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G eurrerrier Bank Account Application for All Account Holders and Signatories ‘he Appicent() apps] to open an aecount with Buttes Bonk (Cayman) Limited which shal be governed bythe General ern & Conlionsas mosied {rom time to time and as avable onthe Bank's webs in Banking Centre welcome areas Name andadéressior LSU ft Sepa secount corespondence | ACCOUNT INFORMATION cheguing io uso, Soving kyo USD. other Young Savers KYO USD Fuad terdepositoptions Year 2Yeer— Year HYD. USD. ther ‘CUSTOMER INFORMATION or re ea UAidordsoa peo names (ncucng cian name or change by deed pal) (Eat eee hed, BY |= 209 coer wale anak imac eae DDeypeand epson Laece eee Date of birth (oor | Zi. | ot. | Lom’ Countries of etaanship (Ceara L L o you hold a passport for any other country? es No ‘Are you or will you be) ordinarily resident in Cayman? = “Yes. No. -Areyouaresnt for axpurposesofarycountyttarthan Cayman? Yes/No es, please fst countrys) frsidoney for tax purposes and coresponding| Sorta tsorence / sear Taxpayer Menstcation Number (where appeal county t 1 \ umber] 1 L hone ate we 09. 0 iow). Jon, Ja eal PEitiortlgadson 2 Occupation ce Pe) Gioee Teho ran neler UMEBE Rsdemy Schoo) ea ployed lease date the name oF bua cc L j Nahar ain wae Vor csi ppone) t tae | I ‘Ne youa dose asodate innate ly 7 rw | \ No No No rte Baas (0m CMO EFATTE member of poltealy exposes person PEPy? Yes/No tes If ¥es, provide name of PEP t Lett fos INTERNET BANKING Ate Ne veo Would yout the apionofsanding wires? Yes (No Yes No Wes please specty the lt 31-8100 $1o02s500 ——$s,o0-$10.000 $11,000 $hoon$5.000 $5,001 $10,000 $10001-$50000 $5000:-$s0n.000 _/$100,008$200,000 $10,001,000 $50,001-$100.000 $100,001-$200.000, Would you the ro recoie 2 paper satan? oe pale {ean spe fr ape eaten) 7 Primary apalcant signature Ln Joint applicant signature [ Youre Savers (ew ny) ves NO Infomation Cessficoton:Conpaentio! uterfeld Bank (Cayman Limited age 10f3 es PLATINUM DEBIT CARD Nes No Yes No YOUNG SAVERS DEBIT CARD wes No ve Ne core L remaeysccounmame LEIA HILI LIAL Ay WAIT CIMA RIO Soi 4 4 secondoryaccoumtmame |_| J J J J J fot J to i top ppp ty iy ‘Account nambar Ll ‘Aadional account wumber ae Data of birth (oo haul) Lo aefeefaeot thers ain fame forse rp) (gions Alin at k¥8 andor US$ accounts avaliable at ATM, Declaation of parent/guardian of ccountholder aged 2D to 17 years old. Ive the above area yaung person permission to ebain and operate a Youth Debit Card Daly iit $80 ATMA / $300 705) ‘paticant Home (Pit ‘ppliant Sgnature: oat l L L Collect from: ———Sutefield Ptce ——=—Camana Bey = Mdtown Gowers Sure Mal to adress on le Input by Soperteor signature corde ie 1 i OPERATION OF ACCOUNTS) (To be answered by any of the account holders) ‘Whats the purpose of this account? l ‘Why have you chosen to establish the aegount in Gayman? [Non-residents on) (Due te corte mics ‘Do any of tho account dderd have a connection wth Cayman®(Wor~esdent only) Ye Ne (ec Tomy tes, roperty ownership quent vstor, buses lated dealings? L "yes please provide detail L ‘5 his acount being hall forthe bane af another party ether than those named onthe account? ve 7 L If Yes please provide det. L ACCOUNT(S) FINANCIAL DETAILS iniatdepostt|_j<) ©. Int funds deposited vis Intemaltranefer Localbanitrondler—Peconalcheque Cash Wie ther Were are the fnds coming fom? So from other cia nt Name) |_ Hoye Beading gn ot fds cy county Lenmon islands coke i cil? L db J wor Source of wealth (We may raquie aidence a suppor te Information yeurhave provided Select althat ape) Sey Rentalincome Sale of Property Sats ove Ine income ter lease esrb) Plage eve deta of expected wie seit (two wires per month to Canada of 3,000 ech [tec wus pe mouth ef Soe Ieull? Estimated total monthly incoming funds § |_5.°" {Estimated total monthly outgoing funds § | 2S. © |Wfmore than one sezount holder inset combined ttl) DECLARATION ‘Wente Bats sfimand dane sats vate dd ted yt 8 US Peon Hon eon er a ‘contr cya 0) The wforton pred toe contend cat {h lone bevel omer of escunaron sere tdonbtal othe vi ste eel yma fe aon {i {any Bari meds nh rt olay Sang tc parent hlomation poate Deaton ty cco loons Daina snr baterflsvh oped Dosen aye ach ange ering tes eertand an ae at ae {Savsoanh eBuerh sade ducton otsatteany act iui hws ereeatnet {Gx} twill comply with all tax and exchange control laws, regulations and reporting requirements imposed by any applicable jurisdiction relating to my accounts. rane tere (Thee eel se rete pro cn hs rn ne anyon gad ar acoun wth Bul oh am agate ryt mtorr ryt aborsl scone ooh buat (tant amentyausrecan’ frome carry aus Pent lam curerty AUS Person® amet currently a US Person °,Thisosertion must be supported by a completed ns frm W-9 accessible fom wiv IRS. go) oF “Please ete that you may be requled, under eran circumstances, te pride sctsral information documentation contig your tax status bare an aecourt sopened, iy germ [lew Datefoopumwm) | od /feS foedf RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIP (Forint account holes Pease select one the follwing ‘Tonaneyin convene upon tho death of ene ofthe oi account halersthe account balance wl be spit avenly and the deceased's share ofthe account lance wil pass to the daceasc's estate Joint nancy: upon the death of one af he join ecount holes the ante account balance vests inthe suing account holden IDENTIFICATION AND DEPOSIT REQUIREMENTS Customers ave required to provide the folowing: (Existing customers should provide updated documents wherenecessary) Le ‘Veriteaton of eatonatty, llappcants must proie: 2n cri natarsed ‘xy of al curent ssprts ria bith etal ard goverment ued photo Idencaton.tertifeaton sou state be ee gal nae, date pace ‘firth ad natonaly othe aezoun spear) ‘Wea Formas approprte This inforation rue to enable ated {ofelnermaton returns wth cera toxautores yu ar 2S Peron, Ihstverution shouldbe sported by corplted aS Fam WYoornay betequited a parcleaty past thetntarmatonprovded msuppet of Ns sieton. \Veticaton of phyialstroe adress where yourese) and ang adress (Wesfeent tom pyle nd nat 7.0 Gen) Vasdarversleaaear ony one ‘ofthe long cocaments: ousted tity bilo ttement ey bank ctr ‘haber bot om within ons ental agreement ate a lavdera eter from employer eter rom member of hosed oe" long vith her adres vrais propery oxnwie erent yen, ‘Mii deposit. 9100 or equivaentisreured to pen acheangor SungsatcountKS2085 requedtocpen 3 Young Ses COUN \eication of Cyman resideney lon Cayman el a ofc inition ‘Verfeaton a mln source of income: RESIDENTS AND NOWAESIDENTS must ocumatsregutedtf you are resent Coonan ate not Camano. prow docamertaton supper thelr ram source arcane © 9533, Feo fom male ort eter and sure of funds rom pares i sccunthoaer youth oroverear tent ang wn rot of elmer, Investment sate e, Ins Banc potey to verity he souree of funds before accepting or eecuing any transaction. {Alston ston 7 ft me sean ere a ees Aon arnt amare nee ee eee ee ‘arts ath nhisshvecart tsa enecto theta by Berl The eae init hls swash we hate a eds, canbe ed incur PriagSatament ic cn be eta rom agouncen by contac staxeanlutardgcan con tere a Caran iseesad ora eng by he Copan Mtr Atha Reger Ades Abe ton Set, ac Tt Gnd yar, yan an BANICUSE ONLY Hiei xg Butterfield .0, Box 705 | Grand Cayman KY1-1107, Cayman islands Tel: (845) 8497055 | Fax: (345) 948 7004 SIGNATURE CARD Banking Services Meenwewc ‘Account Names) Customer (ob typed or pra: Number SIGNATURE SPECIMENS! veneer Taha Rachardses sare: “Bibra Name (2): Signature (2) fee ae oe cae ee aca eaisan Sate (ddamiyn: Butterfield Bank (Cayman) Limited Foge tof 1 Butterfield Bank (Cayman) Limited PO Box 705 Grand Cayman KY1-1107 Cayman islands CONFIRMATION OF PHYSICAL ADDRESS. NAME OF TENANT/SPOUSE/CHILDTAHCTA Pore bnew) SON NAME OF LANDLORD/SPOUSE/PARENT AMOUenME ts etectl Dear New Accounts Department: Please accept this letter of confirmation that the above mentioned person, presently resides ati I “DEBATE SIREET, MoaTH Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. Regards, Mioueme wees LANDLORD/SPOUSE OR PARENT’S NAME Ae seater sarees _LANDLORD/SPOUSE OR PARENT'S SIGNATURE, 1 BUS - 72%- 44Gok ORD/SPOUSE OR PARENT'S TELEPHONE NUMBER * Please note that this letter must be accompanied by proof of the above physical address by way of a utilty bill (not older than 3 months) or a lease agreement. ort going, £ 3 ¢ & © ois & %, 3 Pera Hope Academy : 1 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT April 19, 2024 Name:_Herl t Senate: Buttereld Bank Cayman) i Sone — ey ‘Gutterfe\d Banking Centre 3 oF eat George Town Grand Cayman, KY1- 1107 Dear Sir or Madam, Please accept this letter as confirmation that Ms. Tahlia Richardson is employed in a permanent full-time position at Hope Academy as a Registered Behaviour Technician. Her annual salary is, c1$36,000. Her start date was April 15, 2024. Her temporary work permit is valid until July 1, 2024. We will be submitting an application for a full work permit at that time. ‘Ms. Richardson is applying to open up a bank account with Butterfield Bank which would assist us in making direct deposit of her monthly salary. The total monthly transfers will be approximately C1$3,000. ‘The address that we have on file for Ms. Richardson is as follows: 5 Forest Lane Crewe Rd. George Town, Grand Cayman Cayman Istands : ‘Address Confirmed Please do not hesitate to contact me with any qUEStIOBS. ss ctaynent etter ascent has wo adress conmation docs in thelr name landiord/spouse/parent, a client has no address O exsirmation docs intel name 0 client is a minor residing with parent “Aoceplance recommended by _ | Acceptance Approved ‘by Team Leader| : Tamer Farin lon Cha ones ——~Trqnature- IE Soe connie [one dts .0, Box 31160; Grand Cayman, KYi-1205; Cayman Isiands + 345-769-4673 « Keooseey ‘Be Gun 2001 | o— P

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