Occupational Health and Safety(4)

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Methods of Control


Methods of Control
 The types of occupational hygiene controls measures to
be instituted depend on the nature of the harmful
substance or agent, and its route of entry into the body.
An employee’s exposure to airborne substance is related
to the amount of contaminants in the breathing zone and
the time interval during which the employee is exposed to
this concentration. Reducing amount of contaminant in
the employee’s breathing zone or the amount of time that
an employee spends in the area will reduce the overall
HIERARCHY (‫ )التسلسل الهرمي‬OF CONTROL
Various Methods of Control (Hierarchy of Control)
 Elimination, eliminate the hazard.
 Engineering controls, which engineer out the hazard either
by initial design specifications or by applying methods of
substitution, isolation, or ventilation.
 Administrative controls that control employee’s exposures by
scheduling reduced work times in contaminant area, and/or
good work practices and employee training that includes
hazards recognition and work practices specific to the
employee’s job that can help reduce exposures
 Personal protective equipment, which employees wear to
protect them from their environment. Personal protective
equipment can be used in conjunction with engineering
controls and other methods.
 Totally eliminate the hazard.
Principles of Engineering Controls
 1. Substitution: Changing the Material
 2. Substitution: Changing the Process
Principles of Engineering Controls
 1. Substitution: Changing the Material
 Substitution of nontoxic or less toxic materials for highly toxic ones.

 Examples:
 The classical example of substitution as an occupational hygiene
control measure include replacement of white lead in paint
pigments by zinc, barium, or titanium oxides.
 The use of phosphorus sesequisulphide instead of white
phosphorus in match-making.
 Shotblasting instead of sandblasting.
 Substitution of calcium silicates and mineral wool for asbestos as
an insulating material.
Principles of Engineering Controls
Phosphorus sesquisulfide is the inorganic compound with
the formula P₄S₃. It was developed by Henri Sevene and
Emile David Cahen in 1898 as part of their invention of
friction matches that did not pose the health hazards of
white phosphorus
Principles of Engineering Controls
Shotblasting is a method used to clean, strengthen (peen)
or polish metal. Shot blasting is used in almost every
industry that uses metal, including aerospace, automotive,
construction, foundry, shipbuilding, rail, and many others.
Sanblasting. Abrasive grit blasting, or sand blast cleaning,
is a surface treatment process widely used in a variety of
different industries with many diverse purposes. Abrasive
blasting is the process by which an abrasive media is
accelerated through a blasting nozzle by means of
compressed air.
Principles of Engineering Controls
 2.Substitution: Changing the Process
 A change in process offers as ideal chance to improve
working conditions. Most changes are made to improve
quality or reduce the cost of production. However, in some
cases, a process can be modified to reduce the dispersion of
dust or fume and thus markedly reduce the hazard.
 For example, in the automotive industry, the amount of lead
dust created by grinding solder seams with small, high-speed
rotary sanding disks was greatly reduced by changing to low-
speed, oscillating-type sanders. More recently, lead solder was
replaced with tin solder and silicone materials.
Principles of Engineering Controls
Brush-painting or dipping instead of spray-painting can minimize the
concentration of airborne contaminants.
Other examples of process changes are employing:
 arc welding to replace riveting,
 using vapour degreasing in tanks with adequate ventilation controls
to replace hand washing of parts in open containers,
 using steam cleaning of parts instead of vapour degreasing,
 using airless paint-spraying techniques to minimize over-spray as
replacements for compressed-air spraying, and
 employing machine application of lead oxide to battery grids,
which reduce lead exposure to operators making storage batteries.
Principles of Engineering Controls
Using automatic electrostatic paint-spraying instead of
manual compressed-air paint spraying and using
mechanical continuous hopper-charging instead of
manual batch-charging are additional examples of a
change in process to control health hazards.
Principles of Engineering Controls
 Potentially hazardous operations should be isolated to
minimize exposure to employees. The isolation can be a
physical barrier, such as acoustic panels used to minimize
noise transmission from a whining blower or a screaming
 The isolation can be in terms of time, such as providing
remote control semiautomatic equipment so that an
operator does not have to stay near the noisy machine
constantly, or the worker may be isolated or enclosed in a
soundproof control booth with a clean source of air supplied
to the booth.
Principles of Engineering Controls
Isolation is particularly useful for jobs requiring relatively few
workers and when control by other methods is difficult or
not feasible. The hazardous job can be isolated from the
rest of the work operations, thus eliminating exposures for
the majority of workers. Additionally, the workers actually
at workstations where contaminants are released should
be protected by installing ventilation systems, which
probably would not be satisfactory if the workstations were
not isolated.
Principles of Engineering Controls
Isolation: When very toxic materials are to be processed,
automation can be used to allow handling of equipment
from a remote location. Robotic techniques can
reproduce many industrial procedures, thus eliminating
worker exposures. The degree of isolation required
depends on the toxicity of the contaminants, the amount
released, and work patterns around the process.

Automated plating tanks, paint-dipping operations, and

similar procedures can be located in separate rooms.
Principles of Engineering Controls

 Segregating a hazardous operation or locating one or more such

operations together in a separate enclosure or building not only sharply
reduces the number of workers exposed but greatly simplifies the necessary
control procedures.
 Enclosing the process or equipment is a desirable method of control,
because the enclosure prevents or minimizes the escape of contaminants
into the workroom atmosphere. Enclosure should be one of the first control
measures attempted, after substitution has been considered.
Principles of Engineering Controls

 Segregating

 Enclosed equipment is usually tightly sealed and is

opened only during cleaning or filling operations. Examples
of such equipment include gloveboxes, airless-blast or
shotblast machines for cleaning castings, and abrasive
blasting cabinets.
Principles of Engineering Controls

 Isolation can also be provided by appropriate use of

distance and time, for example, with respect to radiation
and noise exposure. Both radiation and noise exposures
decrease with an increase in the distance from the source
and a decrease in the exposure time.
Principles of Engineering Controls

 Ventilation: Ventilation is a method of controlling the

work environment by strategically supplying (adding) or
exhausting (removing) air. Ventilation is used to dilute the
concentration of contaminants to acceptable levels, to
remove contaminants at their source, and to heat or cool
the work environment. Ventilation can also serve to control
humidity, odour, and other environmental conditions for
worker comfort.
Principles of Engineering Controls

 Two types of Ventilation: General ventilation and Local

exhaust ventilation
 General ventilation: This ventilation system supply and exhaust large
volumes of air from work spaces. They are used for temperature and
humidity control or to dilute the concentration of an air contaminant below
hazardous levels. This system uses natural convection through open doors
or windows, roof ventilators, and chimneys, or air movement produced by
mechanical fans or blowers. Exhaust fans mounted in roofs, walls, or
windows constitute general ventilation.
Principles of Engineering Controls
 With the exception of comfort control, general ventilation should be used only in
situations meeting the following criteria:
 When small quantities of air contaminants are being released into the work environment
at fairly uniform rates.
 When there is sufficient distance between the worker and the contaminant source to
allow sufficient air movement to dilute the contaminant to safe levels.
 When only contaminants of low toxicity are being used.
 When there is no need to collect or filter the contaminants before the exhaust air is
discharged into the community environment.
 When there is no possibility of corrosion or other damage to equipment from the diluted
contaminants in the work environment air.
Principles of Engineering Controls
 Disadvantages of General Ventilation: The major disadvantage of general or
dilution ventilation is that employee exposures can be very difficult to control near
the source of the contaminant where sufficient dilution has not yet occurred. For this
reason, local exhaust ventilation is most often the proper method to control
exposures to toxic contaminants.
 When air is exhausted from a work area, considerations must be given to
providing makeup, or replacement, air, especially during winter months. Makeup air
volumes should be equivalent to the air being removed, it should be clean and
humidified and the temperature regulated as required for comfort.
Principles of Engineering Controls

 Local Exhaust Ventilation: A classical method of control. It captures

or contain contaminants at their source before they escape into the work
area environment.
 Construction:
 A typical local exhaust ventilation system consists of:
 One or more hoods
 Ducts
 An air cleaner if needed
 A fan
Principles of Engineering Controls

 Local Exhaust Ventilation: This system removes air contaminants

rather than just dilute them.
 Removal of contaminants is not always 100%.
 This system should be used when the contaminants cannot be
controlled by substitution, changing the process, isolation, or
Principles of Engineering Controls

 Advantages of Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) system:

 Require less airflow than dilution ventilation system. The total
airflow is important for plants that are heated or cooled, because
heating and air-conditioning costs are an important operating expense.
LEV system can also be used to conserve or reclaim reusable
Local Exhaust Ventilation System
The fumes
arising from lead
melting operations
are controlled by
Local exhaust Vent
Local Exhaust Ventilation System
A typical local exhaust Vent
system-a dust collector-traps
contaminants near their source,
so the worker is not exposed to
Harmful concentrations
Principles of Engineering Controls

 Principle of LEV:
 Two main principles govern the proper use of LEV to control
airborne hazards.
 First, the process or equipment is enclosed as much as possible.
Second, air is withdrawn at a rate sufficient to ensure that the direction
of airflow is into the hood and that the airflow rate will entrain the
contaminant into the air stream and thus draw it into the hood.
Principles of Engineering Controls

 Design of LEV:
 It depends on many factors:
1. Temperature of the process
2. Physical state of the contaminants (dust, fume, smoke, mist, gas or
3. The manner it is generated
4. The velocity and direction with which it is released to the atmosphere
5. Its toxicity
Administrative Controls

 Work period reduction

 Job rotation
 Appropriate work practices
 Personal hygiene
 Proper maintenance
 Administrative controls are often useful in supplementing
engineering controls to achieve acceptable exposure levels.
Administrative Controls

 Reduction of Work Periods. It is another method of control in

limited areas where engineering control methods are at the source are
not practical. Heat stress can be managed by following a work-rest
regimen that prevents excessive fatigue and reduces heart rate. For
example, in the job forge industries, especially in hot weather, a shorter
workday and frequent rest periods are used to minimize the effects of
exposures to high temperatures, thereby lessening the danger of heat
exhaustion or heatstroke.
Administrative Controls
 Reduction of Work Periods. For workers who must labour in a compressed-air
environment, schedules of maximum length of workshift and length of
decompression time have been prepared. The higher the pressure, the shorter is the
workshift and the longer the decompression time period.
 However, job rotation, when used as a way to reduce employee exposure to
toxic chemicals or harmful physical agents, must be used with care.
 Rotation, although it may keep exposure below recommended limits, exposes
more workers to the hazard.
Administrative Controls

 Appropriate Work Methods

 Wet Methods: Airborne dust hazards can be often minimized or
greatly reduced by applying water or other suitable liquid. Wetting of
floors before sweeping to keep down the dispersion of harmful dust is
advisable when better methods, such as vacuum cleaning, cannot be
Administrative Controls

 Appropriate Work Methods

 Personal Hygiene: Personal hygiene is an important control
measure. The worker should be able to wash exposed skin promptly to
remove accidental splashes of toxic or irritant materials. If workers are
to minimize contact with harmful chemical agents, they must have
easy access to hand washing facilities.
Administrative Controls

 Housekeeping and Maintenance: Good housekeeping plays a key

role in the control of occupational health hazards. Good housekeeping
is always important, but where there are toxic materials, it is of
particular importance. (Local laws). Remove dust on overhead ledges
and on the floor because it can become airborne by traffic, vibration,
and random air currents.
Poor housekeeping
Poor housekeeping
Good housekeeping
Administrative Controls

 Immediate cleanup of any spills of toxic materials is a very

important control measure. A regular cleanup schedule using vacuum
cleaners is an effective method of removing dirt and dust from the
work area. Never use compressed air to remove dust from rafters and
Administrative Controls

 Maintenance Provisions Abnormal operating conditions can be detected

by continuously monitoring airborne contaminants with instrumentation
that triggers an alarm when concentrations exceed established levels.
 A key objective should be to provide for periodic shutdown of equipment
for maintenance. Provisions should be made for cleaning the equipment and
piping systems by flushing them with water, steam, or a neutralizing agent
(depending on the conditions involved) to render them non-hazardous
before dismantling.
Personal Protective Equipment
 When it is not feasible to render the work environment free of occupational
health hazards, it may be necessary to protect the workers from the environment
with personal protective equipment (PPEs). The use of personal protective
equipment should be considered a last resort, when engineering or administrative
controls are not possible or when they are not sufficient to achieve acceptable limits
of exposure. Personal protective equipment may be appropriate during short
exposures to hazardous contaminants, such as non-routine equipment maintenance
or emergency responses to spills. The primary disadvantage of personal protective
equipment is that they do not eliminate the hazard from the workplace and thus their
failure results in immediate exposure to the hazard
Personal Protective Equipmen
 Respiratory Protective Devices: Respiratory protective devices are normally restricted for use in
intermittent exposures or for operations that are not feasible to control by other methods. Respiratory
protection should not be considered a substitute for engineering control methods.
 Respiratory protective devices offer emergency or short term protection. Respirators are a primary
protective device for normal operations only when no other method of control is possible.
 Respirators should be used when it is necessary to enter a highly contaminated atmosphere for
rescue or emergency repair work, as a mean of escape from a sudden highly contaminated atmosphere,
for short term maintenance or repair of equipment located in a contaminated atmosphere, and for
normal operation in conjunction with other control measures when the contaminant is so toxic that
other control measures, such as ventilation cannot safely be relied on.
Personal Protective Equipment

 Respiratory Protective Devices: There are general two types of

respiratory protective devices: air purified respirators which remove
the contaminant from the breathing air by filtering or chemical
absorption, and air supplied respirators, which provide clean air from
an outside source or from a tank. Half-mask cartridge respirators
cover the mouth and nose. Full-facepiece respirators also protect the
Air purified respirators
Air supplied respirators
Personal Protective Equipment

 Respiratory Protective Devices: Self contained breathing

apparatus, which require are mostly used for emergency and rescue
work, have face masks attached by hoses to compressed air cylinders.
Such apparatus enable a worker to enter a contaminated or oxygen-
deficient atmosphere up to certain limits specified in the respirator
Self contained breathing apparatus
Personal Protective Equipment

 Protective clothing Chemical protective clothing is worn as a

barrier to a chemical, physical or biological hazard that may cause
injury if it contacts or is absorbed by the skin. Application of chemical
protective clothing includes the following:
 Emergency response
 Hazardous waste site cleanup and disposal
 Asbestos removal
 Agricultural application of pesticides
Personal Protective Equipment

 Eye and Face Protection. Eye and face protection includes safety
glasses, chemical goggles, and face shields. The correct type of
protector is chosen based on the hazard (such as corrosive liquids and
vapours, foreign bodies, or ultraviolet radiation). Goggles fit snugly to
the face preventing chemical exposure in the event of a splash, and,
depending on the style, may prohibit vapour exposure.
Eye goggles
Principles of Engineering Controls

 Personal Protective Equipment

 Hearing Protection. Personal hearing protectors such as earplugs
or earmuffs can provide adequate protection against noise-induced
hearing impairment. The wearer is afforded effective protection only if
the hearing protectors are properly selected, fitted and worn.
 There are primarily two types of hearing protectors: insert type
which seal against the ear canal walls, and earmuffs, which seal
against the head around the ear.
Insert type ear (hearing) protectors

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