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SUBJECT: English AÑO: Third


PRODUCED BY: Aura Juárez


The English course for third year is designed for students to develop all of the four macro skills,
listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and it will be a review of all the basic tenses in English.
In Each session, a variety of activities will be carried out for students to practice, acquire new
knowledge and vocabulary while having fun. Students will be exposed to different tenses varying
from perfect to perfect continuous tenses, as well as TOEIC preparation material.

Students will be exposed to different kinds of texts such as short descriptions and passages as
well as audios with a B1 range of vocabulary. At the end of the course, it is expected that most
of students interact with other speakers with a basic degree of fluency, clarity and spontaneity,
giving and asking for daily life topics.


General objective: At the end of this course, students will be able to:

 Produce and understand the English language in B1 scenarios.

Specific Objectives: At the end of this course students will be able to achieve the following
objectives in 5 different areas:

1. Grammar:

 Students will be able to use all perfect grammar tenses

 Students will be able to use past perfect and past perfect continuous

2. Speaking:

 Students can communicate effectively using new vocabulary

 Students can make themselves understood when talking about daily life topics

3. Listening:

 Students can understand conversations in B1 scenarios

 Students can understand oral questions about activities in different tenses.

4. Reading

 Students can understand basic vocabulary used in daily conversations

 Students are able to understand passages about different basic topics

5. Writing

 Students can convey basic message in a written form.

 Students can write short paragraphs and short stories about different basic topics


 Present perfect
1  Talk about different leisure
April 15-19 activities
 Leisure activities
 Use simple present perfect
 Students read and complete
the activities of Reading
2 Reading exercise 1
 Reading 1 strategies 3 unit 1
April 22-26 (15%)
 Socratic seminar as a wrap up
of the activity
 Present prefect
3  Use future perfect May 1st no classes
April 29- May 3  Talk about jobs Assign research
 Jobs

 Make questions using future

4  Future perfect
perfect May 10th no classes
May 6-10  Predictions
 Make predictions

 Understand uses and general

 Future perfect structure (positive and
May 13-17
negative statements)

6  Understand and make

 Past perfect
May 20-24 questions in past perfect

 Past perfect  Use past perfect Grammar quiz (30%)
May 27-31
 Students present the
8 investigation on their selected Presentation of
 Presentation
June 3-7 topic using different grammar research (40 %)
in context
 Students present the
Presentation of
9 investigation on their selected
 Presentation research (40%)
June 10-14 topic using different grammar
in context
 Students read and complete
Reading exercise 1
the activities of Reading
10 (15%)
 Reading 1 strategies 3 unit 1
June 17-21 June 17th no classes
 Socratic seminar as a wrap up
of the activity
The established dates are a guidance for you to order your activities and avoid having too much
work accumulated throughout the weeks. It is essential that you remember that in this modality
and with this document you can organize your time and hand in all of your activities on time and
with each of the requirements in each subject.


TYPE: Reading exercise 1 and 2 PERCENTAGE EACH 15%

Description: Instructions for the delivery

Students will work individually to Students will complete their work on their notebooks
complete units 1 and 2 of the Reading during the class. Work must be organized, clean and
with clear handwriting.
Strategies 3 book.
Format of delivery: Notebook must be turned in at
They have to turn in their complete work
the end of weeks 2 and 8
at the end of each weeks 2 and 8.

Opening date: Week 2 (Unit 1) Closing date: Week 2 (Unit 1)

Week 10 (Unit 2) Week 10 (Unit 2)


N° Elements to Evaluate Presence Absence

1 All answers are correct
2 All exercises are completed
3 Handwriting is clear and readable, work is clean and organized
4 Work was completed without any unauthorized aid.
Final grade:
Criteria 1 is scored with 4 points, the rest are 2 points each in the case of presence and 0 in the
case of absence. Max Score 10. Min. 0
TYPE: Research presentation PERCENTAGE 40%

Description: Instructions for the delivery

Students will select a topic of their liking and will Practice beforehand and get ready for your
research it during a part of the period. From that evaluation
research they will create a presentation that will
Format of delivery:
 Introduction (her it must be stated why they Live presentation
selected the topic, it´s significance and/or
importance, the Thesis must be clearly
stated here.)
 Objectives
 Main body (that must include background
and/or general information on the topic,
development of thesis)
 Conclusion
 References
Students will give a 10 minute presentation on their
topic during class on weeks 8 and 9, they have to
use visual aids that enhances the presentation.
Proper research, language use and delivery is
The presentation that is voted as the best one in
each section will have the chance to obtain a
perfect score on the grammar test. (10)

Opening date: week 3 Deadline: week 8 and 9



Beginning 1 Developing 2 Proficient 3 Advanced 4

Shows a limited
Demonstrates Displays a good
understanding Exhibits a
some understanding of
of the topic thorough
understanding of the topic with
with little to no understanding of
the topic with a mostly relevant
relevant the topic with all
Content mix of relevant information
information information
and irrelevant presented.
presented. presented being
information. Information is
Incorrect relevant and
Information lacks adequately
information is accurate.
depth. detailed.

Uses limited
Utilizes a good
and basic Employs some
range of Demonstrates a
vocabulary, variety in
vocabulary with rich and varied
resulting in vocabulary but
some vocabulary,
unclear or lacks complexity.
sophistication. displaying
awkward Communication
Consistent and maturity and
phrasing. is
accurate use of depth. Ideas are
Grammar comprehensible
perfect tenses and articulated
errors are with effort. Some
Language other grammar eloquently.
constant, use of correct
Use such as other Effective and
hindering grammar is
tenses, subject- varied use of
comprehension evident but
verb agreement, perfect tenses
(incorrect use inconsistent (use
articles, word and other
of tenses, of tenses,
order and others, grammar
subject-verb subject-verb
enhances the components
agreement, agreement,
communication. enhances clarity
articles, word articles, word
Ideas are and precision.
order and order and others)
expressed clearly.

Presents in a Engages the Captivates the

Shows some
monotone audience with audience with
engagement in
voice with little clear voice dynamic and
delivery with
to no eye projection and engaging
occasional eye
contact. Speech appropriate delivery.
contact and
is difficult to pacing. Maintains Excellent voice
Delivery varied voice
follow due to good eye contact modulation,
tones. Speech
speed or and uses gestures pacing, and eye
may be too fast
volume issues. to enhance the contact.
or too slow at
Lack of body presentation. Effectively uses
times. Limited
language or Demonstrates gestures and
but increasing
gestures or confidence. body language to
moves too use of body emphasize key
much. language. points.

Employs engaging
and well-
Poorly chosen Utilizes relevant
Uses some visual designed visual
or nonexistent visual aids that
aids that are aids that
visual aids that enhance the
partially significantly
do not support presentation.
supportive of the enhance the
the Visuals are clear
Visual presentation. presentation.
presentation. and effectively
Aids Visuals may be Visuals are
Visuals are support key
too busy or lack captivating,
distracting or points. Enhances
clarity. Limited relevant, and
confusing. Little audience
relevance to the seamlessly
relevance to understanding of
topic. integrated to
the topic. the topic.

Student speaks Student speaks Student speaks

Student speaks
Time 5 minutes or between 6-7 between 8- 9
for 10 minutes
less minutes minutes

TYPE: Grammar Test PERCENTAGE 30%

Description: Instructions for the delivery

Students will be exposed to a grammar test. During this week, students must log in and take
This will include all the vocabulary and the test , knowing they will have only one chance

grammar structures studied along the course. Format of delivery:

The test will include True/ False, multiple Online Test

choice, and drag and drop questions.

Opening date: week 7 Deadline: week 7



 Follow the instructions and order suggested for the course. It will help you avoid any
type of confusions and misunderstandings.
 Check the mapping constantly, so you can verify topics and evaluations beforehand.
 Check for the vocabulary suggested for the lesson before you start with the assigned
 Approach your teachers in case of any doubt or suggestion for any of the evaluations or
 Read carefully rubrics and guidelines before each evaluation. Reading and
understanding them will give you better results. If there’s any question about them,
contact your tutor before deadlines.
 Finish all of the activities in the course. This will give you the competencies you will need
when you finish the program.
 Don’t forget to mark your attendance and remember to check all of your activities as
finished at the end of each session. If you have any technical problems, please report
them to avoid any misunderstanding.
 Most important: remember to have a schedule for doing homework and for resting. Set
aside a place and time for taking your classes as well as for doing something you enjoy.
Your well-being is primordial.
 If you run into any difficulties finishing your activities, contact your tutor to look for a
solution and avoid having delayed activities.


 General
Before getting to study the topics and doing evaluations and assignments, make sure you get
familiar with the platform. It is essential that you go through Moodle in an ordered way, so you
can understand the topics better, thus, having better results.
 About the elaboration of evaluated activities
It is important that when working on the evaluated activities of this and other subjects,
information extracted from the internet or any other source must not be added without citing
the source correctly. The absence of that information would imply an unacceptable fault. If
plagiarism is detected in your work, it will be penalized by your tutor or headmaster.
Remember that as a program we are guided by the honor code; do not forget to always place it
for each of your activities:
"I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid."
Work will not be accepted late. After the deadline for activities, if the student does not send a
written justification to the headquarters, explaining the reason for his/her failure to deliver /
carry out the assignment, as well as its demonstration with the corresponding certificate that
authenticates it (medical certificate), except for fortuitous cases in which it is not possible to
present a certificate, he or she will automatically get zero percent of such evaluation or

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