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by Stephen P. Robbins
Stephen P. Robbins
San Diego State University

Mary Coulter
Missouri State University

Lori K. Long
Baldwin Wallace University
To my wife, Laura

To my husband, Ron

To David, Henry, & Emerson


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ISBN 10: 0-13-809064-5

ISBN 13: 978-0-13-809064-7
Brief Contents

Preface xxi
Acknowledgments xxx

Part 1 Introduction to Management 1

Chapter 1: Managers and You in the Workplace 1
Chapter 2: The Evolution of Management 21
Chapter 3: Making Decisions 46
Part 1 Management Practice 68

Part 2 Basics of Managing in Today’s Workplace 71

Chapter 4: Influence of the External Environment and the Organization’s Culture 71
Chapter 5: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 93
Chapter 6: Managing in a Global Environment 122
Chapter 7: Managing Social Responsibility and Ethics 144
Part 2 Management Practice 170

Part 3 Planning 176

Chapter 8: Foundations of Planning 176
Chapter 9: Managing Strategy 195
Entrepreneurial Ventures Module 219
Part 3 Management Practice 233

Part 4 Organizing 236

Chapter 10: Designing Organizational Structure 236
Chapter 11: Managing Human Resources 262
Chapter 12: Managing Change and Innovation 290
Part 4 Management Practice 318

Part 5 Leading 321

Chapter 13: Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior 321
Chapter 14: Motivating Employees 354
Chapter 15: Managing Groups and Teams 385
Chapter 16: Being an Effective Leader 409
Chapter 17: Managing Communication 441
Part 5 Management Practice 461

Part 6 Controlling 465

Chapter 18: Management Control 465
Planning and Control Techniques Module 493
Managing Operations Module 507
Part 6 Management Practice 518

Glossary 522 • Name Index 534 • Organization Index 547 • Subject Index 550

Preface xxi
Acknowledgments xxx

Part 1 Introduction to Management 1

Chapter 1: Managers and You in the Workplace 1

Who Are Managers, and Where Do They Work? 1
Who Is a Manager? 2
Where Do Managers Work? 3
Why Are Managers Important? 4
Management Versus Managers 4
What Is Management? 4
What Do Managers Do? 5
Managerial Challenges Today and into the Future 7
Focus on Remote or Hybrid Work 7
Focus on Technology 8
Focus on Employee Well-Being 8
What Careers Are in Management? 10
What Skills Do Managers Need? 10
Why Study Management? 11
The Universality of Management 11
The Reality of Work 12
Gaining Insights into Life at Work 12

Boxed Features
Learning from Failure: Successful Managers Learn from Their Failures 9
Workplace Confidential: Dealing with Organizational Politics 13
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 14
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 14
Review and Discussion Questions 15
Preparing For: My Career 15
Ethics Dilemma 15
Skill Exercise: Developing Your Skills as a Manager 15
Working Together: Team Exercise 16
My Turn to Be a Manager 16
Case Application 1: Working with Artificial Intelligence 17
Case Application 2: Nike: Taking Customer Focus to a New Level 18

Contents v

Chapter 2: The Evolution of Management 21

Early Management 22
Classical Approaches 24
Scientific Management 24
General Administrative Theorists 26
Social-Person Approaches 28
The Early Advocates 29
The Human Relations Movement 31
Behavioral Science Theorists 32
Quantitative Approach 33
Putting the Quantitative Approach into Perspective 34
Systems and Contingency Approaches 34
Systems Approach 34
Contingency Approach 35
Recent History 36
The New Industrial Revolution: Technology and Computerization 36
Globalization 37
Sustainability and the ESG Movement 37

Boxed Features
Learning from Failure: Learning from Failing Start-up Businesses 29
Workplace Confidential: Looking Back to Move Forward 38
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 39
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 39
Review and Discussion Questions 41
Preparing For: My Career 41
Ethics Dilemma 41
Skill Exercise: Developing Your Skills as a Manager 41
Working Together: Team Exercise 42
My Turn to Be a Manager 42
Case Application 1: Uber’s CEO Gets Behind the Wheel 42
Case Application 2: Managers Still Need to Be Data-Driven 43

Chapter 3: Making Decisions 46

The Decision-Making Process 46
Step 1: Identify a Problem 47
Step 2: Identify Decision Criteria 47
Step 3: Allocate Weights to the Criteria 47
Step 4: Develop Alternatives 48
Step 5: Analyze Alternatives 48
Step 6: Select an Alternative 48
Step 7: Implement the Alternative 48
Step 8: Evaluate Decision Effectiveness 49
Approaches to Decision Making 49
Rationality 50
Bounded Rationality 50
vi Contents

Intuition 51
Evidence-Based Management 52
Types of Decisions 52
Structured Problems and Programmed Decisions 52
Unstructured Problems and Nonprogrammed Decisions 53
Comparing Decision Types 54
Decision-Making Styles 54
Decision-Making Biases and Errors 56
Using Technology to Improve Decision Making 58
Big Data 59
Artificial Intelligence 59
Machine Learning and Analytics 60
Technology and Human Judgment 60

Boxed Features
Learning from Failure: James Dyson: A Man of a Thousand Failures 55
Workplace Confidential: Making Good Decisions 58
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 61
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 61
Review and Discussion Questions 62
Preparing For: My Career 62
Ethics Dilemma 62
Skills Exercise: Select the Best Alternative Decision-Making Skills 63
Working Together: Team Exercise 63
My Turn to Be a Manager 63
Case Application 1: Making Decisions with Bad Data 64
Case Application 2: A Major League Baseball Rule Change 65

Part 1: Management Practice 68

Continuing Case: Starbucks—Introduction 68
Practice Your Data Analysis Skills 70

Part 2 Basics of Managing in Today’s Workplace 71

Chapter 4: Influence of the External Environment

and the Organization’s Culture 71
The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic? 71
The Omnipotent View 72
The Symbolic View 72
Reality Suggests a Synthesis 72
The External Environment: Constraints and Challenges 73
Defining the Environment and Environmental Uncertainty 73
Monitoring the General Environment 74
The Specific Environment 75
Managing the Environment 77
Contents vii

Organizational Culture: Guiding Employee Behavior 78

What Is Organizational Culture? 78
Strong Cultures 79
Where Culture Comes From and How It Continues 80
How Culture Is Sustained 81
Remote Work and Culture 84
How Culture Affects Managers 85

Boxed Features
It’s Your Career: Reading an Organization’s Culture: Find One That Is a Right Fit for You 82
Workplace Confidential: Adjusting to a New Job or Work Team 83
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 86
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 86
Review and Discussion Questions 87
Preparing For: My Career 87
Ethics Dilemma 87
Skill Exercise: Developing Your Environmental Scanning Skill 87
Working Together: Team Exercise 88
My Turn to Be a Manager 88
Case Application 1: Environmental Uncertainty at HBO 89
Case Application 2: Organizational Culture at Vice Media 90

Chapter 5: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 93

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace 94
What Are Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace? 94
Benefits of a Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Workplace 95
The Changing Workplace 97
Characteristics of the US Population 97
What About Global Workforce Changes? 99
Types of Workplace Diversity 100
Age 100
Gender 101
Race and Ethnicity 102
Disabilities 102
Religion 103
LGBTQ+: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity 104
Socioeconomic Status 104
Challenges in Managing Diversity 105
Personal Bias 105
Glass Ceiling 105
Pay Inequities 107
Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives 107
Top Management Commitment to DEI 108
Mentoring 108
DEI Training 108
Employee Resource Groups 110
Measuring and Reporting on DEI Initiatives 110
viii Contents

Boxed Features
Workplace Confidential: Working in a Diverse Environment 98
Learning from Failure: Denny’s Answer to Its Diversity Problem 109
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 111
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 111
Review and Discussion Questions 112
Preparing For: My Career 112
Ethics Dilemma 112
Skills Exercise: Developing Your Valuing Diversity Skill 113
Working Together: Team Exercise 114
My Turn to Be a Manager 114
Case Application 1: Gusto: Making a Difference in Gender Diversity 115
Case Application 2: Bring in Diversity . . . and Then What? 116

Chapter 6: Managing in a Global Environment 122

Clarifying Terminology 122
A Brief History of Globalization 123
The Case For and Against Globalization 126
The Win-Win Argument 126
The Downside of Globalization 127
Globalization Today 128
What Does This Mean for Managers? 128
Different Types of International Organizations 128
How Organizations Go International 129
Managing in a Global Environment 131
The Political/Legal Environment 131
The Economic Environment 131
The Cultural Environment 132

Boxed Features
It’s Your Career: Developing Your Global Perspective—Working with People from Other Cultures 133
Workplace Confidential: Succeeding in a Remote Job 136
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 137
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 137
Review and Discussion Questions 138
Preparing For: My Career 139
Ethics Dilemma 139
Skills Exercise: Developing Your Collaboration Skill 139
Working Together: Team Exercise 139
My Turn to Be a Manager 140
Case Application 1: Glencore: Conducting Business in Countries Where Others Might Not 140
Case Application 2: Lululemon Power of Three × 2 Growth Strategy 141

Chapter 7: Managing Social Responsibility and Ethics 144

What Is Social Responsibility? 145
Two Opposing Views 145
From Obligations to Responsiveness to Responsibility 146
Contents ix

Social Responsibility and Economic Performance 148

Corporate Philanthropy 148
Green Management and Environmental Sustainability 149
How Organizations Go Green 149
Reporting Social Responsibility and Sustainability 150
ESG Reporting 150
Managers and Ethical Behavior 151
Factors That Determine Ethical and Unethical Behavior 152
Ethics in an International Context 155
Artificial Intelligence and Ethics 156
Encouraging Ethical Behavior 157
Employee Selection 157
Codes of Ethics 158
Leadership at the Top 158
Job Goals and Performance Appraisal 158
Ethics Training 158
Ethics Officer or Committee 159
Protecting Whistle-Blowers 159

Boxed Features
Learning from Failure: From Greenwashing to Electric Cars 157
Workplace Confidential: Balancing Work and Personal Life 160
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 161
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 161
Review and Discussion Questions 163
Preparing For: My Career 163
Ethics Dilemma 163
Skills Exercise: Developing Your Trust Building Skill 163
Working Together: Team Exercise 164
My Turn to Be a Manager 164
Case Application 1: Chobani: A Different Kind of Yogurt Company 165
Case Application 2: Every Kid Fed: Addressing Childhood Hunger Through Social Entrepreneurship 166

Part 2: Management Practice 170

Continuing Case: Starbucks—Basics of Managing in Today’s Workplace 170
Practice Your Data Analysis Skills 174

Part 3 Planning 176

Chapter 8: Foundations of Planning 176

The What and Why of Planning 176
What Is Planning? 176
Why Do Managers Plan? 177
Planning and Performance 177
Types of Plans 178
Strategic versus Operational Plans 178
Short-Term versus Long-Term Plans 178
x Contents

Specific versus Directional Plans 179

Single-Use versus Standing Plans 179
Static versus Scenario Plans 180
Contingency Factors in Planning 180
Level in the Organization 180
Degree of Environmental Uncertainty 181
Length of Future Commitments 181
Objectives: The Foundation of Planning 182
Stated versus Real Objectives 182
Traditional Objective Setting 183
Management by Objectives 184
Contemporary Issues in Planning 185
Environmental Scanning 185
Using Artificial Intelligence to Support Planning 187

Boxed Features
It’s Your Career: Planning Your Time 181
Workplace Confidential: When You Face a Lack of Clear Directions 186
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 188
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 188
Review and Discussion Questions 189
Preparing For: My Career 189
Ethics Dilemma 189
Skills Exercise: Making a To-Do List That Works and Using It 190
Working Together: Team Exercise 190
My Turn to Be a Manager 191
Case Application 1: Johnson Controls Using OpenBlue to Reach Net Zero 191
Case Application 2: Living Up to Goals at Tesla 192

Chapter 9: Managing Strategy 195

What Is Strategic Management, and Why Is It Important? 196
Defining Strategic Management 196
Why Is Strategic Management Important? 196
Supporting the Strategic Management Process 197
The Strategic Management Process 198
Step 1: Start with Purpose: Identifying the Organization’s Current Mission 198
Step 2: SWOT Analysis 198
Step 3: Formulating Strategies 200
Step 4: Implementing Strategies 200
Step 5: Evaluating Results 200
Corporate Strategies 201
What Is Corporate Strategy? 201
What Are the Types of Corporate Strategy? 202
How Are Corporate Strategies Managed? 204
Competitive Strategies 205
The Role of Competitive Advantage 205
Sustaining Competitive Advantage 205
Examples of Differentiation Strategies 207
Contents xi

Boxed Features
It’s Your Career: Learning Your Strengths and Weaknesses 201
Workplace Confidential: Developing a Career Strategy 203
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 210
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 210
Review and Discussion Questions 211
Preparing For: My Career 211
Ethics Dilemma 211
Skills Exercise: Developing Your Business Planning Skill 211
Working Together: Team Exercise 213
My Turn to Be a Manager 213
Case Application 1: Nvidia’s Gaming and AI Strategy 213
Case Application 2: Saving Lives Through Strategy at RapidSOS 214

Entrepreneurial Ventures Module 219

The Context of Entrepreneurship 219
What Is Entrepreneurship? 219
Why Is Entrepreneurship Important? 219
The Entrepreneurial Process 220
What Do Entrepreneurs Do? 220
Social Entrepreneurship 221
Side Hustles: A Hybrid Path to Entrepreneurship 221
Start-Up and Planning Issues 222
Identifying Opportunities 222
Researching the Venture’s Feasibility: Ideas 222
Researching the Venture’s Feasibility: Competitors 223
Researching the Venture’s Feasibility: Financing 223
Planning: Developing a Business Model 224
Organizing Issues 225
Legal Forms of Organization 225
Organizational Design and Structure 227
Human Resource Management 228
Leading Issues 228
Entrepreneurial Mindset 228
Personality Characteristics of Entrepreneurs 228
The Entrepreneur as Leader 229
Control Issues 230
Potential Control Problems and Actions 230
Exiting the Venture 230
Review and Discussion Questions 231

Part 3: Management Practice 233

Continuing Case: Starbucks—Planning 233
Practice Your Data Analysis Skills 234
xii Contents

Part 4 Organizing 236

Chapter 10: Designing Organizational Structure 236

Six Elements of Organizational Design 237
Work Specialization 237
Departmentalization 238
Chain of Command 240
Span of Control 240
Centralization and Decentralization 242
Formalization 243
Mechanistic and Organic Structures 244
Contingency Factors Affecting Structural Choice 245
Strategy and Structure 245
Size and Structure 245
Technology and Structure 245
Environmental Uncertainty and Structure 246
Traditional Organizational Design Options 246
Simple Structure 247
Functional Structure 247
Divisional Structure 247
Organizing for Flexibility in the Twenty-First Century 248
Team Structures 248
Matrix and Project Structures 248
The Virtual Organization 249
Offering Flexibility for Today’s Workforce 249
Remote Work 250
Flexible Work Schedules 250
The Contingent Workforce 252
Implications for Managers 253

Boxed Features
Workplace Confidential: Coping with Multiple Bosses 241
Learning from Failure: Return to Office? Workers Say No Way! 251
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 253
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 253
Review and Discussion Questions 254
Preparing For: My Career 255
Ethics Dilemma 255
Skills Exercise: Developing Your Acquiring Power Skill 255
Working Together: Team Exercise 256
My Turn to Be a Manager 256
Case Application 1: Making a Flat Organization Work at Punchkick 257
Case Application 2: Life as a Digital Nomad in Foreign Cities 258

Chapter 11: Managing Human Resources 262

Why Managing Human Resources Is Important 262
The Human Resource Management Process 263
Contents xiii

External Factors That Affect the Human Resource Management Process 264
The Economy 264
Laws and Rulings 264
Demographics 266
Social and Cultural Factors 266
Labor Unions 266
Identifying and Selecting Competent Employees 267
Human Resource Planning 267
Recruitment and Decruitment 268
Selection 270
Technology in the Hiring Process 272
Training and Developing Employees 273
Orientation and Socialization 273
Employee Training 274
Developing Employees 276
Retaining Competent, High-Performing Employees 276
Performance Feedback 277
Compensation and Benefits 277

Boxed Features
Workplace Confidential: Job Search 269
It’s Your Career: Nailing the Behavior-Based Interview 280
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 281
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 281
Review and Discussion Questions 282
Preparing For: My Career 282
Ethics Dilemma 282
Skills Exercise: Developing Your Interviewing Skills 283
Working Together: Team Exercise 284
My Turn to Be a Manager 284
Case Application 1: Employees with Side Hustles: It’s No Secret 285
Case Application 2: Keeping Dealership Sales Staff from Leaving at Nissan 286

Chapter 12: Managing Change and Innovation 290

The Case for Change 291
Living with VUCA 291
External Forces for Change 291
Internal Forces for Change 292
The Change Process 293
The Calm Waters Metaphor 294
The White-Water Rapids Metaphor 294
Areas of Change 295
Strategy 295
Structure 296
Culture 296
Technology 297
People 297
Managing Change 298
Why Do People Resist Change? 298
Techniques for Reducing Resistance to Change 299
xiv Contents

Exploring Innovation 301

Creativity Versus Innovation 301
Disruptive Innovation 301
Breakthrough Innovation 303
Sustaining Innovation 303
Driving Innovation 303
Creating an Environment to Stimulate Innovation 304
Ideation 305
Incubation 306

Boxed Features
Workplace Confidential: Coping with Job Stress 300
Learning from Failure: Giving Up on Google Glass 308
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 309
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 309
Review and Discussion Questions 310
Preparing For: My Career 310
Ethics Dilemma 310
Skills Exercise: Developing Your Change-Management Skill 311
Working Together: Team Exercise 311
My Turn to Be a Manager 312
Case Application 1: Change from Within at Google 312
Case Application 2: Microsoft: Innovative Again 313

Part 4: Management Practice 318

Continuing Case: Starbucks—Organizing 318
Practice Your Data Analysis Skills 320

Part 5 Leading 321

Chapter 13: Understanding and Managing Individual Behavior 321

Focus and Goals of Organizational Behavior 322
Focus of Organizational Behavior 322
Goals of Organizational Behavior 322
Attitudes and Job Performance 323
Job Satisfaction 323
Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment 325
Employee Engagement 325
Cognitive Dissonance Theory 326
Assessing Attitudes 326
Can Artificial Intelligence Help Improve Employee Attitudes? 327
Implications for Managers 327
Personality 328
MBTI® 328
The Big Five Model 329
The Dark Triad 330
Additional Personality Insights 331
Personality Types in Different Cultures 332
Contents xv

Emotions and Emotional Intelligence 332

Implications for Managers 334
Perception 336
Factors That Influence Perception 336
Attribution Theory 337
Shortcuts Used in Judging Others 338
Implications for Managers 339
Learning 339
Social Learning 340
Shaping: A Managerial Tool 340
Implications for Managers 341

Boxed Features
Workplace Confidential: An Abusive Boss 333
Learning from Failure: Troublesome Leader’s Personality 341
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 342
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 342
Review and Discussion Questions 343
Preparing For: My Career 344
Ethics Dilemma 344
Skills Exercise: Developing Your Shaping Behavior Skill 344
Working Together: Team Exercise 345
My Turn to Be a Manager 345
Case Application 1: Heat Waves Cause Employees to Walk Off the Job 346
Case Application 2: Getting Your Company’s Logo as a Tattoo 347

Chapter 14: Motivating Employees 354

What Is Motivation? 354
Early Theories of Motivation 355
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory 355
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y 356
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory 357
Three-Needs Theory 357
Contemporary Theories of Motivation 359
Goal-Setting Theory 359
Reinforcement Theory 360
Designing Motivating Jobs 361
Equity Theory 364
Expectancy Theory 365
Integrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation 367
Current Issues in Motivation 369
Technology and Motivation 369
Managing Cross-Cultural Motivational Challenges 369
Motivating Unique Groups of Workers 370
Designing Appropriate Rewards Programs 372

Boxed Features
It’s Your Career: What Motivates You? 355
Workplace Confidential: Feelings of Unfair Pay 366
xvi Contents

Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 374

Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 374
Review and Discussion Questions 375
Preparing For: My Career 376
Ethics Dilemma 376
Skills Exercise: Developing Your Motivating Employees Skill 376
Working Together: Team Exercise 377
My Turn to Be a Manager 377
Case Application 1: Motivating Employees Who Love the Outdoors at REI 378
Case Application 2: Motivating Under Constraints at Televerde 378

Chapter 15: Managing Groups and Teams 385

Groups and Group Development 385
What Is a Group? 386
Stages of Group Development 386
Work Group Performance and Satisfaction 387
External Conditions Imposed on the Group 388
Group Member Resources 388
Group Structure 388
Group Processes 391
Group Tasks 394
Turning Groups into Effective Teams 394
The Difference Between Groups and Teams 394
Types of Work Teams 394
Creating Effective Work Teams 397
Technology and Teams 398

Boxed Features
It’s Your Career: Maximizing Outcomes Through Negotiation 396
Workplace Confidential: Handling Difficult Coworkers 399
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 400
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 400
Review and Discussion Questions 401
Preparing For: My Career 401
Ethics Dilemma 401
Skills Exercise: Developing Your Coaching Skills 402
Working Together: Team Exercise 402
My Turn to Be a Manager 402
Case Application 1: US Women’s Soccer: A Team in Transition 403
Case Application 2: Taylor Swift’s Bonuses Cause Their Own “Swift Quake” 404

Chapter 16: Being an Effective Leader 409

Who Are Leaders, and What Is Leadership? 409
Early Leadership Theories 410
Leadership Traits 410
Leadership Behaviors 410
Contents xvii

Contingency Theories of Leadership 413

The Fiedler Model 413
Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory 415
Path-Goal Model 416
Contemporary Views of Leadership 417
Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) Theory 417
Charismatic Leadership 418
Transformational-Transactional Leadership 419
Authentic Leadership 420
Ethical Leadership 420
Servant Leadership 421
Emergent Leadership 421
Followership 422
Integrating Theories of Leadership 422
Traits 422
Behaviors 423
Contingency Factors 423
Leadership Issues in the 21st Century 424
Managing Power 424
Developing Credibility and Trust 424
Leading Virtual Teams 426
Leadership Training 426
When Leadership May Not Be Important 427

Boxed Features
Learning from Failure: Childhood Lessons on Failure 419
Workplace Confidential: Dealing with a Micromanager 425
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 428
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 428
Review and Discussion Questions 430
Preparing For: My Career 430
Ethics Dilemma 430
Skills Exercise: Choosing an Effective Group Leadership Style Skill 430
Working Together: Team Exercise 431
My Turn to Be a Manager 431
Case Application 1: Transforming the Fashion Industry at Stitch Fix 432
Case Application 2: New Endorsements Give Power to College Athletes 433

Chapter 17: Managing Communication 441

Understanding Communication 442
What Is Communication? 442
Functions of Communication 442
The Communication Process 443
Modes of Communicating 443
Barriers to Effective Communication 444
Overcoming the Barriers 446
Effective Organizational Communication 447
Formal Versus Informal 447
Direction of Flow 448
Networks 450
xviii Contents

Communication and Technology 451

The 24/7 Work Environment 451
Social Media 451
Artificial Intelligence 452
Virtual Meetings 452
Becoming a Better Communicator 453
Sharpening Your Persuasion Skills 453
Sharpening Your Speaking Skills 453
Sharpening Your Writing Skills 453
Sharpening Your Reading Skills 454

Boxed Features
It’s Your Career: I’m Listening! 447
Workplace Confidential: An Uncommunicative Manager 449
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 454
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 454
Review and Discussion Questions 455
Preparing For: My Career 455
Ethics Dilemma 455
Skills Exercise: Developing Your Presentation Skills 456
Working Together: Team Exercise 456
My Turn to Be a Manager 457
Case Application 1: Communicating as the Company Grows at Hootsuite 457
Case Application 2: No Meetings? 458

Part 5: Management Practice 461

Continuing Case: Starbucks—Leading 461
Practice Your Data Analysis Skills 463

Part 6 Controlling 465

Chapter 18: Management Control 465

What Is Controlling, and Why Is It Important? 465
What Is Controlling? 466
Why Is Controlling Important? 466
The Control Process 467
Step 1: Measuring Actual Performance 468
Step 2: Comparing Actual Performance Against the Standard 469
Step 3: Taking Managerial Action 470
Summary 470
Controlling for Organizational and Employee Performance 471
What Is Organizational Performance? 471
Measures of Organizational Performance 472
Controlling for Employee Performance 473
Tools for Measuring Organizational Performance 474
Feedforward/Concurrent/Feedback Controls 475
Financial Controls 477
Contents xix

Information Controls 478

Balanced Scorecard 479
Benchmarking of Best Practices 479
Contemporary Issues in Control 480
Global Differences in Control 480
Workplace Privacy 481
Employee Theft 481
Corporate Governance 482
Artificial Intelligence 483

Boxed Features
It’s Your Career: How to Be a Pro at Giving Feedback 473
Workplace Confidential: Responding to an Unfair Performance Review 475
Preparing For: Exams/Quizzes 484
Chapter Summary by Learning Objectives 484
Review and Discussion Questions 485
Preparing For: My Career 486
Ethics Dilemma 486
Skills Exercise: Managing Challenging Employees 486
Working Together: Team Exercise 487
My Turn to Be a Manager 487
Case Application 1: Feeding Chocolate to Cows 488
Case Application 2: Posting for Just Other Employees to See 488

Planning and Control Techniques Module 493

Techniques for Assessing the Environment 493
Environmental Scanning 493
Forecasting 494
Techniques for Allocating Resources 496
Budgeting 496
Scheduling 497
Breakeven Analysis 501
Linear Programming 501
Project Management 503
Project Management Process 503
Role of Project Manager 504
Review and Discussion Questions 504

Managing Operations Module 507

The Role of Operations Management 507
Services and Manufacturing 507
Managing Productivity 508
Strategic Role of Operations Management 508
Value Chain Management 509
What Is Value Chain Management? 509
The Goal of Value Chain Management 510
Benefits of Value Chain Management 510
xx Contents

Value Chain Strategy 510

Current Issues in Managing Operations 512
Technology 512
Quality Management 513
Quality Standards 514
Mass Customization 515
Creating a Lean Organization 515
Review and Discussion Questions 516

Part 6: Management Practice 518

Continuing Case: Starbucks—Controlling 518
Practice Your Data Analysis Skills 520

Glossary 522
Name Index 534
Organization Index 547
Subject Index 550

Welcome to the 16th edition of Management. First published in 1984, this book has
become one of the world’s most popular introductory management texts. It’s used by
hundreds of US colleges and universities; it’s translated into Spanish, French, Russian,
Dutch, Bahasa, Korean, and Chinese; and there are adaptations for Australia, Canada,
India, and the Arab World.

New to This Edition

The 16th edition of Management addresses the evolving workplace at a pivotal time
in the practice of management. Understanding that many students who use this text
are not necessarily majoring in management, this edition continues to build on our
approach of ensuring students see the importance and relevance of studying man-
agement. Each chapter opens with a common myth that students are likely to hold
about that chapter’s content. We then show them that what they thought they knew
was wrong. The objective? To demonstrate that the practice of management is not all
common sense.
Further, regardless of students’ majors or career plans, they are likely to work
in an organization. Whether that organization has three people or 300,000, there are
common challenges that employees will encounter. We provide insights throughout the
text, based on solid research, to help students survive and thrive in the workplace. In
addition to revisions that uphold this commitment to demonstrating the importance
and relevance of the course, other new aspects of this edition are highlighted below.

New Author
The most significant addition to this revision is a new co-author, Dr. Lori Long, who
has been a contributor to previous editions of this text. Dr. Long took the lead in this
revision and worked to ensure that the text maintains its reputation for readability and
relevance while introducing fresh insights and perspectives.
With a blend of corporate, consulting, research, and teaching experience in
human resource management, leadership development, culture cultivation, and inno-
vation management, Dr. Long offers a well-rounded perspective that spans theory
and practice. Her ability to bridge the gap between research and real-world applica-
tion is a defining feature of her contributions to this edition.

Focus on Current Management Topics

New chapter openers and examples throughout update the text to focus on current
management topics and emerging research. Throughout the text there is also a focus
on two forces significantly impacting management practices with insights on how
management is evolving to address them.

REMOTE AND HYBRID WORK The COVID-19 global pandemic accelerated

the adoption of remote and hybrid work in organizations. Although research is still
emerging on effective remote and hybrid work practices, today’s reality requires man-
agers to understand current best practices in offering remote and hybrid work options
and how to optimize worker productivity in remote work environments. Coverage is
provided in multiple chapters.
xxii Preface

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) AI capabilities are advancing at an exponen-

tial rate and are reshaping many management practices. AI is becoming increasingly
integrated into various aspects of business operations, from decision making to auto-
mation, and managers need to understand how AI can impact their organizations and
how to harness its potential effectively. The opportunity for engagement or use of AI
tools is addressed in every chapter of this edition.

New Chapter and Chapter Reorganization

The Management History Module has been revised to create a new chapter on the
evolution of management. This new chapter is the most comprehensive, detailed, and
updated review of management history available among introductory management
texts. At this pivotal time in the practice of management, an understanding of the his-
torical development of management concepts and practices provides context to help
students appreciate how practices evolve in response to changing societal, economic,
and technological factors. The remaining chapters have been reorganized, and the
entrepreneurship chapter has been transitioned to a module in response to the
growing number of colleges offering entrepreneurship as a separate course.

Streamlining and Enhancing Features

For this edition, we have streamlined and enhanced the features included within the
text to retain its length and focus. The “Workplace Confidential,” “It’s Your Career,”
and “Learning from Failure” features have been supplemented and updated to retain
the text’s close focus on real-world application.
The Management Practice feature at the end of each part has also been thor-
oughly revised, with an updated “Integrative Case” and a new “Practice Your Data
Analysis Skills exercise to help students hone this valuable career skill.
End-of-chapter materials have been enhanced with new and updated cases, exer-
cises, discussion questions, and much more.

Additional Chapter-by-Chapter Changes in This Edition

Chapter 1
• New Managerial Challenge: Focus on Remote or Hybrid Work
• New Managerial Challenge: Focus on Technology, including artificial intelligence
and digital transformation
• New Managerial Challenge: Focus on Employee Well-Being
Chapter 2 (new chapter on evolution of management)
• Expanded coverage into the 21st century
• New coverage of early advocates of a social-person approach
• Coverage of the new industrial revolution and other recent developments in
management research and practices
• New Learning from Failure: Learning from Failing Start-up Businesses
• New Workplace Confidential: Looking Back to Move Forward
• All new end-of-chapter questions and exercises
• New case: Uber’s CEO Gets Behind the Wheel
• New case: Managers Still Need to Be Data-Driven
Chapter 3
• New example for decision-making process
• New coverage of data and technology use in decision making
• New case: A Major League Baseball Rule Change
Chapter 4
• Expanded coverage of external environment to include investors and
environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy
• New coverage on impact of remote work on culture
Preface xxiii

Chapter 5
• Expanded to include emerging practices in equity and inclusion
• Expanded coverage of dimensions of diversity to include socioeconomic status
• New coverage of measuring and reporting on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work
• New table: Stages of DEI Strategy
Chapter 6
• New coverage on the impact of remote work capabilities
• New Workplace Confidential: Succeeding in a Remote Job
• New case: Lululemon Power of Three × 2 Growth Strategy
Chapter 7
• New section: Stakeholder Capitalism
• New coverage of reporting on social responsibility and sustainability efforts
including UN Sustainable Development Goals
• New Learning from Failure: From Greenwashing to Electric Cars
• New coverage on supporting ethical behavior including ethics officers and
protecting whistleblowers
Chapter 8
• New section: Static versus Scenario Planning
• New section: SMART Objectives
• New case: Johnson Controls Using OpenBlue to Reach Net Zero
Chapter 9
• Revised and expanded coverage of the strategic management process
• New case: Nvidia’s Gaming and AI Strategy
Entrepreneurial Ventures Module
• Revised chapter into a module
• Added coverage on the entrepreneurial mindset
Chapter 10
• New coverage of flexible workplace options
• New Learning from Failure: Return to Office? Workers Say No Way!
• New case: Life as a Digital Nomad in Foreign Cities
Chapter 11
• Expanded coverage of external influences on HR management, including social
and cultural factors
• New coverage on the use of technology in hiring
• New It’s Your Career: Nailing the Behavior-Based Interview
• New case: Employees with Side Hustles: It’s No Secret
Chapter 12
• New coverage on changing culture
• Expanded coverage on types of innovation including breakthrough and sustaining
• Revised and expanded coverage of strategies to stimulate innovation, including
coverage of design thinking
• New coverage of the Business Model Canvas and idea incubation
• New Learning from Failure: Giving Up on Google Glass
• New case: Microsoft: Innovative Again
Chapter 13
• New coverage on improving attitudes using artificial intelligence
• New Learning from Failure: Troublesome Leader’s Personality (WeWork)
• New case: Heat Waves Cause Employees to Walk Off the Job
xxiv Preface

Chapter 14
• New coverage of technology and motivation
• New section: Motivating Remote Workers
Chapter 15
• New section: Technology and Teams, including coverage of virtual collaboration
platforms and use of artificial intelligence
• New case: US Women’s Soccer: A Team in Transition
• New case: Taylor Swift’s Bonuses Cause Their Own “Swift Quake”
Chapter 16
• New Learning from Failure: Childhood Lessons on Failure (Sarah Blakely)
• New content on emergent leadership
• New case: New Endorsements Give Power to College Athletes
Chapter 17
• Revised and expanded coverage of technology and communication
• New case: No Meetings?
Chapter 18
• New coverage of Key Performance Indicators
• New case: Feeding Chocolate to Cows

Our Three Guiding Principles

What has allowed this text to flourish for 40 years? We think the answer is in our three
guiding principles: (1) offer cutting-edge topic coverage, (2) ensure that the writing
is readable and conversational, and (3) make certain the presentation is relevant to

Cutting-Edge Topic Coverage

This book has always sought to provide the latest topic coverage. It was, for instance,
the first introductory management text to discuss organizational culture, the symbolic
view of management, behavioral decision making, sustainability, and value-chain
management. This edition continues in that tradition, with cutting-edge topics like
stakeholder investing, remote work, artificial intelligence, and employee well-being.
And, of course, the entire research base for this edition has been fully updated.

High Readability
Every textbook author claims their books are highly readable. The reality is that few
actually are. Most appear to be written more for professors than for students. From
the first edition of this text, we were determined to make the field of management
interesting and engaging for students. How did we do this? First, we committed to a
conversational writing style. We wanted the text to read like normal people talk. And
second, we relied on extensive use of examples. As your senior author learned early in
his teaching career, students often forget theories, but they remember stories. So you’ll
find a wealth of current examples in this text.

Since this text’s inception, we have subjected every theory and concept to our “So
What?” test. We ask ourselves: Why is a specific concept relevant? Why should a student
need to know this? This test has guided us in deciding what to include and exclude over
these many editions, as well as reminding us to explain the importance and relevance
of concepts when it might not be obvious.
Preface xxv

Solving Learning and Teaching Challenges

Speaking of relevance, if there is one component of this text that instructors will find
important, it’s our focus on providing job-relevant skills for students.
In the typical introductory management class, only about 20 percent of students
are management majors. The rest are majoring in accounting, finance, marketing, infor-
mation systems, or some other business discipline. As a result, instructors tell us that
one of their most challenging obstacles in teaching the introductory management class
is convincing these non-management majors of the course’s importance. These non-
management majors often question the course’s relevance to their career goals. As one
accounting student put it, “Why do I have to take this class? I have no interest in being
a manager. My time would be better spent taking another course in tax or auditing.”
We have an answer for those students: This text and your management class
are relevant to anyone who plans to work in an organization. How? In addition to
describing what effective managers do and offering insights into how organizations
work, we include features that will help students develop the specific skills employers
are looking for in job candidates and provide guidance to help students survive and
thrive in the workplace. Let’s highlight what those features are:

WORKPLACE CONFIDENTIAL Succeeding in a Remote Job Advice for Surviving and

The emergence of remote work means companies no lon-
ger need to rely on finding talent in their local geographic
• Make sure you have the equipment you need. This is
something you can ask before you start the job. Some
Thriving in the Workplace
area. They can also save money without the need to relocate companies may even provide an allowance to purchase Regardless of whether one is work-
recruits or provide office space. As an increasing number of an ergonomic chair or other equipment.
companies offer the opportunity to work remotely, you will • If you are working from home, make sure you have a ing in an organization employing
likely see more remote jobs available, giving you the chance
to work from anywhere in the world. In fact, some countries
designated workspace. That will help you transition into
work mode, and you can walk away from the space at
three people or 300,000, there are
are even offering digital nomad visas to attract remote work- the end of your workday. But also consider alternate work common challenges that employ-
ers. These special visas allow you to work remotely from spots, especially if you need to be creative. Changing
within a country, typically for up to a year. Want to spend scenery is helpful, so scout out a good spot at the library ees will encounter. We provide
a year working from a beach in Barbados? You can! But
although remote work might sound exciting, it is a challenge.
or in a public coworking space. students with guidance for deal-
• Take care of your health. Take regular breaks and make
Before you accept that cool job working for a company on
sure you stand up and stretch regularly. Make sure you ing with these challenges in our
the other side of the country or the globe, you should first ask
yourself—is remote work right for me? Although the lure of
block out breaks on your calendar, so you don’t end up in
back-to-back meetings.
“Workplace Confidential” features.
the flexibility is clear, sometimes the downside of remote work
doesn’t surface until you are into the job. And if you do accept • Virtual meetings can cause fatigue. Consider turning
the job, how can you make sure you succeed working remotely? off your self-view on the screen—watching yourself is

Developing Resilience
“Learning from Failure” boxes
illustrate how people like Sarah
Blakely, James Dyson, and J.K. Learning from
Rowling as well as companies FA I L U R E Giving Up on Google Glass
Created by Google’s X factory, the hope of a game- Where did Google go wrong? First, Google Glass was
like Google and Volkswagen have changing innovation in wearable products ended when an example of a solution looking for a problem. Although the
encountered setbacks, assessed Google finally stopped making Google Glass 10 years technology was an interesting idea, it was not fulfilling any cus-
after a lackluster launch. The product was first introduced tomer need. And it was a high price for technology that was not
what went wrong, gained new in- in 2013 at a retail price of $1,500, offering consumers needed. Customers also complained about privacy concerns
sights from their experience, and wearable glasses allowing them to access technology via
their face instead of having to pull out a phone. The smart
because wearers could easily hit record to capture video at any
time, making the glasses unwelcome in most public places.
bounced back. glasses were discontinued two years later, having never Issues around the purpose of the glasses and the
caught on. The failure was blamed on a clunky design, high cost seemed to plague corporate sales as well.
Resilience is a valuable quality high price, and concerns around privacy. When Google announced it would stop making the Glass
for students and employees. These In 2019 Google relaunched the product as the Glass Enterprise Edition, it was part of a larger cost-cutting ini-
Enterprise Edition, which shifted the focus from consum- tiative across the company. Although it made sense that
boxes can help students see the ers to businesses with an intent to sell to industries such as Google tried to save its investment in Google Glass by
manufacturing and logistics. But again, the product failed to relaunching it to a new market, ultimately the company lost
positive side of failures and how catch on, and the company announced in 2023 that it would millions of dollars by focusing on the novelty of technology
individuals and organizations have end production. instead of the needs of the customer.62

learned from their mistakes.

xxvi Preface

IT’S YOUR CAREER that convinced your boss to try your idea? Did you
create a time management process that helps you

Nailing the Behavior-Based deliver assignments on time? And remember, not

every experience has to be a success for you to
Interview learn from it. For example, maybe you had a team
A common approach to interviewing is what is called project that was a disaster, but through the project Career Guidance
the behavior-based interview. Based on the idea that you learned how to better work in teams. We’ve found that students
Finally, practice responding to the questions
past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior,
you think you will need to answer. The STAR
appreciate career guid-
the behavior-based interview asks you to share past
method is a good way to focus your question ance. Toward that end,
experiences to demonstrate your skills and compe-
tencies. You know you are in a behavior-based inter- responses to make sure you tell the interviewer we included “It’s Your
view when the questions start with “Tell me about a what they need to know, without going on too Career” boxes that address
time when . . . ” or “Give me an example of . . . ” and long. You can organize your story to share the skills that will enhance
Situation, Task, Action, and Result.
then ask for you to share an experience that dem- career progress. These
onstrates a specific skill or ability. “Tell me about a • Situation: Share some context around the
challenge you faced. Where were you working?
include identifying your
time you had to manage a difficult customer” is an
What was your job? strengths and weaknesses,
example of a behavior-based interview question.
• Task: What was the specific problem you solved, managing your time, de-
The key to succeeding in a behavior-based interview opportunity you took advantage of, or challenge you
is preparation! Start by making a list of the skills, responded to? veloping your negotiation
abilities, or competencies that the job might require. • Action: Explain exactly what you did to resolve skills, and learning to read
The job posting is a good place to start to determine the problem, or what action you took in response an organization’s culture.
these. It is likely to list skills such as communication, to the challenge. Make sure you use “I” and not
“we” to emphasize your role, even if it was a team
teamwork, time management, and creativity.
Next, think about stories you can tell to share • Result: What was the outcome? Did you save
your experiences that demonstrate you have those a customer? Get an A on the project? If you are
skills. For example, did you write a persuasive email sharing a failure, what did you learn?73

Continued Focus on Practical Applications

This edition of Management continues our commitment to provide instructors with
a comprehensive set of in-text exercises that allow students to translate what they’ve
learned into practical applications. These include, for example, end-of-chapter cases,
ethical dilemmas, and team-building exercises, plus a part-ending integrative case.
Here’s a brief summary of these applications.

Taylor Swift’s Bonuses Cause Their Own

Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour was both a massive success and a massive production to ex-
ecute. Her three-hour-plus, 44-song live show covers themes from her 17-year career.
The 52-date sold-out US tour was an ambitious effort with elaborate stage designs
Case Applications being put up and taken down quickly.57 Fans, nearly 54,000 per show, paid an average
ticket price of $250 to see Swift’s era-themed rooms moving on stage and screen with
There are two case applications at the coordinated dance numbers, an acoustic set, and 10 outfit changes during each show.
Obviously, there is a whole lot to pay attention to on stage.58
end of each chapter. Of course, Taylor Swift’s seemingly one-woman show required a significant team
effort. Her fashion alone represented the work of several of the world’s most promi-
nent designers, and she needed help changing costumes several times each show. The
technically ambitious stage show, created and executed by designers and a variety of
workers, showcased different albums of Swift’s career with unique backdrops.59 Other
team members included the 50-plus truckers transporting sets and equipment from
one stadium to the next, caterers to feed everyone, workers handing out LED wrist-
bands that sync up to songs in unison when Swift is singing, and many more.
Preface xxvii

Starbucks Integrative Case

Each of the six parts of this book concludes with the Continuing Case:
Starbucks integrative case. This case helps students see how Starbucks—Introduction
concepts can be applied in an organization with which most Community. Connection. Caring. Committed. Coffee. Five
Cs that describe the essence of Starbucks Corporation—
are familiar as well as see the integrative nature of manage- what it stands for and what it wants to be as a business.
ment. Each part of the case has been updated with develop- With more than 32,000 stores in eighty countries, Star-
ments since the previous edition. bucks is the world’s number one specialty coffee retailer.
The company also owns the Baya, Evolution Fresh, La
Boulange, Princi, Starbucks Reserve, Seattle’s Best Coffee,
Starbucks VIA, Starbucks Refreshers, Teavana, Verismo,
and Torrefazione Italia brands.1 It’s a company that truly
epitomizes the challenges facing managers in today’s glob-
ally competitive environment. To help you better under-
stand these challenges, we’re going to take an in-depth look
at Starbucks through these continuing cases, which you’ll
find at the end of every part of the text. Each of these
Practice Your Data Analysis Skills six part-ending continuing cases will look at Starbucks
A coffee business started by three friends caught on, and from the perspective of the material presented in that part.
currently has 10 locations, the environmentally conscious Although each case “stands alone,” you’ll be able to see
founders of this business have started to consider if the gar- the progression of the management process as you work
bage generated by each store is problematic. Last month, through each one.
the average waste sent to landfills amounted to 1,500
pounds per store. Stores are open seven days a week, and
about 500 customers visit each store daily. It turns out that
single-use coffee cups, approximately 500 per day per store,
can be replaced by compostable paper cups at a cost of
$0.15 per cup. By implementing recycling, 600 pounds of
garbage per store can be diverted from going to a landfill.
P2-19. What is the waste diversion rate per store if Applied Data Analysis Skills
recycling and compostable cups are used? Assume Following the Starbucks case at the end of each section, we have
50 single-use cups equal one pound of garbage, added a new “Practice Your Data Analysis Skills” assignment for
and the waste diversion rate is calculated by students. Using a theme of a new coffee shop business, students
dividing the amount of waste diverted by the can practice basic data analysis and apply their critical thinking
total amount of waste, then multiply the total by skills to understand the implications of the data.
100. The waste diversion rate is presented as a

SKILLS EXERCISE Developing Your Collaboration Skill

Skills Exercises About the Skill • Seek additional information. Ask individuals to provide
Collaboration is the teamwork, synergy, and cooperation additional information. Encourage others to talk and
It’s not enough to “know” used by individuals when they seek a common goal. In many more fully explain suggestions. This brainstorming
cross-cultural settings, the ability to collaborate is crucial. opportunity can assist in finding creative solutions.
something. Students need When all partners must work together to achieve goals,
to be able to apply that • Don’t become defensive. Collaboration requires open
collaboration is critically important to the process. However, communication. Discussions may focus on things you
knowledge. Skills Exercises cultural differences can often make collaboration a challenge. and others may not be doing or need to do better. Don’t
at the end of each chap- take the constructive feedback as personal criticism.
Steps in Practicing the Skill
Focus on the topic being discussed, not on the person
ter are designed to help • Look for common points of interest. The best way to start delivering the message. Recognize that you cannot always
achieve that goal. Some working together collaboratively is to seek commonalities be right!
that exist among the parties. Common points of interest
of these exercises include enable communications to be more effective.
developing your skills at Practicing the Skill
• Listen to others. Collaboration is a team effort. Everyone Interview individuals from three nationalities different
creativity, collaboration, has valid points to offer, and each individual should have
than your own about the challenges of collaborating with
an opportunity to express their ideas.
building trust, interview- individuals from different cultures. What challenges do
ing, motivating others, and • Check for understanding. Make sure you understand what different cultures create when people are asked to collabo-
the other person is saying. Use feedback when necessary. rate? How do they recommend dealing with these challenges?
acquiring power. • Accept diversity. Not everything in a collaborative effort What advice do they have for improving your ability to
will “go your way.” Be willing to accept different ideas and collaborate at work with people from different cultures?
different ways of doing things. Be open to these ideas Do they think being bilingual and traveling to different
and the creativity that surrounds them. countries will improve your ability to collaborate?
xxviii Preface

Ethics Dilemmas ETHICS DILEMMA 4-8. Do you think the use of technology in sports is
based on the desire to gain an advantage or the fear
of competing at a disadvantage?33 Is this an ethical
Each chapter presents In many ways, technology has made all of us more
concern for the use of technology?
productive; however, ethical issues do arise in how and
students with an ethical when technology is used. Take competitive amateur 4-9. What if your school (or country) were competing for
dilemma and encourages and professional sports as an example. All kinds of a championship and couldn’t afford to outfit athletes
in such equipment, and it affected their ability to
them to practice their technologically advanced sports equipment (swimsuits,
compete? Would that make a difference?
golf clubs, ski suits, etc.) have been developed that can
skills in ethical decision sometimes give competitors/players an edge over their 4-10. Given the degree of complexity and change
making and critical deci- opponents. Access to technology is expensive, meaning technology has brought to amateur and professional
sion making. technology use in sports is not equally available to sports, what can regulators (i.e., management) do to
everyone.32 gain some control over their environment?

Team Exercises
Work in today’s organi-
WORKING TOGETHER Team Exercise zations is increasingly
being done in groups
Almost a third of employees who leave their companies Compare your lists for common factors. Now choose one and teams. And being
within the first 90 days say they didn’t fit into the of the group members’ lists and, as a group, discuss: What
company’s culture.34 This suggests that learning about could you do when visiting a company for an interview to a “team player” has
a company’s culture before you accept a job could save find out whether it has the characteristics on the list? What become an important
you a considerable amount of grief. To increase the questions could be asked during the interview to find out
chances that you’ll fit with the culture of the company if the company has a strong or weak culture? What clues
quality in the hiring pro-
you next work for, form groups of three or four and share could be looked for when walking around the company to cess. To help students
the characteristics of an organizational culture each understand what the culture is like? Be ready to share your build their collaboration
group member wants (and doesn’t want) in an employer. analysis with the class.
skills, we have included
team exercises at the end
of each chapter.

• Find current examples in any popular business Coca-Cola, Disney, Exxon, and Meta made changes in
periodical of both the omnipotent and symbolic views response to investors’ or special interest groups’ demands?
“My Turn to Be of management. Write a paper describing what you Give some examples and indicate whether you agree or
a Manager” found and how your examples represent these views of
disagree with the changes. Was there any evidence of
greenwashing at the company(ies) you researched?
Exercises • Consider a business that you frequent (for example, a • If you belong to a student organization, evaluate its
Additional opportuni- restaurant or coffee shop) and review the six aspects of culture by answering the following: How would you
the external environment discussed in the text. Create describe the culture? How do new members learn the
ties for students to apply a list of factors in the external environment that could culture? How is the culture maintained? If you don’t
management concepts affect the management of the business you selected. belong to a student organization, talk to another student
introduced in each chap- • Choose an organization you are familiar with or would who does and evaluate it using the same questions.

ter are the “My Turn to

like to know more about. Create a table identifying • Research remote work and work nomads. In a short
potential stakeholders of this organization. Then indicate paper, discuss the positive and negative impacts these
Be a Manager” exercises. what particular interests or concerns these stakeholders ways of working have on an organization with a strong
might have. culture. Would the effects be the same for an organization
• Activist investors and special interest groups try to pressure with a weak culture? Explain whether maintaining an
top management at companies to make significant changes organization’s culture should be different if remote
to their policies. How have executives at companies like workers and work nomads are used.

For more information and resources, visit

Preface xxix

About MyLab Management

To improve student results, we recommend pairing the text content with MyLab
Management, which is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach
every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible
platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and will help your students
learn and retain key course concepts while developing skills that future employers
are seeking in their candidates. From Mini Sims to Personal Inventory Assessments
and Dynamic Study Modules, MyLab Management helps you teach your course,
your way. Learn more at

Instructor Teaching Resources

Management 16e comes with the following teaching resources:

Supplements available
to instructors at www. Features of the Supplement
Instructor’s Manual • Chapter-by-chapter summaries
authored by Nathan • Teaching notes
Hartman from Illinois • Answers for End-of-Chapter activities
State University

Test Bank • Over 1800 multiple-choice, true/false, and short answer/

authored by Mike essay questions
Casey • Aligned to Learning Objectives from the text
• Classified according to difficulty level
• AACSB learning standard identified (Written and oral
communication, Ethical understanding and reasoning,
Analytical thinking, Diverse and multicultural work
environments, Reflective thinking, Application of
knowledge, Interpersonal relations and teamwork, and
Integration of real-world business experiences)

Computerized TestGen TestGen allows instructors to:

• Customize, save, and generate classroom tests
• Edit, add, or delete questions from the Test Item Files
• Analyze test results
• Organize a database of tests and student results.

PowerPoints Slides include all the graphs, tables, and equations in

authored by Mike the text.
Casey PowerPoints meet accessibility standards for students
with disabilities. Features include, but are not limited to:
• Keyboard and Screen Reader access
• Alternative text for images
• High color contrast between background and
foreground colors
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
census of, 92, 96 f.;
post-Servian, 93-7;
funds for, 93 f.;
opened to plebeians, 94;
equo privato, 94 f.;
equo publico, 95 f., 209;
in comitia centuriata, 209 f.;
prerogative, 211;
after reform, 212, 215, 220, 224, 226 f.;
given seats at theatre, 357, 428;
liable to law against bribery, 378;
made superior to senators, 381;
desert C. Gracchus, 384;
associate with senators in courts, 402, 427 f., 455.
Esquilina (tribus), 50, 220.
Eupyridae, Attic gens, 28.
Exercitus urbanus, 203.
Exile, voluntary, legalized by comitia tributa, 249, 256, 257, n. 5,
267, 446.
Extortion, see Repetundae.

Fabius, Q., trial of (389), 246, 288.

Fabius Buteo, censor (241), 213.
Fabius Gurges, Q., consul (292), resolution on imperium of, 289,
Fabius Maximus, Q., consul (215), and curiate law, 197.
Fabius Maximus Servilianus, Q., trial of, for murder, 257, n. 5.
Fabius Pictor, sources of for early Rome, 26;
on Servian tribes, 51, 52-4;
centuriate system, 67, 85.
Fabius Pictor, Q., praetor (189), trial of, 327 f.
Fabius Rullianus, Q., alters tribes, 64.
Fabri (mechanics, sappers, workmen), 66, 67, n. 3, 68, 81;
assigned to classes, 205 f.;
after reform, 226.
Family law, changes in, 339 f., 352.
Fasti, read in comitia calata, 154 f.;
dies, 471 f.;
Clodian law on, 445.
Faucia (curia), 11, n. 7;
ill-omened, 112.
Ferentarii, 80, n. 5.
Festivals, regulated by law, 340 f.
Fetialis, 176, 265.
Finance, legislation on, 297 f., 310 f., 335-7, 351 f., 392, 403,
422, 438.
Fines, appealed to tribes, 259, 269, 286 f., 292, 317 ff., 344.
Flamen, curial, 10;
Dialis, 203, n. 7.
Flaminian, era, 333-46;
Circus, 465;
Meadow, 465.
Flaminius, C., and curiate law, 191;
monetary law of, 191 f., 336;
censor, 213;
era of, 333-46;
agrarian law, 334 f.;
supports Claudian law, 335;
influences legislation, 337 f., 343;
assigns libertini to city tribes, 355;
energizes comitia, 343, 475.
Flavius, M., trial of, 291.
Fordicidia, 9.
Foreign affairs, administered by senate, 273;
then fell partly to comitia tributa, 303;
laws on, 349 f.
Forgery, 420.
Foriensis (curia), 11.
Formiani, Fundani, etc., receive suffrage, 352.
Formulae, legal, 464.
Fornacalia, 9, 11, n. 8.
Forum, assembly in, 267, 327, 431, 439, n. 15, 465.
Fowler, W. W., on lex Scantinia, 357, n. 13;
reëlection of tribune, 369, n. 4;
Sempronian lex iudiciaria, 374, n. 7.
Freedmen, see Libertini.
Fregellae, revolt of, 255.
Fröhlich, on Sulpicius, 405, n. 2;
Cornelian-Pompeian law, 406, n. 6;
lex Cornelia de tribunicia potestate, 414.
Frumentations, 372 f., 395, 398, 401;
abolished by Sulla, 422;
restored by Lepidus, 423, n. 8;
further legislation on, 424, n. 5, 444 f.;
curtailed by Caesar, 453;
under lex municipalis, 456.
Fulvius, Cn., praetor (212), trial of, 249 f.
Fundus populus factus, 401, n. 8.
Furius, L., past consul, trial of, 268.
Furius, P., tribune (98), 257, n. 5, 323.
Furius Camillus, M., and equestrian fund, 94;
dictator, 202;
trial of, 244 f., 288, 290.
Furtum (theft), 339, n. 5;
prosecution for, 321;
under lex Hostilia, 337, n. 5;
Plautia, 424;
see Peculatus.

Gabinius, A., tribune (67), 429 f., 432 f.

Gabinius, Q., tribune (139), 359.
Gabinus ager, 108.
Gades, receives citizenship, 454.
Galeria iuniorum, 217.
Genera, identified with gentes, 12.
Gens, meaning family, lineage, 30 f., 102.
Gentes, 11-13;
unconnected with curiate system, 13;
social composition of, 28-31;
defined by Scaevola, 28, n. 7;
maiores et minores, 35 f.;
origin of patrician, 37, n. 4;
relatively late, 48, n. 2;
common land of, 49;
relation to rural tribes, 35, 50, 55, n. 1;
in war, 78, n. 6.
Gentiles, Gentilitas, 28, n. 7, 29, 30.
Gifts, leges Publicia and Cincia on, 338 f.
Governors, provincial, of the Spains, 346 f.;
under Porcian laws, 349;
Sempronian, 374, 381 f.;
Acilian, 376 f.;
Julian, 442, 456.
Gracchi, see Sempronius.
Grain, see Frumentations.
Greenidge, on social classes, 38, n. 2.
Guilds, see Collegia.

Hackel, on lex Iulia municipalis, 457, n. 5.

Heredium, 49.
Herennius, tribune (60), 162, 438.
Hernicans, receive civitas sine suffragio, 305.
Herzog, on curiate law, 183, n. 5;
Sulpicius, 405, n. 2.
Ἑταιρεία, 8, n. 6.
Holidays, non-comitial, 116.
Horatius, trial of for perduellio, 121.
Hornblowers, in centuriate system, 66.
Horsemen, see Equites.
Hortensius, Q., dictator (287), 313.
Hosticus ager, 108.
Hostilius Tubulus, L., trial of (141), 255, n. 1.
Huschke, on Servian tribes, 51;
ratings, 86;
reformed comitia centuriata, 219.

Ihne, on trial of Opimius, 256 f.;

popular interference with censors, 351, n. 5;
policy of Marius, 389;
Sulpicius, 405, n. 2.
Imperium, true (iustum), 102 f., 187, n. 7;
confirmed by curiate law, 188;
granted by comitia, 188, n. 2;
by senate, 191, 284;
transition of without curiate law, 196 f.;
promagisterial, 305;
abrogated, 324, n. 1, 342, 360, 367, 390, 404, 409;
limited by Porcian laws, 349;
regulated by Sulla, 417.
Impetrativa, impetrita (auspicia), 100, 103-11;
relation of to oblativa, 112.
Inaugurare sacerdotes, 106.
Inaugurations, in comitia calata, 155 f.
Incertus ager, 108.
Incest, prosecution for, 326.
Index legis, 462.
Ingenuus, 20 f., 36;
son of libertinus becomes, 355.
Instauraticius dies, creation of by law, 308 f.
Intercession, see Veto.
Interdict, decreed by tribes, 249, 256, 257, n. 5, 267, 446.
Interregnum, 183.
Interrex, appointment of, 102;
auspices, 103;
presidency of contio, 140;
right of public speech, 145, n. 4;
nominates king, 183;
lacks curiate sanction, 191;
presides over curiae and centuries, 236, 412, 468, 469.
Italians, benefit by Sempronian agrarian law, 364;
revolt of, 397, 401;
receive citizenship, 401 f.;
dissatisfied, 403;
equalized with Romans, 409.
Iubere, in legislation, 179.
Iudices (jurors), originally from senate, 345, 358, 374;
from knights under
leges Sempronia and Acilia, 374 f.;
qualifications of under lex Cornelia, 419;
Aurelia, 427;
Licinia and Pompeia, 448;
Antonia, 458;
punished for bribery, 442.
Ius agendi cum populo, 465.
Ius gentium, violation of, 246.
Ius pontificum, 181.
Ius sententiae dicendae, 391.
Iussus populi, 180, n. 7.
Iustitium, 401;
defined, 404, n. 6.
Iustum auspicium, imperium, 102 f.

Janiculum, garrison and flag on, 203, n. 2, 258, 469;

secession to, 313.
Judicial process, in contio, 142, 143;
in comitia, 259 f.;
choice as to assembly, 287;
ballot in, 359.
Jugurtha, 390.
Julius Caesar, C., usage as to comitia and concilium, 125;
creates patricians, 164, 456;
uses centuriate and tribal assemblies, 236;
threatened with prosecution, 324;
supports Licinius Macer, 426;
Manilian rogation, 434;
consul (59), 438-44;
affected by Pompeian laws, 449;
dictator (49-44), 451-7;
adds 10 days to year, 471.
Julius Caesar, C., consul (64), usage as to contio, 125 f.
Julius Caesar Octavianus, creates patricians, 164, 460;
triumvir, 459 f.
Juniors, in centuriate system, 66, 68, 81 ff.;
number of, 84, 205;
after reform, 216.
Junius, L., consul (249), trial of, 248.
Junius Silanus, M., prosecution of (103), 323.
Juno, Curis, 8, n. 5, 9;
Moneta, 2, n. 6.
Junonia, colonization of, 383, 385.
Jupiter, auspices of, 100, 103;
victim to, 264, 274;
feast of, 347;
oath by, 380.
Jurisdiction, of king, 182;
comitia centuriata, 239-61, 315;
tributa, 264-9, 280, 286-92, 317-29.
Jurors, see Iudices.
Juventus Thalna, M., tribal lex de bello indicendo of, 231.

Kalumniator, 400.
Kaput legis, 463, n. 6.
Κήρυκες, 153, n. 3.
King, auspices of, 103;
presidency of contio, 140;
of comitia calata, 154;
curiata, 173 ff.;
right to address people, 145, 173;
as legislator, 177 f.;
irresponsible, 180;
powers of, 181;
jurisdiction, 182;
election, 182-4, 189 f.;
declares war, 175 f., 181, 230.
Klebs, on reformed comitia centuriata, 223, 225.
Knights, see Equites.
Kornemann, on lex Scantinia, 357, n. 13.

Laelius Felix, defines comitia and concilium, 119;

not in accord with Livy, 119-25;
view of rejected, 131;
error explained, 137.
Laelius Sapiens, C., prosecution of, 322;
agrarian rogation of, 360 f.
Laetorius Mergus, L. or M., trial of, 247.
Land, see Ager.
Lange, on obnuntiatio, 117;
early legislation, 181, n. 9;
transitio imperii, 183, n. 5, 197, n. 4;
comitia centuriata, 201, n. 4;
reform of, 224 f.;
validity of plebiscite, 278, n. 2;
right of dedication, 309;
lex Appuleia de maiestate, 394, n. 5;
lex Antia, 428;
principium, 466, n. 3.
Lanuvium, curiae in, 8, n. 5.
Latins, rights of, 63;
benefit by Sempronian agrarian law, 364;
proposal to grant citizenship to, 383;
receive citizenship, 401 f.;
limited suffrage, 466, n. 2.
Lator legis, 462, n. 2.
Laurentum, 2, n. 6, 3, n. 1.
Lauretum, 2, n. 6.
Lavinium, Tities in, 4, n. 3.
Law, divine, 177;
human, 178;
sovereignty of, 308;
see Legislation, Lex.
Legion, instituted, 68, 84;
early republican, 75 ff.
Leges, composition and preservation of, 462-5;
imperfectae, etc., 463;
centuriate, consular, etc., n. 8;
provisions to secure validity of, 464;
annulment by senate, 107.
Legislation, regal, 177-82, 230;
centuriate, 230-9;
tribal, pre-decemviral, 269-74;
pre-Hortensian, 292-316;
from Hortensius to Gracchi, 330-362;
from Gracchi to Sulla, 303-411;
late republican, 412-61;
freed from obnuntiatio, 117, 445;
process of, 178 f., 465-70;
provided for by Twelve Tables, 233 f., 307, 368, 464, 474;
senatorial, 273;
transferred to tribes, 316;
to centuries, 406-8;
ballot in, 369;
fields of: administrative, 238, 306 f.;
agrarian, 238, 265, n. 4, 272, 334, 363-7, 373 f., 385-7,
392, 395, 400, 403, 435 f., 438-41, 458;
colonial, 311, 350, 382 f., 393 ff., 457 f.;
financial, 310 f., 335-7, 351 f., 392, 403, 422, 438;
frumentarian, 372 f., 395, 401, 423, n. 8, 444;
judiciary, 358, 374-6, 402 f., 419, 424, 427 f., 442, 448, 455
f., 458 f.;
religious, 238, 295, n. 6, 308 f., 340, 358 f., 391 f., 435;
sumptuary, 337 f., 356, 388, n. 9, 423, 428, 448, 455 f.
Legum dictio, 110, 179, n. 7.
Lengle, on lex Cornelia Pompeia (88), 407, n. 2.
Lentus, L., consul (156), trial of, 255, n. 1.
Lex, meaning of word, 179;
data and rogata, 180.
Lex alearia, (before 204), 337.
⸺ auspical, 110.
⸺ centuriata de potestate, 185.
⸺ Coloniae Genetivae, 453, n. 4.
⸺ curiata de imperio, 31, 32, 112, 180, n. 7;
formula of, 183, 188;
sanctioning, 184;
Messala on, 185 f.;
dispensations from, 186, 190, 195, 199;
subject to veto, 187;
confirms imperium, 188;
functions performed without, 191;
lack of in 49 b.c., 192, 194 f.;
one annually, 195;
becomes formality, 196 f.;
revived by optimates, 198;
strengthened by Sulla, 199;
de potestate, 190.
⸺ lenonia, 338, n. 5.
Leges regiae, 181.
Lex sacrata, so-called Icilian, 233, 272 f.;
on tribunes, 264;
meaning of, 264 f.;
mitigation of, 266;
renewed by Valerius and Horatius, 274;
list of leges s., 265, n. 1;
on centuriate trials, 268, n. 6.
⸺ satura, 396, 399.
⸺ de bello indicendo, 231.
⸺ de imperio, for triumphs, 334 f.;
Vespasiani, 464, n. 5;
see Lex curiata.
⸺ on driving nail, 238.
⸺ found at Ateste, 454, n. 3.
⸺ granting citizenship to priestesses of Ceres, 353.
⸺ creating dictatorship (501), 233.
⸺ instituting tribuni militum consulari potestate (445), 234,
⸺ creating censors (443?), 234.
⸺ appointing prefect of market (440), 295, 305, n. 5.
⸺ on presenting crown to Jupiter (437), 295, n. 6.
⸺ on garments of candidates (432), 295.
⸺ increasing quaestors (421), 234.
⸺ creating special murder court (414), 253, 295.
⸺ as to residence on Capitoline hill (384), 295.
⸺ creating praetorship (367), 234.
⸺ creating curule aedileship (367), 234.
⸺ for election of 6 military tribunes (362), 234.
⸺ prohibiting comitia away from city (357), 297.
⸺ preparing for war (356), 297, n. 5.
⸺ granting triumph (356), 297, n. 5.
⸺ on interest and debts (347), 298.
⸺ granting citizenship to Privernates (329), 304 f.
⸺ creating promagistracy (t. 327), 305.
⸺ sending prefects to Capua (318), 306.
⸺ on dedication of temples, etc. (304), 309.
⸺ dispensing Q. Fabius from law (t. 298), 308.
⸺ creating triumviri coloniis deducendis (296), 311.
⸺ prolonging imperium (t. 295), 305.
⸺ granting Etruria to Fabius (295), 305 f.
⸺ on imperium of consul Q. Fabius (292), 289, 306.
⸺ creating special court (270), 254.
⸺ doubling number of quaestors (267), 332.
⸺ forbidding reëlection to censorship (265), 332.
⸺ instituting second praetor (242), 332.
⸺ granting privilege of riding (241), 332.
⸺ instituting 2 praetors (227), 341 f.
⸺ granting triumph (t. 223), 334.
⸺ on intermarriage of kin (241-219), 339 f.
⸺ on Sacred Spring (t. 217), 340.
⸺ dispensing consulars from law (t. 217), 343.
⸺ granting citizenship to Campanian knights (215), 340.
⸺ for election of pontifex maximus (before 212), 341;
for election of chief curio (before 209), 341.
⸺ creating 3 administrative boards (t. 212), 337.
⸺ on Campanian vectigalia (210), 337.
⸺ granting citizenship (t. 210), 353, n. 7.
⸺ for election of 24 military tribunes (207), 342.
⸺ dispensing C. Servilius from law (t. 203), 343, n. 2.
⸺ permitting oath by proxy (t. 200), 343, n. 2.
⸺ on qualification of plebeian tribunes and aediles (Flaminian
era), 342 f.
⸺ increasing praetors to 6 (198), 346.
⸺ on triumphs (after 180), 350.
⸺ forbidding reëlection of consul (151), 348;
dispensation from, 360;
repealed by Sulla, 415.
Leges, dispensing Scipio Aemilianus from laws (t. 148, 135),
Lex, assigning seats to equites at theatre (t. 146?), 357.
⸺ abrogating proconsular imperium (136), 360.
⸺ granting Asia as province (t. 131), 381, n. 5.
⸺ on qualifications of senators (t. about 129), 369 f.
⸺ permitting reëlection of tribune (t. before 123), 369, 371.
⸺ agraria, amending Sempronian law (t. not after 118), 385.
⸺ founding Narbo Martius, 386, n. 1.
Leges, repealing Sempronian law on military service (about
115), 388 f.
Lex, on dedication of Capitoline temple (78), 341, n. 1.
⸺ on vectigalia (75), 424.
⸺ appointing decemviri for regulating Asia (t. 67), 433.
⸺ dispensing Caesar from law (t. 52), 449.
⸺ granting citizenship to Gades (49), 454.
Leges, recalling certain exiles (p. and t. 49), 454.
Lex, granting Caesar triumph over Juba (48), 335, n. 2.
Leges, conferring powers on Caesar (48-45), 451 f.
Lex, for founding Colonia Genetiva (t. 44), 453, n. 4.
Lex (?), for building temple to Isis (43), 459.
Lex, honoring triumviri (43), 459.
⸺ on birthday of Caesar (42), 457, n. 7.
⸺ granting lictors to Vestals (42), 459, n. 5.
Leges, honoring Octavia, Octavianus, and Livia (t. 35), 459 f.
Leges whose authors are given:
Lex Acilia de intercalatione (c. 191), 358.
⸺ Acilia repetundarum (t. 122), 375-8.
⸺ Acilia Calpurnia de ambitu (c. 67), 431;
amended by Cicero, 436.
⸺ Acilia Minucia, on peace with Carthage (t. 201), 344, n. 7.
⸺ Acilia Rubria, on worship of Jupiter (t. 122), 384, n. 4.
⸺ Aebutia, on legis actio, 339, n. 5.
Leges Aebutia et Licinia, on qualifications of candidates (t. after
194), 347 f.
Lex Aelia, colonial (t. 194), 350.
Leges Aelia et Fufia (t. about 150), 116 f., 358 f.;
amended by lex Clodia, 116 f., 445;
and curiate law, 198;
relation to tribunician comitia, 280.
Lex Aemilia, on censorship (d. 443), 237.
⸺ Aemilia de libertinorum suffragiis (c. 115), 388;
Sumptuaria, n. 9.
⸺ Aemilia frumentaria (c. 78), 423, n. 1, 444, n. 6.
⸺ Aemilia, for naming Caesar dictator (p. 49), 450.
⸺ Antia sumptuaria (t. 70?), 428.
⸺ Antistia, on punishment of Satricans (t. 319), 310;
serves as precedent, 340.
⸺ Antonia de Termessibus (t. 71), 425.
⸺ Antonia, on children of proscribed (t. 49), 453 f.;
colonial (c. 44), 237, 453, n. 4, 457 f.;
iudiciaria, 458;
establishing appeal from quaestiones, 458 f.;
abolishing dictatorship, 237, 459;
a l. sacrata, 265, n. 1;
leges honoring Caesar, 452 n. 4;
lex confirming acts of Caesar, 457.
⸺ Antonia, on elections (t. 45), 454 f.;
agraria (t. 44), 458.
⸺ Antonia Tullia de ambitu (c. 63), 436 f.
⸺ Appuleia agraria (t. 100), 395;
colonial (t. 103, 100), 393 ff.;
frumentaria (t. 100), 395, 444, n. 6;
de maiestate, 394, 400;
de sponsu (103, 100?), 298, n. 1, 394, n. 5;
interdicting Metellus (t. 100), 257, n. 5, 395 f.
⸺ Aquilia de damno (t. 287?), 332 f.
⸺ Aternia Tarpeia de multae dictione (c. 454), 233, 269.
⸺ Atia, on election of sacerdotes (t. 63), 416, n. 6, 435.
⸺ Atia Ampia, honoring Pompey (t. 63), 435, n. 2.
⸺ Atilia, appointing special court (t. 210), 254, 340.
⸺ Atilia, on appointing tutors (242-186), 340.
⸺ Atilia Furia, for surrendering Mancinus (c. 136), 350.
⸺ Atilia Marcia, for electing 16 military tribunes (t. 311), 306.
⸺ Atinia, on stolen property (214?), 339, n. 5.
⸺ Atinia, for founding colonies (t. 197), 350.
⸺ Atinia, on right of tribunes to senatorship (t. 122-102), 391.
⸺ Atinia Marcia, on treaty with Macedon (t. 196), 349.
⸺ Aufidia, on importing wild beasts (t. 170), 356.
⸺ Aurelia, amending Cornelian law on tribunate (c. 75), 423 f.;
de iudiciis privatis, 424.
⸺ Aurelia iudiciaria (p. 70), 427, 448.
⸺ Baebia, colonial (t. 194), 350.
⸺ Baebia, on praetors (c. 181), 346.
⸺ Bantina, Latin, 370, n. 3, 379 f.
⸺ Boria (?) agraria (t. 118), 385.
⸺ Caecilia, appointing special court (154), 255.
⸺ Caecilia, abolishing vectigalia (p. 60), 438;
repealed by Caesar, 457, n. 6.
⸺ Caecilia, repealing lex Clodia on censorial stigma (c. 52),
450, n. 2.
⸺ Caecilia Cornelia, recalling Cicero (c. 57), 114, n. 7, 143,
on cura annonae, 446.
⸺ Caecilia Didia, on rogations (c. 98), 396 f.;
amended, 438, n. 2.
⸺ Caelia tabellaria (t. 107), 253, 390.
⸺ Calidia, recalling Metellus (t. 98), 396, n. 1.
⸺ Calpurnia, for recovery of property, 339, n. 5.
⸺ Calpurnia repetundarum (t. 149), 358.
⸺ Calpurnia, recalling Popillius (t. 120), 388.
⸺ Calpurnia, granting citizenship (t. 89), 57, n. 5, 58, 402.

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