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9) At what percent S.I per annum will a sum of money double in 8 years?

A) 8% B) 10% C) 12 ½ % D)15%
10)A sum of money becomes 8/5 of itself in 5 years at a certain rate of simple
interest. The rate % per annum is:- A) 5% B)8% C) 10% D)12%
1) A man deposits Rs 2000 in a bank at 4% per annum and Rs 3000 in another
bank at 14% per annum. Find the rate of interest for the whole sum.
A) 5%. B) 10%. C) 15%. D) 20%
2) A certain sum is invested for certain time. It amounts to Rs 400 at 10% per
annum. But when invested at 4% per annum, it amounts to Rs 200. Find the
time.:- a) 100 years b) 75 years c) 50 years d) 60 years
3) A certain sum is invested for certain time. It amounts to Rs 150 at 5% per
annum. But when invested at 3% per annum, it amounts to Rs 100. Find the
sum.:- a) Rs 50 b) Rs 25 c) Rs 30 d) Rs 60
4) At a certain rate of simple interest Rs 400 amounted to Rs 460 in 3 years. If the
rate of interest is decreased by 3%, what will be the amount after 3 years?
A) Rs 424 B) Rs 484 C) Rs 242 D) Rs 848
5) At a simple interest Rs 800 becomes Rs 956 in three years. If the interest rate
is increased by 3%, how much would Rs 800 become in 3 years?
A) Rs 1020.80 B) Rs 1028 C) Rs 1004 D) Data inadequate
6) A certain sum of money amounted to Rs 710 at 7% in a time in which Rs 700
amounted to Rs 910 at 5%. If the rate of interest is simple, find the sum.
A) Rs 500 B) Rs 450. C) Rs 650 D)Rs 600
7) A certain sum of money amounts to Rs 4800 in 5 years at 4% per annum. In
how many years will it amount to Rs 5120 at the same rate?
A) 6 years. B) 7 years C) 8 years. D) 9 years
8) The simple interest on a sum of money will be Rs 300 after 5 years. In the next
5 years principal is trebled, what will be the total interest at the end of the 10th
year?:- A) Rs. 800. B) Rs.1000. C) Rs.1200. D) Rs.1500
9) A sum of money becomes 4 times itself in 3 years at a simple interest. In how
many years will it amount to 7 times itself?
A) 6 yrs. B) 12 yrs. C) 8 yrs. D) None of these
1) A certain sum of money amounts to Rs 550 in 3 years and to Rs 650 in 4
years. Find the sum.:- a) Rs 250 b) Rs 300 c) Rs 150 d) Rs 350.
2) A certain sum of money at simple interest amounts to Rs.1260 in 2 years and
to Rs.1350 in 5 years. The rate % per annum
A) 2.5%. B) 3.75%. C)5%. D) 7.5%
1) A lent Rs.600 to B for 2 years and Rs.150 to C for 4 years and received
altogether from both Rs.90 as Simple Interest. The rate of interest per annum
is:- A) 4%. B) 5%. C) 10%. D) 12%
2) Anish borrowed Rs 15000 at the rate of 12% and another amount at the rate of
15% for two years. The total interest paid by him was Rs 9000. How much did
he borrow?:- a) Rs 32000 b) Rs 33000 c) Rs 30000 d) Rs 63000
3) Rs 4000 is divided into two parts such that if one part be invested at 3% and
the other at 5%, the annual interest from both the investments is Rs 144. Find
each part:-
A)Rs.2800,Rs.1200. B)Rs.2600,Rs.1400. C)Rs.2500,Rs.1500. D)NOT
4) ⅓ rd of my capital is invested at 4 percent, 1/4 th at 3 percent and the
remainder at 5 percent. If my annual income is Rs.50, find the capital:-
A) Rs. 1100. B) Rs. 1300. C) Rs. 1200. D) 1600
5) The simple interest on Rs 750 will be less than the interest on Rs 900 at 8%
simple interest by Rs 60. Find the time.:- a) 3 yrs b) 4 yrs c) 9 yrs d) 5 yrs
6) The simple interest on a certain sum of money at 4% per annum for 4 years is
Rs 80 more than the interest on the same sum for 3 years at 5% per annum.
Find the sum. a) Rs 8000. b) Rs 8500 c) Rs 9000. d) Rs 4500
7) The difference between the interest received from two different banks on Rs
150 for 5 years is Rs 15. Find the difference between their rates.
A) 2% B) 1%. C) 2.5% D) 1.5%
8) What principal will amount to Rs 560 in 3 years at 4 percent per annum simple
interest?:- a) Rs 540 b) Rs 500 c) Rs 550 d) Rs 560
9) A person lent a certain sum of money at 5% simple interest, and in 6 years the
interest amounted to Rs 350 less than the sum lent. Find the sum lent.
A) Rs 600. B) Rs 500 C) Rs 650 D) Rs 450
1) A sum of Rs 2560 is lent out in two parts in such a way that the interest on one
part at 4% for 5 years is equal to that on another part at 3% for 4 years. Find
the two sums.
A) Rs 960, Rs 1600 B)Rs 860, Rs 1700 C) Rs 560, Rs 2000. D)NOT
2) A sum of Rs 1440 is lent out in three parts in such a way that the interests on
first part at 2% for 3 years, second part at 3% for 4 years and third part at 4%
for 5 years are equal. Then find the difference between the largest and the
smallest sum.:- A) Rs 460 B) Rs 560. C) Rs 400 D) Rs 200
1) Rs 7930 is divided into three parts such that their amounts after 2, 3 and 4
years respectively are equal, the simple interest being at the rate of 5% per
annum. Find the difference between the greatest and the small- est parts of the
sum.:- a) Rs 250 b) Rs 230 c) Rs 280 d) Rs 330.
2) A sum of Rs 18750 is left by will by a father to be di- vided between two sons of
12 and 14 years of age, so that when they attain maturity at 18, the amount
(princi pal + interest) received by each at 5 per cent simple in terest will be the
same. Find the sum allotted at present to each son.
A) Rs 9000, Rs 9750 B) Rs 8000, Rs 1750 C)Rs 9500, Rs 9250. D)NOT
1) The rate of interest for the first 2 years is 3% per annum, for the next 3 years is
8% per annum and for the period beyond 5 years 10% per annum. If a man
gets Rs 1520 as a simple interest for 6 years, how much money did he
deposit?:- A) Rs.3500. B) Rs.3800. C) Rs.4000. D) Rs.4500

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