Detailed Lesson Plandigestivesystem

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sultan Kudarat

Lesson Plan in Science 6

Second Quarter

At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
a. Identify the parts and functions of the digestive system;
b. Enumerate the ways of taking care of the digestive system;
c. Appreciate the importance of the digestive system in our body.


a. Topic: The Digestive System.
b. Reference: Science Beyond Borders 6,,
c. Instructional Materials: Videos, PowerPoint Presentation Pictures, Crackers, Water,
Zip lock Bag and Bread



A. Preliminary Activities

Prayers (Pupils are doing the activities)
Checking of Attendance
Classroom Management

B. Review

Before we proceed to our lesson, let’s

have a recap from what we have Yes Ma’am.
discussed last meeting.
(Teacher asking pupils about the lesson (Pupils are doing the recap)

C. Motivation

Ok class,
Did you have your breakfast?
Who among you did not have his breakfast?

Are you hungry now?

Yes Ma’am.
Before we start our lesson, We will have some
activity. (Each pupil will be given 2 crackers.)

Activity: CRACKER IN THE MOUTH Step 1- Put a regular cracker into your mouth and chew.
Step 2- Place the new cracker in your mouth and let it sit
Okay class in our activity, what do you observed? for 2 minutes.)

What does it feels like initially?

What it feels after 2 minutes in your mouth and
what it feels like when you chew it? Varied answers of the Pupils
Very good, class!
Our activity shows how the saliva in our mouth
lubricates and soften the food we ate.
Are you ready now to our lesson?

D. Lesson Proper/Developmental Activities

Ok class, I have here scrambled letter which you are

going to guess if what part of our body it is.

Are you ready class?

1. mothu Mouth
2. gusphaeso Esophagus
3. machsto Stomach
4.malls testinein Small intestine
5. gelar testinein Large intestine

What do you think the functions of this parts of our They are responsible for the food we eat teacher.

Very good class! These are the parts of our

digestive system.

Before we are going to our lesson, I have here a

video of digestive system. I want you to watch and
listen to these videos because it will help us better
understand the process of digestion of the food we
eat and what are the parts of our body that involve
in it.
Are you ready to watch and listen class? Yes, teacher!

Ok class. What is all the video about that you had About what happen to the food we eat inside our body
watched? teacher.

Very good class!

The Digestive System is composed of organs

working together to get nutrients from the food we
The Digestive System is responsible for the
breakdown and absorption of the nutrients from
the food we eat, bringing energy for the body, it is
divided into two parts:
The organ of Alimentary Canal and the Accessory
Food passes through a long tube inside the body
known as the Alimentary Canal or Gastrointestinal
tract (GI tract).
Alimentary Canal made up the oral cavity, pharynx,
esophagus, stomach, small intestines, large
intestines and anus.
There are several important accessory organs that
help our body digest food even if the food do not
pass through them.
Accessory organs of the digestive system include
teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder and
Digestion is the process by which food is broken
into smaller components that the body can absorb
to nourish the cell.
Two types of Digestion:
1. Mechanical Digestion – the food is broken down
into smaller particles. This usually happens in the
mouth through the action of the teeth and tongue.
2. Chemical Digestion – the food particles are
broken down into nutrients and other substances
that can be absorbed by the body. This also starts
at the mouth and continues in the stomach and
small intestine.
Parts and Functions of the Digestive System

1. Mouth – digestion begins where food is

mechanically digested by chewing or mastication.
Four Types of Teeth
a. Incisors - have thin edges and used for cutting
b. Canines – are pointed and for tearing food,
particularly meat.
c. Premolar and Molar – broader and bigger for
crushing and grinding food.

As the food is chewed, Saliva is released by the

salivary glands, moistening the food for easy
swallowing. The Saliva also helps in the partial
break down of the food.

2. Esophagus – the bolus passes through the

pharynx and then to the Esophagus.
*bolus – chewed food
*Peristalsis – the smooth muscles of the esophagus
contract in a rhythmic and wavelike motion.
- it pushes the bolus down to the

3. Stomach – is a large pear – shaped organ that

can temporarily expand to store food.
*Sphincter Muscles – at the ends of the stomach
contract to keep the bolus in.
*Chyme – when the bolus mixed with acid and
change consistency.
4. Small Intestine – is a long coiled tube.
5. Large Intestine – water from the undigested
food is absorbed.
*Feces – the waste that will be expelled from the
6. Rectum and Anus
Rectum – provides a temporary storage for the
feces before they are excreted.
Anus – where the feces pass to get out the body.

So, what are again class the parts of the digestive

system? Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large
intestine, rectum and anus teacher.
Accessory Digestive Organ

1. Liver – is the largest organ in the body and is

located near the stomach. It produces bile.
*bile – helps break down fats.
2. Gallbladder – is a small sac under the liver where
bile is stored.
3. Pancreas – is an elongated organ behind the

What are the accessory digestive organ?

Proper Care of the Digestive System Teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder and
pancreas teacher.
1. Eat food rich in fiber to regulate bowel
2. Avoid eating too much spicy and fatty foods.
3. Eat less sweets in – between meals.
4. Avoid swallowing big chunks of food.
5. Avoid eating too much at a time.
6. Drink plenty of fluids everyday.

What are the ways in caring for our Digestive


1. Eat food rich in fiber to regulate bowel movement.

2. Avoid eating too much spicy and fatty foods.
3. Eat less sweets in – between meals.
4. Avoid swallowing big chunks of food.
5. Avoid eating too much at a time.
6. Drink plenty of fluids everyday.
E. Extend/Application
To further understand the lesson let’s do some

We called this BREAD IN THE BAG

1. Take ½ piece of bread per group
2. Obtain the zip lock bag.
3. Tear your ½ sliced of bread into smaller
pieces, and place it into the bag.
4. Pour smaller amount of water into the bag.
5. Close the bag and squish the bread with
your finger until all pieces are really small.
6. Drain the liquid contents .
7. Put all the content of the bag into the

So now, we will be having again a group

activity. I have here a manila paper wherein by
group you will going to label the parts of the
digestive system and afterwards you will chose
a reporter to discuss in front the parts and
functions of the digestive system.

F. Generalization
Okay class. Did you understand our lesson for
What are the parts of the digestive system?

What is the important of the digestive system Yes, teacher!

in our body?
Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large
intestine, rectum and anus teacher.



1. An elongated organ behind the stomach.

2. The process by which food is broken into smaller components that the body can absorb to nourish the cell.

3. Composed of organs working together to get nutrients from the food we eat.
4. Types of digestion where the food is broken down into smaller particles.
5. Types of digestion where the food particles are broken down into nutrients and other substances that can be
absorbed by the body.
6. Digestion begins where food is mechanically digested by chewing or mastication.
7. It is a chewed food.
8. A large pear – shaped organ that can temporarily expand to store food.
9. Is a long coiled tube.
10. Water from the undigested food is absorbed.


Make a research about the different digestive disorder and write it in your notebook.

Prepared by:
Teacher I

Checked by:
Principal I

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