery, occlusal view

Fig. 9.52 The prosthetic guide. This will be used to seat

the prosthetic shell in the correct position before the
welded framework is picked up

Fig. 9.56 Serial exactions are conducted and the teeth left
Fig. 9.53 Upper photo retracted with contrastor in place
in place are to support the surgical guide. Partial extraction
therapy will be conducted before implants are placed

Two different guides are made:

1. The surgical guide (Fig. 9.53).
1. One that has allowed placement of the 2. The prosthetic guide (Fig. 9.29).
anchor pins and the implants (STL 01a) 3. The prosthetic shell printed from composite.
(Fig. 9.53).
2. One that has the position of the prosthetic Before the day of surgery, the patient stopped
shell (STL 03) and the anchor pins the anticoagulants as advised by her general
(Fig. 9.29). medical practitioner.
Surgery (Figs. 9.54, 9.55, 9.56, 9.57, 9.58,
This information was then sent to the labora- 9.59, 9.60, 9.61, 9.62, 9.63, 9.64, 9.65, 9.66,
tory, and the following were printed: 9.67, 9.68, 9.69 and 9.70).
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 229

Fig. 9.61 Pontic shield prepared for UL3

Fig. 9.57 Surgical guide in place

Fig. 9.62 Narrow multi-unit abutments have been

Fig. 9.58 Surgical guide in place placed, followed by the corresponding welding sleeves
(Dentsply Sirona, Charlotte NC, USA)

Fig. 9.59 Implants in place

Fig. 9.63 A 2 mm titanium wire has been bent and then
welded to the welding sleeves to form a passive metal sub-
structure that will be used to make the provisional

The implants were placed on the day of sur-

gery, and the restorative protocol first described
by Dr. Marco Degidi (Weldone) was conducted.

• The posterior teeth were extracted.

• The anterior teeth were decoronated apart
from the lateral incisors (Figs. 9.56 and 9.57).
Fig. 9.60 Implants in place. UR6 has been placed as an
immediate implant into the palatal socket. Note the UL3 • The UL2, UL1, UR1, and UR3, were prepared
root has been sectioned for PET (Fig. 9.38).
230 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Fig. 9.64 Intraoral view of titanium wire bent around the Fig. 9.67 During the pickup, the framework is secured
temporary cylinders on one implant and seated, and then picked up with
combo.lign (Bredent, Senden, Germany) dual-cure com-
posite inside the printed composite shell. An extra-long
screw that is usually used for impression posts has been
used to allow the framework to be removed easily

Fig. 9.65 The prosthetic shell is tried in the mouth and

then checked if it seats without interference

Fig. 9.68 Frontal view of acrylic pick up

Fig. 9.66 The titanium frame will be picked up inside the

printed shell

Fig. 9.69 The metal framework and printed shell imme-

• 6 Ankylos C/X (Dentsply Sirona) implants diately after pickup
were placed in the UL6, UL3, UL1, UR1,
UR3, and UR6 positions using the surgical
guide, and the primary stability of greater than • A 2 mm titanium wire was attached to the
25 Ncm was achieved in all sites. welding sleeves, and the wire was intraorally
• After placement of the implants, six straight welded to form a metal framework linking the
balance base narrow (Dentsply Sirona) multi-­ abutments (Fig. 9.63).
unit abutments were placed. • The titanium wire is removed and trimmed to
• Welding sleeves were attached to the multi-­unit fit into the shell and checked outside the
abutments and torqued to 15 Ncm (Fig. 9.62). mouth.
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 231

Fig. 9.70 Soft tissue grafting and socket preservation. A Fig. 9.72 The provisional restoration matches the
combination of techniques has been used. For the UL2 wax-up
and UR2, rotated pedicle grafts have been used. Socket
preservation has been conducted using a xenograft (Bioss,
Geistlich Pharma Ag, Lucerne, Switzerland); PRFG has
been used to contain some of the granules of xenograft

Fig. 9.73 The provisional restoration in place.

Cyanoacrylate (tissue glue) has been used to aid haemo-
stasis on the palate

Fig. 9.71 The provisional bridge is finalised. Work by

Jamie Brain CDT from JB Denture Clinic

• The printed shell is tried in the mouth to check

that it can be seated without interference
(Fig. 9.65).
Fig. 9.74 The provisional restoration in place
• The titanium wire is sandblasted and anodised
in preparation for intraoral pickup (Fig. 9.66).
• The printed shell is primed in preparation for ducted. Inverted pedicle grafts were placed on
the pickup, and a hole is made in the area the UL2 and UR2 as these teeth need vertical
where a single screw will be used to hold the augmentation. PRGF was placed in the sockets
titanium wire in place during the pickup. of the UR6 and UL6. Xenograft was placed on
• The titanium wire is picked up inside the shell the sockets of the remaining teeth (Fig. 9.70).
with dual-cure composite. • The provisional bridge is fabricated with the
• Once the shell is picked up, this is given correct pontic shapes and emergence profiles
(Fig. 9.69) to the technician to finish and pol- (Fig. 9.72), and the provisional bridge is a
ish. As part of the finishing, the correct sub- direct copy of the diagnostic wax-up.
gingival shape and emergence profile of the • This is torqued to 15 Ncm, and the bite is
bridge abutments and the correct shape of the checked and adjusted, the occlusal scheme
pontics are fabricated (Fig. 9.71). chosen in canine guidance on lateral excur-
• While the technician was working on the sions and protrusive on the upper central
bridge, soft tissue augmentation was con- (Figs. 9.73 and 9.74).
232 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Final Restoration
After a period of healing of 12 weeks, the
patient returned for a review (Figs. 9.75, 9.76,
9.77, 9.78 and 9.79). At this point, the implant
integration was checked, and the restoration pro-
cess was started.

Fig. 9.79 Occlusal view

Fig. 9.75 The patient at the 4-week review

Fig. 9.80 Radiograph taken after placement and before

final restoration

Fig. 9.76 Frontal view showing occlusion

Fig. 9.81 Provisional restoration in place

A panoral radiograph was taken at this stage

Fig. 9.77 Lateral view
(Fig. 9.80). The restoration process involves
copying the soft tissue and occlusal contours
while ensuring the final restoration will have ade-
quate thickness and cross-sectional area to pre-
vent the zirconia from fracturing. Therefore, the
material change will mean thickness changes
from the provisional to the final restoration.
The provisional bridge (Fig. 9.81) is removed
(Fig. 9.82), and having removed the provisional
bridge, the soft tissue is checked, and the implant
integration is checked (Fig. 9.83). At this point,
Fig. 9.78 Lateral view
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 233

Fig. 9.82 Provisional restoration removed Fig. 9.85 Elos scan bodies in place. Please note this
image is taken after two of the scan bodies have been

Fig. 9.83 Provisional restoration removed

Fig. 9.86 Screenshot with Elos scan bodies in place.

Scan taken with Trios Scanner (3Shape, Copenhagen,

Fig. 9.84 Elos scan bodies are connected to the multi-­

unit abutment in place (Elos Medtech, Gorlose, Denmark)

Elos scan abutments are placed on the abutments

and talked by hand (Figs. 9.84, 9.85 and 9.86).
These were scanned with a Trios scanner, and Fig. 9.87 Screenshot with Elos scan bodies and provi-
three scans were taken. sional superimposed. Taken with the triple-scan tech-
nique. Screenshot taken from Trios 3 scanner (3Shape,
Copenhagen Denmark)
1. A scan of this bridge provisional bridge in
place (Fig. 9.87).
2. A scan of the opposing arch. These were sent off to the laboratory (Uniqa
3. A scan of the bite (Fig. 9.88). Dental Lab), a model was printed with model
4. A scan of the scan bodies on the multi-unit analogues (Elos Medtech), and a verification jig
abutments. was made.
234 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Fig. 9.91 Verification jig in place

Fig. 9.88 Screenshot showing provisional restoration in
occlusion. The tripe scan technique allows the capture of
the abutment position, vertical dimension, shape of the
provisional restoration, and soft tissue contours in the
scans. Screenshot taken from Trios 3 scanner (3Shape,
Copenhagen Denmark)

Fig. 9.92 Soft tissue contours before try-in inserted

Fig. 9.89 Milled PMMA try-in with link abutments

Fig. 9.93 Facial photo with try-in in place

verification jig as absolute verification of the

Fig. 9.90 Digital model with verification jig in place
implant position (Fig. 9.91). The provisional
bridge is removed (Fig. 9.92). The try-in is used
The lab was then instructed to make a PMMA for an aesthetic evaluation. The patient is contin-
try-in (Fig. 9.89) using the link abutments from uously put through the DSD process during this
the library, which was then tried in along with the aesthetic evaluation, with the interpupillary line
verification jig made on the printed model in the midline checked (Figs. 9.93, 9.94, 9.95,
(Fig. 9.90). 9.96 and 9.97).
Due to the inaccuracy of the printed models, it Instructions were given to the laboratory for
is essential not to take the printed model or the any final modifications to the final prosthesis,
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 235

Fig. 9.97 Laboratory communication to request changes

to the shape of the try-in

Fig. 9.94 The try-in is put through the same digital smile mouth, and these are taken and then from and
design process. Final bridge design by Alina Roscoe at then put through the 3Shape design software
Uniqa dental laboratory
(Figs. 9.98, 9.99, 9.100, 9.101, 9.102 and
The PMMA try-in is copied to form the final
bridge, with special care taken to allow for the
adequate thickness of the zirconia to be used.
This final restoration is then milled in the relevant
zirconia, hand-finished, stained with Miyo, and
sent to the practice (Figs. 9.104, 9.105, 9.106,
9.107, 9.108, 9.109, 9.110 and 9.111).
The final bridge is then picked up inside the
mouth to pacify it, using the KAL (Kulzer abut-
Fig. 9.95 Laboratory communication to request changes ment luting) technique. Once picked up inside
to the shape of the try-in
the mouth and the occlusion checked, it is sent
back to the laboratory for the final processing
stages, and the link abutments are cemented.
The process of replication from the wax-up to
the shell temporary to the final restoration is
shown in Fig. 9.112.
The final bridge is fitted in the mouth, and a
facial photograph (Fig. 9.113) and the final radio-
graphs are taken (Figs. 9.114, 9.115, 9.116, 9.117,
9.118, 9.119, 9.120, 9.121, 9.122 and 9.123).

Fig. 9.96 Laboratory communication to request changes Case 2

to the shape of the try-in The patient presented with a failing upper denti-
tion. The UR1, UR3, and UL2 were intact.
such as changes to the gingival margin, changes However, the UL1 and UR2 are fractured at the
in tissue pressure, and spacing between the inter- gum level (Fig. 9.124a).
dental areas. A radiographic examination showed minor
The laboratory then imports these photo- vertical bone deficiency in the posterior quad-
graphs, which are taken with the try-in in the rants (Fig. 9.124b).
236 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Fig. 9.98 The photos

with the try in are
imported back into the
milling and design
software (3Shape dental
system, 3Shape,
Copenhagen, Denmark)

Fig. 9.99 The Final

bridge is superimposed
onto the two-­
dimensional photograph

Fig. 9.100 The design of the final bridge

Fig. 9.101 The design of the final bridge
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 237

Fig. 9.102 The design of the final bridge

Fig. 9.105 Milled zirconia bridge after removal from the

milling machine

Fig. 9.103 The design of the final bridge. Final bridge

design by Alina Roscoe at Uniqa dental laboratory

Fig. 9.106 Milled zirconia bridge after removal from the

milling machine

Fig. 9.107 Staining process with Miyo Stain kit (Jensen

Dental, North Haven, Connecticut). Final stain and finish-
ing by Khristo Ivanov by at Uniqa dental laboratory
Fig. 9.104 The final zirconia bridge ready to be milled
238 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Fig. 9.111 Final bridge

Fig. 9.108 Staining process with Miyo Stain kit

Fig. 9.112 Printed model of diagnostic wax-up. Printed

shell based on the wax-up. Final zirconia bridge. All of
these show the same tooth shape and position that has
been designed from the facially driven wax-up

Fig. 9.109 After sintering and before final staining (this

needs to be checked)

Fig. 9.113 Smile photo of patient with final bridge in

Fig. 9.110 Final bridge place
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 239

Fig. 9.116 Final restoration in place

Fig. 9.114 After removal of the provisional restoration

Fig. 9.117 OPG of the final restoration in place

Fig. 9.115 Final restoration in place

Fig. 9.118 Final bridge

in place
240 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Fig. 9.119 Before and after photos side by side Fig. 9.123 Smile at the start of treatment

Fig. 9.120 Start photo and screenshot of STL b

Fig. 9.124 (a) Smile photo. (b) Initial panoral


Fig. 9.121 Final photo and screenshot of wax up The patient presented with moderate tooth
wear on the lower arch and a missing tooth on the
lower right side.
Lateral views show an edge-to-edge pint with
incisal wear and chipping on both the left- and
the right-hand side (Figs. 9.124, 9.125, 9.126,
9.127, 9.128, 9.129 and 9.130).
As part of the process of rehabilitation and
assessment, a digital impression was taken and
sent to the laboratory (Fig. 9.131). A facially
driven diagnostic wax-up was made from this
Fig. 9.122 Smile with bridge in place
digital impression.
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 241

Fig. 9.125 Left lateral view retracted view Fig. 9.129 Upper photo retracted with contrastor in

Fig. 9.126 Right lateral view retracted view

Fig. 9.130 Frontal view of remaining teeth in occlusion

Fig. 9.127 Upper occlusal photo showing failing upper Fig. 9.131 Digital models for diagnostic work up
The diagnostic wax-up was combined with a
CT scan and the initial situation described earlier
in this chapter. A multifunctional guide was made
with implants planned on the UL1, UL4, UL6,
UR1, UR4, and UR6 areas (Figs. 9.132, 9.133,
9.134, 9.135, 9.136, 9.137, 9.138, 9.139, 9.140,
9.141 and 9.142).
The implants were positioned using Simplant
to the correct depth to allow the correct emer-
gence profiles with the necessary multi-unit abut-
ment (Fig. 9.140).
Fig. 9.128 Lower occlusal photo
242 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Fig. 9.132 Upper STL file of presenting situation (STL Fig. 9.136 STL 01 merged with STL 03
01). This is prepared in Simplant (Dentsply Sirona,
Charlotte NC, USA)

Fig. 9.137 STL 03 and CT scan

Fig. 9.133 STL 01 merged with CT scan

Fig. 9.138 CT scan showing planned implant position

Fig. 9.134 STL 01 merged with CT scan merged with
facially driven wax-up (STL 02)

Fig. 9.139 Multifunctional guide with planned implants

and abutments in place. The multifunctional guide is
Fig. 9.135 STL 02 merged with multifunctional guide printed with NextDent C&B MFH (Micro Filled Hybrid)
(STL 03) (NextDent B.V. Soesterberg, the Netherlands)
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 243

During the assessment process, the depth of

implant placement was planned to allow the cor-
rect emergence of the multi-unit abutments and
the correct emergence profile around each of the
abutments and each of the pontics (Fig. 9.141).
On the day of surgery, partial extraction ther-
apy was conducted on the remaining anterior
teeth (Fig. 9.143). A remote palatal incision was
conducted on the maxilla’s upper left and right-­
hand sides (Fig. 9.144).
The multifunctional guide was dried in as it
Fig. 9.140 Multifunctional guide with planned implants was tried in the bony contours adjusted to allow
and abutments in place the necessary 2 mm between the base of the pon-

Fig. 9.141 Planned implants and abutments in place. The depth of placement and the emergence profile can be planned

Fig. 9.142 Multifunctional guide in Exocad (Exocad GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany)

244 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Fig. 9.143 Day of surgery. Partial extraction therapy Fig. 9.146 Implants and abutments in place. Uni abut-
(PET) is being conducted on the remaining teeth and roots ments from the EV system (Dentsply Sirona, Charlotte

Fig. 9.144 PET completed on UL1 and UR1. Incisions

in the posterior sextants Fig. 9.147 Pick-up cylinders in place

Fig. 9.145 Multifunctional guide in place. This is being Fig. 9.148 Multifunctional guide picked up with combo.
used to ensure that any osseous contouring is conducted lign (Bredent, Senden, Germany)
where needed and to create the correct shape of the ridge

Soft tissue was taken from the tuberosity

tic and the bone for an adequately designed pon- area and placed in and around the upper poste-
tic (Fig. 9.145). rior segments and the UL3 (Fig. 9.149). A pro-
Six implants were placed in the correct posi- visional restoration was fabricated by the
tions with the aid of a pilot guide, multi-unit technician (Fig. 9.150). Suturing was con-
abutments were placed (Fig. 9.146), and tempo- ducted around the provisional restoration
rary cylinders were attached to the implants and (Figs. 9.151 and 9.152). A panoral radiograph
picked up in the multifunctional guide was taken of the implants in place after sur-
(Figs. 9.147 and 9.148). gery (Fig. 9.153).
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 245

Fig. 9.149 Soft tissue harvested from the tuberosity Fig. 9.153 Radiograph taken after placement

Fig. 9.154 Provisional restoration at 12 weeks

Fig. 9.150 The provisional bridge is finalised. Work by

Jamie Brain CDT from JB Denture Clinic

Fig. 9.155 Provisional restoration removed

After 12 weeks of healing, the patient returned

Fig. 9.151 The provisional restoration in place for the impression appointment (Fig. 9.154). At
this appointment, the provisional bridge was
checked (Fig. 9.155) and removed (Fig. 9.156),
and the pontic areas were checked to ensure ade-
quate hygiene and engagement of the pontic into
the soft tissue.
Scan bodies for multi-unit abutments were
placed onto the abutment and torqued by hand
(Fig. 9.157).
Temporary cylinders were placed onto the
abutments (Fig. 9.158), scanned with a Primescan,
and sent to the laboratory along with the copy of
Fig. 9.152 The provisional restoration in place the scan bodies (Fig. 9.157) and scans of the pro-
246 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

visional bridge inside and outside the mouth.

Unfortunately, one of the abutments was loose
and needed to be torqued again to 25 Ncm. This
movement meant that the initial impression
would not be accurate, meaning a second impres-
sion appointment would be required.
The lab designed a 3D-printed pickup jig
(Fig. 9.159) to be used at the next appointment
and a PMMA try-in with the correct link abut-
ments (Figs. 9.160 and 9.161).
Fig. 9.156 Provisional restoration removed
This try-in will have the same emergence pro-
files and pontic shapes from the provisional
­restoration but will have the dimensions neces-
sary for the zirconia (Figs. 9.160 and 9.161).
At the second impression appointment, the
try-in was placed inside the mouth (Fig. 9.162).
The pick-up jig was put into the mouth along
with the temporary cylinders (Figs. 9.163 and
9.164). These were secured with composite and
sent to the laboratory alongside new scans using
the triple-scan technique (Figs. 9.165, 9.166 and
Fig. 9.157 Elos scan bodies are connected to the multi-­
Scan of the provisional inside the mouth
unit abutment in place (Elos Medtech, Gorlose, Denmark).
The triple-scan technique is being used (scan 1).
Scan of the provisional outside the mouth
(scan 2) (Fig. 9.167).
Scan of the scan bodies attached to the abut-
ments (scan 3).
The final prosthesis was designed (Fig. 9.168),
milled (Fig. 9.169), and processed (Fig. 9.170) in
the laboratory, and Miyo staining was applied
(Fig. 9.171).
It is important to note that there will be a dif-
ference in the soft tissue profile which means
ignoring the shape of the soft tissue on the scan
that the laboratory receives and using the shapes
copied from the provisional to make the final res-
toration (Figs. 9.172 and 9.173).
Fig. 9.158 Pickup cylinders in place

Fig. 9.159 3D-printed

pickup jig has been
designed to fit around
the pickup cylinders
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 247

Fig. 9.160 Design of the try-in. This is designed as a Fig. 9.163 Pickup jig in place. This is designed to ensure
copy of the provisional restoration very small (0.5 mm) space between the jig and the cylin-
der and is placed in the mouth so that it sits passively.
Printed in NextDent SG (surgical guide) (NextDent
B.V. Soesterberg, the Netherlands)

Fig. 9.161 Design on the try-in

Fig. 9.164 Dual-cure low shrinkage composite is placed

into the spaces and the jig is picked up

Fig. 9.162 PMMA try-in is checked in the mouth

248 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Fig. 9.165 At this appointment, the triple-scan technique provisional restoration or the try-in. The scanner used
is used to capture the occlusion, vertical dimension, abut- here is the Primescan (Dentsply Sirona, Charlotte NC,
ment position, soft tissue contour, and the shape of either USA)

where the smile line has changed after having

more confidence in their smile.

Case 3
Treatment planning should be based on a thor-
ough diagnosis to culminate in an appropriate
treatment plan for the patients presenting clinical
situation. Unfortunately, the All-on-4™ concept
has been used as a panacea for full-arch implant
Fig. 9.166 The captured files on the Primescan reconstruction, and often patients are treated dog-
matically with this treatment protocol. Often, the
bone is removed needlessly to satisfy a certain
Once the processing was complete, the final treatment philosophy.
bridge was placed onto the stone index created by Minimally invasive full-arch implant den-
pouring a model from the pickup jig (Fig. 9.174), tistry adheres to the concept of preserving and
and the link apartments were cemented maintaining bone. Bone reduction is virtually
(Figs. 9.175 and 9.176). eliminated, and the patient maintains their own
The bridge was placed inside the mouth, and gingiva. Although four implants are considered
the screws were torqued to 15 Ncm (Figs. 9.177, standard, the placement of additional implants
9.178 and 9.179), and a final panoral radiograph is considered advantageous. As a practicing cli-
was taken to verify the fit of the final prosthesis nician, implant failure is always a concern, and
(Fig. 9.180). should one of four implants fails, the definitive
We can see the patient’s smile before treat- restoration need to be remade at the restorative
ment (Fig. 9.181) and after treatment (Fig. 9.182), dentist’s cost. If more than four implants have
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 249

Fig. 9.167 The provisional restoration is scanned inside and outside the mouth

Fig. 9.170 Staining process with Miyo Stain kit (Jensen

Fig. 9.168 Design of the final restoration. Final bridge Dental, North Haven, Connecticut). (Photo by Khristo
design by Alina Roscoe at Uniqa dental laboratory Ivanov)

Fig. 9.171 Final zirconia bridge

Fig. 9.169 Zirconia framework after milling and hand
finishing. Final stain and finishing by Khristo Ivanov by at
Uniqa dental laboratory. (Photo by Khristo Ivanov)
250 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Fig. 9.172 Design of undersurface of proposed zirconia

restoration showing convex contours and its relationship
to the tissue

Fig. 9.175 Final zirconia bridge on the plaster base

Fig. 9.173 Cross section of the final restoration design. We

can check this to ensure we have adequate cross-­sectional
Fig. 9.176 Final zirconia bridge on the plaster base
thickness of the zirconia framework, and the soft tissue pro-
file of the final is copied from the provisional restoration

Fig. 9.177 About to seat the final

Fig. 9.174 The pickup jig is used to cast a plaster base.

This will be used to verify the digital model and to cement
the zirconia framework to the link abutments Fig. 9.178 Final bridge in place
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 251

nician must be cognisant that for wider stress

distribution and biomechanical integrity of the
restoration, the implants must satisfy the
requirement of a favourable anteroposterior
In many clinical situations, there is an abun-
Fig. 9.179 Final bridge in place dance of bone where more than four implants can
be placed, and bone reduction may not be
It is the authors’ opinion that more than four
implants are required when:

1. There is an abundance of bone and biome-

chanically cantilevers can be avoided.
2. The patient presents with a dentition that
exhibits signs and symptoms of excessive
Fig. 9.180 OPG of final zirconia bridge in place
3. Patient has uncontrolled metabolic disease
which compromises healing.
4. Poor-quality bone.

The advantages and considerations of placing

more implants and preserving bone include the

1. There is the ability to segment the prosthesis

and complication management becomes eas-
ier for the clinician.
2. If in the future an implant were to fail, there
Fig. 9.181 Smile at the start of treatment are enough implants where the patient may
not have to undergo surgery again.
3. The thought process that making an impres-
sion on four implants is easier than making an
impression on five or six does not hold merit.
Today with advancements in digital technolo-
gies, analogue impression making may soon
become obsolete at multi-unit abutment level.
4. When placing implants, the clinician must
begin with the end in mind visualising the
definitive restoration. Zirconia requires spe-
cific connector dimensions and requires
appropriate distance between implants.
Fig. 9.182 Smile at the end of treatment. Please note that Zirconia also requires specific thickness for
the increased confidence has meant the patient gingival
display has increased significantly biomechanical integrity. The implants
together with the multi-unit abutments must
be positioned three-dimensionally to allow for
been placed, then there are reserve implants to this.
work with. These additional implants also help 5. Maintenance of bone in between the implants
in distributing stress over a wider area. The cli- can be obtained by banking roots.
252 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

6. If a catastrophic failure were to occur and all the upper left quadrant due to bone loss and
the implants were lost, then the clinician still pneumatisation of the maxillary sinus. The
has the opportunity to retreat the patient. patient was treatment planned for maxillary full-­
arch implant rehabilitation with sinus bone aug-
The following patient presentation illustrates mentation in her upper left quadrant.
the philosophy of minimally invasive implant The patient’s concerns were the following:
therapy for full-arch implant rehabilitation utilis-
ing digital technologies. 1. She did not want to wear a removable appli-
A 62-year-old female presented seeking a ance at any point during the treatment
solution to her failing maxillary dentition. Her process.
teeth had been compromised due to periodontal 2. She wanted the teeth to look and feel like her
disease. She also presented with a previous his- own.
tory of dental implant failure (Figs. 9.183, 9.184 3. She wanted teeth back to the second molar.
and 9.185).
On clinical and radiographic examination, her Considerations in implementing care were the
maxillary dentition was deemed to be of poor following:
prognosis. She had inadequate amount of bone in

Fig. 9.183 Preoperative radiographs

Fig. 9.184 Buccal view of patient showing minor crowd- Fig. 9.185 Smile view of patient showing display of gin-
ing and deep vertical overlap giva when smiling
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 253

1. History of periodontal disease and previous

implant failure.
2. History of diabetes.
3. Preservation of bone.
4. Being able to provide implant bridgework
which resembles her existing dentition with-
out pink ceramics.
5. Transitioning the patient with fixed restora-
tion during the entire treatment process.
Fig. 9.187 Printed tooth-supported surgical guides
The above considerations required a more
cautious approach in treatment planning and exe-
cution. Immediate loading of the implants was
eliminated in favour of healing and conventional
load. Immediate loading of implants should only
be done after a thorough evaluation of the risk
factors involved and not performed
Treatment Plan and Sequence

1. Intraoral scans were completed (Trios 3Shape

technologies) and shell provisionals were
milled (ProArt CAD Ivoclar Vivadent), utilis-
ing key strategic teeth which would anchor Fig. 9.188 Day of surgery: strategic teeth have been
extracted, implants placed, and bone allograft placed in
the restoration while implants were integrat- extraction sockets. Shell provisionals relined
ing (Figs. 9.186 and 9.187).
2. Sinus lift and bone augmentation were com-
pleted on patient’s upper left quadrant.
Extraction of strategic teeth and placement of
dental implants were conducted. Strategic
teeth would be prepared to hold a provisional
restoration so implants would not be loaded.
This decision was made due to a history of
failed implants and history of diabetes
(Figs. 9.188 and 9.189).

Fig. 9.189 Postoperative characterized provisional

3. Placement of implants in the upper left

4. On integration implant impressions would be
made to fabricate an implant supported provi-
sional. This would be segmented (Fig. 9.190).
5. Extraction of remaining teeth and grafting of
extraction sites with a bone xenograft to main-
Fig. 9.186 Digitally milled shell provisionals from tain ridge height and width and delivery of
PMMA puck (Ivoclar ProArt) segmented provisionals.
254 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

Fig. 9.190 Strategic teeth have been extracted and milled Fig. 9.192 Occlusal view of milled prototype showing
and implant-supported provisional placed segmentation of prosthesis and anteroposterior spread of

Fig. 9.191 Milled prototype from acrylic puck fabri-

cated in three segments

6. Tissue maturation and stabilisation.

7. Fabrication of prototype to verify aesthetics, Fig. 9.193 Intraoral adjustment of prototype
phonetics, and occlusion (Figs. 9.191, 9.192
and 9.193).
8. Fabrication of segmented zirconia restoration
supported by implants (Figs. 9.194, 9.195,
9.196 and 9.197).
9. Maintenance.

By completing the above sequence, the fol-

lowing objectives were met:

1. Transitioning the patient through fixed provi-

sional restorations at all times.
2. Preservation of bone.
3. Eliminating the risk associated with immedi-
ate loading in a patient that has a history of Fig. 9.194 Minimally layered zirconia prosthesis fabri-
previous implant failure. cated in three segments (ceramics by Artem Asemov)
4. Minimising risk in a patient who has peri-
odontal disease and type 2 diabetes. Case 4
5. Placement of more than four implants and Often, patients refuse additional grafting proce-
segmentation of the restoration. dures, and there is insufficient bone to be able to
6. Utilisation of technology to make treatment place more than four implants in each arch. In these
more efficient. clinical situations, the patient must be made aware
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 255

of the advantages and disadvantages of such treat-

ment protocols and must be fully aware of the clini-
cal and financial consequences of implant failure.
The following patient presentation illustrates
the philosophy of minimally invasive implant
therapy for full-arch implant rehabilitation utilis-
ing four implants in each arch and digital
Fig. 9.195 Minimally layered zirconia prosthesis A 71-year-old female presented seeking a
solution to her failing maxillary and mandibular
dentition. A detail medical and dental evaluation
was performed. Specific concerns in treatment
planning were multiple medications that resulted
in the patient being xerostomic. The patient’s
teeth had been compromised due to caries and
periodontal disease (Figs. 9.198, 9.199, 9.200
and 9.201).
The following diagnoses were made:

1. Caries.
2. Periodontal disease.
3. Lack of posterior support.
Fig. 9.196 Intraoral view of minimally layered zirconia
prosthesis 4. Bimaxillary protrusion.

On clinical and radiographic examination, her

maxillary and mandibular dentition was deemed
to be of poor prognosis.
The following clinical issues required

1. Lack of bone in the posterior maxilla.

2. Over-eruption of teeth compromising restor-
ative space.
3. Flaring of teeth.
4. High smile line with excessive gingival
Fig. 9.197 Smile view of restoration in situ

Fig. 9.198 Preoperative

clinical view of smile
and retracted intraoral
256 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

The patient’s concerns were the following:

1. The patient did not want to wear a removable

appliance at any point during the treatment
2. The patient wanted to address the bimaxillary
(a) The patient refused grafting procedures.

Considerations in implementing care were the


1. Multiple medications causing the patient to be

2. The patient’s smile line exhibited excessive
gingival display and a short lip. It is the
authors’ opinion that bone reduction and use
of pink prosthetics in these types of clinical
situations are contraindicated (Fig. 9.202).
3. Preservation of bone.
4. Providing an FP1 prosthesis and addressing
Fig. 9.199 Full face the bimaxillary protrusion. This would entail

Fig. 9.200 Peri-apical radiographs

Fig. 9.201 Lateral view

of smile showing
over-eruption and flaring
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 257

Fig. 9.202 White lines

showing anticipated
positioning of maxillary
and mandibular incisal

2. The patient was treated surgically and pros-

thetically in 1 day, utilising laboratory
­fabricated static surgical guides. No guided
surgery was performed per se. The surgical
guides were stabilised on retained teeth and
osteotomies of the anterior implants were
performed. Four implants were placed in the
maxilla and four in the mandible. Multi-unit
abutments were secured and soft tissue clo-
sure was achieved. Deep sedation with pro-
Fig. 9.203 Milled provisional
found local anaesthesia was used to remove
all teeth except ones needed for stability of
palatal placement of dental implants and care- bone reduction and surgical stent. A tooth-­
fully selecting a pre-angled multi-unit abut- supported surgical guide was provided to
ment to ensure appropriate emergence ensure accurate three-dimensional placement
profile. of implants in the maxilla. This required care-
5. Providing an anteroposterior spread that is ful depth placement so that a pre-angled
optimal. Placement of implants that do not multi-unit abutment could be selected with a
compromise connector size for the definitive minimum collar height. This would allow
restorations. correction of the flaring of the teeth as well as
6. Minimal alveolar bone recontouring to lift the an optimal emergence profile. Alveolectomy
maxillary occlusal plane up and to lower the was completed in the mandible to provide
mandibular occlusal plane. appropriate restorative space and correct the
7. Transitioning the patient with fixed restora- mandibular incisal edge position. The man-
tion during the entire treatment process. dibular bone was reduced minimally to create
a platform for implant placement. The patient
The above considerations required a more was informed that the mandible may require
cautious approach in treatment planning and pink prosthetics. The patient’s provisional
execution. immediate load prosthesis was fabricated on
Treatment Plan and Sequence same day as implant placement. The patient
tolerated the procedure well and healed
1. Intraoral scans were completed (Trios 3Shape uneventfully.
technologies), and shell provisionals were 3. A direct technique for immediate loading was
milled (ProArt CAD Ivoclar Vivadent) employed. Vertical dimension, centric rela-
(Fig. 9.203). tion, and occlusal plane were verified. After
258 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

protection of the surgical sites with rubber

dam, temporary cylinders were first picked up
in the maxillary prosthesis. Patient was guided
into centric relation, and a similar pickup of
temporary cylinders was performed in the
mandibular provisional restoration. The pros-
theses were removed and transferred to the
dental laboratory where the prostheses were
processed and finished. The prostheses were
adjusted to compress the tissue by 2 mm and
to develop the pontic sites from the outset.
Twelve teeth were provided in the maxilla and
ten teeth in the mandible. Occlusion was
adjusted for shimstock hold on anterior teeth
and shimstock drag on the posterior teeth.
Vertical dimension was verified on delivery of
the restoration. Extraction of remaining teeth
and grafting of extraction sites with a bone
xenograft were conducted to maintain ridge
height and width. Moreover, delivery of seg-
mented provisionals was (Figs. 9.204, 9.205,
9.206 and 9.207).

Fig. 9.205 Smile view showing tooth display. Increased

length can be adjusted in provisionals

Fig. 9.206 Milled prototype from acrylic puck fabri-

Fig. 9.204 Immediate load provisional restorations in situ cated in three segments

Fig. 9.207 Lateral view

of provisionals
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 259

4. Tissue maturation and stabilisation. ricated. Aesthetics, phonetics, and soft tissue
5. Post-integration and additional provisional contours were further developed in the provi-
restoration were fabricated to ensure verifica- sional restoration.
tion of aesthetics, phonetics, and tissue com- 7. Minimally layered zirconia restorations were
pression (Fig. 9.208). fabricated for both maxilla and mandible.
6. Splinted open-tray impressions, jaw relation Occlusion was provided on polished zirconia.
records, and tooth try-ins were performed. Tissue contacting surface was designed in
Additional provisional restorations were fab- polished zirconia (Figs. 9.209, 9.210, 9.211
and 9.212).
8. The prosthesis was delivered adjusting the
undersurface to ensure positive pressure.
Dynamic occlusion was adjusted for canine
guidance. Static occlusion was adjusted to
ensure shimstock hold on canines and pre-

Fig. 9.208 Second set of provisionals fabricated

Fig. 9.210 Layered restorations in situ

Fig. 9.209 Minimally layered zirconia prosthesis

Fig. 9.211 Lateral view

depicting change in
occlusal plane, flaring
and incisal edge
260 M. Wanendeya and S. Jivraj

molars. Shimstock drag on anterior teeth

and no contact on the cantilevers
(Fig. 9.213).
9. Screws were torqued according to the manu-
facturer’s instructions, and access holes were
sealed using Teflon and composite resin.

By completing the above sequence, the fol-

lowing objectives were met:

1. Transitioning the patient through fixed provi-

sional restorations at all times.
2. Preservation of bone and fabrication of an
FP1 prosthesis in the maxilla.
3. Restoration of posterior support.
4. Satisfying the patients’ aesthetic concerns and
solving the issue of bimaxillary protrusion.
5. Utilisation of technology to make treatment
more efficient prosthetically.

Fig. 9.212 Smile view of restoration in situ

Fig. 9.213 Pre- and

postoperative views
following rehabilitation.
(Ceramics by Artem
9 FP1 Concepts in Rehabilitating the Edentulous Patient with Implant-Supported Restorations 261

Acknowledgements from Dr. Wanendaya Thanks 9. Levin EI. Dental esthetics and the golden proportion.
especially to my family (Sarah, Felix, and Jasper) and J Prosthet Dent. 1978;40(3):244–52.
friends for the trust and the support I get from you 10. Chu SJ, Tarnow DP, Tan JH-P, Stappert CFJ. Papilla
every day. proportions in the maxillary anterior dentition. Int J
Thank you to all the team and Ten Dental, but specific Periodont Restor Dentistry. 2009;29(4):385–93.
thanks to the team members directly involved with treat- 11. Rojas-Vizcaya F. Biological aspects as a rule for
ment of patients in this chapter: Violeta Maftei, Valeria single implant placement. The 3A-2B rule: a clinical
Andrade, Agata Polak, Mihaela Simona, and Maria Ivan. report. J Prosthodont. 2013;22(7):575–80. Epub 2013
Thank you to the dental technicians involved in cases Apr 1.
1 and 2: Steve Campbell, Jamie Brain, Alina Rosca, 12. Rojas Vizcayo F. Rehabilitation of the maxillary arch
Khristo Ivanov, James Cox, Hugo Patrao, and Fabio with implant-supported fixed restorations guided by
Trindade. the most apical buccal bone level in the esthetic zone:
Thank you to the individuals who have always helped a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 2012;107(4):213–
and supported me through this time: Nigel Jones, Tushar 20.­3913(12)00041-­8.
Patel, Will Murphy and Paul Swanson. 13. González-Martín O, Lee E, Weisgold A, Veltri M,
A special thanks to Paulo Carvalho and Nik Sisodia Su H. Contour management of implant restora-
for their clinical support in getting to this point on our tions for optimal emergence profiles: guidelines for
ever-evolving FP1 journey. I would like to acknowledge immediate and delayed provisional restorations. Int
Paulo as the inventor of the “prosthetically driven heal- J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2020;40(1):61–70.
ing” technique that has made FP1 so much more accessi-
ble as a treatment modality. 14. Su H, Gonzalez-Martin O, Weisgold A, Lee
Thank you to Dr. Jonathan Gordon for the surgical E. Considerations of implant abutment and crown
expertise in case 3. contour: critical contour and subcritical contour. Int
Thank you to Dr. Hessam Siavesh for the surgical J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2010;30(4):335–43.
expertise in case 4. 15. Esquivel J, Meda RG, Blatz MB. The impact of 3D
Ceramics in cases 3 and 4 were done by Artem implant position on emergence profile design. Int J
Asemov, Digital Dental Arts laboratory Ventura, CA. Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2021;41(1):79–86.
16. Ivoclar Zirconia Zircad Prime IFU. https://www.ivo-
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Graftless Surgical Protocol:
Diagnosis to Delivery
Ana Ferro, Mariana Nunes, Diogo Santos,
Armando Lopes, Filipe Melo,
and Miguel de Araújo Nobre

Abstract anchorage benefiting from inserting the

implants in better bone quality regions (Maló
The All-on-4® treatment concept was devel-
et al., Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 5:2–9,
oped in the 1990s as a surgical protocol to
2003; Maló et al., Clin Implant Dent Relat Res
rehabilitate the total edentulous in immediate
7:S88–S94, 2005; Krekmanov et al., Int J Oral
function, with implant insertion, abutment and
Maxillofac Implants 15:405–414, 2000;
prosthesis connection being performed on the
Aparicio et al., Clin Implant Dent Relat Res
same day as the surgery. The concept was
3:39–49, 2001). The All-on-4® surgical proto-
developed in order to avoid graft techniques or
col can be performed in both arches (maxilla
any additional surgery (e.g. inferior alveolar
and mandible) either through free-hand flap
nerve lateralisation), resulting in less chair
surgery or guided surgery. These options will
time and less surgical complications (Maló
be further explored later on in this chapter.
et al., Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 5:2–9,
2003). By placing four implants acting as
‘cornerstones’—two anterior implants in an
10.1 All-on-Four™ Surgical
axial position and two posterior implants tilted
distally between 30° and 45°—a more distal
implant position could be reached, reducing
The first cases described for the full-arch restora-
not only cantilever but also improving implant
tion of the mandible included four implants
placed in interforaminal area. The results deter-
A. Ferro (*) · M. Nunes · D. Santos · A. Lopes mined high cumulative survival rates even in
Oral Surgery Department, Maló Clinic, chronical removable denture patients with severe
Lisbon, Portugal resorptions. Immediate implant loading in the
e-mail:; mnunes@ mandible was registered at that time stating both;; alopes@ high success and survival rates in part because of
good bone quality [1].
F. Melo
Prosthodontics Department, Maló Clinic, Nevertheless, the reduced bone density com-
Lisbon, Portugal bined with scarce bone availability of the max-
e-mail: illa, particularly critical in the posterior regions,
M. de Araújo Nobre perceived immediate loading as a greater chal-
Research, Development and Education Department, lenge. The use of implant tilting showed to be
Maló Clinic, Lisbon, Portugal effective in the maxilla: by using the sinus or

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 263
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
264 A. Ferro et al.

nasal fossae corticals for implant anchorage, it radiographic examinations, intra- and extra-oral
was possible to frequently achieve a high primary photographs and impressions. With these ele-
stability that allowed performing immediate ments the surgeon should be able to determine
function [2]. the degree of difficulty of the All-on-4®
The challenge of soft bone leads to the addi- rehabilitation.
tion of a new tool to the concept: a novel implant
design [3]. This implant merged three significant
features decisive to what is today All-on-4’s 10.2.1 Radiographic Evaluation
­success: the implant’s macrodesign (the implant’s
shape and threads) allowed to condense bone The quantity and quality of bone between maxil-
instead of cutting; the new apex design made it lary sinuses are the key to choosing the surgical
possible to engage the sinus or nasal fossae corti- All-on-4® approach: All-on-4® Standard, Hybrid
cals allowing bicortical anchorage; and because it or Extramaxilla. In the mandible, the anatomical
is fully threaded from the apex to the implant limits are given by the inferior dental nerves
head, the whole implant aims to achieve higher (Figs. 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3).
primary stability.[4]. Both orthopantomography and cone beam
The All-on-4® concept has proven to be very computerised tomography (CBCT) are manda-
effective even in more challenging cases where tory in this process.
bone resorption did not allow the placement of In the maxilla, the criteria to perform an
conventional implants by combining standard All-on-4® Standard consider the patients’ bone
and zygomatic implants (All-on-4® Hybrid) or volume/ridge between the canines to be at least
extremely atrophic cases with two zygomatic 5 mm in width and ≥10 mm in height. Considering
implants placed bilaterally (All-on-4® the All-on-4® Standard in the mandible, the crite-
Extramaxillary) [5]. ria include the patients’ bone volume/ridge in the
This surgical protocol gained visibility thanks interforaminal region to be 5 mm in width and
not only to the symbiosis between biological, ≥8 mm in height. Furthermore, a Standard case is
anatomical and mechanical aspects, but also to anticipated to have the implant prosthetic emer-
the short-, medium- and long-term results [1–3, gence between the second premolar and first
6–10]. molar [11].
In addition to bone availability, an aesthetic
study is performed taking into account parame-
10.2 Treatment Planning ters such as the lip support (extra-oral soft tissue
support), the smile line, the prosthetic space and
The treatment planning of the All-on-4® surgical the occlusal vertical dimension changes
protocol starts with a review of the patients’ med- (Figs. 10.4 and 10.5).
ical history, followed by detailed clinical and

Fig. 10.1 Preoperative orthopantomography

10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 265

Fig. 10.2 Preoperative cone beam computerised tomography

266 A. Ferro et al.

Fig. 10.3 Type of rehabilitation procedure according to the available bone volume from a conventional full-arch reha-
bilitation with six implants to an All-on-4® double-zygoma protocol

10.3.1 Surgical Protocol: Step by


Before anaesthesia, two facial points are marked

to check the onset of occlusion vertical dimen-
sion (OVD), one in the nose and the other in the
chin, determining the vertical dimension baseline
(Fig. 10.10). With this value it will be possible to
achieve the optimal OVD for the immediate pros-
thesis placement.
Subsequently and under local anaesthesia, the
surgery starts with a crestal incision slightly
­palatal (3 mm), allowing us to preserve kera-
tinised tissue in the buccal flap. Two vertical
releasing incisions in the first molar region are
made (Fig. 10.11). A mucoperiosteal (full thick-
ness) flap is then raised until the anatomical lim-
its (a) the nasal cavity floor in the anterior region
of the maxilla and (b) the anterior wall of the
sinus, laterally (Fig. 10.12).
In the mandible, similar principles apply but
the crestal incision is performed dividing the
existent keratinised tissue and the anatomical
Fig. 10.4 Lip support evaluation limits being the mental foramens bilaterally
(Fig. 10.13). No releasing incisions are per-
formed, except in situations of severe resorption
in which an incision in the midline can be exe-
10.3 All-on-4 Standard: Non-­ cuted to provide more flexibility to the flap.
guided Surgery To create a regular ridge for implant place-
ment and accounting in advance with all aesthetic
As mentioned earlier, the All-on-4® surgical pro- parameters, a bone reduction is performed either
tocol can be performed either with free-hand or with the rongeur, round bur or piezoelectric
guided surgery (Figs. 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, and 10.9) device (Figs. 10.14 and 10.15). The rongeur
[8, 12].
10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 267

Fig. 10.5 Smile line evaluation

Fig. 10.8 Implant planning software image of the max-

illa with planned implants in position

Fig. 10.6 Implant planning software image of the


Fig. 10.9 Implant planning software image of the man-

dible with planned implants in position

Fig. 10.7 Implant planning software image of the

Fig. 10.10 Measuring occlusion vertical dimension
268 A. Ferro et al.

Fig. 10.11 Incision on maxilla Fig. 10.14 Bone reduction with rongeur

Fig. 10.15 Bone reduction with round bur

Fig. 10.12 Flap raising

bipupilar line and checked through the pin-­

guide placement in order to correctly set the
All-on-4® guide (Figs. 10.16 and 10.17). The
All-on-4® guide is flexible and can be adapted
to all jaw sizes and shapes. It also features
10 mm-long straight laser marks displayed
with a 7 mm inter-mark distance, providing
the surgeon with the possibility of placing 6
straight implants or, if not possible, to cor-
rectly angulate the posterior implants between
30° and 45° (Figs. 10.18 and 10.19).
2. Identify the anatomical structures: In order to
Fig. 10.13 Incision on mandible identify/map the anterior sinus wall, a curve
probe is introduced inside the sinus through a
small window opening made with a round bur
allows the surgeon to collect autogenous bone (Figs. 10.20 and 10.21). In the mandible, the
and use it in some bone defects if needed. mental foramen can be easily identified
Before the implant placement, the surgeon through careful flap elevation, and bone avail-
needs to ability can be determined after checking the
1. Place the All-on-4® guide: A midline osteot- inferior alveolar nerve’s loop by inserting a
omy with the 2 mm drill, perpendicular to periodontal probe in the foramen (Fig. 10.22).
10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 269

Fig. 10.16 Beginning the osteotomy to place the Fig. 10.19 Placement of the All-on-4® guide in the
All-on-4® guide mandible

Fig. 10.17 Osteotomy with the 2 mm drill to place the Fig. 10.20 Opening the access of the anterior sinus wall
All-on-4® guide of the maxilla

Fig. 10.18 Placement of the All-on-4® guide in the Fig. 10.21 Probing the anterior sinus wall of the
maxilla maxilla
270 A. Ferro et al.

implants’ length with the 3.2–3.6 mm step drill

just on the cortical aspect; and (c) in dense bone,
all the drills are used to full length of the implants’
The implant is then placed, aiming to achieve
an insertion torque of at least 30 N cm in the final
seating. The final seating of the implant’s head
must be at bone level (Figs. 10.29 and 10.30).
In the maxilla, the posterior implants are
tilted, following the anterior sinus wall up to 45°.
Once the implants are placed in the correct
Fig. 10.22 Probing the mental foramen in order to evalu- apical-­coronal position, a mechanical bone mill
ate the alveolar nerves’ loop should be used to remove the bone around the
head of the implant before placing the angled
10.3.2 Implant Placement abutments. Implant angulation is then reduced
after placing the 30° multi-unit angled abutments
In the All-on-4® surgical protocol, the implant at 15 N cm, providing short or no cantilever with
placement follows the same rule for both maxilla an emergence between the first molar and second
and mandible’s rehabilitation: the surgeon should premolar (Figs. 10.31 and 10.32). The angled
first place the posterior tilted implants, thus abutments should be connected with the All-on-4®
determining the space available for the anterior guide in place to orient prosthetically the screw
implants with no risk of inter-implant exit of the future immediate provisional prosthe-
interference. sis (Figs. 10.33 and 10.34).
The drilling protocol was simplified to the use The anterior implants’ preparation follows the
of three drills, aiming for under-preparation of same drilling protocol (Figs. 10.35, 10.36, 10.37,
the implant site, thereby managing drill depth 10.38, 10.39, 10.40, 10.41, 10.42, 10.43, and
(increasing or decreasing the preparation of the 10.44). If the bone density is considered soft, the
last two drills) according to bone density. As implant’s apex should engage the nasal cortical,
stated before, the implant design allows bone thus achieving bicortical anchorage in order to
expansion, acting as an osteotome/final drill, pro- create appropriate stability. These implants
viding maximum stability. should be oriented by means of a pin guide alter-
The preparation starts either with the round natively to the All-on-4® guide. Usually, straight
bur or precision drill, followed by the 2 mm twist multi-unit abutments are connected at 35 N cm to
drill used full length, creating the implant’s site the anterior implants.
preparation. The 2 mm twist drill is the most Before suturing, if needed, palatal soft tissue
important drill since it will provide the necessary must be removed to avoid abutment covering or
information about the implants’ length and also excess soft tissue which may cause multi-unit
the bone density. Based on the bone density impression copings interference and hence
information, the surgeon proceeds according to prosthesis misadaptation. Buccal soft tissue
the type of bone density in order to place a Ø4mm should not be reduced; otherwise, it can result
regular platform (RP) implant: (a) in soft bone, in insufficient keratinised tissue around the
the surgeon should use the 2 mm twist drill until abutments.
the desired implants’ length (Figs. 10.23 and In the mandible, given the sparse quantity of
10.24) and subsequent drills (2.4–2.8 mm step keratinised tissue, soft tissue should not be
drill and 3.2–3.6 mm step drill) only on the corti- reduced, but apically positioned instead.
cal aspect (Figs. 10.25, 10.26, 10.27, and 10.28); After suturing, open tray multi-unit impres-
(b) in medium bone, both 2 mm twist drill and sion copings are screwed to the abutments and
2.4–2.8 mm step drill are used until the desired splinted by means of steel wire and pattern resin
10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 271

Fig. 10.23 Initiating drill sequence after using precision Fig. 10.26 2.4–2.8 mm step drill in the mandible
drill in the maxilla: 2 mm twist drill (first drill)

Fig. 10.24 Initiating drill sequence after using precision Fig. 10.27 3.2–3.6 mm step drill in the maxilla
drill in the mandible: 2 mm twist drill (first drill)

Fig. 10.25 2.4–2.8 mm step drill in the maxilla Fig. 10.28 3.2–3.6 mm step drill in the mandible
272 A. Ferro et al.

Fig. 10.29 Posterior implant placement in the maxilla. Fig. 10.32 Bone mill to remove bone around the head of
Note the implant’s angulation to provide a more posterior the mandibular distal implant

Fig. 10.30 Posterior implant placement in the mandible. Fig. 10.33 Connecting the angulated abutment to the
Note the implant’s angulation to provide a more posterior maxillary implant with the help of All-on-4® guide

Fig. 10.31 Bone mill usage to remove bone around the Fig. 10.34 Connecting the angulated abutment to the
head of the maxillary distal implant mandibular implant with the help of All-on-4® guide
10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 273

Fig. 10.35 Drilling protocol and anterior implant place- Fig. 10.38 Using the 2 mm twist drill (first drill) for the
ment. Initiating drill sequence using the precision drill in anterior mandibular implant
the maxilla

Fig. 10.36 Drilling protocol and anterior implant place- Fig. 10.39 Using the 2.4–2.8 mm step drill in the
ment. Initiating drill sequence using the precision drill in maxilla
the mandible

Fig. 10.37 Using the 2 mm twist drill (first drill) for the
Fig. 10.40 Using the 2.4–2.8 mm step drill in the
anterior maxillary implant
274 A. Ferro et al.

(Figs. 10.45 and 10.46). The impression is made same day of surgery achieving immediate func-
only with putty consistency elastomer. tion (Figs. 10.49, 10.50, 10.51, and 10.52).
Once the impressions are concluded, healing
caps are screwed to the abutments to (Figs. 10.47
and 10.48) support the peri-implant mucosa dur-
ing the fabrication of the prosthesis. The immedi-
ate provisional prosthesis is connected on the

Fig. 10.44 Mandibular implants placed at bone level and

abutments connected

Fig. 10.41 Anterior implant placement in the maxilla

Fig. 10.45 Impression coping screwed to the maxillary

abutments and connect for an accurate impression

Fig. 10.42 Anterior implant placement in the mandible

Fig. 10.46 Impression coping screwed to mandibular

abutments and connect for an accurate impression

Fig. 10.43 Maxillary implants placed at bone level and

abutments connected
10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 275

Fig. 10.47 Healing caps connected to the maxillary Fig. 10.50 Immediate provisional mandibular
abutments prosthesis

Fig. 10.48 Healing caps connected to the mandibular Fig. 10.51 Patient smiling with the immediate provi-
abutments sional maxillary prosthesis achieving immediate function

Fig. 10.49 Immediate maxillary provisional prosthesis Fig. 10.52 Patient smiling with the immediate provi-
sional mandibular prosthesis achieving immediate
276 A. Ferro et al.

10.4 All-on-4 Standard: Guided


The implant placement follows the same protocol

of the standard All-on-4® technique, but it is per-
formed with a flapless approach planned previ-
ously in a 3D software.
This protocol can be used if patients have the
following inclusion criteria:
(a) Sufficient bone volume (defined in the previ-
ous point of the All-on-4 protocol).
(b) Enough mouth-opening capability to accom- Fig. 10.53 Evaluation of the mouth-opening capability
modate the surgical tooling (>40 mm).
(c) A low smile line or when bone recontouring
is not necessary. full-arch rehabilitation according to the All-on-4®
(d) An almost edentulous jaw (so the remaining concept can be performed.
teeth do not interfere with the position and
placement of the implants).
Through guided surgery, a full-arch restora- 10.4.2 Preparation
tion can be performed with a minimally invasive of the Radiographic Guide
approach, reduced postoperative discomfort and and CBCT Scan
treatment time for the patient.
Prior to the surgical procedure, a well-defined The first step consists of the evaluation of the
protocol with five stages has to be followed: (1) removable prosthesis. If the patient’s prosthesis
patient examination (previously executed), (2) does not meet the functional and aesthetic
preparation of the radiographic guide and CBCT requirements or it is not an all-acrylic resin, a
scan, (3) computer planning, (4) laboratory work new prosthesis must be fabricated, presenting
and (5) surgery. optimal design with a correct representation of
the teeth position and a perfect fit to the soft tis-
sue (always maintaining the requirements of the
10.4.1 Patient Examination surgical template in mind).
In the new prosthesis, six gutta-percha mark-
A preoperative treatment planning appointment ers on the buccal side and three markers on pala-
is performed to evaluate the patient’s medical tal side are made, and a CBCT is done (Figs. 10.54
history, extra-oral aesthetic measures (lip sup- and 10.55).
port, profile, occlusal vertical dimension accord- The patient is scanned following the double scan
ing to the Thompson functional and the Willis technique: one CBCT scan of the patient with the
aesthetic methods, smile line, phonetics [8, 12]) prosthesis with gutta-percha markers and another
and intra-oral features (arch form and relation, CBTC scan taken just to the patients’ prosthesis.
jaw size, molar class, interocclusal space).
Radiographically, both an orthopantomography
and a CBCT are performed in order to accurately 10.4.3 Computer Planning
assess the bone’s anatomy (volume and height)
and determine the exact location of the mental After scanning and using an implant planning
foramen and/or maxillary sinus. software, both CBCTS are matched and a precise
If the patient fulfils the inclusion criteria (suf- 3D treatment planning of an All-on-4 surgery can
ficient bone volume, low smile line and mouth-­ be performed.
opening capability over 40 mm) (Fig. 10.53), a
10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 277

Fig. 10.54 Intra-oral view (1/2) with the radiographic Fig. 10.56 Implant planning software—maxilla
guide during CBCT

Fig. 10.55 Intra-oral view (2/2) with the radiographic

guide during CBCT
Fig. 10.57 Surgical template—maxilla

Implants and multi-unit non-engaging angled

abutments are selected for the rehabilitation and template in place while the anchor pins osteoto-
placed tridimensionally in the software. mies are performed (Figs. 10.61 and 10.62).
The order file is sent to the manufacturing The first step is the use of tissue punch to have
company requesting the surgical template access to the bone (Fig. 10.63). The surgery is
(Figs. 10.56 and 10.57). performed following the standard free-hand
The surgical template is used as a guide to All-on-4 protocol but with a surgical guide guid-
obtain a stone cast and make all the laboratory ing the drilling according to the preplan on a
work (Figs. 10.58 and 10.59). Before surgery, a computer (Figs. 10.64, 10.65, 10.66, 10.67,
surgical index is made with silicone and also all 10.68, 10.69, 10.70, 10.71, 10.72, and 10.73).
prosthetic procedures are performed (Fig. 10.60). The surgeon has to adopt an under-preparation
protocol of the implant site in order to achieve
good primary stability.
10.4.4 Surgery Protocol Once the implants are placed, the surgical
template is removed, and the bone mill is used to
Prior to the insertion of the implants, the surgical remove the bone around the implants’ head.
template is stabilised through anchor pins. The Angled abutments are connected to the implants
surgical index helps us to position the surgical by means of a pre-made guide positioner. With
this guide it is possible to transfer the position
278 A. Ferro et al.

Fig. 10.58 Surgical index and guide to transfer the posi- Fig. 10.61 Stabilisation of surgical template with anchor
tion of the angulated multi-unit abutments (1/2) pins and surgical index (1/2)

Fig. 10.62 Stabilisation of surgical template with anchor

pins and surgical index (2/2)
Fig. 10.59 Surgical index and guide to transfer the posi-
tion of the angulated multi-unit abutments (2/2)

Fig. 10.63 Tissue punch

Fig. 10.60 Pre-surgically the maxillary removable den-

ture is converted into a fixed screw-retained implant-­
supported prosthesis of acrylic resin
10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 279

Fig. 10.64 Anterior implant placement: twist drill 2 mm Fig. 10.67 Anterior implant placement: implant

Fig. 10.65 Anterior implant placement: twist drill

2.8 mm Fig. 10.68 Posterior implant placement: twist drill 2 mm

Fig. 10.66 Anterior implant placement: twist drill Fig. 10.69 Posterior implant placement: twist drill
3.6 mm 2.8 mm
280 A. Ferro et al.

Fig. 10.70 Posterior implant placement: twist drill Fig. 10.73 Occlusal view after implant placement with-
3.6 mm out the surgical template

Fig. 10.71 Posterior implant placement: implant

insertion Fig. 10.74 Positioning of the non-engaging angulated
abutment with the help of the abutment guide

Fig. 10.72 Occlusal view after implant placement with

the surgical template
Fig. 10.75 Abutments in place

from the model to the mouth, allowing a passive

fit of the provisional prosthesis (Figs. 10.74 and implant-supported prosthesis is connected and
10.75). Following this procedure, a pre-made the occlusal adjustments verified (Figs. 10.76,
denture converted into a fixed all-acrylic resin 10.77, and 10.78).
10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 281

implant placement systems: static guidance and

dynamic guidance (surgical navigation) [13]. The
main difference between static guidance and sur-
gical navigation is the placement of implants in a
predetermined position without the possibility of
changing the implant position or dimensions
perioperatively, while for the surgical navigation
system, the operator uses a triangulation setup
provided by the computer to guide the implant
placement, allowing changes during the surgery.
Surgical navigation provides accurate spacing
Fig. 10.76 Frontal view of the provisional prosthesis and angulation of the implants, decreasing the
risk of damaging anatomic structures as maxil-
lary sinus or inferior alveolar nerve. Moreover,
virtual implant planning and navigation provides
surgical and prosthetic collaboration for achiev-
ing a successful outcome through an exact and
precise planning. The accuracy of this system is
independent of CAD-CAM stents and the surgi-
cal field can be visualised live at any time.
Additionally, dynamic navigation allows dental
surgeons to scan, plan and execute navigated sur-
gery on the same day and patients with limited
mouth-opening capability can undergo dynamic
Fig. 10.77 Occlusal view of the provisional prosthesis However, dynamic navigation requires a team
approach and a learning curve for developing
predictability in implant placement. This may be
related to the difficulty in keeping sight of the
display during the surgical procedure.
The present case illustrates the surgical work-
flow in a bimaxillary full-arch rehabilitation
through the All-on-4 concept assisted by dynamic
A 69-year-old male, non-smoker, healthy
patient presented with the need for bimaxillary
full-arch rehabilitation. Periodontal compro-
mised teeth with mobility, gingival recessions
and deep pocket depth were diagnosed as not
viable in the mandible and maxilla. After clinical
Fig. 10.78 Patient smiling with the provisional examinations, orthopantomography, cone beam
prosthesis computerised tomography (CBCT) scan and
intra-oral scanner were performed (Figs. 10.79
10.5 All-on-4 Standard: and 10.80).
Navigated Surgery The DTX Studio Implant software was used to
evaluate the baseline clinical situation, access the
To improve accuracy and precision, surgeons bone reduction, study the best surgical and pros-
have available guided computer-assisted surgical thetic solution and select the position and size of
282 A. Ferro et al.

of the clip receptor, which contained fiducial

markers, and read by two cameras, providing the
instruments’ tridimensional position and dis-
played in the navigation system. The handpiece
also holds an array that, when combined with the
fiducial markers on the clip receptor, provided
accurate navigation through triangulation.
Three points in three different maxillary teeth
Fig. 10.79 Preoperative orthopantomography were selected as distant as possible in the DTX
Studio Implant software to have the most favour-
able distribution quality and registration refine-
ment. The probe tool was then used to map the
exact same points in the patient’s mouth and reg-
istered by the system (X-Mark) (Fig. 10.84).
After this process, the precision drill was cali-
brated, and the planned bone reduction height
was marked with three horizontal osteotomies
preplanned on the DTX Studio Implant software
(Figs. 10.85 and 10.86). The preparation of the
implant osteotomy was made using the precision
drill, 2.0, 2.4–2.8 and 3.2–3.6 mm drills (Nobel
Biocare AB), always considering the spatial posi-
tion according to the live navigation data. Four
implants were inserted according to the All-on-4
concept, and all achieved 35 N/cm of primary
stability: the posterior implants reaching an
angulation of 30–45° in relation to the occlusal
plane and the anterior implants were inserted in
an axial position. Multi-Unit Plus abutments of
30° 4.5 mm were attached to the posterior
implants; while Multi-Unit straight 2.5 mm abut-
ments were attached to the anterior implants
(Fig. 10.87).
The protocol followed the same sequence for
Fig. 10.80 (a, b) Preoperative intra-oral photographs the mandibular rehabilitation (Figs. 10.88, 10.89,
exhibiting the occlusal aspect of the maxilla on the left- 10.90, and 10.91). All four implants achieved
hand side and mandible on the right-hand side
35 N/cm of primary stability. Multi-Unit Plus
abutments of 30° 4.5 mm and were attached to
the implants (Fig. 10.81). The X-Guide clip the posterior implants; while Multi-Unit Plus
receptor was directly fixated in the maxilla straight 2.5 mm abutments were attached to the
through two screws, and the navigation surgery anterior implants. Two provisional pre-made,
was initiated (Fig. 10.82). high-density, acrylic resin prostheses with ten
The surgical staff followed the prompts in the teeth were connected on the day of surgery,
X-Guide software (X-Nav Technologies, LLC, achieving immediate function (Figs. 10.92 and
Lansdale, PA, USA). Instruments were calibrated 10.93).
(handpiece tracker, chuck, probe tool and the The All-on-4 concept assisted by surgical nav-
preparation drills) as follows (Fig. 10.83): the igation provided a safe and predictable full-arch
overhead blue lights were reflected by the arrays bimaxillary rehabilitation, allowing the implants
10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 283

Fig. 10.81 DTX Studio Implant software image exhibiting planned bone reduction and implants’ position, diameter
and length, following the All-on-4 concept

Fig. 10.82 Perioperative photograph illustrating the fixa-

tion of the X-Guide clip receptor and array in the maxilla

Fig. 10.83 (a–d) Calibration of the handpiece, chuck and probe tool
284 A. Ferro et al.

Fig. 10.83 (continued)

Fig. 10.83 (continued)

10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 285

Fig. 10.83 (continued)

Fig. 10.84 (a, b) X-Mark selection and registration refinement process (maxilla)
286 A. Ferro et al.

Fig. 10.84 (continued)

Fig. 10.85 Spatial calibration of the precision drill using an array

10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 287

Fig. 10.86 (a, b) Planned bone reduction osteotomy before and after flap elevation (maxilla)
288 A. Ferro et al.

Fig. 10.87 (a–d) Perioperative preparation of implant sites, implant placement using live navigation and intra-oral
view of the All-on-4 maxilla
10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 289

Fig. 10.87 (continued)

Fig. 10.88 Perioperative

photograph illustrating the
fixation of the X-Guide
clip receptor and array in
the mandible
290 A. Ferro et al.

Fig. 10.89 (a, b) X-Mark selection and registration refinement process in the mandible
10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 291

Fig. 10.90 Bone reduction plane osteotomy before flap elevation in the mandible

Fig. 10.91 (a–e) Perioperative implant sites preparation, implant placement using live navigation and intra-oral view
of the All-on-4 mandible
292 A. Ferro et al.

Fig. 10.91 (continued)

10 Graftless Surgical Protocol: Diagnosis to Delivery 293

a 10.6 Conclusions

In 2019, two long-term studies were published on

the All-on-4 treatment concept [9, 10], with data
collected in a private practice (Malo Clinic,
Lisbon, Portugal). The retrospective study in the
Maxilla [9] with a follow-up of up to 13 years
involved 1072 patients with 4288 maxillary
implants. The implant success rates reported
were 97.7% at 5 years, 95.6% at 10 years and
b 93.9% at 13 years. The mean marginal bone loss
was 1.18 mm at 5 years and 1.67 mm at 10 years.
Prosthetic survival rate was reported to be 99.2%.
The retrospective study in the Mandible [10]
with a follow-up to 18 years involved 471 patients
with 1884 mandibular implants. The implant suc-
cess rates reported were 95.9% at 10 years, 93.5%
at 13 years and 91.7% at 18 years. The mean mar-
ginal bone loss was 1.72 mm at 10 years and
c 2.32 mm at 15 years. Prosthetic survival rate was
reported to be 98.8%.
Considering the high implant and prosthetic
success rates and the low incidence of both bio-
logical and mechanical complications, the
All-on-4 concept can be considered a viable
treatment alternative for full-arch rehabilitation.
In addition, the All-on-4 concept allows flexibil-
ity to be used with recent developments in
Fig. 10.92 (a–c) Intra-oral perioperative view with the implant dentistry such as surgical navigation.
immediate prosthesis connected in the maxilla and

1. Maló P, Rangert B, Nobre M. “All-on-4” immediate
function concept with Branemark System implants
for completely edentulous mandibles: a retrospec-
tive clinical study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res.
2003;5(Suppl 1):2–9.
2. Maló P, Rangert B, Nobre M. “All-on-4” immediate
function concept with Banemark System implants
for completely edentulous maxilla: a 1-year retro-
spective clinical study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res.
Fig. 10.93 Postoperative orthopantomography of reha- 2005;7(Suppl 1):S88–94.
bilitation through the All-on-4 concept using live 3. Maló P, de Araújo Nobre M, Lopes A, Ferro A,
navigation Gravito I. Complete edentulous rehabilitation using
an immediate function protocol and an implant design
featuring a straight body, anodically oxidized surface,
to be inserted with precision considering the and narrow tip with engaging threads extending to the
crestal position, angulation and depth. apex of the implant: a 5-year retrospective clinical
study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2016;7(1):153.
294 A. Ferro et al.

4. Maló P, Nobre M, Lopes A, Rodrigues R. Preliminary 9. Maló P, de Araújo Nobre M, Lopes A, Ferro A, Nunes
report on the outcome of tilted implants with longer M. The All-on-4 concept for full-arch rehabilitation
lengths (20–25 mm) in low-density bone: one-year of the edentulous maxillae: a longitudinal study with
follow-up of a prospective cohort study. Clin Implant 5-13 years of follow-up. Clin Implant Relat Res.
Dent Relat Res. 2013;19:217. 2019;21:538–49.
cid.12444. 10. Maló P, de Araújo Nobre M, Lopes A, Ferro A, Botto
5. Malo P, de Araújo Nobre M, Lopes A, Ferro A, Moss J. The All-on-4 treatment concept for the rehabilita-
S. Extramaxillary surgical technique: clinical out- tion of the completely edentulous mandible: a longi-
come of 352 patients rehabilitated with 747 zygo- tudinal study with 10 to 18 years of follow-up. Clin.
matic implants with a follow-up between 6 months Implant Relat Res. 2019;21:565–77.
and 7 years. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2013;17 11. Maló P, Nobre M, Lopes A. The rehabilitation
Suppl 1:e153. of completely edentulous maxillae with different
6. Patzelt SB, Bahat O, Reynolds MA, Strub JR. The all-­ degrees of resorption with four or more immedi-
on-­four treatment concept: a systematic review. Clin ately loaded implants: a 5 year retrospective study
Implant Dent Relat Res. 2014;16(6):836–55. https:// and a new classification. Eur J Oral Implantol. 2011;4(3):227–43.
7. Soto-Penaloza D, Zaragozi-Alonso R, Penarrocha-­ 12. Maló P, Nobre M, Lopes A. The use of computer-­
Diago M, Penarrocha-Diago M. The all-on-four treat- guided flapless implant surgery and 4 implants
ment concept: a systematic review. J Clin Exp Dent. placed in immediate function to support a fixed
2017;9(3):e474–88. denture: preliminary results after a mean fol-
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and Prosthetic–Biomechanical
ZAGA Criteria to Determine
the Zygomatic Implant Trajectory

Carlos Aparicio, Arnau Aparicio, and John Brunski

Abstract these zones will have in the long-term result of

the rehabilitation. The reader will obtain bio-
In the late 1990s, we learned from the pio-
mechanical notions of the behaviour of an
neers the use of zygomatic implants to anchor
inclined implant versus one with axial direction
dental restorations. Due to the youth of the
to the occlusal plane, as well as the effect of the
technique at that time, the knowledge trans-
masticatory load on the zygoma in different
mitted was rather intuitive. The surgical pre-
surgical situations. Through the use of clear and
scription was applicable to all patients, and no
reasoned criteria the reader will be able to
criteria or protocols had been developed to
understand the parameters used by the ZAGA
adapt the intervention to the different situa-
Concept to determine the implant trajectory
tions that patients might present. The tech-
preventing late complications in a predictable
nique has evolved, and today, thanks to the
way. Finally, the specific ORIS criteria for
ZAGA Concept, we have protocols based on
determining the success or failure of a zygo-
defined criteria that are supported by evidence
matic implant restoration will be described.
to guide us in the decision-making that the
process requires.
In this chapter we will give clear notions of
11.1 Introduction
how to identify the key zones in the path of the
zygomatic implant and the transcendence that
The original protocol published by PI Brånemark
in 2004 [1] for zygomatic oral rehabilitation was
C. Aparicio (*) designed for the placement of one implant in
Indiana University School of Dentistry,
Indianapolis, IN, USA each zygoma following an intra-sinus path
(Fig. 11.1). The starting point was located pala-
Zygomatic Unit at Hepler Bone Clinic, ZAGA
Center, Barcelona, Spain tally to the first molar/second premolar area.
e-mail: Additionally two to four regular anterior implants
A. Aparicio were placed and connected to the final prosthesis.
ZAGA Center, Private Practice QDT Center, According to PI Brånemark [1], ‘the direction of
Houston, TX, USA zygoma fixation was selected to provide optimal
J. Brunski stability over the prosthetic requirements’. To
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, achieve an intra-sinus trajectory in the presence
Department of Surgery, Stanford University, of a concave maxillary wall, the implant head
Stanford, CA, USA
e-mail: was placed on the alveolar palatal side, resulting

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 295
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
296 C. Aparicio et al.

Fig. 11.2 Occlusal clinical photograph showing the dis-

tance from the osseous crest (green dashed line) to the
palatal emergence of the implants (white arrows). Since
the original intra-sinus technique was used, the abutments
are not angled but the initial straight ‘standard’ type

Fig. 11.1 Clinical photograph showing the anterior max-

illary wall where a ‘window’ osteotomy has been per-
formed (white circle). Through the window we visualise
the original twist drill proceeding (green arrows), but we
do not see its tip cutting the bone. In other words, if the
objective of the osteotomy is to control the drilling by Fig. 11.3 The implant has been placed conservatively.
visualising the point where the drill cuts, we can consider However, it has a straight connection with the abutment.
it as an ‘emotional osteotomy’ because although it tries to To correct the angulation and place the emergence of the
do so, it does not achieve its goal prosthetic screw in a crestal position, the abutment–
implant connection must be made in the ZICZ (white cir-
cle). The green arrows indicate the possible points where
in bulky prostheses (Fig. 11.2). Eventual diffi- bacterial filtration will occur, which will produce chemo-
culty in correct phonetics and hygiene mainte- tactic stimulation for the osteoclasts favouring the late
nance are often associated with this palatally appearance of an OAC. (Image taken from the Internet)
retained reconstruction.
Several factors related to the proceeding of equate oral hygiene procedures, chemotactic
zygomatic implants through the palatal aspect of stimuli due to bacterial leakage at an implant–
the alveolar bone into the maxillary sinus can abutment junction placed at the ZICZ (Fig. 11.3),
induce rhinosinusitis and present with clinical or peri-implant osteomyelitis due to hygiene diffi-
subclinical oroantral communication from the culties, etc. The possibility of this event would be
peri-implant sulcus. Factors mentioned may inversely related to the thickness of the sinus
include discrepancy between the osteotomy and floor in the area where the implant crosses it. The
implant diameters; history of periodontitis; inad- inflammatory response of the sinus floor mani-
11 Surgical–Anatomical and Prosthetic–Biomechanical ZAGA Criteria to Determine the Zygomatic… 297

fests with a few symptoms. It is sometimes implants. To do so, we will describe the ORIS
accompanied by a sensation of perialveolar and/ criteria [7], specific to zygomatic implant reha-
or facial discomfort, without usually pain when bilitation. By using them systematically, we will
the implant itself is loaded [2]. Antibiotic therapy be able to determine the degree of success or fail-
temporarily eliminates the infection, which even- ure and compare them with other reports.
tually recurs later.
A recent multicentre randomised controlled
study has compared the use of zygomatic 11.2 The ZAGA Zones
implants placed in immediate loading with the
use of bone augmentation procedures at 1 year As explained in the previous chapter, the success
[3] and 3 years [4]. Study results have reported of the ZAGA Concept for the rehabilitation of the
significantly fewer prosthetic failures, implant atrophic maxilla through zygomatic implant-­
failures and time to functional loading in the anchored rehabilitations is based on the identifi-
zygomatic implant group. On the other hand, the cation of the anatomical characteristics of the
authors note a significantly higher number of patient. Specifically, the surgeon must be familiar
complications at 3 years in the case of zygomatic with the characteristics, physiology and
implants due to an apparent increase in severe function(s) of the structures that the oblique
sinusitis over time. The authors do not explain plane of the planned osteotomy intersects.
the reasons for this large number of sinusitis, but With a didactic intent, we are differentiating
from a detailed reading of the article it appears three main zones (Fig. 11.4) of the zygomatic
that in 78% of the implants the intra-sinus implant implant trajectory [8]:
path with additional window osteotomy of the
original technique was used. It would be reason- –– The ‘zygomatic implant critical zone’ (ZICZ).
able to speculate that the cause of the large num- –– The ‘antrostomy zone’ (AZ).
ber of late sinusitis could be due to the loss of the –– The ‘zygomatic anchorage zone’ (ZAZ).
palatal bone seal, for some reason, combined
with the use of threaded implants with rough sur-
face (TiUnite®). 11.2.1 The Zygomatic Implant
In this chapter, complementary to the previous Critical Zone
one in which the ZAGA Concept [5] was
explained, we will define and explain the criteria The ‘zygomatic implant critical zone’ (ZICZ) is
we use to determine the implant trajectory in formed by the complex formed by the maxillary
order to prevent the aforementioned complica- bone, the soft tissues and the zygomatic implant
tions when zygomatic implants are used. To this at the coronal level where the first contact with
end, and in order to better understand the origin the maxillary bone occurs (Figs. 11.4 and 11.5).
of potential problems, we will complement the The fundamentals for the correct position of the
ZAGA anatomical classification [6] with a ZICZ are especially important in the ZAGA
description of the main anatomical areas to which Concept and will be discussed later. Residual
the implant trajectory relates. Obviously, it will alveolar bone and soft tissue preservation or even
be important to understand how these implants augmentation at the coronal level of the zygo-
behave biomechanically before proceeding with matic implant are critical to prevent late compli-
the design of both the placement/distribution and cations. In fact, maintenance of bone and soft
the prosthesis itself. This applies especially to the tissue in the ZICZ should be one of the main
immediate provisional prosthesis, which is a key goals of our surgical approach. In this regard, a
piece in the treatment. Finally, we will explain series of protocols, tools, interventions and pro-
the key points that a reader should look for when cedures are proposed to reach appropriate bone
reading a report describing the use of zygomatic and soft tissue stability on the ZICZ (Table 11.1).
298 C. Aparicio et al.

Fig. 11.4 The DTX Studio Implant program allows us to proceeds and its relationship with the adjacent structures.
visualise this screenshot where we visualise in the 3D The arrows and circles represent by colour the positions of
image the plane through which the implant proceeds. The the ZICZ (red), the AZ (green) and the ZAZ (yellow)
2D image on the right represents the cut where the implant

a b

Fig. 11.5 (a) The minimally invasive ZAGA channel-­ in its final position ready to disassemble its transporter.
type osteotomy has been prepared. The Straumann ZAGA Note the perfect contact and sealing of the implant walls
implant has its tip placed in the ZICZ (white circle). Note with the ‘single’ osteotomy. The white arrows highlight
the precise under-preparation of the osteotomy as well as how the flat surface of the Straumann ZAGA Flat is at the
the preservation of the integrity of the sinus membrane at level of the bony envelope. The implant–abutment con-
this level. The green circle marks the AZ which is as far nection is made above the ZICZ using an abutment of
away as possible from the ZICZ. The white arrows high- smaller diameter than the implant platform (platform
light the flat surface of the implant on the buccal side shift), so we do not expect bacterial stimulation. The AZ
which will contribute to decrease the pressure against the (green circle) is far from the ZICZ, so no antrum contami-
soft tissue and therefore reduce the possibility of dehis- nation is expected through it. The yellow circle marks the
cence due to tissue anoxia. (b) The same implant in (a) is ZAZ
11 Surgical–Anatomical and Prosthetic–Biomechanical ZAGA Criteria to Determine the Zygomatic… 299

Table 11.1 Rationale for recommended tools and proce- 11.2.2 The Antrostomy Zone
dures to achieve and maintain adequate bone and soft tis-
sue stability in the ZICZ (From Aparicio C. Soft tissue
management in zygomatic implant rehabilitation In The antrostomy zone (AZ) is the area where the
Advanced Zygomatic Implants: The ZAGA Concept. drill penetrates into the maxillary sinus cavity
Carlos Aparicio Ed. Quintessence Chicago 2023) [9] (Figs. 11.4, 11.5 and 11.6). ZAGA recommends a
• Postpone any intervention until the soft tissue is fully minimally invasive osteotomy procedure
healed. intended to maximise BIC using an under-­
• Incision. As a general rule, use a palatal incision,
preparation of the designed implant trajectory.
displacing and augmenting the soft tissue buccally to
the implant platform. The recommended minimally invasive ZAGA
• ZAGA rolling flap. This is recommended for ZAGA osteotomy [10, 11] procedure is adapted to the
type 4 anatomy with implants that are expected to be implant shape by direct bone drilling in the three
externalised and when the thickness of the palatal soft areas where the implant will contact (ZICZ, AZ
tissue permits. For this, we will use a partial-thickness
incision extending from the ridge about 10–12 mm and ZAZ). In other words, prior to implant place-
towards the centre of the palate where it becomes full ment no previous ‘window’ or ‘slot’ osteotomy/
thickness. We will then roll the palatal connective antrostomy is performed nor required. Depending
tissue, ideally leaving the periosteum intact, and move on the maxillary anatomy, the zygomatic antros-
it buccally towards the neck of the abutment.
• ZAGA partial thickness flap (PTF). Its purpose is to
tomy zone will be located either at the internal
maintain or facilitate soft tissue closure in cases of side of the remaining alveolar bone (tunnel oste-
sinus floor or palatal discontinuity. otomy in ZAGA types 0 and 1) or apically from
• Perform an adequate osteotomy procedure by placing the ZICZ when there is not enough alveolar bone,
the implant head in relation to the ridge according to
and the osteotomy trajectory is buccally offset
the ZAGA Concept.
• se an appropriate implant section and design to match (channel osteotomy). As a rule of thumb, the
the osteotomy and maintain the bone in the ZICZ. antrostomy should be located as far away as pos-
• Consider using simple procedures such as L-PRF sible from the ZICZ. Excluding ZAGA types 0
alone or in conjunction with bone grafting to enhance/ and 1 when the ZI perforates the sinus floor
facilitate healing and sealing of soft and hard tissues
(Fig. 11.6a), the AZ is usually located at the
after surgery.
• If dehiscence is anticipated or considered likely and zygomatic process of the maxilla, below the
sufficient connective tissue is available, use the zygomatico-maxillary suture (Fig. 11.6b). ZAGA
ZAGA scar graft. A scar graft is a pedicle connective Concept uses anatomic, prosthodontic, numerical
tissue graft around the neck of the implant, with the and 3D implant design criteria to determine the
goal of increasing the amount of buccal tissue.
• If dehiscence is anticipated or considered likely and
ZICZ position. The location of the antrostomy
sufficient connective tissue is not available, use the will depend on the zygoma buttress curvature and
buccal fat pad. on the position of the coronal entrance point.
• After implant surgery, consider the use of a definitive
abutment with adequate height as important factors in
maintaining the marginal bone level.
• Position the implant–abutment junction as far away 11.2.3 The Zygomatic
from the ZICZ as possible to maintain the marginal Anchorage Zone
bone level avoiding bacterial leakage and subsequent
bone resorption. The latter is of particular relevance if The zygomatic anchorage zone (ZAZ) is the sec-
a straight 0° implant head design is used.
• Consider suturing options, including the use of
tion of the zygomatic bone where the implant
periosteal incisions or release flaps to obtain reaches its maximum primary stability (Figs. 11.4
tension-­free primary wound closure. and 11.5b). The zygomatic bone is variable in
• Avoid implant micromotion under masticatory load by quality and quantity among patients. Nkenke
using a rigid framework, no extensions, good et al. [12] described it in 2003 as a trabecular
masticatory load distribution and soft diet in the
provisional prosthesis. bone with unfavourable characteristics for
• Recommend proper hygiene and diagnostic implant placement if not properly utilised.
procedures that do not compromise the hemi-­ Structural zygomatic stabilisation will be maxi-
desmosomal bond between titanium and soft tissue. mised when four cortices of the maxillary zygo-
300 C. Aparicio et al.

Fig. 11.6 The diagram shows an example of the design otomy. Both examples are real and show the pre- and
of a ZAGA tunnel osteotomy (a) and at the bottom a sec- postoperative radiographs, with the planning of the
ond example (b) of the choice of a ZAGA channel oste- implant position and the final situation at 3 years

atrophy, we need to maximise primary stability.

To achieve this, the ZAGA Concept uses a tan-
gential zygomatic bone–implant intersection,
increasing the bone–implant contact (BIC). In
parallel to the above, we recommend using the
minimally invasive ZAGA osteotomy because it
does not remove bone in the form of a slot or win-
dow prior to implant placement (Fig. 11.7),
which decreases the BICA and the strength of the
maxilla or zygomatic bone. Obviously, we will
be able to preserve and adapt better to the bone
Fig. 11.7 Image taken from the Internet visualising two structure if we add to the type of osteotomy
zygomatic implants placed with an osteotomy determined ­mentioned above the use of site-specific implants
by a wrong positioning for the AZ. The white arrows high- and narrow diameter drills such as Straumann-
light how zygomatic bone has been removed in excess and
ZAGA zygomatic implants.
inaccurately making the apical margins of the implant not
correspond with the diameter of the osteotomy. The
threads of both implants are exposed, potentially losing
initial stability and zygomatic bone mass without achiev- 11.3 Biomechanics in the Context
ing function
of Tilted Implants
matic process and zygomatic bone are penetrated.
Generally speaking, from a biomechanical point The successful use of tilted implants has been
of view we should also try to drill also the antero- described as an alternative to maxillary grafting
superior cortex of the zygoma to ensure primary in cases where patients present advanced maxil-
stability of the implant. The maximum anchorage lary resorption by Mattson et al. 1999 [13] and
is achieved by the partial or total irruption of the Kremanof et al. in 2000 [14]. Aparicio et al. in
implant in the infratemporal fossa, its re-entry in 2001 [15] defined a ‘tilted’ implant as an implant
the zygomatic bone with final exit through the ‘placed with more than 15° deviation from per-
superior anterior cortex of the zygoma. Since the pendicular to the occlusal plane’. Implants
patient’s problem is precisely severe maxillary anchored in the zygomatic bone are tilted.
11 Surgical–Anatomical and Prosthetic–Biomechanical ZAGA Criteria to Determine the Zygomatic… 301

Stress is defined as a force divided by the area means that many thousands of cycles can accu-
supporting the force, so its dimensions are force/ mulate in 1 year.
area; for example, a typical unit for stress in the As defined by Aparicio et al. in 2001 [15],
metric system is the Pascal (Pa), which equals zygomatic implants can clearly be classified as
1 N/m2, and 1 million Pa equals 1 MPa ‘tilted’, which raises the question ‘What is the
(MegaPascal). There can be different types of functional difference between a vertical versus a
strain, such as tensile strain, compressive strain tilted implant, in particular with respect to the
and shear strain. Strain is the amount of deforma- peri-implant bone?’
tion experienced by a sample of material in the According to Brunski and Aparicio in 2023
direction of the applied force, divided by the ini- [21], one answer arises from the comparison of
tial dimensions of the sample. Stress and strain stress–strain states in the peri-implant bone
are related by the stress–strain relationship of the around vertical implants versus tilted implants in
material involved. All materials have failure lim- identical bone and loaded by the same vertical
its described in terms of stress or strain. force. A suitable method to perform this compari-
When any prosthesis is loaded by masticatory son is finite element (FE) modelling, where rele-
forces, its supporting implants are also loaded vant factors (e.g. bone properties, implant
along with the surrounding bone. Mechanical geometry, implant loading, etc.) can be controlled
principles dictate that these forces will produce in a systematic way to allow for a ‘fair’ compari-
resistance forces within the materials involved, son. Figure 11.8 illustrates the results of an FE
and these internal resistance forces are related to study of the intraosseous strain distributions
stress. Similarly, stress in a material also causes occurring around a bone-integrated implant
deformation or strain, and as a general rule, the tested in three different orientations with respect
greater the stress and strain in any material, the to the occlusal plane. In the FE models presented
greater the risk of failure [16]. here, the implant is made of pure titanium and the
We cannot determine conclusively when the bone is assigned the approximate properties of a
stresses and strains that bone can withstand are mixture of dense and cancellous bone. The three
too great. This is because different types of bone, implants—straight (Fig. 11.8a), angled 15°
that is, dense cortical bone, trabecular bone, (Fig. 11.8b) and 25° (Fig. 11.8b)—are assumed
immature bone healing around an implant, human to be connected to the bone (‘osseointegrated’)
bone versus bone of another species, etc., have and loaded by the same downward vertically
different properties [17]. On the other hand, we directed force. The conclusion is that other fac-
must keep in mind the possibility of fatigue fail- tors being equal, such as the force on the implant,
ure of bone, which is a type of material failure the size and shape of the implant, the quality and
that occurs under cyclic loading conditions. quantity of surrounding bone, etc., increasing the
Fatigue is especially insidious because it occurs inclination of an implant increases the stresses
under magnitudes of stress or strain substantially and strains in the peri-implant bone compared to
lower than those that cause failure in a single the case of a vertical implant.
cycle. For example, the ultimate tensile strength Early in the development period of tilted
of pure titanium is about 760 MPa, but the so-­ implants, it was stated that one of the advantages
called fatigue strength limit for 10 million cycles of tilting an implant was that it would ‘make
is only 300 MPa [18]. The situation is similar in maximum use of available bone and result in a
bone. For example, in the case of the implant simpler, more predictable, less costly and less
tilted at 25°, the peak peri-implant bone strain time-consuming treatment compared to bone
can be substantially greater than the strain in grafting procedures in the maxillary sinus or aug-
bone around an axially loaded implant. In some mentation techniques...’ [15].
cases, it is possible that bone may fatigue under We could explain the statement ‘making the
cyclic loading since humans routinely exert about most of the available bone’ from a biomechani-
100 chewing movements per day [19, 20], which cal point of view with a simple geometrical
302 C. Aparicio et al.

a b c

Fig. 11.8 (a–c) Principal compressive strains in bone context of tilted implants. In Advanced Zygomatic
around implants with different inclinations subjected to Implants: The ZAGA Concept. Carlos Aparicio Ed.
the same force. (From Brunski J. B. Biomechanics in the Quintessence Chicago 2023) [21]

a b c

Fig. 11.9 If the available bone has a thickness of 10 mm J. B, Aparicio C. Biomechanics in the context of tilted
(a), the length of the vertical implant in the bone (b) may implants. In Advanced Zygomatic Implants: The ZAGA
be 10 mm, whereas if the implant is tilted 25° (c), the Concept. Carlos Aparicio Ed. Quintessence Chicago
length in the bone increases to 11 mm. (From Brunski 2023) [21]

example. Let us assume that the thickness of the may be about 15% greater than that of a vertical
sinuses floor in an individual is 10 mm implant.
(Fig. 11.9a). Let us further assume that it is an Thus, from the perspective of making the best
edentulous area which, because of its width, use of available bone, an inclined implant is argu-
would allow the placement of a vertical implant ably superior because it has a greater effective
(Fig. 11.9b) or an inclined implant (Fig. 11.9c). length in bone and (potentially) more bone con-
A simple geometric calculation indicates that the tact area than the vertical implant.
length in bone of the vertical implant would be This provides a better understanding of the
10 mm, while for the inclined implant with an biomechanics of tilted implants related to inser-
angle α = 25°, the length of the implant in bone tion technique. For example, the angle of attack
would increase to the length of the inclined dot- of the implant with an intra-sinus path to the
ted line in Fig. 11.9a, which is 11 mm. For an zygomatic bone is more perpendicular, so the
applied inclination of about 35°, the bone-to- BICA is lower than when the implant is placed
implant contact area (BICA) of the tilted implant with an extra-sinus path [22].
11 Surgical–Anatomical and Prosthetic–Biomechanical ZAGA Criteria to Determine the Zygomatic… 303

The above provides insight into the biome- tal and temporal processes of the zygomatic bone
chanics of tilted implants. Regardless of the sur- in different directions. Therefore, zygomatic
gical and prosthetic justification chosen, the same implants in combination with at least two con-
biomechanical design considerations arise with ventional implants can restrain rotational loads
zygomatic implants, which are tilted by defini- and distribute stresses from the fixed prosthesis
tion: How are implants loaded during mastica- to the zygomatic bone, but cannot restrain stresses
tory function? What is the difference in load at the implant–abutment joint under lateral
distribution between an implant anchored exclu- loading.
sively in zygomatic bone and one that is also sup- It is interesting to note that the model used in
ported by alveolar bone? What stress levels occur the Ujigawa study uses a remaining alveolar bone
in the peri-implant alveolar bone? What stress height of 6.3 mm, which almost negates the indi-
levels occur in the peri-implant alveolar bone? cation for placing zygomatic implants or, in any
What stress levels occur in the peri-implant alve- case, represents a more favourable situation than
olar bone and what stress levels occur in the usual with respect to the amount of alveolar bone
zygomatic bone? Under what conditions can the available in a severely atrophic maxilla.
applied stresses exceed the damage limits? What Finite element studies performed by
are the differences between the loading of an iso- Freedman’s group in 2013 [24] and 2015 [25]
lated zygomatic implant and one connected to provide answers to the importance of the alveolar
other implants? What are the differences between bone in supporting or modifying the masticatory
the loading of an isolated zygomatic implant and load on zygomatic implants placed according to
one connected to other implants? the original or externalised technique. In the 2013
Ujigawa [23] used a finite element model to study, the authors created a model of a fixed
investigate the distribution of forces along zygo- bridge supported by two zygomatic implants
matic implants in a model with regular anatomy. placed using the intra-sinus Brånemark original
They simulated an occlusal force of 150 N and a technique. Subsequently, the model was dupli-
lateral force of 50 N. Their model also incorpo- cated and the holes around both implants were
rated a 300 N force, applied to the bone and widened as they advanced through the maxillary
zygomatic arch, to simulate the action of the bone. The result was a 0.5 mm gap between the
masseter muscle. The study showed large von implants and the bone. Forces ranging from 50 to
Mises stresses in the zygomatic bone and sug- 600 N were used, with the idea that forces up to
gested that most of the occlusal force was trans- 600 N would exceed those recorded in vivo.
mitted to this area. The maximum stresses observed in the model
Stresses in severely resorbed jaws with con- with alveolar support were lower than those in
nected implants (one zygomatic implant and two the model without alveolar support, regardless of
regular implants) were not concentrated around the direction in which the force was applied.
the alveolar bone supporting the zygomatic Alveolar bone support had the greatest influence
implant. Stresses under vertical and lateral loads, on von Mises peak stresses when occlusally
when separate implants were present, tended to directed forces were applied. This is clinically
be generated in the zygomatic bone, in the mid- significant as most masticatory forces are occlus-
dle part of the zygomatic implant and at the ally directed.
implant–abutment junction, thus indicating the The results of this study suggest that the sup-
possibility of complications related to marginal port provided by the alveolar bone is important
bone, loss around the implants and mechanical for zygomatic implants. The explanation
failure of the components. Freedman suggests is that although the portion of
According to Ujigawa, stress due to occlusal the implant supporting the alveolar bone is very
forces is borne primarily by the zygomatic bone, small compared to that supporting the zygomatic
is transferred predominantly through the infra-­ bone, the alveolar zone is much closer to the
zygomatic ridge and is divided between the fron- force being applied to the implant. This would
304 C. Aparicio et al.

allow the masticatory forces to be distributed approximately twice as much when there is no
over the entire maxilla and facial skeleton rather contact. Freedman does not report a previous
than solely over the zygomatic bone. reduction of the maxillary wall of the model in
In contrast to the results of Ujigawa et al. [23], the form of window or slot osteotomy that would
only small stresses were observed in the zygo- decrease the contact of the implant with the max-
matic bone. Instead, the forces were distributed illary wall. Moreover, Corvello demonstrated in
throughout the maxilla and the entire facial skel- 2011 [22] that due to the tangential attack of the
eton. This suggests that less force is distributed in implant the contact area at zygomatic level is
the zygomatic bone than suspected when alveolar greater in the externalised technique than in the
support is present. One possible explanation for original intra-sinus. Therefore, the explanation
the difference in results is that the Ujigawa model for the fact that in Freedman’s studies the reduc-
also incorporated a 300 N force applied to the tion of contact in the alveolar area has less effect
arch and zygomatic bone to simulate masseter in the externalised technique than in the original
action. The study showed large von Mises stresses one could be in the greater contact area of the
in the zygomatic bone and suggested that most of implant with the maxillary wall and the zygo-
the occlusal force was transmitted to this area. matic bone that is achieved with a minimally
However, it is difficult to know what proportion invasive osteotomy as preached by the ZAGA
of the stress observed in the zygomatic bone Concept.
came from the occlusal force and not from the
masseteric force.
In a second study published in 2015, Freedman 11.4 The ZAGA Criteria
et al. [25] investigated the influence of the maxil- to Establish the Zygomatic
lary alveolar bone on the stress distribution of Implant Trajectory
zygomatic implants in extra-sinus position. For
this purpose, they modelled two zygomatic In designing the zygomatic implant trajectory,
implants that were placed in an extra-sinus posi- the surgeon must have to be familiar with the fol-
tion with anchorage in the zygomatic bone and lowing aspects related to the maxillary anatomy
contact in the alveolar bone. The implants were that will determine both the position of the entry
connected by means of a fixed bridge. This model and exit point of the implant [8, 26]:
was duplicated and the area of the maxillary alve-
olar bone contacting the implants was eliminated. • Remnant alveolar bone or basal bone form-
Forces ranging from 50 to 600 N were applied to ing the floor of the maxillary sinuses or nose,
each model individually in the molar area of the in terms of height, width, geometry and
bridge at varying angles to the occlusal plane. As quality.
before, the magnitudes of the maximum stresses • Palatine bone proximal to the floor of the
were systematically higher in the model without sinuses, in terms of thickness, quality, archi-
alveolar support, regardless of the direction of the tecture or presence of anatomical incisions.
applied force. • Maxillary wall in terms of shape of its curva-
It is interesting to note how apparently the ture if present, thickness and/or presence of
influence of the alveolar contact is much more anatomical incidences (e.g. alveolar artery).
important when the implant is placed with the • The zygoma itself in its morphology and
original intra-sinus technique than when the extra architecture in general, as well as the thick-
maxillary technique is used. In fact, according to ness of its cortices and the possible prolonga-
figures published by Freedman’s group, when tions of the sinuses inside it. It will be
there is no alveolar contact in the original tech- especially important to know the details of the
nique, the stress on the zygomatic bone is architecture of the transition zone of the
enhanced by approximately three times. Whereas zygoma with the maxilla, especially if a dou-
in the externalised technique the forces increase ble window osteotomy is planned.
11 Surgical–Anatomical and Prosthetic–Biomechanical ZAGA Criteria to Determine the Zygomatic… 305

In the ZAGA Concept, the type of incision therefore the prevention of late complications
and the flap are also designed in relation to the such as oro-antral communication or soft tissue
patient’s anatomy. After planning, we will exe- recession, as well as the appearance of mechani-
cute them until we release a flap that allows us to cal, prosthetic and/or aesthetic complications,
control the entire surgical area. For this purpose it largely depends on it. As described by Aparicio
is advisable to use a retractor placed in the angle et al. [8, 11], the location of the ZICZ is governed
formed by the temporal and frontal process of the by prosthetic, biomechanical and anatomical
zygomatic bone. Following situating the retrac- considerations. Depending on these factors, the
tor, the choice of the trajectory of the implant, as oral preparation may begin in the form of a tunnel
well as the points where it interacts with the sub- in the bony ridge itself, placing the entry point on
ject, is guided by the anatomy of the area follow- the palatal side of the alveolar ridge; or in cases
ing three steps: of severe resorption such as ZAGA type 4, have
the form of a lateral channel running from the
(a) Identify the ZICZ. ridge along the buccal side of the maxillary wall.
(b) Establish the AZ.
(c) Perform the antrostomy by joining the two
points. 11.4.2 Establish the AZ

To achieve rehabilitation of the atrophic maxilla

11.4.1 Identify the ZICZ by means of a prosthesis fixed to zygomatic
implants, the apical part of the implant is
The initial step in zygomatic implant placement anchored in the zygomatic bone with the aim of
is to identify and determine the first contact zone achieving primary stability, refraining from dam-
of the implant at the level of the alveolar ridge aging adjacent structures such as the orbit, the
(Fig. 11.10). This point is known as the zygo- infraorbital nerve, the infratemporal fossa or the
matic implant critical zone (ZICZ) [8, 11]. zygomatic bone itself. Once the ZICZ has been
Determining this zone where the implant first determined, the next step will be to proceed to
contacts the alveolar bone and subsequently the determine the point where the drill will penetrate
soft tissue is a key factor for the success of the the antrum: the antrostomy zone (AZ). In the
zygomatic surgical procedure. In fact, the choice ZAGA Concept, the position of the AZ is deter-
of the type of osteotomy to be performed and mined according to the patient’s anatomy, and

Fig. 11.10 Radiographic series showing on the left the invasive ZAGA osteotomy has maintained the integrity of
preoperative planning of the implant trajectory in a ZAGA the membrane in the ZICZ (white arrows) despite the
type 4 situation. Due to the scarce residual alveolar bone small amount of bone. On the right, the tomographic sec-
in the ZICZ (red circle) a ZAGA channel osteotomy is tion over the implant shows the excellent situation of the
determined. In the centre we visualise how the minimally sinus 3 years later
306 C. Aparicio et al.

more specifically according to the type of oste-

otomy previously chosen. If, due to the amount
of bone remaining at the alveolar level, a tunnel-­
type osteotomy has been chosen, the antrostomy
will be approximately 5 mm away on the other
side of the alveolar perforation (Fig. 11.11).
If, on the other hand, due to the scarcity of
bone, an externalised channel osteotomy is cho-
sen, the site of the antrostomy (AZ) will be
located far away from the near ZICZ or in the
zygomatic bone (Fig. 11.12).
The decision of the location of the entry zone,
trajectory and length of the implant at the level of
the zygomatic bone will be determined according
to the following criteria: numerical, relative to
the number of implants to be placed; implant
design in terms of its pattern and especially its
thickness; and anatomical/structural relative to
the architecture of the zygomatic bone and its
relationship/transition with the maxillary wall.
Fig. 11.11 The tomographic section over the implant
shows the result of a ZAGA tunnel osteotomy. The red
As explained more fully in Chap. 5 of The
arrows indicate the position of the ZICZ and entry of the ZAGA Concept book [11], in the cases of ZAGA
implant into the residual alveolar bone. The green arrows 2, 3 and 4, the point of penetration of the drill bit
indicate the point of the AZ, just on the other side of the into the antral cavity corresponds to the point of

Fig. 11.12 The composition shows in the upper perime- osteotomies. The double arrows highlight the distance
ter the tomographic slices corresponding to the plans for between the AZ and the ZICZ. In the lower perimeter the
the zygomatic implants in second premolar/first molar radiological images taken 3 years after placement show
positions. In the centre the clinical image with the ZAGA the state of the maxillary sinuses. The white arrows point
Flat implants placed in minimally invasive ZAGA channel to the AZs
11 Surgical–Anatomical and Prosthetic–Biomechanical ZAGA Criteria to Determine the Zygomatic… 307

penetration of the drill bit into the antral cavity

approximately to the point of entry into the zygo-
matic bone through its inferior facial cortex
(close to the maxillo-zygomatico suture). In
ZAGA 0 and some ZAGA type 1 cases, the entry
point into the antral cavity is located just across
the perforation of the remaining alveolar bone. In
these cases, the apical entry point into the zygo-
matic bone is located on its inner side and does
not correspond to the AZ.
In order to achieve the longest possible
intraosseous path, taking advantage of its sinuous
shape and looking for an entry point in the zygo-
matic bone that crosses as many cortices as pos-
sible is recommended [12]. While seeking the
maximum possible anchorage, the zygomatic
osteotomy must ensure that the zygoma itself
does not fracture. To this end, we must refrain
from tangential drilling too close to the facial Fig. 11.13 The tomographic section shows the trajectory
cortex, leaving little bone thickness between the of the implant and the state of the adjacent structures. The
implant and the outer surface of the cortex. We double green arrow indicates that in order to refrain from
unwanted fractures or unproductive removal of the zygo-
should also refrain from using exaggerated matic bone, the AZ should be placed at an approximate
implant diameters that require major and unnec- distance of at least 5 mm from the external zone of the
essary osteotomies that facilitate total or partial superior external cortex of the zygoma
fracture of the zygoma (Fig. 11.13). This consid-
eration will be especially important when placing
two zygomatic implants in the same zygoma. 11.5 Interim Prostheses

In zygomatic implant treatment, the immediate

11.4.3 Perform the Antrostomy provisional prosthesis design and function is
extremely important. First of all because a well-­
The final implant trajectory is determined by made immediate prosthesis reinforces the initial
joining the coronal and apical points previously stability of the loaded implants by rigidly splint-
determined in steps A and B. To do so, a sequen- ing all the implants and thus refraining excessive
tial osteotomy joining the points previously micromovement. In addition, provisional pros-
determined in steps A and B is performed. To theses serve multiple functions such as providing
under-prepare the bone of the trajectory, the acceptable aesthetics as well as masticatory and
future diameter of the planned implant is consid- phonetic function during the healing process. As
ered. Ideally the obtained bed will be fully sealed a provisional prosthesis, it will also be useful as a
with an implant whose design corresponds to the test to check the position, occlusion and ­aesthetics
morphology of the prepared osteotomy. As we of the teeth as well as the soft tissue substitutes
have already pointed out, the ZAGA Concept [27, 28].
uses only one osteotomy. Therefore, there is no As mentioned above, the prosthesis utilises
need to waste bone from the patient’s maxillary one of the key principles of orthopaedics to pro-
wall by performing an ‘emotional’ osteotomy, in vide supplemental rigidity to allow for neo-­
the form of a ‘window’ or ‘slot’, prior to the oste- vascularisation and subsequent bone healing.
otomy really necessary for the implant Thus, in orthopaedics, a cast, a metal plate or, in
placement. the case of implants, a fixed prosthesis that rig-
308 C. Aparicio et al.

idly splints all implants will prevent their relative

movement and allow healing. In the case of zygo-
matic implants, this concept of rigid splinting to
refrain or control micromovement is even more
important than in regular implants. Even if pri-
mary or secondary stability has been achieved in
its apical anchorage zone, an eventual excessive
micromovement would be facilitated by three
possible factors: the first is the great lever length
of a very long implant supported only at its apical
end; the second is that the anatomical variations
of the zygomatic bone are very large and in cer-
tain cases with less density or quantity of cortical Fig. 11.14 Occlusal view of a prosthetic guide for check-
ing the direction of the prosthetic screw
bone it can increase its elasticity, favouring the
movement of the implant; and thirdly, the even-
Table 11.2 General rules for a full-arch immediate
tual placement of the implant without total con- prosthesis
tact with the alveolar or palatal bone remnant.
• Maximum accuracy in impression taking, whether
The ZAGA Concept pays special attention to digital or analogue
the importance of the contact of the externally • Rigid initial splinting of all implants with transverse
placed implant with the alveolar bone remnant in stabilisation of the arch
addition to the zygomatic anchorage. Regardless • Dentition/occlusal surface/shortened to the limit
marked by the emergence of the distal implants
of whether the implant is placed through the
• Flat or convex but never concave prosthetic mucosal
­palatal bone or externalised, it is essential that the interface
implant has intimate contact with the alveolar or • Use of Henry Beyron’s principles for an optimal
palatal bone. In fact, Becktor et al. in 2005 [29], occlusion adapted to an implant-anchored prosthetic
using the original technique in 16 consecutive situation [28]
• Soft diet for 3 months
patients, had infectious complications in several
of their patients due to oro sinus communica-
tions. The authors attributed the origin of the The immediate screw-retained immediate
bone destruction to uncontrolled coronal peri-­ prosthesis on zygomatic implants does not have
implant micromovement. specific components. For an implant-anchored
The construction of the provisional prosthesis provisional prosthesis, the general rules detailed
begins at surgery. During implant placement, the in Table 11.2 are recommended. The structure
surgeon must ensure that the implant is correctly should be rigid and accurately constructed for
tilted towards the antagonist dentition. Ideally the better load distribution. If the prosthesis is not
surgeon will have a prosthetic guide to relate the sufficiently rigid, deformation and deflection of
emergence of the implants to the antagonist den- the zygomatic implant can lead to poor distribu-
tition and provide the implant head with an tion of masticatory loads and facilitate micro-
appropriate abutment type in length and angula- movements that impede osseointegration,
tion (Fig. 11.14). peri-implant bone loss or screw loosening.
For the choice of the abutment length it will be To optimise force distribution, rigid stabilisa-
important to have photographs of the patient in tion will be of the full arch and will include all
the operating room in different smile intensities implants (Fig. 11.15). It will be essential to
without prosthesis as well as analyse the quantity reduce or eliminate buccal/distal lever arms.
and biotype of the soft tissue surrounding the Forces that cause bending moments are known to
implant to estimate its final height after healing. be the most unfavourable.
11 Surgical–Anatomical and Prosthetic–Biomechanical ZAGA Criteria to Determine the Zygomatic… 309

speech and facial expression. It was chosen as a

mnemonic tool because it somehow covers all
four specific criteria expressing the long-term
status of a single zygomatic implant.

• Offset: Evaluation of prosthetic success based

on the final position of the zygomatic implant
with respect to the centre of the alveolar ridge.
• Rhino-sinuses status: Adopting clinical and
radiological criteria widely accepted in the
ENT literature. Specifically, the Lanza–
Fig. 11.15 Frontal/gingival view of a temporary prosthe- Kennedy clinical test [31] and the modified
sis. Note the good AP distribution of the implants and the Lund–Mackay radiological test [32] are
perfect design of the mucosal prosthesis interface that will used to compare the sinus status by analys-
allow the patient to maintain hygiene. (Image courtesy of
Dr. Fadi Yasmine)
ing the pre-­ surgical and post-surgical
• Infection-related soft tissue dehiscence: An
11.6 The ORIS Criteria to Evaluate evaluation of signs of infection or soft tissue
the Results of the Zygoma dehiscence on a grading scale based on the
Anchored Oral reference photographs obtained.
Rehabilitation • Stability report: Accepting as success criteria
a certain mobility without signs of rotational
There is a tendency to validate, and subsequently dis-osseointegration or apical pain.
use, the same diagnostic methods to assess the
condition of teeth and oral implants. Similarly, Based on these criteria, five possible condi-
there is a tendency to consider and evaluate a tions may be assessed when evaluating zygo-
zygomatic implant in the same way as a conven- matic implants [7]:
tional implant. However, zygomatic implants dif-
fer from traditional implants in their • Success condition I: represents the optimal
biomechanics, clinical procedures, anatomical stage.
sites to which they relate and possible complica- • Success condition II: represents an alteration
tions. In other words, zygomatic implants are dif- of routine without clinical impact.
ferent from normal implants and to consistently • Success condition III: represents a borderline
evaluate the success of treatment with zygomatic situation with alterations that are clinically
implants the same parameters cannot be used as manifested but are still possible to success-
when evaluating conventional implants. fully treat.
Moreover, the current zygomatic approach is rel- • Success condition IV: would represent the sur-
atively new, especially if the head of the zygo- viving implant that supports the prosthesis but
matic implant is located in an extra maxillary has not been measured according to the pro-
area with interrupted alveolar bone around its posed criteria
perimeter. To compare in fine and thus improve • Success condition V: reflects implant failure.
the quality of the evaluation procedure, specific
success criteria for zygomatic implants have been Specific criteria to describe success/survival
proposed in the literature [7, 26, 30]. In the afore- of zygomatic implants are necessary, both to
mentioned works, ORIS is the acronym for off- write and read scientific literature related to
set, rhinosinusitis, infection and stability. ORIS is zygomatic implant–based oral rehabilitations.
also a term of Latin origins with a broad meaning Given that the success criteria we use to evaluate
covering the face, the mouth, pronunciation, conventional implants (i.e. assessment of mar-
310 C. Aparicio et al.

ginal bone height over time) cannot be used, the tal implant origin. Treatment and prevention with
bone morphogenetic protein-2/absorbable collagen
implementation of ORIS success criteria as a sponge sinus grafting. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.
follow-up tool is key to assessing the long-term 2013;28:e512–20.
multi-aspect success of the treatment. 3. Davó R, Felice P, Pistilli R, Barausse C, Marti-Pages
C, Ferrer-Fuertes A, et al. Immediately loaded zygo-
matic implants vs conventional dental implants in
augmented atrophic maxillae: 1-year post-loading
11.7 Conclusions results from a multicentre randomized controlled trial.
Eur J Oral Implantol. 2018;11:145–61.
The ZAGA Concept is a natural evolution of the 4. Felice P, Barausse C, Davó R, Pistilli R, Marti-Pages
C, Ferrer-Fuertes A, et al. Immediately loaded zygo-
original zygomatic implant process originated by matic implants versus conventional dental implants in
Branemark. augmented atrophic maxillae: three-year post-loading
Unlike the previously described systems that results from a multicentre randomised controlled trial.
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Clinical Techniques for Immediate
Stephanie Yeung and Saj Jivraj

Abstract 12.1 Rationale for Immediate

Patient factors and implant biomechanics Loading
influence the rationale, requirements and tech-
niques for the immediate loading procedure. Immediate loading is defined as the prosthetic
Proper patient selection, treatment planning loading of dental implants within the first
and operation method will lead to a predict- week of loading [1]. From a biomechanical
able, expeditious outcome for re-establishing standpoint, immediate loading can result in
a patient’s comfort and function. There are success and survival rates comparable to con-
multiple subjective and objective patient and ventionally loaded dental implants [2].
surgical factors to consider. Additionally, Additionally, overall treatment time is
there are multiple approaches to completing decreased and the patient’s functional abili-
the immediate loading clinical procedure ties are sooner established [3, 4]. Completing
itself, with the most common being direct, this procedure yields the potential for
direct–indirect or the indirect technique. Each increased patient satisfaction predictably and
technique bears technical and patient-related efficiently.
advantages and disadvantages. This section From a biomechanical standpoint, the suc-
will review the general requirements for cess underlying immediate loading is derived
patient selection and describe the three meth- from the allowance of 50–150 μm of micromo-
ods of completing an immediate loading pro- tion—and the ability of a well-designed
cedure for full-arch fixed implant-supported splinted restoration to limit it [3, 5]. Factors
restorations. that may influence micromotion and restorative
outcome include surgical planning, implant
positions, patient biology and prosthetic design
[6]. For the most predictable outcome, it is
imperative to select the best procedural course
with consideration to practicality and any clin-
S. Yeung ical restraints.
Private Practice, Los Angeles, CA, USA There are a variety of methods for fabricating
S. Jivraj (*) a splinted full-arch restoration within the first
Anacapa Dental Art Institute, Oxnard, CA, USA week of implant placement. There are positive

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 313
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
314 S. Yeung and S. Jivraj

and negative attributes to each method. are also influential components for a successful
Restorations inserted within the day of implant outcome [ 12–14].
surgery will minimise the patient’s exposure to
anaesthesia and the restoration can precede post-
operative soft tissue swelling. Delaying insertion 12.2.2 Surgical Considerations
by a few days may allow the patient time to rest.
However, the patient would also be subject to Placement of an adequate number of implants in
repeated anaesthesia, in addition to considering well-dispersed positions is necessary for suc-
the risk of tissue expansion over healing cessful immediate loading. The goal in implant
abutments. numbering and positioning is to limit micromo-
The fabrication and insertion method selected tion and allow even distribution of occlusal
for immediate loading involves a series of objec- forces. The number and position of implants
tive and subjective variables. Objective determi- may also be influenced by bone quality, insertion
nants include surgical planning, restorative torque at the time of surgery or even implant
design and procedure timing. Subjective vari- length [8, 15, 16].
ables include personal preference, patient selec- The accepted minimum number is four
tion and patient preferences. implants in the mandible and four to six implants
in the maxilla; fewer implants may yield unpre-
dictable results [3, 16–18]. If the distance
12.2 Requirements for Immediate between implants is too great, prosthetic failure
Loading may occur as a result of a large cantilever; con-
versely, too little distance may decrease resin
12.2.1 Patient Selection bulk, thus leading to a weaker prosthesis [19].

There are multiple factors to consider in deter-

mining whether a patient is an ideal candidate for 12.2.3 Restorative Considerations
immediate loading. Medical history, such as
bisphosphonates use, irradiation or immunosup- The ideal prosthesis used in full-arch immediate
pression, generally has a more difficult time with loading is hygienic, rigid, aesthetic and allows
wound healing and has higher implant failure for an even distribution of forces. To avoid inter-
rates; thus, immediate loading may not be a good fering with healing processes, restorations should
option [7]. However, tobacco use and well-­ be convex for ease of hygiene maintenance.
controlled diabetes may not necessarily pose a Additionally, screw retention is recommended to
risk [7, 8]. avoid cement-related irritation as well as exces-
In addition to medical factors, there are sive pull-out forces [20].
behavioural and dental factors to consider. A Aesthetics, rigidity and force distribution can
history of periodontitis or parafunctional habits be managed through occlusal design and alloca-
may not be immediate contraindications [8, 9]. tion of sufficient space for teeth and acrylic bulk
However, surgical factors related to implant [8]. The importance of force distribution is para-
stability, such as position, bone quality and mount, considering that survival rates are gener-
force distribution, can contribute negative ally improved when immediately loaded
impacts [10]. Therefore, prosthetic design must prostheses opposing natural dentition have higher
also be factored in for optimal rigidity of the success rates relative to opposing implants [21].
prosthesis in conjunction to occlusal design for If occlusal forces are a potential concern, flatten-
function [11]. Postoperative patient compliance ing cusps for balance and narrowing of occlusal
to a soft diet and dental hygiene maintenance surfaces should decrease occlusal forces [3].
12 Clinical Techniques for Immediate Loading 315

12.3 Immediate Loading: Clinical


Regardless of loading method, there are pertinent

diagnostic details that need to be available prior
to proceeding with the procedure itself.
Preoperative information, such as radiographs,
diagnostic casts, clinical charting and photos,
should be made to aid surgical and restorative
planning. Radiographs should include a full-arch
cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to
help determine implant positioning and any
adjunctive surgeries. Diagnostic casts can either
be made using conventional impression materials
or scanned intraorally. Preoperative photos Fig. 12.1 Intaglio of removable denture featuring well-­
should include frontal, profile and smile views to extended flanges, full palatal coverage and ideal tooth
positioning over the crest of the alveolar ridge
help determine tooth positioning and any dishar-
monies that can be surgically accounted for, such
as the transition zone from prosthesis to gingiva. positioning within the prosthesis, which could
If necessary, a tooth setup should be made to result in a difference in chair time and compara-
establish vertical dimension, phonetics, aesthet- bly improved strength of the resulting immediate
ics and occlusal plane. load prosthesis. Regardless of approach, both
Upon completion of implant placement, seat- require the fabrication of a denture or indexed
ing of multi-unit abutments is recommended to removable prosthesis prior to surgery. The remov-
elevate the fixture levels to or above gingival able prosthesis is used to pick up temporary cyl-
height for clinical access, altering implant trajec- inders fixed to the dental implants intraorally, and
tories if needed, passivity of the prosthesis and then converted into a fixed prosthesis extraorally.
hygienic access. There are scenarios in which In the conventional method, it is important to
using multi-unit abutments is unfeasible, such as identify any anatomical landmarks available to
situations involving limited restorative space. properly orient the prosthesis prior to any attempt
Additionally, healing caps or healing abutments at conversion; landmarks may include the palate,
should be used to maintain access to restorative remaining teeth, pre-existing implants or even
platforms while the fixed prosthesis is being con- unaltered ridge areas (Fig. 12.1). For the digital
verted or fabricated. method, the removable prosthesis must seat per-
fectly into the anchored guide.

12.3.1 Direct Technique: Direct Conventional Approach

Denture Pick-Up Using the removable prosthesis, a rapid-set sili-
and Conversion cone impression is made to identify the implant
locations. The following images depict a com-
The direct technique differs from others in that it plete denture containing a polyvinyl siloxane bite
almost exclusively functions as a same-day post-­ registration material demarcating the implant
surgery solution. Ideally, there should be an sites. The removable prosthesis should be relieved
acceptable opposing arch with occlusion in this around these marked sites to allow a passive seat-
procedure. Currently, there are two main meth- ing of the prosthesis relative to the anatomical
ods of the direct technique: conventional and indices (Figs. 12.2, 12.3, and 12.4).
digital. The main difference between the two Temporary cylinders are to be seated at this
main methods is the predictability of implant point. Radiographs should be taken to verify
316 S. Yeung and S. Jivraj

Fig. 12.5 Seating of initial temporary abutment

Fig. 12.2 Frontal view of denture used for conversion

Fig. 12.6 Seating with denture to check for passivity and

verify sufficient clearance for pick-up resin
Fig. 12.3 Rigid polyvinyl siloxane material indexing
location of healing abutments
allelism is deemed acceptable, the removable
prosthesis may be tried for passivity while
indexed to the selected anatomical reference(s).
The removable prosthesis should be tried over
one temporary cylinder at a time to ensure that
the trajectory of any single cylinder does not
interfere with seating of the prosthesis. Temporary
cylinders should not be in contact with any sur-
faces of the removable prosthesis; if contact is
visible, further relief of the prosthesis is neces-
sary. It is imperative that there is sufficient relief
around the temporary cylinders to ensure that
there is no interference in seating and that there
Fig. 12.4 Relief of denture at sites marked by PVS
will be sufficient space for pick-up resin to flow
(Figs. 12.5, 12.6, 12.7, 12.8, 12.9, and 12.10).
Prior to using any pick-up resin, measures
seating if at implant level. Parallelism between must be taken to avoid allowing resin to flow into
the temporary cylinders should be visually undesired areas. A rubber dam or rubber dam
checked and any multi-unit abutments necessitat- pieces should be adapted around all temporary
ing repositioning should be completed. Once par- cylinders to prevent resin from flowing onto
12 Clinical Techniques for Immediate Loading 317

Fig. 12.7 Seating of denture over two temporary abut- Fig. 12.10 Intraoral view of four temporary abutments.
ments to verify passivity sufficient clearance for pick-up Note: angulation is slightly off-angle, which may interfere
resin with passivity of denture upon insertion

Fig. 12.11 Preparation for intraoral pick-up with rubber

Fig. 12.8 Intraoral view of two temporary abutments. dam isolation
Note: angulation is slightly off-angle, which may interfere
with passivity of denture upon insertion
sutures or into the surgical site. To prevent
potential screwdriver access issues, temporary
cylinder access holes should also be plugged with
removable block-out material, such as rapid-set
silicone or Teflon. The removable appliance
should be placed ensuring that it is seated in the
palate area (Figs. 12.11, 12.12, and 12.13).
Autopolymerising acrylic resin can be used to
carefully pick up the temporary cylinders. It is
recommended that temporary cylinders be
indexed into the prosthesis individually to main-
tain passivity and ensure sufficient resin is used
to secure the position. Once one cylinder has
Fig. 12.9 Seating of denture over four temporary abut- been secured the patient must be viewed for
ments to verify passivity sufficient clearance for pick-up accurate tooth position and occlusal plane. Once
resin. Note: angulations are slightly off-angle, which may this is deemed satisfactory the remaining cylin-
interfere with passivity of denture upon insertion. All
ders can be attached. Once all temporary cylin-
implant accesses should be clearly visible from the occlu-
sal view. This denture required additional relief for the ders have been indexed into the denture and the
implant in the upper-left region resin has been allowed to sufficiently set, it may
318 S. Yeung and S. Jivraj

Fig. 12.12 Placement of protective material to prevent Fig. 12.15 Occlusal view of maxilla upon removal of
ingress of excess material into implant access holes in converted prosthesis
temporary abutment

Fig. 12.16 Intaglio view of converted prosthesis prior to

Fig. 12.13 Frontal view of removable denture in situ as finishing
pick-up resin is setting
finishing the implant fixture contact surfaces.
Flanges should be reduced to allow direct visibil-
ity of the analogue abutment collars from a lat-
eral view; this will aid in fabricating a hygienic,
convex gingival surface. Additional acrylic resin
can then be added to firmly fixate the temporary
cylinders, provide resin bulk and finalise the
shape of the fixed restoration. Temporary cylin-
ders should also be adjusted to remove occlusal
or contour interferences (Figs. 12.17, 12.18,
12.19, and 12.20).
Upon insertion of the finished converted pros-
Fig. 12.14 Occlusal view of removable as pick-up mate- thesis, passivity should be verified by tactile sen-
rial is setting sation when tightening screws and seating
verified with radiographs, followed by occlusal
be removed from the mouth for finishing proce- adjustment. Care should be taken to verify a fair
dures (Figs. 12.14, 12.15, and 12.16). distribution of occlusal forces, especially if there
Once the prosthesis is detached from the are any cantilevers. There should be no active
patient, polishing protectors should be connected gingival blanching or tissue pressure (Figs. 12.20
to the temporary cylinders to prevent over-­ and 12.21).
12 Clinical Techniques for Immediate Loading 319

Fig. 12.20 Posterior and intaglio view of immediate load


Fig. 12.17 Intaglio view of converted prosthesis after

adding resin to create convex or more hygienic contours

Fig. 12.21 Immediate load prosthesis in situ

The restorative dentist must work diligently

Fig. 12.18 Removal of sharp edges and excess material with the surgeon and laboratory technician to
on cameo surface of converted prosthesis determine approximately the amount of bone
reduction that is required, and this must be
approximately replicated on the casts. Technique for the Mandible

The following are necessary for an optimal

1. Approximation of bone reduction on casts.

2. Fabrication of a bone reduction guide with a
reference from which the surgeon can
Fig. 12.19 Frontal view of finished immediate load
3. Fully extended denture.

The mandibular arch is much more chal- The following illustrates the clinical sequence:
lenging to load utilising the direct technique.
When a significant amount of bone reduction (a) A silicone bite registration is placed in the
has been done, the prosthesis is usually not intaglio of the denture and the denture is
very stable and obtaining adequate centric placed intraorally over the healing caps.
relation records can be difficult. This is com- (b) The patient is guided into maximal intercus-
pounded by the numbness of the patient post pal/CR position. This can be attained with
surgery. the use of a silicone index also.
320 S. Yeung and S. Jivraj

(c) This position is verified for repeatability.

(d) A section of the silicone material is removed
in the anterior area of the denture and a tem-
porary cylinder placed intraorally. A hole is
made in the intaglio of the denture corre-
sponding to the marking of healing cap. The
denture is seated over the temporary cylinder
(e) Self-cured acrylic resin is used to pick up the
temporary cylinder.
(f) The denture with attached temporary cylin-
der is removed. Fig. 12.22 Frontal view of mandibular removable den-
(g) The adjacent section of silicone is removed ture indexing implant healing abutments with aid of
opposing occlusion
from the intaglio of the denture and a tempo-
rary cylinder is placed intraorally. A second
hole is made in the intaglio of the denture
corresponding to the position of the second
temporary cylinder.
(h) The denture is placed back into the mouth
screw retained by the first picked up cylinder.
The rigid silicone material in the posterior
aspect provides anteroposterior stability. The
second temporary cylinder should not inter-
fere with the seating of the denture. The tem-
porary cylinder is picked up with self-cured
acrylic resin.
(i) A similar sequence is followed to attach the Fig. 12.23 Intaglio view of mandibular removable den-
third and then the fourth temporary ture with rigid polyvinyl siloxane index demarcating
implant healing abutment positions
(j) Once all temporary cylinders are picked up
the prosthesis is removed and taken to the
laboratory for finishing and processing
(Figs. 12.22, 12.23, 12.24, 12.25, 12.26,
12.27, 12.28, 12.29, 12.30, 12.31, 12.32,
12.33, 12.34, 12.35, 12.36, 12.37, 12.38, and
12.39). Digital Method

The digital method of direct immediate loading
removes a significant amount of uncertainty from
the conventional workflow. The aid of bone-­
anchoring devices bypasses potential issues asso- Fig. 12.24 Selective sectioning of PVS index and clear-
ciated with stability and orientation of the ance of area surrounding one implant position
removable prosthesis during the conversion pro-
cess. In the digital approach, many factors are fully guided surgical sequence is executed per-
predetermined in the surgical planning process, fectly, many of the steps found in the conven-
including implant position and multi-unit abut- tional approach can be bypassed. In the event that
ment angulations. In some systems, when the a fully guided surgery cannot be executed to the
12 Clinical Techniques for Immediate Loading 321

Fig. 12.25 Intraoral frontal view of single temporary Fig. 12.28 Occlusal view of first temporary abutment
abutment to be picked up first pick-up with aid of opposing occlusion and remaining
PVS index to maintain position

Fig. 12.26 Intraoral occlusal view of denture seating to

check for passivity and verify sufficient clearance for Fig. 12.29 Intaglio view of first temporary abutment
pick-up resin after resin has set

Fig. 12.27 Frontal view of first temporary abutment Fig. 12.30 Intaglio view of conversion prosthesis as sec-
pick-up with aid of opposing occlusion and remaining ond section of index is removed for pick-up of second
PVS index to maintain position temporary abutment
322 S. Yeung and S. Jivraj

Fig. 12.31 Intraoral view of temporary abutment in situ Fig. 12.34 Drilling of initial holes through index to cre-
ate clearance for two more temporary abutments

Fig. 12.32 Intraoral occlusal view of pick-up of second

temporary abutment Fig. 12.35 Intaglio view of conversion prosthesis after
holes have been sufficiently widened to create clearance
for passivity of fit and space for material to flow around
remaining temporary abutments

Fig. 12.33 Intaglio view of two temporary abutments

after resin has set
Fig. 12.36 Intraoral frontal view of last two temporary
12 Clinical Techniques for Immediate Loading 323 This Is a Sample Workflow

Care must be taken to verify that the removable
prosthesis fully engages the anchored guide with-
out any interferences. This must be checked prior
to and after seating temporary cylinders. If any
interference is detected, the removable prosthesis
should be adjusted to allow passivity. It is imper-
ative that there is sufficient relief around the tem-
porary cylinders to ensure that there is no
interference in seating and that there will be suf-
ficient space for pick-up resin to flow.
Fig. 12.37 Intraoral occlusal view of one temporary Additionally, radiographs should be taken to ver-
abutment being picked up ify seating of temporary cylinders (Figs. 12.40
and 12.41).
Prior to using any pick-up resin, measures
must be taken to avoid allowing resin to flow into
undesired areas. A rubber dam or rubber dam
pieces should be adapted around all temporary
cylinders to prevent resin from flowing onto
sutures or into the surgical site. To prevent poten-
tial screwdriver access issues, temporary cylinder
access holes should also be plugged with remov-
able block-out material, such as rapid-set silicone
or Teflon (Figs. 12.42 and 12.43).
Autopolymerising acrylic resin can be used to
Fig. 12.38 Lateral view of finished immediate load carefully pick up the temporary cylinders. It is
prosthesis recommended that temporary cylinders be
indexed into the prosthesis individually to main-
tain passivity and ensure sufficient resin is used
to secure the position. Once one cylinder has
been secured the patient must be viewed for
accurate tooth position and occlusal plane. Once
this is deemed satisfactory the remaining cylin-
ders can be attached. Once all temporary cylin-
ders have been indexed into the denture and the
resin has been allowed to sufficiently set, it may
be removed from the mouth for finishing proce-
dures (Fig. 12.44).
Once the prosthesis is detached from the
Fig. 12.39 Intraoral frontal view of finished immediate patient, polishing protectors should be connected
load prosthesis in situ to the temporary cylinders to prevent over-­
finishing the implant fixture contact surfaces.
original plan, the removable prosthesis may still Additional extensions should be reduced to allow
be usable for immediate loading using the con- direct visibility of the analogue abutment collars
ventional approach. Additionally, some digital from a lateral view; this will aid in fabricating a
workflows still rely entirely on the conventional hygienic, convex gingival surface. Additional
approach to immediate loading the removable acrylic resin can then be added to firmly fixate
prosthesis. the temporary cylinders, provide resin bulk and
324 S. Yeung and S. Jivraj

Fig. 12.40 Intraoral view of multi-unit abutments after Fig. 12.43 Intraoral view of index for seating immediate
completion of fully guided surgery load prosthesis

Fig. 12.41 Intraoral view of temporary abutments seated Fig. 12.44 Intraoral view of immediate load prosthesis
on multi-unit abutments with pick-up resin

Fig. 12.42 Intraoral view of temporary block-out mate- Fig. 12.45 Intraoral view of immediate load prosthesis
rial placed in temporary abutments to prevent ingress of upon removal of excess material to verify seat within
excess resin during pick-up procedure index

Upon insertion of the finished converted pros-

finalise the shape of the fixed restoration. thesis, passivity should be verified by tactile sen-
Temporary cylinders should also be adjusted to sation when tightening screws and seating
remove occlusal or contour interferences verified with radiographs, followed by occlusal
(Fig. 12.45). adjustment. Care should be taken to verify a fair
12 Clinical Techniques for Immediate Loading 325

ing temporary abutments and holes in

(e) Rubber dam (or similar material for block-­
out) is attached to the temporary cylinders to
prevent material ingress into surgical site.
(f) Autopolymerising resin is used to pick up the
temporary cylinders, one at a time.
(g) Once all temporary cylinders are picked up,
the prosthesis is removed and taken to the
laboratory for finishing and processing.

Fig. 12.46 Frontal view of finished immediate load pros-

thesis in situ 12.3.2 Direct–Indirect Technique:
Impression with Denture
distribution of occlusal forces, especially if there for Conversion
are any cantilevers. There should be no active
gingival blanching or tissue pressure (Fig. 12.46).In the direct–indirect technique, a conventional
denture or similarly indexed removable prosthe- Technique sis is made prior to the surgery. This prosthesis
The restorative dentist must work diligently with is used to capture impression copings attached
the surgeon and laboratory technician to deter- to the dental implants/multi-unit abutments in a
mine approximately the amount of bone reduc- full-arch silicone impression intraorally, and
tion that is required, and this must be subsequently converted into a prosthesis extra-
approximately replicated on the casts. orally. This procedure works best with existing
The following are necessary for an optimal articulated study models since it allows for more
outcome: accurate jaw relation records and occlusal
adjustments during finishing procedures
1. Digital planning for fully guided surgery and (Fig. 12.47).
removable prosthesis. This procedure differs from the direct tech-
2. Fabrication of a bone-anchored guide, which nique in that a more accurate model depicting the
adapts perfectly to an alveolar reduction guide gingival architecture is made; additionally, it
and implant osteotomy/placement sleeves. maintains the benefits of using anatomical land-
3. Removable prosthesis that adapts to bone-­ marks for transferring implant positions. An
anchored guide or for conventional loading. additional advantage is if the immediate load pro-
visional were to break the clinician has a model
The following illustrates a sample clinical on which repairs can be performed.
sequence: Using the removable prosthesis, a rapid-set
silicone impression is made to generally identify
(a) Implant surgery is completed using bone-­ the implant locations (Fig. 12.48). (Figures 12.49
anchored guide. and 12.50 depict a complete denture containing a
(b) Removable prosthesis is tried to visually ver- polyvinyl siloxane bite registration material
ify that clearance is available around demarcating the implant sites. The removable
implants. prosthesis should be relieved around these
(c) Temporary abutments are placed. marked sites to allow a proper seating of the pros-
Radiographs are taken to verify seat as thesis based on identified anatomical indices.)
needed. Upon passive seating of the denture over the
(d) Removable prosthesis is again tried to verify healing caps or abutments and any minor adjust-
passivity and clearance between the protrud- ments necessary to account for occlusion or verti-
326 S. Yeung and S. Jivraj

cal dimension, a jaw relation can be obtained to

allow mounting of the poured model.
Pick-up impression copings may be seated at
this point. Radiographs should be taken to verify
seating. Subsequently, the removable prosthesis
should be tried for passivity while indexed to the
selected anatomical reference(s). Impression
copings should not be in contact with any sur-
faces of the removable prosthesis; if contact is
visible or detected otherwise, further relief of the
prosthesis is necessary. It is imperative that there
Fig. 12.47 Occlusal view of implants with multi-unit is sufficient relief around the temporary cylinders
abutments and healing abutments in situ to ensure that there is no interference in seating,
in addition to allowing sufficient space for
impression material to flow (Figs. 12.51, 12.52,

Fig. 12.48 Intaglio view of removable denture with rigid

polyvinyl siloxane material indexing positioning of heal-
ing abutments Fig. 12.50 Intraoral occlusal view of pick-up impression
copings on abutments

Fig. 12.49 Cameo view of removable denture with relief Fig. 12.51 Occlusal view of removable denture with
provided for passivity around pick-up impression impression material surrounding critical components and
components anatomical landmarks
12 Clinical Techniques for Immediate Loading 327

Fig. 12.52 Frontal view of removable denture with Fig. 12.54 Frontal view of removable denture with
impression material surrounding critical components and impression containing pick-up impression components
anatomical landmarks and corresponding lab analogues

Fig. 12.53 Intaglio view of removable denture with

impression containing pick-up impression components Fig. 12.55 Pouring of gypsum into removable denture
with impression material, pick-up impression components
and corresponding lab analogues
and 12.53). As an added method of security, self-­
curing resin may be used to splint impression
copings and minimise any distortion upon
removal of the impression.
Analogues should be attached to the impres-
sion copings prior to pouring the gypsum model.
The denture extensions should be lightly indexed
into the poured gypsum to allow ease of indexing
during subsequent finishing procedures; care
should be taken to avoid engaging any undercuts
in the flanges. Upon setting the gypsum, the
impression may be separated from the model. At
this point, the impression material and impres-
sion copings should be removed from the pros-
thesis. Without the impression copings, the Fig. 12.56 Lateral view of mounted removable denture
with impression material, pick-up impression components
removable prosthesis can be indexed to the model and corresponding lab analogues. Note: occlusal index for
and articulated (Figs. 12.54, 12.55, and 12.56). mounting
328 S. Yeung and S. Jivraj

After mounting the indexed removable pros-

thesis, it can once again be removed from the
impression to allow attachment of temporary cyl-
inders to the implant analogues. Once again,
there should be a passive, non-contacting rela-
tionship between the removable prosthesis and
the temporary prosthesis. At this stage, tempo-
rary cylinders should be adhered to the indexed
removable prosthesis with self-curing resin
(Figs. 12.57, 12.58, 12.59, and 12.60). After suc-
cessful attachment of all temporary cylinders,
flanges should be reduced to allow direct visibil- Fig. 12.59 Occlusal view of removable denture seated
ity of the analogue abutment collars from a lat- on mounted model, relieved to fit passively around tempo-
rary abutments. Note: impression material has been
eral view; this will aid in fabricating a hygienic,
removed, and temporary block-out material has been
convex gingival surface (Figs. 12.60, 12.61, placed in implant access holes to prevent ingress of excess
12.62, and 12.63). resin

Fig. 12.57 Occlusal view of gypsum model with impres-

sion copings Fig. 12.60 Placement of resin to adapt removable den-
ture to temporary abutments, while seated on gypsum

Fig. 12.58 Lateral view of mounted gypsum model with Fig. 12.61 Intaglio view of resin added to removable
temporary abutments seated on lab analogues denture, prior to finishing
12 Clinical Techniques for Immediate Loading 329

Fig. 12.62 Occlusal view of cameo surface of finished Fig. 12.64 Frontal view of finished immediate load pros-
immediate load prosthesis thesis in situ

Fig. 12.65 Frontal view of maxillary and mandibular

Fig. 12.63 Intraoral lateral view of finished immediate wax try-in ready for conversion
load prosthesis in situ

12.3.3 Indirect Technique: Pick-Up

Impression with Extraoral
With the prosthesis fixed into the model, addi- Conversion
tional acrylic resin can be added to rigidly attach
the temporary cylinders, provide resin bulk for Theoretically, an immediate-load fixed implant-­
strength and finalise the shape of the fixed resto- supported restoration fabricated using the indi-
ration. Temporary cylinders should be trimmed rect technique should be the strongest since it
to eliminate any interferences. Occlusion may be avoids relieving larger holes into a removable
adjusted on the articulator. prosthesis for intraoral pick-ups. Additionally, it
Upon insertion of the finished converted pros- is the least reliant on an existing denture for
thesis, passivity should be verified by tactile sen- establishing jaw relations. The procedure is time
sation when tightening screws and seating consuming but does result in the most favourable
verified with radiographs, followed by occlusal strength, aesthetics and fit.
adjustment. Care should be taken to verify a fair There are two divergent methods for this
distribution of occlusal forces, especially if there approach: conventional and digital. Both meth-
are any cantilevers. There should be no visible ods involve planning and processing of diagnos-
gingival blanching or tissue pressure (Figs. 12.64 tic information, as well as impressions on the day
and 12.65). of surgery.
330 S. Yeung and S. Jivraj

In the conventional method, the equivalent of lised to process the immediate load prosthesis.
impressions, jaw relation records and a wax try- To obtain maximum strength the acrylic resin
­in, is completed on the day of surgery. In the digi- can be reinforced with a silane-coated fibre,
tal method, diagnostic information is used to which chemically bonds to the poly methyl
generate a digital denture tooth setup, which is methacrylate resin (FIBERFORCE CST
adapted to the digital impressions immediately Canada). A putty matrix is made of the tooth
after surgery. setup and temporary cylinders are placed on the
master cast and opaqued. Fibre is wrapped Conventional Method around the temporary cylinders in a specific
On the day of surgery, there are multiple steps manner. The denture wax up is processed utilis-
taken. It involves PVS impressions of splinted ing injection processing for minimal shrinkage
impression copings, jaw relation records and a and maximum strength (Figs. 12.66, 12.67,
wax try-in for fit. The information is then all uti- 12.68, 12.69, and 12.70).

Fig. 12.66 Gypsum

model made from
intraoral pick-up
impression. Putty matrix
of wax try-in verifies
sufficient clearance for
temporary abutments
and acrylic materials

Fig. 12.67 Temporary abutments are reinforced with fibre prior to addition of denture teeth and acrylic. After process-
ing and finishing, restoration is significantly more hygienic compared to direct immediate load prosthesis

Fig. 12.68 Frontal and

lateral view of maxillary
and mandibular wax
12 Clinical Techniques for Immediate Loading 331 Digital Method oral scanner used is executed. Flags are seated on
There are three key components for the digital the multi-unit abutments upon confirming angula-
approach to fabricating an indirect immediate load tion, and the scan is completed. An intraoral scan
restoration: patient selection, extraoral scanning or impression of the post-surgery soft tissue is
and computer-aided design and manufacturing. subsequently made. This information is then inte-
For this method, repeatable landmarks, such as grated with the digital tooth setup to manufacture
remaining teeth, must be identifiable in the a provisional using either additive or subtractive
patient’s mouth. Additionally, an extraoral scanner manufacturing processes (Figs. 12.65, 12.66,
for identifying implant positioning is strongly 12.67, 12.68, 12.69, 12.70, 12.71, 12.72, 12.73,
advised due to the intrinsic distortion associated 12.74, 12.75, 12.76, 12.77, and 12.78).
with intraoral scanning [22]. Lastly, none of this
can be completed without access to ­computer-­aided
design and manufacturing. The greatest shortcom-
ing of this method is the time required for manu-
facturing the prosthesis, which may require several
hours of laboratory fabrication time.
Prior to the day of surgery, intraoral and extra-
oral photos, and intraoral diagnostic scans with
jaw relationship information are obtained. This
information is used to design a digital mock-up of
tooth positioning, which will be confirmed upon
integrating post-surgery extraoral scan data. Upon
completion of surgery, the protocol for the extra-

Fig. 12.69 Finished prosthesis in situ Fig. 12.71 Lateral view of patient prior to surgery

Fig. 12.70 Finished

prosthesis in situ
332 S. Yeung and S. Jivraj

Fig. 12.75 Digital markers from extraoral scanning

combined with original diagnostic scan in design
Fig. 12.72 Frontal view of patient prior to surgery. Floss software
marks midline, and selective teeth are used to aid digital
design of provisional implant prosthesis

Fig. 12.76 Digital markers from extraoral scanning,

intraoral tissue scan with scan bodies and original diag-
nostic scan in design software
Fig. 12.73 Intraoral frontal view of digital markers for
extraoral scanning in situ

Fig. 12.77 Digital design of provisional implant prosthe-

Fig. 12.74 Intraoral frontal view of implant scan bodies sis with precise implant positioning
for intraoral tissue scan in situ

method outlined an indirect digital method to

12.3.4 Direct Pick-Up Tooth-Only fabricate a full-arch immediate load provi-
Immediate Load Restoration sional replacing a tooth-only defect. Aesthetics
requires sculpting of the soft tissue to mimic
Bone preservation is considered a requirement papilla. The following patient case presenta-
in more contemporary approaches to full-arch tion will outline a direct pick-up approach for
implant rehabilitation. The above digital a tooth-only defect.
12 Clinical Techniques for Immediate Loading 333

The patient presented with a terminal dentition Impressions were made and a tooth-supported
and was treatment planned for a tooth-only maxil- surgical guide was fabricated for the maxilla.
lary restoration and a mandibular restoration that Tooth-supported guides allow stability during
would require pink prosthetics (Fig. 12.79). surgery and allow the surgeon to place dental
implants in an ideal three-dimensional position.
The surgeon uses the free gingival margin of the
guide for depth of implant placement and orien-
tation of the multi-unit abutment (Fig. 12.80).
Provisional restorations can be either milled
or conventionally processed (Fig. 12.81).
Once surgery is completed and tissues sutured,
a direct pick up of the provisional is done utilis-
ing the following process:

1. Protect the back of the throat.

2. Index the provisional on the caps of the mul-
tiunit abutments.
Fig. 12.78 Intraoral frontal view of provisional implant
3. Make holes with an acrylic bur.

Fig. 12.79 Preoperative

clinical situation who
has been treatment
planned for a maxillary
tooth-only zirconia-­
based restorations and
mandibular acrylic resin

Fig. 12.80 Analogue-­

fabricated tooth-­
supported guides for
surgical accuracy

Fig. 12.81 Milled

acrylic provisional for
chair-side pick-up
334 S. Yeung and S. Jivraj

4. Position the two anterior temporary cylin- 9. The prosthesis should be removed, and heal-
ders on the multi-unit abutments and try the ing caps replaced.
provisional. The palatal portion of the pros- 10. Ensure all temporary cylinders are stable
thesis should be flush with the palate. The within the provisional.
temporary cylinders should not interfere 11. Inject self-cured tooth-coloured acrylic
with the seating of the provisional. around the temporary cylinders to fill in the
5. Place temporary cylinders on the posterior defects.
multi-unit abutments one by one and ensure 12. The pontic areas should be built up to extend
the provisional seats without interference into the extraction sockets by 2 mm.
from the temporary cylinders (Fig. 12.82). 13. Finish and polish and remove cantilevers. A
6. The surgical site should be protected with a silane-coated fibre may be used to reinforce
rubber dam. the prosthesis (Fig. 12.83).
7. Teflon should be placed in the access holes 14. On delivery the provisional should com-
of the temporary cylinders. press the soft tissue and pontics should
8. Cold-cured acrylic resin should be used to extend within the extraction sockets
pick up the temporary cylinders within the and support the tissue (Figs. 12.84 and
confines of the prosthesis. 12.85).

Fig. 12.82 Pick-up of

temporary cylinders
chair side

Fig. 12.83 Acrylic

restorations after
conversion. Restoration
can also be fibre

Fig. 12.84 Day of

delivery of maxillary
and mandibular
restorations. Day of
delivery and 1 week post
op. See tissue moulding
12 Clinical Techniques for Immediate Loading 335

Fig. 12.85 Definitive

zirconia restoration after
tissue sculpting

term prospective study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res.

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I, Millar B. Clinical performance of provisional
Material Considerations
for Full-­Arch Implant-Supported

Saj Jivraj and Sundeep Rawal

Abstract of prosthodontics has advanced to newer heights

and has enjoyed a great deal of innovation and
There are various materials to choose from
progressive development in recent years. This is a
when designing full-arch fixed implant-­
tremendous benefit to today’s patients who have
supported restorations. Material choices
high expectations, and providing functional and
include a traditional acryl resin titanium pros-
comfortable restorations alone may not be suffi-
thesis to monolithic milled zirconia. As tech-
cient to satisfy many of them. Patients have addi-
nological advancements occur, newer
tional desires in today’s therapy such as high
materials and manufacturing processes are
aesthetic demands, shorter treatment times, fewer
being introduced into these therapies; how-
visits and minimal maintenance issues. One treat-
ever, clear guidelines on design and material
ment option offered to these motivated patients is
selection are lacking. The purpose of this
the ability to rehabilitate the terminal or missing
chapter is to look at specific areas, including
dentition with a full-arch fixed implant-supported
screw access, restorative space, opposing den-
tition, aesthetics, framework design and fabri-
Today there are various materials to choose
cation processes, to create guidelines to aid
from when designing full-arch fixed implant-­
clinicians in making relevant and predictable
supported restorations. Unfortunately, when
decisions with respect to therapy for patients
looking at the literature for guidance it is not sup-
with fixed implant-supported restorations.
portive of a true evidence base in terms of an
ideal material to utilise. There is no evidence to
The clinical replacement of teeth by osseointe- show one design is superior to another or one
grated implants has represented one of the most combination of materials is superior to another.
significant advances in restorative dentistry. Most articles are case reports, which follow a
Coupled with digital planning, digital impres- limited number of patients over a limited period
sions and CAD/CAM technology, the speciality of time [1]. Although these reports do provide us
with useful information, they cannot be classified
as true evidence. The reality is that CAD/CAM
S. Jivraj (*) technology is evolving, and by the time clinicians
Anacapa Dental Art Institute, Oxnard, CA, USA
have completed studies on a group of materials
S. Rawal and followed them for a period of time, those
Implant Support Services, Aspen Dental,
Chicago, IL, USA materials become obsolete and newer improved
materials or designs become available.
The Digital Dentistry Institute, Orlando, FL, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 337
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
338 S. Jivraj and S. Rawal

Despite technological advances, certain prin- (e) Managing complications of the dental fix-
ciples remain the same. The purpose of this chap- tures—access for dealing with implant
ter will be to give the reader clinical guidelines failure, peri-implant issues, infection,
on how to design a framework and the various etc., is more readily available.
combination of materials that are available.
Design considerations in fabrication of the It can be seen from the above that designing a
prosthesis include but are not limited to. screw-retained restoration has a significant safety
factor with regard to long-term maintenance of
1. Screw access trajectory. these prosthetics.
2. Restorative space. More and more often clinical situations pres-
3. Nature of opposing dentition. ent where screw access trajectory is often in an
4. Aesthetic demands. unfavourable position. In this scenario, the clini-
5. Framework cross-sectional area for cantile- cian has two options:
vers and around screw channels.
6. Ease of fabrication and passivity. 1. Use of pre-angled abutments—pre-angled
abutments do come with specific collar
heights and this must be considered to maxi-
13.1 Screw Access Trajectory mise aesthetic outcomes.
2. Use of a two-part restoration with a primary
When designing a splinted full-arch implant-­ framework that corrects implant trajectory
supported restoration, screw retention has dis- and a secondary screw retained suprastructure
tinct advantages [2]. Among these advantages are (Figs. 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, and 13.5).
the following:

1. The precision of fit of screw-retained restora-

tions can be verified with radiographs using a
single screw test [3].
2. Delivering a screw-retained restoration also
involves less time with no cement clean-up
required [4].
3. Screw-retained restorations have total retriev-
ability, which is advantageous for the follow-
ing reasons:
(a) Periodic maintenance—it is a relatively
simple procedure to remove the prosthe-
sis if necessary for access to fixtures and
intermediary abutments.
(b) Dealing with loosened screws—access to
screws is typically direct.
(c) Fracture of the prosthesis—the prosthesis
can easily be removed for repair.
(d) Modification of the prosthesis—can Fig. 13.1 Emergence profile inadequate. Note ledge as
accommodate issues such as continued restoration emerges from implant
tissue remodelling.
13 Material Considerations for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 339

Fig. 13.2 Trajectory of implants have been accommo- Fig. 13.5 Definitive restorations with correct emergence
dated in fabricating prosthesis. Pre-angled abutments profile
should be selected to correct trajectory of dental implants

13.2 Restorative Space

Lack of restorative space is one of the most com-

mon occurrences that can compromise a restora-
tion [5]. Inadequate restorative space will result
in two scenarios:

(a) Restorative complications such as material

failure leading to repair or replacement of the
veneering materials or complete framework
fracture leading to failure of the entire pros-
thetic restoration.
(b) Changing the treatment plan from one resto-
Fig. 13.3 Diagnostic wax tooth try-in with corrected
ration type to another to accommodate the
emergence profile
space requirements.

Neither of the above scenarios is ideal and can

be avoided by good communication between the
surgical and restorative team prior to implemen-
tation of the therapy. The clinician must evaluate
whether the patient exhibits minimal, moderate
or advanced resorption to determine the available
restorative space and therefore the ideal type of
prosthesis to be fabricated.
General guidelines for space requirements are
the following:

Fig. 13.4 Provisional restoration fabricated to test aes- (a) Monolithic full-contour zirconia-fixed resto-
thetics and phonetics
rations require 10 mm or more of space from
340 S. Jivraj and S. Rawal

the head of the implant to the opposing

(b) Porcelain fused to metal/zirconia-fixed resto-
rations require 12 mm or more of space from
the head of the implant to the opposing
(c) Acrylic resin bonded to titanium-fixed resto-
rations will require 15 mm or more from the
head of the implant to the opposing
(d) Implant-supported over-dentures will require
16 mm or more of space from the implant to Fig. 13.6 Milling titanium occlusals can maintain the
the opposing dentition [6]. vertical dimension

conducted to evaluate the clinical validity of

13.3 Nature of Opposing using a full-contour zirconia occlusal surface.
Dentition This study compared zirconia’s wear capacity to
that of feldspathic porcelain, and it was reported
Patients with implant-supported restorations that the antagonistic tooth wear was less in zirco-
have a reduced amount of proprioception, and as nia than feldspathic porcelain, suggesting that
a result these restorations have been subject to zirconia may be more beneficial for antagonistic
greater forces [7]. With this in mind, there have tooth wear [10]. The data on this subject is lim-
been studies looking at various restorative mate- ited and further studies are required.
rials and their effects not only on the implant-­ One clinical situation where the nature of the
supported prosthesis, but on the opposing opposing dentition is of note is when designing
dentition as well. One such clinical study investi- fully implant-supported prostheses for the maxil-
gated the maintenance requirements in patients lary and mandibular arches together. It has been
with implant-supported restorations vs. implant-­ advocated to restore the maxillary arch with a
supported restorations, implant-supported resto- zirconia-based ceramic prosthesis and an acrylic
rations vs. natural dentitions and resin bonded to titanium prosthesis for the man-
implant-supported restorations vs. complete den- dibular arch [11]. Advantages of using this
ture wearers [8]. This study reported that the opposing arch design include the following:
patients with implant vs. implant occlusions suf-
fered a higher degree of fracture and greater wear (a) Maximum aesthetics with minimal staining
of the occlusion (Fig. 13.6). over time with use of ceramics in the
Another study focused on occlusal surface maxilla.
design using noble metals, feldspathic porcelain (b) Absence of reported, ‘clicking’ by patients
and acrylic [9]. For stability of occlusal contact, with opposing ceramic surfaces.
clinicians have preferred a gold occlusal surface (c) Flexibility and resiliency in the system.
rather than porcelain and acrylic; however due to (d) Reduced costs (Fig. 13.7).
aesthetic concerns, patients often favour
­tooth-­coloured materials. Historically feldspathic One disadvantage would be increased wear of
porcelain has been the material of choice, but the mandibular acrylic-based restorations. This
more recently clinicians have utilised zirconia on can be considered a controlled failure, and the
the occluding surface of the restoration. One con- patient must be made aware that the acrylic resin
cern of clinicians has been the effect of zirconia teeth will most likely need to be replaced every
on the opposing dentition. An in vitro study was 5–7 years.
13 Material Considerations for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 341

Fig. 13.7 Use of zirconia in the maxilla and acrylic resin Fig. 13.8 Inadequate thickness of zirconia around screw
titanium in the mandible has many advantages access hole will result in fracture of the zirconia

13.4 Aesthetic Demands

13.9). Specifically, the cross-sectional area of
Talented ceramists can produce high-level aes- the chosen material must be sufficient enough to
thetic results using both traditional noble metal have strength and rigidity to perform in the intra-
alloy and zirconia frameworks. In regards to light oral environment. For screw channels, this is
transmission, both noble metal alloys and zirco- typically most important when considering the
nia have been shown to be opaque [12]. lingual or palatal cross-sectional area of the
Anecdotally many laboratory technicians report material. When focusing on cantilevers, connec-
superior aesthetic results with zirconia frame- tor size is critical for traditional noble metal
works due to the ability to be able to colour the alloys, titanium and zirconia frameworks. While
zirconia and be able to have a tooth-coloured there is no specific data on the minimum dimen-
framework rather than an opaque grey-coloured sions required for these frameworks, if space is
framework which is usual with traditional high extremely limited the authors prefer traditional
noble metal alloy frameworks. noble metal frameworks. However, for the typi-
From an aesthetic perspective, ceramic-based cal implant-supported restoration, patients who
restorations with either high noble alloy or zirco- have undergone moderate to advanced resorp-
nia frameworks are less likely to stain over time tion will have plenty of room to provide robust
and result in superior stable long-term aesthetic connectors with sufficient cross-sectional area.
results compared to acrylic resin bonded to tita- Literature on tooth-supported zirconia-based
nium restorations. As mentioned above, ceramics restorations recommended a minimal connector
should be considered for maxillary restorations size of 4 mm × 4 mm, and it is the authors’ pref-
and acrylic resin titanium in the mandible when erence to respect this 16 mm2 area for implant
full mouth implant rehabilitation is completed. frameworks as well as in the area of channels or
connectors [13].
There are few studies to guide clinicians on
13.5 Cantilevers the length of cantilever in the maxilla, especially
when utilising the more contemporary materials
13.5.1 Framework Cross-Sectional such as zirconia. The length of the cantilever has
Area for Cantilevers a significant effect on the failure of these types of
and Around Screw Channels restorations, and in a meta-analysis it has been
shown that the length of cantilever is more sig-
Specific attention needs to be paid to dimensions nificant than the number of implants [14].
of the framework in the cantilever area and Deflection of the cantilever is related to its length;
around screw access channels (Figs. 13.8 and so minute increases in length have a significant
342 S. Jivraj and S. Rawal

ous procedure, which is not only time consuming

but can add additional costs to treatment. With
the increasing costs of gold, clinicians have
moved away from traditional techniques and
have begun to employ more contemporary tech-
niques using CAD/CAM technology and materi-
als such as zirconia and titanium. These
techniques also require a high degree of skill but
are less time consuming in the manufacturing
process and due to the efficiencies gained from
Fig. 13.9 Cantilevers should also be minimised in zirco- these techniques tend to be less costly than con-
nia as this may result in fracture
ventional fabrication procedures.
Passivity in an implant framework has been
impact on the fracture complications of restora- notoriously difficult to achieve when utilising
tions. Lab-based studies on zirconia have shown screw-retained splinted restorations. Inaccuracies
that in implant frameworks are the result of multiple
variables, which include machining tolerances of
(a) The longer the cantilever the lower the load components, distortion in the impression mate-
to failure. rial, setting expansion of the die stone, expansion
(b) The smaller the connector size the less load and contraction of alloy and wax and distortion
to failure. of the framework during heat treatment and
(c) Failure usually occurred in the distal abut- application of porcelain [17].
ment wall [15]. Common solutions to provide a passive frame-
work have been sectioning and soldering or fabri-
Recommendations for the cantilever include cating cement-retained restorations. Although
cement-retained restorations have become
(a) Limit distal cantilever. increasingly accepted, they still have the disad-
(b) Limit buccal cantilever. vantage that they are not readily retrievable and
(c) Increase thickness of the framework in the studies have also shown that despite a clinician’s
cantilever section distal to the most distal best efforts, excess cement is often left behind
implant. which can result in biological complications [18].
(d) Limit occlusion on the cantilever. Another approach to achieve a passive screw-­
retained framework has been the use of the
adhesive-­ corrected implant frameworks where
13.5.2 Ease of Fabrication individual cylinders were cemented within the
and Passivity framework after it had been cast (KAL tech-
nique). This approach has merit in that it elimi-
Traditional techniques in fabricating full-arch nates many of the current prosthetic and
implant frameworks involve waxing casting and laboratory inaccuracies associated with tradi-
application of a veneering material such as tional techniques [19].
acrylic or porcelain. This approach has been With the utilisation of CAD/CAM technology,
adopted for many years and is considered the a lot of the variables have been eliminated and
gold standard for fabrication of implant-­ frameworks can be produced with high precision
supported restorations. The results achieved with [20] providing the operator has taken care in pro-
these techniques have been predictable and suc- ducing an accurate impression either from a
cessful [16]. Traditional techniques do require a material-based approach or optically, and the
high degree of skill and problems inherent with laboratory technician has exercised care in repli-
waxing and casting can lead to it being a labori- cating it into either an analogue cast or has cre-
13 Material Considerations for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 343

ated a digital file. Furthermore, due to the including the intaglio surface. One advantage is
elimination of potential errors the overall work- that it can be relined, but little is known about its
flow has been simplified by utilisation of CAD/ longevity in terms of biomechanics. Anecdotally,
CAM, which allows frameworks to be produced numerous colleagues have experienced fractures
in fewer clinical steps with less labour in the den-
of this type of framework. Failures may be due to
tal laboratory [21]. excessive cantilever or inadequate bar shape, and
There are several different materials that can further studies need to explore these issues. The
be used to fabricate these CAD/CAM frame- second type of framework may include I- or
works for implant-supported restorations, and L-shaped bar designs to maximise rigidity. One
these materials include but are not limited to advantage of this design is that due to the shape
of the titanium framework requiring less bulk of
1. Acrylic resin bonded or milled to titanium. material in any one dimension, adequate space
2. High-performance polymers: PEEK. and retention for acrylic resin can be achieved
3. Milled cobalt chromium. which maximises thickness in the cantilever area.
4. Zirconia – monolithic. The evidence base is also lacking in this design.
–– Minimally layered. Although these frameworks have served many
–– Hybrid design with zirconia frameworks patients well, particularly in the edentulous man-
and individually cemented crowns (lithium dible, success in the mandible does not automati-
disilicate or zirconia). cally translate to success in the maxilla
(Figs. 13.10, 13.11, and 13.12).
The authors have had clinical experience with
13.6 Acrylic Resin Bonded or repeated fracture of teeth, acrylic resin delamina-
Milled to Titanium tion and denture teeth wearing in the anterior
maxilla (Fig. 13.13). One possible factor for this
Framework designs for a full-arch, one-piece, clinical presentation could be the nature of force
implant-supported acrylic resin and titanium-­ application in the maxillary anterior region,
based restoration have changed significantly which is typically tensile in nature as opposed to
since the transition from gold frameworks to tita- the posterior maxillary region and the mandibular
nium [22]. Different manufacturers have differ- arch, which is mainly compressive in nature. This
ent designs available, and despite technological problem is exacerbated in patients who present
advances, frameworks still do not replicate the with signs of bruxism. These patients are prone to
characteristics familiar to gold frameworks. With accelerated wear of posterior teeth which will
titanium frameworks a few key parameters eventually lead to increased force and potential
become important: overload of the anterior teeth and result in frac-
tures. In order to avoid premature damage to
(a) Bulk for strength. maxillary anterior denture teeth, one possible
(b) Adequate access to oral hygiene. option is to extend the metal framework onto the
(c) Minimal display of metal.
(d) Retention for acrylic.
(e) Adequate space for acrylic resin.
(f) Adequate strength in the cantilever section.
(g) Attention to cross-sectional area.

When considering these parameters, there are

mainly two types of framework designs to sup-
port acrylic resin teeth. One of these designs is
the “minimalist” framework where acrylic is
wrapped around the bar and encompasses it 360°, Fig. 13.10 Original characteristics of gold frameworks
344 S. Jivraj and S. Rawal

type of restoration may eliminate many of the

potential complications of traditional denture
teeth bonded to titanium with processed acrylic
such as delamination of teeth and fracture of
acrylic veneering materials. The evidence base is
lacking with these newer technologies, and
­further research needs to be conducted in these
These various designs and technologies can be
Fig. 13.11 Titanium frameworks with similar character- used in high- and low-force situations. As noted
istics to original gold frameworks previously, in high-force situations the teeth will
wear much more quickly and will potentially
need to be replaced as part of long-term mainte-
nance. Although it is possible to make attractive
restorations with denture teeth, the pink acrylic
does lose its sheen over time and can accumulate
greater amounts of stain compared to ceramic.

13.7 High-Performance
Polymers: PEEK
Fig. 13.12 Examples of wraparound and L-shaped
frameworks The reason for the recent enthusiasm surrounding
PEEK has been its potential for use as a metal
alternative. Perhaps the most interesting property
of PEEK for use as a framework material is its
Young’s elastic modulus (4 GPa), which allows
the PEEK substructure to more closely match the
biomechanical characteristics of the jaw’s natural
bone (2–12 GPa). Unusually, PEEK is well posi-
tioned in that it is strong and resistant to repeti-
tive cyclical loading cycles, yet is slightly elastic,
lightweight, and able to dissipate stress forces
placed on it. It is these ‘bone-like’ properties that
offer PEEK as a more biomechanically engi-
Fig. 13.13 Fracture of acrylic resin tooth from titanium neered substructure material [24]. It is postulated
that the shock-absorbing properties of this mate-
rial may result in less stress being transferred to
occlusal surfaces. The fabrication of prototypes the bone–implant interface. There is no evidence
with selective and controlled cutback procedures to support such a claim although theoretically it
will allow accurate copy milling and incorporat- may seem reasonable. The Young’s elastic modu-
ing metal posterior occlusal surfaces into the lus of PEEK (4 GPa) is similar to the acrylics
framework. Another possible option is to utilise (2 GPa) and being a lot lower than titanium
new processes in the manufacturing of acrylic to (100 GPa), but still retaining sufficient stiffness
titanium restorations such as milling acrylic for rigidity of structure. However, unlike acrylic,
around an embedded titanium framework utilis- PEEK also has sufficient strength (120 MPa flex-
ing polychromatic monolithic acrylic [23]. This ural strength vs. 40 MPa for acrylic) and excel-
13 Material Considerations for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 345

lent flexural fatigue resistance to cyclical loads

that make it fit for the purpose of long-term resto-
rations. PEEK’s resistance to failure from flex-
ural fatigue may be of interest to potentially
address some of the technical complications
associated with cantilever design, and lab-based
tests have been published that show resistance to
failure with distal cantilevers of up to 19 mm Fig. 13.14 Milled cobalt chromium framework
length [25]. PEEK as a permanent framework
material has become an option in recent times
through the availability of CADCAM forms.
However, clinical data is typically limited at pres-
ent to case studies [26–28] although the first for-
mal clinical studies are starting to become
available [29].

13.8 Milled Cobalt Chromium

Cobalt chromium frameworks have had a major

resurgence in recent years. All of the traditional Fig. 13.15 Opaque must be applied appropriately to
problems with fit, bonding and corrosion related mask grey color of metal
to cast designs have been eliminated with the
inception of milled framework designs [29].
These frameworks are then veneered with porce-
lains to create traditional porcelain fused to metal
restorations. From an aesthetic point of view,
metal ceramic prostheses can be created in a way
that is more tooth-like than frameworks veneered
with acrylics, especially after some years of func-
tion in the oral cavity (Figs. 13.14, 13.15, 13.16,
and 13.17).
Fig. 13.16 Completed ceramics on cobalt chromium
CAD-CAM designs allow better control of framework
ceramic thickness, passive frameworks, predict-
able ceramic bonding and less bending than high
noble frameworks, especially in cantilevers.
Cobalt chrome frameworks are particularly
advantageous when less than 15 mm of restor-
ative space is available and a posterior cantilever
is present. The restoration can withstand occlusal
forces even at minimal thickness [29]. The main
attraction, however, seems to be the cost com-
pared to gold-based frameworks. The main disad-
vantages are laboratory based as an industrial
milling and sintering machine is required, with a
skilled dental technician to utilise these newer
Fig. 13.17 Intraoral view of mandibular restoration in
technologies. Fig. 13.16
346 S. Jivraj and S. Rawal

13.9 Zirconia

Zirconia frameworks have evolved significantly

over the last ten years and have become hugely
popular as a restorative material for fully implant-­
supported restorations. The primary advantage of
zirconia is that it is biocompatible, aesthetic and
has great material strength [30]. The tooth-like
colour of zirconia makes it beneficial in aesthetic
areas of the oral cavity, and the excellent wear Fig. 13.18 Monolithic zirconia framework with staining
characteristics make it advantageous in the poste-
rior areas as well. These properties have resulted
in the increased use of zirconia in the fabrication
of these restorations.
Clinical reports have evaluated restorations
with a zirconia structure supported by implants
and have provided some insight [31].
Zirconia has a high flexural strength, which
makes it suitable as a framework in veneered or
full-contour reconstructions. Some technical
complications are likely to occur; these include
but are not limited to
Fig. 13.19 Clinical picture of monolithic zirconia with
1. Chipping of the veneering ceramic. pink ceramic layering in situ
2. Debonding of the titanium inserts.
3. Catastrophic failure of the framework.
13.10 Monolithic
To reduce the risk of complication, there are a
myriad of details the clinician and laboratory From an evidence-based perspective, long-term
technician must respect. data (10 years plus) to support monolithic full-­
Zirconia frameworks can be designed accord- contour frameworks at this time is lacking. This
ing to the following parameters: statement should not be considered a deterrent,
but caution must be exercised during case selec-
1. Monolithic zirconia. tion (Figs. 13.18 and 13.19).
2. Minimally cutback zirconia with ceramic
3. Hybrid designs with individual lithium disili- 13.11 Minimally Layered
cate or zirconia crowns.
4. Hybrid designs with a primary titanium bar It is possible to achieve strength and maximum
with overlying zirconia framework which aesthetics by minimal layering zirconia frame-
may be layered or monolithic utilising intra- works with veneering porcelain [32]. However, a
oral scanning and CADCAM protocols. few clinical studies show that unsupported
13 Material Considerations for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 347

veneered ceramic has a higher risk of chipping

[33]. To take advantage of both the strength of
zirconia and ideal aesthetics, it is recommended
that frameworks be designed such that occlusal
contact areas are in monolithic zirconia with
minimal layering on the buccal surfaces in aes-
thetic areas. One caveat is that all veneered por-
celain must be appropriately supported, with
anatomically shaped design to the underlying zir-
conia framework [34]. When focusing on this
issue, questions often arise in regards to the flex-
ural strength of full-contour zirconia alone and Fig. 13.20 Acrylic prototype is tried intraorally to verify
the flexural strength of porcelain fused to zirco- occlusion and contours
nia systems. Clinicians have concerns about
potential chipping and fracture of the veneering
porcelain. Most studies will report that the
veneering porcelain is the weak point in any mul-
tilayer system, including traditional PFM tech-
niques [35]. Regardless of whether a noble metal
or zirconia framework is being used, the overly-
ing porcelain must be well supported [36]. Shear
bond strength of porcelain to zirconia has also
been investigated; studies show differences in
bond strength depending on the veneering porce- Fig. 13.21 Minimal cutback in acrylic
lain used and if the zirconia substructure is
coloured or uncoloured [36]. It is the authors’
recommendation that when using a zirconia
substructure compatible veneering porcelains
should be used and the heating and cooling cycles
must be carefully controlled. Limiting the veneer-
ing porcelain and having a full-contour zirconia
framework with zirconia occlusion is advanta-
geous in this regard (Figs. 13.20, 13.21, 13.22,
13.23, 13.24, 13.25, and 13.26).
One important design consideration with these
zirconia restorations is the incorporation of canti-
levers. Cantilevers in implant dentistry are valu- Fig. 13.22 Acrylic prototype scanned and milled in
able for sites where anatomic structures such as
the maxillary sinuses exclude the ideal placement
of dental implants, and are being used more often tory studies are needed to establish the mechani-
for graft-less procedures. They may, however, cal properties of zirconia cantilever frameworks.
negatively affect the biomechanics of implant When designing zirconia-based implant
restorations and may result in mechanical and/or frameworks, the following should be considered:
biological problems. Presently, evidence is lim-
ited concerning the breakage of cantilevered zir- 1. Maximise connector dimensions, buccal-­
conia implant frameworks. This evidence is lingually and occlusal-gingivally.
mainly limited to anecdotal and expert clinical 2. Minimise distal cantilever length.
reports. Well-designed, clinically relevant labora- 3. Minimise buccal cantilever.
348 S. Jivraj and S. Rawal

4. Ensure very light occlusal contacts in the can-

tilever region.
5. Thicken the chimney around the most distal
implant and thicken the buccal and lingual
walls around the chimney of the implant.
6. Ensure monolithic zirconia is well polished.
Studies have shown it to be kind to the oppos-
ing occlusion.
7. Minimal post-sintering adjustment. This will
also help with preserving the strength of the
Fig. 13.23 Note occlusion entirely in zirconia material and avoiding accelerated ageing fail-
ures in the presence of saliva.
8. Design for retrievability. This allows simple
detachment of the appliance and the chance to
service the restoration or treat any implant-­
related problems. With proper implant place-
ment, this can be achieved in most situations
when treating the edentulous arch.
9. If restoring to the head of the fixture, the lit-
erature supports the use of a titanium insert.
This increases the maximum load-bearing
capacity of the restoration. It also compen-
Fig. 13.24 Minimally applied ceramics (lab work by sates for the three-dimensional distortion that
Kenji Mizuno CDT)
occurs post sintering. Zirconia abutments
have been designed with a titanium ­component
that has been fused or cemented to the zirco-
nia. The unique design feature is that it per-
mits titanium-to-titanium contact at the
abutment implant interface and results in the
same high degree of predictability associated
with conventional metal abutment–implant
connections [37].

Fig. 13.25 Maxillary minimally layered zirconia

restoration 13.12 Hybrid Designs
with Individual Ceramic

These types of restorations provide many


(a) Maximal aesthetics since there are individual

restorations especially with aesthetics in the
interproximal areas.

Fig. 13.26 Maxillary and mandibular zirconia-based res-

torations in situ
13 Material Considerations for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 349

(b) Stress distribution due to underlying splint-

ing and cross-arch stabilisation of the
(c) Ease of dealing with restorative complica-
tions—if a single crown were to fracture it
can be replaced individually (Figs. 13.27,
13.28, 13.29, 13.30, and 13.31).

Ideally they should be designed with the screw

access trajectories in a favourable position so that
the restoration can be readily serviced at hygiene
appointments. However, despite the clinician’s Fig. 13.29 Framework try-in intraorally
best intentions, anatomic limitations may not
allow screw-retained implant placement in the
anterior maxilla, even after correction with angled
abutments. In these situations a ‘hybrid’ between
a monolithic design and individual cemented res-
toration may solve a challenging problem created
by anterior implant trajectory [38].

Fig. 13.30 Maxillary hybrid zirconia restoration opposed

by acrylic titanium restoration

Fig. 13.27 Hybrid design; when screw access holes are

not ideally located, individual crowns can be made and

Fig. 13.31 Smile view of restorations in Fig. 13.30

Fig. 13.28 Individual crowns in zirconia replacing max-

illary anterior teeth
350 S. Jivraj and S. Rawal

13.13 Hybrid Designs The manufacturing process has also benefited

with a Primary Titanium Bar from technology with laboratories now able to
and Overlying Zirconia complete the definitive restorations utilising a
Framework Utilising full digital workflow.
Intraoral Scanning Fabrication of full-arch zirconia restoration
and CADCAM Protocols supported by a titanium substructure can be com-
pleted by utilising a full digital workflow.
The delivery of full-arch implant-supported res- These types of full-arch restorations may pro-
torations has been significantly advanced by the vide the following benefits:
rapid introduction of innovative digital technolo-
gies into clinical practice. These technologies 1. Ease of fabrication—CADCAM technology.
allow for greater ease, cost efficiencies, and 2. Passivity of the framework—Utilising scan
improved workflows. Intraoral scanning is one of gauges and AI technology frameworks can be
these technologies that has significantly improved fabricated with a true digital model-less work-
the acquisition of diagnostic data and clinical flow. This can result in a clinically acceptable
information required for the definitive restora- passive framework.
tion. It enables the clinician to execute a complex 3. Implant/abutment interface—A titanium-to-­
implant rehabilitation in a fewer number of titanium interface was used to minimise wear
visits. on the head of the implant. There is no zirco-
Intraoral scanning for single-tooth implant nia touching the head of the fixture or even the
restorations has been shown to be just as accurate multi-unit abutment. The clinician is also able
as analogue techniques. Full-arch scans have not to torque the prosthesis without creating
been as reliable and consistent. It was shown that undue stress in the zirconia framework.
the precision of full-arch scans decreases as the 4. Occlusion/wear—The framework can be cre-
distance between the scanning abutments ated with full-contour zirconia with minimal
increases. This inaccuracy can be a result of scan- cutback or full-contour zirconia and stain.
ning protocols, scan abutment designs and the The occlusion is designed in zirconia for sta-
different technologies associated with different bility of occlusal contacts.
types of scanners. Recently scan gauges have 5. Strength of framework/veneering porcelain—
been introduced that standardise the scanning The zirconia is supported by a titanium sub-
procedure (Osteon Technologies). Scanning for structure which biomechanically enhances the
full-arch implant restorations on multi-unit abut- restoration. Care must be taken to ensure the
ments has become a clinical reality. thickness of zirconia is adequate.
The protocols to scan include but are not lim- 6. Aesthetics—Is improved by minimal cutback
ited to. and layering.
7. Delivery/retrievability—The entire restora-
1. A more controlled path for the scanner to fol- tion is screw retained and designed with
low reduces the amount of scan head retrievability in mind.
2. Allowing more than one scannable feature on The clinician must provide the following
the gauge to be deleted if tolerance of scan information to the laboratory:
captured is less than the known gauge
measurement. 1. Intraoral scanning of gauges in specific
3. Inclusion of an alignment procedure where pathways.
the scan information is analysed using an 2. Scanning of the tissues intraorally.
increased point cloud data set for its reference 3. Scanning of the provisional restorations with
to the planes present in the gauge design. gauges extraorally and scanning maximum
intercuspation intraorally.
13 Material Considerations for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 351

4. Clinical photographs. (Fig. 13.33). Provisional restorations were fabri-

5. Prescription of the desired changes. cated to optimise aesthetics, form and function
(Fig. 13.34). The advantages of a full digital
The clinical information is systematically workflow include but are not limited to.
organised and manipulated in CAD software to
propose a design for the prosthesis. This design 1. No impressions.
can be previewed, and corrections made. The cli- 2. Clinician can complete the definitive restora-
nician may choose to go directly to the definitive tion in two visits post integration.
restorations in one visit if the provisional restora- 3. Aesthetics can be verified with a 3D-printed
tions satisfy the requirements of aesthetics, con- try-in and modifications can be made.
tour and phonetics. 4. No sophisticated equipment is required. The
It is recommended however that a clinical try- practitioner can utilise their existing intraoral
­in of a printed resin prosthesis be done prior to scanner to capture all the data required
definitive delivery to verify the clinician’s (Fig. 13.35).
requirements. The definitive restorations are fab-
ricated via a CADCAM process where the frame- The following data is required:
work is digitally designed and milled from a
blank of commercially pure titanium via a com- 1. Proprietary scan gauges are placed and
puter numeric-controlled machine. Such a pro- scanned (Osteon Technologies) (Fig. 13.36).
cess has shown to be efficient in producing 2. The soft tissue is scanned (Fig. 13.37).
accurate, customisable and durable frameworks. 3. The undersurface of the provisional is scanned
Today even the suprastructure is fabricated (Fig. 13.38).
through a CADCAM process to produce the 4. The patient is asked to occlude into maximum
veneering acrylic or zirconia prosthesis. intercuspation and a right and left bite scan is
The following patient presentation will illus- performed (Fig. 13.39).
trate the digital workflow.
The patient presented with a terminal denti- The following photos are also submitted with
tion and was treatment planned for a maxillary the scans:
and mandibular implant-supported restoration
(Fig. 13.32). Bilateral sinus lifts were performed 1. Provisionals in the mouth.
in the maxilla, and seven root-form implants 2. Smile.
were placed in the maxilla and six in the mandi- 3. Full face (Fig. 13.40).
ble (Paltop Dynamic, Keystone Dental Group)

Fig. 13.32 Preoperative situation of a terminal dentition has been treatment planned for maxillary and mandibular
implant-supported restorations
352 S. Jivraj and S. Rawal

Fig. 13.33 After bilateral sinus lifts seven Paltop

Dynamic implants placed in the maxilla and six in the

Fig. 13.34 Provisional restorations fabricated

Fig. 13.35 Advantages of a digital workflow

Fig. 13.36 An example of scan gauges scanned in the

mouth (Osteon Technologies) Fig. 13.37 An example of soft tissue scan
13 Material Considerations for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 353

Fig. 13.38 An example of scanning of a provisional res-

toration undersurface

Fig. 13.39 An example of scanning the prosthesis in the

mouth and recording occlusal relationships

Fig. 13.40 Photos submitted to Osteon

354 S. Jivraj and S. Rawal

All the data are uploaded to CAD software Clinically these types of restorations have
and a proposed design is created for approval by been reported (personal communication) to have
the clinician (Figs. 13.41 and 13.42). less complications than monolithic and mini-
Once approved, a primary titanium substruc- mally layered restorations. With that said they do
ture is milled to support an overlying zirconia not have as long a clinical track record and a like-­
framework. These two materials are bonded to-­like comparison cannot be made. They have
together utilising a resin cement (Fig. 13.43). been advocated for use in situations when mini-
The undersurface of the restoration and con- mal bone reduction is performed and the clini-
tours is convex and cleansable (Fig. 13.44). cian is planning for an FP1 type of restoration
The definitive restorations are delivered and (Figs. 13.46, 13.47, 13.48, 13.49, 13.50, 13.51,
screws torqued to the manufacturer’s recommen- 13.52, 13.53, and 13.54).
dations (Fig. 13.45).

Fig. 13.41 CAD design

Fig. 13.42 Restoration proposals of both sub structure and suprastructure

13 Material Considerations for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 355

Fig. 13.43 Combination titanium/zirconia restoration

Fig. 13.44 Undersurface or restoration illustrating convex cleansable surface

Fig. 13.45 Definitive restorations delivered

356 S. Jivraj and S. Rawal

Fig. 13.49 FP1-type prosthesis designed to compress tis-

sue (ceramics by Artem Asemov)

Fig. 13.46 Zirconia overlay

Fig. 13.50 Occlusion in polished zirconia

Fig. 13.47 Milled titanium substructure

Fig. 13.48 Titanium is bonded to the zirconia overlay Fig. 13.51 Undersurface of restoration
with a resin cement
13 Material Considerations for Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 357

facturing processes utilised and clinical parame-

ters are just a few of these considerations, and
this chapter attempts to give guidelines to aid in
making relevant decisions for these prostheses.
While some basic parameters have been stated,
further studies need to be conducted to look into
specific areas in greater detail to be able to make
more predictable decisions with respect to these

Fig. 13.52 Lateral view showing compression against References

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Clinical Steps for Fabrication
of a Full-Arch Implant-Supported

Udatta Kher and Ali Tunkiwala

Abstract 14.1 Section I: Introduction

The ultimate goal in prosthetic rehabilitation
The final design planning and material choice for
of edentulous patients is the long-term fulfil-
the definitive fixed prosthesis should be accom-
ment of their functional and aesthetic require-
plished before the surgical placement of the
ments. The fabrication of such prostheses is an
implants following the principles of prostheti-
exacting process and needs meticulous atten-
cally driven implant dentistry. The actual clinical
tion towards several clinical and laboratory
steps will begin after the implants have osseointe-
steps. Each step is executed only after the pro-
grated. Whilst the rehabilitation of each arch can
ceeding step is verified so that the prostheses
be carried out one at a time, it is possible to
in the end will have a passive fit and superior
address both arches together with meticulous
accuracy. The need for effective communica-
attention to detail. A well-designed functional
tion with the dental laboratory is the bedrock
and aesthetic provisional prosthesis is imperative
of all prosthetic work. This chapter sum-
for the smooth transition to a definitive one as it
marises the conventional techniques and pros-
aids tremendously in lab communication at all
thetic workflow for fabrication of full-arch
fixed implant prostheses. In Sect. 14.2, a novel
For the full-arch fixed implant prostheses, the
fast-tracking protocol has been devised,
number of clinical prosthetic steps needed in fab-
wherein from impression to delivery, the
ricating the definitive restorations has been
entire workflow can be carried out in one or
depicted in Flowchart 14.1.
two appointments.

14.1.1 Step 1: Impressions

Impressions for definitive prostheses can be done

at the implant level or abutment level, based on
the initial prosthetic plan (Flowchart 14.2). The
implant-level approach entails using components
that directly connect to the implant platform. The
abutment-level approach utilises a multi-unit
abutment that is torqued on the implant, and all
U. Kher · A. Tunkiwala (*) the following prosthetic steps are performed over
Private practice, Mumbai, India

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 359
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
360 U. Kher and A. Tunkiwala

Flowchart 14.1 Conventional sequence and appointments for full arch implant rehabilitation

the abutments. Working at abutment level allows ment level will remain the same, although the
the restorative margin to be taken further away componentry for each will be different.
from the crestal bone, and thus, it is biologically The impression must accurately represent the
a better option, provided there is sufficient restor- exact three-dimensional, implant/abutment posi-
ative space to accommodate the extra height of tions and the surrounding soft tissue contours.
the multi-unit abutments. Moreover, working at Having a well-healed soft tissue around the
abutment level will make all the subsequent pros- implants is desirable as inflamed, unhealed tis-
thetic steps, like verification of fit, easier and sues may bleed during impression procedures
thereby helps minimising errors. Lastly, as the and affect the setting time and dimensional accu-
abutment can allow implant trajectories to be racy of the materials [1]. If a provisional restora-
straightened out and get screw accesses to the tion has been designed to shape the gingival
desirable positions, it reduces overall distortions tissue architecture to achieve a positive emer-
in the impressions. The basic technique and prin- gence profile, it must be copied in the impression
ciples of impression-making at implant or abut- procedure [2–5].
14 Clinical Steps for Fabrication of a Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restoration 361

Flowchart 14.2 Analogue and Digital Workflow for Implant impressions/scans Impression Techniques sion material and allows for a definitive seat of
the coping-replica assembly within the impres-
Closed Tray Technique sion (Fig. 14.2). The closed tray technique, how-
The closed tray or indirect transfer technique is ever simple, is contraindicated for non-parallel
suited only when the implants are placed parallel implant trajectories as there will be distortion in
to each other. The closed tray copings are attached the set material during retrieval from the mouth
to the implant or the multi-unit abutment and an due to the mismatch in their paths of withdrawal
impression taken with elastomeric materials. (Figs. 14.3, 14.4, 14.5, 14.6, and 14.7).
After the retrieval and disinfection of the impres-
sion, the implant or abutment replica as applica- Open Tray Technique
ble is attached to the impression coping and The open tray impressions are preferred in cases
reinserted within the impression (Fig. 14.1). The where implants are placed deeper or have a thick
key to a successful closed tray impression lies in band of soft tissue over them (Fig. 14.8).
this step of relocating the coping-replica assem- Moreover, this is the technique of choice when
bly within the impression. For maximum accu- implants are not parallel to each other [6]. Full-­
racy the height of the coping that is captured arch impressions for implant-supported restora-
above the tissues must be sufficient and the sys- tions require a high degree of accuracy for which
tem should have designed the impression coping the open tray or direct pick-up technique in a
that facilitates accurate indexation within the rigid custom tray is preferred [2–5].
impression. Some systems have a plastic cap over The open tray copings may be engaging
the copings that gets picked up with the impres- (hexed) or non-engaging (non-hexed) (Figs. 14.8
362 U. Kher and A. Tunkiwala

Fig. 14.1 Closed tray impression coping Fig. 14.2 Closed tray impression coping with plastic
transfer cap

Fig. 14.3 Upper full-arch implants. Closed tray tech-

nique is used here as the parallelism between the implants Fig. 14.4 Upper full-arch implants impression using the
is within the acceptable range closed tray technique
14 Clinical Steps for Fabrication of a Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restoration 363

Fig. 14.5 Snap impression copings

Fig. 14.6 Lower implants with multi-unit abutments

Fig. 14.8 Hexed open tray coping for single-implant


and the tray retrieved with the impression coping

embedded within the material securely. The
implant or abutment replica, as applicable, is
fixed to the impression coping. At this point, the
clinician must not use uncontrolled force to fixate
the replica as that can lead to rotation of the cop-
ing within the elastomeric impression and thereby
Fig. 14.7 Closed tray copings for multi-unit abutments lead to a flaw. To overcome this potential error, it
is advisable to splint the open tray copings to
each other with a rigid material, intraorally
and 14.9). The former is used only for single [7–9].
implants and the latter for multiple implants as Literature supports the use of splinted impres-
would be the case for full-arch cases. sion copings with a rigid material with low-­
These copings are designed with undercuts on dimensional change [6–10]. Several techniques
them and a long screw that will protrude beyond have been used for splinting of the impression
the selected tray. After the impression material copings such as autopolymerising resin, dual-­
has set, the long screw is disengaged completely cured resins, plaster and prefabricated resin bars
364 U. Kher and A. Tunkiwala

Fig. 14.10 Open tray copings that have not been splinted

Fig. 14.11 Upper-arch implants ready for impressions

Fig. 14.9 Non-hexed copings for multiple-implant


(Figs. 14.10 and 14.11). The splinting of copings

with autopolymerising resin which is sectioned
and reconnected after setting are considered to
provide maximum accuracy and are thus preferred Fig. 14.12 Floss tied to the open tray copings to act as
[7, 11, 12]. The necessity to section the splints scaffold for resin splinting
connecting the copings and reconnecting them
intraorally arises due to the polymerisation shrink-
age of the material that can lead to a certain amount
of pressure between all copings, thereby leading to
an invisible flaw in the impression.
The splinting of the copings could be per-
formed intraorally in one step or could be done
on a primary model and splinted extraorally. Both
these techniques will need the copings to be sec-
tioned and reconnected with fast-setting resin
intraorally (Figs. 14.12, 14.13, 14.14, 14.15, and
14.16). Fig. 14.13 Open tray copings splinted with pattern resin
14 Clinical Steps for Fabrication of a Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restoration 365

Fig. 14.17 Stock tray with plastic inserts for open tray
Fig. 14.14 Splinted open tray impression done with technique
polyether on custom tray

However, stock trays designed especially for the

open tray technique could also be used
(Fig. 14.17).

14.1.2 Step 2: Verification Jig

The verification jig is fabricated on the master

model. These jigs are generally made using tem-
porary titanium cylinders that have been splinted
with each other on the master cast. The clinician
Fig. 14.15 Lower multi-unit abutments will try these in the next appointment with the
one screw (Sheffield) test. The jig is screwed onto
the distal-most implant and must not lift up from
the contralateral implant. A distortion-free radio-
graph may be done to verify the same. In case the
verification jig fits perfectly, the impression is
deemed to be correct and the next step of jaw
relation may be undertaken at the same appoint-
ment. However, if the verification jig is not seat-
ing accurately or passively, it must be sectioned
between the offending implants and rejoined
intraorally with fast-setting resin. The lab must
be informed of this act so that they can relocate
the implant or abutment replica in its correct
Fig. 14.16 Open tray copings for multi-unit abutments position within the stone model and make an
altered master cast with accurate positions of all Impression Materials implants/abutment replicas.
Polyvinyl siloxane or polyether impression mate- The verification jig may be made in acrylic resin
rials are the preferred options for making impres- (Figs. 14.18 and 14.19). These need to be thick so
sions due to their higher level of accuracy and that the flexion of the resin during seating of the jig
dimensional stability [8, 13, 14]. A custom tray does not give a false negative result, thereby mis-
coated with an appropriate tray adhesive is pre- leading the clinician to think that the jig is accurate
ferred for making the impressions [15, 16]. or passive. To avoid such errors, an alternative rec-
366 U. Kher and A. Tunkiwala

14.1.3 Step 3: Interocclusal Records

[16, 17]

Accurate interocclusal records are required to

enable the lab to mount the upper and lower
­master casts in accurate relation with each other.
In cases where both arches are being restored
together, the upper arch is mounted with an aes-
Fig. 14.18 Plaster verification jig thetically accurate face bow record, such as a
dentofacial analyser. The lower cast will be
mounted in centric relation with regard to the
upper cast, and this should be accomplished at
the desired vertical dimension of occlusion
(Fig. 14.21).
The steps would be as follows:

(a) Upper rim adjustment keeping parallelism

with the inter-pupillary line and the Camper’s
(b) Vertical dimension of occlusion determina-
Fig. 14.19 When resin verification jig lacks passivity or tion using the freeway space as a guideline.
accuracy, it must be sectioned and individual cylinders left (c) Centric relation record.
on each implant
In full-arch cases, these interocclusal records
can be done in four ways:

1. Conventional complete denture bases on

residual ridge.
2. Screw-retained complete denture bases
(Figs. 14.22, 14.23, 14.24, and 14.25).
3. Two-piece screw-retained bases (Figs. 14.26
and 14.27).
4. Using Aluwax on healing abutments/final
abutments (Fig. 14.28).

Fig. 14.20 New resin can be used to join the cylinders

intraorally and lab informed

ommendation is to make the verification jigs with

impression plaster (Fig. 14.20). The brittle plaster
will break if the screw is forced in due to lack of
passivity, thereby preventing a potential impression
error to go through to the next step.
Fig. 14.21 Conventional record bases for jaw relation
14 Clinical Steps for Fabrication of a Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restoration 367

Fig. 14.25 Several other lines marked to help select the

right size of teeth in the lab
Fig. 14.22 Screw-retained record base for jaw relation

Fig. 14.26 The fixed screw-retained part of the two-­

Fig. 14.23 CR recorded on fixed screw-retained bases
piece record base

Fig. 14.24 Midline transfer along with cuspid line

Fig. 14.27 The second part of the record base with wax
marked on rim
368 U. Kher and A. Tunkiwala Two-Piece Screw-Retained

Record bases are made in two parts per arch that fit
into each other. The first part is screwed onto the
implants, thereby providing stability, and the sec-
ond part is snapped onto the first one. The second
part has the wax rim and can be easily removed
Fig. 14.28 Aluwax records the JR on stock abutments
from the mouth to adjust the same and snapped
back to check the height and the arch form.

In most cases of full-arch prosthodontics, Pros

at least two interocclusal records are recom- Prevents repeated unscrewing as with the case of
mended at two different stages during the single screw-retained base.
Cons Conventional Complete (a) Needs lab fabrication and additional
Denture Bases on Residual componentry.
Ridge (b) Needs sufficient restorative space.
This is done on movable record base just like in
complete denture prosthodontics. Using Aluwax on Healing
Abutments/Final Abutments
Pros This is with stable components like tall healing
It is an easy technique and can be done without abutments or stock abutments on implants, but
any additional lab steps or componentry. needs a lot of calculations. The nose-chin points
should be marked with approved provisional in
Cons place, and then the vertical dimension is repro-
(a) Record bases may be unstable, leading to an duced for the CR record using wax to record the
error in CR records. abutments.
(b) The entire movable base feels bulky to most
patients. Pros
(c) Presence of flanges may create confusion (a) Records done on stable components.
with lip support. (b) No bulky record bases in the mouth. Screw-Retained Complete Cons

Denture Bases (a) You will need extra set of all same
Pros (b) Chances of error in VDO high as there is no
The record bases are fixed to the implants and anterior stop.
thus the accuracy of the record is much higher.

Cons 14.1.4 Step 4: Teeth Set for Try-In

(a) Record bases need to be lab fabricated.
(b) The long temporary cylinders used in the The goal of this step is to verify the teeth arrange-
record bases can be a nuisance during adjust- ment from an aesthetic and functional
ment of the height of the wax rim as they will standpoint.
interfere and will need to be shortened Two types of trials can be done after the jaw
repeatedly. relation is taken.
14 Clinical Steps for Fabrication of a Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restoration 369

(a) Complete denture try-in on record bases. patient a trial that will feel and look exactly
In cases where there is no fixed provi- like the final prostheses as far as the overall
sional restoration made and the incisal posi- design is concerned (Figs. 14.31, 14.32,
tion of upper incisors is not approved from 14.33, 14.34, and 14.35).
the facial aspect, it is prudent to carry out a This trial is a prototype of the final prosthe-
denture trial (Figs. 14.29 and 14.30). This ses and can be made in resin. The most com-
trial must be preferably screw-retained on mon method of fabrication for such trials is to
some temporary cylinders or can be a con-
ventional complete denture trial on record
bases. An important aspect here is that the
denture should not have a labial flange so
that the lip support or the lack of it can be
judged by the patient and the clinician during
the trial. All aspects of aesthetics, phonetics,
vertical dimension and occlusion in harmony
with CR must be judged and, if needed, cor-
rected at this stage.
(b) Resin prototype screwed-in trial.
This trial is the key step, an important
milestone in the full-arch implant recon-
Fig. 14.31 Complete denture try-in on screw-retained
struction workflow. The goal is to give the

Fig. 14.29 Complete denture try-in on movable base Fig. 14.32 Resin prototype

Fig. 14.30 Complete denture try-in on movable base Fig. 14.33 Resin prototype
370 U. Kher and A. Tunkiwala

Fig. 14.34 Resin prototype being tested intraorally

Fig. 14.36 Bisque trial

Fig. 14.35 New bite records on resin prototype

mill them with polymethyl methacrylate

(PMMA), and these can be shaped, stained Fig. 14.37 New CR record on Bisque trial to fine-tune
and coloured as needed to meet the patients’ the occlusion in the lab
aesthetic requirements (Figs. 14.36 and 14.37).
In cases where a complete denture (CD) trial
was carried out and approved, it can serve as a (g) Shape of intaglio.
template for designing these PMMA prototypes. (h) Overall look and feel of the prostheses must
The technician will scan these approved CD trials be acceptable.
and design the PMMA prototype in a software
(Exocad) and will share the view of the final The aesthetic aspects such as midline, axial
aspects. Once approved by the clinician, the mill- inclinations, presence of adequate labial corridor,
ing can be carried out in resin with temporary and proportions of the teeth must be evaluated
cylinders fixed to the prototype. The staining and and corrected if needed. The upper plane must be
polishing are then carried out, and the resin pro- critically evaluated and corrected to meet aes-
totype delivered to the clinician. thetic requirements by staying parallel to the
At the time of PMMA prototype clinical trials, inter-pupillary line.
it is crucial to check all aspects of the final In full smile position (Duchene smile), the pro-
prostheses. portion of pink to white on the prototype must be
A checklist as follows may be used: assessed with photographs or videography. The
teeth must appear in correct proportion to the face
(a) Passivity (one-screw test). and sufficient zone of pink must remain. In cases
(b) Incisal edge position. where the pink aspect of the prostheses is too nar-
(c) Pink–white junction (within the prototype). row (<1.5 mm), it is better to omit it and make the
(d) Pink–pink junction (between the prototype teeth appear longer and shape and stain the cervical
and the tissues). aspect like a root. This can be done if the patient
(e) Occlusion. does not have a high lip line. Phonetic sounds like
(f) Phonetics and vertical dimension of F, V and S sounds must be checked and adjustment
occlusion. made to incisal edge position and profile if needed.
14 Clinical Steps for Fabrication of a Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restoration 371

on all teeth. These contacts must be ideally veri-

fied with shimstock so that each tooth is able to
hold the same in maximum intercuspation. Any
cantilevers in the prostheses must be relieved by
100 μm so as not to overload them. In cases
where major occlusal changes are needed it is
advisable to take another bite record with bite
registration paste so that the lab can remount the
lower master cast and address the need for occlu-
sal adjustments in the lab setting.

Fig. 14.38 Space present between the intaglio and the

tissues 14.1.5 Step 5: Framework Trial

Once the necessary adjustments are done on the

PMMA prototype, the lab will then go ahead and
start the manufacturing process of the final
There are several designing and material
options, based on which the next step will be
Fig. 14.39 Bite registration paste added between the
intaglio and the tissues for lab communication Flowcharts 14.3 and 14.4 depict the various
material options and their combinations.
In case a hybrid design is chosen, a framework
trial will be needed to verify passivity and accu-
racy of fit. Passive fit is a prerequisite for the
long-term survival with minimal technical or
mechanical complications and for maintaining
successful long-term osseointegration [18].
Milled frameworks produce the best accuracy
of fit and must be chosen when possible. Cast
frameworks inherently have a poorer fit due to
casting shrinkage and also may be prone to inter-
nal defects and porosity. A milled framework will
be free from both these issues. The designing of
these frameworks may be done to layer ceramic
Fig. 14.40 The lab will now make an index of this record
directly to it or it can be done in the form of a
and add ceramic to close the gap screw-retained framework with individual struts
on it to receive cement-retained crowns or bridges
(Fig. 14.41). In either case, the framework must
Another aspect to verify is the shape of the be designed with a controlled cutback leaving
intaglio, which must be convex and put mild adequate room for the ceramic work.
pressure on the tissues so that no space remains
between the prototype and the tissues for air to
escape during speaking (Figs. 14.38, 14.39, and 14.1.6 Step 6: Bisque Trial
14.40). This design will also facilitate good over-
all hygiene. Occlusal adjustments must be carried The last trial, and the one that must never be
out to achieve uniform contacts of equal intensity underestimated in its value, is the Bisque trial,
372 U. Kher and A. Tunkiwala

14.3 Options for
Zirconia based full arch

Flowchart 14.4 Material choices for full arch fixed implant supported restorations

especially if a fixed prosthesis is being fabricated

for both arches at the same time. If the steps so
far have been diligently followed, there will be
hardly any changes required at the Bisque trial
A detailed checklist, as follows, must be fol-
lowed to methodically check and, if necessary,
make the final corrections:

• Passivity of prostheses.
• Length of teeth/incisal edge position.
Fig. 14.41 Screw-retained restoration • Pink and white junction.
14 Clinical Steps for Fabrication of a Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restoration 373

• Shape/bulk of teeth and prostheses. the recommended material to contact the tissue
• Arch form/lip support. surface. Acrylics can lead to tissue irritation due
• Occlusion. to their inherent water sorption. The clinician
• Pink/pink junction (intaglio). must account for a need to rebase this part of the
• Intaglio: spaces/shape. prostheses a few years down the line. Dense com-
posite resins (Bio-HPP) may be an option to con-
All the things that are checked in the frame- sider here due to their bio-inertness.
work trial pertaining to fit and accuracy of the An interocclusal record at this stage is neces-
prostheses have to be rechecked at the bisque sary with bite registration paste for the lab to
stage. Additionally, the aesthetic parameters have remount the casts and fine-tune the occlusion to
to be verified in a detailed manner to confirm the allow for good contacts.
teeth position with the lip dynamics and the smile
line of the patient. Since these parameters for
such prosthesis are evaluated with the trial den- 14.1.7 Step 7: Prosthesis Delivery
tures and then a fixed PMMA trial, at this stage,
very little aesthetic change should be necessary. The soft tissues around the implants should look
The occlusion has to be checked to provide in good health on the day of the prosthesis deliv-
maximum intercuspation at the desired centric ery. Chlorohexidine gel may be placed on the soft
relation condylar position. Uniform contacts of tissues around the implants [22]. If the bisque
equal intensity must be achieved on both sides trial has been performed correctly, there should
and the anterior guidance should be effective in be no need for any further occlusal adjustments.
providing the desired posterior leeway and dis- It is desirable to use lab screws during the manu-
clusion [19–21]. The anterior guidance must be facture of the prostheses and the subsequent tri-
within the envelope of function to respect the als. During prostheses delivery, new abutment or
chewing pathway, thus avoiding any prosthetic screws must be used to provide opti-
interference. mal screw mechanics.
The tissue surface of the prostheses must be
then assessed to verify a positive tissue contact Delivery of Screw-Retained
on the edentulous areas between the implants. In Restorations
the maxillary anterior region, lack of such con- The glazed prosthesis is carefully placed over the
tact can lead to air escaping during speech, lead- implants, and all prosthetic screws are tightened
ing to a flutter of the lips that can be very annoying one by one manually. The gingival tissues in the
for the patient. A modified ridge lap or an ovate edentulous areas between the implants may pre-
pontic is recommended in this region of the pros- vent seating of the prostheses. A fit checker can
theses. Similar design must be produced in the be used to identify pressure points on the tissues
posterior regions to avoid food entrapment below from the prostheses and relived slightly if needed.
the prostheses. Once the first screw seats and is hand-tightened
On screwing down the prosthesis over the completely, the diagonally opposite screw must
implants, there is usually some degree of soft tis- be hand-tightened. Once all screws are seated
sue blanching. Within limits this blanching is and hand-tightened, they must be torqued as per
desirable and will disappear in a few minutes. the manufacturer’s instructions.
Excessive blanching for a prolonged period may The screw access channels must then be filled
lead to tissue necrosis. In such a situation, it may with PTFE tape and sealed using composite resin
be necessary to reduce the emergence contour of restoration [23]. Occlusion must be rechecked in
the restoration around the implant. its static and dynamic contacts to relieve any high
The undersurface of the prostheses must be points in the prostheses.
highly polished and made of materials that do not The following occlusal criteria must be met
degrade with time. Ceramic or titanium itself is with all full-arch prostheses:
374 U. Kher and A. Tunkiwala

(a) All teeth must have at least one good contact 14.1.8 Step 8: Postoperative
and must be able to hold shimstock. Instructions and Follow-Up
(b) The contacts must be of equal intensity.
(c) Any cantilever on the prostheses must be Patients are advised about the maintenance of
relieved by 100 μm to prevent overload. hygiene for fixed restorations on implants. Use of
(d) Chewing pathway adjustment must be car- superfloss, interdental brushes and irrigation
ried out to enable a friction-free and smooth devices is necessary. The patients are recalled at
chewing experience. 1-week, 3-month, 6-month and 1-year intervals
for a follow-up and assessment of prosthesis.
All areas that are adjusted after delivery must Oral prophylaxis using plastic-ended curettes is
be smoothened and polished with a dedicated done to avoid scratching the implant surfaces
intraoral ceramic polishing kit. Delivery of Cement-Retained

In case of cement-retained restorations, the indi-
vidual abutments are seated in correct orientation
in the mouth with an orientation jig (Fig. 14.42).
Each abutment is hand-tightened over the implants
and the fit of the final prostheses is verified. All aes-
thetic and occlusal adjustments are carried out as
discussed above. Each abutment is torqued as per
the manufacturer’s instructions, and their screw
access channel is covered with PTFE tape [23]. Fig. 14.43 Pick-up jigs for accurate orientation of abut-
The prosthesis is then luted. Definitive cemen- ment from model to mouth
tation is never an option for full-arch cement-­
retained prostheses. An implant-specific temporary
resin cement is preferred as it will allow the pos-
sibility of retrievability at a later stage.
Any cement excess in the sulcus has the
potential of causing peri-implantitis [24, 25].
Hence cement excess is very meticulously
cleaned using explorers and dental floss. Intraoral
radiographs are taken to ensure that all cement
excess is thoroughly cleaned (Figs. 14.43, 14.44,
and 14.45).

Fig. 14.44 Orientation jig for abutments

Fig. 14.42 Abutments on model for cement-retained Fig. 14.45 Final cement-retained restorations
14 Clinical Steps for Fabrication of a Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restoration 375

[25]. The prosthesis maybe removed once a year tional and aesthetic requirements. An immediately
for maintenance and cleaning of the loaded restoration following a chairside denture
undersurface. conversion technique, or a lab-fabricated provi-
sional, fitted within the next couple of days is ide-
ally suited for this protocol.
14.1.9 Conclusion The following steps are undertaken in the fast-­
tracking protocol:
An accurate impression depicting the three-­
dimensional implant positions and a perfectly 1. A thorough evaluation of implant prosthesis
recorded jaw relation record are critical steps for and the health of the peri-implant tissues is
the fabrication of a full-arch implant-supported made during the follow-up visit, prior to the
restoration. A series of verifications and trials are initiation of the prosthodontic phase. The
required in order to avoid major adjustments in provisional restoration should display satis-
the final prosthesis. Technological advances have factory aesthetics and should have uniform
simplified fabrication of these prostheses, but it occlusal contacts of equal intensity across
has inadvertently stepped up the expenses the arch. If found to be deficient, a detailed
involved in the laboratory fabrication of these occlusal adjustment is made prior to pro-
prostheses. It is imperative for the clinician to ceeding to the next step (Fig. 14.46).
master the clinical steps and work in tandem with 2. An interocclusal record is made using bite
the laboratory technician in order to avoid repeats registration paste or Aluwax (Fig. 14.47).
and remakes in prosthetic work and provide well-­
designed prostheses to patients.

14.2 Section 2: Fast-Tracking

Implant Prosthodontic
Protocol for Fully Edentulous

The conventional approach for fabrication of a

definitive prosthesis for full-arch implant cases
requires multiple visits [27]. A novel, time-saving
technique for full-arch implant prosthodontics is Fig. 14.46 Immediate loading with screw-retained
presented in this section. The technique is indi- acrylic provisional restoration using denture conversion
cated for cases in which an immediate fixed pro- technique for an edentulous patient
visional restoration has been delivered on the day
of implant placement or within 72 h of implant
placement or for cases where the clinician has
made an aesthetically and functionally acceptable
provisional restoration before starting the pros-
thetic phase for the definitive restoration.

14.2.1 Technique

The prerequisite for this technique is to have a

well-fitted and well-adjusted screw-retained pro-
visional restoration that meets the patient’s func- Fig. 14.47 After 3 months: bite registration
376 U. Kher and A. Tunkiwala

3. The prosthesis is unscrewed to expose the 7. After thoroughly disinfecting the impres-
underlying multi-unit abutments. sion, laboratory analogues are attached to the
4. The provisional restoration is thoroughly prosthesis with the help of the long screws.
cleaned extraorally and fitted over the multi-­ 8. Gingival mask is prepared around the neck of
unit abutments with the help of the long the analogues and allowed to set. A die stone
screws of the open tray impression copings model is poured (Figs. 14.50 and 14.51).
(Figs. 14.48 and 14.49). 9. After setting of the model, the prosthesis is
5. A customised or a stock tray modified for removed from it and refixed on the model
an open tray impression is used for record- using the internal screws.
ing the impression. Tray adhesive is applied 10. This assembly is now articulated using the
and an open tray impression is made of the bite registration and mounted on a semi-­
prosthesis using polyether impression adjustable articulator against the opposing
material. Care is taken to inject the poly- cast (Fig. 14.52).
ether material on the underside of the pros- 11. After mounting, a labial index is made
thesis in order to record the soft tissue around the two articulated models for pro-
profile (Fig. 14.49). viding the lab with the incisal edge position
6. After setting of the material, the long screws of the provisional restoration.
are loosened to release the prosthesis from 12. The prosthesis can now be released from the
the MUAs and the prosthesis is picked up in model and delivered back to the patient.
the impression. 13. The articulated model, along with the incisal
edge position, is sent to the laboratory
(Fig. 14.53).

Fig. 14.48 Open tray impression coping screws engag- Fig. 14.50 Provisional denture picked up in the impres-
ing the provisional restoration sion. Analogues attached and model pouring initiated

Fig. 14.49 Open tray impression of the prosthesis Fig. 14.51 Master cast
14 Clinical Steps for Fabrication of a Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restoration 377

The laboratory now has the three essential ele-

ments for proceeding with the final restoration
(Figs. 14.54, 14.55, 14.56, and 14.57):

1. An accurate impression.
2. An accurate jaw relation recorded.
3. An ideal incisal edge position and occlusal
plane reference.

The distinct advantages of this time-saving

technique are as follows:
Fig. 14.52 Mounted using bite registration
1. The possibility of recording an accurate
impression and a jaw relation record on the
same day, thus saving the patient and clinician
multiple appointments.
2. The impression is a pick-up impression of the
well-fitted provisional restoration. Hence, it is
very accurately recorded with no errors that
may get incorporated into the traditional
3. The recorded jaw relation record is made
using the patient’s adjusted prosthesis. Hence,
there are very few chances of errors occurring
in the process.
Fig. 14.53 Provisional restoration released and delivered
4. The labial silicone index provides an exact
to patient. Articulator sent to laboratory for fabrication of
the final restoration representation of the teeth positions.

Fig. 14.54 CAD-CAM design for final zirconia-based prosthesis

378 U. Kher and A. Tunkiwala

2. The multi-unit abutments need to be changed

after healing and soft tissue remodelling. In
certain situations, the MUAs may need to be
replaced with different collar heights ones to
match the soft tissue contours after complete
healing. In such a situation, the provisional
restoration will need to be replaced with a
new one or the existing restoration may need
to be modified prior to fast-tracking protocol.

Fig. 14.55 Definitive restoration—monolithic zirconia 14.2.2 Conclusion

with staining and pink ceramic [28]
The fast-track technique for the fabrication of a
full-arch definitive implant-supported prosthesis
significantly reduces overall treatment time and
the number of appointments without the loss of
accuracy and precision.

14.3 Partial Extraction Therapy

(PET) for Multiple Teeth
and Full-Arch Implant-­
Fig. 14.56 Upper and lower definitive restorations in Supported Reconstructions
Full-arch reconstruction with implant-supported
restorations is a complex treatment procedure
wherein the clinician is faced with numerous
challenges. One of the biggest limitations with
long-standing edentulous ridges is finding ade-
quate bone for implant placements. Ridge altera-
tion after extractions of all teeth is commonly
observed. Pneumatisation of the sinus is one of
the most common post-extraction complications
in posterior maxilla that limits the available bone
Fig. 14.57 Postoperative radiograph for the implant placement. Another common
occurrence is the limited amount of attached kera-
tinised issues around implants placed in fully
5. The additional appointments of impression edentulous jaws. It is well established that
verification trials and metal trials are avoided. implants are at a higher risk of bone loss and peri-­
The clinician can proceed directly to a bisque implantitis when there are deficient attached tis-
trail. sues around implants. Extensive amount of hard
and soft tissue augmentation procedures is
The following are the limiting factors for this required in cases where teeth have been com-
technique: pletely extracted. The other challenge during the
restorative phase is to create good emergence pro-
1. In cases wherein the implants have not files around implant abutments and pontic sites.
received any provisional restorations. Improper emergence profiles lead to a poor aes-
14 Clinical Steps for Fabrication of a Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restoration 379

thetic end result and difficulty in long-term main- 2. Prosthetically driven implant placements:
tenance of the implant-supported restoration. Placing multiple implants in ideal locations is
Socket shields procedures, performed by pre- simpler when one does post-extraction imme-
serving the labial part of the roots, have been suc- diate placements since the sockets provide the
cessfully done for single-teeth implant-supported exact locations for insertion of implants.
restorations. Extending the scope of partial However, managing implant trajectories and
extraction therapies to multiple sites needing depth of placements can be quite challenging.
post-extraction immediate implant placements Guided implant placements using CT-guided
will have a significant benefit in maintaining the stents will be helpful to overcome this
alveolar ridge architecture around the implants. difficulty.
In the past, clinicians have found it extremely 3. Fabrication of a fixed temporary restoration:
challenging to reconstruct loss of alveolus and Fabricating a fixed provisional restoration on
surrounding teeth structures after extractions of the day of the surgery is also a time-­consuming
multiple teeth in the aesthetic zone. Hard and soft process and needs the services of the restor-
tissue augmentation for multiple implant sites is ative dentist and the laboratory.
a complex treatment procedure. Vertical augmen- 4. Management of minor healing complications
tation has limited long-term success rate as like internal and external shield exposures:
reported in the literature. Hence, an alternative With more shields to prepare in full-arch
protocol which is aimed at. cases, the incidence of minor complications
preserving bone and soft tissue instead of like internal and external exposures is likely
reconstructing tissues could be the solution to to be more and management of these compli-
these problems. cations during the healing phase is an addi-
Performing multiple PETs on adjacent sites tional burden on the clinician.
needing post-extraction implant placements
should be undertaken by clinicians after getting The following case utilises all the PET proce-
comfortable with PET procedures on single teeth. dures for a maxillary full-arch implant-supported
The rationale for doing socket shield procedures reconstruction.
for adjacent implant sites was highlighted in A 65-year-old healthy non-smoker male
Chap. 5. By extending this scope further to reported repeated debonding of his crowns which
involve a greater number of teeth along with the were done 15 years ago (Figs. 14.58 and 14.59).
applications of pontic shields and root submer- The underlying teeth were badly destroyed due to
gence technique, the clinician can handle more secondary caries under the crowns and were non-­
challenging situations in treating multiple restorable. A decision was made to extract the
implant sites and full-arch implant-supported
reconstructions. A high level of clinical expertise
and experience in single-teeth PET procedures is
required for clinicians to undertake such complex

14.3.1 Challenges in Multiple Sites

Treated with PET

1. Time-consuming process for partial extrac-

tions of roots: Partial extractions of multiple
roots can take much longer than extracting the
whole tooth. This may increase the overall Fig. 14.58 Preoperative situation. Failing upper
surgical time for the procedure. dentition
380 U. Kher and A. Tunkiwala

was taken to completely remove the apex of the

root and the periapical area was thoroughly
debrided using small-tipped bone curettes
(Figs. 14.61, 14.62, and 14.63). A small piece of
collagen plug was placed in the socket to help in
retaining the blood clot.

Fig. 14.59 Radiograph showing endodontically treated

teeth with post and cores and periapical lesions

teeth and provide him with an implant-supported

fixed denture. The periodontal status was satis-
factory. He desired a fixed provisional restoration
during the healing phase of his treatment. His
treatment was divided into three phases.

Fig. 14.60 Fixed provisional restorations on natural

14.3.2 Phase 1: Socket Shields teeth
and Tooth-Supported
Provisional Restorations

In the first phase of treatment, a well-adjusted

fixed provisional restoration was fabricated on
the existing teeth after removal of the old restora-
tions (Fig. 14.60). The provisional restoration
was designed to adapt to desirable function, pho-
netics and aesthetics. Thereafter socket shield
procedures were performed on teeth 12, 13, 21
and 23 utilising the technique described in Chap.
2. The implants placed after the socket shield
procedures were kept submerged. Few strategic
Fig. 14.61 Condition of underlying natural teeth
teeth were chosen to support the fixed provisional

14.3.3 Phase 2: Pontic Shield, Root

Submergence Technique
and Implant-Supported
Provisional Restorations

After 3 months of healing time, the provisional

restoration was removed. The submerged
implants were surgically exposed and temporary
titanium abutments were attached onto these
Fig. 14.62 Partial extraction therapies on four anterior
implants. Tooth 11 was prepared for a pontic teeth. Socket shields with implant placement in teeth 12,
shield since it had a minor periapical lesion. Care 13, 21 and 23
14 Clinical Steps for Fabrication of a Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restoration 381

Fig. 14.63 Fixed provisional restoration on the remain-

ing natural teeth

Fig. 14.66 Root submergence technique for teeth 14, 15

and 24. Temporary titanium abutments for supporting a
screw-retained fixed provisional restoration

Fig. 14.64 Surgical exposure of osseointegrated implants

Fig. 14.67 Silicone index of the provisional restoration

sional restoration, which provided the form for

fabrication of the implant-supported fixed resto-
ration (Fig. 14.67). The openings of the tempo-
rary titanium abutments were filled with cotton.
An autopolymerising composite material was
used to fabricate the implant-supported provi-
sional restoration with the help of the putty
index (Figs. 14.68 and 14.69). After setting of
Fig. 14.65 Pontic shield preparation for tooth 11 the material, the cotton pieces were removed
from the abutments and the internal screws were
Teeth 14, 15 and 24 were prepared for root loosened. The provisional restoration attached
submergence. The roots were kept at the level of to the titanium abutments were removed from
the crestal bone and the tissue around them was the mouth and voids were filled using light-
allowed to close by secondary healing cured flowable resin material. Finishing and
(Figs. 14.64, 14.65, and 14.66). polishing was done and the provisional screw-
A putty index was prepared before the retained restoration was fixed over the implants.
removal of the existing teeth supported provi- Occlusal adjustments were done so as to achieve
382 U. Kher and A. Tunkiwala

Fig. 14.68 Fabrication of a screw-retained fixed provi- Fig. 14.70 Fast-tracking protocol. Long screw attached
sional restoration on osseointegrated implants

Fig. 14.69 Maxillary screw-retained restoration on all

the osseointegrated implants
Fig. 14.71 Pick-up impression and model making

uniform contacts of equal intensity across all the

teeth in the arch.

14.3.4 Phase 3: Fast-Tracking to Final


After 4 weeks of healing time, the provisional

restoration was removed and the fabrication of
the definitive restoration was initiated
(Figs. 14.70, 14.71, 14.72, 14.73, and 14.74). The
soft tissue contours developed with the provi- Fig. 14.72 Master cast
sional restoration were found to be satisfactory.
The final restoration was a screw-retained porce-
lain fused to metal prosthesis (Figs. 14.75, 14.76, 14.81). Occlusal adjustments were done and the
14.77, 14.78 and 14.79). The internal screws of screw accesses were sealed using composite resin
the prosthesis were torqued at 30 Ncm as recom- (Fig. 14.82).
mended by the manufacturer (Fig. 14.80 and
14 Clinical Steps for Fabrication of a Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restoration 383

Fig. 14.75 Soft tissue architecture seen after removal of

the provisional restoration

Fig. 14.76 Screw-retained porcelain fused to metal fixed


Fig. 14.73 Mounting with provisional restoration to rep-

licate accurate vertical dimension of occlusion

Fig. 14.77 Right lateral view of the definitive screw-­

retained fixed restoration

Fig. 14.74 Provisional restoration delivered to patient

and articulated models sent to laboratory for fabrication of Fig. 14.78 Left lateral view of the definitive screw-­
final restoration retained fixed restoration
384 U. Kher and A. Tunkiwala

14.3.5 Conclusion

The most desired outcome for long-span and

full-­arch implant-supported cases is to achieve a
definitive prosthesis without any pink ceramics
to replace the missing alveolar ridge. This is
very rarely possible with conventional implant
therapy without extensive hard and soft tissue
grafting procedures. Preservation of healthy
parts of the roots by performing partial extrac-
Fig. 14.79 Close-up view displaying healthy peri-­
implant soft tissue contours tion therapies has made it possible for clinicians
to accomplish such results without subjecting
patients to complex augmentation procedures.
One of the greatest benefits of PET procedures
for full-arch implant-supported reconstructions
is the preservation of the attached keratinised
tissue around the implants and pontic sites. The
presence of attached tissue around the implants
significantly reduces the possibilities of devel-
oping biological complications around the
Fig. 14.80 Partial extraction therapy procedures implants in future.

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Speech and Facial Aesthetic
Considerations for the Contour
of Fixed Prostheses

Glen Liddelow and Graham Carmichael

Abstract The clinician has many challenges to address

when treatment planning for edentulous patients
The treatment of edentulous or soon-to-be
or those with a terminal dentition that will soon
edentulous jaws requires surgical and pros-
be rendered edentulous in one or both jaws. It is
thetic skill to achieve a functional outcome.
easy to concentrate on the fundamental aspects of
These interventions have a profound impact
placing sufficient implants into available bone
on facial aesthetics with respect to support for
and subsequently providing a prosthesis that
the perioral tissues and lower face. Patients
allows for mastication. However, the patient has
may present with significant loss of support-
very real concerns about how they will look and
ing tissue necessitating prosthetic replace-
whether they will be socially acceptable. Patients
ment. Ideally, this intervention should be
with terminal dentitions may well have had many
determined in the diagnostic phases to more
years of dental embarrassment and difficulties
predictably achieve the desired result and
with speaking and eating. Almost all will be
patient approval. Change in position of teeth
unhappy with their appearance both smiling and
and prosthetic contour can detrimentally affect
with lips closed. Many men grow facial hair to
speech. This chapter aims to provide a back-
cover their unsightly teeth, and most patients
ground to the effects of prosthesis contour and
limit their smile to decrease tooth display.
techniques to enhance aesthetics and maxi-
It is important therefore to record the
mise phonetic adaptation.
presenting situation in detail to discuss which
aspects are acceptable to the patient and those
which need to be changed. The patient’s aesthetic
G. Liddelow (*) expectation should be clearly determined. The
School of Dentistry, University of Western Australia, use of photographs, either historical of the patient
Crawley, WA, Australia themselves or of the patient’s idealised preference,
Craniofacial Unit, Princess Margaret Hospital, will help the clinician to tailor the treatment
Subiaco, WA, Australia towards the patient’s expectation of outcome or
G. Carmichael alternatively decide that this expectation is
School of Dentistry, University of Western Australia, outside the scope of the clinician’s ability. Frank
Crawley, WA, Australia
discussion can then determine a realistic outcome
Craniofacial Unit, Princess Margaret Hospital, or referral to a colleague. Pretreatment
Subiaco, WA, Australia
photographic series and video recordings are
Maxillofacial Department, Royal Perth Hospital,
Perth, WA, Australia

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 387
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
388 G. Liddelow and G. Carmichael

important not only in the diagnostic phases but ble soft tissue landmarks of the face [4]. By quan-
also in post-treatment evaluation. tifying facial dimensions, treatment planning for
Whilst many prescriptive dental examination the replacement of deficient or missing facial tis-
protocols exist, assessment of the entire dentofa- sue can be simplified following measurements
cial region may be perceived to be more familiar from existing facial tissues or anatomical norms.
to oral and maxillofacial surgeons or facial plas- Once the fundamental plan is established, the
tic surgeons than for routine dental management. provision of clinical treatment and liaising with
The field of plastic surgery has reported the use the technical auxiliaries has a more appropriate
of three-dimensional imaging to document facial focus.
contours since 1979 [1]. Dentists are uniquely Evolving technologies with computer-aided
placed to significantly modify dentofacial aes- design (CAD) reconstruction from cone beam
thetics and orofacial contours with fixed or computer topography (CBCT) or computer
removable intraoral dental prostheses. topography (CT) and have enabled the assess-
Assessment of the orofacial contours must form ment and quantification of change in facial curva-
part of the examination process for appropriate ture and space over time [5]. Whilst Nanda et al.
maintenance or modification with any treatment [6] described the use of three-dimensional images
provided. Symmetry in prosthesis, smile and oro- as a quantitative measure to establish soft tissue
facial contour is important; however, perfect averages for anthropological and genetic sci-
facial symmetry is unusual in nature and may be ences, Marques et al. [7] have subsequently
an idealistic goal which is unachievable in recon- reported a high degree of reproducibility of true-
struction. Therefore the patient should be guided ness and precision with 3D facial scanning imag-
to what is clinically achievable. ing technologies. Patients can then be compared
Anthropometry is defined as ‘the scientific to anatomical norms to idealise diagnosis and
study of the measurements and proportions of the treatment planning, or to measure volumetric tis-
human body’ [2], and dental applications histori- sue change during treatment. The current focus
cally have been focused on orthodontic investiga- of three-dimensional photography and facial
tions in monitoring facial growth, and scanning is to avoid repeated radiation exposure
reconstructive planning following congenital combined with CBCT or CT data.
issues such as cleft lip and palate, trauma or neo- Avoiding repeated radiation exposure in the
plasm. Traditional anthropometry lacks the abil- assessment of facial profiles and contours has
ity to measure shape as the focus is direct particular appeal with juvenile and adolescent
measurement of distance and angulation between demographics. Orthodontically, the use of three-­
reference points. The anatomical curvature has dimensional stereophotogrammetry has identi-
important roles in natural facial form, and Katina fied statistically different change in lower lip
et al. [3] defined the anatomical curves of the face protrusion after bracket removal in patients of
which follow ridges, troughs and ruts of the facial various gender and lip thickness [8]. The degree
surface rather than single points. This allows for of change however may be below that of clinical
more accurate recording and complete assess- relevance as changes were also observed with
ment of overall facial characteristics, including variable facial muscle tension and changes in lip
angles, surface arcs, the volume of the face and position. With potential errors being incorporated
surface area of the face which provides signifi- from these variables, the ability to retake the ste-
cantly more diagnostic information of facial form reophotogrammetric image numerous times is
than simply linear points. significantly safer than repeated radiation
The investigation of the facial curvature once exposure.
utilised direct alginate impressions of the face; Three-dimensional radiographic imaging to
however, three-dimensional photography has assess alveolar bone volume for implant surgery
been shown to have a higher precision than direct is recognised as the gold standard of diagnostic
measurement with callipers between recognisa- assessment [9, 10]. The accurate identification of
15 Speech and Facial Aesthetic Considerations for the Contour of Fixed Prostheses 389

vital structures such as the inferior alveolar

nerve canal, maxillary sinus, floor of nose, men-
tal foramen and submandibular fossa is critical
to optimise safe implant placement, and two-
dimensional imaging is inadequate for appropri-
ate diagnosis [11]. Assessment of alveolar bone
topography and the available bone height and
width will enable the appropriate selection of
dental implant/s, and their position to optimise
­prosthetic outcomes [9]. The diagnostic assess-
ment of key characteristics such as maxillary
incisal edge position, occlusal vertical dimen-
sion with appropriate freeway space and planned
development of transition line to optimise aes- Fig. 15.1 DTX plan of atrophic quad zygoma showing
thetics all improve predictability of treatment implanmt positions and prosthetic tooth position
and patient satisfaction.
The use of three-dimensional virtual treatment
planning software such as DTX® idealises the
prosthetically planned implant placement as
visualisation of the tooth position and bone is
possible [12]. Predetermination of prosthetic
form and position enables surgical planning to
control implant position and angulation as well
as identify a need for alveolectomy providing
vertical height for prosthesis to maximise the
materials’ strength and aesthetic properties. The
transition line between natural tissue and pros-
thesis can be aesthetically challenging to mask,
and if the prosthesis requires replacement of teeth
and gingival tissues, it may be best to position Fig. 15.2 DTX plan of maxillary All on 4 showing implant
this junction under the lip line to disguise the position and prosthetic tooth replacement position
prosthesis. A tooth-only prosthesis will use the
gingival margin as its transition line, and care in a predictable manner. The retrusion and
must be taken to recreate anatomical gingival inversion of the upper lip follows the loss of
form to frame the prosthetic teeth. As implant support from the upper teeth and alveolus, and
position cannot be modified post surgery, place- resulting mesialisation of the modiolus exacer-
ment needs to be prosthetically planned three-­ bates the visual deficiency in tissue volume. A
dimensionally with consideration of bone fixed or removable dental prosthesis can be
modification if necessary, and not simply rely on used to support the curtain of tissues and pro-
placement at existing crestal bone height vide support to the lip and facial tissues altering
(Figs. 15.1 and 15.2). the facial form. A removable denture can utilise
Cawood and Howell [13] described the the denture flange for this support, whereas a
changes in anatomical form of the edentulous fixed prosthesis relies on implant position and
maxilla and mandible and consequences to the bridge design to maximise the tissue support.
facial form that result from the potential atro- Provision must be made for cleansibility to
phy. The collapse of the circumoral muscles ensure stability of peri-implant tissues with
around the mouth as well as those of the eleva- both fixed implant bridges and implant over-
tor and depressor muscles alters the facial form denture prostheses.
390 G. Liddelow and G. Carmichael

15.1 Incisor Position

The position and form of the maxillary incisors is

an area more dependent on artistic and aesthetic
skill than scientific rigour [14, 15]. Traditionally
the incisors in complete denture patients were
placed closer to the residual ridge to reduce lever-
age forces and hence improve stability of the
tissue-­supported prosthesis. As alveolar resorp- Fig. 15.3 Digital smile design simulation of prosthetic
tion is directed palatally, the position of the inci- tooth replacement in the terminal dentition
sors will also move palatally as the patient ages.
Lip support is reduced, and, coupled with an age-­ [18], and the competent provision of complete den-
related loss in soft tissue collagen, the facial pro- tures should be a basic requirement for the clinician
file becomes more sunken in appearance. embarking on extensive implant rehabilitation. The
Plumping of flanges to remove vertical lines usu- use of time-honoured phonetic tests and other diag-
ally has the effect of reducing vermillion display nostic techniques can ease the transition for many
so that the clinician should aim to achieve soft patients. Even though implants can enable the
tissue effects primarily from incisor position and placement of teeth in almost any position, if teeth
secondarily with more subtle support from the are placed outside the envelope of adaptability for
prosthetic soft tissue. that particular patient, speech and comfort will
Lip prominence, especially projection and always be impaired. A common example is creating
display of the vermillion is most dependent on a class I incisor relationship in a significant class II
incisor position. An implant-retained prosthesis skeletal base. These patients may be used to a sig-
does not depend on traditional concepts of nificant protrusion with incision and ‘s’ sounds. The
denture retention so the anterior teeth can be ‘correction’ therefore may be too sizeable for com-
placed in any position desired. Indeed, for a long- fortable adaptation with the patient complaining of
standing denture wearer, placing the incisors in a being ‘locked in’ or restricted. A similar statement
position similar to an age-matched patient with a can be made for class III relationships.
natural dentition can be a dramatic change.
Coachman et al. [16] developed a process for
designing the changes to a patient’s existing ante- 15.2 Determination of Facial
rior dentition digitally, and this has also evolved Support
with consideration of dynamic movement along
with the static form [17]. The ‘digital smile 15.2.1 Consequence of Jaw Atrophy
design’ protocol can be automated; however,
individual clinician control is recommended to One of the natural consequences of tooth loss is
optimise the patient-specific outcome. The treat- the remodelling of the alveolar ridge. Whilst
ment visualisation aids communication directly there is biological variation, a reduction in alveo-
with the patient and also technicians for a more lar ridge width over the first 12 months has been
accurate transfer of information to achieve more reported, with approximately two-thirds of this
predictable treatment outcomes. The planning reduction occurring within the first 3 months
time should increase treatment efficiency and after tooth extraction [19]. As more horizontal
predictability of treatment delivery (Fig. 15.3). bone loss occurs especially in the anterior max-
Anterior tooth position, especially when teeth illa, and with an increasing number of teeth lost,
have been lost for many years, can be difficult to the consequence for facial tissue change
quantify, and any form of smile assessment will increases, and there is a greater need for pros-
improve diagnostic patient communication. The thetic support for the lips and surrounding peri-
classic complete denture literature is invaluable oral musculature (Figs. 15.4 and 15.5).
15 Speech and Facial Aesthetic Considerations for the Contour of Fixed Prostheses 391

planning. The use of stereophotogrammetry

provides additional control in this prosthodontic
diagnosis and treatment with a high degree of
accuracy [7]. Using appropriate three-
dimensional radiographic imaging of the patient
Fig. 15.4 Minimal loss of alveolar height hence support and diagnostic template, CAD superimposition
for the facial tissue is largely only from the prosthetic teeth of the scans enables accurate planning of implant
placement with software such as DTX to avoid
critical anatomical structures [20]. This can then
translate to a high degree of precision of
placement using computer-guided surgical
templates [21, 22] such as NobelGuide [23] or
dynamic navigated surgery protocols using the
X-guide (Figs. 15.6 and 15.7) [24].
Whilst challenges exist in the establishment of a
single protocol using the different imaging device
data formats for facial skeleton, extraoral soft tissue
and dentition including the surrounding intraoral
soft tissue [25], the incorporation of a non-invasive
Fig. 15.5 Significant prosthetic replacement of lost tissue technology such as stereophotogrammetry will ben-
efit patient outcomes. The technology can be
prosthodontically utilised for fixed and removable
The loss of occlusal vertical dimension can be prostheses, and as Fig. 15.8 indicates, analysing
exacerbated by teeth or prosthesis wear, or dental volumetric change between the patient’s original
treatment that does not compensate for this loss. and provisional prosthesis aids in establishing the
With alveolar bone volume atrophy, the three-­ optimal lip support and facial tissue form.
dimensional maxillomandibular relationship has Quantifying the amount of change with
a tendency for the mandible to become more thermal imaging of superimposition of the three-­
prognathic and requires consideration for pros- dimensional images helps the patient to understand
thetically directed implant placement. the process without an intimate knowledge of
anatomy or technical dental mechanics. It is
advisable to use and modify as necessary a provi-
15.2.2 Lip Support sional PMMA (Fig. 15.9) or wax try in prosthesis
to idealise and finalise the design prior to progres-
When the optimal tooth position for aesthetics, sion to the definitive prosthesis (Fig. 15.10).
phonetics and prosthetic lip and tissue support is Once the design has been formally accepted
established following diagnostic assessment and by clinician and patient, this is then replicated in
provisional mock-up, it is important that the posi- the final prosthesis, and Fig. 15.11 highlights the
tion is replicated with the final prosthesis whether minimal difference observed with superimposi-
it be tissue or implant borne. Digital diagnostic tion of three-dimensional photographic images
and design tools may aid in this process in both between diagnostic and final prostheses.
static and dynamic forms [17]. Finalising of the Patients’ individual aesthetic requirements
prosthetic plan should always be performed prior play a critical role in prosthodontic treatment
to surgery for appropriate implant positioning to planning [26]; however, anatomical variability
meet prosthetic requirements. prevents a predetermined prescription for achiev-
A diagnostic workup is required with ing a satisfactory outcome. Stereophotogramme-
simulation of final tooth position and tissue try aids assessment of lip position and tissue
support for patient approval and surgical support, and communication of this with the
392 G. Liddelow and G. Carmichael

Fig. 15.6 CBC T Scan of patient with diagnostic template in situ

maxillary lip, but to the entire lower half of the

face. Figure 15.12 shows a thermal image of
volumetric change between presenting and trial
prostheses designed to increase maxillary lip
support and compensate for vertical face height
loss following continued alveolar ridge atrophy.
Figure 15.13 indicates some residual volumetric
change between diagnostic wax-up and final
prosthesis which may be acceptable to the patient
or highlight the limits of prosthodontic treatment
Fig. 15.7 CBCT scan of diagnostic template in same and the need for additional facial contouring
with injectable fillers. Advances in image com-
parison software (Geomagic Control X, 3D Sys-
patient. Figures 15.10 and 15.11 graphically tems Korea) also allow for more precise analysis
show the significant volumetric change a remov- as Figs. 15.14 and 15.15 indicate with analysis
able maxillary prosthesis has not only to the
15 Speech and Facial Aesthetic Considerations for the Contour of Fixed Prostheses 393

Fig. 15.8 (a, b) Volumetric tissue change between a

original and provisional prosthesis recorded with three-
dimensional photographs and superimposition of images

394 G. Liddelow and G. Carmichael

Fig. 15.9 Provisional PMMA maxillary implant

Fig. 15.10 Definitive zirconia maxillary implant
prosthesis replacing teeth and alveolar tissues
prosthesis replacing teeth and alveolar tissues following
provisional prosthesis design

Fig. 15.11 (a, b) Volumetric tissue change between a

provisional and definitive maxillary implant prosthesis
replacing teeth and alveolar tissues shown in Fig. 15.8
15 Speech and Facial Aesthetic Considerations for the Contour of Fixed Prostheses 395

Fig. 15.13 Thermal image of volumetric change between

trial and definitive prosthesis

Fig. 15.11 (continued)

Fig. 15.14 Thermal image with measurement analysis

(Geomagic Control X) between presenting and trial

Fig. 15.12 Thermal image of volumetric change between

presenting and trial prosthesis
396 G. Liddelow and G. Carmichael

work in concert, coordinated by the face senso-

rimotor cortex, to produce an array of sounds per-
ceived as language [27]. The pronunciation of
consonants depends on the position of the lips,
teeth, tongue and palate. From anterior to poste-
rior, sounds may be produced via a bilabial
(P,B,M,W), labio-dental (F,V), apico-alveolar
(T,D,N,L,R,S,Z), palatal (J,SJ,ZJ), velar
(K,G,NG,NJ) and glottal (R,H) approach
(Fig. 15.16) [28].
The fricative /S/ sound is the most complex to
produce and requires anterior placement of the
tongue as close to the incisors as possible without
touching, the jaw opening is slight and the dor-
Fig. 15.15 Thermal image with measurement analysis sum is flattened and pressed against the palatal
(Geomagic Control X) between provisional and final aspects of the premolars and molars [29]. This
sound can therefore be influenced by slight
changes in oral anatomy from incisors to molars,
of maxillary treatment in different patients, as well as changes in vertical dimension and pal-
resulting in improvements in patient outcomes. atal contour. The remaining most commonly dis-
torted sounds are /z/, /sh/, /t/ and /zj/ (Fig. 15.17).
The system is highly sensitive to changes in
15.3 Summary of Clinical Advice structure which may be as small as replacement
for Orofacial Aesthetics of a single tooth [30]. The larger the intervention,
the greater the impact. Van Lierde et al. [31]
1. Comprehensive dental, skeletal and orofacial reported self-satisfaction with speech to be worse
assessment with conventional removable prostheses com-
2. Digital or intraoral simulation of prosthesis pared to fixed implant prostheses. Rehabilitation
for patient/clinician acceptance of the edentulous maxilla therefore has the poten-
3. Aesthetic and phonetic assessment with ideal tial to impact speech in a significant way. Despite
maxillary incisor edge position this potential, little attention has been paid to
4. Prosthetic planning prior to any surgery speech impact with prosthetic interventions.
5. Prosthesis transition line not in visible smile The method of rehabilitation for the edentulous
display maxilla has been investigated by Jacobs et al.
6. Prosthesis contour idealises lip support and [32] comparing 138 patients with complete
contour dentures and fixed implant prostheses in the max-
7. Prosthesis enables normal lip movement illa against natural dentition, two implant retained
8. Delay any injectables until treatment with overdentures and fixed prostheses in the mandi-
provisional prosthesis ble. The authors found no statistical difference
between different prosthesis design over a long
time frame. Heydecke et al. [33] performed a
15.4 Speech within-subject study comparing long-bar over-
dentures with fixed prostheses and overdentures
The production of intelligible speech is a complex with and without palatal coverage. The results of
performance involving most of the orofacial the study after a 2-month period indicated more
musculature and structural components. These intelligible speech with an overdenture compared
15 Speech and Facial Aesthetic Considerations for the Contour of Fixed Prostheses 397

Fig. 15.16 Production

of consonants in various
regions of the orofacial



the follow-up analysis time is brief. Therefore the

amount of adaptation required is commensu-
rately less for an overdenture than a fixed
A Dutch-controlled study [30] showed 87%
of test subjects rehabilitated with a fixed maxil-
lary prosthesis on four implants to have conso-
nant distortion after an average of 7.3 months
compared with 0% of controls. Similarly, Jacobs
et al. [32] showed 84% of test subjects with a
variety of prostheses to have speech distur-
Fig. 15.17 Volumetric tissue change between original bances on average 9 years after treatment com-
and provisional prosthesis recorded with three dimen-
pared to the control group (natural dentition) of
sional photographs and superimposition of images
52%. A Swedish study [34] compared speech
problems prior to treatment (37%) with fixed
to a fixed prosthesis. The presence of a palate maxillary dental prostheses and showed an
comparing overdenture designs made no statisti- increase to 60%, 3–6 months after treatment. A
cal difference. These patients all transitioned study by Bothur and Garsten [35] reported
from an existing complete maxillary denture, and speech deterioration in 5 of 6 patients rehabili-
398 G. Liddelow and G. Carmichael

tated with zygomatic implants 4 months after ance. Particular attention should be paid to the
treatment. effects of angulated abutments on the contour of
The presence of interdental spaces, that is, the prosthesis (Fig. 15.18).
taller abutments, to provide a space between the Any change in the orofacial milieu will elicit a
tissue surface of the prosthesis and the residual neuroplastic change for the patient to adapt to a
ridge has not been shown to be a factor in speech new prosthesis. Adaptation to dental-specific
intelligibility in two studies [33, 36] despite the changes is dependent on neuroplasticity within
belief by clinicians and patients that ‘airflow’ the M1 and S1 face sensorimotor cortex [27, 37].
through the spaces hampers phonetics. The abil- A functional MRI study by Yan et al. [38] showed
ity to perform adequate plaque control should that these neuroplastic changes in the sensorimo-
therefore be paramount in the design of all tor cortex after provision of fixed implant pros-
prostheses. theses are markedly different to removable
Lundqvist et al. [36] observed a greater complete dentures and approach the activity of
correlation with speech disturbance post the natural dentition. The authors conclude that
treatment in patients with hearing loss. A gender the closer the final prosthesis restores the original
­discrepancy with speech change has not generally function, the closer the sensory motor system
been reported; however, Van Liede et al. [30] will come to re-establishing its original charac-
reported greater overall patient satisfaction from teristics [38].
females. The time for neuroplastic change and hence
Design of prosthesis and interventions to adaptation to the prosthesis will vary depending on
improve speech after treatment have a paucity of the magnitude of the intervention and the individ-
evidence. Collaert et al. [29], in a pertinent study ual’s inherent adaptability. The adaptation required
on 10 patients receiving maxillary fixed prosthe- when a patient transitions from a complete denture
ses, showed 7/10 patients with speech problems 3 to a fixed prosthesis will be greater than from a
weeks after treatment. The method of manufacture largely intact, terminal dentition to a fixed prosthe-
of the provisional bridge was the patient’s own sis. This adaptation is further influenced by envi-
converted denture. After reducing the palatal vol- ronmental aspects such as disease and psychosocial
ume of the premolars to a more canine form, 5/7 profile, genetic factors, intrinsic processes and the
patients returned to baseline ability and the remain- masticatory components [39]. Estimates range
ing two patients improved. No adjustment was from at least 3 months up to 3 years [25, 28, 36]. A
made to incisor form and interdental spaces were realistic time frame for the majority of patients
provided to facilitate cleaning. The authors empha- would be 3–6 months. Patients should be coun-
sise the need for a provisional prosthesis that is selled prior to treatment commencing that time for
easily amended to expedite speech adaptation. adaptation is required and will vary between indi-
The contour of the palatal aspects is dependent
on the position of the implants and the material of
the prosthesis. Implants should therefore be
precisely prosthetically directed so that access
for screw holes and space for abutments is within
the confines of the prosthetic dentition. This
enables the prosthesis to be as thin as possible so
as not to encroach on the tongue space. Zygomatic
implants should be placed more buccally so that
the head of the implant exits the occlusal surface
of the prosthetic tooth instead of the historically
palatal position. Prosthetically directed implants Fig. 15.18 Definitive zirconia maxilalry implant
require a meticulous digital prosthetic/surgical prosthesis, replacing teeth and alveolar tissues following
radiographic workup followed by surgical guid- provisional prosthesis design
15 Speech and Facial Aesthetic Considerations for the Contour of Fixed Prostheses 399

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Laboratory Fabrication
of Full-­Arch Implant-Supported

Kenji Mizuno, Aram Torosian, Saj Jivraj,

and Michael Tuckman

Abstract allow completion of treatment predictably and

Success in full-mouth implant rehabilitation
This chapter will discuss three materials
requires clear and concise communication
that are commonly used for full-arch implant
between the dentist and the dental technician.
rehabilitation from a laboratory perspective.
It is the dentist’s responsibility to provide a
complete prescription of what is required and
the dental technician’s responsibility to ensure
that the restoration is completed according to
Accurate impressions, cast verification and jaw
that prescription.
relation records are imperative for an optimal
The clinician should provide accompany-
outcome and are common to fabrication tech-
ing information such as accurate impressions,
niques for any material. For repeatable jaw rela-
jaw relation records and a facebow transfer.
tion records, rigid bases need to be fabricated.
The technician should provide accurate
The authors prefer a two-piece occlusal rim. The
diagnostic and master casts together with
primary part is screw-retained to the implants/
attention to detail at each subsequent step so
abutments, and the secondary part is removable
that chair time is reduced for the treating
and can be modified (Figs. 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4,
16.5, 16.6, 16.7, and 16.8).
Developing a strong working relationship
and harbouring a philosophy of teamwork will

K. Mizuno · S. Jivraj (*)

Anacapa Dental Art Institute, Oxnard, CA, USA
A. Torosian
Ronald Goldstein Center for Esthetic and Implant
Dentistry, Dental College of Georgia at Augusta
University, Augusta, GA, USA
M. Tuckman
Osteon Medical, Mulgrave, VIC, Australia

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 401
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
402 K. Mizuno et al.

Fig. 16.1 Primary base of occlusal rim in triad material Fig. 16.4 Wax rims created to average dimensions
for the mandible

Fig. 16.2 Secondary wax rim which fits over the primary
Fig. 16.5 Primary parts of rims screw retained

Fig. 16.3 Primary base of occlusal rim in triad material

for maxilla
Fig. 16.6 Midline marked on maxillary rim
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 403

able in that it is strong and resistant to repetitive

cyclical loading cycles, yet is slightly elastic,
lightweight and able to dissipate stress forces
placed on it. It is these ‘bone-like’ properties that
offer PEEK as a more biomechanically engi-
neered substructure material.
The Young’s elastic modulus of PEEK (4 GPa)
is similar to the acrylics (2 GPa) and being a lot
lower than titanium (100 GPa), but still retaining
sufficient stiffness for rigidity of structure.
However, unlike acrylic, PEEK also has suffi-
Fig. 16.7 Level of mandibular occlusal rim set cient strength (120 MPa flexural strength versus
40 MPa for acrylic) and excellent flexural fatigue
resistance to cyclical loads that make it fit for the
purpose of long-term restorations. PEEK’s resis-
tance to failure from flexural fatigue may be of
interest to potentially address some of the techni-
cal complications associated with cantilever
design, and lab-based tests have been published
that show resistance to failure with distal cantile-
vers of up to 19 mm length [1].
Shock absorption tests have demonstrated a
strong correlation between the damping behav-
iour of implant-supported crowns and their mate-
rial composition [2]. Studies have shown that the
Fig. 16.8 Vertical dimension and centric relation
registered shock-absorbing capacity of polymer materials
was higher than that of ceramics and metals. In
recent studies that compared titanium, cobalt
chrome, zirconia, lithium disilicate, PMMA
16.1 High-Performance (acrylic) and PEEK, it was the latter material that
Polymer: PEEK demonstrated the biggest differential between
forces applied at an occlusal crown surface and
The high-performance polymer, poly etherether- forces transferred through to the implant fixture
ketone (PEEK), was first introduced as a load-­ side [3]. This property of a framework material
bearing biomaterial for spinal fusion surgery may be of interest for aspects of patient comfort
over 15 years ago (Invibio Biomaterials or for particular cases with parafunctional con-
Solutions). Since then, medical grade PEEK siderations. The weight of a PEEK framework
polymers have matured into an established bio- (e.g. 5 g) is also significantly less than one repli-
material. Until recently its use in dentistry was cated in titanium (17 g).
limited to healing caps and temporary abut- PEEK as a permanent framework material has
ments. Perhaps the most interesting property of become an option in recent times through the
PEEK for use as a framework material is its availability of CADCAM forms. However, clini-
Young’s elastic modulus (4 GPa), which allows cal data is typically limited at present to case
the PEEK substructure to more closely match studies [4–6]. Prospective studies are becoming
the biomechanical characteristics of the jaw’s available, but there is currently no long-term fol-
natural bone (2–12 GPa). PEEK is quite favour- low-­up [7].
404 K. Mizuno et al.

16.2 Laboratory Fabrication 2. The correct surface preparation of the frame-

Process work prior to bonding is important to roughen
the surface and create additional surface area
PEEK frameworks can be designed according to to provide a mechanical key. This can be
the following guidelines for full-arch implant-­ achieved using grit blasting, for example.
supported prosthetics [8]. In general, when
designing any structural polymer part, there A variety of traditional approaches can be
should be the avoidance of any notches or sharp used to create the aesthetics on a PEEK frame-
angles into the framework. These notches, scoops work. For example, veneering with composite
and grooves can create potential areas of weak- materials, use of injection-moulded acrylic and
ness for polymers and propagate cracks. If acrylic teeth to create a hybrid wraparound, or
unavoidable, then the framework thickness hybrid designs with the use of individual crowns
behind the area should be at least 2 mm thick and (ceramic, zirconia or lithium disilicate).
the angle must be greater than 45°. Whatever the preference for finishing the
prosthetic framework, it is important to follow
Anatomical Implant Substructures If the the supplier’s guidance as although techniques
prosthetic is screw–retained, then a bonded metal are straightforward there are specific nuances
connector can be used, or in instances where the (Figs. 16.9, 16.10, 16.11, 16.12, 16.13, 16.14,
PEEK material is direct to implant, then consid- 16.15, 16.16, 16.17, and 16.18).
erations should be made for the interface of
PEEK with the particular implant system and
screw design. For example, screw head designs
that are conical and of smaller diameter will more
readily cut into the polymer if in direct contact,
whilst wider flat-headed screws are more com-
patible. Abutment wall minimum thickness
should be 1 mm. Current guidance for minimum
widths of the framework anterior and posterior
base are 8 mm and 9 mm, respectively. Minimum
framework height of 5 mm and at sites of the
implants the material should be at least 1.5 mm
on the buccal side and 2 mm on the lingual side.

Implant Bars The bar height should have a Fig. 16.9 Failing dentition
minimum of 4 mm. Posterior wall thickness
should be a minimum of 6 mm and anterior wall
thicknesses a minimum of 5 mm. Abutment wall
thickness minimum should be 1 mm.

Other key considerations for PEEK frame-

works are [9–11]

1. The correct selection of compatible bonding

agents, adhesives and cements. The user
should refer to the material supplier’s guide-
lines since PEEK is not compatible with all
cements and veneering systems that are typi- Fig. 16.10 Custom tray impressions following
cally used for traditional materials. osseointegration
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 405

Fig. 16.11 Digitised master model with laboratory

Fig. 16.14 CADCAM milling path calculation of the
nested framework

Fig. 16.12 Digitised model with proposed framework


Fig. 16.15 Lateral view of the final veneered PEEK


Fig. 16.13 Digitised model with proposed framework

design and veneers

Fig. 16.16 Occlusal view of PEEK prosthetics after

406 K. Mizuno et al.

approach to achieve a passive screw-retained

framework had been use of the adhesive-­corrected
implant frameworks where individual cylinders
were cemented within the framework after it had
been cast (KAL technique). This approach had
merit in that it eliminated many of the current
prosthetic and laboratory inaccuracies associated
with traditional techniques [14–17].
With CADCAM technology a lot of the vari-
ables have been eliminated and frameworks can
be produced with high precision providing the
operator has taken care in producing an accurate
impression and the laboratory technician has
Fig. 16.17 Final PEEK restorations showing aesthetics exercised care in pouring it.
that can be developed Prior to the CADCAM process, accurate
impressions, jaw relation records and a wax trial
set are completed. The framework is designed
with the final tooth position in mind.
Since the transition from gold to titanium
frameworks, the designs have changed quite con-
siderably (Figs. 16.19 and 16.20). Different man-
ufacturers have different designs available but
none rival the designs that were possible with
traditional casting techniques. This may be due to
limitations in scanning and milling but consider-
Fig. 16.18 Intraoral view of restoration in Fig. 16.17 able progress is being made in this area.
There are certain principles that design of the
framework must adhere to. These include but are
16.3 Acrylic Resin Titanium not limited to [18]
1. Bulk for strength
The original frameworks made by the Branemark 2. Adequate access for oral hygiene
group had been fabricated from type III gold. 3. Minimal display of metal
Because of the high cost of this material, alloys 4. Retention for acrylic resin
of silver palladium and gold palladium had been 5. Adequate space for acrylic resin
used in recent years. Passivity in these types of 6. Adequate thickness of framework in the canti-
frameworks had been notoriously difficult to lever area
achieve. Inaccuracies were the result of multiple 7. Attention to cross-section
variables, which included machining tolerances 8. Minimise the cantilever
of components, distortion in the impression
material, setting expansion of the die stone, There are essentially two types of titanium
expansion and contraction of alloy and wax and framework that exist.
distortion of the framework during heat treatment
[12, 13]. Wraparound This is a minimalist framework
Common solutions to provide a passive frame- where acrylic resin is wrapped around the tita-
work had been sectioning and soldering or fabri- nium framework. The tissue surface is acrylic
cating the framework in multiple pieces which resin and can be readily relined. Little is known
were then soldered on a master cast. Another of its biomechanical longevity. In the author’s
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 407

Fig. 16.19 Comparison of traditional gold and titanium frameworks

Fig. 16.20 Wraparound framework

Fig. 16.21 L-shaped


experience, common problems include fracture When considering longevity, these types of
of the bar. Whether this is due to inadequate restorations fail by
dimensions or excessive cantilever is unknown
(Fig. 16.20). 1. Fracture of the bar
2. Fracture of the restorative material
I- or L-Shaped Design This design maximises 3. Wear of the teeth
the rigidity, has adequate space and retention for
acrylic and has adequate dimensions in the canti- Length of the cantilever is the most common
lever area (Fig. 16.21). cause of restoration failure. If looking at deflec-
408 K. Mizuno et al.

The wax trial prosthesis must be verified for

correct aesthetics, phonetics, occlusal plane, ver-
tical dimension of occlusion and centric relation.
The framework is designed with the tooth set-
up in mind and must satisfy the following

1. Bulk for strength – I- or L-shaped bars are

Fig. 16.22 Milled metal occlusal surfaces to maintain preferred for maximum rigidity. If a conven-
vertical dimension tional wraparound bar is being used, a mini-
mum cross-section of 4 × 4 mm must be used.
tion of the restoration, it is proportional to the The cylinders around the screw access holes
length of the cantilever and thickness of the should measure at least 0.65 mm in wall
cross-section. Small increases in length have a thickness.
dramatic effect of deflection. Most articles rec- 2. Adequate access for oral hygiene: The under-
ommend a cantilever length which is two times surface should be designed with a convex sur-
the anteroposterior spread. It is the author’s opin- face which compresses the tissue. Immediately
ion that the cantilever should be minimised as adjacent to the implants/abutments, there
much as possible and should only be extended as should be sufficient space to allow the patient
minimally as possible [19]. to utilise and interproximal brush.
With CADCAM technology the problem of 3. Minimal display of metal: This should be
wear can also be addressed by milling metal designed into the framework and finish lines
occlusal surfaces to maintain the patients’ exist- placed appropriately.
ing vertical dimension of occlusion (Fig. 16.22). 4. Retention for acrylic resin: There should be
sufficient characteristics on the framework to
prevent separation of the resin from the metal
16.4 Laboratory Fabrication framework.
Process 5. Adequate space for acrylic resin: There should
be a sufficient thickness of acrylic resin for
Attention to detail starts with pouring the impres- strength. 2–3 mm thickness is considered
sion using a low-expansion die stone. Appropriate optimal.
powder liquid ratios and vacuum mixing for the 6. Cantilever: This is based on the anteroposte-
time indicated by the manufacturer must be rior spread of the implants and should be
adhered to. A verification index must be provided designed so that the cantilever is biomechani-
to the clinician to verify accuracy of the master cally favourable.
cast. This index is made from impression plaster. 7. Attention to cross-section: The area distal to
A brittle material that is not forgiving is used. the most terminal implant is the area that is
The verification index is tried in with one screw. under the most load. Specific attention to
If the plaster index breaks, the master cast is cross-section in this region must be given to
deemed to inaccurate and a new impression must limit the flexibility.
be made. The use of an acrylic resin material for
verification of the master cast may give the clini- A specific framework design will be presented
cian a false positive result and is not recom- incorporating all the principles discussed above.
mended. Jaw relation records utilising a two-part Many technicians prefer to design the framework
rigid occlusal rim must be accomplished after using the CAD software. The current software
which a wax trial set-up must be evaluated does not allow incorporation of all the features in
intraorally. design, and often the framework has to be modi-
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 409

fied on return from the milling centre. This spe- 6. The space that was previously occupied by
cific design allows adequate support for acrylic the wax will be utilised for the titanium sub-
resin and teeth but involves a few more analogue structure. This space is evaluated to ensure
steps for completion. there is sufficient space for the bar, acrylic

1. A putty matrix (A) is made of the wax tooth

try-in is made on the articulator (Figs. 16.23,
16.24, 16.25, and 16.26).
2. A putty matrix (B) is made of the wax tooth
try-in to index the buccal and incisal surfaces
(Fig. 16.27).
3. A lingual index is made of matrix (B) with a
soft putty material (Figs. 16.28, 16.29, and
4. The teeth are removed, leaving the wax sub-
structure intact (Fig. 16.31).
5. The teeth are placed in matrix (B) and set
back onto the model (Fig. 16.32). Fig. 16.25 Putty index to maxillary base (A)

Fig. 16.23 Mandibular wax-up being prepared for index-

ing on articulator
Fig. 16.26 Intaglio of putty index

Fig. 16.24 Plaster base mounted on articulator with

notches to receive putty index Fig. 16.27 Buccal and incisal putty index (B)
410 K. Mizuno et al.

Fig. 16.31 Teeth removed from wax-up

Fig. 16.28 Lingual putty index

Fig. 16.32 Teeth put in matrix (B)

resin and tooth. If space is insufficient, the

teeth are adjusted to create space
Fig. 16.29 Lateral view of lingual putty index
(Fig. 16.33a, b). 3 mm of acrylic thickness is
required. The bar dimensions must be suffi-
cient for rigidity.
7. Wax is applied to the teeth in matrix B to
secure them into place (Fig. 16.33c).
8. Two holes are made in the lingual index.
Matrix (B) and the lingual index are
replaced back onto the cast and secured via
the use of elastic bands (Figs. 16.34 and
9. A light body impression material is injected
into the holes to occupy the space held previ-
ously by the wax. This forms an intaglio
Fig. 16.30 Intaglio of lingual index index (Fig. 16.36).
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 411

a b c

Fig. 16.33 (a) Matrix with teeth on cast to evaluate space on the right side. (b) Matrix with teeth on cast to evaluate
space on the left side. (c) Teeth waxed into matrix (B) to secure them into place

Fig. 16.34 Holes made in lingual index Fig. 16.37 Lingual index removed to show intaglio

Fig. 16.35 Lingual index with holes seated on cast

Fig. 16.38 Intaglio index cleaned up and adjusted to
ensure sufficient space between teeth and index

10. The intaglio index is trimmed and cleaned.

This index will be used for scanning to create
the titanium substructure (Fig. 16.37, 16.38,
16.39, and 16.40).
11. The master cast is also scanned so that the
CAD software can recognise the implant
12. The titanium framework is designed using
Fig. 16.36 Soft light body impression material injected CAD software (Figs. 16.41, 16.42, 16.43,
into holes to capture intaglio of index and teeth 16.44, 16.45, and 16.46).
412 K. Mizuno et al.

Fig. 16.42 Intaglio index scanned

Fig. 16.39 Intaglio index which will be used for


Fig. 16.43 Framework designed in reference to the inta-

glio index to ensure framework is designed with tooth
position in mind

Fig. 16.40 Lateral view of intaglio index

Fig. 16.44 Buccal view of framework design

13. The framework is milled (Figs. 16.47, 16.48,

and 16.49a, b).
14. The framework is verified on the cast in refer-
ence to the putty matrix. The putty matrix (A)
with and the titanium substructure on the mas-
ter cast are replaced on the articulator for a final
Fig. 16.41 Master cast scanned verification of the required space for acrylic
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 413

Fig. 16.45 Occlusal view of framework design Fig. 16.46 Definitive framework design

Fig. 16.47 Buccal view of milled framework in lab

Fig. 16.48 Lateral view of framework

a b

Fig. 16.49 (a) Occlusal view of framework. (b) Alternative framework design showing additional retention, designed
in the same way

resin. If space is required, teeth may need to be 17. A metal primer is applied (Fig. 16.52).
adjusted as necessary (Fig. 16.50a, b). 18. The first opaque layer is applied which has a
15. The framework is degreased and cleaned higher degree of opacity to block the greyness
with acetone. of the titanium framework. Polymer powder is
16. The framework is sandblasted with sprinkled onto the opaque layer to enhance the
50-micron aluminium oxide (Fig. 16.51). bonding surface (Figs. 16.53, 16.54, and 16.55).
414 K. Mizuno et al.

a b

Fig. 16.50 (a) Framework with putty matrix (B) in place to check space for acrylic resin. (b) Framework with putty
matric (A) to check space for acrylic resin

Fig. 16.53 First layer of opaque applied

Fig. 16.51 Framework sandblasted with 50 microns alu-
minium oxide

Fig. 16.54 Second layer of opaque applied

Fig. 16.52 Metal primer applied
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 415

19. The second layer of opaque is applied; this optimum aesthetics. Although zirconia is an
has a more pink gingival colour. Polymer excellent material, it has often been misunder-
powder is sprinkled onto the opaque layer to stood. There have been many reports of chipping
enhance the bonding surface (Fig. 16.56a, b). and fracture that have been attributed to the mate-
20. The titanium bar and teeth are waxed, and
the definitive contours of the restoration fully
waxed up.
21. The gingival base is then invested and pro-
cessed in heat-cured resin (Figs. 16.57,
16.58, 16.59, 16.60, and 16.61).
22. The prosthesis is deflasked finished and pol-
ished. Occlusion is evaluated on the

16.4.1 Zirconia

Zirconia has been used quite extensively because Fig. 16.57 Wax-up completed
of its biocompatibility, strength and potential for

Fig. 16.55 Polymer powder sprinkled on to opaque to

enhance bonding surface Fig. 16.58 Undersurface of wax-up indexed in silicone

a b

Fig. 16.56 (a) Fully opaque framework. (b) Full opaque alternative framework
416 K. Mizuno et al.

rial itself, when improper handling is usually the

Success and long-term stability of implant-­
supported zirconia full-mouth restorations can be
achieved when important parameters are fol-
lowed in detail.
Design considerations in fabrication of the
prosthesis include [20]

1. Ease of fabrication
2. Passivity of the framework
Fig. 16.59 Wax-up invested and sprued 3. Implant/abutment interface
4. Occlusion/wear
5. Design of framework
6. Veneering porcelain
7. Aesthetics
8. Delivery/retrievability

16.5 Ease of Fabrication

Traditional techniques in fabricating full-arch

implant frameworks involve waxing casting and
application of porcelain. This approach has been
adopted for many years and is considered the
Fig. 16.60 Occlusal surface of wax-up covered with a gold standard for fabrication of implant-­
rigid putty supported restorations. The results achieved with
these techniques have been predictable and suc-
cessful. Traditional techniques do require a high
degree of skill and problems inherent with wax-
ing and casting can lead to it being a laborious
procedure which is time consuming. With the
increasing costs of gold, clinicians have moved
away from traditional techniques and have begun
to employ more contemporary techniques using
CADCAM technology and material such as zir-
conia and titanium. These techniques also require
a high degree of skill but are less time consuming
in the manufacture process.

16.6 Restorative Space

Sufficient space must exist to fabricate a biome-

chanically sound restoration. The type of zirconia
restoration will depend upon the type of defect
present (just tooth or tooth and tissue). The need
Fig. 16.61 Flasks filled with stone ready for processing to hide the transition zone often necessitates alve-
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 417

olectomy and the use of pink ceramics. If utilis- exercised care in pouring it. Specifically zirconia-­
ing pink ceramics, 14–16 mm of space is required based restorations employ the use of titanium
from the head of the fixture to the incisal edge. bases which allow for compensation of the three-­
This space requirement is component based. dimensional distortion that occurs post sintering
2 mm is required for the titanium interface, [23, 24].
2–3 mm for pink ceramics and 10–11 mm of
tooth length to achieve aesthetic proportions. If
less than 12 mm is present, zirconia-based resto- 16.7 Implant/Abutment Interface
rations may still be utilised but without the pink.
Attention in this instance must be given to con- Traditional techniques involve casting gold onto
nector dimensions [21]. an abutment cylinder, with the abutment implant
interface being titanium to titanium. With the
advent of zirconia and CADCAM technology,
16.6.1 Passivity of the Framework many abutments are fabricated of full zirconia
where the abutment implant interface is tita-
Passivity in an implant framework has been noto- nium to zirconia. With titanium and zirconia
riously difficult to achieve when utilising screw-­ being different in chemical composition, fret-
retained splinted restorations. Inaccuracies in ting wear can occur over time. Vibration and
implant frameworks are the result of multiple micromovements are a common cause of fret-
variables, which include machining tolerances of ting wear. The hardness of the material is
components, distortion in the impression mate- strongly correlated with its wear behaviour. A
rial, setting expansion of the die stone, expansion study to evaluate the effect of zirconia on the
and contraction of alloy and wax and distortion abutment interface has been reported specifi-
of the framework during heat treatment and cally on the external hex. A simulation of 500
application of porcelain [22]. chewing cycles was performed on an implant-
Common solutions to provide a passive frame- supported restoration on which the abutment
work have been sectioning and soldering or fabri- screw was minimally loosened. This was said to
cating cement-retained restoration. Although represent clinical reality when a patient is not
cement-retained restorations have become aware of micromovement between the abutment
increasingly accepted, they still have the disad- and the implant restorative platform. A titanium-
vantage that they are not readily retrievable and to-titanium and a zirconia-to-­titanium interface
studies have also shown that despite a clinician’s were compared. The damage to the external hex
best efforts excess cement is often left behind was most significant on the implant that was
which can result in biological complications. loaded with the ceramic abutment. The corners
Another approach to achieve a passive screw-­ of the hex were rounded. Titanium debris that
retained framework has been use of the adhesive-­ was abraded from the external hex by the all
corrected implant frameworks where individual ceramic abutment was also visible. Clinically
cylinders were cemented within the framework the anti-rotational property associated with the
after it had been cast (KAL technique). This external hex can be considered compromised
approach has merit in that it eliminates many of and is a point of concern. Zirconia abutments
the current prosthetic and laboratory inaccuracies have been designed with a titanium component
associated with traditional techniques. that has been fused or cemented to the zirconia.
With CADCAM technology a lot of the vari- The unique design feature is that it permits
ables have been eliminated and frameworks can metal-to-metal contact at the abutment implant
be produced with high precision providing the interface and results in the same high degree of
operator has taken care in producing an accurate predictability associated with metal abutment–
impression and the laboratory technician has implant connections.
418 K. Mizuno et al.

16.8 Occlusion/Wear the veneering porcelain. Most studies will report

that the veneering porcelain is the weak point in
Patients with implant-supported restorations any multilayer system including traditional PFM
have a reduced amount of proprioception. As a techniques. Regardless of whether a noble metal or
result the restorations have been subject to greater zirconia framework is being used, the overlying
forces. porcelain must be well supported. Shear bond
Occlusal surfaces have been designed using strength of porcelain to zirconia has also been
noble metals, feldspathic porcelain and acrylic. A investigated, and studies show differences in bond
clinical study investigated the maintenance strength depending on the veneering porcelain
requirements in patients with implant vs. implant, used and if the zirconia substructure is coloured or
implant vs. natural dentition and implant vs. den- uncoloured. It is the author’s recommendation that
ture occlusion. The study reported that patients when using a zirconia substructure a compatible
with implant-to-implant occlusions suffered a veneering porcelain should be used and the heating
higher degree of fracture and greater wear of the and cooling cycles must be carefully controlled.
occlusion. For stability of occlusal contact, clini- Limiting the veneering porcelain and having a full
cians have preferred a gold occlusal surface over contour zirconia framework with zirconia occlu-
ceramic and acrylic. Due to aesthetic concerns, sion is advantageous in this regard [27, 28].
patients often favour tooth-coloured materials.
Feldspathic porcelain has been the material of
choice. More recently clinicians have utilised zir- 16.11 Aesthetics
conia on the occluding surface of the restoration.
Concerns by clinicians have been the effect of Talented ceramists can produce high-level aes-
zirconia on the opposing occlusion. An in vitro thetic results using both traditional noble metal
study was conducted to evaluate the clinical and zirconia frameworks. In regards to light
validity of using a full-contour zirconia crown. transmission both noble metal and zirconia have
This study compared zirconia’s wear capacity to been shown to be opaque. Anecdotally many lab-
that of feldspathic porcelain. The study reported oratory technicians report superior aesthetic
that the antagonistic tooth wear was less in pol- results with zirconia frameworks due to the abil-
ished zirconia than feldspathic porcelain, sug- ity to be able to colour the zirconia and be able to
gesting that zirconia may be more beneficial for have a tooth-coloured framework rather than an
antagonistic tooth wear. The data on this subject opaque grey-coloured framework which is usual
is limited and further studies are required. with traditional metal ceramic frameworks.

16.9 Design of Framework 16.12 Delivery/Retrievability

Specific attention needs to be paid to dimensions When designing a splinted full-arch implant-­
of the framework in the cantilever area. Connector supported restoration, screw retention has a dis-
size is critical for both traditional noble metal and tinct advantage. The precision of fit of
zirconia frameworks. There is no specific data on screw-retained restorations can be verified with
the minimum dimensions required for an all-­ radiographs using a single-screw test. Delivering
zirconia framework [25, 26]. a screw-retained restoration also involves less
time with no cement clean-up required.
Retrievability is advantageous for (1) periodic
16.10 Veneering Porcelain maintenance, (2) dealing with loosened screws,
(3) fracture of the prosthesis and (4) modification
Questions often arise in regard to the flexural of the prosthesis due to continuing tissue
strength of zirconia alone and the flexural strength resorption.
of the zirconia porcelain system. Clinicians have It can be seen that designing a screw-retained
concerns about potential chipping and fracture of restoration has a significant safety factor.
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 419

16.13 Laboratory Process guide pins the screw access holes are pro-
tected. The matrix of the interim is perfo-
16.13.1 Full-Arch Zr-Implant rated using a drill bit—on the most distal
Prosthesis areas of the arch one per side (Figs. 16.63
and 16.64).
1. Immediately after the conversion of the den- 3. Using a lingual matrix previously taken of
ture to an interim fixed prosthesis, patient is the interim on the master cast, Ti cylinders
requested to attend for intraoral and extraoral are modified to proper height. Using the
pictures and an aesthetic analysis was per- guide pins to fix the modified temp Ti cylin-
formed so that this current information can ders, the silicone matrix is placed back on the
be used to transfer to a well-made prototype master cast over the guide pins and injected
provisional restoration. A seven-step aes- with PMMA using a mono-jet syringe
thetic analysis is a good guideline to follow (Fig. 16.65).
for evaluating a patient’s aesthetic require- 4. Upon curing of the PMMA and removal of
ments and designing the prototype. It con- the silicone, a carbide bur was used to per-
sists of evaluating the (a) smile line, (b) form a uniform reduction about 1.5 mm on
incisal profile, (c) length, (d) proportion, (e) all surfaces of the converted prosthesis. This
tooth-to-tooth proportion, (f) gingival outline created space allows to wax in a new design.
and (g) desired fullness. Seldom the interim
prosthesis includes sufficient information to
allow visualisation of the final aesthetic out-
come; often it provides a starting point
because it is a conversion of the initial
removable denture. This approach is by far
the most accurate and predictable way to pre-
cisely evaluate the various parameters essen-
tial to the success of the definitive restoration
(Fig. 16.62).
2. This technique includes duplication of the
interim, fabrication of a splinted acrylic sup-
port jig/framework and wax design. The con-
version procedure begins with the duplication
of the interim prosthesis using a silicone
material (anaxdent) on the master cast. Using
Fig. 16.63 Hole being made in putty index to duplicate
converted prosthesis

Fig. 16.62 Intraoral view of converted prosthesis Fig. 16.64 Putty matrix seated on cast with guide pins
420 K. Mizuno et al.

Fig. 16.68 Cutback acrylic substructure

Fig. 16.65 PMMA injected into putty matrix to dupli-

cate converted prosthesis

Fig. 16.66 Acrylic duplicate of converted prosthesis

Fig. 16.69 Initial wax-up

5. The wax-up is completed in two stages. The

first stage is to wax-design the teeth. The sec-
ond stage is to wax-design the gingiva. The
first step is to wax a central to proper propor-
tion about 11.5 mm length, then apply the
buccal body layer and bulk of the wax, creat-
ing three facial planes. This should now
establish desired length, bulk and basic mor-
phological shape of the tooth and its long
axis. Repeat the same steps for the contralat-
eral side and then using the same waxing
principle to wax the lateral and canine teeth
stopping at the first bicuspids. Once the gen-
eral shapes and proportions are met for all
the teeth, the spaces for the papillae and
Fig. 16.67 Acrylic cutback in preparation for wax-up
gingiva will start to appear naturally
(Figs. 16.68, 16.69, and 16.70).
Using information gathered from the patient 6. The key then is to start balancing the gingival
and images, desired modifications and and tooth proportions and apply the funda-
improvements during analysis, a new wax-up mental knowledge of gingival aesthetics. The
is undertaken (Figs. 16.66 and 16.67). best way to assess the overall balance of the
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 421

Fig. 16.72 Frontal view on articulator

Fig. 16.70 Lateral view of wax-up on acrylic

Fig. 16.73 Intraoral try-in for wax-up to determine if

additional modifications are required
Fig. 16.71 Frontal view of wax-up to evaluate

wax design is to take a frontal image using a

magnetic table, open in keynote and using
the magnetic table as a true horizontal refer-
ence, place one vertical line through the mid-
line one horizontal line at the incisal edge.
Additional horizontal reference lines can be
placed on the laterals and canines to check
the balance symmetry and lengths of the
incisal edges of the anterior and posterior
Fig. 16.74 Retracted view to evaluated occlusal plane
teeth. Additionally the horizontal reference
lines are placed on the gingival levels of cen-
tral/lateral/canines. Now you can carefully 7. Wax design try-in. Images should be taken to
and objectively analyse the balance of the reassess aesthetics and final adjustments can
gingival levels, tooth lengths, symmetry and be made during this stage (Figs. 16.73 and
asymmetry. Necessary wax adjustments are 16.74). The wax design now serves as the
performed at this stage with high precision. blueprint to scan and copy mill a multi-layer
A wax design can be efficiently and precisely prototype prosthesis.
completed using the described steps 8. This workflow involves scanning in Ti temp
(Figs. 16.71 and 16.72). abutments as ‘preps’ in 3 shape, then scan-
422 K. Mizuno et al.

Fig. 16.75 Guide pins used to fix modified temporary


Fig. 16.77 Completed resin jigs

Fig. 16.76 Since temporary cylinders are non-engaging,

a positioning jig is required
Fig. 16.78 Titanium temporary cylinders scanned as
ning the wax-up to copy mill the design.
Using a lingual matrix previously taken of
the interim on the master cast, Ti cylinders
are modified to proper height. Using the
guide pins to fix the modified temp Ti
­cylinders, undercuts/grooves on Ti temp cyl-
inders are blocked using wax. Since the temp
cylinders are non-engaging, a positioning jig
is required to repeat the positions of Ti inter-
faces after scanning. Using a light cure resin Fig. 16.79 Wax-up is scanned
(primopattern), the Ti cylinders are con-
nected (Figs. 16.75, 16.76, and 16.77).
9. An order in 3 shape is created by selecting individually for the high-resolution image
the tooth numbers for the implants, and in the (Figs. 16.78 and 16.79).
‘frame’ category the “wax-up” icon is Design steps in 3 shape
selected and then in the ‘bridge’ category the 10. Select margin points; care must be taken to
‘wax-up bridge’ icon is selected. The system set individual insertion direction to avoid
now is setup to scan the Ti temps as ‘preps’, crossing the margin line (set individual mar-
and the wax design scanning spray is used to gin direction). Proceed to set individual
scan the Ti temp followed by the scan of the insertion directions for the remaining units
wax design. Care must be taken to sandblast (Figs. 16.80, 16.81, and 16.82).
the interface and keep the neck area smooth 11. Mark margin line and set individual insertion
using wax when scanning the Ti interfaces directions for each unit. Please note in step 2
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 423

Fig. 16.80 Margin points selected in three shape

Fig. 16.81 Individual

margin directions

that the individual insertion direction may Ti abutments are 0.20 cement gap, 0.40 extra
end up different than the margin direction— cement gap, 1 mm distance to margin line
the key is to have a green line all the way and 0.20 distance to margin line. Drill radius
around with no red margins (Figs. 16.83, and drill may vary on milling machine or
16.84, and 16.85). milling centre (Figs. 16.86, 16.87, and
12. Die interface allows for adjustment of the 16.88).
desired die spacer. Cement gap and extra 13. At this stage in frame design (wax-up
cement gap can be adjusted to fit specific bridge)—dental designer combines and
needs for each case. A good rule of thumb for merges the wax-up, scan of temp cylinder
424 K. Mizuno et al.

Fig. 16.82 Individual

insertion directions set
for individual units

Fig. 16.83 Margin line

and individual insertion
lines set for each unit

Fig. 16.84 Individual

insertion directions may
end up different than the
margin direction
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 425

Fig. 16.85 There

should be a green line
all the way around with
no red margins

Fig. 16.86 Die

interface allows
adjustment of die spacer

Fig. 16.87 Cement gap

should be adjusted to fit
specific needs of each
426 K. Mizuno et al.

Fig. 16.88 Cement gap

may need to be adjusted
for each cylinder

Fig. 16.89 Wax-up and

scan of temporary
cylinder is merged

scan and interfaces – and an active cut spline

for each prep unit needs to be selected. This
spline line (green line) simply connects the
‘wax scan’ to the ‘prep scan’. Care must be
taken to have a smooth circular outline with
uniform space all the way around
(Figs. 16.89, 16.90, and 16.91).
14. Frame design (sculpt) after completion of the
spline on remaining units, the bridge now is
‘connected’ to the prep scan and becomes
sculptable. During this stage in the ‘wax
Fig. 16.90 The wax scan is connected to the prep scan
knife’ settings in the sculpt toolkit menu, the
teardrop shape is selected and the scan data
that is sharp can be smoothed down without 15. The screw access holes must be cleared dur-
altering the general shape (Figs. 16.92, ing this stage to be able to have a screw-­
16.93, and 16.94). retained bridge. This must be done manually.
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 427

Fig. 16.91 There should be a smooth circular outline all Fig. 16.92 Bridge is connected to the prep scan and is
the way around now sculptable

Fig. 16.93 Scan data before smoothing Fig. 16.94 Scan data after smoothing

Fig. 16.95 Screw

access holes need to be

During frame design stage—in sculpt— access holes. Using a transparent view of
sculpt toolkit—attachment settings—there bridge and from an occlusal view direction,
are three options: group/attachment/default the holes can be placed in the same axis as
orientation. Select—holes—hole 3.0 × 5.0 the interfaces. These attachments are fully
mm—view direction. This allows us to man- customisable using handles to adjust height
ually set/sculpt precise access holes in the position in the Y axis and X axis (Figs. 16.95,
bridge; this will be milled now with screw 16.96, and 16.97).
428 K. Mizuno et al.

Fig. 16.96 Screw

access holes can be
sculpted manually

Fig. 16.97 Transparent

view of bridge can be
used to visualise access

16. After placing the attachments in the desired are performed in between and finally refined
position, the play button is selected and the using carbide burs. Gingival area is ready to
reduction will take place and screw access receive internal stain and composite
holes are placed (Figs. 16.98, 16.99, and (Figs. 16.102 and 16.103).
16.100). 19. Opti-bond FL(Kerr) is applied to the gingival
17. Bridge and interfaces scanned, sculpting interface to increase the bond of PMMA to
completed and screw access holes placed— composite. A combination of red/white/blue
STL file—ready for a mill of a PMMA multi-­ stains is used to create internal vascularity,
layer screw-retained prototype restoration colour and depth prior to applying the com-
with Ti interfaces (Fig. 16.101). posite. A total of three composite shades are
18. Milled PMMA multi-layer (harvest dental). used: dark pink, light pink and orange pink.
The gingival area of the milled prototype was A hybrid layer of stain/composite is created
prepared with 0.5-mm depth-cutting burs to by using red composite stain and dark pink.
control the cutback and achieve a uniform 20. This mixture is used to apply in the inter-
design. The marked lines provide a guide; proximal and interdental areas, the dark pink
after the initial depth cuts, more depth cuts composite added near the transition to the
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 429

Fig. 16.98 Screw

access holes are placed
using software

Fig. 16.99 Evaluation

of undersurface

Fig. 16.100 Evaluation

of trajectory of screw
access holes
430 K. Mizuno et al.

Fig. 16.101 Bridge and

interfaces have been
scanned, sculpting
complete and screw
access holes completed

Fig. 16.104 Stain applied to prototype

Fig. 16.102 Milled PMMA restoration to be used as a

definitive prototype

Fig. 16.105 Gingival areas corrected

Fig. 16.103 Prototype cutback in gingival area for pink
acrylic make morphological corrections to the gingi-
val area as well as the tooth areas.
natural tissues, the light pink composite is Interproximal and incisal embrasures are
used to cover and create the final morphol- redefined with diamond disks and an acrylic
ogy, and the orange pink is used in small polishing compound with a felt wheel is used
amounts near the mucco-gingival junction. to manually polish the gingival and tooth sur-
An assortment of diamond burs is used to faces (Figs. 16.104 and 16.105).
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 431

Fig. 16.106 Intraoral try-in of acrylic prototype to deter- Fig. 16.108 Shade matching completed
mine if any adjustments are required

Fig. 16.107 Final prototype

21. Full face and lower 1/3 smile views of the

Fig. 16.109 Gingival shades taken
full-arch implant-supported screw-retained
PMMA multi-layer prototype – this now
allows us to have a removable blueprint of 24. The frame design parameters are extremely
the definitive prosthesis and serves to test critical in full-arch cases. A few basic prin-
drive aesthetics and function. Any refine- ciples can be followed to ensure ­predictability.
ments needed now can be transferred to the A conservative approach requires precise
final zirconia prosthesis (Figs. 16.106 and and controlled preparation of the framework.
16.107). A minimal facial-only cutback technique is
22. The duplication and injection method for the utilised, with a facial-only cutback of
framework is identical as previously between 0.7 and 0.1 mm with a full-lingual
described for an interim to wax design supported in zirconia. To allow for maximum
conversion. strength and support the cutback, the facial
23. The tooth shade is determined using the surface should terminate at the incisal edge,
Noritake A-D shade guide system with no reduction of incisal edge, keeping at
(Fig. 16.108). The gingival shade was deter- least 0.5 mm bucco-lingual thickness of the
mined using the Noritake shade and colour incisal edges. An identical reduction also
guide (Fig. 16.109). Photographs are taken applies to the gingival areas. Utilising a
with multiple pink colour tabs to determine 0.5 mm depth cutter to control the depth of
pink, dark pink, orange and bright areas for the facial reduction, a precise reduction can
natural gingival colour reproduction during be achieved in two stages. In the first stage
the ceramic stages. the depth cut into the gingival area at the ver-
432 K. Mizuno et al.

Fig. 16.110 Prototype prepared for minimal cutback for

layered ceramics Fig. 16.112 Undersurface of cutback prototype scanned

Fig. 16.113 Master cast scanned

Fig. 16.111 Cutback prototype

tical bisected midline of each tooth and then

one depth cut in between two teeth. Depth
cuts are made vertically and horizontally on
the teeth in a ‘tic-tac-toe’ pattern, then all the
remaining areas are reduced and refined. To
ensure uniform reduction the bur is used par-
allel to the three planes of the teeth
(Figs. 16.110 and 16.111).
25. Following the finalisation of the resin frame-
work pattern the case is taken through a scan- Fig. 16.114 Occlusal and incisal surfaces of cutback
prototype scanned
ning and designing sequence to fabricate a
CAM (Nobel 2G scanner, Nobel Biocare)
machined yttrium-tetragonal zirconia poly- 26. Due to milling constraints and diameters of
crystal (Y-TZP) framework (Procera implant milling burs, some areas of the mill need
bridge, Nobel Biocare). Step 1: scan the inta- modifications. The most critical areas are
glio. Step 2: scan implant positions using the inter-incisal embrasures; the embrasures
model implant locators. Step 3: scan the top- of the milled zirconia framework should
side. The software merges all scans, and the reflect the design of the resin framework
case is ready to design and mill (Figs. 16.112, pattern. The final details of the bridge are
16.113, 16.114, and 16.115). redefined with rotary instruments, using a
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 433

Fig. 16.115 CAD software used to finalise design

Fig. 16.117 Embrasures of zirconia framework refined


Fig. 16.116 Milled zirconia framework

slow speed and a thin honeycomb disc

(Brasseler USA) (Figs. 16.116, 16.117, and
27. The framework is tried in. Verification of fit
is checked during this stage.
28. The challenge of using pure white zirconia
for a framework is that it will have a signifi- Fig. 16.118 Completed manual modification of
cant effect on the target shade, even if the framework
ceramic of the target shade was used in the
build-up. The solution to this is to use inter- while giving the ceramist the ability to repro-
nal stains for (Noritake CZR) to achieve a duce chroma, control value, create depth and
similar chroma and value, that of the target internal characterisation, so using internal
shade. An additional advantage of using stain to create colour and characteristics are
internal stains is that it adds minimal bulk an indication for cases that have minimal
434 K. Mizuno et al.

Fig. 16.121 Result after initial bake

Fig. 16.119 Very bright colour of framework needs to be
by Mr Hitoshi Aoshima in which the Noritake
(Noritake Japan) internal stains are ‘painted’
on during this procedure to achieve the life-
like characteristics of natural teeth. The
internal live stain has three stages. In the first
stage you paint the chroma and value, in the
second stage you paint the white band and
any horizontal characteristics, and in the
third and final stage you can apply vertical
characterisations. The internal stain recipe is
Fig. 16.120 Wash bake interdental areas separated with determined by the standard colour recom-
very thin blade to give the illusion of individual units mendation from the manufacturer, then you
can make adjustments based on your prefer-
layering space. Internal stains can be mixed ence. For this case simple but effective com-
with bright/dilution internal powder to soften bination of colours was used to stain the
and lower the intensity of the chroma. The characteristics. Incisal blue 1 and incisal blue
wash bake is carried out using opacious den- 2 are used at the incisal 1/3 to accentuate the
tin. At the first build–up, the main goal is to translucency and create more depth, cervical
fill the facial with ceramic mass using the 2 is used with dilution powder to integrate
dentin mixture and create the tooth shapes. more chroma at the gingival 1/3. White inter-
After building the final tooth shapes with the nal stain mixed with mamelon 1 and dilution
dentin ceramic, translucent powders are is used for the mamelon effect and crack
added to the corners and incisal 1/3 area. lines.
Mamelon powders are used near the incisal 30. Bright areas are replicated using white
1/3 for internal effects to create characteris- together with dilution powder. The intensity
tics. Prior to baking, the first build-up always of any internal stain can be altered by vary-
makes sure to condense the ceramic and ing the ratio between the stain and dilution.
finally use a Kolinsky hair brush (Smile Line The key is to have colour contrasts by mixing
USA) to feather and condense the ceramic the internal stains with dilution powder to
grains together. Separate the units in the soften the internal stains. All the stains must
interdental areas with a very thin blade be feathery and must integrate into each
(Smile Line USA) before baking to prevent other in a very delicate manner (Figs 16.122
tearing and uniform/controlled shrinkage of and 16.123).
the ceramic (Figs. 16.119, 16.120, and 31. During this bake, the lustre layers LTO, LT1
16.121). and Agua blue 2 were used as a skin layer to
29. The internal stain bake is an integral part of complete the contours of the teeth only and
creating a natural structure and colour of the filter the internal effects. Using a Sharpie
Zr framework: this technique was developed marker the desired gingival levels are marked
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 435

Fig. 16.122 Internal stain bake Fig. 16.125 Marks used to guide build-up of gingival

of the space from the cervical to the incisal

edge. The gingival zeniths of central incisors
should be placed 1 mm distal from the mid-­
axis of the tooth; those of the lateral incisors
should be placed 0.3–0.5 mm distal from the
mid-axis. The zeniths of the canines can be
placed right along the mid-axis of the tooth.
A reddish and opaque ceramic is used in the
transitional/junctional area in order to mimic
Fig. 16.123 Close-up view to illustrate internal stains attached mucosa. Apply a darker tissue layer
mixed with red stain in all the areas’ inter-
dental papilla. A brighter and lighter pink
ceramic is used on top of the root areas and
more chromatic reddish pink shade in the
interproximal. The gingiva may be slightly
over-contoured to compensate for the firing
shrinkage – tissue 5 was used for the inter-
proximal areas extending all the way to the
gingival margins. A combination of tissue 3,
tissue 2 and tissue 1 was used to complete the
Fig. 16.124 Internal stains used gingival shapes. Tissue 3 and tissue 2 powder
was used for the free gingival margin area.
For the bright areas a mixture of A1 dentin
and marked with a diamond bur at slow powder and tissue 3 was used (Figs. 16.126
speed. These markings are used as reference and 16.127).
points to guide the gingival ceramic b­ uild-­up. 33. This is the bake right before glaze which is
After morphological adjustments are com- the contour bake for both tooth and gingiva
pleted on the teeth, the gingival area is lay- areas. This bake is one of the most important
ered using gingival powders from the same because at this stage the gingival levels,
ceramic kit (Figs. 16.124 and 16.125). papilla proportions and gingival zeniths can
32. An understanding of natural gingival anat- be refined and perfected by adding small
omy is key to achieving natural and harmoni- amounts of gingival ceramic powders. It is
ous gingival aesthetics. To that effect, the also during this bake that the ceramist can
gingival levels of the lateral incisors should add small amounts of gingival ceramics to
be 1–1.5 mm lower than those of the central mimic small nuances found in natural gin-
incisors, which can be the same as the canine giva. Free gingival margin areas require
gingival levels. The papilla should fill 40% some translucent powders to be mixed with
436 K. Mizuno et al.

Fig. 16.128 Gingival areas refined

Fig. 16.126 Gingival ceramic build-up

Fig. 16.127 Natural characteristic of gingiva incorpo-

rated in build-up

the gingival powders in 1:1, 1:2, 2:1 mixing

ratios, depending on the desired level of free
gingival translucency. Dentin powders are
also mixed with gingiva in a 1:1 ratio to cre-
ate some bright areas in the attached gingiva
and attached mucosal areas. Chromatic den- Fig. 16.129 Lateral picture to show texture and contour
of gingiva
tins can also be used to create some orange
areas most often seen in natural gingiva. The
key is to work in an asymmetrical random of the silicone wheels. The next step of the
manner; however, it still maintains balance surface treatment involves the use of a pearl
of the effects. A harmonious gingival mor- surface bur and a felt wheel to provide a
phology proportionally balanced with tooth matte finish on the surface. In the last step, a
structure is a prerequisite for achieving natu- grey silicone is used on the line angles and
ral gingival aesthetics. A key ingredient to high spots of the morphology to create highly
creating a natural gingiva is to contour the reflective surfaces. The advantage of using
gingiva using a natural stone cast for these polishers in different grits and shapes is
­morphological reference and inspiration dur- to create a surface with differential lustres,
ing the fabrication process. Burs are used to high-shine areas, matte finish areas and dif-
create texture that mimics nature. After tex- ferent groove depths. The reflection of these
turing, the ridges are softened with grey sili- different surface treatments will mimic a
cone wheels and then a pink silicone wheel. natural tooth surface (Figs. 16.128, 16.129,
A diamond dresser is used to alter the shape and 16.130).
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 437

Fig. 16.130 Gold powder used to show texture and

shape Fig. 16.132 Intraoral view of definitive restoration

Fig. 16.133 Completed maxillary restoration

Fig. 16.131 Hand polished ceramic 16.14 Conventional Analogue

Concepts Challenged: Digital
34. During the stain/glaze stage the morphology and Non-digital Workflows
and texture can be controlled via low-fusing
additions. In order to retain the surface tex- The advancement of computer-aided design
ture during glaze, the glaze/stain firing cycle (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing
has to be 30–50° lower than the high temp of (CAM) has allowed new opportunities in the field
the ceramic and the temperature of the lower of implant prosthodontics. Conventionally, the
fusing ceramic must be within the range of standard approach for full implant arch restora-
that final temp. And during this stage, a com- tions consisted of applying impression tech-
bination of a stippling brush and a higher niques to create stone casts that were then used
fusing sprinkle technique will further accen- by the dental laboratory to manufacture acrylic
tuate the surface finish. After glaze, a combi- and porcelain fused to metal restorations using
nation of rubber wheels (Shofu, Edenta) is the casting technique, which can be laborious and
used to create a matt finish and high lustre technique sensitive. In contrast, CAD/CAM tech-
areas in the gingiva to create a lifelike gingi- nology brought precision and reproducibility into
val effect. The free gingiva and root promi- the process, reducing the necessary manpower
nences are highly polished using a silicone and creating a seamless workflow for dentists and
high shine wheel (Shofu) (Fig. 16.131). patients alike.
35. Final intraoral and extraoral views However, CAD/CAM technology still has
(Figs. 16.132 and 16.133). some drawbacks. CAD packages can be expen-
438 K. Mizuno et al.

sive to acquire and require training to implement. components. The process relies solely on a vali-
CAM requires large upfront investment to pur- dated intraoral scanner and a proprietary scan
chase/commission the machinery and also in gauge kit.
order to prepare the premises to receive them. For The following steps are required for a single
that reason, some dental laboratories are opting full-arch implant-supported restoration. (See
for a hybrid approach, especially for full-arch Chap. 13 for clinical workflow.)
implant restorations, that include having the Ti
substructure designed and milled in a specialised 1. Proprietary scan gauges are placed and
centre and then processing the acrylic teeth at the scanned right to left and then left to right
final stage. (Osteon Technologies)
2. Prosthesis/provisional in situ
3. Opposing arch scanned
16.15 Digital Fabrication 4. Soft tissue is scanned
Techniques: Advantages 5. Existing prosthesis is scanned extraorally
and Disadvantages 6. Patient is asked to occlude into maximum
intercuspation and a right and left bite scans
The introduction of CAD/CAM technology has are performed
significantly changed the way that full-arch
implant-supported restorations are fabricated. The following photos are also submitted with
Digitally designed prostheses allow practitio- the scans:
ners to have more control over the outcome and
give patients a chance to have a glimpse over the 1. Provisionals in the mouth
final results through tools such as virtual smile 2. Smile
design. In addition, industrial CAD packages 3. Full face
allow for a high degree of predictability over the
final product, allowing manufacturers to apply From a laboratory perspective, the following
engineering concepts that would otherwise be steps are completed sequentially:
impossible to achieve. Some of those features
include, but are not limited to, precise dimen- 1. Receipt of scan data and verification of accu-
sion control and radiuses that match the tools racy of scans (see Chap. 13)
available, ­traceability of all the components in 2. Design assembly
the restoration process and a faster turnaround 3. Bar milling
time. 4. Finishing
5. Final case delivery

16.16 Full Digital Workflow

in Producing Definitive 16.17 Design Assembly
The definitive restoration is fabricated by refer-
Digital technologies (Nexus iOS digital work- encing various images of the overlay teeth and
flow) have been developed to ensure precision. the bar design (Fig. 16.134a–f). The design is
All data required for a digital design is recorded sent to the clinician for final approval.
without the need for analogue impressions, ver- Adjustments can be made at this stage
ification jigs or additional photogrammetry (Fig. 16.135a, b).
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 439

d e

f g

Fig. 16.134 (a) Design overlay demonstrating cross-­ titanium bar in relation to overlay. (e) Bar and overlay
section of bar in anterior area. (b) Design overlay demon- independent of tissue scans. (f) Access holes demon-
strating cross-section of bar in posterior area. (c) Design strated. (g) Occlusal view of access holes
overlay demonstrating material thickness. (d) Position of
440 K. Mizuno et al.

Fig. 16.135 (a) Completed design for approval by clinician. (b) Completed design lateral view

16.18 Milling

CAM is utilised to plan and mill the titanium bar

utilising an industrial process on a 5-axis CNC
milling machine (Fig. 16.136a–c). The zirconia
overlay is also milled (Fig. 16.137).
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 441

Fig. 16.136 (a) CAD for milling. (b) CAD for milling. (c) Demonstrating access hole
442 K. Mizuno et al.

16.19 Finishing

The zirconia is sintered and tried over the tita-

nium bar for passivity of fit (Fig. 16.138a, b). The
overlay is polished and final adjustments can be
made on the benchtop. The framework is stained
and glazed (Fig. 16.139), and a final fit check
over the titanium bar is made.
The titanium bar is polished and final adjust-
ments to the zirconia overlay made.
The overlay is cemented onto the zirconia
framework using a resin cement (Fig. 16.140a–d).
Proprietary techniques are used to ensure suffi-
Fig. 16.137 Zirconia overlay sintered cient film thickness of resin cement, fit of the tita-
nium bar within the overlay structure and adequate
bond strength between the two interfaces.

a b

Fig. 16.138 (a) Zirconia overlay and titanium bar. (b) Zirconia overlay and titanium bar

Fig. 16.139 Final adjustment of

zirconia overlay
16 Laboratory Fabrication of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations 443

a b

c d

Fig. 16.140 (a) Zirconia nexus overlay. (b) Zirconia/titanium nexus restoration. (c) Titanium bar being polished. (d)
Zirconia overlay being polished

16.20 Delivery

The definitive restoration is delivered to the clini-

cian together with all prosthetic screws and com-
ponents required for delivery (Fig. 16.141a, b).
444 K. Mizuno et al.

a b

Fig. 16.141 (a) Definitive acrylic overlay on titanium bar. (b) Definitive zirconia restoration on titanium bar

16.21 Conclusion References

There are various materials to choose from when 1. Sereno N, Rosentritt M, Jarman-smith M, Lang
R, Kolbeck C. In-vitro performance evaluation of
designing full-arch fixed implant-supported res-
polyetheretherketone (PEEK) implant prosthetics
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lithic/layered) to a titanium-supported zirconia 2. Conserva E, et al. The use of a masticatory robot to
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occur, newer materials and manufacturing pro- liminary report. Int J Prosthodont. 2009;22(1):53–5.
cess are being introduced into these therapies; 3. Study conducted at Regensberg University, Germany
however, clear guidelines on design and material on file at Invibio Dental, UK.
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from PEEK Blanks. DZW Die ZahnarztWoche
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adopt a much more efficient workflow, producing 5. Tipton P and Siewert B. High performance polymers
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time. Additional advantages include stored digi- 6. Siewert B, Parra M. A new group of material in den-
tistry. PEEK as a framework material used in 12-piece
tal data allowing a quicker turnaround time implant-supported bridges. Z Zahnärztl Implantol.
should failure occur. 2013;29:148–59.
7. Moura Guedes C. New possibilities for high perfor-
mance polymers in the MALO clinic protocol. British
Acknowledgements The authors thank Dr Bernd
Association of Restorative Dentistry Conference.
Siewert, Clinica Somosaguas, E-28223 Madrid, Spain, for
Figs. 16.9, 16.10, 16.11, 16.12, 16.13, 16.14, 16.15, and
16.16. The authors would like to thank Juvora U.K. for 8. JUVORA processing guidance, technical certification
technical information related to PEEK. The authors would instructions, Invibio Dental, UK.
like to thank Drs Udatta Kher and Ali Tunkiwala for 9. Kern M, Lehmann F. Influence of surface condition-
Figs. 16.17 and 16.18. Surgery was performed by Dr ing on bonding to polyetheretherketone (PEEK). Dent
Udatta Kher Prosthodontics by Dr Ali Tunkiwala. The Mater. 2012;28:1280–128.
authors would like to thank Amy M Camba for clinical 10. Schmidlin PR, Stawarczyk B, Wieland M, Attin T,
Figs. 16.74, 16.75, 16.76, 16.77, 16.78, 16.79, 16.80, Hämmerle CH, Fischer J. Effect of different surface
16.81, 16.82, 16.83, 16.84, 16.85, 16.86, 16.87, 16.88, pre-treatments and luting materials on shear bond
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Prosthetic Complications
with Immediately Loaded,
Full-­Arch, Fixed
Implant-Supported Prostheses

Frank J. Tuminelli, Saj Jivraj, Steven Bongard,

and David Powell

Abstract and arise during the different phases of the

treatment process. The aim of this chapter is to
Immediate placement and immediate loading
review the most common prosthetic complica-
of dental implants with full-arch fixed implant-­
tions that occur with full-­arch fixed implant-
supported prostheses has repeatedly been
supported prostheses, discuss methods to
shown to be a successful treatment modality.
prevent these issues and present management
Today, it is becoming a standard treatment
approach that provides an incredible service to
patients by streamlining the transition from a
terminal dentition to a fixed prosthesis, elimi-
17.1 The Nature of Complications
nating the need for an interim removable den-
ture and reducing overall treatment time.
Complications are inherent in all aspects of med-
However, obtaining and maintaining a suc-
icine and dentistry and must be differentiated
cessful treatment outcome with this therapy
from failure. When treating patients with implant
can be challenging. From a prosthodontic
therapy, one can expect complications as a nor-
standpoint, complications can be numerous
mal part of practice. In fact, complications should
be expected and discussed with patients prior to
commencing treatment. The ability to deal with
the challenges in the broad variety of surgical and
restorative options with implant treatment results
F. J. Tuminelli (*)
American Board of Prosthodontics, in successful practice; more importantly it returns
Saint Paul, MN, USA patients to the state of function and fulfilment
VA NY Harbor Healthcare System, [1–4]. It is important that we understand the
New York, NY, USA nature of biological change, adaption, evolution
Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine, to a steady state and the inevitable progression
Hempstead, NY, USA that material wear has on biology [5].
Private Practice, Manhasset, NY, USA This chapter will attempt to explore the routes
e-mail: to complications, some that occur early on, dur-
S. Jivraj ing the surgical phase or early in implant
Anacapa Dental Art Institute, Oxnard, CA, USA loading.
S. Bongard · D. Powell
Private Practice, Toronto, ON, Canada

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 447
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
448 F. J. Tuminelli et al.

Complications will be discussed under the fol- 2. Restorative space, choice of material and
lowing subheadings: number of implants
3. Lip support, smile line and lip length
1. Diagnosis and treatment planning 4. Contours and emergence
2. Treatment execution 5. Tissue contact
3. Biological failures 6. Occlusion
4. Mechanical failures
5. Failure of material
6. A combination of the above 17.3 Position of the Maxillary
and Mandibular Incisal Edge
This chapter will attempt to explore this broad
and ever-involving modality, and though it is not The maxillary incisal edge position is determined
our intention to provide all the answers, it is our utilising the principles of aesthetics and phonet-
goal to highlight what is normal in the realm of ics. Traditional guidelines tell us when the patient
practice, how to evaluate the presentation and makes the ‘F’ sound, the incisal edge should
perhaps provide insight into solutions for our touch the vermillion border of the lower lip. Once
patients, with the goal of maintaining their oral the incisal edge position has been established, the
health quality of life. length for the central incisors is determined.
Often this is not realised in restorative treat-
ment planning. Implant dentistry is a restorative-­
17.2 Diagnosis and Treatment driven discipline, and if the maxillary central
Planning Failures incisor is incorrectly positioned in the patient’s
face the implants also will not be placed to cor-
The importance of this phase cannot be overem- rect depth. This has repercussions on aesthetics
phasised. It entails carefully examining the and function. This will be illustrated in the fol-
patient and gathering a series of detailed records, lowing patient presentation. The patient pre-
including photos and mounted casts, to facilitate sented with existing integrated implants and an
the key decisions that will impact the final prosth- implant- and mucosa-supported full-mouth resto-
odontic result. rations. Her existing complaints included
Complications arising from this phase are iat-
rogenic in nature. They will lead to a suboptimal 1. Unhappy with aesthetics
prosthesis from either a mechanical or aesthetic 2. The patient felt maxillary incisal edge was
perspective. touching the lower lip with too much
Complications do arise when time is not spent intensity
on diagnosis. Careful evaluation of the patient is 3. Too much support for the lip
key, and presentation of a treatment plan that is 4. The patient reported excessive contact of her
based on a sound scientific foundation is teeth at rest
imperative. 5. She had requested a fixed restoration from her
From a diagnostic perspective, several param- previous dentist and was provided with a
eters need to be evaluated before deciding upon removable
the type of prosthesis that is most appropriate for
the patient. The following considerations pertain On clinical evaluation, implants were found to
to restorative treatment planning. be integrated. Maxillary incisal edge was deemed
to be in the incorrect position. The patient’s lip
1. Positioning of the maxillary and mandibular was over supported, and the patient had been
incisal edge restored at an excessive occlusal vertical dimen-
17 Prosthetic Complications with Immediately Loaded, Full-Arch, Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses 449

sion. The implants had been placed at an inade- implants were in the incorrect position and
quate depth and were encroaching upon required removal. Although not optimal choice,
restorative space (Figs. 17.1 and 17.2). the patient must understand why implant removal
The following factors needed to be addressed is required and the risks involved.
in the treatment plan: The treatment plan and sequence involved the
1. Positioning the maxillary incisal edge
appropriately 1. Data collection including required imaging
2. Correction of the excessive lip support 2. Removal of the existing implants required
3. Closure of the excessive vertical dimension alveolectomy to create restorative space and
4. Creation of restorative space for a fixed placement of implants at correct depths and
restoration angulations (Fig. 17.5)
5. Improvement of aesthetics 3. Immediate loading of the implants and fabrica-
tion of a transitional restoration at the required
Impressions were made and a wax tooth try-in occlusal vertical dimension (Fig. 17.6)
was performed to evaluate the incisal edge posi- 4. Evaluation of aesthetics, phonetics and occlu-
tion and overall aesthetics (Fig. 17.3). On sal vertical dimension during the healing
approval of the try-in, a flangeless tooth try-in phase and appropriate adjustments made
was performed to ensure the patient was a candi- (Figs. 17.7 and 17.8)
date for fixed implant-supported restorations 5. Fabrication of the definitive restoration
(Fig. 17.4). It was deemed that the existing (Figs. 17.9, 17.10, and 17.11)

Fig. 17.1 Patient presentation with excessive display of

pink acrylic and maxillary incisal edges in incorrect Fig. 17.3 Wax try-in to evaluate occlusal plane and
position aesthetics

Fig. 17.2 Incorrect implant position. Implants placed too shallow compromising restorative space
450 F. J. Tuminelli et al.

Fig. 17.4 Flangeless try-in

Fig. 17.5 Implant removal, alveolectomy and implant

placement (Paltop Dynamic Implants Keystone Dental

Fig. 17.6 Maxillary and mandibular immediate load provisional restorations

17 Prosthetic Complications with Immediately Loaded, Full-Arch, Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses 451

Fig. 17.7 Immediate load provisionals in situ

Fig. 17.8 Frontal and profile view of provisional restorations

The clinician’s objective when treating fail-

ures is to objectively assess all the diagnostic cri-
teria and evaluate how each one can be addressed.
With a systematic approach, optimal outcomes
can be achieved.

Fig. 17.9 Frontal view of definitive restoration in situ

452 F. J. Tuminelli et al.

Fig. 17.11 Facial view of definitive restoration in place

Fig. 17.10 Profile view of definitive restoration in place

is questionable. It is the author’s opinion that
materials should be chosen that requires mini-
17.4 Failures Pertaining mal bone reduction. The restoration should be
to Restorative Space, Choice biomechanically sound and maximise
of Restorative Material aesthetics.
and Number of Implants 3. Number of implants.

1. Lack of restorative space is one of the most Unfortunately, the All-on-4™ concept has
common occurrences that can compromise a been used as a panacea for full-arch implant
restoration. reconstruction and often patients are treated dog-
Inadequate restorative space will result in matically with this treatment protocol. [6, 7]
two scenarios: Often bone is removed needlessly to satisfy a cer-
a. Restorative complications such as material tain treatment philosophy [8]. The All-on-4™
failure leading to repair or replacement of concept has been proposed for specific clinical
the veneering materials or complete frame- situations. It has a specific surgical, prosthetic
work fracture leading to failure of the and maintenance protocol. It should not be a
entire prosthetic restoration treatment solution for all edentulous or soon to be
b. Changing the treatment plan from one res- edentulous patients.
toration type to another to accommodate Minimally invasive full-arch implant dentistry
the space requirements adheres to the concept of preserving and keeping
2. Incorrect choice of material may also be detri- bone. Bone reduction is virtually eliminated, and
mental. Selecting a material that requires the patient maintains their own gingiva. Although
additional bone reduction for restorative space four implants are considered standard, the place-
17 Prosthetic Complications with Immediately Loaded, Full-Arch, Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses 453

ment of additional implants is considered advan- Zirconia also requires specific thickness so
tageous. As a practising clinician, implant failure that the implants together with the multi-unit
should always be a consideration. If additional abutments must be positioned to allow for
implants have been placed, the clinician can still this.
transition the patient in a fixed restoration. These 4. Maintenance of bone in between the implants
additional implants also help in distributing stress can be obtained by banking roots.
over a wider area. Treatment planning based on 5. If a catastrophic failure were to occur and all
the diagnostic factors will dictate how much bone the implants were lost, then we still have the
will need to be removed. The goal should always opportunity to retreat the patient.
be bone preservation and over-engineering to
ensure a long-term successful outcome. The following patient presentation will illus-
In many clinical situations, there is an abun- trate a restorative failure encompassing all the
dance of bone where more than four implants can points discussed above.
be placed, and bone reduction may not be The patient presented with severe tooth wear
required. seeking a solution to his terminal dentition. His
In the author’s opinion, more than four desire was to have fixed restorations throughout
implants are required when the whole treatment process.
On clinical evaluation, the following were
1. There is an abundance of bone and biome- found:
chanically cantilevers can be avoided
2. The patient presents with a dentition that 1. Inadequate restorative space
exhibits signs and symptoms of excessive 2. Lack of tooth structure for predictable tooth
force replacement (Fig. 17.12)
3. The patient has uncontrolled metabolic dis- 3. Patient exhibited signs of bruxism
ease which compromises healing 4. Over-eruption of teeth as a compensatory
4. The poor quality bone mechanism to the wear which resulted in
excess bone (Fig. 17.13)
The advantages and considerations of placing
more implants and preserving bone include the Often clinicians are faced with decision per-
following: taining to occlusal vertical dimension. Should the
vertical be restored or not in a full-mouth implant
1. There is the ability to segment the prosthesis rehabilitation? Will opening the vertical cause
and complication management becomes eas- additional issues from a biomechanical perspec-
ier for the clinician. tive. Rather than focus on occlusal vertical dimen-
2. If in the future an implant were to fail, there sion, the clinician should be more concerned
are enough implants, where the patient may about restorative space and how to obtain it.
not have to undergo surgery again. Space for full-mouth rehabilitation on
3. The thought process that making an impres- implants can be obtained through
sion on four implants is easier than making an
impression on five or six does not hold merit. 1. Restoring occlusal vertical dimension if
Today with advancements in digital technolo- required
gies analogue impression making may soon 2. Reduction in bone strategically
become obsolete at multi-unit abutment level. 3. Combination of the above
When placing implants, the clinician must
begin with the end in mind visualising the The patient was diagnosed as having a termi-
definitive restoration. Zirconia requires spe- nal dentition. Evaluation of the vertical dimen-
cific connector dimensions and requires the sion of occlusion revealed the patient having
implants not be placed too close together. 6 mm of interocclusal distance. This does not
454 F. J. Tuminelli et al.

Fig. 17.12 Occlusal and buccal views demonstrating severe tooth surface loss

On reflecting on the treatment plan, several

critical errors were made:

1. The patient presents with an abundance of

bone and severe tooth surface loss. This tooth
surface loss could be attributed to attrition,
Fig. 17.13 Presenting panoramic radiograph
abrasion or erosion. Most likely it would be a
combination of them. In patients with an
abundance of bone and signs of excessive
necessarily mean the patient has lost vertical force, it is the author’s opinion that the All-­
dimension of occlusion, but it does provide the on-­4™ treatment concept is not the treatment
clinician with some space to open the vertical of choice. In this clinical scenario, additional
should they decide. The patient was also sent for implants would be indicated to distribute the
a sleep study to eliminate sleep-disordered forces over a wider area. The patient had an
breathing as a contributory cause of the abundance of bone and 6–8 or even 10
breakdown. implants could have been placed based on the
The following was treatment planned: clinician’s treatment proposal. With the abun-
dance of bone, there is no need to tilt the distal
1. Extraction of all remaining teeth implants and have a cantilever. This can be
2. Execution of the All-on-4™ treatment eliminated with additional implants
concept (Fig. 17.20).
3. Alveolectomy with four implants placed in 2. The restorative material of choice is incorrect.
the maxilla and four implants in the mandible Despite providing metal occlusal surfaces,
(Figs. 17.14, 17.15, and 17.16) acrylic resin/metal-based restorations require
4. Immediate loading (Fig. 17.17) a significant amount of space. This space is
5. Definitive restoration would be an acrylic created by unnecessary alveolectomy.
resin/metal-based restoration with metal Alveolectomy could be avoided by choosing a
occlusal surfaces to minimise wear on the more conservative restorative option
posterior teeth (Figs. 17.18 and 17.19) (Figs. 17.21 and 17.22).
3. Failure of the acrylic resin restoration by
Treatment execution went to plan, and the over-engineering the metal framework. The
patient was extremely satisfied with the outcome clinician must be cognisant of the space
in both the provisional and definitive phase. requirement for materials. Acrylic resin
17 Prosthetic Complications with Immediately Loaded, Full-Arch, Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses 455

Fig. 17.14 Surgical measurement for alveolectomy

Fig. 17.15 Mandibular alveolectomy

Fig. 17.16 Dental Implants placed following the All-on-4™ protocol

requires 3 mm of thickness over the frame- Despite the above errors, the restoration has
work to be biomechanically sound been in situ for 13 years (Fig. 17.24). Repairs are
(Fig. 17.23). readily done due to the restoration being screw
retained and retrievable.
456 F. J. Tuminelli et al.

Fig. 17.17 Panoramic view of implant placement

Fig. 17.18 Framework design with metal occlusal surface

Fig. 17.20 Panoramic illustrating abundance of bone

and the possibility of placing additional implants

Fig. 17.19 Acrylic resin metal-based restoration

17 Prosthetic Complications with Immediately Loaded, Full-Arch, Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses 457

Fig. 17.21 Bone reduction done to accommodate restorative materials

Fig. 17.22 Restorative space required for ceramic and acrylic-based restorations

Fig. 17.23 Biomechanical failure. Acrylic resin delaminated from metal

458 F. J. Tuminelli et al.

definitive restoration should not be fabricated

unless the patient is satisfied with the transitional
restoration [6, 11, 14]. This will be illustrated in
the following patient presentation.
The patient presented with the following con-
cerns that she would like addressed. She had pre-
viously had implant-supported restorations in
another office and was not satisfied with them.
Her concerns included the following:
Fig. 17.24 Restoration has been in situ for 13 years
1. Excessive gingival display
2. Inadequate lip support
17.5 Failures Related to Lip 3. Discrepancy in the proportions of then teeth
Support and Smile Line
On clinical examination, the following were
The movement of the upper lip during speech and found:
smiling should be evaluated. Assessment of the
patient’s facial and lip support in frontal view and 1. Closed vertical dimension
in profile needs to be made so the clinician can 2. Excessive display of pink on smiling
determine which type of prostheses would be (Figs. 17.25 and 17.26)
more suitable. Often patients present with a 3. Poor tooth proportions
removable denture seeking a fixed solution [9– 4. Failing implants in the maxilla
11]. Patients who have had removable prostheses 5. Space beneath restorations causing a food trap
for an extended period often required a buccal
flange to provide lip support for aesthetics. Fixed The following treatment plan was
prostheses cannot have a buccal flange because a implemented.
concave intaglio surface would collect plaque The maxillary implants were to be removed,
and food debris, thereby preventing access for bone recontouring done in the maxilla to lift the
proper hygiene. occlusal plane apically. Four implants were
The clinician must evaluate all the diagnostic placed in each arch, and a provisional prosthesis
factors (Chap. 1) to determine whether this is was fabricated for both maxilla and mandible.
feasible. The objectives of the provisional were to
Patients often present having undergone treat-
ment and being unhappy with the result [12]. Its 1. Decrease gingival display (Fig. 17.27)
important to question the patient to determine 2. Improve tooth proportions (Fig. 17.28)
what they are unhappy with and which aspect of 3. Restore the height of the lower third of the
their smile they would like addressed [13]. Prior face
to embarking upon retreatment, the clinician 4. Eliminate food entrapment
must explain to the patient that a provisional
prosthesis will be required to evaluate aesthetics All of the above objectives must be achieved
and function. The provisional must be presented in the provisional restoration prior to embarking
as the most important phase of treatment and a upon fabrication of the definitive prosthesis.
17 Prosthetic Complications with Immediately Loaded, Full-Arch, Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses 459

Fig. 17.25 Patient presented with existing restorations. Patient unhappy with contours and aesthetics

Fig. 17.26 Smile view demonstrating excessive display

of pink acrylic
460 F. J. Tuminelli et al.

Fig. 17.27 Frontal and smile view of new transitional restorations demonstrating correct position of teeth and

Fig. 17.28 Pre- and postop views

17.6 Failures Related Contours and emergence are related to implant

to Emergence and Contours placement in relation to the maxillary incisal
edge position. Often errors result from inade-
The contours of the restorations must be planned quate implant placement and dental technicians
from the outset. The emergence profile of the res- compensate for that by ridge lapping the tissue. A
torations should be straight as it exits the gingival concave undersurface is not cleansable
margin [14, 15]. Often this requires alveolectomy (Figs. 17.29 and 17.30). Patients often want a
to create sufficient space. fixed restoration over a removable. In patients
One misconception about graft less protocols with severe resorption and severe lack of lip sup-
is that they always require a significant amount of port, this is not always possible, and the advan-
bone reduction. Bone reduction must have a tages of a removable implant-supported
rationale, and the minimum bone reduction must restoration with a buccal flange should be consid-
be done to satisfy the requirements of implant ered. If fixed restorations are provided, these
placement and fabrication of a biomechanically often result in speech impediments and contours
sound restoration. that cannot be cleaned (Fig. 17.31).
17 Prosthetic Complications with Immediately Loaded, Full-Arch, Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses 461

Fig. 17.29 Concave undersurface of restoration. Patient

is unable to keep it clean

Fig. 17.30 Plaque

accumulation within the
intaglio of the

Fig. 17.31 Concave undersurface and bulky contours of restoration

462 F. J. Tuminelli et al.

17.7 Failures Related to Tissue d. The tissue contact should be intimate, but
Surface accessible to oral hygiene procedures.
e. The tissue surface should be highly
The provisional and definitive restoration should polished.
satisfy the following criteria:
Patients often present with the complaint of
a. Reduce food entrapment: Following 3 months bleeding from the undersurface of the prosthesis.
of healing, the acrylic provisional should be Bleeding is usually related to inflammation of the
relined so that its compresses the tissue sur- tissue surface. Inflammation can be caused by
face and creates a concave tissue surface poor hygiene or an undersurface that is concave
allowing a convex restoration surface. and not highly polished (Figs. 17.32 and 17.33).
b. Provide cleansable contours by developing Correction of this issue may require replace-
the tissue as outlined above. ment of the restoration if it is zirconia based or
c. Eliminate speech impairment. The t and d relining and repolishing of the restoration if it is
sounds relate to the palatal aspects of the max- acrylic based (Fig. 17.33). The undersurface of
illary prosthesis, and this area can be adjusted the restoration should be convex and highly pol-
to accommodate for that. The ‘S’ sound is ished. The area adjacent to the implants should
developed utilising the closest speaking space, allow passage of an interproximal oral hygiene
and this should also be corrected in the provi- cleaning aid (Figs. 17.34 and 17.35).
sional prior to proceeding to the definitive

Fig. 17.32 Tissue inflammation as a result of poor con- Fig. 17.33 Undersurface of restoration demonstrating
tours and polish excessive plaque build-up

Fig. 17.34 Pre- and postop view of tissue after undersurface is corrected
17 Prosthetic Complications with Immediately Loaded, Full-Arch, Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses 463

Fig. 17.36 Fracture of restoration

Fig. 17.35 Undersurface restoration should be well pol-

ished and convex

17.8 Failures Related to Occlusion

Most of the patients seeking treatment with full-­

arch fixed prostheses have a terminal dentition
that forces them to develop a modified jaw posi-
tion in order to masticate their food. Therefore,
capturing the patient’s jaw relationship in this Fig. 17.37 Severe wear of acrylic-based restorations
habitual position is likely to be inaccurate and
result in transitional fixed prostheses that do not
occlude with an even force distribution. As a restoration or restorations into a position that is
result, the interim prostheses are much more coincident with condylar position and repeatable.
prone to fracture (Fig. 17.36). Thankfully, this is In excursive movements the posterior teeth
an aspect that can be corrected from the transi- should disclude. This is based on mechanics
tional phase to the definitive phase. In order to rather than science. Implant-supported restora-
avoid this scenario, clinicians should capture tions lack proprioception [16]. Patients many
interocclusal record in centric relation, which is times will present with fracture or severe wear of
the most predictable position available. the restorative material (Fig. 17.37). It is advis-
The design of the occlusal relationship and able that flatter cusps and wider fossas be used to
occlusal scheme really is dependent upon the res- allow for some freedom of movement.
torations that are being fabricated. If both the
maxilla and mandible are being restored simulta-
neously, it would be recommended that the 17.9 Failure Resulting
restorative materials be compatible. It is also rec- from Inadequate Treatment
ommended that any full-mouth rehabilitation Execution
supported by implants patients be given an occlu-
sal device to wear especially at night to minimise Fabrication of full-arch implant-supported resto-
the potential for fracture of the restorative materi- rations is a task with added complexity. There are
als. When both arches have fixed implant restora- a number of variables that need to be understood
tions, the basic occlusal principles are to be and controlled.
followed such as mutually protected occlusions Errors may occur in each step of the treatment
that allow for anterior guidance. The goal of the process from impressions to delivery of the defin-
restorative dentist should be two: place the final itive restorations.
464 F. J. Tuminelli et al.

Many companies promote digital technology 1. Aesthetics

as a solution to treatment protocols and simplify 2. Adequate vertical dimension
the treatment process. Digital technology must be 3. Adequate occlusal management
seen as an adjunct to sound analogue principles. 4. A passive a restoration as possible
Digital technology will not compensate for inad- 5. Appropriate contours for cleansability
equate understanding of the steps required. The
clinician has a responsibility to understand the The most significant complication is for the
workflow and be cognisant of what can go wrong immediate provisional not to fit. If this is the case
in each step. offending temporary cylinder must be removed
The immediate load process at the time of sur- from the provisional and repicked up at chairside
gery presents significant difficulty for the novice (Fig. 17.38). It is not uncommon for the provi-
practitioner. Often this is delegated to the labora- sional prosthesis to apply pressure through the soft
tory technician. It is the clinician’s responsibility tissue over the residual ridge. In many instances,
to understand what is required, the sequence of this is a result of post-surgical swelling and will
steps involved and what the final outcome of the resolve itself once the healing phase is firmly
provisional restoration should be. Other chapters underway. If the patient demonstrates subprosthe-
discuss immediate loading in detail. sis ulcerations after a 2-week period of healing, the
The objectives of the immediate load should prosthesis should be carefully removed, and the
be intaglio surface adjusted (Fig. 17.39).

Fig. 17.38 Lack of fit may require detaching offending temporary cylinder and chairside pickup

Fig. 17.39 Chairside pickup

17 Prosthetic Complications with Immediately Loaded, Full-Arch, Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses 465

17.10 Impression Making and Cast


The impression dictates fit of the definitive resto-

ration. Significant experience and time are
required at this step. Controversy exists over
splinting or non-splinting of the impression cop-
ings. Outcome of each technique appears to be
operator dependent [17]. Once the impression is
made, it must be poured very carefully in low-­
expansion die stone and the master cast verified
for accuracy. Most laboratories provide a verifi- Fig. 17.41 Scan gauges in situ designed to allow accu-
cation jig. These verification jigs can be made of racy in full arch scanning (Osteon Medical Technologies)
different materials that range from acrylic resin
to impression plaster. Each material has its
advantages and disadvantages. (This will be dis- 17.11 ­Complications/
cussed in a separate chapter.) The ultimate out- Considerations
come is a restoration that fits passively utilising with the Definitive
the single-screw test (Sheffield test). If the frame- Restorations
work does not fit, this will necessitate additional
impressions and verifications (Fig. 17.40). 17.11.1 Insertion
With the advent of scan gauges, clinicians can
predictably scan a full arch and expect to receive Prior to the fabrication and insertion of the final
a restoration that will have a passive fit intra- prosthesis, all-inclusive relationships phonetic
orally. The scanning process does require a learn- and aesthetic concerns for the patient should be
ing curve but ultimately decreases the time to the carried out in the provisional restoration. If these
definitive restoration (Fig. 17.41). are well done, the insertion should be seamless.
Most insertion issues are usually the result of
either not accurately recording soft tissue rela-
tionships and therefore having the patient experi-
enced discomfort upon insertion of the final
restoration or not seating the final restoration due
to an inaccurate recording of the implant posi-
tions [17]. If these have been done correctly and
laboratory fabrication has followed the suggested
recommendations of the manufacturer of the
materials, one should experience a predictable
Fig. 17.40 Framework misfit appointment [6, 11, 18, 19].
466 F. J. Tuminelli et al.

The initial placement of the prosthesis can 17.12 Biological Failures

result in blanching because of the pressure from
the intaglio surface of the prosthesis. If the con- Biological complications can occur from a myr-
tour and position of the prostheses is correct, this iad of events and can be divided into early inter-
is transitory and readily dissipates in 5–10 min mediate and late. In the early or immediate stage,
[18, 19]. The clinician needs to be aware that soft they are a result of the surgical event and/or the
tissue can act as an impediment to the prostheses immediate load prosthesis if that was placed.
not seating. If this is the case, the intaglio surface Strictly speaking complications of the surgical
will need to be adjusted. The patient should not event will either be one or a combination of
be feeling acute pain or distress during the inser- bleeding, pain, swelling, altered sensation or
tion appointment, some minor discomfort, pres- paresthesia.
sure or ‘pinching’ is normal. The clinician should In the case of bleeding, these are medical
use a sequential protocol for tightening abutment emergencies that require immediate intervention
and/or prosthetic screws and monitor the soft tis- and are managed effectively by the surgeon.
sue colour in addition to the patient feedback. These can be controlled by a gamut of approaches
Radiographic confirmation is a valuable tool to from pressure to additional suturing, ligation of
ensure that the soft tissue is not preventing the vessels (in the most serious of clinical events). It
full-arch prosthesis from engaging either the is the opinion of the authors that these levels of
implant if abutment. complications are beyond the scope of this
A frequent question in a full-arch restoration chapter.
retained by multiple prosthetic screws or abut- Pain and infection are complications or expec-
ment screws is what is the sequence by which the tations of the surgical event and depending upon
screws are tightened. There is no hard and fast the extent of surgery premedication can be pre-
rule, but it is probably advised to tighten screws scribed and the protocols are well documented.
by hand that are directly across from each other These are done in a preventive light by some
and work your way around the prosthesis. Every practitioners as routine even in healthy individu-
effort should be made to engage all the screws by als [20, 21].
gently hand-tightening them. At that point the
patient should be left for a few minutes to allow
for relaxation of the engaged screws some possi- 17.13 Mechanical Failures
ble compression of soft tissue end seating of the
full prosthesis. The practitioner can then go back Mechanical failures are related to the implant,
and secure the screws one more time. It is not abutment screw and prosthetic screw. When there
recommended that the screws be torqued to the is screw loosening of the prosthetic screw or
manufacturer’s recommendation on the initial abutment screw, this is a complication that needs
insertion. For numerous reasons, the prosthesis to be dealt with immediately [22–26]. Any mobil-
may need to be removed for soft tissue adjust- ity of the prosthesis that is transferred to an inte-
ments or be returned to the laboratory if the grating endosseous implant may result in failure
patient is not satisfied with the aesthetic results. of the implant. Other mechanical failures such as
If the screws are torqued, they may become unus- prosthetic screw and abutment screw fracture are
able and need to be replaced. It would be advis- very rare but can occur. Screws fracture due to
able to torque the screws once the patient is misfit of the restoration or excessive force
completely satisfied, the occlusion has been sta- (Figs. 17.42 and 17.43). Screw removal can be a
bilised, there are no soft tissue issues and the laborious process. If the screw is not distorted
period that the patient is wearing the permanent within the abutment or implants, they are rela-
restoration has been uneventful. This varies by tively easy to remove. Screw removal can be
patient. facilitated with an explorer moved in a counter-
17 Prosthetic Complications with Immediately Loaded, Full-Arch, Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses 467

Fig. 17.42 Screw fracture and interim restoration fracture

Fig. 17.43 Clinical screw fracture

Fig. 17.44 Restoration demonstrating excessive
clockwise direction or an ultrasonic unit with fine
tip. If any vestige of the screw is visible, one can
use a high-speed handpiece with a small, inverted cially when utilising the more contemporary
cone or number 2 round bar, and holding it at the materials such as zirconia [27]. The length of the
three o'clock position engage the screw thread; cantilever has a significant effect on the failure of
this will very rapidly remove the screw. This these types of restorations, and length of the can-
works well both for the prosthetic screw and tilever can be more significant than the number of
abutment screw if they can be rotated coronally implants [27, 28] (Fig. 17.44). Deflection of the
to where they are above the area that they engage cantilever is related to its length; so minute
the screw channel. However, if the screw is not increases in length have a significant impact on
retrievable, especially the abutment screw one the fracture complications of restorations. Lab-­
option is to turn the screw as far apical as it can based studies on zirconia have shown that
go either with an explorer or other instrument and
make enough threads accessible for another abut- a. The longer the cantilever the lower the load to
ment screw. When the prosthetic screw is not failure (Fig. 17.45)
retrievable, this sometimes requires cutting b. The smaller the connector size the less load to
through the abutment and removing the abutment failure
itself so that you can replace it. c. Failure usually occurred in the distal abutment
There are few studies to guide clinicians on wall
the length of the cantilever in the maxilla espe-
468 F. J. Tuminelli et al.

Fig. 17.46 Acrylic tooth fracture

Fig. 17.45 Cantilever fracture in zirconia restoration

Recommendations for cantilever include

a. Limit distal cantilever

b. Limit buccal cantilever
c. Increase thickness of the framework in the
cantilever section distal to the most distal
d. Limit occlusion on the cantilever
Fig. 17.47 Fracture of acrylic from framework. Could be
a result of inadequate framework design
17.14 Material Failures

Today there are various materials to choose from implants but used as an afterthought. Wear or
when designing full-arch fixed implant-supported breakage of acrylic resin-based restorations
restorations. Unfortunately, when looking at the should not be seen as a complication but rather a
literature for guidance it is not supportive of a consequence of the restorative material. This
true evidence base in terms of an ideal material to must be explained to the patient prior to embark-
utilise. There is no evidence to show one design ing upon extensive treatment so that disappoint-
is superior to another or one combination of ments can be avoided at a later date.
materials is superior to another. Most articles are The loss of a denture tooth can be dealt with
case reports, which follow a limited number of simply by replacing it and reattaching it to the
patients over a limited period of time. prosthesis (Fig. 17.46).
As in all dental restorations, the choice of Large-scale fracture of the alveolar compo-
material comes with potential complications; nent, such as acrylic, can also be repaired intra-
these are similar to those seen in tooth-borne res- orally under certain circumstances. If that is not
toration [23, 26]. possible, the prosthesis should be removed very
Material failure can be grouped into the fail- carefully, and the separated components reat-
ure of the tooth component and/or the substruc- tached with acrylic resin. Often this requires
ture. Acrylic/metal restorations are much more the restoration to be sent to the laboratory for
accommodating in managing failures. One must definitive repair (Figs. 17.47 and 17.48). Large-
realise that acrylic resin was not designed for scale delamination of acrylic is a result of inad-
17 Prosthetic Complications with Immediately Loaded, Full-Arch, Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses 469

4. Ensure very light occlusal contacts in the can-

tilever region.
5. Thicken the chimney around the most distal
implant and thicken the buccal and lingual
walls around the chimney of the implant.
6. Ensure monolithic zirconia is well polished.
Studies have shown it to be kind to the oppos-
ing occlusion.
7. Minimal post-sintering adjustment. This will
also help with preserving the strength of the
material and avoiding accelerated ageing fail-
ures in the presence of saliva.
8. Design for retrievability. This allows simple
Fig. 17.48 Delamination of section of acrylic resin from detachment of the appliance and the chance to
substructure service the restoration or treat any implant-­
related problems. With proper implant place-
ment, this can be achieved in most situations
when treating the edentulous arch.

17.15 Restoration Failures Require

Removal of the Restoration
and Laboratory Repair

It is recommended that patients be given their

provisional restorations to keep upon insertion of
Fig. 17.49 Fracture of ceramic from zirconia
framework the definitive restoration so that if repair is
required the patient can leave the office with a
fixed provisional restoration in situ (Fig. 17.50).
equate framework design or inadequate
Failures in zirconia-based restorations are
much more difficult to manage. If it is a simple
ceramic fracture, the restoration can be removed
from the mouth and sent to the laboratory for
definitive repair (Fig. 17.49).
When designing zirconia-based implant
frameworks, the following should be considered:

1. Maximise connector dimensions, buccal-­

lingually and occlusal-gingivally.
2. Minimise distal cantilever length. Fig. 17.50 Failure of distal implant necessitating sec-
3. Minimise buccal cantilever. tioning of restoration to reduce length of cantilever
470 F. J. Tuminelli et al.

17.16 Implant Failure that instance, the restoration can be sent to the
dental laboratory for proper adjustments. If the
One of the more ominous complications with patient does not have their provisional restora-
implant restorations is the failure of one or more tion, a restoration must be fabricated in a timely
implants [18, 19, 29, 30]. Depending on the loca- manner. This is where digital technology can
tion, the arch and the number of implants in the facilitate fabrication. If the laboratory does have
restoration, this can be catastrophic. If there are a digital file, a provisional restoration can be
sufficient implants to support the prosthesis, it milled relatively quickly.
can be modified depending upon the location of Acrylic-/metal-based are much more accom-
the implant that failed. The most desirable failure modating and sectioning of the prosthesis can be
would be an implant in the middle of the prosthe- done within the dental office.
sis that still enables the prosthesis to have implant In either one of those scenarios, it may neces-
support anterior and posterior to the implant that sitate advising the patient that this prosthesis
needs to be removed. Depending on the restored does not have long-term stability and will not sat-
arch, the prosthesis can be removed, the implant isfy the functional requirements of mastication
removed and the prosthesis modified by convert- for a patient and therefore additional implants
ing that area to a pontic. Potentially some graft- may be needed and a new prosthesis fabricated.
ing can be performed if there is significant loss of
hard and/or soft tissue. This may be a significant
complication for maxillary prosthetics. If there is 17.17 The Maintenance Phase
a lack of soft tissue adaption to the anterior part
of the prosthesis, the patient may complain of Finally, the maintenance phase begins as soon as
speech issues and hissing sounds because of air- the definitive prosthesis is inserted and extends
flow under the prosthesis. In both the maxilla and indefinitely. At this point, prosthetic complica-
the mandible, these could be potential food traps tions are simply an eventuality [23, 26]. Unlike
and require the patient to have a more diligent some of the other phases of treatment, they are
home care regimen to prevent soft tissue irrita- not iatrogenic in nature. They will take place
tion hyperplasia or other reactionary biological because of the limitations of the material.
responses (Fig. 17.51). A major advantage of the immediate loading
When a terminal implant fails, this may neces- protocol is that once the treatment is completed,
sitate reducing the length of the cantilever on the the patient will have a provisional prosthesis to
prosthesis. Depending upon the material the rely on if their definitive prosthesis breaks [31].
prosthesis is fabricated from, this presents a chal- Even if the repair cannot be performed on the
lenge. A full-arch zirconia restoration is difficult same day, he or she can have the provisional
to section and polished to an acceptable finish. In prosthesis placed while the repairs are being
Furthermore, it is helpful to have frequent
recall to monitor the integrity of posterior occlu-
sion and determine the need for a refurbishing of
the prosthetic teeth [31]. Furthermore, these fre-
quent recalls can allow the clinician to test the
implants, remove plaque and calculus, observe
the soft tissues and modify prosthesis contours if
Lastly, frequent removal and replacement of
these prostheses entail the manipulation of small
parts, including prosthetic screws and even the
Fig. 17.51 Occlusal view of sectioned restoration screwdrivers themselves. These components can
17 Prosthetic Complications with Immediately Loaded, Full-Arch, Fixed Implant-Supported Prostheses 471

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2010;103(5):295–302. implant failures in 4,585 consecutively treated arches.
25. Zeno HA, Butrago RL, Sternberger SS, Tover N, Int J Prosthodont. 2018;31:425–35.
Coehlo P, Kurtz KS, Tuminelli FJ. The effect of gin- 30. Jemt T. Implant survival in the partially edentu-
gival entrapment on screw loosening at the implant lous jaw – 30 years of experience. Part III: a retro-­
abutment interface part 1- an in vitro study. J
­ prospective multivariate regression analysis of overall
Prosthodont. 2016;25(3):216–23. implant failures in 2915 consecutively treated arches.
26. Goodacre CJ, et al. Clinical complications Int J Prosthodont. 2019;32:36–43.
with implants and implant prostheses. JPD. 31. Schnitman PA, et al. Ten-year results for Brånemark
2003;90(2):121–32. implants immediately loaded with fixed prostheses at
27. Walter L, Greenstein G. Utility of measuring anterior-­ implant placement. IJOMI. 1997;12(4):495–503.
posterior spread to determine distal cantilever
Management of Failure
and Implant-Related
Complications in Graft-Less
Implant Reconstructions
(for Atrophic Jaws)

Andrew Dawood and Susan Tanner

Abstract patient, who must be carefully counselled and

consented. Treatment should be undertaken by
This chapter examines the management of
well-trained and skilled operators with the
some of the complications associated with
support of an experienced team.
graft-less implant solutions which may lead to
and include implant failure for patients with
atrophic jaws. In an anatomically constrained
18.1 Introduction
environment, the use of a limited number of
angled or short implants, and in extremely
For patients suffering from advanced atrophy, a
atrophic maxillae, the use of zygomatic
graftless implant solution may offer several
implants is becoming widespread. Though
advantages. However, as this may make use of
such treatment has been shown to be predict-
short or angled implants, there may be limited
able and generally trouble-free, failure can not
anchorage and reduced mechanical advantage. In
only lead to loss of function, but in the graft-
an already anatomically constrained environ-
less treatment there is the potential to create a
ment, these conditions impart a degree of com-
range of complications, such as sinus infec-
plexity which may make complications or failure
tion and extraoral infection which may be
all the more difficult to manage.
more serious than those encountered in con-
When planning such treatment, access to
ventional dental implant treatments. Managing
high-quality 3D imaging with cone beam com-
failure can be complex, so careful forethought
puted tomography (CBCT) [1] is mandatory and
is required to avoid complication and leave
the use of planning software as well as guided
scope to salvage a compromised reconstruc-
surgery where appropriate will help to ensure that
tion. Failure and complication will cause dis-
the experienced surgeon reliably places implants
ruption and upset for the dentist and the
which will go on to provide predictable problem-­
free support for implant prostheses. Access to
A. Dawood (*) high-quality artefact-free [2] 3D imaging
Department of Head and Neck Surgery, University becomes even more important in the event of fail-
College London Hospital, London, UK ure, enhancing the surgeon’s capability to diag-
The Dawood and Tanner Specialist Dental Practice, nose and resolve problems (Fig. 18.1).
London, UK Given the anatomical constraints and surgical
S. Tanner challenges, attention to detail in prosthetic plan-
The Dawood and Tanner Specialist Dental Practice, ning and in the provisional and definitive phases
London, UK

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 473
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
474 A. Dawood and S. Tanner

a b

c d

Fig. 18.1 Standard panoramic radiograph (a) shows little years later the immediately placed implants are entirely
evidence of a problem with anterior maxillary implants outside of the bony envelope of the maxilla. (d) This view
(arrowed). However, reformatted axial (b) and cross-­ shows failure of the implant
sectional (c) views from CBCT examination show that 7

of prosthetic reconstruction is also of paramount 18.2 Failure to Plan

importance. Poor prosthetic planning may not
only lead to aesthetic and prosthetic complica- Many aspects of planning have been covered in
tions (see previous chapters in this series), but other sections of this book.
might also lead to inadequate surgical planning,
inadequate surgical preparation of the jaw, inap-
propriate implant positioning, inappropriate 18.3 Implant Failure
loading and ultimately to implant failure.
In this chapter, we will describe some of the Like any other implant treatment, there is always
compromises and complications which may lead a risk of implant failure. Clearly most patients
to failure in graftless treatments and describe the who need graftless treatments have not been very
strategies that the authors have used to manage successful at maintaining their teeth, and many of
complications and salvage situations where there these individuals may not be adept at looking
has been failure.
18 Management of Failure and Implant-Related Complications in Graft-Less Implant Reconstructions… 475

a b

c d

Fig. 18.2 These patients believed that they were to have broaden the span of implant support (b). Note the pres-
‘All-on-4’ treatment. In this case (a), the maxillary ence of an intact opposing dentition. In this case (c), the
implants are all positioned anteriorly for this inadequate implants are also poorly positioned anteriorly—note the
reconstruction which failed with fracture of three abut- fractured abutment screw in the right rear implant. The
ment screws and failure of the remaining functional patient was provided with a much repaired and poorly
implant. The panoramic radiograph suggests that no constructed and totally inadequate provisional prosthesis
attempt has been made to fully utilise the available jaw to (d), which was still in use 2 years after surgery

after their implants either. All the recognised mechanics of this form of reconstruction can lead
risks of implant failure will apply; smokers [3], to failure (Fig. 18.2).
those who suffer from periodontal disease [4], Numerous studies have shown excellent out-
diabetics [5], patients prescribed bisphospho- comes for such treatments [8], though for an indi-
nates [6] and individuals in poor health [7] will vidual who experiences a failure, a proven high
all be at risk of implant failure. As patients age, success rate in the literature will be of little sol-
medical problems may arise which may compli- ace. Any reduction of support for a provisional or
cate remedial treatment; for example, a patient fixed prosthesis can lead to overload and escalat-
may become diabetic or may begin antiresorptive ing failure of prosthetic components, or implants.
therapy, and dexterity may decline. Thus every part of the assembled reconstruction
Even in highly atrophic jaws, graftless treat- needs to be correctly implemented. If abutment
ments may use a combination of short and angled or prosthetic screws are incorrectly torqued, or
implants to immediately support fixed provi- abutments or bridgework poorly seated, other
sional prostheses. In the All-on-4® protocol, the components or the more securely connected
distal implants are angled to broaden their span, implants may fail. In the event of early implant
improving support. Lack of respect for the bio- failure soon after surgery, loss of support as an
476 A. Dawood and S. Tanner

implant loosens may impose additional stress more implants fail, or healing of newly placed
upon the provisional prosthesis which may frac- implants is not advanced at the time of failure,
ture. The use of a provisional prosthesis is impor- there may well be a need for the patient to wear
tant as it serves to splint and stabilise the implants a removable prosthesis as an interim measure.
during the healing period and reduces the risk of Patients may become upset if asked to wear a
inappropriate loading of individual implants by a removable prosthesis, particularly where multi-
removable denture. It is also key in that if an ple teeth have been removed and the jaw reduced,
implant fails early on, it does so before an invest- reducing stability and retention for a patient who
ment in the definitive fixed prosthesis has been may have no previous experience of using a
made. removable prosthesis. It is therefore sensible to
Where atrophy is minimal and when planning discuss failure and to make contemporaneous
for porcelain-bonded or zirconia bridgework notes of this discussion long before treatment, in
without a gingival component, the provisional addition to providing clear written information
bridge may be insubstantial and prone to fracture. preoperatively.
On the other hand, excessive jaw reduction for a In the case of later implant failure, there is the
patient with minimal atrophy may remove bone advantage that remaining implants may be stable
that might have proved valuable later in the event and dental extraction sites in a more advanced
of a failure—patients must be specifically con- healed state.
sented to jaw reduction. Patients may be unaware of implant problems
With an increase in the use of in-lab milling until they are severe. Late loss of an implant as a
for the production of provisional bridgework or result of, for example, peri-implantitis may be
zirconia frameworks, there is an associated use of accompanied by a great deal of bone loss, quite
‘Ti-base’-type inserts, which are cemented into likely affecting more than a single implant, as in
the milled prosthesis. Cementation failure is not Fig. 18.3, with devastating consequences.
unusual and can lead to unfavourable loading If a single implant is lost, a provisional bridge
patterns, and early or late implant failure of might continue to function on three implants
implants or implant components. whilst the site heals, particularly if the implants
Where there is an early failure, patient man- are well distributed (Fig. 18.4). Failure of a single
agement will be more straightforward if another terminal support may again be the catalyst to
suitable implant site is immediately available to prosthetic failure or the loss of further implants;
augment support for the bridgework or if there is in this event, a fixed prosthesis may need to be
at least a removable prosthesis to hand. This may shortened to avoid an extended cantilever. Where
be facilitated if a digital workflow was followed practical, provision of more than four implants
as milling or printing of a new modified prosthe- may be beneficial for patients who are perceived
sis may be straightforward. Certainly, easy to be at higher risk of implant failure. If a defini-
access to laboratory services and the possession tive prosthesis has already been provided for the
of technical skills will make all the difference to patient, the provisional prosthesis may be modi-
prompt management. If anchorage for the fied with a view to later adapting the definitive
remaining implants is less than ideal, or if two or prosthesis.
18 Management of Failure and Implant-Related Complications in Graft-Less Implant Reconstructions… 477

a b

c d

Fig. 18.3 This 60-year-old smoker was referred with implants with surgical debridement and enhanced hygiene
multiple implants affected by peri-implantitis (a, b). The care (c), until smoking cessation about 5 years later
implants had been placed at the same time as teeth were improved prospects for a new reconstruction (d). The
removed, in narrow, tall ridges. Subsequent remodelling replacement implants were simultaneously placed more
likely left the implants outside the bony envelope coro- deeply into the wider bony base, in the position of the
nally, exposed threads leaving the tissues more vulnerable explanted original implants
to peri-implantitis. A decision was made to maintain the
478 A. Dawood and S. Tanner

a b

Fig. 18.4 Panoramic radiograph (a), showing implant been immediately loaded. Reformatted panoramic (b) and
treatment in both jaws for a patient who had advanced cross-section (c) reconstructed from CBCT, 12 weeks
periodontal disease. The asymptomatic implant in the after removal of failed implant. Note extensive bone loss
upper-left lateral incisor position was found to have failed only conspicuously visible in the cross-section; replace-
3 months after surgery when the patient presented with a ment of the implant consequently delayed, with the recon-
fracture of her temporary prosthesis. Implants have been struction completed 6 months later (d)
placed in the tuberosity/pterygoid area, but these have not

18.4 Removing Failing Implants can be challenging and has the potential to cause
extensive bony destruction. Whilst it may feel
Long implants are often used to provide robust reassuring to use long implants, consider what
immediate stability for a temporary prosthesis. this may mean if they ever need to be removed.
Because of this, even when a failing implant has Strategies for less invasive implant removal
lost as much as 50% of its supporting bone, include the use of close-fitting trephines
removing the partially osseointegrated implant (Fig. 18.5a), ultrasonic instrumentation
18 Management of Failure and Implant-Related Complications in Graft-Less Implant Reconstructions… 479

a b

c d

Fig. 18.5 Various approaches to implant removal. (a) With a trephine. (b) With an ultrasonic device. (c) High-speed
surgical turbine with rear-venting exhaust. (d) Reverse torque implant retrieval tool

(Fig. 18.5b) and bone removal with a fine fissure thinner walled implants to split if they are still
bur in a rear exhausting air turbine handpiece osseointegrated for more than 4–5 mm of their
(Fig. 18.5c); all techniques require patience, length. In practice all these approaches may be
­precision and copious irrigation. Bone removal best combined for the most bone-conserving out-
should of course be kept to a minimum—implant come, focusing upon a gentle technique with
retrieval tools (Fig. 18.5d) provide a useful minimal heat production. As removal of a par-
adjunct to this armamentarium, enabling the less tially osseointegrated implant can be so destruc-
invasive removal of implants, though these must tive, when making the decision to remove an
be used with caution as there is a tendency for implant affected by peri-implantitis, careful con-
480 A. Dawood and S. Tanner

sideration must be given to the patients’ age and adapted in the laboratory to fit the new situation
the rate of disease progression before moving (Fig. 18.6). CBCT imaging makes it possible to
towards explantation. carefully scrutinise the jaw for alternative implant
sites; if an implant is loose, consider imaging
after explantation of the implant and with the
18.5 ‘Rescue’ Implants prosthesis removed in order to reduce the amount
of local radiographic artefact related to the
In the atrophic jaw, the position of the most pos- implant and prosthesis. With more and more
terior implant which may be angled distally to CBCT scanners available, this is a situation
broaden support and spread load is usually con- where the type of CBCT apparatus and the set-
strained by the critical anatomical structures tings used should be carefully considered for an
which demarcate the easily exploitable bone. If optimised high-resolution result.
attempting to immediately replace a failed Salvaging the situation will be easier when
implant with a ‘rescue’ implant, there may be the there is more bone available and the implants
option to use a longer or wider implant, but using have been widely spread, leaving more space for
the same site may be a risky strategy unless the a ‘rescue’ implant to be positioned in a new site.
cause of the failure is well understood and there If it is an angled distal implant, the sinus in the
is a reasonable expectation that the outcome will upper jaw or mental nerve in the lower jaw may
be better; it is not uncommon to find that there is limit the span of the implants driving the posi-
extensive bone loss in the failure site, particularly tioning of the new implant more anteriorly
if the failure is not immediately identified, which (Fig. 18.7), such that the span may be narrower
may well be the case as the ailing implant will be than that of the original situation.
splinted by the bridgework. However, if there are In the maxilla, a zygomatic implant may be
sufficient implants to keep the prosthesis in func- used to replace a failed implant in order to rescue
tion, the area may be allowed to heal before a situation or provide a new reconstruction in the
replacing the implant in the same position. event of failure, as in Fig. 18.8. The ­tuberosity/
Guided surgery may be used to accurately reposi- pterygoid area may also provide a useful
tion the implant such that the original prosthesis contingency.
may be simply connected to the new implant or
18 Management of Failure and Implant-Related Complications in Graft-Less Implant Reconstructions… 481

a b


Fig. 18.6 A 65-year-old patient developed rapidly pro- implants using a guided cylinder (g). A scan was taken
gressive bone loss associated with front left mandibular with the guide in place to verify the practicality of replac-
implant ((a) 4 years post-surgery; (b) just 3 years later). ing the implant. Fully guided surgery was used to place
Poor cleaning (c), depression and loss of diabetic control the implant (h); the multi-unit abutment was fitted and
may all have been factors. With removal of the implant, the original prosthesis replaced. Remarkably, the same
the return of diabetic control and a return to satisfactory process was later used to replace the front right implant.
maintenance behaviour the situation seemed stable a year A panoramic radiograph (i) shows both front implants
later, with the patient functioning on three of the four orig- replaced with the original prosthesis fitted, and progres-
inal implants. 2 years later another implant is failing and sive failure of the left rear implant; this was eventually
the entire reconstruction potentially lost (d, e). Remedial also replaced, although for this implant because of the dif-
treatment involved reverse engineering the original ficulty of precisely replicating the angular geometry, the
implant positions in a stone model, with the addition of prosthesis framework was adapted to pick up a titanium
a new longer multi-unit abutment in place on an implant cylinder (j). The 9-year timeline for this treatment is por-
replica (f). This allowed a sleeve to be positioned within trayed in panel (k)
a surgical guide designed to rigidly connect to the other
482 A. Dawood and S. Tanner

i j

Fig. 18.6 (continued)

18 Management of Failure and Implant-Related Complications in Graft-Less Implant Reconstructions… 483

a b

Fig. 18.7 Describes the management of a situation in an early healing state. The patient having never worn a
encountered when providing full-arch implant treatment removable prosthesis was extremely keen to continue to
for a patient with a class III skeletal relationship (a, b), function with a fixed prosthesis. A short implant was
where the patient wished to have prostheses set up in a inserted at the same time as removing the failed implant
class I dental relationship. This arrangement is mechani- and the provisional prosthesis modified accordingly.
cally complex in that an angled distal implant emerging Following a 10-week healing period the site of the failed
close to the mental foramina will tend to emerge more implant remained unsuitable (d), so instead, an alternative
towards the front of the reconstruction. In this case, failure site was found further forwards (e), making the presence
of the distal implant on the left side (c), perhaps through of the short implant all the more important. A similar short
mechanical overloading, meant that the provisional pros- implant was also placed on the right side, at the same
thesis was only supported by the remaining three implants time, and treatment proceeded uneventfully (f, g)
484 A. Dawood and S. Tanner

e f

Fig. 18.7 (continued)

18 Management of Failure and Implant-Related Complications in Graft-Less Implant Reconstructions… 485

a b

Fig. 18.8 The management of a patient who developed tool on one of the implants resulted in fracture (b). It may
refractory peri-implant problems around three of four well have been possible to replace the implants at the time
dental implants is described (a). A decision was made to of the removal; however, poor healing in the explantation
remove and replace the implants as only a provisional sites was anticipated. Six months later there had been a
fixed prosthesis was in place, and it was considered that considerable amount of remodelling (c, d), and direct
the implants could not be relied upon to support a defini- replacement of the implants was impossible. The patient
tive prosthesis. Removal of the implants was accom- in the meantime was most unhappy about having to wear
plished with a combination of bone removal with a removable prosthesis. Zygomatic implants were used in
ultrasonic instrumentation and implant retrieval tools. conjunction with the single retained and a single new den-
This proved extremely challenging; use of the retrieval tal implant to finally support a prosthesis (e)

18.6 Failure and Zygomatic in a quad configuration [13]; however, it is clear

Implants that this is also a successful treatment for most
patients [14]. Studies have shown that for recon-
Zygomatic implants were first used in 1998 [9] structions supported by both zygomatic and den-
and have a high success rate [10]. They may be tal implants, it is the (usually short) dental
used alone in the ‘quad zygoma’ [11] configura- implants that have the higher failure rate [15].
tion or together with dental implants to support For this reason, when planning the zygomatic
an implant-supported prosthesis. Whilst a great implants, it is prudent to carefully consider the
deal has been published on the outcome of treat- positioning of a rear zygomatic implant to allow
ment with zygomatic implants in conjunction for placement of a further anterior zygomatic
with conventional dental implants [12], less has implant in the event of failure of one of the dental
been written about the use of zygomatic implants implants. Consider the positioning of the left
486 A. Dawood and S. Tanner

Fig. 18.9 The placement of the left zygomatic implant Fig. 18.10 This patient developed severe pain which was
would preclude or complicate placement of an anterior diagnosed as acute sinusitis soon after zygomatic implant
zygomatic implant if the short dental implant was to fail surgery. The sinus was drained with a hypodermic needle
later on—whereas on the right side there is more space and syringe, and antibiotics prescribed with relief of
between the orbital rim and the distal implant symptoms

zygomatic implant in Fig. 18.9; the tip of the

implant is too close to the orbital rim to permit Sinus complications may appear early on in
the subsequent placement of an additional ante- treatment (Fig. 18.10), later on or very much later
rior zygomatic implant, making it difficult to on. No study has re-examined those patients
simply retrieve the situation with the addition of treated with zygomatic implants many years later
a new zygomatic implant should the anterior or has examined the status of the sinus in asymp-
implant fail, whereas on the right side there is tomatic patients long after surgery. Little infor-
sufficient clearance for an additional zygomatic mation exists on the later appearance of
implant to be placed if necessary. Because zygo- complications in the much longer term as the tis-
matic implants are longer and run in close prox- sues around the implants remodel, the patient
imity to critical anatomical structures, the use of ages and as changes in health and well-being take
CBCT and planning software is mandatory. place. As the use of the zygomatic implant
Whilst a combination of four dental or zygo- becomes more commonplace, it could be that
matic implants may be sufficient to support a younger patients are being treated; yet with only
fixed prosthesis, in the event of an implant failure a 20-year experience of the use of this implant
the situation may be mitigated if a fifth (or sixth) type it may be difficult to predict the behaviour of
implant is also provided. Where adequate bone is the implant over a very long period of time,
present, a dental implant positioned in the maxil- whilst the consequences of longer-term failure
lary tuberosity region will broaden support for a could be severe.
prosthesis and may serve as a valuable contin- Recession or peri-implant inflammation
gency [16]. around the neck of the zygomatic implant may
lead to microbial colonisation of the threaded
shaft (Fig. 18.11). As the implant may penetrate
18.7 Maxillary Sinus and Shaft-­ the maxilla to enter the maxillary sinus (the origi-
Related Complications nal intra-maxillary approach, ad modem
Brånemark), this may lead to chronic inflamma-
Maxillary sinus-related complications have been tion or infection in the sinus.
described in 0–37% [17] of patients treated with The authors have seen chronic sinusitis in
zygomatic implants; some of these patients also patients treated at or referred to their practice,
have oro-antral communication around the which has necessitated further surgical measures.
implant. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS)
18 Management of Failure and Implant-Related Complications in Graft-Less Implant Reconstructions… 487

a b

Fig. 18.11 Over an 8-year period the condition of the and remodelling and oro-antral communication. The
soft tissues around this zygomatic implant deteriorated (a) zygomatic implant was removed by re-attaching the fix-
as the patient’s medical history grew more complicated— ture mount and applying a reverse torque, leaving a large
persistent inflammation of the tissues around the threaded oro-antral fistula (b). A flap was mobilised and the defect
shaft of a zygomatic implant has led to extensive bone loss closed in two layers (c)

improves ventilation and drainage of the sinus, heal poorly after surgery, even when the implant
and for some patients this has brought symptom- has been removed, leaving a persistent fistula.
atic relief. Sinus problems may be more likely if By using a so-called extramaxillary approach
the sinus membrane is perforated or the zygo- [18] to zygomatic implant placement, the implant
matic implant lies wholly within the sinus, losing platform may be more favourably positioned and
contact with the sinus wall. the implant shaft less likely to invade the sinus—
If sinus symptoms or peri-implant recession although if the implant is excessively buccally
and inflammation are severe, removal of the positioned, recession of the buccal tissues may be
implant may be possible (Fig. 18.11), but if the precipitated, particularly in the absence of an
implant is well anchored in the zygoma it may be adequate cuff of keratinised tissue. Recession
more practical to section the implant close to the around a threaded shaft may result in cleaning
junction with the zygoma and abandon the osseo- difficulties, plaque accumulation and inflamma-
integrated apical portion as it may be excessively tion. Newer generations of zygomatic implants
traumatic to remove the entire implant with a threaded apical portion and an unthreaded
(Fig. 18.12). shaft, placed using an extramaxillary approach,
Whether a result of gingival or sinus inflam- have been introduced in the hope that the absence
mation, bone loss around the shaft of the implant of threads along the threaded shaft will minimise
may mean that tissues around the resulting defect recession and the problems associated with
are unsupported and poorly vascularised and may exposed threads, whilst the extramaxillary
488 A. Dawood and S. Tanner

a b

Fig. 18.12 Ten years after the original surgery, this entered the zygoma (b) and the apex abandoned in situ—
patient was taking steroids and alendronic acid. Tissue note the useful presence of an implant positioned distally
inflammation progressed to oroantral fistula and break- in the tuberosity region which meant that the reconstruc-
down of the surrounding bone (a). With the implant tion could be maintained. (c) Implant was sectioned
robustly anchored in bone, the shaft was sectioned as it
18 Management of Failure and Implant-Related Complications in Graft-Less Implant Reconstructions… 489

Fig. 18.13 Infection associated with the apex of a zygo-

matic implant manifesting extraorally; this implant was
removed with a great deal of difficulty

approach would minimise sinus problems. Some Fig. 18.14 Extraoral representation of infection with
zygomatic implant
of these newer implant designs use a machined
reduced diameter or flattened shaft to avoid
prominence. Surgical strategies to thicken over- rounding the hollow bone chamber at the apex of
lying tissues, for example, with the buccal fat the anterior zygomatic implant was identified,
pad, may also help to reduce recession. However, and removal of the implant was discussed with
long-term comparative results are not available to the patient who resisted the idea as the implant
validate these different approaches to treatment, appeared robustly anchored. Instead, after careful
and the authors continue to see recession around radiographic and surgical planning the apex of
shafts of different configurations, from various the implant was directly accessed through an
manufacturers, placed by different surgeons extraoral incision in a procedure which took
(Fig. 18.13). place under a short general anaesthetic, resecting
the apical 6 mm of the implant, including the
bone chamber, completely resolving the prob-
18.8 Apical Infection lem. The same patient also needed to have the
apex of an uncomfortably protruding zygomatic
Earlier forms of zygomatic implants have a hol- implant trimmed, and with failure of a short ante-
low ‘bone chamber’ at the apex. Infection associ- rior dental implant, provision of a fourth zygo-
ated with the apex of a zygomatic implant has matic implant—this needed to be fitted into the
been rarely reported though it is a known and dis- limited bulk of bone between the right orbit and
tressing complication. In the authors’ experience, the rear zygomatic implant. Eliminating the bone
on one occasion an infection which was refrac- chamber would seem to be a positive step towards
tory to antibiotics and was draining extraorally eliminating such issues, and contemporary
(Fig. 18.14) was treated by removal of the implants do not incorporate this feature. However,
implant—this was exceptionally difficult and the authors have recently encountered a similar
also traumatic and destructive; the patient was refractory infection associated with the apex of a
left with an indurated and unsightly scar. zygomatic implant without a bone chamber.
On another occasion reported by the authors Somewhat surprisingly, this resolved when the
[19], a patient was referred with a recurrent infec- area was surgically accessed and debrided using
tion associated with the apex of a zygomatic an intraoral approach, without ever having a clear
implant (Fig. 18.15). An apical radiolucency sur- understanding of the aetiology of the problem.
490 A. Dawood and S. Tanner

a b

Fig. 18.15 Infection associated with the apex of a zygo- implant apex; note loose framework with fractured abut-
matic implant, with bone loss in orbital rim around the ment screw. The failed dental implant was replaced with a
apex of the left anterior zygomatic implant seen on CBCT further zygomatic implant (f); note absence of threads
scout view (a). The apex of the implant accessed via extra- along shaft of implant, with extramaxillary placement. At
oral incision (b). The resected apex of the implant (c). the same time the extensive protrusion as seen in the refor-
Healing was uneventful (d), although the short anterior matted cross-section (g) was reduced by resecting the
dental implant subsequently failed as seen in panoramic implant apex. The prosthesis was then adapted to the new
radiograph (e) taken after resection of front left zygomatic situation (h)
18 Management of Failure and Implant-Related Complications in Graft-Less Implant Reconstructions… 491

f g

Fig. 18.15 (continued)

18.9 Discussion ate to extrapolate results to other implant and

restorative systems.
In recent years it seems that the offer and uptake The elegance of graftless full-arch treatment
of full-arch treatments including the All-on-4® lies in its apparent simplicity. Securing implants
treatment protocol, or versions of this protocol (a in the bulk of bone of the anterior maxilla or
minimum of four dental implants, two ‘straight’ mandible may eliminate the need for grafting and
and two tilted to immediately support a fixed allow straightforward treatment even where there
prosthesis), have markedly increased. The use of is moderate atrophy—indeed treatment is more
this protocol has been shown to be predictable, straightforward where there is moderate atrophy
with Malo et al. [20] reporting cumulative as there is then adequate restorative space for
patient-related and implant-related success rates prostheses without the need to reduce the jaw.
of 94.8% and 98.1%, respectively, at 5 years, and This approach appears so straightforward that to
93.8% and 94.8%, respectively, with up to 10 gain access to that bulk of bone the decision to
years of follow-up on 245 patients restored with remove teeth may seem compelling, and where
980 implants, and this is the authors’ strategy of there is no atrophy, the need to remove bone in
choice for atrophic jaws. Although there is a rea- order to secure sufficient space for the recon-
sonable body of literature available to support the struction may seem a reasonable price to pay for
use of this concept, studies generally refer to the ease of treatment. However, any expediency
patients treated with dental implants, zygomatic gained by removing teeth or bone must be care-
implants and restorative components made by a fully balanced against alternative forms of treat-
particular manufacturer; it may not be appropri- ment, the anticipated longevity of the
492 A. Dawood and S. Tanner

reconstruction and the risk and consequences of ated; the easiest way to avoid the particular
failure—all points to be discussed with the complications associated with the zygomatic
patient before treatment. implant is not to use it.
Reported failure rates in implant dentistry are An experienced and easily accessible team
low; however, most studies are based in institu- including individuals expert in surgical and
tions, with treatments performed by experienced prosthodontic aspects of treatment, skilled tech-
teams which include experts in the field using nicians and local dental laboratory facilities, and
mainstream implant systems. As more and more access to state-of-the-art imaging facilities is
implants are placed, and more and more important to success and essential when manag-
patients—perhaps younger patients—are treated, ing failure. A sympathetic and empathetic team,
it could be that real failure rates are in fact higher who provide support for the patient before, dur-
than reported, and that failure in the short term, ing and after treatment, with carefully thought-­
and certainly in the longer term, will be seen out planning and treatment protocols is just as
more often in implant and general dental prac- important as is the need to provide detailed pre-
tice, whilst failure over much longer periods operative information to the patient and obtain
becomes conspicuously more significant. Whilst rigorous informed consent.
the rate of failure is indeed an important statistic,
the damage resulting from the failure of that par-
ticular approach to treatment, and the impact References
upon the ability to provide remedial treatment
deserves better attention in the literature. 1. Dawood A, Patel S, Brown J. Cone beam CT in dental
practice. Br Dent J. 2009;207(1):23–8.
Careful planning and patient selection is prob- 2. Schulze R, et al. Artefacts in CBCT: a review.
ably the best way to avoid failure, but despite Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2011;40(5):265–73.
every care, anyone actively involved in extensive 3. Chrcanovic BR, Kisch JT, Albrektsson T, Wennerberg
implant treatments will face failure. It is impor- A. Factors influencing early dental implant failures. J
Dent Res. 2016;95(9):995–1002.
tant that when failure is encountered the surgeon 4. Gurgel BC, Montenegro SC, Dantas PM, Pascoal AL,
and prosthodontist take the opportunity to reflect Lima KC, Calderon PD. Frequency of peri-implant
upon the causes and learn from every experience. diseases and associated factors. Clin Oral Implants
Competently managing failure is an important Res. 2016;10:1–7.
5. de Araújo NM, Maló P, Gonçalves Y, Sabas A,
challenge, perhaps the greatest challenge in Salvado F. Dental implants in diabetic patients: ret-
implant dentistry; the wisdom gained through rospective cohort study reporting on implant survival
successfully managing complications is and risk indicators for excessive marginal bone loss at
invaluable. 5 years. J Oral Rehabil. 2016;43(11):863–70.
6. Guazzo R, Sbricoli L, Ricci S, Bressan E, Piattelli A,
The use of zygomatic implants has enabled Iaculli F. Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw
graftless, simplified treatments for patients who and dental implants failures: a systematic review. J
have a highly atrophic maxilla and has improved Oral Implantol. 2017;43(1):51–7.
the quality of life for thousands of patients. 7. Heitz Mayfield LJ, Needleman I, Salvi GE, Pjetursson
BE. Consensus statements and clinical recommenda-
Nonetheless, with their use an entirely new spec- tions for prevention and management of biologic and
trum of complications has appeared. The authors technical implant complications. Int J Oral Maxillofac
find the zygomatic implant to be tremendously Implants. 2014;29:346–50.
useful for many of their patients, particularly 8. Yates JM, Brook IM, Patel RR, Wragg PF, Atkins SA,
El-Awa A, et al. Treatment of the edentulous atrophic
elderly patients with massive atrophy; however, maxilla using zygomatic implants: evaluation of sur-
an 18-year-long experience of working with vival rates over 5-10 years. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg.
zygomatic implants, and the recognition of the 2014;43(2):237–42.
potential for longer-term complications means 9. Bränemark PI. Surgery and fixture installation.
Zygomaticus fixture clinical procedures. 1st ed.
that the implant is used with circumspection. The Goteborg: Nobel. Biocare AB; 1998. p. 1.
need for the extra biomechanical support contrib- 10. Dos Santos PL, Silva GH, Da Silva Pereira FR,
uted by the implant should be carefully evalu- da Silva RD, Campos ML, Mattos TB, Gulinelli
18 Management of Failure and Implant-Related Complications in Graft-Less Implant Reconstructions… 493

JL. Zygomatic implant subjected to immediate load- 42-month retrospective study. Eur J Oral Implantol.
ing for atrophic maxilla rehabilitation. J Craniofac 2008;1(2):141–50.
Surg. 2016;27(8):e734–7. 16. Curi MM, Cardoso CL, de Ribeiro KC. Retrospective
11. Stiévenart M, Malevez C. Rehabilitation of totally study of pterygoid implants in the atrophic pos-
atrophied maxilla by means of four zygomatic terior maxilla: implant and prosthesis survival
implants and fixed prosthesis: a 6-40-month follow- rates up to 3 years. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.
­up. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010;39(4):358–63. 2015;30(2):378–83.
12. Bedrossian E, Rangbert B, Stumpel L, Indresano 17. Chrcanovic BR, Abreu MH. Survival and complica-
T. Immediate function with the zygomatic implant: a tions of zygomatic implants: a systematic review. Oral
graftless solution for the patient with mild to advanced Maxillofac Surg. 2013;17(2):81–93.
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13. Wang F, Monje A, Lin GH, Wu Y, Monje F, Wang C, Franch M. Extrasinus zygomatic implants: three
HL, Davó R. Reliability of four zygomatic implant-­ year experience from a new surgical approach for
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14. Aparicio C, Manresa C, Francisco K, Ouazzani 19. Dawood A, Kalavrezos N. Management of extra-­
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Maintenance of Full-Arch
Implant-­Supported Restorations:
Peri-­Implant and Prosthetic

Satish Kumar, Kian Kar, and Saj Jivraj

Abstract Long-term success of full-arch implant-­supported

restorations is dependent on several factors,
Peri-implant disease develops silently, and
including maintenance of healthy peri-implant
often it is diagnosed when bone loss has
tissue, prevention of peri-implant diseases and
already occurred. The prevalence of peri-­
properly functioning prosthetic components.
implantitis in the literature is overestimated
This chapter will describe patient selection and
but it does occur. It is an unpredictable disease
risk assessment, peri-implant and prosthetic con-
to treat, and practitioners should make every
siderations to maintain full-arch implant-­
effort to prevent its occurrence if possible.
supported restorations. Peri-implant diseases are
This is best achieved through a personalised
defined based on assessment of probing depths,
approach to both home care and office hygiene
presence or absence of clinical inflammation and/
visits, whose duration and frequency should
or bleeding on probing and radiographic bone
be determined according to the individual
level/loss around implants (Table 19.1). Absence
patient’s need. The objective of an effective
of clinical inflammation with maintenance of
dental implant maintenance programme is to
alveolar bone level consistent with initial bone
recognise early signs of inflammation, peri-­
remodelling is considered as healthy peri-implant
implant mucositis and be able to reverse it
tissue. Presence of clinical inflammation such as
back to health.
bleeding on probing and/or suppuration with
maintenance of alveolar bone level consistent
with initial bone remodelling is considered as
peri-implant mucositis. Clinical inflammation
with probing depths of 6 mm or more than 6 mm
of radiographic bone loss beyond initial bone
remodelling may constitute a diagnosis of peri-­
S. Kumar (*)
Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health, implantitis (Fig. 19.1).
A. T. Still University, Mesa, AZ, USA
K. Kar
Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC,
University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA, USA
S. Jivraj
Anacapa Dental Art Institute, Oxnard, CA, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 495
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
496 S. Kumar et al.

Table 19.1 Definitions [1–3]

Terminology Definition
Peri-implant health A diagnosis of peri-implant health is made when there is
 • Absence of clinical signs of inflammation
 • Absence of bleeding and/or suppuration on gentle probing
 • No increase in probing depth compared to previous examinations
 • Absence of bone loss beyond crestal bone-level changes resulting from initial
bone remodelling
Peri-implant mucositis A diagnosis of peri-implant mucositis is made when there is
 • Presence of bleeding and/or suppuration on gentle probing with or without
increased probing depth compared to previous examinations
 • Absence of bone loss beyond crestal bone-level changes resulting from initial
bone remodelling
Peri-­implantitis A diagnosis of peri-implantitis is made when there is
 • Presence of bleeding and/or suppuration on gentle probing
 • Increased probing depth compared to previous examinations
 • Presence of bone loss beyond crestal bone-level changes resulting from initial
bone remodelling
However, clinicians at times do not have the previous clinical and radiographic
examination to make a diagnosis according to the above criteria when other
clinicians placed the implants. In these situations, the diagnosis of peri-implantitis
can be made based on these findings:
 • Presence of bleeding and/or suppuration on gentle probing
 • Probing depths of ≥6 mm
 • Bone levels ≥3 mm apical of the most coronal portion of the intraosseous part of
the implant

a b

19 Maintenance of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations: Peri-Implant and Prosthetic Considerations 497

19.1 Patient Selection and Risk regular maintenance in rough-surfaced implants

Assessment [8]. Clinicians should explain the reasons clearly
to the patient why a predisposition to periodontal
When a patient is deemed to benefit from a full-­ disease and/or poor oral hygiene will affect the
arch implant-supported prosthesis, clinicians longevity of implants and set clear expectations
must carefully weigh these benefits against risks on maintaining excellent oral hygiene. Heavy
including patients’ medical conditions such as smoking is another major risk factor for long-­
uncontrolled diabetes and medications such as term success of implants. Patients who smoked
cancer therapy including immunosuppressants >10 cigarettes/day have been shown to have a
and antiresorptive therapy. Diabetes mellitus, higher incidence of marginal bone loss around
smoking, lack of oral hygiene and history or the implants than those patients who smoked <10
presence of periodontitis were reported to be risk cigarettes/day [9]. Clinicians must clearly dis-
factors of peri-implantitis [4]. Bleeding on prob- cuss effect of smoking on wound healing and
ing and bone loss around implants have been implant success with the patient and engage the
shown to be increased in diabetic patients [5]. patient in smoking cessation programme
Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, even when (Fig. 19.3). Age-related cognitive decline and
well controlled, have been shown to be at a higher loss of dexterity should also be considered as
risk of peri-implant disease [6]. Previous history patients need to be able to follow home care
of periodontitis and poor oral hygiene (Fig. 19.2) instructions to maintain good peri-implant health
is detrimental to peri-implant health. Periodontal and the restorations. Patient compliance with the
pathogenic bacterial counts within the implant supportive periodontal/peri-implant maintenance
abutment interface of implants in patients with therapy has been reported to be unsatisfactory.
peri-implantitis were significantly higher com- Hence, educating and motivating patients to keep
pared to those implants surrounded by healthy up with the important maintenance appointments
peri-implant tissues [7]. History of periodontitis is key [10].
affects implant survival negatively even under

Fig. 19.1 (a–c) These figures show peri-implant disease. mucosa with BOP and radiographic bone level to first
Clinical and radiographic view of maxillary left implant- thread consistent with the normal threshold of post-restor-
supported prosthesis demonstrating various peri-implant ative bone remodelling representing a diagnosis of peri-
conditions. Mesial implant (tooth site # 12) presents with implant mucositis. Middle implant (tooth site # 13)
probing depth ranging 2–4 mm, clinically healthy mucosa presents with probing depth ranging 6–9 mm, inflamed
(no BOP and suppuration) and radiographic bone level to mucosa with BOP and suppuration and radiographic bone
first thread consistent with the normal threshold of post- level to 8th thread and more than 3 mm bone loss from the
restorative bone remodelling) representing a diagnosis of threshold of post-restorative bone remodelling represent-
peri-implant health. Distal implant (tooth site # 14) pres- ing a diagnosis of peri-implantitis. (Courtesy of Dr Maria
ents with probing depth ranging 3–5 mm, inflamed Galvan and Dr Kian Kar)
498 S. Kumar et al.

a b

Fig. 19.2 Clinical images of full-arch implant-supported make self-cleansing and patient at-home cleaning diffi-
prostheses showing poor maintenance. The patient com- cult. (b) Intaglio surface of maxillary prosthesis showing
plained of general discomfort and was unable to point to significant plaque and debris accumulation. (c) Maxillary
the exact area and described the lower right side as more occlusal photograph showing significant peri-implant and
uncomfortable. She said that they were painful all over but soft tissue inflammation. (d) Intaglio surface of mandibu-
had difficulty describing it. These photographs were taken lar prosthesis showing significant plaque and debris accu-
when the patient presented after having worn them for mulation. (e) Mandibular occlusal photograph showing
about a year without maintenance. (a) Prostheses in the significant peri-implant and soft tissue inflammation.
patient’s mouth showing areas of concave ridge laps that (Courtesy of Dr Russell Crockett, DMD)
19 Maintenance of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations: Peri-Implant and Prosthetic Considerations 499

Fig. 19.3 Radiographic presentation of a patient with a implantitis. (d) Full-mouth radiographic series 11 years
history of periodontitis and cigarette smoking. (a) Initial after rehabilitation. Note progressive periodontal bone
presentation of the patient prior to treatment. (b) Full loss, prominently on mandibular anterior and loss of max-
mouth radiographic series after completion of rehabilita- illary molar implants. The patient reported continuous
tion. (c) Radiographic presentation of peri-implant bone smoking of 10+ cigarettes per day with infrequent mainte-
loss 7 years after rehabilitation associated with presence nance visits. (Courtesy of Dr Sara El Husseini and Dr
of biofilm-induced inflammation leading to peri-­ Kian Kar)
500 S. Kumar et al.

Fig. 19.3 (continued)

19 Maintenance of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations: Peri-Implant and Prosthetic Considerations 501

19.2 Peri-Implant Considerations obtain baseline radiographs as well as clinical

evaluation including probing measurements after
19.2.1 Supportive Periodontal the seating of the implant-supported prosthesis.
and Peri-Implant Therapy Another radiograph should be taken to establish
the new bone level after a loading period when
A crucial part of implant therapy is the mainte- the physiological remodelling has been com-
nance of implants and prosthesis after the final pleted. If another clinician has placed and
restoration has been seated. This is to prevent restored the implants, efforts should be made to
complications and ensure long-term success. In obtain the clinical examination record and radio-
the era of personalised medicine, implant mainte- graphs. This is essential because bone loss that
nance protocols as part of supportive periodontal occurs more than the reasonable loss occurring
or peri-implant therapy must also be customised during remodelling phase could indicate peri-­
to individual patients based on their risk factors implantitis [11].
as well as clinical and implant-related factors. There is lack of evidence on the efficacy of
Patients must be educated well on potential com- recall intervals, [12] and expert consensus and
plications and early signs and preventive efforts, reviews have mostly recommended recall
before, during and after implants have been ­intervals between 3 and 6 months as a lifelong
restored. It is difficult to predict which patient regimen. Recall intervals should also be custom-
with history of periodontitis will continue ised based on individual patient’s needs, and risk
experiencing biological complications after
­ factors are ideal for long-term success [12–14].
implant therapy. What is clear is that people with Supportive peri-implant therapy has been shown
a history of advanced periodontitis with risk fac- to improve peri-implant health and thus improved
tors such as smoking and diabetes are at a much survival rate and reduced incidence of peri-­
higher risk of peri-implantitis. Therefore, for implantitis and peri-implant mucositis [15]. Peri-­
patients with such risks, stringent implant main- implant marginal bone loss has been reported to
tenance protocols are warranted. These include be significantly reduced in patients with support-
increased frequency of maintenance (supportive ive peri-implant therapy compared to those who
therapy) appointments )3-month intervals), did not receive the same [16].
mechanical plaque control (scaling), as well as Mechanical debridement using scalers (man-
anti-infective therapy such as sub-mucosal irriga- ual, sonic, ultrasonic), polishers and airflow
tion (chlorhexidine, iodine, diluted sodium hypo- devices are the mainstay of non-surgical treat-
chlorite) and local delivery of antimicrobials ment. Scalers made with plastic or nylon tips are
(doxycycline spheres or metronidazole gel) when used to prevent abutment surface damage but are
early signs of mucositis are detected to reduce the usually not effective. Hand instruments such as
risk of peri-implantitis. titanium tip curettes (Fig. 19.4) or ultrasonic
instrumentation can be used to debride exposed Professional In-Office rough surface implant threads [14]. Airflow
Maintenance Protocol devices have shown some promise with improved
Bone remodelling after implant placement is to short-term clinical outcomes with reduced bleed-
be anticipated as the peri-implant tissue heals ing on probing [17].
around the implant to form the supracrestal A scientific panel comprising experts
attached tissues (biological width). This remod- appointed by the American College of
elling is not only influenced by the position of the Prosthodontists, American Dental Association,
implant in the bone but also by a number of other Academy of General Dentistry and American
local and systemic factors. The final crestal level Dental Hygienists Association published clinical
of bone will be established after the remodelling practice guidelines in 2016 [18] for removable
process. To monitor any bone loss beyond the ini- and fixed, tooth-borne, as well as implant-borne
tial remodelling process, clinicians are advised to restorations focusing on patient recall, profes-
502 S. Kumar et al. Patient At-Home

Maintenance Protocol
Patients must be trained in office to use different
home care devices such as brushes, electric rotary
brushes and floss threads. Oral irrigators may be
useful in certain difficult-to-access sites
(Fig. 19.5). Over-the-counter mouth rinses with-
out alcohol should be encouraged especially to
those with dry mouth. Adjunctive use of chlorhex-
idine has short-term benefits in reducing the
inflammation when used with mechanical
debridement but should not be recommended for
long term due to limited benefits and also side
effects such as discoloration and taste distur-
bances [19].
The at-home maintenance guidelines for
implant-borne fixed restorations including
implant-supported complete arch-fixed prosthe-
ses are shown in Table 19.3 [18].

19.2.2 Peri-Implant Biological

Fig. 19.4 Titanium curettes used for mechanical debride- Complications
ment around exposed implant threads. (Courtesy of Ms
Jean Brady)
Peri-implant tissue is referred to the tissue sur-
Table 19.2 Professional biological maintenance proto-
rounding dental implants and is comprised of soft
col [18] tissue (peri-implant mucosa) and hard tissue
Recall intervals between 3 and 6 months as a lifelong (bone) components. Following the placement of
regimen are recommended. The appointment interval implant, osseointegration is defined as ‘a direct
should be customised based on individual patient’s functional and structural connection between liv-
needs and risk factors ing bone and the surface of a load-carrying
Extraoral and intraoral health and dental examination
implant’ occurs [20]. After the placement of
Oral hygiene instructions
Oral hygiene intervention (cleaning of any natural implant abutment, wound healing of the soft tis-
teeth, tooth-borne restorations, implant-borne sue occurs, creating the peri-implant mucosa
restorations or implant abutments) which protects the underlying bone osseointe-
Short-term use of chlorhexidine gluconate as the oral grated with the implant. There are a few critical
topical agent of choice when needed
differences in the peri-implant tissues compared
Mechanical debridement using scalers (manual, sonic,
ultrasonic), polishers and airflow devices. Cleaning to the periodontium. Peri-implant tissues lack
instruments should be chosen based on their cementum and periodontal ligament. In addition,
compatibility with the type and material of the there are no inserting fibres from the connective
implants, abutments and restorations
tissue into the implant surface, and there is less
vascularisation in the zone between the bone crest
sional maintenance (biological and mechanical) and the junctional epithelium. Peri-implant
and at-home maintenance. The biological profes- mucosa is reported to be about 3–4 mm high with
sional maintenance guidelines for implant-borne 2 mm of epithelium [1, 21]. Keratinised mucosa
fixed restorations including implant-supported has been reported to help with patient comfort and
complete arch-fixed prostheses are given in ease of plaque removal. Reduced keratinised tis-
Table 19.2 [18]. sue width has been shown to be associated with
19 Maintenance of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations: Peri-Implant and Prosthetic Considerations 503

a plaque accumulation, soft tissue inflammation,

mucosal recession, marginal bone loss leading to
an increased prevalence of peri-implantitis and
patient discomfort (Fig. 19.6) [22, 23]. Addition
of keratinised tissue width and thickness can
improve plaque control and reduction of inflam-
mation and symptoms (Fig. 19.7). However, the
actual width of keratinised mucosa that is required
for peri-implant health is not clear [24]. It is
important to underscore the influence of surgical
factors that influence occurrence of peri-implant
tissue complication. These include limited bone
b thickness around implants, malposition or off-
angle implant position, lack of keratinised and
mucosal tissue thickness and excessive trauma to
bone during osteotomy procedures. These all can
lead to undesirable healing and tissue remodelling
after implant placement that can predispose the
site to biological complications such as inflamma-
tion and mucosal recession.
Dental implants are frequently affected by
peri-implant diseases, namely, peri-implant
mucositis and peri-implantitis [25, 26]. In 2017,
the American Academy of Periodontology and
the European Federation of Periodontology
jointly conducted a world workshop bringing
Fig. 19.5 Examples of patient at-home maintenance
aids: (a) manual toothbrush, inter-proximal brushes, floss together international experts who published a
and floss threaders; (b) electric toothbrush and oral irriga- series of reviews and consensus manuscripts
tor. (Courtesy of Ms Jean Brady)

Table 19.3 Patient at-home maintenance protocol [18]

Brush twice daily with oral hygiene aids such as dental
floss, water flossers, air flossers, interdental cleaners
and electric toothbrushes
Use oral topical agents such as toothpaste containing
0.3% triclosan
Over-the-counter mouth rinses without alcohol for
patients with dry mouth
Short-term use of chlorhexidine gluconate when
When prescribed, wear occlusal device during sleep
Clean occlusal device before and after use, with a soft Fig. 19.6 Mandibular right implant with mucosal reces-
brush and the prescribed cleaning agent sion, lack of attached and keratinised mucosa, with high
frenum attachment and shallow vestibular depth limiting
When not in use, store the occlusal device in the
oral hygiene access and plaque control. (Courtesy of Dr
provided container
Kian Kar)
504 S. Kumar et al.

Fig. 19.7 (a) Patient 6 years after full mandibular arch tinised and attached tissue, deepen the vestibule and pro-
rehabilitation with implant-supported implant-retained vide oral hygiene access and patient comfort. (d) Soft
fixed detachable prosthesis. The patient reported tender- tissue graft placed over recipient site and secured with
ness to brushing and had limited oral hygiene access due periosteal tacking sutures. (e) Clinical appearance of man-
to shallow vestibular depth and tenderness to palpation. dibular anterior implants after soft tissue healing provid-
Mucosal recession and inflammation are present. (b) ing wider zone of keratinised and attached mucosa,
Radiographic appearance of bone level to second thread. increased vestibular depth, oral hygiene access and cover-
(c) Epithelialised graft harvested from maxillary edentu- age over exposed implant components. (Courtesy of Dr
lous ridge for soft tissue augmentation of mandibular Christopher Pham and Dr Kian Kar)
anterior implants with the aim to increase zone of kera-
19 Maintenance of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations: Peri-Implant and Prosthetic Considerations 505

b c

d e

Fig. 19.7 (continued)

including defining peri-implant health and peri-­ meaningful outcomes such as patient-reported
implant diseases (Table 19.1) [1–3, 11, 27, 28]. outcomes and adverse events have not been fre-
Regular maintenance of implants will enable quently reported [29].
early detection of peri-implant complications and
hence early intervention. Clinicians have Management of Peri-Implant
attempted several treatment modalities to salvage Mucositis
implants from peri-implantitis. While peri-­ The prevalence of peri-implant mucositis in fully
implant mucositis is usually reversible when edentulous patients has been reported to be as
detected early for the first time but if the cause or high as 57% at the patient level and 47% at the
source of inflammation persists, peri-implant implant level [25]. Non-surgical mechanical
mucositis will progress to irreversible peri-­ debridement using hand and powered instru-
implantitis, and treatment becomes unpredictable ments and use of airflow devices to remove bio-
and challenging. Evidence is not robust in thera- film and local factors will aid in reduction of
peutic modalities, and clinical outcome measures inflammation [17]. Combined use of diode laser
are usually restricted to common clinical param- and mechanical debridement has been shown to
eters such as probing pocket depth and bleeding have no additional clinical benefits when com-
on probing which may not be accurate. Clinically pared to mechanical debridement alone [30].
506 S. Kumar et al. Management Table 19.4 Management of peri-implantitis [33, 34]

of Peri-Implantitis Thorough assessment and diagnosis
A recent study determined the prevalence of peri-­ Control of both local and systemic risk factors for
implantitis to be 19.53% and 12.53% at the
Non-surgical debridement
patient level and at implant level, respectively Early reassessment of peri-implant health within 1–2
[26]. Another study looked at the prevalence of months
peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis spe- Surgical access if resolution has not been achieved by
cifically in patients rehabilitated with full-arch, non-surgical methods:
 • Open-flap debridement
implant-supported restorations [25]. The preva-
 • Thorough surface decontamination of the implant
lence of peri-implantitis in fully edentulous and associated prosthetic components
patients was reported to be between 1.5% and  • Option of regenerative/reconstructive or resective
29.7% at the patient level and between 2.1% and approaches
 • Appropriate postoperative anti-infective therapy
20.3% at the implant level. The prevalence rates
Supportive care tailored to the patient risk profile
based on definitions attributing to a microbial usually between 3 and 6 months
disease aetiology have been challenged by an
alternate view. This view emphasises the role of
immune system in bone remodelling and also regenerative surgical therapy [40]. Use of bone
progressive bone loss due to immune rejection grafts in regenerative therapy may help improve
with minimal role of bacterial biofilms [31, 32]. clinical outcomes such as recession [41].
The 5th ITI Consensus Statement provided a pro- Implantoplasty may be necessary in certain clini-
tocol (Table 19.4) for the management of peri-­ cal situations to avoid further biofilm formation
implantitis [33, 34]. and is another viable treatment for periimplantitis
Peri-implantitis treatment followed by regular [42], and it can be done in conjunction with
supportive care has been shown to have high regenerative as well as resective approaches
patient- and implant-level survival with stable (Fig. 19.8) [43].
peri-implant bone levels and other clinical param-
eters [35]. A systematic review that compiled 16 Management of Peri-Implant
randomised controlled trials examining various Recession
mechanical, chemical and physical decontamina- When there is a lack of thick, soft tissue pheno-
tion protocols did not find a single decontamina- type around the future implant sites, clinicians
tion method that is superior to others. Use of could consider augmenting these sites with soft
titanium brushes for decontamination and tissue grafts to maintain optimal peri-implant
implantoplasty showed better clinical outcomes health as well as prevent peri-implant mucosal
[36]. Systemic administration of antibiotics is not recession. Keratinised mucosa <2 mm around
recommended for the treatment of peri-­implantitis dental implants in patients who do not comply
[37]. The AAP best evidence consensus con- with routine maintenance therapy are prone to
cluded that laser therapy, namely, Er:YAG, CO2 develop peri-implant diseases [22]. Soft tissue
or diode lasers, in combination with surgical or augmentation procedures such as free gingival
non-surgical therapy, did not provide meaningful graft, connective tissue graft, allografts or xeno-
clinical benefits such as probing depth reduction, grafts can be used to improve the soft tissue phe-
clinical attachment level gain, among others, in notype before placing multiple implants for a
the treatment of peri-implant diseases [38]. full-arch prosthesis (Figs. 19.7 and 19.9)
Photodynamic therapy provided similar clinical [44–46].
benefits to conventional non-surgical therapy Malpositioning of implants and lack of buc-
[39]. Both resective and regenerative surgical cal bone are some factors leading to recession of
procedures have shown improved clinical out- the peri-implant mucosa that develops after
comes. However, resective surgery leads to sig- implant placement. This in turn can be a nidus
nificant post-surgical recession compared to for plaque accumulation and onset of peri-
19 Maintenance of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations: Peri-Implant and Prosthetic Considerations 507

a b

d e

Fig. 19.8 (a) Occlusal view of and implant affected by implant debridement and decontamination. Note facial
peri-implantitis, mucosal inflammation and bone loss bone loss and dehiscence on both mesial implants. (d)
associated with implant sites # 26 and 27. (b) Radiographic Implantoplasty and surface decontamination with
bone loss of 3 mm on most mesial implants. This bone chlorhexidine and saline. (e) 8 months postoperative buc-
loss could be related to proximity of implants, differences cal view. Note resolution of clinical inflammation,
in implant platforms, angulation and position contributing 2–3 mm probing depths and no BOP. (f) 8 months postop-
to inflammatory problems and biological complications erative occlusal view. Note resolution of clinical inflam-
leading to peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis. (c) mation, 2–3 mm probing depths and no BOP. (Courtesy of
Mucoperiosteal full-thickness flap elevation to access for Dr Jane Law and Dr Kian Kar)
508 S. Kumar et al.

Fig. 19.9 (a) Appearance of mucosal tissue 1 year after after placement of epithelialised graft to increase mucosal
full-arch implant-supported implant-retained fixed thickness, keratinised and attached tissue, increased ves-
detachable prosthesis. Note mucosal recession, lack of tibular depth and oral hygiene access. Note good oral
keratinised attached tissue, shallow vestibular depth, high hygiene and healthy tissue appearance. (Courtesy of Dr
frenum attachment, mucosal tenderness and limited oral Shira Scholten and Dr Kian Kar)
hygiene access. (b) Appearance of peri-implant mucosa

implant diseases. When implants are otherwise

functional and can be maintained for long term, 19.3 Prosthetic Considerations
mucosal recession can be improved by soft tis-
sue augmentation procedures [44]. Free gingival Certain prosthetic factors could contribute to the
grafts have been shown to be more effective in complications and failure of implant-supported
the augmentation of keratinised mucosa around full-arch prostheses such as poor implant pros-
dental implants compared to soft tissue substi- theses design (concave intaglio surfaces) leading
tutes, but in some scenarios such as avoidance to poor accessibility for removal of plaque and
of second surgical site or patient preference, poor function. For example, convex emergence
soft tissue substitutes could be an alternative to profile of the abutment or prosthesis and >30
enhance peri-implant soft tissue coverage [45]. angle of emergence has been shown to cause
Similarly, connective tissue graft provides bet- peri-implantitis stemming from lack of accessi-
ter soft tissue thickness compared to soft tissue bility for oral hygiene [47].
substitutes [46].
19 Maintenance of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations: Peri-Implant and Prosthetic Considerations 509

Table 19.5 Mechanical professional maintenance guide- 2. The prosthesis has to be designed so that it is
lines [18]
cleansable. This requires a flat or convex
Perform detailed examination of the prosthesis, undersurface.
prosthetic components and patient education about
3. The emergence profile and pontic design must
Recommend and perform adjustment, repair, be optimal and no ledges designed in the pros-
replacement or remake of any or all parts of the thesis that will cause difficulty in oral hygiene
prosthesis and prosthetic components that could impair maintenance.
patients’ optimal function
4. A rigorous homecare program must be
Consider using new prosthetic screws when an
implant-borne restoration is removed and replaced for instituted.
professional mechanical maintenance
Fabricate an occlusal device whenever indicated such From a prosthetic perspective, common con-
as in patients with clenching and bruxism cerns include
Educate the patient to wear the occlusal device during
Hygiene instructions, detailed examination of the • How often do you remove the prosthesis?
occlusal device and patient education about problems • What procedures are performed at recall in
with the occlusal device terms of hygiene?
The occlusal device should be professionally cleaned • What are the most common complications?
extraorally using professionally accepted mechanical
• Do you replace the screws if you remove the
and chemical methods
• What are the post-delivery instructions?
19.3.1 Professional Maintenance
Guidelines A majority of the following guidelines pre-
sented are in conjunction with the position paper
The mechanical professional maintenance guide- published by the American College of
lines for implant-borne fixed restorations includ- Prosthodontists.
ing implant-supported complete arch-fixed
prostheses are shown in Table 19.5 [18]. 1. How often do you remove the prosthesis?
Restoration design is critical. The under-
surface of the restoration should be designed
19.4 Prosthetic Maintenance with a convex or a flat surface so that it is
readily cleansable (Fig. 19.10). This will
Delivery of the definitive restorations is the result in the tissue contours being concave.
beginning of the journey from a patient perspec- This outline must be developed with the pro-
tive. The clinician should educate the patient at visional restoration so that when the definitive
every opportunity with regard to hygiene mainte- impressions are made this information is
nance and dietary restrictions. Unless a compre- accurately transferred to the laboratory tech-
hensive maintenance protocol is established, the nician. On many occasions when there has
long-term outcome may be compromised. been inadequate restorative space the techni-
A position paper released by the American cian is forced to create concave restoration
College of Prosthodontists emphasises the fol- designs, which will be a detriment to the peri-­
lowing key parameters with regard to mainte- implant tissues. The emergence profile must
nance [48]. be optimal and allow proper cleansing of the
1. Maintenance is a dual responsibility between
the treating clinician and the patient. The Removal of the prosthesis is based on risk
patient must understand their role in the over- assessment. During the first year following deliv-
all process. ery of the definitive restoration, the patient is kept
510 S. Kumar et al.

4. What recommendations are provided in terms

of hygiene

With lack of evidence, it is the authors’ opin-

ion that as many hygiene aids be provided to the
patient as possible. The clinician must under-
stand that these patients did not present with the
most optimal hygiene practice. There is a reason
they lost all of their teeth and are currently in
implant-supported restorations.
With lack of evidence, the following guide-
lines can be provided:
Fig. 19.10 Undersurface of prosthesis should be convex
and highly polished 1. Hygiene recall should be based on risk assess-
ment. In patients with poor oral hygiene,
recall intervals should be closer.
on a 3-month recall. At this recall appointment, 2. At the hygiene appointment, the hygienist
the following are evaluated: should use curettes which do not scratch the
titanium surface. Calculus removal must be
• Per-implant tissue health and a comprehensive undertaken and thorough debridement of the
soft tissue examination undersurface of the prosthesis with a waterjet
• A review of the patients’ medical history device.
• Mobility of the restoration – integrity of 3. Curettes, waterjet devices, rubber cups and
screws interproximal brushes should be used at the
• Wear on the teeth hygiene appointment.
• Occlusion on the prosthesis 4. The patient should be instructed in the use of
• Speech impediments water jet devices, superfloss, use of a powered
toothbrush, use of mouthwashes and inter-
The restoration is removed if any of the above proximal brushes to be able to clean adjacent
factors are deemed to be causing harm to the res- to the implants.
toration or peri-implant tissues. There is no evi-
dence base to support a specific recall regimen. 3. What are the most common complications?
Each regimen is individually developed based on Common complications include but are not
risk assessment. If the hygiene around the resto- limited to
ration is optimal, the restoration passive and free
of problems, there is no indication to remove the • Abrasion of acrylic resin teeth (Fig. 19.11)
restoration. It is recommended that radiographs • Fracture of layered ceramic (Fig. 19.12)
be taken every 2 years. • Resorption of tissue beneath the prosthesis
(Fig. 19.13)
2. What procedures are performed at the recall • Framework fracture
appointment in terms of hygiene? • Inflamed peri-implant tissues due to poor
There is a lack of evidence in regard to pro- hygiene or rough undersurface of the prosthe-
cedures performed at hygiene appointments. sis (Fig. 19.14)
Currently no guidelines exist in regard to
Fracture and abrasion of the acrylic resin are
1. Hygiene intervals commonly related to occlusal overload.
2. What procedures are performed at hygiene Traditionally 8–10 micron articulating paper and
3. What types of instruments are used shimstock has been used to evaluate the occlu-
19 Maintenance of Full-Arch Implant-Supported Restorations: Peri-Implant and Prosthetic Considerations 511

Fig. 19.13 Space developing underneath the prosthesis

Fig. 19.11 Abrasion or fracture of an acrylic resin tita-
due to resorption
nium prosthesis

sion. In patients with implant-supported restora-

tions, they have reduced osseo-perception and as
a result can exert higher forces on the prosthetic
teeth than they had with their natural dentition.
Over the last decade, digital occlusal analysis has
been used as an adjunct to finesse the occlusion.
The advantage of this approach is that the clini-
cian is not only able to see the position of the
contacts but also the timing of closure and the
intensity of occlusal contacts. This is visualised
Fig. 19.12 Fracture of layered ceramic on zirconia on a bar graph and the appropriate occlusal

Fig. 19.14 Undersurface of restoration poorly contoured and rough resulting in inflammation of the tissue
512 S. Kumar et al.

adjustments are made. All patients must finish 19.5 Conclusion

treatment with fabrication of a night-time appli-
ance and must adhere to the wear of this appli- The dental team needs to help patients under-
ance to prevent mechanical complications. stand the importance of recognising the initial
stages of inflammation around dental implants
4. Do you replace the screws if you remove the and peri-implant mucositis because it is more
restoration? predictable to correct them in the beginning.
There is no evidence to guide the clinician Treating peri-implantitis is not predictable today,
in regard to when the prosthetic screws should and a consensus has not been reached on best
be replaced. When the restoration is delivered, practices. However, with the 2015 published
the screws are torqued to the manufacturer’s guidelines on peri-implant mucositis prevention,
recommendations, and this provides a clamp- it makes it easier to predictably maintain dental
ing force that holds the abutment to the implants. Patients must be motivated to follow a
implant and creates a pre-load within the regular dental implant maintenance interval, as
screw. The joint separating forces should be this has been shown to decrease implant failures.
less than the clamping forces. There are many In a 17-year retrospective study, subjects with no
manufacturers who claim that their screws maintenance had the lowest cumulative survival
can be torqued three times (personal commu- rate, while regular maintenance patients had the
nication). This needs to be verified by an inde- dental implant failure rate reduced by 90%. If
pendent study. Based on this information, patients had less than one maintenance visit per
screws should be replaced the fourth time the year, the failure rate was reduced by 60% [49].
restoration is removed. Implant patients should be educated on a per-
sonalised home care programme, based on their
5. What are the post-delivery instructions? needs and abilities. Furthermore, the dental team
Patients are given dietary advice and are should ensure that hygiene interval schedules and
encouraged to avoid very hard foods that may appointment lengths are customised to meet the
break their prosthesis. Chewing ice and biting individual patient’s needs.
down on bones should be discouraged.
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sis is not lifelong, and at some stage the pros-
thesis may need to be replaced. The patient References
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Clinical Patient Presentations
Saj Jivraj

Abstract treatment. The clinician must also be astute

enough to recognise the risk factors and under-
Many fully edentulous patients tolerate com-
stand when this treatment protocol is not indi-
plete dentures because they have been told
cated. All patients are not candidates for
they are not candidates for implant therapy.
graftless solutions. Often more than four
Atrophy of the jaws is cited as the main rea-
implants are indicated and required. Often
son. Patients with a terminal dentition are also
bone reduction is unnecessary. This treatment
treatment planned this way, with clinicians
concept must not be a panacea for treatment of
choosing the conventional protocol of extrac-
all edentulous patients. A thorough medical
tion, healing and delayed implant placement.
and clinical evaluation must be undertaken
The reason for these assertions could be ana-
prior to treatment planning a patient for a
tomic because of pneumatised sinuses or
graftless solution that involves immediate
severe bone resorption. Most of these patients
loading of dental implants. This chapter will
are reluctant to go through extensive grafting
illustrate the diagnosis and treatment planning
procedures. Most patients if given the option
of five patients with differing clinical presen-
would also prefer to avoid a removable pros-
tations. Workflow, treatments sequence and
thesis in the interim period.
treatment execution will be presented.
As the treating clinician, our task becomes
to reassure the patient that the above are mis-
conceptions. Graftless solutions are a reality,
and patients can be rehabilitated without hav-
On a global scale, the number of edentulous indi-
ing to go through extensive grafting and use of
viduals is predicted to be much higher and, there-
a removable prosthesis. The patient must be
fore, treatment of edentulism will be a daily
informed of the risks and benefits. Treatment
challenge to clinicians for many years to come.
alternatives must be discussed and written
With the increasing number of patients requir-
informed consents obtained. All patient con-
ing full-arch implant rehabilitation, clinicians
cerns must be addressed comprehensively
will need further training in the diagnosis, treat-
prior to embarking upon treatment. It is imper-
ment planning and clinical execution of these
ative that the patient understand the treatment
protocols. If the clinician feels they are not
protocols, treatment sequence and timing of
equipped to treat such patients, appropriate refer-
ral must be made. Many edentulous patients
S. Jivraj (*)
Anacapa Dental Art Institute, Oxnard, CA, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 517
S. Jivraj (ed.), Graftless Solutions for the Edentulous Patient, BDJ Clinician’s Guides,
518 S. Jivraj

avoid pursuing treatment due to the misconcep- treatment planned based on the seven diagnostic
tions cited above. factors outlined in a previous chapter.
Obstacles to treatment include but are not lim-
ited to. 1. Incisal edge position.
1. Fear of wearing a removable appliance: 2. Restorative space.
Immediate loading of dental implants has 3. Lip support.
been shown to be very successful if attention 4. Smile line and lip length.
is paid to a myriad of details. The patient 5. Contours and emergence.
should be reassured that this part of the proto- 6. Tissue contact.
col is very predictable. 7. Occlusion.
2. Prolonged treatment time:
By simplification of the treatment process Surgically diagnosis and treatment planning
and avoiding any unnecessary grafting will address the.
procedures, treatment time is drastically
reduced. An additional advantage is the 1. Medical status of the patient.
patient is able to receive fixed permanent teeth 2. Space requirements.
the same day. 3. Spread of implant positions.
3. That treatment is painful: 4. Stability of implants placed.
There is some discomfort associated with
any surgical procedure. With the teeth being
implant-supported from day 1, the discomfort 20.1 Patient 1: Re-treatment
is greatly reduced. It should be explained to of a Failed Implant
the patient that this prosthesis is different to Rehabilitation
an immediate denture in that it does not move
and the surgical site is allowed to heal Surgical evaluation: All patients considered for
undisturbed. full-arch rehabilitation undergo a systematic
4. The procedures are unpredictable: diagnosis and treatment planning process. First,
Multicentre studies (see previous chapters) the patient’s medical status and history are con-
show the predictability of the procedure to be sidered for any contraindications to proposed
in the range of 90–98% in experienced opera- procedure and their possible management.
tors. The patient should be made aware of Secondly the patients’ overall health is consid-
their responsibility in the overall process. Soft ered for the determination of the appropriate
diet, hygiene and use of a night-time occlusal anaesthesia modality. The overall goal of graft-
guard are critical to a favourable outcome. less approaches to this class of patients is to make
5. The treatment is very costly: the proposed surgical treatment accessible to as
Cost is a concern for every patient, and many patients as possible. Therefore, avoidance
treatment may be broken down into phases to of more complicated anaesthesia modalities such
accommodate the patient’s financial situation. as in-hospital anaesthesia delivery is not condu-
The patient should also be made aware that cive to the accessibility goal and should be
the cost of doing nothing may be much higher reserved for the medically compromised patient.
in the overall lifetime of the patient as this Clinicians must develop the anaesthesia and sur-
particular treatment does have life-changing gical skill necessary to treat this type of patients
repercussions. safely and efficiently in office with the simplest
The following patient presentations are of anaesthesia technique possible tailored to each
patients who had all been told that dental implant individual patient. Most patients can be effec-
therapy was not possible unless major grafting tively and comfortably treated with profound
was undertaken. local anaesthesia combined with a mild sedative.
In keeping consistent with the theme of this Patient 1 was a 73-year-old woman with no
text, patient presentations will be prosthetically significant medical conditions.
20 Clinical Patient Presentations 519

The patient’s clinical and radiographic data

were gathered to determine the appropriate
method to satisfy the three absolute surgical
The patient presented with multiple dental
implants placed at another clinic within the past
2 years. The patient reported that the original
treatment plan was for a fixed hybrid appliance
but it was aborted in favour of an implant-­
supported removable appliance due to unknown
reasons (Figs. 20.1, 20.2, and 20.3). She reported
absolute dissatisfaction with the appliance and a Fig. 20.2 Implant and mucosa-supported removable
lack of confidence in the treatment process in gen- appliance
eral. She was frustrated with the previous care
provided and wanted a more definitive result with
a fixed appliance. She demanded that transition to
fixed appliance be completed with minimal time
spent in dental offices and without any grafting.
Clinical examination of the patient was per-
formed, and initial presentation showed four

Fig. 20.3 Poorly distributed implants, exposure of

implant threads

Fig. 20.4 Radiograph showing failing implants in both

maxilla and mandible

maxillary as well as three mandibular implants

which appeared to be failing (Fig. 20.4). All
implants showed significant bone loss with thread
exposure. The tissue support around implants
showed inflammation and superficial infection.
Fig. 20.1 Patient presented with removable appliance, The soft tissue supporting the denture was very
relatively pleased with the aesthetics inflamed and irritated. The initial radiographic
520 S. Jivraj

examination confirmed significant bone loss

around all existing implants and improper angu-
lation. Facial evaluation showed a pleasing smile
with appropriate teeth showing in repose and
smiling, there appeared to be sufficient lip sup-
port from the over-denture flange. The removal of
the denture showed significant lack of lip support Fig. 20.6 Panoramic radiograph showing very large
by the existing bony structures of the maxilla. maxillary sinuses and severe atrophy of the maxilla; avail-
able bone support is highlighted. Mandible shows suffi-
The edentulous ridge was not visible during smil- cient vertical bone height for dental implant placement
ing with the denture removed.
Radiographic evaluation showed all implants
in the maxilla and mandible to exhibit significant 20.1.1 Surgical Treatment Plan
bone loss circumferentially. Restorative space (Patient 1)
measured on a cephalometric film obtained from
CT scan was measured at 42 mm (Fig. 20.5). 1. Patient is a healthy 73-year-old with no abso-
Panoramic and cross-sectional images of the lute contraindications for oral surgery proce-
maxilla and mandible were obtained and showed dures. Mild sedation with profound local
significant atrophy of both the arches. The max- anaesthesia was utilised to perform the proce-
illa exhibited large pneumatised sinuses occupy- dure in a safe and comfortable manner.
ing majority of the maxilla. There was significant 2. Space: The patient has undergone moderate
atrophy of the pre-maxilla with 7–8 mm of alveo- alveolar atrophy with perhaps alveoloplasty at
lus remaining below the floor of nose. There was the time of the existing implant placement.
minimal bone remaining in the molar and premo- Forty-one millimetre of inter-arch space was
lar regions, zones 2 and 3 (Fig. 20.6). The man- measured clinically. The patient was t­ reatment
dible showed moderate amount of resorption planned for an acrylic resin titanium prosthe-
with 10 mm of bone above the inferior alveolar sis. There was sufficient space for the pro-
nerve and with sufficient width throughout. posed restoration. No further space creation
via bone reduction was necessary. It was
determined that due to severe atrophy of the
maxilla and superior position of the implants
an appropriate contour to the prosthesis can
be achieved to provide lip support without a
horizontal shelf formation; therefore, no fur-
ther bone reduction is necessary to place
3. Spread: The challenge in this case is the lack
of bone in all three zones of maxilla. The
removal of the existing implants will compli-
cate the reconstruction. The implant removal
defects will limit the options in positions
available for placement. Preplanning of
implant placement showed that an angled
Fig. 20.5 Cephalometric radiograph used to measure implant configuration such as All-on-4™
vertical restorative space between platform of implants in would not be possible due to the extensive
maxilla and mandible. Forty-two millimetre of restorative
anterior extension of the maxillary sinuses.
space was determined
20 Clinical Patient Presentations 521

Both posterior implants would not be in max- 20.1.2 Prosthetic Evaluation

illary bone if the platform was kept in the
bicuspid regions or zone 2 and the implants This patient presented having recently undergone
were angled no more than 45°. Furthermore, dental implant therapy but was unhappy with the
the lack of anterior bone volume under the removable implant and tissue-supported over-­
floor of the nose did not allow axial implant dentures that were provided. The patient
placement (Fig. 20.7). An alternative place- requested a fixed prosthesis and was unwilling to
ment scheme was devised with posterior sup- go through grafting procedures.
port provided by bilateral zygomatic implants On clinical examination, the dentures lacked
and the anterior support by bilateral angled retention and stability. The palatal tissues were
implants in the pyriform rim or lateral nasal inflamed. There was an absence of keratinised
wall. The mandible would be treated with mucosa. The existing implants demonstrated
removal of the existing implants and alveolo- bone loss and were in unfavourable locations
plasty to create a flat platform for implant (Figs. 20.9 and 20.10).
placement. Two implants would be placed just From a diagnostic perspective, the following
anterior of the mental foramen and two axial factors were evaluated:
implants in the anterior midline of the mandi- 1. Incisal edge position: The patient was rela-
ble (Fig. 20.8). tively pleased with the aesthetics of the exist-
4. Stability: The zygoma is an extremely dense ing dentures. The incisal edge position
bone structure that will provide excellent sta- appeared to be satisfactory. A diagnostic
bility to the zygomatic implants. There is suf-
ficient ridge to allow for anchorage of the
crestal portion of the zygomatic implants. The
anterior implants would be placed with the
apical portion in the very dense lateral nasal
wall—pyriform rim of the maxilla.

Fig. 20.9 Inflamed palatal tissue indicating poor fit. Poor

distribution of implants

Fig. 20.7 Planning of zygomatic implant treatment con-

cept with angled anterior dental implant placement

Fig. 20.8 All-on-4™ treatment concept planning tracing

showing lack of bone in posterior maxilla for angled
implant placement. Also showing lack of vertical bone Fig. 20.10 Inflamed mandibular tissue and poor distribu-
height in anterior maxilla tion of implants
522 S. Jivraj

d­ enture set-up was to be done to evaluate any

modifications in aesthetics (Fig. 20.11).
2. Restorative space: Due to the severe bone
resorption, restorative space would be avail-
able for any material combination. Due to
financial constraints, acrylic resin titanium
prosthesis was selected.
3. Lip support: The patient had a severe lack of
lip support and a concave facial profile when
the dentures were removed. This is one of the
factors that would pose a challenge in provid-
ing the patient with a fixed restoration. Due to
the fact that the patient was unwilling to go
through additional grafting procedures, alter-
native clinical strategies would need to be
evaluated such as alveolectomy and tilting of
the anterior implants so that the contour of the
restoration could be developed and so that it
was maintainable (Figs. 20.12 and 20.13).
4. Smile line: With the dentures removed, the
alveolar ridge was not visible, so hiding the
transition zone would not pose a problem.
5. Contours and emergence: The horizontal dis-
crepancy between the implant position and
where the patient desired the teeth aestheti- Fig. 20.12 Severe facial collapse on removing dentures
cally posed a significant challenge. Using
shorter implants, tilting the anterior implants
and starting the emergence profile higher up
would help create some space for contour
6. Tissue contact: The existing tissues must be
made healthy prior to any surgical procedures.
Soft relining of the patients existing denture

Fig. 20.13 If there is a discrepancy between lip support

and implant position, a horizontal shelf results

to be carried out to achieve this. Due to the

extensive resorption and available space,
shaping the restorative contours for a convex
undersurface is attainable. This will allow the
patient to maintain the prosthesis.
Fig. 20.11 Smiling view of patients existing denture
indicate approximate incisal edge position she is happy 7. Occlusion: Occlusion must be addressed in
with the immediate load provisional to protect the
20 Clinical Patient Presentations 523

implants in the weakest quality bone from

excessive loads. In the definitive restoration,
occlusion must be organised to distribute the
loads over as wide an area as possible.

20.1.3 Surgical Procedure

The patient was anaesthetised with a mild seda-

tive combination of fentanyl, midazolam, diaze-
pam and morphine sulphate. Antibiotic medication
consisting of 1 g of cefazolin was administered Fig. 20.14 Removed implant defects visible in the max-
intravenously at the beginning of the procedure. illa. Zygomatic implant positioned within bilateral zygo-
After titration of the sedatives, infiltration and matic bone with crestal anchorage in the residual posterior
maxilla. Angled implants in the anterior maxilla with
block injections of local anaesthesia were com- appropriate multi-unit abutments placed
pleted to provide a profound local anaesthesia.
Ten minutes of time was allowed for the local
anaesthesia to take full effect. Crestal incision
was made in the maxilla with bilateral vertical
releasing incisions in the tuberosity region. The
maxilla was completely exposed. The existing
implants were removed utilising retrieval tools.
Trephine drills were not necessary. The nasal cav-
ities were identified and exposed allowing for
visualisation of the lateral walls. Openings into
bilateral sinus cavities were created along the but-
tress of the zygomatic bone using large round
burs. The Schneiderian membranes were lifted off
the interior of the sinus extending to the roof of
the sinus and exposing the medial aspect of the
zygomatic process. Using the zygomatic 2.9 mm Fig. 20.15 Coronal radiographic sections through ante-
drill the initial osteotomy was made through the rior maxilla showing angled anterior implants anchored in
very dense lateral nasal wall. Note proximity of the ante-
maxillary alveolus at the second bicuspid region. rior implants to nasal cavity and inferior turbinates
The long drill was extended thorough the maxil-
lary sinus to engage the zygomatic bone at its
thickest portion and exiting at the prominence of received a straight multi-unit abutment. The angu-
the zygoma (Fig. 20.14). Appropriate length lation of the two lateral implants was corrected by
implants were selected and placed. Next, two placement of 17° multi-unit abutments. In the
13 mm NobelSpeedy implants were placed in the mandible the previous implants were removed.
approximate position of lateral incisors and Bilateral mental nerves were identified.
angled to engage the lateral nasal wall. The place- Alveoloplasty was performed to create a level
ment of the angled implants in the anterior max- platform for implant placement. Posterior
illa allowed for placement of longer implants implants were placed by positioning the platforms
engaging the very dense areas of bone in lateral superior to the foramen, and the axis of the
nasal wall (Fig. 20.15) A 10 mm NobelSpeedy implants was tilted up to 45° to avoid injury to the
implant was placed in the midline maxilla. Multi-­ nerve. Two more NobelSpeedy implants were
unit abutments were placed on the zygomatic placed between the implant defects created by the
implants. The midline anterior implant also removal of the previous fixtures. All implants
524 S. Jivraj

were long enough to engage the very dense corti-

cal plates of inferior border of the mandible
(Fig. 20.16). All maxillary and mandibular
implants were found to be very stable. Multi-unit
abutments were placed on the posterior implants
to correct the angulation of the implants and
straight abutments were placed on the anterior
two implants (Figs. 20.17 and 20.18). All surgical
sites were irrigated and closed utilising chromic
gut sutures. The patient tolerated the procedure
well and was turned over to the prosthodontic
team for fabrication of the provisional prosthesis.

Fig. 20.18 Note the relationship of the zygomatic

20.1.4 Prosthodontic Sequence implants to the orbital cavity and zygomatic bone

Immediate dentures at the correct vertical dimen-

sion were fabricated for a direct pick-up proce- A direct technique for immediate loading was
dure. Vertical dimension was determined prior to employed. Vertical dimension, centric relation
implant placement and a record made. and occlusal plane were verified. After protec-
tion of the surgical sites with rubber damn, tem-
porary cylinders were first picked up in the
maxillary prosthesis. The patient was guided
into centric relation and a similar pick-up of
temporary cylinders was performed in the man-
dibular provisional denture. The prostheses were
removed and transferred to the dental laboratory
where the prostheses were processed and fin-
ished. The prostheses were adjusted to leave a
1 mm space between the prostheses and the tis-
sue. Ten teeth were provided and no cantilevers.
Occlusion was adjusted for shimstock hold on
Fig. 20.16 Mandibular implants placed according to the anterior teeth and shimstock drag on the poste-
All-on-4™ treatment concept. Defects from removed rior teeth. Vertical dimension was verified on
implants are visible delivery of the restoration (Figs. 20.19, 20.20
and 20.21).
Splinted open tray impressions, jaw relation
records and a trial restoration were inserted to
verify aesthetics and phonetics (Figs. 20.22 and
The trial restoration was utilised to fabricate a
titanium framework using CAD software.
Computer-aided milling was performed.
The frameworks were tried in and checked
against the putty matrices to ensure sufficient
Fig. 20.17 Panoramic radiograph showing completed room for acrylic resin and tooth. A final try-in
surgical phase with zygomatic implants and angled ante- was performed on top of the titanium frameworks
rior implants in the maxilla and mandible treated accord- to verify aesthetics, phonetics, fit and occlusion.
ing to the All-on-4 treatment concept principles
20 Clinical Patient Presentations 525

Fig. 20.19 Smile view of immediate load transitional Fig. 20.21 Post integrations, health of tissue should be
prosthesis evident

Fig. 20.22 Wax trial prosthesis to verify aesthetics and


Fig. 20.20 Patient happy with transitional aesthetics; lip

support was critical to establish Fig. 20.23 Final aesthetic try-in

The wax prosthesis was processed to acrylic resin Shimstock drag on anterior teeth and no contact
under heat and pressure using injection moulded on the cantilevers.
techniques. Screws were torqued according to the manu-
The prosthesis was delivered adjusting the facturer’s instructions, and access holes were
undersurface to ensure positive pressure. sealed using Teflon and composite resin.
Dynamic occlusion was adjusted for canine guid- A night-time appliance was provided and
ance. Static occlusion was adjusted to ensure maintenance instructions provided (Figs. 20.24
shimstock hold on canines and premolars. and 20.25).
526 S. Jivraj

She was seeking fixed implant-supported restora-

tions. The patient’s request was to avoid wearing
dentures in the interim phase and perform the pro-
cedure without grafting (Figs. 20.26 and 20.27).
On clinical examination, the following diag-
noses were made:

Fig. 20.24 Definitive acrylic resin titanium prosthesis

Fig. 20.26 Initial patient presentation; patient unhappy

with her smile

Fig. 20.25 Definitive smile

20.2 Patient 2: Implant

of a Periodontally Failing
Dentition with Moderate-to-­
Advanced Bone Loss

A 76-year-old woman presented with a terminal

dentition. She reported a history of periodontal dis- Fig. 20.27 Failing dentition of a 73-year-old patient
ease and gradual tooth loss over the last few years. desiring fixed implant restoration
20 Clinical Patient Presentations 527

(a) Caries.
(b) Periodontal disease with advanced loss of
bone support.
(c) Lack of posterior support.
(d) Partial edentulism.
The predominant factor in the above diagno-
ses that would impact the outcome of treatment is
periodontal disease. Treatment of these patients
usually begins with reducing the periodontal
pathogens by supportive periodontal treatments
such as scaling and root-planning even though
the teeth will be extracted. The literature shows Fig. 20.28 In the planning phase, it was decided to repo-
sition the maxillary incisal edge. This will have an impact
that the number of periodontal pathogens is on position of implant placement
greatly reduced when teeth are extracted and con-
verted to peri-implant sites. The literature also
shows that periodontal pathogens can exist in the
mouth up to a year after teeth have been extracted.
The implications of this pertain to maintenance
and recall of the patient. Patient motivation and
periodontal maintenance are critical to the long-­
term success because the progression of the dis-
ease cannot be ruled out.
From a diagnostic perspective, the following
factors were evaluated:
1. Incisal edge position: On clinical examination,
excessive display of the maxillary incisal edge
was evident. In planning the rehabilitation, the Fig. 20.29 Lateral view showing adequate lip support
incisal edge would need to be repositioned fur-
ther apically. Repositioning the incisal edge
would have implications on implant placement
as a transition zone is required between the
head of the fixture and the emergence of the
restoration from the gingiva. Alveolectomy
would be required and communicated to the
surgeon prior to implant placement. The
patient was informed that due to bone loss
pink prosthetics would be required (Fig. 20.28).
2. Restorative space: In periodontally involved
patients, the bone towards the crest is usually
quite thin. This often has to be reduced to cre-
Fig. 20.30 Patient presented with excessive gingival dis-
ate restorative space and a sufficient width of play due to over-eruption of maxillary anterior sextant
bone for optimal implant placement.
3. Lip support: The patient’s lip was oversup-
ported due to flaring of the maxillary anterior diagnosis for the excessive gingival display
teeth (Fig. 20.29). has to be made so that the appropriate treat-
4. Smile line: The patient displayed excessive lip ment option can be selected. In this instance,
mobility and a high smile line which dis- the cause of the excessive gingival display is
played an excessive amount of gingiva. A over-eruption of the teeth (Fig. 20.30).
528 S. Jivraj

5. Contours and emergence: Any reduction

planned should pay meticulous attention to
the contours of the restoration required to
develop an appropriate emergence profile.
6. Tissue contact: Following extraction of the
teeth and creation of adequate restorative
space shaping the restorative contours for a
convex undersurface is attainable. This will
allow the patient to maintain the prosthesis.
7. Occlusion: Occlusion must be addressed in
the immediate load provisional to protect the Fig. 20.31 Panoramic radiograph of terminal dentition
implants in the weakest quality bone from
excessive loads. In the definitive restoration, (Fig. 20.31). Her anterior teeth exhibited varying
occlusion must be organised to distribute the degrees of gingival recession and root exposure.
loads over as wide an area as possible. There were multiple areas of cervical decay on
Surgically diagnosis and treatment planning all incisors. Existing restorations were found to
will address the. be inadequate and failing. Facial aesthetic evalu-
1. Medical status of the patient. ation showed extruded incisal position with
2. Space requirements. excessive tooth and gingival exposure in repose
3. Spread of implant positions. and smiling. The patient showed approximately
4. Stability of implants placed. 5 mm of gingiva on smiling which will be critical
Surgical evaluation: Clinicians involved in in surgical decision-making.
care of the edentulous patient must realise that Radiographic exam showed severe bone loss
the majority of patients in this classification will throughout the mouth. On initial view, she
be elderly with varying health status. Management appeared to have 10 mm height of bone in the
of the patient’s medical issues plays an important right maxillary alveolus beneath the maxillary
role as surgical implant placement in the overall sinus. The left maxilla exhibited a different sce-
success of the treatment. The patient presented nario with extension of the sinus anteriorly and
here suffered from multiple significant medical inferiorly. There appeared to be insufficient verti-
conditions requiring extensive consultation and cal bone dimension for implant placement in the
intervention. first molar position of left maxilla. The mandible
Patient 2 is a 76-year-old woman presented appeared to have adequate bone in both vertical
with multiple periodontally compromised teeth and horizontal dimensions.
in both maxilla and mandible. She was deemed to
have a terminal dentition most appropriately
treated with removal of all teeth and prosthetic 20.2.1 Surgical Treatment Plan
rehabilitation. The patient had expressed a desire
to have a fixed appliance throughout the treat- 1. Patient is a frail 76-year-old woman with mul-
ment regimen. She had previously unsuccessfully tiple medical conditions complicating treat-
treated with removable partial dentures. She was ment. Consultation with the patient’s
very insistent that no removable appliances be cardiologist and pulmonologist was made.
fabricated. She suffered from significant pulmo- Pulmonary status proved to be the most diffi-
nary disease that required multiple admissions to cult to optimise prior to surgery. The pulmon-
hospital for acute treatment. She also exhibited ologist was weary of general anaesthesia
coronary vascular disease and hypertension. requiring prolonged intubation and difficulty
Clinical examination of the patient revealed weaning the patient off ventilation. The rec-
an oral condition best characterised as ‘terminal’. ommendation was made to perform the proce-
She had multiple teeth with severe bone loss dure with conscious sedation and local
20 Clinical Patient Presentations 529

anaesthesia in two shorter surgical procedures 3. Spread: At first view of the radiographs, it
instead of attempting to treat the maxilla and appeared that this patient may have sufficient
mandible in one general anaesthesia bone volume for either axial or tilted implant
procedure. treatment of the maxilla. The mandible had
2. Space: Cephalometric radiographs obtained sufficient bone above the nerve for axial or
showed that patients had adequate inter-arch tilted implant treatment protocols. However,
space due to extensive resorption of the man- upon further investigation it became apparent
dible (Fig. 20.32). Approximately 26 mm of that due to the high smile line and the absolute
inter-arch space was available with the current need to hide the transition line under the upper
vertical dimension of occlusion. However, lip, bone reduction will be significant. The
5 mm of gingival shows on smiling required application of bone reduction to the maxilla
10 mm of maxillary vertical bone removal to significantly reduces the volume of bone
assure coverage of the transition line under available for implant placement. The right
the upper lip. Therefore, 10 mm of bone side of maxilla becomes amenable to tilted
reduction in the maxilla and minimal man- implant placement; however, the left side due
dibular alveolectomy was planned. to the asymmetrical anterior extension of the
sinus and lack of sinus floor bone volume can
only be treated with the use of zygomatic
implant concept. The other available options
would be sinus augmentation and delayed
implant placement or pterygoid plate/tuberos-
ity bone implant placement. The anterior
maxilla in zone 1 retains enough bone after
reduction to allow placement of axial implants
(Figs. 20.33 and 20.34).
4. Stability: This is an elderly female patient with
suspected osteoporotic bone. Although osteo-
porosis is not an absolute contraindication to
implant placement, care should be taken to
avoid excessive damage to the bone and utilise
techniques and implants to counteract the lack
of stability in soft bone. Aggressive implant
design, engagement of non-alveolar or basilar
Fig. 20.32 Cephalometric radiograph of the patient pre-
sented showing approximately 26 mm of restorative space bone and modification of the osteotomy tech-
available nique should be utilised.

Fig. 20.33 Planned alveolar reduction is marked on the angled implant placement. Anterior extension of the left
radiograph and implant positions are simulated showing maxillary sinus is highlighted with the arrow
lack of adequate bone in the left posterior maxilla for
530 S. Jivraj

Fig. 20.34 Simulated

planning of implant
placement with use of
zygomatic implant in the
left posterior region

Fig. 20.35 Use of a bone reduction stent seated on the palate to determine the dimensions of reduction. Marks on the
bone highlighted with the arrows showing the amount of bone reduction to be performed

20.2.2 Surgical Treatment

Special attention was paid to the administration

of anaesthesia to this patient. She was treated in
office under close observation over 2 consecutive
days. The medical state of patient was optimised
as much as possible with the help of her physi-
cians. All efforts were made to avoid delays in
her procedure, so that she could be treated as
quickly and efficiently as possible, avoiding
Fig. 20.36 Reduction of maxillary alveolus is completed
excessive sympathetic response. Sedative anaes- and flat plane is developed for implant placement. The
thesia was titrated to effect. She maintained spon- arrow shows the dimensions of reduction
taneous ventilation without any difficulty. Local
anaesthesia was infiltrated to achieve desired matic implant was secured in place (Fig. 20.37).
local pain control. Use of vasoconstrictors was An implant was angled up to 45° in the posterior
minimised. All maxillary and mandibular teeth right maxilla just anterior to the anterior wall of
were removed on the first day of surgery. sinus as described in the All-on-4™ protocol.
Maxillary mucoperiosteal flap was elevated and Two implant osteotomies were completed in the
previously fabricated bone-reduction guide was maxilla incisor region. All of the osteotomies
used to mark the desired ostectomy. Bone reduc- were performed in a modified underpreparation
tion was completed quickly (Figs. 20.35 and technique where the apical portions of the oste-
20.36). Osteotomy of the left zygomatic implant otomies were underprepared relative to the crestal
was completed and an appropriate length zygo- portion. The extent of underpreparation was
20 Clinical Patient Presentations 531

determined by the quality of the bone. Regardless able throughout the procedure, breathing sponta-
of the modification of the osteotomy preparation neously and maintaining stable vital signs. The
and use of an aggressive implant design, the left fabrication of the maxillary provisional appliance
anterior implant did not achieve sufficient stabil- was completed by the prosthodontist immedi-
ity and was removed after multiple attempts. ately following the surgical procedure. The fol-
Another osteotomy was performed slightly distal lowing day the patient was seen in the surgical
to the initial osteotomy while maintaining A-P office. The same anaesthesia technique was used
spread, but that implant was found to be unstable to treat the patient again. Alveoloplasty of the
as well. Finally on the third attempt a distally alveolar ridge was completed and implants were
angled implant was placed engaging the anterior placed in the mandible following the All-on-4™
sinus wall to achieve stability and was found to treatment protocol (Fig. 20.39). Mandibular pro-
be above 35 N of torque value (Fig. 20.38). visional prosthesis was fabricated. The patient
Angled and straight multi-unit abutments were tolerated both days very well and healed unevent-
placed where appropriate and torqued tight to fully before the definitive restorations were made.
prescribed torque values. Primary closure of the
incision was achieved. The patient was comfort- Learning points
1. Medical and anaesthesia management of
2. Bone reduction due to excessive gingival
show and improper incisal edge position
3. Implant osteotomy modification due to soft

20.2.3 Prosthetic Treatment Plan

The tissues were made healthy through scaling

and root planning and administration of an anti-
bacterial mouthwash.
Fig. 20.37 Position of the zygomatic implant in the left
A direct technique for immediate loading was
maxilla posterior region. Note the position of the platform
in close proximity to the palatal root socket of the first employed. Vertical dimension, centric relation
molar and occlusal plane were verified. After protection

Fig. 20.38 Radiographic evidence of position of Left anterior angled implant engaging the anterior wall of
implants in the maxilla from left to right: (1) angled maxillary sinus. (4) Left zygomatic implant engaging full
implant with close proximity to the anterior wall of sinus. thickness of the maxillary bone
(2) Right anterior implant engaging the nasal floor. (3)
532 S. Jivraj

Fig. 20.39 Completed surgical treatment of the maxilla

and mandible

Fig. 20.41 Mandibular immediate load; occlusion placed

from canine to canine

Fig. 20.40 Direct technique for immediate loading of


of the surgical sites with rubber damn, temporary Fig. 20.42 Maxillary acrylic prototype for zirconia pros-
cylinders were first picked up in the maxillary thesis against mandibular trial set-up
prosthesis. The patient was guided into centric
relation and a similar pick-up of temporary cylin-
ders was performed in the mandibular provisional
denture. The prostheses were removed and trans-
ferred to the dental laboratory where the prosthe-
ses were processed and finished (Figs. 20.40 and
20.41). The prostheses were adjusted to leave a
1 mm space between the prostheses and the tis-
sue. Ten teeth were provided and no cantilevers.
Occlusion was adjusted for shimstock hold on Fig. 20.43 Prototype displaying minimal cutback to
anterior teeth and shimstock drag on the posterior combine aesthetics of ceramics and strength of zirconia
teeth. Vertical dimension was verified on delivery
of the restoration.
Splinted open tray impressions, jaw relation A maxillary acrylic prototype was verified
records and a trial restoration were inserted to against a mandibular wax try-in. The maxillary
verify aesthetics and phonetics. acrylic prototype was cutback to allow for
The definitive restorations included a mini- 0.8 mm ceramic on the buccal surface for aesthet-
mally layered zirconia-based maxillary restora- ics. The restoration was designed to provide
tion and an acrylic resin titanium restoration. static and dynamic occlusion in polished mono-
lithic zirconia (Figs. 20.42 and 20.43).
20 Clinical Patient Presentations 533

Fig. 20.44 Laboratory view of completed maxillary zir-

conia restoration against mandibular acrylic resin Fig. 20.45 Definitive restorations intraorally

A titanium framework was fabricated for the

The prototype and the master casts are mandibular restoration over which acrylic resin
scanned, digitised and copymilled from zirco- was processed.
nia blocks. A cement space was to be incorpo- The prosthesis was delivered adjusting the
rated into the zirconia framework to achieve a undersurface to ensure positive pressure.
passive fit and compensate for post-sintering Dynamic occlusion was adjusted for canine guid-
distortion. ance. Static occlusion was adjusted to ensure
The milled frame was characterised using shimstock hold on canines and premolars.
metal oxides, and the frame was then dried and Shimstock drag on anterior teeth and no contact
sintered. on the cantilevers.
The areas of cutback were veneered with feld- Screws were torqued according to the manu-
spathic ceramics. It is important that the coeffi- facturer’s instructions, and access holes were
cient of thermal expansion is matched. sealed using Teflon and composite resin
The final phase was the luting of the titanium (Figs. 20.44, 20.45, and 20.46).
inserts within the zirconia framework. This was A night-time appliance was provided and
accomplished using a phosphate-based resin maintenance instructions provided.
534 S. Jivraj

Fig. 20.46 Before and after of patient

20.3 Patient 3: Treatment outset so that the patient understands the

of a Periodontally Failing importance of regular recall.
Dentition 2. Staged implant placement and fabrication of
tooth-supported provisional restorations
A 59-year-old man presented with a terminal whilst the implants were integrating. In this
dentition and was seeking fixed implant-­ approach, 6–8 implants would have been
supported restorations in both maxillary and placed. Placement of additional implants
mandibular arches. would allow the clinician to segment the pros-
A thorough clinical examination was thesis and fabricate implant-supported crown
performed. and bridgework. In this instance, the clini-
The following clinical observations were cians felt this was the best option for the
made: patient. The patient declined this option.
1. Periodontally failing dentition with periodon- 3. A graftless option with implant placement and
tal pocket depths in the region of 7–10 mm in immediate loading.
multiple sites.
2. Over-erupted mandibular anterior teeth.
3. Caries in multiple teeth. 20.3.1 Prosthodontic Diagnosis
4. Signs of excessive force on the dentition.
5. Lack of posterior support. 1. Incisal edge position: On clinical examina-
A number of options were discussed with the tion, there was insufficient display of the max-
patient, which included: illary incisal edge and excessive display of the
1. Scaling and root planning to reduce bacterial mandibular incisal edge. The mandibular inci-
load. Hygiene visits are emphasised from the sors had over-erupted because of the anterior
20 Clinical Patient Presentations 535

tooth relationship. The maxillary incisal edge space shaping, the restorative contours for a
required repositioning more apically in order convex undersurface are attainable. The pro-
to correct the occlusal plane and minimise visional restoration was to be used to com-
vertical overlap of the anterior teeth. In order press the tissue and create a concave tissue
to do this, thought had to be given to implant surface.
position in relation to the mandibular incisal 7. Occlusion: Occlusion must be addressed in
edge. In patients with periodontally involved the immediate load provisional to protect the
dentitions, often the teeth have over-erupted implants in the weakest quality bone from
bringing with them an alveolar complex excessive loads. In the definitive restoration,
which is of inadequate buccolingual width to occlusion must be organised to distribute the
place implants. Thought had to be given to loads over as wide an area as possible.
alveolectomy prior to implant placement Surgically diagnosis and treatment planning
(Figs. 20.47, 20.48, and 20.49). will address the.
2. Restorative space: The patient was treatment 1. Medical status of the patient
planned for maxillary and mandibular mini- 2. Space requirements
mally layered zirconia restoration. The maxil- 3. Spread of implant positions
lary arch would be treated as a tooth-only 4. Stability of implants placed
defect. The mandibular arch would require Surgical evaluation: Although most patients
some pink prosthetics. presenting and considered for full-mouth reha-
3. Lip support: The patient’s lip was well bilitation are elderly, there are at times younger
supported. adults in need of treatment that present differ-
4. Smile line: The patient had a low smile line ent challenges. Very often the challenge to be
and insufficient display of his maxillary ante- considered is the efficiency of treatment for an
rior teeth. Often in patients who are conscious individual with limited time and busy life. One
of the appearance of their teeth, the smile line must also consider and discuss with the patient
is low. The clinician should be aware that the longer future use of the prosthesis and its
once teeth are replaced the patient is likely to associated maintenance. Our patient presented
have a much higher smile line. At the diagnos- is a healthy 59-year-old male individual with
tic phase, the patient should be forced to have very limited time. The patient is very healthy
an exaggerated smile line. and has no contraindications to the procedures
5. Contours and emergence: Any reduction considered.
planned should pay meticulous attention to Clinical evaluation of the patient revealed
the contours of the restoration required to multiple areas of calculus deposits. Caries was
develop an appropriate emergence profile. present on multiple teeth. There was poor hygiene
6. Tissue contact: Following extraction of the noted with associated periodontal disease and
teeth and creation of adequate restorative attachment loss. Interocclusal space was ade-

Fig. 20.47 Preop of periodontally failing dentitions

536 S. Jivraj

quate. Smile evaluation showed a hypomobile between maxilla and mandible. There was avail-
upper lip resulting in minimal tooth display. On ability of bone in zones 1–3 (see previous chap. 2
maximal smile, the maxillary teeth were not vis- on Surgical Treatment Planning).There was evi-
ible. The patient displayed an excessive display dence of sufficient inter-arch space. The patient
of his mandibular incisors. exhibited typical sinus development. Both maxilla
Radiographic examination showed carious and mandible had sufficient alveolar bone volume
teeth, bone loss and a class I skeletal relationship in both height and width for implant placement.

20.3.2 Surgical Treatment Plan

1. Medical status of the patient was unremark-

able. He was healthy with no contraindica-
tions to implant surgery.
2. Space: The interocclusal space was measured
to be 20 mm. The proposed definitive restora-
tions required an interocclusal space of 26 mm
from the head of the fixture. This space would
be obtained by restoring the vertical and per-
forming alveolectomy in the mandibular arch
to lower the mandibular incisal edge level.
The desired dimensions for a biomechanically
sound prosthesis are 12 mm per arch. Lack of
upper lip mobility and low smile line as well
as the vertical position of the maxilla was to
our advantage in this case. The excessive
show of the mandibular teeth requires removal
of more bone from mandible than the maxilla.
This approach allows fabrication of a prosthe-
sis with correct positions of the maxillary and
mandibular incisors relative to lip line.
3. Spread: The patient exhibited adequate bone
for placement of implants in the molar posi-
Fig. 20.48 Preop smile, patient showing hesitation in tions as well as the anterior of the jaws. In this
smiling instance, there was no need to tilt implants

Fig. 20.49 Full mouth periapical radiographs showing bone loss

20 Clinical Patient Presentations 537

and there was sufficient bone to place six 20.3.3 Prosthetic Treatment Plan
implants in the maxilla and six implants in the
mandible. Scaling and root planning were performed, and
4. Stability: The patient is young and adequate the patient was advised to use an antibacterial
bone is present. Osteotomies were performed mouthrinse.
in a manner to ensure stability. Type and The patient was scanned using an intraoral
design of implant system will be considered scanner, and provisionals for the immediate load
in this case. A self-tapping implant with pros- process were milled. Tooth-supported surgical
thetic flexibility is the best option. guides and abutment orientation guides were also
Surgical procedure: The patient was treated printed/milled. Vertical dimension was deter-
surgically and prosthetically in one day. Deep mined prior to implant placement and a record
sedation with profound local anaesthesia was made (Fig. 20.50).
used to remove all teeth except the ones needed A direct technique for immediate loading was
for stability of bone reduction and surgical stent. employed. Vertical dimension, centric relation
A tooth-supported surgical guide was provided to and occlusal plane were verified. After protection
ensure accurate three-dimensional placement of of the surgical sites with rubber dam, temporary
implants in the maxilla Alveolectomy was com- cylinders were first picked up in the maxillary
pleted in the mandible to provide appropriate prosthesis. The patient was guided into centric
restorative space and correct the mandibular inci- relation and a similar pick-up of temporary cylin-
sal edge position. Acrylic surgical guides were ders was performed in the mandibular provisional
fabricated by the prosthodontist. The surgical restoration. The prostheses were removed and
guides were stabilised on retained teeth and oste- transferred to the dental laboratory where the
otomies of the anterior implants were performed. prostheses were processed and finished. The
Six implants were placed in the maxilla and six in prostheses were adjusted to leave a 1 mm space
the mandible. Multi-unit abutments were secured between the prostheses and the tissue. Twelve
and soft tissue closure was achieved. The patient’s teeth were provided with no cantilevers.
provisional immediate load prosthesis was fabri- Occlusion was adjusted for shimstock hold on
cated on the same day as implant placement. He anterior teeth and shimstock drag on the posterior
tolerated the procedure well and healed teeth. Vertical dimension was verified on delivery
uneventfully. of the restoration (Figs. 20.51 and 20.52).

Fig. 20.50 Provisionals and surgical guides fabricated from an intraoral scan
538 S. Jivraj

Fig. 20.51 Implants placed; day of immediate loading of maxillary and mandibular arch

Fig. 20.52 One-week postop of immediate load provisional restorations

Fig. 20.53 Additional set of provisional restorations fabricated to optimise aesthetics, phonetics and soft tissue

Splinted open tray impressions, jaw relation The prosthesis was delivered adjusting the
records and tooth try-ins were performed. undersurface to ensure positive pressure.
Additional provisional restoration was fabri- Dynamic occlusion was adjusted for canine
cated. Aesthetics, phonetics and soft tissue con- guidance. Static occlusion was adjusted to
tours were further developed in the provisional ensure shimstock hold on canines and premo-
restoration (Fig. 20.53). lars. Shimstock drag on anterior teeth and no
Minimally layered zirconia restorations were contact on the cantilevers (Figs. 20.55, 20.56,
fabricated for both maxilla and mandible. and 20.57).
Occlusion was provided on polished zirconia. Screws were torqued according to the manu-
Tissue-contacted surface was designed in pol- facturer’s instructions, and access holes were
ished zirconia (Fig. 20.54). sealed using Teflon and composite resin.
20 Clinical Patient Presentations 539

Fig. 20.54 Minimally layered zirconia restorations

Fig. 20.55 Day of delivery of definitive zirconia restorations

Fig. 20.56 Pre- and postop of implant rehabilitation

Fig. 20.57 Panoramic radiograph

540 S. Jivraj

A night-time appliance was issued and main- we as dentists should be preserving. Extraction of
tenance instructions provided. a tooth or all of the patient’s teeth should be based
on sound clinical examination, and patients must
understand the risks and benefits.
20.4 Patient 4: Retreatment A 42-year-old woman presented requesting
of a Failed Implant improvement in the aesthetic appearance of her
Rehabilitation teeth.
On clinical examination, the following was
This patient presentation illustrates the impor- observed:
tance of appropriate treatment planning. The 1. Caries beneath existing maxillary porcelain
practitioner often has some very difficult deci- veneers.
sions to make in regard to keeping or extracting 2. Missing veneer on maxillary right canine.
teeth. Despite the success rates of graftless full-­ 3. Missing lower-left molar.
arch implant solutions, teeth are always pre- 4. Gingival inflammation.
ferred, and, if they can be maintained predictably, 5. Unrestored dental implant in maxillary right
this should be a first choice. This decision is first molar position.
based on both medical and dental histories and The following treatment plan was proposed to
the clinical acumen and expertise of the provider. the patient:
Often teeth are extracted in favour of dental 1. Caries control and hygiene.
implants, and the patients are not aware that den- 2. Evaluation of existing root canal therapy by
tal implants may not be lifelong solutions with- endodontist and retreat as necessary.
out problems. A very different proposition exists 3. Full periodontal evaluation.
when treatment planning full-arch implant resto- 4. Restorative treatment would include a combi-
rations. Often as practitioners we may extract nation of full crowns, veneers and implants
healthy teeth due to a variety of clinical reasons. crowns.
The reasons to extract teeth may include but 5. Maintenance.
are not limited to. The patient moved out of state and chose to
1. Over-eruption of teeth and the patient denies pursue treatment elsewhere.
orthodontics. The same patient presented a year and a half
2. Patient is on multiple medications and is later with a broken maxillary implant-supported
xerostomic. provisional. On questioning, the patient commu-
3. Teeth of guarded prognosis exist in between nicated that her dentist had advised her to remove
the sites dental implants are being planned. teeth in favour of dental implants. The reasoning
4. The only sites of available bone are where the for this was that it would be a more cost-effective
existing teeth are and the patient is lacking solution which would be problem free for the
bone in other sites. remainder of her life.
To treatment plan a patient with a healthy den- From a diagnostic perspective, the following
tition for full-mouth implant-supported restora- was recorded in regard to her existing full-arch
tions is unethical. Patients often present provisional restoration:
requesting removal of their teeth because of pre- 1. Incisal edge position: On clinical examina-
vious dental experiences. It is the practitioner’s tion, there was excessive display of the maxil-
responsibility to explain to the patient the value lary incisal edge. The maxillary teeth on the
of teeth and maintenance. It is the practitioner’s provisional were flared forwards and there
responsibility also to explain to the patient that was significant vertical overlap with her man-
dental implants are not without their problems dibular anterior teeth. The position of the
and in a worst-case scenario the patient may even teeth was a result of inadequate implant
end up with a removable denture. Despite placement.
advances in implant dentistry, teeth are still what
20 Clinical Patient Presentations 541

2. Restorative space: The patient’s request was prosthetics may be required to improve propor-
to obtain restorations that did not stain or tions of the teeth.
break frequently. Zirconia-based restorations Space: Sufficient space would need to be cre-
were planned. In order to correctly position ated to reposition the maxillary incisal edge. The
the teeth, the maxillary plane would have to implants would need to be placed deep enough to
be lifted by 2–3 mm. allow for a 17° multi-unit abutment. This would
3. Lip support: The patient’s lip was well allow emergence of the central incisors with a
supported. favourable emergence profile.
4. Smile line: The patient had a low smile line, Spread: The goal in the determination of pos-
and this would not pose a problem in hiding terior implant location in a tilted implant protocol
the transition zone. Once again when patients is to have the platform of the tilted implant no
are conscious of their teeth, they do not smile farther anterior than the second bicuspid while
so wide and this must be evaluated with both avoiding the maxillary sinus. In this case, there is
photo and video. bone available in the maxillary left second bicus-
5. Contours and emergence: Space creation to pid location.
develop appropriate contours and emergence Stability: This case is complicated by the lack
was required. of bone width in critical locations. In this case, it
6. Tissue contact: There was poor tissue contact is imperative that the implants placed in the only
with spaces beneath the existing provisional areas of bone available be very stable. Existing
restorations. This would be addressed in the implants are to be removed that will create bone
new provisional restorations. defects. For that reason, an aggressive threaded
7. Occlusion: Occlusion was heavy on the ante- implant design is desirable. Also the osteotomies
rior teeth, resulting in fracture of the provi- will be underprepared and widened as needed to
sional restoration. assure stable implants. The anterior implants will
be engaging the dense nasal cortical bone for
20.4.1 Surgical Evaluation Surgical treatment: The patient was sedated
utilising intravenous medications, and local
The position of the implants was too shallow and anaesthesia was infiltrated to achieve profound
flared forwards. It was deemed that these implants anaesthesia. Intravenous antibiotic and steroids
would be unusable. CT imaging also revealed were administered as well. A mucoperiosteal flap
atrophy of the bone in the anterior maxilla with was elevated, and the maxilla was exposed. The
inadequate buccolingual dimension for precise existing malpositioned implants were removed.
implant placement. The surgical stent was indexed on the remaining
implant in the upper-right maxilla. The maxillary
left implant was angled up to 45°. Four implants
20.4.2 Surgical Treatment Plan were inserted and were found to be stable. Angled
multi-unit abutments were placed on all tilted
Medical management of this patient does not implants both posterior and anteriorly and torqued
present as an obstacle. She is healthy without any to appropriate values. The bony defects caused by
absolute contraindications to procedure. Plan is removal of implants were grafted with a mixture
to perform the procedure under intravenous seda- of autogenous and xenograft. Primary closure was
tion and local anaesthesia in an office setting. A obtained. The patient’s provisional restorations
treatment plan discussing grafting of the anterior were fabricated and inserted on the day of surgery.
maxilla was discussed with the patient. The The patient tolerated the procedures well and
patient denied grafting and preferred a graftless healed unremarkably. Final restorations were fab-
approach. The patient was informed that pink ricated 6 months postoperatively.
542 S. Jivraj

20.4.3 Prosthodontic Sequence The definitive restorations included a mini-

mally layered zirconia-based maxillary restora-
A direct technique for immediate loading was tion with layered pink ceramics.
employed. Vertical dimension, centric relation The prosthesis was delivered adjusting the
and occlusal plane were verified. After protection undersurface to ensure positive pressure.
of the surgical sites with rubber damn, temporary Dynamic occlusion was adjusted for canine guid-
cylinders were first picked up in the maxillary ance. Static occlusion was adjusted to ensure
prosthesis. The patient was guided into centric
relation, and a similar pick-up of temporary cyl-
inders was performed in the mandibular provi-
sional denture. The prostheses were removed and
transferred to the dental laboratory where the
prostheses were processed and finished. The
prostheses were adjusted to leave a 1 mm space
between the prostheses and the tissue. Ten teeth
were provided and no cantilevers. Occlusion was
adjusted for shimstock hold on anterior teeth and
shimstock drag on the posterior teeth. Vertical
dimension was verified on delivery of the restora-
tion (Figs. 20.58, 20.59, 20.60 and 20.61).
Splinted open tray impressions, jaw relation
records and a trial restoration were inserted to
verify aesthetics and phonetics. A second set of
provisional restorations were fabricated to opti-
mise aesthetics. On discussion with the patient, it
was decided to incorporate pink prosthetics in the
definitive restorations to optimise the d­ iscrepancy
in tooth length and width (Figs. 20.62, 20.63,
20.64, 20.65, 20.66). Fig. 20.58 Postop facial view of patient

Fig. 20.59 Preop of patients presenting clinical situation

20 Clinical Patient Presentations 543

Fig. 20.60 Occlusal and frontal views of patient’s dentition

Fig. 20.61 Panoramic


Fig. 20.62 Perapicals

demonstrating caries
around existing

Fig. 20.63 Panoramic radio-

graph of implants placed in incor-
rect positions
544 S. Jivraj

Fig. 20.64 Patient’s smile and intraoral view of inadequate provisionalisation

Fig. 20.65 Occlusal access holes demonstrating thinness of acrylic around temporary cylinders

Fig. 20.66 Implant indexed surgical guide and provisional ready for immediate load
20 Clinical Patient Presentations 545

shimstock hold on canines and premolars. The following observations were made:
Shimstock drag on anterior teeth and no contact 1. Pneumatised sinuses posterior to first
on the cantilevers. premolars.
Screws were torqued according to the manu- 2. Severe wear on his teeth.
facturer’s instructions, and access holes were 3. Irregular mandibular occlusal plane.
sealed using Teflon and composite resin. 4. Lack of posterior support.
A night-time appliance was provided and 5. Mandibular molars with vertical fracture and
maintenance instructions provided. of poor prognosis.
This particular patient could have been treated The key decision-making parameters in this
with conventional tooth-borne restorations without patient were the following.
the need for full-arch implant-supported restora- 1. How many implants should be placed in the
tions. Tooth-supported restorations would have had maxilla?
better longevity and provided superior aesthetics. The patient presented with severe wear, large
The practice of removing healthy teeth in favour of masseters and a history of sleep apnoea. It is
full-arch implant restorations must be avoided. the author’s opinion that adhering to a specific
treatment protocol involving placement of
four implants would not be insufficient in
20.5 Patient 5: Interdisciplinary terms of stress distribution and anteroposte-
Care and Decision-Making rior spread.
Between Graft or Not 2. Should the patient be grafted or should zygo-
to Graft matic implants be placed?

A 33-year-old man presented with a failing denti-

tion. He was on multiple medications that resulted
in a reduction in salivary flow. His request was to
obtain fixed permanent restorations on dental
implants. He had an important life event in
4–6 weeks and requested a fixed restoration on
dental implants during that time period
(Figs. 20.67, 20.68, 20.69, 20.70, 20.71, 20.72,
20.73, 20.74, 20.75, and 20.76).
A thorough clinical evaluation was Fig. 20.67 Demonstration of anticipated tooth position
performed. in relation to existing implants. Implants in correct posi-
tion will need to be higher up to provide transition zone

Fig. 20.68 Implants placed palatally to allow for as much buccal bone as possible. Multi-unit angled abutments used
to bring trajectory of implants within surgical guide
546 S. Jivraj

The patient is in his early 30s. Currently there is

sufficient bone to place implants utilising a
tilted protocol in the first premolars. This
would allow cantilever of one additional
tooth. In patients who have signs of excessive
force on their teeth, cantilevers should be
Fig. 20.69 Panoramic radiograph of implants placed
avoided. The decision to increase the AP

Fig. 20.70 Implants post-integration showing flattened tissue

Fig. 20.71 Provisional fabricated. Proportions of teeth not ideal

Fig. 20.73 Definitive zirconia restoration with pink

Fig. 20.72 Provisional with pink acrylic added ceramics
20 Clinical Patient Presentations 547

Fig. 20.74 Initial preoperative situation. Postop immediate load with implants in incorrect position. Definitive restora-
tion with pink ceramics

Fig. 20.75 Final smile shot

Fig. 20.76 Transition of patient from initial dentition, poor provisionalisation, Removal of existing implants place-
ment of additional implants and provisionalisation. Definitive restoration
548 S. Jivraj

spread would require either bilateral sinus the mandibular occlusal plane would be dis-
lifts and bone augmentation or zygomatic cussed with the patient to harmonise the ante-
implants on each side. Both approaches would rior guidance.
be clinically acceptable. It was decided to pur-
sue the route of bilateral sinus lifts due to the
patient’s age. During the interim phase, a 20.5.1 Prosthodontic Diagnosis
fixed provisional could still be provided on
four implants, thus satisfying the patient’s 1. Incisal edge position: On clinical examina-
concerns. tion, there was insufficient display of the max-
3. How do we address the mandibular occlusal illary incisal edge. The occlusal plane was
plane? also canted to the patient’s right. Teeth in the
The first molars were to be extracted in favour of mandibular arch had over-erupted as a result
implant placement. Orthodontics to correct of no occlusal contact (Figs. 20.77 and 20.78).

Fig. 20.77 Preop clinical situation, showing missing teeth, bone loss and irregular occlusal plane

Fig. 20.78 Facial view of patient smiling showing insuf-

ficient display of maxillary incisal edge
20 Clinical Patient Presentations 549

2. Restorative space: The treatment plan gingival show on maximal smiling was noted.
included a minimally layered zirconia Gingival tissues were healthy.
restoration. Radiographic and CT evaluation of the patient
3. Lip support: The patient’s lip was well showed pneumatised sinuses posterior to maxil-
supported. lary first premolars. Inadequate buccolingual
4. Smile line: The patient had a low smile line, width in the anterior maxilla where teeth had
and this would not pose a problem in hiding been extracted was noted (Fig. 20.79). The man-
the transition zone. dible showed sufficient bone in width and height
5. Contours and emergence: Space creation to for implant placement in the mandibular molar
develop appropriate contours and emergence region.
was required.
6. Tissue contact: Following extraction of the
teeth and creation of adequate restorative 20.5.3 Surgical Treatment Plan
space shaping, the restorative contours for a
convex undersurface were attainable. The pro- Space: The lack of inter-arch space in this case
visional restorations were to be used to com- will have to be managed through minor bone
press the tissue and create a concave tissue reduction in the maxilla. This is done to create
surface. space for the zirconia-based restoration. Bone
7. Occlusion: Occlusion must be addressed in reduction is also done to ensure there is an ade-
the immediate load provisional to protect the quate buccolingual width of bone for implant
implants in the weakest quality bone from placement. Bilateral sinus lifts and bone augmen-
excessive loads. In the definitive restoration, tation would be done at the same time. The goal
occlusion must be organised to distribute the was to provide additional sites for dental implant
loads over as wide an area as possible. placement. In the mandible, the first molars would
be extracted and implants placed immediately and
allowed to integrate prior to restoration.
20.5.2 Surgical Evaluation Spread: Four implants would be placed in the
maxilla. The distal implants would be tilted to
Clinical evaluation of the patient showed exces- maximise the anteroposterior spread as much as
sive wear, vertical cracks in the mandibular first possible.
molars and lack of restorative space. The patient Stability: The patient exhibits sufficient bone
had a low lip line and long lip. One millimetre of volume in the anterior maxilla as well as mandi-

Fig. 20.79 Cross-section of CT showing pneumatised sinuses in maxilla existing teeth

550 S. Jivraj

ble. There are no large defects noted; therefore, anaesthesia and procedure very well and healed
underprepared osteotomies with gradual enlarge- uneventfully. Post-graft healing additional
ment of the preparations will be undertaken. An implants were placed in the maxillary molar
aggressively threaded implant design will be region.

20.5.5 Prosthodontic Sequence

20.5.4 Surgical Treatment
The patient was scanned and provisional restora-
The patient was treated in an office setting. Local tions and surgical guides were milled.
anaesthesia supplemented with a very mild seda- (Fig. 20.80). Provisional restorations were fabri-
tive technique was utilised. All maxillary teeth cated at the correct vertical dimension for a direct
except those indexed by the surgical stent were pick-up procedure. Vertical dimension was deter-
removed. Surgical stent was indexed on the mined prior to implant placement and a record
remaining maxillary teeth, and bone was reduced made. Bone reduction guides were fabricated to
to allow for at least 12 mm of inter-arch space in communicate restorative space required.
the maxillary arch. The remaining teeth were A direct technique for immediate loading was
removed, and the maxillary arch was reduced to a employed, mounted and processed and finished
flat plane. Bilateral sinus lifts were performed in the laboratory. The prostheses were adjusted to
and bone augmentation completed. First molars leave a 1 mm space between the prostheses and
were extracted in the mandible and single the tissue. Occlusion was adjusted for shimstock
implants placed immediately. All implants in the hold on anterior teeth and shimstock drag on the
maxilla were inserted at torque value of no less posterior teeth. Vertical dimension was verified
than 35 N. Multi-unit abutments were placed and on delivery of the restoration. A soft nightguard
primary closure was achieved. A provisional was provided post surgery (Fig. 20.81). The
fixed acrylic prosthesis was fabricated immedi- patient was referred to an orthodontist to correct
ately following the surgical phase of treatment the mandibular occlusal plane whilst the grafts
and secured to the implants on the day of surgical were healing and implants integrating.
implant placement. The patient tolerated the

Fig. 20.80 Provisional restorations and guides for immediate load

Fig. 20.81 Immediate load prosthesis on day of surgery

20 Clinical Patient Presentations 551

Splinted open tray impressions, jaw relation dibular first molar regions (Figs. 20.83, 20.84,
records and a trial restoration were inserted to 20.85, and 20.86).
verify aesthetics and phonetics. Screws were torqued according to the manu-
The trial restoration was utilised to fabricate facturer’s instructions, and access holes were
an acrylic prototype utilising CAD software. sealed using Teflon and composite resin.
Computer-aided milling was performed. A night-time appliance was provided and
The definitive restorations included a mini- maintenance instructions provided.
mally layered zirconia-based maxillary restora- This particular case highlights diagnosis and
tion with layered pink ceramics (Fig. 20.82). treatment planning. The clinician is faced with a
The prosthesis was delivered adjusting the choice of grafting or graftless. Both approaches
undersurface to ensure positive pressure. would be acceptable. Grafting is still a useful
Dynamic occlusion was adjusted for canine guid- treatment modality and should not be ­disregarded.
ance. Static occlusion was adjusted to ensure Often clinicians espouse to a totally graftless
shimstock hold on canines and premolars. practice and will not graft under any circum-
Shimstock drag on anterior teeth and no contact stance. This approach should be avoided. The
on the cantilevers. Single-tooth monolithic resto- patient deserves to be made aware of the treat-
rations were fabricated for implants in the man- ment options available, the advantages and disad-

Fig. 20.82 Minimally layered zirconia restorations

Fig. 20.83 Smile view of patient with definitive restorations

552 S. Jivraj

Fig. 20.86 Final panoramic radiograph demonstrating

implant placement

Fig. 20.84 Zirconia-based restoration in situ

Fig. 20.85 Pre- and postop view of treatment

vantages, the longevity and possible complications cally sound and has every possible chance of
that may arise. success.
The clinician should be astute in diagnosis and
treatment planning to provide the patient with a Acknowledgements The author thanks Dr. Hooman
course of treatment that is rational, biomechani- Zarrinkelk for the surgical expertise in cases 1, 2 and 4.
The author also thanks Dr. Jonathan Gordon for surgical
expertise in cases 3 and 5.

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